--- /dev/null
+exports.parse = url_parse;
+exports.resolve = url_resolve;
+exports.resolveObject = url_resolveObject;
+exports.format = url_format;
+// define these here so at least they only have to be compiled once on the first module load.
+var protocolPattern = /^([a-z0-9]+:)/,
+ portPattern = /:[0-9]+$/,
+ nonHostChars = ["/", "?", ";", "#"],
+ hostlessProtocol = {
+ "file":true,
+ "file:":true
+ },
+ slashedProtocol = {
+ "http":true, "https":true, "ftp":true, "gopher":true, "file":true,
+ "http:":true, "https:":true, "ftp:":true, "gopher:":true, "file:":true
+ },
+ path = require("path"), // internal module, guaranteed to be loaded already.
+ querystring; // don't load unless necessary.
+function url_parse (url, parseQueryString) {
+ if (url && typeof(url) === "object" && url.href) return url;
+ var out = { href : url },
+ rest = url;
+ var proto = protocolPattern.exec(rest);
+ if (proto) {
+ proto = proto[0];
+ out.protocol = proto;
+ rest = rest.substr(proto.length);
+ }
+ // figure out if it's got a host
+ var slashes = rest.substr(0, 2) === "//";
+ if (slashes && !(proto && hostlessProtocol[proto])) {
+ rest = rest.substr(2);
+ out.slashes = true;
+ }
+ if (!hostlessProtocol[proto] && (slashes || (proto && !slashedProtocol[proto]))) {
+ // there's a hostname.
+ // the first instance of /, ?, ;, or # ends the host.
+ // don't enforce full RFC correctness, just be unstupid about it.
+ var firstNonHost = -1;
+ for (var i = 0, l = nonHostChars.length; i < l; i ++) {
+ var index = rest.indexOf(nonHostChars[i]);
+ if (index !== -1 && (firstNonHost < 0 || index < firstNonHost)) firstNonHost = index;
+ }
+ if (firstNonHost !== -1) {
+ out.host = rest.substr(0, firstNonHost);
+ rest = rest.substr(firstNonHost);
+ } else {
+ out.host = rest;
+ rest = "";
+ }
+ // pull out the auth and port.
+ var p = parseHost(out.host);
+ for (var i in p) out[i] = p[i];
+ // we've indicated that there is a hostname, so even if it's empty, it has to be present.
+ out.hostname = out.hostname || "";
+ }
+ // now rest is set to the post-host stuff.
+ // chop off from the tail first.
+ var hash = rest.indexOf("#");
+ if (hash !== -1) {
+ // got a fragment string.
+ out.hash = rest.substr(hash);
+ rest = rest.slice(0, hash);
+ }
+ var qm = rest.indexOf("?");
+ if (qm !== -1) {
+ out.search = rest.substr(qm);
+ out.query = rest.substr(qm+1);
+ if (parseQueryString) out.query = (querystring || querystring = require("querystring")).parse(out.query);
+ rest = rest.slice(0, qm);
+ }
+ if (rest) out.pathname = rest;
+ return out;
+// format a parsed object into a url string
+function url_format (obj) {
+ // ensure it's an object, and not a string url. If it's an obj, this is a no-op.
+ // this way, you can call url_format() on strings to clean up potentially wonky urls.
+ if (typeof(obj) === "string") obj = url_parse(obj);
+ var protocol = obj.protocol || "",
+ host = (obj.host !== undefined) ? obj.host
+ : obj.hostname !== undefined ? (
+ (obj.auth ? obj.auth + "@" : "")
+ + obj.hostname
+ + (obj.port ? ":" + obj.port : "")
+ )
+ : false,
+ pathname = obj.pathname || "",
+ search = obj.search || (
+ obj.query && ( "?" + (
+ typeof(obj.query) === "object"
+ ? require("querystring").stringify(obj.query)
+ : String(obj.query)
+ ))
+ ) || "",
+ hash = obj.hash || "";
+ if (protocol && protocol.substr(-1) !== ":") protocol += ":";
+ // only the slashedProtocols get the //. Not mailto:, xmpp:, etc.
+ // unless they had them to begin with.
+ if (obj.slashes || (!protocol || slashedProtocol[protocol]) && host !== false) {
+ host = "//" + (host || "");
+ if (pathname && pathname.charAt(0) !== "/") pathname = "/" + pathname;
+ } else if (!host) host = "";
+ if (hash && hash.charAt(0) !== "#") hash = "#" + hash;
+ if (search && search.charAt(0) !== "?") search = "?" + search;
+ return protocol + host + pathname + search + hash;
+function url_resolve (source, relative) {
+ return url_format(url_resolveObject(source, relative));
+function url_resolveObject (source, relative) {
+ if (!source) return relative;
+ source = url_parse(url_format(source));
+ relative = url_parse(url_format(relative));
+ // hash is always overridden, no matter what.
+ source.hash = relative.hash;
+ if (relative.href === "") return source;
+ // hrefs like //foo/bar always cut to the protocol.
+ if (relative.slashes && !relative.protocol) {
+ relative.protocol = source.protocol;
+ return relative;
+ }
+ if (relative.protocol && relative.protocol !== source.protocol) {
+ // if it's a known url protocol, then changing the protocol does weird things
+ // first, if it's not file:, then we MUST have a host, and if there was a path
+ // to begin with, then we MUST have a path.
+ // if it is file:, then the host is dropped, because that's known to be hostless.
+ // anything else is assumed to be absolute.
+ if (!slashedProtocol[relative.protocol]) return relative;
+ source.protocol = relative.protocol;
+ if (!relative.host && !hostlessProtocol[relative.protocol]) {
+ var relPath = (relative.pathname || "").split("/");
+ while (relPath.length && !(relative.host = relPath.shift()));
+ if (!relative.host) relative.host = "";
+ if (relPath[0] !== "") relPath.unshift("");
+ if (relPath.length < 2) relPath.unshift("");
+ relative.pathname = relPath.join("/");
+ }
+ source.pathname = relative.pathname;
+ source.search = relative.search;
+ source.query = relative.query;
+ source.host = relative.host || "";
+ delete source.auth;
+ delete source.hostname;
+ source.port = relative.port;
+ return source;
+ }
+ var isSourceAbs = (source.pathname && source.pathname.charAt(0) === "/"),
+ isRelAbs = (
+ relative.host !== undefined
+ || relative.pathname && relative.pathname.charAt(0) === "/"
+ ),
+ mustEndAbs = (isRelAbs || isSourceAbs || (source.host && relative.pathname)),
+ removeAllDots = mustEndAbs,
+ srcPath = source.pathname && source.pathname.split("/") || [],
+ relPath = relative.pathname && relative.pathname.split("/") || [],
+ psychotic = source.protocol && !slashedProtocol[source.protocol] && source.host !== undefined;
+ // if the url is a non-slashed url, then relative links like ../.. should be able
+ // to crawl up to the hostname, as well. This is strange.
+ // source.protocol has already been set by now.
+ // Later on, put the first path part into the host field.
+ if ( psychotic ) {
+ delete source.hostname;
+ delete source.auth;
+ delete source.port;
+ if (source.host) {
+ if (srcPath[0] === "") srcPath[0] = source.host;
+ else srcPath.unshift(source.host);
+ }
+ delete source.host;
+ if (relative.protocol) {
+ delete relative.hostname;
+ delete relative.auth;
+ delete relative.port;
+ if (relative.host) {
+ if (relPath[0] === "") relPath[0] = relative.host;
+ else relPath.unshift(relative.host);
+ }
+ delete relative.host;
+ }
+ mustEndAbs = mustEndAbs && (relPath[0] === "" || srcPath[0] === "");
+ }
+ if (isRelAbs) {
+ // it's absolute.
+ source.host = (relative.host || relative.host === "") ? relative.host : source.host;
+ source.search = relative.search;
+ source.query = relative.query;
+ srcPath = relPath;
+ // fall through to the dot-handling below.
+ } else if (relPath.length) {
+ // it's relative
+ // throw away the existing file, and take the new path instead.
+ if (!srcPath) srcPath = [];
+ srcPath.pop();
+ srcPath = srcPath.concat(relPath);
+ source.search = relative.search;
+ source.query = relative.query;
+ } else if ("search" in relative) {
+ // just pull out the search.
+ // like href="?foo".
+ // Put this after the other two cases because it simplifies the booleans
+ if (psychotic) {
+ source.host = srcPath.shift();
+ }
+ source.search = relative.search;
+ source.query = relative.query;
+ return source;
+ }
+ if (!srcPath.length) {
+ // no path at all. easy.
+ // we've already handled the other stuff above.
+ delete source.pathname;
+ return source;
+ }
+ // resolve dots.
+ // if a url ENDs in . or .., then it must get a trailing slash.
+ // however, if it ends in anything else non-slashy, then it must NOT get a trailing slash.
+ var last = srcPath.slice(-1)[0];
+ var hasTrailingSlash = (
+ (source.host || relative.host) && (last === "." || last === "..")
+ || last === ""
+ );
+ // Figure out if this has to end up as an absolute url, or should continue to be relative.
+ srcPath = path.normalizeArray(srcPath, true);
+ if (srcPath.length === 1 && srcPath[0] === ".") srcPath = [];
+ if (mustEndAbs || removeAllDots) {
+ // all dots must go.
+ var dirs = [];
+ srcPath.forEach(function (dir, i) {
+ if (dir === "..") dirs.pop();
+ else if (dir !== ".") dirs.push(dir);
+ });
+ if (mustEndAbs && dirs[0] !== "") {
+ dirs.unshift("");
+ }
+ srcPath = dirs;
+ }
+ if (hasTrailingSlash && (srcPath.length < 2 || srcPath.slice(-1)[0] !== "")) srcPath.push("");
+ // put the host back
+ if ( psychotic ) source.host = srcPath[0] === "" ? "" : srcPath.shift();
+ mustEndAbs = mustEndAbs || (source.host && srcPath.length);
+ if (mustEndAbs && srcPath[0] !== "") srcPath.unshift("")
+ source.pathname = srcPath.join("/");
+ return source;
+function parseHost (host) {
+ var out = {};
+ var at = host.indexOf("@");
+ if (at !== -1) {
+ out.auth = host.substr(0, at);
+ host = host.substr(at+1); // drop the @
+ }
+ var port = portPattern.exec(host);
+ if (port) {
+ port = port[0];
+ out.port = port.substr(1);
+ host = host.substr(0, host.length - port.length);
+ }
+ if (host) out.hostname = host;
+ return out;
--- /dev/null
+var url = require("url"),
+ sys = require("sys");
+// URLs to parse, and expected data
+// { url : parsed }
+var parseTests = {
+ "http://www.narwhaljs.org/blog/categories?id=news" : {
+ "href": "http://www.narwhaljs.org/blog/categories?id=news",
+ "protocol": "http:",
+ "host": "www.narwhaljs.org",
+ "hostname": "www.narwhaljs.org",
+ "search": "?id=news",
+ "query": "id=news",
+ "pathname": "/blog/categories"
+ },
+ "http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=" : {
+ "href": "http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=",
+ "protocol": "http:",
+ "host": "mt0.google.com",
+ "hostname": "mt0.google.com",
+ "pathname": "/vt/lyrs=m@114&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s="
+ },
+ "http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=" : {
+ "href": "http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=",
+ "protocol": "http:",
+ "host": "mt0.google.com",
+ "hostname": "mt0.google.com",
+ "search": "???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=",
+ "query": "??&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=",
+ "pathname": "/vt/lyrs=m@114"
+ },
+ "http://user:pass@mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=" : {
+ "href": "http://user:pass@mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=",
+ "protocol": "http:",
+ "host": "user:pass@mt0.google.com",
+ "auth": "user:pass",
+ "hostname": "mt0.google.com",
+ "search": "???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=",
+ "query": "??&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=",
+ "pathname": "/vt/lyrs=m@114"
+ },
+ "file:///etc/passwd" : {
+ "href": "file:///etc/passwd",
+ "protocol": "file:",
+ "pathname": "///etc/passwd"
+ },
+ "file:///etc/node/" : {
+ "href": "file:///etc/node/",
+ "protocol": "file:",
+ "pathname": "///etc/node/"
+ },
+ "http:/baz/../foo/bar" : {
+ "href": "http:/baz/../foo/bar",
+ "protocol": "http:",
+ "pathname": "/baz/../foo/bar"
+ },
+ "http://user:pass@example.com:8000/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag" : {
+ "href": "http://user:pass@example.com:8000/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag",
+ "protocol": "http:",
+ "host": "user:pass@example.com:8000",
+ "auth": "user:pass",
+ "port": "8000",
+ "hostname": "example.com",
+ "hash": "#frag",
+ "search": "?baz=quux",
+ "query": "baz=quux",
+ "pathname": "/foo/bar"
+ },
+ "//user:pass@example.com:8000/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag" : {
+ "href": "//user:pass@example.com:8000/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag",
+ "host": "user:pass@example.com:8000",
+ "auth": "user:pass",
+ "port": "8000",
+ "hostname": "example.com",
+ "hash": "#frag",
+ "search": "?baz=quux",
+ "query": "baz=quux",
+ "pathname": "/foo/bar"
+ },
+ "http://example.com?foo=bar#frag" : {
+ "href": "http://example.com?foo=bar#frag",
+ "protocol": "http:",
+ "host": "example.com",
+ "hostname": "example.com",
+ "hash": "#frag",
+ "search": "?foo=bar",
+ "query": "foo=bar"
+ },
+ "http://example.com?foo=@bar#frag" : {
+ "href": "http://example.com?foo=@bar#frag",
+ "protocol": "http:",
+ "host": "example.com",
+ "hostname": "example.com",
+ "hash": "#frag",
+ "search": "?foo=@bar",
+ "query": "foo=@bar"
+ },
+ "http://example.com?foo=/bar/#frag" : {
+ "href": "http://example.com?foo=/bar/#frag",
+ "protocol": "http:",
+ "host": "example.com",
+ "hostname": "example.com",
+ "hash": "#frag",
+ "search": "?foo=/bar/",
+ "query": "foo=/bar/"
+ },
+ "http://example.com?foo=?bar/#frag" : {
+ "href": "http://example.com?foo=?bar/#frag",
+ "protocol": "http:",
+ "host": "example.com",
+ "hostname": "example.com",
+ "hash": "#frag",
+ "search": "?foo=?bar/",
+ "query": "foo=?bar/"
+ },
+ "http://example.com#frag=?bar/#frag" : {
+ "href": "http://example.com#frag=?bar/#frag",
+ "protocol": "http:",
+ "host": "example.com",
+ "hostname": "example.com",
+ "hash": "#frag=?bar/#frag"
+ },
+ "/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag" : {
+ "href": "/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag",
+ "hash": "#frag",
+ "search": "?baz=quux",
+ "query": "baz=quux",
+ "pathname": "/foo/bar"
+ },
+ "http:/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag" : {
+ "href": "http:/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag",
+ "protocol": "http:",
+ "hash": "#frag",
+ "search": "?baz=quux",
+ "query": "baz=quux",
+ "pathname": "/foo/bar"
+ },
+ "mailto:foo@bar.com?subject=hello" : {
+ "href": "mailto:foo@bar.com?subject=hello",
+ "protocol": "mailto:",
+ "host": "foo@bar.com",
+ "auth" : "foo",
+ "hostname" : "bar.com",
+ "search": "?subject=hello",
+ "query": "subject=hello"
+ },
+ "javascript:alert('hello');" : {
+ "href": "javascript:alert('hello');",
+ "protocol": "javascript:",
+ "host": "alert('hello')",
+ "hostname": "alert('hello')",
+ "pathname" : ";"
+ },
+ "xmpp:isaacschlueter@jabber.org" : {
+ "href": "xmpp:isaacschlueter@jabber.org",
+ "protocol": "xmpp:",
+ "host": "isaacschlueter@jabber.org",
+ "auth": "isaacschlueter",
+ "hostname": "jabber.org"
+ }
+for (var u in parseTests) {
+ var actual = url.parse(u),
+ expected = parseTests[u];
+ for (var i in expected) {
+ var e = JSON.stringify(expected[i]),
+ a = JSON.stringify(actual[i]);
+ assert.equal(e, a, "parse(" + u + ")."+i+" == "+e+"\nactual: "+a);
+ }
+ var expected = u,
+ actual = url.format(parseTests[u]);
+ assert.equal(expected, actual, "format("+u+") == "+u+"\nactual:"+actual);
+// some extra formatting tests, just to verify that it'll format slightly wonky content to a valid url.
+var formatTests = {
+ "http://a.com/a/b/c?s#h" : {
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "host": "a.com",
+ "pathname": "a/b/c",
+ "hash": "h",
+ "search": "s"
+ },
+ "xmpp:isaacschlueter@jabber.org" : {
+ "href": "xmpp://isaacschlueter@jabber.org",
+ "protocol": "xmpp:",
+ "host": "isaacschlueter@jabber.org",
+ "auth": "isaacschlueter",
+ "hostname": "jabber.org"
+ }
+for (var u in formatTests) {
+ var actual = url.format(formatTests[u]);
+ assert.equal(actual, u, "wonky format("+u+") == "+u+"\nactual:"+actual);
+ // [from, path, expected]
+ ["/foo/bar/baz", "quux", "/foo/bar/quux"],
+ ["/foo/bar/baz", "quux/asdf", "/foo/bar/quux/asdf"],
+ ["/foo/bar/baz", "quux/baz", "/foo/bar/quux/baz"],
+ ["/foo/bar/baz", "../quux/baz", "/foo/quux/baz"],
+ ["/foo/bar/baz", "/bar", "/bar"],
+ ["/foo/bar/baz/", "quux", "/foo/bar/baz/quux"],
+ ["/foo/bar/baz/", "quux/baz", "/foo/bar/baz/quux/baz"],
+ ["/foo/bar/baz", "../../../../../../../../quux/baz", "/quux/baz"],
+ ["/foo/bar/baz", "../../../../../../../quux/baz", "/quux/baz"],
+ ["foo/bar", "../../../baz", "../../baz"],
+ ["foo/bar/", "../../../baz", "../baz"],
+ ["http://example.com/b//c//d;p?q#blarg","https:#hash2","https:///#hash2" ],
+ ["http://example.com/b//c//d;p?q#blarg","https:/p/a/t/h?s#hash2","https://p/a/t/h?s#hash2" ],
+ ["http://example.com/b//c//d;p?q#blarg","https://u:p@h.com/p/a/t/h?s#hash2","https://u:p@h.com/p/a/t/h?s#hash2"],
+ ["http://example.com/b//c//d;p?q#blarg","https:/a/b/c/d","https://a/b/c/d"],
+ ["http://example.com/b//c//d;p?q#blarg","http:#hash2","http://example.com/b//c//d;p?q#hash2" ],
+ ["http://example.com/b//c//d;p?q#blarg","http:/p/a/t/h?s#hash2","http://example.com/p/a/t/h?s#hash2" ],
+ ["http://example.com/b//c//d;p?q#blarg","http://u:p@h.com/p/a/t/h?s#hash2","http://u:p@h.com/p/a/t/h?s#hash2" ],
+ ["http://example.com/b//c//d;p?q#blarg","http:/a/b/c/d","http://example.com/a/b/c/d"],
+ ["/foo/bar/baz", "/../etc/passwd", "/etc/passwd"]
+].forEach(function (relativeTest) {
+ var a = url.resolve(relativeTest[0], relativeTest[1]),
+ e = relativeTest[2];
+ assert.equal(e, a,
+ "resolve("+[relativeTest[0], relativeTest[1]]+") == "+e+
+ "\n actual="+a);
+// Tests below taken from Chiron
+// http://code.google.com/p/chironjs/source/browse/trunk/src/test/http/url.js
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Kris Kowal <http://cixar.com/~kris.kowal>
+// used with permission under MIT License
+// Changes marked with @isaacs
+var bases = [
+ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q',
+ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q=1/2',
+ 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/2?q',
+ 'fred:///s//a/b/c',
+ 'http:///s//a/b/c'
+//[to, from, result]
+ // http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/uri/2004Feb/0114.html
+ ['../c', 'foo:a/b', 'foo:c'],
+ ['foo:.', 'foo:a', 'foo:'],
+ ['/foo/../../../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:/bar'],
+ ['/foo/../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:/bar'],
+ ['foo/../../../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:bar'], // @isaacs Disagree. Not how web browsers resolve this.
+ // ['foo/../../../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:../../bar'], // @isaacs Added
+ ['foo/../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:bar'],
+ ['zz:.', 'zz:abc', 'zz:'],
+ ['/.' , bases[0], 'http://a/'],
+ ['/.foo' , bases[0], 'http://a/.foo'],
+ ['.foo' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/.foo'],
+ // http://gbiv.com/protocols/uri/test/rel_examples1.html
+ // examples from RFC 2396
+ ['g:h' , bases[0], 'g:h'],
+ ['g' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g'],
+ ['./g' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g'],
+ ['g/' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g/'],
+ ['/g' , bases[0], 'http://a/g'],
+ ['//g' , bases[0], 'http://g'],
+ // changed with RFC 2396bis
+ //('?y' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?y'],
+ ['?y' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?y'],
+ ['g?y' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g?y'],
+ // changed with RFC 2396bis
+ //('#s' , bases[0], CURRENT_DOC_URI + '#s'],
+ ['#s' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s'],
+ ['g#s' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g#s'],
+ ['g?y#s' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g?y#s'],
+ [';x' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/;x'],
+ ['g;x' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g;x'],
+ ['g;x?y#s' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s'],
+ // changed with RFC 2396bis
+ //('' , bases[0], CURRENT_DOC_URI],
+ ['' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q'],
+ ['.' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/'],
+ ['./' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/'],
+ ['..' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/'],
+ ['../' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/'],
+ ['../g' , bases[0], 'http://a/b/g'],
+ ['../..' , bases[0], 'http://a/'],
+ ['../../' , bases[0], 'http://a/'],
+ ['../../g' , bases[0], 'http://a/g'],
+ ['../../../g', bases[0], ('http://a/../g', 'http://a/g')],
+ ['../../../../g', bases[0], ('http://a/../../g', 'http://a/g')],
+ // changed with RFC 2396bis
+ //('/./g', bases[0], 'http://a/./g'],
+ ['/./g', bases[0], 'http://a/g'],
+ // changed with RFC 2396bis
+ //('/../g', bases[0], 'http://a/../g'],
+ ['/../g', bases[0], 'http://a/g'],
+ ['g.', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g.'],
+ ['.g', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/.g'],
+ ['g..', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g..'],
+ ['..g', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/..g'],
+ ['./../g', bases[0], 'http://a/b/g'],
+ ['./g/.', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g/'],
+ ['g/./h', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g/h'],
+ ['g/../h', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/h'],
+ ['g;x=1/./y', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y'],
+ ['g;x=1/../y', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/y'],
+ ['g?y/./x', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g?y/./x'],
+ ['g?y/../x', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g?y/../x'],
+ ['g#s/./x', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g#s/./x'],
+ ['g#s/../x', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g#s/../x'],
+ ['http:g', bases[0], ('http:g', 'http://a/b/c/g')],
+ ['http:', bases[0], ('http:', bases[0])],
+ // not sure where this one originated
+ ['/a/b/c/./../../g', bases[0], 'http://a/a/g'],
+ // http://gbiv.com/protocols/uri/test/rel_examples2.html
+ // slashes in base URI's query args
+ ['g' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g'],
+ ['./g' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g'],
+ ['g/' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g/'],
+ ['/g' , bases[1], 'http://a/g'],
+ ['//g' , bases[1], 'http://g'],
+ // changed in RFC 2396bis
+ //('?y' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/?y'],
+ ['?y' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?y'],
+ ['g?y' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g?y'],
+ ['g?y/./x' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g?y/./x'],
+ ['g?y/../x', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g?y/../x'],
+ ['g#s' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g#s'],
+ ['g#s/./x' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g#s/./x'],
+ ['g#s/../x', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g#s/../x'],
+ ['./' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/'],
+ ['../' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/'],
+ ['../g' , bases[1], 'http://a/b/g'],
+ ['../../' , bases[1], 'http://a/'],
+ ['../../g' , bases[1], 'http://a/g'],
+ // http://gbiv.com/protocols/uri/test/rel_examples3.html
+ // slashes in path params
+ // all of these changed in RFC 2396bis
+ ['g' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g'],
+ ['./g' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g'],
+ ['g/' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g/'],
+ ['g?y' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g?y'],
+ [';x' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/;x'],
+ ['g;x' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g;x'],
+ ['g;x=1/./y', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g;x=1/y'],
+ ['g;x=1/../y', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/y'],
+ ['./' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/'],
+ ['../' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/'],
+ ['../g' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/g'],
+ ['../../' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/'],
+ ['../../g' , bases[2], 'http://a/b/g'],
+ // http://gbiv.com/protocols/uri/test/rel_examples4.html
+ // double and triple slash, unknown scheme
+ ['g:h' , bases[3], 'g:h'],
+ ['g' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/b/g'],
+ ['./g' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/b/g'],
+ ['g/' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/b/g/'],
+ ['/g' , bases[3], 'fred:///g'], // may change to fred:///s//a/g
+ ['//g' , bases[3], 'fred://g'], // may change to fred:///s//g
+ ['//g/x' , bases[3], 'fred://g/x'], // may change to fred:///s//g/x
+ ['///g' , bases[3], 'fred:///g'],
+ ['./' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/b/'],
+ ['../' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/'],
+ ['../g' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/g'],
+ ['../../' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//'],
+ ['../../g' , bases[3], 'fred:///s//g'],
+ ['../../../g', bases[3], 'fred:///s/g'],
+ ['../../../../g', bases[3], 'fred:///g'], // may change to fred:///s//a/../../../g
+ // http://gbiv.com/protocols/uri/test/rel_examples5.html
+ // double and triple slash, well-known scheme
+ ['g:h' , bases[4], 'g:h'],
+ ['g' , bases[4], 'http:///s//a/b/g'],
+ ['./g' , bases[4], 'http:///s//a/b/g'],
+ ['g/' , bases[4], 'http:///s//a/b/g/'],
+ ['/g' , bases[4], 'http:///g'], // may change to http:///s//a/g
+ ['//g' , bases[4], 'http://g'], // may change to http:///s//g
+ ['//g/x' , bases[4], 'http://g/x'], // may change to http:///s//g/x
+ ['///g' , bases[4], 'http:///g'],
+ ['./' , bases[4], 'http:///s//a/b/'],
+ ['../' , bases[4], 'http:///s//a/'],
+ ['../g' , bases[4], 'http:///s//a/g'],
+ ['../../' , bases[4], 'http:///s//'],
+ ['../../g' , bases[4], 'http:///s//g'],
+ ['../../../g', bases[4], 'http:///s/g'], // may change to http:///s//a/../../g
+ ['../../../../g', bases[4], 'http:///g'], // may change to http:///s//a/../../../g
+ // from Dan Connelly's tests in http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/uripath.py
+ ["bar:abc", "foo:xyz", "bar:abc"],
+ ['../abc', 'http://example/x/y/z', 'http://example/x/abc'],
+ ['http://example/x/abc', 'http://example2/x/y/z', 'http://example/x/abc'],
+ ['../r', 'http://ex/x/y/z', 'http://ex/x/r'],
+ ['q/r', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q/r'],
+ ['q/r#s', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q/r#s'],
+ ['q/r#s/t', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q/r#s/t'],
+ ['ftp://ex/x/q/r', 'http://ex/x/y', 'ftp://ex/x/q/r'],
+ ['', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/y'],
+ ['', 'http://ex/x/y/', 'http://ex/x/y/'],
+ ['', 'http://ex/x/y/pdq', 'http://ex/x/y/pdq'],
+ ['z/', 'http://ex/x/y/', 'http://ex/x/y/z/'],
+ ['#Animal', 'file:/swap/test/animal.rdf', 'file:/swap/test/animal.rdf#Animal'],
+ ['../abc', 'file:/e/x/y/z', 'file:/e/x/abc'],
+ ['/example/x/abc', 'file:/example2/x/y/z', 'file:/example/x/abc'],
+ ['../r', 'file:/ex/x/y/z', 'file:/ex/x/r'],
+ ['/r', 'file:/ex/x/y/z', 'file:/r'],
+ ['q/r', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/q/r'],
+ ['q/r#s', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/q/r#s'],
+ ['q/r#', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/q/r#'],
+ ['q/r#s/t', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/q/r#s/t'],
+ ['ftp://ex/x/q/r', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'ftp://ex/x/q/r'],
+ ['', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/y'],
+ ['', 'file:/ex/x/y/', 'file:/ex/x/y/'],
+ ['', 'file:/ex/x/y/pdq', 'file:/ex/x/y/pdq'],
+ ['z/', 'file:/ex/x/y/', 'file:/ex/x/y/z/'],
+ ['file://meetings.example.com/cal#m1', 'file:/devel/WWW/2000/10/swap/test/reluri-1.n3', 'file://meetings.example.com/cal#m1'],
+ ['file://meetings.example.com/cal#m1', 'file:/home/connolly/w3ccvs/WWW/2000/10/swap/test/reluri-1.n3', 'file://meetings.example.com/cal#m1'],
+ ['./#blort', 'file:/some/dir/foo', 'file:/some/dir/#blort'],
+ ['./#', 'file:/some/dir/foo', 'file:/some/dir/#'],
+ // Ryan Lee
+ ["./", "http://example/x/abc.efg", "http://example/x/"],
+ // Graham Klyne's tests
+ // http://www.ninebynine.org/Software/HaskellUtils/Network/UriTest.xls
+ // 01-31 are from Connelly's cases
+ // 32-49
+ ['./q:r', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q:r'],
+ ['./p=q:r', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/p=q:r'],
+ ['?pp/rr', 'http://ex/x/y?pp/qq', 'http://ex/x/y?pp/rr'],
+ ['y/z', 'http://ex/x/y?pp/qq', 'http://ex/x/y/z'],
+ ['local/qual@domain.org#frag', 'mailto:local', 'mailto:local/qual@domain.org#frag'],
+ ['more/qual2@domain2.org#frag', 'mailto:local/qual1@domain1.org', 'mailto:local/more/qual2@domain2.org#frag'],
+ ['y?q', 'http://ex/x/y?q', 'http://ex/x/y?q'],
+ ['/x/y?q', 'http://ex?p', 'http://ex/x/y?q'],
+ ['c/d', 'foo:a/b', 'foo:a/c/d'],
+ ['/c/d', 'foo:a/b', 'foo:/c/d'],
+ ['', 'foo:a/b?c#d', 'foo:a/b?c'],
+ ['b/c', 'foo:a', 'foo:b/c'],
+ ['../b/c', 'foo:/a/y/z', 'foo:/a/b/c'],
+ ['./b/c', 'foo:a', 'foo:b/c'],
+ ['/./b/c', 'foo:a', 'foo:/b/c'],
+ ['../../d', 'foo://a//b/c', 'foo://a/d'],
+ ['.', 'foo:a', 'foo:'],
+ ['..', 'foo:a', 'foo:'],
+ // 50-57[cf. TimBL comments --
+ // http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/uri/2003Feb/0028.html,
+ // http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/uri/2003Jan/0008.html)
+ ['abc', 'http://example/x/y%2Fz', 'http://example/x/abc'],
+ ['../../x%2Fabc', 'http://example/a/x/y/z', 'http://example/a/x%2Fabc'],
+ ['../x%2Fabc', 'http://example/a/x/y%2Fz', 'http://example/a/x%2Fabc'],
+ ['abc', 'http://example/x%2Fy/z', 'http://example/x%2Fy/abc'],
+ ['q%3Ar', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q%3Ar'],
+ ['/x%2Fabc', 'http://example/x/y%2Fz', 'http://example/x%2Fabc'],
+ ['/x%2Fabc', 'http://example/x/y/z', 'http://example/x%2Fabc'],
+ ['/x%2Fabc', 'http://example/x/y%2Fz', 'http://example/x%2Fabc'],
+ // 70-77
+ ['local2@domain2', 'mailto:local1@domain1?query1', 'mailto:local2@domain2'],
+ ['local2@domain2?query2', 'mailto:local1@domain1', 'mailto:local2@domain2?query2'],
+ ['local2@domain2?query2', 'mailto:local1@domain1?query1', 'mailto:local2@domain2?query2'],
+ ['?query2', 'mailto:local@domain?query1', 'mailto:local@domain?query2'],
+ ['local@domain?query2', 'mailto:?query1', 'mailto:local@domain?query2'],
+ ['?query2', 'mailto:local@domain?query1', 'mailto:local@domain?query2'],
+ ['http://example/a/b?c/../d', 'foo:bar', 'http://example/a/b?c/../d'],
+ ['http://example/a/b#c/../d', 'foo:bar', 'http://example/a/b#c/../d'],
+ // 82-88
+ // ['http:this', 'http://example.org/base/uri', 'http:this'], // @isaacs Disagree. Not how browsers do it.
+ ['http:this', 'http://example.org/base/uri', "http://example.org/base/this"], // @isaacs Added
+ ['http:this', 'http:base', 'http:this'],
+ ['.//g', 'f:/a', 'f://g'],
+ ['b/c//d/e', 'f://example.org/base/a', 'f://example.org/base/b/c//d/e'],
+ ['m2@example.ord/c2@example.org', 'mid:m@example.ord/c@example.org', 'mid:m@example.ord/m2@example.ord/c2@example.org'],
+ ['mini1.xml', 'file:///C:/DEV/Haskell/lib/HXmlToolbox-3.01/examples/', 'file:///C:/DEV/Haskell/lib/HXmlToolbox-3.01/examples/mini1.xml'],
+ ['../b/c', 'foo:a/y/z', 'foo:a/b/c']
+].forEach(function (relativeTest) {
+ var a = url.resolve(relativeTest[1], relativeTest[0]),
+ e = relativeTest[2];
+ assert.equal(e, a,
+ "resolve("+[relativeTest[1], relativeTest[0]]+") == "+e+
+ "\n actual="+a);