<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceDescription">
<source>Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces.</source>
- <target state="new">Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Události nejsou konceptem COM, takže pro události instance na rozhraních COM generovaných zdrojem nebude vygenerován žádný kód spolupráce.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceMessage">
<source>The instance event '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</source>
- <target state="new">The instance event '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</target>
+ <target state="translated">Událost instance {0} je deklarována v rozhraní {1}, ve kterém se používá GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceTitle">
<source>Declaring an instance event in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</source>
- <target state="new">Declaring an instance event in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</target>
+ <target state="translated">Deklarace události instance v typu s GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute se nepodporuje.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceDescription">
<source>Properties are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance properties on source-generated COM interfaces.</source>
- <target state="new">Properties are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance properties on source-generated COM interfaces.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Vlastnosti nejsou konceptem COM, takže pro vlastnosti instance na rozhraních COM generovaných zdrojem nebude vygenerován žádný kód spolupráce.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceMessage">
<source>The instance property '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</source>
- <target state="new">The instance property '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</target>
+ <target state="translated">Vlastnost instance {0} je deklarována v rozhraní {1}, ve kterém je použit atribut GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceTitle">
<source>Declaring an instance property in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</source>
- <target state="new">Declaring an instance property in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</target>
+ <target state="translated">Deklarace vlastnosti instance v typu s GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute se nepodporuje.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InterfaceTypeNotSupportedMessage">
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageDescription">
<source>Interfaces attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' must have 'public' or 'internal' accessibility and be partial, non-generic, and must specify a GUID with 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute'.</source>
- <target state="new">Interfaces attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' must have 'public' or 'internal' accessibility and be partial, non-generic, and must specify a GUID with 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Rozhraní s atributem GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute musí mít přístupnost public nebo internal a musí být částečná, neobecná a musí určovat identifikátor GUID s atributem System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageInterfaceIsGeneric">
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageInterfaceNotAccessible">
<source>Interface '{0}' is attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' but is not accessible by generated code. The interface and all containing types must have accessibility 'internal' or 'public' for generated code to access it. {1}</source>
- <target state="new">Interface '{0}' is attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' but is not accessible by generated code. The interface and all containing types must have accessibility 'internal' or 'public' for generated code to access it. {1}</target>
+ <target state="translated">Rozhraní „{0}“ má atribut „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute“, ale není přístupný přes generovaný kód. Rozhraní a všechny obsahující typy musí mít přístupnost „internal“ nebo „public“, aby k němu vygenerovaný kód mohl přistupovat. {1}</target>
<note>{1} is details about which type/containing type is not accessible</note>
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageMissingGuidAttribute">
<trans-unit id="StringMarshallingCustomTypeNotAccessibleByGeneratedCode">
<source>The type '{0}' specified as 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType' is not accessible by generated code. The type must have at least 'internal' accessibility. {1}</source>
- <target state="new">The type '{0}' specified as 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType' is not accessible by generated code. The type must have at least 'internal' accessibility. {1}</target>
+ <target state="translated">Typ „{0}“ zadaný jako „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarswebingCustomType“ není přístupný přes generovaný kód. Typ musí mít přístupnost alespoň „internal“. {1}</target>
<note>{1} is details about which type/containing type is not accessible</note>
<trans-unit id="TypeNotSupportedDescription">
<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceDescription">
<source>Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces.</source>
- <target state="new">Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Les événements ne sont pas un concept dans COM. Par conséquent, aucun code d’interopérabilité n’est généré à la source pour les événements d’instance sur les interfaces COM générées par la source.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceMessage">
<source>The instance event '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</source>
- <target state="new">The instance event '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</target>
+ <target state="translated">L’événement d’instance « {0} » est déclaré dans l’interface « {1} », à laquelle « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » est appliqué</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceTitle">
<source>Declaring an instance event in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</source>
- <target state="new">Declaring an instance event in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</target>
+ <target state="translated">La déclaration d’un événement d’instance dans un type avec « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » n’est pas prise en charge</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceDescription">
<source>Properties are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance properties on source-generated COM interfaces.</source>
- <target state="new">Properties are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance properties on source-generated COM interfaces.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Les propriétés ne sont pas un concept dans COM. Par conséquent, aucun code d’interopérabilité n’est généré à la source pour les propriétés d’instance sur les interfaces COM générées par la source.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceMessage">
<source>The instance property '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</source>
- <target state="new">The instance property '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</target>
+ <target state="translated">La propriété d’instance « {0} » est déclarée dans l’interface « {1} », à laquelle « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » est appliqué</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceTitle">
<source>Declaring an instance property in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</source>
- <target state="new">Declaring an instance property in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</target>
+ <target state="translated">La déclaration d’une propriété d’instance dans un type avec « GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute » n’est pas prise en charge</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InterfaceTypeNotSupportedMessage">
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageDescription">
<source>Interfaces attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' must have 'public' or 'internal' accessibility and be partial, non-generic, and must specify a GUID with 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute'.</source>
- <target state="new">Interfaces attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' must have 'public' or 'internal' accessibility and be partial, non-generic, and must specify a GUID with 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Les interfaces attribuées avec 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' doivent avoir une accessibilité 'publique' ou "interne" et être partielles, non génériques, et doivent spécifier un GUID avec 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageInterfaceIsGeneric">
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageInterfaceNotAccessible">
<source>Interface '{0}' is attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' but is not accessible by generated code. The interface and all containing types must have accessibility 'internal' or 'public' for generated code to access it. {1}</source>
- <target state="new">Interface '{0}' is attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' but is not accessible by generated code. The interface and all containing types must have accessibility 'internal' or 'public' for generated code to access it. {1}</target>
+ <target state="translated">L’interface '{0}' est attribuée à 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' mais n’est pas accessible par le code généré. L’interface et tous les types contenants doivent avoir l’accessibilité 'interne' ou 'publique' pour que le code généré y accède. {1}</target>
<note>{1} is details about which type/containing type is not accessible</note>
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageMissingGuidAttribute">
<trans-unit id="StringMarshallingCustomTypeNotAccessibleByGeneratedCode">
<source>The type '{0}' specified as 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType' is not accessible by generated code. The type must have at least 'internal' accessibility. {1}</source>
- <target state="new">The type '{0}' specified as 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType' is not accessible by generated code. The type must have at least 'internal' accessibility. {1}</target>
+ <target state="translated">Le type '{0}' spécifié en tant que 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType' n’est pas accessible par le code généré. Le type doit avoir au moins l’accessibilité 'interne'. {1}</target>
<note>{1} is details about which type/containing type is not accessible</note>
<trans-unit id="TypeNotSupportedDescription">
<trans-unit id="ClassDoesNotImplementAnyGeneratedComInterfacesDescription">
<source>A class with 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' must implement at least one interface with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' or else the generated code with not have an effect.</source>
- <target state="new">A class with 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' must implement at least one interface with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' or else the generated code with not have an effect.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Una classe con 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' deve implementare almeno un'interfaccia con 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' oppure il codice generato senza alcun effetto.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ClassDoesNotImplementAnyGeneratedComInterfacesMessage">
<source>Class '{0}' with 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' does not implement any interfaces with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'. Source will not be generated for '{0}'.</source>
- <target state="new">Class '{0}' with 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' does not implement any interfaces with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'. Source will not be generated for '{0}'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">La classe '{0}' con 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' non implementa interfacce con 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'. L'origine non verrà generata per '{0}'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ComHostingDoesNotSupportGeneratedComInterfaceDescription">
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComClassAttributeUsageMissingPartialModifier">
<source>Class '{0}' with 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' or one of its containing types is not marked 'partial'.</source>
- <target state="new">Class '{0}' with 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' or one of its containing types is not marked 'partial'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">La classe '{0}' con 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' o uno dei tipi che lo contengono non è contrassegnata come 'partial'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComClassAttributeUsageTitle">
<trans-unit id="RequiresAllowUnsafeBlocksDescription">
<source>'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' and 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' require unsafe code. Project must be updated with '<AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>'.</source>
- <target state="new">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' and 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' require unsafe code. Project must be updated with '<AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute e 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' richiedono codice non gestito. Il progetto deve essere aggiornato con '<AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="RequiresAllowUnsafeBlocksMessage">
<source>'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' and 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' require unsafe code. Project must be updated with '<AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>'.</source>
- <target state="new">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' and 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' require unsafe code. Project must be updated with '<AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute e 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' richiedono codice non gestito. Il progetto deve essere aggiornato con '<AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="RequiresAllowUnsafeBlocksTitle">
<source>'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' and 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' require unsafe code.</source>
- <target state="new">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' and 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' require unsafe code.</target>
+ <target state="translated">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' e 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' richiedono codice non sicuro.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="RuntimeComApisDoNotSupportSourceGeneratedComDescription">
<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceDescription">
<source>Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces.</source>
- <target state="new">Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces.</target>
+ <target state="translated">イベントは COM の概念ではないため、ソース生成 COM インターフェイス上のインスタンス イベントに対して相互運用コードはソース生成されません。</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceMessage">
<source>The instance event '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</source>
- <target state="new">The instance event '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</target>
+ <target state="translated">インスタンス イベント '{0}' は、'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' が適用されているインターフェイス '{1}' で宣言されています</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceTitle">
<source>Declaring an instance event in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</source>
- <target state="new">Declaring an instance event in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</target>
+ <target state="translated">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' を含む型のインスタンス イベントの宣言はサポートされていません</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceDescription">
<source>Properties are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance properties on source-generated COM interfaces.</source>
- <target state="new">Properties are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance properties on source-generated COM interfaces.</target>
+ <target state="translated">プロパティは COM の概念ではないため、ソース生成 COM インターフェイス上のインスタンス プロパティに対して相互運用コードはソース生成されません。</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceMessage">
<source>The instance property '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</source>
- <target state="new">The instance property '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</target>
+ <target state="translated">インスタンス プロパティ '{0}' は、'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' が適用されているインターフェイス '{1}' で宣言されています</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceTitle">
<source>Declaring an instance property in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</source>
- <target state="new">Declaring an instance property in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</target>
+ <target state="translated">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' を含む型のインスタンス プロパティの宣言はサポートされていません</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InterfaceTypeNotSupportedMessage">
<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceDescription">
<source>Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces.</source>
- <target state="new">Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces.</target>
+ <target state="translated">이벤트는 COM의 개념이 아니므로 소스 생성 COM 인터페이스의 인스턴스 이벤트에 대해 interop 코드가 생성되지 않습니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceMessage">
<source>The instance event '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</source>
- <target state="new">The instance event '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</target>
+ <target state="translated">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'가 적용된 '{1}' 인터페이스에서 '{0}' 인스턴스 이벤트가 선언되었습니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceTitle">
<source>Declaring an instance event in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</source>
- <target state="new">Declaring an instance event in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</target>
+ <target state="translated">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'를 사용하는 형식의 인스턴스 이벤트 선언은 지원되지 않습니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceDescription">
<source>Properties are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance properties on source-generated COM interfaces.</source>
- <target state="new">Properties are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance properties on source-generated COM interfaces.</target>
+ <target state="translated">속성은 COM의 개념이 아니므로 소스 생성 COM 인터페이스의 인스턴스 속성에 대해 interop 코드가 생성되지 않습니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceMessage">
<source>The instance property '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</source>
- <target state="new">The instance property '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</target>
+ <target state="translated">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'가 적용된 '{1}' 인터페이스에서 '{0}' 인스턴스 속성이 선언되었습니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceTitle">
<source>Declaring an instance property in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</source>
- <target state="new">Declaring an instance property in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</target>
+ <target state="translated">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'를 사용하는 형식의 인스턴스 속성 선언은 지원되지 않습니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InterfaceTypeNotSupportedMessage">
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageDescription">
<source>Interfaces attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' must have 'public' or 'internal' accessibility and be partial, non-generic, and must specify a GUID with 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute'.</source>
- <target state="new">Interfaces attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' must have 'public' or 'internal' accessibility and be partial, non-generic, and must specify a GUID with 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'로 특성이 지정된 인터페이스에는 'public' 또는 'internal' 접근성이 있어야 하며 부분적이고 제네릭이 아니어야 하며 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute'를 사용하여 GUID를 지정해야 합니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageInterfaceIsGeneric">
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageInterfaceNotAccessible">
<source>Interface '{0}' is attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' but is not accessible by generated code. The interface and all containing types must have accessibility 'internal' or 'public' for generated code to access it. {1}</source>
- <target state="new">Interface '{0}' is attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' but is not accessible by generated code. The interface and all containing types must have accessibility 'internal' or 'public' for generated code to access it. {1}</target>
+ <target state="translated">인터페이스 '{0}'은(는) 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'로 특성이 지정되었지만 생성된 코드에서 액세스할 수 없습니다. 인터페이스와 포함된 모든 형식에는 액세스하기 위해 생성된 코드에 대한 접근성 'internal' 또는 'public'이 있어야 합니다. {1}</target>
<note>{1} is details about which type/containing type is not accessible</note>
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageMissingGuidAttribute">
<trans-unit id="StringMarshallingCustomTypeNotAccessibleByGeneratedCode">
<source>The type '{0}' specified as 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType' is not accessible by generated code. The type must have at least 'internal' accessibility. {1}</source>
- <target state="new">The type '{0}' specified as 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType' is not accessible by generated code. The type must have at least 'internal' accessibility. {1}</target>
+ <target state="translated">생성된 코드에서 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarscingingCustomType'으로 지정된 '{0}' 형식에 액세스할 수 없습니다. 형식에는 최소한 'internal' 접근성이 있어야 합니다. {1}</target>
<note>{1} is details about which type/containing type is not accessible</note>
<trans-unit id="TypeNotSupportedDescription">
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageDescription">
<source>Interfaces attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' must have 'public' or 'internal' accessibility and be partial, non-generic, and must specify a GUID with 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute'.</source>
- <target state="new">Interfaces attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' must have 'public' or 'internal' accessibility and be partial, non-generic, and must specify a GUID with 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Interfejsy z atrybutem „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute” muszą mieć ułatwienia dostępu „publiczny” lub „wewnętrzny”, muszą być częściowe, nie być ogóle, i muszą określać identyfikator GUID z atrybutem „System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute”.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageInterfaceIsGeneric">
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageInterfaceNotAccessible">
<source>Interface '{0}' is attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' but is not accessible by generated code. The interface and all containing types must have accessibility 'internal' or 'public' for generated code to access it. {1}</source>
- <target state="new">Interface '{0}' is attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' but is not accessible by generated code. The interface and all containing types must have accessibility 'internal' or 'public' for generated code to access it. {1}</target>
+ <target state="translated">Interfejs „{0}” ma atrybut „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute”, ale nie jest dostępny za pomocą wygenerowanego kodu. Interfejs i wszystkie zawierające go typy muszą mieć ułatwienia dostępu „wewnętrzny” lub „publiczny”, aby wygenerowany kod mógł uzyskać do niego dostęp. {1}</target>
<note>{1} is details about which type/containing type is not accessible</note>
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageMissingGuidAttribute">
<trans-unit id="StringMarshallingCustomTypeNotAccessibleByGeneratedCode">
<source>The type '{0}' specified as 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType' is not accessible by generated code. The type must have at least 'internal' accessibility. {1}</source>
- <target state="new">The type '{0}' specified as 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType' is not accessible by generated code. The type must have at least 'internal' accessibility. {1}</target>
+ <target state="translated">Typ „{0}” określony jako „GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType” jest niedostępny za pomocą wygenerowanego kodu. Typ musi mieć co najmniej ułatwienia dostępu „wewnętrzny”. {1}</target>
<note>{1} is details about which type/containing type is not accessible</note>
<trans-unit id="TypeNotSupportedDescription">
<trans-unit id="ClassDoesNotImplementAnyGeneratedComInterfacesDescription">
<source>A class with 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' must implement at least one interface with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' or else the generated code with not have an effect.</source>
- <target state="new">A class with 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' must implement at least one interface with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' or else the generated code with not have an effect.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Класс с "GeneratedComClassAttribute" должен реализовывать по крайней мере один интерфейс с "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute", иначе сгенерированный код не будет иметь эффекта.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ClassDoesNotImplementAnyGeneratedComInterfacesMessage">
<source>Class '{0}' with 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' does not implement any interfaces with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'. Source will not be generated for '{0}'.</source>
- <target state="new">Class '{0}' with 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' does not implement any interfaces with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute'. Source will not be generated for '{0}'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Класс "{0}" с "GeneratedComClassAttribute" не реализует интерфейсы с "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute". Источник не будет создан для "{0}".</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ComHostingDoesNotSupportGeneratedComInterfaceDescription">
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComClassAttributeUsageMissingPartialModifier">
<source>Class '{0}' with 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' or one of its containing types is not marked 'partial'.</source>
- <target state="new">Class '{0}' with 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' or one of its containing types is not marked 'partial'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Класс "{0}" с "GeneratedComClassAttribute" или один из его содержащих типов не помечен как "частичный".</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComClassAttributeUsageTitle">
<trans-unit id="RequiresAllowUnsafeBlocksDescription">
<source>'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' and 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' require unsafe code. Project must be updated with '<AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>'.</source>
- <target state="new">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' and 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' require unsafe code. Project must be updated with '<AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Для "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" и "GeneratedComClassAttribute" требуется небезопасный код. Проект необходимо обновить с использованием значения "<AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>".</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="RequiresAllowUnsafeBlocksMessage">
<source>'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' and 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' require unsafe code. Project must be updated with '<AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>'.</source>
- <target state="new">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' and 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' require unsafe code. Project must be updated with '<AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Для "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" и "GeneratedComClassAttribute" требуется небезопасный код. Проект необходимо обновить с использованием значения "<AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>".</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="RequiresAllowUnsafeBlocksTitle">
<source>'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' and 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' require unsafe code.</source>
- <target state="new">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' and 'GeneratedComClassAttribute' require unsafe code.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Для "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" и "GeneratedComClassAttribute" требуется небезопасный код.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="RuntimeComApisDoNotSupportSourceGeneratedComDescription">
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageDescription">
<source>Interfaces attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' must have 'public' or 'internal' accessibility and be partial, non-generic, and must specify a GUID with 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute'.</source>
- <target state="new">Interfaces attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' must have 'public' or 'internal' accessibility and be partial, non-generic, and must specify a GUID with 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' özniteliğine sahip arabirimler 'public' veya 'internal' erişilebilirlik özelliğine sahip olmalı, kısmi olmalı, genel olmamalı ve 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute' ile bir GUID belirtmelidir.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageInterfaceIsGeneric">
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageInterfaceNotAccessible">
<source>Interface '{0}' is attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' but is not accessible by generated code. The interface and all containing types must have accessibility 'internal' or 'public' for generated code to access it. {1}</source>
- <target state="new">Interface '{0}' is attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' but is not accessible by generated code. The interface and all containing types must have accessibility 'internal' or 'public' for generated code to access it. {1}</target>
+ <target state="translated">'{0}' arabirimi 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' özniteliğine sahip ancak oluşturulan kod ile bu arabirime erişilemiyor. Arabirim ve tüm kapsayan türler, oluşturulan kodun bu arabirime erişebilmesi için 'internal' veya 'public' erişilebilirlik özelliğine sahip olmalıdır. {1}</target>
<note>{1} is details about which type/containing type is not accessible</note>
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageMissingGuidAttribute">
<trans-unit id="StringMarshallingCustomTypeNotAccessibleByGeneratedCode">
<source>The type '{0}' specified as 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType' is not accessible by generated code. The type must have at least 'internal' accessibility. {1}</source>
- <target state="new">The type '{0}' specified as 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType' is not accessible by generated code. The type must have at least 'internal' accessibility. {1}</target>
+ <target state="translated">'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType' olarak belirtilen '{0}' türüne, oluşturulan kod ile erişilemiyor. Tür, en azından 'internal' erişilebilirlik özelliğine sahip olmalıdır. {1}</target>
<note>{1} is details about which type/containing type is not accessible</note>
<trans-unit id="TypeNotSupportedDescription">
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageDescription">
<source>Interfaces attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' must have 'public' or 'internal' accessibility and be partial, non-generic, and must specify a GUID with 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute'.</source>
- <target state="new">Interfaces attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' must have 'public' or 'internal' accessibility and be partial, non-generic, and must specify a GUID with 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">通过 "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" 特性化的接口必须具有 "public" 或 "internal" 可访问性,必须是部分的、非泛型的,并且必须使用 "System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute" 指定 GUID。</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageInterfaceIsGeneric">
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageInterfaceNotAccessible">
<source>Interface '{0}' is attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' but is not accessible by generated code. The interface and all containing types must have accessibility 'internal' or 'public' for generated code to access it. {1}</source>
- <target state="new">Interface '{0}' is attributed with 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' but is not accessible by generated code. The interface and all containing types must have accessibility 'internal' or 'public' for generated code to access it. {1}</target>
+ <target state="translated">接口 "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute" 通过“{0}”进行特性化,但生成的代码无法访问它。该接口和所有包含类型必须具有 "internal" 或 "public" 可访问下,生成的代码才能访问它。{1}</target>
<note>{1} is details about which type/containing type is not accessible</note>
<trans-unit id="InvalidGeneratedComInterfaceAttributeUsageMissingGuidAttribute">
<trans-unit id="StringMarshallingCustomTypeNotAccessibleByGeneratedCode">
<source>The type '{0}' specified as 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType' is not accessible by generated code. The type must have at least 'internal' accessibility. {1}</source>
- <target state="new">The type '{0}' specified as 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType' is not accessible by generated code. The type must have at least 'internal' accessibility. {1}</target>
+ <target state="translated">生成的代码无法访问指定为 "GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.StringMarshallingCustomType" 的“{0}”类型。该类型必须至少具有 "internal" 可访问性。{1}</target>
<note>{1} is details about which type/containing type is not accessible</note>
<trans-unit id="TypeNotSupportedDescription">
<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceDescription">
<source>Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces.</source>
- <target state="new">Events are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance events on source-generated COM interfaces.</target>
+ <target state="translated">事件不是 COM 中的概念,因此不會為來源產生的 COM 介面上的執行個體事件來源產生 Interop 程式碼。</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceMessage">
<source>The instance event '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</source>
- <target state="new">The instance event '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</target>
+ <target state="translated">執行個體事件 '{0}' 是在套用了 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 的介面 '{1}' 中宣告的</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstanceEventDeclaredInInterfaceTitle">
<source>Declaring an instance event in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</source>
- <target state="new">Declaring an instance event in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</target>
+ <target state="translated">不支援在具有 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 的類型中宣告執行個體事件</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceDescription">
<source>Properties are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance properties on source-generated COM interfaces.</source>
- <target state="new">Properties are not a concept in COM, so no interop code will be source generated for instance properties on source-generated COM interfaces.</target>
+ <target state="translated">屬性不是 COM 中的概念,因此不會為來源產生的 COM 介面上的執行個體屬性來源產生 Interop 程式碼。</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceMessage">
<source>The instance property '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</source>
- <target state="new">The instance property '{0}' is declared in the interface '{1}', which has the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' applied</target>
+ <target state="translated">執行個體屬性 '{0}' 是在套用了 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 的介面 '{1}' 中宣告的</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InstancePropertyDeclaredInInterfaceTitle">
<source>Declaring an instance property in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</source>
- <target state="new">Declaring an instance property in a type with the 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' is not supported</target>
+ <target state="translated">不支援在具有 'GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute' 的類型中宣告執行個體屬性</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="InterfaceTypeNotSupportedMessage">
<trans-unit id="ContainingTypeAccessibilityDetails">
<source>Containing type '{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</source>
- <target state="new">Containing type '{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Obsahující typ „{0}“má přístupnost „{1}“.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CyclicalCountInfo">
<trans-unit id="TypeAccessibilityDetails">
<source>'{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</source>
- <target state="new">'{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">„{0}“ má přístupnost „{1}“.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="UnmanagedToManagedMissingRequiredMarshaller">
<trans-unit id="ContainingTypeAccessibilityDetails">
<source>Containing type '{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</source>
- <target state="new">Containing type '{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Le type conteneur '{0}' a une accessibilité '{1}'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CyclicalCountInfo">
<trans-unit id="TypeAccessibilityDetails">
<source>'{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</source>
- <target state="new">'{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">'{0}' a une accessibilité '{1}'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="UnmanagedToManagedMissingRequiredMarshaller">
<trans-unit id="ContainingTypeAccessibilityDetails">
<source>Containing type '{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</source>
- <target state="new">Containing type '{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">'{0}' 형식을 포함하는 경우 접근성 '{1}'이(가) 있습니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CyclicalCountInfo">
<trans-unit id="TypeAccessibilityDetails">
<source>'{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</source>
- <target state="new">'{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">'{0}'에는 접근성 '{1}'이(가) 있습니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="UnmanagedToManagedMissingRequiredMarshaller">
<trans-unit id="ContainingTypeAccessibilityDetails">
<source>Containing type '{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</source>
- <target state="new">Containing type '{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">Zawierający typ „{0}” ma ułatwienia dostępu „{1}”.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CyclicalCountInfo">
<trans-unit id="TypeAccessibilityDetails">
<source>'{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</source>
- <target state="new">'{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">„{0}” ma ułatwienia dostępu „{1}”.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="UnmanagedToManagedMissingRequiredMarshaller">
<trans-unit id="ContainingTypeAccessibilityDetails">
<source>Containing type '{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</source>
- <target state="new">Containing type '{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">'{0}' kapsayan türü '{1}' erişilebilirlik özelliğine sahip.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CyclicalCountInfo">
<trans-unit id="TypeAccessibilityDetails">
<source>'{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</source>
- <target state="new">'{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">'{0}', '{1}' erişilebilirlik özelliğine sahip.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="UnmanagedToManagedMissingRequiredMarshaller">
<trans-unit id="ContainingTypeAccessibilityDetails">
<source>Containing type '{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</source>
- <target state="new">Containing type '{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">包含类型“{0}”具有可访问性“{1}”。</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CyclicalCountInfo">
<trans-unit id="TypeAccessibilityDetails">
<source>'{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</source>
- <target state="new">'{0}' has accessibility '{1}'.</target>
+ <target state="translated">“{0}”具有可访问性“{1}”。</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="UnmanagedToManagedMissingRequiredMarshaller">