//#define _VI_EFFECT 0
//#define _BOX_VI
+//#define _TB_BUG
#ifdef _VI_EFFECT
#define TRANSIT_DURATION 0.167
rect = (Evas_Object *)evas_object_data_get(VIEW(it), "effect_rect");
if (!rect) return;
+#ifdef _BOX_VI
static Eina_Bool
_rect_expanding_animate(void *data)
static void
_item_adding_effect_add(Evas_Object *obj,
Elm_Multibuttonentry_Item *it)
if (sd->boxh < minh)
Evas_Coord bx, by, bw, bh;
+#ifdef _BOX_VI
Ecore_Animator *anim;
evas_object_geometry_get(sd->box, &bx, &by, &bw, &bh);
// if box will be expanded with item and entry
elm_object_focus_set(sd->entry, EINA_TRUE);
+#ifdef _BOX_VI
static Eina_Bool
_rect_contracting_animate(void *data)
static void
_item_deleting_effect_add(Evas_Object *obj,
Elm_Multibuttonentry_Item *it)
int count, items_count, i;
Eina_List *children;
- Elm_Multibuttonentry_Item *it;
+ Elm_Multibuttonentry_Item *it, *it1;
+ Evas_Coord itemw = 0, mnh = 0;
if (sd->label && _label_packed(obj)) count--;
+ // to check whether 1st item is shrinked (ex. multibutton@entry... +N)
+ it1 = eina_list_nth(sd->items, 0);
+ itemw = (Evas_Coord)evas_object_data_get(VIEW(it1), "shrinked_item");
+ if (itemw)
+ {
+ evas_object_data_set(VIEW(it1), "shrinked_item", NULL);
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(VIEW(it1), NULL, &mnh);
+ elm_layout_signal_emit(VIEW(it1), "elm,state,text,ellipsis", "");
+ edje_object_message_signal_process(elm_layout_edje_get(VIEW(it1)));
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_set(VIEW(it1), itemw, mnh);
+#ifdef _TB_BUG
+ elm_layout_sizing_eval(VIEW(it1));
+ evas_object_resize(VIEW(it1), itemw, mnh);
+ }
items_count = eina_list_count(sd->items);
for (i = count; i < items_count; i++)
_layout_shrink(Evas_Object *obj,
Eina_Bool force)
- Evas_Coord w, mnw, linew = 0, hpad = 0;
+ Evas_Coord w, mnw, mnh, linew = 0, hpad = 0, labelw, endw;
int count = 0, items_count, i;
Eina_List *l, *children;
Evas_Object *child;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(sd->items, l, it)
- evas_object_size_hint_min_get(VIEW(it), &mnw, NULL);
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(VIEW(it), &mnw, &mnh);
linew += mnw;
if (linew > w)
linew -= mnw;
- break;
+ if (count)
+ break;
+ else if (sd->label && _label_packed(obj))
+ {
+ // if 1st item is removed, next item should be recalculated
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(sd->label, &labelw, NULL);
+ if (sd->end)
+ {
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(sd->end, &endw, NULL);
+ if (mnw > w - (labelw + hpad + endw + hpad))
+ mnw = w - (labelw + hpad + endw + hpad);
+ }
+ else if (mnw > w - (labelw + hpad))
+ mnw = w - (labelw + hpad);
+ elm_layout_signal_emit(obj, "elm,state,text,ellipsis", "");
+ edje_object_message_signal_process(elm_layout_edje_get(obj));
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_set(obj, mnw, mnh);
+#ifdef _TB_BUG
+ elm_layout_sizing_eval(obj);
+ evas_object_resize(obj, mnw, mnh);
+ }
evas_object_size_hint_min_get(sd->end, &mnw, NULL);
+ Elm_Multibuttonentry_Item *item;
+ Evas_Coord itemw = 0;
+ item = eina_list_nth(sd->items, 0);
+ itemw = (Evas_Coord)evas_object_data_get(VIEW(item), "maximum_width");
+ if (itemw)
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(VIEW(item), NULL, &mnh);
+ else
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(VIEW(item), &itemw, &mnh);
+ linew -= itemw;
+ if (sd->label && _label_packed(obj))
+ {
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(sd->label, &labelw, NULL);
+ if (itemw > w - (labelw + hpad + mnw + hpad))
+ {
+ evas_object_data_set(VIEW(item), "shrinked_item", itemw);
+ itemw = w - (labelw + hpad + mnw + hpad);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (itemw > w - (mnw + hpad))
+ {
+ evas_object_data_set(VIEW(item), "shrinked_item", itemw);
+ itemw = w - (mnw + hpad);
+ }
+ linew += itemw;
+ elm_layout_signal_emit(VIEW(item), "elm,state,text,ellipsis", "");
+ edje_object_message_signal_process(elm_layout_edje_get(VIEW(item)));
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_set(VIEW(item), itemw, mnh);
+#ifdef _TB_BUG
+ elm_layout_sizing_eval(VIEW(item));
+ evas_object_resize(VIEW(item), itemw, mnh);
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(sd->end, &mnw, NULL);
linew += mnw;
if (linew > w)
int *line_height,
void *data)
- Evas_Coord mnw, mnh, w, minw, minh = 0, linew = 0, lineh = 0;
- int line_num;
+ Evas_Coord mnw, mnh, w, minw, minh = 0, linew = 0, lineh = 0, labelw = 0, endw = 0, itemw;
+ int line_num, cnt = 0;
Eina_List *l, *l_next;
Evas_Object_Box_Option *opt;
evas_object_size_hint_min_get(opt->obj, &mnw, &mnh);
+ if ((cnt == 0) && !sd->label && sd->end)
+ {
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(sd->end, &endw, NULL);
+ if (mnw > w - (endw + priv->pad.h))
+ mnw = w - (endw + priv->pad.h);
+ }
+ if ((cnt == 1) && sd->label && _label_packed(data))
+ {
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(sd->label, &labelw, NULL);
+ if (sd->end)
+ {
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(sd->end, &endw, NULL);
+ if (mnw > w - (labelw + priv->pad.h + endw + priv->pad.h))
+ mnw = w - (labelw + priv->pad.h + endw + priv->pad.h);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ itemw = (Evas_Coord)evas_object_data_get(opt->obj, "shrinked_item");
+ if (itemw)
+ mnw = itemw;
+ else if (mnw > w - (labelw + priv->pad.h))
+ mnw = w - (labelw + priv->pad.h);
+ }
+ }
#ifdef _VI_EFFECT
if (mnw == w &&
!strcmp(evas_object_type_get(opt->obj), "rectangle"))
linew += mnw;
if (lineh < mnh) lineh = mnh;
- if (!sd->expanded_state)
- line_num = 1;
- else
+ if (linew > w * 2 / 3)
- if (linew > w * 2 / 3)
+ if (linew > w)
- if (linew > w)
- {
- linew = mnw;
- line_num++;
- if (linew > w * 2 / 3)
- {
- l_next = eina_list_next(l);
- opt = eina_list_data_get(l_next);
- if (l_next && opt && opt->obj &&
- !strcmp(elm_widget_type_get(opt->obj), "elm_entry"))
- {
- linew = 0;
- line_num++;
- }
- }
- }
- else
+ linew = mnw;
+ line_num++;
+ if (linew > w * 2 / 3)
l_next = eina_list_next(l);
opt = eina_list_data_get(l_next);
- }
+ else
+ {
+ l_next = eina_list_next(l);
+ opt = eina_list_data_get(l_next);
+ if (l_next && opt && opt->obj &&
+ !strcmp(elm_widget_type_get(opt->obj), "elm_entry"))
+ {
+ linew = 0;
+ line_num++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if ((linew != 0) && (l != eina_list_last(priv->children)))
linew += priv->pad.h;
+ cnt++;
minh = lineh * line_num + (line_num - 1) * priv->pad.v;
void *data)
Evas_Coord x, y, w, h, xx, yy, xxx, yyy;
- Evas_Coord minw, minh, linew = 0, lineh = 0, lineww = 0;
+ Evas_Coord minw, minh, linew = 0, lineh = 0, lineww = 0, itemw;
double ax, ay;
Eina_Bool rtl;
Eina_List *l, *l_next;
Evas_Object *obj;
Evas_Object_Box_Option *opt;
+ int cnt = 0;
yy = y;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(priv->children, l, opt)
- Evas_Coord mnw, mnh, ww, hh, ow, oh;
+ Evas_Coord mnw, mnh, ww, hh, ow, oh, labelw, endw;
double wx, wy;
Eina_Bool fw, fh, xw, xh;
if (wx > 0.0) xw = EINA_TRUE;
if (wy > 0.0) xh = EINA_TRUE;
+ if ((cnt == 0) && !sd->label && sd->end)
+ {
+ evas_object_data_set(obj, "maximum_width", mnw);
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(sd->end, &endw, NULL);
+ if (mnw > w - (endw + priv->pad.h))
+ mnw = w - (endw + priv->pad.h);
+ elm_layout_signal_emit(obj, "elm,state,text,ellipsis", "");
+ edje_object_message_signal_process(elm_layout_edje_get(obj));
+ }
+ if ((cnt == 1) && sd->label && _label_packed(data))
+ {
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(sd->label, &labelw, NULL);
+ if (sd->end)
+ {
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(sd->end, &endw, NULL);
+ if (mnw > w - (labelw + priv->pad.h + endw + priv->pad.h))
+ mnw = w - (labelw + priv->pad.h + endw + priv->pad.h);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ evas_object_data_set(obj, "maximum_width", mnw);
+ itemw = (Evas_Coord)evas_object_data_get(obj, "shrinked_item");
+ if (itemw)
+ mnw = itemw;
+ else if (mnw > w - (labelw + priv->pad.h))
+ mnw = w - (labelw + priv->pad.h);
+ }
+ elm_layout_signal_emit(obj, "elm,state,text,ellipsis", "");
+ edje_object_message_signal_process(elm_layout_edje_get(obj));
+ }
ww = mnw;
if (xw)
if ((linew != 0) && (l != eina_list_last(priv->children)))
linew += priv->pad.h;
+ cnt++;
Evas_Object *obj,
void *event_info __UNUSED__)
- Evas_Coord w, h;
+ Evas_Coord w, h, mnw, mnh, labelw, hpad;
+ int items_count = 0, i;
+ Elm_Multibuttonentry_Item *it;
evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h);
+ elm_box_padding_get(obj, &hpad, NULL);
if (sd->boxh < h)
evas_object_smart_callback_call(data, SIG_EXPANDED, NULL);
// on rotation, items should be packed again in the shrinked layout
if (sd->boxw && sd->boxw != w)
+ // recalculate width of all items
+ if (sd->items)
+ {
+ items_count = eina_list_count(sd->items);
+ for(i = 0; i < items_count; i++)
+ {
+ it = eina_list_nth(sd->items, i);
+ if (evas_object_data_get(VIEW(it), "shrinked_item"))
+ evas_object_data_set(VIEW(it), "shrinked_item", NULL);
+#ifdef _TB_BUG
+ elm_layout_sizing_eval(VIEW(it));
+ Evas_Object *textblock = NULL;
+ Evas_Coord tb_w = 0, minh = 0;
+ const char *str_left = NULL, *str_right = NULL;
+ int leftw = 0, rightw = 0;
+ str_left = elm_layout_data_get(VIEW(it), "button_left_pad");
+ str_right = elm_layout_data_get(VIEW(it), "button_right_pad");
+ textblock = (Evas_Object *)edje_object_part_object_get(elm_layout_edje_get(VIEW(it)), "elm.btn.text");
+ if (textblock)
+ {
+ if (str_left && str_right)
+ {
+ leftw = atoi(str_left);
+ rightw = atoi(str_right);
+ }
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(VIEW(it), NULL, &minh);
+ evas_object_textblock_size_native_get(textblock, &tb_w, NULL);
+ tb_w += (Evas_Coord)(leftw + rightw);
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_set(VIEW(it), tb_w, minh);
+ }
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(VIEW(it), &mnw, &mnh);
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ if (sd->label && _label_packed(data))
+ {
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_get(sd->label, &labelw, NULL);
+ if (mnw > w - (labelw + hpad))
+ {
+ mnw = w - (labelw + hpad);
+ elm_layout_signal_emit(VIEW(it), "elm,state,text,ellipsis", "");
+ edje_object_message_signal_process(elm_layout_edje_get(VIEW(it)));
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_set(VIEW(it), mnw, mnh);
+#ifdef _TB_BUG
+ elm_layout_sizing_eval(VIEW(it));
+ evas_object_resize(VIEW(it), mnw, mnh);
+ }
+ }
+ evas_object_data_set(VIEW(it), "maximum_width", mnw);
+ }
+ if (mnw > w)
+ {
+ mnw = w;
+ elm_layout_signal_emit(VIEW(it), "elm,state,text,ellipsis", "");
+ edje_object_message_signal_process(elm_layout_edje_get(VIEW(it)));
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_set(VIEW(it), mnw, mnh);
+#ifdef _TB_BUG
+ elm_layout_sizing_eval(VIEW(it));
+ evas_object_resize(VIEW(it), mnw, mnh);
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (!elm_object_focus_get(data) && !sd->expanded)
_layout_shrink(data, EINA_TRUE);
Elm_Multibuttonentry_Item *it;
Elm_Multibuttonentry_Item_Filter *ft;
Eina_List *l;
- const char *str;
- Evas_Coord minw, minh, maxw = 0;
+ Evas_Coord minw, minh, boxw = 0;
// adjust item size if item is longer than maximum size
evas_object_size_hint_min_get(VIEW(it), &minw, &minh);
- str = elm_layout_data_get(VIEW(it), "button_max_size");
- if (str) maxw = atoi(str);
- maxw = maxw * elm_widget_scale_get(obj) * elm_config_scale_get();
- if (minw > maxw)
+ evas_object_geometry_get(sd->box, NULL, NULL, &boxw, NULL);
+ if (minw > boxw)
elm_layout_signal_emit(VIEW(it), "elm,state,text,ellipsis", "");
- evas_object_size_hint_min_set(VIEW(it), maxw, minh);
+ evas_object_size_hint_min_set(VIEW(it), boxw, minh);
+#ifdef _TB_BUG
+ evas_object_resize(VIEW(it), boxw, minh);
elm_widget_item_text_set_hook_set(it, _item_text_set_hook);
Elm_Transit *trans;
Evas_Object *rect;
+ Evas_Coord maxw, shrinkw;
trans = (Elm_Transit *)evas_object_data_get(VIEW(it), "transit");
if (trans)
evas_object_data_set(VIEW(it), "effect_rect", NULL);
+ maxw = (Evas_Coord)evas_object_data_get(VIEW(it), "maximum_width");
+ if (maxw)
+ evas_object_data_set(VIEW(it), "maximum_width", NULL);
+ shrinkw = (Evas_Coord)evas_object_data_get(VIEW(it), "shrinked_item");
+ if (shrinkw)
+ evas_object_data_set(VIEW(it), "shrinked_item", NULL);
EINA_LIST_FREE(sd->items, it)
- elm_widget_item_free(it);
+ {
+ Evas_Coord maxw, shrinkw;
+ maxw = (Evas_Coord)evas_object_data_get(VIEW(it), "maximum_width");
+ if (maxw)
+ evas_object_data_set(VIEW(it), "maximum_width", NULL);
+ shrinkw = (Evas_Coord)evas_object_data_get(VIEW(it), "shrinked_item");
+ if (shrinkw)
+ evas_object_data_set(VIEW(it), "shrinked_item", NULL);
+ elm_widget_item_free(it);
+ }
EINA_LIST_FREE(sd->filters, ft)
Elm_Transit *trans;
Evas_Object *rect;
+ Evas_Coord maxw, shrinkw;
trans = (Elm_Transit *)evas_object_data_get(VIEW(it), "transit");
if (trans)
elm_object_focus_set(sd->entry, EINA_TRUE);
+ maxw = (Evas_Coord)evas_object_data_get(VIEW(it), "maximum_width");
+ if (maxw)
+ evas_object_data_set(VIEW(it), "maximum_width", NULL);
+ shrinkw = (Evas_Coord)evas_object_data_get(VIEW(it), "shrinked_item");
+ if (shrinkw)
+ evas_object_data_set(VIEW(it), "shrinked_item", NULL);
EINA_LIST_FREE(sd->items, it)
- elm_widget_item_free(it);
+ {
+ Evas_Coord maxw, shrinkw;
+ maxw = (Evas_Coord)evas_object_data_get(VIEW(it), "maximum_width");
+ if (maxw)
+ evas_object_data_set(VIEW(it), "maximum_width", NULL);
+ shrinkw = (Evas_Coord)evas_object_data_get(VIEW(it), "shrinked_item");
+ if (shrinkw)
+ evas_object_data_set(VIEW(it), "shrinked_item", NULL);
+ elm_widget_item_free(it);
+ }
sd->items = NULL;
sd->item_be_selected = EINA_FALSE;
sd->expanded_state = EINA_TRUE;