#include "args.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "coreclr.h"
-#include "libhost.h"
: managed_application(_X(""))
#include "pal.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "deps_format.h"
-#include "libhost.h"
+#include "hostpolicy_init.h"
struct probe_config_t
#include "deps_resolver.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "fx_ver.h"
-#include "libhost.h"
const pal::string_t MissingAssemblyMessage = _X(
- ../libhost.cpp
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#ifndef __COREHOST_INIT_H__
+#define __COREHOST_INIT_H__
+#include "pal.h"
+#include "host_interface.h"
+#include "fx_definition.h"
+class corehost_init_t
+ std::vector<pal::string_t> m_clr_keys;
+ std::vector<pal::string_t> m_clr_values;
+ std::vector<const pal::char_t*> m_clr_keys_cstr;
+ std::vector<const pal::char_t*> m_clr_values_cstr;
+ const pal::string_t m_tfm;
+ const pal::string_t m_deps_file;
+ const pal::string_t m_additional_deps_serialized;
+ bool m_is_framework_dependent;
+ std::vector<pal::string_t> m_probe_paths;
+ std::vector<const pal::char_t*> m_probe_paths_cstr;
+ host_mode_t m_host_mode;
+ host_interface_t m_host_interface;
+ std::vector<pal::string_t> m_fx_names;
+ std::vector<const pal::char_t*> m_fx_names_cstr;
+ std::vector<pal::string_t> m_fx_dirs;
+ std::vector<const pal::char_t*> m_fx_dirs_cstr;
+ std::vector<pal::string_t> m_fx_requested_versions;
+ std::vector<const pal::char_t*> m_fx_requested_versions_cstr;
+ std::vector<pal::string_t> m_fx_found_versions;
+ std::vector<const pal::char_t*> m_fx_found_versions_cstr;
+ const pal::string_t m_host_command;
+ const pal::string_t m_host_info_host_path;
+ const pal::string_t m_host_info_dotnet_root;
+ const pal::string_t m_host_info_app_path;
+ corehost_init_t(
+ const pal::string_t& host_command,
+ const host_startup_info_t& host_info,
+ const pal::string_t& deps_file,
+ const pal::string_t& additional_deps_serialized,
+ const std::vector<pal::string_t>& probe_paths,
+ const host_mode_t mode,
+ const fx_definition_vector_t& fx_definitions)
+ : m_host_command(host_command)
+ , m_host_info_host_path(host_info.host_path)
+ , m_host_info_dotnet_root(host_info.dotnet_root)
+ , m_host_info_app_path(host_info.app_path)
+ , m_deps_file(deps_file)
+ , m_additional_deps_serialized(additional_deps_serialized)
+ , m_is_framework_dependent(get_app(fx_definitions).get_runtime_config().get_is_framework_dependent())
+ , m_probe_paths(probe_paths)
+ , m_host_mode(mode)
+ , m_host_interface()
+ , m_tfm(get_app(fx_definitions).get_runtime_config().get_tfm())
+ {
+ make_cstr_arr(m_probe_paths, &m_probe_paths_cstr);
+ int fx_count = fx_definitions.size();
+ m_fx_names.reserve(fx_count);
+ m_fx_dirs.reserve(fx_count);
+ m_fx_requested_versions.reserve(fx_count);
+ m_fx_found_versions.reserve(fx_count);
+ std::unordered_map<pal::string_t, pal::string_t> combined_properties;
+ for (auto& fx : fx_definitions)
+ {
+ fx->get_runtime_config().combine_properties(combined_properties);
+ m_fx_names.push_back(fx->get_name());
+ m_fx_dirs.push_back(fx->get_dir());
+ m_fx_requested_versions.push_back(fx->get_requested_version());
+ m_fx_found_versions.push_back(fx->get_found_version());
+ }
+ for (const auto& kv : combined_properties)
+ {
+ m_clr_keys.push_back(kv.first);
+ m_clr_values.push_back(kv.second);
+ }
+ make_cstr_arr(m_fx_names, &m_fx_names_cstr);
+ make_cstr_arr(m_fx_dirs, &m_fx_dirs_cstr);
+ make_cstr_arr(m_fx_requested_versions, &m_fx_requested_versions_cstr);
+ make_cstr_arr(m_fx_found_versions, &m_fx_found_versions_cstr);
+ make_cstr_arr(m_clr_keys, &m_clr_keys_cstr);
+ make_cstr_arr(m_clr_values, &m_clr_values_cstr);
+ }
+ const pal::string_t& tfm() const
+ {
+ return m_tfm;
+ }
+ const host_interface_t& get_host_init_data()
+ {
+ host_interface_t& hi = m_host_interface;
+ hi.config_keys.len = m_clr_keys_cstr.size();
+ hi.config_keys.arr = m_clr_keys_cstr.data();
+ hi.config_values.len = m_clr_values_cstr.size();
+ hi.config_values.arr = m_clr_values_cstr.data();
+ // Keep these for backwards compat
+ if (m_fx_names_cstr.size() > 1)
+ {
+ hi.fx_name = m_fx_names_cstr[1];
+ hi.fx_dir = m_fx_dirs_cstr[1];
+ hi.fx_ver = m_fx_requested_versions_cstr[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hi.fx_name = _X("");
+ hi.fx_dir = _X("");
+ hi.fx_ver = _X("");
+ }
+ hi.deps_file = m_deps_file.c_str();
+ hi.additional_deps_serialized = m_additional_deps_serialized.c_str();
+ hi.is_framework_dependent = m_is_framework_dependent;
+ hi.probe_paths.len = m_probe_paths_cstr.size();
+ hi.probe_paths.arr = m_probe_paths_cstr.data();
+ // These are not used anymore, but we have to keep them for backward compat reasons.
+ // Set default values.
+ hi.patch_roll_forward = true;
+ hi.prerelease_roll_forward = false;
+ hi.host_mode = m_host_mode;
+ hi.tfm = m_tfm.c_str();
+ hi.fx_names.len = m_fx_names_cstr.size();
+ hi.fx_names.arr = m_fx_names_cstr.data();
+ hi.fx_dirs.len = m_fx_dirs_cstr.size();
+ hi.fx_dirs.arr = m_fx_dirs_cstr.data();
+ hi.fx_requested_versions.len = m_fx_requested_versions_cstr.size();
+ hi.fx_requested_versions.arr = m_fx_requested_versions_cstr.data();
+ hi.fx_found_versions.len = m_fx_found_versions_cstr.size();
+ hi.fx_found_versions.arr = m_fx_found_versions_cstr.data();
+ hi.host_command = m_host_command.c_str();
+ hi.host_info_host_path = m_host_info_host_path.c_str();
+ hi.host_info_dotnet_root = m_host_info_dotnet_root.c_str();
+ hi.host_info_app_path = m_host_info_app_path.c_str();
+ return hi;
+ }
+ static void make_cstr_arr(const std::vector<pal::string_t>& arr, std::vector<const pal::char_t*>* out)
+ {
+ out->reserve(arr.size());
+ for (const auto& str : arr)
+ {
+ out->push_back(str.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+#endif // __COREHOST_INIT_H__
\ No newline at end of file
-#include "libhost.h"
+#include "pal.h"
+#include "fx_ver.h"
struct framework_info
#include <mutex>
#include "args.h"
#include "cpprest/json.h"
+#include "corehost_init.h"
#include "deps_format.h"
#include "error_codes.h"
#include "framework_info.h"
#include "fx_reference.h"
#include "fx_ver.h"
#include "host_startup_info.h"
-#include "libhost.h"
#include "pal.h"
#include "runtime_config.h"
#include "sdk_info.h"
return false;
+void get_runtime_config_paths_from_arg(const pal::string_t& arg, pal::string_t* cfg, pal::string_t* dev_cfg)
+ auto name = get_filename_without_ext(arg);
+ auto json_name = name + _X(".json");
+ auto dev_json_name = name + _X(".dev.json");
+ auto json_path = get_directory(arg);
+ auto dev_json_path = json_path;
+ append_path(&json_path, json_name.c_str());
+ append_path(&dev_json_path, dev_json_name.c_str());
+ trace::verbose(_X("Runtime config is cfg=%s dev=%s"), json_path.c_str(), dev_json_path.c_str());
+ dev_cfg->assign(dev_json_path);
+ cfg->assign(json_path);
+void get_runtime_config_paths(const pal::string_t& path, const pal::string_t& name, pal::string_t* cfg, pal::string_t* dev_cfg)
+ auto json_path = path;
+ auto json_name = name + _X(".runtimeconfig.json");
+ append_path(&json_path, json_name.c_str());
+ cfg->assign(json_path);
+ auto dev_json_path = path;
+ auto dev_json_name = name + _X(".runtimeconfig.dev.json");
+ append_path(&dev_json_path, dev_json_name.c_str());
+ dev_cfg->assign(dev_json_path);
+ trace::verbose(_X("Runtime config is cfg=%s dev=%s"), json_path.c_str(), dev_json_path.c_str());
+void get_runtime_config_paths_from_app(const pal::string_t& app, pal::string_t* cfg, pal::string_t* dev_cfg)
+ auto name = get_filename_without_ext(app);
+ auto path = get_directory(app);
+ get_runtime_config_paths(path, name, cfg, dev_cfg);
* Return name of deps file for app.
return StatusCode::Success;
+host_mode_t detect_operating_mode(const host_startup_info_t& host_info)
+ if (coreclr_exists_in_dir(host_info.dotnet_root))
+ {
+ // Detect between standalone apphost or legacy split mode (specifying --depsfile and --runtimeconfig)
+ pal::string_t deps_in_dotnet_root = host_info.dotnet_root;
+ pal::string_t deps_filename = host_info.get_app_name() + _X(".deps.json");
+ append_path(&deps_in_dotnet_root, deps_filename.c_str());
+ bool deps_exists = pal::file_exists(deps_in_dotnet_root);
+ trace::info(_X("Detecting mode... CoreCLR present in dotnet root [%s] and checking if [%s] file present=[%d]"),
+ host_info.dotnet_root.c_str(), deps_filename.c_str(), deps_exists);
+ // Name of runtimeconfig file; since no path is included here the check is in the current working directory
+ pal::string_t config_in_cwd = host_info.get_app_name() + _X(".runtimeconfig.json");
+ return (deps_exists || !pal::file_exists(config_in_cwd)) && pal::file_exists(host_info.app_path) ? host_mode_t::apphost : host_mode_t::split_fx;
+ }
+ if (pal::file_exists(host_info.app_path))
+ {
+ // Framework-dependent apphost
+ return host_mode_t::apphost;
+ }
+ return host_mode_t::muxer;
int fx_muxer_t::soft_roll_forward_helper(
const fx_reference_t& newer,
const fx_reference_t& older,
struct host_startup_info_t;
#include <corehost.h>
-#include "libhost.h"
+#include "fx_definition.h"
+#include "host_interface.h"
+#include "host_startup_info.h"
const int Max_Framework_Resolve_Retries = 100;
#include "fx_ver.h"
#include "fx_muxer.h"
#include "error_codes.h"
-#include "libhost.h"
#include "corehost.h"
#include "runtime_config.h"
#include "sdk_info.h"
#ifndef __SDK_INFO_H_
#define __SDK_INFO_H_
-#include "libhost.h"
+#include "pal.h"
+#include "fx_ver.h"
struct sdk_info
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#ifndef __HOST_INTERFACE_H__
+#define __HOST_INTERFACE_H__
+#include "pal.h"
+enum host_mode_t
+ invalid = 0,
+ muxer, // Invoked as "dotnet.exe".
+ apphost, // Invoked as <appname>.exe from the application base; this is the renamed "apphost.exe".
+ split_fx, // Invoked as "corehost.exe" for xunit scenarios. Supported for backwards compat for 1.x apps.
+ // Split FX means, the host is operating like "corerun.exe" in a split location from the application base (CORE_ROOT equivalent),
+ // but it has its "hostfxr.dll" next to it.
+ libhost, // Invoked from a non-exe scenario (e.g. COM Activation or self-hosting native application)
+#pragma pack(push, _HOST_INTERFACE_PACK)
+struct strarr_t
+ // DO NOT modify this struct. It is used in a layout
+ // dependent manner. Create another for your use.
+ size_t len;
+ const pal::char_t** arr;
+struct host_interface_t
+ size_t version_lo; // Just assign sizeof() to this field.
+ size_t version_hi; // Breaking changes to the layout -- increment HOST_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_VERSION
+ strarr_t config_keys;
+ strarr_t config_values;
+ const pal::char_t* fx_dir;
+ const pal::char_t* fx_name;
+ const pal::char_t* deps_file;
+ size_t is_framework_dependent;
+ strarr_t probe_paths;
+ size_t patch_roll_forward;
+ size_t prerelease_roll_forward;
+ size_t host_mode;
+ const pal::char_t* tfm;
+ const pal::char_t* additional_deps_serialized;
+ const pal::char_t* fx_ver;
+ strarr_t fx_names;
+ strarr_t fx_dirs;
+ strarr_t fx_requested_versions;
+ strarr_t fx_found_versions;
+ const pal::char_t* host_command;
+ const pal::char_t* host_info_host_path;
+ const pal::char_t* host_info_dotnet_root;
+ const pal::char_t* host_info_app_path;
+ // !! 1. Only append to this structure to maintain compat.
+ // !! 2. Any nested structs should not use compiler specific padding (pack with _HOST_INTERFACE_PACK)
+ // !! 3. Do not take address of the fields of this struct or be prepared to deal with unaligned accesses.
+ // !! 4. Must be POD types; only use non-const size_t and pointer types; no access modifiers.
+ // !! 5. Do not reorder fields or change any existing field types.
+ // !! 6. Add static asserts for fields you add.
+#pragma pack(pop)
+static_assert(_HOST_INTERFACE_PACK == 1, "Packing size should not be modified for back compat");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, version_lo) == 0 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, version_hi) == 1 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, config_keys) == 2 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, config_values) == 4 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_dir) == 6 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_name) == 7 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, deps_file) == 8 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, is_framework_dependent) == 9 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, probe_paths) == 10 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, patch_roll_forward) == 12 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, prerelease_roll_forward) == 13 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, host_mode) == 14 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, tfm) == 15 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, additional_deps_serialized) == 16 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_ver) == 17 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_names) == 18 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_dirs) == 20 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_requested_versions) == 22 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_found_versions) == 24 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, host_command) == 26 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, host_info_host_path) == 27 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, host_info_dotnet_root) == 28 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, host_info_app_path) == 29 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
+static_assert(sizeof(host_interface_t) == 30 * sizeof(size_t), "Did you add static asserts for the newly added fields?");
+#define HOST_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_VERSION_HI 0x16041101 // YYMMDD:nn always increases when layout breaks compat.
+#define HOST_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_VERSION_LO sizeof(host_interface_t)
+#endif // __HOST_INTERFACE_H__
#include "coreclr.h"
#include "corehost.h"
#include "cpprest/json.h"
-#include "libhost.h"
#include "error_codes.h"
#include "breadcrumbs.h"
#include "host_startup_info.h"
- ../libhost.cpp
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#ifndef __HOSTPOLICY_INIT_H__
+#define __HOSTPOLICY_INIT_H__
+#include "trace.h"
+#include "host_interface.h"
+#include "host_startup_info.h"
+#include "fx_definition.h"
+#include "fx_ver.h"
+struct hostpolicy_init_t
+ std::vector<std::vector<char>> cfg_keys;
+ std::vector<std::vector<char>> cfg_values;
+ pal::string_t deps_file;
+ pal::string_t additional_deps_serialized;
+ std::vector<pal::string_t> probe_paths;
+ fx_definition_vector_t fx_definitions;
+ pal::string_t tfm;
+ host_mode_t host_mode;
+ bool patch_roll_forward;
+ bool prerelease_roll_forward;
+ bool is_framework_dependent;
+ pal::string_t host_command;
+ host_startup_info_t host_info;
+ static bool init(host_interface_t* input, hostpolicy_init_t* init)
+ {
+ // Check if there are any breaking changes.
+ if (input->version_hi != HOST_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_VERSION_HI)
+ {
+ trace::error(_X("The version of the data layout used to initialize %s is [0x%04x]; expected version [0x%04x]"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, input->version_hi, HOST_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_VERSION_HI);
+ return false;
+ }
+ trace::verbose(_X("Reading from host interface version: [0x%04x:%d] to initialize policy version: [0x%04x:%d]"), input->version_hi, input->version_lo, HOST_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_VERSION_HI, HOST_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_VERSION_LO);
+ //This check is to ensure is an old hostfxr can still load new hostpolicy.
+ //We should not read garbage due to potentially shorter struct size
+ pal::string_t fx_requested_ver;
+ if (input->version_lo >= offsetof(host_interface_t, host_mode) + sizeof(input->host_mode))
+ {
+ make_clrstr_arr(input->config_keys.len, input->config_keys.arr, &init->cfg_keys);
+ make_clrstr_arr(input->config_values.len, input->config_values.arr, &init->cfg_values);
+ init->deps_file = input->deps_file;
+ init->is_framework_dependent = input->is_framework_dependent;
+ make_palstr_arr(input->probe_paths.len, input->probe_paths.arr, &init->probe_paths);
+ init->patch_roll_forward = input->patch_roll_forward;
+ init->prerelease_roll_forward = input->prerelease_roll_forward;
+ init->host_mode = (host_mode_t)input->host_mode;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ trace::error(_X("The size of the data layout used to initialize %s is %d; expected at least %d"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, input->version_lo,
+ offsetof(host_interface_t, host_mode) + sizeof(input->host_mode));
+ }
+ //An old hostfxr may not provide these fields.
+ //The version_lo (sizeof) the old hostfxr saw at build time will be
+ //smaller and we should not attempt to read the fields in that case.
+ if (input->version_lo >= offsetof(host_interface_t, tfm) + sizeof(input->tfm))
+ {
+ init->tfm = input->tfm;
+ }
+ if (input->version_lo >= offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_ver) + sizeof(input->fx_ver))
+ {
+ init->additional_deps_serialized = input->additional_deps_serialized;
+ fx_requested_ver = input->fx_ver;
+ }
+ int fx_count = 0;
+ if (input->version_lo >= offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_names) + sizeof(input->fx_names))
+ {
+ int fx_count = input->fx_names.len;
+ assert(fx_count > 0);
+ assert(fx_count == input->fx_dirs.len);
+ assert(fx_count == input->fx_requested_versions.len);
+ assert(fx_count == input->fx_found_versions.len);
+ std::vector<pal::string_t> fx_names;
+ std::vector<pal::string_t> fx_dirs;
+ std::vector<pal::string_t> fx_requested_versions;
+ std::vector<pal::string_t> fx_found_versions;
+ make_palstr_arr(input->fx_names.len, input->fx_names.arr, &fx_names);
+ make_palstr_arr(input->fx_dirs.len, input->fx_dirs.arr, &fx_dirs);
+ make_palstr_arr(input->fx_requested_versions.len, input->fx_requested_versions.arr, &fx_requested_versions);
+ make_palstr_arr(input->fx_found_versions.len, input->fx_found_versions.arr, &fx_found_versions);
+ init->fx_definitions.reserve(fx_count);
+ for (int i = 0; i < fx_count; ++i)
+ {
+ auto fx = new fx_definition_t(fx_names[i], fx_dirs[i], fx_requested_versions[i], fx_found_versions[i]);
+ init->fx_definitions.push_back(std::unique_ptr<fx_definition_t>(fx));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Backward compat; create the fx_definitions[0] and [1] from the previous information
+ init->fx_definitions.reserve(2);
+ auto fx = new fx_definition_t();
+ init->fx_definitions.push_back(std::unique_ptr<fx_definition_t>(fx));
+ if (init->is_framework_dependent)
+ {
+ pal::string_t fx_dir = input->fx_dir;
+ pal::string_t fx_name = input->fx_name;
+ // The found_ver was not passed previously, so obtain that from fx_dir
+ pal::string_t fx_found_ver;
+ size_t index = fx_dir.rfind(DIR_SEPARATOR);
+ if (index != pal::string_t::npos)
+ {
+ fx_found_ver = fx_dir.substr(index + 1);
+ }
+ fx = new fx_definition_t(fx_name, fx_dir, fx_requested_ver, fx_found_ver);
+ init->fx_definitions.push_back(std::unique_ptr<fx_definition_t>(fx));
+ }
+ }
+ // Initialize the host command
+ init_host_command(input, init);
+ if (input->version_lo >= offsetof(host_interface_t, host_info_host_path) + sizeof(input->host_info_host_path))
+ {
+ init->host_info.host_path = input->host_info_host_path;
+ init->host_info.dotnet_root = input->host_info_dotnet_root;
+ init->host_info.app_path = input->host_info_app_path;
+ // For the backwards compat case, this will be later initialized with argv[0]
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ static void init_host_command(host_interface_t* input, hostpolicy_init_t* init)
+ {
+ if (input->version_lo >= offsetof(host_interface_t, host_command) + sizeof(input->host_command))
+ {
+ init->host_command = input->host_command;
+ }
+ }
+ static void make_palstr_arr(int argc, const pal::char_t** argv, std::vector<pal::string_t>* out)
+ {
+ out->reserve(argc);
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
+ {
+ out->push_back(argv[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ static void make_clrstr_arr(int argc, const pal::char_t** argv, std::vector<std::vector<char>>* out)
+ {
+ out->resize(argc);
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
+ {
+ pal::pal_clrstring(pal::string_t(argv[i]), &(*out)[i]);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // __HOSTPOLICY_INIT_H__
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
-#include "pal.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "trace.h"
-#include "libhost.h"
-#include "host_startup_info.h"
-void get_runtime_config_paths_from_app(const pal::string_t& app, pal::string_t* cfg, pal::string_t* dev_cfg)
- auto name = get_filename_without_ext(app);
- auto path = get_directory(app);
- get_runtime_config_paths(path, name, cfg, dev_cfg);
-void get_runtime_config_paths_from_arg(const pal::string_t& arg, pal::string_t* cfg, pal::string_t* dev_cfg)
- auto name = get_filename_without_ext(arg);
- auto json_name = name + _X(".json");
- auto dev_json_name = name + _X(".dev.json");
- auto json_path = get_directory(arg);
- auto dev_json_path = json_path;
- append_path(&json_path, json_name.c_str());
- append_path(&dev_json_path, dev_json_name.c_str());
- trace::verbose(_X("Runtime config is cfg=%s dev=%s"), json_path.c_str(), dev_json_path.c_str());
- dev_cfg->assign(dev_json_path);
- cfg->assign(json_path);
-void get_runtime_config_paths(const pal::string_t& path, const pal::string_t& name, pal::string_t* cfg, pal::string_t* dev_cfg)
- auto json_path = path;
- auto json_name = name + _X(".runtimeconfig.json");
- append_path(&json_path, json_name.c_str());
- cfg->assign(json_path);
- auto dev_json_path = path;
- auto dev_json_name = name + _X(".runtimeconfig.dev.json");
- append_path(&dev_json_path, dev_json_name.c_str());
- dev_cfg->assign(dev_json_path);
- trace::verbose(_X("Runtime config is cfg=%s dev=%s"), json_path.c_str(), dev_json_path.c_str());
-host_mode_t detect_operating_mode(const host_startup_info_t& host_info)
- if (coreclr_exists_in_dir(host_info.dotnet_root))
- {
- // Detect between standalone apphost or legacy split mode (specifying --depsfile and --runtimeconfig)
- pal::string_t deps_in_dotnet_root = host_info.dotnet_root;
- pal::string_t deps_filename = host_info.get_app_name() + _X(".deps.json");
- append_path(&deps_in_dotnet_root, deps_filename.c_str());
- bool deps_exists = pal::file_exists(deps_in_dotnet_root);
- trace::info(_X("Detecting mode... CoreCLR present in dotnet root [%s] and checking if [%s] file present=[%d]"),
- host_info.dotnet_root.c_str(), deps_filename.c_str(), deps_exists);
- // Name of runtimeconfig file; since no path is included here the check is in the current working directory
- pal::string_t config_in_cwd = host_info.get_app_name() + _X(".runtimeconfig.json");
- return (deps_exists || !pal::file_exists(config_in_cwd)) && pal::file_exists(host_info.app_path) ? host_mode_t::apphost : host_mode_t::split_fx;
- }
- if (pal::file_exists(host_info.app_path))
- {
- // Framework-dependent apphost
- return host_mode_t::apphost;
- }
- return host_mode_t::muxer;
-void try_patch_roll_forward_in_dir(const pal::string_t& cur_dir, const fx_ver_t& start_ver, pal::string_t* max_str)
- pal::string_t path = cur_dir;
- if (trace::is_enabled())
- {
- pal::string_t start_str = start_ver.as_str();
- trace::verbose(_X("Reading patch roll forward candidates in dir [%s] for version [%s]"), path.c_str(), start_str.c_str());
- }
- pal::string_t maj_min_star = start_ver.patch_glob();
- std::vector<pal::string_t> list;
- pal::readdir_onlydirectories(path, maj_min_star, &list);
- fx_ver_t max_ver = start_ver;
- fx_ver_t ver;
- for (const auto& str : list)
- {
- trace::verbose(_X("Considering patch roll forward candidate version [%s]"), str.c_str());
- if (fx_ver_t::parse(str, &ver, true))
- {
- max_ver = std::max(ver, max_ver);
- }
- }
- max_str->assign(max_ver.as_str());
- if (trace::is_enabled())
- {
- pal::string_t start_str = start_ver.as_str();
- trace::verbose(_X("Patch roll forwarded [%s] -> [%s] in [%s]"), start_str.c_str(), max_str->c_str(), path.c_str());
- }
-void try_prerelease_roll_forward_in_dir(const pal::string_t& cur_dir, const fx_ver_t& start_ver, pal::string_t* max_str)
- pal::string_t path = cur_dir;
- if (trace::is_enabled())
- {
- pal::string_t start_str = start_ver.as_str();
- trace::verbose(_X("Reading prerelease roll forward candidates in dir [%s] for version [%s]"), path.c_str(), start_str.c_str());
- }
- pal::string_t maj_min_pat_star = start_ver.prerelease_glob();
- std::vector<pal::string_t> list;
- pal::readdir_onlydirectories(path, maj_min_pat_star, &list);
- fx_ver_t max_ver = start_ver;
- fx_ver_t ver;
- for (const auto& str : list)
- {
- trace::verbose(_X("Considering prerelease roll forward candidate version [%s]"), str.c_str());
- if (fx_ver_t::parse(str, &ver, false)
- && ver.is_prerelease()) // Pre-release can roll forward to only pre-release
- {
- max_ver = std::max(ver, max_ver);
- }
- }
- max_str->assign(max_ver.as_str());
- if (trace::is_enabled())
- {
- pal::string_t start_str = start_ver.as_str();
- trace::verbose(_X("Prerelease roll forwarded [%s] -> [%s] in [%s]"), start_str.c_str(), max_str->c_str(), path.c_str());
- }
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
-#ifndef __LIBHOST_H__
-#define __LIBHOST_H__
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "trace.h"
-#include "host_startup_info.h"
-#include "runtime_config.h"
-#include "fx_definition.h"
-#include "fx_ver.h"
-enum host_mode_t
- invalid = 0,
- muxer, // Invoked as "dotnet.exe".
- apphost, // Invoked as <appname>.exe from the application base; this is the renamed "apphost.exe".
- split_fx, // Invoked as "corehost.exe" for xunit scenarios. Supported for backwards compat for 1.x apps.
- // Split FX means, the host is operating like "corerun.exe" in a split location from the application base (CORE_ROOT equivalent),
- // but it has its "hostfxr.dll" next to it.
- libhost, // Invoked from a non-exe scenario (e.g. COM Activation or self-hosting native application)
-class fx_ver_t;
-class runtime_config_t;
-#pragma pack(push, _HOST_INTERFACE_PACK)
-struct strarr_t
- // DO NOT modify this struct. It is used in a layout
- // dependent manner. Create another for your use.
- size_t len;
- const pal::char_t** arr;
-struct host_interface_t
- size_t version_lo; // Just assign sizeof() to this field.
- size_t version_hi; // Breaking changes to the layout -- increment HOST_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_VERSION
- strarr_t config_keys;
- strarr_t config_values;
- const pal::char_t* fx_dir;
- const pal::char_t* fx_name;
- const pal::char_t* deps_file;
- size_t is_framework_dependent;
- strarr_t probe_paths;
- size_t patch_roll_forward;
- size_t prerelease_roll_forward;
- size_t host_mode;
- const pal::char_t* tfm;
- const pal::char_t* additional_deps_serialized;
- const pal::char_t* fx_ver;
- strarr_t fx_names;
- strarr_t fx_dirs;
- strarr_t fx_requested_versions;
- strarr_t fx_found_versions;
- const pal::char_t* host_command;
- const pal::char_t* host_info_host_path;
- const pal::char_t* host_info_dotnet_root;
- const pal::char_t* host_info_app_path;
- // !! 1. Only append to this structure to maintain compat.
- // !! 2. Any nested structs should not use compiler specific padding (pack with _HOST_INTERFACE_PACK)
- // !! 3. Do not take address of the fields of this struct or be prepared to deal with unaligned accesses.
- // !! 4. Must be POD types; only use non-const size_t and pointer types; no access modifiers.
- // !! 5. Do not reorder fields or change any existing field types.
- // !! 6. Add static asserts for fields you add.
-#pragma pack(pop)
-static_assert(_HOST_INTERFACE_PACK == 1, "Packing size should not be modified for back compat");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, version_lo) == 0 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, version_hi) == 1 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, config_keys) == 2 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, config_values) == 4 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_dir) == 6 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_name) == 7 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, deps_file) == 8 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, is_framework_dependent) == 9 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, probe_paths) == 10 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, patch_roll_forward) == 12 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, prerelease_roll_forward) == 13 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, host_mode) == 14 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, tfm) == 15 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, additional_deps_serialized) == 16 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_ver) == 17 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_names) == 18 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_dirs) == 20 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_requested_versions) == 22 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_found_versions) == 24 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, host_command) == 26 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, host_info_host_path) == 27 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, host_info_dotnet_root) == 28 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(offsetof(host_interface_t, host_info_app_path) == 29 * sizeof(size_t), "Struct offset breaks backwards compatibility");
-static_assert(sizeof(host_interface_t) == 30 * sizeof(size_t), "Did you add static asserts for the newly added fields?");
-#define HOST_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_VERSION_HI 0x16041101 // YYMMDD:nn always increases when layout breaks compat.
-#define HOST_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_VERSION_LO sizeof(host_interface_t)
-class corehost_init_t
- std::vector<pal::string_t> m_clr_keys;
- std::vector<pal::string_t> m_clr_values;
- std::vector<const pal::char_t*> m_clr_keys_cstr;
- std::vector<const pal::char_t*> m_clr_values_cstr;
- const pal::string_t m_tfm;
- const pal::string_t m_deps_file;
- const pal::string_t m_additional_deps_serialized;
- bool m_is_framework_dependent;
- std::vector<pal::string_t> m_probe_paths;
- std::vector<const pal::char_t*> m_probe_paths_cstr;
- host_mode_t m_host_mode;
- host_interface_t m_host_interface;
- std::vector<pal::string_t> m_fx_names;
- std::vector<const pal::char_t*> m_fx_names_cstr;
- std::vector<pal::string_t> m_fx_dirs;
- std::vector<const pal::char_t*> m_fx_dirs_cstr;
- std::vector<pal::string_t> m_fx_requested_versions;
- std::vector<const pal::char_t*> m_fx_requested_versions_cstr;
- std::vector<pal::string_t> m_fx_found_versions;
- std::vector<const pal::char_t*> m_fx_found_versions_cstr;
- const pal::string_t m_host_command;
- const pal::string_t m_host_info_host_path;
- const pal::string_t m_host_info_dotnet_root;
- const pal::string_t m_host_info_app_path;
- corehost_init_t(
- const pal::string_t& host_command,
- const host_startup_info_t& host_info,
- const pal::string_t& deps_file,
- const pal::string_t& additional_deps_serialized,
- const std::vector<pal::string_t>& probe_paths,
- const host_mode_t mode,
- const fx_definition_vector_t& fx_definitions)
- : m_host_command(host_command)
- , m_host_info_host_path(host_info.host_path)
- , m_host_info_dotnet_root(host_info.dotnet_root)
- , m_host_info_app_path(host_info.app_path)
- , m_deps_file(deps_file)
- , m_additional_deps_serialized(additional_deps_serialized)
- , m_is_framework_dependent(get_app(fx_definitions).get_runtime_config().get_is_framework_dependent())
- , m_probe_paths(probe_paths)
- , m_host_mode(mode)
- , m_host_interface()
- , m_tfm(get_app(fx_definitions).get_runtime_config().get_tfm())
- {
- make_cstr_arr(m_probe_paths, &m_probe_paths_cstr);
- int fx_count = fx_definitions.size();
- m_fx_names.reserve(fx_count);
- m_fx_dirs.reserve(fx_count);
- m_fx_requested_versions.reserve(fx_count);
- m_fx_found_versions.reserve(fx_count);
- std::unordered_map<pal::string_t, pal::string_t> combined_properties;
- for (auto& fx : fx_definitions)
- {
- fx->get_runtime_config().combine_properties(combined_properties);
- m_fx_names.push_back(fx->get_name());
- m_fx_dirs.push_back(fx->get_dir());
- m_fx_requested_versions.push_back(fx->get_requested_version());
- m_fx_found_versions.push_back(fx->get_found_version());
- }
- for (const auto& kv : combined_properties)
- {
- m_clr_keys.push_back(kv.first);
- m_clr_values.push_back(kv.second);
- }
- make_cstr_arr(m_fx_names, &m_fx_names_cstr);
- make_cstr_arr(m_fx_dirs, &m_fx_dirs_cstr);
- make_cstr_arr(m_fx_requested_versions, &m_fx_requested_versions_cstr);
- make_cstr_arr(m_fx_found_versions, &m_fx_found_versions_cstr);
- make_cstr_arr(m_clr_keys, &m_clr_keys_cstr);
- make_cstr_arr(m_clr_values, &m_clr_values_cstr);
- }
- const pal::string_t& tfm() const
- {
- return m_tfm;
- }
- const host_interface_t& get_host_init_data()
- {
- host_interface_t& hi = m_host_interface;
- hi.config_keys.len = m_clr_keys_cstr.size();
- hi.config_keys.arr = m_clr_keys_cstr.data();
- hi.config_values.len = m_clr_values_cstr.size();
- hi.config_values.arr = m_clr_values_cstr.data();
- // Keep these for backwards compat
- if (m_fx_names_cstr.size() > 1)
- {
- hi.fx_name = m_fx_names_cstr[1];
- hi.fx_dir = m_fx_dirs_cstr[1];
- hi.fx_ver = m_fx_requested_versions_cstr[1];
- }
- else
- {
- hi.fx_name = _X("");
- hi.fx_dir = _X("");
- hi.fx_ver = _X("");
- }
- hi.deps_file = m_deps_file.c_str();
- hi.additional_deps_serialized = m_additional_deps_serialized.c_str();
- hi.is_framework_dependent = m_is_framework_dependent;
- hi.probe_paths.len = m_probe_paths_cstr.size();
- hi.probe_paths.arr = m_probe_paths_cstr.data();
- // These are not used anymore, but we have to keep them for backward compat reasons.
- // Set default values.
- hi.patch_roll_forward = true;
- hi.prerelease_roll_forward = false;
- hi.host_mode = m_host_mode;
- hi.tfm = m_tfm.c_str();
- hi.fx_names.len = m_fx_names_cstr.size();
- hi.fx_names.arr = m_fx_names_cstr.data();
- hi.fx_dirs.len = m_fx_dirs_cstr.size();
- hi.fx_dirs.arr = m_fx_dirs_cstr.data();
- hi.fx_requested_versions.len = m_fx_requested_versions_cstr.size();
- hi.fx_requested_versions.arr = m_fx_requested_versions_cstr.data();
- hi.fx_found_versions.len = m_fx_found_versions_cstr.size();
- hi.fx_found_versions.arr = m_fx_found_versions_cstr.data();
- hi.host_command = m_host_command.c_str();
- hi.host_info_host_path = m_host_info_host_path.c_str();
- hi.host_info_dotnet_root = m_host_info_dotnet_root.c_str();
- hi.host_info_app_path = m_host_info_app_path.c_str();
- return hi;
- }
- static void make_cstr_arr(const std::vector<pal::string_t>& arr, std::vector<const pal::char_t*>* out)
- {
- out->reserve(arr.size());
- for (const auto& str : arr)
- {
- out->push_back(str.c_str());
- }
- }
-struct hostpolicy_init_t
- std::vector<std::vector<char>> cfg_keys;
- std::vector<std::vector<char>> cfg_values;
- pal::string_t deps_file;
- pal::string_t additional_deps_serialized;
- std::vector<pal::string_t> probe_paths;
- fx_definition_vector_t fx_definitions;
- pal::string_t tfm;
- host_mode_t host_mode;
- bool patch_roll_forward;
- bool prerelease_roll_forward;
- bool is_framework_dependent;
- pal::string_t host_command;
- host_startup_info_t host_info;
- static bool init(host_interface_t* input, hostpolicy_init_t* init)
- {
- // Check if there are any breaking changes.
- if (input->version_hi != HOST_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_VERSION_HI)
- {
- trace::error(_X("The version of the data layout used to initialize %s is [0x%04x]; expected version [0x%04x]"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, input->version_hi, HOST_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_VERSION_HI);
- return false;
- }
- trace::verbose(_X("Reading from host interface version: [0x%04x:%d] to initialize policy version: [0x%04x:%d]"), input->version_hi, input->version_lo, HOST_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_VERSION_HI, HOST_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_VERSION_LO);
- //This check is to ensure is an old hostfxr can still load new hostpolicy.
- //We should not read garbage due to potentially shorter struct size
- pal::string_t fx_requested_ver;
- if (input->version_lo >= offsetof(host_interface_t, host_mode) + sizeof(input->host_mode))
- {
- make_clrstr_arr(input->config_keys.len, input->config_keys.arr, &init->cfg_keys);
- make_clrstr_arr(input->config_values.len, input->config_values.arr, &init->cfg_values);
- init->deps_file = input->deps_file;
- init->is_framework_dependent = input->is_framework_dependent;
- make_palstr_arr(input->probe_paths.len, input->probe_paths.arr, &init->probe_paths);
- init->patch_roll_forward = input->patch_roll_forward;
- init->prerelease_roll_forward = input->prerelease_roll_forward;
- init->host_mode = (host_mode_t)input->host_mode;
- }
- else
- {
- trace::error(_X("The size of the data layout used to initialize %s is %d; expected at least %d"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, input->version_lo,
- offsetof(host_interface_t, host_mode) + sizeof(input->host_mode));
- }
- //An old hostfxr may not provide these fields.
- //The version_lo (sizeof) the old hostfxr saw at build time will be
- //smaller and we should not attempt to read the fields in that case.
- if (input->version_lo >= offsetof(host_interface_t, tfm) + sizeof(input->tfm))
- {
- init->tfm = input->tfm;
- }
- if (input->version_lo >= offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_ver) + sizeof(input->fx_ver))
- {
- init->additional_deps_serialized = input->additional_deps_serialized;
- fx_requested_ver = input->fx_ver;
- }
- int fx_count = 0;
- if (input->version_lo >= offsetof(host_interface_t, fx_names) + sizeof(input->fx_names))
- {
- int fx_count = input->fx_names.len;
- assert(fx_count > 0);
- assert(fx_count == input->fx_dirs.len);
- assert(fx_count == input->fx_requested_versions.len);
- assert(fx_count == input->fx_found_versions.len);
- std::vector<pal::string_t> fx_names;
- std::vector<pal::string_t> fx_dirs;
- std::vector<pal::string_t> fx_requested_versions;
- std::vector<pal::string_t> fx_found_versions;
- make_palstr_arr(input->fx_names.len, input->fx_names.arr, &fx_names);
- make_palstr_arr(input->fx_dirs.len, input->fx_dirs.arr, &fx_dirs);
- make_palstr_arr(input->fx_requested_versions.len, input->fx_requested_versions.arr, &fx_requested_versions);
- make_palstr_arr(input->fx_found_versions.len, input->fx_found_versions.arr, &fx_found_versions);
- init->fx_definitions.reserve(fx_count);
- for (int i = 0; i < fx_count; ++i)
- {
- auto fx = new fx_definition_t(fx_names[i], fx_dirs[i], fx_requested_versions[i], fx_found_versions[i]);
- init->fx_definitions.push_back(std::unique_ptr<fx_definition_t>(fx));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Backward compat; create the fx_definitions[0] and [1] from the previous information
- init->fx_definitions.reserve(2);
- auto fx = new fx_definition_t();
- init->fx_definitions.push_back(std::unique_ptr<fx_definition_t>(fx));
- if (init->is_framework_dependent)
- {
- pal::string_t fx_dir = input->fx_dir;
- pal::string_t fx_name = input->fx_name;
- // The found_ver was not passed previously, so obtain that from fx_dir
- pal::string_t fx_found_ver;
- size_t index = fx_dir.rfind(DIR_SEPARATOR);
- if (index != pal::string_t::npos)
- {
- fx_found_ver = fx_dir.substr(index + 1);
- }
- fx = new fx_definition_t(fx_name, fx_dir, fx_requested_ver, fx_found_ver);
- init->fx_definitions.push_back(std::unique_ptr<fx_definition_t>(fx));
- }
- }
- // Initialize the host command
- init_host_command(input, init);
- if (input->version_lo >= offsetof(host_interface_t, host_info_host_path) + sizeof(input->host_info_host_path))
- {
- init->host_info.host_path = input->host_info_host_path;
- init->host_info.dotnet_root = input->host_info_dotnet_root;
- init->host_info.app_path = input->host_info_app_path;
- // For the backwards compat case, this will be later initialized with argv[0]
- }
- return true;
- }
- static void init_host_command(host_interface_t* input, hostpolicy_init_t* init)
- {
- if (input->version_lo >= offsetof(host_interface_t, host_command) + sizeof(input->host_command))
- {
- init->host_command = input->host_command;
- }
- }
- static void make_palstr_arr(int argc, const pal::char_t** argv, std::vector<pal::string_t>* out)
- {
- out->reserve(argc);
- for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
- {
- out->push_back(argv[i]);
- }
- }
- static void make_clrstr_arr(int argc, const pal::char_t** argv, std::vector<std::vector<char>>* out)
- {
- out->resize(argc);
- for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
- {
- pal::pal_clrstring(pal::string_t(argv[i]), &(*out)[i]);
- }
- }
-void get_runtime_config_paths_from_app(const pal::string_t& file, pal::string_t* config_file, pal::string_t* dev_config_file);
-void get_runtime_config_paths_from_arg(const pal::string_t& file, pal::string_t* config_file, pal::string_t* dev_config_file);
-void get_runtime_config_paths(const pal::string_t& path, const pal::string_t& name, pal::string_t* config_file, pal::string_t* dev_config_file);
-host_mode_t detect_operating_mode(const host_startup_info_t& host_info);
-bool hostpolicy_exists_in_svc(pal::string_t* resolved_dir);
-void try_patch_roll_forward_in_dir(const pal::string_t& cur_dir, const fx_ver_t& start_ver, pal::string_t* max_str);
-void try_prerelease_roll_forward_in_dir(const pal::string_t& cur_dir, const fx_ver_t& start_ver, pal::string_t* max_str);
-#endif // __LIBHOST_H__