#include <arm_compute/runtime/CL/functions/CLConvolutionLayer.h>
#include <arm_compute/runtime/CL/functions/CLPoolingLayer.h>
#include <arm_compute/runtime/CL/functions/CLActivationLayer.h>
-#include <arm_compute/runtime/CL/functions/CLFullyConnectedLayer.h>
#include <arm_compute/runtime/CL/functions/CLSoftmaxLayer.h>
#include <arm_compute/runtime/CL/functions/CLArithmeticAddition.h>
#include <arm_compute/runtime/misc/functions/GenericReshapeLayer.h>
#include <arm_compute/runtime/CL/functions/CLDepthwiseConvolutionLayer.h>
+#include <arm_compute/runtime/misc/functions/GenericFullyConnectedLayer.h>
#include "kernel/ConcatLayer.h"
#include "util/Utils.h"
+#include "Convert.h"
template <typename T> std::unique_ptr<T> make_layer(void) { return std::unique_ptr<T>{new T}; }
const auto bias_index{node.getInputs().at(FullyConnectedNode::Input::BIAS)};
const auto activation_index{node.param().activation_index};
+ auto tensors = _tensor_builder;
+ const auto input_rank = _ctx.at(input_index).shape().rank();
+ // TODO Currently we are not handling where the case is that the input's rank is 3.
+ // The handling should be added in the future.
+ assert(input_rank != 3);
+ const auto output_size = _ctx.at(output_index).shape().dim(1);
+ UNUSED_RELEASE(output_size);
+ assert(_ctx.at(bias_index).shape().dim(0) == output_size);
+ assert(_ctx.at(weight_index).shape().dim(0) == output_size);
+ const auto batch_size = _ctx.at(output_index).shape().dim(0);
+ const auto input_size = _ctx.at(weight_index).shape().dim(1);
+ // Check for reshaping input's shape into rank-2
+ bool needs_reshape = false;
+ neurun::model::operand::Shape reshape(2);
+ if (input_rank == 4)
+ {
+ nnfw::misc::feature::Shape ifm_shape_feature = _ctx.at(input_index).shape().asFeature();
+ auto feature_size =
+ ifm_shape_feature.N * ifm_shape_feature.C * ifm_shape_feature.H * ifm_shape_feature.W;
+ UNUSED_RELEASE(feature_size);
+ assert(feature_size == batch_size * input_size);
+ tensors->dimCorrection(input_index, false);
+ // for reshaping
+ needs_reshape = true;
+ reshape.dim(0) = batch_size; /* H */
+ reshape.dim(1) = input_size; /* W */
+ }
// Construct operation parameters
struct Param
model::operand::Index bias_index;
FuseCode activation;
+ bool needs_reshape;
+ neurun::model::operand::Shape reshape;
Param param;
param.activation = static_cast<FuseCode>(_ctx.at(activation_index).asScalar<int32_t>());
- auto tensors = _tensor_builder;
+ param.needs_reshape = needs_reshape;
+ param.reshape = reshape;
returnStage([tensors, param](IExecutionBuilder &builder) {
auto output_alloc = tensors->at(param.output_index).get();
auto weight_alloc = tensors->at(param.weight_index).get();
auto bias_alloc = tensors->at(param.bias_index).get();
- auto fn = make_layer<::arm_compute::CLFullyConnectedLayer>();
+ auto fn = make_layer<arm_compute::misc::GenericFullyConnectedLayer>();
fn->configure(input_alloc->handle(), weight_alloc->handle(), bias_alloc->handle(),
- output_alloc->handle());
+ output_alloc->handle(), param.needs_reshape, asTensorShape(param.reshape));
auto acl_fn = make_cl_function(std::move(fn));
namespace operand
-size_t Tensor::calcOffset(const neurun::util::feature::Coordinate4D &)
+size_t Tensor::calcOffset(const neurun::util::feature::Coordinate4D &coords)
- throw std::runtime_error("offset_element_in_bytes is not supported for cpu::Tensor now.");
+ size_t rank = num_dimensions();
+ assert(rank == 2 || rank == 3);
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ switch (rank)
+ {
+ case 2:
+ {
+ size_t W = dimension(1);
+ offset += coords.h() * W;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ size_t H = dimension(1);
+ size_t W = dimension(2);
+ offset += coords.c() * H * W;
+ offset += coords.h() * W;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ throw std::runtime_error("Not supported rank in Tensor::calcOffset");
+ }
+ return offset;
} // namespace operand
case 2:
- // Find corresponding FullyConnected IFM
- auto operation_index = _graph.operands().at(index).getUses().list().front();
- auto operation = &_graph.operations().at(operation_index);
- auto fc_operation =
- dynamic_cast<const neurun::model::operation::FullyConnectedNode *>(operation);
+ auto matrix_shape = shape.asMatrix();
- if (fc_operation != nullptr)
+ for (auto h = 0; h < matrix_shape.H; ++h)
- // NOTE We must know the IFM shape to deduce 2D weight shape from 4D IFM.
- // This is because of NHWC/NCHW layout, the order of mapping will be different.
- auto ifm_index = fc_operation->getInputs().at(
- neurun::model::operation::FullyConnectedNode::Input::INPUT);
- const auto &ifm = _graph.operands().at(ifm_index);
- const auto ifm_shape = ifm.shape().asFeature();
- const auto num_output = shape.dim(0);
- const ::nnfw::misc::feature::Shape ker_shape{num_output, ifm_shape.C, ifm_shape.H,
- ifm_shape.W};
- const util::feature::nhwc::Reader<T> from{ker_shape, base, size};
+ neurun::util::feature::Coordinate4D coord{0, h, 0, 0};
+ // TODO : Change this WORKAROUND
if (layout == neurun::graph::operand::Layout::NHWC)
- ::nnfw::misc::feature::iterate(ker_shape)
- << [&](uint32_t nth, uint32_t ch, uint32_t row, uint32_t col) {
- const auto value = from.at(nth, ch, row, col);
- uint32_t offset = 0;
- // NNAPI uses NHWC ordering
- offset += nth * ifm_shape.H * ifm_shape.W * ifm_shape.C;
- offset += row * ifm_shape.W * ifm_shape.C;
- offset += col * ifm_shape.C;
- offset += ch;
- T *into = reinterpret_cast<T *>(tensor.buffer()) + offset;
- *into = value;
- };
+ memcpy(reinterpret_cast<T *>(tensor.buffer()) + tensor.calcOffset(coord),
+ reinterpret_cast<const T *>(base) + h * matrix_shape.W,
+ matrix_shape.W * sizeof(T));
assert(layout == neurun::graph::operand::Layout::NCHW);
- ::nnfw::misc::feature::iterate(ker_shape)
- << [&](uint32_t nth, uint32_t ch, uint32_t row, uint32_t col) {
- const auto value = from.at(nth, ch, row, col);
- uint32_t offset = 0;
- // 'NCHW' ordering
- offset += nth * ifm_shape.C * ifm_shape.H * ifm_shape.W;
- offset += ch * ifm_shape.H * ifm_shape.W;
- offset += row * ifm_shape.W;
- offset += col;
- T *into = reinterpret_cast<T *>(tensor.buffer()) + offset;
- *into = value;
- };
- }
- }
- else // operation != fc operation
- {
- auto matrix_shape = shape.asMatrix();
- for (auto h = 0; h < matrix_shape.H; ++h)
- {
- neurun::util::feature::Coordinate4D coord{0, h, 0, 0};
- memcpy(tensor.buffer() + tensor.calcOffset(coord), base + h * matrix_shape.W,
+ memcpy(tensor.buffer() + tensor.calcOffset(coord),
+ reinterpret_cast<const T *>(base) + h * matrix_shape.W,
matrix_shape.W * sizeof(T));
-# Unhandled exception
# Unexpected result