#include "zypp/solver/detail/Helper.h"
#include "zypp/base/String.h"
-#include "zypp/Capabilities.h"
+#include "zypp/Capability.h"
#include "zypp/ResStatus.h"
#include "zypp/base/Logger.h"
#include "zypp/base/String.h"
#include "zypp/sat/SATResolver.h"
#include "zypp/sat/Pool.h"
#include "zypp/solver/detail/ProblemSolutionCombi.h"
+#include "zypp/solver/detail/Testcase.h"
extern "C" {
#include "satsolver/repo_solv.h"
, _architecture( zypp_detail::defaultArchitecture() )
+ Testcase testcase("/var/log/YaST2/autotestcase");
+ testcase.createTestcasePool (pool); // dump pool to testcase
-SATResolver::addPoolItemToLockUninstalled (PoolItem_Ref item)
+SATResolver::addPoolItemToLock (PoolItem_Ref item)
- _items_to_lockUninstalled.push_back (item);
- _items_to_lockUninstalled.unique ();
-SATResolver::addPoolItemToKepp (PoolItem_Ref item)
- _items_to_keep.push_back (item);
- _items_to_keep.unique ();
+ _items_to_lock.push_back (item);
+ _items_to_lock.unique ();
if (status.isLocked()
- && status.isUninstalled()) {
- // This item could be selected by solver in a former run. Now it
- // is locked. So we will have to evaluate a new solver run.
- resolver.addPoolItemToLockUninstalled (item);
+ || (status.isKept()
+ && !by_solver)) {
+ resolver.addPoolItemToLock (item);
- if (status.isKept()
- && !by_solver) {
- // collecting all keep states
- resolver.addPoolItemToKepp (item);
- }
return true;
+class CheckIfUpdate : public resfilter::PoolItemFilterFunctor
+ public:
+ bool is_updated;
+ CheckIfUpdate()
+ : is_updated( false )
+ {}
+ // check this item will be installed
+ bool operator()( PoolItem_Ref item )
+ {
+ if (item.status().isToBeInstalled())
+ {
+ is_updated = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+SATResolver::resolvePool(const CapabilitySet & requires_caps,
+ const CapabilitySet & conflict_caps)
SATCollectTransact info (*this);
MIL << "SATResolver::resolvePool()" << endl;
queue_init( &jobQueue );
+ _items_to_lock.clear();
invokeOnEach ( _pool.begin(), _pool.end(),
resfilter::ByTransact( ), // collect transacts from Pool to resolver queue
queue_push( &(jobQueue), SOLVER_ERASE_SOLVABLE_NAME );
queue_push( &(jobQueue), s->name);
+ for (CapabilitySet::const_iterator iter = requires_caps.begin(); iter != requires_caps.end(); iter++) {
+ queue_push( &(jobQueue), SOLVER_INSTALL_SOLVABLE_PROVIDES );
+ queue_push( &(jobQueue), str2id( _SATPool, (iter->asString()).c_str(), 1 ) );
+ MIL << "Requires " << iter->asString() << endl;
+ }
+ for (CapabilitySet::const_iterator iter = conflict_caps.begin(); iter != conflict_caps.end(); iter++) {
+ queue_push( &(jobQueue), SOLVER_ERASE_SOLVABLE_PROVIDES);
+ queue_push( &(jobQueue), str2id( _SATPool, (iter->asString()).c_str(), 1 ));
+ MIL << "Conflicts " << iter->asString() << endl;
+ }
+ for (PoolItemList::const_iterator iter = _items_to_lock.begin(); iter != _items_to_lock.end(); iter++) {
+ Solvable *s = _SATPool->solvables + iter->satSolvable().id();
+ Id id = iter->satSolvable().id();
+ if (iter->status().isInstalled()) {
+ MIL << "Lock installed item " << *iter << " with the string ID: " << s->name << endl;
+ queue_push( &(jobQueue), SOLVER_INSTALL_SOLVABLE );
+ queue_push( &(jobQueue), id );
+ } else {
+ MIL << "Lock NOT installed item " << *iter << " with the string ID: " << s->name << endl;
+ queue_push( &(jobQueue), SOLVER_ERASE_SOLVABLE );
+ queue_push( &(jobQueue), id );
+ }
+ }
solv = solver_create( _SATPool, sat::Pool::instance().systemRepo().get() );
ERR << "Solverrun finished with an ERROR" << endl;
return false;
- /* solvables to be erased */
- for (int i = solv->installed->start; i < solv->installed->start + solv->installed->nsolvables; i++)
- {
- if (solv->decisionmap[i] > 0)
- continue;
- PoolItem_Ref poolItem = _pool.find (sat::Solvable(i));
- if (poolItem) {
- SATSolutionToPool (poolItem, ResStatus::toBeUninstalled, ResStatus::SOLVER);
- } else {
- ERR << "id " << i << " not found in ZYPP pool." << endl;
- }
- }
/* solvables to be installed */
for (int i = 0; i < solv->decisionq.count; i++)
+ /* solvables to be erased */
+ for (int i = solv->installed->start; i < solv->installed->start + solv->installed->nsolvables; i++)
+ {
+ if (solv->decisionmap[i] > 0)
+ continue;
+ PoolItem_Ref poolItem = _pool.find (sat::Solvable(i));
+ if (poolItem) {
+ // Check if this is an update
+ CheckIfUpdate info;
+ invokeOnEach( _pool.byNameBegin( poolItem->name() ),
+ _pool.byNameEnd( poolItem->name() ),
+ functor::chain (resfilter::ByUninstalled (), // ByUninstalled
+ resfilter::ByKind( poolItem->kind() ) ), // equal kind
+ functor::functorRef<bool,PoolItem> (info) );
+ if (info.is_updated) {
+ SATSolutionToPool (poolItem, ResStatus::toBeUninstalledDueToUpgrade , ResStatus::SOLVER);
+ } else {
+ SATSolutionToPool (poolItem, ResStatus::toBeUninstalled, ResStatus::SOLVER);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ERR << "id " << i << " not found in ZYPP pool." << endl;
+ }
+ }
// clean up
solv = NULL;
s = pool_id2solvable(pool, source);
- ret = str::form (_("package %s is not installable"), solvable2str(pool, s));
+ ret = str::form (_("%s is not installable"), solvable2str(pool, s));
s = pool_id2solvable(pool, source);
s = pool_id2solvable(pool, source);
s2 = pool_id2solvable(pool, target);
- ret = str::form (_("package %s conflicts with %s provided by %s"), solvable2str(pool, s), dep2str(pool, dep), solvable2str(pool, s2));
+ ret = str::form (_("%s conflicts with %s provided by %s"), solvable2str(pool, s), dep2str(pool, dep), solvable2str(pool, s2));
s = pool_id2solvable(pool, source);
s2 = pool_id2solvable(pool, target);
- ret = str::form (_("package %s obsoletes %s provided by %s"), solvable2str(pool, s), dep2str(pool, dep), solvable2str(pool, s2));
+ ret = str::form (_("%s obsoletes %s provided by %s"), solvable2str(pool, s), dep2str(pool, dep), solvable2str(pool, s2));
s = pool_id2solvable(pool, source);
- ret = str::form (_("package %s requires %s, but none of the providers can be installed"), solvable2str(pool, s), dep2str(pool, dep));
+ ret = str::form (_("%s requires %s, but none of the providers can be installed"), solvable2str(pool, s), dep2str(pool, dep));
MIL << description << endl;
problemSolution->addDescription (description);
} else {
- problemSolution->addSingleAction (poolItem, KEEP);
+ problemSolution->addSingleAction (poolItem, REMOVE);
string description = str::form (_("do not install %s"), solvable2str(pool, s));
MIL << description << endl;
problemSolution->addDescription (description);
if (poolItem) {
if (solv->installed && s->repo == solv->installed) {
problemSolution->addSingleAction (poolItem, KEEP);
- string description = str::form (_("do not deinstall %s"), solvable2str(pool, s));
+ string description = str::form (_("keep %s"), solvable2str(pool, s));
MIL << description << endl;
problemSolution->addDescription (description);
} else {
functor::chain (resfilter::ByInstalled (), // ByInstalled
resfilter::ByTransact ()), // will be deinstalled
functor::functorRef<bool,PoolItem> (info) );
- string description = str::form (_("do not deinstall %s"), id2str(pool, what));
+ string description = str::form (_("keep %s"), id2str(pool, what));
MIL << description << endl;
problemSolution->addDescription (description);
|| poolItem.status().staysInstalled())
problemSolution->addSingleAction (poolItem, KEEP);
- string description = str::form (_("do not deinstall all solvables providing %s"), dep2str(pool, what));
+ string description = str::form (_("keep all solvables providing %s"), dep2str(pool, what));
MIL << description << endl;
problemSolution->addDescription (description);
- resolverProblem->addSolution (problemSolution);
+ resolverProblem->addSolution (problemSolution,
+ problemSolution->actionCount() > 1 ? true : false); // Solutions with more than 1 action will be shown first.
MIL << "------------------------------------" << endl;
// save problem