-- and logging purposes. For example, an exception handler can print out
-- the name of the source file in which the exception is handled.
-package GNAT.Source_Info is
+package GNAT.Source_Info with
+ SPARK_Mode,
+ Abstract_State =>
+ (Source_Code_Information with
+ External => (Async_Writers, Async_Readers)),
+ Annotate => (GNATprove, Always_Return)
pragma Preelaborate;
-- Note that this unit is Preelaborate, but not Pure, that's because the
-- functions here such as Line are clearly not pure functions, and normally
-- intrinsics as not Pure, even in Pure units, so no problems arose.
function File return String with
+ Volatile_Function,
+ Global => Source_Code_Information,
Import, Convention => Intrinsic;
-- Return the name of the current file, not including the path information.
-- The result is considered to be a static string constant.
-- static expression.
function Source_Location return String with
+ Volatile_Function,
+ Global => Source_Code_Information,
Import, Convention => Intrinsic;
-- Return a string literal of the form "name:line", where name is the
-- current source file name without path information, and line is the
-- string constant.
function Enclosing_Entity return String with
+ Volatile_Function,
+ Global => Source_Code_Information,
Import, Convention => Intrinsic;
-- Return the name of the current subprogram, package, task, entry or
-- protected subprogram. The string is in exactly the form used for the
-- from within generic templates.
function Compilation_ISO_Date return String with
+ Volatile_Function,
+ Global => Source_Code_Information,
Import, Convention => Intrinsic;
-- Returns date of compilation as a static string "yyyy-mm-dd".
function Compilation_Date return String with
+ Volatile_Function,
+ Global => Source_Code_Information,
Import, Convention => Intrinsic;
-- Returns date of compilation as a static string "mmm dd yyyy". This is
-- in local time form, and is exactly compatible with C macro __DATE__.
function Compilation_Time return String with
+ Volatile_Function,
+ Global => Source_Code_Information,
Import, Convention => Intrinsic;
-- Returns GMT time of compilation as a static string "hh:mm:ss". This is
-- in local time form, and is exactly compatible with C macro __TIME__.