#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
+#include <algorithm>
using std::string;
using std::vector;
DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(ShaderCacheTruncate, bool);
DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(CaseFraction, std::vector<int>);
+DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(CaseFractionMandatoryTests, std::string);
static void parseIntList (const char* src, std::vector<int>* dst)
- << Option<CasePath> ("n", "deqp-case", "Test case(s) to run, supports wildcards (e.g. dEQP-GLES2.info.*)")
- << Option<CaseList> (DE_NULL, "deqp-caselist", "Case list to run in trie format (e.g. {dEQP-GLES2{info{version,renderer}}})")
- << Option<CaseListFile> (DE_NULL, "deqp-caselist-file", "Read case list (in trie format) from given file")
- << Option<CaseListResource> (DE_NULL, "deqp-caselist-resource", "Read case list (in trie format) from given file located application's assets")
- << Option<StdinCaseList> (DE_NULL, "deqp-stdin-caselist", "Read case list (in trie format) from stdin")
- << Option<LogFilename> (DE_NULL, "deqp-log-filename", "Write test results to given file", "TestResults.qpa")
- << Option<RunMode> (DE_NULL, "deqp-runmode", "Execute tests, or write list of test cases into a file",
- s_runModes, "execute")
- << Option<ExportFilenamePattern>(DE_NULL, "deqp-caselist-export-file", "Set the target file name pattern for caselist export", "${packageName}-cases.${typeExtension}")
- << Option<WatchDog> (DE_NULL, "deqp-watchdog", "Enable test watchdog", s_enableNames, "disable")
- << Option<CrashHandler> (DE_NULL, "deqp-crashhandler", "Enable crash handling", s_enableNames, "disable")
- << Option<BaseSeed> (DE_NULL, "deqp-base-seed", "Base seed for test cases that use randomization", "0")
- << Option<TestIterationCount> (DE_NULL, "deqp-test-iteration-count", "Iteration count for cases that support variable number of iterations", "0")
- << Option<Visibility> (DE_NULL, "deqp-visibility", "Default test window visibility", s_visibilites, "windowed")
- << Option<SurfaceWidth> (DE_NULL, "deqp-surface-width", "Use given surface width if possible", "-1")
- << Option<SurfaceHeight> (DE_NULL, "deqp-surface-height", "Use given surface height if possible", "-1")
- << Option<SurfaceType> (DE_NULL, "deqp-surface-type", "Use given surface type", s_surfaceTypes, "window")
- << Option<ScreenRotation> (DE_NULL, "deqp-screen-rotation", "Screen rotation for platforms that support it", s_screenRotations, "0")
- << Option<GLContextType> (DE_NULL, "deqp-gl-context-type", "OpenGL context type for platforms that support multiple")
- << Option<GLConfigID> (DE_NULL, "deqp-gl-config-id", "OpenGL (ES) render config ID (EGL config id on EGL platforms)", "-1")
- << Option<GLConfigName> (DE_NULL, "deqp-gl-config-name", "Symbolic OpenGL (ES) render config name")
- << Option<GLContextFlags> (DE_NULL, "deqp-gl-context-flags", "OpenGL context flags (comma-separated, supports debug and robust)")
- << Option<CLPlatformID> (DE_NULL, "deqp-cl-platform-id", "Execute tests on given OpenCL platform (IDs start from 1)", "1")
- << Option<CLDeviceIDs> (DE_NULL, "deqp-cl-device-ids", "Execute tests on given CL devices (comma-separated, IDs start from 1)", parseIntList, "")
- << Option<CLBuildOptions> (DE_NULL, "deqp-cl-build-options", "Extra build options for OpenCL compiler")
- << Option<EGLDisplayType> (DE_NULL, "deqp-egl-display-type", "EGL native display type")
- << Option<EGLWindowType> (DE_NULL, "deqp-egl-window-type", "EGL native window type")
- << Option<EGLPixmapType> (DE_NULL, "deqp-egl-pixmap-type", "EGL native pixmap type")
- << Option<VKDeviceID> (DE_NULL, "deqp-vk-device-id", "Vulkan device ID (IDs start from 1)", "1")
- << Option<VKDeviceGroupID> (DE_NULL, "deqp-vk-device-group-id", "Vulkan device Group ID (IDs start from 1)", "1")
- << Option<LogImages> (DE_NULL, "deqp-log-images", "Enable or disable logging of result images", s_enableNames, "enable")
- << Option<LogShaderSources> (DE_NULL, "deqp-log-shader-sources", "Enable or disable logging of shader sources", s_enableNames, "enable")
- << Option<TestOOM> (DE_NULL, "deqp-test-oom", "Run tests that exhaust memory on purpose", s_enableNames, TEST_OOM_DEFAULT)
- << Option<LogFlush> (DE_NULL, "deqp-log-flush", "Enable or disable log file fflush", s_enableNames, "enable")
- << Option<Validation> (DE_NULL, "deqp-validation", "Enable or disable test case validation", s_enableNames, "disable")
- << Option<Optimization> (DE_NULL, "deqp-optimization-recipe", "Shader optimization recipe (0=disabled, 1=performance, 2=size)", "0")
- << Option<OptimizeSpirv> (DE_NULL, "deqp-optimize-spirv", "Apply optimization to spir-v shaders as well", s_enableNames, "disable")
- << Option<ShaderCache> (DE_NULL, "deqp-shadercache", "Enable or disable shader cache", s_enableNames, "enable")
- << Option<ShaderCacheFilename> (DE_NULL, "deqp-shadercache-filename", "Write shader cache to given file", "shadercache.bin")
- << Option<ShaderCacheTruncate> (DE_NULL, "deqp-shadercache-truncate", "Truncate shader cache before running tests", s_enableNames, "enable")
- << Option<RenderDoc> (DE_NULL, "deqp-renderdoc", "Enable RenderDoc frame markers", s_enableNames, "disable")
- << Option<CaseFraction> (DE_NULL, "deqp-case-fraction", "Run a fraction of the test cases (e.g. N,M means run group%M==N)", parseIntList, "");
+ << Option<CasePath> ("n", "deqp-case", "Test case(s) to run, supports wildcards (e.g. dEQP-GLES2.info.*)")
+ << Option<CaseList> (DE_NULL, "deqp-caselist", "Case list to run in trie format (e.g. {dEQP-GLES2{info{version,renderer}}})")
+ << Option<CaseListFile> (DE_NULL, "deqp-caselist-file", "Read case list (in trie format) from given file")
+ << Option<CaseListResource> (DE_NULL, "deqp-caselist-resource", "Read case list (in trie format) from given file located application's assets")
+ << Option<StdinCaseList> (DE_NULL, "deqp-stdin-caselist", "Read case list (in trie format) from stdin")
+ << Option<LogFilename> (DE_NULL, "deqp-log-filename", "Write test results to given file", "TestResults.qpa")
+ << Option<RunMode> (DE_NULL, "deqp-runmode", "Execute tests, or write list of test cases into a file",
+ s_runModes, "execute")
+ << Option<ExportFilenamePattern> (DE_NULL, "deqp-caselist-export-file", "Set the target file name pattern for caselist export", "${packageName}-cases.${typeExtension}")
+ << Option<WatchDog> (DE_NULL, "deqp-watchdog", "Enable test watchdog", s_enableNames, "disable")
+ << Option<CrashHandler> (DE_NULL, "deqp-crashhandler", "Enable crash handling", s_enableNames, "disable")
+ << Option<BaseSeed> (DE_NULL, "deqp-base-seed", "Base seed for test cases that use randomization", "0")
+ << Option<TestIterationCount> (DE_NULL, "deqp-test-iteration-count", "Iteration count for cases that support variable number of iterations", "0")
+ << Option<Visibility> (DE_NULL, "deqp-visibility", "Default test window visibility", s_visibilites, "windowed")
+ << Option<SurfaceWidth> (DE_NULL, "deqp-surface-width", "Use given surface width if possible", "-1")
+ << Option<SurfaceHeight> (DE_NULL, "deqp-surface-height", "Use given surface height if possible", "-1")
+ << Option<SurfaceType> (DE_NULL, "deqp-surface-type", "Use given surface type", s_surfaceTypes, "window")
+ << Option<ScreenRotation> (DE_NULL, "deqp-screen-rotation", "Screen rotation for platforms that support it", s_screenRotations, "0")
+ << Option<GLContextType> (DE_NULL, "deqp-gl-context-type", "OpenGL context type for platforms that support multiple")
+ << Option<GLConfigID> (DE_NULL, "deqp-gl-config-id", "OpenGL (ES) render config ID (EGL config id on EGL platforms)", "-1")
+ << Option<GLConfigName> (DE_NULL, "deqp-gl-config-name", "Symbolic OpenGL (ES) render config name")
+ << Option<GLContextFlags> (DE_NULL, "deqp-gl-context-flags", "OpenGL context flags (comma-separated, supports debug and robust)")
+ << Option<CLPlatformID> (DE_NULL, "deqp-cl-platform-id", "Execute tests on given OpenCL platform (IDs start from 1)", "1")
+ << Option<CLDeviceIDs> (DE_NULL, "deqp-cl-device-ids", "Execute tests on given CL devices (comma-separated, IDs start from 1)", parseIntList, "")
+ << Option<CLBuildOptions> (DE_NULL, "deqp-cl-build-options", "Extra build options for OpenCL compiler")
+ << Option<EGLDisplayType> (DE_NULL, "deqp-egl-display-type", "EGL native display type")
+ << Option<EGLWindowType> (DE_NULL, "deqp-egl-window-type", "EGL native window type")
+ << Option<EGLPixmapType> (DE_NULL, "deqp-egl-pixmap-type", "EGL native pixmap type")
+ << Option<VKDeviceID> (DE_NULL, "deqp-vk-device-id", "Vulkan device ID (IDs start from 1)", "1")
+ << Option<VKDeviceGroupID> (DE_NULL, "deqp-vk-device-group-id", "Vulkan device Group ID (IDs start from 1)", "1")
+ << Option<LogImages> (DE_NULL, "deqp-log-images", "Enable or disable logging of result images", s_enableNames, "enable")
+ << Option<LogShaderSources> (DE_NULL, "deqp-log-shader-sources", "Enable or disable logging of shader sources", s_enableNames, "enable")
+ << Option<TestOOM> (DE_NULL, "deqp-test-oom", "Run tests that exhaust memory on purpose", s_enableNames, TEST_OOM_DEFAULT)
+ << Option<LogFlush> (DE_NULL, "deqp-log-flush", "Enable or disable log file fflush", s_enableNames, "enable")
+ << Option<Validation> (DE_NULL, "deqp-validation", "Enable or disable test case validation", s_enableNames, "disable")
+ << Option<Optimization> (DE_NULL, "deqp-optimization-recipe", "Shader optimization recipe (0=disabled, 1=performance, 2=size)", "0")
+ << Option<OptimizeSpirv> (DE_NULL, "deqp-optimize-spirv", "Apply optimization to spir-v shaders as well", s_enableNames, "disable")
+ << Option<ShaderCache> (DE_NULL, "deqp-shadercache", "Enable or disable shader cache", s_enableNames, "enable")
+ << Option<ShaderCacheFilename> (DE_NULL, "deqp-shadercache-filename", "Write shader cache to given file", "shadercache.bin")
+ << Option<ShaderCacheTruncate> (DE_NULL, "deqp-shadercache-truncate", "Truncate shader cache before running tests", s_enableNames, "enable")
+ << Option<RenderDoc> (DE_NULL, "deqp-renderdoc", "Enable RenderDoc frame markers", s_enableNames, "disable")
+ << Option<CaseFraction> (DE_NULL, "deqp-fraction", "Run a fraction of the test cases (e.g. N,M means run group%M==N)", parseIntList, "")
+ << Option<CaseFractionMandatoryTests> (DE_NULL, "deqp-fraction-mandatory-caselist-file", "Case list file that must be run for each fraction", "");
void registerLegacyOptions (de::cmdline::Parser& parser)
CasePaths (const string& pathList);
+ CasePaths (const vector<string>& pathList);
bool matches (const string& caseName, bool allowPrefix=false) const;
+CasePaths::CasePaths(const vector<string>& pathList)
+ : m_casePatterns(pathList)
// Match a single path component against a pattern component that may contain *-wildcards.
static bool matchWildcards(string::const_iterator patternStart,
string::const_iterator patternEnd,
return isOk;
-const char* CommandLine::getLogFileName (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::LogFilename>().c_str(); }
-deUint32 CommandLine::getLogFlags (void) const { return m_logFlags; }
-RunMode CommandLine::getRunMode (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::RunMode>(); }
-const char* CommandLine::getCaseListExportFile (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::ExportFilenamePattern>().c_str(); }
-WindowVisibility CommandLine::getVisibility (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::Visibility>(); }
-bool CommandLine::isWatchDogEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::WatchDog>(); }
-bool CommandLine::isCrashHandlingEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::CrashHandler>(); }
-int CommandLine::getBaseSeed (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::BaseSeed>(); }
-int CommandLine::getTestIterationCount (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::TestIterationCount>(); }
-int CommandLine::getSurfaceWidth (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::SurfaceWidth>(); }
-int CommandLine::getSurfaceHeight (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::SurfaceHeight>(); }
-SurfaceType CommandLine::getSurfaceType (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::SurfaceType>(); }
-ScreenRotation CommandLine::getScreenRotation (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::ScreenRotation>(); }
-int CommandLine::getGLConfigId (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::GLConfigID>(); }
-int CommandLine::getCLPlatformId (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::CLPlatformID>(); }
-const std::vector<int>& CommandLine::getCLDeviceIds (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::CLDeviceIDs>(); }
-int CommandLine::getVKDeviceId (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::VKDeviceID>(); }
-int CommandLine::getVKDeviceGroupId (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::VKDeviceGroupID>(); }
-bool CommandLine::isValidationEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::Validation>(); }
-bool CommandLine::isOutOfMemoryTestEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::TestOOM>(); }
-bool CommandLine::isShadercacheEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::ShaderCache>(); }
-const char* CommandLine::getShaderCacheFilename (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::ShaderCacheFilename>().c_str(); }
-bool CommandLine::isShaderCacheTruncateEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::ShaderCacheTruncate>(); }
-int CommandLine::getOptimizationRecipe (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::Optimization>(); }
-bool CommandLine::isSpirvOptimizationEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::OptimizeSpirv>(); }
-bool CommandLine::isRenderDocEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::RenderDoc>(); }
-const std::vector<int>& CommandLine::getCaseFraction (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::CaseFraction>(); }
+const char* CommandLine::getLogFileName (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::LogFilename>().c_str(); }
+deUint32 CommandLine::getLogFlags (void) const { return m_logFlags; }
+RunMode CommandLine::getRunMode (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::RunMode>(); }
+const char* CommandLine::getCaseListExportFile (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::ExportFilenamePattern>().c_str(); }
+WindowVisibility CommandLine::getVisibility (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::Visibility>(); }
+bool CommandLine::isWatchDogEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::WatchDog>(); }
+bool CommandLine::isCrashHandlingEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::CrashHandler>(); }
+int CommandLine::getBaseSeed (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::BaseSeed>(); }
+int CommandLine::getTestIterationCount (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::TestIterationCount>(); }
+int CommandLine::getSurfaceWidth (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::SurfaceWidth>(); }
+int CommandLine::getSurfaceHeight (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::SurfaceHeight>(); }
+SurfaceType CommandLine::getSurfaceType (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::SurfaceType>(); }
+ScreenRotation CommandLine::getScreenRotation (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::ScreenRotation>(); }
+int CommandLine::getGLConfigId (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::GLConfigID>(); }
+int CommandLine::getCLPlatformId (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::CLPlatformID>(); }
+const std::vector<int>& CommandLine::getCLDeviceIds (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::CLDeviceIDs>(); }
+int CommandLine::getVKDeviceId (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::VKDeviceID>(); }
+int CommandLine::getVKDeviceGroupId (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::VKDeviceGroupID>(); }
+bool CommandLine::isValidationEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::Validation>(); }
+bool CommandLine::isOutOfMemoryTestEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::TestOOM>(); }
+bool CommandLine::isShadercacheEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::ShaderCache>(); }
+const char* CommandLine::getShaderCacheFilename (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::ShaderCacheFilename>().c_str(); }
+bool CommandLine::isShaderCacheTruncateEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::ShaderCacheTruncate>(); }
+int CommandLine::getOptimizationRecipe (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::Optimization>(); }
+bool CommandLine::isSpirvOptimizationEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::OptimizeSpirv>(); }
+bool CommandLine::isRenderDocEnabled (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::RenderDoc>(); }
+const std::vector<int>& CommandLine::getCaseFraction (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::CaseFraction>(); }
+const char* CommandLine::getCaseFractionMandatoryTests (void) const { return m_cmdLine.getOption<opt::CaseFractionMandatoryTests>().c_str(); }
const char* CommandLine::getGLContextType (void) const
bool CaseListFilter::checkTestGroupName (const char* groupName) const
+ bool result = false;
if (m_casePaths)
- return m_casePaths->matches(groupName, true);
+ result = m_casePaths->matches(groupName, true);
else if (m_caseTree)
- return groupName[0] == 0 || tcu::checkTestGroupName(m_caseTree, groupName);
+ result = ( groupName[0] == 0 || tcu::checkTestGroupName(m_caseTree, groupName) );
return true;
+ if (!result && m_caseFractionMandatoryTests.get() != DE_NULL)
+ result = m_caseFractionMandatoryTests->matches(groupName, true);
+ return result;
bool CaseListFilter::checkTestCaseName (const char* caseName) const
+ bool result = false;
if (m_casePaths)
- return m_casePaths->matches(caseName, false);
+ result = m_casePaths->matches(caseName, false);
else if (m_caseTree)
- return tcu::checkTestCaseName(m_caseTree, caseName);
+ result = tcu::checkTestCaseName(m_caseTree, caseName);
return true;
+ if (!result && m_caseFractionMandatoryTests.get() != DE_NULL)
+ result = m_caseFractionMandatoryTests->matches(caseName, false);
+ return result;
+bool CaseListFilter::checkCaseFraction (int i, const std::string& testCaseName) const
+ return m_caseFraction.size() != 2 ||
+ ((i % m_caseFraction[1]) == m_caseFraction[0]) ||
+ (m_caseFractionMandatoryTests.get()!=DE_NULL && m_caseFractionMandatoryTests->matches(testCaseName));
CaseListFilter::CaseListFilter (void)
m_caseFraction = cmdLine.getOption<opt::CaseFraction>();
if (m_caseFraction.size() == 2 &&
- (m_caseFraction[0] < 0 || m_caseFraction[1] <= 0 || m_caseFraction[0] >= m_caseFraction[1]))
- throw Exception("Invalid case fraction. First element must be less than second element. Second element must be positive. First element must be non-negative.");
+ (m_caseFraction[0] < 0 || m_caseFraction[1] <= 0 || m_caseFraction[0] >= m_caseFraction[1] ))
+ throw Exception("Invalid case fraction. First element must be non-negative and less than second element. Second element must be greater than 0.");
if (m_caseFraction.size() != 0 && m_caseFraction.size() != 2)
throw Exception("Invalid case fraction. Must have two components.");
+ if (m_caseFraction.size() == 2)
+ {
+ std::string caseFractionMandatoryTestsFilename = cmdLine.getOption<opt::CaseFractionMandatoryTests>();
+ if (!caseFractionMandatoryTestsFilename.empty())
+ {
+ std::ifstream fileStream(caseFractionMandatoryTestsFilename.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);
+ if (!fileStream.is_open() || !fileStream.good())
+ throw Exception("Failed to open case fraction mandatory test list: '" + caseFractionMandatoryTestsFilename + "'");
+ std::vector<std::string> cfPaths;
+ std::string line;
+ while (std::getline(fileStream, line))
+ {
+ line.erase(std::remove(std::begin(line), std::end(line), '\r'), std::end(line));
+ cfPaths.push_back(line);
+ }
+ if (!cfPaths.empty())
+ {
+ m_caseFractionMandatoryTests = de::MovePtr<const CasePaths>(new CasePaths(cfPaths));
+ if (m_caseTree != DE_NULL)
+ {
+ fileStream.clear();
+ fileStream.seekg(0, fileStream.beg);
+ parseCaseList(m_caseTree, fileStream);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
CaseListFilter::~CaseListFilter (void)