/// Whether we can do fancy terminal control codes.
bool smart_terminal_;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ HANDLE console_;
BuildStatus::BuildStatus(const BuildConfig& config)
const char* term = getenv("TERM");
smart_terminal_ = isatty(1) && term && string(term) != "dumb";
- smart_terminal_ = false;
// Disable output buffer. It'd be nice to use line buffering but
// MSDN says: "For some systems, [_IOLBF] provides line
// buffering. However, for Win32, the behavior is the same as _IOFBF
// - Full Buffering."
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
+ console_ = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+ smart_terminal_ = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(console_, &csbi);
// Don't do anything fancy in verbose mode.
if (to_print.empty() || force_full_command)
to_print = edge->EvaluateCommand();
- if (smart_terminal_)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(console_, &csbi);
+ if (smart_terminal_) {
+#ifndef _WIN32
printf("\r"); // Print over previous line, if any.
+ csbi.dwCursorPosition.X = 0;
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_, csbi.dwCursorPosition);
+ }
int progress_chars = printf("[%d/%d] ", started_edges_, total_edges_);
-#ifndef _WIN32
if (smart_terminal_ && !force_full_command) {
+#ifndef _WIN32
// Limit output to width of the terminal if provided so we don't cause
// line-wrapping.
winsize size;
+ to_print.substr(to_print.size() - elide_size, elide_size);
- }
- NINJA_UNUSED_ARG(progress_chars);
+ const int kMargin = progress_chars + 3; // Space for [xx/yy] and "...".
+ // Don't use the full width or console with move to next line.
+ size_t width = static_cast<size_t>(csbi.dwSize.X) - 1;
+ if (to_print.size() + kMargin > width) {
+ int elide_size = (width - kMargin) / 2;
+ to_print = to_print.substr(0, elide_size)
+ + "..."
+ + to_print.substr(to_print.size() - elide_size, elide_size);
+ }
+ }
printf("%s", to_print.c_str());
if (smart_terminal_ && !force_full_command) {
+#ifndef _WIN32
printf("\x1B[K"); // Clear to end of line.
have_blank_line_ = false;
+ // Clear to end of line.
+ GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(console_, &csbi);
+ int num_spaces = csbi.dwSize.X - 1 - csbi.dwCursorPosition.X;
+ printf("%*s", num_spaces, "");
+ have_blank_line_ = false;
} else {