#include "devices.h"
#include "generic.h"
+#include <linux/spi/spi.h>
+#include <linux/spi/pxa2xx_spi.h>
+#include <linux/spi/ads7846.h>
static unsigned long magician_pin_config[] __initdata = {
/* SDRAM and Static Memory I/O Signals */
/* SSP 2 TSC2046 touchscreen */
+ MFP_CFG_OUT(GPIO14, AF0, DRIVE_HIGH), /* frame as GPIO */
+ * fixed regulator for ads7846
+ */
+static struct regulator_consumer_supply ads7846_supply =
+ REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vcc", "spi2.0");
+static struct regulator_init_data vads7846_regulator = {
+ .constraints = {
+ .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS,
+ },
+ .num_consumer_supplies = 1,
+ .consumer_supplies = &ads7846_supply,
+static struct fixed_voltage_config vads7846 = {
+ .supply_name = "vads7846",
+ .microvolts = 3300000, /* probably */
+ .gpio = -EINVAL,
+ .startup_delay = 0,
+ .init_data = &vads7846_regulator,
+static struct platform_device vads7846_device = {
+ .name = "reg-fixed-voltage",
+ .id = -1,
+ .dev = {
+ .platform_data = &vads7846,
+ },
* Vcore regulator MAX1587A
+ * Touchscreen
+ */
+static struct ads7846_platform_data ads7846_pdata = {
+ .model = 7846,
+ .x_plate_ohms = 317,
+ .y_plate_ohms = 500,
+ .pressure_max = 1023, /* with x plate ohms it will overflow 255 */
+ .debounce_max = 3, /* first readout is always bad */
+ .debounce_tol = 30,
+ .debounce_rep = 0,
+ .gpio_pendown = GPIO115_MAGICIAN_nPEN_IRQ,
+ .keep_vref_on = 1,
+ .wakeup = true,
+ .vref_delay_usecs = 100,
+ .penirq_recheck_delay_usecs = 100,
+struct pxa2xx_spi_chip tsc2046_chip_info = {
+ .tx_threshold = 1,
+ .rx_threshold = 2,
+ .timeout = 64,
+ /* NOTICE must be GPIO, incompatibility with hw PXA SPI framing */
+ .gpio_cs = GPIO14_MAGICIAN_TSC2046_CS,
+static struct pxa2xx_spi_master magician_spi_info = {
+ .num_chipselect = 1,
+ .enable_dma = 1,
+static struct spi_board_info ads7846_spi_board_info[] __initdata = {
+ {
+ .modalias = "ads7846",
+ .bus_num = 2,
+ .max_speed_hz = 2500000,
+ .platform_data = &ads7846_pdata,
+ .controller_data = &tsc2046_chip_info,
+ },
* Platform devices
+ &vads7846_device,
static struct gpio magician_global_gpios[] = {
} else
pr_err("LCD detection: CPLD mapping failed\n");
+ pxa2xx_set_spi_info(2, &magician_spi_info);
+ spi_register_board_info(ARRAY_AND_SIZE(ads7846_spi_board_info));
regulator_register_always_on(0, "power", pwm_backlight_supply,
ARRAY_SIZE(pwm_backlight_supply), 5000000);