- USHORT unitSize; /* Size of a lookup unit for this search in bytes. */
- USHORT nUnits; /* Number of units of the preceding size to be searched. */
- USHORT searchRange; /* The value of unitSize times the largest power of 2
+ UINT16 unitSize; /* Size of a lookup unit for this search in bytes. */
+ UINT16 nUnits; /* Number of units of the preceding size to be searched. */
+ UINT16 searchRange; /* The value of unitSize times the largest power of 2
* that is less than or equal to the value of nUnits. */
- USHORT entrySelector; /* The log base 2 of the largest power of 2 less than
+ UINT16 entrySelector; /* The log base 2 of the largest power of 2 less than
* or equal to the value of nUnits. */
- USHORT rangeShift; /* The value of unitSize times the difference of the
+ UINT16 rangeShift; /* The value of unitSize times the difference of the
* value of nUnits minus the largest power of 2 less
* than or equal to the value of nUnits. */
template <typename T>
inline Type *bsearch (const T &key) const
- return ::bsearch (&key, bytes, header.nUnits, header.unitSize, (hb_compare_func_t) Type::cmp);
+ return ::bsearch (&key, bytes, header.nUnits, header.unitSize, Type::cmp);
BinSearchHeader header;
- BYTE bytes[VAR];
+ UINT8 bytes[VAR];
DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (10, bytes);
- USHORT featureType; /* The type of feature. */
- USHORT featureSetting; /* The feature's setting (aka selector). */
- ULONG enableFlags; /* Flags for the settings that this feature
+ UINT16 featureType; /* The type of feature. */
+ UINT16 featureSetting; /* The feature's setting (aka selector). */
+ UINT32 enableFlags; /* Flags for the settings that this feature
* and setting enables. */
- ULONG disableFlags; /* Complement of flags for the settings that this
+ UINT32 disableFlags; /* Complement of flags for the settings that this
* feature and setting disable. */
- UINT length; /* Total subtable length, including this header. */
- UINT coverage; /* Coverage flags and subtable type. */
- ULONG subFeatureFlags;/* The 32-bit mask identifying which subtable this is. */
+ UINT length; /* Total subtable length, including this header. */
+ UINT coverage; /* Coverage flags and subtable type. */
+ UINT32 subFeatureFlags;/* The 32-bit mask identifying which subtable this is. */
union {
RearrangementSubtable rearrangement;
ContextualSubtable contextual;
- ULONG defaultFlags; /* The default specification for subtables. */
- ULONG length; /* Total byte count, including this header. */
- UINT featureCount; /* Number of feature subtable entries. */
- UINT subtableCount; /* The number of subtables in the chain. */
+ UINT32 defaultFlags; /* The default specification for subtables. */
+ UINT32 length; /* Total byte count, including this header. */
+ UINT featureCount; /* Number of feature subtable entries. */
+ UINT subtableCount; /* The number of subtables in the chain. */
Feature featureZ[VAR]; /* Features. */
ChainSubtable<UINT> subtableX[VAR]; /* Subtables. */
FixedVersion<>version; /* Version number of the glyph metamorphosis table.
* 1 for mort, 2 or 3 for morx. */
- ULONG chainCount; /* Number of metamorphosis chains contained in this
+ UINT32 chainCount; /* Number of metamorphosis chains contained in this
* table. */
Chain<UINT> chains[VAR]; /* Chains. */
-struct mort : mortmorx<USHORT>
+struct mort : mortmorx<UINT16>
static const hb_tag_t tableTag = HB_AAT_TAG_MORT;
-struct morx : mortmorx<ULONG>
+struct morx : mortmorx<UINT32>
static const hb_tag_t tableTag = HB_AAT_TAG_MORX;
* Dispatch
-#define TRACE_DISPATCH(this, format) \
- hb_auto_trace_t<context_t::max_debug_depth, typename context_t::return_t> trace \
- (&c->debug_depth, c->get_name (), this, HB_FUNC, \
- "format %d", (int) format);
template <typename Context, typename Return, unsigned int MaxDebugDepth>
struct hb_dispatch_context_t