+ '<(skia_src_path)/effects/gradients/Sk4fGradientPriv.h',
#include "Sk4fGradientBase.h"
+#include "Sk4fGradientPriv.h"
+#include <functional>
namespace {
-// true when x is in [k1,k2)
-bool in_range(SkScalar x, SkScalar k1, SkScalar k2) {
- SkASSERT(k1 != k2);
- return (k1 < k2)
- ? (x >= k1 && x < k2)
- : (x >= k2 && x < k1);
+SkPMColor pack_color(SkColor c, bool premul) {
+ return premul
+ ? SkPreMultiplyColor(c)
+ : SkPackARGB32NoCheck(SkColorGetA(c), SkColorGetR(c), SkColorGetG(c), SkColorGetB(c));
+SkScalar tileProc(SkScalar t);
+SkScalar tileProc<SkShader::kClamp_TileMode>(SkScalar t) {
+ // synthetic clamp-mode edge intervals allow for a free-floating t:
+ // [-inf..0)[0..1)[1..+inf)
+ return t;
+SkScalar tileProc<SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode>(SkScalar t) {
+ // t % 1 (intervals range: [0..1))
+ return t - SkScalarFloorToScalar(t);
+SkScalar tileProc<SkShader::kMirror_TileMode>(SkScalar t) {
+ // t % 2 (synthetic mirror intervals expand the range to [0..2)
+ return t - SkScalarFloorToScalar(t / 2) * 2;
+class IntervalIterator {
+ IntervalIterator(const SkColor* colors, const SkScalar* pos, int count, bool reverse)
+ : fColors(colors)
+ , fPos(pos)
+ , fCount(count)
+ , fFirstPos(reverse ? SK_Scalar1 : 0)
+ , fBegin(reverse ? count - 1 : 0)
+ , fAdvance(reverse ? -1 : 1) {
+ SkASSERT(colors);
+ SkASSERT(count > 0);
+ }
+ void iterate(std::function<void(SkColor, SkColor, SkScalar, SkScalar)> func) const {
+ if (!fPos) {
+ this->iterateImplicitPos(func);
+ return;
+ }
+ const int end = fBegin + fAdvance * (fCount - 1);
+ const SkScalar lastPos = 1 - fFirstPos;
+ int prev = fBegin;
+ SkScalar prevPos = fFirstPos;
+ do {
+ const int curr = prev + fAdvance;
+ SkASSERT(curr >= 0 && curr < fCount);
+ // TODO: this sanitization should be done in SkGradientShaderBase
+ const SkScalar currPos = (fAdvance > 0)
+ ? SkTPin(fPos[curr], prevPos, lastPos)
+ : SkTPin(fPos[curr], lastPos, prevPos);
+ if (currPos != prevPos) {
+ SkASSERT((currPos - prevPos > 0) == (fAdvance > 0));
+ func(fColors[prev], fColors[curr], prevPos, currPos);
+ }
+ prev = curr;
+ prevPos = currPos;
+ } while (prev != end);
+ }
+ void iterateImplicitPos(std::function<void(SkColor, SkColor, SkScalar, SkScalar)> func) const {
+ // When clients don't provide explicit color stop positions (fPos == nullptr),
+ // the color stops are distributed evenly across the unit interval
+ // (implicit positioning).
+ const SkScalar dt = fAdvance * SK_Scalar1 / (fCount - 1);
+ const int end = fBegin + fAdvance * (fCount - 2);
+ int prev = fBegin;
+ SkScalar prevPos = fFirstPos;
+ while (prev != end) {
+ const int curr = prev + fAdvance;
+ SkASSERT(curr >= 0 && curr < fCount);
+ const SkScalar currPos = prevPos + dt;
+ func(fColors[prev], fColors[curr], prevPos, currPos);
+ prev = curr;
+ prevPos = currPos;
+ }
+ // emit the last interval with a pinned end position, to avoid precision issues
+ func(fColors[prev], fColors[prev + fAdvance], prevPos, 1 - fFirstPos);
+ }
+ const SkColor* fColors;
+ const SkScalar* fPos;
+ const int fCount;
+ const SkScalar fFirstPos;
+ const int fBegin;
+ const int fAdvance;
} // anonymous namespace
-bool SkGradientShaderBase::GradientShaderBase4fContext::
-Interval::contains(SkScalar fx) const {
- return in_range(fx, fP0, fP1);
GradientShaderBase4fContext::GradientShaderBase4fContext(const SkGradientShaderBase& shader,
const ContextRec& rec)
(shader.fGradFlags & SkGradientShader::kInterpolateColorsInPremul_Flag)
|| shader.fColorsAreOpaque;
+void SkGradientShaderBase::
+GradientShaderBase4fContext::buildIntervals(const SkGradientShaderBase& shader,
+ const ContextRec& rec, bool reverse) {
+ // The main job here is to build a specialized interval list: a different
+ // representation of the color stops data, optimized for efficient scan line
+ // access during shading.
+ //
+ // [{P0,C0} , {P1,C1}) [{P1,C2} , {P2,c3}) ... [{Pn,C2n} , {Pn+1,C2n+1})
+ //
+ // The list may be inverted when requested (such that e.g. points are sorted
+ // in increasing x order when dx < 0).
+ //
+ // Note: the current representation duplicates pos data; we could refactor to
+ // avoid this if interval storage size becomes a concern.
+ //
+ // Aside from reordering, we also perform two more pre-processing steps at
+ // this stage:
+ //
+ // 1) scale the color components depending on paint alpha and the requested
+ // interpolation space (note: the interval color storage is SkPM4f, but
+ // that doesn't necessarily mean the colors are premultiplied; that
+ // property is tracked in fColorsArePremul)
+ //
+ // 2) inject synthetic intervals to support tiling.
+ //
+ // * for kRepeat, no extra intervals are needed - the iterator just
+ // wraps around at the end:
+ //
+ // ->[P0,P1)->..[Pn-1,Pn)->
+ //
+ // * for kClamp, we add two "infinite" intervals before/after:
+ //
+ // [-/+inf , P0)->[P0 , P1)->..[Pn-1 , Pn)->[Pn , +/-inf)
+ //
+ // (the iterator should never run off the end in this mode)
+ //
+ // * for kMirror, we extend the range to [0..2] and add a flipped
+ // interval series - then the iterator operates just as in the
+ // kRepeat case:
+ //
+ // ->[P0,P1)->..[Pn-1,Pn)->[2 - Pn,2 - Pn-1)->..[2 - P1,2 - P0)->
+ //
+ // TODO: investigate collapsing intervals << 1px.
+ SkASSERT(shader.fColorCount > 0);
+ SkASSERT(shader.fOrigColors);
+ const float paintAlpha = rec.fPaint->getAlpha() * (1.0f / 255);
+ const Sk4f componentScale = fColorsArePremul
+ ? Sk4f(paintAlpha)
+ : Sk4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, paintAlpha);
+ const int first_index = reverse ? shader.fColorCount - 1 : 0;
+ const int last_index = shader.fColorCount - 1 - first_index;
+ const SkScalar first_pos = reverse ? SK_Scalar1 : 0;
+ const SkScalar last_pos = SK_Scalar1 - first_pos;
+ if (shader.fTileMode == SkShader::kClamp_TileMode) {
+ // synthetic edge interval: -/+inf .. P0
+ const SkPMColor clamp_color = pack_color(shader.fOrigColors[first_index],
+ fColorsArePremul);
+ const SkScalar clamp_pos = reverse ? SK_ScalarMax : SK_ScalarMin;
+ fIntervals.emplace_back(clamp_color, clamp_pos,
+ clamp_color, first_pos,
+ componentScale);
+ } else if (shader.fTileMode == SkShader::kMirror_TileMode && reverse) {
+ // synthetic mirror intervals injected before main intervals: (2 .. 1]
+ addMirrorIntervals(shader, componentScale, false);
+ }
+ const IntervalIterator iter(shader.fOrigColors,
+ shader.fOrigPos,
+ shader.fColorCount,
+ reverse);
+ iter.iterate([this, &componentScale] (SkColor c0, SkColor c1, SkScalar p0, SkScalar p1) {
+ SkASSERT(fIntervals.empty() || fIntervals.back().fP1 == p0);
+ fIntervals.emplace_back(pack_color(c0, fColorsArePremul),
+ p0,
+ pack_color(c1, fColorsArePremul),
+ p1,
+ componentScale);
+ });
+ if (shader.fTileMode == SkShader::kClamp_TileMode) {
+ // synthetic edge interval: Pn .. +/-inf
+ const SkPMColor clamp_color =
+ pack_color(shader.fOrigColors[last_index], fColorsArePremul);
+ const SkScalar clamp_pos = reverse ? SK_ScalarMin : SK_ScalarMax;
+ fIntervals.emplace_back(clamp_color, last_pos,
+ clamp_color, clamp_pos,
+ componentScale);
+ } else if (shader.fTileMode == SkShader::kMirror_TileMode && !reverse) {
+ // synthetic mirror intervals injected after main intervals: [1 .. 2)
+ addMirrorIntervals(shader, componentScale, true);
+ }
+void SkGradientShaderBase::
+GradientShaderBase4fContext::addMirrorIntervals(const SkGradientShaderBase& shader,
+ const Sk4f& componentScale, bool reverse) {
+ const IntervalIterator iter(shader.fOrigColors,
+ shader.fOrigPos,
+ shader.fColorCount,
+ reverse);
+ iter.iterate([this, &componentScale] (SkColor c0, SkColor c1, SkScalar p0, SkScalar p1) {
+ SkASSERT(fIntervals.empty() || fIntervals.back().fP1 == 2 - p0);
+ fIntervals.emplace_back(pack_color(c0, fColorsArePremul),
+ 2 - p0,
+ pack_color(c1, fColorsArePremul),
+ 2 - p1,
+ componentScale);
+ });
+void SkGradientShaderBase::
+GradientShaderBase4fContext::shadeSpan(int x, int y, SkPMColor dst[], int count) {
+ if (fColorsArePremul) {
+ this->shadePremulSpan<SkPMColor, false>(x, y, dst, count);
+ } else {
+ this->shadePremulSpan<SkPMColor, true>(x, y, dst, count);
+ }
+void SkGradientShaderBase::
+GradientShaderBase4fContext::shadeSpan4f(int x, int y, SkPM4f dst[], int count) {
+ if (fColorsArePremul) {
+ this->shadePremulSpan<SkPM4f, false>(x, y, dst, count);
+ } else {
+ this->shadePremulSpan<SkPM4f, true>(x, y, dst, count);
+ }
+template<typename DstType, bool do_premul>
+void SkGradientShaderBase::
+GradientShaderBase4fContext::shadePremulSpan(int x, int y,
+ DstType dst[],
+ int count) const {
+ const SkGradientShaderBase& shader =
+ static_cast<const SkGradientShaderBase&>(fShader);
+ switch (shader.fTileMode) {
+ case kClamp_TileMode:
+ this->shadeSpanInternal<DstType,
+ do_premul,
+ kClamp_TileMode>(x, y, dst, count);
+ break;
+ case kRepeat_TileMode:
+ this->shadeSpanInternal<DstType,
+ do_premul,
+ kRepeat_TileMode>(x, y, dst, count);
+ break;
+ case kMirror_TileMode:
+ this->shadeSpanInternal<DstType,
+ do_premul,
+ kMirror_TileMode>(x, y, dst, count);
+ break;
+ }
+template<typename DstType, bool do_premul, SkShader::TileMode tileMode>
+void SkGradientShaderBase::
+GradientShaderBase4fContext::shadeSpanInternal(int x, int y,
+ DstType dst[],
+ int count) const {
+ static const int kBufSize = 128;
+ SkScalar ts[kBufSize];
+ TSampler<DstType, tileMode> sampler(*this);
+ SkASSERT(count > 0);
+ do {
+ const int n = SkTMin(kBufSize, count);
+ this->mapTs(x, y, ts, n);
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ const Sk4f c = sampler.sample(ts[i]);
+ store<DstType, do_premul>(c, dst++);
+ }
+ x += n;
+ count -= n;
+ } while (count > 0);
+template<typename DstType, SkShader::TileMode tileMode>
+class SkGradientShaderBase::GradientShaderBase4fContext::TSampler {
+ TSampler(const GradientShaderBase4fContext& ctx)
+ : fFirstInterval(ctx.fIntervals.begin())
+ , fLastInterval(ctx.fIntervals.end() - 1)
+ , fInterval(nullptr) {
+ SkASSERT(fLastInterval >= fFirstInterval);
+ }
+ Sk4f sample(SkScalar t) {
+ const SkScalar tiled_t = tileProc<tileMode>(t);
+ if (!fInterval) {
+ // Very first sample => locate the initial interval.
+ // TODO: maybe do this in ctor to remove a branch?
+ fInterval = this->findFirstInterval(tiled_t);
+ this->loadIntervalData(fInterval);
+ } else if (tiled_t < fInterval->fP0 || tiled_t >= fInterval->fP1) {
+ fInterval = this->findNextInterval(t, tiled_t);
+ this->loadIntervalData(fInterval);
+ }
+ fPrevT = t;
+ return lerp(tiled_t);
+ }
+ Sk4f lerp(SkScalar t) {
+ SkASSERT(t >= fInterval->fP0 && t < fInterval->fP1);
+ return fCc + fDc * (t - fInterval->fP0);
+ }
+ const Interval* findFirstInterval(SkScalar t) const {
+ // Binary search.
+ const Interval* i0 = fFirstInterval;
+ const Interval* i1 = fLastInterval;
+ while (i0 != i1) {
+ SkASSERT(i0 < i1);
+ SkASSERT(t >= i0->fP0 && t < i1->fP1);
+ const Interval* i = i0 + ((i1 - i0) >> 1);
+ if (t >= i->fP1) {
+ i0 = i + 1;
+ } else {
+ i1 = i;
+ }
+ }
+ SkASSERT(t >= i0->fP0 && t <= i0->fP1);
+ return i0;
+ }
+ const Interval* findNextInterval(SkScalar t, SkScalar tiled_t) const {
+ SkASSERT(tiled_t < fInterval->fP0 || tiled_t >= fInterval->fP1);
+ SkASSERT(tiled_t >= fFirstInterval->fP0 && tiled_t < fLastInterval->fP1);
+ const Interval* i = fInterval;
+ // Use the t vs. prev_t signal to figure which direction we should search for
+ // the next interval, then perform a linear search.
+ if (t >= fPrevT) {
+ do {
+ i += 1;
+ if (i > fLastInterval) {
+ i = fFirstInterval;
+ }
+ } while (tiled_t < i->fP0 || tiled_t >= i->fP1);
+ } else {
+ do {
+ i -= 1;
+ if (i < fFirstInterval) {
+ i = fLastInterval;
+ }
+ } while (tiled_t < i->fP0 || tiled_t >= i->fP1);
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ void loadIntervalData(const Interval* i) {
+ fCc = dst_swizzle<DstType>(i->fC0) * dst_component_scale<DstType>();
+ fDc = dst_swizzle<DstType>(i->fDc) * dst_component_scale<DstType>();
+ }
+ const Interval* fFirstInterval;
+ const Interval* fLastInterval;
+ const Interval* fInterval;
+ SkScalar fPrevT;
+ Sk4f fCc;
+ Sk4f fDc;
uint32_t getFlags() const override { return fFlags; }
+ void shadeSpan(int x, int y, SkPMColor dst[], int count) override;
+ void shadeSpan4f(int x, int y, SkPM4f dst[], int count) override;
struct Interval {
Interval(SkPMColor c0, SkScalar p0,
bool isZeroRamp() const { return fZeroRamp; }
- // true when fx is in [p0,p1)
- bool contains(SkScalar fx) const;
SkPM4f fC0, fDc;
SkScalar fP0, fP1;
bool fZeroRamp;
+ virtual void mapTs(int x, int y, SkScalar ts[], int count) const = 0;
+ void buildIntervals(const SkGradientShaderBase&, const ContextRec&, bool reverse);
SkSTArray<8, Interval, true> fIntervals;
SkMatrix fDstToPos;
SkMatrix::MapXYProc fDstToPosProc;
using INHERITED = SkShader::Context;
+ void addMirrorIntervals(const SkGradientShaderBase&,
+ const Sk4f& componentScale, bool reverse);
+ template<typename DstType, SkShader::TileMode tileMode>
+ class TSampler;
+ template <typename DstType, bool do_premul>
+ void shadePremulSpan(int x, int y, DstType[], int count) const;
+ template <typename DstType, bool do_premul, SkShader::TileMode tileMode>
+ void shadeSpanInternal(int x, int y, DstType[], int count) const;
#endif // Sk4fGradientBase_DEFINED
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#ifndef Sk4fGradientPriv_DEFINED
+#define Sk4fGradientPriv_DEFINED
+#include "SkColor.h"
+#include "SkNx.h"
+#include "SkPM4f.h"
+// Templates shared by various 4f gradient flavors.
+namespace {
+inline Sk4f premul_4f(const Sk4f& c) {
+ const float alpha = c[SkPM4f::A];
+ // FIXME: portable swizzle?
+ return c * Sk4f(alpha, alpha, alpha, 1);
+template <bool do_premul>
+inline SkPMColor trunc_from_255(const Sk4f& c) {
+ SkPMColor pmc;
+ SkNx_cast<uint8_t>(c).store(&pmc);
+ if (do_premul) {
+ pmc = SkPreMultiplyARGB(SkGetPackedA32(pmc), SkGetPackedR32(pmc),
+ SkGetPackedG32(pmc), SkGetPackedB32(pmc));
+ }
+ return pmc;
+template<typename DstType, bool do_premul>
+void store(const Sk4f& color, DstType* dst);
+inline void store<SkPM4f, false>(const Sk4f& c, SkPM4f* dst) {
+ c.store(dst);
+inline void store<SkPM4f, true>(const Sk4f& c, SkPM4f* dst) {
+ store<SkPM4f, false>(premul_4f(c), dst);
+inline void store<SkPMColor, false>(const Sk4f& c, SkPMColor* dst) {
+ *dst = trunc_from_255<false>(c);
+inline void store<SkPMColor, true>(const Sk4f& c, SkPMColor* dst) {
+ *dst = trunc_from_255<true>(c);
+template<typename DstType, bool do_premul>
+inline void store4x(const Sk4f& c0,
+ const Sk4f& c1,
+ const Sk4f& c2,
+ const Sk4f& c3,
+ DstType* dst) {
+ store<DstType, do_premul>(c0, dst++);
+ store<DstType, do_premul>(c1, dst++);
+ store<DstType, do_premul>(c2, dst++);
+ store<DstType, do_premul>(c3, dst++);
+inline void store4x<SkPMColor, false>(const Sk4f& c0,
+ const Sk4f& c1,
+ const Sk4f& c2,
+ const Sk4f& c3,
+ SkPMColor* dst) {
+ Sk4f_ToBytes((uint8_t*)dst, c0, c1, c2, c3);
+template<typename DstType>
+float dst_component_scale();
+inline float dst_component_scale<SkPM4f>() {
+ return 1;
+inline float dst_component_scale<SkPMColor>() {
+ return 255;
+template<typename DstType>
+Sk4f dst_swizzle(const SkPM4f&);
+inline Sk4f dst_swizzle<SkPM4f>(const SkPM4f& c) {
+ return c.to4f();
+inline Sk4f dst_swizzle<SkPMColor>(const SkPM4f& c) {
+ return c.to4f_pmorder();
+#endif // Sk4fGradientPriv_DEFINED
* found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "Sk4fGradientPriv.h"
#include "Sk4fLinearGradient.h"
namespace {
-Sk4f premul_4f(const Sk4f& c) {
- const float alpha = c[SkPM4f::A];
- // FIXME: portable swizzle?
- return c * Sk4f(alpha, alpha, alpha, 1);
-template <bool do_premul>
-SkPMColor trunc_from_255(const Sk4f& c) {
- SkPMColor pmc;
- SkNx_cast<uint8_t>(c).store(&pmc);
- if (do_premul) {
- pmc = SkPreMultiplyARGB(SkGetPackedA32(pmc), SkGetPackedR32(pmc),
- SkGetPackedG32(pmc), SkGetPackedB32(pmc));
- }
- return pmc;
template<typename DstType, bool do_premul>
void fill(const Sk4f& c, DstType* dst, int n);
sk_memset32(dst, trunc_from_255<true>(c), n);
-template<typename DstType, bool do_premul>
-void store(const Sk4f& color, DstType* dst);
-void store<SkPM4f, false>(const Sk4f& c, SkPM4f* dst) {
- c.store(dst);
-void store<SkPM4f, true>(const Sk4f& c, SkPM4f* dst) {
- store<SkPM4f, false>(premul_4f(c), dst);
-void store<SkPMColor, false>(const Sk4f& c, SkPMColor* dst) {
- *dst = trunc_from_255<false>(c);
-void store<SkPMColor, true>(const Sk4f& c, SkPMColor* dst) {
- *dst = trunc_from_255<true>(c);
-template<typename DstType, bool do_premul>
-void store4x(const Sk4f& c0,
- const Sk4f& c1,
- const Sk4f& c2,
- const Sk4f& c3,
- DstType* dst) {
- store<DstType, do_premul>(c0, dst++);
- store<DstType, do_premul>(c1, dst++);
- store<DstType, do_premul>(c2, dst++);
- store<DstType, do_premul>(c3, dst++);
-void store4x<SkPMColor, false>(const Sk4f& c0,
- const Sk4f& c1,
- const Sk4f& c2,
- const Sk4f& c3,
- SkPMColor* dst) {
- Sk4f_ToBytes((uint8_t*)dst, c0, c1, c2, c3);
template<typename DstType, bool do_premul>
void ramp(const Sk4f& c, const Sk4f& dc, DstType* dst, int n) {
SkASSERT(n > 0);
return f < 0 ? f + 2 : f;
-template<typename DstType>
-float dst_component_scale();
-float dst_component_scale<SkPM4f>() {
- return 1;
-float dst_component_scale<SkPMColor>() {
- return 255;
-template<typename DstType>
-Sk4f dst_swizzle(const SkPM4f&);
-Sk4f dst_swizzle<SkPM4f>(const SkPM4f& c) {
- return c.to4f();
-Sk4f dst_swizzle<SkPMColor>(const SkPM4f& c) {
- return c.to4f_pmorder();
-SkPMColor pack_color(SkColor c, bool premul) {
- return premul
- ? SkPreMultiplyColor(c)
- : SkPackARGB32NoCheck(SkColorGetA(c), SkColorGetR(c), SkColorGetG(c), SkColorGetB(c));
// true when x is in [k1,k2)
bool in_range(SkScalar x, SkScalar k1, SkScalar k2) {
SkASSERT(k1 != k2);
: (x >= k2 && x < k1);
-class IntervalBuilder {
- IntervalBuilder(const SkColor* colors, const SkScalar* pos, int count, bool reverse)
- : fColors(colors)
- , fPos(pos)
- , fCount(count)
- , fFirstPos(reverse ? SK_Scalar1 : 0)
- , fBegin(reverse ? count - 1 : 0)
- , fAdvance(reverse ? -1 : 1) {
- SkASSERT(colors);
- SkASSERT(count > 1);
- }
- template<typename F>
- void build(F func) const {
- if (!fPos) {
- this->buildImplicitPos(func);
- return;
- }
- const int end = fBegin + fAdvance * (fCount - 1);
- const SkScalar lastPos = 1 - fFirstPos;
- int prev = fBegin;
- SkScalar prevPos = fFirstPos;
- do {
- const int curr = prev + fAdvance;
- SkASSERT(curr >= 0 && curr < fCount);
- // TODO: this sanitization should be done in SkGradientShaderBase
- const SkScalar currPos = (fAdvance > 0)
- ? SkTPin(fPos[curr], prevPos, lastPos)
- : SkTPin(fPos[curr], lastPos, prevPos);
- if (currPos != prevPos) {
- SkASSERT((currPos - prevPos > 0) == (fAdvance > 0));
- func(fColors[prev], fColors[curr], prevPos, currPos);
- }
- prev = curr;
- prevPos = currPos;
- } while (prev != end);
- }
- template<typename F>
- void buildImplicitPos(F func) const {
- // When clients don't provide explicit color stop positions (fPos == nullptr),
- // the color stops are distributed evenly across the unit interval
- // (implicit positioning).
- const SkScalar dt = fAdvance * SK_Scalar1 / (fCount - 1);
- const int end = fBegin + fAdvance * (fCount - 2);
- int prev = fBegin;
- SkScalar prevPos = fFirstPos;
- while (prev != end) {
- const int curr = prev + fAdvance;
- SkASSERT(curr >= 0 && curr < fCount);
- const SkScalar currPos = prevPos + dt;
- func(fColors[prev], fColors[curr], prevPos, currPos);
- prev = curr;
- prevPos = currPos;
- }
- // emit the last interval with a pinned end position, to avoid precision issues
- func(fColors[prev], fColors[prev + fAdvance], prevPos, 1 - fFirstPos);
- }
- const SkColor* fColors;
- const SkScalar* fPos;
- const int fCount;
- const SkScalar fFirstPos;
- const int fBegin;
- const int fAdvance;
} // anonymous namespace
LinearGradient4fContext::LinearGradient4fContext(const SkLinearGradient& shader,
const ContextRec& rec)
: INHERITED(shader, rec) {
- // The main job here is to build a specialized interval list: a different
- // representation of the color stops data, optimized for efficient scan line
- // access during shading.
- //
- // [{P0,C0} , {P1,C1}) [{P1,C2} , {P2,c3}) ... [{Pn,C2n} , {Pn+1,C2n+1})
- //
- // The list is sorted in increasing dst order, i.e. X(Pk) < X(Pk+1). This
- // allows us to always traverse left->right when iterating over a scan line.
- // It also means that the interval order matches the color stops when dx >= 0,
- // and is the inverse (pos, colors, order are flipped) when dx < 0.
- //
- // Note: the current representation duplicates pos data; we could refactor to
- // avoid this if interval storage size becomes a concern.
- //
- // Aside from reordering, we also perform two more pre-processing steps at
- // this stage:
- //
- // 1) scale the color components depending on paint alpha and the requested
- // interpolation space (note: the interval color storage is SkPM4f, but
- // that doesn't necessarily mean the colors are premultiplied; that
- // property is tracked in fColorsArePremul)
- //
- // 2) inject synthetic intervals to support tiling.
- //
- // * for kRepeat, no extra intervals are needed - the iterator just
- // wraps around at the end:
- //
- // ->[P0,P1)->..[Pn-1,Pn)->
- //
- // * for kClamp, we add two "infinite" intervals before/after:
- //
- // [-/+inf , P0)->[P0 , P1)->..[Pn-1 , Pn)->[Pn , +/-inf)
- //
- // (the iterator should never run off the end in this mode)
- //
- // * for kMirror, we extend the range to [0..2] and add a flipped
- // interval series - then the iterator operates just as in the
- // kRepeat case:
- //
- // ->[P0,P1)->..[Pn-1,Pn)->[2 - Pn,2 - Pn-1)->..[2 - P1,2 - P0)->
- //
- // TODO: investigate collapsing intervals << 1px.
- SkASSERT(shader.fColorCount > 1);
- SkASSERT(shader.fOrigColors);
- const float paintAlpha = rec.fPaint->getAlpha() * (1.0f / 255);
- const Sk4f componentScale = fColorsArePremul
- ? Sk4f(paintAlpha)
- : Sk4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, paintAlpha);
- const bool dx_is_pos = fDstToPos.getScaleX() >= 0;
- const int first_index = dx_is_pos ? 0 : shader.fColorCount - 1;
- const int last_index = shader.fColorCount - 1 - first_index;
- const SkScalar first_pos = dx_is_pos ? 0 : SK_Scalar1;
- const SkScalar last_pos = 1 - first_pos;
- if (shader.fTileMode == SkShader::kClamp_TileMode) {
- // synthetic edge interval: -/+inf .. P0
- const SkPMColor clamp_color = pack_color(shader.fOrigColors[first_index],
- fColorsArePremul);
- const SkScalar clamp_pos = dx_is_pos ? SK_ScalarMin : SK_ScalarMax;
- fIntervals.emplace_back(clamp_color, clamp_pos,
- clamp_color, first_pos,
- componentScale);
- } else if (shader.fTileMode == SkShader::kMirror_TileMode && !dx_is_pos) {
- // synthetic mirror intervals injected before main intervals: (2 .. 1]
- addMirrorIntervals(shader, componentScale, dx_is_pos);
- }
- const IntervalBuilder builder(shader.fOrigColors,
- shader.fOrigPos,
- shader.fColorCount,
- !dx_is_pos);
- builder.build([this, &componentScale] (SkColor c0, SkColor c1, SkScalar p0, SkScalar p1) {
- SkASSERT(fIntervals.empty() || fIntervals.back().fP1 == p0);
- fIntervals.emplace_back(pack_color(c0, fColorsArePremul),
- p0,
- pack_color(c1, fColorsArePremul),
- p1,
- componentScale);
- });
- if (shader.fTileMode == SkShader::kClamp_TileMode) {
- // synthetic edge interval: Pn .. +/-inf
- const SkPMColor clamp_color =
- pack_color(shader.fOrigColors[last_index], fColorsArePremul);
- const SkScalar clamp_pos = dx_is_pos ? SK_ScalarMax : SK_ScalarMin;
- fIntervals.emplace_back(clamp_color, last_pos,
- clamp_color, clamp_pos,
- componentScale);
- } else if (shader.fTileMode == SkShader::kMirror_TileMode && dx_is_pos) {
- // synthetic mirror intervals injected after main intervals: [1 .. 2)
- addMirrorIntervals(shader, componentScale, dx_is_pos);
- }
+ // Our fast path expects interval points to be monotonically increasing in x.
+ const bool reverseIntervals = this->isFast() && fDstToPos.getScaleX() < 0;
+ this->buildIntervals(shader, rec, reverseIntervals);
SkASSERT(fIntervals.count() > 0);
fCachedInterval = fIntervals.begin();
-void SkLinearGradient::
-LinearGradient4fContext::addMirrorIntervals(const SkLinearGradient& shader,
- const Sk4f& componentScale, bool dx_is_pos) {
- // Iterates in reverse order (vs main interval builder) and adds intervals reflected in 2.
- const IntervalBuilder builder(shader.fOrigColors,
- shader.fOrigPos,
- shader.fColorCount,
- dx_is_pos);
- builder.build([this, &componentScale] (SkColor c0, SkColor c1, SkScalar p0, SkScalar p1) {
- SkASSERT(fIntervals.empty() || fIntervals.back().fP1 == 2 - p0);
- fIntervals.emplace_back(pack_color(c0, fColorsArePremul),
- 2 - p0,
- pack_color(c1, fColorsArePremul),
- 2 - p1,
- componentScale);
- });
const SkGradientShaderBase::GradientShaderBase4fContext::Interval*
SkLinearGradient::LinearGradient4fContext::findInterval(SkScalar fx) const {
SkASSERT(in_range(fx, fIntervals.front().fP0, fIntervals.back().fP1));
void SkLinearGradient::
LinearGradient4fContext::shadeSpan(int x, int y, SkPMColor dst[], int count) {
+ if (!this->isFast()) {
+ this->INHERITED::shadeSpan(x, y, dst, count);
+ return;
+ }
// TODO: plumb dithering
SkASSERT(count > 0);
if (fColorsArePremul) {
void SkLinearGradient::
LinearGradient4fContext::shadeSpan4f(int x, int y, SkPM4f dst[], int count) {
+ if (!this->isFast()) {
+ this->INHERITED::shadeSpan4f(x, y, dst, count);
+ return;
+ }
// TONOTDO: plumb dithering
SkASSERT(count > 0);
if (fColorsArePremul) {
, fIsVertical(is_vertical)
SkASSERT(firstInterval <= lastInterval);
- SkASSERT(i->contains(fx));
+ SkASSERT(in_range(fx, i->fP0, i->fP1));
this->compute_interval_props(fx - i->fP0);
const SkScalar fDx; // 'dx' for consistency with other impls; actually dt/dx
const bool fIsVertical;
+void SkLinearGradient::
+LinearGradient4fContext::mapTs(int x, int y, SkScalar ts[], int count) const {
+ SkASSERT(count > 0);
+ SkASSERT(fDstToPosClass != kLinear_MatrixClass);
+ SkScalar sx = x + SK_ScalarHalf;
+ const SkScalar sy = y + SK_ScalarHalf;
+ SkPoint pt;
+ if (fDstToPosClass != kPerspective_MatrixClass) {
+ // kLinear_MatrixClass, kFixedStepInX_MatrixClass => fixed dt per scanline
+ const SkScalar dtdx = fDstToPos.fixedStepInX(sy).x();
+ fDstToPosProc(fDstToPos, sx, sy, &pt);
+ const Sk4f dtdx4 = Sk4f(4 * dtdx);
+ Sk4f t4 = Sk4f(pt.x() + 0 * dtdx,
+ pt.x() + 1 * dtdx,
+ pt.x() + 2 * dtdx,
+ pt.x() + 3 * dtdx);
+ while (count >= 4) {
+ t4.store(ts);
+ t4 = t4 + dtdx4;
+ ts += 4;
+ count -= 4;
+ }
+ if (count & 2) {
+ *ts++ = t4[0];
+ *ts++ = t4[1];
+ t4 = SkNx_shuffle<2, 0, 1, 3>(t4);
+ }
+ if (count & 1) {
+ *ts++ = t4[0];
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ fDstToPosProc(fDstToPos, sx, sy, &pt);
+ ts[i] = pt.x();
+ sx += SK_Scalar1;
+ }
+ }
#include "SkLinearGradient.h"
class SkLinearGradient::
-LinearGradient4fContext : public GradientShaderBase4fContext {
+LinearGradient4fContext final : public GradientShaderBase4fContext {
LinearGradient4fContext(const SkLinearGradient&, const ContextRec&);
void shadeSpan(int x, int y, SkPMColor dst[], int count) override;
void shadeSpan4f(int x, int y, SkPM4f dst[], int count) override;
+ void mapTs(int x, int y, SkScalar ts[], int count) const override;
using INHERITED = GradientShaderBase4fContext;
- void addMirrorIntervals(const SkLinearGradient&, const Sk4f& componentScale,
- bool dx_is_pos);
template<typename DstType, TileMode>
class LinearIntervalProcessor;
template <typename DstType, bool premul>
void shadePremulSpan(int x, int y, DstType[], int count) const;
- template <typename DstType, bool premul, SkShader::TileMode tileMode>
- void shadePremulTileSpan(int x, int y, DstType[], int count) const;
template <typename DstType, bool premul, SkShader::TileMode tileMode>
void shadeSpanInternal(int x, int y, DstType[], int count) const;
const Interval* findInterval(SkScalar fx) const;
+ bool isFast() const { return fDstToPosClass == kLinear_MatrixClass; }
mutable const Interval* fCachedInterval;
return true;
- // Perspective not supported in 4f yet.
- if (rec.fMatrix->hasPerspective()
- || (rec.fLocalMatrix && rec.fLocalMatrix->hasPerspective())) {
- return false;
- }
return rec.fPreferredDstType == SkShader::ContextRec::kPM4f_DstType
|| SkToBool(flags & SkLinearGradient::kForce4fContext_PrivateFlag);