Eina_Bool preset : 1;
+/* TIZEN_ONLY(20160622): Override Paragraph Direction APIs */
+static void
+_elm_widget_evas_object_paragraph_direction_set_internal(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Widget_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_BiDi_Direction dir);
+/* END */
/* local subsystem globals */
static unsigned int focus_order = 0;
if (obj == aparent)
elm_interface_atspi_accessible_children_changed_added_signal_emit(obj, sobj);
+ /* TIZEN_ONLY(20160622): Override Paragraph Direction APIs */
+ if (sdc->inherit_paragraph_direction &&
+ (sdc->paragraph_direction != evas_object_paragraph_direction_get(obj)))
+ {
+ sdc->paragraph_direction = evas_object_paragraph_direction_get(obj);
+ _elm_widget_evas_object_paragraph_direction_set_internal(sobj, sdc, sdc->paragraph_direction);
+ }
+ /* END */
sdc->parent_obj = NULL;
+ /* TIZEN_ONLY(20160622): Override Paragraph Direction APIs */
+ if (sdc->inherit_paragraph_direction &&
+ (sdc->paragraph_direction != EVAS_BIDI_DIRECTION_NEUTRAL))
+ {
+ sdc->paragraph_direction = EVAS_BIDI_DIRECTION_NEUTRAL;
+ _elm_widget_evas_object_paragraph_direction_set_internal(sobj, sdc, sdc->paragraph_direction);
+ }
+ /* END */
if (sd->resize_obj == sobj) sd->resize_obj = NULL;
///TIZEN_ONLY(20170717) : expose highlight information on atspi
sd->can_highlight = EINA_TRUE;
+ /* TIZEN_ONLY(20160622): Override Paragraph Direction APIs */
+ sd->inherit_paragraph_direction = EINA_TRUE;
+ /* END */
eo_do(obj, elm_interface_atspi_accessible_role_set(ELM_ATSPI_ROLE_UNKNOWN));
return obj;
+/* TIZEN_ONLY(20160622): Override Paragraph Direction APIs */
+static void
+_elm_widget_evas_object_paragraph_direction_set_internal(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Widget_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_BiDi_Direction dir)
+ Evas_Object *child;
+ Eina_List *l;
+ if (sd->on_destroy) return;
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(sd->subobjs, l, child)
+ {
+ if (_elm_widget_is(child))
+ {
+ Elm_Widget_Smart_Data *sdc = eo_data_scope_get(child, MY_CLASS);
+ if (sdc->inherit_paragraph_direction &&
+ (sdc->paragraph_direction != dir))
+ {
+ sdc->paragraph_direction = dir;
+ _elm_widget_evas_object_paragraph_direction_set_internal(child, sdc, dir);
+ eo_do_super(child, MY_CLASS, evas_obj_paragraph_direction_set(dir));
+ }
+ }
+ /* FIXME: There is no way to handle non-widget child object.
+ * If a non-widget child object has smart parent, it will get the direction
+ * from the smart parent. */
+ }
+EOLIAN static void
+_elm_widget_evas_object_paragraph_direction_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Widget_Smart_Data *sd, Evas_BiDi_Direction dir)
+ if ((!(sd->inherit_paragraph_direction) && (sd->paragraph_direction == dir)) ||
+ (sd->inherit_paragraph_direction && (dir == EVAS_BIDI_DIRECTION_INHERIT)))
+ return;
+ {
+ sd->inherit_paragraph_direction = EINA_TRUE;
+ Evas_BiDi_Direction parent_dir = EVAS_BIDI_DIRECTION_NEUTRAL;
+ if (sd->parent_obj)
+ parent_dir = evas_object_paragraph_direction_get(sd->parent_obj);
+ if (parent_dir != sd->paragraph_direction)
+ {
+ sd->paragraph_direction = parent_dir;
+ _elm_widget_evas_object_paragraph_direction_set_internal(obj, sd, parent_dir);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sd->inherit_paragraph_direction = EINA_FALSE;
+ sd->paragraph_direction = dir;
+ _elm_widget_evas_object_paragraph_direction_set_internal(obj, sd, dir);
+ }
+ eo_do_super(obj, MY_CLASS, evas_obj_paragraph_direction_set(dir));
+/* END */
#include "elm_widget_item.eo.c"
#include "elm_widget.eo.c"