let cppNamespace = "spirv";
+// SPIR-V opcode specification
+class SPV_OpCode<string name, int val> {
+ // Name used as reference to retrieve the opcode
+ string opname = name;
+ // Opcode associated with the name
+ int opcode = val;
+// Begin opcode section. Generated from SPIR-V spec; DO NOT MODIFY!
+def SPV_OC_OpMemoryModel : I32EnumAttrCase<"OpMemoryModel", 14>;
+def SPV_OC_OpEntryPoint : I32EnumAttrCase<"OpEntryPoint", 15>;
+def SPV_OC_OpExecutionMode : I32EnumAttrCase<"OpExecutionMode", 16>;
+def SPV_OC_OpTypeVoid : I32EnumAttrCase<"OpTypeVoid", 19>;
+def SPV_OC_OpTypeFunction : I32EnumAttrCase<"OpTypeFunction", 33>;
+def SPV_OC_OpVariable : I32EnumAttrCase<"OpVariable", 59>;
+def SPV_OC_OpLoad : I32EnumAttrCase<"OpLoad", 61>;
+def SPV_OC_OpStore : I32EnumAttrCase<"OpStore", 62>;
+def SPV_OC_OpFMul : I32EnumAttrCase<"OpFMul", 133>;
+def SPV_OC_OpReturn : I32EnumAttrCase<"OpReturn", 253>;
+def SPV_OpcodeAttr :
+ I32EnumAttr<"Opcode", "valid SPIR-V instructions", [
+ SPV_OC_OpMemoryModel, SPV_OC_OpEntryPoint, SPV_OC_OpExecutionMode,
+ SPV_OC_OpTypeVoid, SPV_OC_OpTypeFunction, SPV_OC_OpVariable, SPV_OC_OpLoad,
+ SPV_OC_OpStore, SPV_OC_OpFMul, SPV_OC_OpReturn
+ ]> {
+ let returnType = "::mlir::spirv::Opcode";
+ let convertFromStorage = "static_cast<::mlir::spirv::Opcode>($_self.getInt())";
+ let cppNamespace = "::mlir::spirv";
+// End opcode section. Generated from SPIR-V spec; DO NOT MODIFY!
// SPIR-V type definitions
// Base class for all SPIR-V ops.
class SPV_Op<string mnemonic, list<OpTrait> traits = []> :
Op<SPV_Dialect, mnemonic, traits> {
- // Opcode for the binary format.
- // See https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/unified1/SPIRV.html for
- // the opcode for each operation. Ops that cannot be directly serialized will
- // leave this field as unset.
- int opcode = ?;
+ string spirvOpName = "Op" # mnemonic;
// For each SPIR-V op, the following static functions need to be defined
// in SPVOps.cpp:
let parser = [{ return ::parse$cppClass(parser, result); }];
let printer = [{ return ::print(*this, p); }];
let verifier = [{ return ::verify(*this); }];
+ // By default the opcode to use for (de)serialization is obtained
+ // automatically from the SPIR-V spec. It assume the SPIR-V op being defined
+ // is ('Op' # mnemonic). The opcode value can be obtained by calling
+ // getOpcode<OpClass>(). If invoking this method is invalid or custom
+ // processing is needed for the op, set hasOpcode = 0 and specialize the
+ // getOpcode method.
+ int hasOpcode = 1;
#endif // SPIRV_BASE
-#include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/Function.h"
#include "mlir/SPIRV/SPIRVTypes.h"
namespace mlir {
let results = (outs SPV_EntryPoint:$id);
- let opcode = 15;
def SPV_ExecutionModeOp : SPV_Op<"ExecutionMode", [ModuleOnly]> {
let verifier = [{ return success(); }];
- let opcode = 16;
def SPV_FMulOp : SPV_Op<"FMul", [NoSideEffect, SameOperandsAndResultType]> {
// No additional verification needed in addition to the ODS-generated ones.
let verifier = [{ return success(); }];
- let opcode = 133;
def SPV_LoadOp : SPV_Op<"Load"> {
let results = (outs
- let opcode = 61;
def SPV_ReturnOp : SPV_Op<"Return", [Terminator]> {
let printer = [{ printNoIOOp(getOperation(), p); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyReturn(*this); }];
- let opcode = 253;
def SPV_StoreOp : SPV_Op<"Store"> {
- let opcode = 62;
def SPV_VariableOp : SPV_Op<"Variable"> {
let results = (outs
- let opcode = 59;
#endif // SPIRV_OPS
let regions = (region SizedRegion<1>:$body);
let builders = [OpBuilder<"Builder *, OperationState *state">];
+ let hasOpcode = 0;
+ let extraClassDeclaration = [{
+ Block& getBlock() {
+ return this->getOperation()->getRegion(0).front();
+ }
+ }];
def SPV_ModuleEndOp : SPV_Op<"_module_end", [Terminator, ModuleOnly]> {
let printer = [{ printNoIOOp(getOperation(), p); }];
let verifier = [{ return success(); }];
+ let hasOpcode = 0;
def SPV_ConstantOp : SPV_Op<"constant", [NoSideEffect]> {
let results = (outs
+ let hasOpcode = 0;
-#include "mlir/IR/TypeSupport.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/StandardTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Types.h"
// Pull in all enum type definitions and utility function declarations
LogicalResult processHeader();
/// Processes a SPIR-V instruction with the given `opcode` and `operands`.
- LogicalResult processInstruction(uint32_t opcode,
+ LogicalResult processInstruction(spirv::Opcode opcode,
ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
LogicalResult processMemoryModel(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
"insufficient words for the last instruction");
auto operands = binary.slice(curOffset + 1, wordCount - 1);
- if (failed(processInstruction(opcode, operands)))
+ if (failed(
+ processInstruction(static_cast<spirv::Opcode>(opcode), operands)))
return failure();
curOffset = nextOffset;
return success();
-LogicalResult Deserializer::processInstruction(uint32_t opcode,
+LogicalResult Deserializer::processInstruction(spirv::Opcode opcode,
ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands) {
switch (opcode) {
- case spirv::kOpMemoryModelOpcode:
+ case spirv::Opcode::OpMemoryModel:
return processMemoryModel(operands);
- return emitError(unknownLoc, "NYI: opcode ") << opcode;
+ return emitError(unknownLoc, "NYI: opcode ")
+ << spirv::stringifyOpcode(opcode);
LogicalResult Deserializer::processMemoryModel(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands) {
+#include "mlir/SPIRV/SPIRVOps.h"
#include <cstdint>
namespace mlir {
/// SPIR-V magic number
constexpr uint32_t kMagicNumber = 0x07230203;
-/// Opcode for SPIR-V OpMemoryModel
-constexpr uint32_t kOpMemoryModelOpcode = 14;
+#include "mlir/SPIRV/SPIRVSerialization.inc"
} // end namespace spirv
} // end namespace mlir
using namespace mlir;
-static inline uint32_t getPrefixedOpcode(uint32_t wordCount, uint32_t opcode) {
+static inline uint32_t getPrefixedOpcode(uint32_t wordCount,
+ spirv::Opcode opcode) {
assert(((wordCount >> 16) == 0) && "word count out of range!");
- return (wordCount << 16) | opcode;
+ return (wordCount << 16) | static_cast<uint32_t>(opcode);
+static inline void buildInstruction(spirv::Opcode op,
+ ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands,
+ SmallVectorImpl<uint32_t> &binary) {
+ uint32_t wordCount = 1 + operands.size();
+ binary.push_back(getPrefixedOpcode(wordCount, op));
+ binary.append(operands.begin(), operands.end());
namespace {
/// A SPIR-V module serializer.
/// A SPIR-V binary module is a single linear stream of instructions; each
spirv::ModuleOp module;
/// The next available result <id>.
- uint32_t nextID = 0;
+ uint32_t nextID = 1;
// The following are for different SPIR-V instruction sections. They follow
// the logical layout of a SPIR-V module.
} // namespace
-namespace {
-#include "mlir/SPIRV/SPIRVSerialization.inc"
LogicalResult Serializer::serialize() {
if (failed(module.verify()))
return failure();
uint32_t mm = module.getAttrOfType<IntegerAttr>("memory_model").getInt();
uint32_t am = module.getAttrOfType<IntegerAttr>("addressing_model").getInt();
- constexpr uint32_t kNumWords = 3;
- memoryModel.reserve(kNumWords);
- memoryModel.assign(
- {getPrefixedOpcode(kNumWords, spirv::kOpMemoryModelOpcode), am, mm});
+ buildInstruction(spirv::Opcode::OpMemoryModel, {am, mm}, memoryModel);
LogicalResult spirv::serialize(spirv::ModuleOp module,
#include "mlir/TableGen/Operator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
// Writes the following function to `os`:
// inline uint32_t getOpcode(<op-class-name>) { return <opcode>; }
static void emitGetOpcodeFunction(const llvm::Record &record,
- const Operator &op, raw_ostream &os) {
- if (llvm::isa<llvm::UnsetInit>(record.getValueInit("opcode")))
- return;
- os << formatv("inline uint32_t getOpcode({0}) {{ return {1}u; }\n",
- op.getQualCppClassName(), record.getValueAsInt("opcode"));
+ Operator const &op, raw_ostream &os) {
+ if (record.getValueAsInt("hasOpcode")) {
+ os << formatv("template <> constexpr inline uint32_t getOpcode<{0}>()",
+ op.getQualCppClassName())
+ << " {\n return static_cast<uint32_t>("
+ << formatv("Opcode::Op{0});\n}\n", record.getValueAsString("opName"));
+ }
static bool emitSerializationUtils(const RecordKeeper &recordKeeper,
raw_ostream &os) {
llvm::emitSourceFileHeader("SPIR-V Serialization Utilities", os);
+ /// Define the function to get the opcode
+ os << "template <typename OpClass> inline constexpr uint32_t getOpcode();\n";
auto defs = recordKeeper.getAllDerivedDefinitions("SPV_Op");
for (const auto *def : defs) {
Operator op(def);
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Script for defining map for opname to opcode using SPIR-V spec from the
+# Internet
+# Run as:
+# ./define_opcode.sh (<op-name>)*
+# For example:
+# ./define_opcode.sh OpTypeVoid OpTypeFunction
+# If no op-name is specified, the existing opcodes are updated
+# The 'instructions' list of spirv.core.grammar.json contains all instructions
+# in SPIR-V
+set -e
+set -x
+current_file="$(readlink -f "$0")"
+current_dir="$(dirname "$current_file")"
+python3 ${current_dir}/gen_spirv_dialect.py \
+ --base-td-path ${current_dir}/../../include/mlir/SPIRV/SPIRVBase.td \
+ --new-opcode $@
SPIRV_JSON_SPEC_URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Headers/master/include/spirv/unified1/spirv.core.grammar.json'
AUTOGEN_ENUM_SECTION_MARKER = 'enum section. Generated from SPIR-V spec; DO NOT MODIFY!'
+AUTOGEN_INSTRUCTION_OPCODE_SECTION_MARKER = ('opcode section. Generated from '
+ 'SPIR-V spec; DO NOT MODIFY!')
def get_spirv_grammar_from_json_spec():
return kind_name, case_defs + '\n\n' + enum_attr
+def gen_opcode(instructions):
+ """ Generates the TableGen definition to map opname to opcode
+ Returns:
+ - A string containing the TableGen SPV_OpCode definition
+ """
+ max_len = max([len(inst['opname']) for inst in instructions])
+ def_fmt_str = 'def SPV_OC_{name} {colon:>{offset}} '\
+ 'I32EnumAttrCase<"{name}", {value}>;'
+ opcode_defs = [
+ def_fmt_str.format(
+ name=inst['opname'],
+ value=inst['opcode'],
+ colon=':',
+ offset=(max_len + 1 - len(inst['opname']))) for inst in instructions
+ ]
+ opcode_str = '\n'.join(opcode_defs)
+ decl_fmt_str = 'SPV_OC_{name}'
+ opcode_list = [
+ decl_fmt_str.format(name=inst['opname']) for inst in instructions
+ ]
+ opcode_list = split_list_into_sublists(opcode_list, 6)
+ opcode_list = [
+ '{:6}'.format('') + ', '.join(sublist) for sublist in opcode_list
+ ]
+ opcode_list = ',\n'.join(opcode_list)
+ enum_attr = 'def SPV_OpcodeAttr :\n'\
+ ' I32EnumAttr<"{name}", "valid SPIR-V instructions", [\n'\
+ '{lst}\n'\
+ ' ]> {{\n'\
+ ' let returnType = "::mlir::spirv::{name}";\n'\
+ ' let convertFromStorage = '\
+ '"static_cast<::mlir::spirv::{name}>($_self.getInt())";\n'\
+ ' let cppNamespace = "::mlir::spirv";\n}}'.format(
+ name='Opcode', lst=opcode_list)
+ return opcode_str + '\n\n' + enum_attr
+def update_td_opcodes(path, instructions, filter_list):
+ with open(path, 'r') as f:
+ content = f.read()
+ assert len(content) == 3
+ # Extend opcode list with existing list
+ import re
+ existing_opcodes = [k[11:] for k in re.findall('def SPV_OC_\w+', content[1])]
+ filter_list.extend(existing_opcodes)
+ filter_list = list(set(filter_list))
+ # Generate the opcode for all instructions in SPIR-V
+ filter_instrs = list(
+ filter(lambda inst: (inst['opname'] in filter_list), instructions))
+ # Sort instruction based on opcode
+ filter_instrs.sort(key=lambda inst: inst['opcode'])
+ opcode = gen_opcode(filter_instrs)
+ # Substitute the opcode
+ content = content[0] + AUTOGEN_INSTRUCTION_OPCODE_SECTION_MARKER + '\n\n' + \
+ + content[2]
+ with open(path, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(content)
def update_td_enum_attrs(path, operand_kinds, filter_list):
"""Updates SPIRBase.td with new generated enum definitions.
- path: the path to SPIRBase.td
- operand_kinds: a list containing all operand kinds' grammar
- filter_list: a list containing new enums to add
- """
+ """
with open(path, 'r') as f:
content = f.read()
help='Path to SPIRVBase.td')
cli_parser.add_argument('--new-enum', dest='new_enum', type=str,
help='SPIR-V enum to be added to SPIRVBase.td')
+ cli_parser.add_argument(
+ '--new-opcodes',
+ dest='new_opcodes',
+ type=str,
+ nargs='*',
+ help='update SPIR-V opcodes in SPIRVBase.td')
args = cli_parser.parse_args()
- operand_kinds, _ = get_spirv_grammar_from_json_spec()
+ operand_kinds, instructions = get_spirv_grammar_from_json_spec()
update_td_enum_attrs(args.base_td_path, operand_kinds, [args.new_enum])
+ update_td_opcodes(args.base_td_path, instructions, args.new_opcodes)