#include <zlib.h>
+// Zip standard version for archives handled by this API
+// (actually, the only basic support of this version is implemented but it is enough for now)
+#define ZIP_VERSION 20
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
# undef S_IFREG
# define S_IFREG 0100000
# define S_IXOTH 0001
#if 0
#define ZDEBUG qDebug
return QDateTime(QDate(tm_year, tm_mon, tm_mday), QTime(tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec));
+// for details, see http://www.pkware.com/documents/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT
+enum HostOS {
+ HostFAT = 0,
+ HostAMIGA = 1,
+ HostVMS = 2, // VAX/VMS
+ HostUnix = 3,
+ HostVM_CMS = 4,
+ HostAtari = 5, // what if it's a minix filesystem? [cjh]
+ HostHPFS = 6, // filesystem used by OS/2 (and NT 3.x)
+ HostMac = 7,
+ HostZ_System = 8,
+ HostCPM = 9,
+ HostTOPS20 = 10, // pkzip 2.50 NTFS
+ HostNTFS = 11, // filesystem used by Windows NT
+ HostQDOS = 12, // SMS/QDOS
+ HostAcorn = 13, // Archimedes Acorn RISC OS
+ HostVFAT = 14, // filesystem used by Windows 95, NT
+ HostMVS = 15,
+ HostBeOS = 16, // hybrid POSIX/database filesystem
+ HostTandem = 17,
+ HostOS400 = 18,
+ HostOSX = 19
+enum GeneralPurposeFlag {
+ Encrypted = 0x01,
+ AlgTune1 = 0x02,
+ AlgTune2 = 0x04,
+ HasDataDescriptor = 0x08,
+ PatchedData = 0x20,
+ StrongEncrypted = 0x40,
+ Utf8Names = 0x0800,
+ CentralDirectoryEncrypted = 0x2000
+enum CompressionMethod {
+ CompressionMethodStored = 0,
+ CompressionMethodShrunk = 1,
+ CompressionMethodReduced1 = 2,
+ CompressionMethodReduced2 = 3,
+ CompressionMethodReduced3 = 4,
+ CompressionMethodReduced4 = 5,
+ CompressionMethodImploded = 6,
+ CompressionMethodReservedTokenizing = 7, // reserved for tokenizing
+ CompressionMethodDeflated = 8,
+ CompressionMethodDeflated64 = 9,
+ CompressionMethodPKImploding = 10,
+ CompressionMethodBZip2 = 12,
+ CompressionMethodLZMA = 14,
+ CompressionMethodTerse = 18,
+ CompressionMethodLz77 = 19,
+ CompressionMethodJpeg = 96,
+ CompressionMethodWavPack = 97,
+ CompressionMethodPPMd = 98,
+ CompressionMethodWzAES = 99
struct LocalFileHeader
uchar signature[4]; // 0x04034b50
void QZipPrivate::fillFileInfo(int index, QZipReader::FileInfo &fileInfo) const
FileHeader header = fileHeaders.at(index);
+ quint32 mode = readUInt(header.h.external_file_attributes);
+ const HostOS hostOS = HostOS(readUShort(header.h.version_made) >> 8);
+ switch (hostOS) {
+ case HostUnix:
+ mode = (mode >> 16) & 0xffff;
+ if (S_ISDIR(mode))
+ fileInfo.isDir = true;
+ else if (S_ISREG(mode))
+ fileInfo.isFile = true;
+ else if (S_ISLNK(mode))
+ fileInfo.isSymLink = true;
+ fileInfo.permissions = modeToPermissions(mode);
+ break;
+ case HostFAT:
+ case HostNTFS:
+ case HostHPFS:
+ case HostVFAT:
+ fileInfo.permissions |= QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::ReadUser | QFile::ReadGroup | QFile::ReadOther;
+ if ((mode & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) == 0)
+ fileInfo.permissions |= QFile::WriteOwner | QFile::WriteUser | QFile::WriteGroup | QFile::WriteOther;
+ fileInfo.isDir = true;
+ fileInfo.permissions |= QFile::ExeOwner | QFile::ExeUser | QFile::ExeGroup | QFile::ExeOther;
+ } else {
+ fileInfo.isFile = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ qWarning("QZip: Zip entry format at %d is not supported.", index);
+ return; // we don't support anything else
+ }
+ ushort general_purpose_bits = readUShort(header.h.general_purpose_bits);
// if bit 11 is set, the filename and comment fields must be encoded using UTF-8
- const bool inUtf8 = (readUShort(header.h.general_purpose_bits) & 0x0800) != 0;
+ const bool inUtf8 = (general_purpose_bits & Utf8Names) != 0;
fileInfo.filePath = inUtf8 ? QString::fromUtf8(header.file_name) : QString::fromLocal8Bit(header.file_name);
- const quint32 mode = (qFromLittleEndian<quint32>(&header.h.external_file_attributes[0]) >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
- fileInfo.isDir = S_ISDIR(mode);
- fileInfo.isFile = S_ISREG(mode);
- fileInfo.isSymLink = S_ISLNK(mode);
- fileInfo.permissions = modeToPermissions(mode);
fileInfo.crc = readUInt(header.h.crc_32);
fileInfo.size = readUInt(header.h.uncompressed_size);
fileInfo.lastModified = readMSDosDate(header.h.last_mod_file);
+ // fix the file path, if broken (convert separators, eat leading and trailing ones)
+ fileInfo.filePath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(fileInfo.filePath);
+ while (!fileInfo.filePath.isEmpty() && (fileInfo.filePath.at(0) == QLatin1Char('.') || fileInfo.filePath.at(0) == QLatin1Char('/')))
+ fileInfo.filePath = fileInfo.filePath.mid(1);
+ while (!fileInfo.filePath.isEmpty() && fileInfo.filePath.at(fileInfo.filePath.size() - 1) == QLatin1Char('/'))
+ fileInfo.filePath.chop(1);
class QZipReaderPrivate : public QZipPrivate
memset(&header.h, 0, sizeof(CentralFileHeader));
writeUInt(header.h.signature, 0x02014b50);
- writeUShort(header.h.version_needed, 0x14);
+ writeUShort(header.h.version_needed, ZIP_VERSION);
writeUInt(header.h.uncompressed_size, contents.length());
writeMSDosDate(header.h.last_mod_file, QDateTime::currentDateTime());
QByteArray data = contents;
if (compression == QZipWriter::AlwaysCompress) {
- writeUShort(header.h.compression_method, 8);
+ writeUShort(header.h.compression_method, CompressionMethodDeflated);
ulong len = contents.length();
// shamelessly copied form zlib
writeUInt(header.h.crc_32, crc_32);
// if bit 11 is set, the filename and comment fields must be encoded using UTF-8
- ushort general_purpose_bits = 0x0800; // always use utf-8
+ ushort general_purpose_bits = Utf8Names; // always use utf-8
writeUShort(header.h.general_purpose_bits, general_purpose_bits);
- const bool inUtf8 = (general_purpose_bits & 0x0800) != 0;
+ const bool inUtf8 = (general_purpose_bits & Utf8Names) != 0;
header.file_name = inUtf8 ? fileName.toUtf8() : fileName.toLocal8Bit();
if (header.file_name.size() > 0xffff) {
- qWarning("QZip: Filename too long, chopping it to 65535 characters");
- header.file_name = header.file_name.left(0xffff);
+ qWarning("QZip: Filename is too long, chopping it to 65535 bytes");
+ header.file_name = header.file_name.left(0xffff); // ### don't break the utf-8 sequence, if any
+ }
+ if (header.file_comment.size() + header.file_name.size() > 0xffff) {
+ qWarning("QZip: File comment is too long, chopping it to 65535 bytes");
+ header.file_comment.truncate(0xffff - header.file_name.size()); // ### don't break the utf-8 sequence, if any
writeUShort(header.h.file_name_length, header.file_name.length());
- writeUShort(header.h.version_made, 3 << 8);
+ writeUShort(header.h.version_made, HostUnix << 8);
//uchar internal_file_attributes[2];
//uchar external_file_attributes[4];
quint32 mode = permissionsToMode(permissions);
FileHeader header = d->fileHeaders.at(i);
+ ushort version_needed = readUShort(header.h.version_needed);
+ if (version_needed > ZIP_VERSION) {
+ qWarning("QZip: .ZIP specification version %d implementationis needed to extract the data.", version_needed);
+ return QByteArray();
+ }
+ ushort general_purpose_bits = readUShort(header.h.general_purpose_bits);
int compressed_size = readUInt(header.h.compressed_size);
int uncompressed_size = readUInt(header.h.uncompressed_size);
int start = readUInt(header.h.offset_local_header);
int compression_method = readUShort(lh.compression_method);
//qDebug("file=%s: compressed_size=%d, uncompressed_size=%d", fileName.toLocal8Bit().data(), compressed_size, uncompressed_size);
+ if ((general_purpose_bits & Encrypted) != 0) {
+ qWarning("QZip: Unsupported encryption method is needed to extract the data.");
+ return QByteArray();
+ }
//qDebug("file at %lld", d->device->pos());
QByteArray compressed = d->device->read(compressed_size);
- if (compression_method == 0) {
+ if (compression_method == CompressionMethodStored) {
// no compression
return compressed;
- } else if (compression_method == 8) {
+ } else if (compression_method == CompressionMethodDeflated) {
// Deflate
//qDebug("compressed=%d", compressed.size());
} while (res == Z_BUF_ERROR);
return baunzip;
- qWarning() << "QZip: Unknown compression method";
+ qWarning("QZip: Unsupported compression method %d is needed to extract the data.", compression_method);
return QByteArray();