Subject: [E-devel] [Patch] els_scroller - bouncing doesn't work in
specific case
I found the bouncing of the scroller doesn't work in specific case.
When the scroller is scrolled but the animation doesn't occur,
sd->down.dy is not changed. Then in elm_smart_scroller_child_pos_set,
it's possible not to pass the below conditional sentence even if it
have to has the bounce.
if (((y < miny) && (0 <= sd->down.dy)) ||
((y > (my + miny)) && (0 >= sd->down.dy)))
So I reset the value sd->down.dx and sd->down.dy to 0 when mouse is up.
Please check patch file.
SVN revision: 63797
sd = data;
ev = event_info;
sd->down.hold_parent = 0;
+ sd->down.dx = 0;
+ sd->down.dy = 0;
// if (ev->event_flags & EVAS_EVENT_FLAG_ON_HOLD) return ;
evas_post_event_callback_push(e, _smart_event_post_up, sd);
// FIXME: respect elm_widget_scroll_hold_get of parent container