// Return Value:
// TYP_UNDEF if the layout is not enregistrable, the register type otherwise.
+// Notes:
+// Special cases are small OSX ARM64 memory params (where args are not widened)
+// and small local promoted fields (which use Tier0 frame space as stack homes).
var_types LclVarDsc::GetActualRegisterType() const
+ if (varTypeIsSmall(TypeGet()))
+ {
+ if (compMacOsArm64Abi() && lvIsParam && !lvIsRegArg)
+ {
+ return GetRegisterType();
+ }
+ if (lvIsOSRLocal && lvIsStructField)
+ {
+#if defined(TARGET_X86)
+ // Revisit when we support OSR on x86
+ unreached();
+ return GetRegisterType();
+ }
+ }
return genActualType(GetRegisterType());