return regArgNum(type) + numRegs - backFillCount <= maxRegArgNum(type);
+#ifdef _TARGET_ARM_
unsigned InitVarDscInfo::alignReg(var_types type, unsigned requiredRegAlignment)
- NYI_ARM64("alignReg");
assert(requiredRegAlignment > 0);
if (requiredRegAlignment == 1)
unsigned cAlignSkipped = requiredRegAlignment - alignMask;
assert(cAlignSkipped == 1); // Alignment is currently only 1 or 2, so misalignment can only be 1.
-#ifdef _TARGET_ARM_
if (varTypeIsFloating(type))
fltArgSkippedRegMask |= genMapFloatRegArgNumToRegMask(floatRegArgNum);
-#endif // _TARGET_ARM_
assert(regArgNum(type) + cAlignSkipped <= maxRegArgNum(type)); // if equal, then we aligned the last slot, and the
// arg can't be enregistered
return cAlignSkipped;
+#endif // _TARGET_ARM_
bool InitVarDscInfo::canEnreg(var_types type, unsigned numRegs /* = 1 */)
// Returns the first argument register of the allocated set.
unsigned allocRegArg(var_types type, unsigned numRegs = 1);
+#ifdef _TARGET_ARM_
// We are aligning the register to an ABI-required boundary, such as putting
// double-precision floats in even-numbered registers, by skipping one register.
// "requiredRegAlignment" is the amount to align to: 1 for no alignment (everything
// is 1-aligned), 2 for "double" alignment.
// Returns the number of registers skipped.
unsigned alignReg(var_types type, unsigned requiredRegAlignment);
+#endif // _TARGET_ARM_
// Return true if it is an enregisterable type and there is room.
// Note that for "type", we only care if it is float or not. In particular,