struct evdev_device *device = tp->device;
const struct input_absinfo *abs;
double w = 0.0, h = 0.0;
+ int xres, yres;
+ double threshold;
if (!tp->buttons.is_clickpad)
return 0;
if (h < 50)
return 0;
- /* The touchpads we looked at so far have a clear thumb threshold of
- * ~100, you don't reach that with a normal finger interaction.
+ /* Our reference touchpad is the T440s with 42x42 resolution.
+ * Higher-res touchpads exhibit higher pressure for the same
+ * interaction. On the T440s, the threshold value is 100, you don't
+ * reach that with a normal finger interaction.
* Note: "thumb" means massive touch that should not interact, not
* "using the tip of my thumb for a pinch gestures".
- tp->thumb.threshold = 100;
+ xres = tp->device->abs.absinfo_x->resolution;
+ yres = tp->device->abs.absinfo_y->resolution;
+ threshold = 100.0 * hypot(xres, yres)/hypot(42, 42);
+ tp->thumb.threshold = max(100, threshold);
tp->thumb.detect_thumbs = true;
return 0;
struct litest_device *dev = litest_current_device();
struct libinput *li = dev->libinput;
struct axis_replacement axes[] = {
- { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 100 },
+ { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 190 },
{ -1, 0 }
struct litest_device *dev = litest_current_device();
struct libinput *li = dev->libinput;
struct axis_replacement axes[] = {
- { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 100 },
+ { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 190 },
{ -1, 0 }
struct libinput_event *event;
struct libinput_event_pointer *ptrev;
struct axis_replacement axes[] = {
- { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 100 },
+ { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 190 },
{ -1, 0 }
struct libinput_event *event;
struct libinput_event_pointer *ptrev;
struct axis_replacement axes[] = {
- { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 100 },
+ { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 190 },
{ -1, 0 }
struct litest_device *dev = litest_current_device();
struct libinput *li = dev->libinput;
struct axis_replacement axes[] = {
- { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 100 },
+ { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 190 },
{ -1, 0 }
struct litest_device *dev = litest_current_device();
struct libinput *li = dev->libinput;
struct axis_replacement axes[] = {
- { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 100 },
+ { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 190 },
{ -1, 0 }
struct litest_device *dev = litest_current_device();
struct libinput *li = dev->libinput;
struct axis_replacement axes[] = {
- { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 100 },
+ { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 190 },
{ -1, 0 }
struct litest_device *dev = litest_current_device();
struct libinput *li = dev->libinput;
struct axis_replacement axes[] = {
- { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 100 },
+ { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 190 },
{ -1, 0 }
struct litest_device *dev = litest_current_device();
struct libinput *li = dev->libinput;
struct axis_replacement axes[] = {
- { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 100 },
+ { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 190 },
{ -1, 0 }
struct libinput_event *event;
struct libinput_event_pointer *ptrev;
struct axis_replacement axes[] = {
- { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 100 },
+ { ABS_MT_PRESSURE, 190 },
{ -1, 0 }