$! Create the file version.opt, which helps identify the executable.
$if f$trnlnm("IFILE$").nes."" then close/noLog ifile$
-$search Makefile.in "VERSION="/Exact/Output=config-gas-tmp.tmp
+$search CONFIGURE.IN "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE"/Exact/Output=config-gas-tmp.tmp
$open ifile$ config-gas-tmp.tmp
$read ifile$ line
$close ifile$
$DELETE config-gas-tmp.tmp;*
-$! Discard "VERSION=" and "\n" parts.
+$! Discard "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(gas, " and ")" parts.
-$! [what "\n" part?? this seems to be useless, but is benign]
$ if f$search("version.opt").nes."" then DELETE version.opt;*
$copy _NL: config.h
$open/Append ifile$ config.h
$write ifile$ "/* config.h. Generated by config-gas.com. */
-$write ifile$ "#ifndef GAS_VERSION"
-$write ifile$ "#define GAS_VERSION """,line,""""
+$write ifile$ "#ifndef VERSION"
+$write ifile$ "#define VERSION """,line,""""
$write ifile$ "#endif"
$write ifile$ "/*--*/"
$if arch .eqs. "VAX"