std::list<std::string> &args);
static HRESULT AddGenericArgs(ICorDebugType *pType, std::list<std::string> &args);
static HRESULT AddGenericArgs(ICorDebugFrame *pFrame, std::list<std::string> &args);
- static HRESULT GetTypeOfValue(ICorDebugType *pType, std::string &elementType, std::string &arrayType);
static HRESULT GetTypeOfValue(ICorDebugType *pType, std::string &output);
static HRESULT GetTypeOfValue(ICorDebugValue *pValue, std::string &output);
+ static HRESULT GetTypeOfValue(ICorDebugType *pType, std::string &elementType, std::string &arrayType);
static HRESULT GetMethodName(ICorDebugFrame *pFrame, std::string &output);
return FALSE;
+static HRESULT PrintArrayValue(ICorDebugValue *pValue,
+ std::string &output)
+ HRESULT Status = S_OK;
+ ToRelease<ICorDebugArrayValue> pArrayValue;
+ IfFailRet(pValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugArrayValue, (LPVOID*) &pArrayValue));
+ ULONG32 nRank;
+ IfFailRet(pArrayValue->GetRank(&nRank));
+ if (nRank < 1)
+ {
+ return E_UNEXPECTED;
+ }
+ ULONG32 cElements;
+ IfFailRet(pArrayValue->GetCount(&cElements));
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "{";
+ std::string elementType;
+ std::string arrayType;
+ CorElementType corElemType;
+ ToRelease<ICorDebugType> pFirstParameter;
+ ToRelease<ICorDebugValue2> pValue2;
+ ToRelease<ICorDebugType> pType;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(pArrayValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugValue2, (LPVOID *) &pValue2)) && SUCCEEDED(pValue2->GetExactType(&pType)))
+ {
+ if (SUCCEEDED(pType->GetFirstTypeParameter(&pFirstParameter)))
+ {
+ TypePrinter::GetTypeOfValue(pFirstParameter, elementType, arrayType);
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<ULONG32> dims(nRank, 0);
+ pArrayValue->GetDimensions(nRank, &dims[0]);
+ std::vector<ULONG32> base(nRank, 0);
+ BOOL hasBaseIndicies = FALSE;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(pArrayValue->HasBaseIndicies(&hasBaseIndicies)) && hasBaseIndicies)
+ IfFailRet(pArrayValue->GetBaseIndicies(nRank, &base[0]));
+ ss << elementType << "[";
+ const char *sep = "";
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ ss << sep;
+ sep = ", ";
+ if (base[i] > 0)
+ ss << base[i] << ".." << (base[i] + dims[i] - 1);
+ else
+ ss << dims[i];
+ }
+ ss << "]" << arrayType;
+ ss << "}";
+ output = ss.str();
+ return S_OK;
static HRESULT PrintStringValue(ICorDebugValue * pValue, std::string &output)
return S_OK;
- if (corElemType == ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY)
+ if (corElemType == ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY || corElemType == ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY)
- output = "<ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY>";
- //return PrintSzArrayValue(pValue, pILFrame, pMD);
- return S_OK;
+ return PrintArrayValue(pValue, output);
ToRelease<ICorDebugGenericValue> pGenericValue;
// TODO: The following corElementTypes are not yet implemented here. Array
// might be interesting to add, though the others may be of rather limited use:
- // ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY = 0x14, // MDARRAY <type> <rank> <bcount> <bound1> ... <lbcount> <lb1> ...
// ELEMENT_TYPE_GENERICINST = 0x15, // GENERICINST <generic type> <argCnt> <arg1> ... <argn>
return pEval->GetResult(ppEvalResult);
+static void IncIndicies(std::vector<ULONG32> &ind, const std::vector<ULONG32> &dims)
+ int i = ind.size() - 1;
+ while (i >= 0)
+ {
+ ind[i] += 1;
+ if (ind[i] < dims[i])
+ return;
+ ind[i] = 0;
+ --i;
+ }
+static std::string IndiciesToStr(const std::vector<ULONG32> &ind, const std::vector<ULONG32> &base)
+ const size_t ind_size = ind.size();
+ if (ind_size < 1 || base.size() != ind_size)
+ return std::string();
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ const char *sep = "";
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ind_size; ++i)
+ {
+ ss << sep;
+ sep = ", ";
+ ss << (base[i] + ind[i]);
+ }
+ return ss.str();
static HRESULT WalkMembers(ICorDebugValue *pInputValue, ICorDebugILFrame *pILFrame, ICorDebugType *pTypeCast, WalkMembersCallback cb)
HRESULT Status = S_OK;
ULONG32 cElements;
+ std::vector<ULONG32> dims(nRank, 0);
+ IfFailRet(pArrayValue->GetDimensions(nRank, &dims[0]));
+ std::vector<ULONG32> base(nRank, 0);
+ BOOL hasBaseIndicies = FALSE;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(pArrayValue->HasBaseIndicies(&hasBaseIndicies)) && hasBaseIndicies)
+ IfFailRet(pArrayValue->GetBaseIndicies(nRank, &base[0]));
+ std::vector<ULONG32> ind(nRank, 0);
for (ULONG32 i = 0; i < cElements; ++i)
ToRelease<ICorDebugValue> pElementValue;
pArrayValue->GetElementAtPosition(i, &pElementValue);
- IfFailRet(cb(mdMethodDefNil, nullptr, nullptr, pElementValue, false, "[" + std::to_string(i) + "]"));
+ IfFailRet(cb(mdMethodDefNil, nullptr, nullptr, pElementValue, false, "[" + IndiciesToStr(ind, base) + "]"));
+ IncIndicies(ind, dims);
return S_OK;