return true;
+struct PrimitiveAccess
+ weight_t CountWtd = 0;
+ unsigned Offset;
+ var_types AccessType;
+ INDEBUG(unsigned Count = 0);
+ PrimitiveAccess(unsigned offset, var_types accessType) : Offset(offset), AccessType(accessType)
+ {
+ }
// Tracks all the accesses into one particular struct local.
class LocalUses
- jitstd::vector<Access> m_accesses;
+ jitstd::vector<Access> m_accesses;
+ jitstd::vector<PrimitiveAccess> m_inducedAccesses;
- LocalUses(Compiler* comp) : m_accesses(comp->getAllocator(CMK_Promotion))
+ LocalUses(Compiler* comp)
+ : m_accesses(comp->getAllocator(CMK_Promotion)), m_inducedAccesses(comp->getAllocator(CMK_Promotion))
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // RecordInducedAccess:
+ // Record an induced access into this local with the specified offset and access type.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // offs - The offset being accessed
+ // accessType - The type of the access
+ // weight - Weight of the block containing the access
+ //
+ // Remarks:
+ // Induced accesses are accesses that are induced by physical promotion
+ // due to assignment decompositon. They are always of primitive type.
+ //
+ void RecordInducedAccess(unsigned offs, var_types accessType, weight_t weight)
+ {
+ PrimitiveAccess* access = nullptr;
+ size_t index = 0;
+ if (m_inducedAccesses.size() > 0)
+ {
+ index = Promotion::BinarySearch<PrimitiveAccess, &PrimitiveAccess::Offset>(m_inducedAccesses, offs);
+ if ((ssize_t)index >= 0)
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ PrimitiveAccess& candidateAccess = m_inducedAccesses[index];
+ if (candidateAccess.AccessType == accessType)
+ {
+ access = &candidateAccess;
+ break;
+ }
+ index++;
+ } while (index < m_inducedAccesses.size() && m_inducedAccesses[index].Offset == offs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ index = ~index;
+ }
+ }
+ if (access == nullptr)
+ {
+ access = &*m_inducedAccesses.insert(m_inducedAccesses.begin() + index, PrimitiveAccess(offs, accessType));
+ }
+ access->CountWtd += weight;
+ INDEBUG(access->Count++);
+ }
// PickPromotions:
// Pick specific replacements to make for this struct local after a set
- if (!EvaluateReplacement(comp, lclNum, access))
+ if (!EvaluateReplacement(comp, lclNum, access, 0))
-#ifdef DEBUG
- char buf[32];
- sprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf), "V%02u.[%03u..%03u)", lclNum, access.Offset,
- access.Offset + genTypeSize(access.AccessType));
- size_t len = strlen(buf) + 1;
- char* bufp = new (comp, CMK_DebugOnly) char[len];
- strcpy_s(bufp, len, buf);
- unsigned newLcl = comp->lvaGrabTemp(false DEBUGARG(bufp));
- LclVarDsc* dsc = comp->lvaGetDesc(newLcl);
- dsc->lvType = access.AccessType;
+ if (*aggregateInfo == nullptr)
+ {
+ *aggregateInfo = new (comp, CMK_Promotion) AggregateInfo(comp->getAllocator(CMK_Promotion), lclNum);
+ }
+ (*aggregateInfo)->Replacements.push_back(Replacement(access.Offset, access.AccessType));
+ }
+ JITDUMP("\n");
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // PickInducedPromotions:
+ // Pick additional promotions to make based on the fact that some
+ // accesses will be induced by assignment decomposition.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // comp - Compiler instance
+ // lclNum - Local num for this struct local
+ // aggregateInfo - [out] Pointer to aggregate info to create and insert replacements into.
+ //
+ bool PickInducedPromotions(Compiler* comp, unsigned lclNum, AggregateInfo** aggregateInfo)
+ {
+ if (m_inducedAccesses.size() <= 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool any = false;
+ JITDUMP("Picking induced promotions for V%02u\n", lclNum);
+ for (PrimitiveAccess& inducedAccess : m_inducedAccesses)
+ {
+ bool overlapsOtherInducedAccess = false;
+ for (PrimitiveAccess& otherInducedAccess : m_inducedAccesses)
+ {
+ if (&otherInducedAccess == &inducedAccess)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (inducedAccess.Offset + genTypeSize(inducedAccess.AccessType) <= otherInducedAccess.Offset)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (otherInducedAccess.Offset + genTypeSize(otherInducedAccess.AccessType) <= inducedAccess.Offset)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ overlapsOtherInducedAccess = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (overlapsOtherInducedAccess)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Access* access = FindAccess(inducedAccess.Offset, inducedAccess.AccessType);
+ if (access == nullptr)
+ {
+ Access fakeAccess(inducedAccess.Offset, inducedAccess.AccessType, nullptr);
+ if (!EvaluateReplacement(comp, lclNum, fakeAccess, inducedAccess.CountWtd))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!EvaluateReplacement(comp, lclNum, *access, inducedAccess.CountWtd))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
if (*aggregateInfo == nullptr)
*aggregateInfo = new (comp, CMK_Promotion) AggregateInfo(comp->getAllocator(CMK_Promotion), lclNum);
+ size_t insertionIndex;
+ if ((*aggregateInfo)->Replacements.size() > 0)
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ Replacement* overlapRep;
+ assert(!(*aggregateInfo)
+ ->OverlappingReplacements(inducedAccess.Offset, genTypeSize(inducedAccess.AccessType),
+ &overlapRep, nullptr));
+ insertionIndex =
+ Promotion::BinarySearch<Replacement, &Replacement::Offset>((*aggregateInfo)->Replacements,
+ inducedAccess.Offset);
+ assert((ssize_t)insertionIndex < 0);
+ insertionIndex = ~insertionIndex;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ insertionIndex = 0;
+ }
- ->Replacements.push_back(Replacement(access.Offset, access.AccessType, newLcl DEBUGARG(bufp)));
+ ->Replacements.insert((*aggregateInfo)->Replacements.begin() + insertionIndex,
+ Replacement(inducedAccess.Offset, inducedAccess.AccessType));
+ any = true;
- JITDUMP("\n");
+ return any;
// Evaluate legality and profitability of a single replacement candidate.
// Parameters:
- // comp - Compiler instance
- // lclNum - Local num for this struct local
- // access - Access information for the candidate.
+ // comp - Compiler instance
+ // lclNum - Local num for this struct local
+ // access - Access information for the candidate.
+ // inducedCountWtd - Additional weighted count due to induced accesses.
// Returns:
// True if we should promote this access and create a replacement; otherwise false.
- bool EvaluateReplacement(Compiler* comp, unsigned lclNum, const Access& access)
+ bool EvaluateReplacement(Compiler* comp, unsigned lclNum, const Access& access, weight_t inducedCountWtd)
weight_t countOverlappedCallArgWtd = 0;
weight_t countOverlappedRetbufsWtd = 0;
for (const Access& otherAccess : m_accesses)
if (&otherAccess == &access)
+ {
+ }
if (!otherAccess.Overlaps(access.Offset, genTypeSize(access.AccessType)))
weight_t costWithout = 0;
// We cost any normal access (which is a struct load or store) without promotion at 3 cycles.
- costWithout += access.CountWtd * 3;
+ costWithout += (access.CountWtd + inducedCountWtd) * 3;
weight_t costWith = 0;
// For promoted accesses we expect these to turn into reg-reg movs (and in many cases be fully contained in the
// parent).
// We cost these at 0.5 cycles.
- costWith += access.CountWtd * 0.5;
+ costWith += (access.CountWtd + inducedCountWtd) * 0.5;
// Now look at the overlapping struct uses that promotion will make more expensive.
return false;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ClearInducedAccesses:
+ // Clear the stored induced access metrics.
+ //
+ void ClearInducedAccesses()
+ {
+ m_inducedAccesses.clear();
+ }
#ifdef DEBUG
- void Dump(unsigned lclNum)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DumpAccesses:
+ // Dump the stored access metrics for a specified local.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // lclNum - The local
+ //
+ void DumpAccesses(unsigned lclNum)
if (m_accesses.size() <= 0)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DumpInducedAccesses:
+ // Dump induced accesses for a specified struct local.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // lclNum - The local
+ //
+ void DumpInducedAccesses(unsigned lclNum)
+ {
+ if (m_inducedAccesses.size() <= 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ printf("Induced accesses for V%02u\n", lclNum);
+ for (PrimitiveAccess& access : m_inducedAccesses)
+ {
+ printf(" %s @ %03u\n", varTypeName(access.AccessType), access.Offset);
+ printf(" #: (%u, " FMT_WT ")\n", access.Count, access.CountWtd);
+ }
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // FindAccess:
+ // Find access metrics information for the specified offset and access type.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // offs - The offset
+ // accessType - Access type
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // Pointer to a matching access, or nullptr if no match was found.
+ //
+ Access* FindAccess(unsigned offs, var_types accessType)
+ {
+ if (m_accesses.size() <= 0)
+ {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ size_t index = Promotion::BinarySearch<Access, &Access::Offset>(m_accesses, offs);
+ if ((ssize_t)index < 0)
+ {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ Access& candidateAccess = m_accesses[index];
+ if (candidateAccess.AccessType == accessType)
+ {
+ return &candidateAccess;
+ }
+ index++;
+ } while ((index < m_inducedAccesses.size()) && (m_inducedAccesses[index].Offset == offs));
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+// Struct used to save all struct stores involving physical promotion candidates.
+// These stores can induce new field accesses as part of assignment decomposition.
+struct CandidateStore
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* Store;
+ BasicBlock* Block;
// Visitor that records information about uses of struct locals.
class LocalsUseVisitor : public GenTreeVisitor<LocalsUseVisitor>
- Promotion* m_prom;
- LocalUses** m_uses;
- BasicBlock* m_curBB = nullptr;
+ Promotion* m_prom;
+ LocalUses** m_uses;
+ BasicBlock* m_curBB = nullptr;
+ ArrayStack<CandidateStore> m_candidateStores;
ComputeStack = true,
- LocalsUseVisitor(Promotion* prom) : GenTreeVisitor(prom->m_compiler), m_prom(prom)
+ LocalsUseVisitor(Promotion* prom)
+ : GenTreeVisitor(prom->m_compiler)
+ , m_prom(prom)
+ , m_candidateStores(prom->m_compiler->getAllocator(CMK_Promotion))
m_uses = new (prom->m_compiler, CMK_Promotion) LocalUses*[prom->m_compiler->lvaCount]{};
- // GetUsesByLocal:
- // Get the uses information for a specified local.
+ // PreOrderVisit:
+ // Visit a node in preorder and add its use information to the metrics.
// Parameters:
- // bb - The current basic block.
+ // use - The use edge
+ // user - The user
// Returns:
- // Information about uses, or null if this local has no uses information
- // associated with it.
+ // Visitor result
- LocalUses* GetUsesByLocal(unsigned lcl)
- {
- return m_uses[lcl];
- }
fgWalkResult PreOrderVisit(GenTree** use, GenTree* user)
GenTree* tree = *use;
accessType = lcl->TypeGet();
accessLayout = accessType == TYP_STRUCT ? lcl->GetLayout(m_compiler) : nullptr;
accessFlags = ClassifyLocalAccess(lcl, effectiveUser);
+ if (lcl->TypeIs(TYP_STRUCT) &&
+ ((user != nullptr) && user->OperIsLocalStore() && user->Data()->OperIsLocalRead()))
+ {
+ // Make sure we add it only once if both the destination and source are candidates.
+ if ((m_candidateStores.Height() <= 0) || (m_candidateStores.Top().Store != user))
+ {
+ m_candidateStores.Push(CandidateStore{user->AsLclVarCommon(), m_curBB});
+ }
+ }
LocalUses* uses = GetOrCreateUses(lcl->GetLclNum());
return fgWalkResult::WALK_CONTINUE;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // PickPromotions:
+ // Pick promotions and create aggregate information for each promoted
+ // struct with promotions.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // aggregates - Appropriately sized vector to create aggregate information in.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // True if any struct was physically promoted with at least one replacement;
+ // otherwise false.
+ //
+ bool PickPromotions(jitstd::vector<AggregateInfo*>& aggregates)
+ {
+ unsigned numLocals = (unsigned)aggregates.size();
+ JITDUMP("Picking promotions\n");
+ bool any = false;
+ for (unsigned lclNum = 0; lclNum < numLocals; lclNum++)
+ {
+ LocalUses* uses = m_uses[lclNum];
+ if (uses == nullptr)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (m_compiler->verbose)
+ {
+ uses->DumpAccesses(lclNum);
+ }
+ uses->PickPromotions(m_compiler, lclNum, &aggregates[lclNum]);
+ any |= aggregates[lclNum] != nullptr;
+ }
+ if (!any)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (m_candidateStores.Height() > 0)
+ {
+ // Now look for induced accesses due to assignment decomposition.
+ JITDUMP("Looking for induced accesses with %d stores between candidates\n", m_candidateStores.Height());
+ // Expand the set of fields iteratively based on the current picked
+ // set. We put a limit on this fixpoint computation to avoid
+ // pathological cases. From measurements no methods in our own
+ // collections need more than 10 iterations and 99.5% of methods
+ // need fewer than 5 iterations.
+ for (int iters = 0; iters < 10; iters++)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_candidateStores.Height(); i++)
+ {
+ const CandidateStore& candidateStore = m_candidateStores.BottomRef(i);
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* store = candidateStore.Store;
+ assert(store->TypeIs(TYP_STRUCT));
+ assert(store->Data()->OperIsLocalRead());
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* src = store->Data()->AsLclVarCommon();
+ LclVarDsc* dstDsc = m_compiler->lvaGetDesc(store);
+ LclVarDsc* srcDsc = m_compiler->lvaGetDesc(src);
+ assert(Promotion::IsCandidateForPhysicalPromotion(dstDsc) ||
+ Promotion::IsCandidateForPhysicalPromotion(srcDsc));
+ if (dstDsc->lvPromoted)
+ {
+ InduceAccessesFromRegularlyPromotedStruct(aggregates, src, store, candidateStore.Block);
+ }
+ else if (srcDsc->lvPromoted)
+ {
+ InduceAccessesFromRegularlyPromotedStruct(aggregates, store, src, candidateStore.Block);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (Promotion::IsCandidateForPhysicalPromotion(dstDsc))
+ {
+ InduceAccessesInCandidate(aggregates, store, src, candidateStore.Block);
+ }
+ if (Promotion::IsCandidateForPhysicalPromotion(srcDsc))
+ {
+ InduceAccessesInCandidate(aggregates, src, store, candidateStore.Block);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool any = false;
+ for (unsigned lclNum = 0; lclNum < numLocals; lclNum++)
+ {
+ LocalUses* uses = m_uses[lclNum];
+ if (uses == nullptr)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (m_compiler->verbose)
+ {
+ uses->DumpInducedAccesses(lclNum);
+ }
+ any |= uses->PickInducedPromotions(m_compiler, lclNum, &aggregates[lclNum]);
+ }
+ if (!any)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ for (unsigned lclNum = 0; lclNum < numLocals; lclNum++)
+ {
+ if (m_uses[lclNum] != nullptr)
+ {
+ m_uses[lclNum]->ClearInducedAccesses();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (AggregateInfo* agg : aggregates)
+ {
+ if (agg == nullptr)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ jitstd::vector<Replacement>& reps = agg->Replacements;
+ assert(reps.size() > 0);
+ // Create locals
+ for (Replacement& rep : reps)
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ char buf[32];
+ sprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf), "V%02u.[%03u..%03u)", agg->LclNum, rep.Offset,
+ rep.Offset + genTypeSize(rep.AccessType));
+ size_t len = strlen(buf) + 1;
+ char* bufp = new (m_compiler, CMK_DebugOnly) char[len];
+ strcpy_s(bufp, len, buf);
+ rep.Description = bufp;
+ rep.LclNum = m_compiler->lvaGrabTemp(false DEBUGARG(rep.Description));
+ LclVarDsc* dsc = m_compiler->lvaGetDesc(rep.LclNum);
+ dsc->lvType = rep.AccessType;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ JITDUMP("V%02u promoted with %d replacements\n", agg->LclNum, (int)reps.size());
+ for (const Replacement& rep : reps)
+ {
+ JITDUMP(" [%03u..%03u) promoted as %s V%02u\n", rep.Offset, rep.Offset + genTypeSize(rep.AccessType),
+ varTypeName(rep.AccessType), rep.LclNum);
+ }
+ JITDUMP("Computing unpromoted remainder for V%02u\n", agg->LclNum);
+ StructSegments unpromotedParts =
+ Promotion::SignificantSegments(m_compiler, m_compiler->lvaGetDesc(agg->LclNum)->GetLayout());
+ for (Replacement& rep : reps)
+ {
+ unpromotedParts.Subtract(StructSegments::Segment(rep.Offset, rep.Offset + genTypeSize(rep.AccessType)));
+ }
+ JITDUMP(" Remainder: ");
+ DBEXEC(m_compiler->verbose, unpromotedParts.Dump());
+ JITDUMP("\n\n");
+ StructSegments::Segment unpromotedSegment;
+ if (unpromotedParts.CoveringSegment(&unpromotedSegment))
+ {
+ agg->UnpromotedMin = unpromotedSegment.Start;
+ agg->UnpromotedMax = unpromotedSegment.End;
+ assert(unpromotedSegment.Start < unpromotedSegment.End);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Aggregate is fully promoted, leave UnpromotedMin == UnpromotedMax to indicate this.
+ }
+ any = true;
+ }
+ return any;
+ }
// GetOrCreateUses:
return m_uses[lclNum];
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // InduceAccessesFromRegularlyPromotedStruct:
+ // Create induced accesses based on the fact that there is an assignment
+ // between a physical promotion candidate and regularly promoted struct.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // aggregates - Aggregate information with current set of replacements
+ // for each struct local.
+ // candidateLcl - The local node for a physical promotion candidate.
+ // regPromLcl - The local node for the regularly promoted struct that
+ // may induce new LCL_FLD nodes in the candidate.
+ // block - The block that the assignment appears in.
+ //
+ void InduceAccessesFromRegularlyPromotedStruct(jitstd::vector<AggregateInfo*>& aggregates,
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* candidateLcl,
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* regPromLcl,
+ BasicBlock* block)
+ {
+ unsigned regPromOffs = regPromLcl->GetLclOffs();
+ unsigned candidateOffs = candidateLcl->GetLclOffs();
+ unsigned size = regPromLcl->GetLayout(m_compiler)->GetSize();
+ LclVarDsc* regPromDsc = m_compiler->lvaGetDesc(regPromLcl);
+ for (unsigned fieldLcl = regPromDsc->lvFieldLclStart, i = 0; i < regPromDsc->lvFieldCnt; fieldLcl++, i++)
+ {
+ LclVarDsc* fieldDsc = m_compiler->lvaGetDesc(fieldLcl);
+ if ((fieldDsc->lvFldOffset >= regPromOffs) &&
+ (fieldDsc->lvFldOffset + genTypeSize(fieldDsc->lvType) <= (regPromOffs + size)))
+ {
+ InduceAccess(aggregates, candidateLcl->GetLclNum(),
+ candidateLcl->GetLclOffs() + (fieldDsc->lvFldOffset - regPromOffs), fieldDsc->lvType,
+ block);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // InduceAccessesInCandidate:
+ // Create induced accesses based on the fact that a specified candidate
+ // is being assigned from another struct local (the inducer).
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // aggregates - Aggregate information with current set of replacements
+ // for each struct local.
+ // candidate - The local node for the physical promotion candidate.
+ // inducer - The local node that may induce new LCL_FLD nodes in the candidate.
+ // block - The block that the assignment appears in.
+ //
+ void InduceAccessesInCandidate(jitstd::vector<AggregateInfo*>& aggregates,
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* candidate,
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* inducer,
+ BasicBlock* block)
+ {
+ unsigned candOffs = candidate->GetLclOffs();
+ unsigned inducerOffs = inducer->GetLclOffs();
+ unsigned size = candidate->GetLayout(m_compiler)->GetSize();
+ AggregateInfo* inducerAgg = aggregates[inducer->GetLclNum()];
+ if (inducerAgg != nullptr)
+ {
+ Replacement* firstRep;
+ Replacement* endRep;
+ if (inducerAgg->OverlappingReplacements(inducerOffs, size, &firstRep, &endRep))
+ {
+ for (Replacement* rep = firstRep; rep < endRep; rep++)
+ {
+ if ((rep->Offset >= inducerOffs) &&
+ (rep->Offset + genTypeSize(rep->AccessType) <= (inducerOffs + size)))
+ {
+ InduceAccess(aggregates, candidate->GetLclNum(), candOffs + (rep->Offset - inducerOffs),
+ rep->AccessType, block);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // InduceAccessesInCandidate:
+ // Record an induced access in a candidate for physical promotion.
+ //
+ // Parameters:
+ // aggregates - Aggregate information with current set of replacements
+ // for each struct local.
+ // lclNum - Local that has the induced access.
+ // offset - Offset at which the induced access starts.
+ // type - Type of the induced access.
+ // block - The block with the induced access.
+ //
+ void InduceAccess(
+ jitstd::vector<AggregateInfo*>& aggregates, unsigned lclNum, unsigned offset, var_types type, BasicBlock* block)
+ {
+ AggregateInfo* agg = aggregates[lclNum];
+ if (agg != nullptr)
+ {
+ Replacement* overlapRep;
+ if (agg->OverlappingReplacements(offset, genTypeSize(type), &overlapRep, nullptr))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ LocalUses* uses = GetOrCreateUses(lclNum);
+ uses->RecordInducedAccess(offset, type, block->getBBWeight(m_compiler));
+ }
// ClassifyLocalAccess:
// Given a local node and its user, classify information about it.
- // TODO-TP: Cache this per class layout, we call this for every struct
- // operation on a promoted local.
return segments;
GenTree* value = compiler->gtNewLclVarNode(replacement.LclNum);
GenTree* store = compiler->gtNewStoreLclFldNode(structLclNum, replacement.AccessType, replacement.Offset, value);
+ if (!compiler->lvaGetDesc(structLclNum)->lvDoNotEnregister)
+ {
+ compiler->lvaSetVarDoNotEnregister(structLclNum DEBUGARG(DoNotEnregisterReason::LocalField));
+ }
return store;
GenTree* value = compiler->gtNewLclFldNode(structLclNum, replacement.AccessType, replacement.Offset);
GenTree* store = compiler->gtNewStoreLclVarNode(replacement.LclNum, value);
+ if (!compiler->lvaGetDesc(structLclNum)->lvDoNotEnregister)
+ {
+ compiler->lvaSetVarDoNotEnregister(structLclNum DEBUGARG(DoNotEnregisterReason::LocalField));
+ }
return store;
- unsigned numLocals = m_compiler->lvaCount;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if (m_compiler->verbose)
- {
- for (unsigned lcl = 0; lcl < m_compiler->lvaCount; lcl++)
- {
- LocalUses* uses = localsUse.GetUsesByLocal(lcl);
- if (uses != nullptr)
- {
- uses->Dump(lcl);
- }
- }
- }
// Pick promotions based on the use information we just collected.
- bool anyReplacements = false;
jitstd::vector<AggregateInfo*> aggregates(m_compiler->lvaCount, nullptr, m_compiler->getAllocator(CMK_Promotion));
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < numLocals; i++)
- {
- LocalUses* uses = localsUse.GetUsesByLocal(i);
- if (uses == nullptr)
- {
- continue;
- }
- uses->PickPromotions(m_compiler, i, &aggregates[i]);
- if (aggregates[i] == nullptr)
- {
- continue;
- }
- jitstd::vector<Replacement>& reps = aggregates[i]->Replacements;
- assert(reps.size() > 0);
- anyReplacements = true;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- JITDUMP("V%02u promoted with %d replacements\n", i, (int)reps.size());
- for (const Replacement& rep : reps)
- {
- JITDUMP(" [%03u..%03u) promoted as %s V%02u\n", rep.Offset, rep.Offset + genTypeSize(rep.AccessType),
- varTypeName(rep.AccessType), rep.LclNum);
- }
- JITDUMP("Computing unpromoted remainder for V%02u\n", i);
- StructSegments unpromotedParts = SignificantSegments(m_compiler, m_compiler->lvaGetDesc(i)->GetLayout());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < reps.size(); i++)
- {
- unpromotedParts.Subtract(
- StructSegments::Segment(reps[i].Offset, reps[i].Offset + genTypeSize(reps[i].AccessType)));
- }
- JITDUMP(" Remainder: ");
- DBEXEC(m_compiler->verbose, unpromotedParts.Dump());
- JITDUMP("\n\n");
- StructSegments::Segment unpromotedSegment;
- if (unpromotedParts.CoveringSegment(&unpromotedSegment))
- {
- aggregates[i]->UnpromotedMin = unpromotedSegment.Start;
- aggregates[i]->UnpromotedMax = unpromotedSegment.End;
- assert(unpromotedSegment.Start < unpromotedSegment.End);
- }
- else
- {
- // Aggregate is fully promoted, leave UnpromotedMin == UnpromotedMax to indicate this.
- }
- }
- if (!anyReplacements)
+ if (!localsUse.PickPromotions(aggregates))
+ // No promotions picked.
return PhaseStatus::MODIFIED_NOTHING;
// Insert initial IR to read arguments/OSR locals into replacement locals,
// and add necessary explicit zeroing.
Statement* prevStmt = nullptr;
- for (unsigned lclNum = 0; lclNum < numLocals; lclNum++)
+ for (AggregateInfo* agg : aggregates)
- if (aggregates[lclNum] == nullptr)
+ if (agg == nullptr)
- LclVarDsc* dsc = m_compiler->lvaGetDesc(lclNum);
+ LclVarDsc* dsc = m_compiler->lvaGetDesc(agg->LclNum);
if (dsc->lvIsParam || dsc->lvIsOSRLocal)
- InsertInitialReadBack(lclNum, aggregates[lclNum]->Replacements, &prevStmt);
+ InsertInitialReadBack(agg->LclNum, agg->Replacements, &prevStmt);
else if (dsc->lvSuppressedZeroInit)
// Now that we are promoting some fields that assumption may be
// invalidated for those fields, and we may need to insert explicit
// zero inits again.
- ExplicitlyZeroInitReplacementLocals(lclNum, aggregates[lclNum]->Replacements, &prevStmt);
+ ExplicitlyZeroInitReplacementLocals(agg->LclNum, agg->Replacements, &prevStmt);