return true
+-- transform some lists into mappings
+for i = 1, #excluded_files do
+ excluded_files[excluded_files[i]] = true
+ excluded_files[i] = nil
+for i = 1, #keywords do
+ keywords[keywords[i]] = true
+ keywords[i] = nil
+-- at least one default path
+if #search_dirs == 0 then
+ search_dirs[1] = "."
local build_opt = function(opt)
local buf = {}
if opt.short then
local parsed_files = {}
for i, fname in ipairs(input_files) do
- if onlylua or (not neverlua and fname:lower():match("^.+%.lua$")) then
- -- parse lua files here
- else
- args_nolua[#args_nolua] = fname
- local f = assert(cutil.popenv(hasxgettext, "r", unpack(args_nolua)))
- local s = f:read("*all")
- parsed_files[#parsed_files + 1] = s
- f:close()
+ if not excluded_files[fname] then
+ if onlylua or (not neverlua and fname:lower():match("^.+%.lua$")) then
+ -- parse lua files here
+ else
+ args_nolua[#args_nolua] = fname
+ local f = assert(cutil.popenv(hasxgettext, "r",
+ unpack(args_nolua)))
+ local s = f:read("*all")
+ parsed_files[#parsed_files + 1] = s
+ f:close()
+ end