--- /dev/null
+import gdbremote_testcase
+class GdbRemoteForkTestBase(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
+ fork_regex = ("[$]T05thread:p([0-9a-f]+)[.]([0-9a-f]+);.*"
+ "{}:p([0-9a-f]+)[.]([0-9a-f]+).*")
+ fork_regex_nonstop = ("%Stop:T05thread:p([0-9a-f]+)[.]([0-9a-f]+);.*"
+ "{}:p([0-9a-f]+)[.]([0-9a-f]+).*")
+ fork_capture = {1: "parent_pid", 2: "parent_tid",
+ 3: "child_pid", 4: "child_tid"}
+ def start_fork_test(self, args, variant="fork", nonstop=False):
+ self.build()
+ self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=args)
+ self.add_qSupported_packets(["multiprocess+",
+ "{}-events+".format(variant)])
+ ret = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+ self.assertIn("{}-events+".format(variant), ret["qSupported_response"])
+ self.reset_test_sequence()
+ # continue and expect fork
+ if nonstop:
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ "read packet: $QNonStop:1#00",
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ "read packet: $c#00",
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ {"direction": "send",
+ "regex": self.fork_regex_nonstop.format(variant),
+ "capture": self.fork_capture},
+ "read packet: $vStopped#00",
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ ], True)
+ else:
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ "read packet: $c#00",
+ {"direction": "send", "regex": self.fork_regex.format(variant),
+ "capture": self.fork_capture},
+ ], True)
+ ret = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+ self.reset_test_sequence()
+ return tuple(ret[x] for x in ("parent_pid", "parent_tid",
+ "child_pid", "child_tid"))
+ def fork_and_detach_test(self, variant, nonstop=False):
+ parent_pid, parent_tid, child_pid, child_tid = (
+ self.start_fork_test([variant], variant, nonstop=nonstop))
+ # detach the forked child
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ "read packet: $D;{}#00".format(child_pid),
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ # verify that the current process is correct
+ "read packet: $qC#00",
+ "send packet: $QCp{}.{}#00".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
+ # verify that the correct processes are detached/available
+ "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
+ "send packet: $Eff#00",
+ "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ ], True)
+ self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+ self.reset_test_sequence()
+ return parent_pid, parent_tid
+ def fork_and_follow_test(self, variant, nonstop=False):
+ parent_pid, parent_tid, child_pid, child_tid = (
+ self.start_fork_test([variant], variant, nonstop=nonstop))
+ # switch to the forked child
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ "read packet: $Hcp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ # detach the parent
+ "read packet: $D;{}#00".format(parent_pid),
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ # verify that the correct processes are detached/available
+ "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
+ "send packet: $Eff#00",
+ "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ # then resume the child
+ "read packet: $c#00",
+ ], True)
+ if nonstop:
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ "send packet: %Stop:W00;process:{}#00".format(child_pid),
+ "read packet: $vStopped#00",
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ ], True)
+ else:
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ "send packet: $W00;process:{}#00".format(child_pid),
+ ], True)
+ self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+ def detach_all_test(self, nonstop=False):
+ parent_pid, parent_tid, child_pid, child_tid = (
+ self.start_fork_test(["fork"], nonstop=nonstop))
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ # double-check our PIDs
+ "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ # detach all processes
+ "read packet: $D#00",
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ # verify that both PIDs are invalid now
+ "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
+ "send packet: $Eff#00",
+ "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
+ "send packet: $Eff#00",
+ ], True)
+ self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+ def vkill_test(self, kill_parent=False, kill_child=False, nonstop=False):
+ assert kill_parent or kill_child
+ parent_pid, parent_tid, child_pid, child_tid = (
+ self.start_fork_test(["fork"], nonstop=nonstop))
+ if kill_parent:
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ # kill the process
+ "read packet: $vKill;{}#00".format(parent_pid),
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ ], True)
+ if kill_child:
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ # kill the process
+ "read packet: $vKill;{}#00".format(child_pid),
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ ], True)
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ # check child PID/TID
+ "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
+ "send packet: ${}#00".format("Eff" if kill_child else "OK"),
+ # check parent PID/TID
+ "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
+ "send packet: ${}#00".format("Eff" if kill_parent else "OK"),
+ ], True)
+ self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+ def resume_one_test(self, run_order, use_vCont=False, nonstop=False):
+ parent_pid, parent_tid, child_pid, child_tid = (
+ self.start_fork_test(["fork", "trap"], nonstop=nonstop))
+ parent_expect = [
+ "T05thread:p{}.{};.*".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
+ "W00;process:{}#.*".format(parent_pid),
+ ]
+ child_expect = [
+ "T05thread:p{}.{};.*".format(child_pid, child_tid),
+ "W00;process:{}#.*".format(child_pid),
+ ]
+ for x in run_order:
+ if x == "parent":
+ pidtid = (parent_pid, parent_tid)
+ expect = parent_expect.pop(0)
+ elif x == "child":
+ pidtid = (child_pid, child_tid)
+ expect = child_expect.pop(0)
+ else:
+ assert False, "unexpected x={}".format(x)
+ if use_vCont:
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ # continue the selected process
+ "read packet: $vCont;c:p{}.{}#00".format(*pidtid),
+ ], True)
+ else:
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ # continue the selected process
+ "read packet: $Hcp{}.{}#00".format(*pidtid),
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ "read packet: $c#00",
+ ], True)
+ if nonstop:
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ {"direction": "send", "regex": "%Stop:" + expect},
+ "read packet: $vStopped#00",
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ ], True)
+ else:
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ {"direction": "send", "regex": "[$]" + expect},
+ ], True)
+ # if at least one process remained, check both PIDs
+ if parent_expect or child_expect:
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
+ "send packet: ${}#00".format("OK" if parent_expect else "Eff"),
+ "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
+ "send packet: ${}#00".format("OK" if child_expect else "Eff"),
+ ], True)
+ self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
import random
-import gdbremote_testcase
from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
-from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil
-class TestGdbRemoteFork(gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase):
+from fork_testbase import GdbRemoteForkTestBase
- fork_regex = ("[$]T05thread:p([0-9a-f]+)[.]([0-9a-f]+);.*"
- "{}:p([0-9a-f]+)[.]([0-9a-f]+).*")
- fork_regex_nonstop = ("%Stop:T05thread:p([0-9a-f]+)[.]([0-9a-f]+);.*"
- "{}:p([0-9a-f]+)[.]([0-9a-f]+).*")
- fork_capture = {1: "parent_pid", 2: "parent_tid",
- 3: "child_pid", 4: "child_tid"}
- def start_fork_test(self, args, variant="fork", nonstop=False):
- self.build()
- self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=args)
- self.add_qSupported_packets(["multiprocess+",
- "{}-events+".format(variant)])
- ret = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
- self.assertIn("{}-events+".format(variant), ret["qSupported_response"])
- self.reset_test_sequence()
- # continue and expect fork
- if nonstop:
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- "read packet: $QNonStop:1#00",
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- "read packet: $c#00",
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- {"direction": "send",
- "regex": self.fork_regex_nonstop.format(variant),
- "capture": self.fork_capture},
- "read packet: $vStopped#00",
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- ], True)
- else:
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- "read packet: $c#00",
- {"direction": "send", "regex": self.fork_regex.format(variant),
- "capture": self.fork_capture},
- ], True)
- ret = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
- self.reset_test_sequence()
- return tuple(ret[x] for x in ("parent_pid", "parent_tid",
- "child_pid", "child_tid"))
+class TestGdbRemoteFork(GdbRemoteForkTestBase):
def test_fork_multithreaded(self):
_, _, child_pid, _ = self.start_fork_test(["thread:new"]*2 + ["fork"])
], True)
- def fork_and_detach_test(self, variant, nonstop=False):
- parent_pid, parent_tid, child_pid, child_tid = (
- self.start_fork_test([variant], variant, nonstop=nonstop))
- # detach the forked child
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- "read packet: $D;{}#00".format(child_pid),
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- # verify that the current process is correct
- "read packet: $qC#00",
- "send packet: $QCp{}.{}#00".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
- # verify that the correct processes are detached/available
- "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
- "send packet: $Eff#00",
- "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- ], True)
- self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
- self.reset_test_sequence()
- return parent_pid, parent_tid
def test_fork(self):
parent_pid, _ = self.fork_and_detach_test("fork")
], True)
- @add_test_categories(["fork"])
- def test_fork_nonstop(self):
- parent_pid, _ = self.fork_and_detach_test("fork", nonstop=True)
- # resume the parent
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- "read packet: $c#00",
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- "send packet: %Stop:W00;process:{}#00".format(parent_pid),
- "read packet: $vStopped#00",
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- ], True)
- self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
def test_vfork(self):
parent_pid, parent_tid = self.fork_and_detach_test("vfork")
], True)
- @add_test_categories(["fork"])
- def test_vfork_nonstop(self):
- parent_pid, parent_tid = self.fork_and_detach_test("vfork",
- nonstop=True)
- # resume the parent
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- "read packet: $c#00",
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- {"direction": "send",
- "regex": r"%Stop:T05thread:p{}[.]{}.*vforkdone.*".format(
- parent_pid, parent_tid),
- },
- "read packet: $vStopped#00",
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- "read packet: $c#00",
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- "send packet: %Stop:W00;process:{}#00".format(parent_pid),
- "read packet: $vStopped#00",
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- ], True)
- self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
- def fork_and_follow_test(self, variant, nonstop=False):
- parent_pid, parent_tid, child_pid, child_tid = (
- self.start_fork_test([variant], variant, nonstop=nonstop))
- # switch to the forked child
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- "read packet: $Hcp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- # detach the parent
- "read packet: $D;{}#00".format(parent_pid),
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- # verify that the correct processes are detached/available
- "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
- "send packet: $Eff#00",
- "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- # then resume the child
- "read packet: $c#00",
- ], True)
- if nonstop:
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- "send packet: %Stop:W00;process:{}#00".format(child_pid),
- "read packet: $vStopped#00",
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- ], True)
- else:
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- "send packet: $W00;process:{}#00".format(child_pid),
- ], True)
- self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
def test_fork_follow(self):
- @add_test_categories(["fork"])
- def test_fork_follow_nonstop(self):
- self.fork_and_follow_test("fork", nonstop=True)
def test_vfork_follow(self):
- @add_test_categories(["fork"])
- def test_vfork_follow_nonstop(self):
- self.fork_and_follow_test("vfork", nonstop=True)
def test_select_wrong_pid(self):
], True)
- def detach_all_test(self, nonstop=False):
- parent_pid, parent_tid, child_pid, child_tid = (
- self.start_fork_test(["fork"], nonstop=nonstop))
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- # double-check our PIDs
- "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- # detach all processes
- "read packet: $D#00",
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- # verify that both PIDs are invalid now
- "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
- "send packet: $Eff#00",
- "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
- "send packet: $Eff#00",
- ], True)
- self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
def test_detach_all(self):
- @add_test_categories(["fork"])
- def test_detach_all_nonstop(self):
- self.detach_all_test(nonstop=True)
def test_kill_all(self):
parent_pid, _, child_pid, _ = self.start_fork_test(["fork"])
self.assertEqual(set([ret["pid1"], ret["pid2"]]),
set([parent_pid, child_pid]))
- @add_test_categories(["fork"])
- def test_kill_all_nonstop(self):
- parent_pid, _, child_pid, _ = self.start_fork_test(["fork"],
- nonstop=True)
- exit_regex = "X09;process:([0-9a-f]+)"
- # Depending on a potential race, the second kill may make it into
- # the async queue before we issue vStopped or after. In the former
- # case, we should expect the exit status in reply to vStopped.
- # In the latter, we should expect an OK response (queue empty),
- # followed by another async notification.
- vstop_regex = "[$](OK|{})#.*".format(exit_regex)
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- # kill all processes
- "read packet: $k#00",
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- {"direction": "send", "regex": "%Stop:{}#.*".format(exit_regex),
- "capture": {1: "pid1"}},
- "read packet: $vStopped#00",
- {"direction": "send", "regex": vstop_regex,
- "capture": {1: "vstop_reply", 2: "pid2"}},
- ], True)
- ret = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
- pid1 = ret["pid1"]
- if ret["vstop_reply"] == "OK":
- self.reset_test_sequence()
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- {"direction": "send", "regex": "%Stop:{}#.*".format(exit_regex),
- "capture": {1: "pid2"}},
- ], True)
- ret = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
- pid2 = ret["pid2"]
- self.reset_test_sequence()
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- "read packet: $vStopped#00",
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- ], True)
- self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
- self.assertEqual(set([ret["pid1"], ret["pid2"]]),
- set([parent_pid, child_pid]))
- def vkill_test(self, kill_parent=False, kill_child=False, nonstop=False):
- assert kill_parent or kill_child
- parent_pid, parent_tid, child_pid, child_tid = (
- self.start_fork_test(["fork"], nonstop=nonstop))
- if kill_parent:
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- # kill the process
- "read packet: $vKill;{}#00".format(parent_pid),
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- ], True)
- if kill_child:
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- # kill the process
- "read packet: $vKill;{}#00".format(child_pid),
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- ], True)
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- # check child PID/TID
- "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
- "send packet: ${}#00".format("Eff" if kill_child else "OK"),
- # check parent PID/TID
- "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
- "send packet: ${}#00".format("Eff" if kill_parent else "OK"),
- ], True)
- self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
def test_vkill_child(self):
def test_vkill_both(self):
self.vkill_test(kill_parent=True, kill_child=True)
- @add_test_categories(["fork"])
- def test_vkill_both_nonstop(self):
- self.vkill_test(kill_parent=True, kill_child=True, nonstop=True)
- def resume_one_test(self, run_order, use_vCont=False, nonstop=False):
- parent_pid, parent_tid, child_pid, child_tid = (
- self.start_fork_test(["fork", "trap"], nonstop=nonstop))
- parent_expect = [
- "T05thread:p{}.{};.*".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
- "W00;process:{}#.*".format(parent_pid),
- ]
- child_expect = [
- "T05thread:p{}.{};.*".format(child_pid, child_tid),
- "W00;process:{}#.*".format(child_pid),
- ]
- for x in run_order:
- if x == "parent":
- pidtid = (parent_pid, parent_tid)
- expect = parent_expect.pop(0)
- elif x == "child":
- pidtid = (child_pid, child_tid)
- expect = child_expect.pop(0)
- else:
- assert False, "unexpected x={}".format(x)
- if use_vCont:
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- # continue the selected process
- "read packet: $vCont;c:p{}.{}#00".format(*pidtid),
- ], True)
- else:
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- # continue the selected process
- "read packet: $Hcp{}.{}#00".format(*pidtid),
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- "read packet: $c#00",
- ], True)
- if nonstop:
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- {"direction": "send", "regex": "%Stop:" + expect},
- "read packet: $vStopped#00",
- "send packet: $OK#00",
- ], True)
- else:
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- {"direction": "send", "regex": "[$]" + expect},
- ], True)
- # if at least one process remained, check both PIDs
- if parent_expect or child_expect:
- self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
- "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(parent_pid, parent_tid),
- "send packet: ${}#00".format("OK" if parent_expect else "Eff"),
- "read packet: $Hgp{}.{}#00".format(child_pid, child_tid),
- "send packet: ${}#00".format("OK" if child_expect else "Eff"),
- ], True)
- self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
@expectedFailureAll(archs=["arm"]) # TODO
def test_c_interspersed(self):
self.resume_one_test(run_order=["parent", "child", "parent", "child"])
- @expectedFailureAll(archs=["arm"]) # TODO
- @expectedFailureAll(archs=["aarch64"],
- bugnumber="https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/56268")
- @add_test_categories(["fork"])
- def test_c_interspersed_nonstop(self):
- self.resume_one_test(run_order=["parent", "child", "parent", "child"],
- nonstop=True)
@expectedFailureAll(archs=["arm"]) # TODO
self.resume_one_test(run_order=["parent", "child", "parent", "child"],
- @expectedFailureAll(archs=["arm"]) # TODO
- @expectedFailureAll(archs=["aarch64"],
- bugnumber="https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/56268")
- @add_test_categories(["fork"])
- def test_vCont_interspersed_nonstop(self):
- self.resume_one_test(run_order=["parent", "child", "parent", "child"],
- use_vCont=True, nonstop=True)
def test_vCont_two_processes(self):
parent_pid, parent_tid, child_pid, child_tid = (
--- /dev/null
+from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
+from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
+from fork_testbase import GdbRemoteForkTestBase
+class TestGdbRemoteForkNonStop(GdbRemoteForkTestBase):
+ @add_test_categories(["fork"])
+ def test_vfork_nonstop(self):
+ parent_pid, parent_tid = self.fork_and_detach_test("vfork",
+ nonstop=True)
+ # resume the parent
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ "read packet: $c#00",
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ {"direction": "send",
+ "regex": r"%Stop:T05thread:p{}[.]{}.*vforkdone.*".format(
+ parent_pid, parent_tid),
+ },
+ "read packet: $vStopped#00",
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ "read packet: $c#00",
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ "send packet: %Stop:W00;process:{}#00".format(parent_pid),
+ "read packet: $vStopped#00",
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ ], True)
+ self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+ @add_test_categories(["fork"])
+ def test_fork_nonstop(self):
+ parent_pid, _ = self.fork_and_detach_test("fork", nonstop=True)
+ # resume the parent
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ "read packet: $c#00",
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ "send packet: %Stop:W00;process:{}#00".format(parent_pid),
+ "read packet: $vStopped#00",
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ ], True)
+ self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+ @add_test_categories(["fork"])
+ def test_fork_follow_nonstop(self):
+ self.fork_and_follow_test("fork", nonstop=True)
+ @add_test_categories(["fork"])
+ def test_vfork_follow_nonstop(self):
+ self.fork_and_follow_test("vfork", nonstop=True)
+ @add_test_categories(["fork"])
+ def test_detach_all_nonstop(self):
+ self.detach_all_test(nonstop=True)
+ @add_test_categories(["fork"])
+ def test_kill_all_nonstop(self):
+ parent_pid, _, child_pid, _ = self.start_fork_test(["fork"],
+ nonstop=True)
+ exit_regex = "X09;process:([0-9a-f]+)"
+ # Depending on a potential race, the second kill may make it into
+ # the async queue before we issue vStopped or after. In the former
+ # case, we should expect the exit status in reply to vStopped.
+ # In the latter, we should expect an OK response (queue empty),
+ # followed by another async notification.
+ vstop_regex = "[$](OK|{})#.*".format(exit_regex)
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ # kill all processes
+ "read packet: $k#00",
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ {"direction": "send", "regex": "%Stop:{}#.*".format(exit_regex),
+ "capture": {1: "pid1"}},
+ "read packet: $vStopped#00",
+ {"direction": "send", "regex": vstop_regex,
+ "capture": {1: "vstop_reply", 2: "pid2"}},
+ ], True)
+ ret = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+ pid1 = ret["pid1"]
+ if ret["vstop_reply"] == "OK":
+ self.reset_test_sequence()
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ {"direction": "send", "regex": "%Stop:{}#.*".format(exit_regex),
+ "capture": {1: "pid2"}},
+ ], True)
+ ret = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+ pid2 = ret["pid2"]
+ self.reset_test_sequence()
+ self.test_sequence.add_log_lines([
+ "read packet: $vStopped#00",
+ "send packet: $OK#00",
+ ], True)
+ self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+ self.assertEqual(set([ret["pid1"], ret["pid2"]]),
+ set([parent_pid, child_pid]))
+ @add_test_categories(["fork"])
+ def test_vkill_both_nonstop(self):
+ self.vkill_test(kill_parent=True, kill_child=True, nonstop=True)
+ @expectedFailureAll(archs=["arm"]) # TODO
+ @expectedFailureAll(archs=["aarch64"],
+ bugnumber="https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/56268")
+ @add_test_categories(["fork"])
+ def test_c_interspersed_nonstop(self):
+ self.resume_one_test(run_order=["parent", "child", "parent", "child"],
+ nonstop=True)
+ @expectedFailureAll(archs=["arm"]) # TODO
+ @expectedFailureAll(archs=["aarch64"],
+ bugnumber="https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/56268")
+ @add_test_categories(["fork"])
+ def test_vCont_interspersed_nonstop(self):
+ self.resume_one_test(run_order=["parent", "child", "parent", "child"],
+ use_vCont=True, nonstop=True)