#include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/GlobalVariable.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/InstIterator.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
"Must set low link to -1 when adding a node to an SCC!");
for (Edge &E : **N)
assert(E.getNode().isPopulated() && "Can't have an unpopulated node!");
+ // Verify that all nodes in this SCC can reach all other nodes.
+ SmallVector<Node *, 4> Worklist;
+ SmallPtrSet<Node *, 4> Visited;
+ Worklist.push_back(N);
+ while (!Worklist.empty()) {
+ Node *VisitingNode = Worklist.pop_back_val();
+ if (!Visited.insert(VisitingNode).second)
+ continue;
+ for (Edge &E : (*VisitingNode)->calls())
+ Worklist.push_back(&E.getNode());
+ }
+ for (Node *NodeToVisit : Nodes) {
+ assert(Visited.contains(NodeToVisit) &&
+ "Cannot reach all nodes within SCC");
+ }
+ // Verify that all nodes in this RefSCC can reach all other nodes.
+ SmallVector<Node *> Nodes;
+ for (SCC *C : SCCs) {
+ for (Node &N : *C)
+ Nodes.push_back(&N);
+ }
+ for (Node *N : Nodes) {
+ SmallVector<Node *, 4> Worklist;
+ SmallPtrSet<Node *, 4> Visited;
+ Worklist.push_back(N);
+ while (!Worklist.empty()) {
+ Node *VisitingNode = Worklist.pop_back_val();
+ if (!Visited.insert(VisitingNode).second)
+ continue;
+ for (Edge &E : **VisitingNode)
+ Worklist.push_back(&E.getNode());
+ }
+ for (Node *NodeToVisit : Nodes) {
+ assert(Visited.contains(NodeToVisit) &&
+ "Cannot reach all nodes within RefSCC");
+ }
+ }
// allocators.
+// Gets the Edge::Kind from one function to another by looking at the function's
+// instructions. Asserts if there is no edge.
+// Useful for determining what type of edge should exist between functions when
+// the edge hasn't been created yet.
+static LazyCallGraph::Edge::Kind getEdgeKind(Function &OriginalFunction,
+ Function &NewFunction) {
+ // In release builds, assume that if there are no direct calls to the new
+ // function, then there is a ref edge. In debug builds, keep track of
+ // references to assert that there is actually a ref edge if there is no call
+ // edge.
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ SmallVector<Constant *, 16> Worklist;
+ SmallPtrSet<Constant *, 16> Visited;
+ for (Instruction &I : instructions(OriginalFunction)) {
+ if (auto *CB = dyn_cast<CallBase>(&I)) {
+ if (Function *Callee = CB->getCalledFunction()) {
+ if (Callee == &NewFunction)
+ return LazyCallGraph::Edge::Kind::Call;
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (Value *Op : I.operand_values()) {
+ if (Constant *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(Op)) {
+ if (Visited.insert(C).second)
+ Worklist.push_back(C);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ bool FoundNewFunction = false;
+ LazyCallGraph::visitReferences(Worklist, Visited, [&](Function &F) {
+ if (&F == &NewFunction)
+ FoundNewFunction = true;
+ });
+ assert(FoundNewFunction && "No edge from original function to new function");
+ return LazyCallGraph::Edge::Kind::Ref;
+void LazyCallGraph::addSplitFunction(Function &OriginalFunction,
+ Function &NewFunction) {
+ assert(lookup(OriginalFunction) &&
+ "Original function's node should already exist");
+ Node &OriginalN = get(OriginalFunction);
+ SCC *OriginalC = lookupSCC(OriginalN);
+ RefSCC *OriginalRC = lookupRefSCC(OriginalN);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ OriginalRC->verify();
+ auto VerifyOnExit = make_scope_exit([&]() { OriginalRC->verify(); });
+ assert(!lookup(NewFunction) &&
+ "New function's node should not already exist");
+ Node &NewN = initNode(NewFunction);
+ Edge::Kind EK = getEdgeKind(OriginalFunction, NewFunction);
+ SCC *NewC = nullptr;
+ for (Edge &E : *NewN) {
+ Node &EN = E.getNode();
+ if (EK == Edge::Kind::Call && E.isCall() && lookupSCC(EN) == OriginalC) {
+ // If the edge to the new function is a call edge and there is a call edge
+ // from the new function to any function in the original function's SCC,
+ // it is in the same SCC (and RefSCC) as the original function.
+ NewC = OriginalC;
+ NewC->Nodes.push_back(&NewN);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!NewC) {
+ for (Edge &E : *NewN) {
+ Node &EN = E.getNode();
+ if (lookupRefSCC(EN) == OriginalRC) {
+ // If there is any edge from the new function to any function in the
+ // original function's RefSCC, it is in the same RefSCC as the original
+ // function but a new SCC.
+ RefSCC *NewRC = OriginalRC;
+ NewC = createSCC(*NewRC, SmallVector<Node *, 1>({&NewN}));
+ // The new function's SCC is not the same as the original function's
+ // SCC, since that case was handled earlier. If the edge from the
+ // original function to the new function was a call edge, then we need
+ // to insert the newly created function's SCC before the original
+ // function's SCC. Otherwise either the new SCC comes after the original
+ // function's SCC, or it doesn't matter, and in both cases we can add it
+ // to the very end.
+ int InsertIndex = EK == Edge::Kind::Call ? NewRC->SCCIndices[OriginalC]
+ : NewRC->SCCIndices.size();
+ NewRC->SCCs.insert(NewRC->SCCs.begin() + InsertIndex, NewC);
+ for (int I = InsertIndex, Size = NewRC->SCCs.size(); I < Size; ++I)
+ NewRC->SCCIndices[NewRC->SCCs[I]] = I;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!NewC) {
+ // We didn't find any edges back to the original function's RefSCC, so the
+ // new function belongs in a new RefSCC. The new RefSCC goes before the
+ // original function's RefSCC.
+ RefSCC *NewRC = createRefSCC(*this);
+ NewC = createSCC(*NewRC, SmallVector<Node *, 1>({&NewN}));
+ NewRC->SCCIndices[NewC] = 0;
+ NewRC->SCCs.push_back(NewC);
+ auto OriginalRCIndex = RefSCCIndices.find(OriginalRC)->second;
+ PostOrderRefSCCs.insert(PostOrderRefSCCs.begin() + OriginalRCIndex, NewRC);
+ for (int I = OriginalRCIndex, Size = PostOrderRefSCCs.size(); I < Size; ++I)
+ RefSCCIndices[PostOrderRefSCCs[I]] = I;
+ }
+ SCCMap[&NewN] = NewC;
+ OriginalN->insertEdgeInternal(NewN, EK);
+void LazyCallGraph::addSplitRefRecursiveFunctions(
+ Function &OriginalFunction, ArrayRef<Function *> NewFunctions) {
+ assert(!NewFunctions.empty() && "Can't add zero functions");
+ assert(lookup(OriginalFunction) &&
+ "Original function's node should already exist");
+ Node &OriginalN = get(OriginalFunction);
+ RefSCC *OriginalRC = lookupRefSCC(OriginalN);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ OriginalRC->verify();
+ auto VerifyOnExit = make_scope_exit([&]() {
+ OriginalRC->verify();
+ for (Function *NewFunction : NewFunctions)
+ lookupRefSCC(get(*NewFunction))->verify();
+ });
+ bool ExistsRefToOriginalRefSCC = false;
+ for (Function *NewFunction : NewFunctions) {
+ Node &NewN = initNode(*NewFunction);
+ OriginalN->insertEdgeInternal(NewN, Edge::Kind::Ref);
+ // Check if there is any edge from any new function back to any function in
+ // the original function's RefSCC.
+ for (Edge &E : *NewN) {
+ if (lookupRefSCC(E.getNode()) == OriginalRC) {
+ ExistsRefToOriginalRefSCC = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RefSCC *NewRC;
+ if (ExistsRefToOriginalRefSCC) {
+ // If there is any edge from any new function to any function in the
+ // original function's RefSCC, all new functions will be in the same RefSCC
+ // as the original function.
+ NewRC = OriginalRC;
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise the new functions are in their own RefSCC.
+ NewRC = createRefSCC(*this);
+ // The new RefSCC goes before the original function's RefSCC in postorder
+ // since there are only edges from the original function's RefSCC to the new
+ // RefSCC.
+ auto OriginalRCIndex = RefSCCIndices.find(OriginalRC)->second;
+ PostOrderRefSCCs.insert(PostOrderRefSCCs.begin() + OriginalRCIndex, NewRC);
+ for (int I = OriginalRCIndex, Size = PostOrderRefSCCs.size(); I < Size; ++I)
+ RefSCCIndices[PostOrderRefSCCs[I]] = I;
+ }
+ for (Function *NewFunction : NewFunctions) {
+ Node &NewN = get(*NewFunction);
+ // Each new function is in its own new SCC. The original function can only
+ // have a ref edge to new functions, and no other existing functions can
+ // have references to new functions. Each new function only has a ref edge
+ // to the other new functions.
+ SCC *NewC = createSCC(*NewRC, SmallVector<Node *, 1>({&NewN}));
+ // The new SCCs are either sibling SCCs or parent SCCs to all other existing
+ // SCCs in the RefSCC. Either way, they can go at the back of the postorder
+ // SCC list.
+ auto Index = NewRC->SCCIndices.size();
+ NewRC->SCCIndices[NewC] = Index;
+ NewRC->SCCs.push_back(NewC);
+ SCCMap[&NewN] = NewC;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ for (Function *F1 : NewFunctions) {
+ assert(getEdgeKind(OriginalFunction, *F1) == Edge::Kind::Ref &&
+ "Expected ref edges from original function to every new function");
+ Node &N1 = get(*F1);
+ for (Function *F2 : NewFunctions) {
+ if (F1 == F2)
+ continue;
+ Node &N2 = get(*F2);
+ assert(!N1->lookup(N2)->isCall() &&
+ "Edges between new functions must be ref edges");
+ }
+ }
LazyCallGraph::Node &LazyCallGraph::insertInto(Function &F, Node *&MappedN) {
return *new (MappedN = BPA.Allocate()) Node(*this, F);
RC->G = this;
-LazyCallGraph::Node &LazyCallGraph::initNode(Node &N, LazyCallGraph::SCC &C) {
- NodeMap[&N.getFunction()] = &N;
+LazyCallGraph::Node &LazyCallGraph::initNode(Function &F) {
+ Node &N = get(F);
N.DFSNumber = N.LowLink = -1;
- C.Nodes.push_back(&N);
- SCCMap[&N] = &C;
+ NodeMap[&F] = &N;
return N;
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
EXPECT_EQ(&RC2, &*I++);
EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+TEST(LazyCallGraphTest, AddSplitFunction1) {
+ LLVMContext Context;
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssembly(Context, "define void @f() {\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n");
+ LazyCallGraph CG = buildCG(*M);
+ Function &F = lookupFunction(*M, "f");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &FN = CG.get(F);
+ // Force the graph to be fully expanded.
+ CG.buildRefSCCs();
+ auto I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *ORC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ auto *G = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g", F.getParent());
+ BasicBlock *GBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, GBB);
+ // Create f -call-> g.
+ (void)CallInst::Create(G, {}, "", &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(verifyModule(*M, &errs()));
+ CG.addSplitFunction(F, *G);
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *GN = CG.lookup(*G);
+ I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC1 = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC1, CG.lookupRefSCC(*GN));
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC2 = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC2, CG.lookupRefSCC(FN));
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+TEST(LazyCallGraphTest, AddSplitFunction2) {
+ LLVMContext Context;
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssembly(Context, "define void @f() {\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n");
+ LazyCallGraph CG = buildCG(*M);
+ Function &F = lookupFunction(*M, "f");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &FN = CG.get(F);
+ // Force the graph to be fully expanded.
+ CG.buildRefSCCs();
+ auto I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *ORC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ auto *G = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g", F.getParent());
+ BasicBlock *GBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, GBB);
+ // Create f -ref-> g.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "",
+ &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(verifyModule(*M, &errs()));
+ CG.addSplitFunction(F, *G);
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *GN = CG.lookup(*G);
+ I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC1 = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC1, CG.lookupRefSCC(*GN));
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC2 = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC2, CG.lookupRefSCC(FN));
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+TEST(LazyCallGraphTest, AddSplitFunction3) {
+ LLVMContext Context;
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssembly(Context, "define void @f() {\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n");
+ LazyCallGraph CG = buildCG(*M);
+ Function &F = lookupFunction(*M, "f");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &FN = CG.get(F);
+ // Force the graph to be fully expanded.
+ CG.buildRefSCCs();
+ auto I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *ORC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ auto *G = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g", F.getParent());
+ BasicBlock *GBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G);
+ // Create g -ref-> f.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(&F, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "", GBB);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, GBB);
+ // Create f -call-> g.
+ (void)CallInst::Create(G, {}, "", &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(verifyModule(*M, &errs()));
+ CG.addSplitFunction(F, *G);
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *GN = CG.lookup(*G);
+ I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC, CG.lookupRefSCC(*GN));
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, RC->size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(*GN), &(*RC)[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(FN), &(*RC)[1]);
+TEST(LazyCallGraphTest, AddSplitFunction4) {
+ LLVMContext Context;
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssembly(Context, "define void @f() {\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n");
+ LazyCallGraph CG = buildCG(*M);
+ Function &F = lookupFunction(*M, "f");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &FN = CG.get(F);
+ // Force the graph to be fully expanded.
+ CG.buildRefSCCs();
+ auto I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *ORC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ auto *G = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g", F.getParent());
+ BasicBlock *GBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G);
+ // Create g -ref-> f.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(&F, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "", GBB);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, GBB);
+ // Create f -ref-> g.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "",
+ &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(verifyModule(*M, &errs()));
+ CG.addSplitFunction(F, *G);
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *GN = CG.lookup(*G);
+ I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC, CG.lookupRefSCC(*GN));
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ // Order doesn't matter for sibling SCCs.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, RC->size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(&CG.lookupSCC(*GN)->getOuterRefSCC(), RC);
+ EXPECT_EQ(&CG.lookupSCC(FN)->getOuterRefSCC(), RC);
+TEST(LazyCallGraphTest, AddSplitFunction5) {
+ LLVMContext Context;
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssembly(Context, "define void @f() {\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n");
+ LazyCallGraph CG = buildCG(*M);
+ Function &F = lookupFunction(*M, "f");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &FN = CG.get(F);
+ // Force the graph to be fully expanded.
+ CG.buildRefSCCs();
+ auto I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *ORC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ auto *G = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g", F.getParent());
+ BasicBlock *GBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G);
+ // Create g -call-> f.
+ (void)CallInst::Create(&F, {}, "", GBB);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, GBB);
+ // Create f -ref-> g.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "",
+ &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(verifyModule(*M, &errs()));
+ CG.addSplitFunction(F, *G);
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *GN = CG.lookup(*G);
+ I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC, CG.lookupRefSCC(*GN));
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, RC->size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(FN), &(*RC)[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(*GN), &(*RC)[1]);
+TEST(LazyCallGraphTest, AddSplitFunction6) {
+ LLVMContext Context;
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssembly(Context, "define void @f() {\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n");
+ LazyCallGraph CG = buildCG(*M);
+ Function &F = lookupFunction(*M, "f");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &FN = CG.get(F);
+ // Force the graph to be fully expanded.
+ CG.buildRefSCCs();
+ auto I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *ORC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ auto *G = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g", F.getParent());
+ BasicBlock *GBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G);
+ // Create g -call-> f.
+ (void)CallInst::Create(&F, {}, "", GBB);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, GBB);
+ // Create f -call-> g.
+ (void)CallInst::Create(G, {}, "", &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(verifyModule(*M, &errs()));
+ CG.addSplitFunction(F, *G);
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *GN = CG.lookup(*G);
+ I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC, CG.lookupRefSCC(*GN));
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, RC->size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(FN), &(*RC)[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(*GN), &(*RC)[0]);
+TEST(LazyCallGraphTest, AddSplitFunction7) {
+ LLVMContext Context;
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssembly(Context, "define void @f() {\n"
+ " call void @f2()\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "define void @f2() {\n"
+ " call void @f()\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n");
+ LazyCallGraph CG = buildCG(*M);
+ Function &F = lookupFunction(*M, "f");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &FN = CG.get(F);
+ Function &F2 = lookupFunction(*M, "f2");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &F2N = CG.get(F2);
+ // Force the graph to be fully expanded.
+ CG.buildRefSCCs();
+ auto I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *ORC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ auto *G = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g", F.getParent());
+ BasicBlock *GBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G);
+ // Create g -call-> f2.
+ (void)CallInst::Create(&F2, {}, "", GBB);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, GBB);
+ // Create f -call-> g.
+ (void)CallInst::Create(G, {}, "", &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(verifyModule(*M, &errs()));
+ CG.addSplitFunction(F, *G);
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *GN = CG.lookup(*G);
+ I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC, CG.lookupRefSCC(*GN));
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, RC->size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(FN), &(*RC)[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(F2N), &(*RC)[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(*GN), &(*RC)[0]);
+TEST(LazyCallGraphTest, AddSplitFunction8) {
+ LLVMContext Context;
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssembly(Context, "define void @f() {\n"
+ " call void @f2()\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "define void @f2() {\n"
+ " call void @f()\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n");
+ LazyCallGraph CG = buildCG(*M);
+ Function &F = lookupFunction(*M, "f");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &FN = CG.get(F);
+ Function &F2 = lookupFunction(*M, "f2");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &F2N = CG.get(F2);
+ // Force the graph to be fully expanded.
+ CG.buildRefSCCs();
+ auto I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *ORC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ auto *G = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g", F.getParent());
+ BasicBlock *GBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G);
+ // Create g -call-> f2.
+ (void)CallInst::Create(&F2, {}, "", GBB);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, GBB);
+ // Create f -ref-> g.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "",
+ &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(verifyModule(*M, &errs()));
+ CG.addSplitFunction(F, *G);
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *GN = CG.lookup(*G);
+ I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC, CG.lookupRefSCC(*GN));
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, RC->size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(FN), &(*RC)[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(F2N), &(*RC)[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(*GN), &(*RC)[1]);
+TEST(LazyCallGraphTest, AddSplitFunction9) {
+ LLVMContext Context;
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssembly(Context, "define void @f() {\n"
+ " call void @f2()\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "define void @f2() {\n"
+ " call void @f()\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n");
+ LazyCallGraph CG = buildCG(*M);
+ Function &F = lookupFunction(*M, "f");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &FN = CG.get(F);
+ Function &F2 = lookupFunction(*M, "f2");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &F2N = CG.get(F2);
+ // Force the graph to be fully expanded.
+ CG.buildRefSCCs();
+ auto I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *ORC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ auto *G = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g", F.getParent());
+ BasicBlock *GBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G);
+ // Create g -ref-> f2.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(&F2, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "", GBB);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, GBB);
+ // Create f -call-> g.
+ (void)CallInst::Create(G, {}, "", &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(verifyModule(*M, &errs()));
+ CG.addSplitFunction(F, *G);
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *GN = CG.lookup(*G);
+ I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC, CG.lookupRefSCC(*GN));
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, RC->size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(*GN), &(*RC)[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(FN), &(*RC)[1]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.lookupSCC(F2N), &(*RC)[1]);
+TEST(LazyCallGraphTest, AddSplitFunctions1) {
+ LLVMContext Context;
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssembly(Context, "define void @f() {\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n");
+ LazyCallGraph CG = buildCG(*M);
+ Function &F = lookupFunction(*M, "f");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &FN = CG.get(F);
+ // Force the graph to be fully expanded.
+ CG.buildRefSCCs();
+ auto I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *ORC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ auto *G = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g", F.getParent());
+ BasicBlock *GBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, GBB);
+ // Create f -ref-> g.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "",
+ &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(verifyModule(*M, &errs()));
+ CG.addSplitRefRecursiveFunctions(F, SmallVector<Function *, 1>({G}));
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *GN = CG.lookup(*G);
+ I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC1 = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC1, CG.lookupRefSCC(*GN));
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC2 = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC2, CG.lookupRefSCC(FN));
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+TEST(LazyCallGraphTest, AddSplitFunctions2) {
+ LLVMContext Context;
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssembly(Context, "define void @f() {\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n");
+ LazyCallGraph CG = buildCG(*M);
+ Function &F = lookupFunction(*M, "f");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &FN = CG.get(F);
+ // Force the graph to be fully expanded.
+ CG.buildRefSCCs();
+ auto I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *ORC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ auto *G = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g", F.getParent());
+ BasicBlock *GBB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G);
+ // Create g -ref-> f.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(&F, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "", GBB);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, GBB);
+ // Create f -ref-> g.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "",
+ &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(verifyModule(*M, &errs()));
+ CG.addSplitRefRecursiveFunctions(F, SmallVector<Function *, 1>({G}));
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *GN = CG.lookup(*G);
+ I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC, CG.lookupRefSCC(*GN));
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ // Order doesn't matter for sibling SCCs.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, RC->size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(&CG.lookupSCC(*GN)->getOuterRefSCC(), RC);
+ EXPECT_EQ(&CG.lookupSCC(FN)->getOuterRefSCC(), RC);
+TEST(LazyCallGraphTest, AddSplitFunctions3) {
+ LLVMContext Context;
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssembly(Context, "define void @f() {\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n");
+ LazyCallGraph CG = buildCG(*M);
+ Function &F = lookupFunction(*M, "f");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &FN = CG.get(F);
+ // Force the graph to be fully expanded.
+ CG.buildRefSCCs();
+ auto I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *ORC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ auto *G1 = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g1", F.getParent());
+ auto *G2 = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g2", F.getParent());
+ BasicBlock *G1BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G1);
+ BasicBlock *G2BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G2);
+ // Create g1 -ref-> g2 and g2 -ref-> g1.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G2, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "", G1BB);
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G1, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "", G2BB);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, G1BB);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, G2BB);
+ // Create f -ref-> g1 and f -ref-> g2.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G1, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "",
+ &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G2, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "",
+ &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(verifyModule(*M, &errs()));
+ CG.addSplitRefRecursiveFunctions(F, SmallVector<Function *, 1>({G1, G2}));
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *G1N = CG.lookup(*G1);
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *G2N = CG.lookup(*G2);
+ I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC1 = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, RC1->size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC1, CG.lookupRefSCC(*G1N));
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC1, CG.lookupRefSCC(*G2N));
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC2 = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC2, CG.lookupRefSCC(FN));
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+TEST(LazyCallGraphTest, AddSplitFunctions4) {
+ LLVMContext Context;
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssembly(Context, "define void @f() {\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n");
+ LazyCallGraph CG = buildCG(*M);
+ Function &F = lookupFunction(*M, "f");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &FN = CG.get(F);
+ // Force the graph to be fully expanded.
+ CG.buildRefSCCs();
+ auto I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *ORC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ auto *G1 = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g1", F.getParent());
+ auto *G2 = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g2", F.getParent());
+ BasicBlock *G1BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G1);
+ BasicBlock *G2BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G2);
+ // Create g1 -ref-> g2 and g2 -ref-> g1.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G2, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "", G1BB);
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G1, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "", G2BB);
+ // Create g2 -ref-> f.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(&F, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "", G2BB);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, G1BB);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, G2BB);
+ // Create f -ref-> g1 and f -ref-> g2.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G1, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "",
+ &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G2, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "",
+ &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(verifyModule(*M, &errs()));
+ CG.addSplitRefRecursiveFunctions(F, SmallVector<Function *, 1>({G1, G2}));
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *G1N = CG.lookup(*G1);
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *G2N = CG.lookup(*G2);
+ I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ // Order doesn't matter for sibling SCCs.
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, RC->size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(&CG.lookupSCC(FN)->getOuterRefSCC(), RC);
+ EXPECT_EQ(&CG.lookupSCC(*G1N)->getOuterRefSCC(), RC);
+ EXPECT_EQ(&CG.lookupSCC(*G2N)->getOuterRefSCC(), RC);
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC, CG.lookupRefSCC(*G1N));
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC, CG.lookupRefSCC(*G2N));
+TEST(LazyCallGraphTest, AddSplitFunctions5) {
+ LLVMContext Context;
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> M =
+ parseAssembly(Context, "define void @f() {\n"
+ " %1 = bitcast void ()* @f2 to i8*\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "define void @f2() {\n"
+ " call void @f()\n"
+ " ret void\n"
+ "}\n");
+ LazyCallGraph CG = buildCG(*M);
+ Function &F = lookupFunction(*M, "f");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &FN = CG.get(F);
+ Function &F2 = lookupFunction(*M, "f2");
+ LazyCallGraph::Node &F2N = CG.get(F);
+ // Force the graph to be fully expanded.
+ CG.buildRefSCCs();
+ auto I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *ORC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);
+ auto *G1 = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g1", F.getParent());
+ auto *G2 = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(), F.getLinkage(),
+ F.getAddressSpace(), "g2", F.getParent());
+ BasicBlock *G1BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G1);
+ BasicBlock *G2BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "", G2);
+ // Create g1 -ref-> g2 and g2 -ref-> g1.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G2, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "", G1BB);
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G1, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "", G2BB);
+ // Create g2 -ref-> f2.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(&F2, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "", G2BB);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, G1BB);
+ (void)ReturnInst::Create(Context, G2BB);
+ // Create f -ref-> g1 and f -ref-> g2.
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G1, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "",
+ &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ (void)CastInst::CreatePointerCast(G2, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context), "",
+ &*F.getEntryBlock().begin());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(verifyModule(*M, &errs()));
+ CG.addSplitRefRecursiveFunctions(F, SmallVector<Function *, 1>({G1, G2}));
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *G1N = CG.lookup(*G1);
+ LazyCallGraph::Node *G2N = CG.lookup(*G2);
+ I = CG.postorder_ref_scc_begin();
+ LazyCallGraph::RefSCC *RC = &*I++;
+ EXPECT_EQ(4, RC->size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC, CG.lookupRefSCC(*G1N));
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC, CG.lookupRefSCC(*G2N));
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC, CG.lookupRefSCC(FN));
+ EXPECT_EQ(RC, CG.lookupRefSCC(F2N));
+ EXPECT_EQ(CG.postorder_ref_scc_end(), I);