--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+language: python
+ - "2.7"
+ - sudo apt-get update -qq
+ - sudo apt-get install -qq diffstat
+script: cd tests; python suite.py
--- /dev/null
+Adrian Schroeter
+Andreas Bauer
+Christoph Thiel
+David Mayr
+Dirk Mueller
+Juergen Weigert
+Lars Rupp
+Lenz Grimmer
+Ludwig Nussel
+Marcus Huewe
+Marcus Rueckert
+Martin Mohring
+Michael Schroeder
+Michael Wolf
+Michal Marek
+Pavol Rusnak
+Peter Poeml
+Sascha Peilicke
+Susanne Oberhauser
+Tom Patzig
+Werner Fink
+Will Stephenson
+Jan-Simon Möller
--- /dev/null
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
--- /dev/null
+ - support generic emulator virtualization
+ - added "--host" argument to "osc build" (used to perform the build on a remote host)
+ - "search --maintained" is obsolete. Abort on usage.
+ - "maintainer --user" support to search for all official maintained instance for given user or group
+ - added support to abort a commit after displaying a default commit message in $EDITOR. As a result
+ other commands like "submitrequest" will also ask if the user wants to proceed if the default
+ comment/message wasn't changed.
+ - add support to remove repositories recursively (mostly only usefull for admins)
+ - submitrequest: old not anymore used maintenance code got removed. It is possible now
+ to create one request to submit all changed packages of an project in
+ one request. Just run "osc sr" in the checked out project directory.
+ - disable keyring usage by default. print warning about misconfigured keyrings.
+ - prdiff: new command to diff entire projects
+ - support single binary download via getbinaries command
+ - support to set the bugowner
+# Features which requires OBS 2.4
+ - offer to send set_bugowner request if target is not writeable
+ - support delete requests for repositories.
+ - support default maintainer/bugowner search based on binary package names
+ - support to lookup --all definitions of maintainers of bugowners. Either
+ for showing or setting them.
+ - buildinfo --debug option for verbose output of dependency calculation
+ - prefer TLS v1.1 or v1.2 if available
+ - declined is considered to be an open state (that is "osc rq list" also shows declined requests)
+ - added support to move files across packages via "osc mv" (fixes issue #10)
+ - various bugfixes:
+ * show source package name when running "osc se --binary ..."
+ * fixed encoding detection
+ * fixed build result listing for arch packages (affects "osc build")
+ * "osc ci --noservice" works also for "external"/flat packages
+ - do not forward requests to packages which do link anyway to original request target
+ - request accept is offering now to forward submit request if it is a devel area like webui does
+ - support archlinux builds (requires OBS 2.4)
+ - support maintenancerequest from local checkout
+ - bugfixes for review handling, result watching, gnome-keyring
+ - patchinfo call can work without checked out copy now
+ - use qemu as fallback for building not directly supported architectures
+ - "results --watch" option to watch build results until they finished building
+ - setlinkrev and linkpac ---current is setting vrev. this requires OBS 2.1.17 or 2.3
+ - security fix for buildlog function, terminal control characters are limited now.
+# Features which requires OBS 2.3
+ - support dryrun of branching to preview the expected result. "osc sm" is doing this now by default.
+ - maintenance requests accept package lists as source and target incidents to be merged in
+ - add "setincident" command to "request" to re-direct a maintenance request
+ - ask user to create "maintenance incident" request when submit request is failing at release project
+ - "osc my patchinfos" is showing patchinfos where any open bug is assigned to user
+ - "osc my" or "osc my work" is including assigned patchinfos
+ - "osc branch --maintenance" is creating setups for maintenance
+ - "osc unlock" command to unlock packages or projects
+ - add --meta option also to "list", "cat" and "less" commands
+ - project checkout is skipping packages linking to project local packages by default
+ - add --keep-link option to copypac command
+ - source validators are not called by default anymore:
+ * They can get used via source services now
+ * Allows different validations based on the code streams
+# Features which requires OBS 2.3
+ - support source services using OBS project or package name
+ - support updateing _patchinfo file with new issues just by calling "osc patchinfo" again
+ - branch --add-repositories can be used to add repos from source project to target project
+ - branch --extend-package-names can be used to do mbranch like branch of a single package
+ - branch --new-package can be used to do branch from a not yet existing package (to define later submit target)
+ - show declined requests which created by user
+ - rdelete and undelete command requesting now a comment
+ - add 'requestbugownership' command for setting the bugowner via request
+# Features which requires OBS 2.3
+ - new command "createincident" to create maintenance incidents without a request
+ - support to create hidden project on "branch" and "createincident" commands
+ - osc waits and updates package after checkin when a source service is used
+ - support for the new service file mode for "update" and "checkout" command when
+ downloading server side generated files
+ - integration for local source services, they will replace the source_validator mechanism
+ - new command 'develproject' to print the devel project from the package meta.
+ - add blt and rblt commands, aka "buildlogtail" and "remotebuildlogtail" to show
+ just the end of a build log (for getting the fail reason faster).
+ CHANGE: the --start parameter is now called --offset
+ - add "createrequest -a add_group" option to create a group request
+ - add "createrequest -a add_me" shortcut
+ - add "less" command, doing the same as "osc cat" but with pager
+ - fallback to unexpanded diff mode on "osc diff" on merge error.
+ - support viewing the commit history of deleted packages
+ - show review states on "review list"
+ - new source service commands "localrun" and "disabledrun" to generate files without _service: prefix
+ - add "request supersede" and "review supersede" to supersede with existing request
+ - make it possible to run single source services, even when not specified in _service file.
+ (For example for doing a version update without creating a _service file: osc service lr update_source)
+ - protect rebuild and abortbuild commands with required "--all" option to mass failures by accident (similar to wipebinaries)
+ - "review accept/decline" is trying to change all reviews of a requests, if a specific one is not specified by user
+# Features which requires OBS 2.3
+ - "my requests" is doing faster and complete server side lookup now if available
+ - "review" command has been extended to handle reviews by project or by package maintainers
+ - support for new source service modes: disabled, trylocal and localonly
+ - support project wide source services
+ - support for armv7hl architecuture. used to denote armv7 + hardfloat binaries
+ - add force option to accept requests in review state.
+ - add "maintenancerequest" command to request a maintenance incident from maintenance team
+ - add "releaserequest" command run a maintenance update release process (for maintenance team only)
+ - allow to force the storage of project meta data (to ignore depending repositories for example)
+ - "my requests" is showing requests with open reviews also now
+ - new "revert" command to restore the original working copy file (without
+ downloading it)
+ - rewrote "diff" logic
+ - added new "--http-full-debug" option, "--http-debug" filters the
+ "Authentication" and "Set-Cookie" header
+ - added new "--disabled-cpio-bulk-download" option: disable downloading
+ packages as cpio archive from api
+ - added new "repairwc" command which tries to repair an inconsistent working
+ copy
+ - workaround for broken urllib2 in python 2.6.5: wrong credentials lead to an
+ infinite recursion
+ - support --interactive-review option when running "osc rq list <project>"
+ - improved "osc rq show <id> --interactive-review"
+ - do_config: added new options --stdin, --prompt, --no-echo:
+ --stdin: read value from stdin
+ --prompt: prompt for a value
+ --no-echo: prompt for a value but don't echo entered characters (for
+ instance to enter a passwd)
+ - added template support for a submitrequest accept/decline message
+ - lots of internal rewrites (new working copy handling etc.)
+ - support added for osc search 'perl(Foo::Bar)'
+ - New "service" command to run source services locally or trigger a re-run on the server.
+ - setlinkrev is setting now the revision to xsrcmd5 by default to avoid later breakage on indirect links by default.
+ Due to the rewrite of the working copy handling osc might fail with the
+ following error:
+ Your working copy '.' is in an inconsistent state.
+ Please run 'osc repairwc .' (Note this might _remove_
+ files from the .osc/ dir). Please check the state
+ of the working copy afterwards (via 'osc status .')
+ Simply run "osc repairwc" which might fetch files from the api
+ or delete some files from the storedir (.osc/). It won't touch
+ locally modified files. For more information see section
+# Feature which requires OBS 2.1
+ - support reliable diff for an accepted request
+ - "dists" command to show the configured default base repos from the server.
+ - "review list" command to list open review requests
+ - "review add" command to add another reviewer for a request (either user or group)
+ - add "buildinfo --prefer-pkgs <dir>" option
+ - add "prjresults --hide-disabled" option to hide packages which are disabled/excluded
+ in all repos and repos which have only disabled/excluded packages
+ - harmonize "api"'s options with curl's options
+ - use builtin signature check by default (instead of verifying the signature with "rpm -K...")
+ - add "status --show-excluded" to show all files (except the store dir)
+ - new "osc reqmaintainership" command which is a shortcut for
+ "osc creq -a add_role USER maintainer PROJECT PACKAGE"
+# Feature which requires OBS 2.1
+ - add "osc aggregate --nosources" option
+ - add "request clone" command to clone all packages from a given request
+ - fixed references into en.opensuse.org to honor the new Wiki structure
+ - add cross build targets mips and mipsel for QEMU Usermode. needs also build update.
+ - better default commands selection for editor/pager
+ - support "osc rq reopen" to set a request in new state again
+ - "osc repos" and "wipebinaries" is checking for local project now
+ - "osc getbinaries" works in project dir now
+ - support added for SPARC builds
+ - support build --oldpackages
+ - introduced the "trusted projects"
+ - Fixes for default editor, api check on deleterequest call, tempfile leaks, getbinaries source package handling, results command
+# Feature which require either OBS 2.1 or 2.0.4
+ - add osc signkey --extend for extending the expiration date of the gpg public key
+ - add size limit mode, files can be ignored on checkout or update given a certain size limit.
+ - --csv/--format options for results command - using format user can explicitly specify what he wants print
+ - osc branch reads project/package in package directory
+ - fix creation of package link, when target project has the package via linked project
+ - add "osc rq approvenew $PROJECT" command to show and accept all request in new state.
+ This makes sense esp. for projects which work with default reviewers before.
+ - support external source validator scripts before commiting
+ - support request creation with multiple actions
+# Features which require OBS 2.0
+ - support "osc add http://...", this uses obs source service for downloading a file and verify it via sha256 verifier service
+ - add support for CBpreinstall/CBinstall
+ - support branch --force to override target
+ - support for "unresolvable" state of OBS 2.0
+ - support undelete of project or package
+ - support for package meta data checkout
+ - added VM autosetup to osc. This requires appropriate OBS version and build script version.
+ - enhanced QEMU cross build support with 'armv4l' 'armv5el' 'armv6el' 'armv7el' 'armv8el' 'mips' 'mips64' 'ppc' 'ppc64' 'sh4' arch strings now supported on x86 host
+ - suggest git, svn, ... if indicated, after oscerr.NoWorkingCopy
+ - "osc cat" & "osc ls" now auto-expands through link.
+ - fixed "osc add" after "osc delete".
+ - fix "osc patchinfo" command (crashed before)
+ - fixed SSL proxy support
+ - fixed meta attribute create and set calls
+ - osc remotebuildlog supports a buildlogurl
+ - Allow --prefer-pkgs to parse repodata
+ - new "osc build --no-service" option to skip source service update
+ - fix linktobranch apiurl usage
+ - "maintained package" search is telling relevant projects now
+ * requires OBS 1.7.2 or 2.0
+ - added "osc chroot" command
+ - fixed #547005 ("osc co could show download progress")
+ - added "--interactive" option to "osc request"
+ - store commit message so it doesn't get lost on failure
+ - added "--cpio-bulk-download" and "--download-api-only" options to "osc build"
+ - added "osc localbuildlog" command
+ - added "--build-uid uid:gid|caller" option to "osc build" to specify abuild id in chroot
+ - verify files using rpm bindings and keys supplied by buildservice
+ - added "--exclude-target-project <prj>" option to "osc rq list"
+ - added "--message" option to "osc branch"
+ - added "osc config" command to set/get/delete a config option
+ - added "--binary" and "--baseproject" options to "osc search"
+ - added "-o/--offline" and "-l/--preload" options to osc build
+ * osc build -l standard i586 foo.spec (to cache all dependencies)
+ * osc build -o standard i586 foo.spec (to build without contacting the api)
+ - add "osc pull" command to fetch and merge changes in the link target
+ - new proxy support via SSL
+ - when a broken link is encountered automatically switch to last working
+ version. use 'osc pull' to repair the broken link.
+ - osc my request is showing now also requests from other people target to
+ myself
+ #
+ # Features which require OBS 1.7
+ #
+ - new config option 'submitrequest_on_accept_action' to specify a default action
+ if a submitrequest has been accepted
+ - add "osc linktobranch" command to convert a classic link to a branch package
+ - show scheduler state for each repo with "results" and "prjresults"
+ - added 'osc bugowner' as a more intelligent version of 'osc maintainer -B'
+ - added option '-B' to osc maintainer, prints bugowner OR maintainer.
+ - added 'osc req help' as convenience alias to 'osc help req'.
+ - 'osc in' to be done. Its usage just prints a suggested zypper command line.
+ - give better hint how to use osc vc without network connectivity.
+ - added printing of cache statistices to osc build
+ - support http proxies when using python 2.6 or newer (#551004)
+ - partial fix for checkout problems (bnc#551147)
+ - fixed #477690 ("osc fetching binaries really slow")
+ - osc jobhistory accepts also "prj [pkg] repo arch" now
+ - osc buildinfo accepts now also "prj pkg repo arch [spec/dsc]"
+ - osc buildconfig accepts now also "prj pkg repo arch"
+ - fixed warning messages regarding SSL certificate on some plattforms (Fedora)
+ - support submit requests on project level, osc is checking which packages
+ have changed and submits only the changed after asking back.
+ - show worker/id on jobhistory and make it faster by adding a default limit of 20
+ - add "osc build --root" option to allow to specify build root directory
+ - add "osc build --release" option to allow to specify a package release number
+ - added osc mv command which can rename file and leave them under version control
+ - added new commands "dependson" and "whatdependson" to find out which packages get
+ triggered before checkin/request accept.
+ - add new "osc build --linksource" option, speeds up esp. image building a lot
+ - add "osc triggerreason" command to show detail reason, why a package got triggered for build
+ - Incompatible changes:
+ * osc se now prints Project Package, instead of Package Project
+ for easier copy&paste.
+ * osc se uses exact search by default. Use osc se -s for
+ substring search
+ * osc repourls neither needs nor accepts a path to a package
+ working dir anymore
+ * osc repo neither needs nor accepts a path to a package or
+ project working dir anymore
+ #
+ # Features which require OBS 1.7
+ #
+ - search: allow to limit results via existing attibutes
+ - added "osc meta attribute" for basic attribute creation, deletion, showing and value setting
+ - implement "osc mbranch" call to create projects with multiple source package (instances)
+ - new "osc patchinfo" command: basic patchinfo generation and modification support
+ - add support for _patchinfo package submissions in "osc sr" on project level
+ - support review handling of requests (new "osc review accept/decline $REQUEST_ID" command
+ - IMPORTANT: ssl certificate checks are actually performed now to
+ prevent man-in-the-middle-attacks. python-m2crypto is needed to
+ make this work. Certificate checks can be turned off per server
+ via 'sslcertck = 0' in .oscrc.
+ - 'osc list' option -D now only limits non-'new' requests. In state 'new' all are shown.
+ - suggest 'osc list' --bugowner option. Not implemented.
+ - added 'osc rq help' as convenience alias to 'osc help rq'.
+ - 'osc in' to be done. Its usage just prints a suggested zypper command line.
+ - Incompatible change: osc se now prints Project Package, instead of Package Project
+ for easier copy&paste.
+ - fix checkout of packages, which contain not committed files (but uploaded)
+ - add signing key management command (osc signkey)
+ * shows public part of project key
+ * allows (re)creation of a project key
+ * allows deletion of a project key
+ - support 100% offline build when using "osc build --noinit ..."
+ -> buildinfo gets cached in local directory as .buildinfo.xml
+ - added missing code for 'osc sr -l [ID]'
+ - allow osc cat with one parameter, if it is a url.
+ - make osc getpac really get the package (instead of branch only)!
+ - expanded several tabs to spaces.
+ - added default project to new getpac and bco subcommand. .oscrc:getpac_default_project = OpenSUSE:Factory
+ (not added to branch subcommand, to not interfere with its syntax.)
+ - add support for generic python-keyring lib, supports KWallet, Gnome keyring, MacOS and Windows.
+ - make buildhist command usable without checked out package
+ - rename old "platform/s" names to "repository/ies" (internal cleanup only)
+ - fixed osc diff -c N, it failed with int and string concatenation
+ - made osc diff and rdiff more similar: added -p, -c to rdiff, removed -u from rdiff.
+ made -u default for both, renamed --pretty to --plain as it is the opposite of -u
+ #
+ # Features which require OBS 1.7
+ #
+ - option to download server side generated _service:* files on update
+ - support for running source services locally. Happens by default on source update
+ and build.
+ - support modification flages on creation of submit request
+ (for auto update or clean up packages or to avoid it, when submit request got accepted)
+ - show request ids from package source logs
+ - added support to require local packages which don't exist in the obs for a local build. This
+ fixes #377021, #481193
+ - fixed creation of new ~/.oscrc files
+ - fixed "osc my request" command
+ - fixed osc rq list -U to not look into the local dir
+ - added osc my ... pkg/prj/req shorthand commands
+ - add 'osc se' alias for 'osc search -e'
+ - add -b -m -M to 'osc search'
+ - hack for _help_preprocess_cmd_option_list to survive setup.py build
+ - made rresults an alias for results. python decorators are a strange concept...
+ - asserting that ~/.oscrc remains mode 0600
+ - no more plain text passwords in ~/.oscrc, we store now as bz2+base64
+ - added verbosity control -v -q. To be used in guess_proj_pack()
+ - added 'll' and 'ls -l' as shorthand to 'list -v'
+ - started to change to explicit dual license GPLv2 or GPLv3 to conform to Novell policy.
+ - added revision parameter to show_upstream_srcmd5(), so that it can be used in do_cat later.
+ - allowed both integer and srcmd5 revisions in meta_get_filelist()
+ - added 'lL', 'LL': allowed -e and -v together in do_list(). Was an internal error before.
+ - added cat -e, to cat a file through a link.
+ 'cat -e -r 3' expands through the third revision of the _link.
+ - added subcmd bco as alias for branch -c
+ - added primitive experimental support for .oscrc:checkout_no_colon = 1
+ - suggest using svn when .svn found.
+ - alias submitpac submitrequest
+ - osc bco now continues to checkout after branch target exists error.
+ - added .oscrc:plaintext_passwd=1 for backwards compatibility
+ - moved core.py:exclude_stuff to .oscrc:exclude_glob and expand it to catch *.orig etc.
+ - added osc rq list -a; a shorthand for enumerating all states
+ - osc rq list -D nnn limit to requests nnn days old.
+ - osc sr --diff option added
+ - improved help texts with repairlink to point to osc resolved.
+ - improved passx code when creating oscrc.
+ - osc metafromspec allows editing before send
+ - allow handling of other roles than "maintainer" with maintainer command
+ (-r role)
+ - fix and improve request list and show output
+ - new osc rremove command for remote source files removal
+ - first part of support to handle _service\* files correctly
+ - osc commit asks if some file has a '?' status (can be skipped by --force option)
+ - fixed request list for multiple states
+ - new option --overlay
+ - new option --rsync-src / --rsync-dest
+ - support "setlinkrev" for whole projects
+ - add "setlinkrev --unset" for removing revision references
+ - add "osc request list -t <type>" to list only submit, delete or develchange requests
+ - add shell completion scripts
+ - fix support of listing requests with multiple actions
+ - "osc maintainer" is following to the development project / package now
+ - "osc maintainer" list maintainer and bugowner roles now
+- Support new request types
+ - "submitreq" command has a new syntax (incompatible !)
+ - new "deleterequest" command
+ - new "changedevelrequest" command
+ - new "request" command for showing/modifing requests
+ - Multiple actions in one request is not yet supported by osc
+ - The new commands require an OBS 1.7 server, submitreq is still working with
+ older servers.
+- support of added .changes in commit message template
+- make submit request listing fast by server side filtering
+- allow pulling of conflicting changes via "osc repairlink"
+- delete commands consolidated:
+ * deleteprj and deletepac are obsolete.
+ * delete and rdelete take over
+- enable package tracking by default
+- bugfix: templates in edit commit message causes an empty commit logs
+- osc submitrequest consumes DESTPRJ [DESTPKG] arguments only
+- osc build now also tested on native arm targets where uname -m reports a string like armv{4l,5el,6l,7el,7l}
+- osc rlog now works with srcmd5 also
+- plugins now should be placed in /usr/lib/osc-plugins to match FHS (the /var path is still supported though)
+- osc now includes automatically generated man page
+- osc can now store credentials in Gnome keyring if it is available
+- new support for osc linkpac to specify cicount attribute
+- new log/rlog output formats (CSV and XML)
+- new jobhistory/buildhistory/search output format (CSV)
+- new option to fetch buildlogs starting at given offset
+- new option for copypac
+ * -r to specify source revision
+ * -m to specify a comment (and send default comment if not specified)
+- new option to results(r), and rresults:
+ * -r|--repo to specify a repository(repositories)
+ * -a|--arch to specify a architexure(s)
+ * --xml for xml output (makes results_meta obsolete)
+- request list -M shows open SRs created by the user.
+- Fixed build support for images, only refered packages from buildinfo get used. (#485047)
+- "req" command got renamed to "api" to avoid clash with "request" command
+- osc build has a smarter default platform selection - it checks the
+ availibility config value, 'standard' and 'opensuse_Factory' in platforms list and in case
+ of fail it uses the last entry from that list
+- new osc linkpac -f to allow to override existing _link files
+- rename "rebuildpac" to "rebuild", but keep "rebuildpac" as alias
+- support checkout of single package via "osc co PACKAGE" when local dir is project
+- allow to specify target project and package on osc branch (requires server version 1.6)
+- add option to automatic checkout a branched package
+- support "osc getbinaries" in checkout packages
+- new vc command for editing the changes files (requires build.rpm 2009.04.17 or newest)
+- new repairlink command for repairing a broken source link (requires server version 1.6)
+- '-b|--brief' option for osc submitreq show subcommand
+- use "latest" commited revision on checkout, not "upload" (#441783)
+- '-e|--just-open' option for vc command and used /usr/lib/build/vc as an executable
+- support listings of older revisions with "osc ls -R"
+- add --current parameter for linkpac to use current revision of source package fixed.
+- add osc setlinkrev to add or update revision number in links easily
+- fix streaming of binary files via "cat" (#493325)
+- optional transfer of devel project during copy_pac and link_pac is fixing
+ opertation with remote build service instance
+- "osc ci" fails uploading large files to Provo BuildService
+- fixed support for accessing download repositories (worked only for download.o.o so far)
+- the .oscrc config handling has been cleaned up:
+ * use "apiurl" for everything now (== <protocol>://<host>)
+ * added aliases support for [apiurl] sections in the ~/.oscrc.
+ Example:
+ [http(s)://foobar]
+ ...
+ aliases = foo, bar
+ => "osc -A foo <cmd>" will do the same as "osc -A http(s)://foobar ls"
+ * "scheme" and "apisrv" are deprecated and will produce a warning
+ * when writing a new ~/.oscrc, store the apiurl in the conffile (bnc#478054)
+ * fixed bug that made osc ask for credentials when -A was used (bnc#478054)
+ * fixed crash upon password entry (first startup) (bnc#478052)
+- osc build:
+ * make product builds work
+ * speed up by using a cookie when fetching the binaries (bnc#477690)
+ * support for VM (kvm or xen) builds
+ * obsolete the need to configure download server, get it from the build
+ service instance instead.
+ * be a bit more verbose if the linked package isn't expanded (bnc#470948)
+- osc branch:
+ * --develproject option fixed (the API calls it 'ignoredevel' instead of 'nodevelproject')
+ * --revision option added
+- osc jobhistory: new command to see build job history of a project or a package
+- osc results/rresults: option -l, --last-build added (show last build results)
+- osc linkpac: fix failure when -A<url> is used (bnc#479156)
+- osc commit: don't scare users if they want to commit a nonexistent file (bnc#469167)
+- osc diff: bugfix to make --pretty option work
+- 11.1 added to the osc project template
+- osc diff -rX:Y: the default is to return an unified diff (to get a pretty
+ diff use the --pretty option)
+- osc rdiff: the default is to return a pretty diff (to get an unified diff use the --unified option)
+- osc sr show --diff: the default is to return a pretty diff (to get an unified diff use the --unified option)
+- osc getbinaries: optionally also download source rpms
+- osc importsrcpkg: set the url in the package meta (bnc#458083)
+- osc wipebinaries: added --expansion option
+- added support for format strings like "%(project)s" and "%(package)s" which
+ can be used in the build-root config option. For example one could use a new
+ chroot for each package.
+- osc updatepacmetafromspec: fix failure if %description is starting with newline (bnc#462869)
+- catch OSError exceptions which might be raised by the subprocess module
+- don't use a hardcoded path for the rpm binary otherwise it fails on
+ distributions like debian
+- osc meta: be more verbose in case of failure (bnc#459292)
+- osc mkpac: add info how to enable the package tracking feature (bnc#459288)
+important bugfix:
+- osc deletepac: prevent recursive deletion of a whole project [bnc#458535]
+- osc build: support more options: --icecream, --ccache, --with, --without
+- osc build: --keep-pkgs also saves the src.rpm now
+- osc build: small fix in debuginfo handling
+- osc build: new armv7el arch for all binaries for up to ARMv7 EABI with VFP
+- fix accidental truncation of .oscrc to 0 bytes
+- fix osc's ignorance of the revision option (-r) for expanded links
+- osc build: handle kiwi builds (local image build)
+- osc build: cross build support
+- osc build: support for ARMv5 EABI little endian arch added
+- osc build: fixed detection of the build type (rpm or deb), after change in the buildinfo
+- osc build: build debuginfo packages if enabled in the project/package meta (this partly fixes #421390)
+- osc build: no working copy needed anymore when building a local package [bnc#431434]
+- osc checkout: when checking out a project, and a linkerror occurs for one of
+ the packages, do a checkout in unexpanded form and continue checking out the
+ rest of the project [bnc#428303]
+- osc deletepac, osc branch: allow slash notation for the project/package arguments
+- fix deprecation warnings on Factory (which uses Python 2.6)
+- fix to avoid (internal) stale Package objects [bnc#436932]
+- osc getbinaries: new command to download binaries directly from the api server
+- osc rlog: new command to show commit logs of remote packages
+- osc build: --debug option to the build script which will take care of creating debuginfo packages
+- add link to plugin API to osc help output
+- avoid a hard dependency on the rpm-python bindings.
+- fixed depracation warnings with Python 2.6 [bnc#426612]
+- streaming of unfinished logfiles fixed
+- fixed regression of .oscrc template [bnc#427118]
+Changes were from Marcus_H, poeml, dmueller, tpatzig.
+- osc submitreq: has two aliases now: "osc sr" and "osc submitrequest"
+- osc sr create: prompt to revoke existing requests
+- osc sr revoke: new command for to get rid of requests to projects one can't write to
+- osc sr list: allow showing requests in a state other than "new"
+- osc sr show: show the current state's comment
+- osc sr log: new command to show the history of a given id
+- osc sr: enable requests for submitting new packages
+- osc build: implement --no-checks
+- osc build: be less strict on the arguments, and guess what's needed. For instance:
+ * osc build PLATFORM (ARCH = hostarch, BUILD_DESCR guessed)
+ * osc build ARCH (PLATFORM = build_platform (config option), BUILD_DESCR guessed)
+ * osc build BUILD_DESCR (PLATFORM = build_platform (config option), ARCH = hostarch)
+ * osc build (PLATFORM = build_platform (config option), ARCH = hostarch, BUILD_DESCR guessed)
+- osc build: download after the target architecture check
+- osc addremove: bugfixes, --recursive option
+- osc init: added support to initialize a project dir
+- osc metafromspec: new alias for 'updatepacmetafromspec' which is hard to remember
+- osc updatepacmetafromspec: also update URL
+- osc buildlog: do not download entire log to memory
+- new http_headers option to add arbitrary headers to HTTP requests
+- bugfix to make osc work on Gentoo
+- enhance/update the package and project template
+- .netrc heritage from previous commandline client has been removed
+- osc asks for password now, when used with -A
+- osc build: the --extra-pkgs option is now a configurable setting in .oscrc.
+ Default is "extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace"
+- .oscrc: make tilde expansion work on the packagecachedir setting
+- osc update / checkout: don't check out a working copy, or update an existing
+ one, when a source link cannot be applied [bnc#409373]
+- osc rdiff / osc submitreq show: diff the _expanded_ sources [bnc#408267]
+- osc submitreq list: show author's name
+- osc submitreq: shortcut alias 'sr' added
+- osc submitreq list:
+ - can now be called without parameters, applying to the working copy then.
+ - calling it in a project directory is also possible now.
+ - output was improved. Newest requests are listed first.
+- osc submitreq delete: a new action which has been added
+- osc submitreq list/create: use api URL from the working copy
+- osc meta: editing returns the API error description instead of a plain HTTP
+ error if available
+- osc copypac: use the correct userid when copying to another api host
+- osc importsrcpkg: disable signature check when getting data from a rpm file
+- osc linkpac: --revision option added.
+- osc search: added option -i|--involved, to show in which projects/packages
+ a developer is involved
+- osc build: double check the buildinfo for local builds. Refuse to build for
+ architectures that are not supported by the host
+- osc buildhist: change the output into a format which better matches actual
+ RPM filenames.
+- osc commit: give commit message tempfiles a ".diff" suffix, so syntax
+ highlighting automatically works in capable editors
+- other bug fixes:
+ - don't expand/unexpand if the working copy has local modifications - this is
+ an ugly workaround for #399247 but this way the working copy isn't screwed up
+ - work around a bug which causes packages to be cached locally under the
+ "None" architecture (and therefore causing issues when building for more
+ than one architecture via osc build).
+ - don't create _linkerror files in working copies
+ - better error handling (mostly printing more details) in a number of cases
+ - show error messages from the API also for type 500 errors
+- osc update: after update, reset the revision when updating multiple package.
+ Fixes "404: Not Found" type errors when updating an entire project. [bnc#399177]
+- more/better error messages in some error scenarios
+- osc wipebinaries: add missing check for commandline arguments, which could
+ cause a PACKAGE argument to be ignored
+- fixed make_diff in order to avoid errors when committing a new package
+ (created with mkpac)
+- osc submitreq create: simplify by make osc guess needed parameters, if
+ there is a working copy and it is a source link.
+- osc submitreq create: don't stop on packages that have a devel project
+ defined, if the submit actually comes from that project.
+- osc checkout: checkout of source links is now done in expanded form per
+ default. The new option --unexpand-link can be used to get the raw link file.
+- show the API's error message for HTTP 403 (Forbidden) replies.
+- osc branch: Show the actually created branch project name, not
+ a guessed one. Add --nodevelproject.
+- osc submitreq: look up the develproject of the target, and if
+ there is one, don't create the request, unless forced with
+ --nodevelproject.
+- make the global -d option work better under certain circumstances
+- add osc branch command, using the branch API call to branch a package to
+ home:poeml:branches:PRJ/PKG
+- osc commit now opens $EDITOR for commit message
+- improved error handling, when API returns HTTP status code 400 (bad request)
+- osc status: implement -q/--quiet switch
+- osc info: slightly more verbose
+- osc deletepac: allow deletion of multiple packages at once
+- make "osc meta prjconf <project> -e" work again (probably caused by r3702)
+- improved error handling (babysitter.py wrapper, oscerr.py exception classes)
+ Tracebacks are mostly suppressed now. To enable them, use
+ -t, --traceback print call trace in case of errors
+ or set traceback=1 in .oscrc.
+- other new global options for debugging:
+ --debugger jump into the debugger before executing anything
+ --post-mortem jump into the debugger in case of errors
+ -d, --debug print info useful for debugging
+- make way for more seamless osc version updates (the .osc directory in working copies
+ will have its own versioning in the future)
+- osc rprjresults and osc rresults: new commands to show remote build results
+- osc build: added --baselibs and --jobs options
+- osc copypac: added --keep-maintainers switch
+- osc maintainer: new -D/--devel-project switch
+- BUILD_DIST environment variable will be ignored (bnc#359846)
+ The following environment variables can still be used:
+ * OSC_SU_WRAPPER overrides the setting of su-wrapper.
+ * OSC_BUILD_ROOT overrides the setting of build-root.
+ * OSC_PACKAGECACHEDIR overrides the setting of packagecachedir.
+0.99+patches (interim releases, including Wed Apr 2 16:36:40 CEST 2008)
+- new command submitreq, to handle "submit requests" (next generation build
+ service feature). See http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Collaboration
+- new link handling:
+ add support for handling linked packages in expanded form. They
+ can be checked out, updated (expanding or unexpanding them),
+ and built locally.
+ Newly introduced options are:
+ * osc checkout: --expand-link
+ * osc update: --expand-link and --unexpand-link
+- new feature: package tracking. It's not enabled by default and
+ needs to be switched on with do_package_tracking=1 in .oscrc.
+ before using. See
+ http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-buildservice/2008-03/msg00114.html
+- prjresults: add --csv option
+- req: add option -a / --add-header to inject arbitrary request headers
+- addremove (and others): ignore _all_ dot files (the buildservice doesn't
+ handle them)
+- copypac: do a (quicker) server-side copy by default, when source and target
+ are on the same buildservice instance.
+- build:
+ - add --debuginfo
+ - add --no-verify
+ - add --local-package to build a package which doesn't exist on the server
+ - add --alternative-project to specify a project, if the current one doesn't
+ exist on the server
+ - use api url from .osc/_apiurl [#355144]
+- new command remotebuildlog
+- diff: fix #347377 (diffing too many files)
+- checkout: check for project existance beforehand
+- rdiff: new command for server-side diffs between arbitrary packages
+- cat: new command to print a file on the standard output
+- diff: reworked functionality to show newly added files, and behaving more
+ like svn when doing diff against a certain revision
+- bugfix in {link,aggregate,copy}_pac (<person> elements)
+- checkout an empty project instead of doing nothing
+- fix prjresults for newly added packages, where build status is missing
+- aggregatepac: new command, similar to linkpac. Patch from Pavol Rusnak.
+- wipebinaries: added --build-failed and --broken [#335498]
+- deleteprj: enabled this command, as the backend now supports it
+- maintainer:
+ - added --verbose option
+ - added functionality to add/remove users from a project/package
+- print the list of URL to try, when in HTTP debug mode
+- build: allow to use lbuild, a compatible replacement for build
+- do not create dirs for non-existing packages during checkout [#259711]
+- new maintainer command, to list the maintainers of a project or package
+- ls: add -b option to list binaries
+- make osc library simpler to use from external scripts
+- new importfromsrcpkg command, to import a package src.rpm from file or URL
+- new req command, to issue arbitrary requests to the API
+- initial support for commit messages (ci -m/-F)
+- implementing a log command to review the commit log
+- renamed previous "log" command to "buildlog" (short: bl)
+- new meta command, replacing editmeta, editprj, createprj,
+ editpac, createpac, edituser, pattern
+- added search support
+- show helpful xml error messages if broken metadata is uploaded
+- added initial revision handling:
+ - extended "osc co prj pac" to checkout a specific revision of pac
+ - extended "osc up" to update to a specific revision
+ - extended "osc diff" to diff the working copy against a
+ specific revision on the server. NOTE: comparing two
+ server-side revisions (osc diff -r 11:12) is currently
+ not supported!
+- load subcommands from /var/lib/osc-plugins/ or ~/.osc-plugins/
+- updatepacmetafromspec scans for spec files automatically. Added --specfile option to updatepacmetafromspec.
+- wipebinaries: allow to wipe all binaries of packages for which the build is disabled
+- addremove: ignore foo.rXX, foo.mine for files which are in 'C' state
+- ls: add verbose option to print extra information for packages
+- for all server-side commands, allow arguments "foo/bar" instead of "foo bar"
+- new wipebinaries and abortbuild commands, by courtesy of Marcus Huewe
+- improved metadata error condition handling (thanks to Marcus Huewe)
+- build: add --userootforbuild option
+- build: implement -x/--extra-pkgs option (passed to backend and included in buildinfo result)
+- make filling out of username in templates work again
+- don't try to delete projects, as long it is not implemented in the backend
+- use new API route for downloading binaries also in configured URLs
+- make deletepac work again
+- following suggestions by Christian Boltz and Michal Marek, osc now memorizes
+ where a working copy was checked out from, saving the api server url to
+ .osc/_apiurl.
+- implement 'info' subcommand
+- use new api routes in all places
+- buildhistory works again
+- copypac: implement package copy from one buildservice instance to another
+ (--to-apiurl option)
+- the results subcommand now handles multiple <working copy> arguments
+- build: implement --prefer-pkgs and --keep-pkgs option
+- applied patch from Michael Marek, fixing all places where error
+ messages were printed to stdout instead of stderr. [#239404]
+- osc is now easier to work with when using alternative API servers. The
+ configured server can be overriden with -A <url> on the commandline.
+ "apisrv" in the config takes a URL now, so the variable "scheme" which was
+ needed in addition before becomes obsolete. For backward compatibility, a
+ hostname (and scheme variable) are accepted like before. Likewise, the auth
+ sections in the config take a URL now, or a hostname:port to keep old config
+ working. HTTP or HTTPS scheme is determined from the URL. Credentials must be
+ configured in .oscrc.
+- build: use actual api server in urllist for downloading, instead of hardcoded
+ api.opensuse.org [#265211].
+- rewrite the internal HTTP handling
+ - save and reuse HTTP server cookies, which can speed up HTTP requests up about
+ 5 times in an iChain setup
+ - adding http_GET/POST/PUT/DELETE() functions, which dispatch to
+ http_request(), and use them everywhere
+ - removing othermethods.py
+ - keeping urlopen(), in case it is used from externally, but have it print out
+ a "depracated" message
+ - finally, global option -H enables HTTP traffic debugging
+- implement "rebuild all failed packages", via --failed option in rebuildpac
+ subcommand
+- status -v shows all files, including unmodified ones
+- suppress the legend in prjresults by default (show with -l)
+- --version shows the program version number
+- fix the commit subcommand's argument handling. The following works correctly
+ now: osc ci ../test/onlyinwc `pwd` fstab ../test/f2
+- fix the download progress meter to work with small terminals [#266989]
+- update: when updating multiple packages, print each package name
+- make 'results' subcommand many times faster, by making only a single request
+- prjresults: sort package names
+- build: run with --norootforbuild, thereby defaulting to build as abuild user
+- build: fix (harmless) errors showing up in the build log during buildsystem
+ setup, by using the new <bdep> preinstall and runscripts attributes
+- update: when updating, don't delete files with local modifications
+- let the diff subcommand return 1 if differences were found
+- fix important bug, which could lead to overwriting local modifications when
+ upstream changes are merged in
+- if a merge fails, the store copy must be updated neverthelesss
+- fix testsuite and add testcase for successful merging
+- sort output of 'status' (unknown files first, filenames alphabetically)
+- core: added class "metadata" (merge from Susannes /branches/froh/reponator/)
+- added command alias 'stat' for 'status', like in svn
+- improved documentation/examples (Lars + Susanne)
+- print usage info if 'co' is called without arguments
+- "iChain-ready" (works with API server now using iChain authentication)
+- add runtime check for build.rpm version, so the rpm package dependency is
+ no longer required
+- add 'edituser' command for editing the metadata of a user account. It tries
+ to create a user if it doesn't exist yet. A new command 'usermeta' replaces
+ 'id' respectively 'userid'.
+- rewrite configuration handling. Now the API server can be set in .oscrc
+- ignore '.gitignore', '.pc', '*~' (now using filename matching [#208969]
+- fix 'status' to work with project directories as arguments
+- fix 'status <filename>'
+- 'rebuildpac' now accepts additional repo and arch argument. Note:
+ the syntax has changed.
+- add 'prjresults' command to display aggregated build status over
+ an entire project
+- add 'deleteprj' command (the API server doesn't seem to support
+ it yet, though)
+- change 'buildhistory' to display human-readable text
+- add 'copypac' subcommand, to copy a complete package to a new package, possibly cross-project
+- don't die if user tries to 'add' a file which is already versioned
+- don't die if 'addremove' encounters directories
+- urlopen(): for server return code 500, print out the reply body
+- build: use configuration from *local* specfile (e.g. BuildRequires)
+- build: let envvars OSC_SU_WRAPPER and OSC_BUILD_ROOT override config
+- build: allow 'dynamical' build-root setting by using %(repo)s and %(arch)s
+- add 'createpac/editpac' and 'createprj/editprj' subcommands which
+ are similar to 'editmeta' but should be more logical to find
+- added 'deletepac' subcommand
+- added 'buildhistory' subcommand (formerly 'history'). This only
+ gives out raw xml at this time
+- added 'linkpac' subcommand
+- added ".git" to the excluded files
+- adapt to API changes
+- fixed issue with uploading files when an intercepting web proxy was
+ in between osc and the api server
+- fixed creation of new packages/projects
+- initial support for local builds (subcommand 'build')
+- better error handling
+- new subcommands buildconfig, buildinfo, repos
+- remove requirement on pyxml package
+- editmeta: add examples for package/project templates
+- add support for streaming the build log (thanks to Christoph Thiel)
+- add 'rebuildpac' subcommand
+- add 'repourls' subcommand
+- don't diff binary files
+- don't try to merge binary files
+- add a preliminary 'updatepacmetafromspec' subcommand, which takes package
+ metadata from a specfile
+- fix profiling wrapper
+- set User-agent
+- bugfixes:
+ - fix handling of filenames with '+' signs
+ - make 'resolved' more robust
+ - fix merge on 'update' if called from another directory
+ - display reason for build status is 'broken'
+ - handle HTTP error codes != 404 when reading metadata in edit_meta()
+ - handle 'project not found' error in show_project_meta()
+- diff bugfix: sometimes displayed diff against obsolete files
+- update bugfixes: fix update of working copy when adding a file from upstream
+ which is missing locally; fix update in directory with unmodified files:
+ don't try to merge if upstream file wasn't changed at all
+- add: make it faster
+- help :-)
+- add 'editmeta' subcommand: Edit project/package meta information, creating
+ new project or package if it doesn't exist. The user interface is $EDITOR
+- fix status letter for files merged on update (in analogy to svn , it is
+ either G or U)
+- if an old _files listing without any metadata is found, don't bother the user
+ with it
+- make all subcommands properly importable functions
+- bug in 'resolved' command fixed, which wouldn't clear the conflict state of a file
+- allow 'up' inside a project directory (will automatically pull in all new
+ packages). (For past checkouts, you may need to put the project name into
+ $prjdir/.osc/_project yourself).
+- checkout: preserve mtimes
+- add diff3 merge support. Locally modified files are merged with upstream changes
+ if possible, and go into Conflict state if that fails.
+- add 'resolved' command to be used after manual merging.
+- use the new file metadata, which provides checksum, size and mtime
+- faster 'status', 'update', 'diff'
+- improve argument handling, now e.g. 'osc up *' is possible
+- on first usage, ask for username and password and store them in .oscrc
+ (.netrc can still be used)
--- /dev/null
+ jw, Tue Oct 20 22:09:16 CEST 2009
+This is a feature suggestion for easier osc commandline handling.
+Many commands require specifying Project and/or Package names.
+The current situation is not satisfying for the following reasons:
+ - inconsistent defaults. Some osc subcommands can take project
+ and/or package names from the current directory, if run inside a checkout
+ tree. If both project and package can use this default or only one, and if
+ one, which, depends on the command. Users have a hard time memorizing
+ which is which.
+ Examples as of osc version 0.123:
+ osc maintainer PRJ [PKG]
+ - does not look in the current directory.
+ - need at least PRJ.
+ osc list [PRJ [PKG]]
+ - Never looks at the current directory.
+ - lists all projects, if run without parameters.
+ osc checkout [PRJ] PKG
+ osc checkout PRJ
+ - takes project from current directory, if inside a checkout tree
+ - else operates on an entire project.
+ osc checkin [ARG]
+ - defaults to current project and package,
+ - if arg is a subdirectory, project is taken from current directory
+ - if arg is a file, both project and package are taken from current
+ directory.
+ osc results [PRJ PKG]
+ - takes either both or none from current directory.
+ - many commands do not look into the current directory,
+ they are cumbersome to use.
+ - sometimes PRJ/PKG can be used instead of PRJ PKG
+Suggested solution
+Instead of tuning (maybe optional) positional parameters.
+We suggest to deprecate this syntax over time and instead favour an alternate
+ osc CMD ... [--prj PRJ] [--pkg PKG] ...
+ osc CMD ... [--proj PRJ] [--pack PKG] ...
+ osc CMD ... [--project PRJ] [--package PKG] ...
+These six options are new to osc, currently no existing command uses
+them. Thus the new syntax is conflict free wit the old syntax, both can be
+used in parallel.
+--prj, --proj, --project are synonyms.
+--pkg, --pack, --package are synonyms.
+osc shall support aliases, to save typing. Some implicit aliases exist,
+with well defined magic effects. Aliases substitution is literal.
+They can replace options including their parameters, or just the option, or
+just the parameters.
+ - (a dash) expands to --prj openSUSE:Factory
+ (or --prj followed by any other project as defined in
+ ~/.oscrc:default_project )
+ --prj - is synonymous to just -, for consistency.
+ . (a dot) evaluates the current working directory, searching for
+ .osc/_apiurl, .osc/_project, and .osc/_package
+ Implicit --apiurl, --prj, or --pkg options are constructed as far
+ as available from the current directory and as far as not already
+ present in the command line.
+ If a dot is used as parameter to an option, it has a more
+ deterministic meaning.
+ --apiurl . Substitute only the current apiurl,
+ --prj . Substitute the current project name, and provides
+ a default for --apiurl unless given.
+ --pkg . Substitures current package name likewise.
+ ./. expands to --prj . --pkg .
+ ./PKG expands to --prj . --pkg PKG
+Unless otherwise noted in the online help, magic aliases are only attempted onceper commandline, and will only apply to their respective options.
+E.g. osc ci -m - will use a simple '-' as check in messages, and the absence of any project or package will default to the current project or package, just as
+osc ci . -m - would do.
+Additionally, user defined aliases can be added to ~/.oscrc
+If an alias expansion has effect on the command line, the expanded line is
+printed as debug output.
+online help of osc commands shall refer to the above syntax like this:
+ osc CMD ... PROJ/PACK
+An additional help entry
+ osc help 'PROJ/PACK'
+shall explain the relevant details as presented herein.
--- /dev/null
+osc -- opensuse-commander with svn like handling
+Patches can be submitted via
+ * mail to opensuse-buildservice@opensuse.org
+ * Bugzilla: https://bugzilla.novell.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=openSUSE.org&component=BuildService
+ * or the official Git repository on Github:
+ https://github.com/openSUSE/osc
+RPM packages are here (rpm-md repository):
+To install from svn, do
+ python setup.py build
+ python setup.py install
+ # create a symlink 'osc' in your path pointing to osc.py.
+ ln -s osc-wrapper.py /usr/bin/osc
+Alternatively, you can directly use osc-wrapper.py from the source dir
+(which is easier if you develop on osc).
+The program needs the cElementTree python module installed. On SUSE, the
+respective package is called python-elementtree (before 10.2: python-xml).
+For local building, you will need python-urlgrabber in addition. Those are
+standard package on SUSE Linux since a while. If your version is too old, you
+can find python-elementtree and python-urlgrabber here:
+When you use it for the first time, it will ask you for your username and
+password, and store it in ~/.oscrc.
+CONFIGURATION MIGRATION (only affects versions >= 0.114):
+Version 0.114 got some cleanups for the configfile handling and therefore some
+options are now deprecated, namely:
+* apisrv
+* scheme
+One new option was added:
+* apiurl = <protocol>://<somehost> # use this as the default apiurl. If this
+option isn't specified the default (https://api.opensuse.org) is used.
+So far osc still has some backward compatibility for these options but it might
+get removed in the future that's why it issues a deprecation warning in case
+one of those options is still in use.
+The new configuration scheme looks like the following:
+ # entry for an apiurl
+ [<protocol>://<apiurl>]
+ user = <username>
+ password = <password>
+ ...
+'''Before starting the migration please save your ~/.oscrc file!'''
+If the migration doesn't work for whatever reason feel free to send me an email
+or ask on the opensuse-buildservice mailinglist or in the #opensuse-buildservice
+irc channel.
+=== Migration case I (apisrv only) ===
+The apisrv option is used to specify the default apihost. If apisrv isn't
+specified at all the default ("api.opensuse.org") is used.
+The current [general] section looks like this:
+ [general]
+ ...
+ apisrv = <somehost>
+ # or
+ apisrv = <protocol>://<somehost>
+apisrv got superseded by the new apiurl option which looks like this:
+ [general]
+ ...
+ apiurl = <protocol>://<somehost>
+If apisrv has no "<protocol>" https is used. Make sure all apiurl sections have
+the new format which is described above. Afterwards apisrv can be removed.
+=== Migration case II (scheme only) ===
+The current [general] section looks like this:
+ [general]
+ ...
+ scheme = <protocol>
+This means every apiurl section which don't have the new format which is
+described above for instance
+ [<somehost>]
+ user = <username>
+ password = <password>
+ ...
+has to be converted to
+ [<protocol>://<somehost>]
+ user = <username>
+ password = <password>
+ ...
+Afterwards the scheme option can be removed from the [general] section (it
+might be the case that some sections already have the correct format).
+=== Migration case III (apisrv and scheme) ===
+The current [general] section looks like this:
+ [general]
+ ...
+ apisrv = <somehost>
+ scheme = <protocol>
+Both options can be removed if all apiurl sections have the new format which is
+described above. So basically just adjust all apiurl sections (it might be the
+case that some sections already have the correct format).
+Osc now can store passwords in keyrings instead of ~/.oscrc. To use it,
+you need python-keyring and either python-keyring-kde or -gnome.
+If you want to switch to using a keyring you need to delete apiurl section
+from ~/.oscrc and you will be asked for credentials again, which will be then
+stored in the keyring application.
+WORKING COPY INCONSISTENT (only affects version >= 0.130)
+osc's working copy handling was rewritten in 0.130. Thus some
+consistency checks were added. As a result osc might complain
+that some old working copies are in an inconsistent state:
+ Your working copy '.' is in an inconsistent state.
+ Please run 'osc repairwc .' (Note this might _remove_
+ files from the .osc/ dir). Please check the state
+ of the working copy afterwards (via 'osc status .')
+To fix this simply run "osc repairwc ." as suggested in the
+error message. Note that "osc repairwc ." might need to contact
+the api in order to fetch some missing files. Also it might remove
+some files from the storedir (.osc/) but it won't touch any locally
+modified files.
+If it DOES NOT fix the problem please create a bug report and attach
+your working copy to the bug (if possible).
+(online at http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:OSC )
+To list existing content on the server
+ osc ls # list projects
+ osc ls Apache # list packages in a project
+ osc ls Apache subversion # list files of package of a project
+Check out content
+ osc co Apache # entire project
+ osc co Apache subversion # a package
+ osc co Apache subversion foo # single file
+Update a working copy
+ osc up
+ osc up [pac_dir] # update a single package by its path
+ osc up * # from within a project dir, update all packages
+ osc up # from within a project dir, update all packages
+ # AND check out all newly added packages
+If an update can't be merged automatically, a file is in 'C' (conflict)
+state, and conflicts are marked with special <<<<<<< and >>>>>>> lines.
+After manually resolving the problem, use
+ osc resolved foo
+Upload change content
+ osc ci # current dir
+ osc ci <dir>
+ osc ci file1 file2 ...
+Show the status (which files have been changed locally)
+ osc st
+ osc st <directory>
+ osc st file1 file2 ...
+Mark files to be added or removed on the next 'checkin'
+ osc add file1 file2 ...
+ osc rm file1 file2 ...
+Adds all new files in local copy and removes all disappeared files.
+ osc addremove
+Generates a diff, to view the changes
+ osc diff # current dir
+ osc diff file1 file2 ...
+Shows the build results of the package
+ osc results
+ osc results [repository]
+Shows the log file of a package (you need to be inside a package directory)
+ osc log <repository> <arch>
+Shows the URLs of .repo files which are packages sources for Yum/YaST/smart
+ osc repourls [dir]
+Triggers a package rebuild for all repositories/architectures of a package
+ osc rebuildpac [dir]
+Shows available repository/build targets
+ osc repository
+Shows the configured repository/build targets of a project
+ osc repository <project>
+Shows meta information
+ osc meta Apache
+ osc meta Apache subversion
+ osc id username
+Edit meta information
+(Creates new package/project if it doesn't exist)
+ osc editmeta Apache
+ osc editmeta Apache subversion
+Update package meta data with metadata taken from spec file
+ osc updatepacmetafromspec <dir>
+There are other commands, which you may not need (they may be useful in scripts):
+ osc repos
+ osc buildconfig
+ osc buildinfo
+Locally build a package (see 'osc help build' for more info):
+ osc build <repo> <arch> specfile [--clean|--noinit]
+Update a package to a different sources (directory foo_package_source):
+ cp -a foo_package_source foo; cd foo; osc init <prj> <pac>; osc addremove; osc ci; cd $OLDPWD; rm -r foo
+Putting the following in the file ~/.w3m/passwd will make
+w3m know the credentials for the buildservice servers:
+host api.opensuse.org
+ port 80
+ realm Authentication required
+ login foo
+ password bar
+host build.opensuse.org
+ port 80
+ realm openSUSE Build Service
+ login foo
+ password bar
+chmod 0600 ~/.w3m/passwd
+NOTES about the testsuite
+A new test suite has been created and should run via doing
+# cd tests
+# python suite.py
--- /dev/null
+ - more command inconsistencies:
+ osc request show
+ -B, --bugowner also show requests about packages where I am bugowner
+ osc my
+ -b, --bugowner restrict listing to items where the user is bugowner
+ osc list
+ -b, --binaries list built binaries instead of sources
+ osc search
+ -B PROJECT, --baseproject=PROJECT
+ --binary search binary packages
+ -b, --bugowner as -i, but only bugowner
+ osc checkout
+ -c, --current-dir place PACKAGE folder in the current directory instead
+ of a PROJECT/PACKAGE directory
+ osc branch
+ -c, --checkout Checkout branched package afterwards ('osc bco' is a
+ shorthand for this option)
+ # that means the branch checkout to cwd is not possible
+ - webpage can create a _link in a fully populated package.
+ Need to prevent his somehow.
+ - canonical option parser.
+ -A, -e, -u, -E <n>, should be univeral to all subconmmands that work on prj/pkg objects.
+ With all subcommands that work on prj/pkg, the following should all be synonyms:
+ -A apiurl prj pkg
+ -A apiurl --project prj --package=pkg
+ -A apiurl prj/pkg
+ -A apiurl prj:pkg
+ apiurl/source/prj/pkg
+ The current working directory or its descendants should provide defaults
+ for apiurl, prj and/or pkg.
+ See also http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Concept_OscProjPack
+ - split functionality that needs prj/pac as commandline arguments into a seperate tool (oscremote? osc -r?)
+ (update: we have some commands meanwhile which exist in an alternate form,
+ prefixed with r, which works remotely. E.g. rbuildlog, rprjresults, rresults)
+ - status: implement -u option as in svn [3]
+ - implement (svn-like) switch command
+ - implement 'mv' command
+ - commit: check if errors during PUT are handled sensibly, so the change is
+ not committed to localmeta
+ - add switch to commit to change repository options, like to e.g. disable publishing?
+ - implement optional logging to .osc/log, which could be useful for debugging bugs like
+ the one where api.opensuse.org sends empty replies (a hard-to-catch one)
+ - osc checkout should display file download progress (bnc#442115)
+ - adjust zsh completion to work with cmdln.py implementation
+ - add support for adding tags to packages?
+FIXME: osc bco ignores --nodevelproject ??
+FIXME: osc co overwrites local changes without warning.
+FIXME: when branching, the user should be added to bugowner, for the branch project.
+FIXME: 'osc rq' shall default to 'osc rq list -M -B -s all',
+ where -B shows requests related to packages where I am the bugowner.
+FIXME: 'osc log openSUSE:Factory PKG' should also point to the bsdevelproject
+osc addrepo - obsolete zypper ar
+ => hm, addrepo could be used also to add a repo to a project. These functionalities
+ should not conflict
+osc install - obsolete zypper in
+ -
+- german umlaut characters äöü do not work in the message for osc submitpac.
+ 404 not found, and no request sent.
+- implement fedora style 'osc mock' - this requires anonymous read-only access to the build server.
+ this could use http://tmp.vuntz.net/opensuse-packages/browse.py?project=openSUSE:Factory
+ as a hacky solution, while we are waiting on fate#306192
+ => we will not make rpm downloads anonymous possible, this would create too high load on the server.
+ Please improve build script instead.
--- /dev/null
+onintr -
+if (! $?prompt || ! $?tcsh) goto end
+if ($tcsh == 1) goto end
+set rev=$tcsh:r
+set rel=$rev:e
+set pat=$tcsh:e
+set rev=$rev:r
+if ($rev > 5 && $rel > 1) then
+ if ( -s /usr/share/osc/complete ) complete osc 'p@*@`/usr/share/osc/complete`@'
+ if ( -s /usr/lib64/osc/complete ) complete osc 'p@*@`/usr/lib64/osc/complete`@'
+ if ( -s /usr/lib/osc/complete ) complete osc 'p@*@`/usr/lib/osc/complete`@'
+ onintr
--- /dev/null
+test -z "$BASH_VERSION" && return
+complete -o default _nullcommand >/dev/null 2>&1 || return
+complete -r _nullcommand >/dev/null 2>&1 || return
+test -s /usr/share/osc/complete && complete -o default -C /usr/share/osc/complete osc
+test -s /usr/lib64/osc/complete && complete -o default -C /usr/lib64/osc/complete osc
+test -s /usr/lib/osc/complete && complete -o default -C /usr/lib/osc/complete osc
--- /dev/null
+# Helper script for completion, usage with tcsh:
+# complete osc 'p@*@`osc.complete`@'
+# usage with bash
+# complete -C osc.complete osc
+# Author: Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>
+set -o noclobber
+shopt -s extglob
+typeset -i last
+typeset -i count
+test "/proc/$PPID/exe" -ef /bin/tcsh || COMMAND_LINE="$COMP_LINE"
+test "${cmdline[0]}" != "osc" && exit 1
+let last=${#COMMAND_LINE}
+let last--
+let count=${#cmdline[@]}
+let count--
+test "${COMMAND_LINE:$last}" = " " && let count++
+unset last
+osccmds=(abortbuild add addremove ar aggregatepac api branch bugowner build buildconfig \
+ buildhistory buildhist buildinfo buildlog bl cat changedevelrequest changedevelreq \
+ cr checkout co commit checkin ci chroot config copypac createrequest creq delete del
+ remove rm deleterequest deletereq dr dependson whatdependson diff di distributions dists \
+ getbinaries help importsrcpkg info init jobhistory jobhist linkpac linktobranch list ls \
+ log localbuildlog lbl maintainer man mbranch meta mkpac mv my patchinfo platforms \
+ prjresults pr pull rdelete rdiff rebuild rebuildpac remotebuildlog rbl rbuildlog \
+ repairlink repos repositories platforms repourls request rq review rremove resolved \
+ results r search bse se sm setlinkrev signkey status st submitrequest sr submitpac \
+ submitreq triggerreason tr undelete update up updatepacmetafromspec metafromspec vc \
+ wipebinaries)
+oscreq=(list log show accept decline delete revoke wipe)
+oscmy=(pkg prj rq sr)
+test -s ${PWD}/.osc/_project && read -t 1 oscprj < ${PWD}/.osc/_project
+test -s ${PWD}/.osc/_package && read -t 1 oscpkg < ${PWD}/.osc/_package
+if test -s ${PWD}/.osc/_files ; then
+ lnkprj=$(command sed -rn '/<linkinfo/{s@.*[[:blank:]]project="([^"]+)".*@\1@p;}' < ${PWD}/.osc/_files)
+ lnkpkg=$(command sed -rn '/<linkinfo/{s@.*[[:blank:]]package="([^"]+)".*@\1@p;}' < ${PWD}/.osc/_files)
+if test -s ~/.osc.projects ; then
+ typeset -i ctime=$(command date -d "$(command stat -c '%z' ~/.osc.projects)" +'%s')
+ typeset -i now=$(command date -d now +'%s')
+ ((now - ctime > 86400)) && command osc ls >| ~/.osc.projects
+ command osc ls >| ~/.osc.projects
+submit ()
+ local -i pos=$1
+ local -i off=$2
+ local target
+ if ((pos == 1)) ; then
+ if test -z "${cmdline[$((2+off))]}" -a -n "${oscprj}" ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "${oscprj}"
+ else
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[$((2+off))]}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ((pos == 2)) ; then
+ if test -z "${cmdline[$((3+off))]}" -a -n "${oscpkg}" ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "${oscpkg}"
+ else
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[$((2+off))]}")" -- "${cmdline[$((3+off))]}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ((pos == 3)) ; then
+ if test -z "${cmdline[$((4+off))]}" -a -n "${lnkprj}" ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "${lnkprj}"
+ else
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[$((4+off))]}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ((pos == 4)) ; then
+ target="${lnkpkg}"
+ target="${target:+$target }$oscpkg"
+ if test -n "${target}" ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "${target}" -- "${cmdline[$((5+off))]}"
+ else
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[$((4+off))]}")" -- "${cmdline[$((5+off))]}"
+ fi
+ fi
+case "${cmdline[1]}" in
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'add addremove ar' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ else
+ for x in $(builtin compgen -f -X '.osc' -- "${cmdline[2]}"); do
+ test -d $x && builtin echo $x/ || builtin echo $x
+ done
+ fi
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'branch' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ case "${cmdline[2]}" in
+ --nodevelproject)
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[3]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 4)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[3]}")" -- "${cmdline[4]}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ -*) builtin compgen -W '--nodevelproject' -- "${cmdline[3]}" ;;
+ *)
+ if ((count == 2)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[2]}")" -- "${cmdline[3]}"
+ fi
+ esac
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'list ls' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 2)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[2]}")" -- "${cmdline[3]}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'sr submitreq submitrequest' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ case "${cmdline[2]}" in
+ --nodevelproject)
+ submit $((count - 2)) 1 ;;
+ -*) builtin compgen -W '--nodevelproject' -- "${cmdline[2]}" ;;
+ *) submit $((count - 1)) 0 ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'rq request' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ case "${cmdline[2]}" in
+ accept|decline|wipe|revoke|log)
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin echo -n 'ID'
+ fi
+ ;;
+ show)
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W '--diff' -- "${cmdline[3]}"
+ else
+ builtin echo -n 'ID'
+ fi
+ ;;
+ list)
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[3]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 4)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[3]}")" -- "${cmdline[4]}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ((count == 2)) && builtin compgen -W "$(builtin echo ${oscreq[@]})" -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ esac
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'my' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 2)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(builtin echo ${oscmy[@]})" -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'copypac linkpac' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ case "${cmdline[2]}" in
+ *)
+ if ((count == 2)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(osc ls "${cmdline[2]}")" -- "${cmdline[3]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 4)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[4]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 5)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[4]}")" -- "${cmdline[5]}"
+ fi
+ esac
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'deleterequest deletereq dr' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ case "${cmdline[2]}" in
+ *)
+ if ((count == 2)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(osc ls "${cmdline[2]}")" -- "${cmdline[3]}"
+ fi
+ esac
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'changedevelrequest changedevelreq cr' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ case "${cmdline[2]}" in
+ *)
+ if ((count == 2)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(osc ls "${cmdline[2]}")" -- "${cmdline[3]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 4)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[4]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 5)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[4]}")" -- "${cmdline[5]}"
+ fi
+ esac
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'rdiff' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ case "${cmdline[2]}" in
+ *)
+ if ((count == 2)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(osc ls "${cmdline[2]}")" -- "${cmdline[3]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 4)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -P --oldprj= -- "${cmdline[4]#*=}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 5)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[4]#*=}")" -P --oldpkg= -- "${cmdline[5]#*=}"
+ fi
+ esac
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'ci commit checkin' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ else
+ for x in $(builtin compgen -f -X '.osc' -- "${cmdline[2]}"); do
+ test -d $x && builtin echo $x/ || builtin echo $x
+ done
+ fi
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'co copypac checkout' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ else
+ if ((count == 2)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[2]}")" -- "${cmdline[3]}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'maintainer' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ else
+ if ((count == 2)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[2]}")" -- "${cmdline[3]}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'up update' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 2)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W '--expand-link --unexpand-link' -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'meta metafromspec' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 2)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'prj pkg' -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[3]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 4)) && test "${cmdline[2]}" = pkg ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[3]}")" -- "${cmdline[4]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 5)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W '--edit -e' -- "${cmdline[5]}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'wipebinaries' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 2)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[2]}")" -- "${cmdline[3]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 4)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "--expansion --broken --build-failed --build-disabled" -- "${cmdline[4]}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'help' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ ((count == 2)) && builtin compgen -W "$(builtin echo ${osccmds[@]})" -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'search' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ else
+ oscsearch="--help --csv -i --involved -v --verbose --description --title \
+ --project --package -e --exact --repos-baseurl"
+ builtin compgen -W "${oscsearch}" -- "${cmdline[$count]}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'pr prjresults' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 2)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count > 2)) ; then
+ case "${cmdline[$((count-1))]}" in
+ -n|--name-filter*)
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[2]}")" -- "${cmdline[$count]}"
+ ;;
+ -s|--status-filter*)
+ OIFS="$IFS"; IFS=:
+ builtin compgen -W 'disabled:failed:finished:building:succeeded:broken:scheduled:unresolvable:signing:blocked' -- "${cmdline[$count]}"
+ ;;
+ -p|--project*)
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[$count]}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ builtin compgen -W "-n --name-filter -s --status-filter -c --csv -q --hide-legend" -- "${cmdline[$count]}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ ;;
+ if ((count == 1)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W 'r results' -- "${cmdline[1]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 2)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command cat ~/.osc.projects)" -- "${cmdline[2]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count == 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "$(command osc ls "${cmdline[2]}")" -- "${cmdline[3]}"
+ fi
+ if ((count > 3)) ; then
+ builtin compgen -W "-r --repo -a --arch -l --last-build --xml" -- "${cmdline[$count]}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ ((count == 1)) && builtin compgen -W "$(builtin echo ${osccmds[@]})" -- "${cmdline[1]}"
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Pavol Rusnak <prusnak@suse.cz>
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+# files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+# restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+# copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+# conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import sys
+import os
+ import osc
+ import osc.conf
+ import osc.core
+ # allow loading module from working copy if osc is not installed
+ sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + '/../osc'))
+ import osc
+ import osc.conf
+ import osc.core
+import fuse
+import stat
+import errno
+import tempfile
+fuse.fuse_python_api = (0, 2)
+projects = []
+cache = {}
+class EmptyStat(fuse.Stat):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.st_mode = 0
+ self.st_ino = 0
+ self.st_dev = 0
+ self.st_nlink = 0
+ self.st_uid = 0
+ self.st_gid = 0
+ self.st_size = 0
+ self.st_atime = 0
+ self.st_mtime = 0
+ self.st_ctime = 0
+class CacheEntry(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.stat = None
+ self.handle = None
+ self.tmpname = None
+class oscFS(fuse.Fuse):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ fuse.Fuse.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+ print 'OK'
+ def getattr(self, path):
+ st = EmptyStat()
+ # path is project
+ if path == '/' or path in projects or len(filter(lambda x: x.startswith(path), projects)) > 0:
+ st.st_mode = stat.S_IFDIR | 0555
+ st.st_nlink = 2
+ return st
+ # path is package
+ if os.path.dirname(path) in projects:
+ st.st_mode = stat.S_IFDIR | 0555
+ st.st_nlink = 2
+ return st
+ # path is file
+ if cache.has_key(path):
+ return cache[path].stat
+ else:
+ return -errno.ENOENT
+ def readdir(self, path, offset):
+ yield fuse.Direntry('.')
+ yield fuse.Direntry('..')
+ if os.path.dirname(path) in projects: # path is package
+ prj = os.path.dirname(path).replace('/','')
+ pkg = os.path.basename(path)
+ for f in osc.core.meta_get_filelist(osc.conf.config['apiurl'], prj, pkg, verbose=True):
+ st = EmptyStat()
+ st.st_mode = stat.S_IFREG | 0444
+ st.st_size = f.size
+ st.st_atime = f.mtime
+ st.st_ctime = f.mtime
+ st.st_mtime = f.mtime
+ cache[path + '/' + f.name] = CacheEntry()
+ cache[path + '/' + f.name].stat = st
+ yield fuse.Direntry(f.name)
+ return
+ if path in projects: # path is project
+ prj = path.replace('/','')
+ for p in osc.core.meta_get_packagelist(osc.conf.config['apiurl'], prj):
+ yield fuse.Direntry(p)
+ else: # path is project structure
+ if (path != '/'):
+ path += '/'
+ l = len(path)
+ for d in set( map(lambda x: x[l:].split('/')[0], filter(lambda x: x.startswith(path), projects) ) ) :
+ yield fuse.Direntry(d)
+ def mythread ( self ):
+ print '*** mythread'
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def chmod ( self, path, mode ):
+ print '*** chmod', path, oct(mode)
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def chown ( self, path, uid, gid ):
+ print '*** chown', path, uid, gid
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def fsync ( self, path, isFsyncFile ):
+ print '*** fsync', path, isFsyncFile
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def link ( self, targetPath, linkPath ):
+ print '*** link', targetPath, linkPath
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def mkdir ( self, path, mode ):
+ print '*** mkdir', path, oct(mode)
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def mknod ( self, path, mode, dev ):
+ print '*** mknod', path, oct(mode), dev
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def open ( self, path, flags ):
+ file = os.path.basename(path)
+ d = os.path.dirname(path)
+ pkg = os.path.basename(d)
+ prj = os.path.dirname(d).replace('/','')
+ if not cache.has_key(path):
+ return -errno.ENOENT
+ if cache[path].stat == None:
+ return -errno.ENOENT
+ tmp = tempfile.mktemp(prefix = 'oscfs_')
+ osc.core.get_source_file(osc.conf.config['apiurl'], prj, pkg, file, tmp)
+ cache[path].handle = open(tmp, 'r')
+ cache[path].tmpname = tmp
+ def read ( self, path, length, offset ):
+ if not cache.has_key(path):
+ return -errno.EACCES
+ f = cache[path].handle
+ f.seek(offset)
+ return f.read(length)
+ def readlink ( self, path ):
+ print '*** readlink', path
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def release ( self, path, flags ):
+ if cache.has_key(path):
+ cache[path].handle.close()
+ cache[path].handle = None
+ os.unlink(f.cache[path].tmpname)
+ cache[path].tmpname = None
+ def rename ( self, oldPath, newPath ):
+ print '*** rename', oldPath, newPath
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def rmdir ( self, path ):
+ print '*** rmdir', path
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def statfs ( self ):
+ print '*** statfs'
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def symlink ( self, targetPath, linkPath ):
+ print '*** symlink', targetPath, linkPath
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def truncate ( self, path, size ):
+ print '*** truncate', path, size
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def unlink ( self, path ):
+ print '*** unlink', path
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def utime ( self, path, times ):
+ print '*** utime', path, times
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+ def write ( self, path, buf, offset ):
+ print '*** write', path, buf, offset
+ return -errno.ENOSYS
+def fill_projects():
+ try:
+ for prj in osc.core.meta_get_project_list(osc.conf.config['apiurl']):
+ projects.append( '/' + prj.replace(':', ':/') )
+ except:
+ print 'failed'
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print 'Loading config ...',
+ osc.conf.get_config()
+ print 'OK'
+ print 'Getting projects list ...',
+ fill_projects()
+ print 'OK'
+ print 'Starting FUSE ...',
+ oscfs = oscFS( version = '%prog ' + fuse.__version__, usage = '', dash_s_do = 'setsingle')
+ oscfs.flags = 0
+ oscfs.multithreaded = 0
+ oscfs.parse(values = oscfs, errex = 1)
+ oscfs.main()
--- /dev/null
+mkdir -p ./test
+./fuseosc ./test
--- /dev/null
+fusermount -u ./test
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# this wrapper exists so it can be put into /usr/bin, but still allows the
+# python module to be called within the source directory during development
+import locale
+import sys
+from osc import commandline, babysitter
+# this is a hack to make osc work as expected with utf-8 characters,
+# no matter how site.py is set...
+loc = locale.getpreferredencoding()
+if not loc:
+ loc = sys.getpreferredencoding()
+del sys.setdefaultencoding
+osccli = commandline.Osc()
+r = babysitter.run(osccli)
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2008,2009 Marcus Huewe <suse-tux@gmx.de>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+import ConfigParser
+import re
+# inspired from http://code.google.com/p/iniparse/ - although their implementation is
+# quite different
+class ConfigLineOrder:
+ """
+ A ConfigLineOrder() instance task is to preserve the order of a config file.
+ It keeps track of all lines (including comments) in the _lines list. This list
+ either contains SectionLine() instances or CommentLine() instances.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._lines = []
+ def _append(self, line_obj):
+ self._lines.append(line_obj)
+ def _find_section(self, section):
+ for line in self._lines:
+ if line.type == 'section' and line.name == section:
+ return line
+ return None
+ def add_section(self, sectname):
+ self._append(SectionLine(sectname))
+ def get_section(self, sectname):
+ section = self._find_section(sectname)
+ if section:
+ return section
+ section = SectionLine(sectname)
+ self._append(section)
+ return section
+ def add_other(self, sectname, line):
+ if sectname:
+ self.get_section(sectname).add_other(line)
+ else:
+ self._append(CommentLine(line))
+ def keys(self):
+ return [ i.name for i in self._lines if i.type == 'section' ]
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ section = SectionLine(key)
+ self._append(section)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ section = self._find_section(key)
+ if not section:
+ raise KeyError()
+ return section
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ line = self._find(line)
+ if not line:
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ self._lines.remove(line)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ #return self._lines.__iter__()
+ for line in self._lines:
+ if line.type == 'section':
+ yield line.name
+ raise StopIteration()
+class Line:
+ """Base class for all line objects"""
+ def __init__(self, name, type):
+ self.name = name
+ self.type = type
+class SectionLine(Line):
+ """
+ This class represents a [section]. It stores all lines which belongs to
+ this certain section in the _lines list. The _lines list either contains
+ CommentLine() or OptionLine() instances.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, sectname, dict = {}):
+ Line.__init__(self, sectname, 'section')
+ self._lines = []
+ self._dict = dict
+ def _find(self, name):
+ for line in self._lines:
+ if line.name == name:
+ return line
+ return None
+ def _add_option(self, optname, value = None, line = None, sep = '='):
+ if value is None and line is None:
+ raise ConfigParser.Error('Either value or line must be passed in')
+ elif value and line:
+ raise ConfigParser.Error('value and line are mutually exclusive')
+ if value is not None:
+ line = '%s%s%s' % (optname, sep, value)
+ opt = self._find(optname)
+ if opt:
+ opt.format(line)
+ else:
+ self._lines.append(OptionLine(optname, line))
+ def add_other(self, line):
+ self._lines.append(CommentLine(line))
+ def copy(self):
+ return dict(self.items())
+ def items(self):
+ return [ (i.name, i.value) for i in self._lines if i.type == 'option' ]
+ def keys(self):
+ return [ i.name for i in self._lines ]
+ def __setitem__(self, key, val):
+ self._add_option(key, val)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ line = self._find(key)
+ if not line:
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ return str(line)
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ line = self._find(key)
+ if not line:
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ self._lines.remove(line)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name
+ # XXX: needed to support 'x' in cp._sections['sectname']
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for line in self._lines:
+ yield line.name
+ raise StopIteration()
+class CommentLine(Line):
+ """Store a commentline"""
+ def __init__(self, line):
+ Line.__init__(self, line.strip('\n'), 'comment')
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name
+class OptionLine(Line):
+ """
+ This class represents an option. The class' "name" attribute is used
+ to store the option's name and the "value" attribute contains the option's
+ value. The "frmt" attribute preserves the format which was used in the configuration
+ file.
+ Example:
+ optionx:<SPACE><SPACE>value
+ => self.frmt = '%s:<SPACE><SPACE>%s'
+ optiony<SPACE>=<SPACE>value<SPACE>;<SPACE>some_comment
+ => self.frmt = '%s<SPACE>=<SPACE><SPACE>%s<SPACE>;<SPACE>some_comment
+ """
+ def __init__(self, optname, line):
+ Line.__init__(self, optname, 'option')
+ self.name = optname
+ self.format(line)
+ def format(self, line):
+ mo = ConfigParser.ConfigParser.OPTCRE.match(line.strip())
+ key, val = mo.group('option', 'value')
+ self.frmt = line.replace(key.strip(), '%s', 1)
+ pos = val.find(' ;')
+ if pos >= 0:
+ val = val[:pos]
+ self.value = val
+ self.frmt = self.frmt.replace(val.strip(), '%s', 1).rstrip('\n')
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.value
+class OscConfigParser(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser):
+ """
+ OscConfigParser() behaves like a normal ConfigParser() object. The
+ only differences is that it preserves the order+format of configuration entries
+ and that it stores comments.
+ In order to keep the order and the format it makes use of the ConfigLineOrder()
+ class.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, defaults={}):
+ ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.__init__(self, defaults)
+ self._sections = ConfigLineOrder()
+ # XXX: unfortunately we have to override the _read() method from the ConfigParser()
+ # class because a) we need to store comments b) the original version doesn't use
+ # the its set methods to add and set sections, options etc. instead they use a
+ # dictionary (this makes it hard for subclasses to use their own objects, IMHO
+ # a bug) and c) in case of an option we need the complete line to store the format.
+ # This all sounds complicated but it isn't - we only needed some slight changes
+ def _read(self, fp, fpname):
+ """Parse a sectioned setup file.
+ The sections in setup file contains a title line at the top,
+ indicated by a name in square brackets (`[]'), plus key/value
+ options lines, indicated by `name: value' format lines.
+ Continuations are represented by an embedded newline then
+ leading whitespace. Blank lines, lines beginning with a '#',
+ and just about everything else are ignored.
+ """
+ cursect = None # None, or a dictionary
+ optname = None
+ lineno = 0
+ e = None # None, or an exception
+ while True:
+ line = fp.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ lineno = lineno + 1
+ # comment or blank line?
+ if line.strip() == '' or line[0] in '#;':
+ self._sections.add_other(cursect, line)
+ continue
+ if line.split(None, 1)[0].lower() == 'rem' and line[0] in "rR":
+ # no leading whitespace
+ continue
+ # continuation line?
+ if line[0].isspace() and cursect is not None and optname:
+ value = line.strip()
+ if value:
+ #cursect[optname] = "%s\n%s" % (cursect[optname], value)
+ #self.set(cursect, optname, "%s\n%s" % (self.get(cursect, optname), value))
+ if cursect == ConfigParser.DEFAULTSECT:
+ self._defaults[optname] = "%s\n%s" % (self._defaults[optname], value)
+ else:
+ # use the raw value here (original version uses raw=False)
+ self._sections[cursect]._find(optname).value = '%s\n%s' % (self.get(cursect, optname, raw=True), value)
+ # a section header or option header?
+ else:
+ # is it a section header?
+ mo = self.SECTCRE.match(line)
+ if mo:
+ sectname = mo.group('header')
+ if sectname in self._sections:
+ cursect = self._sections[sectname]
+ elif sectname == ConfigParser.DEFAULTSECT:
+ cursect = self._defaults
+ else:
+ #cursect = {'__name__': sectname}
+ #self._sections[sectname] = cursect
+ self.add_section(sectname)
+ self.set(sectname, '__name__', sectname)
+ # So sections can't start with a continuation line
+ cursect = sectname
+ optname = None
+ # no section header in the file?
+ elif cursect is None:
+ raise ConfigParser.MissingSectionHeaderError(fpname, lineno, line)
+ # an option line?
+ else:
+ mo = self.OPTCRE.match(line)
+ if mo:
+ optname, vi, optval = mo.group('option', 'vi', 'value')
+ if vi in ('=', ':') and ';' in optval:
+ # ';' is a comment delimiter only if it follows
+ # a spacing character
+ pos = optval.find(';')
+ if pos != -1 and optval[pos-1].isspace():
+ optval = optval[:pos]
+ optval = optval.strip()
+ # allow empty values
+ if optval == '""':
+ optval = ''
+ optname = self.optionxform(optname.rstrip())
+ if cursect == ConfigParser.DEFAULTSECT:
+ self._defaults[optname] = optval
+ else:
+ self._sections[cursect]._add_option(optname, line=line)
+ else:
+ # a non-fatal parsing error occurred. set up the
+ # exception but keep going. the exception will be
+ # raised at the end of the file and will contain a
+ # list of all bogus lines
+ if not e:
+ e = ConfigParser.ParsingError(fpname)
+ e.append(lineno, repr(line))
+ # if any parsing errors occurred, raise an exception
+ if e:
+ raise e
+ def write(self, fp, comments = False):
+ """
+ write the configuration file. If comments is True all comments etc.
+ will be written to fp otherwise the ConfigParsers' default write method
+ will be called.
+ """
+ if comments:
+ fp.write(str(self))
+ fp.write('\n')
+ else:
+ ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.write(self, fp)
+ # XXX: simplify!
+ def __str__(self):
+ ret = []
+ first = True
+ for line in self._sections._lines:
+ if line.type == 'section':
+ if first:
+ first = False
+ else:
+ ret.append('')
+ ret.append('[%s]' % line.name)
+ for sline in line._lines:
+ if sline.name == '__name__':
+ continue
+ if sline.type == 'option':
+ # special handling for continuation lines
+ val = '\n '.join(sline.value.split('\n'))
+ ret.append(sline.frmt % (sline.name, val))
+ elif str(sline) != '':
+ ret.append(str(sline))
+ else:
+ ret.append(str(line))
+ return '\n'.join(ret)
+# vim: sw=4 et
--- /dev/null
+__all__ = ['babysitter', 'core', 'commandline', 'oscerr', 'othermethods', 'build', 'fetch', 'meter']
+# vim: sw=4 et
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Novell Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified
+# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
+# either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
+import errno
+import os.path
+import pdb
+import sys
+import signal
+import traceback
+from osc import oscerr
+from oscsslexcp import NoSecureSSLError
+from osc.util.cpio import CpioError
+from osc.util.packagequery import PackageError
+ from M2Crypto.SSL.Checker import SSLVerificationError
+ from M2Crypto.SSL import SSLError as SSLError
+ SSLError = None
+ SSLVerificationError = None
+ # import as RPMError because the class "error" is too generic
+ from rpm import error as RPMError
+ # if rpm-python isn't installed (we might be on a debian system):
+ RPMError = None
+from httplib import HTTPException, BadStatusLine
+from urllib2 import URLError, HTTPError
+# the good things are stolen from Matt Mackall's mercurial
+def catchterm(*args):
+ raise oscerr.SignalInterrupt
+for name in 'SIGBREAK', 'SIGHUP', 'SIGTERM':
+ num = getattr(signal, name, None)
+ if num:
+ signal.signal(num, catchterm)
+def run(prg):
+ try:
+ try:
+ if '--debugger' in sys.argv:
+ pdb.set_trace()
+ # here we actually run the program:
+ return prg.main()
+ except:
+ # look for an option in the prg.options object and in the config
+ # dict print stack trace, if desired
+ if getattr(prg.options, 'traceback', None) or getattr(prg.conf, 'config', {}).get('traceback', None) or \
+ getattr(prg.options, 'post_mortem', None) or getattr(prg.conf, 'config', {}).get('post_mortem', None):
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+ # we could use http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/52215
+ # enter the debugger, if desired
+ if getattr(prg.options, 'post_mortem', None) or getattr(prg.conf, 'config', {}).get('post_mortem', None):
+ if sys.stdout.isatty() and not hasattr(sys, 'ps1'):
+ pdb.post_mortem(sys.exc_info()[2])
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'sys.stdout is not a tty. Not jumping into pdb.'
+ raise
+ except oscerr.SignalInterrupt:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'killed!'
+ return 1
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'interrupted!'
+ return 1
+ except oscerr.UserAbort:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'aborted.'
+ return 1
+ except oscerr.APIError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'BuildService API error:', e.msg
+ return 1
+ except oscerr.LinkExpandError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Link "%s/%s" cannot be expanded:\n' % (e.prj, e.pac), e.msg
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Use "osc repairlink" to fix merge conflicts.\n'
+ return 1
+ except oscerr.WorkingCopyWrongVersion, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e
+ return 1
+ except oscerr.NoWorkingCopy, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e
+ if os.path.isdir('.git'):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Current directory looks like git."
+ if os.path.isdir('.hg'):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Current directory looks like mercurial."
+ if os.path.isdir('.svn'):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Current directory looks like svn."
+ if os.path.isdir('CVS'):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Current directory looks like cvs."
+ return 1
+ except HTTPError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Server returned an error:', e
+ if hasattr(e, 'osc_msg'):
+ print >>sys.stderr, e.osc_msg
+ try:
+ body = e.read()
+ except AttributeError:
+ body = ''
+ if getattr(prg.options, 'debug', None) or \
+ getattr(prg.conf, 'config', {}).get('debug', None):
+ print >>sys.stderr, e.hdrs
+ print >>sys.stderr, body
+ if e.code in [400, 403, 404, 500]:
+ if '<summary>' in body:
+ msg = body.split('<summary>')[1]
+ msg = msg.split('</summary>')[0]
+ print >>sys.stderr, msg
+ return 1
+ except BadStatusLine, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Server returned an invalid response:', e
+ print >>sys.stderr, e.line
+ return 1
+ except HTTPException, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e
+ return 1
+ except URLError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Failed to reach a server:\n', e.reason
+ return 1
+ except IOError, e:
+ # ignore broken pipe
+ if e.errno != errno.EPIPE:
+ raise
+ return 1
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ print >>sys.stderr, e
+ return 1
+ except (oscerr.ConfigError, oscerr.NoConfigfile), e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e.msg
+ return 1
+ except oscerr.OscIOError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e.msg
+ if getattr(prg.options, 'debug', None) or \
+ getattr(prg.conf, 'config', {}).get('debug', None):
+ print >>sys.stderr, e.e
+ return 1
+ except (oscerr.WrongOptions, oscerr.WrongArgs), e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e
+ return 2
+ except oscerr.ExtRuntimeError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e.msg
+ return 1
+ except oscerr.WorkingCopyOutdated, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e
+ return 1
+ except (oscerr.PackageExists, oscerr.PackageMissing, oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent), e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e.msg
+ return 1
+ except oscerr.PackageInternalError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'a package internal error occured\n' \
+ 'please file a bug and attach your current package working copy ' \
+ 'and the following traceback to it:'
+ print >>sys.stderr, e.msg
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+ return 1
+ except oscerr.PackageError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e.msg
+ return 1
+ except PackageError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, '%s:' % e.fname, e.msg
+ return 1
+ except RPMError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e
+ return 1
+ except SSLError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "SSL Error:", e
+ return 1
+ except SSLVerificationError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Certificate Verification Error:", e
+ return 1
+ except NoSecureSSLError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e
+ return 1
+ except CpioError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e
+ return 1
+ except oscerr.OscBaseError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, '*** Error:', e
+ return 1
+# vim: sw=4 et
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Novell Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified
+# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
+# either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import shutil
+import urlparse
+from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, mkdtemp
+from osc.fetch import *
+from osc.core import get_buildinfo, store_read_apiurl, store_read_project, store_read_package, meta_exists, quote_plus, get_buildconfig, is_package_dir
+from osc.core import get_binarylist, get_binary_file
+from osc.util import rpmquery, debquery, archquery
+import osc.conf
+import oscerr
+import subprocess
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+except ImportError:
+ import cElementTree as ET
+from conf import config, cookiejar
+change_personality = {
+ 'i686': 'linux32',
+ 'i586': 'linux32',
+ 'i386': 'linux32',
+ 'ppc': 'powerpc32',
+ 's390': 's390',
+ 'sparc': 'linux32',
+ 'sparcv8': 'linux32',
+ }
+# FIXME: qemu_can_build should not be needed anymore since OBS 2.3
+qemu_can_build = [ 'armv4l', 'armv5el', 'armv5l', 'armv6l', 'armv7l', 'armv6el', 'armv7el', 'armv7hl', 'armv8el',
+ 'sh4', 'mips', 'mipsel',
+ 'ppc', 'ppc64',
+ 's390', 's390x',
+ 'sparc64v', 'sparcv9v', 'sparcv9', 'sparcv8', 'sparc',
+ 'hppa',
+ ]
+can_also_build = {
+ 'aarch64':['aarch64'],
+ 'armv4l': [ 'armv4l' ],
+ 'armv6l' :[ 'armv4l', 'armv5l', 'armv6l', 'armv5el', 'armv6el' ],
+ 'armv7l' :[ 'armv4l', 'armv5l', 'armv6l', 'armv7l', 'armv5el', 'armv6el', 'armv7el' ],
+ 'armv5el':[ 'armv4l', 'armv5l', 'armv5el' ], # not existing arch, just for compatibility
+ 'armv6el':[ 'armv4l', 'armv5l', 'armv6l', 'armv5el', 'armv6el' ], # not existing arch, just for compatibility
+ 'armv7el':[ 'armv4l', 'armv5l', 'armv6l', 'armv7l', 'armv5el', 'armv6el', 'armv7el' ], # not existing arch, just for compatibility
+ 'armv7hl':[ 'armv7hl' ], # not existing arch, just for compatibility
+ 'armv8el':[ 'armv4l', 'armv5el', 'armv6el', 'armv7el', 'armv8el' ], # not existing arch, just for compatibility
+ 'armv8l' :[ 'armv4l', 'armv5el', 'armv6el', 'armv7el', 'armv8el' ], # not existing arch, just for compatibility
+ 'armv5tel':[ 'armv4l', 'armv5el', 'armv5tel' ],
+ 's390x': ['s390' ],
+ 'ppc64': [ 'ppc', 'ppc64' ],
+ 'sh4': [ 'sh4' ],
+ 'i586': [ 'i386' ],
+ 'i686': [ 'i586', 'i386' ],
+ 'x86_64': ['i686', 'i586', 'i386' ],
+ 'sparc64': ['sparc64v', 'sparcv9v', 'sparcv9', 'sparcv8', 'sparc'],
+ 'parisc': ['hppa'],
+ }
+# real arch of this machine
+hostarch = os.uname()[4]
+if hostarch == 'i686': # FIXME
+ hostarch = 'i586'
+if hostarch == 'parisc':
+ hostarch = 'hppa'
+class Buildinfo:
+ """represent the contents of a buildinfo file"""
+ def __init__(self, filename, apiurl, buildtype = 'spec', localpkgs = []):
+ try:
+ tree = ET.parse(filename)
+ except:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'could not parse the buildinfo:'
+ print >>sys.stderr, open(filename).read()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ self.apiurl = apiurl
+ if root.find('error') != None:
+ sys.stderr.write('buildinfo is broken... it says:\n')
+ error = root.find('error').text
+ sys.stderr.write(error + '\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not (apiurl.startswith('https://') or apiurl.startswith('http://')):
+ raise urllib2.URLError('invalid protocol for the apiurl: \'%s\'' % apiurl)
+ self.buildtype = buildtype
+ self.apiurl = apiurl
+ # are we building .rpm or .deb?
+ # XXX: shouldn't we deliver the type via the buildinfo?
+ self.pacsuffix = 'rpm'
+ if self.buildtype == 'dsc':
+ self.pacsuffix = 'deb'
+ if self.buildtype == 'arch':
+ self.pacsuffix = 'arch'
+ self.buildarch = root.find('arch').text
+ if root.find('hostarch') != None:
+ self.hostarch = root.find('hostarch').text
+ else:
+ self.hostarch = None
+ if root.find('release') != None:
+ self.release = root.find('release').text
+ else:
+ self.release = None
+ self.downloadurl = root.get('downloadurl')
+ self.debuginfo = 0
+ if root.find('debuginfo') != None:
+ try:
+ self.debuginfo = int(root.find('debuginfo').text)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ self.deps = []
+ self.projects = {}
+ self.keys = []
+ self.prjkeys = []
+ for node in root.findall('bdep'):
+ p = Pac(node, self.buildarch, self.pacsuffix,
+ apiurl, localpkgs)
+ if p.project:
+ self.projects[p.project] = 1
+ self.deps.append(p)
+ self.vminstall_list = [ dep.name for dep in self.deps if dep.vminstall ]
+ self.cbinstall_list = [ dep.name for dep in self.deps if dep.cbinstall ]
+ self.cbpreinstall_list = [ dep.name for dep in self.deps if dep.cbpreinstall ]
+ self.preinstall_list = [ dep.name for dep in self.deps if dep.preinstall ]
+ self.runscripts_list = [ dep.name for dep in self.deps if dep.runscripts ]
+ def has_dep(self, name):
+ for i in self.deps:
+ if i.name == name:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def remove_dep(self, name):
+ # we need to iterate over all deps because if this a
+ # kiwi build the same package might appear multiple times
+ # NOTE: do not loop and remove items, the second same one would not get catched
+ self.deps = [i for i in self.deps if not i.name == name]
+class Pac:
+ """represent a package to be downloaded
+ We build a map that's later used to fill our URL templates
+ """
+ def __init__(self, node, buildarch, pacsuffix, apiurl, localpkgs = []):
+ self.mp = {}
+ for i in ['binary', 'package',
+ 'version', 'release',
+ 'project', 'repository',
+ 'preinstall', 'vminstall', 'noinstall', 'runscripts',
+ 'cbinstall', 'cbpreinstall',
+ ]:
+ self.mp[i] = node.get(i)
+ self.mp['buildarch'] = buildarch
+ self.mp['pacsuffix'] = pacsuffix
+ self.mp['arch'] = node.get('arch') or self.mp['buildarch']
+ self.mp['name'] = node.get('name') or self.mp['binary']
+ # this is not the ideal place to check if the package is a localdep or not
+ localdep = self.mp['name'] in localpkgs # and not self.mp['noinstall']
+ if not localdep and not (node.get('project') and node.get('repository')):
+ raise oscerr.APIError('incomplete information for package %s, may be caused by a broken project configuration.'
+ % self.mp['name'] )
+ if not localdep:
+ self.mp['extproject'] = node.get('project').replace(':', ':/')
+ self.mp['extrepository'] = node.get('repository').replace(':', ':/')
+ self.mp['repopackage'] = node.get('package') or '_repository'
+ self.mp['repoarch'] = node.get('repoarch') or self.mp['buildarch']
+ if pacsuffix == 'deb' and not (self.mp['name'] and self.mp['arch'] and self.mp['version']):
+ raise oscerr.APIError(
+ "buildinfo for package %s/%s/%s is incomplete"
+ % (self.mp['name'], self.mp['arch'], self.mp['version']))
+ self.mp['apiurl'] = apiurl
+ if pacsuffix == 'deb':
+ filename = debquery.DebQuery.filename(self.mp['name'], self.mp['version'], self.mp['release'], self.mp['arch'])
+ elif pacsuffix == 'arch':
+ filename = archquery.ArchQuery.filename(self.mp['name'], self.mp['version'], self.mp['release'], self.mp['arch'])
+ else:
+ filename = rpmquery.RpmQuery.filename(self.mp['name'], self.mp['version'], self.mp['release'], self.mp['arch'])
+ self.mp['filename'] = node.get('binary') or filename
+ if self.mp['repopackage'] == '_repository':
+ self.mp['repofilename'] = self.mp['name']
+ else:
+ # OBS 2.3 puts binary into product bdeps (noinstall ones)
+ self.mp['repofilename'] = self.mp['filename']
+ # make the content of the dictionary accessible as class attributes
+ self.__dict__.update(self.mp)
+ def makeurls(self, cachedir, urllist):
+ self.urllist = []
+ # build up local URL
+ # by using the urlgrabber with local urls, we basically build up a cache.
+ # the cache has no validation, since the package servers don't support etags,
+ # or if-modified-since, so the caching is simply name-based (on the assumption
+ # that the filename is suitable as identifier)
+ self.localdir = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (cachedir, self.project, self.repository, self.arch)
+ self.fullfilename = os.path.join(self.localdir, self.filename)
+ self.url_local = 'file://%s' % self.fullfilename
+ # first, add the local URL
+ self.urllist.append(self.url_local)
+ # remote URLs
+ for url in urllist:
+ self.urllist.append(url % self.mp)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "%s" % self.name
+def get_built_files(pacdir, pactype):
+ if pactype == 'rpm':
+ b_built = subprocess.Popen(['find', os.path.join(pacdir, 'RPMS'),
+ '-name', '*.rpm'],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read().strip()
+ s_built = subprocess.Popen(['find', os.path.join(pacdir, 'SRPMS'),
+ '-name', '*.rpm'],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read().strip()
+ elif pactype == 'kiwi':
+ b_built = subprocess.Popen(['find', os.path.join(pacdir, 'KIWI'),
+ '-type', 'f'],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read().strip()
+ elif pactype == 'deb':
+ b_built = subprocess.Popen(['find', os.path.join(pacdir, 'DEBS'),
+ '-name', '*.deb'],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read().strip()
+ s_built = subprocess.Popen(['find', os.path.join(pacdir, 'SOURCES.DEB'),
+ '-type', 'f'],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read().strip()
+ elif pactype == 'arch':
+ b_built = subprocess.Popen(['find', os.path.join(pacdir, 'ARCHPKGS'),
+ '-name', '*.pkg.tar*'],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read().strip()
+ s_built = []
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'WARNING: Unknown package type \'%s\'.' % pactype
+ b_built = []
+ s_built = []
+ return s_built, b_built
+def get_repo(path):
+ """Walks up path looking for any repodata directories.
+ @param path path to a directory
+ @return str path to repository directory containing repodata directory
+ """
+ oldDirectory = None
+ currentDirectory = os.path.abspath(path)
+ repositoryDirectory = None
+ # while there are still parent directories
+ while currentDirectory != oldDirectory:
+ children = os.listdir(currentDirectory)
+ if "repodata" in children:
+ repositoryDirectory = currentDirectory
+ break
+ # ascend
+ oldDirectory = currentDirectory
+ currentDirectory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(oldDirectory,
+ os.pardir))
+ return repositoryDirectory
+def get_prefer_pkgs(dirs, wanted_arch, type):
+ import glob
+ from util import repodata, packagequery, cpio
+ paths = []
+ repositories = []
+ suffix = '*.rpm'
+ if type == 'dsc':
+ suffix = '*.deb'
+ for dir in dirs:
+ # check for repodata
+ repository = get_repo(dir)
+ if repository is None:
+ paths += glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(dir), suffix))
+ else:
+ repositories.append(repository)
+ packageQueries = packagequery.PackageQueries(wanted_arch)
+ for repository in repositories:
+ repodataPackageQueries = repodata.queries(repository)
+ for packageQuery in repodataPackageQueries:
+ packageQueries.add(packageQuery)
+ for path in paths:
+ if path.endswith('src.rpm'):
+ continue
+ if path.find('-debuginfo-') > 0:
+ continue
+ packageQuery = packagequery.PackageQuery.query(path)
+ packageQueries.add(packageQuery)
+ prefer_pkgs = dict((name, packageQuery.path())
+ for name, packageQuery in packageQueries.iteritems())
+ depfile = create_deps(packageQueries.values())
+ cpio = cpio.CpioWrite()
+ cpio.add('deps', '\n'.join(depfile))
+ return prefer_pkgs, cpio
+def create_deps(pkgqs):
+ """
+ creates a list of requires/provides which corresponds to build's internal
+ dependency file format
+ """
+ depfile = []
+ for p in pkgqs:
+ id = '%s.%s-0/0/0: ' % (p.name(), p.arch())
+ depfile.append('R:%s%s' % (id, ' '.join(p.requires())))
+ depfile.append('P:%s%s' % (id, ' '.join(p.provides())))
+ return depfile
+trustprompt = """Would you like to ...
+0 - quit (default)
+1 - trust packages from '%(project)s' always
+2 - trust them just this time
+? """
+def check_trusted_projects(apiurl, projects):
+ trusted = config['api_host_options'][apiurl]['trusted_prj']
+ tlen = len(trusted)
+ for prj in projects:
+ if not prj in trusted:
+ print "\nThe build root needs packages from project '%s'." % prj
+ print "Note that malicious packages can compromise the build result or even your system."
+ r = raw_input(trustprompt % { 'project':prj })
+ if r == '1':
+ print "adding '%s' to ~/.oscrc: ['%s']['trusted_prj']" % (prj,apiurl)
+ trusted.append(prj)
+ elif r != '2':
+ print "Well, good good bye then :-)"
+ raise oscerr.UserAbort()
+ if tlen != len(trusted):
+ config['api_host_options'][apiurl]['trusted_prj'] = trusted
+ conf.config_set_option(apiurl, 'trusted_prj', ' '.join(trusted))
+def main(apiurl, opts, argv):
+ repo = argv[0]
+ arch = argv[1]
+ build_descr = argv[2]
+ xp = []
+ build_root = None
+ cache_dir = None
+ build_uid=''
+ vm_type = config['build-type']
+ build_descr = os.path.abspath(build_descr)
+ build_type = os.path.splitext(build_descr)[1][1:]
+ if os.path.basename(build_descr) == 'PKGBUILD':
+ build_type = 'arch'
+ if build_type not in ['spec', 'dsc', 'kiwi', 'arch']:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs(
+ 'Unknown build type: \'%s\'. Build description should end in .spec, .dsc or .kiwi.' \
+ % build_type)
+ if not os.path.isfile(build_descr):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Error: build description file named \'%s\' does not exist.' % build_descr)
+ buildargs = []
+ if not opts.userootforbuild:
+ buildargs.append('--norootforbuild')
+ if opts.clean:
+ buildargs.append('--clean')
+ if opts.noinit:
+ buildargs.append('--noinit')
+ if opts.nochecks:
+ buildargs.append('--no-checks')
+ if not opts.no_changelog:
+ buildargs.append('--changelog')
+ if opts.root:
+ build_root = opts.root
+ if opts.target:
+ buildargs.append('--target=%s' % opts.target)
+ if opts.jobs:
+ buildargs.append('--jobs=%s' % opts.jobs)
+ elif config['build-jobs'] > 1:
+ buildargs.append('--jobs=%s' % config['build-jobs'])
+ if opts.icecream or config['icecream'] != '0':
+ if opts.icecream:
+ num = opts.icecream
+ else:
+ num = config['icecream']
+ if int(num) > 0:
+ buildargs.append('--icecream=%s' % num)
+ xp.append('icecream')
+ xp.append('gcc-c++')
+ if opts.ccache:
+ buildargs.append('--ccache')
+ xp.append('ccache')
+ if opts.linksources:
+ buildargs.append('--linksources')
+ if opts.baselibs:
+ buildargs.append('--baselibs')
+ if opts.debuginfo:
+ buildargs.append('--debug')
+ if opts._with:
+ for o in opts._with:
+ buildargs.append('--with=%s' % o)
+ if opts.without:
+ for o in opts.without:
+ buildargs.append('--without=%s' % o)
+ if opts.define:
+ for o in opts.define:
+ buildargs.append('--define=%s' % o)
+ if config['build-uid']:
+ build_uid = config['build-uid']
+ if opts.build_uid:
+ build_uid = opts.build_uid
+ if build_uid:
+ buildidre = re.compile('^[0-9]{1,5}:[0-9]{1,5}$')
+ if build_uid == 'caller':
+ buildargs.append('--uid=%s:%s' % (os.getuid(), os.getgid()))
+ elif buildidre.match(build_uid):
+ buildargs.append('--uid=%s' % build_uid)
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: build-uid arg must be 2 colon separated numerics: "uid:gid" or "caller"'
+ return 1
+ if opts.vm_type:
+ vm_type = opts.vm_type
+ if opts.alternative_project:
+ prj = opts.alternative_project
+ pac = '_repository'
+ else:
+ prj = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ if opts.local_package:
+ pac = '_repository'
+ else:
+ pac = store_read_package(os.curdir)
+ if opts.shell:
+ buildargs.append("--shell")
+ # make it possible to override configuration of the rc file
+ val = os.getenv(var)
+ if val:
+ if var.startswith('OSC_'): var = var[4:]
+ var = var.lower().replace('_', '-')
+ if config.has_key(var):
+ print 'Overriding config value for %s=\'%s\' with \'%s\'' % (var, config[var], val)
+ config[var] = val
+ pacname = pac
+ if pacname == '_repository':
+ if not opts.local_package:
+ try:
+ pacname = store_read_package(os.curdir)
+ except oscerr.NoWorkingCopy:
+ opts.local_package = True
+ if opts.local_package:
+ pacname = os.path.splitext(build_descr)[0]
+ apihost = urlparse.urlsplit(apiurl)[1]
+ if not build_root:
+ build_root = config['build-root'] % {'repo': repo, 'arch': arch,
+ 'project': prj, 'package': pacname, 'apihost': apihost}
+ cache_dir = config['packagecachedir'] % {'apihost': apihost}
+ extra_pkgs = []
+ if not opts.extra_pkgs:
+ extra_pkgs = config['extra-pkgs']
+ elif opts.extra_pkgs != ['']:
+ extra_pkgs = opts.extra_pkgs
+ if xp:
+ extra_pkgs += xp
+ prefer_pkgs = {}
+ build_descr_data = open(build_descr).read()
+ # XXX: dirty hack but there's no api to provide custom defines
+ if opts.without:
+ s = ''
+ for i in opts.without:
+ s += "%%define _without_%s 1\n" % i
+ s += "%%define _with_%s 0\n" % i
+ build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data
+ if opts._with:
+ s = ''
+ for i in opts._with:
+ s += "%%define _without_%s 0\n" % i
+ s += "%%define _with_%s 1\n" % i
+ build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data
+ if opts.define:
+ s = ''
+ for i in opts.define:
+ s += "%%define %s\n" % i
+ build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data
+ if opts.prefer_pkgs:
+ print 'Scanning the following dirs for local packages: %s' % ', '.join(opts.prefer_pkgs)
+ prefer_pkgs, cpio = get_prefer_pkgs(opts.prefer_pkgs, arch, build_type)
+ cpio.add(os.path.basename(build_descr), build_descr_data)
+ build_descr_data = cpio.get()
+ # special handling for overlay and rsync-src/dest
+ specialcmdopts = []
+ if opts.rsyncsrc or opts.rsyncdest :
+ if not opts.rsyncsrc or not opts.rsyncdest:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('When using --rsync-{src,dest} both parameters have to be specified.')
+ myrsyncsrc = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.rsyncsrc)))
+ if not os.path.isdir(myrsyncsrc):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--rsync-src %s is no valid directory!' % opts.rsyncsrc)
+ # can't check destination - its in the target chroot ;) - but we can check for sanity
+ myrsyncdest = os.path.expandvars(opts.rsyncdest)
+ if not os.path.isabs(myrsyncdest):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--rsync-dest %s is no absolute path (starting with \'/\')!' % opts.rsyncdest)
+ specialcmdopts = ['--rsync-src='+myrsyncsrc, '--rsync-dest='+myrsyncdest]
+ if opts.overlay:
+ myoverlay = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.overlay)))
+ if not os.path.isdir(myoverlay):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--overlay %s is no valid directory!' % opts.overlay)
+ specialcmdopts += ['--overlay='+myoverlay]
+ bi_file = None
+ bc_file = None
+ bi_filename = '_buildinfo-%s-%s.xml' % (repo, arch)
+ bc_filename = '_buildconfig-%s-%s' % (repo, arch)
+ if is_package_dir('.') and os.access(osc.core.store, os.W_OK):
+ bi_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), osc.core.store, bi_filename)
+ bc_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), osc.core.store, bc_filename)
+ elif not os.access('.', os.W_OK):
+ bi_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=bi_filename)
+ bi_filename = bi_file.name
+ bc_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=bc_filename)
+ bc_filename = bc_file.name
+ else:
+ bi_filename = os.path.abspath(bi_filename)
+ bc_filename = os.path.abspath(bc_filename)
+ try:
+ if opts.noinit:
+ if not os.path.isfile(bi_filename):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--noinit is not possible, no local buildinfo file')
+ print 'Use local \'%s\' file as buildinfo' % bi_filename
+ if not os.path.isfile(bc_filename):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--noinit is not possible, no local buildconfig file')
+ print 'Use local \'%s\' file as buildconfig' % bc_filename
+ elif opts.offline:
+ if not os.path.isfile(bi_filename):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--offline is not possible, no local buildinfo file')
+ print 'Use local \'%s\' file as buildinfo' % bi_filename
+ if not os.path.isfile(bc_filename):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--offline is not possible, no local buildconfig file')
+ else:
+ print 'Getting buildinfo from server and store to %s' % bi_filename
+ bi_text = ''.join(get_buildinfo(apiurl,
+ prj,
+ pac,
+ repo,
+ arch,
+ specfile=build_descr_data,
+ addlist=extra_pkgs))
+ if not bi_file:
+ bi_file = open(bi_filename, 'w')
+ # maybe we should check for errors before saving the file
+ bi_file.write(bi_text)
+ bi_file.flush()
+ print 'Getting buildconfig from server and store to %s' % bc_filename
+ bc = get_buildconfig(apiurl, prj, repo)
+ if not bc_file:
+ bc_file = open(bc_filename, 'w')
+ bc_file.write(bc)
+ bc_file.flush()
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code == 404:
+ # check what caused the 404
+ if meta_exists(metatype='prj', path_args=(quote_plus(prj), ),
+ template_args=None, create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl):
+ pkg_meta_e = None
+ try:
+ # take care, not to run into double trouble.
+ pkg_meta_e = meta_exists(metatype='pkg', path_args=(quote_plus(prj),
+ quote_plus(pac)), template_args=None, create_new=False,
+ apiurl=apiurl)
+ except:
+ pass
+ if pkg_meta_e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Either wrong repo/arch as parameter or a parse error of .spec/.dsc/.kiwi file due to syntax error'
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'The package \'%s\' does not exists - please ' \
+ 'rerun with \'--local-package\'' % pac
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'The project \'%s\' does not exists - please ' \
+ 'rerun with \'--alternative-project <alternative_project>\'' % prj
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ raise
+ bi = Buildinfo(bi_filename, apiurl, build_type, prefer_pkgs.keys())
+ if bi.debuginfo and not (opts.disable_debuginfo or '--debug' in buildargs):
+ buildargs.append('--debug')
+ if opts.release:
+ bi.release = opts.release
+ if bi.release:
+ buildargs.append('--release=%s' % bi.release)
+ # real arch of this machine
+ # vs.
+ # arch we are supposed to build for
+ if bi.hostarch != None:
+ if hostarch != bi.hostarch and not bi.hostarch in can_also_build.get(hostarch, []):
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: hostarch \'%s\' is required.' % (bi.hostarch)
+ return 1
+ elif hostarch != bi.buildarch:
+ if not bi.buildarch in can_also_build.get(hostarch, []):
+ # OBSOLETE: qemu_can_build should not be needed anymore since OBS 2.3
+ if vm_type != "emulator" and not bi.buildarch in qemu_can_build:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: hostarch \'%s\' cannot build \'%s\'.' % (hostarch, bi.buildarch)
+ return 1
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'WARNING: It is guessed to build on hostarch \'%s\' for \'%s\' via QEMU.' % (hostarch, bi.buildarch)
+ rpmlist_prefers = []
+ if prefer_pkgs:
+ print 'Evaluating preferred packages'
+ for name, path in prefer_pkgs.iteritems():
+ if bi.has_dep(name):
+ # We remove a preferred package from the buildinfo, so that the
+ # fetcher doesn't take care about them.
+ # Instead, we put it in a list which is appended to the rpmlist later.
+ # At the same time, this will make sure that these packages are
+ # not verified.
+ bi.remove_dep(name)
+ rpmlist_prefers.append((name, path))
+ print ' - %s (%s)' % (name, path)
+ print 'Updating cache of required packages'
+ urllist = []
+ if not opts.download_api_only:
+ # transform 'url1, url2, url3' form into a list
+ if 'urllist' in config:
+ if type(config['urllist']) == str:
+ re_clist = re.compile('[, ]+')
+ urllist = [ i.strip() for i in re_clist.split(config['urllist'].strip()) ]
+ else:
+ urllist = config['urllist']
+ # OBS 1.5 and before has no downloadurl defined in buildinfo
+ if bi.downloadurl:
+ urllist.append(bi.downloadurl + '/%(extproject)s/%(extrepository)s/%(arch)s/%(filename)s')
+ if opts.disable_cpio_bulk_download:
+ urllist.append( '%(apiurl)s/build/%(project)s/%(repository)s/%(repoarch)s/%(repopackage)s/%(repofilename)s' )
+ fetcher = Fetcher(cache_dir,
+ urllist = urllist,
+ api_host_options = config['api_host_options'],
+ offline = opts.noinit or opts.offline,
+ http_debug = config['http_debug'],
+ enable_cpio = not opts.disable_cpio_bulk_download,
+ cookiejar=cookiejar)
+ # implicitly trust the project we are building for
+ check_trusted_projects(apiurl, [ i for i in bi.projects.keys() if not i == prj ])
+ # now update the package cache
+ fetcher.run(bi)
+ old_pkg_dir = None
+ if opts.oldpackages:
+ old_pkg_dir = opts.oldpackages
+ if not old_pkg_dir.startswith('/') and not opts.offline:
+ data = [ prj, pacname, repo, arch]
+ if old_pkg_dir == '_link':
+ p = osc.core.findpacs(os.curdir)[0]
+ if not p.islink():
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('package is not a link')
+ data[0] = p.linkinfo.project
+ data[1] = p.linkinfo.package
+ repos = osc.core.get_repositories_of_project(apiurl, data[0])
+ # hack for links to e.g. Factory
+ if not data[2] in repos and 'standard' in repos:
+ data[2] = 'standard'
+ elif old_pkg_dir != '' and old_pkg_dir != '_self':
+ a = old_pkg_dir.split('/')
+ for i in range(0, len(a)):
+ data[i] = a[i]
+ destdir = os.path.join(cache_dir, data[0], data[2], data[3])
+ old_pkg_dir = None
+ try:
+ print "Downloading previous build from %s ..." % '/'.join(data)
+ binaries = get_binarylist(apiurl, data[0], data[2], data[3], package=data[1], verbose=True)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "Error: failed to get binaries: %s" % str(e)
+ binaries = []
+ if binaries:
+ class mytmpdir:
+ """ temporary directory that removes itself"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.name = mkdtemp(*args, **kwargs)
+ def cleanup(self):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.name)
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.cleanup()
+ def __exit__(self):
+ self.cleanup()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name
+ old_pkg_dir = mytmpdir(prefix='.build.oldpackages', dir=os.path.abspath(os.curdir))
+ if not os.path.exists(destdir):
+ os.makedirs(destdir)
+ for i in binaries:
+ fname = os.path.join(destdir, i.name)
+ os.symlink(fname, os.path.join(str(old_pkg_dir), i.name))
+ if os.path.exists(fname):
+ st = os.stat(fname)
+ if st.st_mtime == i.mtime and st.st_size == i.size:
+ continue
+ get_binary_file(apiurl,
+ data[0],
+ data[2], data[3],
+ i.name,
+ package = data[1],
+ target_filename = fname,
+ target_mtime = i.mtime,
+ progress_meter = True)
+ if old_pkg_dir != None:
+ buildargs.append('--oldpackages=%s' % old_pkg_dir)
+ # Make packages from buildinfo available as repos for kiwi
+ if build_type == 'kiwi':
+ if not os.path.exists('repos'):
+ os.mkdir('repos')
+ else:
+ shutil.rmtree('repos')
+ os.mkdir('repos')
+ for i in bi.deps:
+ if not i.extproject:
+ # remove
+ bi.deps.remove(i)
+ continue
+ # project
+ pdir = str(i.extproject).replace(':/', ':')
+ # repo
+ rdir = str(i.extrepository).replace(':/', ':')
+ # arch
+ adir = i.repoarch
+ # project/repo
+ prdir = "repos/"+pdir+"/"+rdir
+ # project/repo/arch
+ pradir = prdir+"/"+adir
+ # source fullfilename
+ sffn = i.fullfilename
+ filename=sffn.split("/")[-1]
+ # target fullfilename
+ tffn = pradir+"/"+filename
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pradir)):
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(pradir))
+ if not os.path.exists(tffn):
+ print "Using package: "+sffn
+ if opts.linksources:
+ os.link(sffn, tffn)
+ else:
+ os.symlink(sffn, tffn)
+ if prefer_pkgs:
+ for name, path in prefer_pkgs.iteritems():
+ if name == filename:
+ print "Using prefered package: " + path + "/" + filename
+ os.unlink(tffn)
+ if opts.linksources:
+ os.link(path + "/" + filename, tffn)
+ else:
+ os.symlink(path + "/" + filename, tffn)
+ if vm_type == "xen" or vm_type == "kvm" or vm_type == "lxc":
+ print 'Skipping verification of package signatures due to secure VM build'
+ elif bi.pacsuffix == 'rpm':
+ if opts.no_verify:
+ print 'Skipping verification of package signatures'
+ else:
+ print 'Verifying integrity of cached packages'
+ verify_pacs(bi)
+ elif bi.pacsuffix == 'deb':
+ if opts.no_verify or opts.noinit:
+ print 'Skipping verification of package signatures'
+ else:
+ print 'WARNING: deb packages get not verified, they can compromise your system !'
+ else:
+ print 'WARNING: unknown packages get not verified, they can compromise your system !'
+ print 'Writing build configuration'
+ rpmlist = [ '%s %s\n' % (i.name, i.fullfilename) for i in bi.deps if not i.noinstall ]
+ rpmlist += [ '%s %s\n' % (i[0], i[1]) for i in rpmlist_prefers ]
+ rpmlist.append('preinstall: ' + ' '.join(bi.preinstall_list) + '\n')
+ rpmlist.append('vminstall: ' + ' '.join(bi.vminstall_list) + '\n')
+ rpmlist.append('cbinstall: ' + ' '.join(bi.cbinstall_list) + '\n')
+ rpmlist.append('cbpreinstall: ' + ' '.join(bi.cbpreinstall_list) + '\n')
+ rpmlist.append('runscripts: ' + ' '.join(bi.runscripts_list) + '\n')
+ rpmlist_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='rpmlist.')
+ rpmlist_filename = rpmlist_file.name
+ rpmlist_file.writelines(rpmlist)
+ rpmlist_file.flush()
+ subst = { 'repo': repo, 'arch': arch, 'project' : prj, 'package' : pacname }
+ vm_options = []
+ # XXX check if build-device present
+ my_build_device = ''
+ if config['build-device']:
+ my_build_device = config['build-device'] % subst
+ else:
+ # obs worker uses /root here but that collides with the
+ # /root directory if the build root was used without vm
+ # before
+ my_build_device = build_root + '/img'
+ need_root = True
+ if vm_type:
+ if config['build-swap']:
+ my_build_swap = config['build-swap'] % subst
+ else:
+ my_build_swap = build_root + '/swap'
+ vm_options = [ '--vm-type=%s'%vm_type ]
+ if vm_type != 'lxc' and vm_type != 'emulator':
+ vm_options += [ '--vm-disk=' + my_build_device ]
+ vm_options += [ '--vm-swap=' + my_build_swap ]
+ vm_options += [ '--logfile=%s/.build.log' % build_root ]
+ if vm_type == 'kvm':
+ if os.access(build_root, os.W_OK) and os.access('/dev/kvm', os.W_OK):
+ # so let's hope there's also an fstab entry
+ need_root = False
+ build_root += '/.mount'
+ if config['build-memory']:
+ vm_options += [ '--memory=' + config['build-memory'] ]
+ if config['build-vmdisk-rootsize']:
+ vm_options += [ '--vmdisk-rootsize=' + config['build-vmdisk-rootsize'] ]
+ if config['build-vmdisk-swapsize']:
+ vm_options += [ '--vmdisk-swapsize=' + config['build-vmdisk-swapsize'] ]
+ if config['build-vmdisk-filesystem']:
+ vm_options += [ '--vmdisk-filesystem=' + config['build-vmdisk-filesystem'] ]
+ if opts.preload:
+ print "Preload done for selected repo/arch."
+ sys.exit(0)
+ print 'Running build'
+ cmd = [ config['build-cmd'], '--root='+build_root,
+ '--rpmlist='+rpmlist_filename,
+ '--dist='+bc_filename,
+ '--arch='+bi.buildarch ]
+ cmd += specialcmdopts + vm_options + buildargs
+ cmd += [ build_descr ]
+ if need_root:
+ sucmd = config['su-wrapper'].split()
+ if sucmd[0] == 'su':
+ if sucmd[-1] == '-c':
+ sucmd.pop()
+ cmd = sucmd + ['-s', cmd[0], 'root', '--' ] + cmd[1:]
+ else:
+ cmd = sucmd + cmd
+ # change personality, if needed
+ if hostarch != bi.buildarch and bi.buildarch in change_personality:
+ cmd = [ change_personality[bi.buildarch] ] + cmd;
+ try:
+ rc = subprocess.call(cmd)
+ if rc:
+ print
+ print 'The buildroot was:', build_root
+ sys.exit(rc)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt, i:
+ print "keyboard interrupt, killing build ..."
+ subprocess.call(cmd + ["--kill"])
+ raise i
+ pacdir = os.path.join(build_root, '.build.packages')
+ if os.path.islink(pacdir):
+ pacdir = os.readlink(pacdir)
+ pacdir = os.path.join(build_root, pacdir)
+ if os.path.exists(pacdir):
+ (s_built, b_built) = get_built_files(pacdir, bi.pacsuffix)
+ print
+ if s_built: print s_built
+ print
+ print b_built
+ if opts.keep_pkgs:
+ for i in b_built.splitlines() + s_built.splitlines():
+ shutil.copy2(i, os.path.join(opts.keep_pkgs, os.path.basename(i)))
+ if bi_file:
+ bi_file.close()
+ if bc_file:
+ bc_file.close()
+ rpmlist_file.close()
+# vim: sw=4 et
--- /dev/null
+from tempfile import mkdtemp
+import os
+from shutil import rmtree
+import rpm
+import base64
+class KeyError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, key, *args):
+ Exception.__init__(self)
+ self.args = args
+ self.key = key
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ''+self.key+' :'+' '.join(self.args)
+class Checker:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.dbdir = mkdtemp(prefix='oscrpmdb')
+ self.imported = {}
+ rpm.addMacro('_dbpath', self.dbdir)
+ self.ts = rpm.TransactionSet()
+ self.ts.initDB()
+ self.ts.openDB()
+ self.ts.setVSFlags(0)
+ #self.ts.Debug(1)
+ def readkeys(self, keys=[]):
+ rpm.addMacro('_dbpath', self.dbdir)
+ for key in keys:
+ try:
+ self.readkey(key)
+ except KeyError, e:
+ print e
+ if not len(self.imported):
+ raise KeyError('', "no key imported")
+ rpm.delMacro("_dbpath")
+# python is an idiot
+# def __del__(self):
+# self.cleanup()
+ def cleanup(self):
+ self.ts.closeDB()
+ rmtree(self.dbdir)
+ def readkey(self, file):
+ if file in self.imported:
+ return
+ fd = open(file, "r")
+ line = fd.readline()
+ if line and line[0:14] == "-----BEGIN PGP":
+ line = fd.readline()
+ while line and line != "\n":
+ line = fd.readline()
+ if not line:
+ raise KeyError(file, "not a pgp public key")
+ else:
+ raise KeyError(file, "not a pgp public key")
+ key = ''
+ line = fd.readline()
+ crc = None
+ while line:
+ if line[0:12] == "-----END PGP":
+ break
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ if (line[0] == '='):
+ crc = line[1:]
+ line = fd.readline()
+ break
+ else:
+ key += line
+ line = fd.readline()
+ fd.close()
+ if not line or line[0:12] != "-----END PGP":
+ raise KeyError(file, "not a pgp public key")
+ # TODO: compute and compare CRC, see RFC 2440
+ bkey = base64.b64decode(key)
+ r = self.ts.pgpImportPubkey(bkey)
+ if r != 0:
+ raise KeyError(file, "failed to import pubkey")
+ self.imported[file] = 1
+ def check(self, pkg):
+ # avoid errors on non rpm
+ if pkg[-4:] != '.rpm': return
+ fd = os.open(pkg, os.O_RDONLY)
+ hdr = self.ts.hdrFromFdno(fd)
+ os.close(fd)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import sys
+ keyfiles = []
+ pkgs = []
+ for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if arg[-4:] == '.rpm':
+ pkgs.append(arg)
+ else:
+ keyfiles.append(arg)
+ checker = Checker()
+ try:
+ checker.readkeys(keyfiles)
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ checker.check(pkg)
+ except Exception, e:
+ checker.cleanup()
+ raise e
+# vim: sw=4 et
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2002-2005 ActiveState Corp.
+# License: MIT (see LICENSE.txt for license details)
+# Author: Trent Mick (TrentM@ActiveState.com)
+# Home: http://trentm.com/projects/cmdln/
+"""An improvement on Python's standard cmd.py module.
+As with cmd.py, this module provides "a simple framework for writing
+line-oriented command intepreters." This module provides a 'RawCmdln'
+class that fixes some design flaws in cmd.Cmd, making it more scalable
+and nicer to use for good 'cvs'- or 'svn'-style command line interfaces
+or simple shells. And it provides a 'Cmdln' class that add
+optparse-based option processing. Basically you use it like this:
+ import cmdln
+ class MySVN(cmdln.Cmdln):
+ name = "svn"
+ @cmdln.alias('stat', 'st')
+ @cmdln.option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true'
+ help='print verbose information')
+ def do_status(self, subcmd, opts, *paths):
+ print "handle 'svn status' command"
+ #...
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ shell = MySVN()
+ retval = shell.main()
+ sys.exit(retval)
+See the README.txt or <http://trentm.com/projects/cmdln/> for more
+__revision__ = "$Id: cmdln.py 1666 2007-05-09 03:13:03Z trentm $"
+__version_info__ = (1, 0, 0)
+__version__ = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__))
+import os
+import re
+import cmd
+import optparse
+from pprint import pprint
+from datetime import date
+#---- globals
+# An unspecified optional argument when None is a meaningful value.
+_NOT_SPECIFIED = ("Not", "Specified")
+# Pattern to match a TypeError message from a call that
+# failed because of incorrect number of arguments (see
+# Python/getargs.c).
+_INCORRECT_NUM_ARGS_RE = re.compile(
+ r"(takes [\w ]+ )(\d+)( arguments? \()(\d+)( given\))")
+# Static bits of man page
+MAN_HEADER = r""".TH %(ucname)s "1" "%(date)s" "%(name)s %(version)s" "User Commands"
+%(name)s \- Program to do useful things.
+.B %(name)s
+.B %(name)s
+MAN_FOOTER = r"""
+This man page is automatically generated.
+#---- exceptions
+class CmdlnError(Exception):
+ """A cmdln.py usage error."""
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.msg
+class CmdlnUserError(Exception):
+ """An error by a user of a cmdln-based tool/shell."""
+ pass
+#---- public methods and classes
+def alias(*aliases):
+ """Decorator to add aliases for Cmdln.do_* command handlers.
+ Example:
+ class MyShell(cmdln.Cmdln):
+ @cmdln.alias("!", "sh")
+ def do_shell(self, argv):
+ #...implement 'shell' command
+ """
+ def decorate(f):
+ if not hasattr(f, "aliases"):
+ f.aliases = []
+ f.aliases += aliases
+ return f
+ return decorate
+ (re.compile(r'(^|[ \t\[\'\|])--([^/ \t/,-]*)-([^/ \t/,-]*)-([^/ \t/,-]*)-([^/ \t/,-]*)-([^/ \t/,\|-]*)(?=$|[ \t=\]\'/,\|])'), r'\1\-\-\2\-\3\-\4\-\5\-\6'),
+ (re.compile(r'(^|[ \t\[\'\|])--([^/ \t/,-]*)-([^/ \t/,-]*)-([^/ \t/,-]*)-([^/ \t/,\|-]*)(?=$|[ \t=\]\'/,\|])'), r'\1\-\-\2\-\3\-\4\-\5'),
+ (re.compile(r'(^|[ \t\[\'\|])--([^/ \t/,-]*)-([^/ \t/,-]*)-([^/ \t/,\|-]*)(?=$|[ \t=\]\'/,\|])'), r'\1\-\-\2\-\3\-\4'),
+ (re.compile(r'(^|[ \t\[\'\|])-([^/ \t/,-]*)-([^/ \t/,-]*)-([^/ \t/,\|-]*)(?=$|[ \t=\]\'/,\|])'), r'\1\-\2\-\3\-\4'),
+ (re.compile(r'(^|[ \t\[\'\|])--([^/ \t/,-]*)-([^/ \t/,\|-]*)(?=$|[ \t=\]\'/,\|])'), r'\1\-\-\2\-\3'),
+ (re.compile(r'(^|[ \t\[\'\|])-([^/ \t/,-]*)-([^/ \t/,\|-]*)(?=$|[ \t=\]\'/,\|])'), r'\1\-\2\-\3'),
+ (re.compile(r'(^|[ \t\[\'\|])--([^/ \t/,\|-]*)(?=$|[ \t=\]\'/,\|])'), r'\1\-\-\2'),
+ (re.compile(r'(^|[ \t\[\'\|])-([^/ \t/,\|-]*)(?=$|[ \t=\]\'/,\|])'), r'\1\-\2'),
+ (re.compile(r"^'"), r" '"),
+ ]
+def man_escape(text):
+ '''
+ Escapes text to be included in man page.
+ For now it only escapes dashes in command line options.
+ '''
+ for repl in MAN_REPLACES:
+ text = repl[0].sub(repl[1], text)
+ return text
+class RawCmdln(cmd.Cmd):
+ """An improved (on cmd.Cmd) framework for building multi-subcommand
+ scripts (think "svn" & "cvs") and simple shells (think "pdb" and
+ "gdb").
+ A simple example:
+ import cmdln
+ class MySVN(cmdln.RawCmdln):
+ name = "svn"
+ @cmdln.aliases('stat', 'st')
+ def do_status(self, argv):
+ print "handle 'svn status' command"
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ shell = MySVN()
+ retval = shell.main()
+ sys.exit(retval)
+ See <http://trentm.com/projects/cmdln> for more information.
+ """
+ name = None # if unset, defaults basename(sys.argv[0])
+ prompt = None # if unset, defaults to self.name+"> "
+ version = None # if set, default top-level options include --version
+ # Default messages for some 'help' command error cases.
+ # They are interpolated with one arg: the command.
+ nohelp = "no help on '%s'"
+ unknowncmd = "unknown command: '%s'"
+ helpindent = '' # string with which to indent help output
+ # Default man page parts, please change them in subclass
+ man_header = MAN_HEADER
+ man_commands_header = MAN_COMMANDS_HEADER
+ man_options_header = MAN_OPTIONS_HEADER
+ man_footer = MAN_FOOTER
+ def __init__(self, completekey='tab',
+ stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
+ """Cmdln(completekey='tab', stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None)
+ The optional argument 'completekey' is the readline name of a
+ completion key; it defaults to the Tab key. If completekey is
+ not None and the readline module is available, command completion
+ is done automatically.
+ The optional arguments 'stdin', 'stdout' and 'stderr' specify
+ alternate input, output and error output file objects; if not
+ specified, sys.* are used.
+ If 'stdout' but not 'stderr' is specified, stdout is used for
+ error output. This is to provide least surprise for users used
+ to only the 'stdin' and 'stdout' options with cmd.Cmd.
+ """
+ import sys
+ if self.name is None:
+ self.name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ if self.prompt is None:
+ self.prompt = self.name+"> "
+ self._name_str = self._str(self.name)
+ self._prompt_str = self._str(self.prompt)
+ if stdin is not None:
+ self.stdin = stdin
+ else:
+ self.stdin = sys.stdin
+ if stdout is not None:
+ self.stdout = stdout
+ else:
+ self.stdout = sys.stdout
+ if stderr is not None:
+ self.stderr = stderr
+ elif stdout is not None:
+ self.stderr = stdout
+ else:
+ self.stderr = sys.stderr
+ self.cmdqueue = []
+ self.completekey = completekey
+ self.cmdlooping = False
+ def get_optparser(self):
+ """Hook for subclasses to set the option parser for the
+ top-level command/shell.
+ This option parser is used retrieved and used by `.main()' to
+ handle top-level options.
+ The default implements a single '-h|--help' option. Sub-classes
+ can return None to have no options at the top-level. Typically
+ an instance of CmdlnOptionParser should be returned.
+ """
+ version = (self.version is not None
+ and "%s %s" % (self._name_str, self.version)
+ or None)
+ return CmdlnOptionParser(self, version=version)
+ def get_version(self):
+ """
+ Returns version of program. To be replaced in subclass.
+ """
+ return __version__
+ def postoptparse(self):
+ """Hook method executed just after `.main()' parses top-level
+ options.
+ When called `self.values' holds the results of the option parse.
+ """
+ pass
+ def main(self, argv=None, loop=LOOP_NEVER):
+ """A possible mainline handler for a script, like so:
+ import cmdln
+ class MyCmd(cmdln.Cmdln):
+ name = "mycmd"
+ ...
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ MyCmd().main()
+ By default this will use sys.argv to issue a single command to
+ 'MyCmd', then exit. The 'loop' argument can be use to control
+ interactive shell behaviour.
+ Arguments:
+ "argv" (optional, default sys.argv) is the command to run.
+ It must be a sequence, where the first element is the
+ command name and subsequent elements the args for that
+ command.
+ "loop" (optional, default LOOP_NEVER) is a constant
+ indicating if a command loop should be started (i.e. an
+ interactive shell). Valid values (constants on this module):
+ LOOP_ALWAYS start loop and run "argv", if any
+ LOOP_NEVER run "argv" (or .emptyline()) and exit
+ LOOP_IF_EMPTY run "argv", if given, and exit;
+ otherwise, start loop
+ """
+ if argv is None:
+ import sys
+ argv = sys.argv
+ else:
+ argv = argv[:] # don't modify caller's list
+ self.optparser = self.get_optparser()
+ if self.optparser: # i.e. optparser=None means don't process for opts
+ try:
+ self.options, args = self.optparser.parse_args(argv[1:])
+ except CmdlnUserError, ex:
+ msg = "%s: %s\nTry '%s help' for info.\n"\
+ % (self.name, ex, self.name)
+ self.stderr.write(self._str(msg))
+ self.stderr.flush()
+ return 1
+ except StopOptionProcessing, ex:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ self.options, args = None, argv[1:]
+ self.postoptparse()
+ if loop == LOOP_ALWAYS:
+ if args:
+ self.cmdqueue.append(args)
+ return self.cmdloop()
+ elif loop == LOOP_NEVER:
+ if args:
+ return self.cmd(args)
+ else:
+ return self.emptyline()
+ elif loop == LOOP_IF_EMPTY:
+ if args:
+ return self.cmd(args)
+ else:
+ return self.cmdloop()
+ def cmd(self, argv):
+ """Run one command and exit.
+ "argv" is the arglist for the command to run. argv[0] is the
+ command to run. If argv is an empty list then the
+ 'emptyline' handler is run.
+ Returns the return value from the command handler.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(argv, (list, tuple)), \
+ "'argv' is not a sequence: %r" % argv
+ retval = None
+ try:
+ argv = self.precmd(argv)
+ retval = self.onecmd(argv)
+ self.postcmd(argv)
+ except:
+ if not self.cmdexc(argv):
+ raise
+ retval = 1
+ return retval
+ def _str(self, s):
+ """Safely convert the given str/unicode to a string for printing."""
+ try:
+ return str(s)
+ except UnicodeError:
+ #XXX What is the proper encoding to use here? 'utf-8' seems
+ # to work better than "getdefaultencoding" (usually
+ # 'ascii'), on OS X at least.
+ #import sys
+ #return s.encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), "replace")
+ return s.encode("utf-8", "replace")
+ def cmdloop(self, intro=None):
+ """Repeatedly issue a prompt, accept input, parse into an argv, and
+ dispatch (via .precmd(), .onecmd() and .postcmd()), passing them
+ the argv. In other words, start a shell.
+ "intro" (optional) is a introductory message to print when
+ starting the command loop. This overrides the class
+ "intro" attribute, if any.
+ """
+ self.cmdlooping = True
+ self.preloop()
+ if intro is None:
+ intro = self.intro
+ if intro:
+ intro_str = self._str(intro)
+ self.stdout.write(intro_str+'\n')
+ self.stop = False
+ retval = None
+ while not self.stop:
+ if self.cmdqueue:
+ argv = self.cmdqueue.pop(0)
+ assert isinstance(argv, (list, tuple)), \
+ "item on 'cmdqueue' is not a sequence: %r" % argv
+ else:
+ if self.use_rawinput:
+ try:
+ line = raw_input(self._prompt_str)
+ except EOFError:
+ line = 'EOF'
+ else:
+ self.stdout.write(self._prompt_str)
+ self.stdout.flush()
+ line = self.stdin.readline()
+ if not len(line):
+ line = 'EOF'
+ else:
+ line = line[:-1] # chop '\n'
+ argv = line2argv(line)
+ try:
+ argv = self.precmd(argv)
+ retval = self.onecmd(argv)
+ self.postcmd(argv)
+ except:
+ if not self.cmdexc(argv):
+ raise
+ retval = 1
+ self.lastretval = retval
+ self.postloop()
+ self.cmdlooping = False
+ return retval
+ def precmd(self, argv):
+ """Hook method executed just before the command argv is
+ interpreted, but after the input prompt is generated and issued.
+ "argv" is the cmd to run.
+ Returns an argv to run (i.e. this method can modify the command
+ to run).
+ """
+ return argv
+ def postcmd(self, argv):
+ """Hook method executed just after a command dispatch is finished.
+ "argv" is the command that was run.
+ """
+ pass
+ def cmdexc(self, argv):
+ """Called if an exception is raised in any of precmd(), onecmd(),
+ or postcmd(). If True is returned, the exception is deemed to have
+ been dealt with. Otherwise, the exception is re-raised.
+ The default implementation handles CmdlnUserError's, which
+ typically correspond to user error in calling commands (as
+ opposed to programmer error in the design of the script using
+ cmdln.py).
+ """
+ import sys
+ exc_type, exc, traceback = sys.exc_info()
+ if isinstance(exc, CmdlnUserError):
+ msg = "%s %s: %s\nTry '%s help %s' for info.\n"\
+ % (self.name, argv[0], exc, self.name, argv[0])
+ self.stderr.write(self._str(msg))
+ self.stderr.flush()
+ return True
+ def onecmd(self, argv):
+ if not argv:
+ return self.emptyline()
+ self.lastcmd = argv
+ cmdname = self._get_canonical_cmd_name(argv[0])
+ if cmdname:
+ handler = self._get_cmd_handler(cmdname)
+ if handler:
+ return self._dispatch_cmd(handler, argv)
+ return self.default(argv)
+ def _dispatch_cmd(self, handler, argv):
+ return handler(argv)
+ def default(self, argv):
+ """Hook called to handle a command for which there is no handler.
+ "argv" is the command and arguments to run.
+ The default implementation writes and error message to stderr
+ and returns an error exit status.
+ Returns a numeric command exit status.
+ """
+ errmsg = self._str(self.unknowncmd % (argv[0],))
+ if self.cmdlooping:
+ self.stderr.write(errmsg+"\n")
+ else:
+ self.stderr.write("%s: %s\nTry '%s help' for info.\n"
+ % (self._name_str, errmsg, self._name_str))
+ self.stderr.flush()
+ return 1
+ def parseline(self, line):
+ # This is used by Cmd.complete (readline completer function) to
+ # massage the current line buffer before completion processing.
+ # We override to drop special '!' handling.
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line:
+ return None, None, line
+ elif line[0] == '?':
+ line = 'help ' + line[1:]
+ i, n = 0, len(line)
+ while i < n and line[i] in self.identchars: i = i+1
+ cmd, arg = line[:i], line[i:].strip()
+ return cmd, arg, line
+ def helpdefault(self, cmd, known):
+ """Hook called to handle help on a command for which there is no
+ help handler.
+ "cmd" is the command name on which help was requested.
+ "known" is a boolean indicating if this command is known
+ (i.e. if there is a handler for it).
+ Returns a return code.
+ """
+ if known:
+ msg = self._str(self.nohelp % (cmd,))
+ if self.cmdlooping:
+ self.stderr.write(msg + '\n')
+ else:
+ self.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (self.name, msg))
+ else:
+ msg = self.unknowncmd % (cmd,)
+ if self.cmdlooping:
+ self.stderr.write(msg + '\n')
+ else:
+ self.stderr.write("%s: %s\n"
+ "Try '%s help' for info.\n"
+ % (self.name, msg, self.name))
+ self.stderr.flush()
+ return 1
+ def do_help(self, argv):
+ """${cmd_name}: give detailed help on a specific sub-command
+ usage:
+ ${name} help [SUBCOMMAND]
+ """
+ if len(argv) > 1: # asking for help on a particular command
+ doc = None
+ cmdname = self._get_canonical_cmd_name(argv[1]) or argv[1]
+ if not cmdname:
+ return self.helpdefault(argv[1], False)
+ else:
+ helpfunc = getattr(self, "help_"+cmdname, None)
+ if helpfunc:
+ doc = helpfunc()
+ else:
+ handler = self._get_cmd_handler(cmdname)
+ if handler:
+ doc = handler.__doc__
+ if doc is None:
+ return self.helpdefault(argv[1], handler != None)
+ else: # bare "help" command
+ doc = self.__class__.__doc__ # try class docstring
+ if doc is None:
+ # Try to provide some reasonable useful default help.
+ if self.cmdlooping: prefix = ""
+ else: prefix = self.name+' '
+ doc = """usage:
+ %shelp [SUBCOMMAND]
+ ${option_list}
+ ${command_list}
+ ${help_list}
+ """ % (prefix, prefix)
+ cmdname = None
+ if doc: # *do* have help content, massage and print that
+ doc = self._help_reindent(doc)
+ doc = self._help_preprocess(doc, cmdname)
+ doc = doc.rstrip() + '\n' # trim down trailing space
+ self.stdout.write(self._str(doc))
+ self.stdout.flush()
+ do_help.aliases = ["?"]
+ def do_man(self, argv):
+ """${cmd_name}: generates a man page
+ usage:
+ ${name} man
+ """
+ self.stdout.write(self.man_header % {
+ 'date': date.today().strftime('%b %Y'),
+ 'version': self.get_version(),
+ 'name': self.name,
+ 'ucname': self.name.upper()
+ }
+ )
+ self.stdout.write(self.man_commands_header)
+ commands = self._help_get_command_list()
+ for command, doc in commands:
+ cmdname = command.split(' ')[0]
+ text = self._help_preprocess(doc, cmdname)
+ lines = []
+ for line in text.splitlines(False):
+ if line[:8] == ' ' * 8:
+ line = line[8:]
+ lines.append(man_escape(line))
+ self.stdout.write('.TP\n\\fB%s\\fR\n%s\n' % (command, '\n'.join(lines)))
+ self.stdout.write(self.man_options_header)
+ self.stdout.write(man_escape(self._help_preprocess('${option_list}', None)))
+ self.stdout.write(self.man_footer)
+ self.stdout.flush()
+ def _help_reindent(self, help, indent=None):
+ """Hook to re-indent help strings before writing to stdout.
+ "help" is the help content to re-indent
+ "indent" is a string with which to indent each line of the
+ help content after normalizing. If unspecified or None
+ then the default is use: the 'self.helpindent' class
+ attribute. By default this is the empty string, i.e.
+ no indentation.
+ By default, all common leading whitespace is removed and then
+ the lot is indented by 'self.helpindent'. When calculating the
+ common leading whitespace the first line is ignored -- hence
+ help content for Conan can be written as follows and have the
+ expected indentation:
+ def do_crush(self, ...):
+ '''${cmd_name}: crush your enemies, see them driven before you...
+ c.f. Conan the Barbarian'''
+ """
+ if indent is None:
+ indent = self.helpindent
+ lines = help.splitlines(0)
+ _dedentlines(lines, skip_first_line=True)
+ lines = [(indent+line).rstrip() for line in lines]
+ return '\n'.join(lines)
+ def _help_preprocess(self, help, cmdname):
+ """Hook to preprocess a help string before writing to stdout.
+ "help" is the help string to process.
+ "cmdname" is the canonical sub-command name for which help
+ is being given, or None if the help is not specific to a
+ command.
+ By default the following template variables are interpolated in
+ help content. (Note: these are similar to Python 2.4's
+ string.Template interpolation but not quite.)
+ ${name}
+ The tool's/shell's name, i.e. 'self.name'.
+ ${option_list}
+ A formatted table of options for this shell/tool.
+ ${command_list}
+ A formatted table of available sub-commands.
+ ${help_list}
+ A formatted table of additional help topics (i.e. 'help_*'
+ methods with no matching 'do_*' method).
+ ${cmd_name}
+ The name (and aliases) for this sub-command formatted as:
+ "NAME (ALIAS1, ALIAS2, ...)".
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ A formatted usage block inferred from the command function
+ signature.
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ A formatted table of options for this sub-command. (This is
+ only available for commands using the optparse integration,
+ i.e. using @cmdln.option decorators or manually setting the
+ 'optparser' attribute on the 'do_*' method.)
+ Returns the processed help.
+ """
+ preprocessors = {
+ "${name}": self._help_preprocess_name,
+ "${option_list}": self._help_preprocess_option_list,
+ "${command_list}": self._help_preprocess_command_list,
+ "${help_list}": self._help_preprocess_help_list,
+ "${cmd_name}": self._help_preprocess_cmd_name,
+ "${cmd_usage}": self._help_preprocess_cmd_usage,
+ "${cmd_option_list}": self._help_preprocess_cmd_option_list,
+ }
+ for marker, preprocessor in preprocessors.items():
+ if marker in help:
+ help = preprocessor(help, cmdname)
+ return help
+ def _help_preprocess_name(self, help, cmdname=None):
+ return help.replace("${name}", self.name)
+ def _help_preprocess_option_list(self, help, cmdname=None):
+ marker = "${option_list}"
+ indent, indent_width = _get_indent(marker, help)
+ suffix = _get_trailing_whitespace(marker, help)
+ if self.optparser:
+ # Setup formatting options and format.
+ # - Indentation of 4 is better than optparse default of 2.
+ # C.f. Damian Conway's discussion of this in Perl Best
+ # Practices.
+ self.optparser.formatter.indent_increment = 4
+ self.optparser.formatter.current_indent = indent_width
+ block = self.optparser.format_option_help() + '\n'
+ else:
+ block = ""
+ help_msg = help.replace(indent+marker+suffix, block, 1)
+ return help_msg
+ def _help_get_command_list(self):
+ # Find any aliases for commands.
+ token2canonical = self._get_canonical_map()
+ aliases = {}
+ for token, cmdname in token2canonical.items():
+ if token == cmdname: continue
+ aliases.setdefault(cmdname, []).append(token)
+ # Get the list of (non-hidden) commands and their
+ # documentation, if any.
+ cmdnames = {} # use a dict to strip duplicates
+ for attr in self.get_names():
+ if attr.startswith("do_"):
+ cmdnames[attr[3:]] = True
+ cmdnames = cmdnames.keys()
+ cmdnames.sort()
+ linedata = []
+ for cmdname in cmdnames:
+ if aliases.get(cmdname):
+ a = aliases[cmdname]
+ a.sort()
+ cmdstr = "%s (%s)" % (cmdname, ", ".join(a))
+ else:
+ cmdstr = cmdname
+ doc = None
+ try:
+ helpfunc = getattr(self, 'help_'+cmdname)
+ except AttributeError:
+ handler = self._get_cmd_handler(cmdname)
+ if handler:
+ doc = handler.__doc__
+ else:
+ doc = helpfunc()
+ # Strip "${cmd_name}: " from the start of a command's doc. Best
+ # practice dictates that command help strings begin with this, but
+ # it isn't at all wanted for the command list.
+ to_strip = "${cmd_name}:"
+ if doc and doc.startswith(to_strip):
+ #log.debug("stripping %r from start of %s's help string",
+ # to_strip, cmdname)
+ doc = doc[len(to_strip):].lstrip()
+ if not getattr(self._get_cmd_handler(cmdname), "hidden", None):
+ linedata.append( (cmdstr, doc) )
+ return linedata
+ def _help_preprocess_command_list(self, help, cmdname=None):
+ marker = "${command_list}"
+ indent, indent_width = _get_indent(marker, help)
+ suffix = _get_trailing_whitespace(marker, help)
+ linedata = self._help_get_command_list()
+ if linedata:
+ subindent = indent + ' '*4
+ lines = _format_linedata(linedata, subindent, indent_width+4)
+ block = indent + "commands:\n" \
+ + '\n'.join(lines) + "\n\n"
+ help = help.replace(indent+marker+suffix, block, 1)
+ return help
+ def _help_preprocess_help_list(self, help, cmdname=None):
+ marker = "${help_list}"
+ indent, indent_width = _get_indent(marker, help)
+ suffix = _get_trailing_whitespace(marker, help)
+ # Determine the additional help topics, if any.
+ helpnames = {}
+ token2cmdname = self._get_canonical_map()
+ for attr in self.get_names():
+ if not attr.startswith("help_"): continue
+ helpname = attr[5:]
+ if helpname not in token2cmdname:
+ helpnames[helpname] = True
+ if helpnames:
+ helpnames = helpnames.keys()
+ helpnames.sort()
+ linedata = [(self.name+" help "+n, "") for n in helpnames]
+ subindent = indent + ' '*4
+ lines = _format_linedata(linedata, subindent, indent_width+4)
+ block = indent + "additional help topics:\n" \
+ + '\n'.join(lines) + "\n\n"
+ else:
+ block = ''
+ help_msg = help.replace(indent+marker+suffix, block, 1)
+ return help_msg
+ def _help_preprocess_cmd_name(self, help, cmdname=None):
+ marker = "${cmd_name}"
+ handler = self._get_cmd_handler(cmdname)
+ if not handler:
+ raise CmdlnError("cannot preprocess '%s' into help string: "
+ "could not find command handler for %r"
+ % (marker, cmdname))
+ s = cmdname
+ if hasattr(handler, "aliases"):
+ s += " (%s)" % (", ".join(handler.aliases))
+ help_msg = help.replace(marker, s)
+ return help_msg
+ #TODO: this only makes sense as part of the Cmdln class.
+ # Add hooks to add help preprocessing template vars and put
+ # this one on that class.
+ def _help_preprocess_cmd_usage(self, help, cmdname=None):
+ marker = "${cmd_usage}"
+ handler = self._get_cmd_handler(cmdname)
+ if not handler:
+ raise CmdlnError("cannot preprocess '%s' into help string: "
+ "could not find command handler for %r"
+ % (marker, cmdname))
+ indent, indent_width = _get_indent(marker, help)
+ suffix = _get_trailing_whitespace(marker, help)
+ # Extract the introspection bits we need.
+ func = handler.im_func
+ if func.func_defaults:
+ func_defaults = list(func.func_defaults)
+ else:
+ func_defaults = []
+ co_argcount = func.func_code.co_argcount
+ co_varnames = func.func_code.co_varnames
+ co_flags = func.func_code.co_flags
+ # Adjust argcount for possible *args and **kwargs arguments.
+ argcount = co_argcount
+ if co_flags & CO_FLAGS_ARGS: argcount += 1
+ if co_flags & CO_FLAGS_KWARGS: argcount += 1
+ # Determine the usage string.
+ usage = "%s %s" % (self.name, cmdname)
+ if argcount <= 2: # handler ::= do_FOO(self, argv)
+ usage += " [ARGS...]"
+ elif argcount >= 3: # handler ::= do_FOO(self, subcmd, opts, ...)
+ argnames = list(co_varnames[3:argcount])
+ tail = ""
+ if co_flags & CO_FLAGS_KWARGS:
+ name = argnames.pop(-1)
+ import warnings
+ # There is no generally accepted mechanism for passing
+ # keyword arguments from the command line. Could
+ # *perhaps* consider: arg=value arg2=value2 ...
+ warnings.warn("argument '**%s' on '%s.%s' command "
+ "handler will never get values"
+ % (name, self.__class__.__name__,
+ func.func_name))
+ if co_flags & CO_FLAGS_ARGS:
+ name = argnames.pop(-1)
+ tail = "[%s...]" % name.upper()
+ while func_defaults:
+ func_defaults.pop(-1)
+ name = argnames.pop(-1)
+ tail = "[%s%s%s]" % (name.upper(), (tail and ' ' or ''), tail)
+ while argnames:
+ name = argnames.pop(-1)
+ tail = "%s %s" % (name.upper(), tail)
+ usage += ' ' + tail
+ block_lines = [
+ self.helpindent + "Usage:",
+ self.helpindent + ' '*4 + usage
+ ]
+ block = '\n'.join(block_lines) + '\n\n'
+ help_msg = help.replace(indent+marker+suffix, block, 1)
+ return help_msg
+ #TODO: this only makes sense as part of the Cmdln class.
+ # Add hooks to add help preprocessing template vars and put
+ # this one on that class.
+ def _help_preprocess_cmd_option_list(self, help, cmdname=None):
+ marker = "${cmd_option_list}"
+ handler = self._get_cmd_handler(cmdname)
+ if not handler:
+ raise CmdlnError("cannot preprocess '%s' into help string: "
+ "could not find command handler for %r"
+ % (marker, cmdname))
+ indent, indent_width = _get_indent(marker, help)
+ suffix = _get_trailing_whitespace(marker, help)
+ if hasattr(handler, "optparser"):
+ # Setup formatting options and format.
+ # - Indentation of 4 is better than optparse default of 2.
+ # C.f. Damian Conway's discussion of this in Perl Best
+ # Practices.
+ handler.optparser.formatter.indent_increment = 4
+ handler.optparser.formatter.current_indent = indent_width
+ block = handler.optparser.format_option_help() + '\n'
+ else:
+ block = ""
+ help_msg = help.replace(indent+marker+suffix, block, 1)
+ return help_msg
+ def _get_canonical_cmd_name(self, token):
+ c_map = self._get_canonical_map()
+ return c_map.get(token, None)
+ def _get_canonical_map(self):
+ """Return a mapping of available command names and aliases to
+ their canonical command name.
+ """
+ cacheattr = "_token2canonical"
+ if not hasattr(self, cacheattr):
+ # Get the list of commands and their aliases, if any.
+ token2canonical = {}
+ cmd2funcname = {} # use a dict to strip duplicates
+ for attr in self.get_names():
+ if attr.startswith("do_"): cmdname = attr[3:]
+ elif attr.startswith("_do_"): cmdname = attr[4:]
+ else:
+ continue
+ cmd2funcname[cmdname] = attr
+ token2canonical[cmdname] = cmdname
+ for cmdname, funcname in cmd2funcname.items(): # add aliases
+ func = getattr(self, funcname)
+ aliases = getattr(func, "aliases", [])
+ for alias in aliases:
+ if alias in cmd2funcname:
+ import warnings
+ warnings.warn("'%s' alias for '%s' command conflicts "
+ "with '%s' handler"
+ % (alias, cmdname, cmd2funcname[alias]))
+ continue
+ token2canonical[alias] = cmdname
+ setattr(self, cacheattr, token2canonical)
+ return getattr(self, cacheattr)
+ def _get_cmd_handler(self, cmdname):
+ handler = None
+ try:
+ handler = getattr(self, 'do_' + cmdname)
+ except AttributeError:
+ try:
+ # Private command handlers begin with "_do_".
+ handler = getattr(self, '_do_' + cmdname)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ return handler
+ def _do_EOF(self, argv):
+ # Default EOF handler
+ # Note: an actual EOF is redirected to this command.
+ #TODO: separate name for this. Currently it is available from
+ # command-line. Is that okay?
+ self.stdout.write('\n')
+ self.stdout.flush()
+ self.stop = True
+ def emptyline(self):
+ # Different from cmd.Cmd: don't repeat the last command for an
+ # emptyline.
+ if self.cmdlooping:
+ pass
+ else:
+ return self.do_help(["help"])
+#---- optparse.py extension to fix (IMO) some deficiencies
+# See the class _OptionParserEx docstring for details.
+class StopOptionProcessing(Exception):
+ """Indicate that option *and argument* processing should stop
+ cleanly. This is not an error condition. It is similar in spirit to
+ StopIteration. This is raised by _OptionParserEx's default "help"
+ and "version" option actions and can be raised by custom option
+ callbacks too.
+ Hence the typical CmdlnOptionParser (a subclass of _OptionParserEx)
+ usage is:
+ parser = CmdlnOptionParser(mycmd)
+ parser.add_option("-f", "--force", dest="force")
+ ...
+ try:
+ opts, args = parser.parse_args()
+ except StopOptionProcessing:
+ # normal termination, "--help" was probably given
+ sys.exit(0)
+ """
+class _OptionParserEx(optparse.OptionParser):
+ """An optparse.OptionParser that uses exceptions instead of sys.exit.
+ This class is an extension of optparse.OptionParser that differs
+ as follows:
+ - Correct (IMO) the default OptionParser error handling to never
+ sys.exit(). Instead OptParseError exceptions are passed through.
+ - Add the StopOptionProcessing exception (a la StopIteration) to
+ indicate normal termination of option processing.
+ See StopOptionProcessing's docstring for details.
+ I'd also like to see the following in the core optparse.py, perhaps
+ as a RawOptionParser which would serve as a base class for the more
+ generally used OptionParser (that works as current):
+ - Remove the implicit addition of the -h|--help and --version
+ options. They can get in the way (e.g. if want '-?' and '-V' for
+ these as well) and it is not hard to do:
+ optparser.add_option("-h", "--help", action="help")
+ optparser.add_option("--version", action="version")
+ These are good practices, just not valid defaults if they can
+ get in the way.
+ """
+ def error(self, msg):
+ raise optparse.OptParseError(msg)
+ def exit(self, status=0, msg=None):
+ if status == 0:
+ raise StopOptionProcessing(msg)
+ else:
+ #TODO: don't lose status info here
+ raise optparse.OptParseError(msg)
+#---- optparse.py-based option processing support
+class CmdlnOptionParser(_OptionParserEx):
+ """An optparse.OptionParser class more appropriate for top-level
+ Cmdln options. For parsing of sub-command options, see
+ SubCmdOptionParser.
+ Changes:
+ - disable_interspersed_args() by default, because a Cmdln instance
+ has sub-commands which may themselves have options.
+ - Redirect print_help() to the Cmdln.do_help() which is better
+ equiped to handle the "help" action.
+ - error() will raise a CmdlnUserError: OptionParse.error() is meant
+ to be called for user errors. Raising a well-known error here can
+ make error handling clearer.
+ - Also see the changes in _OptionParserEx.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cmdln, **kwargs):
+ self.cmdln = cmdln
+ kwargs["prog"] = self.cmdln.name
+ _OptionParserEx.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+ self.disable_interspersed_args()
+ def print_help(self, file=None):
+ self.cmdln.onecmd(["help"])
+ def error(self, msg):
+ raise CmdlnUserError(msg)
+class SubCmdOptionParser(_OptionParserEx):
+ def set_cmdln_info(self, cmdln, subcmd):
+ """Called by Cmdln to pass relevant info about itself needed
+ for print_help().
+ """
+ self.cmdln = cmdln
+ self.subcmd = subcmd
+ def print_help(self, file=None):
+ self.cmdln.onecmd(["help", self.subcmd])
+ def error(self, msg):
+ raise CmdlnUserError(msg)
+def option(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Decorator to add an option to the optparser argument of a Cmdln
+ subcommand.
+ Example:
+ class MyShell(cmdln.Cmdln):
+ @cmdln.option("-f", "--force", help="force removal")
+ def do_remove(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ #...
+ """
+ #XXX Is there a possible optimization for many options to not have a
+ # large stack depth here?
+ def decorate(f):
+ if not hasattr(f, "optparser"):
+ f.optparser = SubCmdOptionParser()
+ f.optparser.add_option(*args, **kwargs)
+ return f
+ return decorate
+def hide(*args):
+ """For obsolete calls, hide them in help listings.
+ Example:
+ class MyShell(cmdln.Cmdln):
+ @cmdln.hide()
+ def do_shell(self, argv):
+ #...implement 'shell' command
+ """
+ def decorate(f):
+ f.hidden = 1
+ return f
+ return decorate
+class Cmdln(RawCmdln):
+ """An improved (on cmd.Cmd) framework for building multi-subcommand
+ scripts (think "svn" & "cvs") and simple shells (think "pdb" and
+ "gdb").
+ A simple example:
+ import cmdln
+ class MySVN(cmdln.Cmdln):
+ name = "svn"
+ @cmdln.aliases('stat', 'st')
+ @cmdln.option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true'
+ help='print verbose information')
+ def do_status(self, subcmd, opts, *paths):
+ print "handle 'svn status' command"
+ #...
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ shell = MySVN()
+ retval = shell.main()
+ sys.exit(retval)
+ 'Cmdln' extends 'RawCmdln' by providing optparse option processing
+ integration. See this class' _dispatch_cmd() docstring and
+ <http://trentm.com/projects/cmdln> for more information.
+ """
+ def _dispatch_cmd(self, handler, argv):
+ """Introspect sub-command handler signature to determine how to
+ dispatch the command. The raw handler provided by the base
+ 'RawCmdln' class is still supported:
+ def do_foo(self, argv):
+ # 'argv' is the vector of command line args, argv[0] is
+ # the command name itself (i.e. "foo" or an alias)
+ pass
+ In addition, if the handler has more than 2 arguments option
+ processing is automatically done (using optparse):
+ @cmdln.option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true')
+ def do_bar(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ # subcmd = <"bar" or an alias>
+ # opts = <an optparse.Values instance>
+ if opts.verbose:
+ print "lots of debugging output..."
+ # args = <tuple of arguments>
+ for arg in args:
+ bar(arg)
+ TODO: explain that "*args" can be other signatures as well.
+ The `cmdln.option` decorator corresponds to an `add_option()`
+ method call on an `optparse.OptionParser` instance.
+ You can declare a specific number of arguments:
+ @cmdln.option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true')
+ def do_bar2(self, subcmd, opts, bar_one, bar_two):
+ #...
+ and an appropriate error message will be raised/printed if the
+ command is called with a different number of args.
+ """
+ co_argcount = handler.im_func.func_code.co_argcount
+ if co_argcount == 2: # handler ::= do_foo(self, argv)
+ return handler(argv)
+ elif co_argcount >= 3: # handler ::= do_foo(self, subcmd, opts, ...)
+ try:
+ optparser = handler.optparser
+ except AttributeError:
+ optparser = handler.im_func.optparser = SubCmdOptionParser()
+ assert isinstance(optparser, SubCmdOptionParser)
+ optparser.set_cmdln_info(self, argv[0])
+ try:
+ opts, args = optparser.parse_args(argv[1:])
+ except StopOptionProcessing:
+ #TODO: this doesn't really fly for a replacement of
+ # optparse.py behaviour, does it?
+ return 0 # Normal command termination
+ try:
+ return handler(argv[0], opts, *args)
+ except TypeError, ex:
+ # Some TypeError's are user errors:
+ # do_foo() takes at least 4 arguments (3 given)
+ # do_foo() takes at most 5 arguments (6 given)
+ # do_foo() takes exactly 5 arguments (6 given)
+ # Raise CmdlnUserError for these with a suitably
+ # massaged error message.
+ import sys
+ tb = sys.exc_info()[2] # the traceback object
+ if tb.tb_next is not None:
+ # If the traceback is more than one level deep, then the
+ # TypeError do *not* happen on the "handler(...)" call
+ # above. In that we don't want to handle it specially
+ # here: it would falsely mask deeper code errors.
+ raise
+ msg = ex.args[0]
+ match = _INCORRECT_NUM_ARGS_RE.search(msg)
+ if match:
+ msg = list(match.groups())
+ msg[1] = int(msg[1]) - 3
+ if msg[1] == 1:
+ msg[2] = msg[2].replace("arguments", "argument")
+ msg[3] = int(msg[3]) - 3
+ msg = ''.join(map(str, msg))
+ raise CmdlnUserError(msg)
+ else:
+ raise
+ else:
+ raise CmdlnError("incorrect argcount for %s(): takes %d, must "
+ "take 2 for 'argv' signature or 3+ for 'opts' "
+ "signature" % (handler.__name__, co_argcount))
+#---- internal support functions
+def _format_linedata(linedata, indent, indent_width):
+ """Format specific linedata into a pleasant layout.
+ "linedata" is a list of 2-tuples of the form:
+ (<item-display-string>, <item-docstring>)
+ "indent" is a string to use for one level of indentation
+ "indent_width" is a number of columns by which the
+ formatted data will be indented when printed.
+ The <item-display-string> column is held to 15 columns.
+ """
+ lines = []
+ WIDTH = 78 - indent_width
+ NAME_WIDTH = min(max([len(s) for s,d in linedata]), MAX_NAME_WIDTH)
+ for namestr, doc in linedata:
+ line = indent + namestr
+ if len(namestr) <= NAME_WIDTH:
+ line += ' ' * (NAME_WIDTH + SPACING - len(namestr))
+ else:
+ lines.append(line)
+ line = indent + ' ' * (NAME_WIDTH + SPACING)
+ line += _summarize_doc(doc, DOC_WIDTH)
+ lines.append(line.rstrip())
+ return lines
+def _summarize_doc(doc, length=60):
+ r"""Parse out a short one line summary from the given doclines.
+ "doc" is the doc string to summarize.
+ "length" is the max length for the summary
+ >>> _summarize_doc("this function does this")
+ 'this function does this'
+ >>> _summarize_doc("this function does this", 10)
+ 'this fu...'
+ >>> _summarize_doc("this function does this\nand that")
+ 'this function does this and that'
+ >>> _summarize_doc("this function does this\n\nand that")
+ 'this function does this'
+ """
+ import re
+ if doc is None:
+ return ""
+ assert length > 3, "length <= 3 is absurdly short for a doc summary"
+ doclines = doc.strip().splitlines(0)
+ if not doclines:
+ return ""
+ summlines = []
+ for i, line in enumerate(doclines):
+ stripped = line.strip()
+ if not stripped:
+ break
+ summlines.append(stripped)
+ if len(''.join(summlines)) >= length:
+ break
+ summary = ' '.join(summlines)
+ if len(summary) > length:
+ summary = summary[:length-3] + "..."
+ return summary
+def line2argv(line):
+ r"""Parse the given line into an argument vector.
+ "line" is the line of input to parse.
+ This may get niggly when dealing with quoting and escaping. The
+ current state of this parsing may not be completely thorough/correct
+ in this respect.
+ >>> from cmdln import line2argv
+ >>> line2argv("foo")
+ ['foo']
+ >>> line2argv("foo bar")
+ ['foo', 'bar']
+ >>> line2argv("foo bar ")
+ ['foo', 'bar']
+ >>> line2argv(" foo bar")
+ ['foo', 'bar']
+ Quote handling:
+ >>> line2argv("'foo bar'")
+ ['foo bar']
+ >>> line2argv('"foo bar"')
+ ['foo bar']
+ >>> line2argv(r'"foo\"bar"')
+ ['foo"bar']
+ >>> line2argv("'foo bar' spam")
+ ['foo bar', 'spam']
+ >>> line2argv("'foo 'bar spam")
+ ['foo bar', 'spam']
+ >>> line2argv("'foo")
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: command line is not terminated: unfinished single-quoted segment
+ >>> line2argv('"foo')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: command line is not terminated: unfinished double-quoted segment
+ >>> line2argv('some\tsimple\ttests')
+ ['some', 'simple', 'tests']
+ >>> line2argv('a "more complex" test')
+ ['a', 'more complex', 'test']
+ >>> line2argv('a more="complex test of " quotes')
+ ['a', 'more=complex test of ', 'quotes']
+ >>> line2argv('a more" complex test of " quotes')
+ ['a', 'more complex test of ', 'quotes']
+ >>> line2argv('an "embedded \\"quote\\""')
+ ['an', 'embedded "quote"']
+ """
+ import string
+ line = line.strip()
+ argv = []
+ state = "default"
+ arg = None # the current argument being parsed
+ i = -1
+ while 1:
+ i += 1
+ if i >= len(line): break
+ ch = line[i]
+ if ch == "\\": # escaped char always added to arg, regardless of state
+ if arg is None: arg = ""
+ i += 1
+ arg += line[i]
+ continue
+ if state == "single-quoted":
+ if ch == "'":
+ state = "default"
+ else:
+ arg += ch
+ elif state == "double-quoted":
+ if ch == '"':
+ state = "default"
+ else:
+ arg += ch
+ elif state == "default":
+ if ch == '"':
+ if arg is None: arg = ""
+ state = "double-quoted"
+ elif ch == "'":
+ if arg is None: arg = ""
+ state = "single-quoted"
+ elif ch in string.whitespace:
+ if arg is not None:
+ argv.append(arg)
+ arg = None
+ else:
+ if arg is None: arg = ""
+ arg += ch
+ if arg is not None:
+ argv.append(arg)
+ if state != "default":
+ raise ValueError("command line is not terminated: unfinished %s "
+ "segment" % state)
+ return argv
+def argv2line(argv):
+ r"""Put together the given argument vector into a command line.
+ "argv" is the argument vector to process.
+ >>> from cmdln import argv2line
+ >>> argv2line(['foo'])
+ 'foo'
+ >>> argv2line(['foo', 'bar'])
+ 'foo bar'
+ >>> argv2line(['foo', 'bar baz'])
+ 'foo "bar baz"'
+ >>> argv2line(['foo"bar'])
+ 'foo"bar'
+ >>> print argv2line(['foo" bar'])
+ 'foo" bar'
+ >>> print argv2line(["foo' bar"])
+ "foo' bar"
+ >>> argv2line(["foo'bar"])
+ "foo'bar"
+ """
+ escapedArgs = []
+ for arg in argv:
+ if ' ' in arg and '"' not in arg:
+ arg = '"'+arg+'"'
+ elif ' ' in arg and "'" not in arg:
+ arg = "'"+arg+"'"
+ elif ' ' in arg:
+ arg = arg.replace('"', r'\"')
+ arg = '"'+arg+'"'
+ escapedArgs.append(arg)
+ return ' '.join(escapedArgs)
+# Recipe: dedent (0.1) in /Users/trentm/tm/recipes/cookbook
+def _dedentlines(lines, tabsize=8, skip_first_line=False):
+ """_dedentlines(lines, tabsize=8, skip_first_line=False) -> dedented lines
+ "lines" is a list of lines to dedent.
+ "tabsize" is the tab width to use for indent width calculations.
+ "skip_first_line" is a boolean indicating if the first line should
+ be skipped for calculating the indent width and for dedenting.
+ This is sometimes useful for docstrings and similar.
+ Same as dedent() except operates on a sequence of lines. Note: the
+ lines list is modified **in-place**.
+ """
+ DEBUG = False
+ if DEBUG:
+ print "dedent: dedent(..., tabsize=%d, skip_first_line=%r)"\
+ % (tabsize, skip_first_line)
+ indents = []
+ margin = None
+ for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+ if i == 0 and skip_first_line: continue
+ indent = 0
+ for ch in line:
+ if ch == ' ':
+ indent += 1
+ elif ch == '\t':
+ indent += tabsize - (indent % tabsize)
+ elif ch in '\r\n':
+ continue # skip all-whitespace lines
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ continue # skip all-whitespace lines
+ if DEBUG: print "dedent: indent=%d: %r" % (indent, line)
+ if margin is None:
+ margin = indent
+ else:
+ margin = min(margin, indent)
+ if DEBUG: print "dedent: margin=%r" % margin
+ if margin is not None and margin > 0:
+ for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+ if i == 0 and skip_first_line: continue
+ removed = 0
+ for j, ch in enumerate(line):
+ if ch == ' ':
+ removed += 1
+ elif ch == '\t':
+ removed += tabsize - (removed % tabsize)
+ elif ch in '\r\n':
+ if DEBUG: print "dedent: %r: EOL -> strip up to EOL" % line
+ lines[i] = lines[i][j:]
+ break
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("unexpected non-whitespace char %r in "
+ "line %r while removing %d-space margin"
+ % (ch, line, margin))
+ if DEBUG:
+ print "dedent: %r: %r -> removed %d/%d"\
+ % (line, ch, removed, margin)
+ if removed == margin:
+ lines[i] = lines[i][j+1:]
+ break
+ elif removed > margin:
+ lines[i] = ' '*(removed-margin) + lines[i][j+1:]
+ break
+ return lines
+def _dedent(text, tabsize=8, skip_first_line=False):
+ """_dedent(text, tabsize=8, skip_first_line=False) -> dedented text
+ "text" is the text to dedent.
+ "tabsize" is the tab width to use for indent width calculations.
+ "skip_first_line" is a boolean indicating if the first line should
+ be skipped for calculating the indent width and for dedenting.
+ This is sometimes useful for docstrings and similar.
+ textwrap.dedent(s), but don't expand tabs to spaces
+ """
+ lines = text.splitlines(1)
+ _dedentlines(lines, tabsize=tabsize, skip_first_line=skip_first_line)
+ return ''.join(lines)
+def _get_indent(marker, s, tab_width=8):
+ """_get_indent(marker, s, tab_width=8) ->
+ (<indentation-of-'marker'>, <indentation-width>)"""
+ # Figure out how much the marker is indented.
+ INDENT_CHARS = tuple(' \t')
+ start = s.index(marker)
+ i = start
+ while i > 0:
+ if s[i-1] not in INDENT_CHARS:
+ break
+ i -= 1
+ indent = s[i:start]
+ indent_width = 0
+ for ch in indent:
+ if ch == ' ':
+ indent_width += 1
+ elif ch == '\t':
+ indent_width += tab_width - (indent_width % tab_width)
+ return indent, indent_width
+def _get_trailing_whitespace(marker, s):
+ """Return the whitespace content trailing the given 'marker' in string 's',
+ up to and including a newline.
+ """
+ suffix = ''
+ start = s.index(marker) + len(marker)
+ i = start
+ while i < len(s):
+ if s[i] in ' \t':
+ suffix += s[i]
+ elif s[i] in '\r\n':
+ suffix += s[i]
+ if s[i] == '\r' and i+1 < len(s) and s[i+1] == '\n':
+ suffix += s[i+1]
+ break
+ else:
+ break
+ i += 1
+ return suffix
+# vim: sw=4 et
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Novell Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified
+# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
+# either version 2, or version 3 (at your option).
+import cmdln
+import conf
+import oscerr
+import sys
+import time
+import urlparse
+from optparse import SUPPRESS_HELP
+from core import *
+from util import safewriter
+MAN_HEADER = r""".TH %(ucname)s "1" "%(date)s" "%(name)s %(version)s" "User Commands"
+%(name)s \- openSUSE build service command-line tool.
+.B %(name)s
+.B %(name)s
+openSUSE build service command-line tool.
+MAN_FOOTER = r"""
+Type 'osc help <subcommand>' for more detailed help on a specific subcommand.
+For additional information, see
+ * http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Tutorial
+ * http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:OSC
+You can modify osc commands, or roll you own, via the plugin API:
+ * http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:OSC_plugins
+osc was written by several authors. This man page is automatically generated.
+class Osc(cmdln.Cmdln):
+ or: osc help SUBCOMMAND
+ openSUSE build service command-line tool.
+ Type 'osc help <subcommand>' for help on a specific subcommand.
+ ${command_list}
+ ${help_list}
+ global ${option_list}
+ For additional information, see
+ * http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Tutorial
+ * http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:OSC
+ You can modify osc commands, or roll you own, via the plugin API:
+ * http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:OSC_plugins
+ """
+ name = 'osc'
+ conf = None
+ man_header = MAN_HEADER
+ man_footer = MAN_FOOTER
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ cmdln.Cmdln.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ cmdln.Cmdln.do_help.aliases.append('h')
+ sys.stderr = safewriter.SafeWriter(sys.stderr)
+ sys.stdout = safewriter.SafeWriter(sys.stdout)
+ def get_version(self):
+ return get_osc_version()
+ def get_optparser(self):
+ """this is the parser for "global" options (not specific to subcommand)"""
+ optparser = cmdln.CmdlnOptionParser(self, version=get_osc_version())
+ optparser.add_option('--debugger', action='store_true',
+ help='jump into the debugger before executing anything')
+ optparser.add_option('--post-mortem', action='store_true',
+ help='jump into the debugger in case of errors')
+ optparser.add_option('-t', '--traceback', action='store_true',
+ help='print call trace in case of errors')
+ optparser.add_option('-H', '--http-debug', action='store_true',
+ help='debug HTTP traffic (filters some headers)')
+ optparser.add_option('--http-full-debug', action='store_true',
+ help='debug HTTP traffic (filters no headers)'),
+ optparser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true',
+ help='print info useful for debugging')
+ optparser.add_option('-A', '--apiurl', dest='apiurl',
+ metavar='URL/alias',
+ help='specify URL to access API server at or an alias')
+ optparser.add_option('-c', '--config', dest='conffile',
+ metavar='FILE',
+ help='specify alternate configuration file')
+ optparser.add_option('--no-keyring', action='store_true',
+ help='disable usage of desktop keyring system')
+ optparser.add_option('--no-gnome-keyring', action='store_true',
+ help='disable usage of GNOME Keyring')
+ optparser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='count', default=0,
+ help='increase verbosity')
+ optparser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='verbose', action='store_const', const=-1,
+ help='be quiet, not verbose')
+ return optparser
+ def postoptparse(self, try_again = True):
+ """merge commandline options into the config"""
+ try:
+ conf.get_config(override_conffile = self.options.conffile,
+ override_apiurl = self.options.apiurl,
+ override_debug = self.options.debug,
+ override_http_debug = self.options.http_debug,
+ override_http_full_debug = self.options.http_full_debug,
+ override_traceback = self.options.traceback,
+ override_post_mortem = self.options.post_mortem,
+ override_no_keyring = self.options.no_keyring,
+ override_no_gnome_keyring = self.options.no_gnome_keyring,
+ override_verbose = self.options.verbose)
+ except oscerr.NoConfigfile, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e.msg
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Creating osc configuration file %s ...' % e.file
+ import getpass
+ config = {}
+ config['user'] = raw_input('Username: ')
+ config['pass'] = getpass.getpass()
+ if self.options.no_keyring:
+ config['use_keyring'] = '0'
+ if self.options.no_gnome_keyring:
+ config['gnome_keyring'] = '0'
+ if self.options.apiurl:
+ config['apiurl'] = self.options.apiurl
+ conf.write_initial_config(e.file, config)
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'done'
+ if try_again: self.postoptparse(try_again = False)
+ except oscerr.ConfigMissingApiurl, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e.msg
+ import getpass
+ user = raw_input('Username: ')
+ passwd = getpass.getpass()
+ conf.add_section(e.file, e.url, user, passwd)
+ if try_again: self.postoptparse(try_again = False)
+ self.options.verbose = conf.config['verbose']
+ self.download_progress = None
+ if conf.config.get('show_download_progress', False):
+ from meter import TextMeter
+ self.download_progress = TextMeter(hide_finished=True)
+ def get_cmd_help(self, cmdname):
+ doc = self._get_cmd_handler(cmdname).__doc__
+ doc = self._help_reindent(doc)
+ doc = self._help_preprocess(doc, cmdname)
+ doc = doc.rstrip() + '\n' # trim down trailing space
+ return self._str(doc)
+ def get_api_url(self):
+ try:
+ localdir = os.getcwd()
+ except Exception, e:
+ ## check for Stale NFS file handle: '.'
+ try: os.stat('.')
+ except Exception, ee: e = ee
+ print >>sys.stderr, "os.getcwd() failed: ", e
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if (is_package_dir(localdir) or is_project_dir(localdir)) and not self.options.apiurl:
+ return store_read_apiurl(os.curdir)
+ else:
+ return conf.config['apiurl']
+ # overridden from class Cmdln() to use config variables in help texts
+ def _help_preprocess(self, help, cmdname):
+ help_msg = cmdln.Cmdln._help_preprocess(self, help, cmdname)
+ return help_msg % conf.config
+ def do_init(self, subcmd, opts, project, package=None):
+ """${cmd_name}: Initialize a directory as working copy
+ Initialize an existing directory to be a working copy of an
+ (already existing) buildservice project/package.
+ (This is the same as checking out a package and then copying sources
+ into the directory. It does NOT create a new package. To create a
+ package, use 'osc meta pkg ... ...')
+ You wouldn't normally use this command.
+ To get a working copy of a package (e.g. for building it or working on
+ it, you would normally use the checkout command. Use "osc help
+ checkout" to get help for it.
+ usage:
+ osc init PRJ
+ osc init PRJ PAC
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if not package:
+ Project.init_project(apiurl, os.curdir, project, conf.config['do_package_tracking'])
+ print 'Initializing %s (Project: %s)' % (os.curdir, project)
+ else:
+ Package.init_package(apiurl, project, package, os.curdir)
+ store_write_string(os.curdir, '_files', show_files_meta(apiurl, project, package) + '\n')
+ print 'Initializing %s (Project: %s, Package: %s)' % (os.curdir, project, package)
+ @cmdln.alias('ls')
+ @cmdln.alias('ll')
+ @cmdln.alias('lL')
+ @cmdln.alias('LL')
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--arch', metavar='ARCH',
+ help='specify architecture (only for binaries)')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--repo', metavar='REPO',
+ help='specify repository (only for binaries)')
+ @cmdln.option('-b', '--binaries', action='store_true',
+ help='list built binaries instead of sources')
+ @cmdln.option('-e', '--expand', action='store_true',
+ help='expand linked package (only for sources)')
+ @cmdln.option('-u', '--unexpand', action='store_true',
+ help='always work with unexpanded (source) packages')
+ @cmdln.option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
+ help='print extra information')
+ @cmdln.option('-l', '--long', action='store_true', dest='verbose',
+ help='print extra information')
+ @cmdln.option('-D', '--deleted', action='store_true',
+ help='show only the former deleted projects or packages')
+ @cmdln.option('-M', '--meta', action='store_true',
+ help='list meta data files')
+ @cmdln.option('-R', '--revision', metavar='REVISION',
+ help='specify revision (only for sources)')
+ def do_list(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: List sources or binaries on the server
+ Examples for listing sources:
+ ls # list all projects (deprecated)
+ ls / # list all projects
+ ls . # take PROJECT/PACKAGE from current dir.
+ ls PROJECT # list packages in a project
+ ls PROJECT PACKAGE # list source files of package of a project
+ ls PROJECT PACKAGE <file> # list <file> if this file exists
+ ls -v PROJECT PACKAGE # verbosely list source files of package
+ ls -l PROJECT PACKAGE # verbosely list source files of package
+ ll PROJECT PACKAGE # verbosely list source files of package
+ LL PROJECT PACKAGE # verbosely list source files of expanded link
+ With --verbose, the following fields will be shown for each item:
+ MD5 hash of file
+ Revision number of the last commit
+ Size (in bytes)
+ Date and time of the last commit
+ Examples for listing binaries:
+ ls -b PROJECT # list all binaries of a project
+ ls -b PROJECT -a ARCH # list ARCH binaries of a project
+ ls -b PROJECT -r REPO # list binaries in REPO
+ Usage:
+ ${cmd_name} [PROJECT [PACKAGE]]
+ ${cmd_name} -b [PROJECT [PACKAGE [REPO [ARCH]]]]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ if subcmd == 'll':
+ opts.verbose = True
+ if subcmd == 'lL' or subcmd == 'LL':
+ opts.verbose = True
+ opts.expand = True
+ project = None
+ package = None
+ fname = None
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ # For consistency with *all* other commands
+ # this lists what the server has in the current wd.
+ # CAUTION: 'osc ls -b' already works like this.
+ pass
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ project = args[0]
+ if project == '/': project = None
+ if project == '.':
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ if is_project_dir(cwd):
+ project = store_read_project(cwd)
+ elif is_package_dir(cwd):
+ project = store_read_project(cwd)
+ package = store_read_package(cwd)
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ package = args[1]
+ if opts.deleted:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs("Too many arguments when listing deleted packages")
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ if opts.deleted:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs("Too many arguments when listing deleted packages")
+ if opts.binaries:
+ if opts.repo:
+ if opts.repo != args[2]:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs("conflicting repos specified ('%s' vs '%s')"%(opts.repo, args[2]))
+ else:
+ opts.repo = args[2]
+ else:
+ fname = args[2]
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ if not opts.binaries:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments')
+ if opts.arch:
+ if opts.arch != args[3]:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs("conflicting archs specified ('%s' vs '%s')"%(opts.arch, args[3]))
+ else:
+ opts.arch = args[3]
+ if opts.binaries and opts.expand:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Sorry, --binaries and --expand are mutual exclusive.')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ # list binaries
+ if opts.binaries:
+ # ls -b toplevel doesn't make sense, so use info from
+ # current dir if available
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ if is_project_dir(cwd):
+ project = store_read_project(cwd)
+ elif is_package_dir(cwd):
+ project = store_read_project(cwd)
+ package = store_read_package(cwd)
+ if not project:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('There are no binaries to list above project level.')
+ if opts.revision:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Sorry, the --revision option is not supported for binaries.')
+ repos = []
+ if opts.repo and opts.arch:
+ repos.append(Repo(opts.repo, opts.arch))
+ elif opts.repo and not opts.arch:
+ repos = [repo for repo in get_repos_of_project(apiurl, project) if repo.name == opts.repo]
+ elif opts.arch and not opts.repo:
+ repos = [repo for repo in get_repos_of_project(apiurl, project) if repo.arch == opts.arch]
+ else:
+ repos = get_repos_of_project(apiurl, project)
+ results = []
+ for repo in repos:
+ results.append((repo, get_binarylist(apiurl, project, repo.name, repo.arch, package=package, verbose=opts.verbose)))
+ for result in results:
+ indent = ''
+ if len(results) > 1:
+ print '%s/%s' % (result[0].name, result[0].arch)
+ indent = ' '
+ if opts.verbose:
+ for f in result[1]:
+ print "%9d %s %-40s" % (f.size, shorttime(f.mtime), f.name)
+ else:
+ for f in result[1]:
+ print indent+f
+ # list sources
+ elif not opts.binaries:
+ if not args:
+ for prj in meta_get_project_list(apiurl, opts.deleted):
+ print prj
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ if opts.verbose:
+ if self.options.verbose:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Sorry, the --verbose option is not implemented for projects.'
+ if opts.expand:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Sorry, the --expand option is not implemented for projects.')
+ for pkg in meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, project, opts.deleted):
+ print pkg
+ elif len(args) == 2 or len(args) == 3:
+ link_seen = False
+ print_not_found = True
+ rev = opts.revision
+ for i in [ 1, 2 ]:
+ l = meta_get_filelist(apiurl,
+ project,
+ package,
+ verbose=opts.verbose,
+ expand=opts.expand,
+ meta=opts.meta,
+ revision=rev)
+ link_seen = '_link' in l
+ if opts.verbose:
+ out = [ '%s %7s %9d %s %s' % (i.md5, i.rev, i.size, shorttime(i.mtime), i.name) \
+ for i in l if not fname or fname == i.name ]
+ if len(out) > 0:
+ print_not_found = False
+ print '\n'.join(out)
+ elif fname:
+ if fname in l:
+ print fname
+ print_not_found = False
+ else:
+ print '\n'.join(l)
+ if opts.expand or opts.unexpand or not link_seen: break
+ m = show_files_meta(apiurl, project, package)
+ li = Linkinfo()
+ li.read(ET.fromstring(''.join(m)).find('linkinfo'))
+ if li.haserror():
+ raise oscerr.LinkExpandError(project, package, li.error)
+ project, package, rev = li.project, li.package, li.rev
+ if rev:
+ print '# -> %s %s (%s)' % (project, package, rev)
+ else:
+ print '# -> %s %s (latest)' % (project, package)
+ opts.expand = True
+ if fname and print_not_found:
+ print 'file \'%s\' does not exist' % fname
+ @cmdln.option('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
+ help='force generation of new patchinfo file, do not update existing one.')
+ def do_patchinfo(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Generate and edit a patchinfo file.
+ A patchinfo file describes the packages for an update and the kind of
+ problem it solves.
+ This command either creates a new _patchinfo or updates an existing one.
+ Examples:
+ osc patchinfo
+ osc patchinfo [PROJECT [PATCH_NAME]]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ project_dir = localdir = os.getcwd()
+ patchinfo = 'patchinfo'
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ if is_project_dir(localdir):
+ project = store_read_project(localdir)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ for p in meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, project):
+ if p.startswith("_patchinfo") or p.startswith("patchinfo"):
+ patchinfo = p
+ else:
+ if is_package_dir(localdir):
+ project = store_read_project(localdir)
+ patchinfo = store_read_package(localdir)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if not os.path.exists('_patchinfo'):
+ sys.exit('Current checked out package has no _patchinfo. Either call it from project level or specify patch name.')
+ else:
+ sys.exit('This command must be called in a checked out project or patchinfo package.')
+ else:
+ project = args[0]
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ patchinfo = args[1]
+ filelist = None
+ if patchinfo:
+ try:
+ filelist = meta_get_filelist(apiurl, project, patchinfo)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError:
+ pass
+ if opts.force or not filelist or not '_patchinfo' in filelist:
+ print "Creating new patchinfo..."
+ query='cmd=createpatchinfo&name=' + patchinfo
+ if opts.force:
+ query += "&force=1"
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project], query=query)
+ f = http_POST(url)
+ for p in meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, project):
+ if p.startswith("_patchinfo") or p.startswith("patchinfo"):
+ patchinfo = p
+ else:
+ print "Update existing _patchinfo file..."
+ query='cmd=updatepatchinfo'
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, patchinfo], query=query)
+ f = http_POST(url)
+ # Both conf.config['checkout_no_colon'] and conf.config['checkout_rooted']
+ # fool this test:
+ if is_package_dir(localdir):
+ pac = Package(localdir)
+ pac.update()
+ filename = "_patchinfo"
+ else:
+ checkout_package(apiurl, project, patchinfo, prj_dir=project_dir)
+ filename = project_dir + "/" + patchinfo + "/_patchinfo"
+ run_editor(filename)
+ @cmdln.alias('bsdevelproject')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--raw', action='store_true',
+ help='print raw xml snippet')
+ def do_develproject(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: print the bsdevelproject of a package
+ Examples:
+ osc develproject PRJ PKG
+ osc develproject
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ package = store_read_package(os.curdir)
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('need Project and Package')
+ devel = show_develproject(apiurl, project, package, opts.raw)
+ if devel is None:
+ print '\'%s/%s\' has no devel project' % (project, package)
+ elif opts.raw:
+ ET.dump(devel)
+ else:
+ print devel
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--attribute', metavar='ATTRIBUTE',
+ help='affect only a given attribute')
+ @cmdln.option('--attribute-defaults', action='store_true',
+ help='include defined attribute defaults')
+ @cmdln.option('--attribute-project', action='store_true',
+ help='include project values, if missing in packages ')
+ @cmdln.option('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
+ help='force the save operation, allows one to ignores some errors like depending repositories. For prj meta only.')
+ @cmdln.option('-F', '--file', metavar='FILE',
+ help='read metadata from FILE, instead of opening an editor. '
+ '\'-\' denotes standard input. ')
+ @cmdln.option('-e', '--edit', action='store_true',
+ help='edit metadata')
+ @cmdln.option('-c', '--create', action='store_true',
+ help='create attribute without values')
+ @cmdln.option('-R', '--remove-linking-repositories', action='store_true',
+ help='Try to remove also all repositories building against remove ones.')
+ @cmdln.option('-s', '--set', metavar='ATTRIBUTE_VALUES',
+ help='set attribute values')
+ @cmdln.option('--delete', action='store_true',
+ help='delete a pattern or attribute')
+ def do_meta(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Show meta information, or edit it
+ Show or edit build service metadata of type <prj|pkg|prjconf|user|pattern>.
+ This command displays metadata on buildservice objects like projects,
+ packages, or users. The type of metadata is specified by the word after
+ "meta", like e.g. "meta prj".
+ prj denotes metadata of a buildservice project.
+ prjconf denotes the (build) configuration of a project.
+ pkg denotes metadata of a buildservice package.
+ user denotes the metadata of a user.
+ pattern denotes installation patterns defined for a project.
+ To list patterns, use 'osc meta pattern PRJ'. An additional argument
+ will be the pattern file to view or edit.
+ With the --edit switch, the metadata can be edited. Per default, osc
+ opens the program specified by the environmental variable EDITOR with a
+ temporary file. Alternatively, content to be saved can be supplied via
+ the --file switch. If the argument is '-', input is taken from stdin:
+ osc meta prjconf home:user | sed ... | osc meta prjconf home:user -F -
+ When trying to edit a non-existing resource, it is created implicitly.
+ Examples:
+ osc meta prj PRJ
+ osc meta pkg PRJ PKG
+ osc meta pkg PRJ PKG -e
+ osc meta attribute PRJ [PKG [SUBPACKAGE]] [--attribute ATTRIBUTE] [--create|--delete|--set [value_list]]
+ Usage:
+ osc meta <prj|pkg|prjconf|user|pattern|attribute> ARGS...
+ osc meta <prj|pkg|prjconf|user|pattern|attribute> -e|--edit ARGS...
+ osc meta <prj|pkg|prjconf|user|pattern|attribute> -F|--file ARGS...
+ osc meta pattern --delete PRJ PATTERN
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ if not args or args[0] not in metatypes.keys():
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown meta type. Choose one of %s.' \
+ % ', '.join(metatypes))
+ cmd = args[0]
+ del args[0]
+ if cmd in ['pkg']:
+ min_args, max_args = 0, 2
+ elif cmd in ['pattern']:
+ min_args, max_args = 1, 2
+ elif cmd in ['attribute']:
+ min_args, max_args = 1, 3
+ elif cmd in ['prj', 'prjconf']:
+ min_args, max_args = 0, 1
+ else:
+ min_args, max_args = 1, 1
+ if len(args) < min_args:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
+ if len(args) > max_args:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ apiurl = store_read_apiurl(os.curdir)
+ # specific arguments
+ attributepath = []
+ if cmd in ['pkg', 'prj', 'prjconf' ]:
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ else:
+ project = args[0]
+ if cmd == 'pkg':
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ package = store_read_package(os.curdir)
+ else:
+ package = args[1]
+ elif cmd == 'attribute':
+ project = args[0]
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ package = args[1]
+ else:
+ package = None
+ if opts.attribute_project:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--attribute-project works only when also a package is given')
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ subpackage = args[2]
+ else:
+ subpackage = None
+ attributepath.append('source')
+ attributepath.append(project)
+ if package:
+ attributepath.append(package)
+ if subpackage:
+ attributepath.append(subpackage)
+ attributepath.append('_attribute')
+ elif cmd == 'user':
+ user = args[0]
+ elif cmd == 'pattern':
+ project = args[0]
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ pattern = args[1]
+ else:
+ pattern = None
+ # enforce pattern argument if needed
+ if opts.edit or opts.file:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('A pattern file argument is required.')
+ # show
+ if not opts.edit and not opts.file and not opts.delete and not opts.create and not opts.set:
+ if cmd == 'prj':
+ sys.stdout.write(''.join(show_project_meta(apiurl, project)))
+ elif cmd == 'pkg':
+ sys.stdout.write(''.join(show_package_meta(apiurl, project, package)))
+ elif cmd == 'attribute':
+ sys.stdout.write(''.join(show_attribute_meta(apiurl, project, package, subpackage, opts.attribute, opts.attribute_defaults, opts.attribute_project)))
+ elif cmd == 'prjconf':
+ sys.stdout.write(''.join(show_project_conf(apiurl, project)))
+ elif cmd == 'user':
+ r = get_user_meta(apiurl, user)
+ if r:
+ sys.stdout.write(''.join(r))
+ elif cmd == 'pattern':
+ if pattern:
+ r = show_pattern_meta(apiurl, project, pattern)
+ if r:
+ sys.stdout.write(''.join(r))
+ else:
+ r = show_pattern_metalist(apiurl, project)
+ if r:
+ sys.stdout.write('\n'.join(r) + '\n')
+ # edit
+ if opts.edit and not opts.file:
+ if cmd == 'prj':
+ edit_meta(metatype='prj',
+ edit=True,
+ force=opts.force,
+ remove_linking_repositories=opts.remove_linking_repositories,
+ path_args=quote_plus(project),
+ apiurl=apiurl,
+ template_args=({
+ 'name': project,
+ 'user': conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)}))
+ elif cmd == 'pkg':
+ edit_meta(metatype='pkg',
+ edit=True,
+ path_args=(quote_plus(project), quote_plus(package)),
+ apiurl=apiurl,
+ template_args=({
+ 'name': package,
+ 'user': conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)}))
+ elif cmd == 'prjconf':
+ edit_meta(metatype='prjconf',
+ edit=True,
+ path_args=quote_plus(project),
+ apiurl=apiurl,
+ template_args=None)
+ elif cmd == 'user':
+ edit_meta(metatype='user',
+ edit=True,
+ path_args=(quote_plus(user)),
+ apiurl=apiurl,
+ template_args=({'user': user}))
+ elif cmd == 'pattern':
+ edit_meta(metatype='pattern',
+ edit=True,
+ path_args=(project, pattern),
+ apiurl=apiurl,
+ template_args=None)
+ # create attribute entry
+ if (opts.create or opts.set) and cmd == 'attribute':
+ if not opts.attribute:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('no attribute given to create')
+ values = ''
+ if opts.set:
+ opts.set = opts.set.replace('&', '&').replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>')
+ for i in opts.set.split(','):
+ values += '<value>%s</value>' % i
+ aname = opts.attribute.split(":")
+ if len(aname) != 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Given attribute is not in "NAMESPACE:NAME" style')
+ d = '<attributes><attribute namespace=\'%s\' name=\'%s\' >%s</attribute></attributes>' % (aname[0], aname[1], values)
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, attributepath)
+ for data in streamfile(url, http_POST, data=d):
+ sys.stdout.write(data)
+ # upload file
+ if opts.file:
+ if opts.file == '-':
+ f = sys.stdin.read()
+ else:
+ try:
+ f = open(opts.file).read()
+ except:
+ sys.exit('could not open file \'%s\'.' % opts.file)
+ if cmd == 'prj':
+ edit_meta(metatype='prj',
+ data=f,
+ edit=opts.edit,
+ force=opts.force,
+ remove_linking_repositories=opts.remove_linking_repositories,
+ apiurl=apiurl,
+ path_args=quote_plus(project))
+ elif cmd == 'pkg':
+ edit_meta(metatype='pkg',
+ data=f,
+ edit=opts.edit,
+ apiurl=apiurl,
+ path_args=(quote_plus(project), quote_plus(package)))
+ elif cmd == 'prjconf':
+ edit_meta(metatype='prjconf',
+ data=f,
+ edit=opts.edit,
+ apiurl=apiurl,
+ path_args=quote_plus(project))
+ elif cmd == 'user':
+ edit_meta(metatype='user',
+ data=f,
+ edit=opts.edit,
+ apiurl=apiurl,
+ path_args=(quote_plus(user)))
+ elif cmd == 'pattern':
+ edit_meta(metatype='pattern',
+ data=f,
+ edit=opts.edit,
+ apiurl=apiurl,
+ path_args=(project, pattern))
+ # delete
+ if opts.delete:
+ path = metatypes[cmd]['path']
+ if cmd == 'pattern':
+ path = path % (project, pattern)
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, [path])
+ http_DELETE(u)
+ elif cmd == 'attribute':
+ if not opts.attribute:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('no attribute given to create')
+ attributepath.append(opts.attribute)
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, attributepath)
+ for data in streamfile(u, http_DELETE):
+ sys.stdout.write(data)
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('The --delete switch is only for pattern metadata or attributes.')
+ # TODO: rewrite and consolidate the current submitrequest/createrequest "mess"
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify message TEXT')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--revision', metavar='REV',
+ help='specify a certain source revision ID (the md5 sum) for the source package')
+ @cmdln.option('-s', '--supersede', metavar='SUPERSEDE',
+ help='Superseding another request by this one')
+ @cmdln.option('--nodevelproject', action='store_true',
+ help='do not follow a defined devel project ' \
+ '(primary project where a package is developed)')
+ @cmdln.option('--seperate-requests', action='store_true',
+ help='Create multiple request instead of a single one (when command is used for entire project)')
+ @cmdln.option('--cleanup', action='store_true',
+ help='remove package if submission gets accepted (default for home:<id>:branch projects)')
+ @cmdln.option('--no-cleanup', action='store_true',
+ help='never remove source package on accept, but update its content')
+ @cmdln.option('--no-update', action='store_true',
+ help='never touch source package on accept (will break source links)')
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--diff', action='store_true',
+ help='show diff only instead of creating the actual request')
+ @cmdln.option('--yes', action='store_true',
+ help='proceed without asking.')
+ @cmdln.alias("sr")
+ @cmdln.alias("submitreq")
+ @cmdln.alias("submitpac")
+ def do_submitrequest(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Create request to submit source into another Project
+ [See http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Collaboration for information
+ on this topic.]
+ See the "request" command for showing and modifing existing requests.
+ usage:
+ osc submitreq [OPTIONS]
+ osc submitreq [OPTIONS] DESTPRJ [DESTPKG]
+ osc submitpac ... is a shorthand for osc submitreq --cleanup ...
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if opts.cleanup and opts.no_cleanup:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('\'--cleanup\' and \'--no-cleanup\' are mutually exclusive')
+ src_update = conf.config['submitrequest_on_accept_action'] or None
+ # we should check here for home:<id>:branch and default to update, but that would require OBS 1.7 server
+ if subcmd == 'submitpac' and not opts.no_cleanup:
+ opts.cleanup = True;
+ if opts.cleanup:
+ src_update = "cleanup"
+ elif opts.no_cleanup:
+ src_update = "update"
+ elif opts.no_update:
+ src_update = "noupdate"
+ myreqs = []
+ if opts.supersede:
+ myreqs = [opts.supersede]
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ # remove this block later again
+ oldcmds = ['create', 'list', 'log', 'show', 'decline', 'accept', 'delete', 'revoke']
+ if args and args[0] in oldcmds:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "************************************************************************"
+ print >>sys.stderr, "* WARNING: It looks that you are using this command with a *"
+ print >>sys.stderr, "* deprecated syntax. *"
+ print >>sys.stderr, "* Please run \"osc sr --help\" and \"osc rq --help\" *"
+ print >>sys.stderr, "* to see the new syntax. *"
+ print >>sys.stderr, "************************************************************************"
+ if args[0] == 'create':
+ args.pop(0)
+ else:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if len(args) > 4:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ if len(args) == 2 and is_project_dir(os.getcwd()):
+ sys.exit('You can not specify a target package when submitting an entire project\n')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) < 2 and is_project_dir(os.getcwd()):
+ import cgi
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ sr_ids = []
+ # for single request
+ actionxml = ""
+ options_block=""
+ if src_update:
+ options_block="""<options><sourceupdate>%s</sourceupdate></options> """ % (src_update)
+ # loop via all packages for checking their state
+ for p in meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, project):
+ # get _link info from server, that knows about the local state ...
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, p])
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ target_project = None
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ target_project = args[0]
+ linkinfo = root.find('linkinfo')
+ if linkinfo == None:
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ print "Package ", p, " is not a source link and no target specified."
+ sys.exit("This is currently not supported.")
+ else:
+ if linkinfo.get('error'):
+ print "Package ", p, " is a broken source link."
+ sys.exit("Please fix this first")
+ t = linkinfo.get('project')
+ if t:
+ if target_project == None:
+ target_project = t
+ if len(root.findall('entry')) > 1: # This is not really correct, but should work mostly
+ # Real fix is to ask the api if sources are modificated
+ # but there is no such call yet.
+ print "Submitting package ", p
+ else:
+ print " Skipping not modified package ", p
+ next
+ else:
+ print "Skipping package ", p, " since it is a source link pointing inside the project."
+ next
+ serviceinfo = root.find('serviceinfo')
+ if serviceinfo != None:
+ if serviceinfo.get('code') != "succeeded":
+ print "Package ", p, " has a ", serviceinfo.get('code'), " source service"
+ sys.exit("Please fix this first")
+ if serviceinfo.get('error'):
+ print "Package ", p, " contains a failed source service."
+ sys.exit("Please fix this first")
+ # submitting this package
+ if opts.seperate_requests:
+ # create a single request
+ result = create_submit_request(apiurl, project, p)
+ if not result:
+ sys.exit("submit request creation failed")
+ sr_ids.append(result)
+ else:
+ s = """<action type="submit"> <source project="%s" package="%s" /> <target project="%s" package="%s" /> %s </action>""" % \
+ (project, p, t, p, options_block)
+ actionxml += s
+ if actionxml != "":
+ xml = """<request> %s <state name="new"/> <description>%s</description> </request> """ % \
+ (actionxml, cgi.escape(opts.message or ""))
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request'], query='cmd=create&addrevision=1')
+ f = http_POST(u, data=xml)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ sr_ids.append(root.get('id'))
+ print "Request created: ",
+ for i in sr_ids:
+ print i,
+ # was this project created by clone request ?
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, '_attribute', 'OBS:RequestCloned'])
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ value = root.findtext('attribute/value')
+ if value:
+ repl = ''
+ print '\n\nThere are already following submit request: %s.' % \
+ ', '.join([str(i) for i in myreqs ])
+ repl = raw_input('\nSupersede the old requests? (y/n) ')
+ if repl.lower() == 'y':
+ myreqs += [ value ]
+ if len(myreqs) > 0:
+ for req in myreqs:
+ change_request_state(apiurl, str(req), 'superseded',
+ 'superseded by %s' % result, result)
+ sys.exit('Successfully finished')
+ elif len(args) <= 2:
+ # try using the working copy at hand
+ p = findpacs(os.curdir)[0]
+ src_project = p.prjname
+ src_package = p.name
+ apiurl = p.apiurl
+ if len(args) == 0 and p.islink():
+ dst_project = p.linkinfo.project
+ dst_package = p.linkinfo.package
+ elif len(args) > 0:
+ dst_project = args[0]
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ dst_package = args[1]
+ else:
+ if p.islink():
+ dst_package = p.linkinfo.package
+ else:
+ dst_package = src_package
+ else:
+ sys.exit('Package \'%s\' is not a source link, so I cannot guess the submit target.\n'
+ 'Please provide it the target via commandline arguments.' % p.name)
+ modified = [i for i in p.filenamelist if not p.status(i) in (' ', '?', 'S')]
+ if len(modified) > 0:
+ print 'Your working copy has local modifications.'
+ repl = raw_input('Proceed without committing the local changes? (y|N) ')
+ if repl != 'y':
+ raise oscerr.UserAbort()
+ elif len(args) >= 3:
+ # get the arguments from the commandline
+ src_project, src_package, dst_project = args[0:3]
+ if len(args) == 4:
+ dst_package = args[3]
+ else:
+ dst_package = src_package
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Incorrect number of arguments.\n\n' \
+ + self.get_cmd_help('request'))
+ # check for running source service
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', src_project, src_package])
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ serviceinfo = root.find('serviceinfo')
+ if serviceinfo != None:
+ if serviceinfo.get('code') != "succeeded":
+ print "Package ", src_package, " has a ", serviceinfo.get('code'), " source service"
+ sys.exit("Please fix this first")
+ if serviceinfo.get('error'):
+ print "Package ", src_package, " contains a failed source service."
+ sys.exit("Please fix this first")
+ if not opts.nodevelproject:
+ devloc = None
+ try:
+ devloc = show_develproject(apiurl, dst_project, dst_package)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError:
+ print >>sys.stderr, """\
+Warning: failed to fetch meta data for '%s' package '%s' (new package?) """ \
+ % (dst_project, dst_package)
+ pass
+ if devloc and \
+ dst_project != devloc and \
+ src_project != devloc:
+ print """\
+A different project, %s, is defined as the place where development
+of the package %s primarily takes place.
+Please submit there instead, or use --nodevelproject to force direct submission.""" \
+ % (devloc, dst_package)
+ if not opts.diff:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ rev=opts.revision
+ if not rev:
+ # get _link info from server, that knows about the local state ...
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', src_project, src_package], query="expand=1")
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ linkinfo = root.find('linkinfo')
+ if linkinfo == None:
+ rev=root.get('rev')
+ else:
+ if linkinfo.get('project') != dst_project or linkinfo.get('package') != dst_package:
+ # the submit target is not link target. use merged md5sum references to avoid not mergable
+ # sources when multiple request from same source get created.
+ rev=root.get('srcmd5')
+ rdiff = None
+ if opts.diff or not opts.message:
+ try:
+ rdiff = 'old: %s/%s\nnew: %s/%s rev %s\n' %(dst_project, dst_package, src_project, src_package, rev)
+ rdiff += server_diff(apiurl,
+ dst_project, dst_package, None,
+ src_project, src_package, rev, True)
+ except:
+ rdiff = ''
+ if opts.diff:
+ run_pager(rdiff)
+ return
+ # Are there already requests to this package ?
+ reqs = get_exact_request_list(apiurl, src_project, dst_project, src_package, dst_package, req_type='submit', req_state=['new','review', 'declined'])
+ myreqs = [ i for i in reqs ]
+ user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)
+ repl = ''
+ if len(myreqs) > 0 and not opts.supersede:
+ print 'There are already following submit request: %s.' % \
+ ', '.join([i.reqid for i in myreqs ])
+ repl = raw_input('Supersede the old requests? (y/n/c) ')
+ if repl.lower() == 'c':
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Aborting'
+ raise oscerr.UserAbort()
+ if not opts.message:
+ difflines = []
+ doappend = False
+ changes_re = re.compile(r'^--- .*\.changes ')
+ for line in rdiff.split('\n'):
+ if line.startswith('--- '):
+ if changes_re.match(line):
+ doappend = True
+ else:
+ doappend = False
+ if doappend:
+ difflines.append(line)
+ opts.message = edit_message(footer=rdiff, template='\n'.join(parse_diff_for_commit_message('\n'.join(difflines))))
+ result = create_submit_request(apiurl,
+ src_project, src_package,
+ dst_project, dst_package,
+ opts.message, orev=rev, src_update=src_update)
+ if repl.lower() == 'y':
+ for req in myreqs:
+ change_request_state(apiurl, req.reqid, 'superseded',
+ 'superseded by %s' % result, result)
+ if opts.supersede:
+ change_request_state(apiurl, opts.supersede, 'superseded',
+ opts.message or '', result)
+ print 'created request id', result
+ def _actionparser(self, opt_str, value, parser):
+ value = []
+ if not hasattr(parser.values, 'actiondata'):
+ setattr(parser.values, 'actiondata', [])
+ if parser.values.actions == None:
+ parser.values.actions = []
+ rargs = parser.rargs
+ while rargs:
+ arg = rargs[0]
+ if ((arg[:2] == "--" and len(arg) > 2) or
+ (arg[:1] == "-" and len(arg) > 1 and arg[1] != "-")):
+ break
+ else:
+ value.append(arg)
+ del rargs[0]
+ parser.values.actions.append(value[0])
+ del value[0]
+ parser.values.actiondata.append(value)
+ def _submit_request(self, args, opts, options_block):
+ actionxml=""
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) == 0 and is_project_dir(os.getcwd()):
+ # submit requests for multiple packages are currently handled via multiple requests
+ # They could be also one request with multiple actions, but that avoids to accepts parts of it.
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ pi = []
+ pac = []
+ targetprojects = []
+ rdiffmsg = []
+ # loop via all packages for checking their state
+ for p in meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, project):
+ if p.startswith("_patchinfo:"):
+ pi.append(p)
+ else:
+ # get _link info from server, that knows about the local state ...
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, p])
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ linkinfo = root.find('linkinfo')
+ if linkinfo == None:
+ print "Package ", p, " is not a source link."
+ sys.exit("This is currently not supported.")
+ if linkinfo.get('error'):
+ print "Package ", p, " is a broken source link."
+ sys.exit("Please fix this first")
+ t = linkinfo.get('project')
+ if t:
+ rdiff = ''
+ try:
+ rdiff = server_diff(apiurl, t, p, opts.revision, project, p, None, True)
+ except:
+ rdiff = ''
+ if rdiff != '':
+ targetprojects.append(t)
+ pac.append(p)
+ rdiffmsg.append("old: %s/%s\nnew: %s/%s\n%s" %(t, p, project, p,rdiff))
+ else:
+ print "Skipping package ", p, " since it has no difference with the target package."
+ else:
+ print "Skipping package ", p, " since it is a source link pointing inside the project."
+ if opts.diff:
+ print ''.join(rdiffmsg)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if not opts.yes:
+ if pi:
+ print "Submitting patchinfo ", ', '.join(pi), " to ", ', '.join(targetprojects)
+ print "\nEverything fine? Can we create the requests ? [y/n]"
+ if sys.stdin.read(1) != "y":
+ sys.exit("Aborted...")
+ # loop via all packages to do the action
+ for p in pac:
+ s = """<action type="submit"> <source project="%s" package="%s" rev="%s"/> <target project="%s" package="%s"/> %s </action>""" % \
+ (project, p, opts.revision or show_upstream_rev(apiurl, project, p), t, p, options_block)
+ actionxml += s
+ # create submit requests for all found patchinfos
+ for p in pi:
+ for t in targetprojects:
+ s = """<action type="submit"> <source project="%s" package="%s" /> <target project="%s" package="%s" /> %s </action>""" % \
+ (project, p, t, p, options_block)
+ actionxml += s
+ return actionxml
+ elif len(args) <= 2:
+ # try using the working copy at hand
+ p = findpacs(os.curdir)[0]
+ src_project = p.prjname
+ src_package = p.name
+ if len(args) == 0 and p.islink():
+ dst_project = p.linkinfo.project
+ dst_package = p.linkinfo.package
+ elif len(args) > 0:
+ dst_project = args[0]
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ dst_package = args[1]
+ else:
+ dst_package = src_package
+ else:
+ sys.exit('Package \'%s\' is not a source link, so I cannot guess the submit target.\n'
+ 'Please provide it the target via commandline arguments.' % p.name)
+ modified = [i for i in p.filenamelist if p.status(i) != ' ' and p.status(i) != '?']
+ if len(modified) > 0:
+ print 'Your working copy has local modifications.'
+ repl = raw_input('Proceed without committing the local changes? (y|N) ')
+ if repl != 'y':
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif len(args) >= 3:
+ # get the arguments from the commandline
+ src_project, src_package, dst_project = args[0:3]
+ if len(args) == 4:
+ dst_package = args[3]
+ else:
+ dst_package = src_package
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Incorrect number of arguments.\n\n' \
+ + self.get_cmd_help('request'))
+ if not opts.nodevelproject:
+ devloc = None
+ try:
+ devloc = show_develproject(apiurl, dst_project, dst_package)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError:
+ print >>sys.stderr, """\
+Warning: failed to fetch meta data for '%s' package '%s' (new package?) """ \
+ % (dst_project, dst_package)
+ pass
+ if devloc and \
+ dst_project != devloc and \
+ src_project != devloc:
+ print """\
+A different project, %s, is defined as the place where development
+of the package %s primarily takes place.
+Please submit there instead, or use --nodevelproject to force direct submission.""" \
+ % (devloc, dst_package)
+ if not opts.diff:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ rdiff = None
+ if opts.diff:
+ try:
+ rdiff = 'old: %s/%s\nnew: %s/%s\n' %(dst_project, dst_package, src_project, src_package)
+ rdiff += server_diff(apiurl,
+ dst_project, dst_package, opts.revision,
+ src_project, src_package, None, True)
+ except:
+ rdiff = ''
+ if opts.diff:
+ run_pager(rdiff)
+ else:
+ reqs = get_request_list(apiurl, dst_project, dst_package, req_type='submit', req_state=['new','review'])
+ user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)
+ myreqs = [ i for i in reqs if i.state.who == user ]
+ repl = ''
+ if len(myreqs) > 0:
+ print 'You already created the following submit request: %s.' % \
+ ', '.join([i.reqid for i in myreqs ])
+ repl = raw_input('Supersede the old requests? (y/n/c) ')
+ if repl.lower() == 'c':
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Aborting'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ actionxml = """<action type="submit"> <source project="%s" package="%s" rev="%s"/> <target project="%s" package="%s"/> %s </action>""" % \
+ (src_project, src_package, opts.revision or show_upstream_rev(apiurl, src_project, src_package), dst_project, dst_package, options_block)
+ if repl.lower() == 'y':
+ for req in myreqs:
+ change_request_state(apiurl, req.reqid, 'superseded',
+ 'superseded by %s' % result, result)
+ if opts.supersede:
+ change_request_state(apiurl, opts.supersede, 'superseded', '', result)
+ #print 'created request id', result
+ return actionxml
+ def _delete_request(self, args, opts):
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Please specify at least a project.')
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ package = ""
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ package = """package="%s" """ % (args[1])
+ actionxml = """<action type="delete"> <target project="%s" %s/> </action> """ % (args[0], package)
+ return actionxml
+ def _changedevel_request(self, args, opts):
+ if len(args) > 4:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ if len(args) == 0 and is_package_dir('.') and find_default_project():
+ wd = os.curdir
+ devel_project = store_read_project(wd)
+ devel_package = package = store_read_package(wd)
+ project = find_default_project(self.get_api_url(), package)
+ else:
+ if len(args) < 3:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
+ devel_project = args[2]
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ devel_package = package
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ devel_package = args[3]
+ actionxml = """ <action type="change_devel"> <source project="%s" package="%s" /> <target project="%s" package="%s" /> </action> """ % \
+ (devel_project, devel_package, project, package)
+ return actionxml
+ def _add_me(self, args, opts):
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)
+ role = args[0]
+ project = args[1]
+ actionxml = """ <action type="add_role"> <target project="%s" /> <person name="%s" role="%s" /> </action> """ % \
+ (project, user, role)
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ package = args[2]
+ actionxml = """ <action type="add_role"> <target project="%s" package="%s" /> <person name="%s" role="%s" /> </action> """ % \
+ (project, package, user, role)
+ if get_user_meta(apiurl, user) == None:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('osc: an error occured.')
+ return actionxml
+ def _add_user(self, args, opts):
+ if len(args) > 4:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ if len(args) < 3:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ user = args[0]
+ role = args[1]
+ project = args[2]
+ actionxml = """ <action type="add_role"> <target project="%s" /> <person name="%s" role="%s" /> </action> """ % \
+ (project, user, role)
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ package = args[3]
+ actionxml = """ <action type="add_role"> <target project="%s" package="%s" /> <person name="%s" role="%s" /> </action> """ % \
+ (project, package, user, role)
+ if get_user_meta(apiurl, user) == None:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('osc: an error occured.')
+ return actionxml
+ def _add_group(self, args, opts):
+ if len(args) > 4:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ if len(args) < 3:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ group = args[0]
+ role = args[1]
+ project = args[2]
+ actionxml = """ <action type="add_role"> <target project="%s" /> <group name="%s" role="%s" /> </action> """ % \
+ (project, group, role)
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ package = args[3]
+ actionxml = """ <action type="add_role"> <target project="%s" package="%s" /> <group name="%s" role="%s" /> </action> """ % \
+ (project, package, group, role)
+ if get_group(apiurl, group) == None:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('osc: an error occured.')
+ return actionxml
+ def _set_bugowner(self, args, opts):
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ user = args[0]
+ project = args[1]
+ package = ""
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ package = """package="%s" """ % (args[2])
+ if get_user_meta(apiurl, user) == None:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('osc: an error occured.')
+ actionxml = """ <action type="set_bugowner"> <target project="%s" %s /> <person name="%s" /> </action> """ % \
+ (project, package, user)
+ return actionxml
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--action', action='callback', callback = _actionparser,dest = 'actions',
+ help='specify action type of a request, can be : submit/delete/change_devel/add_role/set_bugowner')
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify message TEXT')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--revision', metavar='REV',
+ help='for "create", specify a certain source revision ID (the md5 sum)')
+ @cmdln.option('-s', '--supersede', metavar='SUPERSEDE',
+ help='Superseding another request by this one')
+ @cmdln.option('--nodevelproject', action='store_true',
+ help='do not follow a defined devel project ' \
+ '(primary project where a package is developed)')
+ @cmdln.option('--cleanup', action='store_true',
+ help='remove package if submission gets accepted (default for home:<id>:branch projects)')
+ @cmdln.option('--no-cleanup', action='store_true',
+ help='never remove source package on accept, but update its content')
+ @cmdln.option('--no-update', action='store_true',
+ help='never touch source package on accept (will break source links)')
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--diff', action='store_true',
+ help='show diff only instead of creating the actual request')
+ @cmdln.option('--yes', action='store_true',
+ help='proceed without asking.')
+ @cmdln.alias("creq")
+ def do_createrequest(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: create multiple requests with a single command
+ usage:
+ osc creq [OPTIONS] [
+ -a delete PROJECT [PACKAGE]
+ -a set_bugowner USER PROJECT [PACKAGE]
+ ]
+ Option -m works for all types of request, the rest work only for submit.
+ example:
+ osc creq -a submit -a delete home:someone:branches:openSUSE:Tools -a change_devel openSUSE:Tools osc home:someone:branches:openSUSE:Tools -m ok
+ This will submit all modified packages under current directory, delete project home:someone:branches:openSUSE:Tools and change the devel project to home:someone:branches:openSUSE:Tools for package osc in project openSUSE:Tools.
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ src_update = conf.config['submitrequest_on_accept_action'] or None
+ # we should check here for home:<id>:branch and default to update, but that would require OBS 1.7 server
+ if opts.cleanup:
+ src_update = "cleanup"
+ elif opts.no_cleanup:
+ src_update = "update"
+ elif opts.no_update:
+ src_update = "noupdate"
+ options_block=""
+ if src_update:
+ options_block="""<options><sourceupdate>%s</sourceupdate></options> """ % (src_update)
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ i = 0
+ actionsxml = ""
+ for ai in opts.actions:
+ if ai == 'submit':
+ args = opts.actiondata[i]
+ i = i+1
+ actionsxml += self._submit_request(args,opts, options_block)
+ elif ai == 'delete':
+ args = opts.actiondata[i]
+ actionsxml += self._delete_request(args,opts)
+ i = i+1
+ elif ai == 'change_devel':
+ args = opts.actiondata[i]
+ actionsxml += self._changedevel_request(args,opts)
+ i = i+1
+ elif ai == 'add_me':
+ args = opts.actiondata[i]
+ actionsxml += self._add_me(args,opts)
+ i = i+1
+ elif ai == 'add_group':
+ args = opts.actiondata[i]
+ actionsxml += self._add_group(args,opts)
+ i = i+1
+ elif ai == 'add_role':
+ args = opts.actiondata[i]
+ actionsxml += self._add_user(args,opts)
+ i = i+1
+ elif ai == 'set_bugowner':
+ args = opts.actiondata[i]
+ actionsxml += self._set_bugowner(args,opts)
+ i = i+1
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unsupported action %s' % ai)
+ if actionsxml == "":
+ sys.exit('No actions need to be taken.')
+ if not opts.message:
+ opts.message = edit_message()
+ import cgi
+ xml = """<request> %s <state name="new"/> <description>%s</description> </request> """ % \
+ (actionsxml, cgi.escape(opts.message or ""))
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request'], query='cmd=create')
+ f = http_POST(u, data=xml)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ return root.get('id')
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify message TEXT')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--role', metavar='role',
+ help='specify user role (default: maintainer)')
+ @cmdln.alias("reqbugownership")
+ @cmdln.alias("requestbugownership")
+ @cmdln.alias("reqmaintainership")
+ @cmdln.alias("reqms")
+ @cmdln.alias("reqbs")
+ def do_requestmaintainership(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: requests to add user as maintainer or bugowner
+ usage:
+ osc requestmaintainership # for current user in checked out package
+ osc requestmaintainership USER # for specified user in checked out package
+ osc requestmaintainership PROJECT PACKAGE # for current user
+ osc requestmaintainership PROJECT PACKAGE USER # request for specified user
+ osc requestbugownership ... # accepts same parameters but uses bugowner role
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ import cgi
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)
+ elif len(args) == 3:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ user = args[2]
+ elif len(args) < 2 and is_package_dir(os.curdir):
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ package = store_read_package(os.curdir)
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)
+ else:
+ user = args[0]
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments.')
+ role = 'maintainer'
+ if subcmd in ( 'reqbugownership', 'requestbugownership', 'reqbs' ):
+ role = 'bugowner'
+ if opts.role:
+ role = opts.role
+ if not role in ('maintainer', 'bugowner'):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('invalid \'--role\': either specify \'maintainer\' or \'bugowner\'')
+ if not opts.message:
+ opts.message = edit_message()
+ r = Request()
+ if role == 'bugowner':
+ r.add_action('set_bugowner', tgt_project=project, tgt_package=package,
+ person_name=user)
+ else:
+ r.add_action('add_role', tgt_project=project, tgt_package=package,
+ person_name=user, person_role=role)
+ r.description = cgi.escape(opts.message or '')
+ r.create(apiurl)
+ print r.reqid
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify message TEXT')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--repository', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify message TEXT')
+ @cmdln.alias("dr")
+ @cmdln.alias("dropreq")
+ @cmdln.alias("droprequest")
+ @cmdln.alias("deletereq")
+ def do_deleterequest(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Request to delete (or 'drop') a package or project
+ usage:
+ osc deletereq [-m TEXT] # works in checked out project/package
+ osc deletereq [-m TEXT] PROJECT [PACKAGE]
+ osc deletereq [-m TEXT] PROJECT [--repository REPOSITORY]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ import cgi
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ project = None
+ package = None
+ repository = None
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ project = args[0]
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ elif is_project_dir(os.getcwd()):
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ elif is_package_dir(os.getcwd()):
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ package = store_read_package(os.curdir)
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Please specify at least a project.')
+ if opts.repository:
+ repository = opts.repository
+ if not opts.message:
+ import textwrap
+ if package is not None:
+ footer=textwrap.TextWrapper(width = 66).fill(
+ 'please explain why you like to delete package %s of project %s'
+ % (package,project))
+ else:
+ footer=textwrap.TextWrapper(width = 66).fill(
+ 'please explain why you like to delete project %s' % project)
+ opts.message = edit_message(footer)
+ r = Request()
+ r.add_action('delete', tgt_project=project, tgt_package=package, tgt_repository=repository)
+ r.description = cgi.escape(opts.message)
+ r.create(self.get_api_url())
+ print r.reqid
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify message TEXT')
+ @cmdln.alias("cr")
+ @cmdln.alias("changedevelreq")
+ def do_changedevelrequest(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Create request to change the devel package definition.
+ [See http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Collaboration
+ for information on this topic.]
+ See the "request" command for showing and modifing existing requests.
+ """
+ import cgi
+ if len(args) == 0 and is_package_dir('.') and find_default_project():
+ wd = os.curdir
+ devel_project = store_read_project(wd)
+ devel_package = package = store_read_package(wd)
+ project = find_default_project(self.get_api_url(), package)
+ elif len(args) < 3:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
+ elif len(args) > 4:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ else:
+ devel_project = args[2]
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ devel_package = package
+ if len(args) == 4:
+ devel_package = args[3]
+ if not opts.message:
+ import textwrap
+ footer=textwrap.TextWrapper(width = 66).fill(
+ 'please explain why you like to change the devel project of %s/%s to %s/%s'
+ % (project,package,devel_project,devel_package))
+ opts.message = edit_message(footer)
+ r = Request()
+ r.add_action('change_devel', src_project=devel_project, src_package=devel_package,
+ tgt_project=project, tgt_package=package)
+ r.description = cgi.escape(opts.message)
+ r.create(self.get_api_url())
+ print r.reqid
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--diff', action='store_true',
+ help='generate a diff')
+ @cmdln.option('-u', '--unified', action='store_true',
+ help='output the diff in the unified diff format')
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify message TEXT')
+ @cmdln.option('-t', '--type', metavar='TYPE',
+ help='limit to requests which contain a given action type (submit/delete/change_devel)')
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--all', action='store_true',
+ help='all states. Same as\'-s all\'')
+ @cmdln.option('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
+ help='enforce state change, can be used to ignore open reviews')
+ @cmdln.option('-s', '--state', default='', # default is 'all' if no args given, 'declined,new,review' otherwise
+ help='only list requests in one of the comma separated given states (new/review/accepted/revoked/declined) or "all" [default="declined,new,review", or "all", if no args given]')
+ @cmdln.option('-D', '--days', metavar='DAYS',
+ help='only list requests in state "new" or changed in the last DAYS. [default=%(request_list_days)s]')
+ @cmdln.option('-U', '--user', metavar='USER',
+ help='requests or reviews limited for the specified USER')
+ @cmdln.option('-G', '--group', metavar='GROUP',
+ help='requests or reviews limited for the specified GROUP')
+ @cmdln.option('-P', '--project', metavar='PROJECT',
+ help='requests or reviews limited for the specified PROJECT')
+ @cmdln.option('-p', '--package', metavar='PACKAGE',
+ help='requests or reviews limited for the specified PACKAGE, requires also a PROJECT')
+ @cmdln.option('-b', '--brief', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='print output in list view as list subcommand')
+ @cmdln.option('-M', '--mine', action='store_true',
+ help='only show requests created by yourself')
+ @cmdln.option('-B', '--bugowner', action='store_true',
+ help='also show requests about packages where I am bugowner')
+ @cmdln.option('-e', '--edit', action='store_true',
+ help='edit a submit action')
+ @cmdln.option('-i', '--interactive', action='store_true',
+ help='interactive review of request')
+ @cmdln.option('--non-interactive', action='store_true',
+ help='non-interactive review of request')
+ @cmdln.option('--exclude-target-project', action='append',
+ help='exclude target project from request list')
+ @cmdln.option('--involved-projects', action='store_true',
+ help='show all requests for project/packages where USER is involved')
+ @cmdln.option('--source-buildstatus', action='store_true',
+ help='print the buildstatus of the source package (only works with "show")')
+ @cmdln.alias("rq")
+ @cmdln.alias("review")
+ # FIXME: rewrite this mess and split request and review
+ def do_request(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Show or modify requests and reviews
+ [See http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Collaboration
+ for information on this topic.]
+ The 'request' command has the following sub commands:
+ "list" lists open requests attached to a project or package or person.
+ Uses the project/package of the current directory if none of
+ -M, -U USER, project/package are given.
+ "log" will show the history of the given ID
+ "show" will show the request itself, and generate a diff for review, if
+ used with the --diff option. The keyword show can be omitted if the ID is numeric.
+ "decline" will change the request state to "declined"
+ "reopen" will set the request back to new or review.
+ "setincident" will direct "maintenance" requests into specific incidents
+ "supersede" will supersede one request with another existing one.
+ "revoke" will set the request state to "revoked"
+ "accept" will change the request state to "accepted" and will trigger
+ the actual submit process. That would normally be a server-side copy of
+ the source package to the target package.
+ "checkout" will checkout the request's source package ("submit" requests only).
+ The 'review' command has the following sub commands:
+ "list" lists open requests that need to be reviewed by the
+ specified user or group
+ "add" adds a person or group as reviewer to a request
+ "accept" mark the review positive
+ "decline" mark the review negative. A negative review will
+ decline the request.
+ usage:
+ osc request list [-M] [-U USER] [-s state] [-D DAYS] [-t type] [-B] [PRJ [PKG]]
+ osc request log ID
+ osc request [show] [-d] [-b] ID
+ osc request accept [-m TEXT] ID
+ osc request decline [-m TEXT] ID
+ osc request revoke [-m TEXT] ID
+ osc request reopen [-m TEXT] ID
+ osc request setincident [-m TEXT] ID INCIDENT
+ osc request supersede [-m TEXT] ID SUPERSEDING_ID
+ osc request approvenew [-m TEXT] PROJECT
+ osc request checkout/co ID
+ osc request clone [-m TEXT] ID
+ osc review show [-d] [-b] ID
+ osc review list [-U USER] [-G GROUP] [-P PROJECT [-p PACKAGE]] [-s state]
+ osc review add [-m TEXT] [-U USER] [-G GROUP] [-P PROJECT [-p PACKAGE]] ID
+ osc review accept [-m TEXT] [-U USER] [-G GROUP] [-P PROJECT [-p PACKAGE]] ID
+ osc review decline [-m TEXT] [-U USER] [-G GROUP] [-P PROJECT [-p PACKAGE]] ID
+ osc review reopen [-m TEXT] [-U USER] [-G GROUP] [-P PROJECT [-p PACKAGE]] ID
+ osc review supersede [-m TEXT] [-U USER] [-G GROUP] [-P PROJECT [-p PACKAGE]] ID SUPERSEDING_ID
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ if opts.all and opts.state:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Sorry, the options \'--all\' and \'--state\' ' \
+ 'are mutually exclusive.')
+ if opts.mine and opts.user:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Sorry, the options \'--user\' and \'--mine\' ' \
+ 'are mutually exclusive.')
+ if opts.interactive and opts.non_interactive:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Sorry, the options \'--interactive\' and ' \
+ '\'--non-interactive\' are mutually exclusive')
+ if not args:
+ args = [ 'list' ]
+ opts.mine = 1
+ if opts.state == '':
+ opts.state = 'all'
+ if opts.state == '':
+ opts.state = 'declined,new,review'
+ if args[0] == 'help':
+ return self.do_help(['help', 'request'])
+ cmds = ['list', 'log', 'show', 'decline', 'reopen', 'clone', 'accept', 'approvenew', 'wipe', 'setincident', 'supersede', 'revoke', 'checkout', 'co']
+ if subcmd != 'review' and args[0] not in cmds:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown request action %s. Choose one of %s.' \
+ % (args[0],', '.join(cmds)))
+ cmds = ['show', 'list', 'add', 'decline', 'accept', 'reopen', 'supersede']
+ if subcmd == 'review' and args[0] not in cmds:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown review action %s. Choose one of %s.' \
+ % (args[0],', '.join(cmds)))
+ cmd = args[0]
+ del args[0]
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if cmd in ['list']:
+ min_args, max_args = 0, 2
+ elif cmd in ['supersede', 'setincident']:
+ min_args, max_args = 2, 2
+ else:
+ min_args, max_args = 1, 1
+ if len(args) < min_args:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
+ if len(args) > max_args:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ if cmd in ['add'] and not opts.user and not opts.group and not opts.project:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No reviewer specified.')
+ reqid = None
+ supersedid = None
+ if cmd == 'list' or cmd == 'approvenew':
+ package = None
+ project = None
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ project = args[0]
+ elif not opts.mine and not opts.user:
+ try:
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ package = store_read_package(os.curdir)
+ except oscerr.NoWorkingCopy:
+ pass
+ elif opts.project:
+ project = opts.project
+ if opts.package:
+ package = opts.package
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ package = args[1]
+ elif cmd == 'supersede':
+ reqid = args[0]
+ supersedid = args[1]
+ elif cmd == 'setincident':
+ reqid = args[0]
+ incident = args[1]
+ elif cmd in ['log', 'add', 'show', 'decline', 'reopen', 'clone', 'accept', 'wipe', 'revoke', 'checkout', 'co']:
+ reqid = args[0]
+ # clone all packages from a given request
+ if cmd in ['clone']:
+ # should we force a message?
+ print 'Cloned packages are available in project: %s' % clone_request(apiurl, reqid, opts.message)
+ # change incidents
+ elif cmd == 'setincident':
+ query = { 'cmd': 'setincident', 'incident': incident }
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['request', reqid], query)
+ r = http_POST(url, data=opts.message)
+ print ET.parse(r).getroot().get('code')
+ # add new reviewer to existing request
+ elif cmd in ['add'] and subcmd == 'review':
+ query = { 'cmd': 'addreview' }
+ if opts.user:
+ query['by_user'] = opts.user
+ if opts.group:
+ query['by_group'] = opts.group
+ if opts.project:
+ query['by_project'] = opts.project
+ if opts.package:
+ query['by_package'] = opts.package
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['request', reqid], query)
+ if not opts.message:
+ opts.message = edit_message()
+ r = http_POST(url, data=opts.message)
+ print ET.parse(r).getroot().get('code')
+ # list and approvenew
+ elif cmd == 'list' or cmd == 'approvenew':
+ states = ('new', 'accepted', 'revoked', 'declined', 'review', 'superseded')
+ who = ''
+ if cmd == 'approvenew':
+ states = ('new')
+ results = get_request_list(apiurl, project, package, '', ['new'])
+ else:
+ state_list = opts.state.split(',')
+ if opts.all:
+ state_list = ['all']
+ if subcmd == 'review':
+ # is there a special reason why we do not respect the passed states?
+ state_list = ['new']
+ elif opts.state == 'all':
+ state_list = ['all']
+ else:
+ for s in state_list:
+ if not s in states and not s == 'all':
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown state \'%s\', try one of %s' % (s, ','.join(states)))
+ if opts.mine:
+ who = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)
+ if opts.user:
+ who = opts.user
+ ## FIXME -B not implemented!
+ if opts.bugowner:
+ if (self.options.debug):
+ print 'list: option --bugowner ignored: not impl.'
+ if subcmd == 'review':
+ # FIXME: do the review list for the user and for all groups he belong to
+ results = get_review_list(apiurl, project, package, who, opts.group, opts.project, opts.package, state_list)
+ else:
+ if opts.involved_projects:
+ who = who or conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)
+ results = get_user_projpkgs_request_list(apiurl, who, req_state=state_list,
+ req_type=opts.type, exclude_projects=opts.exclude_target_project or [])
+ else:
+ results = get_request_list(apiurl, project, package, who,
+ state_list, opts.type, opts.exclude_target_project or [])
+ # Check if project actually exists if result list is empty
+ if not results:
+ try:
+ show_project_meta(apiurl, project)
+ print 'No results for {0}'.format(project)
+ except:
+ print 'Project {0} does not exist'.format(project)
+ return
+ results.sort(reverse=True)
+ days = opts.days or conf.config['request_list_days']
+ since = ''
+ try:
+ days = int(days)
+ except ValueError:
+ days = 0
+ if days > 0:
+ since = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time()-days*24*3600))
+ skipped = 0
+ ## bs has received 2009-09-20 a new xquery compare() function
+ ## which allows us to limit the list inside of get_request_list
+ ## That would be much faster for coolo. But counting the remainder
+ ## would not be possible with current xquery implementation.
+ ## Workaround: fetch all, and filter on client side.
+ ## FIXME: date filtering should become implemented on server side
+ for result in results:
+ if days == 0 or result.state.when > since or result.state.name == 'new':
+ if (opts.interactive or conf.config['request_show_interactive']) and not opts.non_interactive:
+ ignore_reviews = subcmd != 'review'
+ request_interactive_review(apiurl, result, group=opts.group, ignore_reviews=ignore_reviews)
+ else:
+ print result.list_view(), '\n'
+ else:
+ skipped += 1
+ if skipped:
+ print "There are %d requests older than %s days.\n" % (skipped, days)
+ if cmd == 'approvenew':
+ print "\n *** Approve them all ? [y/n] ***"
+ if sys.stdin.read(1) == "y":
+ if not opts.message:
+ opts.message = edit_message()
+ for result in results:
+ print result.reqid, ": ",
+ r = change_request_state(apiurl,
+ result.reqid, 'accepted', opts.message or '', force=opts.force)
+ print 'Result of change request state: %s' % r
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Aborted...'
+ raise oscerr.UserAbort()
+ elif cmd == 'log':
+ for l in get_request_log(apiurl, reqid):
+ print l
+ # show
+ elif cmd == 'show':
+ r = get_request(apiurl, reqid)
+ if opts.brief:
+ print r.list_view()
+ elif opts.edit:
+ if not r.get_actions('submit'):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('\'--edit\' not possible ' \
+ '(request has no \'submit\' action)')
+ return request_interactive_review(apiurl, r, 'e')
+ elif (opts.interactive or conf.config['request_show_interactive']) and not opts.non_interactive:
+ ignore_reviews = subcmd != 'review'
+ return request_interactive_review(apiurl, r, group=opts.group, ignore_reviews=ignore_reviews)
+ else:
+ print r
+ if opts.source_buildstatus:
+ sr_actions = r.get_actions('submit')
+ if not sr_actions:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions( '\'--source-buildstatus\' not possible ' \
+ '(request has no \'submit\' actions)')
+ for action in sr_actions:
+ print 'Buildstatus for \'%s/%s\':' % (action.src_project, action.src_package)
+ print '\n'.join(get_results(apiurl, action.src_project, action.src_package))
+ if opts.diff:
+ diff = ''
+ try:
+ # works since OBS 2.1
+ diff = request_diff(apiurl, reqid)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ # for OBS 2.0 and before
+ sr_actions = r.get_actions('submit')
+ if not sr_actions:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('\'--diff\' not possible (request has no \'submit\' actions)')
+ for action in sr_actions:
+ diff += 'old: %s/%s\nnew: %s/%s\n' % (action.src_project, action.src_package,
+ action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
+ diff += submit_action_diff(apiurl, action)
+ diff += '\n\n'
+ run_pager(diff, tmp_suffix='')
+ # checkout
+ elif cmd == 'checkout' or cmd == 'co':
+ r = get_request(apiurl, reqid)
+ sr_actions = r.get_actions('submit', 'maintenance_release')
+ if not sr_actions:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('\'checkout\' not possible (request has no \'submit\' actions)')
+ for action in sr_actions:
+ checkout_package(apiurl, action.src_project, action.src_package, \
+ action.src_rev, expand_link=True, prj_dir=action.src_project)
+ else:
+ state_map = {'reopen' : 'new', 'accept' : 'accepted', 'decline' : 'declined', 'wipe' : 'deleted', 'revoke' : 'revoked', 'supersede' : 'superseded'}
+ # Change review state only
+ if subcmd == 'review':
+ if not opts.message:
+ opts.message = edit_message()
+ if cmd in ['accept', 'decline', 'reopen', 'supersede']:
+ if opts.user or opts.group or opts.project or opts.package:
+ r = change_review_state(apiurl, reqid, state_map[cmd], opts.user, opts.group, opts.project,
+ opts.package, opts.message or '', supersed=supersedid)
+ print r
+ else:
+ rq = get_request(apiurl, reqid)
+ if rq.state.name in ['new', 'review']:
+ for review in rq.reviews: # try all, but do not fail on error
+ try:
+ r = change_review_state(apiurl, reqid, state_map[cmd], review.by_user, review.by_group,
+ review.by_project, review.by_package, opts.message or '', supersed=supersedid)
+ print r
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if review.by_user:
+ print 'No permission on review by user %s' % review.by_user
+ if review.by_group:
+ print 'No permission on review by group %s' % review.by_group
+ if review.by_package:
+ print 'No permission on review by package %s / %s' % (review.by_project, review.by_package)
+ elif review.by_project:
+ print 'No permission on review by project %s' % review.by_project
+ else:
+ print 'Request is closed, please reopen the request first before changing any reviews.'
+ # Change state of entire request
+ elif cmd in ['reopen', 'accept', 'decline', 'wipe', 'revoke', 'supersede']:
+ rq = get_request(apiurl, reqid)
+ if rq.state.name == state_map[cmd]:
+ repl = raw_input("\n *** The state of the request (#%s) is already '%s'. Change state anyway? [y/n] *** " % (reqid, rq.state.name))
+ if repl.lower() != 'y':
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Aborted...'
+ raise oscerr.UserAbort()
+ if not opts.message:
+ tmpl = change_request_state_template(rq, state_map[cmd])
+ opts.message = edit_message(template=tmpl)
+ r = change_request_state(apiurl,
+ reqid, state_map[cmd], opts.message or '', supersed=supersedid, force=opts.force)
+ print 'Result of change request state: %s' % r
+ # check for devel instances after accepted requests
+ if cmd in ['accept']:
+ import cgi
+ sr_actions = rq.get_actions('submit')
+ for action in sr_actions:
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['/search/package'], {
+ 'match' : "([devel/[@project='%s' and @package='%s']])" % (action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
+ })
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ if root.findall('package'):
+ print "This package instance is defined as devel are in ",
+ for node in root.findall('package'):
+ project = node.get('project')
+ package = node.get('name')
+ # skip it when this is anyway a link to me
+ link_url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package])
+ links_to_project = links_to_package = None
+ try:
+ file = http_GET(link_url)
+ root = ET.parse(file).getroot()
+ link_node = root.find('linkinfo')
+ if link_node != None:
+ links_to_project = link_node.get('project') or project
+ links_to_package = link_node.get('package') or package
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code != 404:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Cannot get list of files for %s/%s: %s' % (project, package, e)
+ except SyntaxError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Cannot parse list of files for %s/%s: %s' % (project, package, e)
+ if links_to_project==action.tgt_project and links_to_package==action.tgt_package:
+ # links to my request target anyway, no need to forward submit
+ continue
+ print project,
+ if package != action.tgt_package:
+ print "/", package,
+ repl = raw_input('\nForward this submit to it? ([y]/n)')
+ if repl.lower() == 'y' or repl == '':
+ msg = "%s (forwarded request %s from %s)" % ( rq.description, reqid, rq.get_creator())
+ print msg
+ rid = create_submit_request(apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package,
+ project, package, cgi.escape(msg))
+ print "New request #", rid
+ # editmeta and its aliases are all depracated
+ @cmdln.alias("editprj")
+ @cmdln.alias("createprj")
+ @cmdln.alias("editpac")
+ @cmdln.alias("createpac")
+ @cmdln.alias("edituser")
+ @cmdln.alias("usermeta")
+ @cmdln.hide(1)
+ def do_editmeta(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}:
+ Obsolete command to edit metadata. Use 'meta' now.
+ See the help output of 'meta'.
+ """
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'This command is obsolete. Use \'osc meta <metatype> ...\'.'
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'See \'osc help meta\'.'
+ #self.do_help([None, 'meta'])
+ return 2
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--revision', metavar='rev',
+ help='use the specified revision.')
+ @cmdln.option('-R', '--use-plain-revision', action='store_true',
+ help='Don\'t expand revsion based on baserev, the revision which was used when commit happened.')
+ @cmdln.option('-u', '--unset', action='store_true',
+ help='remove revision in link, it will point always to latest revision')
+ def do_setlinkrev(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Updates a revision number in a source link.
+ This command adds or updates a specified revision number in a source link.
+ The current revision of the source is used, if no revision number is specified.
+ usage:
+ osc setlinkrev
+ osc setlinkrev PROJECT [PACKAGE]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ package = None
+ expand = True
+ baserev = True
+ if opts.use_plain_revision:
+ expand = False
+ baserev = False
+ rev = parseRevisionOption(opts.revision)[0] or ''
+ if opts.unset:
+ rev = None
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ p = findpacs(os.curdir)[0]
+ project = p.prjname
+ package = p.name
+ apiurl = p.apiurl
+ if not p.islink():
+ sys.exit('Local directory is no checked out source link package, aborting')
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ project = args[0]
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Incorrect number of arguments.\n\n' \
+ + self.get_cmd_help('setlinkrev'))
+ if package:
+ packages = [package]
+ else:
+ packages = meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, project)
+ for p in packages:
+ rev = set_link_rev(apiurl, project, p, revision=rev, expand=expand, baserev=baserev)
+ if rev is None:
+ print 'removed revision from link'
+ else:
+ print 'set revision to %s for package %s' % (rev, p)
+ def do_linktobranch(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Convert a package containing a classic link with patch to a branch
+ This command tells the server to convert a _link with or without a project.diff
+ to a branch. This is a full copy with a _link file pointing to the branched place.
+ usage:
+ osc linktobranch # can be used in checked out package
+ osc linktobranch PROJECT PACKAGE
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ wd = os.curdir
+ project = store_read_project(wd)
+ package = store_read_package(wd)
+ update_local_dir = True
+ elif len(args) < 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments (required none or two)')
+ elif len(args) > 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments (required none or two)')
+ else:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ update_local_dir = False
+ # execute
+ link_to_branch(apiurl, project, package)
+ if update_local_dir:
+ pac = Package(wd)
+ pac.update(rev=pac.latest_rev())
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify message TEXT')
+ def do_detachbranch(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: replace a link with its expanded sources
+ If a package is a link it is replaced with its expanded sources. The link
+ does not exist anymore.
+ usage:
+ osc detachbranch # can be used in package working copy
+ osc detachbranch PROJECT PACKAGE
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ package = store_read_package(os.curdir)
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ project, package = args
+ elif len(args) > 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments (required none or two)')
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments (required none or two)')
+ try:
+ copy_pac(apiurl, project, package, apiurl, project, package, expand=True, comment=opts.message)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ root = ET.fromstring(show_files_meta(apiurl, project, package, 'latest', expand=False))
+ li = Linkinfo()
+ li.read(root.find('linkinfo'))
+ if li.islink() and li.haserror():
+ raise oscerr.LinkExpandError(project, package, li.error)
+ elif not li.islink():
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'package \'%s/%s\' is no link' % (project, package)
+ else:
+ raise e
+ @cmdln.option('-C', '--cicount', choices=['add', 'copy', 'local'],
+ help='cicount attribute in the link, known values are add, copy, and local, default in buildservice is currently add.')
+ @cmdln.option('-c', '--current', action='store_true',
+ help='link fixed against current revision.')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--revision', metavar='rev',
+ help='link the specified revision.')
+ @cmdln.option('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
+ help='overwrite an existing link file if it is there.')
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--disable-publish', action='store_true',
+ help='disable publishing of the linked package')
+ @cmdln.option('-N', '--new-package', action='store_true',
+ help='create a link to a not yet existing package')
+ def do_linkpac(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: "Link" a package to another package
+ A linked package is a clone of another package, but plus local
+ modifications. It can be cross-project.
+ The DESTPAC name is optional; the source packages' name will be used if
+ DESTPAC is omitted.
+ Afterwards, you will want to 'checkout DESTPRJ DESTPAC'.
+ To add a patch, add the patch as file and add it to the _link file.
+ You can also specify text which will be inserted at the top of the spec file.
+ See the examples in the _link file.
+ NOTE: In case you want to fix or update another package, you should use the 'branch'
+ command. A branch has correct repositories (and a link) setup up by default and
+ will be cleaned up automatically after it was submitted back.
+ usage:
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if not args or len(args) < 3:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Incorrect number of arguments.\n\n' \
+ + self.get_cmd_help('linkpac'))
+ rev, dummy = parseRevisionOption(opts.revision)
+ vrev = None
+ src_project = args[0]
+ src_package = args[1]
+ dst_project = args[2]
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ dst_package = args[3]
+ else:
+ dst_package = src_package
+ if src_project == dst_project and src_package == dst_package:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Error: source and destination are the same.')
+ if src_project == dst_project and not opts.cicount:
+ # in this case, the user usually wants to build different spec
+ # files from the same source
+ opts.cicount = "copy"
+ if opts.current and not opts.new_package:
+ rev, vrev = show_upstream_rev_vrev(apiurl, src_project, src_package, expand=1)
+ if rev == None or len(rev) < 32:
+ # vrev is only needed for srcmd5 and OBS instances < 2.1.17 do not support it
+ vrev = None
+ if rev and not checkRevision(src_project, src_package, rev):
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Revision \'%s\' does not exist' % rev
+ sys.exit(1)
+ link_pac(src_project, src_package, dst_project, dst_package, opts.force, rev, opts.cicount, opts.disable_publish, opts.new_package, vrev)
+ @cmdln.option('--nosources', action='store_true',
+ help='ignore source packages when copying build results to destination project')
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--map-repo', metavar='SRC=TARGET[,SRC=TARGET]',
+ help='Allows repository mapping(s) to be given as SRC=TARGET[,SRC=TARGET]')
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--disable-publish', action='store_true',
+ help='disable publishing of the aggregated package')
+ def do_aggregatepac(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: "Aggregate" a package to another package
+ Aggregation of a package means that the build results (binaries) of a
+ package are basically copied into another project.
+ This can be used to make packages available from building that are
+ needed in a project but available only in a different project. Note
+ that this is done at the expense of disk space. See
+ http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Tips_and_Tricks#link_and_aggregate
+ for more information.
+ The DESTPAC name is optional; the source packages' name will be used if
+ DESTPAC is omitted.
+ usage:
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ if not args or len(args) < 3:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Incorrect number of arguments.\n\n' \
+ + self.get_cmd_help('aggregatepac'))
+ src_project = args[0]
+ src_package = args[1]
+ dst_project = args[2]
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ dst_package = args[3]
+ else:
+ dst_package = src_package
+ if src_project == dst_project and src_package == dst_package:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Error: source and destination are the same.')
+ repo_map = {}
+ if opts.map_repo:
+ for pair in opts.map_repo.split(','):
+ src_tgt = pair.split('=')
+ if len(src_tgt) != 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('map "%s" must be SRC=TARGET[,SRC=TARGET]' % opts.map_repo)
+ repo_map[src_tgt[0]] = src_tgt[1]
+ aggregate_pac(src_project, src_package, dst_project, dst_package, repo_map, opts.disable_publish, opts.nosources)
+ @cmdln.option('-c', '--client-side-copy', action='store_true',
+ help='do a (slower) client-side copy')
+ @cmdln.option('-k', '--keep-maintainers', action='store_true',
+ help='keep original maintainers. Default is remove all and replace with the one calling the script.')
+ @cmdln.option('-K', '--keep-link', action='store_true',
+ help='keep the source link in target, this also expands the source')
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--keep-develproject', action='store_true',
+ help='keep develproject tag in the package metadata')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--revision', metavar='rev',
+ help='link the specified revision.')
+ @cmdln.option('-t', '--to-apiurl', metavar='URL',
+ help='URL of destination api server. Default is the source api server.')
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify message TEXT')
+ @cmdln.option('-e', '--expand', action='store_true',
+ help='if the source package is a link then copy the expanded version of the link')
+ def do_copypac(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Copy a package
+ A way to copy package to somewhere else.
+ It can be done across buildservice instances, if the -t option is used.
+ In that case, a client-side copy and link expansion are implied.
+ Using --client-side-copy always involves downloading all files, and
+ uploading them to the target.
+ The DESTPAC name is optional; the source packages' name will be used if
+ DESTPAC is omitted.
+ usage:
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ if not args or len(args) < 3:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Incorrect number of arguments.\n\n' \
+ + self.get_cmd_help('copypac'))
+ src_project = args[0]
+ src_package = args[1]
+ dst_project = args[2]
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ dst_package = args[3]
+ else:
+ dst_package = src_package
+ src_apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
+ if opts.to_apiurl:
+ dst_apiurl = conf.config['apiurl_aliases'].get(opts.to_apiurl, opts.to_apiurl)
+ else:
+ dst_apiurl = src_apiurl
+ if src_apiurl != dst_apiurl:
+ opts.client_side_copy = True
+ opts.expand = True
+ rev, dummy = parseRevisionOption(opts.revision)
+ if opts.message:
+ comment = opts.message
+ else:
+ if not rev:
+ rev = show_upstream_rev(src_apiurl, src_project, src_package)
+ comment = 'osc copypac from project:%s package:%s revision:%s' % ( src_project, src_package, rev )
+ if opts.keep_link:
+ comment += ", using keep-link"
+ if opts.expand:
+ comment += ", using expand"
+ if opts.client_side_copy:
+ comment += ", using client side copy"
+ if src_project == dst_project and \
+ src_package == dst_package and \
+ not rev and \
+ src_apiurl == dst_apiurl:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Source and destination are the same.')
+ r = copy_pac(src_apiurl, src_project, src_package,
+ dst_apiurl, dst_project, dst_package,
+ client_side_copy=opts.client_side_copy,
+ keep_maintainers=opts.keep_maintainers,
+ keep_develproject=opts.keep_develproject,
+ expand=opts.expand,
+ revision=rev,
+ comment=comment,
+ keep_link=opts.keep_link)
+ print r
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify message TEXT')
+ def do_releaserequest(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Create a request for releasing a maintenance update.
+ [See http://doc.opensuse.org/products/draft/OBS/obs-reference-guide_draft/cha.obs.maintenance_setup.html
+ for information on this topic.]
+ This command is used by the maintence team to start the release process of a maintenance update.
+ This includes usually testing based on the defined reviewers of the update project.
+ usage:
+ osc releaserequest [ SOURCEPROJECT ]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ # FIXME: additional parameters can be a certain repo list to create a partitial release
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ source_project = None
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ if len(args) == 0 and is_project_dir(os.curdir):
+ source_project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ elif len(args) == 0:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ source_project = args[0]
+ if not opts.message:
+ opts.message = edit_message()
+ r = create_release_request(apiurl, source_project, opts.message)
+ print r.reqid
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--attribute', metavar='ATTRIBUTE',
+ help='Use this attribute to find default maintenance project (default is OBS:MaintenanceProject)')
+ @cmdln.option('--noaccess', action='store_true',
+ help='Create a hidden project')
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify message TEXT')
+ def do_createincident(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Create a maintenance incident
+ [See http://doc.opensuse.org/products/draft/OBS/obs-reference-guide_draft/cha.obs.maintenance_setup.html
+ for information on this topic.]
+ This command is asking to open an empty maintence incident. This can usually only be done by a responsible
+ maintenance team.
+ Please see the "mbranch" command on how to full such a project content and
+ the "patchinfo" command how add the required maintenance update information.
+ usage:
+ osc createincident [ MAINTENANCEPROJECT ]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ maintenance_attribute = conf.config['maintenance_attribute']
+ if opts.attribute:
+ maintenance_attribute = opts.attribute
+ source_project = target_project = None
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ target_project = args[0]
+ else:
+ xpath = 'attribute/@name = \'%s\'' % maintenance_attribute
+ res = search(apiurl, project_id=xpath)
+ root = res['project_id']
+ project = root.find('project')
+ if project is None:
+ sys.exit('Unable to find defined OBS:MaintenanceProject project on server.')
+ target_project = project.get('name')
+ print 'Using target project \'%s\'' % target_project
+ query = { 'cmd': 'createmaintenanceincident' }
+ if opts.noaccess:
+ query["noaccess"] = 1
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', target_project], query=query)
+ r = http_POST(url, data=opts.message)
+ project = None
+ for i in ET.fromstring(r.read()).findall('data'):
+ if i.get('name') == 'targetproject':
+ project = i.text.strip()
+ if project:
+ print "Incident project created: ", project
+ else:
+ print ET.parse(r).getroot().get('code')
+ print ET.parse(r).getroot().get('error')
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--attribute', metavar='ATTRIBUTE',
+ help='Use this attribute to find default maintenance project (default is OBS:MaintenanceProject)')
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify message TEXT')
+ @cmdln.option('--no-cleanup', action='store_true',
+ help='do not remove source project on accept')
+ @cmdln.option('--cleanup', action='store_true',
+ help='do remove source project on accept')
+ @cmdln.option('--incident', metavar='INCIDENT',
+ help='specify incident number to merge in')
+ @cmdln.option('--incident-project', metavar='INCIDENT_PROJECT',
+ help='specify incident project to merge in')
+ @cmdln.alias("mr")
+ def do_maintenancerequest(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Create a request for starting a maintenance incident.
+ [See http://doc.opensuse.org/products/draft/OBS/obs-reference-guide_draft/cha.obs.maintenance_setup.html
+ for information on this topic.]
+ This command is asking the maintence team to start a maintence incident based on a
+ created maintenance update. Please see the "mbranch" command on how to create such a project and
+ the "patchinfo" command how add the required maintenance update information.
+ usage:
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ maintenance_attribute = conf.config['maintenance_attribute']
+ if opts.attribute:
+ maintenance_attribute = opts.attribute
+ source_project = source_packages = target_project = release_project = opt_sourceupdate = None
+ if len(args) == 0 and (is_project_dir(os.curdir) or is_package_dir(os.curdir)):
+ source_project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ elif len(args) == 0:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ source_project = args[0]
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ sys.exit('Source package defined, but no release project.')
+ source_packages = args[1:]
+ release_project = args[-1]
+ source_packages.remove(release_project)
+ if opts.cleanup:
+ opt_sourceupdate = 'cleanup'
+ if not opts.no_cleanup:
+ default_branch = 'home:%s:branches:' % (conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl))
+ if source_project.startswith(default_branch):
+ opt_sourceupdate = 'cleanup'
+ if opts.incident_project:
+ target_project = opts.incident_project
+ else:
+ xpath = 'attribute/@name = \'%s\'' % maintenance_attribute
+ res = search(apiurl, project_id=xpath)
+ root = res['project_id']
+ project = root.find('project')
+ if project is None:
+ sys.exit('Unable to find defined OBS:MaintenanceProject project on server.')
+ target_project = project.get('name')
+ if opts.incident:
+ target_project += ":" + opts.incident
+ print 'Using target project \'%s\'' % target_project
+ if not opts.message:
+ opts.message = edit_message()
+ r = create_maintenance_request(apiurl, source_project, source_packages, target_project, release_project, opt_sourceupdate, opts.message)
+ print r.reqid
+ @cmdln.option('-c', '--checkout', action='store_true',
+ help='Checkout branched package afterwards ' \
+ '(\'osc bco\' is a shorthand for this option)' )
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--attribute', metavar='ATTRIBUTE',
+ help='Use this attribute to find affected packages (default is OBS:Maintained)')
+ @cmdln.option('-u', '--update-project-attribute', metavar='UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE',
+ help='Use this attribute to find update projects (default is OBS:UpdateProject) ')
+ @cmdln.option('--dryrun', action='store_true',
+ help='Just simulate the action and report back the result.')
+ @cmdln.option('--noaccess', action='store_true',
+ help='Create a hidden project')
+ @cmdln.option('--nodevelproject', action='store_true',
+ help='do not follow a defined devel project ' \
+ '(primary project where a package is developed)')
+ @cmdln.alias('sm')
+ @cmdln.alias('maintained')
+ def do_mbranch(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Search or banch multiple instances of a package
+ This command is used for searching all relevant instances of packages
+ and creating links of them in one project.
+ This is esp. used for maintenance updates. It can also be used to branch
+ all packages marked before with a given attribute.
+ [See http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Concept_Maintenance
+ for information on this topic.]
+ The branched package will live in
+ if nothing else specified.
+ usage:
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ tproject = None
+ maintained_attribute = conf.config['maintained_attribute']
+ if opts.attribute:
+ maintained_attribute = opts.attribute
+ maintained_update_project_attribute = conf.config['maintained_update_project_attribute']
+ if opts.update_project_attribute:
+ maintained_update_project_attribute = opts.update_project_attribute
+ if not len(args) or len(args) > 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments.')
+ if len(args) >= 1:
+ package = args[0]
+ if len(args) >= 2:
+ tproject = args[1]
+ if subcmd == 'sm' or subcmd == 'maintained':
+ opts.dryrun = 1
+ result = attribute_branch_pkg(apiurl, maintained_attribute, maintained_update_project_attribute, \
+ package, tproject, noaccess = opts.noaccess, nodevelproject=opts.nodevelproject, dryrun=opts.dryrun)
+ if result is None:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Attribute branch call came not back with a project.'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if opts.dryrun:
+ for r in result.findall('package'):
+ print "%s/%s"%(r.get('project'), r.get('package'))
+ return
+ print "Project " + result + " created."
+ if opts.checkout:
+ Project.init_project(apiurl, result, result, conf.config['do_package_tracking'])
+ print statfrmt('A', result)
+ # all packages
+ for package in meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, result):
+ try:
+ checkout_package(apiurl, result, package, expand_link = True, prj_dir = result)
+ except:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Error while checkout package:\n', package
+ if conf.config['verbose']:
+ print 'Note: You can use "osc delete" or "osc submitpac" when done.\n'
+ @cmdln.alias('branchco')
+ @cmdln.alias('bco')
+ @cmdln.alias('getpac')
+ @cmdln.option('--nodevelproject', action='store_true',
+ help='do not follow a defined devel project ' \
+ '(primary project where a package is developed)')
+ @cmdln.option('-c', '--checkout', action='store_true',
+ help='Checkout branched package afterwards using "co -e -S"' \
+ '(\'osc bco\' is a shorthand for this option)' )
+ @cmdln.option('-f', '--force', default=False, action="store_true",
+ help='force branch, overwrite target')
+ @cmdln.option('--add-repositories', default=False, action="store_true",
+ help='Add repositories to target project (happens by default when project is new)')
+ @cmdln.option('--extend-package-names', default=False, action="store_true",
+ help='Extend packages names with project name as suffix')
+ @cmdln.option('--noaccess', action='store_true',
+ help='Create a hidden project')
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify message TEXT')
+ @cmdln.option('-M', '--maintenance', default=False, action="store_true",
+ help='Create project and package in maintenance mode')
+ @cmdln.option('-N', '--new-package', action='store_true',
+ help='create a branch pointing to a not yet existing package')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--revision', metavar='rev',
+ help='branch against a specific revision')
+ def do_branch(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Branch a package
+ [See http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Collaboration
+ for information on this topic.]
+ Create a source link from a package of an existing project to a new
+ subproject of the requesters home project (home:branches:)
+ The branched package will live in
+ if nothing else specified.
+ With getpac or bco, the branched package will come from one of
+ %(getpac_default_project)s
+ (list of projects from oscrc:getpac_default_project)
+ if nothing else is specfied on the command line.
+ usage:
+ osc branch
+ osc getpac SOURCEPACKAGE
+ osc bco ...
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if subcmd == 'getpac' or subcmd == 'branchco' or subcmd == 'bco': opts.checkout = True
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ tproject = tpackage = None
+ if (subcmd == 'getpac' or subcmd == 'bco') and len(args) == 1:
+ def_p = find_default_project(self.get_api_url(), args[0])
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'defaulting to %s/%s' % (def_p, args[0])
+ # python has no args.unshift ???
+ args = [ def_p, args[0] ]
+ if len(args) == 0 and is_package_dir('.'):
+ args = (store_read_project('.'), store_read_package('.'))
+ if len(args) < 2 or len(args) > 4:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments.')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ expected = 'home:%s:branches:%s' % (conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl), args[0])
+ if len(args) >= 3:
+ expected = tproject = args[2]
+ if len(args) >= 4:
+ tpackage = args[3]
+ exists, targetprj, targetpkg, srcprj, srcpkg = \
+ branch_pkg(apiurl, args[0], args[1],
+ nodevelproject=opts.nodevelproject, rev=opts.revision,
+ target_project=tproject, target_package=tpackage,
+ return_existing=opts.checkout, msg=opts.message or '',
+ force=opts.force, noaccess=opts.noaccess,
+ add_repositories=opts.add_repositories,
+ extend_package_names=opts.extend_package_names,
+ missingok=opts.new_package,
+ maintenance=opts.maintenance)
+ if exists:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Using existing branch project: %s' % targetprj
+ devloc = None
+ if not exists and (srcprj != args[0] or srcpkg != args[1]):
+ try:
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(show_attribute_meta(apiurl, args[0], None, None,
+ conf.config['maintained_update_project_attribute'], False, False)))
+ # this might raise an AttributeError
+ uproject = root.find('attribute').find('value').text
+ print '\nNote: The branch has been created from the configured update project: %s' \
+ % uproject
+ except (AttributeError, urllib2.HTTPError), e:
+ devloc = srcprj
+ print '\nNote: The branch has been created of a different project,\n' \
+ ' %s,\n' \
+ ' which is the primary location of where development for\n' \
+ ' that package takes place.\n' \
+ ' That\'s also where you would normally make changes against.\n' \
+ ' A direct branch of the specified package can be forced\n' \
+ ' with the --nodevelproject option.\n' % devloc
+ package = targetpkg or args[1]
+ if opts.checkout:
+ checkout_package(apiurl, targetprj, package, server_service_files=True,
+ expand_link=True, prj_dir=targetprj)
+ if conf.config['verbose']:
+ print 'Note: You can use "osc delete" or "osc submitpac" when done.\n'
+ else:
+ apiopt = ''
+ if conf.get_configParser().get('general', 'apiurl') != apiurl:
+ apiopt = '-A %s ' % apiurl
+ print 'A working copy of the branched package can be checked out with:\n\n' \
+ 'osc %sco %s/%s' \
+ % (apiopt, targetprj, package)
+ print_request_list(apiurl, args[0], args[1])
+ if devloc:
+ print_request_list(apiurl, devloc, srcpkg)
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify log message TEXT')
+ def do_undelete(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Restores a deleted project or package on the server.
+ The server restores a package including the sources and meta configuration.
+ Binaries remain to be lost and will be rebuild.
+ usage:
+ osc undelete PROJECT
+ osc undelete PROJECT PACKAGE [PACKAGE ...]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Missing argument.')
+ msg = ''
+ if opts.message:
+ msg = opts.message
+ else:
+ msg = edit_message()
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ prj = args[0]
+ pkgs = args[1:]
+ if pkgs:
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ undelete_package(apiurl, prj, pkg, msg)
+ else:
+ undelete_project(apiurl, prj, msg)
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--recursive', action='store_true',
+ help='deletes a project with packages inside')
+ @cmdln.option('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
+ help='deletes a project where other depends on')
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify log message TEXT')
+ def do_rdelete(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Delete a project or packages on the server.
+ As a safety measure, project must be empty (i.e., you need to delete all
+ packages first). Also, packages must have no requests pending (i.e., you need
+ to accept/revoke such requests first).
+ If you are sure that you want to remove this project and all
+ its packages use \'--recursive\' switch.
+ It may still not work because other depends on it. If you want to ignore this as
+ well use \'--force\' switch.
+ usage:
+ osc rdelete [-r] [-f] PROJECT [PACKAGE]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ prj = args[0]
+ msg = ''
+ if opts.message:
+ msg = opts.message
+ else:
+ msg = edit_message()
+ # empty arguments result in recursive project delete ...
+ if not len(prj):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Project argument is empty')
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ pkg = args[1]
+ if not len(pkg):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Package argument is empty')
+ ## FIXME: core.py:commitDelPackage() should have something similar
+ rlist = get_request_list(apiurl, prj, pkg)
+ for rq in rlist: print rq
+ if len(rlist) >= 1 and not opts.force:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Package has pending requests. Deleting the package will break them. '\
+ 'They should be accepted/declined/revoked before deleting the package. '\
+ 'Or just use \'--force\'.'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ delete_package(apiurl, prj, pkg, opts.force, msg)
+ elif (not opts.recursive) and len(meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, prj)) >= 1:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Project contains packages. It must be empty before deleting it. ' \
+ 'If you are sure that you want to remove this project and all its ' \
+ 'packages use the \'--recursive\' switch.'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ delete_project(apiurl, prj, opts.force, msg)
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify log message TEXT')
+ def do_unlock(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Unlocks a project or package
+ Unlocks a locked project or package. A comment is required.
+ usage:
+ osc unlock PROJECT [PACKAGE]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ prj = args[0]
+ msg = ''
+ if opts.message:
+ msg = opts.message
+ else:
+ msg = edit_message()
+ # empty arguments result in recursive project delete ...
+ if not len(prj):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Project argument is empty')
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ pkg = args[1]
+ if not len(pkg):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Package argument is empty')
+ unlock_package(apiurl, prj, pkg, msg)
+ else:
+ unlock_project(apiurl, prj, msg)
+ @cmdln.hide(1)
+ def do_deletepac(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ print """${cmd_name} is obsolete !
+ Please use either
+ osc delete for checked out packages or projects
+ or
+ osc rdelete for server side operations."""
+ sys.exit(1)
+ @cmdln.hide(1)
+ @cmdln.option('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
+ help='deletes a project and its packages')
+ def do_deleteprj(self, subcmd, opts, project):
+ """${cmd_name} is obsolete !
+ Please use
+ osc rdelete PROJECT
+ """
+ sys.exit(1)
+ @cmdln.alias('metafromspec')
+ @cmdln.option('', '--specfile', metavar='FILE',
+ help='Path to specfile. (if you pass more than working copy this option is ignored)')
+ def do_updatepacmetafromspec(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Update package meta information from a specfile
+ ARG, if specified, is a package working copy.
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = parseargs(args)
+ if opts.specfile and len(args) == 1:
+ specfile = opts.specfile
+ else:
+ specfile = None
+ pacs = findpacs(args)
+ for p in pacs:
+ p.read_meta_from_spec(specfile)
+ p.update_package_meta()
+ @cmdln.alias('linkdiff')
+ @cmdln.alias('ldiff')
+ @cmdln.alias('di')
+ @cmdln.option('-c', '--change', metavar='rev',
+ help='the change made by revision rev (like -r rev-1:rev).'
+ 'If rev is negative this is like -r rev:rev-1.')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--revision', metavar='rev1[:rev2]',
+ help='If rev1 is specified it will compare your working copy against '
+ 'the revision (rev1) on the server. '
+ 'If rev1 and rev2 are specified it will compare rev1 against rev2 '
+ '(NOTE: changes in your working copy are ignored in this case)')
+ @cmdln.option('-p', '--plain', action='store_true',
+ help='output the diff in plain (not unified) diff format')
+ @cmdln.option('-l', '--link', action='store_true',
+ help='(osc linkdiff): compare against the base revision of the link')
+ @cmdln.option('--missingok', action='store_true',
+ help='do not fail if the source or target project/package does not exist on the server')
+ def do_diff(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Generates a diff
+ Generates a diff, comparing local changes against the repository
+ server.
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ARG, if specified, is a filename to include in the diff.
+ Default: all files.
+ osc diff --link
+ osc linkdiff
+ Compare current checkout directory against the link base.
+ osc diff --link PROJ PACK
+ osc linkdiff PROJ PACK
+ Compare a package against the link base (ignoring working copy changes).
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if (subcmd == 'ldiff' or subcmd == 'linkdiff'):
+ opts.link = True
+ args = parseargs(args)
+ pacs = None
+ if not opts.link or not len(args) == 2:
+ pacs = findpacs(args)
+ if opts.link:
+ query = { 'rev': 'latest' }
+ if pacs:
+ u = makeurl(pacs[0].apiurl, ['source', pacs[0].prjname, pacs[0].name], query=query)
+ else:
+ u = makeurl(self.get_api_url(), ['source', args[0], args[1]], query=query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ linkinfo = root.find('linkinfo')
+ if linkinfo == None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('package is not a source link')
+ baserev = linkinfo.get('baserev')
+ opts.revision = baserev
+ if pacs:
+ print "diff working copy against last commited version\n"
+ else:
+ print "diff commited package against linked revision %s\n" % baserev
+ run_pager(server_diff(self.get_api_url(), linkinfo.get('project'), linkinfo.get('package'), baserev,
+ args[0], args[1], linkinfo.get('lsrcmd5'), not opts.plain, opts.missingok))
+ return
+ if opts.change:
+ try:
+ rev = int(opts.change)
+ if rev > 0:
+ rev1 = rev - 1
+ rev2 = rev
+ elif rev < 0:
+ rev1 = -rev
+ rev2 = -rev - 1
+ else:
+ return
+ except:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Revision \'%s\' not an integer' % opts.change
+ return
+ else:
+ rev1, rev2 = parseRevisionOption(opts.revision)
+ diff = ''
+ for pac in pacs:
+ if not rev2:
+ for i in pac.get_diff(rev1):
+ diff += ''.join(i)
+ else:
+ diff += server_diff_noex(pac.apiurl, pac.prjname, pac.name, rev1,
+ pac.prjname, pac.name, rev2, not opts.plain, opts.missingok)
+ run_pager(diff)
+ @cmdln.option('--oldprj', metavar='OLDPRJ',
+ help='project to compare against'
+ ' (deprecated, use 3 argument form)')
+ @cmdln.option('--oldpkg', metavar='OLDPKG',
+ help='package to compare against'
+ ' (deprecated, use 3 argument form)')
+ @cmdln.option('-M', '--meta', action='store_true',
+ help='diff meta data')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--revision', metavar='N[:M]',
+ help='revision id, where N = old revision and M = new revision')
+ @cmdln.option('-p', '--plain', action='store_true',
+ help='output the diff in plain (not unified) diff format')
+ @cmdln.option('-c', '--change', metavar='rev',
+ help='the change made by revision rev (like -r rev-1:rev). '
+ 'If rev is negative this is like -r rev:rev-1.')
+ @cmdln.option('--missingok', action='store_true',
+ help='do not fail if the source or target project/package does not exist on the server')
+ @cmdln.option('-u', '--unexpand', action='store_true',
+ help='diff unexpanded version if sources are linked')
+ def do_rdiff(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Server-side "pretty" diff of two packages
+ Compares two packages (three or four arguments) or shows the
+ changes of a specified revision of a package (two arguments)
+ If no revision is specified the latest revision is used.
+ Note that this command doesn't return a normal diff (which could be
+ applied as patch), but a "pretty" diff, which also compares the content
+ of tarballs.
+ usage:
+ osc ${cmd_name} PROJECT PACKAGE
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ rev1 = None
+ rev2 = None
+ old_project = None
+ old_package = None
+ new_project = None
+ new_package = None
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ new_project = args[0]
+ new_package = args[1]
+ if opts.oldprj:
+ old_project = opts.oldprj
+ if opts.oldpkg:
+ old_package = opts.oldpkg
+ elif len(args) == 3 or len(args) == 4:
+ if opts.oldprj or opts.oldpkg:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('--oldpkg and --oldprj are only valid with two arguments')
+ old_project = args[0]
+ new_package = old_package = args[1]
+ new_project = args[2]
+ if len(args) == 4:
+ new_package = args[3]
+ elif len(args) == 1 and opts.meta:
+ new_project = args[0]
+ new_package = '_project'
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments')
+ if opts.meta:
+ opts.unexpand = True
+ if opts.change:
+ try:
+ rev = int(opts.change)
+ if rev > 0:
+ rev1 = rev - 1
+ rev2 = rev
+ elif rev < 0:
+ rev1 = -rev
+ rev2 = -rev - 1
+ else:
+ return
+ except:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Revision \'%s\' not an integer' % opts.change
+ return
+ else:
+ if opts.revision:
+ rev1, rev2 = parseRevisionOption(opts.revision)
+ rdiff = server_diff_noex(apiurl,
+ old_project, old_package, rev1,
+ new_project, new_package, rev2, not opts.plain, opts.missingok,
+ meta=opts.meta,
+ expand=not opts.unexpand)
+ run_pager(rdiff)
+ def _pdiff_raise_non_existing_package(self, project, package, msg = None):
+ raise oscerr.PackageMissing(project, package, msg or '%s/%s does not exist.' % (project, package))
+ def _pdiff_package_exists(self, apiurl, project, package):
+ try:
+ show_package_meta(apiurl, project, package)
+ return True
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code != 404:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Cannot check that %s/%s exists: %s' % (project, package, e)
+ return False
+ def _pdiff_guess_parent(self, apiurl, project, package, check_exists_first = False):
+ # Make sure the parent exists
+ if check_exists_first and not self._pdiff_package_exists(apiurl, project, package):
+ self._pdiff_raise_non_existing_package(project, package)
+ if project.startswith('home:'):
+ guess = project[len('home:'):]
+ # remove user name
+ pos = guess.find(':')
+ if pos > 0:
+ guess = guess[guess.find(':') + 1:]
+ if guess.startswith('branches:'):
+ guess = guess[len('branches:'):]
+ return (guess, package)
+ return (None, None)
+ def _pdiff_get_parent_from_link(self, apiurl, project, package):
+ link_url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, '_link'])
+ try:
+ file = http_GET(link_url)
+ root = ET.parse(file).getroot()
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ return (None, None)
+ except SyntaxError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Cannot parse %s/%s/_link: %s' % (project, package, e)
+ return (None, None)
+ parent_project = root.get('project')
+ parent_package = root.get('package') or package
+ if parent_project is None:
+ return (None, None)
+ return (parent_project, parent_package)
+ def _pdiff_get_exists_and_parent(self, apiurl, project, package):
+ link_url = makeurl(apiurl, ['public', 'source', project, package])
+ try:
+ file = http_GET(link_url)
+ root = ET.parse(file).getroot()
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code != 404:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Cannot get list of files for %s/%s: %s' % (project, package, e)
+ return (None, None, None)
+ except SyntaxError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Cannot parse list of files for %s/%s: %s' % (project, package, e)
+ return (None, None, None)
+ link_node = root.find('linkinfo')
+ if link_node is None:
+ return (True, None, None)
+ parent_project = link_node.get('project')
+ parent_package = link_node.get('package') or package
+ if parent_project is None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('%s/%s is a link with no parent?' % (project, package))
+ return (True, parent_project, parent_package)
+ @cmdln.option('-p', '--plain', action='store_true',
+ dest='plain',
+ help='output the diff in plain (not unified) diff format')
+ @cmdln.option('-n', '--nomissingok', action='store_true',
+ dest='nomissingok',
+ help='fail if the parent package does not exist on the server')
+ def do_pdiff(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Quick alias to diff the content of a package with its parent.
+ Usage:
+ osc pdiff [--plain|-p] [--nomissing-ok|-n]
+ osc pdiff [--plain|-p] [--nomissing-ok|-n] PKG
+ osc pdiff [--plain|-p] [--nomissing-ok|-n] PRJ PKG
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ unified = not opts.plain
+ noparentok = not opts.nomissingok
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ if not is_package_dir(os.getcwd()):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Current directory is not a checked out package. Please specify a project and a package.')
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ package = store_read_package(os.curdir)
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ if not is_project_dir(os.getcwd()):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Current directory is not a checked out project. Please specify a project and a package.')
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ package = args[0]
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('Internal error: bad check for arguments.')
+ ## Find parent package
+ # Old way, that does one more request to api
+ #(parent_project, parent_package) = self._pdiff_get_parent_from_link(apiurl, project, package)
+ #if not parent_project:
+ # (parent_project, parent_package) = self._pdiff_guess_parent(apiurl, project, package, check_exists_first = True)
+ # if parent_project and parent_package:
+ # print 'Guessed that %s/%s is the parent package.' % (parent_project, parent_package)
+ # New way
+ (exists, parent_project, parent_package) = self._pdiff_get_exists_and_parent (apiurl, project, package)
+ if not exists:
+ self._pdiff_raise_non_existing_package(project, package)
+ if not parent_project:
+ (parent_project, parent_package) = self._pdiff_guess_parent(apiurl, project, package, check_exists_first = False)
+ if parent_project and parent_package:
+ print 'Guessed that %s/%s is the parent package.' % (parent_project, parent_package)
+ if not parent_project or not parent_package:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Cannot find a parent for %s/%s to diff against.' % (project, package)
+ return 1
+ if not noparentok and not self._pdiff_package_exists(apiurl, parent_project, parent_package):
+ self._pdiff_raise_non_existing_package(parent_project, parent_package, msg = 'Parent for %s/%s (%s/%s) does not exist.' % (project, package, parent_project, parent_package))
+ rdiff = server_diff(apiurl, parent_project, parent_package, None, project, package, None, unified = unified, missingok = noparentok)
+ run_pager(rdiff)
+ def _get_branch_parent(self, prj):
+ m = re.match('^home:[^:]+:branches:(.+)', prj)
+ # OBS_Maintained is a special case
+ if m and prj.find(':branches:OBS_Maintained:') == -1:
+ return m.group(1)
+ return None
+ def _prdiff_skip_package(self, opts, pkg):
+ if opts.exclude and re.search(opts.exclude, pkg):
+ return True
+ if opts.include and not re.search(opts.include, pkg):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _prdiff_output_diff(self, opts, rdiff):
+ if opts.diffstat:
+ print
+ p = subprocess.Popen("diffstat",
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ close_fds=True)
+ p.stdin.write(rdiff)
+ p.stdin.close()
+ diffstat = "".join(p.stdout.readlines())
+ print diffstat
+ elif opts.unified:
+ print
+ print rdiff
+ #run_pager(rdiff)
+ def _prdiff_output_matching_requests(self, opts, requests,
+ srcprj, pkg):
+ """
+ Search through the given list of requests and output any
+ submitrequests which target pkg and originate from srcprj.
+ """
+ for req in requests:
+ for action in req.get_actions('submit'):
+ if action.src_project != srcprj:
+ continue
+ if action.tgt_package != pkg:
+ continue
+ print
+ print req.list_view()
+ break
+ @cmdln.alias('projectdiff')
+ @cmdln.alias('projdiff')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--requests', action='store_true',
+ help='show open requests for any packages with differences')
+ @cmdln.option('-e', '--exclude', metavar='REGEXP', dest='exclude',
+ help='skip packages matching REGEXP')
+ @cmdln.option('-i', '--include', metavar='REGEXP', dest='include',
+ help='only consider packages matching REGEXP')
+ @cmdln.option('-n', '--show-not-in-old', action='store_true',
+ help='show packages only in the new project')
+ @cmdln.option('-o', '--show-not-in-new', action='store_true',
+ help='show packages only in the old project')
+ @cmdln.option('-u', '--unified', action='store_true',
+ help='show full unified diffs of differences')
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--diffstat', action='store_true',
+ help='show diffstat of differences')
+ def do_prdiff(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Server-side diff of two projects
+ Compares two projects and either summarises or outputs the
+ differences in full. In the second form, a project is compared
+ with one of its branches inside a home:$USER project (the branch
+ is treated as NEWPRJ). The home branch is optional if the current
+ working directory is a checked out copy of it.
+ Usage:
+ osc prdiff [OPTIONS] [home:$USER:branch:$PRJ]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ if is_project_dir(os.curdir):
+ newprj = Project('.', getPackageList=False).name
+ oldprj = self._get_branch_parent(newprj)
+ if oldprj is None:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Current directory is not a valid home branch.')
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Current directory is not a project.')
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ newprj = args[0]
+ oldprj = self._get_branch_parent(newprj)
+ if oldprj is None:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Single-argument form must be for a home branch.')
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ oldprj, newprj = args
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('BUG in argument parsing, please report.\n'
+ 'args: ' + repr(args))
+ if opts.diffstat and opts.unified:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'error - cannot specify both --diffstat and --unified'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ old_packages = meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, oldprj)
+ new_packages = meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, newprj)
+ if opts.requests:
+ requests = get_request_list(apiurl, project=oldprj,
+ req_state=('new', 'review'))
+ for pkg in old_packages:
+ if self._prdiff_skip_package(opts, pkg):
+ continue
+ if pkg not in new_packages:
+ if opts.show_not_in_new:
+ print "old only: %s" % pkg
+ continue
+ rdiff = server_diff_noex(
+ apiurl,
+ oldprj, pkg, None,
+ newprj, pkg, None,
+ unified=True, missingok=False, meta=False, expand=True
+ )
+ if rdiff:
+ print "differs: %s" % pkg
+ self._prdiff_output_diff(opts, rdiff)
+ if opts.requests:
+ self._prdiff_output_matching_requests(opts, requests,
+ newprj, pkg)
+ else:
+ print "identical: %s" % pkg
+ for pkg in new_packages:
+ if self._prdiff_skip_package(opts, pkg):
+ continue
+ if pkg not in old_packages:
+ if opts.show_not_in_old:
+ print "new only: %s" % pkg
+ @cmdln.hide(1)
+ @cmdln.alias('in')
+ def do_install(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: install a package after build via zypper in -r
+ Not implemented here. Please try
+ http://software.opensuse.org/search?q=osc-plugin-install&include_home=true
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ args = expand_proj_pack(args)
+ ## FIXME:
+ ## if there is only one argument, and it ends in .ymp
+ ## then fetch it, Parse XML to get the first
+ ## metapackage.group.repositories.repository.url
+ ## and construct zypper cmd's for all
+ ## metapackage.group.software.item.name
+ ##
+ ## if args[0] is already an url, the use it as is.
+ cmd = "sudo zypper -p http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/%s/%s --no-refresh -v in %s" % (re.sub(':',':/',args[0]), 'openSUSE_11.4', args[1])
+ print self.do_install.__doc__
+ print "Example: \n" + cmd
+ def do_repourls(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Shows URLs of .repo files
+ Shows URLs on which to access the project .repos files (yum-style
+ metadata) on download.opensuse.org.
+ usage:
+ osc repourls [PROJECT]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ project = args[0]
+ elif len(args) == 0:
+ project = store_read_project('.')
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments')
+ # XXX: API should somehow tell that
+ url_tmpl = 'http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/%s/%s/%s.repo'
+ repos = get_repositories_of_project(apiurl, project)
+ for repo in repos:
+ print url_tmpl % (project.replace(':', ':/'), repo, project)
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--revision', metavar='rev',
+ help='checkout the specified revision. '
+ 'NOTE: if you checkout the complete project '
+ 'this option is ignored!')
+ @cmdln.option('-e', '--expand-link', action='store_true',
+ help='if a package is a link, check out the expanded '
+ 'sources (no-op, since this became the default)')
+ @cmdln.option('-u', '--unexpand-link', action='store_true',
+ help='if a package is a link, check out the _link file ' \
+ 'instead of the expanded sources')
+ @cmdln.option('-M', '--meta', action='store_true',
+ help='checkout out meta data instead of sources' )
+ @cmdln.option('-c', '--current-dir', action='store_true',
+ help='place PACKAGE folder in the current directory' \
+ 'instead of a PROJECT/PACKAGE directory')
+ @cmdln.option('-o', '--output-dir', metavar='outdir',
+ help='place package in the specified directory' \
+ 'instead of a PROJECT/PACKAGE directory')
+ @cmdln.option('-s', '--source-service-files', action='store_true',
+ help='Run source services.' )
+ @cmdln.option('-S', '--server-side-source-service-files', action='store_true',
+ help='Use server side generated sources instead of local generation.' )
+ @cmdln.option('-l', '--limit-size', metavar='limit_size',
+ help='Skip all files with a given size')
+ @cmdln.alias('co')
+ def do_checkout(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Check out content from the repository
+ Check out content from the repository server, creating a local working
+ copy.
+ When checking out a single package, the option --revision can be used
+ to specify a revision of the package to be checked out.
+ When a package is a source link, then it will be checked out in
+ expanded form. If --unexpand-link option is used, the checkout will
+ instead produce the raw _link file plus patches.
+ usage:
+ osc co PROJECT # entire project
+ osc co PROJECT PACKAGE # a package
+ osc co PROJECT PACKAGE FILE # single file -> to current dir
+ while inside a project directory:
+ osc co PACKAGE # check out PACKAGE from project
+ with the result of rpm -q --qf '%%{DISTURL}\\n' PACKAGE
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if opts.unexpand_link:
+ expand_link = False
+ else:
+ expand_link = True
+ if not args:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Incorrect number of arguments.\n\n' \
+ + self.get_cmd_help('checkout'))
+ # XXX: this too openSUSE-setup specific...
+ # FIXME: this should go into ~jw/patches/osc/osc.proj_pack_20101201.diff
+ # to be available to all subcommands via @cmdline.prep(proj_pack)
+ # obs://build.opensuse.org/openSUSE:11.3/standard/fc6c25e795a89503e99d59da5dc94a79-screen
+ m = re.match(r"obs://([^/]+)/(\S+)/([^/]+)/([A-Fa-f\d]+)\-(\S+)", args[0])
+ if m and len(args) == 1:
+ apiurl = "https://" + m.group(1)
+ project = project_dir = m.group(2)
+ # platform = m.group(3)
+ opts.revision = m.group(4)
+ package = m.group(5)
+ apiurl = apiurl.replace('/build.', '/api.')
+ filename = None
+ else:
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ project = package = filename = None
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ try:
+ project = project_dir = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ filename = args[2]
+ except:
+ pass
+ if len(args) == 1 and is_project_dir(os.curdir):
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ project_dir = os.curdir
+ package = args[0]
+ rev, dummy = parseRevisionOption(opts.revision)
+ if rev==None:
+ rev="latest"
+ if rev and rev != "latest" and not checkRevision(project, package, rev):
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Revision \'%s\' does not exist' % rev
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if filename:
+ # Note: same logic as with 'osc cat' (not 'osc ls', which never merges!)
+ if expand_link:
+ rev = show_upstream_srcmd5(apiurl, project, package, expand=True, revision=rev)
+ get_source_file(apiurl, project, package, filename, revision=rev, progress_obj=self.download_progress)
+ elif package:
+ if opts.current_dir:
+ project_dir = None
+ checkout_package(apiurl, project, package, rev, expand_link=expand_link, \
+ prj_dir=project_dir, service_files = opts.source_service_files, server_service_files=opts.server_side_source_service_files, progress_obj=self.download_progress, size_limit=opts.limit_size, meta=opts.meta,
+ outdir=opts.output_dir)
+ print_request_list(apiurl, project, package)
+ elif project:
+ prj_dir = project
+ if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
+ prj_dir = prj_dir.replace(':', ';')
+ if os.path.exists(prj_dir):
+ sys.exit('osc: project \'%s\' already exists' % project)
+ # check if the project does exist (show_project_meta will throw an exception)
+ show_project_meta(apiurl, project)
+ Project.init_project(apiurl, prj_dir, project, conf.config['do_package_tracking'])
+ print statfrmt('A', prj_dir)
+ # all packages
+ for package in meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, project):
+ # don't check out local links by default
+ try:
+ m = show_files_meta(apiurl, project, package)
+ li = Linkinfo()
+ li.read(ET.fromstring(''.join(m)).find('linkinfo'))
+ if not li.haserror():
+ if li.project == project:
+ print statfrmt('S', package + " link to package " + li.package)
+ continue
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ checkout_package(apiurl, project, package, expand_link = expand_link, \
+ prj_dir = prj_dir, service_files = opts.source_service_files, server_service_files = opts.server_side_source_service_files, progress_obj=self.download_progress, size_limit=opts.limit_size, meta=opts.meta)
+ except oscerr.LinkExpandError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Link cannot be expanded:\n', e
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Use "osc repairlink" for fixing merge conflicts:\n'
+ # check out in unexpanded form at least
+ checkout_package(apiurl, project, package, expand_link = False, \
+ prj_dir = prj_dir, service_files = opts.source_service_files, server_service_files = opts.server_side_source_service_files, progress_obj=self.download_progress, size_limit=opts.limit_size, meta=opts.meta)
+ print_request_list(apiurl, project)
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Missing argument.\n\n' \
+ + self.get_cmd_help('checkout'))
+ @cmdln.option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true',
+ help='print as little as possible')
+ @cmdln.option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
+ help='print extra information')
+ @cmdln.option('-e', '--show-excluded', action='store_true',
+ help='also show files which are excluded by the ' \
+ '"exclude_glob" config option')
+ @cmdln.alias('st')
+ def do_status(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Show status of files in working copy
+ Show the status of files in a local working copy, indicating whether
+ files have been changed locally, deleted, added, ...
+ The first column in the output specifies the status and is one of the
+ following characters:
+ ' ' no modifications
+ 'A' Added
+ 'C' Conflicted
+ 'D' Deleted
+ 'M' Modified
+ '?' item is not under version control
+ '!' item is missing (removed by non-osc command) or incomplete
+ examples:
+ osc st
+ osc st <directory>
+ osc st file1 file2 ...
+ usage:
+ osc status [OPTS] [PATH...]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if opts.quiet and opts.verbose:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('\'--quiet\' and \'--verbose\' are mutually exclusive')
+ args = parseargs(args)
+ lines = []
+ excl_states = (' ',)
+ if opts.quiet:
+ excl_states += ('?',)
+ elif opts.verbose:
+ excl_states = ()
+ for arg in args:
+ if is_project_dir(arg):
+ prj = Project(arg, False)
+ # don't exclude packages with state ' ' because the packages
+ # might have modified etc. files
+ prj_excl = [st for st in excl_states if st != ' ']
+ for st, pac in sorted(prj.get_status(*prj_excl), lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1])):
+ p = prj.get_pacobj(pac)
+ if p is None:
+ # state is != ' '
+ lines.append(statfrmt(st, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(prj.dir, pac))))
+ continue
+ if st == ' ' and opts.verbose or st != ' ':
+ lines.append(statfrmt(st, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(prj.dir, pac))))
+ states = p.get_status(opts.show_excluded, *excl_states)
+ for st, filename in sorted(states, lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1])):
+ lines.append(statfrmt(st, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(p.dir, filename))))
+ else:
+ p = findpacs([arg])[0]
+ for st, filename in sorted(p.get_status(opts.show_excluded, *excl_states), lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1])):
+ lines.append(statfrmt(st, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(p.dir, filename))))
+ # arrange the lines in order: unknown files first
+ # filenames are already sorted
+ lines = [l for l in lines if l[0] == '?'] + \
+ [l for l in lines if l[0] != '?']
+ if lines:
+ print '\n'.join(lines)
+ def do_add(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Mark files to be added upon the next commit
+ In case a URL is given the file will get downloaded and registered to be downloaded
+ by the server as well via the download_url source service.
+ This is recommended for release tar balls to track their source and to help
+ others to review your changes esp. on version upgrades.
+ usage:
+ osc add URL [URL...]
+ osc add FILE [FILE...]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if not args:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Missing argument.\n\n' \
+ + self.get_cmd_help('add'))
+ # Do some magic here, when adding a url. We want that the server to download the tar ball and to verify it
+ for arg in parseargs(args):
+ if arg.startswith('http://') or arg.startswith('https://') or arg.startswith('ftp://') or arg.startswith('git://'):
+ if arg.endswith('.git'):
+ addGitSource(arg)
+ else:
+ addDownloadUrlService(arg)
+ else:
+ addFiles([arg])
+ def do_mkpac(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Create a new package under version control
+ usage:
+ osc mkpac new_package
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if not conf.config['do_package_tracking']:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "to use this feature you have to enable \'do_package_tracking\' " \
+ "in the [general] section in the configuration file"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments.')
+ createPackageDir(args[0])
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--recursive', action='store_true',
+ help='If CWD is a project dir then scan all package dirs as well')
+ @cmdln.alias('ar')
+ def do_addremove(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Adds new files, removes disappeared files
+ Adds all files new in the local copy, and removes all disappeared files.
+ ARG, if specified, is a package working copy.
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = parseargs(args)
+ arg_list = args[:]
+ for arg in arg_list:
+ if is_project_dir(arg) and conf.config['do_package_tracking']:
+ prj = Project(arg, False)
+ for pac in prj.pacs_unvers:
+ pac_dir = getTransActPath(os.path.join(prj.dir, pac))
+ if os.path.isdir(pac_dir):
+ addFiles([pac_dir], prj)
+ for pac in prj.pacs_broken:
+ if prj.get_state(pac) != 'D':
+ prj.set_state(pac, 'D')
+ print statfrmt('D', getTransActPath(os.path.join(prj.dir, pac)))
+ if opts.recursive:
+ for pac in prj.pacs_have:
+ state = prj.get_state(pac)
+ if state != None and state != 'D':
+ pac_dir = getTransActPath(os.path.join(prj.dir, pac))
+ args.append(pac_dir)
+ args.remove(arg)
+ prj.write_packages()
+ elif is_project_dir(arg):
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'osc: addremove is not supported in a project dir unless ' \
+ '\'do_package_tracking\' is enabled in the configuration file'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ pacs = findpacs(args)
+ for p in pacs:
+ p.todo = list(set(p.filenamelist + p.filenamelist_unvers + p.to_be_added))
+ for filename in p.todo:
+ if os.path.isdir(filename):
+ continue
+ # ignore foo.rXX, foo.mine for files which are in 'C' state
+ if os.path.splitext(filename)[0] in p.in_conflict:
+ continue
+ state = p.status(filename)
+ if state == '?':
+ # TODO: should ignore typical backup files suffix ~ or .orig
+ p.addfile(filename)
+ elif state == '!':
+ p.delete_file(filename)
+ print statfrmt('D', getTransActPath(os.path.join(p.dir, filename)))
+ @cmdln.alias('ci')
+ @cmdln.alias('checkin')
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message', metavar='TEXT',
+ help='specify log message TEXT')
+ @cmdln.option('-F', '--file', metavar='FILE',
+ help='read log message from FILE, \'-\' denotes standard input.')
+ @cmdln.option('-f', '--force', default=False, action="store_true",
+ help='ignored')
+ @cmdln.option('--skip-validation', default=False, action="store_true",
+ help='deprecated, don\'t use it')
+ @cmdln.option('-v', '--verbose', default=False, action="store_true",
+ help='Run the source services with verbose information')
+ @cmdln.option('--skip-local-service-run', '--noservice', default=False, action="store_true",
+ help='Skip service run of configured source services for local run')
+ def do_commit(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Upload content to the repository server
+ Upload content which is changed in your working copy, to the repository
+ server.
+ examples:
+ osc ci # current dir
+ osc ci <dir>
+ osc ci file1 file2 ...
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = parseargs(args)
+ if opts.skip_validation:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "WARNING: deprecated option --skip-validation ignored."
+ msg = ''
+ if opts.message:
+ msg = opts.message
+ elif opts.file:
+ if opts.file == '-':
+ msg = sys.stdin.read()
+ else:
+ try:
+ msg = open(opts.file).read()
+ except:
+ sys.exit('could not open file \'%s\'.' % opts.file)
+ skip_local_service_run = False
+ if not conf.config['local_service_run'] or opts.skip_local_service_run:
+ skip_local_service_run = True
+ arg_list = args[:]
+ for arg in arg_list:
+ if conf.config['do_package_tracking'] and is_project_dir(arg):
+ try:
+ prj = Project(arg)
+ if not msg:
+ msg = edit_message()
+ prj.commit(msg=msg, skip_local_service_run=skip_local_service_run, verbose=opts.verbose)
+ except oscerr.ExtRuntimeError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: service run failed", e
+ return 1
+ args.remove(arg)
+ pacs = findpacs(args)
+ if conf.config['do_package_tracking'] and len(pacs) > 0:
+ prj_paths = {}
+ single_paths = []
+ files = {}
+ # XXX: this is really ugly
+ pac_objs = {}
+ # it is possible to commit packages from different projects at the same
+ # time: iterate over all pacs and put each pac to the right project in the dict
+ for pac in pacs:
+ path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(pac.dir, os.pardir))
+ if is_project_dir(path):
+ pac_path = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(pac.absdir))
+ prj_paths.setdefault(path, []).append(pac_path)
+ pac_objs.setdefault(path, []).append(pac)
+ files[pac_path] = pac.todo
+ else:
+ single_paths.append(pac.dir)
+ if not pac.todo:
+ pac.todo = pac.filenamelist + pac.filenamelist_unvers
+ pac.todo.sort()
+ for prj_path, packages in prj_paths.iteritems():
+ prj = Project(prj_path)
+ if not msg:
+ msg = get_commit_msg(prj.absdir, pac_objs[prj_path])
+ prj.commit(packages, msg=msg, files=files, skip_local_service_run=skip_local_service_run, verbose=opts.verbose)
+ store_unlink_file(prj.absdir, '_commit_msg')
+ for pac in single_paths:
+ p = Package(pac)
+ if not msg:
+ msg = get_commit_msg(p.absdir, [p])
+ p.commit(msg, skip_local_service_run=skip_local_service_run, verbose=opts.verbose)
+ store_unlink_file(p.absdir, '_commit_msg')
+ else:
+ for p in pacs:
+ p = Package(pac)
+ if not p.todo:
+ p.todo = p.filenamelist + p.filenamelist_unvers
+ p.todo.sort()
+ if not msg:
+ msg = get_commit_msg(p.absdir, [p])
+ p.commit(msg, skip_local_service_run=skip_local_service_run, verbose=opts.verbose)
+ store_unlink_file(p.absdir, '_commit_msg')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--revision', metavar='REV',
+ help='update to specified revision (this option will be ignored '
+ 'if you are going to update the complete project or more than '
+ 'one package)')
+ @cmdln.option('-u', '--unexpand-link', action='store_true',
+ help='if a package is an expanded link, update to the raw _link file')
+ @cmdln.option('-e', '--expand-link', action='store_true',
+ help='if a package is a link, update to the expanded sources')
+ @cmdln.option('-s', '--source-service-files', action='store_true',
+ help='Run local source services after update.' )
+ @cmdln.option('-S', '--server-side-source-service-files', action='store_true',
+ help='Use server side generated sources instead of local generation.' )
+ @cmdln.option('-l', '--limit-size', metavar='limit_size',
+ help='Skip all files with a given size')
+ @cmdln.alias('up')
+ def do_update(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Update a working copy
+ examples:
+ 1. osc up
+ If the current working directory is a package, update it.
+ If the directory is a project directory, update all contained
+ packages, AND check out newly added packages.
+ To update only checked out packages, without checking out new
+ ones, you might want to use "osc up *" from within the project
+ dir.
+ 2. osc up PAC
+ Update the packages specified by the path argument(s)
+ When --expand-link is used with source link packages, the expanded
+ sources will be checked out. Without this option, the _link file and
+ patches will be checked out. The option --unexpand-link can be used to
+ switch back to the "raw" source with a _link file plus patch(es).
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if (opts.expand_link and opts.unexpand_link) \
+ or (opts.expand_link and opts.revision) \
+ or (opts.unexpand_link and opts.revision):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Sorry, the options --expand-link, --unexpand-link and '
+ '--revision are mutually exclusive.')
+ args = parseargs(args)
+ arg_list = args[:]
+ for arg in arg_list:
+ if is_project_dir(arg):
+ prj = Project(arg, progress_obj=self.download_progress)
+ if conf.config['do_package_tracking']:
+ prj.update(expand_link=opts.expand_link,
+ unexpand_link=opts.unexpand_link)
+ args.remove(arg)
+ else:
+ # if not tracking package, and 'update' is run inside a project dir,
+ # it should do the following:
+ # (a) update all packages
+ args += prj.pacs_have
+ # (b) fetch new packages
+ prj.checkout_missing_pacs(expand_link = not opts.unexpand_link)
+ args.remove(arg)
+ print_request_list(prj.apiurl, prj.name)
+ args.sort()
+ pacs = findpacs(args, progress_obj=self.download_progress)
+ if opts.revision and len(args) == 1:
+ rev, dummy = parseRevisionOption(opts.revision)
+ if not checkRevision(pacs[0].prjname, pacs[0].name, rev, pacs[0].apiurl):
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Revision \'%s\' does not exist' % rev
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ rev = None
+ for p in pacs:
+ if len(pacs) > 1:
+ print 'Updating %s' % p.name
+ # this shouldn't be needed anymore with the new update mechanism
+ # an expand/unexpand update is treated like a normal update (there's nothing special)
+ # FIXME: ugly workaround for #399247
+# if opts.expand_link or opts.unexpand_link:
+# if [ i for i in p.filenamelist+p.filenamelist_unvers if p.status(i) != ' ' and p.status(i) != '?']:
+# print >>sys.stderr, 'osc: cannot expand/unexpand because your working ' \
+# 'copy has local modifications.\nPlease revert/commit them ' \
+# 'and try again.'
+# sys.exit(1)
+ if not rev:
+ if opts.expand_link and p.islink() and not p.isexpanded():
+ rev = p.latest_rev(expand=True)
+ print 'Expanding to rev', rev
+ elif opts.unexpand_link and p.islink() and p.isexpanded():
+ rev = show_upstream_rev(p.apiurl, p.prjname, p.name, meta=p.meta)
+ print 'Unexpanding to rev', rev
+ elif (p.islink() and p.isexpanded()) or opts.server_side_source_service_files:
+ rev = p.latest_rev(include_service_files=opts.server_side_source_service_files)
+ p.update(rev, opts.server_side_source_service_files, opts.limit_size)
+ if opts.source_service_files:
+ print 'Running local source services'
+ p.run_source_services()
+ if opts.unexpand_link:
+ p.unmark_frozen()
+ rev = None
+ print_request_list(p.apiurl, p.prjname, p.name)
+ @cmdln.option('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
+ help='forces removal of entire package and its files')
+ @cmdln.alias('rm')
+ @cmdln.alias('del')
+ @cmdln.alias('remove')
+ def do_delete(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Mark files or package directories to be deleted upon the next 'checkin'
+ usage:
+ osc delete FILE [...]
+ cd .../PROJECT
+ osc delete PACKAGE [...]
+ This command works on check out copies. Use "rdelete" for working on server
+ side only. This is needed for removing the entire project.
+ As a safety measure, projects must be empty (i.e., you need to delete all
+ packages first).
+ If you are sure that you want to remove a package and all
+ its files use \'--force\' switch. Sometimes this also works without --force.
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if not args:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Missing argument.\n\n' \
+ + self.get_cmd_help('delete'))
+ args = parseargs(args)
+ # check if args contains a package which was removed by
+ # a non-osc command and mark it with the 'D'-state
+ arg_list = args[:]
+ for i in arg_list:
+ if not os.path.exists(i):
+ prj_dir, pac_dir = getPrjPacPaths(i)
+ if is_project_dir(prj_dir):
+ prj = Project(prj_dir, False)
+ if i in prj.pacs_broken:
+ if prj.get_state(i) != 'A':
+ prj.set_state(pac_dir, 'D')
+ else:
+ prj.del_package_node(i)
+ print statfrmt('D', getTransActPath(i))
+ args.remove(i)
+ prj.write_packages()
+ pacs = findpacs(args)
+ for p in pacs:
+ if not p.todo:
+ prj_dir, pac_dir = getPrjPacPaths(p.absdir)
+ if is_project_dir(prj_dir):
+ if conf.config['do_package_tracking']:
+ prj = Project(prj_dir, False)
+ prj.delPackage(p, opts.force)
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "WARNING: package tracking is disabled, operation skipped !"
+ else:
+ pathn = getTransActPath(p.dir)
+ for filename in p.todo:
+ p.clear_from_conflictlist(filename)
+ ret, state = p.delete_file(filename, opts.force)
+ if ret:
+ print statfrmt('D', os.path.join(pathn, filename))
+ continue
+ if state == '?':
+ sys.exit('\'%s\' is not under version control' % filename)
+ elif state in ['A', 'M'] and not opts.force:
+ sys.exit('\'%s\' has local modifications (use --force to remove this file)' % filename)
+ elif state == 'S':
+ sys.exit('\'%s\' is marked as skipped and no local file with this name exists' % filename)
+ def do_resolved(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Remove 'conflicted' state on working copy files
+ If an upstream change can't be merged automatically, a file is put into
+ in 'conflicted' ('C') state. Within the file, conflicts are marked with
+ special <<<<<<< as well as ======== and >>>>>>> lines.
+ After manually resolving all conflicting parts, use this command to
+ remove the 'conflicted' state.
+ Note: this subcommand does not semantically resolve conflicts or
+ remove conflict markers; it merely removes the conflict-related
+ artifact files and allows PATH to be committed again.
+ usage:
+ osc resolved FILE [FILE...]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if not args:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Missing argument.\n\n' \
+ + self.get_cmd_help('resolved'))
+ args = parseargs(args)
+ pacs = findpacs(args)
+ for p in pacs:
+ for filename in p.todo:
+ print 'Resolved conflicted state of "%s"' % filename
+ p.clear_from_conflictlist(filename)
+ @cmdln.alias('dists')
+# FIXME: using just ^DISCONTINUED as match is not a general approach and only valid for one instance
+# we need to discuss an api call for that, if we need this
+# @cmdln.option('-d', '--discontinued', action='store_true',
+# help='show discontinued distributions')
+ def do_distributions(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Shows all available distributions
+ This command shows the available distributions. For active distributions
+ it shows the name, project and name of the repository and a suggested default repository name.
+ usage:
+ osc distributions
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ print '\n'.join(get_distibutions(apiurl))#FIXME:, opts.discontinued))
+ @cmdln.hide(1)
+ def do_results_meta(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ print "Command results_meta is obsolete. Please use: osc results --xml"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ @cmdln.hide(1)
+ @cmdln.option('-l', '--last-build', action='store_true',
+ help='show last build results (succeeded/failed/unknown)')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--repo', action='append', default = [],
+ help='Show results only for specified repo(s)')
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--arch', action='append', default = [],
+ help='Show results only for specified architecture(s)')
+ @cmdln.option('', '--xml', action='store_true',
+ help='generate output in XML (former results_meta)')
+ def do_rresults(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ print "Command rresults is obsolete. Running 'osc results' instead"
+ self.do_results('results', opts, *args)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ @cmdln.option('-f', '--force', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help="Don't ask and delete files")
+ def do_rremove(self, subcmd, opts, project, package, *files):
+ """${cmd_name}: Remove source files from selected package
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(files) == 0:
+ if not '/' in project:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs("Missing operand, type osc help rremove for help")
+ else:
+ files = (package, )
+ project, package = project.split('/')
+ for filename in files:
+ if not opts.force:
+ resp = raw_input("rm: remove source file `%s' from `%s/%s'? (yY|nN) " % (filename, project, package))
+ if resp not in ('y', 'Y'):
+ continue
+ try:
+ delete_files(apiurl, project, package, (filename, ))
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if opts.force:
+ print >>sys.stderr, e
+ body = e.read()
+ if e.code in [ 400, 403, 404, 500 ]:
+ if '<summary>' in body:
+ msg = body.split('<summary>')[1]
+ msg = msg.split('</summary>')[0]
+ print >>sys.stderr, msg
+ else:
+ raise e
+ @cmdln.alias('r')
+ @cmdln.option('-l', '--last-build', action='store_true',
+ help='show last build results (succeeded/failed/unknown)')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--repo', action='append', default = [],
+ help='Show results only for specified repo(s)')
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--arch', action='append', default = [],
+ help='Show results only for specified architecture(s)')
+ @cmdln.option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='more verbose output')
+ @cmdln.option('-w', '--watch', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='watch the results until all finished building')
+ @cmdln.option('', '--xml', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='generate output in XML (former results_meta)')
+ @cmdln.option('', '--csv', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='generate output in CSV format')
+ @cmdln.option('', '--format', default='%(repository)s|%(arch)s|%(state)s|%(dirty)s|%(code)s|%(details)s',
+ help='format string for csv output')
+ def do_results(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Shows the build results of a package or project
+ Usage:
+ osc results # (inside working copy of PRJ or PKG)
+ osc results PROJECT [PACKAGE]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments (required none, one, or two)')
+ project = package = None
+ wd = os.curdir
+ if is_project_dir(wd):
+ project = store_read_project(wd)
+ elif is_package_dir(wd):
+ project = store_read_project(wd)
+ package = store_read_package(wd)
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ project = args[0]
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ package = args[1]
+ if project == None:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions("No project given")
+ if package == None:
+ if opts.arch == []:
+ opts.arch = None
+ if opts.repo == []:
+ opts.repo = None
+ opts.hide_legend = None
+ opts.name_filter = None
+ opts.status_filter = None
+ opts.vertical = None
+ opts.show_non_building = None
+ opts.show_excluded = None
+ self.do_prjresults('prjresults', opts, *args)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if opts.xml and opts.csv:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions("--xml and --csv are mutual exclusive")
+ args = [ apiurl, project, package, opts.last_build, opts.repo, opts.arch ]
+ if opts.xml:
+ print ''.join(show_results_meta(*args)),
+ elif opts.csv:
+ # ignore _oldstate key
+ results = [r for r in get_package_results(*args) if not '_oldstate' in r]
+ print '\n'.join(format_results(results, opts.format))
+ else:
+ args.append(opts.verbose)
+ args.append(opts.watch)
+ args.append("\n")
+ get_results(*args)
+ # WARNING: this function is also called by do_results. You need to set a default there
+ # as well when adding a new option!
+ @cmdln.option('-q', '--hide-legend', action='store_true',
+ help='hide the legend')
+ @cmdln.option('-c', '--csv', action='store_true',
+ help='csv output')
+ @cmdln.option('', '--xml', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='generate output in XML')
+ @cmdln.option('-s', '--status-filter', metavar='STATUS',
+ help='show only packages with buildstatus STATUS (see legend)')
+ @cmdln.option('-n', '--name-filter', metavar='EXPR',
+ help='show only packages whose names match EXPR')
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--arch', metavar='ARCH',
+ help='show results only for specified architecture(s)')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--repo', metavar='REPO',
+ help='show results only for specified repo(s)')
+ @cmdln.option('-V', '--vertical', action='store_true',
+ help='list packages vertically instead horizontally')
+ @cmdln.option('--show-excluded', action='store_true',
+ help='show packages that are excluded in all repos, also hide repos that have only excluded packages')
+ @cmdln.alias('pr')
+ def do_prjresults(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Shows project-wide build results
+ Usage:
+ osc prjresults (inside working copy)
+ osc prjresults PROJECT
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if args:
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ project = args[0]
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments.')
+ else:
+ wd = os.curdir
+ project = store_read_project(wd)
+ if opts.xml:
+ print ''.join(show_prj_results_meta(apiurl, project))
+ return
+ print '\n'.join(get_prj_results(apiurl, project, hide_legend=opts.hide_legend, csv=opts.csv, status_filter=opts.status_filter, name_filter=opts.name_filter, repo=opts.repo, arch=opts.arch, vertical=opts.vertical, show_excluded=opts.show_excluded))
+ @cmdln.option('-q', '--hide-legend', action='store_true',
+ help='hide the legend')
+ @cmdln.option('-c', '--csv', action='store_true',
+ help='csv output')
+ @cmdln.option('-s', '--status-filter', metavar='STATUS',
+ help='show only packages with buildstatus STATUS (see legend)')
+ @cmdln.option('-n', '--name-filter', metavar='EXPR',
+ help='show only packages whose names match EXPR')
+ @cmdln.hide(1)
+ def do_rprjresults(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ print "Command rprjresults is obsolete. Please use 'osc prjresults'"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ @cmdln.alias('bl')
+ @cmdln.alias('blt')
+ @cmdln.alias('buildlogtail')
+ @cmdln.option('-o', '--offset', metavar='OFFSET',
+ help='get log start or end from the offset')
+ @cmdln.option('-s', '--strip-time', action='store_true',
+ help='strip leading build time from the log')
+ def do_buildlog(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Shows the build log of a package
+ Shows the log file of the build of a package. Can be used to follow the
+ log while it is being written.
+ Needs to be called from within a package directory.
+ When called as buildlogtail (or blt) it just shows the end of the logfile.
+ This is useful to see just a build failure reasons.
+ The arguments REPOSITORY and ARCH are the first two columns in the 'osc
+ results' output. If the buildlog url is used buildlog command has the
+ same behavior as remotebuildlog.
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ repository = arch = None
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) == 1 and args[0].startswith('http'):
+ apiurl, project, package, repository, arch = parse_buildlogurl(args[0])
+ elif len(args) < 2:
+ self.print_repos()
+ elif len(args) > 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ else:
+ wd = os.curdir
+ package = store_read_package(wd)
+ project = store_read_project(wd)
+ repository = args[0]
+ arch = args[1]
+ offset=0
+ if subcmd == "blt" or subcmd == "buildlogtail":
+ query = { 'view': 'entry' }
+ u = makeurl(self.get_api_url(), ['build', project, repository, arch, package, '_log'], query=query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ offset = int(root.find('entry').get('size'))
+ if opts.offset:
+ offset = offset - int(opts.offset)
+ else:
+ offset = offset - ( 8 * 1024 )
+ if offset < 0:
+ offset=0
+ elif opts.offset:
+ offset = int(opts.offset)
+ strip_time = opts.strip_time or conf.config['buildlog_strip_time']
+ print_buildlog(apiurl, project, package, repository, arch, offset, strip_time)
+ def print_repos(self, repos_only=False, exc_class=oscerr.WrongArgs, exc_msg='Missing arguments'):
+ wd = os.curdir
+ doprint = False
+ if is_package_dir(wd):
+ msg = "package"
+ doprint = True
+ elif is_project_dir(wd):
+ msg = "project"
+ doprint = True
+ if doprint:
+ print 'Valid arguments for this %s are:' % msg
+ print
+ if repos_only:
+ self.do_repositories("repos_only", None)
+ else:
+ self.do_repositories(None, None)
+ raise exc_class(exc_msg)
+ @cmdln.alias('rbl')
+ @cmdln.alias('rbuildlog')
+ @cmdln.alias('rblt')
+ @cmdln.alias('rbuildlogtail')
+ @cmdln.alias('remotebuildlogtail')
+ @cmdln.option('-o', '--offset', metavar='OFFSET',
+ help='get log starting or ending from the offset')
+ @cmdln.option('-s', '--strip-time', action='store_true',
+ help='strip leading build time from the log')
+ def do_remotebuildlog(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Shows the build log of a package
+ Shows the log file of the build of a package. Can be used to follow the
+ log while it is being written.
+ remotebuildlogtail shows just the tail of the log file.
+ usage:
+ osc remotebuildlog project package repository arch
+ or
+ osc remotebuildlog project/package/repository/arch
+ or
+ osc remotebuildlog buildlogurl
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if len(args) == 1 and args[0].startswith('http'):
+ apiurl, project, package, repository, arch = parse_buildlogurl(args[0])
+ else:
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) < 4:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
+ elif len(args) > 4:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ else:
+ project, package, repository, arch = args
+ offset=0
+ if subcmd == "rblt" or subcmd == "rbuildlogtail" or subcmd == "remotebuildlogtail":
+ query = { 'view': 'entry' }
+ u = makeurl(self.get_api_url(), ['build', project, repository, arch, package, '_log'], query=query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ offset = int(root.find('entry').get('size'))
+ if opts.offset:
+ offset = offset - int(opts.offset)
+ else:
+ offset = offset - ( 8 * 1024 )
+ if offset < 0:
+ offset=0
+ elif opts.offset:
+ offset = int(opts.offset)
+ strip_time = opts.strip_time or conf.config['buildlog_strip_time']
+ print_buildlog(apiurl, project, package, repository, arch, offset, strip_time)
+ @cmdln.alias('lbl')
+ @cmdln.option('-o', '--offset', metavar='OFFSET',
+ help='get log starting from offset')
+ @cmdln.option('-s', '--strip-time', action='store_true',
+ help='strip leading build time from the log')
+ def do_localbuildlog(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Shows the build log of a local buildchroot
+ usage:
+ osc lbl # show log of newest last local build
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if conf.config['build-type']:
+ # FIXME: raise Exception instead
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Not implemented for VMs'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ package = store_read_package('.')
+ import glob
+ files = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), store, "_buildinfo-*"))
+ if not files:
+ self.print_repos()
+ cfg = files[0]
+ # find newest file
+ for f in files[1:]:
+ if os.stat(f).st_mtime > os.stat(cfg).st_mtime:
+ cfg = f
+ root = ET.parse(cfg).getroot()
+ project = root.get("project")
+ repo = root.get("repository")
+ arch = root.find("arch").text
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ project = store_read_project('.')
+ package = store_read_package('.')
+ repo = args[0]
+ arch = args[1]
+ else:
+ if is_package_dir(os.curdir):
+ self.print_repos()
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments.')
+ buildroot = os.environ.get('OSC_BUILD_ROOT', conf.config['build-root'])
+ buildroot = buildroot % {'project': project, 'package': package,
+ 'repo': repo, 'arch': arch}
+ offset = 0
+ if opts.offset:
+ offset = int(opts.offset)
+ logfile = os.path.join(buildroot, '.build.log')
+ if not os.path.isfile(logfile):
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'logfile \'%s\' does not exist' % logfile)
+ f = open(logfile, 'r')
+ f.seek(offset)
+ data = f.read(BUFSIZE)
+ while len(data):
+ if opts.strip_time or conf.config['buildlog_strip_time']:
+ data = buildlog_strip_time(data)
+ sys.stdout.write(data)
+ data = f.read(BUFSIZE)
+ f.close()
+ @cmdln.alias('tr')
+ def do_triggerreason(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Show reason why a package got triggered to build
+ The server decides when a package needs to get rebuild, this command
+ shows the detailed reason for a package. A brief reason is also stored
+ in the jobhistory, which can be accessed via "osc jobhistory".
+ Trigger reasons might be:
+ - new build (never build yet or rebuild manually forced)
+ - source change (eg. on updating sources)
+ - meta change (packages which are used for building have changed)
+ - rebuild count sync (In case that it is configured to sync release numbers)
+ usage in package or project directory:
+ osc reason REPOSITORY ARCH
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ wd = os.curdir
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ project = package = repository = arch = None
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ self.print_repos()
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) == 2: # 2
+ if is_package_dir('.'):
+ package = store_read_package(wd)
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('package is not specified.')
+ project = store_read_project(wd)
+ repository = args[0]
+ arch = args[1]
+ elif len(args) == 4:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ repository = args[2]
+ arch = args[3]
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ print apiurl, project, package, repository, arch
+ xml = show_package_trigger_reason(apiurl, project, package, repository, arch)
+ root = ET.fromstring(xml)
+ reason = root.find('explain').text
+ print reason
+ if reason == "meta change":
+ print "changed keys:"
+ for package in root.findall('packagechange'):
+ print " ", package.get('change'), package.get('key')
+ # FIXME: the new osc syntax should allow to specify multiple packages
+ # FIXME: the command should optionally use buildinfo data to show all dependencies
+ @cmdln.alias('whatdependson')
+ def do_dependson(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Show the build dependencies
+ The command dependson and whatdependson can be used to find out what
+ will be triggered when a certain package changes.
+ This is no guarantee, since the new build might have changed dependencies.
+ dependson shows the build dependencies inside of a project, valid for a
+ given repository and architecture.
+ NOTE: to see all binary packages, which can trigger a build you need to
+ refer the buildinfo, since this command shows only the dependencies
+ inside of a project.
+ The arguments REPOSITORY and ARCH can be taken from the first two columns
+ of the 'osc repos' output.
+ usage in package or project directory:
+ osc dependson REPOSITORY ARCH
+ osc whatdependson REPOSITORY ARCH
+ usage:
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ wd = os.curdir
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ project = packages = repository = arch = reverse = None
+ if len(args) < 2 and (is_package_dir('.') or is_project_dir('.')):
+ self.print_repos()
+ if len(args) > 4:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) < 3: # 2
+ if is_package_dir('.'):
+ packages = [store_read_package(wd)]
+ elif not is_project_dir('.'):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Project and package is not specified.')
+ project = store_read_project(wd)
+ repository = args[0]
+ arch = args[1]
+ if len(args) == 3:
+ project = args[0]
+ repository = args[1]
+ arch = args[2]
+ if len(args) == 4:
+ project = args[0]
+ packages = [args[1]]
+ repository = args[2]
+ arch = args[3]
+ if subcmd == 'whatdependson':
+ reverse = 1
+ xml = get_dependson(apiurl, project, repository, arch, packages, reverse)
+ root = ET.fromstring(xml)
+ for package in root.findall('package'):
+ print package.get('name'), ":"
+ for dep in package.findall('pkgdep'):
+ print " ", dep.text
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true',
+ help='verbose output of build dependencies')
+ @cmdln.option('-x', '--extra-pkgs', metavar='PAC', action='append',
+ help='Add this package when computing the buildinfo')
+ @cmdln.option('-p', '--prefer-pkgs', metavar='DIR', action='append',
+ help='Prefer packages from this directory when installing the build-root')
+ def do_buildinfo(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Shows the build info
+ Shows the build "info" which is used in building a package.
+ This command is mostly used internally by the 'build' subcommand.
+ It needs to be called from within a package directory.
+ The BUILD_DESCR argument is optional. BUILD_DESCR is a local RPM specfile
+ or Debian "dsc" file. If specified, it is sent to the server, and the
+ buildinfo will be based on it. If the argument is not supplied, the
+ buildinfo is derived from the specfile which is currently on the source
+ repository server.
+ The returned data is XML and contains a list of the packages used in
+ building, their source, and the expanded BuildRequires.
+ The arguments REPOSITORY and ARCH are optional. They can be taken from
+ the first two columns of the 'osc repos' output. If not specified,
+ REPOSITORY defaults to the 'build_repositoy' config entry in your '.oscrc'
+ and ARCH defaults to your host architecture.
+ usage:
+ in a package working copy:
+ osc buildinfo [OPTS] REPOSITORY (ARCH = hostarch, BUILD_DESCR is detected automatically)
+ osc buildinfo [OPTS] ARCH (REPOSITORY = build_repository (config option), BUILD_DESCR is detected automatically)
+ osc buildinfo [OPTS] BUILD_DESCR (REPOSITORY = build_repository (config option), ARCH = hostarch)
+ osc buildinfo [OPTS] (REPOSITORY = build_repository (config option), ARCH = hostarch, BUILD_DESCR is detected automatically)
+ Note: if BUILD_DESCR does not exist locally the remote BUILD_DESCR is used
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ wd = os.curdir
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ project = package = repository = arch = build_descr = None
+ if len(args) <= 3:
+ if not is_package_dir('.'):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Incorrect number of arguments (Note: \'.\' is no package wc)')
+ project = store_read_project('.')
+ package = store_read_package('.')
+ repository, arch, build_descr = self.parse_repoarchdescr(args, ignore_descr=True)
+ elif len(args) == 4 or len(args) == 5:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ repository = args[2]
+ arch = args[3]
+ if len(args) == 5:
+ build_descr = args[4]
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ build_descr_data = None
+ if not build_descr is None:
+ build_descr_data = open(build_descr, 'r').read()
+ if opts.prefer_pkgs and build_descr_data is None:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('error: a build description is needed if \'--prefer-pkgs\' is used')
+ elif opts.prefer_pkgs:
+ from build import get_prefer_pkgs
+ print 'Scanning the following dirs for local packages: %s' % ', '.join(opts.prefer_pkgs)
+ prefer_pkgs, cpio = get_prefer_pkgs(opts.prefer_pkgs, arch, os.path.splitext(args[2])[1])
+ cpio.add(os.path.basename(args[2]), build_descr_data)
+ build_descr_data = cpio.get()
+ print ''.join(get_buildinfo(apiurl,
+ project, package, repository, arch,
+ specfile=build_descr_data,
+ debug=opts.debug,
+ addlist=opts.extra_pkgs))
+ def do_buildconfig(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Shows the build config
+ Shows the build configuration which is used in building a package.
+ This command is mostly used internally by the 'build' command.
+ The returned data is the project-wide build configuration in a format
+ which is directly readable by the build script. It contains RPM macros
+ and BuildRequires expansions, for example.
+ The argument REPOSITORY an be taken from the first column of the
+ 'osc repos' output.
+ usage:
+ osc buildconfig REPOSITORY (in pkg or prj dir)
+ osc buildconfig PROJECT REPOSITORY
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ wd = os.curdir
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ if len(args) < 1 and (is_package_dir('.') or is_project_dir('.')):
+ self.print_repos(True)
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ #FIXME: check if args[0] is really a repo and not a project, need a is_project() function for this
+ project = store_read_project(wd)
+ repository = args[0]
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ project = args[0]
+ repository = args[1]
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments.')
+ print ''.join(get_buildconfig(apiurl, project, repository))
+ @cmdln.alias('repos')
+ @cmdln.alias('platforms')
+ def do_repositories(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: shows repositories configured for a project.
+ It skips repositories by default which are disabled for a given package.
+ usage:
+ osc repos
+ osc repos [PROJECT] [PACKAGE]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ project = None
+ package = None
+ disabled = None
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ project = args[0]
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ elif len(args) == 0:
+ if is_package_dir('.'):
+ package = store_read_package('.')
+ project = store_read_project('.')
+ elif is_project_dir('.'):
+ project = store_read_project('.')
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments')
+ if project is None:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No project specified')
+ if package is not None:
+ disabled = show_package_disabled_repos(apiurl, project, package)
+ if subcmd == 'repos_only':
+ for repo in get_repositories_of_project(apiurl, project):
+ if (disabled is None) or ((disabled is not None) and (repo not in disabled)):
+ print repo
+ else:
+ data = []
+ for repo in get_repos_of_project(apiurl, project):
+ if (disabled is None) or ((disabled is not None) and (repo.name not in disabled)):
+ data += [repo.name, repo.arch]
+ for row in build_table(2, data, width=2):
+ print row
+ def parse_repoarchdescr(self, args, noinit = False, alternative_project = None, ignore_descr = False, vm_type = None):
+ """helper to parse the repo, arch and build description from args"""
+ import osc.build
+ import glob
+ arg_arch = arg_repository = arg_descr = None
+ if len(args) < 3:
+ for arg in args:
+ if arg.endswith('.spec') or arg.endswith('.dsc') or arg.endswith('.kiwi') or arg == 'PKGBUILD':
+ arg_descr = arg
+ else:
+ if osc.build.can_also_build.get(arg) != None and arg_arch is None:
+ arg_arch = arg
+ if not (arg in osc.build.can_also_build.get(osc.build.hostarch, []) or arg in osc.build.hostarch):
+ print "WARNING: native compile is not possible, an emulator must be configured!"
+ elif not arg_repository:
+ arg_repository = arg
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('unexpected argument: \'%s\'' % arg)
+ else:
+ arg_repository, arg_arch, arg_descr = args
+ arg_arch = arg_arch or osc.build.hostarch
+ repositories = []
+ # store list of repos for potential offline use
+ repolistfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), osc.core.store, "_build_repositories")
+ if noinit:
+ if os.path.exists(repolistfile):
+ f = open(repolistfile, 'r')
+ repositories = [ l.strip()for l in f.readlines()]
+ f.close()
+ else:
+ project = alternative_project or store_read_project('.')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ repositories = get_repositories_of_project(apiurl, project)
+ if not len(repositories):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('no repositories defined for project \'%s\'' % project)
+ try:
+ f = open(repolistfile, 'w')
+ f.write('\n'.join(repositories) + '\n')
+ f.close()
+ except:
+ pass
+ if not arg_repository and len(repositories):
+ # Use a default value from config, but just even if it's available
+ # unless try standard, or openSUSE_Factory
+ arg_repository = repositories[-1]
+ for repository in (conf.config['build_repository'], 'standard', 'openSUSE_Factory'):
+ if repository in repositories:
+ arg_repository = repository
+ break
+ if not arg_repository:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('please specify a repository')
+ elif noinit == False and not arg_repository in repositories:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('%s is not a valid repository, use one of: %s' % (arg_repository, ', '.join(repositories)))
+ # can be implemented using
+ # reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, (glob.glob(x) for x in ('*.spec', '*.dsc', '*.kiwi')))
+ # but be a bit more readable :)
+ descr = glob.glob('*.spec') + glob.glob('*.dsc') + glob.glob('*.kiwi') + glob.glob('PKGBUILD')
+ # FIXME:
+ # * request repos from server and select by build type.
+ if not arg_descr and len(descr) == 1:
+ arg_descr = descr[0]
+ elif not arg_descr:
+ msg = None
+ if len(descr) > 1:
+ # guess/prefer build descrs like the following:
+ # <pac>-<repo>.<ext> > <pac>.<ext>
+ # no guessing for arch's PKGBUILD files (the backend does not do any guessing, too)
+ pac = os.path.basename(os.getcwd())
+ if is_package_dir(os.getcwd()):
+ pac = store_read_package(os.getcwd())
+ extensions = ['spec', 'dsc', 'kiwi']
+ cands = [i for i in descr for ext in extensions if i == '%s-%s.%s' % (pac, arg_repository, ext)]
+ if len(cands) == 1:
+ arg_descr = cands[0]
+ else:
+ cands = [i for i in descr for ext in extensions if i == '%s.%s' % (pac, ext)]
+ if len(cands) == 1:
+ arg_descr = cands[0]
+ if not arg_descr:
+ msg = 'Multiple build description files found: %s' % ', '.join(descr)
+ elif not ignore_descr:
+ msg = 'Missing argument: build description (spec, dsc or kiwi file)'
+ try:
+ p = Package('.')
+ if p.islink() and not p.isexpanded():
+ msg += ' (this package is not expanded - you might want to try osc up --expand)'
+ except:
+ pass
+ if msg:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs(msg)
+ return arg_repository, arg_arch, arg_descr
+ @cmdln.option('--clean', action='store_true',
+ help='Delete old build root before initializing it')
+ @cmdln.option('-o', '--offline', action='store_true',
+ help='Start with cached prjconf and packages without contacting the api server')
+ @cmdln.option('-l', '--preload', action='store_true',
+ help='Preload all files into the cache for offline operation')
+ @cmdln.option('--no-changelog', action='store_true',
+ help='don\'t update the package changelog from a changes file')
+ @cmdln.option('--rsync-src', metavar='RSYNCSRCPATH', dest='rsyncsrc',
+ help='Copy folder to buildroot after installing all RPMs. Use together with --rsync-dest. This is the path on the HOST filesystem e.g. /tmp/linux-kernel-tree. It defines RSYNCDONE 1 .')
+ @cmdln.option('--rsync-dest', metavar='RSYNCDESTPATH', dest='rsyncdest',
+ help='Copy folder to buildroot after installing all RPMs. Use together with --rsync-src. This is the path on the TARGET filesystem e.g. /usr/src/packages/BUILD/linux-2.6 .')
+ @cmdln.option('--overlay', metavar='OVERLAY',
+ help='Copy overlay filesystem to buildroot after installing all RPMs .')
+ @cmdln.option('--noinit', '--no-init', action='store_true',
+ help='Skip initialization of build root and start with build immediately.')
+ @cmdln.option('--nochecks', '--no-checks', action='store_true',
+ help='Do not run post build checks on the resulting packages.')
+ @cmdln.option('--no-verify', action='store_true',
+ help='Skip signature verification of packages used for build. (Global config in .oscrc: no_verify)')
+ @cmdln.option('--noservice', '--no-service', action='store_true',
+ help='Skip run of local source services as specified in _service file.')
+ @cmdln.option('-p', '--prefer-pkgs', metavar='DIR', action='append',
+ help='Prefer packages from this directory when installing the build-root')
+ @cmdln.option('-k', '--keep-pkgs', metavar='DIR',
+ help='Save built packages into this directory')
+ @cmdln.option('-x', '--extra-pkgs', metavar='PAC', action='append',
+ help='Add this package when installing the build-root')
+ @cmdln.option('--root', metavar='ROOT',
+ help='Build in specified directory')
+ @cmdln.option('-j', '--jobs', metavar='N',
+ help='Compile with N jobs')
+ @cmdln.option('--icecream', metavar='N',
+ help='use N parallel build jobs with icecream')
+ @cmdln.option('--ccache', action='store_true',
+ help='use ccache to speed up rebuilds')
+ @cmdln.option('--with', metavar='X', dest='_with', action='append',
+ help='enable feature X for build')
+ @cmdln.option('--without', metavar='X', action='append',
+ help='disable feature X for build')
+ @cmdln.option('--define', metavar='\'X Y\'', action='append',
+ help='define macro X with value Y')
+ @cmdln.option('--userootforbuild', action='store_true',
+ help='Run build as root. The default is to build as '
+ 'unprivileged user. Note that a line "# norootforbuild" '
+ 'in the spec file will invalidate this option.')
+ @cmdln.option('--build-uid', metavar='uid:gid|"caller"',
+ help='specify the numeric uid:gid pair to assign to the '
+ 'unprivileged "abuild" user or use "caller" to use the current user uid:gid')
+ @cmdln.option('--local-package', action='store_true',
+ help='build a package which does not exist on the server')
+ @cmdln.option('--linksources', action='store_true',
+ help='use hard links instead of a deep copied source')
+ @cmdln.option('--vm-type', metavar='TYPE',
+ help='use VM type TYPE (e.g. kvm)')
+ @cmdln.option('--target', metavar='TARGET',
+ help='define target plattform')
+ @cmdln.option('--alternative-project', metavar='PROJECT',
+ help='specify the build target project')
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--debuginfo', action='store_true',
+ help='also build debuginfo sub-packages')
+ @cmdln.option('--disable-debuginfo', action='store_true',
+ help='disable build of debuginfo packages')
+ @cmdln.option('-b', '--baselibs', action='store_true',
+ help='Create -32bit/-64bit/-x86 rpms for other architectures')
+ @cmdln.option('--release', metavar='N',
+ help='set release number of the package to N')
+ @cmdln.option('--disable-cpio-bulk-download', action='store_true',
+ help='disable downloading packages as cpio archive from api')
+ @cmdln.option('--cpio-bulk-download', action='store_false',
+ dest='disable_cpio_bulk_download', help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
+ @cmdln.option('--download-api-only', action='store_true',
+ @cmdln.option('--oldpackages', metavar='DIR',
+ help='take previous build from DIR (special values: _self, _link)')
+ @cmdln.option('--shell', action='store_true',
+ @cmdln.option('--host', metavar='HOST',
+ help='perform the build on a remote server - user@server:~/remote/directory')
+ def do_build(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Build a package on your local machine
+ You need to call the command inside a package directory, which should be a
+ buildsystem checkout. (Local modifications are fine.)
+ The arguments REPOSITORY and ARCH can be taken from the first two columns
+ of the 'osc repos' output. BUILD_DESCR is either a RPM spec file, or a
+ Debian dsc file.
+ The command honours packagecachedir, build-root and build-uid
+ settings in .oscrc, if present. You may want to set su-wrapper = 'sudo'
+ in .oscrc, and configure sudo with option NOPASSWD for /usr/bin/build.
+ If neither --clean nor --noinit is given, build will reuse an existing
+ build-root again, removing unneeded packages and add missing ones. This
+ is usually the fastest option.
+ If the package doesn't exist on the server please use the --local-package
+ option.
+ If the project of the package doesn't exist on the server please use the
+ --alternative-project <alternative-project> option:
+ Example:
+ osc build [OPTS] --alternative-project openSUSE:10.3 standard i586 BUILD_DESCR
+ usage:
+ osc build [OPTS] REPOSITORY (ARCH = hostarch, BUILD_DESCR is detected automatically)
+ osc build [OPTS] ARCH (REPOSITORY = build_repository (config option), BUILD_DESCR is detected automatically)
+ osc build [OPTS] BUILD_DESCR (REPOSITORY = build_repository (config option), ARCH = hostarch)
+ osc build [OPTS] (REPOSITORY = build_repository (config option), ARCH = hostarch, BUILD_DESCR is detected automatically)
+ # Note:
+ # Configuration can be overridden by envvars, e.g.
+ # OSC_SU_WRAPPER overrides the setting of su-wrapper.
+ # OSC_BUILD_ROOT overrides the setting of build-root.
+ # OSC_PACKAGECACHEDIR overrides the setting of packagecachedir.
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ import osc.build
+ if not os.path.exists('/usr/lib/build/debtransform') \
+ and not os.path.exists('/usr/lib/lbuild/debtransform'):
+ sys.stderr.write('Error: you need build.rpm with version 2007.3.12 or newer.\n')
+ sys.stderr.write('See http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Tools/\n')
+ return 1
+ if opts.debuginfo and opts.disable_debuginfo:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('osc: --debuginfo and --disable-debuginfo are mutual exclusive')
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments')
+ args = self.parse_repoarchdescr(args, opts.noinit or opts.offline, opts.alternative_project, False, opts.vm_type)
+ # check for source services
+ r = None
+ try:
+ if not opts.offline and not opts.noservice:
+ p = Package('.')
+ r = p.run_source_services(verbose=True)
+ except:
+ print "WARNING: package is not existing on server yet"
+ opts.local_package = True
+ pass
+ if opts.offline or opts.local_package or r == None:
+ print "WARNING: source service from package or project will not be executed. This may not be the same build as on server!"
+ elif (conf.config['local_service_run'] and not opts.noservice) and not opts.noinit:
+ if r != 0:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Source service run failed!'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # that is currently unreadable on cli, we should not have a backtrace on standard errors:
+ #raise oscerr.ServiceRuntimeError('Service run failed: \'%s\'', r)
+ if conf.config['no_verify']:
+ opts.no_verify = True
+ if opts.keep_pkgs and not os.path.isdir(opts.keep_pkgs):
+ if os.path.exists(opts.keep_pkgs):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Preferred save location \'%s\' is not a directory' % opts.keep_pkgs)
+ else:
+ os.makedirs(opts.keep_pkgs)
+ if opts.prefer_pkgs:
+ for d in opts.prefer_pkgs:
+ if not os.path.isdir(d):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Preferred package location \'%s\' is not a directory' % d)
+ if opts.noinit and opts.offline:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--noinit and --offline are mutually exclusive')
+ if opts.offline and opts.preload:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--offline and --preload are mutually exclusive')
+ print 'Building %s for %s/%s' % (args[2], args[0], args[1])
+ if not opts.host:
+ return osc.build.main(self.get_api_url(), opts, args)
+ else:
+ return self._do_rbuild(subcmd, opts, *args)
+ def _do_rbuild(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ # drop the --argument, value tuple from the list
+ def drop_arg2(lst, name):
+ if not name: return lst
+ while name in lst:
+ i = lst.index(name)
+ lst.pop(i+1)
+ lst.pop(i)
+ return lst
+ # change the local directory to more suitable remote one in hostargs
+ # and perform the rsync to such location as well
+ def rsync_dirs_2host(hostargs, short_name, long_name, dirs):
+ drop_arg2(hostargs, short_name)
+ drop_arg2(hostargs, long_name)
+ for pdir in dirs:
+ # drop the last '/' from pdir name - this is because
+ # rsync foo remote:/bar create /bar/foo on remote machine
+ # rsync foo/ remote:/bar copy the content of foo in the /bar
+ if pdir[-1:] == os.path.sep:
+ pdir = pdir[:-1]
+ hostprefer = os.path.join(
+ hostpath,
+ basename,
+ "%s__" % (long_name.replace('-','_')),
+ os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(pdir)))
+ hostargs.append(long_name)
+ hostargs.append(hostprefer)
+ rsync_prefer_cmd = ['rsync', '-az', '-delete', '-e', 'ssh',
+ pdir,
+ "%s:%s" % (hostname, os.path.dirname(hostprefer))]
+ print 'Run: %s' % " ".join(rsync_prefer_cmd)
+ ret = subprocess.call(rsync_prefer_cmd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ return ret
+ return 0
+ cwd = os.getcwdu()
+ basename = os.path.basename(cwd)
+ if not ':' in opts.host:
+ hostname = opts.host
+ hostpath = "~/"
+ else:
+ hostname, hostpath = opts.host.split(':', 1)
+ # arguments for build: use all arguments behind build and drop --host 'HOST'
+ hostargs = sys.argv[sys.argv.index(subcmd)+1:]
+ drop_arg2(hostargs, '--host')
+ # global arguments: use first '-' up to subcmd
+ gi = 0
+ for i, a in enumerate(sys.argv):
+ if a == subcmd:
+ break
+ if a[0] == '-':
+ gi = i
+ break
+ if gi:
+ hostglobalargs = sys.argv[gi : sys.argv.index(subcmd)+1]
+ else:
+ hostglobalargs = (subcmd, )
+ # keep-pkgs
+ hostkeep = None
+ if opts.keep_pkgs:
+ drop_arg2(hostargs, '-k')
+ drop_arg2(hostargs, '--keep-pkgs')
+ hostkeep = os.path.join(
+ hostpath,
+ basename,
+ "__keep_pkgs__",
+ "") # <--- this adds last '/', thus triggers correct rsync behavior
+ hostargs.append('--keep-pkgs')
+ hostargs.append(hostkeep)
+ ### run all commands ###
+ # 1.) rsync sources
+ rsync_source_cmd = ['rsync', '-az', '-delete', '-e', 'ssh', cwd, "%s:%s" % (hostname, hostpath)]
+ print 'Run: %s' % " ".join(rsync_source_cmd)
+ ret = subprocess.call(rsync_source_cmd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ return ret
+ # 2.) rsync prefer-pkgs dirs, overlay and rsyns-src
+ if opts.prefer_pkgs:
+ ret = rsync_dirs_2host(hostargs, '-p', '--prefer-pkgs', opts.prefer_pkgs)
+ if ret != 0:
+ return ret
+ for arg, long_name in ((opts.rsyncsrc, '--rsync-src'), (opts.overlay, '--overlay')):
+ if not arg: continue
+ ret = rsync_dirs_2host(hostargs, None, long_name, (arg, ))
+ if ret != 0:
+ return ret
+ # 3.) call osc build
+ osc_cmd = "osc"
+ if os.getenv(var):
+ osc_cmd = "%s=%s %s" % (var, os.getenv(var), osc_cmd)
+ ssh_cmd = \
+ ['ssh', '-t', hostname,
+ "cd %(remote_dir)s; %(osc_cmd)s %(global_args)s %(local_args)s" % dict(
+ remote_dir = os.path.join(hostpath, basename),
+ osc_cmd = osc_cmd,
+ global_args = " ".join(hostglobalargs),
+ local_args = " ".join(hostargs))
+ ]
+ print 'Run: %s' % " ".join(ssh_cmd)
+ build_ret = subprocess.call(ssh_cmd)
+ if build_ret != 0:
+ return build_ret
+ # 4.) get keep-pkgs back
+ if opts.keep_pkgs:
+ ret = rsync_keep_cmd = ['rsync', '-az', '-e', 'ssh', "%s:%s" % (hostname, hostkeep), opts.keep_pkgs]
+ print 'Run: %s' % " ".join(rsync_keep_cmd)
+ ret = subprocess.call(rsync_keep_cmd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ return ret
+ return build_ret
+ @cmdln.option('--local-package', action='store_true',
+ help='package doesn\'t exist on the server')
+ @cmdln.option('--alternative-project', metavar='PROJECT',
+ help='specify the used build target project')
+ @cmdln.option('--noinit', '--no-init', action='store_true',
+ help='do not guess/verify specified repository')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--root', action='store_true',
+ help='login as root instead of abuild')
+ @cmdln.option('-o', '--offline', action='store_true',
+ help='Use cached data without contacting the api server')
+ def do_chroot(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: chroot into the buildchroot
+ chroot into the buildchroot for the given repository, arch and build description
+ (NOTE: this command does not work if "build-type" is set in the config)
+ usage:
+ osc chroot [OPTS] REPOSITORY (ARCH = hostarch, BUILD_DESCR is detected automatically)
+ osc chroot [OPTS] ARCH (REPOSITORY = build_repository (config option), BUILD_DESCR is detected automatically)
+ osc chroot [OPTS] BUILD_DESCR (REPOSITORY = build_repository (config option), ARCH = hostarch)
+ osc chroot [OPTS] (REPOSITORY = build_repository (config option), ARCH = hostarch, BUILD_DESCR is detected automatically)
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments')
+ if conf.config['build-type']:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Not implemented for VMs'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ user = 'abuild'
+ if opts.root:
+ user = 'root'
+ repository, arch, descr = self.parse_repoarchdescr(args, opts.noinit or opts.offline, opts.alternative_project)
+ project = opts.alternative_project or store_read_project('.')
+ if opts.local_package:
+ package = os.path.splitext(descr)[0]
+ else:
+ package = store_read_package('.')
+ apihost = urlparse.urlsplit(self.get_api_url())[1]
+ buildroot = os.environ.get('OSC_BUILD_ROOT', conf.config['build-root']) \
+ % {'repo': repository, 'arch': arch, 'project': project, 'package': package, 'apihost': apihost}
+ if not os.path.isdir(buildroot):
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, '\'%s\' is not a directory' % buildroot)
+ suwrapper = os.environ.get('OSC_SU_WRAPPER', conf.config['su-wrapper'])
+ sucmd = suwrapper.split()[0]
+ suargs = ' '.join(suwrapper.split()[1:])
+ if suwrapper.startswith('su '):
+ cmd = [sucmd, '%s chroot "%s" su - %s' % (suargs, buildroot, user)]
+ else:
+ cmd = [sucmd, 'chroot', buildroot, 'su', '-', user]
+ if suargs:
+ cmd[1:1] = suargs.split()
+ print 'running: %s' % ' '.join(cmd)
+ os.execvp(sucmd, cmd)
+ @cmdln.option('', '--csv', action='store_true',
+ help='generate output in CSV (separated by |)')
+ @cmdln.alias('buildhist')
+ def do_buildhistory(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Shows the build history of a package
+ The arguments REPOSITORY and ARCH can be taken from the first two columns
+ of the 'osc repos' output.
+ usage:
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if len(args) < 2 and is_package_dir('.'):
+ self.print_repos()
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) == 4:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ repository = args[2]
+ arch = args[3]
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ wd = os.curdir
+ package = store_read_package(wd)
+ project = store_read_project(wd)
+ repository = args[0]
+ arch = args[1]
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments')
+ format = 'text'
+ if opts.csv:
+ format = 'csv'
+ print '\n'.join(get_buildhistory(apiurl, project, package, repository, arch, format))
+ @cmdln.option('', '--csv', action='store_true',
+ help='generate output in CSV (separated by |)')
+ @cmdln.option('-l', '--limit', metavar='limit',
+ help='for setting the number of results')
+ @cmdln.alias('jobhist')
+ def do_jobhistory(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Shows the job history of a project
+ The arguments REPOSITORY and ARCH can be taken from the first two columns
+ of the 'osc repos' output.
+ usage:
+ osc jobhist REPOSITORY ARCHITECTURE (in project dir)
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ wd = os.curdir
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ if len(args) < 2 and (is_project_dir('.') or is_package_dir('.')):
+ self.print_repos()
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) == 4:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ repository = args[2]
+ arch = args[3]
+ elif len(args) == 3:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = None # skipped = prj
+ repository = args[1]
+ arch = args[2]
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ package = None
+ try:
+ package = store_read_package(wd)
+ except:
+ pass
+ project = store_read_project(wd)
+ repository = args[0]
+ arch = args[1]
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments')
+ format = 'text'
+ if opts.csv:
+ format = 'csv'
+ print_jobhistory(apiurl, project, package, repository, arch, format, opts.limit)
+ @cmdln.hide(1)
+ def do_rlog(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ print "Command rlog is obsolete. Please use 'osc log'"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--revision', metavar='rev',
+ help='show log of the specified revision')
+ @cmdln.option('', '--csv', action='store_true',
+ help='generate output in CSV (separated by |)')
+ @cmdln.option('', '--xml', action='store_true',
+ help='generate output in XML')
+ @cmdln.option('-D', '--deleted', action='store_true',
+ help='work on deleted package')
+ @cmdln.option('-M', '--meta', action='store_true',
+ help='checkout out meta data instead of sources' )
+ def do_log(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Shows the commit log of a package
+ Usage:
+ osc log (inside working copy)
+ osc log remote_project [remote_package]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ wd = os.curdir
+ if is_project_dir(wd) or is_package_dir(wd):
+ project = store_read_project(wd)
+ if is_project_dir(wd):
+ package = "_project"
+ else:
+ package = store_read_package(wd)
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.NoWorkingCopy("Error: \"%s\" is not an osc working copy." % os.path.abspath(wd))
+ elif len(args) < 1:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments (required none or two)')
+ elif len(args) > 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments (required none or two)')
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = "_project"
+ else:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ rev, rev_upper = parseRevisionOption(opts.revision)
+ if rev and not checkRevision(project, package, rev, apiurl, opts.meta):
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Revision \'%s\' does not exist' % rev
+ sys.exit(1)
+ format = 'text'
+ if opts.csv:
+ format = 'csv'
+ if opts.xml:
+ format = 'xml'
+ log = '\n'.join(get_commitlog(apiurl, project, package, rev, format, opts.meta, opts.deleted, rev_upper))
+ run_pager(log)
+ def do_service(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Handle source services
+ Source services can be used to modify sources like downloading files,
+ verify files, generating files or modify existing files.
+ usage:
+ osc service COMMAND (inside working copy)
+ osc service run [SOURCE_SERVICE]
+ osc service disabledrun
+ osc service remoterun [PROJECT PACKAGE]
+ COMMAND can be:
+ run r run defined services locally, it takes an optional parameter to run only a
+ specified source service. In case paramteres exists for this one in _service file
+ they are used.
+ disabledrun dr run disabled or server side only services locally and store files as local created
+ remoterun rr trigger a re-run on the server side
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ project = package = singleservice = mode = None
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No command given.')
+ elif len(args) < 3:
+ if is_package_dir(os.curdir):
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ package = store_read_package(os.curdir)
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ singleservice = args[1]
+ elif len(args) == 3 and args[0] in ('remoterun', 'rr'):
+ project = args[1]
+ package = args[2]
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
+ command = args[0]
+ if not (command in ( 'run', 'localrun', 'disabledrun', 'remoterun', 'lr', 'dr', 'r', 'rr' )):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong command given.')
+ if command == "remoterun" or command == "rr":
+ print runservice(apiurl, project, package)
+ return
+ if command in ('run', 'localrun', 'disabledrun', 'lr', 'dr', 'r'):
+ if not is_package_dir(os.curdir):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Local directory is no package')
+ p = Package(".")
+ if command == "localrun" or command == "lr":
+ mode = "local"
+ elif command == "disabledrun" or command == "dr":
+ mode = "disabled"
+ p.run_source_services(mode, singleservice)
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--arch', metavar='ARCH',
+ help='trigger rebuilds for a specific architecture')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--repo', metavar='REPO',
+ help='trigger rebuilds for a specific repository')
+ @cmdln.option('-f', '--failed', action='store_true',
+ help='rebuild all failed packages')
+ @cmdln.option('--all', action='store_true',
+ help='Rebuild all packages of entire project')
+ @cmdln.alias('rebuildpac')
+ def do_rebuild(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Trigger package rebuilds
+ Note that it is normally NOT needed to kick off rebuilds like this, because
+ they principally happen in a fully automatic way, triggered by source
+ check-ins. In particular, the order in which packages are built is handled
+ by the build service.
+ The arguments REPOSITORY and ARCH can be taken from the first two columns
+ of the 'osc repos' output.
+ usage:
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ package = repo = arch = code = None
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if opts.repo:
+ repo = opts.repo
+ if opts.arch:
+ arch = opts.arch
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ if is_package_dir(os.curdir):
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ package = store_read_package(os.curdir)
+ apiurl = store_read_apiurl(os.curdir)
+ elif is_project_dir(os.curdir):
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ apiurl = store_read_apiurl(os.curdir)
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
+ else:
+ project = args[0]
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ package = args[1]
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ repo = args[2]
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ arch = args[3]
+ if opts.failed:
+ code = 'failed'
+ if not (opts.all or package or repo or arch or code):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('No option has been provided. If you want to rebuild all packages of the entire project, use --all option.')
+ print rebuild(apiurl, project, package, repo, arch, code)
+ def do_info(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Print information about a working copy
+ Print information about each ARG (default: '.')
+ ARG is a working-copy path.
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = parseargs(args)
+ pacs = findpacs(args)
+ for p in pacs:
+ print p.info()
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--arch', metavar='ARCH',
+ help='Abort builds for a specific architecture')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--repo', metavar='REPO',
+ help='Abort builds for a specific repository')
+ @cmdln.option('--all', action='store_true',
+ help='Abort all running builds of entire project')
+ def do_abortbuild(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Aborts the build of a certain project or package
+ usage:
+ osc abortbuild [PROJECT [PACKAGE [REPOSITORY [ARCH]]]]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ package = repo = arch = code = None
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if opts.repo:
+ repo = opts.repo
+ if opts.arch:
+ arch = opts.arch
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ if is_package_dir(os.curdir):
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ package = store_read_package(os.curdir)
+ apiurl = store_read_apiurl(os.curdir)
+ elif is_project_dir(os.curdir):
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ apiurl = store_read_apiurl(os.curdir)
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
+ else:
+ project = args[0]
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ package = args[1]
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ repo = args[2]
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ arch = args[3]
+ if not (opts.all or package or repo or arch):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('No option has been provided. If you want to abort all packages of the entire project, use --all option.')
+ print abortbuild(apiurl, project, package, opts.arch, opts.repo)
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--arch', metavar='ARCH',
+ help='Delete all binary packages for a specific architecture')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--repo', metavar='REPO',
+ help='Delete all binary packages for a specific repository')
+ @cmdln.option('--build-disabled', action='store_true',
+ help='Delete all binaries of packages for which the build is disabled')
+ @cmdln.option('--build-failed', action='store_true',
+ help='Delete all binaries of packages for which the build failed')
+ @cmdln.option('--broken', action='store_true',
+ help='Delete all binaries of packages for which the package source is bad')
+ @cmdln.option('--unresolvable', action='store_true',
+ help='Delete all binaries of packages which have dependency errors')
+ @cmdln.option('--all', action='store_true',
+ help='Delete all binaries regardless of the package status (previously default)')
+ def do_wipebinaries(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Delete all binary packages of a certain project/package
+ With the optional argument <package> you can specify a certain package
+ otherwise all binary packages in the project will be deleted.
+ usage:
+ osc wipebinaries OPTS # works in checked out project dir
+ osc wipebinaries OPTS PROJECT [PACKAGE]
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ package = project = None
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ # try to get project and package from checked out dirs
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ if is_project_dir(os.getcwd()):
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ if is_package_dir(os.getcwd()):
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ package = store_read_package(os.curdir)
+ if project is None:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Missing <project> argument.')
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments.')
+ # respect given project and package
+ if len(args) >= 1:
+ project = args[0]
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ package = args[1]
+ codes = []
+ if opts.build_disabled:
+ codes.append('disabled')
+ if opts.build_failed:
+ codes.append('failed')
+ if opts.broken:
+ codes.append('broken')
+ if opts.unresolvable:
+ codes.append('unresolvable')
+ if opts.all or opts.repo or opts.arch:
+ codes.append(None)
+ if len(codes) == 0:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('No option has been provided. If you want to delete all binaries, use --all option.')
+ # make a new request for each code= parameter
+ for code in codes:
+ print wipebinaries(apiurl, project, package, opts.arch, opts.repo, code)
+ @cmdln.option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true',
+ help='do not show downloading progress')
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--destdir', default='./binaries', metavar='DIR',
+ help='destination directory')
+ @cmdln.option('--sources', action="store_true",
+ help='also fetch source packages')
+ @cmdln.option('--debug', action="store_true",
+ help='also fetch debug packages')
+ def do_getbinaries(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Download binaries to a local directory
+ This command downloads packages directly from the api server.
+ Thus, it directly accesses the packages that are used for building
+ others even when they are not "published" yet.
+ usage:
+ osc getbinaries REPOSITORY # works in checked out project/package (check out all archs in subdirs)
+ osc getbinaries REPOSITORY ARCHITECTURE # works in checked out project/package
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ project = None
+ package = None
+ binary = None
+ if len(args) < 1 and is_package_dir('.'):
+ self.print_repos()
+ architecture = None
+ if len(args) == 4 or len(args) == 5:
+ project = args[0]
+ package = args[1]
+ repository = args[2]
+ architecture = args[3]
+ if len(args) == 5:
+ binary = args[4]
+ elif len(args) >= 1 and len(args) <= 2:
+ if is_package_dir(os.getcwd()):
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ package = store_read_package(os.curdir)
+ elif is_project_dir(os.getcwd()):
+ project = store_read_project(os.curdir)
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Missing arguments: either specify <project> and ' \
+ '<package> or move to a project or package working copy')
+ repository = args[0]
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ architecture = args[1]
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Need either 1, 2 or 4 arguments')
+ repos = list(get_repos_of_project(apiurl, project))
+ if not [i for i in repos if repository == i.name]:
+ self.print_repos(exc_msg='Invalid repository \'%s\'' % repository)
+ arches = [architecture]
+ if architecture is None:
+ arches = [i.arch for i in repos if repository == i.name]
+ if package is None:
+ package = meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, project)
+ else:
+ package = [package]
+ # Set binary target directory and create if not existing
+ target_dir = os.path.normpath(opts.destdir)
+ if not os.path.isdir(target_dir):
+ print 'Creating %s' % target_dir
+ os.makedirs(target_dir, 0755)
+ for arch in arches:
+ for pac in package:
+ binaries = get_binarylist(apiurl, project, repository, arch,
+ package=pac, verbose=True)
+ if not binaries:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'no binaries found: Either the package %s ' \
+ 'does not exist or no binaries have been built.' % pac
+ continue
+ for i in binaries:
+ if binary != None and binary != i.name:
+ continue
+ # skip source rpms
+ if not opts.sources and i.name.endswith('src.rpm'):
+ continue
+ if not opts.debug:
+ if i.name.find('-debuginfo-') >= 0:
+ continue
+ if i.name.find('-debugsource-') >= 0:
+ continue
+ fname = '%s/%s' % (target_dir, i.name)
+ if os.path.exists(fname):
+ st = os.stat(fname)
+ if st.st_mtime == i.mtime and st.st_size == i.size:
+ continue
+ get_binary_file(apiurl,
+ project,
+ repository, arch,
+ i.name,
+ package = pac,
+ target_filename = fname,
+ target_mtime = i.mtime,
+ progress_meter = not opts.quiet)
+ @cmdln.option('-b', '--bugowner', action='store_true',
+ help='restrict listing to items where the user is bugowner')
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--maintainer', action='store_true',
+ help='restrict listing to items where the user is maintainer')
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--all', action='store_true',
+ help='all involvements')
+ @cmdln.option('-U', '--user', metavar='USER',
+ help='search for USER instead of yourself')
+ @cmdln.option('--exclude-project', action='append',
+ help='exclude requests for specified project')
+ @cmdln.option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
+ help='verbose listing')
+ @cmdln.option('--maintained', action='store_true',
+ help='limit search results to packages with maintained attribute set.')
+ def do_my(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: show waiting work, packages, projects or requests involving yourself
+ Examples:
+ # list all open tasks for me
+ osc ${cmd_name} [work]
+ # list packages where I am bugowner
+ osc ${cmd_name} pkg -b
+ # list projects where I am maintainer
+ osc ${cmd_name} prj -m
+ # list request for all my projects and packages
+ osc ${cmd_name} rq
+ # list requests, excluding project 'foo' and 'bar'
+ osc ${cmd_name} rq --exclude-project foo,bar
+ # list submitrequests I made
+ osc ${cmd_name} sr
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ where TYPE is one of requests, submitrequests,
+ projects or packages (rq, sr, prj or pkg)
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ # TODO: please clarify the difference between sr and rq.
+ # My first implementeation was to make no difference between requests FROM one
+ # of my projects and TO one of my projects. The current implementation appears to make this difference.
+ # The usage above indicates, that sr would be a subset of rq, which is no the case with my tests.
+ # jw.
+ args_rq = ('requests', 'request', 'req', 'rq', 'work')
+ args_sr = ('submitrequests', 'submitrequest', 'submitreq', 'submit', 'sr')
+ args_prj = ('projects', 'project', 'projs', 'proj', 'prj')
+ args_pkg = ('packages', 'package', 'pack', 'pkgs', 'pkg')
+ args_patchinfos = ('patchinfos', 'work')
+ if opts.bugowner and opts.maintainer:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Sorry, \'--bugowner\' and \'maintainer\' are mutually exclusive')
+ elif opts.all and (opts.bugowner or opts.maintainer):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Sorry, \'--all\' and \'--bugowner\' or \'--maintainer\' are mutually exclusive')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ exclude_projects = []
+ for i in opts.exclude_project or []:
+ prj = i.split(',')
+ if len(prj) == 1:
+ exclude_projects.append(i)
+ else:
+ exclude_projects.extend(prj)
+ if not opts.user:
+ user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)
+ else:
+ user = opts.user
+ what = {'project': '', 'package': ''}
+ type="work"
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ type=args[0]
+ list_patchinfos = list_requests = False
+ if type in args_patchinfos:
+ list_patchinfos = True
+ if type in args_rq:
+ list_requests = True
+ elif type in args_prj:
+ what = {'project': ''}
+ elif type in args_sr:
+ requests = get_request_list(apiurl, req_who=user, exclude_target_projects=exclude_projects)
+ for r in sorted(requests):
+ print r.list_view(), '\n'
+ return
+ elif not type in args_pkg:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs("invalid type %s" % type)
+ role_filter = ''
+ if opts.maintainer:
+ role_filter = 'maintainer'
+ elif opts.bugowner:
+ role_filter = 'bugowner'
+ elif list_requests:
+ role_filter = 'maintainer'
+ if opts.all:
+ role_filter = ''
+ if list_patchinfos:
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['/search/package'], {
+ 'match' : "([kind='patchinfo' and issue/[@state='OPEN' and owner/@login='%s']])" % user
+ })
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ if root.findall('package'):
+ print "Patchinfos with open bugs assigned to you:\n"
+ for node in root.findall('package'):
+ project = node.get('project')
+ package = node.get('name')
+ print project, "/", package, '\n'
+ p = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package], { 'view': 'issues' })
+ fp = http_GET(p)
+ issues = ET.parse(fp).findall('issue')
+ for issue in issues:
+ if issue.find('state') == None or issue.find('state').text != "OPEN":
+ continue
+ if issue.find('owner') == None or issue.find('owner').find('login').text != user:
+ continue
+ print " #", issue.find('label').text, ': ',
+ desc = issue.find('summary')
+ if desc != None:
+ print desc.text
+ else:
+ print "\n"
+ print ""
+ if list_requests:
+ # try api side search as supported since OBS 2.2
+ try:
+ requests = []
+ # open reviews
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request'], {
+ 'view' : 'collection',
+ 'states': 'review',
+ 'reviewstates': 'new',
+ 'roles': 'reviewer',
+ 'user' : user,
+ })
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ if root.findall('request'):
+ print "Requests which request a review by you:\n"
+ for node in root.findall('request'):
+ r = Request()
+ r.read(node)
+ print r.list_view(), '\n'
+ print ""
+ # open requests
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request'], {
+ 'view' : 'collection',
+ 'states': 'new',
+ 'roles': 'maintainer',
+ 'user' : user,
+ })
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ if root.findall('request'):
+ print "Requests for your packages:\n"
+ for node in root.findall('request'):
+ r = Request()
+ r.read(node)
+ print r.list_view(), '\n'
+ print ""
+ # declined requests submitted by me
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request'], {
+ 'view' : 'collection',
+ 'states': 'declined',
+ 'roles': 'creator',
+ 'user' : user,
+ })
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ if root.findall('request'):
+ print "Declined requests created by you (revoke, reopen or supersede):\n"
+ for node in root.findall('request'):
+ r = Request()
+ r.read(node)
+ print r.list_view(), '\n'
+ print ""
+ return
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code == 400:
+ # skip it ... try again with old style below
+ pass
+ res = get_user_projpkgs(apiurl, user, role_filter, exclude_projects,
+ what.has_key('project'), what.has_key('package'),
+ opts.maintained, opts.verbose)
+ # map of project =>[list of packages]
+ # if list of packages is empty user is maintainer of the whole project
+ request_todo = {}
+ roles = {}
+ if len(what.keys()) == 2:
+ for i in res.get('project_id', res.get('project', {})).findall('project'):
+ request_todo[i.get('name')] = []
+ roles[i.get('name')] = [p.get('role') for p in i.findall('person') if p.get('userid') == user]
+ for i in res.get('package_id', res.get('package', {})).findall('package'):
+ prj = i.get('project')
+ roles['/'.join([prj, i.get('name')])] = [p.get('role') for p in i.findall('person') if p.get('userid') == user]
+ if not prj in request_todo or request_todo[prj] != []:
+ request_todo.setdefault(prj, []).append(i.get('name'))
+ else:
+ for i in res.get('project_id', res.get('project', {})).findall('project'):
+ roles[i.get('name')] = [p.get('role') for p in i.findall('person') if p.get('userid') == user]
+ if list_requests:
+ # old style, only for OBS 2.1 and before. Should not be used, since it is slow and incomplete
+ requests = get_user_projpkgs_request_list(apiurl, user, projpkgs=request_todo)
+ for r in sorted(requests):
+ print r.list_view(), '\n'
+ if not len(requests):
+ print " -> try also 'osc my sr' to see more."
+ else:
+ for i in sorted(roles.keys()):
+ out = '%s' % i
+ prjpac = i.split('/')
+ if type in args_pkg and len(prjpac) == 1 and not opts.verbose:
+ continue
+ if opts.verbose:
+ out = '%s (%s)' % (i, ', '.join(sorted(roles[i])))
+ if len(prjpac) == 2:
+ out = ' %s (%s)' % (prjpac[1], ', '.join(sorted(roles[i])))
+ print out
+ @cmdln.option('--repos-baseurl', action='store_true',
+ help='show base URLs of download repositories')
+ @cmdln.option('-e', '--exact', action='store_true',
+ help='show only exact matches, this is default now')
+ @cmdln.option('-s', '--substring', action='store_true',
+ help='Show also results where the search term is a sub string, slower search')
+ @cmdln.option('--package', action='store_true',
+ help='search for a package')
+ @cmdln.option('--project', action='store_true',
+ help='search for a project')
+ @cmdln.option('--title', action='store_true',
+ help='search for matches in the \'title\' element')
+ @cmdln.option('--description', action='store_true',
+ help='search for matches in the \'description\' element')
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--limit-to-attribute', metavar='ATTRIBUTE',
+ help='match only when given attribute exists in meta data')
+ @cmdln.option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
+ help='show more information')
+ @cmdln.option('-V', '--version', action='store_true',
+ help='show package version, revision, and srcmd5. CAUTION: This is slow and unreliable')
+ @cmdln.option('-i', '--involved', action='store_true',
+ help='show projects/packages where given person (or myself) is involved as bugowner or maintainer')
+ @cmdln.option('-b', '--bugowner', action='store_true',
+ help='as -i, but only bugowner')
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--maintainer', action='store_true',
+ help='as -i, but only maintainer')
+ @cmdln.option('--maintained', action='store_true',
+ help='OBSOLETE: please use maintained command instead.')
+ @cmdln.option('-M', '--mine', action='store_true',
+ help='shorthand for --bugowner --package')
+ @cmdln.option('--csv', action='store_true',
+ help='generate output in CSV (separated by |)')
+ @cmdln.option('--binary', action='store_true',
+ help='search binary packages')
+ @cmdln.option('-B', '--baseproject', metavar='PROJECT',
+ help='search packages built for PROJECT (implies --binary)')
+ @cmdln.option('--binaryversion', metavar='VERSION',
+ help='search for binary with specified version (implies --binary)')
+ @cmdln.alias('se')
+ @cmdln.alias('bse')
+ def do_search(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Search for a project and/or package.
+ If no option is specified osc will search for projects and
+ packages which contains the \'search term\' in their name,
+ title or description.
+ usage:
+ osc search \'search term\' <options>
+ osc bse ... ('osc search --binary')
+ osc se 'perl(Foo::Bar)' ('osc --package perl-Foo-Bar')
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ def build_xpath(attr, what, substr = False):
+ if substr:
+ return 'contains(%s, \'%s\')' % (attr, what)
+ else:
+ return '%s = \'%s\'' % (attr, what)
+ search_term = ''
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments')
+ elif len(args) == 0:
+ if opts.involved or opts.bugowner or opts.maintainer or opts.mine:
+ search_term = conf.get_apiurl_usr(conf.config['apiurl'])
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments')
+ else:
+ search_term = args[0]
+ if opts.maintained:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('The --maintained option is not anymore supported. Please use the maintained command instead.')
+ # XXX: is it a good idea to make this the default?
+ # support perl symbols:
+ if re.match('^perl\(\w+(::\w+)*\)$', search_term):
+ search_term = re.sub('\)','', re.sub('(::|\()','-', search_term))
+ opts.package = True
+ if opts.mine:
+ opts.bugowner = True
+ opts.package = True
+ if (opts.title or opts.description) and (opts.involved or opts.bugowner or opts.maintainer):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Sorry, the options \'--title\' and/or \'--description\' ' \
+ 'are mutually exclusive with \'-i\'/\'-b\'/\'-m\'/\'-M\'')
+ if opts.substring and opts.exact:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Sorry, the options \'--substring\' and \'--exact\' are mutually exclusive')
+ if not opts.substring:
+ opts.exact = True
+ if subcmd == 'bse' or opts.baseproject or opts.binaryversion:
+ opts.binary = True
+ if opts.binary and (opts.title or opts.description or opts.involved or opts.bugowner or opts.maintainer
+ or opts.project or opts.package):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Sorry, \'--binary\' and \'--title\' or \'--description\' or \'--involved ' \
+ 'or \'--bugowner\' or \'--maintainer\' or \'--limit-to-attribute <attr>\ ' \
+ 'or \'--project\' or \'--package\' are mutually exclusive')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ xpath = ''
+ if opts.title:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, build_xpath('title', search_term, opts.substring), inner=True)
+ if opts.description:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, build_xpath('description', search_term, opts.substring), inner=True)
+ if opts.project or opts.package or opts.binary:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, build_xpath('@name', search_term, opts.substring), inner=True)
+ # role filter
+ role_filter = ''
+ if opts.bugowner or opts.maintainer or opts.involved:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'person/@userid = \'%s\'' % search_term, inner=True)
+ role_filter = '%s (%s)' % (search_term, 'person')
+ role_filter_xpath = xpath
+ if opts.bugowner and not opts.maintainer:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'person/@role=\'bugowner\'', op='and')
+ role_filter = 'bugowner'
+ elif not opts.bugowner and opts.maintainer:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'person/@role=\'maintainer\'', op='and')
+ role_filter = 'maintainer'
+ if opts.limit_to_attribute:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'attribute/@name=\'%s\'' % opts.limit_to_attribute, op='and')
+ if opts.baseproject:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'path/@project=\'%s\'' % opts.baseproject, op='and')
+ if opts.binaryversion:
+ m = re.match(r'(.+)-(.*?)$', opts.binaryversion)
+ if m:
+ if m.group(2) != '':
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, '@versrel=\'%s\'' % opts.binaryversion, op='and')
+ else:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, '@version=\'%s\'' % m.group(1), op='and')
+ else:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, '@version=\'%s\'' % opts.binaryversion, op='and')
+ if not xpath:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, build_xpath('@name', search_term, opts.substring), inner=True)
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, build_xpath('title', search_term, opts.substring), inner=True)
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, build_xpath('description', search_term, opts.substring), inner=True)
+ what = {'project': xpath, 'package': xpath}
+ if opts.project and not opts.package:
+ what = {'project': xpath}
+ elif not opts.project and opts.package:
+ what = {'package': xpath}
+ elif opts.binary:
+ what = {'published/binary/id': xpath}
+ try:
+ res = search(apiurl, **what)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code != 400 or not role_filter:
+ raise e
+ # backward compatibility: local role filtering
+ if opts.limit_to_attribute:
+ role_filter_xpath = xpath_join(role_filter_xpath, 'attribute/@name=\'%s\'' % opts.limit_to_attribute, op='and')
+ what = dict([[kind, role_filter_xpath] for kind in what.keys()])
+ res = search(apiurl, **what)
+ filter_role(res, search_term, role_filter)
+ if role_filter:
+ role_filter = '%s (%s)' % (search_term, role_filter)
+ kind_map = {'published/binary/id': 'binary'}
+ for kind, root in res.iteritems():
+ results = []
+ for node in root.findall(kind_map.get(kind, kind)):
+ result = []
+ project = node.get('project')
+ package = None
+ if project is None:
+ project = node.get('name')
+ else:
+ if kind == 'published/binary/id':
+ package = node.get('package')
+ else:
+ package = node.get('name')
+ result.append(project)
+ if not package is None:
+ result.append(package)
+ if opts.version and package != None:
+ sr = get_source_rev(apiurl,project,package)
+ v = sr.get('version')
+ r = sr.get('rev')
+ s = sr.get('srcmd5')
+ if not v or v == 'unknown': v = '-'
+ if not r: r = '-'
+ if not s: s = '-'
+ result.append(v)
+ result.append(r)
+ result.append(s)
+ if opts.verbose:
+ title = node.findtext('title').strip()
+ if len(title) > 60:
+ title = title[:61] + '...'
+ result.append(title)
+ if opts.repos_baseurl:
+ # FIXME: no hardcoded URL of instance
+ result.append('http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/%s/' % project.replace(':', ':/'))
+ if kind == 'published/binary/id':
+ result.append(node.get('filepath'))
+ results.append(result)
+ if not len(results):
+ print 'No matches found for \'%s\' in %ss' % (role_filter or search_term, kind)
+ continue
+ # construct a sorted, flat list
+ # Sort by first column, follwed by second column if we have two columns, else sort by first.
+ results.sort(lambda x, y: ( cmp(x[0], y[0]) or
+ (len(x)>1 and len(y)>1 and cmp(x[1], y[1])) ))
+ new = []
+ for i in results:
+ new.extend(i)
+ results = new
+ headline = []
+ if kind == 'package' or kind == 'published/binary/id':
+ headline = [ '# Project', '# Package' ]
+ else:
+ headline = [ '# Project' ]
+ if opts.version and kind == 'package':
+ headline.append('# Ver')
+ headline.append('Rev')
+ headline.append('Srcmd5')
+ if opts.verbose:
+ headline.append('# Title')
+ if opts.repos_baseurl:
+ headline.append('# URL')
+ if opts.binary:
+ headline.append('# filepath')
+ if not opts.csv:
+ if len(what.keys()) > 1:
+ print '#' * 68
+ print 'matches for \'%s\' in %ss:\n' % (role_filter or search_term, kind)
+ for row in build_table(len(headline), results, headline, 2, csv = opts.csv):
+ print row
+ @cmdln.option('-p', '--project', metavar='project',
+ help='specify the path to a project')
+ @cmdln.option('-n', '--name', metavar='name',
+ help='specify a package name')
+ @cmdln.option('-t', '--title', metavar='title',
+ help='set a title')
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--description', metavar='description',
+ help='set the description of the package')
+ @cmdln.option('', '--delete-old-files', action='store_true',
+ help='delete existing files from the server')
+ @cmdln.option('-c', '--commit', action='store_true',
+ help='commit the new files')
+ def do_importsrcpkg(self, subcmd, opts, srpm):
+ """${cmd_name}: Import a new package from a src.rpm
+ A new package dir will be created inside the project dir
+ (if no project is specified and the current working dir is a
+ project dir the package will be created in this project). If
+ the package does not exist on the server it will be created
+ too otherwise the meta data of the existing package will be
+ updated (<title /> and <description />).
+ The src.rpm will be extracted into the package dir. The files
+ won't be committed unless you explicitly pass the --commit switch.
+ SRPM is the path of the src.rpm in the local filesystem,
+ or an URL.
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ import glob
+ from util import rpmquery
+ if opts.delete_old_files and conf.config['do_package_tracking']:
+ # IMHO the --delete-old-files option doesn't really fit into our
+ # package tracking strategy
+ print >>sys.stderr, '--delete-old-files is not supported anymore'
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'when do_package_tracking is enabled'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if '://' in srpm:
+ print 'trying to fetch', srpm
+ import urlgrabber
+ urlgrabber.urlgrab(srpm)
+ srpm = os.path.basename(srpm)
+ srpm = os.path.abspath(srpm)
+ if not os.path.isfile(srpm):
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'file \'%s\' does not exist' % srpm
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if opts.project:
+ project_dir = opts.project
+ else:
+ project_dir = os.curdir
+ if conf.config['do_package_tracking']:
+ project = Project(project_dir)
+ else:
+ project = store_read_project(project_dir)
+ rpmq = rpmquery.RpmQuery.query(srpm)
+ title, pac, descr, url = rpmq.summary(), rpmq.name(), rpmq.description(), rpmq.url()
+ if url is None:
+ url = ''
+ if opts.title:
+ title = opts.title
+ if opts.name:
+ pac = opts.name
+ if opts.description:
+ descr = opts.description
+ # title and description can be empty
+ if not pac:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'please specify a package name with the \'--name\' option. ' \
+ 'The automatic detection failed'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if conf.config['do_package_tracking']:
+ createPackageDir(os.path.join(project.dir, pac), project)
+ else:
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(project_dir, pac)):
+ apiurl = store_read_apiurl(project_dir)
+ user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)
+ data = meta_exists(metatype='pkg',
+ path_args=(quote_plus(project), quote_plus(pac)),
+ template_args=({
+ 'name': pac,
+ 'user': user}), apiurl=apiurl)
+ if data:
+ data = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
+ data.find('title').text = ''.join(title)
+ data.find('description').text = ''.join(descr)
+ data.find('url').text = url
+ data = ET.tostring(data)
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'error - cannot get meta data'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ edit_meta(metatype='pkg',
+ path_args=(quote_plus(project), quote_plus(pac)),
+ data = data, apiurl=apiurl)
+ Package.init_package(apiurl, project, pac, os.path.join(project_dir, pac))
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'error - local package already exists'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ unpack_srcrpm(srpm, os.path.join(project_dir, pac))
+ p = Package(os.path.join(project_dir, pac))
+ if len(p.filenamelist) == 0 and opts.commit:
+ print 'Adding files to working copy...'
+ addFiles(glob.glob('%s/*' % os.path.join(project_dir, pac)))
+ if conf.config['do_package_tracking']:
+ project.commit((pac, ))
+ else:
+ p.update_datastructs()
+ p.commit()
+ elif opts.commit and opts.delete_old_files:
+ for filename in p.filenamelist:
+ p.delete_remote_source_file(filename)
+ p.update_local_filesmeta()
+ print 'Adding files to working copy...'
+ addFiles(glob.glob('*'))
+ p.update_datastructs()
+ p.commit()
+ else:
+ print 'No files were committed to the server. Please ' \
+ 'commit them manually.'
+ print 'Package \'%s\' only imported locally' % pac
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print 'Package \'%s\' imported successfully' % pac
+ @cmdln.option('-X', '-m', '--method', default='GET', metavar='HTTP_METHOD',
+ help='specify HTTP method to use (GET|PUT|DELETE|POST)')
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--data', default=None, metavar='STRING',
+ help='specify string data for e.g. POST')
+ @cmdln.option('-T', '-f', '--file', default=None, metavar='FILE',
+ help='specify filename to upload, uses PUT mode by default')
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--add-header', default=None, metavar='NAME STRING',
+ nargs=2, action='append', dest='headers',
+ help='add the specified header to the request')
+ def do_api(self, subcmd, opts, url):
+ """${cmd_name}: Issue an arbitrary request to the API
+ Useful for testing.
+ URL can be specified either partially (only the path component), or fully
+ with URL scheme and hostname ('http://...').
+ Note the global -A and -H options (see osc help).
+ Examples:
+ osc api /source/home:user
+ osc api -X PUT -T /etc/fstab source/home:user/test5/myfstab
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if not opts.method in ['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE']:
+ sys.exit('unknown method %s' % opts.method)
+ # default is PUT when uploading files
+ if opts.file and opts.method == 'GET':
+ opts.method = 'PUT'
+ if not url.startswith('http'):
+ if not url.startswith('/'):
+ url = '/' + url
+ url = apiurl + url
+ if opts.headers:
+ opts.headers = dict(opts.headers)
+ r = http_request(opts.method,
+ url,
+ data=opts.data,
+ file=opts.file,
+ headers=opts.headers)
+ out = r.read()
+ sys.stdout.write(out)
+ @cmdln.option('-b', '--bugowner-only', action='store_true',
+ help='Show only the bugowner')
+ @cmdln.option('-B', '--bugowner', action='store_true',
+ help='Show only the bugowner if defined, or maintainer otherwise')
+ @cmdln.option('-e', '--email', action='store_true',
+ help='show email addresses instead of user names')
+ @cmdln.option('--nodevelproject', action='store_true',
+ help='do not follow a defined devel project ' \
+ '(primary project where a package is developed)')
+ @cmdln.option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
+ help='show more information')
+ @cmdln.option('-D', '--devel-project', metavar='devel_project',
+ help='define the project where this package is primarily developed')
+ @cmdln.option('-a', '--add', metavar='user',
+ help='add a new person for given role ("maintainer" by default)')
+ @cmdln.option('-A', '--all', action='store_true',
+ help='list all found entries not just the first one')
+ @cmdln.option('-s', '--set-bugowner', metavar='user',
+ help='Set the bugowner to specified person')
+ @cmdln.option('-S', '--set-bugowner-request', metavar='user',
+ help='Set the bugowner to specified person via a request')
+ @cmdln.option('-U', '--user', metavar='USER',
+ help='All official maintained instances for the specified USER')
+ @cmdln.option('-G', '--group', metavar='GROUP',
+ help='All official maintained instances for the specified GROUP')
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--delete', metavar='user',
+ help='delete a maintainer/bugowner (can be specified via --role)')
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--role', metavar='role', action='append', default=[],
+ help='Specify user role')
+ @cmdln.alias('bugowner')
+ def do_maintainer(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Show maintainers of a project/package
+ # Search for official maintained sources in OBS instance
+ osc maintainer BINARY <options>
+ osc maintainer -U <user> <options>
+ osc maintainer -G <group> <options>
+ # Lookup in specific containers
+ osc maintainer <options>
+ osc maintainer PRJ <options>
+ osc maintainer PRJ PKG <options>
+ The tool looks up the default responsible person for a certain project or package.
+ When using with an OBS 2.4 (or later) server it is doing the lookup for
+ a given binary according to the server side configuration of default owners.
+ PRJ and PKG default to current working-copy path.
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ binary = None
+ prj = None
+ pac = None
+ metaroot = None
+ searchresult = None
+ roles = [ 'bugowner', 'maintainer' ]
+ if len(opts.role):
+ roles = opts.role
+ if opts.bugowner_only or opts.bugowner or subcmd == 'bugowner':
+ roles = [ 'bugowner' ]
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ if opts.user or opts.group:
+ if len(args) != 0:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Either search for user or for packages.')
+ elif len(args) == 0:
+ try:
+ pac = store_read_package('.')
+ except oscerr.NoWorkingCopy:
+ pass
+ prj = store_read_project('.')
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ # it is unclear if one argument is a binary or a project, try binary first for new OBS 2.4
+ binary = prj = args[0]
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ prj = args[0]
+ pac = args[1]
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments.')
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ # Try the OBS 2.4 way first.
+ if binary or opts.user or opts.group:
+ limit=None
+ if opts.all:
+ limit=0
+ filterroles=roles
+ if filterroles == [ 'bugowner', 'maintainer' ]:
+ # use server side configured default
+ filterroles=None
+ if binary:
+ searchresult = owner(apiurl, binary, "binary", usefilter=filterroles, devel=None, limit=limit)
+ elif opts.user:
+ searchresult = owner(apiurl, opts.user, "user", usefilter=filterroles, devel=None)
+ elif opts.group:
+ searchresult = owner(apiurl, opts.group, "group", usefilter=filterroles, devel=None)
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('osc bug, no valid search criteria')
+ if opts.add:
+ if searchresult:
+ for result in searchresult.findall('owner'):
+ for role in roles:
+ addPerson(apiurl, result.get('project'), result.get('package'), opts.add, role)
+ else:
+ for role in roles:
+ addPerson(apiurl, prj, pac, opts.add, role)
+ elif opts.set_bugowner or opts.set_bugowner_request:
+ bugowner = opts.set_bugowner or opts.set_bugowner_request
+ requestactionsxml = ""
+ if searchresult:
+ for result in searchresult.findall('owner'):
+ if opts.set_bugowner:
+ for role in roles:
+ try:
+ setBugowner(apiurl, result.get('project'), result.get('package'), bugowner)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code == 403:
+ print "No write permission in", result.get('project'),
+ if result.get('package'):
+ print "/", result.get('package'),
+ print
+ repl = raw_input('\nCreating a request instead? (y/n) ')
+ if repl.lower() == 'y':
+ opts.set_bugowner_request = opts.set_bugowner
+ opts.set_bugowner = None
+ break
+ if opts.set_bugowner_request:
+ for role in roles:
+ args = [bugowner, result.get('project')]
+ if result.get('package'):
+ args = args + [result.get('package')]
+ requestactionsxml += self._set_bugowner(args,opts)
+ else:
+ for role in roles:
+ try:
+ setBugowner(apiurl, prj, pac, opts.delete, role)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code == 403:
+ print "No write permission in", result.get('project'),
+ if result.get('package'):
+ print "/", result.get('package'),
+ print
+ repl = raw_input('\nCreating a request instead? (y/n) ')
+ if repl.lower() == 'y':
+ opts.set_bugowner_request = opts.set_bugowner
+ opts.set_bugowner = None
+ break
+ if opts.set_bugowner_request:
+ for role in roles:
+ args = [bugowner, prj]
+ if pac:
+ args = args + [pac]
+ requestactionsxml += self._set_bugowner(args,opts)
+ if requestactionsxml != "":
+ message = edit_message()
+ import cgi
+ xml = """<request> %s <state name="new"/> <description>%s</description> </request> """ % \
+ (requestactionsxml, cgi.escape(message or ""))
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request'], query='cmd=create')
+ f = http_POST(u, data=xml)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ print "Request ID:", root.get('id')
+ elif opts.delete:
+ if searchresult:
+ for result in searchresult.findall('owner'):
+ for role in roles:
+ delPerson(apiurl, result.get('project'), result.get('package'), opts.add, role)
+ else:
+ for role in roles:
+ delPerson(apiurl, prj, pac, opts.delete, role)
+ elif opts.devel_project:
+ # XXX: does it really belong to this command?
+ setDevelProject(apiurl, prj, pac, opts.devel_project)
+ else:
+ if pac:
+ m = show_package_meta(apiurl, prj, pac)
+ metaroot = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
+ if not opts.nodevelproject:
+ while metaroot.findall('devel'):
+ d = metaroot.find('devel')
+ prj = d.get('project', prj)
+ pac = d.get('package', pac)
+ if opts.verbose:
+ print "Following to the development space: %s/%s" % (prj, pac)
+ m = show_package_meta(apiurl, prj, pac)
+ metaroot = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
+ if not metaroot.findall('person'):
+ if opts.verbose:
+ print "No dedicated persons in package defined, showing the project persons."
+ pac = None
+ m = show_project_meta(apiurl, prj)
+ metaroot = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
+ else:
+ # fallback to project lookup for old servers
+ if prj and not searchresult:
+ m = show_project_meta(apiurl, prj)
+ metaroot = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
+ # extract the maintainers
+ projects = []
+ # from owner search
+ if searchresult:
+ for result in searchresult.findall('owner'):
+ maintainers = {}
+ maintainers.setdefault("project", result.get('project'))
+ maintainers.setdefault("package", result.get('package'))
+ for person in result.findall('person'):
+ maintainers.setdefault(person.get('role'), []).append(person.get('name'))
+ projects = projects + [maintainers]
+ # from meta data
+ if metaroot:
+ # we have just one result
+ maintainers = {}
+ for person in metaroot.findall('person'):
+ maintainers.setdefault(person.get('role'), []).append(person.get('userid'))
+ projects = [maintainers]
+ # showing the maintainers
+ for maintainers in projects:
+ indent=""
+ definingproject=maintainers.get("project")
+ if definingproject:
+ definingpackage=maintainers.get("package")
+ indent=" "
+ if definingpackage:
+ print "Defined in package: %s/%s " %(definingproject, definingpackage)
+ else:
+ print "Defined in project: ", definingproject
+ if prj:
+ # not for user/group search
+ for role in roles:
+ if opts.bugowner and not len(maintainers.get(role, [])):
+ role = 'maintainer'
+ if pac:
+ print "%s%s of %s/%s : " %(indent, role, prj, pac)
+ else:
+ print "%s%s of %s : " %(indent, role, prj)
+ if opts.email:
+ emails = []
+ for maintainer in maintainers.get(role, []):
+ user = get_user_data(apiurl, maintainer, 'email')
+ if len(user):
+ emails.append(''.join(user))
+ print indent,
+ print ', '.join(emails) or '-'
+ elif opts.verbose:
+ userdata = []
+ for maintainer in maintainers.get(role, []):
+ user = get_user_data(apiurl, maintainer, 'login', 'realname', 'email')
+ userdata.append(user[0])
+ if user[1] != '-':
+ userdata.append("%s <%s>"%(user[1], user[2]))
+ else:
+ userdata.append(user[2])
+ for row in build_table(2, userdata, None, 3):
+ print indent,
+ print row
+ else:
+ print indent,
+ print ', '.join(maintainers.get(role, [])) or '-'
+ print
+ @cmdln.alias('who')
+ @cmdln.alias('user')
+ def do_whois(self, subcmd, opts, *usernames):
+ """${cmd_name}: Show fullname and email of a buildservice user
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ if len(usernames) < 1:
+ if not conf.config['api_host_options'][apiurl].has_key('user'):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('your .oscrc does not have your user name.')
+ usernames = (conf.config['api_host_options'][apiurl]['user'],)
+ for name in usernames:
+ user = get_user_data(apiurl, name, 'login', 'realname', 'email')
+ if len(user) == 3:
+ print "%s: \"%s\" <%s>"%(user[0], user[1], user[2])
+ @cmdln.option('-r', '--revision', metavar='rev',
+ help='print out the specified revision')
+ @cmdln.option('-e', '--expand', action='store_true',
+ help='force expansion of linked packages.')
+ @cmdln.option('-u', '--unexpand', action='store_true',
+ help='always work with unexpanded packages.')
+ @cmdln.option('-M', '--meta', action='store_true',
+ help='list meta data files')
+ @cmdln.alias('less')
+ def do_cat(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Output the content of a file to standard output
+ Examples:
+ osc cat project package file
+ osc cat project/package/file
+ osc cat http://api.opensuse.org/build/.../_log
+ osc cat http://api.opensuse.org/source/../_link
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if len(args) == 1 and (args[0].startswith('http://') or
+ args[0].startswith('https://')):
+ opts.method = 'GET'
+ opts.headers = None
+ opts.data = None
+ opts.file = None
+ return self.do_api('list', opts, *args)
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ if len(args) != 3:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Wrong number of arguments.')
+ rev, dummy = parseRevisionOption(opts.revision)
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ query = { }
+ if opts.meta:
+ query['meta'] = 1
+ if opts.revision:
+ query['rev'] = opts.revision
+ if opts.expand:
+ query['rev'] = show_upstream_srcmd5(apiurl, args[0], args[1], expand=True, revision=opts.revision, meta=opts.meta)
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', args[0], args[1], args[2]], query=query)
+ try:
+ if subcmd == 'less':
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ run_pager(''.join(f.readlines()))
+ else:
+ for data in streamfile(u):
+ sys.stdout.write(data)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code == 404 and not opts.expand and not opts.unexpand:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'expanding link...'
+ query['rev'] = show_upstream_srcmd5(apiurl, args[0], args[1], expand=True, revision=opts.revision)
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', args[0], args[1], args[2]], query=query)
+ if subcmd == "less":
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ run_pager(''.join(f.readlines()))
+ else:
+ for data in streamfile(u):
+ sys.stdout.write(data)
+ else:
+ e.osc_msg = 'If linked, try: cat -e'
+ raise e
+ # helper function to download a file from a specific revision
+ def download(self, name, md5, dir, destfile):
+ o = open(destfile, 'wb')
+ if md5 != '':
+ query = {'rev': dir['srcmd5']}
+ u = makeurl(dir['apiurl'], ['source', dir['project'], dir['package'], pathname2url(name)], query=query)
+ for buf in streamfile(u, http_GET, BUFSIZE):
+ o.write(buf)
+ o.close()
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--destdir', default='repairlink', metavar='DIR',
+ help='destination directory')
+ def do_repairlink(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Repair a broken source link
+ This command checks out a package with merged source changes. It uses
+ a 3-way merge to resolve file conflicts. After reviewing/repairing
+ the merge, use 'osc resolved ...' and 'osc ci' to re-create a
+ working source link.
+ usage:
+ * For merging conflicting changes of a checkout package:
+ osc repairlink
+ * Check out a package and merge changes:
+ osc repairlink PROJECT PACKAGE
+ * Pull conflicting changes from one project into another one:
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ args = slash_split(args)
+ if len(args) >= 3 and len(args) <= 4:
+ prj = args[0]
+ package = target_package = args[1]
+ target_prj = args[2]
+ if len(args) == 4:
+ target_package = args[3]
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ target_prj = prj = args[0]
+ target_package = package = args[1]
+ elif is_package_dir(os.getcwd()):
+ target_prj = prj = store_read_project(os.getcwd())
+ target_package = package = store_read_package(os.getcwd())
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Please specify project and package')
+ # first try stored reference, then lastworking
+ query = { 'rev': 'latest' }
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, package], query=query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ linkinfo = root.find('linkinfo')
+ if linkinfo == None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('package is not a source link')
+ if linkinfo.get('error') == None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('source link is not broken')
+ workingrev = None
+ baserev = linkinfo.get('baserev')
+ if baserev != None:
+ query = { 'rev': 'latest', 'linkrev': baserev }
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, package], query=query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ linkinfo = root.find('linkinfo')
+ if linkinfo.get('error') == None:
+ workingrev = linkinfo.get('xsrcmd5')
+ if workingrev == None:
+ query = { 'lastworking': 1 }
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, package], query=query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ linkinfo = root.find('linkinfo')
+ if linkinfo == None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('package is not a source link')
+ if linkinfo.get('error') == None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('source link is not broken')
+ workingrev = linkinfo.get('lastworking')
+ if workingrev == None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('source link never worked')
+ print "using last working link target"
+ else:
+ print "using link target of last commit"
+ query = { 'expand': 1, 'emptylink': 1 }
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, package], query=query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ meta = f.readlines()
+ root_new = ET.fromstring(''.join(meta))
+ dir_new = { 'apiurl': apiurl, 'project': prj, 'package': package }
+ dir_new['srcmd5'] = root_new.get('srcmd5')
+ dir_new['entries'] = [[n.get('name'), n.get('md5')] for n in root_new.findall('entry')]
+ query = { 'rev': workingrev }
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, package], query=query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root_oldpatched = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ linkinfo_oldpatched = root_oldpatched.find('linkinfo')
+ if linkinfo_oldpatched == None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('working rev is not a source link?')
+ if linkinfo_oldpatched.get('error') != None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('working rev is not working?')
+ dir_oldpatched = { 'apiurl': apiurl, 'project': prj, 'package': package }
+ dir_oldpatched['srcmd5'] = root_oldpatched.get('srcmd5')
+ dir_oldpatched['entries'] = [[n.get('name'), n.get('md5')] for n in root_oldpatched.findall('entry')]
+ query = {}
+ query['rev'] = linkinfo_oldpatched.get('srcmd5')
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', linkinfo_oldpatched.get('project'), linkinfo_oldpatched.get('package')], query=query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root_old = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ dir_old = { 'apiurl': apiurl }
+ dir_old['project'] = linkinfo_oldpatched.get('project')
+ dir_old['package'] = linkinfo_oldpatched.get('package')
+ dir_old['srcmd5'] = root_old.get('srcmd5')
+ dir_old['entries'] = [[n.get('name'), n.get('md5')] for n in root_old.findall('entry')]
+ entries_old = dict(dir_old['entries'])
+ entries_oldpatched = dict(dir_oldpatched['entries'])
+ entries_new = dict(dir_new['entries'])
+ entries = {}
+ entries.update(entries_old)
+ entries.update(entries_oldpatched)
+ entries.update(entries_new)
+ destdir = opts.destdir
+ if os.path.isdir(destdir):
+ shutil.rmtree(destdir)
+ os.mkdir(destdir)
+ Package.init_package(apiurl, target_prj, target_package, destdir)
+ store_write_string(destdir, '_files', ''.join(meta) + '\n')
+ store_write_string(destdir, '_linkrepair', '')
+ pac = Package(destdir)
+ storedir = os.path.join(destdir, store)
+ for name in sorted(entries.keys()):
+ md5_old = entries_old.get(name, '')
+ md5_new = entries_new.get(name, '')
+ md5_oldpatched = entries_oldpatched.get(name, '')
+ if md5_new != '':
+ self.download(name, md5_new, dir_new, os.path.join(storedir, name))
+ if md5_old == md5_new:
+ if md5_oldpatched == '':
+ pac.put_on_deletelist(name)
+ continue
+ print statfrmt(' ', name)
+ self.download(name, md5_oldpatched, dir_oldpatched, os.path.join(destdir, name))
+ continue
+ if md5_old == md5_oldpatched:
+ if md5_new == '':
+ continue
+ print statfrmt('U', name)
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(storedir, name), os.path.join(destdir, name))
+ continue
+ if md5_new == md5_oldpatched:
+ if md5_new == '':
+ continue
+ print statfrmt('G', name)
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(storedir, name), os.path.join(destdir, name))
+ continue
+ self.download(name, md5_oldpatched, dir_oldpatched, os.path.join(destdir, name + '.mine'))
+ if md5_new != '':
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(storedir, name), os.path.join(destdir, name + '.new'))
+ else:
+ self.download(name, md5_new, dir_new, os.path.join(destdir, name + '.new'))
+ self.download(name, md5_old, dir_old, os.path.join(destdir, name + '.old'))
+ if binary_file(os.path.join(destdir, name + '.mine')) or \
+ binary_file(os.path.join(destdir, name + '.old')) or \
+ binary_file(os.path.join(destdir, name + '.new')):
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(destdir, name + '.new'), os.path.join(destdir, name))
+ print statfrmt('C', name)
+ pac.put_on_conflictlist(name)
+ continue
+ o = open(os.path.join(destdir, name), 'wb')
+ code = subprocess.call(['diff3', '-m', '-E',
+ '-L', '.mine',
+ os.path.join(destdir, name + '.mine'),
+ '-L', '.old',
+ os.path.join(destdir, name + '.old'),
+ '-L', '.new',
+ os.path.join(destdir, name + '.new'),
+ ], stdout=o)
+ if code == 0:
+ print statfrmt('G', name)
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(destdir, name + '.mine'))
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(destdir, name + '.old'))
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(destdir, name + '.new'))
+ elif code == 1:
+ print statfrmt('C', name)
+ pac.put_on_conflictlist(name)
+ else:
+ print statfrmt('?', name)
+ pac.put_on_conflictlist(name)
+ pac.write_deletelist()
+ pac.write_conflictlist()
+ print
+ print 'Please change into the \'%s\' directory,' % destdir
+ print 'fix the conflicts (files marked with \'C\' above),'
+ print 'run \'osc resolved ...\', and commit the changes.'
+ def do_pull(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: merge the changes of the link target into your working copy.
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if not is_package_dir('.'):
+ raise oscerr.NoWorkingCopy('Error: \'%s\' is not an osc working copy.' % os.path.abspath('.'))
+ p = Package('.')
+ # check if everything is committed
+ for filename in p.filenamelist:
+ state = p.status(filename)
+ if state != ' ' and state != 'S':
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Please commit your local changes first!')
+ # check if we need to update
+ upstream_rev = p.latest_rev()
+ if not (p.isfrozen() or p.ispulled()):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('osc pull makes only sense with a detached head, did you mean osc up?')
+ if p.rev != upstream_rev:
+ raise oscerr.WorkingCopyOutdated((p.absdir, p.rev, upstream_rev))
+ elif not p.islink():
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('osc pull only works on linked packages.')
+ elif not p.isexpanded():
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('osc pull only works on expanded links.')
+ linkinfo = p.linkinfo
+ baserev = linkinfo.baserev
+ if baserev == None:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('osc pull only works on links containing a base revision.')
+ # get revisions we need
+ query = { 'expand': 1, 'emptylink': 1 }
+ u = makeurl(p.apiurl, ['source', p.prjname, p.name], query=query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ meta = f.readlines()
+ root_new = ET.fromstring(''.join(meta))
+ linkinfo_new = root_new.find('linkinfo')
+ if linkinfo_new == None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('link is not a really a link?')
+ if linkinfo_new.get('error') != None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('link target is broken')
+ if linkinfo_new.get('srcmd5') == baserev:
+ print "Already up-to-date."
+ p.unmark_frozen()
+ return
+ dir_new = { 'apiurl': p.apiurl, 'project': p.prjname, 'package': p.name }
+ dir_new['srcmd5'] = root_new.get('srcmd5')
+ dir_new['entries'] = [[n.get('name'), n.get('md5')] for n in root_new.findall('entry')]
+ dir_oldpatched = { 'apiurl': p.apiurl, 'project': p.prjname, 'package': p.name, 'srcmd5': p.srcmd5 }
+ dir_oldpatched['entries'] = [[f.name, f.md5] for f in p.filelist]
+ query = { 'rev': linkinfo.srcmd5 }
+ u = makeurl(p.apiurl, ['source', linkinfo.project, linkinfo.package], query=query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root_old = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ dir_old = { 'apiurl': p.apiurl, 'project': linkinfo.project, 'package': linkinfo.package, 'srcmd5': linkinfo.srcmd5 }
+ dir_old['entries'] = [[n.get('name'), n.get('md5')] for n in root_old.findall('entry')]
+ # now do 3-way merge
+ entries_old = dict(dir_old['entries'])
+ entries_oldpatched = dict(dir_oldpatched['entries'])
+ entries_new = dict(dir_new['entries'])
+ entries = {}
+ entries.update(entries_old)
+ entries.update(entries_oldpatched)
+ entries.update(entries_new)
+ for name in sorted(entries.keys()):
+ if name.startswith('_service:') or name.startswith('_service_'):
+ continue
+ md5_old = entries_old.get(name, '')
+ md5_new = entries_new.get(name, '')
+ md5_oldpatched = entries_oldpatched.get(name, '')
+ if md5_old == md5_new or md5_oldpatched == md5_new:
+ continue
+ if md5_old == md5_oldpatched:
+ if md5_new == '':
+ print statfrmt('D', name)
+ p.put_on_deletelist(name)
+ os.unlink(name)
+ elif md5_old == '':
+ print statfrmt('A', name)
+ self.download(name, md5_new, dir_new, name)
+ p.put_on_addlist(name)
+ else:
+ print statfrmt('U', name)
+ self.download(name, md5_new, dir_new, name)
+ continue
+ # need diff3 to resolve issue
+ if md5_oldpatched == '':
+ open(name, 'w').write('')
+ os.rename(name, name + '.mine')
+ self.download(name, md5_new, dir_new, name + '.new')
+ self.download(name, md5_old, dir_old, name + '.old')
+ if binary_file(name + '.mine') or binary_file(name + '.old') or binary_file(name + '.new'):
+ shutil.copy2(name + '.new', name)
+ print statfrmt('C', name)
+ p.put_on_conflictlist(name)
+ continue
+ o = open(name, 'wb')
+ code = subprocess.call(['diff3', '-m', '-E',
+ '-L', '.mine', name + '.mine',
+ '-L', '.old', name + '.old',
+ '-L', '.new', name + '.new',
+ ], stdout=o)
+ if code == 0:
+ print statfrmt('G', name)
+ os.unlink(name + '.mine')
+ os.unlink(name + '.old')
+ os.unlink(name + '.new')
+ elif code == 1:
+ print statfrmt('C', name)
+ p.put_on_conflictlist(name)
+ else:
+ print statfrmt('?', name)
+ p.put_on_conflictlist(name)
+ p.write_deletelist()
+ p.write_addlist()
+ p.write_conflictlist()
+ # store new linkrev
+ store_write_string(p.absdir, '_pulled', linkinfo_new.get('srcmd5') + '\n')
+ p.unmark_frozen()
+ print
+ if len(p.in_conflict):
+ print 'Please fix the conflicts (files marked with \'C\' above),'
+ print 'run \'osc resolved ...\', and commit the changes'
+ print 'to update the link information.'
+ else:
+ print 'Please commit the changes to update the link information.'
+ @cmdln.option('--create', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='create new gpg signing key for this project')
+ @cmdln.option('--extend', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='extend expiration date of the gpg public key for this project')
+ @cmdln.option('--delete', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='delete the gpg signing key in this project')
+ @cmdln.option('--notraverse', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='don\' traverse projects upwards to find key')
+ def do_signkey(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Manage Project Signing Key
+ osc signkey [--create|--delete|--extend] <PROJECT>
+ osc signkey [--notraverse] <PROJECT>
+ This command is for managing gpg keys. It shows the public key
+ by default. There is no way to download or upload the private
+ part of a key by design.
+ However you can create a new own key. You may want to consider
+ to sign the public key with your own existing key.
+ If a project has no key, the key from upper level project will
+ be used (eg. when dropping "KDE:KDE4:Community" key, the one from
+ "KDE:KDE4" will be used).
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ f = None
+ prj = None
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ if is_project_dir(cwd) or is_package_dir(cwd):
+ prj = store_read_project(cwd)
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ prj = args[0]
+ if not prj:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Please specify just the project')
+ if opts.create:
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj], query='cmd=createkey')
+ f = http_POST(url)
+ elif opts.extend:
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj], query='cmd=extendkey')
+ f = http_POST(url)
+ elif opts.delete:
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, "_pubkey"])
+ f = http_DELETE(url)
+ else:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, '_pubkey'])
+ f = http_GET(url)
+ break
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ l = prj.rsplit(':', 1)
+ # try key from parent project
+ if not opts.notraverse and len(l) > 1 and l[0] and l[1] and e.code == 404:
+ print '%s has no key, trying %s' % (prj, l[0])
+ prj = l[0]
+ else:
+ raise
+ while True:
+ buf = f.read(16384)
+ if not buf:
+ break
+ sys.stdout.write(buf)
+ @cmdln.option('-m', '--message',
+ help='add MESSAGE to changes (not open an editor)')
+ @cmdln.option('-e', '--just-edit', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='just open changes (cannot be used with -m)')
+ def do_vc(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: Edit the changes file
+ osc vc [-m MESSAGE|-e] [filename[.changes]|path [file_with_comment]]
+ If no <filename> is given, exactly one *.changes or *.spec file has to
+ be in the cwd or in path.
+ The email address used in .changes file is read from BuildService
+ instance, or should be defined in ~/.oscrc
+ [https://api.opensuse.org/]
+ user = login
+ pass = password
+ email = user@defined.email
+ or can be specified via mailaddr environment variable.
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ from subprocess import Popen
+ meego_style = False
+ if not args:
+ import glob, re
+ try:
+ fn_changelog = glob.glob('*.changes')[0]
+ fp = file(fn_changelog)
+ titleline = fp.readline()
+ fp.close()
+ if re.match('^\*\W+(.+\W+\d{1,2}\W+20\d{2})\W+(.+)\W+<(.+)>\W+(.+)$', titleline):
+ meego_style = True
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ if meego_style:
+ if not os.path.exists('/usr/bin/vc'):
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: you need meego-packaging-tools for /usr/bin/vc command'
+ return 1
+ cmd_list = ['/usr/bin/vc']
+ else:
+ if not os.path.exists('/usr/lib/build/vc'):
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: you need build.rpm with version 2009.04.17 or newer'
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'See http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Tools/'
+ return 1
+ cmd_list = ['/usr/lib/build/vc']
+ # set user's email if no mailaddr exists
+ if not os.environ.has_key('mailaddr'):
+ if len(args) and is_package_dir(args[0]):
+ apiurl = store_read_apiurl(args[0])
+ else:
+ apiurl = self.get_api_url()
+ user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)
+ data = get_user_data(apiurl, user, 'email')
+ if data:
+ os.environ['mailaddr'] = data[0]
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Try env mailaddr=...'
+ # mailaddr can be overrided by config one
+ if conf.config['api_host_options'][apiurl].has_key('email'):
+ os.environ['mailaddr'] = conf.config['api_host_options'][apiurl]['email']
+ if meego_style:
+ if opts.message or opts.just_edit:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Warning: to edit MeeGo style changelog, opts will be ignored.'
+ else:
+ if opts.message:
+ cmd_list.append("-m")
+ cmd_list.append(opts.message)
+ if opts.just_edit:
+ cmd_list.append("-e")
+ cmd_list.extend(args)
+ vc = Popen(cmd_list)
+ vc.wait()
+ sys.exit(vc.returncode)
+ @cmdln.option('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
+ help='forces removal of entire package and its files')
+ def do_mv(self, subcmd, opts, source, dest):
+ """${cmd_name}: Move SOURCE file to DEST and keep it under version control
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if not os.path.isfile(source):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs("Source file ``%s'' does not exists" % source)
+ if not opts.force and os.path.isfile(dest):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs("Dest file ``%s'' already exists" % dest)
+ src_pkg = findpacs([source])
+ tgt_pkg = findpacs([dest])
+ if not src_pkg:
+ raise oscerr.NoWorkingCopy("Error: \"%s\" is not located in an osc working copy." % os.path.abspath(source))
+ if not tgt_pkg:
+ raise oscerr.NoWorkingCopy("Error: \"%s\" does not point to an osc working copy." % os.path.abspath(dest))
+ os.rename(source, dest)
+ try:
+ tgt_pkg[0].addfile(os.path.basename(dest))
+ except oscerr.PackageFileConflict:
+ # file is already tracked
+ pass
+ src_pkg[0].delete_file(os.path.basename(source), force=opts.force)
+ @cmdln.option('-d', '--delete', action='store_true',
+ help='delete option from config or reset option to the default)')
+ @cmdln.option('-s', '--stdin', action='store_true',
+ help='indicates that the config value should be read from stdin')
+ @cmdln.option('-p', '--prompt', action='store_true',
+ help='prompt for a value')
+ @cmdln.option('--no-echo', action='store_true',
+ help='prompt for a value but do not echo entered characters')
+ @cmdln.option('--dump', action='store_true',
+ help='dump the complete configuration (without \'pass\' and \'passx\' options)')
+ @cmdln.option('--dump-full', action='store_true',
+ help='dump the complete configuration (including \'pass\' and \'passx\' options)')
+ def do_config(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: get/set a config option
+ Examples:
+ osc config section option (get current value)
+ osc config section option value (set to value)
+ osc config section option --delete (delete option/reset to the default)
+ (section is either an apiurl or an alias or 'general')
+ osc config --dump (dump the complete configuration)
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ if len(args) < 2 and not (opts.dump or opts.dump_full):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments')
+ elif opts.dump or opts.dump_full:
+ cp = conf.get_configParser(conf.config['conffile'])
+ for sect in cp.sections():
+ print '[%s]' % sect
+ for opt in sorted(cp.options(sect)):
+ if sect == 'general' and opt in conf.api_host_options or \
+ sect != 'general' and not opt in conf.api_host_options:
+ continue
+ if opt in ('pass', 'passx') and not opts.dump_full:
+ continue
+ val = str(cp.get(sect, opt, raw=True))
+ # special handling for continuation lines
+ val = '\n '.join(val.split('\n'))
+ print '%s = %s' % (opt, val)
+ print
+ return
+ section, opt, val = args[0], args[1], args[2:]
+ if len(val) and (opts.delete or opts.stdin or opts.prompt or opts.no_echo):
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Sorry, \'--delete\' or \'--stdin\' or \'--prompt\' or \'--no-echo\' ' \
+ 'and the specification of a value argument are mutually exclusive')
+ elif (opts.prompt or opts.no_echo) and opts.stdin:
+ raise oscerr.WrongOptions('Sorry, \'--prompt\' or \'--no-echo\' and \'--stdin\' are mutually exclusive')
+ elif opts.stdin:
+ # strip lines
+ val = [i.strip() for i in sys.stdin.readlines() if i.strip()]
+ if not len(val):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('error: read empty value from stdin')
+ elif opts.no_echo or opts.prompt:
+ if opts.no_echo:
+ import getpass
+ inp = getpass.getpass('Value: ').strip()
+ else:
+ inp = raw_input('Value: ').strip()
+ if not inp:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('error: no value was entered')
+ val = [inp]
+ opt, newval = conf.config_set_option(section, opt, ' '.join(val), delete=opts.delete, update=True)
+ if newval is None and opts.delete:
+ print '\'%s\': \'%s\' got removed' % (section, opt)
+ elif newval is None:
+ print '\'%s\': \'%s\' is not set' % (section, opt)
+ else:
+ if opts.no_echo:
+ # supress value
+ print '\'%s\': set \'%s\'' % (section, opt)
+ elif opt == 'pass' and not conf.config['plaintext_passwd'] and newval == 'your_password':
+ opt, newval = conf.config_set_option(section, 'passx')
+ print '\'%s\': \'pass\' was rewritten to \'passx\': \'%s\'' % (section, newval)
+ else:
+ print '\'%s\': \'%s\' is set to \'%s\'' % (section, opt, newval)
+ def do_revert(self, subcmd, opts, *files):
+ """${cmd_name}: Restore changed files or the entire working copy.
+ Examples:
+ osc revert <modified file(s)>
+ ose revert .
+ Note: this only works for package working copies
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ pacs = findpacs(files)
+ for p in pacs:
+ if not len(p.todo):
+ p.todo = p.filenamelist + p.to_be_added
+ for f in p.todo:
+ p.revert(f)
+ @cmdln.option('--force-apiurl', action='store_true',
+ help='ask once for an apiurl and force this apiurl for all inconsistent projects/packages')
+ def do_repairwc(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
+ """${cmd_name}: try to repair an inconsistent working copy
+ Examples:
+ osc repairwc <path>
+ Note: if <path> is omitted it defaults to '.' (<path> can be
+ a project or package working copy)
+ Warning: This command might delete some files in the storedir
+ (.osc). Please check the state of the wc afterwards (via 'osc status').
+ ${cmd_usage}
+ ${cmd_option_list}
+ """
+ def get_apiurl(apiurls):
+ print 'No apiurl is defined for this working copy.\n' \
+ 'Please choose one from the following list (enter the number):'
+ for i in range(len(apiurls)):
+ print ' %d) %s' % (i, apiurls[i])
+ num = raw_input('> ')
+ try:
+ num = int(num)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('\'%s\' is not a number. Aborting' % num)
+ if num < 0 or num >= len(apiurls):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('number \'%s\' out of range. Aborting' % num)
+ return apiurls[num]
+ args = parseargs(args)
+ pacs = []
+ apiurls = conf.config['api_host_options'].keys()
+ apiurl = ''
+ for i in args:
+ if is_project_dir(i):
+ try:
+ prj = Project(i, getPackageList=False)
+ except oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, e:
+ if '_apiurl' in e.dirty_files and (not apiurl or not opts.force_apiurl):
+ apiurl = get_apiurl(apiurls)
+ prj = Project(i, getPackageList=False, wc_check=False)
+ prj.wc_repair(apiurl)
+ for p in prj.pacs_have:
+ if p in prj.pacs_broken:
+ continue
+ try:
+ Package(os.path.join(i, p))
+ except oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent:
+ pacs.append(os.path.join(i, p))
+ elif is_package_dir(i):
+ pacs.append(i)
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, '\'%s\' is neither a project working copy ' \
+ 'nor a package working copy' % i
+ for pdir in pacs:
+ try:
+ p = Package(pdir)
+ except oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, e:
+ if '_apiurl' in e.dirty_files and (not apiurl or not opts.force_apiurl):
+ apiurl = get_apiurl(apiurls)
+ p = Package(pdir, wc_check=False)
+ p.wc_repair(apiurl)
+ print 'done. Please check the state of the wc (via \'osc status %s\').' % i
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'osc: working copy \'%s\' is not inconsistent' % i
+# fini!
+ # load subcommands plugged-in locally
+ plugin_dirs = [
+ '/usr/lib/osc-plugins',
+ '/usr/local/lib/osc-plugins',
+ '/var/lib/osc-plugins', # Kept for backward compatibility
+ os.path.expanduser('~/.osc-plugins')]
+ for plugin_dir in plugin_dirs:
+ if os.path.isdir(plugin_dir):
+ for extfile in os.listdir(plugin_dir):
+ if not extfile.endswith('.py'):
+ continue
+ try:
+ exec open(os.path.join(plugin_dir, extfile))
+ except SyntaxError, e:
+ if (os.environ.get('OSC_PLUGIN_FAIL_IGNORE')):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "%s: %s\n" % (plugin_dir, e)
+ else:
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+ print >>sys.stderr, '\n%s: %s' % (plugin_dir, e)
+ print >>sys.stderr, "\n Try 'env OSC_PLUGIN_FAIL_IGNORE=1 osc ...'"
+ sys.exit(1)
+# vim: sw=4 et
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Novell Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified
+# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
+# either version 2, or version 3 (at your option).
+"""Read osc configuration and store it in a dictionary
+This module reads and parses ~/.oscrc. The resulting configuration is stored
+for later usage in a dictionary named 'config'.
+The .oscrc is kept mode 0600, so that it is not publically readable.
+This gives no real security for storing passwords.
+If in doubt, use your favourite keyring.
+Password is stored on ~/.oscrc as bz2 compressed and base64 encoded, so that is fairly
+large and not to be recognized or remembered easily by an occasional spectator.
+If information is missing, it asks the user questions.
+After reading the config, urllib2 is initialized.
+The configuration dictionary could look like this:
+{'apisrv': 'https://api.opensuse.org/',
+ 'user': 'joe',
+ 'api_host_options': {'api.opensuse.org': {'user': 'joe', 'pass': 'secret'},
+ 'apitest.opensuse.org': {'user': 'joe', 'pass': 'secret',
+ 'http_headers':(('Host','api.suse.de'),
+ ('User','faye'))},
+ 'foo.opensuse.org': {'user': 'foo', 'pass': 'foo'}},
+ 'build-cmd': '/usr/bin/build',
+ 'build-root': '/abuild/oscbuild-%(repo)s-%(arch)s',
+ 'packagecachedir': '/var/cache/osbuild',
+ 'su-wrapper': 'sudo',
+ }
+import base64
+import cookielib
+import httplib
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import StringIO
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+import urlparse
+import OscConfigParser
+from osc import oscerr
+from oscsslexcp import NoSecureSSLError
+ import keyring
+ try:
+ import gobject
+ gobject.set_application_name('osc')
+ import gnomekeyring
+ if os.environ['GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID']:
+ # otherwise gnome keyring bindings spit out errors, when you have
+ # it installed, but you are not under gnome
+ # (even though hundreds of gnome-keyring daemons got started in parallel)
+ # another option would be to support kwallet here
+ GNOME_KEYRING = gnomekeyring.is_available()
+ except:
+ pass
+def _get_processors():
+ """
+ get number of processors (online) based on
+ SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN (returns 1 if config name does not exist).
+ """
+ try:
+ return os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN')
+ except ValueError, e:
+ return 1
+DEFAULTS = {'apiurl': 'https://api.opensuse.org',
+ 'user': 'your_username',
+ 'pass': 'your_password',
+ 'passx': '',
+ 'packagecachedir': '/var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache',
+ 'su-wrapper': 'sudo',
+ # build type settings
+ 'build-cmd': '/usr/bin/build',
+ 'build-type': '', # may be empty for chroot, kvm or xen
+ 'build-root': '/var/tmp/build-root',
+ 'build-uid': '', # use the default provided by build
+ 'build-device': '', # required for VM builds
+ 'build-memory': '', # required for VM builds
+ 'build-swap': '', # optional for VM builds
+ 'build-vmdisk-rootsize': '', # optional for VM builds
+ 'build-vmdisk-swapsize': '', # optional for VM builds
+ 'build-vmdisk-filesystem': '', # optional for VM builds
+ 'build-jobs': _get_processors(),
+ 'builtin_signature_check': '1', # by default use builtin check for verify pkgs
+ 'icecream': '0',
+ 'buildlog_strip_time': '0', # strips the build time from the build log
+ 'debug': '0',
+ 'http_debug': '0',
+ 'http_full_debug': '0',
+ 'http_retries': '3',
+ 'verbose': '1',
+ 'traceback': '0',
+ 'post_mortem': '0',
+ 'use_keyring': '0',
+ 'gnome_keyring': '0',
+ 'cookiejar': '~/.osc_cookiejar',
+ # fallback for osc build option --no-verify
+ 'no_verify': '0',
+ # enable project tracking by default
+ 'do_package_tracking': '1',
+ # default for osc build
+ 'extra-pkgs': '',
+ # default repository
+ 'build_repository': 'openSUSE_Factory',
+ # default project for branch or bco
+ 'getpac_default_project': 'openSUSE:Factory',
+ # alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+ 'checkout_no_colon': '0',
+ # change filesystem layout: avoid checkout from within a proj or package dir.
+ 'checkout_rooted': '0',
+ # local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+ 'exclude_glob': '.osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.vctmp.*',
+ # whether to keep passwords in plaintext.
+ 'plaintext_passwd': '1',
+ # limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+ # this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+ # Use 0 for unlimted.
+ 'request_list_days': 0,
+ # check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+ 'check_filelist': '1',
+ # check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+ 'check_for_request_on_action': '0',
+ # what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted
+ 'submitrequest_on_accept_action': '',
+ 'request_show_interactive': '0',
+ # if a review is accepted in interactive mode and a group
+ # was specified the review will be accepted for this group
+ 'review_inherit_group': '0',
+ 'submitrequest_accepted_template': '',
+ 'submitrequest_declined_template': '',
+ 'linkcontrol': '0',
+ 'include_request_from_project': '1',
+ 'local_service_run': '1',
+ # Maintenance defaults to OBS instance defaults
+ 'maintained_attribute': 'OBS:Maintained',
+ 'maintenance_attribute': 'OBS:MaintenanceProject',
+ 'maintained_update_project_attribute': 'OBS:UpdateProject',
+ 'show_download_progress': '0',
+# being global to this module, this dict can be accessed from outside
+# it will hold the parsed configuration
+config = DEFAULTS.copy()
+boolean_opts = ['debug', 'do_package_tracking', 'http_debug', 'post_mortem', 'traceback', 'check_filelist', 'plaintext_passwd',
+ 'checkout_no_colon', 'checkout_rooted', 'check_for_request_on_action', 'linkcontrol', 'show_download_progress', 'request_show_interactive',
+ 'review_inherit_group', 'use_keyring', 'gnome_keyring', 'no_verify', 'builtin_signature_check', 'http_full_debug',
+ 'include_request_from_project', 'local_service_run', 'buildlog_strip_time']
+api_host_options = ['user', 'pass', 'passx', 'aliases', 'http_headers', 'email', 'sslcertck', 'cafile', 'capath', 'trusted_prj']
+new_conf_template = """
+# URL to access API server, e.g. %(apiurl)s
+# you also need a section [%(apiurl)s] with the credentials
+apiurl = %(apiurl)s
+# Downloaded packages are cached here. Must be writable by you.
+#packagecachedir = %(packagecachedir)s
+# Wrapper to call build as root (sudo, su -, ...)
+#su-wrapper = %(su-wrapper)s
+# rootdir to setup the chroot environment
+# can contain %%(repo)s, %%(arch)s, %%(project)s, %%(package)s and %%(apihost)s (apihost is the hostname
+# extracted from currently used apiurl) for replacement, e.g.
+# /srv/oscbuild/%%(repo)s-%%(arch)s or
+# /srv/oscbuild/%%(repo)s-%%(arch)s-%%(project)s-%%(package)s
+#build-root = %(build-root)s
+# compile with N jobs (default: "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+#build-jobs = N
+# build-type to use - values can be (depending on the capabilities of the 'build' script)
+# empty - chroot build
+# kvm - kvm VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# xen - xen VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# experimental:
+# qemu - qemu VM build
+# lxc - lxc build
+#build-type =
+# build-device is the disk-image file to use as root for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.root
+#build-device = /var/tmp/FILE.root
+# build-swap is the disk-image to use as swap for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+#build-swap = /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+# build-memory is the amount of memory used in the VM
+# value in MB - e.g. 512
+#build-memory = 512
+# build-vmdisk-rootsize is the size of the disk-image used as root in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 4096
+#build-vmdisk-rootsize = 4096
+# build-vmdisk-swapsize is the size of the disk-image used as swap in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 1024
+#build-vmdisk-swapsize = 1024
+# build-vmdisk-filesystem is the file system type of the disk-image used in a VM build
+# values are ext3(default) ext4 xfs reiserfs btrfs
+#build-vmdisk-filesystem = ext4
+# Numeric uid:gid to assign to the "abuild" user in the build-root
+# or "caller" to use the current users uid:gid
+# This is convenient when sharing the buildroot with ordinary userids
+# on the host.
+# This should not be 0
+# build-uid =
+# strip leading build time information from the build log
+# buildlog_strip_time = 1
+# extra packages to install when building packages locally (osc build)
+# this corresponds to osc build's -x option and can be overridden with that
+# -x '' can also be given on the command line to override this setting, or
+# you can have an empty setting here.
+#extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace
+# build platform is used if the platform argument is omitted to osc build
+#build_repository = %(build_repository)s
+# default project for getpac or bco
+#getpac_default_project = %(getpac_default_project)s
+# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+#checkout_no_colon = %(checkout_no_colon)s
+# change filesystem layout: avoid checkout within a project or package dir.
+#checkout_rooted = %(checkout_rooted)s
+# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+#exclude_glob = %(exclude_glob)s
+# keep passwords in plaintext.
+# Set to 0 to obfuscate passwords. It's no real security, just
+# prevents most people from remembering your password if they watch
+# you editing this file.
+#plaintext_passwd = %(plaintext_passwd)s
+# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+# Use 0 for unlimted.
+#request_list_days = %(request_list_days)s
+# show info useful for debugging
+#debug = 1
+# show HTTP traffic useful for debugging
+#http_debug = 1
+# number of retries on HTTP transfer
+#http_retries = 3
+# Skip signature verification of packages used for build.
+#no_verify = 1
+# jump into the debugger in case of errors
+#post_mortem = 1
+# print call traces in case of errors
+#traceback = 1
+# use KDE/Gnome/MacOS/Windows keyring for credentials if available
+#use_keyring = 1
+# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+#check_filelist = 1
+# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+#check_for_request_on_action = 0
+# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted. If
+# nothing is specified the API default is used
+#submitrequest_on_accept_action = cleanup|update|noupdate
+# template for an accepted submitrequest
+#submitrequest_accepted_template = Hi %%(who)s,\\n
+# thanks for working on:\\t%%(tgt_project)s/%%(tgt_package)s.
+# SR %%(reqid)s has been accepted.\\n\\nYour maintainers
+# template for a declined submitrequest
+#submitrequest_declined_template = Hi %%(who)s,\\n
+# sorry your SR %%(reqid)s (request type: %%(type)s) for
+# %%(tgt_project)s/%%(tgt_package)s has been declined because...
+#review requests interactively (default: off)
+#request_show_review = 1
+# if a review is accepted in interactive mode and a group
+# was specified the review will be accepted for this group (default: off)
+#review_inherit_group = 1
+user = %(user)s
+pass = %(pass)s
+# set aliases for this apiurl
+# aliases = foo, bar
+# email used in .changes, unless the one from osc meta prj <user> will be used
+# email =
+# additional headers to pass to a request, e.g. for special authentication
+#http_headers = Host: foofoobar,
+# User: mumblegack
+# Plain text password
+#pass =
+# Force using of keyring for this API
+#keyring = 1
+account_not_configured_text = """
+Your user account / password are not configured yet.
+You will be asked for them below, and they will be stored in
+%s for future use.
+config_incomplete_text = """
+Your configuration file %s is not complete.
+Make sure that it has a [general] section.
+(You can copy&paste the below. Some commented defaults are shown.)
+config_missing_apiurl_text = """
+the apiurl \'%s\' does not exist in the config file. Please enter
+your credentials for this apiurl.
+cookiejar = None
+def parse_apisrv_url(scheme, apisrv):
+ if apisrv.startswith('http://') or apisrv.startswith('https://'):
+ return urlparse.urlsplit(apisrv)[0:2]
+ elif scheme != None:
+ # the split/join is needed to get a proper url (e.g. without a trailing slash)
+ return urlparse.urlsplit(urljoin(scheme, apisrv))[0:2]
+ else:
+ msg = 'invalid apiurl \'%s\' (specify the protocol (http:// or https://))' % apisrv
+ raise urllib2.URLError(msg)
+def urljoin(scheme, apisrv):
+ return '://'.join([scheme, apisrv])
+def is_known_apiurl(url):
+ """returns true if url is a known apiurl"""
+ apiurl = urljoin(*parse_apisrv_url(None, url))
+ return apiurl in config['api_host_options']
+def get_apiurl_api_host_options(apiurl):
+ """
+ Returns all apihost specific options for the given apiurl, None if
+ no such specific optiosn exist.
+ """
+ # FIXME: in A Better World (tm) there was a config object which
+ # knows this instead of having to extract it from a url where it
+ # had been mingled into before. But this works fine for now.
+ apiurl = urljoin(*parse_apisrv_url(None, apiurl))
+ if is_known_apiurl(apiurl):
+ return config['api_host_options'][apiurl]
+ raise oscerr.ConfigMissingApiurl('missing credentials for apiurl: \'%s\'' % apiurl,
+ '', apiurl)
+def get_apiurl_usr(apiurl):
+ """
+ returns the user for this host - if this host does not exist in the
+ internal api_host_options the default user is returned.
+ """
+ # FIXME: maybe there should be defaults not just for the user but
+ # for all apihost specific options. The ConfigParser class
+ # actually even does this but for some reason we don't use it
+ # (yet?).
+ try:
+ return get_apiurl_api_host_options(apiurl)['user']
+ except KeyError:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'no specific section found in config file for host of [\'%s\'] - using default user: \'%s\'' \
+ % (apiurl, config['user'])
+ return config['user']
+# workaround m2crypto issue:
+# if multiple SSL.Context objects are created
+# m2crypto only uses the last object which was created.
+# So we need to build a new opener everytime we switch the
+# apiurl (because different apiurls may have different
+# cafile/capath locations)
+def _build_opener(url):
+ from osc.core import __version__
+ global config
+ apiurl = urljoin(*parse_apisrv_url(None, url))
+ if 'last_opener' not in _build_opener.__dict__:
+ _build_opener.last_opener = (None, None)
+ if apiurl == _build_opener.last_opener[0]:
+ return _build_opener.last_opener[1]
+ # respect no_proxy env variable
+ if urllib.proxy_bypass(apiurl):
+ # initialize with empty dict
+ proxyhandler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({})
+ else:
+ # read proxies from env
+ proxyhandler = urllib2.ProxyHandler()
+ # workaround for http://bugs.python.org/issue9639
+ authhandler_class = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler
+ if sys.version_info >= (2, 6, 6) and sys.version_info < (2, 7, 1) \
+ and not 'reset_retry_count' in dir(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler):
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'warning: your urllib2 version seems to be broken. ' \
+ 'Using a workaround for http://bugs.python.org/issue9639'
+ class OscHTTPBasicAuthHandler(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler):
+ def http_error_401(self, *args):
+ response = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler.http_error_401(self, *args)
+ self.retried = 0
+ return response
+ def http_error_404(self, *args):
+ self.retried = 0
+ return None
+ authhandler_class = OscHTTPBasicAuthHandler
+ elif sys.version_info >= (2, 6, 6) and sys.version_info < (2, 7, 1):
+ class OscHTTPBasicAuthHandler(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler):
+ def http_error_404(self, *args):
+ self.reset_retry_count()
+ return None
+ authhandler_class = OscHTTPBasicAuthHandler
+ elif sys.version_info >= (2, 6, 5) and sys.version_info < (2, 6, 6):
+ # workaround for broken urllib2 in python 2.6.5: wrong credentials
+ # lead to an infinite recursion
+ class OscHTTPBasicAuthHandler(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler):
+ def retry_http_basic_auth(self, host, req, realm):
+ # don't retry if auth failed
+ if req.get_header(self.auth_header, None) is not None:
+ return None
+ return urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler.retry_http_basic_auth(self, host, req, realm)
+ authhandler_class = OscHTTPBasicAuthHandler
+ options = config['api_host_options'][apiurl]
+ # with None as first argument, it will always use this username/password
+ # combination for urls for which arg2 (apisrv) is a super-url
+ authhandler = authhandler_class( \
+ urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm())
+ authhandler.add_password(None, apiurl, options['user'], options['pass'])
+ if options['sslcertck']:
+ try:
+ import oscssl
+ from M2Crypto import m2urllib2
+ except ImportError, e:
+ print e
+ raise NoSecureSSLError('M2Crypto is needed to access %s in a secure way.\nPlease install python-m2crypto.' % apiurl)
+ cafile = options.get('cafile', None)
+ capath = options.get('capath', None)
+ if not cafile and not capath:
+ for i in ['/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem', '/etc/ssl/certs']:
+ if os.path.isfile(i):
+ cafile = i
+ break
+ elif os.path.isdir(i):
+ capath = i
+ break
+ if not cafile and not capath:
+ raise Exception('No CA certificates found')
+ ctx = oscssl.mySSLContext()
+ if ctx.load_verify_locations(capath=capath, cafile=cafile) != 1:
+ raise Exception('No CA certificates found')
+ opener = m2urllib2.build_opener(ctx, oscssl.myHTTPSHandler(ssl_context=ctx, appname='osc'), urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar), authhandler, proxyhandler)
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "WARNING: SSL certificate checks disabled. Connection is insecure!\n"
+ opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar), authhandler, proxyhandler)
+ opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'osc/%s' % __version__)]
+ _build_opener.last_opener = (apiurl, opener)
+ return opener
+def init_basicauth(config):
+ """initialize urllib2 with the credentials for Basic Authentication"""
+ def filterhdrs(meth, ishdr, *hdrs):
+ # this is so ugly but httplib doesn't use
+ # a logger object or such
+ def new_method(*args, **kwargs):
+ stdout = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
+ meth(*args, **kwargs)
+ hdr = sys.stdout.getvalue()
+ sys.stdout = stdout
+ for i in hdrs:
+ if ishdr:
+ hdr = re.sub(r'%s:[^\\r]*\\r\\n' % i, '', hdr)
+ else:
+ hdr = re.sub(i, '', hdr)
+ sys.stdout.write(hdr)
+ new_method.__name__ = meth.__name__
+ return new_method
+ if config['http_debug'] and not config['http_full_debug']:
+ httplib.HTTPConnection.send = filterhdrs(httplib.HTTPConnection.send, True, 'Cookie', 'Authorization')
+ httplib.HTTPResponse.begin = filterhdrs(httplib.HTTPResponse.begin, False, 'header: Set-Cookie.*\n')
+ if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
+ # HTTPS proxy is not supported in old urllib2. It only leads to an error
+ # or, at best, a warning.
+ if 'https_proxy' in os.environ:
+ del os.environ['https_proxy']
+ if 'HTTPS_PROXY' in os.environ:
+ del os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY']
+ if config['http_debug']:
+ # brute force
+ def urllib2_debug_init(self, debuglevel=0):
+ self._debuglevel = 1
+ urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler.__init__ = urllib2_debug_init
+ cookie_file = os.path.expanduser(config['cookiejar'])
+ global cookiejar
+ cookiejar = cookielib.LWPCookieJar(cookie_file)
+ try:
+ cookiejar.load(ignore_discard=True)
+ except IOError:
+ try:
+ open(cookie_file, 'w').close()
+ os.chmod(cookie_file, 0600)
+ except:
+ #print 'Unable to create cookiejar file: \'%s\'. Using RAM-based cookies.' % cookie_file
+ cookiejar = cookielib.CookieJar()
+def get_configParser(conffile=None, force_read=False):
+ """
+ Returns an ConfigParser() object. After its first invocation the
+ ConfigParser object is stored in a method attribute and this attribute
+ is returned unless you pass force_read=True.
+ """
+ conffile = conffile or os.environ.get('OSC_CONFIG', '~/.oscrc')
+ conffile = os.path.expanduser(conffile)
+ if 'conffile' not in get_configParser.__dict__:
+ get_configParser.conffile = conffile
+ if force_read or 'cp' not in get_configParser.__dict__ or conffile != get_configParser.conffile:
+ get_configParser.cp = OscConfigParser.OscConfigParser(DEFAULTS)
+ get_configParser.cp.read(conffile)
+ get_configParser.conffile = conffile
+ return get_configParser.cp
+def write_config(fname, cp):
+ """write new configfile in a safe way"""
+ if os.path.exists(fname) and not os.path.isfile(fname):
+ # only write to a regular file
+ return
+ with open(fname + '.new', 'w') as f:
+ cp.write(f, comments=True)
+ try:
+ os.rename(fname + '.new', fname)
+ os.chmod(fname, 0600)
+ except:
+ if os.path.exists(fname + '.new'):
+ os.unlink(fname + '.new')
+ raise
+def config_set_option(section, opt, val=None, delete=False, update=True, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Sets a config option. If val is not specified the current/default value is
+ returned. If val is specified, opt is set to val and the new value is returned.
+ If an option was modified get_config is called with **kwargs unless update is set
+ to False (override_conffile defaults to config['conffile']).
+ If val is not specified and delete is True then the option is removed from the
+ config/reset to the default value.
+ """
+ cp = get_configParser(config['conffile'])
+ # don't allow "internal" options
+ general_opts = [i for i in DEFAULTS.keys() if not i in ['user', 'pass', 'passx']]
+ if section != 'general':
+ section = config['apiurl_aliases'].get(section, section)
+ scheme, host = \
+ parse_apisrv_url(config.get('scheme', 'https'), section)
+ section = urljoin(scheme, host)
+ sections = {}
+ for url in cp.sections():
+ if url == 'general':
+ sections[url] = url
+ else:
+ scheme, host = \
+ parse_apisrv_url(config.get('scheme', 'https'), url)
+ apiurl = urljoin(scheme, host)
+ sections[apiurl] = url
+ section = sections.get(section.rstrip('/'), section)
+ if not section in cp.sections():
+ raise oscerr.ConfigError('unknown section \'%s\'' % section, config['conffile'])
+ if section == 'general' and not opt in general_opts or \
+ section != 'general' and not opt in api_host_options:
+ raise oscerr.ConfigError('unknown config option \'%s\'' % opt, config['conffile'])
+ run = False
+ if val:
+ cp.set(section, opt, val)
+ write_config(config['conffile'], cp)
+ run = True
+ elif delete and cp.has_option(section, opt):
+ cp.remove_option(section, opt)
+ write_config(config['conffile'], cp)
+ run = True
+ if run and update:
+ kw = {'override_conffile': config['conffile'],
+ 'override_no_keyring': config['use_keyring'],
+ 'override_no_gnome_keyring': config['gnome_keyring']}
+ kw.update(kwargs)
+ get_config(**kw)
+ if cp.has_option(section, opt):
+ return (opt, cp.get(section, opt, raw=True))
+ return (opt, None)
+def write_initial_config(conffile, entries, custom_template=''):
+ """
+ write osc's intial configuration file. entries is a dict which contains values
+ for the config file (e.g. { 'user' : 'username', 'pass' : 'password' } ).
+ custom_template is an optional configuration template.
+ """
+ conf_template = custom_template or new_conf_template
+ config = DEFAULTS.copy()
+ config.update(entries)
+ # at this point use_keyring and gnome_keyring are str objects
+ if config['use_keyring'] == '1' and GENERIC_KEYRING:
+ protocol, host = \
+ parse_apisrv_url(None, config['apiurl'])
+ keyring.set_password(host, config['user'], config['pass'])
+ config['pass'] = ''
+ config['passx'] = ''
+ elif config['gnome_keyring'] == '1' and GNOME_KEYRING:
+ protocol, host = \
+ parse_apisrv_url(None, config['apiurl'])
+ gnomekeyring.set_network_password_sync(
+ user=config['user'],
+ password=config['pass'],
+ protocol=protocol,
+ server=host)
+ config['user'] = ''
+ config['pass'] = ''
+ config['passx'] = ''
+ if not config['plaintext_passwd']:
+ config['pass'] = ''
+ else:
+ config['passx'] = base64.b64encode(config['pass'].encode('bz2'))
+ sio = StringIO.StringIO(conf_template.strip() % config)
+ cp = OscConfigParser.OscConfigParser(DEFAULTS)
+ cp.readfp(sio)
+ write_config(conffile, cp)
+def add_section(filename, url, user, passwd):
+ """
+ Add a section to config file for new api url.
+ """
+ global config
+ cp = get_configParser(filename)
+ try:
+ cp.add_section(url)
+ except OscConfigParser.ConfigParser.DuplicateSectionError:
+ # Section might have existed, but was empty
+ pass
+ if config['use_keyring'] and GENERIC_KEYRING:
+ protocol, host = parse_apisrv_url(None, url)
+ keyring.set_password(host, user, passwd)
+ cp.set(url, 'keyring', '1')
+ cp.set(url, 'user', user)
+ cp.remove_option(url, 'pass')
+ cp.remove_option(url, 'passx')
+ elif config['gnome_keyring'] and GNOME_KEYRING:
+ protocol, host = parse_apisrv_url(None, url)
+ gnomekeyring.set_network_password_sync(
+ user=user,
+ password=passwd,
+ protocol=protocol,
+ server=host)
+ cp.set(url, 'keyring', '1')
+ cp.remove_option(url, 'pass')
+ cp.remove_option(url, 'passx')
+ else:
+ cp.set(url, 'user', user)
+ if not config['plaintext_passwd']:
+ cp.remove_option(url, 'pass')
+ cp.set(url, 'passx', base64.b64encode(passwd.encode('bz2')))
+ else:
+ cp.remove_option(url, 'passx')
+ cp.set(url, 'pass', passwd)
+ write_config(filename, cp)
+def get_config(override_conffile=None,
+ override_apiurl=None,
+ override_debug=None,
+ override_http_debug=None,
+ override_http_full_debug=None,
+ override_traceback=None,
+ override_post_mortem=None,
+ override_no_keyring=None,
+ override_no_gnome_keyring=None,
+ override_verbose=None):
+ """do the actual work (see module documentation)"""
+ global config
+ conffile = override_conffile or os.environ.get('OSC_CONFIG', '~/.oscrc')
+ conffile = os.path.expanduser(conffile)
+ if not os.path.exists(conffile):
+ raise oscerr.NoConfigfile(conffile, \
+ account_not_configured_text % conffile)
+ # okay, we made sure that .oscrc exists
+ # make sure it is not world readable, it may contain a password.
+ os.chmod(conffile, 0600)
+ cp = get_configParser(conffile)
+ if not cp.has_section('general'):
+ # FIXME: it might be sufficient to just assume defaults?
+ msg = config_incomplete_text % conffile
+ msg += new_conf_template % DEFAULTS
+ raise oscerr.ConfigError(msg, conffile)
+ config = dict(cp.items('general', raw=1))
+ config['conffile'] = conffile
+ for i in boolean_opts:
+ try:
+ config[i] = cp.getboolean('general', i)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ raise oscerr.ConfigError('cannot parse \'%s\' setting: ' % i + str(e), conffile)
+ config['packagecachedir'] = os.path.expanduser(config['packagecachedir'])
+ config['exclude_glob'] = config['exclude_glob'].split()
+ re_clist = re.compile('[, ]+')
+ config['extra-pkgs'] = [i.strip() for i in re_clist.split(config['extra-pkgs'].strip()) if i]
+ # collect the usernames, passwords and additional options for each api host
+ api_host_options = {}
+ # Regexp to split extra http headers into a dictionary
+ # the text to be matched looks essentially looks this:
+ # "Attribute1: value1, Attribute2: value2, ..."
+ # there may be arbitray leading and intermitting whitespace.
+ # the following regexp does _not_ support quoted commas within the value.
+ http_header_regexp = re.compile(r"\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*(?:,\s*|\Z)")
+ # override values which we were called with
+ # This needs to be done before processing API sections as it might be already used there
+ if override_no_keyring:
+ config['use_keyring'] = False
+ if override_no_gnome_keyring:
+ config['gnome_keyring'] = False
+ aliases = {}
+ for url in [x for x in cp.sections() if x != 'general']:
+ # backward compatiblity
+ scheme, host = parse_apisrv_url(config.get('scheme', 'https'), url)
+ apiurl = urljoin(scheme, host)
+ user = None
+ if config['use_keyring'] and GENERIC_KEYRING:
+ try:
+ # Read from keyring lib if available
+ user = cp.get(url, 'user', raw=True)
+ password = keyring.get_password(host, user)
+ except:
+ # Fallback to file based auth.
+ pass
+ elif config['gnome_keyring'] and GNOME_KEYRING:
+ # Read from gnome keyring if available
+ try:
+ gk_data = gnomekeyring.find_network_password_sync(protocol=scheme, server=host)
+ if not 'user' in gk_data[0]:
+ raise oscerr.ConfigError('no user found in keyring', conffile)
+ user = gk_data[0]['user']
+ if 'password' in gk_data[0]:
+ password = gk_data[0]['password']
+ else:
+ # this is most likely an error
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'warning: no password found in keyring'
+ except gnomekeyring.NoMatchError:
+ # Fallback to file based auth.
+ pass
+ if not user is None and len(user) == 0:
+ user = None
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Warning: blank user in the keyring for the ' \
+ 'apiurl %s.\nPlease fix your keyring entry.'
+ # Read credentials from config
+ if user is None:
+ #FIXME: this could actually be the ideal spot to take defaults
+ #from the general section.
+ user = cp.get(url, 'user', raw=True) # need to set raw to prevent '%' expansion
+ password = cp.get(url, 'pass', raw=True) # especially on password!
+ try:
+ passwordx = cp.get(url, 'passx', raw=True).decode('base64').decode('bz2') # especially on password!
+ except:
+ passwordx = ''
+ if password == None or password == 'your_password':
+ password = ''
+ if user is None or user == '':
+ raise oscerr.ConfigError('user is blank for %s, please delete or complete the "user=" entry in %s.' % (apiurl, config['conffile']), config['conffile'])
+ if config['plaintext_passwd'] and passwordx or not config['plaintext_passwd'] and password:
+ if config['plaintext_passwd']:
+ if password != passwordx:
+ print >>sys.stderr, '%s: rewriting from encoded pass to plain pass' % url
+ add_section(conffile, url, user, passwordx)
+ password = passwordx
+ else:
+ if password != passwordx:
+ print >>sys.stderr, '%s: rewriting from plain pass to encoded pass' % url
+ add_section(conffile, url, user, password)
+ if not config['plaintext_passwd']:
+ password = passwordx
+ if password is None or len(password) == 0:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'no password defined for ', url, '.\nPlease fix your keyring entry or python-keyring setup.'
+ if cp.has_option(url, 'http_headers'):
+ http_headers = cp.get(url, 'http_headers')
+ http_headers = http_header_regexp.findall(http_headers)
+ else:
+ http_headers = []
+ if cp.has_option(url, 'aliases'):
+ for i in cp.get(url, 'aliases').split(','):
+ key = i.strip()
+ if key == '':
+ continue
+ if key in aliases:
+ msg = 'duplicate alias entry: \'%s\' is already used for another apiurl' % key
+ raise oscerr.ConfigError(msg, conffile)
+ aliases[key] = url
+ api_host_options[apiurl] = {'user': user,
+ 'pass': password,
+ 'http_headers': http_headers}
+ optional = ('email', 'sslcertck', 'cafile', 'capath')
+ for key in optional:
+ if cp.has_option(url, key):
+ if key == 'sslcertck':
+ api_host_options[apiurl][key] = cp.getboolean(url, key)
+ else:
+ api_host_options[apiurl][key] = cp.get(url, key)
+ if not 'sslcertck' in api_host_options[apiurl]:
+ api_host_options[apiurl]['sslcertck'] = True
+ if scheme == 'http':
+ api_host_options[apiurl]['sslcertck'] = False
+ if cp.has_option(url, 'trusted_prj'):
+ api_host_options[apiurl]['trusted_prj'] = cp.get(url, 'trusted_prj').split(' ')
+ else:
+ api_host_options[apiurl]['trusted_prj'] = []
+ # add the auth data we collected to the config dict
+ config['api_host_options'] = api_host_options
+ config['apiurl_aliases'] = aliases
+ apiurl = aliases.get(config['apiurl'], config['apiurl'])
+ config['apiurl'] = urljoin(*parse_apisrv_url(None, apiurl))
+ # backward compatibility
+ if 'apisrv' in config:
+ apisrv = config['apisrv'].lstrip('http://')
+ apisrv = apisrv.lstrip('https://')
+ scheme = config.get('scheme', 'https')
+ config['apiurl'] = urljoin(scheme, apisrv)
+ if 'apisrc' in config or 'scheme' in config:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Warning: Use of the \'scheme\' or \'apisrv\' in ~/.oscrc is deprecated!\n' \
+ 'Warning: See README for migration details.'
+ if 'build_platform' in config:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Warning: Use of \'build_platform\' config option is deprecated! (use \'build_repository\' instead)'
+ config['build_repository'] = config['build_platform']
+ config['verbose'] = int(config['verbose'])
+ # override values which we were called with
+ if override_verbose:
+ config['verbose'] = override_verbose + 1
+ if override_debug:
+ config['debug'] = override_debug
+ if override_http_debug:
+ config['http_debug'] = override_http_debug
+ if override_http_full_debug:
+ config['http_debug'] = override_http_full_debug or config['http_debug']
+ config['http_full_debug'] = override_http_full_debug
+ if override_traceback:
+ config['traceback'] = override_traceback
+ if override_post_mortem:
+ config['post_mortem'] = override_post_mortem
+ if override_apiurl:
+ apiurl = aliases.get(override_apiurl, override_apiurl)
+ # check if apiurl is a valid url
+ config['apiurl'] = urljoin(*parse_apisrv_url(None, apiurl))
+ # XXX unless config['user'] goes away (and is replaced with a handy function, or
+ # config becomes an object, even better), set the global 'user' here as well,
+ # provided that there _are_ credentials for the chosen apiurl:
+ try:
+ config['user'] = get_apiurl_usr(config['apiurl'])
+ except oscerr.ConfigMissingApiurl, e:
+ e.msg = config_missing_apiurl_text % config['apiurl']
+ e.file = conffile
+ raise e
+ # finally, initialize urllib2 for to use the credentials for Basic Authentication
+ init_basicauth(config)
+# vim: sw=4 et
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Novell Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified
+# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
+# either version 2, or version 3 (at your option).
+__version__ = '0.139'
+# __store_version__ is to be incremented when the format of the working copy
+# "store" changes in an incompatible way. Please add any needed migration
+# functionality to check_store_version().
+__store_version__ = '1.0'
+import locale
+import os
+import os.path
+import sys
+import urllib2
+from urllib import pathname2url, quote_plus, urlencode, unquote
+from urlparse import urlsplit, urlunsplit
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import shutil
+import oscerr
+import conf
+import subprocess
+import re
+import socket
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+except ImportError:
+ import cElementTree as ET
+DISTURL_RE = re.compile(r"^(?P<bs>.*)://(?P<apiurl>.*?)/(?P<project>.*?)/(?P<repository>.*?)/(?P<revision>.*)-(?P<source>.*)$")
+BUILDLOGURL_RE = re.compile(r"^(?P<apiurl>https?://.*?)/build/(?P<project>.*?)/(?P<repository>.*?)/(?P<arch>.*?)/(?P<package>.*?)/_log$")
+BUFSIZE = 1024*1024
+store = '.osc'
+new_project_templ = """\
+<project name="%(name)s">
+ <title></title> <!-- Short title of NewProject -->
+ <description></description>
+ <!-- This is for a longer description of the purpose of the project -->
+ <person role="maintainer" userid="%(user)s" />
+ <person role="bugowner" userid="%(user)s" />
+<!-- remove this block to publish your packages on the mirrors -->
+ <publish>
+ <disable />
+ </publish>
+ <build>
+ <enable />
+ </build>
+ <debuginfo>
+ <disable />
+ </debuginfo>
+<!-- remove this comment to enable one or more build targets
+ <repository name="openSUSE_Factory">
+ <path project="openSUSE:Factory" repository="snapshot" />
+ <arch>x86_64</arch>
+ <arch>i586</arch>
+ </repository>
+ <repository name="openSUSE_11.2">
+ <path project="openSUSE:11.2" repository="standard"/>
+ <arch>x86_64</arch>
+ <arch>i586</arch>
+ </repository>
+ <repository name="openSUSE_11.1">
+ <path project="openSUSE:11.1" repository="standard"/>
+ <arch>x86_64</arch>
+ <arch>i586</arch>
+ </repository>
+ <repository name="Fedora_12">
+ <path project="Fedora:12" repository="standard" />
+ <arch>x86_64</arch>
+ <arch>i586</arch>
+ </repository>
+ <repository name="SLE_11">
+ <path project="SUSE:SLE-11" repository="standard" />
+ <arch>x86_64</arch>
+ <arch>i586</arch>
+ </repository>
+new_package_templ = """\
+<package name="%(name)s">
+ <title></title> <!-- Title of package -->
+ <description></description> <!-- for long description -->
+<!-- following roles are inherited from the parent project
+ <person role="maintainer" userid="%(user)s"/>
+ <person role="bugowner" userid="%(user)s"/>
+ use one of the examples below to disable building of this package
+ on a certain architecture, in a certain repository,
+ or a combination thereof:
+ <disable arch="x86_64"/>
+ <disable repository="SUSE_SLE-10"/>
+ <disable repository="SUSE_SLE-10" arch="x86_64"/>
+ Possible sections where you can use the tags above:
+ <build>
+ </build>
+ <debuginfo>
+ </debuginfo>
+ <publish>
+ </publish>
+ <useforbuild>
+ </useforbuild>
+ Please have a look at:
+ http://en.opensuse.org/Restricted_formats
+ Packages containing formats listed there are NOT allowed to
+ be packaged in the openSUSE Buildservice and will be deleted!
+new_attribute_templ = """\
+ <attribute namespace="" name="">
+ <value><value>
+ </attribute>
+new_user_template = """\
+ <login>%(user)s</login>
+ <email>PUT_EMAIL_ADDRESS_HERE</email>
+ <realname>PUT_REAL_NAME_HERE</realname>
+ <watchlist>
+ <project name="home:%(user)s"/>
+ </watchlist>
+info_templ = """\
+Project name: %s
+Package name: %s
+Path: %s
+API URL: %s
+Source URL: %s
+srcmd5: %s
+Revision: %s
+Link info: %s
+new_pattern_template = """\
+<!-- See https://github.com/openSUSE/libzypp/tree/master/zypp/parser/yum/schema/patterns.rng -->
+<pattern xmlns="http://novell.com/package/metadata/suse/pattern"
+ xmlns:rpm="http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/rpm">
+ <name></name>
+ <summary></summary>
+ <description></description>
+ <uservisible/>
+ <category lang="en"></category>
+ <rpm:requires>
+ <rpm:entry name="must-have-package"/>
+ </rpm:requires>
+ <rpm:recommends>
+ <rpm:entry name="package"/>
+ </rpm:recommends>
+ <rpm:suggests>
+ <rpm:entry name="anotherpackage"/>
+ </rpm:suggests>
+buildstatus_symbols = {'succeeded': '.',
+ 'disabled': ' ',
+ 'expansion error': 'U', # obsolete with OBS 2.0
+ 'unresolvable': 'U',
+ 'failed': 'F',
+ 'broken': 'B',
+ 'blocked': 'b',
+ 'building': '%',
+ 'finished': 'f',
+ 'scheduled': 's',
+ 'locked': 'L',
+ 'excluded': 'x',
+ 'dispatching': 'd',
+ 'signing': 'S',
+# os.path.samefile is available only under Unix
+def os_path_samefile(path1, path2):
+ try:
+ return os.path.samefile(path1, path2)
+ except:
+ return os.path.realpath(path1) == os.path.realpath(path2)
+class File:
+ """represent a file, including its metadata"""
+ def __init__(self, name, md5, size, mtime, skipped=False):
+ self.name = name
+ self.md5 = md5
+ self.size = size
+ self.mtime = mtime
+ self.skipped = skipped
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.name
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name
+class Serviceinfo:
+ """Source service content
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """creates an empty serviceinfo instance"""
+ self.services = None
+ self.project = None
+ self.package = None
+ def read(self, serviceinfo_node, append=False):
+ """read in the source services <services> element passed as
+ elementtree node.
+ """
+ if serviceinfo_node == None:
+ return
+ if not append or self.services == None:
+ self.services = []
+ services = serviceinfo_node.findall('service')
+ for service in services:
+ name = service.get('name')
+ mode = service.get('mode', None)
+ data = { 'name' : name, 'mode' : '' }
+ if mode:
+ data['mode'] = mode
+ try:
+ for param in service.findall('param'):
+ option = param.get('name', None)
+ value = ""
+ if param.text:
+ value = param.text
+ name += " --" + option + " '" + value + "'"
+ data['command'] = name
+ self.services.append(data)
+ except:
+ msg = 'invalid service format:\n%s' % ET.tostring(serviceinfo_node)
+ raise oscerr.APIError(msg)
+ def getProjectGlobalServices(self, apiurl, project, package):
+ # get all project wide services in one file, we don't store it yet
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package], query='cmd=getprojectservices')
+ try:
+ f = http_POST(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ self.read(root, True)
+ self.project = project
+ self.package = package
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code != 403 and e.code != 400:
+ raise e
+ def addVerifyFile(self, serviceinfo_node, filename):
+ import hashlib
+ f = open(filename, 'r')
+ digest = hashlib.sha256(f.read()).hexdigest()
+ f.close()
+ r = serviceinfo_node
+ s = ET.Element( "service", name="verify_file" )
+ ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="file").text = filename
+ ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="verifier").text = "sha256"
+ ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="checksum").text = digest
+ r.append( s )
+ return r
+ def addDownloadUrl(self, serviceinfo_node, url_string):
+ from urlparse import urlparse
+ url = urlparse( url_string )
+ protocol = url.scheme
+ host = url.netloc
+ path = url.path
+ r = serviceinfo_node
+ s = ET.Element( "service", name="download_url" )
+ ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="protocol").text = protocol
+ ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="host").text = host
+ ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="path").text = path
+ r.append( s )
+ return r
+ def addGitUrl(self, serviceinfo_node, url_string):
+ r = serviceinfo_node
+ s = ET.Element( "service", name="tar_scm" )
+ ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="url").text = url_string
+ ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="scm").text = "git"
+ r.append( s )
+ return r
+ def addRecompressTar(self, serviceinfo_node):
+ r = serviceinfo_node
+ s = ET.Element( "service", name="recompress" )
+ ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="file").text = "*.tar"
+ ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="compression").text = "bz2"
+ r.append( s )
+ return r
+ def execute(self, dir, callmode = None, singleservice = None, verbose = None):
+ import tempfile
+ # cleanup existing generated files
+ for filename in os.listdir(dir):
+ if filename.startswith('_service:') or filename.startswith('_service_'):
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(dir, filename))
+ allservices = self.services or []
+ if singleservice and not singleservice in allservices:
+ # set array to the manual specified singleservice, if it is not part of _service file
+ data = { 'name' : singleservice, 'command' : singleservice, 'mode' : '' }
+ allservices = [data]
+ # set environment when using OBS 2.3 or later
+ if self.project != None:
+ os.putenv("OBS_SERVICE_PROJECT", self.project)
+ os.putenv("OBS_SERVICE_PACKAGE", self.package)
+ # recreate files
+ ret = 0
+ for service in allservices:
+ if singleservice and service['name'] != singleservice:
+ continue
+ if service['mode'] == "serveronly" and callmode != "disabled":
+ continue
+ if service['mode'] == "disabled" and callmode != "disabled":
+ continue
+ if service['mode'] != "disabled" and callmode == "disabled":
+ continue
+ if service['mode'] != "trylocal" and service['mode'] != "localonly" and callmode == "trylocal":
+ continue
+ call = service['command']
+ temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ name = call.split(None, 1)[0]
+ if not os.path.exists("/usr/lib/obs/service/"+name):
+ raise oscerr.PackageNotInstalled("obs-service-"+name)
+ c = "/usr/lib/obs/service/" + call + " --outdir " + temp_dir
+ if conf.config['verbose'] > 1 or verbose:
+ print "Run source service:", c
+ r = subprocess.call(c, shell=True)
+ if r != 0:
+ print "Aborting: service call failed: " + c
+ # FIXME: addDownloadUrlService calls si.execute after
+ # updating _services.
+ for filename in os.listdir(temp_dir):
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(temp_dir, filename))
+ os.rmdir(temp_dir)
+ return r
+ if service['mode'] == "disabled" or service['mode'] == "trylocal" or service['mode'] == "localonly" or callmode == "local" or callmode == "trylocal":
+ for filename in os.listdir(temp_dir):
+ shutil.move( os.path.join(temp_dir, filename), os.path.join(dir, filename) )
+ else:
+ for filename in os.listdir(temp_dir):
+ shutil.move( os.path.join(temp_dir, filename), os.path.join(dir, "_service:"+name+":"+filename) )
+ os.rmdir(temp_dir)
+ return 0
+class Linkinfo:
+ """linkinfo metadata (which is part of the xml representing a directory
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """creates an empty linkinfo instance"""
+ self.project = None
+ self.package = None
+ self.xsrcmd5 = None
+ self.lsrcmd5 = None
+ self.srcmd5 = None
+ self.error = None
+ self.rev = None
+ self.baserev = None
+ def read(self, linkinfo_node):
+ """read in the linkinfo metadata from the <linkinfo> element passed as
+ elementtree node.
+ If the passed element is None, the method does nothing.
+ """
+ if linkinfo_node == None:
+ return
+ self.project = linkinfo_node.get('project')
+ self.package = linkinfo_node.get('package')
+ self.xsrcmd5 = linkinfo_node.get('xsrcmd5')
+ self.lsrcmd5 = linkinfo_node.get('lsrcmd5')
+ self.srcmd5 = linkinfo_node.get('srcmd5')
+ self.error = linkinfo_node.get('error')
+ self.rev = linkinfo_node.get('rev')
+ self.baserev = linkinfo_node.get('baserev')
+ def islink(self):
+ """returns True if the linkinfo is not empty, otherwise False"""
+ if self.xsrcmd5 or self.lsrcmd5:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def isexpanded(self):
+ """returns True if the package is an expanded link"""
+ if self.lsrcmd5 and not self.xsrcmd5:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def haserror(self):
+ """returns True if the link is in error state (could not be applied)"""
+ if self.error:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def __str__(self):
+ """return an informatory string representation"""
+ if self.islink() and not self.isexpanded():
+ return 'project %s, package %s, xsrcmd5 %s, rev %s' \
+ % (self.project, self.package, self.xsrcmd5, self.rev)
+ elif self.islink() and self.isexpanded():
+ if self.haserror():
+ return 'broken link to project %s, package %s, srcmd5 %s, lsrcmd5 %s: %s' \
+ % (self.project, self.package, self.srcmd5, self.lsrcmd5, self.error)
+ else:
+ return 'expanded link to project %s, package %s, srcmd5 %s, lsrcmd5 %s' \
+ % (self.project, self.package, self.srcmd5, self.lsrcmd5)
+ else:
+ return 'None'
+# http://effbot.org/zone/element-lib.htm#prettyprint
+def xmlindent(elem, level=0):
+ i = "\n" + level*" "
+ if len(elem):
+ if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
+ elem.text = i + " "
+ for e in elem:
+ xmlindent(e, level+1)
+ if not e.tail or not e.tail.strip():
+ e.tail = i + " "
+ if not e.tail or not e.tail.strip():
+ e.tail = i
+ else:
+ if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
+ elem.tail = i
+class Project:
+ """
+ Represent a checked out project directory, holding packages.
+ :Attributes:
+ ``dir``
+ The directory path containing the project.
+ ``name``
+ The name of the project.
+ ``apiurl``
+ The endpoint URL of the API server.
+ ``pacs_available``
+ List of names of packages available server-side.
+ This is only populated if ``getPackageList`` is set
+ to ``True`` in the constructor.
+ ``pacs_have``
+ List of names of packages which exist server-side
+ and exist in the local project working copy (if
+ 'do_package_tracking' is disabled).
+ If 'do_package_tracking' is enabled it represents the
+ list names of packages which are tracked in the project
+ working copy (that is it might contain packages which
+ exist on the server as well as packages which do not
+ exist on the server (for instance if the local package
+ was added or if the package was removed on the server-side)).
+ ``pacs_excluded``
+ List of names of packages in the local project directory
+ which are excluded by the `exclude_glob` configuration
+ variable. Only set if `do_package_tracking` is enabled.
+ ``pacs_unvers``
+ List of names of packages in the local project directory
+ which are not tracked. Only set if `do_package_tracking`
+ is enabled.
+ ``pacs_broken``
+ List of names of packages which are tracked but do not
+ exist in the local project working copy. Only set if
+ `do_package_tracking` is enabled.
+ ``pacs_missing``
+ List of names of packages which exist server-side but
+ are not expected to exist in the local project directory.
+ """
+ REQ_STOREFILES = ('_project', '_apiurl')
+ if conf.config['do_package_tracking']:
+ REQ_STOREFILES += ('_packages',)
+ def __init__(self, dir, getPackageList=True, progress_obj=None, wc_check=True):
+ """
+ Constructor.
+ :Parameters:
+ `dir` : str
+ The directory path containing the checked out project.
+ `getPackageList` : bool
+ Set to `False` if you want to skip retrieval from the
+ server of the list of packages in the project .
+ `wc_check` : bool
+ """
+ import fnmatch
+ self.dir = dir
+ self.absdir = os.path.abspath(dir)
+ self.progress_obj = progress_obj
+ self.name = store_read_project(self.dir)
+ self.apiurl = store_read_apiurl(self.dir, defaulturl=not wc_check)
+ dirty_files = []
+ if wc_check:
+ dirty_files = self.wc_check()
+ if dirty_files:
+ msg = 'Your working copy \'%s\' is in an inconsistent state.\n' \
+ 'Please run \'osc repairwc %s\' and check the state\n' \
+ 'of the working copy afterwards (via \'osc status %s\')' % (self.dir, self.dir, self.dir)
+ raise oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent(self.name, None, dirty_files, msg)
+ if getPackageList:
+ self.pacs_available = meta_get_packagelist(self.apiurl, self.name)
+ else:
+ self.pacs_available = []
+ if conf.config['do_package_tracking']:
+ self.pac_root = self.read_packages().getroot()
+ self.pacs_have = [ pac.get('name') for pac in self.pac_root.findall('package') ]
+ self.pacs_excluded = [ i for i in os.listdir(self.dir)
+ for j in conf.config['exclude_glob']
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(i, j) ]
+ self.pacs_unvers = [ i for i in os.listdir(self.dir) if i not in self.pacs_have and i not in self.pacs_excluded ]
+ # store all broken packages (e.g. packages which where removed by a non-osc cmd)
+ # in the self.pacs_broken list
+ self.pacs_broken = []
+ for p in self.pacs_have:
+ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.absdir, p)):
+ # all states will be replaced with the '!'-state
+ # (except it is already marked as deleted ('D'-state))
+ self.pacs_broken.append(p)
+ else:
+ self.pacs_have = [ i for i in os.listdir(self.dir) if i in self.pacs_available ]
+ self.pacs_missing = [ i for i in self.pacs_available if i not in self.pacs_have ]
+ def wc_check(self):
+ global store
+ dirty_files = []
+ for fname in Project.REQ_STOREFILES:
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.absdir, store, fname)):
+ dirty_files.append(fname)
+ return dirty_files
+ def wc_repair(self, apiurl=None):
+ global store
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.dir, store, '_apiurl')) or apiurl:
+ if apiurl is None:
+ msg = 'cannot repair wc: the \'_apiurl\' file is missing but ' \
+ 'no \'apiurl\' was passed to wc_repair'
+ # hmm should we raise oscerr.WrongArgs?
+ raise oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent(self.prjname, self.name, [], msg)
+ # sanity check
+ conf.parse_apisrv_url(None, apiurl)
+ store_write_apiurl(self.dir, apiurl)
+ self.apiurl = store_read_apiurl(self.dir, defaulturl=False)
+ def checkout_missing_pacs(self, expand_link=False):
+ for pac in self.pacs_missing:
+ if conf.config['do_package_tracking'] and pac in self.pacs_unvers:
+ # pac is not under version control but a local file/dir exists
+ msg = 'can\'t add package \'%s\': Object already exists' % pac
+ raise oscerr.PackageExists(self.name, pac, msg)
+ else:
+ print 'checking out new package %s' % pac
+ checkout_package(self.apiurl, self.name, pac, \
+ pathname=getTransActPath(os.path.join(self.dir, pac)), \
+ prj_obj=self, prj_dir=self.dir, expand_link=expand_link, progress_obj=self.progress_obj)
+ def status(self, pac):
+ exists = os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.absdir, pac))
+ st = self.get_state(pac)
+ if st is None and exists:
+ return '?'
+ elif st is None:
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'osc: \'%s\' is not under version control' % pac)
+ elif st in ('A', ' ') and not exists:
+ return '!'
+ elif st == 'D' and not exists:
+ return 'D'
+ else:
+ return st
+ def get_status(self, *exclude_states):
+ res = []
+ for pac in self.pacs_have:
+ st = self.status(pac)
+ if not st in exclude_states:
+ res.append((st, pac))
+ if not '?' in exclude_states:
+ res.extend([('?', pac) for pac in self.pacs_unvers])
+ return res
+ def get_pacobj(self, pac, *pac_args, **pac_kwargs):
+ try:
+ st = self.status(pac)
+ if st in ('?', '!') or st == 'D' and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.dir, pac)):
+ return None
+ return Package(os.path.join(self.dir, pac), *pac_args, **pac_kwargs)
+ except oscerr.OscIOError:
+ return None
+ def set_state(self, pac, state):
+ node = self.get_package_node(pac)
+ if node == None:
+ self.new_package_entry(pac, state)
+ else:
+ node.set('state', state)
+ def get_package_node(self, pac):
+ for node in self.pac_root.findall('package'):
+ if pac == node.get('name'):
+ return node
+ return None
+ def del_package_node(self, pac):
+ for node in self.pac_root.findall('package'):
+ if pac == node.get('name'):
+ self.pac_root.remove(node)
+ def get_state(self, pac):
+ node = self.get_package_node(pac)
+ if node != None:
+ return node.get('state')
+ else:
+ return None
+ def new_package_entry(self, name, state):
+ ET.SubElement(self.pac_root, 'package', name=name, state=state)
+ def read_packages(self):
+ """
+ Returns an ``xml.etree.cElementTree`` object representing the
+ parsed contents of the project's ``.osc/_packages`` XML file.
+ """
+ global store
+ packages_file = os.path.join(self.absdir, store, '_packages')
+ if os.path.isfile(packages_file) and os.path.getsize(packages_file):
+ return ET.parse(packages_file)
+ else:
+ # scan project for existing packages and migrate them
+ cur_pacs = []
+ for data in os.listdir(self.dir):
+ pac_dir = os.path.join(self.absdir, data)
+ # we cannot use self.pacs_available because we cannot guarantee that the package list
+ # was fetched from the server
+ if data in meta_get_packagelist(self.apiurl, self.name) and is_package_dir(pac_dir) \
+ and Package(pac_dir).name == data:
+ cur_pacs.append(ET.Element('package', name=data, state=' '))
+ store_write_initial_packages(self.absdir, self.name, cur_pacs)
+ return ET.parse(os.path.join(self.absdir, store, '_packages'))
+ def write_packages(self):
+ xmlindent(self.pac_root)
+ store_write_string(self.absdir, '_packages', ET.tostring(self.pac_root))
+ def addPackage(self, pac):
+ import fnmatch
+ for i in conf.config['exclude_glob']:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(pac, i):
+ msg = 'invalid package name: \'%s\' (see \'exclude_glob\' config option)' % pac
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, msg)
+ state = self.get_state(pac)
+ if state == None or state == 'D':
+ self.new_package_entry(pac, 'A')
+ self.write_packages()
+ # sometimes the new pac doesn't exist in the list because
+ # it would take too much time to update all data structs regularly
+ if pac in self.pacs_unvers:
+ self.pacs_unvers.remove(pac)
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.PackageExists(self.name, pac, 'package \'%s\' is already under version control' % pac)
+ def delPackage(self, pac, force = False):
+ state = self.get_state(pac.name)
+ can_delete = True
+ if state == ' ' or state == 'D':
+ del_files = []
+ for filename in pac.filenamelist + pac.filenamelist_unvers:
+ filestate = pac.status(filename)
+ if filestate == 'M' or filestate == 'C' or \
+ filestate == 'A' or filestate == '?':
+ can_delete = False
+ else:
+ del_files.append(filename)
+ if can_delete or force:
+ for filename in del_files:
+ pac.delete_localfile(filename)
+ if pac.status(filename) != '?':
+ # this is not really necessary
+ pac.put_on_deletelist(filename)
+ print statfrmt('D', getTransActPath(os.path.join(pac.dir, filename)))
+ print statfrmt('D', getTransActPath(os.path.join(pac.dir, os.pardir, pac.name)))
+ pac.write_deletelist()
+ self.set_state(pac.name, 'D')
+ self.write_packages()
+ else:
+ print 'package \'%s\' has local modifications (see osc st for details)' % pac.name
+ elif state == 'A':
+ if force:
+ delete_dir(pac.absdir)
+ self.del_package_node(pac.name)
+ self.write_packages()
+ print statfrmt('D', pac.name)
+ else:
+ print 'package \'%s\' has local modifications (see osc st for details)' % pac.name
+ elif state == None:
+ print 'package is not under version control'
+ else:
+ print 'unsupported state'
+ def update(self, pacs = (), expand_link=False, unexpand_link=False, service_files=False):
+ if len(pacs):
+ for pac in pacs:
+ Package(os.path.join(self.dir, pac), progress_obj=self.progress_obj).update()
+ else:
+ # we need to make sure that the _packages file will be written (even if an exception
+ # occurs)
+ try:
+ # update complete project
+ # packages which no longer exists upstream
+ upstream_del = [ pac for pac in self.pacs_have if not pac in self.pacs_available and self.get_state(pac) != 'A']
+ for pac in upstream_del:
+ if self.status(pac) != '!':
+ p = Package(os.path.join(self.dir, pac))
+ self.delPackage(p, force = True)
+ delete_storedir(p.storedir)
+ try:
+ os.rmdir(pac)
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.pac_root.remove(self.get_package_node(pac))
+ self.pacs_have.remove(pac)
+ for pac in self.pacs_have:
+ state = self.get_state(pac)
+ if pac in self.pacs_broken:
+ if self.get_state(pac) != 'A':
+ checkout_package(self.apiurl, self.name, pac,
+ pathname=getTransActPath(os.path.join(self.dir, pac)), prj_obj=self, \
+ prj_dir=self.dir, expand_link=not unexpand_link, progress_obj=self.progress_obj)
+ elif state == ' ':
+ # do a simple update
+ p = Package(os.path.join(self.dir, pac), progress_obj=self.progress_obj)
+ rev = None
+ if expand_link and p.islink() and not p.isexpanded():
+ if p.haslinkerror():
+ try:
+ rev = show_upstream_xsrcmd5(p.apiurl, p.prjname, p.name, revision=p.rev)
+ except:
+ rev = show_upstream_xsrcmd5(p.apiurl, p.prjname, p.name, revision=p.rev, linkrev="base")
+ p.mark_frozen()
+ else:
+ rev = p.linkinfo.xsrcmd5
+ print 'Expanding to rev', rev
+ elif unexpand_link and p.islink() and p.isexpanded():
+ rev = p.linkinfo.lsrcmd5
+ print 'Unexpanding to rev', rev
+ elif p.islink() and p.isexpanded():
+ rev = p.latest_rev()
+ print 'Updating %s' % p.name
+ p.update(rev, service_files)
+ if unexpand_link:
+ p.unmark_frozen()
+ elif state == 'D':
+ # TODO: Package::update has to fixed to behave like svn does
+ if pac in self.pacs_broken:
+ checkout_package(self.apiurl, self.name, pac,
+ pathname=getTransActPath(os.path.join(self.dir, pac)), prj_obj=self, \
+ prj_dir=self.dir, expand_link=expand_link, progress_obj=self.progress_obj)
+ else:
+ Package(os.path.join(self.dir, pac), progress_obj=self.progress_obj).update()
+ elif state == 'A' and pac in self.pacs_available:
+ # file/dir called pac already exists and is under version control
+ msg = 'can\'t add package \'%s\': Object already exists' % pac
+ raise oscerr.PackageExists(self.name, pac, msg)
+ elif state == 'A':
+ # do nothing
+ pass
+ else:
+ print 'unexpected state.. package \'%s\'' % pac
+ self.checkout_missing_pacs(expand_link=not unexpand_link)
+ finally:
+ self.write_packages()
+ def commit(self, pacs = (), msg = '', files = {}, verbose = False, skip_local_service_run = False):
+ if len(pacs):
+ try:
+ for pac in pacs:
+ todo = []
+ if files.has_key(pac):
+ todo = files[pac]
+ state = self.get_state(pac)
+ if state == 'A':
+ self.commitNewPackage(pac, msg, todo, verbose=verbose, skip_local_service_run=skip_local_service_run)
+ elif state == 'D':
+ self.commitDelPackage(pac)
+ elif state == ' ':
+ # display the correct dir when sending the changes
+ if os_path_samefile(os.path.join(self.dir, pac), os.getcwd()):
+ p = Package('.')
+ else:
+ p = Package(os.path.join(self.dir, pac))
+ p.todo = todo
+ p.commit(msg, verbose=verbose, skip_local_service_run=skip_local_service_run)
+ elif pac in self.pacs_unvers and not is_package_dir(os.path.join(self.dir, pac)):
+ print 'osc: \'%s\' is not under version control' % pac
+ elif pac in self.pacs_broken:
+ print 'osc: \'%s\' package not found' % pac
+ elif state == None:
+ self.commitExtPackage(pac, msg, todo, verbose=verbose, skip_local_service_run=skip_local_service_run)
+ finally:
+ self.write_packages()
+ else:
+ # if we have packages marked as '!' we cannot commit
+ for pac in self.pacs_broken:
+ if self.get_state(pac) != 'D':
+ msg = 'commit failed: package \'%s\' is missing' % pac
+ raise oscerr.PackageMissing(self.name, pac, msg)
+ try:
+ for pac in self.pacs_have:
+ state = self.get_state(pac)
+ if state == ' ':
+ # do a simple commit
+ Package(os.path.join(self.dir, pac)).commit(msg, verbose=verbose, skip_local_service_run=skip_local_service_run)
+ elif state == 'D':
+ self.commitDelPackage(pac)
+ elif state == 'A':
+ self.commitNewPackage(pac, msg, verbose=verbose, skip_local_service_run=skip_local_service_run)
+ finally:
+ self.write_packages()
+ def commitNewPackage(self, pac, msg = '', files = [], verbose = False, skip_local_service_run = False):
+ """creates and commits a new package if it does not exist on the server"""
+ if pac in self.pacs_available:
+ print 'package \'%s\' already exists' % pac
+ else:
+ user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(self.apiurl)
+ edit_meta(metatype='pkg',
+ path_args=(quote_plus(self.name), quote_plus(pac)),
+ template_args=({
+ 'name': pac,
+ 'user': user}),
+ apiurl=self.apiurl)
+ # display the correct dir when sending the changes
+ olddir = os.getcwd()
+ if os_path_samefile(os.path.join(self.dir, pac), os.curdir):
+ os.chdir(os.pardir)
+ p = Package(pac)
+ else:
+ p = Package(os.path.join(self.dir, pac))
+ p.todo = files
+ print statfrmt('Sending', os.path.normpath(p.dir))
+ p.commit(msg=msg, verbose=verbose, skip_local_service_run=skip_local_service_run)
+ self.set_state(pac, ' ')
+ os.chdir(olddir)
+ def commitDelPackage(self, pac):
+ """deletes a package on the server and in the working copy"""
+ try:
+ # display the correct dir when sending the changes
+ if os_path_samefile(os.path.join(self.dir, pac), os.curdir):
+ pac_dir = pac
+ else:
+ pac_dir = os.path.join(self.dir, pac)
+ p = Package(os.path.join(self.dir, pac))
+ #print statfrmt('Deleting', os.path.normpath(os.path.join(p.dir, os.pardir, pac)))
+ delete_storedir(p.storedir)
+ try:
+ os.rmdir(p.dir)
+ except:
+ pass
+ except OSError:
+ pac_dir = os.path.join(self.dir, pac)
+ #print statfrmt('Deleting', getTransActPath(os.path.join(self.dir, pac)))
+ print statfrmt('Deleting', getTransActPath(pac_dir))
+ delete_package(self.apiurl, self.name, pac)
+ self.del_package_node(pac)
+ def commitExtPackage(self, pac, msg, files = [], verbose=False, skip_local_service_run=False):
+ """commits a package from an external project"""
+ if os_path_samefile(os.path.join(self.dir, pac), os.getcwd()):
+ pac_path = '.'
+ else:
+ pac_path = os.path.join(self.dir, pac)
+ project = store_read_project(pac_path)
+ package = store_read_package(pac_path)
+ apiurl = store_read_apiurl(pac_path, defaulturl=False)
+ if not meta_exists(metatype='pkg',
+ path_args=(quote_plus(project), quote_plus(package)),
+ template_args=None, create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl):
+ user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(self.apiurl)
+ edit_meta(metatype='pkg',
+ path_args=(quote_plus(project), quote_plus(package)),
+ template_args=({'name': pac, 'user': user}), apiurl=apiurl)
+ p = Package(pac_path)
+ p.todo = files
+ p.commit(msg=msg, verbose=verbose, skip_local_service_run=skip_local_service_run)
+ def __str__(self):
+ r = []
+ r.append('*****************************************************')
+ r.append('Project %s (dir=%s, absdir=%s)' % (self.name, self.dir, self.absdir))
+ r.append('have pacs:\n%s' % ', '.join(self.pacs_have))
+ r.append('missing pacs:\n%s' % ', '.join(self.pacs_missing))
+ r.append('*****************************************************')
+ return '\n'.join(r)
+ @staticmethod
+ def init_project(apiurl, dir, project, package_tracking=True, getPackageList=True, progress_obj=None, wc_check=True):
+ global store
+ if not os.path.exists(dir):
+ # use makedirs (checkout_no_colon config option might be enabled)
+ os.makedirs(dir)
+ elif not os.path.isdir(dir):
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'error: \'%s\' is no directory' % dir)
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, store)):
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'error: \'%s\' is already an initialized osc working copy' % dir)
+ else:
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir, store))
+ store_write_project(dir, project)
+ store_write_apiurl(dir, apiurl)
+ if package_tracking:
+ store_write_initial_packages(dir, project, [])
+ return Project(dir, getPackageList, progress_obj, wc_check)
+class Package:
+ """represent a package (its directory) and read/keep/write its metadata"""
+ # should _meta be a required file?
+ REQ_STOREFILES = ('_project', '_package', '_apiurl', '_files', '_osclib_version')
+ OPT_STOREFILES = ('_to_be_added', '_to_be_deleted', '_in_conflict', '_in_update',
+ '_in_commit', '_meta', '_meta_mode', '_frozenlink', '_pulled', '_linkrepair',
+ '_size_limit', '_commit_msg')
+ def __init__(self, workingdir, progress_obj=None, size_limit=None, wc_check=True):
+ global store
+ self.dir = workingdir
+ self.absdir = os.path.abspath(self.dir)
+ self.storedir = os.path.join(self.absdir, store)
+ self.progress_obj = progress_obj
+ self.size_limit = size_limit
+ if size_limit and size_limit == 0:
+ self.size_limit = None
+ check_store_version(self.dir)
+ self.prjname = store_read_project(self.dir)
+ self.name = store_read_package(self.dir)
+ self.apiurl = store_read_apiurl(self.dir, defaulturl=not wc_check)
+ self.update_datastructs()
+ dirty_files = []
+ if wc_check:
+ dirty_files = self.wc_check()
+ if dirty_files:
+ msg = 'Your working copy \'%s\' is in an inconsistent state.\n' \
+ 'Please run \'osc repairwc %s\' (Note this might _remove_\n' \
+ 'files from the .osc/ dir). Please check the state\n' \
+ 'of the working copy afterwards (via \'osc status %s\')' % (self.dir, self.dir, self.dir)
+ raise oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent(self.prjname, self.name, dirty_files, msg)
+ self.todo = []
+ def wc_check(self):
+ dirty_files = []
+ for fname in self.filenamelist:
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.storedir, fname)) and not fname in self.skipped:
+ dirty_files.append(fname)
+ for fname in Package.REQ_STOREFILES:
+ if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.storedir, fname)):
+ dirty_files.append(fname)
+ for fname in os.listdir(self.storedir):
+ if fname in Package.REQ_STOREFILES or fname in Package.OPT_STOREFILES or \
+ fname.startswith('_build'):
+ continue
+ elif fname in self.filenamelist and fname in self.skipped:
+ dirty_files.append(fname)
+ elif not fname in self.filenamelist:
+ dirty_files.append(fname)
+ for fname in self.to_be_deleted[:]:
+ if not fname in self.filenamelist:
+ dirty_files.append(fname)
+ for fname in self.in_conflict[:]:
+ if not fname in self.filenamelist:
+ dirty_files.append(fname)
+ return dirty_files
+ def wc_repair(self, apiurl=None):
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_apiurl')) or apiurl:
+ if apiurl is None:
+ msg = 'cannot repair wc: the \'_apiurl\' file is missing but ' \
+ 'no \'apiurl\' was passed to wc_repair'
+ # hmm should we raise oscerr.WrongArgs?
+ raise oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent(self.prjname, self.name, [], msg)
+ # sanity check
+ conf.parse_apisrv_url(None, apiurl)
+ store_write_apiurl(self.dir, apiurl)
+ self.apiurl = store_read_apiurl(self.dir, defaulturl=False)
+ # all files which are present in the filelist have to exist in the storedir
+ for f in self.filelist:
+ # XXX: should we also check the md5?
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.storedir, f.name)) and not f.name in self.skipped:
+ # if get_source_file fails we're screwed up...
+ get_source_file(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name, f.name,
+ targetfilename=os.path.join(self.storedir, f.name), revision=self.rev,
+ mtime=f.mtime)
+ for fname in os.listdir(self.storedir):
+ if fname in Package.REQ_STOREFILES or fname in Package.OPT_STOREFILES or \
+ fname.startswith('_build'):
+ continue
+ elif not fname in self.filenamelist or fname in self.skipped:
+ # this file does not belong to the storedir so remove it
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(self.storedir, fname))
+ for fname in self.to_be_deleted[:]:
+ if not fname in self.filenamelist:
+ self.to_be_deleted.remove(fname)
+ self.write_deletelist()
+ for fname in self.in_conflict[:]:
+ if not fname in self.filenamelist:
+ self.in_conflict.remove(fname)
+ self.write_conflictlist()
+ def info(self):
+ source_url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', self.prjname, self.name])
+ r = info_templ % (self.prjname, self.name, self.absdir, self.apiurl, source_url, self.srcmd5, self.rev, self.linkinfo)
+ return r
+ def addfile(self, n):
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.absdir, n)):
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'error: file \'%s\' does not exist' % n)
+ if n in self.to_be_deleted:
+ self.to_be_deleted.remove(n)
+# self.delete_storefile(n)
+ self.write_deletelist()
+ elif n in self.filenamelist or n in self.to_be_added:
+ raise oscerr.PackageFileConflict(self.prjname, self.name, n, 'osc: warning: \'%s\' is already under version control' % n)
+# shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.dir, n), os.path.join(self.storedir, n))
+ if self.dir != '.':
+ pathname = os.path.join(self.dir, n)
+ else:
+ pathname = n
+ self.to_be_added.append(n)
+ self.write_addlist()
+ print statfrmt('A', pathname)
+ def delete_file(self, n, force=False):
+ """deletes a file if possible and marks the file as deleted"""
+ state = '?'
+ try:
+ state = self.status(n)
+ except IOError, ioe:
+ if not force:
+ raise ioe
+ if state in ['?', 'A', 'M', 'R', 'C'] and not force:
+ return (False, state)
+ # special handling for skipped files: if file exists, simply delete it
+ if state == 'S':
+ exists = os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.dir, n))
+ self.delete_localfile(n)
+ return (exists, 'S')
+ self.delete_localfile(n)
+ was_added = n in self.to_be_added
+ if state in ('A', 'R') or state == '!' and was_added:
+ self.to_be_added.remove(n)
+ self.write_addlist()
+ elif state == 'C':
+ # don't remove "merge files" (*.r, *.mine...)
+ # that's why we don't use clear_from_conflictlist
+ self.in_conflict.remove(n)
+ self.write_conflictlist()
+ if not state in ('A', '?') and not (state == '!' and was_added):
+ self.put_on_deletelist(n)
+ self.write_deletelist()
+ return (True, state)
+ def delete_storefile(self, n):
+ try: os.unlink(os.path.join(self.storedir, n))
+ except: pass
+ def delete_localfile(self, n):
+ try: os.unlink(os.path.join(self.dir, n))
+ except: pass
+ def put_on_deletelist(self, n):
+ if n not in self.to_be_deleted:
+ self.to_be_deleted.append(n)
+ def put_on_conflictlist(self, n):
+ if n not in self.in_conflict:
+ self.in_conflict.append(n)
+ def put_on_addlist(self, n):
+ if n not in self.to_be_added:
+ self.to_be_added.append(n)
+ def clear_from_conflictlist(self, n):
+ """delete an entry from the file, and remove the file if it would be empty"""
+ if n in self.in_conflict:
+ filename = os.path.join(self.dir, n)
+ storefilename = os.path.join(self.storedir, n)
+ myfilename = os.path.join(self.dir, n + '.mine')
+ if self.islinkrepair() or self.ispulled():
+ upfilename = os.path.join(self.dir, n + '.new')
+ else:
+ upfilename = os.path.join(self.dir, n + '.r' + self.rev)
+ try:
+ os.unlink(myfilename)
+ # the working copy may be updated, so the .r* ending may be obsolete...
+ # then we don't care
+ os.unlink(upfilename)
+ if self.islinkrepair() or self.ispulled():
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(self.dir, n + '.old'))
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.in_conflict.remove(n)
+ self.write_conflictlist()
+ # XXX: this isn't used at all
+ def write_meta_mode(self):
+ # XXX: the "elif" is somehow a contradiction (with current and the old implementation
+ # it's not possible to "leave" the metamode again) (except if you modify pac.meta
+ # which is really ugly:) )
+ if self.meta:
+ store_write_string(self.absdir, '_meta_mode', '')
+ elif self.ismetamode():
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_meta_mode'))
+ def write_sizelimit(self):
+ if self.size_limit and self.size_limit <= 0:
+ try:
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_size_limit'))
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ store_write_string(self.absdir, '_size_limit', str(self.size_limit) + '\n')
+ def write_addlist(self):
+ self.__write_storelist('_to_be_added', self.to_be_added)
+ def write_deletelist(self):
+ self.__write_storelist('_to_be_deleted', self.to_be_deleted)
+ def delete_source_file(self, n):
+ """delete local a source file"""
+ self.delete_localfile(n)
+ self.delete_storefile(n)
+ def delete_remote_source_file(self, n):
+ """delete a remote source file (e.g. from the server)"""
+ query = 'rev=upload'
+ u = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', self.prjname, self.name, pathname2url(n)], query=query)
+ http_DELETE(u)
+ def put_source_file(self, n, copy_only=False):
+ cdir = os.path.join(self.storedir, '_in_commit')
+ try:
+ if not os.path.isdir(cdir):
+ os.mkdir(cdir)
+ query = 'rev=repository'
+ tmpfile = os.path.join(cdir, n)
+ shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.dir, n), tmpfile)
+ # escaping '+' in the URL path (note: not in the URL query string) is
+ # only a workaround for ruby on rails, which swallows it otherwise
+ if not copy_only:
+ u = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', self.prjname, self.name, pathname2url(n)], query=query)
+ http_PUT(u, file = os.path.join(self.dir, n))
+ os.rename(tmpfile, os.path.join(self.storedir, n))
+ finally:
+ if os.path.isdir(cdir):
+ shutil.rmtree(cdir)
+ if n in self.to_be_added:
+ self.to_be_added.remove(n)
+ def __generate_commitlist(self, todo_send):
+ root = ET.Element('directory')
+ keys = todo_send.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ for i in keys:
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'entry', name=i, md5=todo_send[i])
+ return root
+ def __send_commitlog(self, msg, local_filelist):
+ """send the commitlog and the local filelist to the server"""
+ query = {'cmd' : 'commitfilelist',
+ 'user' : conf.get_apiurl_usr(self.apiurl),
+ 'comment': msg}
+ if self.islink() and self.isexpanded():
+ query['keeplink'] = '1'
+ if conf.config['linkcontrol'] or self.isfrozen():
+ query['linkrev'] = self.linkinfo.srcmd5
+ if self.ispulled():
+ query['repairlink'] = '1'
+ query['linkrev'] = self.get_pulled_srcmd5()
+ if self.islinkrepair():
+ query['repairlink'] = '1'
+ u = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', self.prjname, self.name], query=query)
+ f = http_POST(u, data=ET.tostring(local_filelist))
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ return root
+ def __get_todo_send(self, server_filelist):
+ """parse todo from a previous __send_commitlog call"""
+ error = server_filelist.get('error')
+ if error is None:
+ return []
+ elif error != 'missing':
+ raise oscerr.PackageInternalError(self.prjname, self.name,
+ '__get_todo_send: unexpected \'error\' attr: \'%s\'' % error)
+ todo = []
+ for n in server_filelist.findall('entry'):
+ name = n.get('name')
+ if name is None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('missing \'name\' attribute:\n%s\n' % ET.tostring(server_filelist))
+ todo.append(n.get('name'))
+ return todo
+ def commit(self, msg='', verbose=False, skip_local_service_run=False):
+ # commit only if the upstream revision is the same as the working copy's
+ upstream_rev = self.latest_rev()
+ if self.rev != upstream_rev:
+ raise oscerr.WorkingCopyOutdated((self.absdir, self.rev, upstream_rev))
+ if not skip_local_service_run:
+ r = self.run_source_services(mode="trylocal", verbose=verbose)
+ if r is not 0:
+ raise oscerr.ServiceRuntimeError(r)
+ if not self.todo:
+ self.todo = [i for i in self.to_be_added if not i in self.filenamelist] + self.filenamelist
+ pathn = getTransActPath(self.dir)
+ todo_send = {}
+ todo_delete = []
+ real_send = []
+ for filename in self.filenamelist + [i for i in self.to_be_added if not i in self.filenamelist]:
+ if filename.startswith('_service:') or filename.startswith('_service_'):
+ continue
+ st = self.status(filename)
+ if st == 'C':
+ print 'Please resolve all conflicts before committing using "osc resolved FILE"!'
+ return 1
+ elif filename in self.todo:
+ if st in ('A', 'R', 'M'):
+ todo_send[filename] = dgst(os.path.join(self.absdir, filename))
+ real_send.append(filename)
+ print statfrmt('Sending', os.path.join(pathn, filename))
+ elif st in (' ', '!', 'S'):
+ if st == '!' and filename in self.to_be_added:
+ print 'file \'%s\' is marked as \'A\' but does not exist' % filename
+ return 1
+ f = self.findfilebyname(filename)
+ if f is None:
+ raise oscerr.PackageInternalError(self.prjname, self.name,
+ 'error: file \'%s\' with state \'%s\' is not known by meta' \
+ % (filename, st))
+ todo_send[filename] = f.md5
+ elif st == 'D':
+ todo_delete.append(filename)
+ print statfrmt('Deleting', os.path.join(pathn, filename))
+ elif st in ('R', 'M', 'D', ' ', '!', 'S'):
+ # ignore missing new file (it's not part of the current commit)
+ if st == '!' and filename in self.to_be_added:
+ continue
+ f = self.findfilebyname(filename)
+ if f is None:
+ raise oscerr.PackageInternalError(self.prjname, self.name,
+ 'error: file \'%s\' with state \'%s\' is not known by meta' \
+ % (filename, st))
+ todo_send[filename] = f.md5
+ if not real_send and not todo_delete and not self.islinkrepair() and not self.ispulled():
+ print 'nothing to do for package %s' % self.name
+ return 1
+ print 'Transmitting file data ',
+ filelist = self.__generate_commitlist(todo_send)
+ sfilelist = self.__send_commitlog(msg, filelist)
+ send = self.__get_todo_send(sfilelist)
+ real_send = [i for i in real_send if not i in send]
+ # abort after 3 tries
+ tries = 3
+ while len(send) and tries:
+ for filename in send[:]:
+ sys.stdout.write('.')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ self.put_source_file(filename)
+ send.remove(filename)
+ tries -= 1
+ sfilelist = self.__send_commitlog(msg, filelist)
+ send = self.__get_todo_send(sfilelist)
+ if len(send):
+ raise oscerr.PackageInternalError(self.prjname, self.name,
+ 'server does not accept filelist:\n%s\nmissing:\n%s\n' \
+ % (ET.tostring(filelist), ET.tostring(sfilelist)))
+ # these files already exist on the server
+ # just copy them into the storedir
+ for filename in real_send:
+ self.put_source_file(filename, copy_only=True)
+ self.rev = sfilelist.get('rev')
+ print
+ print 'Committed revision %s.' % self.rev
+ if self.ispulled():
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_pulled'))
+ if self.islinkrepair():
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_linkrepair'))
+ self.linkrepair = False
+ # XXX: mark package as invalid?
+ print 'The source link has been repaired. This directory can now be removed.'
+ if self.islink() and self.isexpanded():
+ li = Linkinfo()
+ li.read(sfilelist.find('linkinfo'))
+ if li.xsrcmd5 is None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('linkinfo has no xsrcmd5 attr:\n%s\n' % ET.tostring(sfilelist))
+ sfilelist = ET.fromstring(self.get_files_meta(revision=li.xsrcmd5))
+ for i in sfilelist.findall('entry'):
+ if i.get('name') in self.skipped:
+ i.set('skipped', 'true')
+ store_write_string(self.absdir, '_files', ET.tostring(sfilelist) + '\n')
+ for filename in todo_delete:
+ self.to_be_deleted.remove(filename)
+ self.delete_storefile(filename)
+ self.write_deletelist()
+ self.write_addlist()
+ self.update_datastructs()
+ print_request_list(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name)
+ # FIXME: add testcases for this codepath
+ sinfo = sfilelist.find('serviceinfo')
+ if sinfo is not None:
+ print 'Waiting for server side source service run'
+ u = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', self.prjname, self.name])
+ while sinfo is not None and sinfo.get('code') == 'running':
+ sys.stdout.write('.')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ # does it make sense to add some delay?
+ sfilelist = ET.fromstring(http_GET(u).read())
+ # if sinfo is None another commit might have occured in the "meantime"
+ sinfo = sfilelist.find('serviceinfo')
+ print ''
+ rev=self.latest_rev()
+ self.update(rev=rev)
+ def __write_storelist(self, name, data):
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ try:
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(self.storedir, name))
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ store_write_string(self.absdir, name, '%s\n' % '\n'.join(data))
+ def write_conflictlist(self):
+ self.__write_storelist('_in_conflict', self.in_conflict)
+ def updatefile(self, n, revision, mtime=None):
+ filename = os.path.join(self.dir, n)
+ storefilename = os.path.join(self.storedir, n)
+ origfile_tmp = os.path.join(self.storedir, '_in_update', '%s.copy' % n)
+ origfile = os.path.join(self.storedir, '_in_update', n)
+ if os.path.isfile(filename):
+ shutil.copyfile(filename, origfile_tmp)
+ os.rename(origfile_tmp, origfile)
+ else:
+ origfile = None
+ get_source_file(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name, n, targetfilename=storefilename,
+ revision=revision, progress_obj=self.progress_obj, mtime=mtime, meta=self.meta)
+ shutil.copyfile(storefilename, filename)
+ if not origfile is None:
+ os.unlink(origfile)
+ def mergefile(self, n, revision, mtime=None):
+ filename = os.path.join(self.dir, n)
+ storefilename = os.path.join(self.storedir, n)
+ myfilename = os.path.join(self.dir, n + '.mine')
+ upfilename = os.path.join(self.dir, n + '.r' + self.rev)
+ origfile_tmp = os.path.join(self.storedir, '_in_update', '%s.copy' % n)
+ origfile = os.path.join(self.storedir, '_in_update', n)
+ shutil.copyfile(filename, origfile_tmp)
+ os.rename(origfile_tmp, origfile)
+ os.rename(filename, myfilename)
+ get_source_file(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name, n,
+ revision=revision, targetfilename=upfilename,
+ progress_obj=self.progress_obj, mtime=mtime, meta=self.meta)
+ if binary_file(myfilename) or binary_file(upfilename):
+ # don't try merging
+ shutil.copyfile(upfilename, filename)
+ shutil.copyfile(upfilename, storefilename)
+ os.unlink(origfile)
+ self.in_conflict.append(n)
+ self.write_conflictlist()
+ return 'C'
+ else:
+ # try merging
+ merge_cmd = 'diff3 -m -E %s %s %s > %s' % (myfilename, storefilename, upfilename, filename)
+ # we would rather use the subprocess module, but it is not availablebefore 2.4
+ ret = subprocess.call(merge_cmd, shell=True)
+ # "An exit status of 0 means `diff3' was successful, 1 means some
+ # conflicts were found, and 2 means trouble."
+ if ret == 0:
+ # merge was successful... clean up
+ shutil.copyfile(upfilename, storefilename)
+ os.unlink(upfilename)
+ os.unlink(myfilename)
+ os.unlink(origfile)
+ return 'G'
+ elif ret == 1:
+ # unsuccessful merge
+ shutil.copyfile(upfilename, storefilename)
+ os.unlink(origfile)
+ self.in_conflict.append(n)
+ self.write_conflictlist()
+ return 'C'
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.ExtRuntimeError('diff3 failed with exit code: %s' % ret, merge_cmd)
+ def update_local_filesmeta(self, revision=None):
+ """
+ Update the local _files file in the store.
+ It is replaced with the version pulled from upstream.
+ """
+ meta = self.get_files_meta(revision=revision)
+ store_write_string(self.absdir, '_files', meta + '\n')
+ def get_files_meta(self, revision='latest', skip_service=True):
+ fm = show_files_meta(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name, revision=revision, meta=self.meta)
+ # look for "too large" files according to size limit and mark them
+ root = ET.fromstring(fm)
+ for e in root.findall('entry'):
+ size = e.get('size')
+ if size and self.size_limit and int(size) > self.size_limit \
+ or skip_service and (e.get('name').startswith('_service:') or e.get('name').startswith('_service_')):
+ e.set('skipped', 'true')
+ return ET.tostring(root)
+ def update_datastructs(self):
+ """
+ Update the internal data structures if the local _files
+ file has changed (e.g. update_local_filesmeta() has been
+ called).
+ """
+ import fnmatch
+ files_tree = read_filemeta(self.dir)
+ files_tree_root = files_tree.getroot()
+ self.rev = files_tree_root.get('rev')
+ self.srcmd5 = files_tree_root.get('srcmd5')
+ self.linkinfo = Linkinfo()
+ self.linkinfo.read(files_tree_root.find('linkinfo'))
+ self.filenamelist = []
+ self.filelist = []
+ self.skipped = []
+ for node in files_tree_root.findall('entry'):
+ try:
+ f = File(node.get('name'),
+ node.get('md5'),
+ int(node.get('size')),
+ int(node.get('mtime')))
+ if node.get('skipped'):
+ self.skipped.append(f.name)
+ f.skipped = True
+ except:
+ # okay, a very old version of _files, which didn't contain any metadata yet...
+ f = File(node.get('name'), '', 0, 0)
+ self.filelist.append(f)
+ self.filenamelist.append(f.name)
+ self.to_be_added = read_tobeadded(self.absdir)
+ self.to_be_deleted = read_tobedeleted(self.absdir)
+ self.in_conflict = read_inconflict(self.absdir)
+ self.linkrepair = os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_linkrepair'))
+ self.size_limit = read_sizelimit(self.dir)
+ self.meta = self.ismetamode()
+ # gather unversioned files, but ignore some stuff
+ self.excluded = []
+ for i in os.listdir(self.dir):
+ for j in conf.config['exclude_glob']:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(i, j):
+ self.excluded.append(i)
+ break
+ self.filenamelist_unvers = [ i for i in os.listdir(self.dir)
+ if i not in self.excluded
+ if i not in self.filenamelist ]
+ def islink(self):
+ """tells us if the package is a link (has 'linkinfo').
+ A package with linkinfo is a package which links to another package.
+ Returns True if the package is a link, otherwise False."""
+ return self.linkinfo.islink()
+ def isexpanded(self):
+ """tells us if the package is a link which is expanded.
+ Returns True if the package is expanded, otherwise False."""
+ return self.linkinfo.isexpanded()
+ def islinkrepair(self):
+ """tells us if we are repairing a broken source link."""
+ return self.linkrepair
+ def ispulled(self):
+ """tells us if we have pulled a link."""
+ return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_pulled'))
+ def isfrozen(self):
+ """tells us if the link is frozen."""
+ return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_frozenlink'))
+ def ismetamode(self):
+ """tells us if the package is in meta mode"""
+ return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_meta_mode'))
+ def get_pulled_srcmd5(self):
+ pulledrev = None
+ for line in open(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_pulled'), 'r'):
+ pulledrev = line.strip()
+ return pulledrev
+ def haslinkerror(self):
+ """
+ Returns True if the link is broken otherwise False.
+ If the package is not a link it returns False.
+ """
+ return self.linkinfo.haserror()
+ def linkerror(self):
+ """
+ Returns an error message if the link is broken otherwise None.
+ If the package is not a link it returns None.
+ """
+ return self.linkinfo.error
+ def update_local_pacmeta(self):
+ """
+ Update the local _meta file in the store.
+ It is replaced with the version pulled from upstream.
+ """
+ meta = ''.join(show_package_meta(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name))
+ store_write_string(self.absdir, '_meta', meta + '\n')
+ def findfilebyname(self, n):
+ for i in self.filelist:
+ if i.name == n:
+ return i
+ def get_status(self, excluded=False, *exclude_states):
+ global store
+ todo = self.todo
+ if not todo:
+ todo = self.filenamelist + self.to_be_added + \
+ [i for i in self.filenamelist_unvers if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.absdir, i))]
+ if excluded:
+ todo.extend([i for i in self.excluded if i != store])
+ todo = set(todo)
+ res = []
+ for fname in sorted(todo):
+ st = self.status(fname)
+ if not st in exclude_states:
+ res.append((st, fname))
+ return res
+ def status(self, n):
+ """
+ status can be:
+ file storefile file present STATUS
+ exists exists in _files
+ x - - 'A' and listed in _to_be_added
+ x x - 'R' and listed in _to_be_added
+ x x x ' ' if digest differs: 'M'
+ and if in conflicts file: 'C'
+ x - - '?'
+ - x x 'D' and listed in _to_be_deleted
+ x x x 'D' and listed in _to_be_deleted (e.g. if deleted file was modified)
+ x x x 'C' and listed in _in_conflict
+ x - x 'S' and listed in self.skipped
+ - - x 'S' and listed in self.skipped
+ - x x '!'
+ """
+ known_by_meta = False
+ exists = False
+ exists_in_store = False
+ if n in self.filenamelist:
+ known_by_meta = True
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.absdir, n)):
+ exists = True
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.storedir, n)):
+ exists_in_store = True
+ if n in self.to_be_deleted:
+ state = 'D'
+ elif n in self.in_conflict:
+ state = 'C'
+ elif n in self.skipped:
+ state = 'S'
+ elif n in self.to_be_added and exists and exists_in_store:
+ state = 'R'
+ elif n in self.to_be_added and exists:
+ state = 'A'
+ elif exists and exists_in_store and known_by_meta:
+ if dgst(os.path.join(self.absdir, n)) != self.findfilebyname(n).md5:
+ state = 'M'
+ else:
+ state = ' '
+ elif n in self.to_be_added and not exists:
+ state = '!'
+ elif not exists and exists_in_store and known_by_meta and not n in self.to_be_deleted:
+ state = '!'
+ elif exists and not exists_in_store and not known_by_meta:
+ state = '?'
+ elif not exists_in_store and known_by_meta:
+ # XXX: this codepath shouldn't be reached (we restore the storefile
+ # in update_datastructs)
+ raise oscerr.PackageInternalError(self.prjname, self.name,
+ 'error: file \'%s\' is known by meta but no storefile exists.\n'
+ 'This might be caused by an old wc format. Please backup your current\n'
+ 'wc and checkout the package again. Afterwards copy all files (except the\n'
+ '.osc/ dir) into the new package wc.' % n)
+ else:
+ # this case shouldn't happen (except there was a typo in the filename etc.)
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'osc: \'%s\' is not under version control' % n)
+ return state
+ def get_diff(self, revision=None, ignoreUnversioned=False):
+ import tempfile
+ diff_hdr = 'Index: %s\n'
+ diff_hdr += '===================================================================\n'
+ kept = []
+ added = []
+ deleted = []
+ def diff_add_delete(fname, add, revision):
+ diff = []
+ diff.append(diff_hdr % fname)
+ tmpfile = None
+ origname = fname
+ if add:
+ diff.append('--- %s\t(revision 0)\n' % fname)
+ rev = 'revision 0'
+ if revision and not fname in self.to_be_added:
+ rev = 'working copy'
+ diff.append('+++ %s\t(%s)\n' % (fname, rev))
+ fname = os.path.join(self.absdir, fname)
+ else:
+ diff.append('--- %s\t(revision %s)\n' % (fname, revision or self.rev))
+ diff.append('+++ %s\t(working copy)\n' % fname)
+ fname = os.path.join(self.storedir, fname)
+ try:
+ if revision is not None and not add:
+ (fd, tmpfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='osc_diff')
+ get_source_file(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name, origname, tmpfile, revision)
+ fname = tmpfile
+ if binary_file(fname):
+ what = 'added'
+ if not add:
+ what = 'deleted'
+ diff = diff[:1]
+ diff.append('Binary file \'%s\' %s.\n' % (origname, what))
+ return diff
+ tmpl = '+%s'
+ ltmpl = '@@ -0,0 +1,%d @@\n'
+ if not add:
+ tmpl = '-%s'
+ ltmpl = '@@ -1,%d +0,0 @@\n'
+ lines = [tmpl % i for i in open(fname, 'r').readlines()]
+ if len(lines):
+ diff.append(ltmpl % len(lines))
+ if not lines[-1].endswith('\n'):
+ lines.append('\n\\ No newline at end of file\n')
+ diff.extend(lines)
+ finally:
+ if tmpfile is not None:
+ os.close(fd)
+ os.unlink(tmpfile)
+ return diff
+ if revision is None:
+ todo = self.todo or [i for i in self.filenamelist if not i in self.to_be_added]+self.to_be_added
+ for fname in todo:
+ if fname in self.to_be_added and self.status(fname) == 'A':
+ added.append(fname)
+ elif fname in self.to_be_deleted:
+ deleted.append(fname)
+ elif fname in self.filenamelist:
+ kept.append(self.findfilebyname(fname))
+ elif fname in self.to_be_added and self.status(fname) == '!':
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'file \'%s\' is marked as \'A\' but does not exist\n'\
+ '(either add the missing file or revert it)' % fname)
+ elif not ignoreUnversioned:
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'file \'%s\' is not under version control' % fname)
+ else:
+ fm = self.get_files_meta(revision=revision)
+ root = ET.fromstring(fm)
+ rfiles = self.__get_files(root)
+ # swap added and deleted
+ kept, deleted, added, services = self.__get_rev_changes(rfiles)
+ added = [f.name for f in added]
+ added.extend([f for f in self.to_be_added if not f in kept])
+ deleted = [f.name for f in deleted]
+ deleted.extend(self.to_be_deleted)
+ for f in added[:]:
+ if f in deleted:
+ added.remove(f)
+ deleted.remove(f)
+# print kept, added, deleted
+ for f in kept:
+ state = self.status(f.name)
+ if state in ('S', '?', '!'):
+ continue
+ elif state == ' ' and revision is None:
+ continue
+ elif revision and self.findfilebyname(f.name).md5 == f.md5 and state != 'M':
+ continue
+ yield [diff_hdr % f.name]
+ if revision is None:
+ yield get_source_file_diff(self.absdir, f.name, self.rev)
+ else:
+ tmpfile = None
+ diff = []
+ try:
+ (fd, tmpfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='osc_diff')
+ get_source_file(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name, f.name, tmpfile, revision)
+ diff = get_source_file_diff(self.absdir, f.name, revision,
+ os.path.basename(tmpfile), os.path.dirname(tmpfile), f.name)
+ finally:
+ if tmpfile is not None:
+ os.close(fd)
+ os.unlink(tmpfile)
+ yield diff
+ for f in added:
+ yield diff_add_delete(f, True, revision)
+ for f in deleted:
+ yield diff_add_delete(f, False, revision)
+ def merge(self, otherpac):
+ self.todo += otherpac.todo
+ def __str__(self):
+ r = """
+name: %s
+prjname: %s
+workingdir: %s
+localfilelist: %s
+linkinfo: %s
+rev: %s
+'todo' files: %s
+""" % (self.name,
+ self.prjname,
+ self.dir,
+ '\n '.join(self.filenamelist),
+ self.linkinfo,
+ self.rev,
+ self.todo)
+ return r
+ def read_meta_from_spec(self, spec = None):
+ import glob
+ if spec:
+ specfile = spec
+ else:
+ # scan for spec files
+ speclist = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.dir, '*.spec'))
+ if len(speclist) == 1:
+ specfile = speclist[0]
+ elif len(speclist) > 1:
+ print 'the following specfiles were found:'
+ for filename in speclist:
+ print filename
+ print 'please specify one with --specfile'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ print 'no specfile was found - please specify one ' \
+ 'with --specfile'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ data = read_meta_from_spec(specfile, 'Summary', 'Url', '%description')
+ self.summary = data.get('Summary', '')
+ self.url = data.get('Url', '')
+ self.descr = data.get('%description', '')
+ def update_package_meta(self, force=False):
+ """
+ for the updatepacmetafromspec subcommand
+ argument force supress the confirm question
+ """
+ m = ''.join(show_package_meta(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name))
+ root = ET.fromstring(m)
+ root.find('title').text = self.summary
+ root.find('description').text = ''.join(self.descr)
+ url = root.find('url')
+ if url == None:
+ url = ET.SubElement(root, 'url')
+ url.text = self.url
+ u = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', self.prjname, self.name, '_meta'])
+ mf = metafile(u, ET.tostring(root))
+ if not force:
+ print '*' * 36, 'old', '*' * 36
+ print m
+ print '*' * 36, 'new', '*' * 36
+ print ET.tostring(root)
+ print '*' * 72
+ repl = raw_input('Write? (y/N/e) ')
+ else:
+ repl = 'y'
+ if repl == 'y':
+ mf.sync()
+ elif repl == 'e':
+ mf.edit()
+ mf.discard()
+ def mark_frozen(self):
+ store_write_string(self.absdir, '_frozenlink', '')
+ print
+ print "The link in this package is currently broken. Checking"
+ print "out the last working version instead; please use 'osc pull'"
+ print "to merge the conflicts."
+ print
+ def unmark_frozen(self):
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_frozenlink')):
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_frozenlink'))
+ def latest_rev(self, include_service_files=False, expand=False):
+ # if expand is True the xsrcmd5 will be returned (even if the wc is unexpanded)
+ if self.islinkrepair():
+ upstream_rev = show_upstream_xsrcmd5(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name, linkrepair=1, meta=self.meta, include_service_files=include_service_files)
+ elif self.islink() and (self.isexpanded() or expand):
+ if self.isfrozen() or self.ispulled():
+ upstream_rev = show_upstream_xsrcmd5(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name, linkrev=self.linkinfo.srcmd5, meta=self.meta, include_service_files=include_service_files)
+ else:
+ try:
+ upstream_rev = show_upstream_xsrcmd5(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name, meta=self.meta, include_service_files=include_service_files)
+ except:
+ try:
+ upstream_rev = show_upstream_xsrcmd5(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name, linkrev=self.linkinfo.srcmd5, meta=self.meta, include_service_files=include_service_files)
+ except:
+ upstream_rev = show_upstream_xsrcmd5(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name, linkrev="base", meta=self.meta, include_service_files=include_service_files)
+ self.mark_frozen()
+ else:
+ upstream_rev = show_upstream_rev(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name, meta=self.meta, include_service_files=include_service_files)
+ return upstream_rev
+ def __get_files(self, fmeta_root):
+ f = []
+ if fmeta_root.get('rev') is None and len(fmeta_root.findall('entry')) > 0:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('missing rev attribute in _files:\n%s' % ''.join(ET.tostring(fmeta_root)))
+ for i in fmeta_root.findall('entry'):
+ skipped = i.get('skipped') is not None
+ f.append(File(i.get('name'), i.get('md5'),
+ int(i.get('size')), int(i.get('mtime')), skipped))
+ return f
+ def __get_rev_changes(self, revfiles):
+ kept = []
+ added = []
+ deleted = []
+ services = []
+ revfilenames = []
+ for f in revfiles:
+ revfilenames.append(f.name)
+ # treat skipped like deleted files
+ if f.skipped:
+ if f.name.startswith('_service:'):
+ services.append(f)
+ else:
+ deleted.append(f)
+ continue
+ # treat skipped like added files
+ # problem: this overwrites existing files during the update
+ # (because skipped files aren't in self.filenamelist_unvers)
+ if f.name in self.filenamelist and not f.name in self.skipped:
+ kept.append(f)
+ else:
+ added.append(f)
+ for f in self.filelist:
+ if not f.name in revfilenames:
+ deleted.append(f)
+ return kept, added, deleted, services
+ def update(self, rev = None, service_files = False, size_limit = None):
+ import tempfile
+ rfiles = []
+ # size_limit is only temporary for this update
+ old_size_limit = self.size_limit
+ if not size_limit is None:
+ self.size_limit = int(size_limit)
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_in_update', '_files')):
+ print 'resuming broken update...'
+ root = ET.parse(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_in_update', '_files')).getroot()
+ rfiles = self.__get_files(root)
+ kept, added, deleted, services = self.__get_rev_changes(rfiles)
+ # check if we aborted in the middle of a file update
+ broken_file = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_in_update'))
+ broken_file.remove('_files')
+ if len(broken_file) == 1:
+ origfile = os.path.join(self.storedir, '_in_update', broken_file[0])
+ wcfile = os.path.join(self.absdir, broken_file[0])
+ origfile_md5 = dgst(origfile)
+ origfile_meta = self.findfilebyname(broken_file[0])
+ if origfile.endswith('.copy'):
+ # ok it seems we aborted at some point during the copy process
+ # (copy process == copy wcfile to the _in_update dir). remove file+continue
+ os.unlink(origfile)
+ elif self.findfilebyname(broken_file[0]) is None:
+ # should we remove this file from _in_update? if we don't
+ # the user has no chance to continue without removing the file manually
+ raise oscerr.PackageInternalError(self.prjname, self.name,
+ '\'%s\' is not known by meta but exists in \'_in_update\' dir')
+ elif os.path.isfile(wcfile) and dgst(wcfile) != origfile_md5:
+ (fd, tmpfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.absdir, prefix=broken_file[0]+'.')
+ os.close(fd)
+ os.rename(wcfile, tmpfile)
+ os.rename(origfile, wcfile)
+ print 'warning: it seems you modified \'%s\' after the broken ' \
+ 'update. Restored original file and saved modified version ' \
+ 'to \'%s\'.' % (wcfile, tmpfile)
+ elif not os.path.isfile(wcfile):
+ # this is strange... because it existed before the update. restore it
+ os.rename(origfile, wcfile)
+ else:
+ # everything seems to be ok
+ os.unlink(origfile)
+ elif len(broken_file) > 1:
+ raise oscerr.PackageInternalError(self.prjname, self.name, 'too many files in \'_in_update\' dir')
+ tmp = rfiles[:]
+ for f in tmp:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.storedir, f.name)):
+ if dgst(os.path.join(self.storedir, f.name)) == f.md5:
+ if f in kept:
+ kept.remove(f)
+ elif f in added:
+ added.remove(f)
+ # this can't happen
+ elif f in deleted:
+ deleted.remove(f)
+ if not service_files:
+ services = []
+ self.__update(kept, added, deleted, services, ET.tostring(root), root.get('rev'))
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_in_update', '_files'))
+ os.rmdir(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_in_update'))
+ # ok everything is ok (hopefully)...
+ fm = self.get_files_meta(revision=rev)
+ root = ET.fromstring(fm)
+ rfiles = self.__get_files(root)
+ store_write_string(self.absdir, '_files', fm + '\n', subdir='_in_update')
+ kept, added, deleted, services = self.__get_rev_changes(rfiles)
+ if not service_files:
+ services = []
+ self.__update(kept, added, deleted, services, fm, root.get('rev'))
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_in_update', '_files'))
+ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_in_update')):
+ os.rmdir(os.path.join(self.storedir, '_in_update'))
+ self.size_limit = old_size_limit
+ def __update(self, kept, added, deleted, services, fm, rev):
+ pathn = getTransActPath(self.dir)
+ # check for conflicts with existing files
+ for f in added:
+ if f.name in self.filenamelist_unvers:
+ raise oscerr.PackageFileConflict(self.prjname, self.name, f.name,
+ 'failed to add file \'%s\' file/dir with the same name already exists' % f.name)
+ # ok, the update can't fail due to existing files
+ for f in added:
+ self.updatefile(f.name, rev, f.mtime)
+ print statfrmt('A', os.path.join(pathn, f.name))
+ for f in deleted:
+ # if the storefile doesn't exist we're resuming an aborted update:
+ # the file was already deleted but we cannot know this
+ # OR we're processing a _service: file (simply keep the file)
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.storedir, f.name)) and self.status(f.name) != 'M':
+# if self.status(f.name) != 'M':
+ self.delete_localfile(f.name)
+ self.delete_storefile(f.name)
+ print statfrmt('D', os.path.join(pathn, f.name))
+ if f.name in self.to_be_deleted:
+ self.to_be_deleted.remove(f.name)
+ self.write_deletelist()
+ for f in kept:
+ state = self.status(f.name)
+# print f.name, state
+ if state == 'M' and self.findfilebyname(f.name).md5 == f.md5:
+ # remote file didn't change
+ pass
+ elif state == 'M':
+ # try to merge changes
+ merge_status = self.mergefile(f.name, rev, f.mtime)
+ print statfrmt(merge_status, os.path.join(pathn, f.name))
+ elif state == '!':
+ self.updatefile(f.name, rev, f.mtime)
+ print 'Restored \'%s\'' % os.path.join(pathn, f.name)
+ elif state == 'C':
+ get_source_file(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name, f.name,
+ targetfilename=os.path.join(self.storedir, f.name), revision=rev,
+ progress_obj=self.progress_obj, mtime=f.mtime, meta=self.meta)
+ print 'skipping \'%s\' (this is due to conflicts)' % f.name
+ elif state == 'D' and self.findfilebyname(f.name).md5 != f.md5:
+ # XXX: in the worst case we might end up with f.name being
+ # in _to_be_deleted and in _in_conflict... this needs to be checked
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.absdir, f.name)):
+ merge_status = self.mergefile(f.name, rev, f.mtime)
+ print statfrmt(merge_status, os.path.join(pathn, f.name))
+ if merge_status == 'C':
+ # state changes from delete to conflict
+ self.to_be_deleted.remove(f.name)
+ self.write_deletelist()
+ else:
+ # XXX: we cannot recover this case because we've no file
+ # to backup
+ self.updatefile(f.name, rev, f.mtime)
+ print statfrmt('U', os.path.join(pathn, f.name))
+ elif state == ' ' and self.findfilebyname(f.name).md5 != f.md5:
+ self.updatefile(f.name, rev, f.mtime)
+ print statfrmt('U', os.path.join(pathn, f.name))
+ # checkout service files
+ for f in services:
+ get_source_file(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name, f.name,
+ targetfilename=os.path.join(self.absdir, f.name), revision=rev,
+ progress_obj=self.progress_obj, mtime=f.mtime, meta=self.meta)
+ print statfrmt('A', os.path.join(pathn, f.name))
+ store_write_string(self.absdir, '_files', fm + '\n')
+ if not self.meta:
+ self.update_local_pacmeta()
+ self.update_datastructs()
+ print 'At revision %s.' % self.rev
+ def run_source_services(self, mode=None, singleservice=None, verbose=None):
+ if self.name.startswith("_"):
+ return 0
+ curdir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.absdir) # e.g. /usr/lib/obs/service/verify_file fails if not inside the project dir.
+ si = Serviceinfo()
+ if os.path.exists('_service'):
+ if self.filenamelist.count('_service') or self.filenamelist_unvers.count('_service'):
+ service = ET.parse(os.path.join(self.absdir, '_service')).getroot()
+ si.read(service)
+ si.getProjectGlobalServices(self.apiurl, self.prjname, self.name)
+ r = si.execute(self.absdir, mode, singleservice, verbose)
+ os.chdir(curdir)
+ return r
+ def revert(self, filename):
+ if not filename in self.filenamelist and not filename in self.to_be_added:
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'file \'%s\' is not under version control' % filename)
+ elif filename in self.skipped:
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'file \'%s\' is marked as skipped and cannot be reverted' % filename)
+ if filename in self.filenamelist and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.storedir, filename)):
+ raise oscerr.PackageInternalError('file \'%s\' is listed in filenamelist but no storefile exists' % filename)
+ state = self.status(filename)
+ if not (state == 'A' or state == '!' and filename in self.to_be_added):
+ shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.storedir, filename), os.path.join(self.absdir, filename))
+ if state == 'D':
+ self.to_be_deleted.remove(filename)
+ self.write_deletelist()
+ elif state == 'C':
+ self.clear_from_conflictlist(filename)
+ elif state in ('A', 'R') or state == '!' and filename in self.to_be_added:
+ self.to_be_added.remove(filename)
+ self.write_addlist()
+ @staticmethod
+ def init_package(apiurl, project, package, dir, size_limit=None, meta=False, progress_obj=None):
+ global store
+ if not os.path.exists(dir):
+ os.mkdir(dir)
+ elif not os.path.isdir(dir):
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'error: \'%s\' is no directory' % dir)
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, store)):
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'error: \'%s\' is already an initialized osc working copy' % dir)
+ else:
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir, store))
+ store_write_project(dir, project)
+ store_write_string(dir, '_package', package + '\n')
+ store_write_apiurl(dir, apiurl)
+ if meta:
+ store_write_string(dir, '_meta_mode', '')
+ if size_limit:
+ store_write_string(dir, '_size_limit', str(size_limit) + '\n')
+ store_write_string(dir, '_files', '<directory />' + '\n')
+ store_write_string(dir, '_osclib_version', __store_version__ + '\n')
+ return Package(dir, progress_obj=progress_obj, size_limit=size_limit)
+class AbstractState:
+ """
+ Base class which represents state-like objects (<review />, <state />).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, tag):
+ self.__tag = tag
+ def get_node_attrs(self):
+ """return attributes for the tag/element"""
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def get_node_name(self):
+ """return tag/element name"""
+ return self.__tag
+ def get_comment(self):
+ """return data from <comment /> tag"""
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def to_xml(self):
+ """serialize object to XML"""
+ root = ET.Element(self.get_node_name())
+ for attr in self.get_node_attrs():
+ val = getattr(self, attr)
+ if not val is None:
+ root.set(attr, val)
+ if self.get_comment():
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'comment').text = self.get_comment()
+ return root
+ def to_str(self):
+ """return "pretty" XML data"""
+ root = self.to_xml()
+ xmlindent(root)
+ return ET.tostring(root)
+class ReviewState(AbstractState):
+ """Represents the review state in a request"""
+ def __init__(self, review_node):
+ if not review_node.get('state'):
+ raise oscerr.APIError('invalid review node (state attr expected): %s' % \
+ ET.tostring(review_node))
+ AbstractState.__init__(self, review_node.tag)
+ self.state = review_node.get('state')
+ self.by_user = review_node.get('by_user')
+ self.by_group = review_node.get('by_group')
+ self.by_project = review_node.get('by_project')
+ self.by_package = review_node.get('by_package')
+ self.who = review_node.get('who')
+ self.when = review_node.get('when')
+ self.comment = ''
+ if not review_node.find('comment') is None and \
+ review_node.find('comment').text:
+ self.comment = review_node.find('comment').text.strip()
+ def get_node_attrs(self):
+ return ('state', 'by_user', 'by_group', 'by_project', 'by_package', 'who', 'when')
+ def get_comment(self):
+ return self.comment
+class RequestState(AbstractState):
+ """Represents the state of a request"""
+ def __init__(self, state_node):
+ if not state_node.get('name'):
+ raise oscerr.APIError('invalid request state node (name attr expected): %s' % \
+ ET.tostring(state_node))
+ AbstractState.__init__(self, state_node.tag)
+ self.name = state_node.get('name')
+ self.who = state_node.get('who')
+ self.when = state_node.get('when')
+ self.comment = ''
+ if not state_node.find('comment') is None and \
+ state_node.find('comment').text:
+ self.comment = state_node.find('comment').text.strip()
+ def get_node_attrs(self):
+ return ('name', 'who', 'when')
+ def get_comment(self):
+ return self.comment
+class Action:
+ """
+ Represents a <action /> element of a Request.
+ This class is quite common so that it can be used for all different
+ action types. Note: instances only provide attributes for their specific
+ type.
+ Examples:
+ r = Action('set_bugowner', tgt_project='foo', person_name='buguser')
+ # available attributes: r.type (== 'set_bugowner'), r.tgt_project (== 'foo'), r.tgt_package (== None)
+ r.to_str() ->
+ <action type="set_bugowner">
+ <target project="foo" />
+ <person name="buguser" />
+ </action>
+ ##
+ r = Action('delete', tgt_project='foo', tgt_package='bar')
+ # available attributes: r.type (== 'delete'), r.tgt_project (== 'foo'), r.tgt_package (=='bar')
+ r.to_str() ->
+ <action type="delete">
+ <target package="bar" project="foo" />
+ </action>
+ """
+ # allowed types + the corresponding (allowed) attributes
+ type_args = {'submit': ('src_project', 'src_package', 'src_rev', 'tgt_project', 'tgt_package', 'opt_sourceupdate',
+ 'acceptinfo_rev', 'acceptinfo_srcmd5', 'acceptinfo_xsrcmd5', 'acceptinfo_osrcmd5',
+ 'acceptinfo_oxsrcmd5', 'opt_updatelink'),
+ 'add_role': ('tgt_project', 'tgt_package', 'person_name', 'person_role', 'group_name', 'group_role'),
+ 'set_bugowner': ('tgt_project', 'tgt_package', 'person_name'), # obsoleted by add_role
+ 'maintenance_release': ('src_project', 'src_package', 'src_rev', 'tgt_project', 'tgt_package', 'person_name'),
+ 'maintenance_incident': ('src_project', 'src_package', 'src_rev', 'tgt_project', 'tgt_releaseproject', 'person_name', 'opt_sourceupdate'),
+ 'delete': ('tgt_project', 'tgt_package', 'tgt_repository'),
+ 'change_devel': ('src_project', 'src_package', 'tgt_project', 'tgt_package')}
+ # attribute prefix to element name map (only needed for abbreviated attributes)
+ prefix_to_elm = {'src': 'source', 'tgt': 'target', 'opt': 'options'}
+ def __init__(self, type, **kwargs):
+ if not type in Action.type_args.keys():
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('invalid action type: \'%s\'' % type)
+ self.type = type
+ for i in kwargs.keys():
+ if not i in Action.type_args[type]:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('invalid argument: \'%s\'' % i)
+ # set all type specific attributes
+ for i in Action.type_args[type]:
+ if kwargs.has_key(i):
+ setattr(self, i, kwargs[i])
+ else:
+ setattr(self, i, None)
+ def to_xml(self):
+ """
+ Serialize object to XML.
+ The xml tag names and attributes are constructed from the instance's attributes.
+ Example:
+ self.group_name -> tag name is "group", attribute name is "name"
+ self.src_project -> tag name is "source" (translated via prefix_to_elm dict),
+ attribute name is "project"
+ Attributes prefixed with "opt_" need a special handling, the resulting xml should
+ look like this: opt_updatelink -> <options><updatelink>value</updatelink></options>.
+ Attributes which are "None" will be skipped.
+ """
+ root = ET.Element('action', type=self.type)
+ for i in Action.type_args[self.type]:
+ prefix, attr = i.split('_', 1)
+ val = getattr(self, i)
+ if val is None:
+ continue
+ elm = root.find(Action.prefix_to_elm.get(prefix, prefix))
+ if elm is None:
+ elm = ET.Element(Action.prefix_to_elm.get(prefix, prefix))
+ root.append(elm)
+ if prefix == 'opt':
+ ET.SubElement(elm, attr).text = val
+ else:
+ elm.set(attr, val)
+ return root
+ def to_str(self):
+ """return "pretty" XML data"""
+ root = self.to_xml()
+ xmlindent(root)
+ return ET.tostring(root)
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_xml(action_node):
+ """create action from XML"""
+ if action_node is None or \
+ not action_node.get('type') in Action.type_args.keys() or \
+ not action_node.tag in ('action', 'submit'):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('invalid argument')
+ elm_to_prefix = dict([(i[1], i[0]) for i in Action.prefix_to_elm.items()])
+ kwargs = {}
+ for node in action_node:
+ prefix = elm_to_prefix.get(node.tag, node.tag)
+ if prefix == 'opt':
+ data = [('opt_%s' % opt.tag, opt.text.strip()) for opt in node if opt.text]
+ else:
+ data = [('%s_%s' % (prefix, k), v) for k, v in node.items()]
+ kwargs.update(dict(data))
+ return Action(action_node.get('type'), **kwargs)
+class Request:
+ """Represents a request (<request />)"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._init_attributes()
+ def _init_attributes(self):
+ """initialize attributes with default values"""
+ self.reqid = None
+ self.title = ''
+ self.description = ''
+ self.state = None
+ self.actions = []
+ self.statehistory = []
+ self.reviews = []
+ def read(self, root):
+ """read in a request"""
+ self._init_attributes()
+ if not root.get('id'):
+ raise oscerr.APIError('invalid request: %s\n' % ET.tostring(root))
+ self.reqid = root.get('id')
+ if root.find('state') is None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('invalid request (state expected): %s\n' % ET.tostring(root))
+ self.state = RequestState(root.find('state'))
+ action_nodes = root.findall('action')
+ if not action_nodes:
+ # check for old-style requests
+ for i in root.findall('submit'):
+ i.set('type', 'submit')
+ action_nodes.append(i)
+ for action in action_nodes:
+ self.actions.append(Action.from_xml(action))
+ for review in root.findall('review'):
+ self.reviews.append(ReviewState(review))
+ for hist_state in root.findall('history'):
+ self.statehistory.append(RequestState(hist_state))
+ if not root.find('title') is None:
+ self.title = root.find('title').text.strip()
+ if not root.find('description') is None and root.find('description').text:
+ self.description = root.find('description').text.strip()
+ def add_action(self, type, **kwargs):
+ """add a new action to the request"""
+ self.actions.append(Action(type, **kwargs))
+ def get_actions(self, *types):
+ """
+ get all actions with a specific type
+ (if types is empty return all actions)
+ """
+ if not types:
+ return self.actions
+ return [i for i in self.actions if i.type in types]
+ def get_creator(self):
+ """return the creator of the request"""
+ if len(self.statehistory):
+ return self.statehistory[0].who
+ return self.state.who
+ def to_xml(self):
+ """serialize object to XML"""
+ root = ET.Element('request')
+ if not self.reqid is None:
+ root.set('id', self.reqid)
+ for action in self.actions:
+ root.append(action.to_xml())
+ if not self.state is None:
+ root.append(self.state.to_xml())
+ for review in self.reviews:
+ root.append(review.to_xml())
+ for hist in self.statehistory:
+ root.append(hist.to_xml())
+ if self.title:
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'title').text = self.title
+ if self.description:
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'description').text = self.description
+ return root
+ def to_str(self):
+ """return "pretty" XML data"""
+ root = self.to_xml()
+ xmlindent(root)
+ return ET.tostring(root)
+ @staticmethod
+ def format_review(review, show_srcupdate=False):
+ """
+ format a review depending on the reviewer's type.
+ A dict which contains the formatted str's is returned.
+ """
+ d = {'state': '%s:' % review.state}
+ if review.by_package:
+ d['by'] = '%s/%s' % (review.by_project, review.by_package)
+ d['type'] = 'Package'
+ elif review.by_project:
+ d['by'] = '%s' % review.by_project
+ d['type'] = 'Project'
+ elif review.by_group:
+ d['by'] = '%s' % review.by_group
+ d['type'] = 'Group'
+ else:
+ d['by'] = '%s' % review.by_user
+ d['type'] = 'User'
+ if review.who:
+ d['by'] += '(%s)' % review.who
+ return d
+ @staticmethod
+ def format_action(action, show_srcupdate=False):
+ """
+ format an action depending on the action's type.
+ A dict which contains the formatted str's is returned.
+ """
+ def prj_pkg_join(prj, pkg, repository=None):
+ if not pkg:
+ if not repository:
+ return prj or ''
+ return '%s(%s)' % (prj, repository)
+ return '%s/%s' % (prj, pkg)
+ d = {'type': '%s:' % action.type}
+ if action.type == 'set_bugowner':
+ d['source'] = action.person_name
+ d['target'] = prj_pkg_join(action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
+ elif action.type == 'change_devel':
+ d['source'] = prj_pkg_join(action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
+ d['target'] = 'developed in %s' % prj_pkg_join(action.src_project, action.src_package)
+ elif action.type == 'maintenance_incident':
+ d['source'] = '%s ->' % action.src_project
+ if action.src_package:
+ d['source'] = '%s ->' % prj_pkg_join(action.src_project, action.src_package)
+ d['target'] = action.tgt_project
+ if action.tgt_releaseproject:
+ d['target'] += " (release in " + action.tgt_releaseproject + ")"
+ srcupdate = ' '
+ if action.opt_sourceupdate and show_srcupdate:
+ srcupdate = '(%s)' % action.opt_sourceupdate
+ elif action.type == 'maintenance_release':
+ d['source'] = '%s ->' % prj_pkg_join(action.src_project, action.src_package)
+ d['target'] = prj_pkg_join(action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
+ elif action.type == 'submit':
+ srcupdate = ' '
+ if action.opt_sourceupdate and show_srcupdate:
+ srcupdate = '(%s)' % action.opt_sourceupdate
+ d['source'] = '%s%s ->' % (prj_pkg_join(action.src_project, action.src_package), srcupdate)
+ tgt_package = action.tgt_package
+ if action.src_package == action.tgt_package:
+ tgt_package = ''
+ d['target'] = prj_pkg_join(action.tgt_project, tgt_package)
+ elif action.type == 'add_role':
+ roles = []
+ if action.person_name and action.person_role:
+ roles.append('person: %s as %s' % (action.person_name, action.person_role))
+ if action.group_name and action.group_role:
+ roles.append('group: %s as %s' % (action.group_name, action.group_role))
+ d['source'] = ', '.join(roles)
+ d['target'] = prj_pkg_join(action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
+ elif action.type == 'delete':
+ d['source'] = ''
+ d['target'] = prj_pkg_join(action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package, action.tgt_repository)
+ return d
+ def list_view(self):
+ """return "list view" format"""
+ import textwrap
+ lines = ['%6s State:%-10s By:%-12s When:%-19s' % (self.reqid, self.state.name, self.state.who, self.state.when)]
+ tmpl = ' %(type)-16s %(source)-50s %(target)s'
+ for action in self.actions:
+ lines.append(tmpl % Request.format_action(action))
+ tmpl = ' Review by %(type)-10s is %(state)-10s %(by)-50s'
+ for review in self.reviews:
+ lines.append(tmpl % Request.format_review(review))
+ history = ['%s(%s)' % (hist.name, hist.who) for hist in self.statehistory]
+ if history:
+ lines.append(' From: %s' % ' -> '.join(history))
+ if self.description:
+ lines.append(textwrap.fill(self.description, width=80, initial_indent=' Descr: ',
+ subsequent_indent=' '))
+ lines.append(textwrap.fill(self.state.comment, width=80, initial_indent=' Comment: ',
+ subsequent_indent=' '))
+ return '\n'.join(lines)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """return "detailed" format"""
+ lines = ['Request: #%s\n' % self.reqid]
+ for action in self.actions:
+ tmpl = ' %(type)-13s %(source)s %(target)s'
+ if action.type == 'delete':
+ # remove 1 whitespace because source is empty
+ tmpl = ' %(type)-12s %(source)s %(target)s'
+ lines.append(tmpl % Request.format_action(action, show_srcupdate=True))
+ lines.append('\n\nMessage:')
+ if self.description:
+ lines.append(self.description)
+ else:
+ lines.append('<no message>')
+ if self.state:
+ lines.append('\nState: %-10s %-12s %s' % (self.state.name, self.state.when, self.state.who))
+ lines.append('Comment: %s' % (self.state.comment or '<no comment>'))
+ indent = '\n '
+ tmpl = '%(state)-10s %(by)-50s %(when)-12s %(who)-20s %(comment)s'
+ reviews = []
+ for review in reversed(self.reviews):
+ d = {'state': review.state}
+ if review.by_user:
+ d['by'] = "User: " + review.by_user
+ if review.by_group:
+ d['by'] = "Group: " + review.by_group
+ if review.by_package:
+ d['by'] = "Package: " + review.by_project + "/" + review.by_package
+ elif review.by_project:
+ d['by'] = "Project: " + review.by_project
+ d['when'] = review.when or ''
+ d['who'] = review.who or ''
+ d['comment'] = review.comment or ''
+ reviews.append(tmpl % d)
+ if reviews:
+ lines.append('\nReview: %s' % indent.join(reviews))
+ tmpl = '%(name)-10s %(when)-12s %(who)s'
+ histories = []
+ for hist in reversed(self.statehistory):
+ d = {'name': hist.name, 'when': hist.when,
+ 'who': hist.who}
+ histories.append(tmpl % d)
+ if histories:
+ lines.append('\nHistory: %s' % indent.join(histories))
+ return '\n'.join(lines)
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ return cmp(int(self.reqid), int(other.reqid))
+ def create(self, apiurl, addrevision=False):
+ """create a new request"""
+ query = {'cmd' : 'create' }
+ if addrevision:
+ query['addrevision'] = "1"
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request'], query=query)
+ f = http_POST(u, data=self.to_str())
+ root = ET.fromstring(f.read())
+ self.read(root)
+def shorttime(t):
+ """format time as Apr 02 18:19
+ or Apr 02 2005
+ depending on whether it is in the current year
+ """
+ import time
+ if time.localtime()[0] == time.localtime(t)[0]:
+ # same year
+ return time.strftime('%b %d %H:%M',time.localtime(t))
+ else:
+ return time.strftime('%b %d %Y',time.localtime(t))
+def is_project_dir(d):
+ global store
+ return os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, store, '_project')) and not \
+ os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, store, '_package'))
+def is_package_dir(d):
+ global store
+ return os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, store, '_project')) and \
+ os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, store, '_package'))
+def parse_disturl(disturl):
+ """Parse a disturl, returns tuple (apiurl, project, source, repository,
+ revision), else raises an oscerr.WrongArgs exception
+ """
+ global DISTURL_RE
+ m = DISTURL_RE.match(disturl)
+ if not m:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs("`%s' does not look like disturl" % disturl)
+ apiurl = m.group('apiurl')
+ if apiurl.split('.')[0] != 'api':
+ apiurl = 'https://api.' + ".".join(apiurl.split('.')[1:])
+ return (apiurl, m.group('project'), m.group('source'), m.group('repository'), m.group('revision'))
+def parse_buildlogurl(buildlogurl):
+ """Parse a build log url, returns a tuple (apiurl, project, package,
+ repository, arch), else raises oscerr.WrongArgs exception"""
+ m = BUILDLOGURL_RE.match(buildlogurl)
+ if not m:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('\'%s\' does not look like url with a build log' % buildlogurl)
+ return (m.group('apiurl'), m.group('project'), m.group('package'), m.group('repository'), m.group('arch'))
+def slash_split(l):
+ """Split command line arguments like 'foo/bar' into 'foo' 'bar'.
+ This is handy to allow copy/paste a project/package combination in this form.
+ Trailing slashes are removed before the split, because the split would
+ otherwise give an additional empty string.
+ """
+ r = []
+ for i in l:
+ i = i.rstrip('/')
+ r += i.split('/')
+ return r
+def expand_proj_pack(args, idx=0, howmany=0):
+ """looks for occurance of '.' at the position idx.
+ If howmany is 2, both proj and pack are expanded together
+ using the current directory, or none of them, if not possible.
+ If howmany is 0, proj is expanded if possible, then, if there
+ is no idx+1 element in args (or args[idx+1] == '.'), pack is also
+ expanded, if possible.
+ If howmany is 1, only proj is expanded if possible.
+ If args[idx] does not exists, an implicit '.' is assumed.
+ if not enough elements up to idx exist, an error is raised.
+ See also parseargs(args), slash_split(args), findpacs(args)
+ All these need unification, somehow.
+ """
+ # print args,idx,howmany
+ if len(args) < idx:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('not enough argument, expected at least %d' % idx)
+ if len(args) == idx:
+ args += '.'
+ if args[idx+0] == '.':
+ if howmany == 0 and len(args) > idx+1:
+ if args[idx+1] == '.':
+ # we have two dots.
+ # remove one dot and make sure to expand both proj and pack
+ args.pop(idx+1)
+ howmany = 2
+ else:
+ howmany = 1
+ # print args,idx,howmany
+ args[idx+0] = store_read_project('.')
+ if howmany == 0:
+ try:
+ package = store_read_package('.')
+ args.insert(idx+1, package)
+ except:
+ pass
+ elif howmany == 2:
+ package = store_read_package('.')
+ args.insert(idx+1, package)
+ return args
+def findpacs(files, progress_obj=None):
+ """collect Package objects belonging to the given files
+ and make sure each Package is returned only once"""
+ pacs = []
+ for f in files:
+ p = filedir_to_pac(f, progress_obj)
+ known = None
+ for i in pacs:
+ if i.name == p.name:
+ known = i
+ break
+ if known:
+ i.merge(p)
+ else:
+ pacs.append(p)
+ return pacs
+def filedir_to_pac(f, progress_obj=None):
+ """Takes a working copy path, or a path to a file inside a working copy,
+ and returns a Package object instance
+ If the argument was a filename, add it onto the "todo" list of the Package """
+ if os.path.isdir(f):
+ wd = f
+ p = Package(wd, progress_obj=progress_obj)
+ else:
+ wd = os.path.dirname(f) or os.curdir
+ p = Package(wd, progress_obj=progress_obj)
+ p.todo = [ os.path.basename(f) ]
+ return p
+def read_filemeta(dir):
+ global store
+ msg = '\'%s\' is not a valid working copy.' % dir
+ filesmeta = os.path.join(dir, store, '_files')
+ if not is_package_dir(dir):
+ raise oscerr.NoWorkingCopy(msg)
+ if not os.path.isfile(filesmeta):
+ raise oscerr.NoWorkingCopy('%s (%s does not exist)' % (msg, filesmeta))
+ try:
+ r = ET.parse(filesmeta)
+ except SyntaxError, e:
+ raise oscerr.NoWorkingCopy('%s\nWhen parsing .osc/_files, the following error was encountered:\n%s' % (msg, e))
+ return r
+def store_readlist(dir, name):
+ global store
+ r = []
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, store, name)):
+ r = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(os.path.join(dir, store, name), 'r')]
+ return r
+def read_tobeadded(dir):
+ return store_readlist(dir, '_to_be_added')
+def read_tobedeleted(dir):
+ return store_readlist(dir, '_to_be_deleted')
+def read_sizelimit(dir):
+ global store
+ r = None
+ fname = os.path.join(dir, store, '_size_limit')
+ if os.path.exists(fname):
+ r = open(fname).readline().strip()
+ if r is None or not r.isdigit():
+ return None
+ return int(r)
+def read_inconflict(dir):
+ return store_readlist(dir, '_in_conflict')
+def parseargs(list_of_args):
+ """Convenience method osc's commandline argument parsing.
+ If called with an empty tuple (or list), return a list containing the current directory.
+ Otherwise, return a list of the arguments."""
+ if list_of_args:
+ return list(list_of_args)
+ else:
+ return [os.curdir]
+def statfrmt(statusletter, filename):
+ return '%s %s' % (statusletter, filename)
+def pathjoin(a, *p):
+ """Join two or more pathname components, inserting '/' as needed. Cut leading ./"""
+ path = os.path.join(a, *p)
+ if path.startswith('./'):
+ path = path[2:]
+ return path
+def makeurl(baseurl, l, query=[]):
+ """Given a list of path compoments, construct a complete URL.
+ Optional parameters for a query string can be given as a list, as a
+ dictionary, or as an already assembled string.
+ In case of a dictionary, the parameters will be urlencoded by this
+ function. In case of a list not -- this is to be backwards compatible.
+ """
+ if conf.config['verbose'] > 1:
+ print 'makeurl:', baseurl, l, query
+ if type(query) == type(list()):
+ query = '&'.join(query)
+ elif type(query) == type(dict()):
+ query = urlencode(query)
+ scheme, netloc = urlsplit(baseurl)[0:2]
+ return urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, '/'.join(l), query, ''))
+def http_request(method, url, headers={}, data=None, file=None, timeout=100):
+ """wrapper around urllib2.urlopen for error handling,
+ and to support additional (PUT, DELETE) methods"""
+ filefd = None
+ if conf.config['http_debug']:
+ print >>sys.stderr, '\n\n--', method, url
+ if method == 'POST' and not file and not data:
+ # adding data to an urllib2 request transforms it into a POST
+ data = ''
+ req = urllib2.Request(url)
+ api_host_options = {}
+ if conf.is_known_apiurl(url):
+ # ok no external request
+ urllib2.install_opener(conf._build_opener(url))
+ api_host_options = conf.get_apiurl_api_host_options(url)
+ for header, value in api_host_options['http_headers']:
+ req.add_header(header, value)
+ req.get_method = lambda: method
+ # POST requests are application/x-www-form-urlencoded per default
+ # since we change the request into PUT, we also need to adjust the content type header
+ if method == 'PUT' or (method == 'POST' and data):
+ req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
+ if type(headers) == type({}):
+ for i in headers.keys():
+ print headers[i]
+ req.add_header(i, headers[i])
+ if file and not data:
+ size = os.path.getsize(file)
+ if size < 1024*512:
+ data = open(file, 'rb').read()
+ else:
+ import mmap
+ filefd = open(file, 'rb')
+ try:
+ if sys.platform[:3] != 'win':
+ data = mmap.mmap(filefd.fileno(), os.path.getsize(file), mmap.MAP_SHARED, mmap.PROT_READ)
+ else:
+ data = mmap.mmap(filefd.fileno(), os.path.getsize(file))
+ data = buffer(data)
+ except EnvironmentError, e:
+ if e.errno == 19:
+ sys.exit('\n\n%s\nThe file \'%s\' could not be memory mapped. It is ' \
+ '\non a filesystem which does not support this.' % (e, file))
+ elif hasattr(e, 'winerror') and e.winerror == 5:
+ # falling back to the default io
+ data = open(file, 'rb').read()
+ else:
+ raise
+ if conf.config['debug']: print >>sys.stderr, method, url
+ old_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
+ # XXX: dirty hack as timeout doesn't work with python-m2crypto
+ if old_timeout != timeout and not api_host_options.get('sslcertck'):
+ socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout)
+ try:
+ fd = urllib2.urlopen(req, data=data)
+ finally:
+ if old_timeout != timeout and not api_host_options.get('sslcertck'):
+ socket.setdefaulttimeout(old_timeout)
+ if hasattr(conf.cookiejar, 'save'):
+ conf.cookiejar.save(ignore_discard=True)
+ if filefd: filefd.close()
+ return fd
+def http_GET(*args, **kwargs): return http_request('GET', *args, **kwargs)
+def http_POST(*args, **kwargs): return http_request('POST', *args, **kwargs)
+def http_PUT(*args, **kwargs): return http_request('PUT', *args, **kwargs)
+def http_DELETE(*args, **kwargs): return http_request('DELETE', *args, **kwargs)
+def check_store_version(dir):
+ global store
+ versionfile = os.path.join(dir, store, '_osclib_version')
+ try:
+ v = open(versionfile).read().strip()
+ except:
+ v = ''
+ if v == '':
+ msg = 'Error: "%s" is not an osc package working copy.' % os.path.abspath(dir)
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, '.svn')):
+ msg = msg + '\nTry svn instead of osc.'
+ raise oscerr.NoWorkingCopy(msg)
+ if v != __store_version__:
+ if v in ['0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5', '0.6', '0.7', '0.8', '0.9', '0.95', '0.96', '0.97', '0.98', '0.99']:
+ # version is fine, no migration needed
+ f = open(versionfile, 'w')
+ f.write(__store_version__ + '\n')
+ f.close()
+ return
+ msg = 'The osc metadata of your working copy "%s"' % dir
+ msg += '\nhas __store_version__ = %s, but it should be %s' % (v, __store_version__)
+ msg += '\nPlease do a fresh checkout or update your client. Sorry about the inconvenience.'
+ raise oscerr.WorkingCopyWrongVersion, msg
+def meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, prj, deleted=None):
+ query = {}
+ if deleted:
+ query['deleted'] = 1
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj], query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ return [ node.get('name') for node in root.findall('entry') ]
+def meta_get_filelist(apiurl, prj, package, verbose=False, expand=False, revision=None, meta=False):
+ """return a list of file names,
+ or a list File() instances if verbose=True"""
+ query = {}
+ if expand:
+ query['expand'] = 1
+ if meta:
+ query['meta'] = 1
+ if revision:
+ query['rev'] = revision
+ else:
+ query['rev'] = 'latest'
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, package], query=query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ if not verbose:
+ return [ node.get('name') for node in root.findall('entry') ]
+ else:
+ l = []
+ # rev = int(root.get('rev')) # don't force int. also allow srcmd5 here.
+ rev = root.get('rev')
+ for node in root.findall('entry'):
+ f = File(node.get('name'),
+ node.get('md5'),
+ int(node.get('size')),
+ int(node.get('mtime')))
+ f.rev = rev
+ l.append(f)
+ return l
+def meta_get_project_list(apiurl, deleted=None):
+ query = {}
+ if deleted:
+ query['deleted'] = 1
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source'], query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ return sorted([ node.get('name') for node in root if node.get('name')])
+def show_project_meta(apiurl, prj):
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, '_meta'])
+ f = http_GET(url)
+ return f.readlines()
+def show_project_conf(apiurl, prj):
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, '_config'])
+ f = http_GET(url)
+ return f.readlines()
+def show_package_trigger_reason(apiurl, prj, pac, repo, arch):
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repo, arch, pac, '_reason'])
+ try:
+ f = http_GET(url)
+ return f.read()
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ e.osc_msg = 'Error getting trigger reason for project \'%s\' package \'%s\'' % (prj, pac)
+ raise
+def show_package_meta(apiurl, prj, pac, meta=False):
+ query = {}
+ if meta:
+ query['meta'] = 1
+ # packages like _pattern and _project do not have a _meta file
+ if pac.startswith('_pattern') or pac.startswith('_project'):
+ return ""
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, pac, '_meta'], query)
+ try:
+ f = http_GET(url)
+ return f.readlines()
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ e.osc_msg = 'Error getting meta for project \'%s\' package \'%s\'' % (prj, pac)
+ raise
+def show_attribute_meta(apiurl, prj, pac, subpac, attribute, with_defaults, with_project):
+ path=[]
+ path.append('source')
+ path.append(prj)
+ if pac:
+ path.append(pac)
+ if pac and subpac:
+ path.append(subpac)
+ path.append('_attribute')
+ if attribute:
+ path.append(attribute)
+ query=[]
+ if with_defaults:
+ query.append("with_default=1")
+ if with_project:
+ query.append("with_project=1")
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, path, query)
+ try:
+ f = http_GET(url)
+ return f.readlines()
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ e.osc_msg = 'Error getting meta for project \'%s\' package \'%s\'' % (prj, pac)
+ raise
+def show_develproject(apiurl, prj, pac, xml_node=False):
+ m = show_package_meta(apiurl, prj, pac)
+ node = ET.fromstring(''.join(m)).find('devel')
+ if not node is None:
+ if xml_node:
+ return node
+ return node.get('project')
+ return None
+def show_package_disabled_repos(apiurl, prj, pac):
+ m = show_package_meta(apiurl, prj, pac)
+ #FIXME: don't work if all repos of a project are disabled and only some are enabled since <disable/> is empty
+ try:
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
+ elm = root.find('build')
+ r = [ node.get('repository') for node in elm.findall('disable')]
+ return r
+ except:
+ return None
+def show_pattern_metalist(apiurl, prj):
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, '_pattern'])
+ try:
+ f = http_GET(url)
+ tree = ET.parse(f)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ e.osc_msg = 'show_pattern_metalist: Error getting pattern list for project \'%s\'' % prj
+ raise
+ r = [ node.get('name') for node in tree.getroot() ]
+ r.sort()
+ return r
+def show_pattern_meta(apiurl, prj, pattern):
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, '_pattern', pattern])
+ try:
+ f = http_GET(url)
+ return f.readlines()
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ e.osc_msg = 'show_pattern_meta: Error getting pattern \'%s\' for project \'%s\'' % (pattern, prj)
+ raise
+class metafile:
+ """metafile that can be manipulated and is stored back after manipulation."""
+ def __init__(self, url, input, change_is_required=False, file_ext='.xml'):
+ import tempfile
+ self.url = url
+ self.change_is_required = change_is_required
+ (fd, self.filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix = 'osc_metafile.', suffix = file_ext)
+ f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
+ f.write(''.join(input))
+ f.close()
+ self.hash_orig = dgst(self.filename)
+ def sync(self):
+ if self.change_is_required and self.hash_orig == dgst(self.filename):
+ print 'File unchanged. Not saving.'
+ os.unlink(self.filename)
+ return
+ print 'Sending meta data...'
+ # don't do any exception handling... it's up to the caller what to do in case
+ # of an exception
+ http_PUT(self.url, file=self.filename)
+ os.unlink(self.filename)
+ print 'Done.'
+ def edit(self):
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ run_editor(self.filename)
+ try:
+ self.sync()
+ break
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ error_help = "%d" % e.code
+ if e.headers.get('X-Opensuse-Errorcode'):
+ error_help = "%s (%d)" % (e.headers.get('X-Opensuse-Errorcode'), e.code)
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'BuildService API error:', error_help
+ # examine the error - we can't raise an exception because we might want
+ # to try again
+ data = e.read()
+ if '<summary>' in data:
+ print >>sys.stderr, data.split('<summary>')[1].split('</summary>')[0]
+ ri = raw_input('Try again? ([y/N]): ')
+ if ri not in ['y', 'Y']:
+ break
+ finally:
+ self.discard()
+ def discard(self):
+ if os.path.exists(self.filename):
+ print 'discarding %s' % self.filename
+ os.unlink(self.filename)
+# different types of metadata
+metatypes = { 'prj': { 'path': 'source/%s/_meta',
+ 'template': new_project_templ,
+ 'file_ext': '.xml'
+ },
+ 'pkg': { 'path' : 'source/%s/%s/_meta',
+ 'template': new_package_templ,
+ 'file_ext': '.xml'
+ },
+ 'attribute': { 'path' : 'source/%s/%s/_meta',
+ 'template': new_attribute_templ,
+ 'file_ext': '.xml'
+ },
+ 'prjconf': { 'path': 'source/%s/_config',
+ 'template': '',
+ 'file_ext': '.txt'
+ },
+ 'user': { 'path': 'person/%s',
+ 'template': new_user_template,
+ 'file_ext': '.xml'
+ },
+ 'pattern': { 'path': 'source/%s/_pattern/%s',
+ 'template': new_pattern_template,
+ 'file_ext': '.xml'
+ },
+ }
+def meta_exists(metatype,
+ path_args=None,
+ template_args=None,
+ create_new=True,
+ apiurl=None):
+ global metatypes
+ if not apiurl:
+ apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
+ url = make_meta_url(metatype, path_args, apiurl)
+ try:
+ data = http_GET(url).readlines()
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code == 404 and create_new:
+ data = metatypes[metatype]['template']
+ if template_args:
+ data = StringIO(data % template_args).readlines()
+ else:
+ raise e
+ return data
+def make_meta_url(metatype, path_args=None, apiurl=None, force=False, remove_linking_repositories=False):
+ global metatypes
+ if not apiurl:
+ apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
+ if metatype not in metatypes.keys():
+ raise AttributeError('make_meta_url(): Unknown meta type \'%s\'' % metatype)
+ path = metatypes[metatype]['path']
+ if path_args:
+ path = path % path_args
+ query = {}
+ if force:
+ query = { 'force': '1' }
+ if remove_linking_repositories:
+ query['remove_linking_repositories'] = '1'
+ return makeurl(apiurl, [path], query)
+def edit_meta(metatype,
+ path_args=None,
+ data=None,
+ template_args=None,
+ edit=False,
+ force=False,
+ remove_linking_repositories=False,
+ change_is_required=False,
+ apiurl=None):
+ global metatypes
+ if not apiurl:
+ apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
+ if not data:
+ data = meta_exists(metatype,
+ path_args,
+ template_args,
+ create_new = metatype != 'prjconf', # prjconf always exists, 404 => unknown prj
+ apiurl=apiurl)
+ if edit:
+ change_is_required = True
+ url = make_meta_url(metatype, path_args, apiurl, force, remove_linking_repositories)
+ f=metafile(url, data, change_is_required, metatypes[metatype]['file_ext'])
+ if edit:
+ f.edit()
+ else:
+ f.sync()
+def show_files_meta(apiurl, prj, pac, revision=None, expand=False, linkrev=None, linkrepair=False, meta=False):
+ query = {}
+ if revision:
+ query['rev'] = revision
+ else:
+ query['rev'] = 'latest'
+ if linkrev:
+ query['linkrev'] = linkrev
+ elif conf.config['linkcontrol']:
+ query['linkrev'] = 'base'
+ if meta:
+ query['meta'] = 1
+ if expand:
+ query['expand'] = 1
+ if linkrepair:
+ query['emptylink'] = 1
+ f = http_GET(makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, pac], query=query))
+ return f.read()
+def show_upstream_srcmd5(apiurl, prj, pac, expand=False, revision=None, meta=False, include_service_files=False):
+ m = show_files_meta(apiurl, prj, pac, expand=expand, revision=revision, meta=meta)
+ et = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
+ if include_service_files:
+ try:
+ if et.find('serviceinfo') and et.find('serviceinfo').get('xsrcmd5'):
+ return et.find('serviceinfo').get('xsrcmd5')
+ except:
+ pass
+ return et.get('srcmd5')
+def show_upstream_xsrcmd5(apiurl, prj, pac, revision=None, linkrev=None, linkrepair=False, meta=False, include_service_files=False):
+ m = show_files_meta(apiurl, prj, pac, revision=revision, linkrev=linkrev, linkrepair=linkrepair, meta=meta, expand=include_service_files)
+ et = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
+ if include_service_files:
+ return et.get('srcmd5')
+ try:
+ # only source link packages have a <linkinfo> element.
+ li_node = et.find('linkinfo')
+ except:
+ return None
+ li = Linkinfo()
+ li.read(li_node)
+ if li.haserror():
+ raise oscerr.LinkExpandError(prj, pac, li.error)
+ return li.xsrcmd5
+def show_upstream_rev_vrev(apiurl, prj, pac, revision=None, expand=False, linkrev=None, meta=False):
+ m = show_files_meta(apiurl, prj, pac, revision=revision, expand=expand, linkrev=linkrev, meta=meta)
+ et = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
+ return et.get('rev'), et.get('vrev')
+def show_upstream_rev(apiurl, prj, pac, revision=None, expand=False, linkrev=None, meta=False, include_service_files=False):
+ m = show_files_meta(apiurl, prj, pac, revision=revision, expand=expand, linkrev=linkrev, meta=meta)
+ et = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
+ if include_service_files:
+ try:
+ return et.find('serviceinfo').get('xsrcmd5')
+ except:
+ pass
+ return et.get('rev')
+def read_meta_from_spec(specfile, *args):
+ import codecs, re
+ """
+ Read tags and sections from spec file. To read out
+ a tag the passed argument mustn't end with a colon. To
+ read out a section the passed argument must start with
+ a '%'.
+ This method returns a dictionary which contains the
+ requested data.
+ """
+ if not os.path.isfile(specfile):
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, '\'%s\' is not a regular file' % specfile)
+ try:
+ lines = codecs.open(specfile, 'r', locale.getpreferredencoding()).readlines()
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ lines = open(specfile).readlines()
+ tags = []
+ sections = []
+ spec_data = {}
+ for itm in args:
+ if itm.startswith('%'):
+ sections.append(itm)
+ else:
+ tags.append(itm)
+ tag_pat = '(?P<tag>^%s)\s*:\s*(?P<val>.*)'
+ for tag in tags:
+ m = re.compile(tag_pat % tag, re.I | re.M).search(''.join(lines))
+ if m and m.group('val'):
+ spec_data[tag] = m.group('val').strip()
+ section_pat = '^%s\s*?$'
+ for section in sections:
+ m = re.compile(section_pat % section, re.I | re.M).search(''.join(lines))
+ if m:
+ start = lines.index(m.group()+'\n') + 1
+ data = []
+ for line in lines[start:]:
+ if line.startswith('%'):
+ break
+ data.append(line)
+ spec_data[section] = data
+ return spec_data
+def get_default_editor():
+ import platform
+ system = platform.system()
+ if system == 'Windows':
+ return 'notepad'
+ if system == 'Linux':
+ try:
+ # Python 2.6
+ dist = platform.linux_distribution()[0]
+ except AttributeError:
+ dist = platform.dist()[0]
+ if dist == 'debian':
+ return 'editor'
+ elif dist == 'fedora':
+ return 'vi'
+ return 'vim'
+ return 'vi'
+def get_default_pager():
+ import platform
+ system = platform.system()
+ if system == 'Windows':
+ return 'less'
+ if system == 'Linux':
+ try:
+ # Python 2.6
+ dist = platform.linux_distribution()[0]
+ except AttributeError:
+ dist = platform.dist()[0]
+ if dist == 'debian':
+ return 'pager'
+ return 'less'
+ return 'more'
+def run_pager(message, tmp_suffix=''):
+ import tempfile, sys
+ if not message:
+ return
+ if not sys.stdout.isatty():
+ print message
+ else:
+ tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=tmp_suffix)
+ tmpfile.write(message)
+ tmpfile.flush()
+ pager = os.getenv('PAGER', default=get_default_pager())
+ try:
+ try:
+ subprocess.call('%s %s' % (pager, tmpfile.name), shell=True)
+ except OSError, e:
+ raise oscerr.ExtRuntimeError('cannot run pager \'%s\': %s' % (pager, e.strerror), pager)
+ finally:
+ tmpfile.close()
+def run_editor(filename):
+ editor = os.getenv('EDITOR', default=get_default_editor())
+ cmd = editor.split(' ')
+ cmd.append(filename)
+ try:
+ return subprocess.call(cmd)
+ except OSError, e:
+ raise oscerr.ExtRuntimeError('cannot run editor \'%s\': %s' % (editor, e.strerror), editor)
+def edit_message(footer='', template='', templatelen=30):
+ delim = '--This line, and those below, will be ignored--\n'
+ import tempfile
+ (fd, filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix = 'osc-commitmsg', suffix = '.diff')
+ f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
+ if template != '':
+ if not templatelen is None:
+ lines = template.splitlines()
+ template = '\n'.join(lines[:templatelen])
+ if lines[templatelen:]:
+ footer = '%s\n\n%s' % ('\n'.join(lines[templatelen:]), footer)
+ f.write(template)
+ f.write('\n')
+ f.write(delim)
+ f.write('\n')
+ f.write(footer)
+ f.close()
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ run_editor(filename)
+ msg = open(filename).read().split(delim)[0].rstrip()
+ if msg and template != msg:
+ break
+ else:
+ reason = 'Log message not specified'
+ if template and template == msg:
+ reason = 'Log template was not changed'
+ ri = raw_input('%s\na)bort, c)ontinue, e)dit: ' % reason)
+ if ri in 'aA':
+ raise oscerr.UserAbort()
+ elif ri in 'cC':
+ break
+ elif ri in 'eE':
+ pass
+ finally:
+ os.unlink(filename)
+ return msg
+def clone_request(apiurl, reqid, msg=None):
+ query = {'cmd': 'branch', 'request': reqid}
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source'], query)
+ r = http_POST(url, data=msg)
+ root = ET.fromstring(r.read())
+ project = None
+ for i in root.findall('data'):
+ if i.get('name') == 'targetproject':
+ project = i.text.strip()
+ if not project:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('invalid data from clone request:\n%s\n' % ET.tostring(root))
+ return project
+# create a maintenance release request
+def create_release_request(apiurl, src_project, message=''):
+ import cgi
+ r = Request()
+ # api will complete the request
+ r.add_action('maintenance_release', src_project=src_project)
+ # XXX: clarify why we need the unicode(...) stuff
+ r.description = cgi.escape(unicode(message, 'utf8'))
+ r.create(apiurl)
+ return r
+# create a maintenance incident per request
+def create_maintenance_request(apiurl, src_project, src_packages, tgt_project, tgt_releaseproject, opt_sourceupdate, message=''):
+ import cgi
+ r = Request()
+ if src_packages:
+ for p in src_packages:
+ r.add_action('maintenance_incident', src_project=src_project, src_package=p, tgt_project=tgt_project, tgt_releaseproject=tgt_releaseproject, opt_sourceupdate = opt_sourceupdate)
+ else:
+ r.add_action('maintenance_incident', src_project=src_project, tgt_project=tgt_project, tgt_releaseproject=tgt_releaseproject, opt_sourceupdate = opt_sourceupdate)
+ # XXX: clarify why we need the unicode(...) stuff
+ r.description = cgi.escape(unicode(message, 'utf8'))
+ r.create(apiurl, addrevision=True)
+ return r
+# This creates an old style submit request for server api 1.0
+def create_submit_request(apiurl,
+ src_project, src_package=None,
+ dst_project=None, dst_package=None,
+ message="", orev=None, src_update=None):
+ import cgi
+ options_block=""
+ package=""
+ if src_package:
+ package="""package="%s" """ % (src_package)
+ if src_update:
+ options_block="""<options><sourceupdate>%s</sourceupdate></options> """ % (src_update)
+ # Yes, this kind of xml construction is horrible
+ targetxml = ""
+ if dst_project:
+ packagexml = ""
+ if dst_package:
+ packagexml = """package="%s" """ %( dst_package )
+ targetxml = """<target project="%s" %s /> """ %( dst_project, packagexml )
+ # XXX: keep the old template for now in order to work with old obs instances
+ xml = """\
+<request type="submit">
+ <submit>
+ <source project="%s" %s rev="%s"/>
+ %s
+ %s
+ </submit>
+ <state name="new"/>
+ <description>%s</description>
+""" % (src_project,
+ package,
+ orev or show_upstream_rev(apiurl, src_project, src_package),
+ targetxml,
+ options_block,
+ cgi.escape(message))
+ # Don't do cgi.escape(unicode(message, "utf8"))) above.
+ # Promoting the string to utf8, causes the post to explode with:
+ # uncaught exception: Fatal error: Start tag expected, '<' not found at :1.
+ # I guess, my original workaround was not that bad.
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request'], query='cmd=create')
+ r = None
+ try:
+ f = http_POST(u, data=xml)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ r = root.get('id')
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.headers.get('X-Opensuse-Errorcode') == "submit_request_rejected":
+ print "WARNING:"
+ print "WARNING: Project does not accept submit request, request to open a NEW maintenance incident instead"
+ print "WARNING:"
+ xpath = 'maintenance/maintains/@project = \'%s\'' % dst_project
+ res = search(apiurl, project_id=xpath)
+ root = res['project_id']
+ project = root.find('project')
+ if project is None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError("Server did not define a default maintenance project, can't submit.")
+ tproject = project.get('name')
+ r = create_maintenance_request(apiurl, src_project, [src_package], tproject, dst_project, src_update, message)
+ else:
+ raise
+ return r
+def get_request(apiurl, reqid):
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request', reqid])
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ r = Request()
+ r.read(root)
+ return r
+def change_review_state(apiurl, reqid, newstate, by_user='', by_group='', by_project='', by_package='', message='', supersed=None):
+ query = {'cmd': 'changereviewstate', 'newstate': newstate }
+ if by_user:
+ query['by_user'] = by_user
+ if by_group:
+ query['by_group'] = by_group
+ if by_project:
+ query['by_project'] = by_project
+ if by_package:
+ query['by_package'] = by_package
+ if supersed:
+ query['superseded_by'] = supersed
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request', reqid], query=query)
+ f = http_POST(u, data=message)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ return root.get('code')
+def change_request_state(apiurl, reqid, newstate, message='', supersed=None, force=False):
+ query={'cmd': 'changestate', 'newstate': newstate }
+ if supersed:
+ query['superseded_by'] = supersed
+ if force:
+ query['force'] = "1"
+ u = makeurl(apiurl,
+ ['request', reqid], query=query)
+ f = http_POST(u, data=message)
+ r = f.read()
+ if r.startswith('<status code="'):
+ r = r.split('<status code="')[1]
+ r = r.split('" />')[0]
+ return r
+def change_request_state_template(req, newstate):
+ if not len(req.actions):
+ return ''
+ action = req.actions[0]
+ tmpl_name = '%srequest_%s_template' % (action.type, newstate)
+ tmpl = conf.config.get(tmpl_name, '')
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace('\\t', '\t').replace('\\n', '\n')
+ data = {'reqid': req.reqid, 'type': action.type, 'who': req.get_creator()}
+ if req.actions[0].type == 'submit':
+ data.update({'src_project': action.src_project,
+ 'src_package': action.src_package, 'src_rev': action.src_rev,
+ 'dst_project': action.tgt_project, 'dst_package': action.tgt_package,
+ 'tgt_project': action.tgt_project, 'tgt_package': action.tgt_package})
+ try:
+ return tmpl % data
+ except KeyError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'error: cannot interpolate \'%s\' in \'%s\'' % (e.args[0], tmpl_name)
+ return ''
+def get_review_list(apiurl, project='', package='', byuser='', bygroup='', byproject='', bypackage='', states=('new')):
+ # this is so ugly...
+ def build_by(xpath, val):
+ if 'all' in states:
+ return xpath_join(xpath, 'review/%s' % val, op='and')
+ elif states:
+ s_xp = ''
+ for state in states:
+ s_xp = xpath_join(s_xp, '@state=\'%s\'' % state, inner=True)
+ val = val.strip('[').strip(']')
+ return xpath_join(xpath, 'review[%s and (%s)]' % (val, s_xp), op='and')
+ return ''
+ xpath = ''
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'state/@name=\'review\'', inner=True)
+ if not 'all' in states:
+ for state in states:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'review/@state=\'%s\'' % state, inner=True)
+ if byuser or bygroup or bypackage or byproject:
+ # discard constructed xpath...
+ xpath = xpath_join('', 'state/@name=\'review\'', inner=True)
+ if byuser:
+ xpath = build_by(xpath, '@by_user=\'%s\'' % byuser)
+ if bygroup:
+ xpath = build_by(xpath, '@by_group=\'%s\'' % bygroup)
+ if bypackage:
+ xpath = build_by(xpath, '@by_project=\'%s\' and @by_package=\'%s\'' % (byproject, bypackage))
+ elif byproject:
+ xpath = build_by(xpath, '@by_project=\'%s\'' % byproject)
+ # XXX: we cannot use the '|' in the xpath expression because it is not supported
+ # in the backend
+ todo = {}
+ if project:
+ todo['project'] = project
+ if package:
+ todo['package'] = package
+ for kind, val in todo.iteritems():
+ xpath_base = 'action/target/@%(kind)s=\'%(val)s\' or ' \
+ 'submit/target/@%(kind)s=\'%(val)s\''
+ if conf.config['include_request_from_project']:
+ xpath_base = xpath_join(xpath_base, 'action/source/@%(kind)s=\'%(val)s\' or ' \
+ 'submit/source/@%(kind)s=\'%(val)s\'', op='or', inner=True)
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, xpath_base % {'kind': kind, 'val': val}, op='and', nexpr_parentheses=True)
+ if conf.config['verbose'] > 1:
+ print '[ %s ]' % xpath
+ res = search(apiurl, request=xpath)
+ collection = res['request']
+ requests = []
+ for root in collection.findall('request'):
+ r = Request()
+ r.read(root)
+ requests.append(r)
+ return requests
+def get_exact_request_list(apiurl, src_project, dst_project, src_package=None, dst_package=None, req_who=None, req_state=('new','review','declined'), req_type=None):
+ xpath = ''
+ if not 'all' in req_state:
+ for state in req_state:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'state/@name=\'%s\'' % state, op='or', inner=True)
+ xpath = '(%s)' % xpath
+ if req_who:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, '(state/@who=\'%(who)s\' or history/@who=\'%(who)s\')' % {'who': req_who}, op='and')
+ xpath += " and action[source/@project='%s'" % src_project
+ if src_package:
+ xpath += " and source/@package='%s'" % src_package
+ xpath += " and target/@project='%s'" % dst_project
+ if src_project:
+ xpath += " and target/@package='%s'" % dst_package
+ xpath += "]"
+ if req_type:
+ xpath += " and action/@type=\'%s\'" % req_type
+ if conf.config['verbose'] > 1:
+ print '[ %s ]' % xpath
+ res = search(apiurl, request=xpath)
+ collection = res['request']
+ requests = []
+ for root in collection.findall('request'):
+ r = Request()
+ r.read(root)
+ requests.append(r)
+ return requests
+def get_request_list(apiurl, project='', package='', req_who='', req_state=('new','review','declined'), req_type=None, exclude_target_projects=[]):
+ xpath = ''
+ if not 'all' in req_state:
+ for state in req_state:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'state/@name=\'%s\'' % state, inner=True)
+ if req_who:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, '(state/@who=\'%(who)s\' or history/@who=\'%(who)s\')' % {'who': req_who}, op='and')
+ # XXX: we cannot use the '|' in the xpath expression because it is not supported
+ # in the backend
+ todo = {}
+ if project:
+ todo['project'] = project
+ if package:
+ todo['package'] = package
+ for kind, val in todo.iteritems():
+ xpath_base = 'action/target/@%(kind)s=\'%(val)s\' or ' \
+ 'submit/target/@%(kind)s=\'%(val)s\''
+ if conf.config['include_request_from_project']:
+ xpath_base = xpath_join(xpath_base, 'action/source/@%(kind)s=\'%(val)s\' or ' \
+ 'submit/source/@%(kind)s=\'%(val)s\'', op='or', inner=True)
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, xpath_base % {'kind': kind, 'val': val}, op='and', nexpr_parentheses=True)
+ if req_type:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'action/@type=\'%s\'' % req_type, op='and')
+ for i in exclude_target_projects:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, '(not(action/target/@project=\'%(prj)s\' or ' \
+ 'submit/target/@project=\'%(prj)s\'))' % {'prj': i}, op='and')
+ if conf.config['verbose'] > 1:
+ print '[ %s ]' % xpath
+ res = search(apiurl, request=xpath)
+ collection = res['request']
+ requests = []
+ for root in collection.findall('request'):
+ r = Request()
+ r.read(root)
+ requests.append(r)
+ return requests
+# old style search, this is to be removed
+def get_user_projpkgs_request_list(apiurl, user, req_state=('new','review',), req_type=None, exclude_projects=[], projpkgs={}):
+ """OBSOLETE: user involved request search is supported by OBS 2.2 server side in a better way
+ Return all running requests for all projects/packages where is user is involved"""
+ if not projpkgs:
+ res = get_user_projpkgs(apiurl, user, exclude_projects=exclude_projects)
+ projects = []
+ for i in res['project_id'].findall('project'):
+ projpkgs[i.get('name')] = []
+ projects.append(i.get('name'))
+ for i in res['package_id'].findall('package'):
+ if not i.get('project') in projects:
+ projpkgs.setdefault(i.get('project'), []).append(i.get('name'))
+ xpath = ''
+ for prj, pacs in projpkgs.iteritems():
+ if not len(pacs):
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'action/target/@project=\'%s\'' % prj, inner=True)
+ else:
+ xp = ''
+ for p in pacs:
+ xp = xpath_join(xp, 'action/target/@package=\'%s\'' % p, inner=True)
+ xp = xpath_join(xp, 'action/target/@project=\'%s\'' % prj, op='and')
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, xp, inner=True)
+ if req_type:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'action/@type=\'%s\'' % req_type, op='and')
+ if not 'all' in req_state:
+ xp = ''
+ for state in req_state:
+ xp = xpath_join(xp, 'state/@name=\'%s\'' % state, inner=True)
+ xpath = xpath_join(xp, xpath, op='and', nexpr_parentheses=True)
+ res = search(apiurl, request=xpath)
+ result = []
+ for root in res['request'].findall('request'):
+ r = Request()
+ r.read(root)
+ result.append(r)
+ return result
+def get_request_log(apiurl, reqid):
+ r = get_request(apiurl, reqid)
+ data = []
+ frmt = '-' * 76 + '\n%s | %s | %s\n\n%s'
+ r.statehistory.reverse()
+ # the description of the request is used for the initial log entry
+ # otherwise its comment attribute would contain None
+ if len(r.statehistory) >= 1:
+ r.statehistory[-1].comment = r.description
+ else:
+ r.state.comment = r.description
+ for state in [ r.state ] + r.statehistory:
+ s = frmt % (state.name, state.who, state.when, str(state.comment))
+ data.append(s)
+ return data
+def get_group(apiurl, group):
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['group', quote_plus(group)])
+ try:
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ return ''.join(f.readlines())
+ except urllib2.HTTPError:
+ print 'user \'%s\' not found' % group
+ return None
+def get_user_meta(apiurl, user):
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['person', quote_plus(user)])
+ try:
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ return ''.join(f.readlines())
+ except urllib2.HTTPError:
+ print 'user \'%s\' not found' % user
+ return None
+def get_user_data(apiurl, user, *tags):
+ """get specified tags from the user meta"""
+ meta = get_user_meta(apiurl, user)
+ data = []
+ if meta != None:
+ root = ET.fromstring(meta)
+ for tag in tags:
+ try:
+ if root.find(tag).text != None:
+ data.append(root.find(tag).text)
+ else:
+ # tag is empty
+ data.append('-')
+ except AttributeError:
+ # this part is reached if the tags tuple contains an invalid tag
+ print 'The xml file for user \'%s\' seems to be broken' % user
+ return []
+ return data
+def download(url, filename, progress_obj = None, mtime = None):
+ import tempfile, shutil
+ global BUFSIZE
+ o = None
+ try:
+ prefix = os.path.basename(filename)
+ path = os.path.dirname(filename)
+ (fd, tmpfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=path, prefix = prefix, suffix = '.osctmp')
+ os.chmod(tmpfile, 0644)
+ try:
+ o = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb')
+ for buf in streamfile(url, http_GET, BUFSIZE, progress_obj=progress_obj):
+ o.write(buf)
+ o.close()
+ os.rename(tmpfile, filename)
+ except:
+ os.unlink(tmpfile)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ if o is not None:
+ o.close()
+ if mtime:
+ os.utime(filename, (-1, mtime))
+def get_source_file(apiurl, prj, package, filename, targetfilename=None, revision=None, progress_obj=None, mtime=None, meta=False):
+ targetfilename = targetfilename or filename
+ query = {}
+ if meta:
+ query['rev'] = 1
+ if revision:
+ query['rev'] = revision
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, package, pathname2url(filename.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding(), 'replace'))], query=query)
+ download(u, targetfilename, progress_obj, mtime)
+def get_binary_file(apiurl, prj, repo, arch,
+ filename,
+ package = None,
+ target_filename = None,
+ target_mtime = None,
+ progress_meter = False):
+ progress_obj = None
+ if progress_meter:
+ from meter import TextMeter
+ progress_obj = TextMeter()
+ target_filename = target_filename or filename
+ where = package or '_repository'
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repo, arch, where, filename])
+ download(u, target_filename, progress_obj, target_mtime)
+def dgst_from_string(str):
+ # Python 2.5 depracates the md5 modules
+ # Python 2.4 doesn't have hashlib yet
+ try:
+ import hashlib
+ md5_hash = hashlib.md5()
+ except ImportError:
+ import md5
+ md5_hash = md5.new()
+ md5_hash.update(str)
+ return md5_hash.hexdigest()
+def dgst(file):
+ #if not os.path.exists(file):
+ #return None
+ global BUFSIZE
+ try:
+ import hashlib
+ md5 = hashlib
+ except ImportError:
+ import md5
+ md5 = md5
+ s = md5.md5()
+ f = open(file, 'rb')
+ while 1:
+ buf = f.read(BUFSIZE)
+ if not buf: break
+ s.update(buf)
+ return s.hexdigest()
+ f.close()
+def binary(s):
+ """return true if a string is binary data using diff's heuristic"""
+ if s and '\0' in s[:4096]:
+ return True
+ return False
+def binary_file(fn):
+ """read 4096 bytes from a file named fn, and call binary() on the data"""
+ return binary(open(fn, 'rb').read(4096))
+def get_source_file_diff(dir, filename, rev, oldfilename = None, olddir = None, origfilename = None):
+ """
+ This methods diffs oldfilename against filename (so filename will
+ be shown as the new file).
+ The variable origfilename is used if filename and oldfilename differ
+ in their names (for instance if a tempfile is used for filename etc.)
+ """
+ import difflib
+ global store
+ if not oldfilename:
+ oldfilename = filename
+ if not olddir:
+ olddir = os.path.join(dir, store)
+ if not origfilename:
+ origfilename = filename
+ file1 = os.path.join(olddir, oldfilename) # old/stored original
+ file2 = os.path.join(dir, filename) # working copy
+ if binary_file(file1) or binary_file(file2):
+ return ['Binary file \'%s\' has changed.\n' % origfilename]
+ f1 = f2 = None
+ try:
+ f1 = open(file1, 'rb')
+ s1 = f1.readlines()
+ f1.close()
+ f2 = open(file2, 'rb')
+ s2 = f2.readlines()
+ f2.close()
+ finally:
+ if f1:
+ f1.close()
+ if f2:
+ f2.close()
+ d = difflib.unified_diff(s1, s2,
+ fromfile = '%s\t(revision %s)' % (origfilename, rev), \
+ tofile = '%s\t(working copy)' % origfilename)
+ d = list(d)
+ # python2.7's difflib slightly changed the format
+ # adapt old format to the new format
+ if len(d) > 1:
+ d[0] = d[0].replace(' \n', '\n')
+ d[1] = d[1].replace(' \n', '\n')
+ # if file doesn't end with newline, we need to append one in the diff result
+ for i, line in enumerate(d):
+ if not line.endswith('\n'):
+ d[i] += '\n\\ No newline at end of file'
+ if i+1 != len(d):
+ d[i] += '\n'
+ return d
+def server_diff(apiurl,
+ old_project, old_package, old_revision,
+ new_project, new_package, new_revision,
+ unified=False, missingok=False, meta=False, expand=True, full=True):
+ query = {'cmd': 'diff'}
+ if expand:
+ query['expand'] = 1
+ if old_project:
+ query['oproject'] = old_project
+ if old_package:
+ query['opackage'] = old_package
+ if old_revision:
+ query['orev'] = old_revision
+ if new_revision:
+ query['rev'] = new_revision
+ if unified:
+ query['unified'] = 1
+ if missingok:
+ query['missingok'] = 1
+ if meta:
+ query['meta'] = 1
+ if full:
+ query['filelimit'] = 0
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', new_project, new_package], query=query)
+ f = http_POST(u)
+ return f.read()
+def server_diff_noex(apiurl,
+ old_project, old_package, old_revision,
+ new_project, new_package, new_revision,
+ unified=False, missingok=False, meta=False, expand=True):
+ try:
+ return server_diff(apiurl,
+ old_project, old_package, old_revision,
+ new_project, new_package, new_revision,
+ unified, missingok, meta, expand)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ msg = None
+ body = None
+ try:
+ body = e.read()
+ if not 'bad link' in body:
+ return '# diff failed: ' + body
+ except:
+ return '# diff failed with unknown error'
+ if expand:
+ rdiff = "## diff on expanded link not possible, showing unexpanded version\n"
+ try:
+ rdiff += server_diff_noex(apiurl,
+ old_project, old_package, old_revision,
+ new_project, new_package, new_revision,
+ unified, missingok, meta, False)
+ except:
+ elm = ET.fromstring(body).find('summary')
+ summary = ''
+ if not elm is None:
+ summary = elm.text
+ return 'error: diffing failed: %s' % summary
+ return rdiff
+def request_diff(apiurl, reqid):
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['request', reqid], query={'cmd': 'diff'} )
+ f = http_POST(u)
+ return f.read()
+def submit_action_diff(apiurl, action):
+ """diff a single submit action"""
+ # backward compatiblity: only a recent api/backend supports the missingok parameter
+ try:
+ return server_diff(apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package, None,
+ action.src_project, action.src_package, action.src_rev, True, True)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code == 400:
+ try:
+ return server_diff(apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package, None,
+ action.src_project, action.src_package, action.src_rev, True, False)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code != 404:
+ raise e
+ root = ET.fromstring(e.read())
+ return 'error: \'%s\' does not exist' % root.find('summary').text
+ elif e.code == 404:
+ root = ET.fromstring(e.read())
+ return 'error: \'%s\' does not exist' % root.find('summary').text
+ raise e
+def make_dir(apiurl, project, package, pathname=None, prj_dir=None, package_tracking=True, pkg_path=None):
+ """
+ creates the plain directory structure for a package dir.
+ The 'apiurl' parameter is needed for the project dir initialization.
+ The 'project' and 'package' parameters specify the name of the
+ project and the package. The optional 'pathname' parameter is used
+ for printing out the message that a new dir was created (default: 'prj_dir/package').
+ The optional 'prj_dir' parameter specifies the path to the project dir (default: 'project').
+ If pkg_path is not None store the package's content in pkg_path (no project structure is created)
+ """
+ prj_dir = prj_dir or project
+ # FIXME: carefully test each patch component of prj_dir,
+ # if we have a .osc/_files entry at that level.
+ # -> if so, we have a package/project clash,
+ # and should rename this path component by appending '.proj'
+ # and give user a warning message, to discourage such clashes
+ if pkg_path is None:
+ pathname = pathname or getTransActPath(os.path.join(prj_dir, package))
+ pkg_path = os.path.join(prj_dir, package)
+ if is_package_dir(prj_dir):
+ # we want this to become a project directory,
+ # but it already is a package directory.
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'checkout_package: package/project clash. Moving myself away not implemented')
+ if not is_project_dir(prj_dir):
+ # this directory could exist as a parent direory for one of our earlier
+ # checked out sub-projects. in this case, we still need to initialize it.
+ print statfrmt('A', prj_dir)
+ Project.init_project(apiurl, prj_dir, project, package_tracking)
+ if is_project_dir(os.path.join(prj_dir, package)):
+ # the thing exists, but is a project directory and not a package directory
+ # FIXME: this should be a warning message to discourage package/project clashes
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'checkout_package: package/project clash. Moving project away not implemented')
+ else:
+ pathname = pkg_path
+ if not os.path.exists(pkg_path):
+ print statfrmt('A', pathname)
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(pkg_path))
+# os.mkdir(os.path.join(prj_dir, package, store))
+ return pkg_path
+def checkout_package(apiurl, project, package,
+ revision=None, pathname=None, prj_obj=None,
+ expand_link=False, prj_dir=None, server_service_files = None, service_files=None, progress_obj=None, size_limit=None, meta=False, outdir=None):
+ try:
+ # the project we're in might be deleted.
+ # that'll throw an error then.
+ olddir = os.getcwd()
+ except:
+ olddir = os.environ.get("PWD")
+ if not prj_dir:
+ prj_dir = olddir
+ else:
+ if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
+ prj_dir = prj_dir[:2] + prj_dir[2:].replace(':', ';')
+ else:
+ if conf.config['checkout_no_colon']:
+ prj_dir = prj_dir.replace(':', '/')
+ root_dots = '.'
+ if conf.config['checkout_rooted']:
+ if prj_dir[:1] == '/':
+ if conf.config['verbose'] > 1:
+ print "checkout_rooted ignored for %s" % prj_dir
+ # ?? should we complain if not is_project_dir(prj_dir) ??
+ else:
+ # if we are inside a project or package dir, ascend to parent
+ # directories, so that all projects are checked out relative to
+ # the same root.
+ if is_project_dir(".."):
+ # if we are in a package dir, goto parent.
+ # Hmm, with 'checkout_no_colon' in effect, we have directory levels that
+ # do not easily reveal the fact, that they are part of a project path.
+ # At least this test should find that the parent of 'home/username/branches'
+ # is a project (hack alert). Also goto parent in this case.
+ root_dots = "../"
+ elif is_project_dir("../.."):
+ # testing two levels is better than one.
+ # May happen in case of checkout_no_colon, or
+ # if project roots were previously inconsistent
+ root_dots = "../../"
+ if is_project_dir(root_dots):
+ if conf.config['checkout_no_colon']:
+ oldproj = store_read_project(root_dots)
+ n = len(oldproj.split(':'))
+ else:
+ n = 1
+ root_dots = root_dots + "../" * n
+ if root_dots != '.':
+ if conf.config['verbose']:
+ print "found root of %s at %s" % (oldproj, root_dots)
+ prj_dir = root_dots + prj_dir
+ if not pathname:
+ pathname = getTransActPath(os.path.join(prj_dir, package))
+ # before we create directories and stuff, check if the package actually
+ # exists
+ show_package_meta(apiurl, project, package, meta)
+ isfrozen = False
+ if expand_link:
+ # try to read from the linkinfo
+ # if it is a link we use the xsrcmd5 as the revision to be
+ # checked out
+ try:
+ x = show_upstream_xsrcmd5(apiurl, project, package, revision=revision, meta=meta, include_service_files=server_service_files)
+ except:
+ x = show_upstream_xsrcmd5(apiurl, project, package, revision=revision, meta=meta, linkrev='base', include_service_files=server_service_files)
+ if x:
+ isfrozen = True
+ if x:
+ revision = x
+ directory = make_dir(apiurl, project, package, pathname, prj_dir, conf.config['do_package_tracking'], outdir)
+ p = Package.init_package(apiurl, project, package, directory, size_limit, meta, progress_obj)
+ if isfrozen:
+ p.mark_frozen()
+ # no project structure is wanted when outdir is used
+ if conf.config['do_package_tracking'] and outdir is None:
+ # check if we can re-use an existing project object
+ if prj_obj is None:
+ prj_obj = Project(prj_dir)
+ prj_obj.set_state(p.name, ' ')
+ prj_obj.write_packages()
+ p.update(revision, server_service_files, size_limit)
+ if service_files:
+ print 'Running all source services local'
+ p.run_source_services()
+def replace_pkg_meta(pkgmeta, new_name, new_prj, keep_maintainers = False,
+ dst_userid = None, keep_develproject = False):
+ """
+ update pkgmeta with new new_name and new_prj and set calling user as the
+ only maintainer (unless keep_maintainers is set). Additionally remove the
+ develproject entry (<devel />) unless keep_develproject is true.
+ """
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(pkgmeta))
+ root.set('name', new_name)
+ root.set('project', new_prj)
+ if not keep_maintainers:
+ for person in root.findall('person'):
+ root.remove(person)
+ if not keep_develproject:
+ for dp in root.findall('devel'):
+ root.remove(dp)
+ return ET.tostring(root)
+def link_to_branch(apiurl, project, package):
+ """
+ convert a package with a _link + project.diff to a branch
+ """
+ if '_link' in meta_get_filelist(apiurl, project, package):
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package], 'cmd=linktobranch')
+ http_POST(u)
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'no _link file inside project \'%s\' package \'%s\'' % (project, package))
+def link_pac(src_project, src_package, dst_project, dst_package, force, rev='', cicount='', disable_publish = False, missing_target = False, vrev=''):
+ """
+ create a linked package
+ - "src" is the original package
+ - "dst" is the "link" package that we are creating here
+ """
+ meta_change = False
+ dst_meta = ''
+ apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
+ try:
+ dst_meta = meta_exists(metatype='pkg',
+ path_args=(quote_plus(dst_project), quote_plus(dst_package)),
+ template_args=None,
+ create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl)
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(dst_meta))
+ if root.get('project') != dst_project:
+ # The source comes from a different project via a project link, we need to create this instance
+ meta_change = True
+ except:
+ meta_change = True
+ if meta_change:
+ if missing_target:
+ dst_meta = '<package name="%s"><title/><description/></package>' % dst_package
+ else:
+ src_meta = show_package_meta(apiurl, src_project, src_package)
+ dst_meta = replace_pkg_meta(src_meta, dst_package, dst_project)
+ if disable_publish:
+ meta_change = True
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(dst_meta))
+ elm = root.find('publish')
+ if not elm:
+ elm = ET.SubElement(root, 'publish')
+ elm.clear()
+ ET.SubElement(elm, 'disable')
+ dst_meta = ET.tostring(root)
+ if meta_change:
+ edit_meta('pkg',
+ path_args=(dst_project, dst_package),
+ data=dst_meta)
+ # create the _link file
+ # but first, make sure not to overwrite an existing one
+ if '_link' in meta_get_filelist(apiurl, dst_project, dst_package):
+ if force:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'forced overwrite of existing _link file'
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr
+ print >>sys.stderr, '_link file already exists...! Aborting'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if rev:
+ rev = ' rev="%s"' % rev
+ else:
+ rev = ''
+ if vrev:
+ vrev = ' vrev="%s"' % vrev
+ else:
+ vrev = ''
+ missingok = ''
+ if missing_target:
+ missingok = ' missingok="true"'
+ if cicount:
+ cicount = ' cicount="%s"' % cicount
+ else:
+ cicount = ''
+ print 'Creating _link...',
+ project = ''
+ if src_project != dst_project:
+ project = 'project="%s"' % src_project
+ link_template = """\
+<link %s package="%s"%s%s%s%s>
+ <!-- <branch /> for a full copy, default case -->
+ <!-- <apply name="patch" /> apply a patch on the source directory -->
+ <!-- <topadd>%%define build_with_feature_x 1</topadd> add a line on the top (spec file only) -->
+ <!-- <add>file.patch</add> add a patch to be applied after %%setup (spec file only) -->
+ <!-- <delete>filename</delete> delete a file -->
+""" % (project, src_package, missingok, rev, vrev, cicount)
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', dst_project, dst_package, '_link'])
+ http_PUT(u, data=link_template)
+ print 'Done.'
+def aggregate_pac(src_project, src_package, dst_project, dst_package, repo_map = {}, disable_publish = False, nosources = False):
+ """
+ aggregate package
+ - "src" is the original package
+ - "dst" is the "aggregate" package that we are creating here
+ - "map" is a dictionary SRC => TARGET repository mappings
+ """
+ meta_change = False
+ dst_meta = ''
+ apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
+ try:
+ dst_meta = meta_exists(metatype='pkg',
+ path_args=(quote_plus(dst_project), quote_plus(dst_package)),
+ template_args=None,
+ create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl)
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(dst_meta))
+ if root.get('project') != dst_project:
+ # The source comes from a different project via a project link, we need to create this instance
+ meta_change = True
+ except:
+ meta_change = True
+ if meta_change:
+ src_meta = show_package_meta(apiurl, src_project, src_package)
+ dst_meta = replace_pkg_meta(src_meta, dst_package, dst_project)
+ meta_change = True
+ if disable_publish:
+ meta_change = True
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(dst_meta))
+ elm = root.find('publish')
+ if not elm:
+ elm = ET.SubElement(root, 'publish')
+ elm.clear()
+ ET.SubElement(elm, 'disable')
+ dst_meta = ET.tostring(root)
+ if meta_change:
+ edit_meta('pkg',
+ path_args=(dst_project, dst_package),
+ data=dst_meta)
+ # create the _aggregate file
+ # but first, make sure not to overwrite an existing one
+ if '_aggregate' in meta_get_filelist(apiurl, dst_project, dst_package):
+ print >>sys.stderr
+ print >>sys.stderr, '_aggregate file already exists...! Aborting'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print 'Creating _aggregate...',
+ aggregate_template = """\
+ <aggregate project="%s">
+""" % (src_project)
+ aggregate_template += """\
+ <package>%s</package>
+""" % ( src_package)
+ if nosources:
+ aggregate_template += """\
+ <nosources />
+ for src, tgt in repo_map.iteritems():
+ aggregate_template += """\
+ <repository target="%s" source="%s" />
+""" % (tgt, src)
+ aggregate_template += """\
+ </aggregate>
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', dst_project, dst_package, '_aggregate'])
+ http_PUT(u, data=aggregate_template)
+ print 'Done.'
+def attribute_branch_pkg(apiurl, attribute, maintained_update_project_attribute, package, targetproject, return_existing=False, force=False, noaccess=False, add_repositories=False, dryrun=False, nodevelproject=False, maintenance=False):
+ """
+ Branch packages defined via attributes (via API call)
+ """
+ query = { 'cmd': 'branch' }
+ query['attribute'] = attribute
+ if targetproject:
+ query['target_project'] = targetproject
+ if dryrun:
+ query['dryrun'] = "1"
+ if force:
+ query['force'] = "1"
+ if noaccess:
+ query['noaccess'] = "1"
+ if nodevelproject:
+ query['ignoredevel'] = '1'
+ if add_repositories:
+ query['add_repositories'] = "1"
+ if maintenance:
+ query['maintenance'] = "1"
+ if package:
+ query['package'] = package
+ if maintained_update_project_attribute:
+ query['update_project_attribute'] = maintained_update_project_attribute
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source'], query=query)
+ f = None
+ try:
+ f = http_POST(u)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ msg = ''.join(e.readlines())
+ msg = msg.split('<summary>')[1]
+ msg = msg.split('</summary>')[0]
+ raise oscerr.APIError(msg)
+ r = None
+ root = ET.fromstring(f.read())
+ if dryrun:
+ return root
+ # TODO: change api here and return parsed XML as class
+ if conf.config['http_debug']:
+ print >> sys.stderr, ET.tostring(root)
+ for node in root.findall('data'):
+ r = node.get('name')
+ if r and r == 'targetproject':
+ return node.text
+ return r
+def branch_pkg(apiurl, src_project, src_package, nodevelproject=False, rev=None, target_project=None, target_package=None, return_existing=False, msg='', force=False, noaccess=False, add_repositories=False, extend_package_names=False, missingok=False, maintenance=False):
+ """
+ Branch a package (via API call)
+ """
+ query = { 'cmd': 'branch' }
+ if nodevelproject:
+ query['ignoredevel'] = '1'
+ if force:
+ query['force'] = '1'
+ if noaccess:
+ query['noaccess'] = '1'
+ if add_repositories:
+ query['add_repositories'] = "1"
+ if maintenance:
+ query['maintenance'] = "1"
+ if missingok:
+ query['missingok'] = "1"
+ if extend_package_names:
+ query['extend_package_names'] = "1"
+ if rev:
+ query['rev'] = rev
+ if target_project:
+ query['target_project'] = target_project
+ if target_package:
+ query['target_package'] = target_package
+ if msg:
+ query['comment'] = msg
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', src_project, src_package], query=query)
+ try:
+ f = http_POST(u)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if not return_existing:
+ raise
+ root = ET.fromstring(e.read())
+ summary = root.find('summary')
+ if summary is None:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('unexpected response:\n%s' % ET.tostring(root))
+ m = re.match(r"branch target package already exists: (\S+)/(\S+)", summary.text)
+ if not m:
+ e.msg += '\n' + summary.text
+ raise
+ return (True, m.group(1), m.group(2), None, None)
+ if conf.config['http_debug']:
+ print >> sys.stderr, ET.tostring(root)
+ data = {}
+ for i in ET.fromstring(f.read()).findall('data'):
+ data[i.get('name')] = i.text
+ return (False, data.get('targetproject', None), data.get('targetpackage', None),
+ data.get('sourceproject', None), data.get('sourcepackage', None))
+def copy_pac(src_apiurl, src_project, src_package,
+ dst_apiurl, dst_project, dst_package,
+ client_side_copy = False,
+ keep_maintainers = False,
+ keep_develproject = False,
+ expand = False,
+ revision = None,
+ comment = None,
+ force_meta_update = None,
+ keep_link = None):
+ """
+ Create a copy of a package.
+ Copying can be done by downloading the files from one package and commit
+ them into the other by uploading them (client-side copy) --
+ or by the server, in a single api call.
+ """
+ if not (src_apiurl == dst_apiurl and src_project == dst_project \
+ and src_package == dst_package):
+ src_meta = show_package_meta(src_apiurl, src_project, src_package)
+ dst_userid = conf.get_apiurl_usr(dst_apiurl)
+ src_meta = replace_pkg_meta(src_meta, dst_package, dst_project, keep_maintainers,
+ dst_userid, keep_develproject)
+ url = make_meta_url('pkg', (quote_plus(dst_project),) + (quote_plus(dst_package),), dst_apiurl)
+ found = None
+ try:
+ found = http_GET(url).readlines()
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ pass
+ if force_meta_update or not found:
+ print 'Sending meta data...'
+ u = makeurl(dst_apiurl, ['source', dst_project, dst_package, '_meta'])
+ http_PUT(u, data=src_meta)
+ print 'Copying files...'
+ if not client_side_copy:
+ query = {'cmd': 'copy', 'oproject': src_project, 'opackage': src_package }
+ if expand or keep_link:
+ query['expand'] = '1'
+ if keep_link:
+ query['keeplink'] = '1'
+ if revision:
+ query['orev'] = revision
+ if comment:
+ query['comment'] = comment
+ u = makeurl(dst_apiurl, ['source', dst_project, dst_package], query=query)
+ f = http_POST(u)
+ return f.read()
+ else:
+ # copy one file after the other
+ import tempfile
+ query = {'rev': 'upload'}
+ revision = show_upstream_srcmd5(src_apiurl, src_project, src_package, expand=expand, revision=revision)
+ for n in meta_get_filelist(src_apiurl, src_project, src_package, expand=expand, revision=revision):
+ if n.startswith('_service:') or n.startswith('_service_'):
+ continue
+ print ' ', n
+ tmpfile = None
+ try:
+ (fd, tmpfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='osc-copypac')
+ get_source_file(src_apiurl, src_project, src_package, n, targetfilename=tmpfile, revision=revision)
+ u = makeurl(dst_apiurl, ['source', dst_project, dst_package, pathname2url(n)], query=query)
+ http_PUT(u, file = tmpfile)
+ finally:
+ if not tmpfile is None:
+ os.unlink(tmpfile)
+ if comment:
+ query['comment'] = comment
+ query['cmd'] = 'commit'
+ u = makeurl(dst_apiurl, ['source', dst_project, dst_package], query=query)
+ http_POST(u)
+ return 'Done.'
+def unlock_package(apiurl, prj, pac, msg):
+ query={'cmd': 'unlock', 'comment': msg}
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, pac], query)
+ http_POST(u)
+def unlock_project(apiurl, prj, msg=None):
+ query={'cmd': 'unlock', 'comment': msg}
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj], query)
+ http_POST(u)
+def undelete_package(apiurl, prj, pac, msg=None):
+ query={'cmd': 'undelete'}
+ if msg:
+ query['comment'] = msg
+ else:
+ query['comment'] = 'undeleted via osc'
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, pac], query)
+ http_POST(u)
+def undelete_project(apiurl, prj, msg=None):
+ query={'cmd': 'undelete'}
+ if msg:
+ query['comment'] = msg
+ else:
+ query['comment'] = 'undeleted via osc'
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj], query)
+ http_POST(u)
+def delete_package(apiurl, prj, pac, force=False, msg=None):
+ query = {}
+ if force:
+ query['force'] = "1"
+ if msg:
+ query['comment'] = msg
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, pac], query)
+ http_DELETE(u)
+def delete_project(apiurl, prj, force=False, msg=None):
+ query = {}
+ if force:
+ query['force'] = "1"
+ if msg:
+ query['comment'] = msg
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj], query)
+ http_DELETE(u)
+def delete_files(apiurl, prj, pac, files):
+ for filename in files:
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, pac, filename], query={'comment': 'removed %s' % (filename, )})
+ http_DELETE(u)
+# old compat lib call
+def get_platforms(apiurl):
+ return get_repositories(apiurl)
+def get_repositories(apiurl):
+ f = http_GET(makeurl(apiurl, ['platform']))
+ tree = ET.parse(f)
+ r = [ node.get('name') for node in tree.getroot() ]
+ r.sort()
+ return r
+def get_distibutions(apiurl, discon=False):
+ r = []
+ # FIXME: this is just a naming convention on api.opensuse.org, but not a general valid apparoach
+ if discon:
+ result_line_templ = '%(name)-25s %(project)s'
+ f = http_GET(makeurl(apiurl, ['build']))
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(f))
+ for node in root.findall('entry'):
+ if node.get('name').startswith('DISCONTINUED:'):
+ rmap = {}
+ rmap['name'] = node.get('name').replace('DISCONTINUED:','').replace(':', ' ')
+ rmap['project'] = node.get('name')
+ r.append (result_line_templ % rmap)
+ r.insert(0,'distribution project')
+ r.insert(1,'------------ -------')
+ else:
+ result_line_templ = '%(name)-25s %(project)-25s %(repository)-25s %(reponame)s'
+ f = http_GET(makeurl(apiurl, ['distributions']))
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(f))
+ for node in root.findall('distribution'):
+ rmap = {}
+ for node2 in node.findall('name'):
+ rmap['name'] = node2.text
+ for node3 in node.findall('project'):
+ rmap['project'] = node3.text
+ for node4 in node.findall('repository'):
+ rmap['repository'] = node4.text
+ for node5 in node.findall('reponame'):
+ rmap['reponame'] = node5.text
+ r.append(result_line_templ % rmap)
+ r.insert(0,'distribution project repository reponame')
+ r.insert(1,'------------ ------- ---------- --------')
+ return r
+# old compat lib call
+def get_platforms_of_project(apiurl, prj):
+ return get_repositories_of_project(apiurl, prj)
+def get_repositories_of_project(apiurl, prj):
+ f = show_project_meta(apiurl, prj)
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(f))
+ r = [ node.get('name') for node in root.findall('repository')]
+ return r
+class Repo:
+ repo_line_templ = '%-15s %-10s'
+ def __init__(self, name, arch):
+ self.name = name
+ self.arch = arch
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.repo_line_templ % (self.name, self.arch)
+def get_repos_of_project(apiurl, prj):
+ f = show_project_meta(apiurl, prj)
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(f))
+ for node in root.findall('repository'):
+ for node2 in node.findall('arch'):
+ yield Repo(node.get('name'), node2.text)
+def get_binarylist(apiurl, prj, repo, arch, package=None, verbose=False):
+ what = package or '_repository'
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repo, arch, what])
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ tree = ET.parse(f)
+ if not verbose:
+ return [ node.get('filename') for node in tree.findall('binary')]
+ else:
+ l = []
+ for node in tree.findall('binary'):
+ f = File(node.get('filename'),
+ None,
+ int(node.get('size')),
+ int(node.get('mtime')))
+ l.append(f)
+ return l
+def get_binarylist_published(apiurl, prj, repo, arch):
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['published', prj, repo, arch])
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ tree = ET.parse(f)
+ r = [ node.get('name') for node in tree.findall('entry')]
+ return r
+def show_results_meta(apiurl, prj, package=None, lastbuild=None, repository=[], arch=[], oldstate=None):
+ query = {}
+ if package:
+ query['package'] = package
+ if oldstate:
+ query['oldstate'] = oldstate
+ if lastbuild:
+ query['lastbuild'] = 1
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, '_result'], query=query)
+ for repo in repository:
+ u = u + '&repository=%s' % repo
+ for a in arch:
+ u = u + '&arch=%s' % a
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ return f.readlines()
+def show_prj_results_meta(apiurl, prj):
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, '_result'])
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ return f.readlines()
+def get_package_results(apiurl, prj, package, lastbuild=None, repository=[], arch=[], oldstate=None):
+ """ return a package results as a list of dicts """
+ r = []
+ f = show_results_meta(apiurl, prj, package, lastbuild, repository, arch, oldstate)
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(f))
+ r.append( {'_oldstate': root.get('state')} )
+ for node in root.findall('result'):
+ rmap = {}
+ rmap['project'] = rmap['prj'] = prj
+ rmap['pkg'] = rmap['package'] = rmap['pac'] = package
+ rmap['repository'] = rmap['repo'] = rmap['rep'] = node.get('repository')
+ rmap['arch'] = node.get('arch')
+ rmap['state'] = node.get('state')
+ rmap['dirty'] = node.get('dirty')
+ rmap['details'] = ''
+ details = None
+ statusnode = node.find('status')
+ if statusnode != None:
+ rmap['code'] = statusnode.get('code', '')
+ details = statusnode.find('details')
+ else:
+ rmap['code'] = ''
+ if details != None:
+ rmap['details'] = details.text
+ rmap['dirty'] = rmap['dirty'] == 'true'
+ r.append(rmap)
+ return r
+def format_results(results, format):
+ """apply selected format on each dict in results and return it as a list of strings"""
+ return [format % r for r in results]
+def get_results(apiurl, prj, package, lastbuild=None, repository=[], arch=[], verbose=False, wait=False, printJoin=None):
+ r = []
+ result_line_templ = '%(rep)-20s %(arch)-10s %(status)s'
+ oldstate = None
+ while True:
+ waiting = False
+ results = r = []
+ try:
+ results = get_package_results(apiurl, prj, package, lastbuild, repository, arch, oldstate)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ # check for simple timeout error and fetch again
+ if e.code != 502:
+ raise
+ # re-try result request
+ continue
+ for res in results:
+ if res.has_key('_oldstate'):
+ oldstate = res['_oldstate']
+ continue
+ res['status'] = res['code']
+ if verbose and res['details'] != '':
+ if res['code'] in ('unresolvable', 'expansion error'):
+ lines = res['details'].split(',')
+ res['status'] += ': ' + '\n '.join(lines)
+ else:
+ res['status'] += ': %s' % (res['details'], )
+ if res['dirty']:
+ waiting=True
+ if verbose:
+ res['status'] = 'outdated (was: %s)' % res['status']
+ else:
+ res['status'] += '*'
+ if res['code'] in ('blocked', 'scheduled', 'dispatching', 'building', 'signing', 'finished'):
+ waiting=True
+ r.append(result_line_templ % res)
+ if printJoin:
+ print printJoin.join(r)
+ if wait==False or waiting==False:
+ break
+ return r
+def get_prj_results(apiurl, prj, hide_legend=False, csv=False, status_filter=None, name_filter=None, arch=None, repo=None, vertical=None, show_excluded=None):
+ #print '----------------------------------------'
+ global buildstatus_symbols
+ r = []
+ f = show_prj_results_meta(apiurl, prj)
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(f))
+ pacs = []
+ # sequence of (repo,arch) tuples
+ targets = []
+ # {package: {(repo,arch): status}}
+ status = {}
+ if root.find('result') == None:
+ return []
+ for results in root.findall('result'):
+ for node in results:
+ pacs.append(node.get('package'))
+ pacs = sorted(list(set(pacs)))
+ for node in root.findall('result'):
+ # filter architecture and repository
+ if arch != None and node.get('arch') not in arch:
+ continue
+ if repo != None and node.get('repository') not in repo:
+ continue
+ if node.get('dirty') == "true":
+ state = "outdated"
+ else:
+ state = node.get('state')
+ tg = (node.get('repository'), node.get('arch'), state)
+ targets.append(tg)
+ for pacnode in node.findall('status'):
+ pac = pacnode.get('package')
+ if pac not in status:
+ status[pac] = {}
+ status[pac][tg] = pacnode.get('code')
+ targets.sort()
+ # filter option
+ if status_filter or name_filter or not show_excluded:
+ pacs_to_show = []
+ targets_to_show = []
+ #filtering for Package Status
+ if status_filter:
+ if status_filter in buildstatus_symbols.values():
+ for txt, sym in buildstatus_symbols.items():
+ if sym == status_filter:
+ filt_txt = txt
+ for pkg in status.keys():
+ for repo in status[pkg].keys():
+ if status[pkg][repo] == filt_txt:
+ if not name_filter:
+ pacs_to_show.append(pkg)
+ targets_to_show.append(repo)
+ elif name_filter in pkg:
+ pacs_to_show.append(pkg)
+ #filtering for Package Name
+ elif name_filter:
+ for pkg in pacs:
+ if name_filter in pkg:
+ pacs_to_show.append(pkg)
+ #filter non building states
+ elif not show_excluded:
+ enabled = {}
+ for pkg in status.keys():
+ showpkg = False
+ for repo in status[pkg].keys():
+ if status[pkg][repo] != "excluded":
+ enabled[repo] = 1
+ showpkg = True
+ if showpkg:
+ pacs_to_show.append(pkg)
+ targets_to_show = enabled.keys()
+ pacs = [ i for i in pacs if i in pacs_to_show ]
+ if len(targets_to_show):
+ targets = [ i for i in targets if i in targets_to_show ]
+ # csv output
+ if csv:
+ # TODO: option to disable the table header
+ row = ['_'] + ['/'.join(tg) for tg in targets]
+ r.append(';'.join(row))
+ for pac in pacs:
+ row = [pac] + [status[pac][tg] for tg in targets]
+ r.append(';'.join(row))
+ return r
+ if not vertical:
+ # human readable output
+ max_pacs = 40
+ for startpac in range(0, len(pacs), max_pacs):
+ offset = 0
+ for pac in pacs[startpac:startpac+max_pacs]:
+ r.append(' |' * offset + ' ' + pac)
+ offset += 1
+ for tg in targets:
+ line = []
+ line.append(' ')
+ for pac in pacs[startpac:startpac+max_pacs]:
+ st = ''
+ if not status.has_key(pac) or not status[pac].has_key(tg):
+ # for newly added packages, status may be missing
+ st = '?'
+ else:
+ try:
+ st = buildstatus_symbols[status[pac][tg]]
+ except:
+ print 'osc: warn: unknown status \'%s\'...' % status[pac][tg]
+ print 'please edit osc/core.py, and extend the buildstatus_symbols dictionary.'
+ st = '?'
+ buildstatus_symbols[status[pac][tg]] = '?'
+ line.append(st)
+ line.append(' ')
+ line.append(' %s %s (%s)' % tg)
+ line = ''.join(line)
+ r.append(line)
+ r.append('')
+ else:
+ offset = 0
+ for tg in targets:
+ r.append('| ' * offset + '%s %s (%s)'%tg )
+ offset += 1
+ for pac in pacs:
+ line = []
+ for tg in targets:
+ st = ''
+ if not status.has_key(pac) or not status[pac].has_key(tg):
+ # for newly added packages, status may be missing
+ st = '?'
+ else:
+ try:
+ st = buildstatus_symbols[status[pac][tg]]
+ except:
+ print 'osc: warn: unknown status \'%s\'...' % status[pac][tg]
+ print 'please edit osc/core.py, and extend the buildstatus_symbols dictionary.'
+ st = '?'
+ buildstatus_symbols[status[pac][tg]] = '?'
+ line.append(st)
+ line.append(' '+pac)
+ r.append(' '.join(line))
+ line = []
+ for i in range(0, len(targets)):
+ line.append(str(i%10))
+ r.append(' '.join(line))
+ r.append('')
+ if not hide_legend and len(pacs):
+ r.append(' Legend:')
+ legend = []
+ for i, j in buildstatus_symbols.items():
+ if i == "expansion error":
+ continue
+ legend.append('%3s %-20s' % (j, i))
+ legend.append(' ? buildstatus not available (only new packages)')
+ if vertical:
+ for i in range(0, len(targets)):
+ s = '%1d %s %s (%s)' % (i%10, targets[i][0], targets[i][1], targets[i][2])
+ if i < len(legend):
+ legend[i] += s
+ else:
+ legend.append(' '*24 + s)
+ r += legend
+ return r
+def streamfile(url, http_meth = http_GET, bufsize=8192, data=None, progress_obj=None, text=None):
+ """
+ performs http_meth on url and read bufsize bytes from the response
+ until EOF is reached. After each read bufsize bytes are yielded to the
+ caller.
+ """
+ cl = ''
+ retries = 0
+ # Repeat requests until we get reasonable Content-Length header
+ # Server (or iChain) is corrupting data at some point, see bnc#656281
+ while cl == '':
+ if retries >= int(conf.config['http_retries']):
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'Content-Length is empty for %s, protocol violation' % url)
+ retries = retries + 1
+ if retries > 1 and conf.config['http_debug']:
+ print >>sys.stderr, '\n\nRetry %d --' % (retries - 1), url
+ f = http_meth.__call__(url, data = data)
+ cl = f.info().get('Content-Length')
+ if cl is not None:
+ # sometimes the proxy adds the same header again
+ # which yields in value like '3495, 3495'
+ # use the first of these values (should be all the same)
+ cl = cl.split(',')[0]
+ cl = int(cl)
+ if progress_obj:
+ import urlparse
+ basename = os.path.basename(urlparse.urlsplit(url)[2])
+ progress_obj.start(basename=basename, text=text, size=cl)
+ data = f.read(bufsize)
+ read = len(data)
+ while len(data):
+ if progress_obj:
+ progress_obj.update(read)
+ yield data
+ data = f.read(bufsize)
+ read += len(data)
+ if progress_obj:
+ progress_obj.end(read)
+ f.close()
+ if not cl is None and read != cl:
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'Content-Length is not matching file size for %s: %i vs %i file size' % (url, cl, read))
+def buildlog_strip_time(data):
+ """Strips the leading build time from the log"""
+ time_regex = re.compile('^\[\s{0,5}\d+s\]\s', re.M)
+ return time_regex.sub('', data)
+def print_buildlog(apiurl, prj, package, repository, arch, offset=0, strip_time=False):
+ """prints out the buildlog on stdout"""
+ # to protect us against control characters
+ import string
+ all_bytes = string.maketrans('', '')
+ remove_bytes = all_bytes[:10] + all_bytes[11:32] # accept newlines
+ query = {'nostream' : '1', 'start' : '%s' % offset}
+ while True:
+ query['start'] = offset
+ start_offset = offset
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repository, arch, package, '_log'], query=query)
+ for data in streamfile(u):
+ offset += len(data)
+ if strip_time:
+ data = buildlog_strip_time(data)
+ sys.stdout.write(data.translate(all_bytes, remove_bytes))
+ if start_offset == offset:
+ break
+def get_dependson(apiurl, project, repository, arch, packages=None, reverse=None):
+ query = []
+ if packages:
+ for i in packages:
+ query.append('package=%s' % quote_plus(i))
+ if reverse:
+ query.append('view=revpkgnames')
+ else:
+ query.append('view=pkgnames')
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', project, repository, arch, '_builddepinfo'], query=query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ return f.read()
+def get_buildinfo(apiurl, prj, package, repository, arch, specfile=None, addlist=None, debug=None):
+ query = []
+ if addlist:
+ for i in addlist:
+ query.append('add=%s' % quote_plus(i))
+ if debug:
+ query.append('debug=1')
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repository, arch, package, '_buildinfo'], query=query)
+ if specfile:
+ f = http_POST(u, data=specfile)
+ else:
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ return f.read()
+def get_buildconfig(apiurl, prj, repository):
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repository, '_buildconfig'])
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ return f.read()
+def get_source_rev(apiurl, project, package, revision=None):
+ # API supports ?deleted=1&meta=1&rev=4
+ # but not rev=current,rev=latest,rev=top, or anything like this.
+ # CAUTION: We have to loop through all rev and find the highest one, if none given.
+ if revision:
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, '_history'], {'rev':revision})
+ else:
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, '_history'])
+ f = http_GET(url)
+ xml = ET.parse(f)
+ ent = None
+ for new in xml.findall('revision'):
+ # remember the newest one.
+ if not ent:
+ ent = new
+ elif ent.find('time').text < new.find('time').text:
+ ent = new
+ if not ent:
+ return { 'version': None, 'error':'empty revisionlist: no such package?' }
+ e = {}
+ for k in ent.keys():
+ e[k] = ent.get(k)
+ for k in list(ent):
+ e[k.tag] = k.text
+ return e
+def get_buildhistory(apiurl, prj, package, repository, arch, format = 'text'):
+ import time
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repository, arch, package, '_history'])
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ r = []
+ for node in root.findall('entry'):
+ rev = int(node.get('rev'))
+ srcmd5 = node.get('srcmd5')
+ versrel = node.get('versrel')
+ bcnt = int(node.get('bcnt'))
+ t = time.localtime(int(node.get('time')))
+ t = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', t)
+ if format == 'csv':
+ r.append('%s|%s|%d|%s.%d' % (t, srcmd5, rev, versrel, bcnt))
+ else:
+ r.append('%s %s %6d %s.%d' % (t, srcmd5, rev, versrel, bcnt))
+ if format == 'text':
+ r.insert(0, 'time srcmd5 rev vers-rel.bcnt')
+ return r
+def print_jobhistory(apiurl, prj, current_package, repository, arch, format = 'text', limit=20):
+ import time
+ query = {}
+ if current_package:
+ query['package'] = current_package
+ if limit != None and int(limit) > 0:
+ query['limit'] = int(limit)
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, repository, arch, '_jobhistory'], query )
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ if format == 'text':
+ print "time package reason code build time worker"
+ for node in root.findall('jobhist'):
+ package = node.get('package')
+ worker = node.get('workerid')
+ reason = node.get('reason')
+ if not reason:
+ reason = "unknown"
+ code = node.get('code')
+ rt = int(node.get('readytime'))
+ readyt = time.localtime(rt)
+ readyt = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', readyt)
+ st = int(node.get('starttime'))
+ et = int(node.get('endtime'))
+ endtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(et))
+ waittm = time.gmtime(et-st)
+ if waittm.tm_mday>1:
+ waitbuild = "%1dd %2dh %2dm %2ds" % (waittm.tm_mday-1, waittm.tm_hour, waittm.tm_min, waittm.tm_sec)
+ elif waittm.tm_hour:
+ waitbuild = " %2dh %2dm %2ds" % (waittm.tm_hour, waittm.tm_min, waittm.tm_sec)
+ else:
+ waitbuild = " %2dm %2ds" % (waittm.tm_min, waittm.tm_sec)
+ if format == 'csv':
+ print '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' % (endtime, package, reason, code, waitbuild, worker)
+ else:
+ print '%s %-50s %-16s %-16s %-16s %-16s' % (endtime, package[0:49], reason[0:15], code[0:15], waitbuild, worker)
+def get_commitlog(apiurl, prj, package, revision, format = 'text', meta = False, deleted = False, revision_upper=None):
+ import time
+ query = {}
+ if deleted:
+ query['deleted'] = 1
+ if meta:
+ query['meta'] = 1
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, package, '_history'], query)
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ r = []
+ if format == 'xml':
+ r.append('<?xml version="1.0"?>')
+ r.append('<log>')
+ revisions = root.findall('revision')
+ revisions.reverse()
+ for node in revisions:
+ srcmd5 = node.find('srcmd5').text
+ try:
+ rev = int(node.get('rev'))
+ #vrev = int(node.get('vrev')) # what is the meaning of vrev?
+ try:
+ if revision is not None and revision_upper is not None:
+ if rev > int(revision_upper) or rev < int(revision):
+ continue
+ elif revision is not None and rev != int(revision):
+ continue
+ except ValueError:
+ if revision != srcmd5:
+ continue
+ except ValueError:
+ # this part should _never_ be reached but...
+ return [ 'an unexpected error occured - please file a bug' ]
+ version = node.find('version').text
+ user = node.find('user').text
+ try:
+ comment = node.find('comment').text.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding(), 'replace')
+ except:
+ comment = '<no message>'
+ try:
+ requestid = node.find('requestid').text.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding(), 'replace')
+ except:
+ requestid = ""
+ t = time.localtime(int(node.find('time').text))
+ t = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', t)
+ if format == 'csv':
+ s = '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' % (rev, user, t, srcmd5, version,
+ comment.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('\n', '\\n').replace('|', '\\|'), requestid)
+ r.append(s)
+ elif format == 'xml':
+ r.append('<logentry')
+ r.append(' revision="%s" srcmd5="%s">' % (rev, srcmd5))
+ r.append('<author>%s</author>' % user)
+ r.append('<date>%s</date>' % t)
+ r.append('<requestid>%s</requestid>' % requestid)
+ r.append('<msg>%s</msg>' %
+ comment.replace('&', '&').replace('<', '>').replace('>', '<'))
+ r.append('</logentry>')
+ else:
+ if requestid:
+ requestid="rq" + requestid
+ s = '-' * 76 + \
+ '\nr%s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s\n' % (rev, user, t, srcmd5, version, requestid) + \
+ '\n' + comment
+ r.append(s)
+ if format not in ['csv', 'xml']:
+ r.append('-' * 76)
+ if format == 'xml':
+ r.append('</log>')
+ return r
+def runservice(apiurl, prj, package):
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', prj, package], query={'cmd': 'runservice'})
+ try:
+ f = http_POST(u)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ e.osc_msg = 'could not trigger service run for project \'%s\' package \'%s\'' % (prj, package)
+ raise
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ return root.get('code')
+def rebuild(apiurl, prj, package, repo, arch, code=None):
+ query = { 'cmd': 'rebuild' }
+ if package:
+ query['package'] = package
+ if repo:
+ query['repository'] = repo
+ if arch:
+ query['arch'] = arch
+ if code:
+ query['code'] = code
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj], query=query)
+ try:
+ f = http_POST(u)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ e.osc_msg = 'could not trigger rebuild for project \'%s\' package \'%s\'' % (prj, package)
+ raise
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ return root.get('code')
+def store_read_project(dir):
+ global store
+ try:
+ p = open(os.path.join(dir, store, '_project')).readlines()[0].strip()
+ except IOError:
+ msg = 'Error: \'%s\' is not an osc project dir or working copy' % os.path.abspath(dir)
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, '.svn')):
+ msg += '\nTry svn instead of osc.'
+ raise oscerr.NoWorkingCopy(msg)
+ return p
+def store_read_package(dir):
+ global store
+ try:
+ p = open(os.path.join(dir, store, '_package')).readlines()[0].strip()
+ except IOError:
+ msg = 'Error: \'%s\' is not an osc package working copy' % os.path.abspath(dir)
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, '.svn')):
+ msg += '\nTry svn instead of osc.'
+ raise oscerr.NoWorkingCopy(msg)
+ return p
+def store_read_apiurl(dir, defaulturl=True):
+ global store
+ fname = os.path.join(dir, store, '_apiurl')
+ try:
+ url = open(fname).readlines()[0].strip()
+ # this is needed to get a proper apiurl
+ # (former osc versions may stored an apiurl with a trailing slash etc.)
+ apiurl = conf.urljoin(*conf.parse_apisrv_url(None, url))
+ except:
+ if not defaulturl:
+ if is_project_dir(dir):
+ project = store_read_project(dir)
+ package = None
+ elif is_package_dir(dir):
+ project = store_read_project(dir)
+ package = None
+ else:
+ msg = 'Error: \'%s\' is not an osc package working copy' % os.path.abspath(dir)
+ raise oscerr.NoWorkingCopy(msg)
+ msg = 'Your working copy \'%s\' is in an inconsistent state.\n' \
+ 'Please run \'osc repairwc %s\' (Note this might _remove_\n' \
+ 'files from the .osc/ dir). Please check the state\n' \
+ 'of the working copy afterwards (via \'osc status %s\')' % (dir, dir, dir)
+ raise oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent(project, package, ['_apiurl'], msg)
+ apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
+ return apiurl
+def store_write_string(dir, file, string, subdir=''):
+ global store
+ if subdir and not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir, store, subdir)):
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir, store, subdir))
+ fname = os.path.join(dir, store, subdir, file)
+ try:
+ f = open(fname + '.new', 'w')
+ f.write(string)
+ f.close()
+ os.rename(fname + '.new', fname)
+ except:
+ if os.path.exists(fname + '.new'):
+ os.unlink(fname + '.new')
+ raise
+def store_write_project(dir, project):
+ store_write_string(dir, '_project', project + '\n')
+def store_write_apiurl(dir, apiurl):
+ store_write_string(dir, '_apiurl', apiurl + '\n')
+def store_unlink_file(dir, file):
+ global store
+ try: os.unlink(os.path.join(dir, store, file))
+ except: pass
+def store_read_file(dir, file):
+ global store
+ try:
+ content = open(os.path.join(dir, store, file)).read()
+ return content
+ except:
+ return None
+def store_write_initial_packages(dir, project, subelements):
+ global store
+ fname = os.path.join(dir, store, '_packages')
+ root = ET.Element('project', name=project)
+ for elem in subelements:
+ root.append(elem)
+ ET.ElementTree(root).write(fname)
+def get_osc_version():
+ return __version__
+def abortbuild(apiurl, project, package=None, arch=None, repo=None):
+ query = { 'cmd': 'abortbuild' }
+ if package:
+ query['package'] = package
+ if arch:
+ query['arch'] = arch
+ if repo:
+ query['repository'] = repo
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', project], query)
+ try:
+ f = http_POST(u)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ e.osc_msg = 'abortion failed for project %s' % project
+ if package:
+ e.osc_msg += ' package %s' % package
+ if arch:
+ e.osc_msg += ' arch %s' % arch
+ if repo:
+ e.osc_msg += ' repo %s' % repo
+ raise
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ return root.get('code')
+def wipebinaries(apiurl, project, package=None, arch=None, repo=None, code=None):
+ query = { 'cmd': 'wipe' }
+ if package:
+ query['package'] = package
+ if arch:
+ query['arch'] = arch
+ if repo:
+ query['repository'] = repo
+ if code:
+ query['code'] = code
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', project], query)
+ try:
+ f = http_POST(u)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ e.osc_msg = 'wipe binary rpms failed for project %s' % project
+ if package:
+ e.osc_msg += ' package %s' % package
+ if arch:
+ e.osc_msg += ' arch %s' % arch
+ if repo:
+ e.osc_msg += ' repository %s' % repo
+ if code:
+ e.osc_msg += ' code=%s' % code
+ raise
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ return root.get('code')
+def parseRevisionOption(string):
+ """
+ returns a tuple which contains the revisions
+ """
+ if string:
+ if ':' in string:
+ splitted_rev = string.split(':')
+ try:
+ for i in splitted_rev:
+ int(i)
+ return splitted_rev
+ except ValueError:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'your revision \'%s\' will be ignored' % string
+ return None, None
+ else:
+ if string.isdigit():
+ return string, None
+ elif string.isalnum() and len(string) == 32:
+ # could be an md5sum
+ return string, None
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'your revision \'%s\' will be ignored' % string
+ return None, None
+ else:
+ return None, None
+def checkRevision(prj, pac, revision, apiurl=None, meta=False):
+ """
+ check if revision is valid revision, i.e. it is not
+ larger than the upstream revision id
+ """
+ if len(revision) == 32:
+ # there isn't a way to check this kind of revision for validity
+ return True
+ if not apiurl:
+ apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
+ try:
+ if int(revision) > int(show_upstream_rev(apiurl, prj, pac, meta)) \
+ or int(revision) <= 0:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ return False
+def build_table(col_num, data = [], headline = [], width=1, csv = False):
+ """
+ This method builds a simple table.
+ Example1: build_table(2, ['foo', 'bar', 'suse', 'osc'], ['col1', 'col2'], 2)
+ col1 col2
+ foo bar
+ suse osc
+ """
+ longest_col = []
+ for i in range(col_num):
+ longest_col.append(0)
+ if headline and not csv:
+ data[0:0] = headline
+ # find longest entry in each column
+ i = 0
+ for itm in data:
+ if longest_col[i] < len(itm):
+ longest_col[i] = len(itm)
+ if i == col_num - 1:
+ i = 0
+ else:
+ i += 1
+ # calculate length for each column
+ for i, row in enumerate(longest_col):
+ longest_col[i] = row + width
+ # build rows
+ row = []
+ table = []
+ i = 0
+ for itm in data:
+ if i % col_num == 0:
+ i = 0
+ row = []
+ table.append(row)
+ # there is no need to justify the entries of the last column
+ # or when generating csv
+ if i == col_num -1 or csv:
+ row.append(itm)
+ else:
+ row.append(itm.ljust(longest_col[i]))
+ i += 1
+ if csv:
+ separator = '|'
+ else:
+ separator = ''
+ return [separator.join(row) for row in table]
+def xpath_join(expr, new_expr, op='or', inner=False, nexpr_parentheses=False):
+ """
+ Join two xpath expressions. If inner is False expr will
+ be surrounded with parentheses (unless it's not already
+ surrounded). If nexpr_parentheses is True new_expr will be
+ surrounded with parentheses.
+ """
+ if not expr:
+ return new_expr
+ elif not new_expr:
+ return expr
+ # NOTE: this is NO syntax check etc. (e.g. if a literal contains a '(' or ')'
+ # the check might fail and expr will be surrounded with parentheses or NOT)
+ parentheses = not inner
+ if not inner and expr.startswith('(') and expr.endswith(')'):
+ parentheses = False
+ braces = [i for i in expr if i == '(' or i == ')']
+ closed = 0
+ while len(braces):
+ if braces.pop() == ')':
+ closed += 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ closed += -1
+ while len(braces):
+ if braces.pop() == '(':
+ closed += -1
+ else:
+ closed += 1
+ if closed != 0:
+ parentheses = True
+ break
+ if parentheses:
+ expr = '(%s)' % expr
+ if nexpr_parentheses:
+ new_expr = '(%s)' % new_expr
+ return '%s %s %s' % (expr, op, new_expr)
+def search(apiurl, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Perform a search request. The requests are constructed as follows:
+ kwargs = {'kind1' => xpath1, 'kind2' => xpath2, ..., 'kindN' => xpathN}
+ GET /search/kind1?match=xpath1
+ ...
+ GET /search/kindN?match=xpathN
+ """
+ res = {}
+ for urlpath, xpath in kwargs.iteritems():
+ path = [ 'search' ]
+ path += urlpath.split('_') # FIXME: take underscores as path seperators. I see no other way atm to fix OBS api calls and not breaking osc api
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, path, ['match=%s' % quote_plus(xpath)])
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ res[urlpath] = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ return res
+def owner(apiurl, binary, mode="binary", attribute=None, project=None, usefilter=None, devel=None, limit=None):
+ """
+ Perform a binary package owner search. This is supported since OBS 2.4.
+ """
+ # find default project, if not specified
+ query = { mode: binary }
+ if attribute:
+ query['attribute'] = attribute
+ if project:
+ query['project'] = project
+ if devel:
+ query['devel'] = devel
+ if limit != None:
+ query['limit'] = limit
+ if usefilter:
+ query['filter'] = ",".join(usefilter)
+ u = makeurl(apiurl, [ 'search', 'owner' ], query)
+ res = None
+ try:
+ f = http_GET(u)
+ res = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ # old server not supporting this search
+ pass
+ return res
+def set_link_rev(apiurl, project, package, revision='', expand=False, baserev=False):
+ """
+ updates the rev attribute of the _link xml. If revision is set to None
+ the rev attribute is removed from the _link xml. If revision is set to ''
+ the "plain" upstream revision is used (if xsrcmd5 and baserev aren't specified).
+ """
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, '_link'])
+ try:
+ f = http_GET(url)
+ root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ e.osc_msg = 'Unable to get _link file in package \'%s\' for project \'%s\'' % (package, project)
+ raise
+ # set revision element
+ src_project = root.get('project', project)
+ src_package = root.get('package', package)
+ linkrev=None
+ vrev = None
+ if baserev:
+ linkrev = 'base'
+ expand = True
+ if revision is None:
+ if 'rev' in root.keys():
+ del root.attrib['rev']
+ elif revision == '' or expand:
+ revision, vrev = show_upstream_rev_vrev(apiurl, src_project, src_package, revision=revision, linkrev=linkrev, expand=expand)
+ if revision:
+ root.set('rev', revision)
+ # add vrev when revision is a srcmd5
+ if vrev and revision and len(revision) >= 32:
+ root.set('vrev', vrev)
+ l = ET.tostring(root)
+ http_PUT(url, data=l)
+ return revision
+def delete_dir(dir):
+ # small security checks
+ if os.path.islink(dir):
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'cannot remove linked dir')
+ elif os.path.abspath(dir) == '/':
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'cannot remove \'/\'')
+ for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir, topdown=False):
+ for filename in filenames:
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
+ for dirname in dirnames:
+ os.rmdir(os.path.join(dirpath, dirname))
+ os.rmdir(dir)
+def delete_storedir(store_dir):
+ """
+ This method deletes a store dir.
+ """
+ head, tail = os.path.split(store_dir)
+ if tail == '.osc':
+ delete_dir(store_dir)
+def unpack_srcrpm(srpm, dir, *files):
+ """
+ This method unpacks the passed srpm into the
+ passed dir. If arguments are passed to the \'files\' tuple
+ only this files will be unpacked.
+ """
+ if not is_srcrpm(srpm):
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'error - \'%s\' is not a source rpm.' % srpm
+ sys.exit(1)
+ curdir = os.getcwd()
+ if os.path.isdir(dir):
+ os.chdir(dir)
+ cmd = 'rpm2cpio %s | cpio -i %s &> /dev/null' % (srpm, ' '.join(files))
+ ret = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'error \'%s\' - cannot extract \'%s\'' % (ret, srpm)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ os.chdir(curdir)
+def is_rpm(f):
+ """check if the named file is an RPM package"""
+ try:
+ h = open(f, 'rb').read(4)
+ except:
+ return False
+ if h == '\xed\xab\xee\xdb':
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def is_srcrpm(f):
+ """check if the named file is a source RPM"""
+ if not is_rpm(f):
+ return False
+ try:
+ h = open(f, 'rb').read(8)
+ except:
+ return False
+ if h[7] == '\x01':
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def addMaintainer(apiurl, prj, pac, user):
+ # for backward compatibility only
+ addPerson(apiurl, prj, pac, user)
+def addPerson(apiurl, prj, pac, user, role="maintainer"):
+ """ add a new person to a package or project """
+ path = quote_plus(prj),
+ kind = 'prj'
+ if pac:
+ path = path + (quote_plus(pac),)
+ kind = 'pkg'
+ data = meta_exists(metatype=kind,
+ path_args=path,
+ template_args=None,
+ create_new=False)
+ if data and get_user_meta(apiurl, user) != None:
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
+ found = False
+ for person in root.getiterator('person'):
+ if person.get('userid') == user and person.get('role') == role:
+ found = True
+ print "user already exists"
+ break
+ if not found:
+ # the xml has a fixed structure
+ root.insert(2, ET.Element('person', role=role, userid=user))
+ print 'user \'%s\' added to \'%s\'' % (user, pac or prj)
+ edit_meta(metatype=kind,
+ path_args=path,
+ data=ET.tostring(root))
+ else:
+ print "osc: an error occured"
+def delMaintainer(apiurl, prj, pac, user):
+ # for backward compatibility only
+ delPerson(apiurl, prj, pac, user)
+def delPerson(apiurl, prj, pac, user, role="maintainer"):
+ """ delete a person from a package or project """
+ path = quote_plus(prj),
+ kind = 'prj'
+ if pac:
+ path = path + (quote_plus(pac), )
+ kind = 'pkg'
+ data = meta_exists(metatype=kind,
+ path_args=path,
+ template_args=None,
+ create_new=False)
+ if data and get_user_meta(apiurl, user) != None:
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
+ found = False
+ for person in root.getiterator('person'):
+ if person.get('userid') == user and person.get('role') == role:
+ root.remove(person)
+ found = True
+ print "user \'%s\' removed" % user
+ if found:
+ edit_meta(metatype=kind,
+ path_args=path,
+ data=ET.tostring(root))
+ else:
+ print "user \'%s\' not found in \'%s\'" % (user, pac or prj)
+ else:
+ print "an error occured"
+def setBugowner(apiurl, prj, pac, user=None, group=None):
+ """ delete all bugowners (user and group entries) and set one new one in a package or project """
+ path = quote_plus(prj),
+ kind = 'prj'
+ if pac:
+ path = path + (quote_plus(pac), )
+ kind = 'pkg'
+ data = meta_exists(metatype=kind,
+ path_args=path,
+ template_args=None,
+ create_new=False)
+ if data:
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
+ for group in root.getiterator('group'):
+ if group.get('role') == "bugowner":
+ root.remove(group)
+ for person in root.getiterator('person'):
+ if person.get('role') == "bugowner":
+ root.remove(person)
+ if user:
+ root.insert(2, ET.Element('person', role='bugowner', userid=user))
+ elif group:
+ root.insert(2, ET.Element('group', role='bugowner', groupid=group))
+ else:
+ print "Neither user nor group is specified"
+ edit_meta(metatype=kind,
+ path_args=path,
+ data=ET.tostring(root))
+def setDevelProject(apiurl, prj, pac, dprj, dpkg=None):
+ """ set the <devel project="..."> element to package metadata"""
+ path = (quote_plus(prj),) + (quote_plus(pac),)
+ data = meta_exists(metatype='pkg',
+ path_args=path,
+ template_args=None,
+ create_new=False)
+ if data and show_project_meta(apiurl, dprj) != None:
+ root = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
+ if not root.find('devel') != None:
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'devel')
+ elem = root.find('devel')
+ if dprj:
+ elem.set('project', dprj)
+ else:
+ if 'project' in elem.keys():
+ del elem.attrib['project']
+ if dpkg:
+ elem.set('package', dpkg)
+ else:
+ if 'package' in elem.keys():
+ del elem.attrib['package']
+ edit_meta(metatype='pkg',
+ path_args=path,
+ data=ET.tostring(root))
+ else:
+ print "osc: an error occured"
+def createPackageDir(pathname, prj_obj=None):
+ """
+ create and initialize a new package dir in the given project.
+ prj_obj can be a Project() instance.
+ """
+ prj_dir, pac_dir = getPrjPacPaths(pathname)
+ if is_project_dir(prj_dir):
+ global store
+ if not os.path.exists(pac_dir+store):
+ prj = prj_obj or Project(prj_dir, False)
+ Package.init_package(prj.apiurl, prj.name, pac_dir, pac_dir)
+ prj.addPackage(pac_dir)
+ print statfrmt('A', os.path.normpath(pathname))
+ else:
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'file or directory \'%s\' already exists' % pathname)
+ else:
+ msg = '\'%s\' is not a working copy' % prj_dir
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(prj_dir, '.svn')):
+ msg += '\ntry svn instead of osc.'
+ raise oscerr.NoWorkingCopy(msg)
+def stripETxml(node):
+ node.tail = None
+ if node.text != None:
+ node.text = node.text.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "")
+ for child in node.getchildren():
+ stripETxml(child)
+def addGitSource(url):
+ service_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '_service')
+ addfile = False
+ if os.path.exists( service_file ):
+ services = ET.parse(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '_service')).getroot()
+ else:
+ services = ET.fromstring("<services />")
+ addfile = True
+ stripETxml( services )
+ si = Serviceinfo()
+ s = si.addGitUrl(services, url)
+ s = si.addRecompressTar(services)
+ si.read(s)
+ # for pretty output
+ xmlindent(s)
+ f = open(service_file, 'wb')
+ f.write(ET.tostring(s))
+ f.close()
+ if addfile:
+ addFiles( ['_service'] )
+def addDownloadUrlService(url):
+ service_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '_service')
+ addfile = False
+ if os.path.exists( service_file ):
+ services = ET.parse(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '_service')).getroot()
+ else:
+ services = ET.fromstring("<services />")
+ addfile = True
+ stripETxml( services )
+ si = Serviceinfo()
+ s = si.addDownloadUrl(services, url)
+ si.read(s)
+ # for pretty output
+ xmlindent(s)
+ f = open(service_file, 'wb')
+ f.write(ET.tostring(s))
+ f.close()
+ if addfile:
+ addFiles( ['_service'] )
+ # download file
+ path = os.getcwd()
+ files = os.listdir(path)
+ si.execute(path)
+ newfiles = os.listdir(path)
+ # add verify service for new files
+ for filename in files:
+ newfiles.remove(filename)
+ for filename in newfiles:
+ if filename.startswith('_service:download_url:'):
+ s = si.addVerifyFile(services, filename)
+ # for pretty output
+ xmlindent(s)
+ f = open(service_file, 'wb')
+ f.write(ET.tostring(s))
+ f.close()
+def addFiles(filenames, prj_obj = None):
+ for filename in filenames:
+ if not os.path.exists(filename):
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'file \'%s\' does not exist' % filename)
+ # init a package dir if we have a normal dir in the "filenames"-list
+ # so that it will be find by findpacs() later
+ pacs = list(filenames)
+ for filename in filenames:
+ prj_dir, pac_dir = getPrjPacPaths(filename)
+ if not is_package_dir(filename) and os.path.isdir(filename) and is_project_dir(prj_dir) \
+ and conf.config['do_package_tracking']:
+ prj_name = store_read_project(prj_dir)
+ prj_apiurl = store_read_apiurl(prj_dir, defaulturl=False)
+ Package.init_package(prj_apiurl, prj_name, pac_dir, filename)
+ elif is_package_dir(filename) and conf.config['do_package_tracking']:
+ raise oscerr.PackageExists(store_read_project(filename), store_read_package(filename),
+ 'osc: warning: \'%s\' is already under version control' % filename)
+ elif os.path.isdir(filename) and is_project_dir(prj_dir):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('osc: cannot add a directory to a project unless ' \
+ '\'do_package_tracking\' is enabled in the configuration file')
+ elif os.path.isdir(filename):
+ print 'skipping directory \'%s\'' % filename
+ pacs.remove(filename)
+ pacs = findpacs(pacs)
+ for pac in pacs:
+ if conf.config['do_package_tracking'] and not pac.todo:
+ prj = prj_obj or Project(os.path.dirname(pac.absdir), False)
+ if pac.name in prj.pacs_unvers:
+ prj.addPackage(pac.name)
+ print statfrmt('A', getTransActPath(os.path.join(pac.dir, os.pardir, pac.name)))
+ for filename in pac.filenamelist_unvers:
+ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(pac.dir, filename)):
+ print 'skipping directory \'%s\'' % os.path.join(pac.dir, filename)
+ else:
+ pac.todo.append(filename)
+ elif pac.name in prj.pacs_have:
+ print 'osc: warning: \'%s\' is already under version control' % pac.name
+ for filename in pac.todo:
+ if filename in pac.skipped:
+ continue
+ if filename in pac.excluded:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'osc: warning: \'%s\' is excluded from a working copy' % filename
+ continue
+ pac.addfile(filename)
+def getPrjPacPaths(path):
+ """
+ returns the path for a project and a package
+ from path. This is needed if you try to add
+ or delete packages:
+ Examples:
+ osc add pac1/: prj_dir = CWD;
+ pac_dir = pac1
+ osc add /path/to/pac1:
+ prj_dir = path/to;
+ pac_dir = pac1
+ osc add /path/to/pac1/file
+ => this would be an invalid path
+ the caller has to validate the returned
+ path!
+ """
+ # make sure we hddave a dir: osc add bar vs. osc add bar/; osc add /path/to/prj_dir/new_pack
+ # filename = os.path.join(tail, '')
+ prj_dir, pac_dir = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(path))
+ if prj_dir == '':
+ prj_dir = os.getcwd()
+ return (prj_dir, pac_dir)
+def getTransActPath(pac_dir):
+ """
+ returns the path for the commit and update operations/transactions.
+ Normally the "dir" attribute of a Package() object will be passed to
+ this method.
+ """
+ if pac_dir != '.':
+ pathn = os.path.normpath(pac_dir)
+ else:
+ pathn = ''
+ return pathn
+def get_commit_message_template(pac):
+ """
+ Read the difference in .changes file(s) and put them as a template to commit message.
+ """
+ diff = []
+ template = []
+ if pac.todo:
+ todo = pac.todo
+ else:
+ todo = pac.filenamelist + pac.filenamelist_unvers
+ files = [i for i in todo if i.endswith('.changes') and pac.status(i) in ('A', 'M')]
+ for filename in files:
+ if pac.status(filename) == 'M':
+ diff += get_source_file_diff(pac.absdir, filename, pac.rev)
+ elif pac.status(filename) == 'A':
+ f = open(filename, 'r')
+ for line in f:
+ diff += '+' + line
+ f.close()
+ if diff:
+ template = parse_diff_for_commit_message(''.join(diff))
+ return template
+def parse_diff_for_commit_message(diff, template = []):
+ date_re = re.compile(r'\+(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) ([A-Z][a-z]{2}) ( ?[0-9]|[0-3][0-9]) .*')
+ diff = diff.split('\n')
+ # The first four lines contains a header of diff
+ for line in diff[3:]:
+ # this condition is magical, but it removes all unwanted lines from commit message
+ if not(line) or (line and line[0] != '+') or \
+ date_re.match(line) or \
+ line == '+' or line[0:3] == '+++':
+ continue
+ if line == '+-------------------------------------------------------------------':
+ template.append('')
+ else:
+ template.append(line[1:])
+ return template
+def get_commit_msg(wc_dir, pacs):
+ template = store_read_file(wc_dir, '_commit_msg')
+ # open editor for commit message
+ # but first, produce status and diff to append to the template
+ footer = []
+ lines = []
+ for p in pacs:
+ states = sorted(p.get_status(False, ' ', '?'), lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]))
+ changed = [statfrmt(st, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(p.dir, filename))) for st, filename in states]
+ if changed:
+ footer += changed
+ footer.append('\nDiff for working copy: %s' % p.dir)
+ footer.extend([''.join(i) for i in p.get_diff(ignoreUnversioned=True)])
+ lines.extend(get_commit_message_template(p))
+ if template is None:
+ if lines and lines[0] == '':
+ del lines[0]
+ template = '\n'.join(lines)
+ msg = ''
+ # if footer is empty, there is nothing to commit, and no edit needed.
+ if footer:
+ msg = edit_message(footer='\n'.join(footer), template=template)
+ if msg:
+ store_write_string(wc_dir, '_commit_msg', msg + '\n')
+ else:
+ store_unlink_file(wc_dir, '_commit_msg')
+ return msg
+def print_request_list(apiurl, project, package = None, states = ('new','review',), force = False):
+ """
+ prints list of pending requests for the specified project/package if "check_for_request_on_action"
+ is enabled in the config or if "force" is set to True
+ """
+ if not conf.config['check_for_request_on_action'] and not force:
+ return
+ requests = get_request_list(apiurl, project, package, req_state=states)
+ msg = 'Pending requests for %s: %s (%s)'
+ if package is None and len(requests):
+ print msg % ('project', project, len(requests))
+ elif len(requests):
+ print msg % ('package', '/'.join([project, package]), len(requests))
+ for r in requests:
+ print r.list_view(), '\n'
+def request_interactive_review(apiurl, request, initial_cmd='', group=None, ignore_reviews=False):
+ """review the request interactively"""
+ import tempfile, re
+ tmpfile = None
+ def safe_change_request_state(*args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ change_request_state(*args, **kwargs)
+ return True
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Server returned an error:', e
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Try -f to force the state change'
+ return False
+ def print_request(request):
+ print request
+ print_request(request)
+ try:
+ prompt = '(a)ccept/(d)ecline/(r)evoke/c(l)one/(s)kip/(c)ancel > '
+ sr_actions = request.get_actions('submit')
+ # actions which have sources + buildresults
+ src_actions = sr_actions + request.get_actions('maintenance_release')
+ if sr_actions:
+ prompt = 'd(i)ff/(a)ccept/(d)ecline/(r)evoke/(b)uildstatus/c(l)one/(e)dit/(s)kip/(c)ancel > '
+ elif src_actions:
+ # no edit for maintenance release requests
+ prompt = 'd(i)ff/(a)ccept/(d)ecline/(r)evoke/(b)uildstatus/c(l)one/(s)kip/(c)ancel > '
+ editprj = ''
+ orequest = None
+ while True:
+ if initial_cmd:
+ repl = initial_cmd
+ initial_cmd = ''
+ else:
+ repl = raw_input(prompt).strip()
+ if repl == 'i' and src_actions:
+ if not orequest is None and tmpfile:
+ tmpfile.close()
+ tmpfile = None
+ if tmpfile is None:
+ tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.diff')
+ try:
+ diff = request_diff(apiurl, request.reqid)
+ tmpfile.write(diff)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code != 400:
+ raise
+ # backward compatible diff for old apis
+ for action in src_actions:
+ diff = 'old: %s/%s\nnew: %s/%s\n' % (action.src_project, action.src_package,
+ action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
+ diff += submit_action_diff(apiurl, action)
+ diff += '\n\n'
+ tmpfile.write(diff)
+ tmpfile.flush()
+ run_editor(tmpfile.name)
+ print_request(request)
+ elif repl == 's':
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'skipping: #%s' % request.reqid
+ break
+ elif repl == 'c':
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Aborting'
+ raise oscerr.UserAbort()
+ elif repl == 'b' and src_actions:
+ for action in src_actions:
+ print '%s/%s:' % (action.src_project, action.src_package)
+ print '\n'.join(get_results(apiurl, action.src_project, action.src_package))
+ elif repl == 'e' and sr_actions:
+ # this is only for sr_actions
+ if not editprj:
+ editprj = clone_request(apiurl, request.reqid, 'osc editrequest')
+ orequest = request
+ request = edit_submitrequest(apiurl, editprj, orequest, request)
+ src_actions = sr_actions = request.get_actions('submit')
+ print_request(request)
+ prompt = 'd(i)ff/(a)ccept/(b)uildstatus/(e)dit/(s)kip/(c)ancel > '
+ else:
+ state_map = {'a': 'accepted', 'd': 'declined', 'r': 'revoked'}
+ mo = re.search('^([adrl])(?:\s+(-f)?\s*-m\s+(.*))?$', repl)
+ if mo is None or orequest and mo.group(1) != 'a':
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'invalid choice: \'%s\'' % repl
+ continue
+ state = state_map.get(mo.group(1))
+ force = mo.group(2) is not None
+ msg = mo.group(3)
+ footer = ''
+ msg_template = ''
+ if not (state is None or request.state is None):
+ footer = 'changing request from state \'%s\' to \'%s\'\n\n' \
+ % (request.state.name, state)
+ msg_template = change_request_state_template(request, state)
+ footer += str(request)
+ if tmpfile is not None:
+ tmpfile.seek(0)
+ # the read bytes probably have a moderate size so the str won't be too large
+ footer += '\n\n' + tmpfile.read()
+ if msg is None:
+ try:
+ msg = edit_message(footer = footer, template=msg_template)
+ except oscerr.UserAbort:
+ # do not abort (show prompt again)
+ continue
+ else:
+ msg = msg.strip('\'').strip('"')
+ if not orequest is None:
+ request.create(apiurl)
+ if not safe_change_request_state(apiurl, request.reqid, 'accepted', msg, force=force):
+ # an error occured
+ continue
+ repl = raw_input('Supersede original request? (y|N) ')
+ if repl in ('y', 'Y'):
+ safe_change_request_state(apiurl, orequest.reqid, 'superseded',
+ 'superseded by %s' % request.reqid, request.reqid, force=force)
+ elif state is None:
+ clone_request(apiurl, request.reqid, msg)
+ else:
+ reviews = [r for r in request.reviews if r.state == 'new']
+ if not reviews or ignore_reviews:
+ if safe_change_request_state(apiurl, request.reqid, state, msg, force=force):
+ break
+ else:
+ # an error occured
+ continue
+ group_reviews = [r for r in reviews if (r.by_group is not None
+ and r.by_group == group)]
+ if len(group_reviews) == 1 and conf.config['review_inherit_group']:
+ review = group_reviews[0]
+ else:
+ print 'Please chose one of the following reviews:'
+ for i in range(len(reviews)):
+ fmt = Request.format_review(reviews[i])
+ print '(%i)' % i, 'by %(type)-10s %(by)s' % fmt
+ num = raw_input('> ')
+ try:
+ num = int(num)
+ except ValueError:
+ print '\'%s\' is not a number.' % num
+ continue
+ if num < 0 or num >= len(reviews):
+ print 'number \'%s\' out of range.' % num
+ continue
+ review = reviews[num]
+ change_review_state(apiurl, request.reqid, state, by_user=review.by_user,
+ by_group=review.by_group, by_project=review.by_project,
+ by_package=review.by_package, message=msg)
+ break
+ finally:
+ if tmpfile is not None:
+ tmpfile.close()
+def edit_submitrequest(apiurl, project, orequest, new_request=None):
+ """edit a submit action from orequest/new_request"""
+ import tempfile, shutil, subprocess
+ actions = orequest.get_actions('submit')
+ oactions = actions
+ if not orequest is None:
+ actions = new_request.get_actions('submit')
+ num = 0
+ if len(actions) > 1:
+ print 'Please chose one of the following submit actions:'
+ for i in range(len(actions)):
+ fmt = Request.format_action(actions[i])
+ print '(%i)' % i, '%(source)s %(target)s' % fmt
+ num = raw_input('> ')
+ try:
+ num = int(num)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('\'%s\' is not a number.' % num)
+ if num < 0 or num >= len(orequest.actions):
+ raise oscerr.WrongArgs('number \'%s\' out of range.' % num)
+ # the api replaced ':' with '_' in prj and pkg names (clone request)
+ package = '%s.%s' % (oactions[num].src_package.replace(':', '_'),
+ oactions[num].src_project.replace(':', '_'))
+ tmpdir = None
+ cleanup = True
+ try:
+ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='osc_editsr')
+ p = Package.init_package(apiurl, project, package, tmpdir)
+ p.update()
+ shell = os.getenv('SHELL', default='/bin/sh')
+ olddir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(tmpdir)
+ print 'Checked out package \'%s\' to %s. Started a new shell (%s).\n' \
+ 'Please fix the package and close the shell afterwards.' % (package, tmpdir, shell)
+ subprocess.call(shell)
+ # the pkg might have uncommitted changes...
+ cleanup = False
+ os.chdir(olddir)
+ # reread data
+ p = Package(tmpdir)
+ modified = p.get_status(False, ' ', '?', 'S')
+ if modified:
+ print 'Your working copy has the following modifications:'
+ print '\n'.join([statfrmt(st, filename) for st, filename in modified])
+ repl = raw_input('Do you want to commit the local changes first? (y|N) ')
+ if repl in ('y', 'Y'):
+ msg = get_commit_msg(p.absdir, [p])
+ p.commit(msg=msg)
+ cleanup = True
+ finally:
+ if cleanup:
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+ else:
+ print 'Please remove the dir \'%s\' manually' % tmpdir
+ r = Request()
+ for action in orequest.get_actions():
+ new_action = Action.from_xml(action.to_xml())
+ r.actions.append(new_action)
+ if new_action.type == 'submit':
+ new_action.src_package = '%s.%s' % (action.src_package.replace(':', '_'),
+ action.src_project.replace(':', '_'))
+ new_action.src_project = project
+ # do an implicit cleanup
+ new_action.opt_sourceupdate = 'cleanup'
+ return r
+def get_user_projpkgs(apiurl, user, role=None, exclude_projects=[], proj=True, pkg=True, maintained=False, metadata=False):
+ """Return all project/packages where user is involved."""
+ xpath = 'person/@userid = \'%s\'' % user
+ excl_prj = ''
+ excl_pkg = ''
+ for i in exclude_projects:
+ excl_prj = xpath_join(excl_prj, 'not(@name = \'%s\')' % i, op='and')
+ excl_pkg = xpath_join(excl_pkg, 'not(@project = \'%s\')' % i, op='and')
+ role_filter_xpath = xpath
+ if role:
+ xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'person/@role = \'%s\'' % role, inner=True, op='and')
+ xpath_pkg = xpath_join(xpath, excl_pkg, op='and')
+ xpath_prj = xpath_join(xpath, excl_prj, op='and')
+ if maintained:
+ xpath_pkg = xpath_join(xpath_pkg, '(project/attribute/@name=\'%(attr)s\' or attribute/@name=\'%(attr)s\')' % {'attr': conf.config['maintained_attribute']}, op='and')
+ what = {}
+ if pkg:
+ if metadata:
+ what['package'] = xpath_pkg
+ else:
+ what['package_id'] = xpath_pkg
+ if proj:
+ if metadata:
+ what['project'] = xpath_prj
+ else:
+ what['project_id'] = xpath_prj
+ try:
+ res = search(apiurl, **what)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if e.code != 400 or not role_filter_xpath:
+ raise e
+ # backward compatibility: local role filtering
+ what = dict([[kind, role_filter_xpath] for kind in what.keys()])
+ if what.has_key('package'):
+ what['package'] = xpath_join(role_filter_xpath, excl_pkg, op='and')
+ if what.has_key('project'):
+ what['project'] = xpath_join(role_filter_xpath, excl_prj, op='and')
+ res = search(apiurl, **what)
+ filter_role(res, user, role)
+ return res
+def raw_input(*args):
+ import __builtin__
+ try:
+ return __builtin__.raw_input(*args)
+ except EOFError:
+ # interpret ctrl-d as user abort
+ raise oscerr.UserAbort()
+# backward compatibility: local role filtering
+def filter_role(meta, user, role):
+ """
+ remove all project/package nodes if no person node exists
+ where @userid=user and @role=role
+ """
+ for kind, root in meta.iteritems():
+ delete = []
+ for node in root.findall(kind):
+ found = False
+ for p in node.findall('person'):
+ if p.get('userid') == user and p.get('role') == role:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ delete.append(node)
+ for node in delete:
+ root.remove(node)
+def find_default_project(apiurl=None, package=None):
+ """"
+ look though the list of conf.config['getpac_default_project']
+ and find the first project where the given package exists in the build service.
+ """
+ if not len(conf.config['getpac_default_project']):
+ return None
+ candidates = re.split('[, ]+', conf.config['getpac_default_project'])
+ if package is None or len(candidates) == 1:
+ return candidates[0]
+ # search through the list, where package exists ...
+ for prj in candidates:
+ try:
+ # any fast query will do here.
+ show_package_meta(apiurl, prj, package)
+ return prj
+ except urllib2.HTTPError:
+ pass
+ return None
+# vim: sw=4 et
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Novell Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified
+# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
+# either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
+import sys, os
+import urllib2
+from urllib import quote_plus
+from urlgrabber.grabber import URLGrabError
+from urlgrabber.mirror import MirrorGroup
+from core import makeurl, streamfile
+from util import packagequery, cpio
+import conf
+import oscerr
+import tempfile
+import re
+ from meter import TextMeter
+ TextMeter = None
+def join_url(self, base_url, rel_url):
+ """to override _join_url of MirrorGroup, because we want to
+ pass full URLs instead of base URL where relative_url is added later...
+ IOW, we make MirrorGroup ignore relative_url"""
+ return base_url
+class OscFileGrabber:
+ def __init__(self, progress_obj = None):
+ self.progress_obj = progress_obj
+ def urlgrab(self, url, filename, text = None, **kwargs):
+ if url.startswith('file://'):
+ file = url.replace('file://', '', 1)
+ if os.path.isfile(file):
+ return file
+ else:
+ raise URLGrabError(2, 'Local file \'%s\' does not exist' % file)
+ f = open(filename, 'wb')
+ try:
+ try:
+ for i in streamfile(url, progress_obj=self.progress_obj, text=text):
+ f.write(i)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ exc = URLGrabError(14, str(e))
+ exc.url = url
+ exc.exception = e
+ exc.code = e.code
+ raise exc
+ except IOError, e:
+ raise URLGrabError(4, str(e))
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ return filename
+class Fetcher:
+ def __init__(self, cachedir = '/tmp', api_host_options = {}, urllist = [], http_debug = False,
+ cookiejar = None, offline = False, enable_cpio = True):
+ # set up progress bar callback
+ if sys.stdout.isatty() and TextMeter:
+ self.progress_obj = TextMeter(fo=sys.stdout)
+ else:
+ self.progress_obj = None
+ self.cachedir = cachedir
+ self.urllist = urllist
+ self.http_debug = http_debug
+ self.offline = offline
+ self.cpio = {}
+ self.enable_cpio = enable_cpio
+ passmgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
+ for host in api_host_options.keys():
+ passmgr.add_password(None, host, api_host_options[host]['user'], api_host_options[host]['pass'])
+ openers = (urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passmgr), )
+ if cookiejar:
+ openers += (urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar), )
+ self.gr = OscFileGrabber(progress_obj=self.progress_obj)
+ def failureReport(self, errobj):
+ """failure output for failovers from urlgrabber"""
+ if errobj.url.startswith('file://'):
+ return {}
+ print 'Trying openSUSE Build Service server for %s (%s), not found at %s.' \
+ % (self.curpac, self.curpac.project, errobj.url.split('/')[2])
+ return {}
+ def __add_cpio(self, pac):
+ prpap = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (pac.project, pac.repository, pac.repoarch, pac.repopackage)
+ self.cpio.setdefault(prpap, {})[pac.repofilename] = pac
+ def __download_cpio_archive(self, apiurl, project, repo, arch, package, **pkgs):
+ if not pkgs:
+ return
+ query = ['binary=%s' % quote_plus(i) for i in pkgs]
+ query.append('view=cpio')
+ tmparchive = tmpfile = None
+ try:
+ (fd, tmparchive) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='osc_build_cpio')
+ (fd, tmpfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='osc_build')
+ url = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', project, repo, arch, package], query=query)
+ sys.stdout.write("preparing download ...\r")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ self.gr.urlgrab(url, filename = tmparchive, text = 'fetching packages for \'%s\'' % project)
+ archive = cpio.CpioRead(tmparchive)
+ archive.read()
+ for hdr in archive:
+ # XXX: we won't have an .errors file because we're using
+ # getbinarylist instead of the public/... route (which is
+ # routed to getbinaries (but that won't work for kiwi products))
+ if hdr.filename == '.errors':
+ archive.copyin_file(hdr.filename)
+ raise oscerr.APIError('CPIO archive is incomplete (see .errors file)')
+ if package == '_repository':
+ n = re.sub(r'\.pkg\.tar\..z$', '.arch', hdr.filename)
+ pac = pkgs[n.rsplit('.', 1)[0]]
+ else:
+ # this is a kiwi product
+ pac = pkgs[hdr.filename]
+ archive.copyin_file(hdr.filename, os.path.dirname(tmpfile), os.path.basename(tmpfile))
+ self.move_package(tmpfile, pac.localdir, pac)
+ # check if we got all packages... (because we've no .errors file)
+ for pac in pkgs.itervalues():
+ if not os.path.isfile(pac.fullfilename):
+ raise oscerr.APIError('failed to fetch file \'%s\': ' \
+ 'does not exist in CPIO archive' % pac.repofilename)
+ except URLGrabError, e:
+ if e.errno != 14 or e.code != 414:
+ raise
+ # query str was too large
+ keys = pkgs.keys()
+ if len(keys) == 1:
+ raise oscerr.APIError('unable to fetch cpio archive: server always returns code 414')
+ n = len(pkgs) / 2
+ new_pkgs = dict([(k, pkgs[k]) for k in keys[:n]])
+ self.__download_cpio_archive(apiurl, project, repo, arch, package, **new_pkgs)
+ new_pkgs = dict([(k, pkgs[k]) for k in keys[n:]])
+ self.__download_cpio_archive(apiurl, project, repo, arch, package, **new_pkgs)
+ finally:
+ if not tmparchive is None and os.path.exists(tmparchive):
+ os.unlink(tmparchive)
+ if not tmpfile is None and os.path.exists(tmpfile):
+ os.unlink(tmpfile)
+ def __fetch_cpio(self, apiurl):
+ for prpap, pkgs in self.cpio.iteritems():
+ project, repo, arch, package = prpap.split('/', 3)
+ self.__download_cpio_archive(apiurl, project, repo, arch, package, **pkgs)
+ def fetch(self, pac, prefix=''):
+ # for use by the failure callback
+ self.curpac = pac
+ MirrorGroup._join_url = join_url
+ mg = MirrorGroup(self.gr, pac.urllist, failure_callback=(self.failureReport,(),{}))
+ if self.http_debug:
+ print >>sys.stderr, '\nURLs to try for package \'%s\':' % pac
+ print >>sys.stderr, '\n'.join(pac.urllist)
+ print >>sys.stderr
+ (fd, tmpfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='osc_build')
+ try:
+ try:
+ mg.urlgrab(pac.filename,
+ filename = tmpfile,
+ text = '%s(%s) %s' %(prefix, pac.project, pac.filename))
+ self.move_package(tmpfile, pac.localdir, pac)
+ except URLGrabError, e:
+ if self.enable_cpio and e.errno == 256:
+ self.__add_cpio(pac)
+ return
+ print
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Error:', e.strerror
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Failed to retrieve %s from the following locations (in order):' % pac.filename
+ print >>sys.stderr, '\n'.join(pac.urllist)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ finally:
+ os.close(fd)
+ if os.path.exists(tmpfile):
+ os.unlink(tmpfile)
+ def move_package(self, tmpfile, destdir, pac_obj = None):
+ import shutil
+ pkgq = packagequery.PackageQuery.query(tmpfile, extra_rpmtags=(1044, 1051, 1052))
+ if pkgq:
+ canonname = pkgq.canonname()
+ else:
+ if pac_obj is None:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Unsupported file type: ', tmpfile
+ sys.exit(1)
+ canonname = pac_obj.binary
+ fullfilename = os.path.join(destdir, canonname)
+ if pac_obj is not None:
+ pac_obj.filename = canonname
+ pac_obj.fullfilename = fullfilename
+ shutil.move(tmpfile, fullfilename)
+ os.chmod(fullfilename, 0644)
+ def dirSetup(self, pac):
+ dir = os.path.join(self.cachedir, pac.localdir)
+ if not os.path.exists(dir):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dir, mode=0755)
+ except OSError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'packagecachedir is not writable for you?'
+ print >>sys.stderr, e
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def run(self, buildinfo):
+ cached = 0
+ all = len(buildinfo.deps)
+ for i in buildinfo.deps:
+ i.makeurls(self.cachedir, self.urllist)
+ if os.path.exists(i.fullfilename):
+ cached += 1
+ miss = 0
+ needed = all - cached
+ if all:
+ miss = 100.0 * needed / all
+ print "%.1f%% cache miss. %d/%d dependencies cached.\n" % (miss, cached, all)
+ done = 1
+ for i in buildinfo.deps:
+ i.makeurls(self.cachedir, self.urllist)
+ if not os.path.exists(i.fullfilename):
+ if self.offline:
+ raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, 'Missing package \'%s\' in cache: --offline not possible.' % i.fullfilename)
+ self.dirSetup(i)
+ try:
+ # if there isn't a progress bar, there is no output at all
+ if not self.progress_obj:
+ print '%d/%d (%s) %s' % (done, needed, i.project, i.filename)
+ self.fetch(i)
+ if self.progress_obj:
+ print " %d/%d\r" % (done, needed),
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print 'Cancelled by user (ctrl-c)'
+ print 'Exiting.'
+ sys.exit(0)
+ done += 1
+ self.__fetch_cpio(buildinfo.apiurl)
+ prjs = buildinfo.projects.keys()
+ for i in prjs:
+ dest = "%s/%s" % (self.cachedir, i)
+ if not os.path.exists(dest):
+ os.makedirs(dest, mode=0755)
+ dest += '/_pubkey'
+ url = makeurl(buildinfo.apiurl, ['source', i, '_pubkey'])
+ try:
+ if self.offline and not os.path.exists(dest):
+ # may need to try parent
+ raise URLGrabError(2)
+ elif not self.offline:
+ OscFileGrabber().urlgrab(url, dest)
+ if not i in buildinfo.prjkeys: # not that many keys usually
+ buildinfo.keys.append(dest)
+ buildinfo.prjkeys.append(i)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print 'Cancelled by user (ctrl-c)'
+ print 'Exiting.'
+ if os.path.exists(dest):
+ os.unlink(dest)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ except URLGrabError, e:
+ if self.http_debug:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "can't fetch key for %s: %s" %(i, e.strerror)
+ print >>sys.stderr, "url: %s" % url
+ if os.path.exists(dest):
+ os.unlink(dest)
+ l = i.rsplit(':', 1)
+ # try key from parent project
+ if len(l) > 1 and l[1] and not l[0] in buildinfo.projects:
+ prjs.append(l[0])
+def verify_pacs_old(pac_list):
+ """Take a list of rpm filenames and run rpm -K on them.
+ In case of failure, exit.
+ Check all packages in one go, since this takes only 6 seconds on my Athlon 700
+ instead of 20 when calling 'rpm -K' for each of them.
+ """
+ import subprocess
+ if not pac_list:
+ return
+ # don't care about the return value because we check the
+ # output anyway, and rpm always writes to stdout.
+ # save locale first (we rely on English rpm output here)
+ saved_LC_ALL = os.environ.get('LC_ALL')
+ os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'en_EN'
+ o = subprocess.Popen(['rpm', '-K'] + pac_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True).stdout
+ # restore locale
+ if saved_LC_ALL: os.environ['LC_ALL'] = saved_LC_ALL
+ else: os.environ.pop('LC_ALL')
+ for line in o.readlines():
+ if not 'OK' in line:
+ print
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'The following package could not be verified:'
+ print >>sys.stderr, line
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if 'NOT OK' in line:
+ print
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'The following package could not be verified:'
+ print >>sys.stderr, line
+ if 'MISSING KEYS' in line:
+ missing_key = line.split('#')[-1].split(')')[0]
+ print >>sys.stderr, """
+- If the key (%(name)s) is missing, install it first.
+ For example, do the following:
+ osc signkey PROJECT > file
+ and, as root:
+ rpm --import %(dir)s/keyfile-%(name)s
+ Then, just start the build again.
+- If you do not trust the packages, you should configure osc build for XEN or KVM
+- You may use --no-verify to skip the verification (which is a risk for your system).
+""" % {'name': missing_key,
+ 'dir': os.path.expanduser('~')}
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, """
+- If the signature is wrong, you may try deleting the package manually
+ and re-run this program, so it is fetched again.
+ sys.exit(1)
+def verify_pacs(bi):
+ """Take a list of rpm filenames and verify their signatures.
+ In case of failure, exit.
+ """
+ pac_list = [ i.fullfilename for i in bi.deps ]
+ if not conf.config['builtin_signature_check']:
+ return verify_pacs_old(pac_list)
+ if not pac_list:
+ return
+ if not bi.keys:
+ raise oscerr.APIError("can't verify packages due to lack of GPG keys")
+ print "using keys from", ', '.join(bi.prjkeys)
+ import checker
+ failed = False
+ checker = checker.Checker()
+ try:
+ checker.readkeys(bi.keys)
+ for pkg in pac_list:
+ try:
+ checker.check(pkg)
+ except Exception, e:
+ failed = True
+ print pkg, ':', e
+ except:
+ checker.cleanup()
+ raise
+ if failed:
+ checker.cleanup()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ checker.cleanup()
+# vim: sw=4 et
--- /dev/null
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# this is basically a copy of python-urlgrabber's TextMeter class,
+# with support added for dynamical sizing according to screen size.
+# it uses getScreenWidth() scrapped from smart.
+# 2007-04-24, poeml
+from urlgrabber.progress import BaseMeter, format_time, format_number
+import sys, os
+def getScreenWidth():
+ import termios, struct, fcntl
+ s = struct.pack('HHHH', 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ try:
+ x = fcntl.ioctl(1, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, s)
+ except IOError:
+ return 80
+ return struct.unpack('HHHH', x)[1]
+class TextMeter(BaseMeter):
+ def __init__(self, fo=sys.stderr, hide_finished=False):
+ BaseMeter.__init__(self)
+ self.fo = fo
+ self.hide_finished = hide_finished
+ try:
+ width = int(os.environ['COLUMNS'])
+ except (KeyError, ValueError):
+ width = getScreenWidth()
+ #self.unsized_templ = '\r%-60.60s %5sB %s '
+ self.unsized_templ = '\r%%-%s.%ss %%5sB %%s ' % (width *2/5, width*3/5)
+ #self.sized_templ = '\r%-45.45s %3i%% |%-15.15s| %5sB %8s '
+ self.bar_length = width/5
+ self.sized_templ = '\r%%-%s.%ss %%3i%%%% |%%-%s.%ss| %%5sB %%8s ' % (width*4/10, width*4/10, self.bar_length, self.bar_length)
+ def _do_start(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ BaseMeter._do_start(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self._do_update(0)
+ def _do_update(self, amount_read, now=None):
+ etime = self.re.elapsed_time()
+ fetime = format_time(etime)
+ fread = format_number(amount_read)
+ #self.size = None
+ if self.text is not None:
+ text = self.text
+ else:
+ text = self.basename
+ if self.size is None:
+ out = self.unsized_templ % \
+ (text, fread, fetime)
+ else:
+ rtime = self.re.remaining_time()
+ frtime = format_time(rtime)
+ frac = self.re.fraction_read()
+ bar = '='*int(self.bar_length * frac)
+ out = self.sized_templ % \
+ (text, frac*100, bar, fread, frtime) + 'ETA '
+ self.fo.write(out)
+ self.fo.flush()
+ def _do_end(self, amount_read, now=None):
+ total_time = format_time(self.re.elapsed_time())
+ total_size = format_number(amount_read)
+ if self.text is not None:
+ text = self.text
+ else:
+ text = self.basename
+ if self.size is None:
+ out = self.unsized_templ % \
+ (text, total_size, total_time)
+ else:
+ bar = '=' * self.bar_length
+ out = self.sized_templ % \
+ (text, 100, bar, total_size, total_time) + ' '
+ if self.hide_finished:
+ self.fo.write('\r'+ ' '*len(out) + '\r')
+ else:
+ self.fo.write(out + '\n')
+ self.fo.flush()
+# vim: sw=4 et
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Novell Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified
+# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
+# either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
+class OscBaseError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, args=()):
+ Exception.__init__(self)
+ self.args = args
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ''.join(self.args)
+class UserAbort(OscBaseError):
+ """Exception raised when the user requested abortion"""
+class ConfigError(OscBaseError):
+ """Exception raised when there is an error in the config file"""
+ def __init__(self, msg, fname):
+ OscBaseError.__init__(self)
+ self.msg = msg
+ self.file = fname
+class ConfigMissingApiurl(ConfigError):
+ """Exception raised when a apiurl does not exist in the config file"""
+ def __init__(self, msg, fname, url):
+ ConfigError.__init__(self, msg, fname)
+ self.url = url
+class APIError(OscBaseError):
+ """Exception raised when there is an error in the output from the API"""
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ OscBaseError.__init__(self)
+ self.msg = msg
+class NoConfigfile(OscBaseError):
+ """Exception raised when osc's configfile cannot be found"""
+ def __init__(self, fname, msg):
+ OscBaseError.__init__(self)
+ self.file = fname
+ self.msg = msg
+class ExtRuntimeError(OscBaseError):
+ """Exception raised when there is a runtime error of an external tool"""
+ def __init__(self, msg, fname):
+ OscBaseError.__init__(self)
+ self.msg = msg
+ self.file = fname
+class ServiceRuntimeError(OscBaseError):
+ """Exception raised when there is source service error runtime error"""
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ OscBaseError.__init__(self)
+ self.msg = msg
+class WrongArgs(OscBaseError):
+ """Exception raised by the cli for wrong arguments usage"""
+class WrongOptions(OscBaseError):
+ """Exception raised by the cli for wrong option usage"""
+ #def __str__(self):
+ # s = 'Sorry, wrong options.'
+ # if self.args:
+ # s += '\n' + self.args
+ # return s
+class NoWorkingCopy(OscBaseError):
+ """Exception raised when directory is neither a project dir nor a package dir"""
+class WorkingCopyWrongVersion(OscBaseError):
+ """Exception raised when working copy's .osc/_osclib_version doesn't match"""
+class WorkingCopyOutdated(OscBaseError):
+ """Exception raised when the working copy is outdated.
+ It takes a tuple with three arguments: path to wc,
+ revision that it has, revision that it should have.
+ """
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ('Working copy \'%s\' is out of date (rev %s vs rev %s).\n'
+ 'Looks as if you need to update it first.' \
+ % (self[0], self[1], self[2]))
+class PackageError(OscBaseError):
+ """Base class for all Package related exceptions"""
+ def __init__(self, prj, pac):
+ OscBaseError.__init__(self)
+ self.prj = prj
+ self.pac = pac
+class WorkingCopyInconsistent(PackageError):
+ """Exception raised when the working copy is in an inconsistent state"""
+ def __init__(self, prj, pac, dirty_files, msg):
+ PackageError.__init__(self, prj, pac)
+ self.dirty_files = dirty_files
+ self.msg = msg
+class LinkExpandError(PackageError):
+ """Exception raised when source link expansion fails"""
+ def __init__(self, prj, pac, msg):
+ PackageError.__init__(self, prj, pac)
+ self.msg = msg
+class OscIOError(OscBaseError):
+ def __init__(self, e, msg):
+ OscBaseError.__init__(self)
+ self.e = e
+ self.msg = msg
+class PackageNotInstalled(OscBaseError):
+ """
+ Exception raised when a package is not installed on local system
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pkg):
+ OscBaseError.__init__(self, pkg)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'Package %s is required for this operation' % ''.join(self.args)
+class SignalInterrupt(Exception):
+ """Exception raised on SIGTERM and SIGHUP."""
+class PackageExists(PackageError):
+ """
+ Exception raised when a local object already exists
+ """
+ def __init__(self, prj, pac, msg):
+ PackageError.__init__(self, prj, pac)
+ self.msg = msg
+class PackageMissing(PackageError):
+ """
+ Exception raised when a local object doesn't exist
+ """
+ def __init__(self, prj, pac, msg):
+ PackageError.__init__(self, prj, pac)
+ self.msg = msg
+class PackageFileConflict(PackageError):
+ """
+ Exception raised when there's a file conflict.
+ Conflict doesn't mean an unsuccessfull merge in this context.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, prj, pac, file, msg):
+ PackageError.__init__(self, prj, pac)
+ self.file = file
+ self.msg = msg
+class PackageInternalError(PackageError):
+ def __init__(self, prj, pac, msg):
+ PackageError.__init__(self, prj, pac)
+ self.msg = msg
+# vim: sw=4 et
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Novell Inc.
+# This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified
+# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
+# either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
+import M2Crypto.httpslib
+from M2Crypto.SSL.Checker import SSLVerificationError
+from M2Crypto import m2, SSL
+import M2Crypto.m2urllib2
+import urlparse
+import socket
+import urllib
+import httplib
+import sys
+class TrustedCertStore:
+ _tmptrusted = {}
+ def __init__(self, host, port, app, cert):
+ self.cert = cert
+ self.host = host
+ if self.host == None:
+ raise Exception("empty host")
+ if port:
+ self.host += "_%d" % port
+ import os
+ self.dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/%s/trusted-certs' % app)
+ self.file = self.dir + '/%s.pem' % self.host
+ def is_known(self):
+ if self.host in self._tmptrusted:
+ return True
+ import os
+ if os.path.exists(self.file):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def is_trusted(self):
+ import os
+ if self.host in self._tmptrusted:
+ cert = self._tmptrusted[self.host]
+ else:
+ if not os.path.exists(self.file):
+ return False
+ from M2Crypto import X509
+ cert = X509.load_cert(self.file)
+ if self.cert.as_pem() == cert.as_pem():
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def trust_tmp(self):
+ self._tmptrusted[self.host] = self.cert
+ def trust_always(self):
+ self.trust_tmp()
+ from M2Crypto import X509
+ import os
+ if not os.path.exists(self.dir):
+ os.makedirs(self.dir)
+ self.cert.save_pem(self.file)
+# verify_cb is called for each error once
+# we only collect the errors and return suceess
+# connection will be aborted later if it needs to
+def verify_cb(ctx, ok, store):
+ if not ctx.verrs:
+ ctx.verrs = ValidationErrors()
+ try:
+ if not ok:
+ ctx.verrs.record(store.get_current_cert(), store.get_error(), store.get_error_depth())
+ return 1
+ except Exception, e:
+ print e
+ return 0
+class FailCert:
+ def __init__(self, cert):
+ self.cert = cert
+ self.errs = []
+class ValidationErrors:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.chain_ok = True
+ self.cert_ok = True
+ self.failures = {}
+ def record(self, cert, err, depth):
+ #print "cert for %s, level %d fail(%d)" % ( cert.get_subject().commonName, depth, err )
+ if depth == 0:
+ self.cert_ok = False
+ else:
+ self.chain_ok = False
+ if not depth in self.failures:
+ self.failures[depth] = FailCert(cert)
+ else:
+ if self.failures[depth].cert.get_fingerprint() != cert.get_fingerprint():
+ raise Exception("Certificate changed unexpectedly. This should not happen")
+ self.failures[depth].errs.append(err)
+ def show(self):
+ for depth in self.failures.keys():
+ cert = self.failures[depth].cert
+ print "*** certificate verify failed at depth %d" % depth
+ print "Subject: ", cert.get_subject()
+ print "Issuer: ", cert.get_issuer()
+ print "Valid: ", cert.get_not_before(), "-", cert.get_not_after()
+ print "Fingerprint(MD5): ", cert.get_fingerprint('md5')
+ print "Fingerprint(SHA1): ", cert.get_fingerprint('sha1')
+ for err in self.failures[depth].errs:
+ reason = "Unknown"
+ try:
+ import M2Crypto.Err
+ reason = M2Crypto.Err.get_x509_verify_error(err)
+ except:
+ pass
+ print "Reason:", reason
+ # check if the encountered errors could be ignored
+ def could_ignore(self):
+ if not 0 in self.failures:
+ return True
+ from M2Crypto import m2
+ nonfatal_errors = [
+ m2.X509_V_OK,
+ ]
+ canignore = True
+ for err in self.failures[0].errs:
+ if not err in nonfatal_errors:
+ canignore = False
+ break
+ return canignore
+class mySSLContext(SSL.Context):
+ def __init__(self):
+ SSL.Context.__init__(self, 'sslv23')
+ self.set_options(m2.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | m2.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3)
+ self.set_cipher_list("ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:AES128-GCM-SHA256:RC4:HIGH:!MD5:!aNULL:!EDH")
+ self.set_session_cache_mode(m2.SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT)
+ self.verrs = None
+ #self.set_info_callback() # debug
+ self.set_verify(SSL.verify_peer | SSL.verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert, depth=9, callback=lambda ok, store: verify_cb(self, ok, store))
+class myHTTPSHandler(M2Crypto.m2urllib2.HTTPSHandler):
+ handler_order = 499
+ saved_session = None
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.appname = kwargs.pop('appname', 'generic')
+ M2Crypto.m2urllib2.HTTPSHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ # copied from M2Crypto.m2urllib2.HTTPSHandler
+ # it's sole purpose is to use our myHTTPSHandler/myHTTPSProxyHandler class
+ # ideally the m2urllib2.HTTPSHandler.https_open() method would be split into
+ # "do_open()" and "https_open()" so that we just need to override
+ # the small "https_open()" method...)
+ def https_open(self, req):
+ host = req.get_host()
+ if not host:
+ raise M2Crypto.m2urllib2.URLError('no host given: ' + req.get_full_url())
+ # Our change: Check to see if we're using a proxy.
+ # Then create an appropriate ssl-aware connection.
+ full_url = req.get_full_url()
+ target_host = urlparse.urlparse(full_url)[1]
+ if (target_host != host):
+ h = myProxyHTTPSConnection(host = host, appname = self.appname, ssl_context = self.ctx)
+ # M2Crypto.ProxyHTTPSConnection.putrequest expects a fullurl
+ selector = full_url
+ else:
+ h = myHTTPSConnection(host = host, appname = self.appname, ssl_context = self.ctx)
+ selector = req.get_selector()
+ # End our change
+ h.set_debuglevel(self._debuglevel)
+ if self.saved_session:
+ h.set_session(self.saved_session)
+ headers = dict(req.headers)
+ headers.update(req.unredirected_hdrs)
+ # We want to make an HTTP/1.1 request, but the addinfourl
+ # class isn't prepared to deal with a persistent connection.
+ # It will try to read all remaining data from the socket,
+ # which will block while the server waits for the next request.
+ # So make sure the connection gets closed after the (only)
+ # request.
+ headers["Connection"] = "close"
+ try:
+ h.request(req.get_method(), selector, req.data, headers)
+ s = h.get_session()
+ if s:
+ self.saved_session = s
+ r = h.getresponse()
+ except socket.error, err: # XXX what error?
+ err.filename = full_url
+ raise M2Crypto.m2urllib2.URLError(err)
+ # Pick apart the HTTPResponse object to get the addinfourl
+ # object initialized properly.
+ # Wrap the HTTPResponse object in socket's file object adapter
+ # for Windows. That adapter calls recv(), so delegate recv()
+ # to read(). This weird wrapping allows the returned object to
+ # have readline() and readlines() methods.
+ # XXX It might be better to extract the read buffering code
+ # out of socket._fileobject() and into a base class.
+ r.recv = r.read
+ fp = socket._fileobject(r)
+ resp = urllib.addinfourl(fp, r.msg, req.get_full_url())
+ resp.code = r.status
+ resp.msg = r.reason
+ return resp
+class myHTTPSConnection(M2Crypto.httpslib.HTTPSConnection):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.appname = kwargs.pop('appname', 'generic')
+ M2Crypto.httpslib.HTTPSConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def connect(self, *args):
+ M2Crypto.httpslib.HTTPSConnection.connect(self, *args)
+ verify_certificate(self)
+ def getHost(self):
+ return self.host
+ def getPort(self):
+ return self.port
+class myProxyHTTPSConnection(M2Crypto.httpslib.ProxyHTTPSConnection, httplib.HTTPSConnection):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.appname = kwargs.pop('appname', 'generic')
+ M2Crypto.httpslib.ProxyHTTPSConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def _start_ssl(self):
+ M2Crypto.httpslib.ProxyHTTPSConnection._start_ssl(self)
+ verify_certificate(self)
+ def endheaders(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if self._proxy_auth is None:
+ self._proxy_auth = self._encode_auth()
+ httplib.HTTPSConnection.endheaders(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ # broken in m2crypto: port needs to be an int
+ def putrequest(self, method, url, skip_host=0, skip_accept_encoding=0):
+ #putrequest is called before connect, so can interpret url and get
+ #real host/port to be used to make CONNECT request to proxy
+ proto, rest = urllib.splittype(url)
+ if proto is None:
+ raise ValueError, "unknown URL type: %s" % url
+ #get host
+ host, rest = urllib.splithost(rest)
+ #try to get port
+ host, port = urllib.splitport(host)
+ #if port is not defined try to get from proto
+ if port is None:
+ try:
+ port = self._ports[proto]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ValueError, "unknown protocol for: %s" % url
+ self._real_host = host
+ self._real_port = int(port)
+ M2Crypto.httpslib.HTTPSConnection.putrequest(self, method, url, skip_host, skip_accept_encoding)
+ def getHost(self):
+ return self._real_host
+ def getPort(self):
+ return self._real_port
+def verify_certificate(connection):
+ ctx = connection.sock.ctx
+ verrs = ctx.verrs
+ ctx.verrs = None
+ cert = connection.sock.get_peer_cert()
+ if not cert:
+ connection.close()
+ raise SSLVerificationError("server did not present a certificate")
+ # XXX: should be check if the certificate is known anyways?
+ # Maybe it changed to something valid.
+ if not connection.sock.verify_ok():
+ tc = TrustedCertStore(connection.getHost(), connection.getPort(), connection.appname, cert)
+ if tc.is_known():
+ if tc.is_trusted(): # ok, same cert as the stored one
+ return
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "offending certificate is at '%s'" % tc.file
+ raise SSLVerificationError("remote host identification has changed")
+ verrs.show()
+ print
+ if not verrs.could_ignore():
+ raise SSLVerificationError("Certificate validation error cannot be ignored")
+ if not verrs.chain_ok:
+ print "A certificate in the chain failed verification"
+ if not verrs.cert_ok:
+ print "The server certificate failed verification"
+ while True:
+ print """
+Would you like to
+0 - quit (default)
+1 - continue anyways
+2 - trust the server certificate permanently
+9 - review the server certificate
+ r = raw_input("Enter choice [0129]: ")
+ if not r or r == '0':
+ connection.close()
+ raise SSLVerificationError("Untrusted Certificate")
+ elif r == '1':
+ tc.trust_tmp()
+ return
+ elif r == '2':
+ tc.trust_always()
+ return
+ elif r == '9':
+ print cert.as_text()
+# vim: sw=4 et
--- /dev/null
+class NoSecureSSLError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ Exception.__init__(self)
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.msg
+# vim: sw=4 et
--- /dev/null
+__all__ = ['ar', 'cpio', 'debquery', 'packagequery', 'rpmquery', 'safewriter']
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2009 Marcus Huewe <suse-tux@gmx.de>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import StringIO
+import stat
+# workaround for python24
+if not hasattr(os, 'SEEK_SET'):
+ os.SEEK_SET = 0
+class ArError(Exception):
+ """Base class for all ar related errors"""
+ def __init__(self, fn, msg):
+ Exception.__init__(self)
+ self.file = fn
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'ar error: %s' % self.msg
+class ArHdr:
+ """Represents an ar header entry"""
+ def __init__(self, fn, date, uid, gid, mode, size, fmag, off):
+ self.file = fn.strip()
+ self.date = date.strip()
+ self.uid = uid.strip()
+ self.gid = gid.strip()
+ self.mode = stat.S_IMODE(int(mode, 8))
+ self.size = int(size)
+ self.fmag = fmag
+ # data section starts at off and ends at off + size
+ self.dataoff = int(off)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '%16s %d' % (self.file, self.size)
+class ArFile(StringIO.StringIO):
+ """Represents a file which resides in the archive"""
+ def __init__(self, fn, uid, gid, mode, buf):
+ StringIO.StringIO.__init__(self, buf)
+ self.name = fn
+ self.uid = uid
+ self.gid = gid
+ self.mode = mode
+ def saveTo(self, dir = None):
+ """
+ writes file to dir/filename if dir isn't specified the current
+ working dir is used. Additionally it tries to set the owner/group
+ and permissions.
+ """
+ if not dir:
+ dir = os.getcwd()
+ fn = os.path.join(dir, self.name)
+ f = open(fn, 'wb')
+ f.write(self.getvalue())
+ f.close()
+ os.chmod(fn, self.mode)
+ uid = self.uid
+ if uid != os.geteuid() or os.geteuid() != 0:
+ uid = -1
+ gid = self.gid
+ if not gid in os.getgroups() or os.getegid() != 0:
+ gid = -1
+ os.chown(fn, uid, gid)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '%s %s %s %s' % (self.name, self.uid,
+ self.gid, self.mode)
+class Ar:
+ """
+ Represents an ar archive (only GNU format is supported).
+ Readonly access.
+ """
+ hdr_len = 60
+ hdr_pat = re.compile('^(.{16})(.{12})(.{6})(.{6})(.{8})(.{10})(.{2})', re.DOTALL)
+ def __init__(self, fn = None, fh = None):
+ if fn == None and fh == None:
+ raise ArError('either \'fn\' or \'fh\' must be != None')
+ if fh != None:
+ self.__file = fh
+ self.__closefile = False
+ self.filename = fh.name
+ else:
+ # file object: will be closed in __del__()
+ self.__file = None
+ self.__closefile = True
+ self.filename = fn
+ self._init_datastructs()
+ def __del__(self):
+ if self.__file and self.__closefile:
+ self.__file.close()
+ def _init_datastructs(self):
+ self.hdrs = []
+ self.ext_fnhdr = None
+ def _appendHdr(self, hdr):
+ # GNU uses an internal '//' file to store very long filenames
+ if hdr.file.startswith('//'):
+ self.ext_fnhdr = hdr
+ else:
+ self.hdrs.append(hdr)
+ def _fixupFilenames(self):
+ """
+ support the GNU approach for very long filenames:
+ every filename which exceeds 16 bytes is stored in the data section of a special file ('//')
+ and the filename in the header of this long file specifies the offset in the special file's
+ data section. The end of such a filename is indicated with a trailing '/'.
+ Another special file is the '/' which contains the symbol lookup table.
+ """
+ for h in self.hdrs:
+ if h.file == '/':
+ continue
+ # remove slashes which are appended by ar
+ h.file = h.file.rstrip('/')
+ if not h.file.startswith('/'):
+ continue
+ # handle long filename
+ off = int(h.file[1:len(h.file)])
+ start = self.ext_fnhdr.dataoff + off
+ self.__file.seek(start, os.SEEK_SET)
+ # XXX: is it safe to read all the data in one chunk? I assume the '//' data section
+ # won't be too large
+ data = self.__file.read(self.ext_fnhdr.size)
+ end = data.find('/')
+ if end != -1:
+ h.file = data[0:end]
+ else:
+ raise ArError('//', 'invalid data section - trailing slash (off: %d)' % start)
+ def _get_file(self, hdr):
+ self.__file.seek(hdr.dataoff, os.SEEK_SET)
+ return ArFile(hdr.file, hdr.uid, hdr.gid, hdr.mode,
+ self.__file.read(hdr.size))
+ def read(self):
+ """reads in the archive. It tries to use mmap due to performance reasons (in case of large files)"""
+ if not self.__file:
+ import mmap
+ self.__file = open(self.filename, 'rb')
+ try:
+ if sys.platform[:3] != 'win':
+ self.__file = mmap.mmap(self.__file.fileno(), os.path.getsize(self.__file.name), prot=mmap.PROT_READ)
+ else:
+ self.__file = mmap.mmap(self.__file.fileno(), os.path.getsize(self.__file.name))
+ except EnvironmentError, e:
+ if e.errno == 19 or ( hasattr(e, 'winerror') and e.winerror == 5 ):
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'cannot use mmap to read the file, falling back to the default io'
+ else:
+ raise e
+ else:
+ self.__file.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
+ self._init_datastructs()
+ data = self.__file.read(7)
+ if data != '!<arch>':
+ raise ArError(self.filename, 'no ar archive')
+ pos = 8
+ while (len(data) != 0):
+ self.__file.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
+ data = self.__file.read(self.hdr_len)
+ if not data:
+ break
+ pos += self.hdr_len
+ m = self.hdr_pat.search(data)
+ if not m:
+ raise ArError(self.filename, 'unexpected hdr entry')
+ args = m.groups() + (pos, )
+ hdr = ArHdr(*args)
+ self._appendHdr(hdr)
+ # data blocks are 2 bytes aligned - if they end on an odd
+ # offset ARFMAG[0] will be used for padding (according to the current binutils code)
+ pos += hdr.size + (hdr.size & 1)
+ self._fixupFilenames()
+ def get_file(self, fn):
+ for h in self.hdrs:
+ if h.file == fn:
+ return self._get_file(h)
+ return None
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for h in self.hdrs:
+ if h.file == '/':
+ continue
+ yield self._get_file(h)
+ raise StopIteration()
--- /dev/null
+import os.path
+import re
+import tarfile
+import packagequery
+import subprocess
+class ArchError(packagequery.PackageError):
+ pass
+class ArchQuery(packagequery.PackageQuery):
+ def __init__(self, fh):
+ self.__file = fh
+ self.__path = os.path.abspath(fh.name)
+ self.fields = {}
+ #self.magic = None
+ #self.pkgsuffix = 'pkg.tar.gz'
+ self.pkgsuffix = 'arch'
+ def read(self, *extra_tags):
+ f = open(self.__path, 'rb')
+ #self.magic = f.read(5)
+ #if self.magic == '\375\067zXZ':
+ # self.pkgsuffix = 'pkg.tar.xz'
+ fn = open('/dev/null', 'wb')
+ pipe = subprocess.Popen(['tar', '-O', '-xf', self.__path, '.PKGINFO'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=fn).stdout;
+ for line in pipe.readlines():
+ line = line.rstrip().split(' = ', 2)
+ if len(line) == 2:
+ if not line[0] in self.fields:
+ self.fields[line[0]] = []
+ self.fields[line[0]].append(line[1])
+ def vercmp(self, archq):
+ res = cmp(int(self.epoch()), int(archq.epoch()))
+ if res != 0:
+ return res
+ res = ArchQuery.rpmvercmp(self.version(), archq.version())
+ if res != None:
+ return res
+ res = ArchQuery.rpmvercmp(self.release(), archq.release())
+ return res
+ def name(self):
+ return self.fields['pkgname'][0] if 'pkgname' in self.fields else None
+ def version(self):
+ pkgver = self.fields['pkgver'][0] if 'pkgver' in self.fields else None
+ if pkgver != None:
+ pkgver = re.sub(r'[0-9]+:', '', pkgver, 1)
+ pkgver = re.sub(r'-[^-]*$', '', pkgver)
+ return pkgver
+ def release(self):
+ pkgver = self.fields['pkgver'][0] if 'pkgver' in self.fields else None
+ if pkgver != None:
+ m = re.search(r'-([^-])*$', pkgver)
+ if m:
+ return m.group(1)
+ return None
+ def epoch(self):
+ pkgver = self.fields['pkgver'][0] if 'pkgver' in self.fields else None
+ if pkgver != None:
+ m = re.match(r'([0-9])+:', pkgver)
+ if m:
+ return m.group(1)
+ return None
+ def arch(self):
+ return self.fields['arch'][0] if 'arch' in self.fields else None
+ def description(self):
+ return self.fields['pkgdesc'][0] if 'pkgdesc' in self.fields else None
+ def path(self):
+ return self.__path
+ def provides(self):
+ return self.fields['provides'] if 'provides' in self.fields else []
+ def requires(self):
+ return self.fields['depend'] if 'depend' in self.fields else []
+ def canonname(self):
+ pkgver = self.fields['pkgver'][0] if 'pkgver' in self.fields else None
+ return self.name() + '-' + pkgver + '-' + self.arch() + '.' + self.pkgsuffix
+ @staticmethod
+ def query(filename, all_tags = False, *extra_tags):
+ f = open(filename, 'rb')
+ archq = ArchQuery(f)
+ archq.read(all_tags, *extra_tags)
+ f.close()
+ return archq
+ @staticmethod
+ def rpmvercmp(ver1, ver2):
+ """
+ implementation of RPM's version comparison algorithm
+ (as described in lib/rpmvercmp.c)
+ """
+ if ver1 == ver2:
+ return 0
+ res = 0
+ while res == 0:
+ # remove all leading non alphanumeric chars
+ ver1 = re.sub('^[^a-zA-Z0-9]*', '', ver1)
+ ver2 = re.sub('^[^a-zA-Z0-9]*', '', ver2)
+ if not (len(ver1) and len(ver2)):
+ break
+ # check if we have a digits segment
+ mo1 = re.match('(\d+)', ver1)
+ mo2 = re.match('(\d+)', ver2)
+ numeric = True
+ if mo1 is None:
+ mo1 = re.match('([a-zA-Z]+)', ver1)
+ mo2 = re.match('([a-zA-Z]+)', ver2)
+ numeric = False
+ # check for different types: alpha and numeric
+ if mo2 is None:
+ if numeric:
+ return 1
+ return -1
+ seg1 = mo1.group(0)
+ ver1 = ver1[mo1.end(0):]
+ seg2 = mo2.group(1)
+ ver2 = ver2[mo2.end(1):]
+ if numeric:
+ # remove leading zeros
+ seg1 = re.sub('^0+', '', seg1)
+ seg2 = re.sub('^0+', '', seg2)
+ # longer digit segment wins - if both have the same length
+ # a simple ascii compare decides
+ res = len(seg1) - len(seg2) or cmp(seg1, seg2)
+ else:
+ res = cmp(seg1, seg2)
+ if res > 0:
+ return 1
+ elif res < 0:
+ return -1
+ return cmp(ver1, ver2)
+ @staticmethod
+ def filename(name, version, release, arch):
+ if release:
+ return '%s-%s-%s-%s.arch' % (name, version, release, arch)
+ else:
+ return '%s-%s-%s.arch' % (name, version, arch)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ try:
+ archq = ArchQuery.query(sys.argv[1])
+ except ArchError, e:
+ print e.msg
+ sys.exit(2)
+ print archq.name(), archq.version(), archq.release(), archq.arch()
+ print archq.canonname()
+ print archq.description()
+ print '##########'
+ print '\n'.join(archq.provides())
+ print '##########'
+ print '\n'.join(archq.requires())
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2009 Marcus Huewe <suse-tux@gmx.de>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+import mmap
+import os
+import stat
+import struct
+import sys
+# workaround for python24
+if not hasattr(os, 'SEEK_SET'):
+ os.SEEK_SET = 0
+# format implementation is based on src/copyin.c and src/util.c (see cpio sources)
+class CpioError(Exception):
+ """base class for all cpio related errors"""
+ def __init__(self, fn, msg):
+ Exception.__init__(self)
+ self.file = fn
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '%s: %s' % (self.file, self.msg)
+class CpioHdr:
+ """
+ Represents a cpio header ("New" portable format and CRC format).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, mgc, ino, mode, uid, gid, nlink, mtime, filesize,
+ dev_maj, dev_min, rdev_maj, rdev_min, namesize, checksum,
+ off = -1, filename = ''):
+ """
+ All passed parameters are hexadecimal strings (not NUL terminated) except
+ off and filename. They will be converted into normal ints.
+ """
+ self.ino = ino
+ self.mode = mode
+ self.uid = uid
+ self.gid = gid
+ self.nlink = nlink
+ self.mtime = mtime
+ # 0 indicates FIFO or dir
+ self.filesize = filesize
+ self.dev_maj = dev_maj
+ self.dev_min = dev_min
+ # only needed for special block/char files
+ self.rdev_maj = rdev_maj
+ self.rdev_min = rdev_min
+ # length of filename (inluding terminating NUL)
+ self.namesize = namesize
+ # != 0 indicates CRC format (which we do not support atm)
+ self.checksum = checksum
+ for k,v in self.__dict__.iteritems():
+ self.__dict__[k] = int(v, 16)
+ self.filename = filename
+ # data starts at dataoff and ends at dataoff+filesize
+ self.dataoff = off
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s %s %s %s" % (self.filename, self.filesize, self.namesize, self.dataoff)
+class CpioRead:
+ """
+ Represents a cpio archive.
+ Supported formats:
+ * ascii SVR4 no CRC also called "new_ascii"
+ """
+ # supported formats - use name -> mgc mapping to increase readabilty
+ sfmt = {
+ 'newascii' : '070701',
+ }
+ # header format
+ hdr_fmt = '6s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s'
+ hdr_len = 110
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.format = -1
+ self.__file = None
+ self._init_datastructs()
+ def __del__(self):
+ if self.__file:
+ self.__file.close()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for h in self.hdrs:
+ yield h
+ def _init_datastructs(self):
+ self.hdrs = []
+ def _calc_padding(self, off):
+ """
+ skip some bytes after a header or a file.
+ based on 'static void tape_skip_padding()' in copyin.c.
+ """
+ if self._is_format('newascii'):
+ return (4 - (off % 4)) % 4
+ def _is_format(self, type):
+ return self.format == self.sfmt[type]
+ def _copyin_file(self, hdr, dest, fn):
+ """saves file to disk"""
+ # TODO: investigate links (e.g. symbolic links are working)
+ # check if we have a regular file
+ if not stat.S_ISREG(stat.S_IFMT(hdr.mode)):
+ msg = '\'%s\' is no regular file - only regular files are supported atm' % hdr.filename
+ raise NotImplementedError(msg)
+ fn = os.path.join(dest, fn)
+ f = open(fn, 'wb')
+ self.__file.seek(hdr.dataoff, os.SEEK_SET)
+ f.write(self.__file.read(hdr.filesize))
+ f.close()
+ os.chmod(fn, hdr.mode)
+ uid = hdr.uid
+ if uid != os.geteuid() or os.geteuid() != 1:
+ uid = -1
+ gid = hdr.gid
+ if not gid in os.getgroups() or os.getegid() != -1:
+ gid = -1
+ os.chown(fn, uid, gid)
+ def _get_hdr(self, fn):
+ for h in self.hdrs:
+ if h.filename == fn:
+ return h
+ return None
+ def read(self):
+ if not self.__file:
+ self.__file = open(self.filename, 'rb')
+ try:
+ if sys.platform[:3] != 'win':
+ self.__file = mmap.mmap(self.__file.fileno(), os.path.getsize(self.__file.name), prot = mmap.PROT_READ)
+ else:
+ self.__file = mmap.mmap(self.__file.fileno(), os.path.getsize(self.__file.name))
+ except EnvironmentError, e:
+ if e.errno == 19 or ( hasattr(e, 'winerror') and e.winerror == 5 ):
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'cannot use mmap to read the file, failing back to default'
+ else:
+ raise e
+ else:
+ self.__file.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
+ self._init_datastructs()
+ data = self.__file.read(6)
+ self.format = data
+ if not self.format in self.sfmt.values():
+ raise CpioError(self.filename, '\'%s\' is not a supported cpio format' % self.format)
+ pos = 0
+ while (len(data) != 0):
+ self.__file.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)
+ data = self.__file.read(self.hdr_len)
+ if not data:
+ break
+ pos += self.hdr_len
+ data = struct.unpack(self.hdr_fmt, data)
+ hdr = CpioHdr(*data)
+ hdr.filename = self.__file.read(hdr.namesize - 1)
+ if hdr.filename == 'TRAILER!!!':
+ break
+ pos += hdr.namesize
+ if self._is_format('newascii'):
+ pos += self._calc_padding(hdr.namesize + 110)
+ hdr.dataoff = pos
+ self.hdrs.append(hdr)
+ pos += hdr.filesize + self._calc_padding(hdr.filesize)
+ def copyin_file(self, filename, dest = None, new_fn = None):
+ """
+ copies filename to dest.
+ If dest is None the file will be stored in $PWD/filename. If dest points
+ to a dir the file will be stored in dest/filename. In case new_fn is specified
+ the file will be stored as new_fn.
+ """
+ hdr = self._get_hdr(filename)
+ if not hdr:
+ raise CpioError(filename, '\'%s\' does not exist in archive' % filename)
+ dest = dest or os.getcwd()
+ fn = new_fn or filename
+ self._copyin_file(hdr, dest, fn)
+ def copyin(self, dest = None):
+ """
+ extracts the cpio archive to dest.
+ If dest is None $PWD will be used.
+ """
+ dest = dest or os.getcwd()
+ for h in self.hdrs:
+ self._copyin_file(h, dest, h.filename)
+class CpioWrite:
+ """cpio archive small files in memory, using new style portable header format"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.cpio = ''
+ def add(self, name=None, content=None, perms=0x1a4, type=0x8000):
+ namesize = len(name) + 1
+ if namesize % 2:
+ name += '\0'
+ filesize = len(content)
+ mode = perms | type
+ c = []
+ c.append('070701') # magic
+ c.append('%08X' % 0) # inode
+ c.append('%08X' % mode) # mode
+ c.append('%08X' % 0) # uid
+ c.append('%08X' % 0) # gid
+ c.append('%08X' % 0) # nlink
+ c.append('%08X' % 0) # mtime
+ c.append('%08X' % filesize)
+ c.append('%08X' % 0) # major
+ c.append('%08X' % 0) # minor
+ c.append('%08X' % 0) # rmajor
+ c.append('%08X' % 0) # rminor
+ c.append('%08X' % namesize)
+ c.append('%08X' % 0) # checksum
+ c.append(name + '\0')
+ c.append('\0' * (len(''.join(c)) % 4))
+ c.append(content)
+ c = ''.join(c)
+ if len(c) % 4:
+ c += '\0' * (4 - len(c) % 4)
+ self.cpio += c
+ def add_padding(self):
+ if len(self.cpio) % 512:
+ self.cpio += '\0' * (512 - len(self.cpio) % 512)
+ def get(self):
+ self.add('TRAILER!!!', '')
+ self.add_padding()
+ return ''.join(self.cpio)
--- /dev/null
+import ar
+import os.path
+import re
+import tarfile
+import packagequery
+class DebError(packagequery.PackageError):
+ pass
+class DebQuery(packagequery.PackageQuery):
+ default_tags = ('package', 'version', 'release', 'epoch', 'architecture', 'description',
+ 'provides', 'depends', 'pre_depends')
+ def __init__(self, fh):
+ self.__file = fh
+ self.__path = os.path.abspath(fh.name)
+ self.filename_suffix = 'deb'
+ self.fields = {}
+ def read(self, all_tags = False, *extra_tags):
+ arfile = ar.Ar(fh = self.__file)
+ arfile.read()
+ debbin = arfile.get_file('debian-binary')
+ if debbin is None:
+ raise DebError(self.__path, 'no debian binary')
+ if debbin.read() != '2.0\n':
+ raise DebError(self.__path, 'invalid debian binary format')
+ control = arfile.get_file('control.tar.gz')
+ if control is None:
+ raise DebError(self.__path, 'missing control.tar.gz')
+ # XXX: python2.4 relies on a name
+ tar = tarfile.open(name = 'control.tar.gz', fileobj = control)
+ try:
+ name = './control'
+ # workaround for python2.4's tarfile module
+ if 'control' in tar.getnames():
+ name = 'control'
+ control = tar.extractfile(name)
+ except KeyError:
+ raise DebError(self.__path, 'missing \'control\' file in control.tar.gz')
+ self.__parse_control(control, all_tags, *extra_tags)
+ def __parse_control(self, control, all_tags = False, *extra_tags):
+ data = control.readline().strip()
+ while data:
+ field, val = re.split(':\s*', data.strip(), 1)
+ data = control.readline()
+ while data and re.match('\s+', data):
+ val += '\n' + data.strip()
+ data = control.readline().rstrip()
+ field = field.replace('-', '_').lower()
+ if field in self.default_tags + extra_tags or all_tags:
+ # a hyphen is not allowed in dict keys
+ self.fields[field] = val
+ versrel = self.fields['version'].rsplit('-', 1)
+ if len(versrel) == 2:
+ self.fields['version'] = versrel[0]
+ self.fields['release'] = versrel[1]
+ else:
+ self.fields['release'] = None
+ verep = self.fields['version'].split(':', 1)
+ if len(verep) == 2:
+ self.fields['epoch'] = verep[0]
+ self.fields['version'] = verep[1]
+ else:
+ self.fields['epoch'] = '0'
+ self.fields['provides'] = [ i.strip() for i in re.split(',\s*', self.fields.get('provides', '')) if i ]
+ self.fields['depends'] = [ i.strip() for i in re.split(',\s*', self.fields.get('depends', '')) if i ]
+ self.fields['pre_depends'] = [ i.strip() for i in re.split(',\s*', self.fields.get('pre_depends', '')) if i ]
+ # add self provides entry
+ self.fields['provides'].append('%s = %s' % (self.name(), '-'.join(versrel)))
+ def vercmp(self, debq):
+ res = cmp(int(self.epoch()), int(debq.epoch()))
+ if res != 0:
+ return res
+ res = DebQuery.debvercmp(self.version(), debq.version())
+ if res != None:
+ return res
+ res = DebQuery.debvercmp(self.release(), debq.release())
+ return res
+ def name(self):
+ return self.fields['package']
+ def version(self):
+ return self.fields['version']
+ def release(self):
+ return self.fields['release']
+ def epoch(self):
+ return self.fields['epoch']
+ def arch(self):
+ return self.fields['architecture']
+ def description(self):
+ return self.fields['description']
+ def path(self):
+ return self.__path
+ def provides(self):
+ return self.fields['provides']
+ def requires(self):
+ return self.fields['depends']
+ def gettag(self, num):
+ return self.fields.get(num, None)
+ def canonname(self):
+ return DebQuery.filename(self.name(), self.version(), self.release(), self.arch())
+ @staticmethod
+ def query(filename, all_tags = False, *extra_tags):
+ f = open(filename, 'rb')
+ debq = DebQuery(f)
+ debq.read(all_tags, *extra_tags)
+ f.close()
+ return debq
+ @staticmethod
+ def debvercmp(ver1, ver2):
+ """
+ implementation of dpkg's version comparison algorithm
+ """
+ # 32 is arbitrary - it is needed for the "longer digit string wins" handling
+ # (found this nice approach in Build/Deb.pm (build package))
+ ver1 = re.sub('(\d+)', lambda m: (32 * '0' + m.group(1))[-32:], ver1)
+ ver2 = re.sub('(\d+)', lambda m: (32 * '0' + m.group(1))[-32:], ver2)
+ vers = map(lambda x, y: (x or '', y or ''), ver1, ver2)
+ for v1, v2 in vers:
+ if v1 == v2:
+ continue
+ if (v1.isalpha() and v2.isalpha()) or (v1.isdigit() and v2.isdigit()):
+ res = cmp(v1, v2)
+ if res != 0:
+ return res
+ else:
+ if v1 == '~' or not v1:
+ return -1
+ elif v2 == '~' or not v2:
+ return 1
+ ord1 = ord(v1)
+ if not (v1.isalpha() or v1.isdigit()):
+ ord1 += 256
+ ord2 = ord(v2)
+ if not (v2.isalpha() or v2.isdigit()):
+ ord2 += 256
+ if ord1 > ord2:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return -1
+ return 0
+ @staticmethod
+ def filename(name, version, release, arch):
+ if release:
+ return '%s_%s-%s_%s.deb' % (name, version, release, arch)
+ else:
+ return '%s_%s_%s.deb' % (name, version, arch)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ try:
+ debq = DebQuery.query(sys.argv[1])
+ except DebError, e:
+ print e.msg
+ sys.exit(2)
+ print debq.name(), debq.version(), debq.release(), debq.arch()
+ print debq.description()
+ print '##########'
+ print '\n'.join(debq.provides())
+ print '##########'
+ print '\n'.join(debq.requires())
--- /dev/null
+class PackageError(Exception):
+ """base class for all package related errors"""
+ def __init__(self, fname, msg):
+ Exception.__init__(self)
+ self.fname = fname
+ self.msg = msg
+class PackageQueries(dict):
+ """Dict of package name keys and package query values. When assigning a
+ package query, to a name, the package is evaluated to see if it matches the
+ wanted architecture and if it has a greater version than the current value.
+ """
+ # map debian arches to common obs arches
+ architectureMap = {'i386': ['i586', 'i686'], 'amd64': ['x86_64']}
+ def __init__(self, wanted_architecture):
+ self.wanted_architecture = wanted_architecture
+ super(PackageQueries, self).__init__()
+ def add(self, query):
+ """Adds package query to dict if it is of the correct architecture and
+ is newer (has a greater version) than the currently assigned package.
+ @param a PackageQuery
+ """
+ self.__setitem__(query.name(), query)
+ def __setitem__(self, name, query):
+ if name != query.name():
+ raise ValueError("key '%s' does not match "
+ "package query name '%s'" % (name, query.name()))
+ architecture = query.arch()
+ if (architecture in [self.wanted_architecture, 'noarch', 'all'] or
+ self.wanted_architecture in self.architectureMap.get(architecture,
+ [])):
+ current_query = self.get(name)
+ # if current query does not exist or is older than this new query
+ if current_query is None or current_query.vercmp(query) <= 0:
+ super(PackageQueries, self).__setitem__(name, query)
+class PackageQuery:
+ """abstract base class for all package types"""
+ def read(self, all_tags = False, *extra_tags):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def name(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def version(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def release(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def epoch(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def arch(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def description(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def path(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def provides(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def requires(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def gettag(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def vercmp(self, pkgquery):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def canonname(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @staticmethod
+ def query(filename, all_tags = False, extra_rpmtags = (), extra_debtags = ()):
+ f = open(filename, 'rb')
+ magic = f.read(7)
+ f.seek(0)
+ extra_tags = ()
+ pkgquery = None
+ if magic[:4] == '\xed\xab\xee\xdb':
+ import rpmquery
+ pkgquery = rpmquery.RpmQuery(f)
+ extra_tags = extra_rpmtags
+ elif magic == '!<arch>':
+ import debquery
+ pkgquery = debquery.DebQuery(f)
+ extra_tags = extra_debtags
+ elif magic[:5] == '<?xml':
+ f.close()
+ return None
+ elif magic[:5] == '\375\067zXZ' or magic[:2] == '\037\213':
+ import archquery
+ pkgquery = archquery.ArchQuery(f)
+ else:
+ raise PackageError(filename, 'unsupported package type. magic: \'%s\'' % magic)
+ pkgquery.read(all_tags, *extra_tags)
+ f.close()
+ return pkgquery
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ try:
+ pkgq = PackageQuery.query(sys.argv[1])
+ except PackageError, e:
+ print e.msg
+ sys.exit(2)
+ print pkgq.name()
+ print pkgq.version()
+ print pkgq.release()
+ print pkgq.description()
+ print '##########'
+ print '\n'.join(pkgq.provides())
+ print '##########'
+ print '\n'.join(pkgq.requires())
--- /dev/null
+"""Module for reading repodata directory (created with createrepo) for package
+information instead of scanning individual rpms."""
+# standard modules
+import gzip
+import os.path
+# cElementTree can be standard or 3rd-party depending on python version
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+except ImportError:
+ import cElementTree as ET
+# project modules
+import osc.util.rpmquery
+def namespace(name):
+ return "{http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/%s}" % name
+ "EQ" : "=",
+ "LE" : "<=",
+ "GE" : ">="
+def primaryPath(directory):
+ """Returns path to the primary repository data file.
+ @param directory repository directory that contains the repodata subdirectory
+ @return str path to primary repository data file
+ @raise IOError if repomd.xml contains no primary location
+ """
+ metaDataPath = os.path.join(directory, "repodata", "repomd.xml")
+ elementTree = ET.parse(metaDataPath)
+ root = elementTree.getroot()
+ for dataElement in root:
+ if dataElement.get("type") == "primary":
+ locationElement = dataElement.find(namespace("repo") + "location")
+ # even though the repomd.xml file is under repodata, the location a
+ # attribute is relative to parent directory (directory).
+ primaryPath = os.path.join(directory, locationElement.get("href"))
+ break
+ else:
+ raise IOError("'%s' contains no primary location" % metaDataPath)
+ return primaryPath
+def queries(directory):
+ """Returns a list of RepoDataQueries constructed from the repodata under
+ the directory.
+ @param directory path to a repository directory (parent directory of
+ repodata directory)
+ @return list of RepoDataQuery instances
+ @raise IOError if repomd.xml contains no primary location
+ """
+ path = primaryPath(directory)
+ gunzippedPrimary = gzip.GzipFile(path)
+ elementTree = ET.parse(gunzippedPrimary)
+ root = elementTree.getroot()
+ packageQueries = []
+ for packageElement in root:
+ packageQuery = RepoDataQuery(directory, packageElement)
+ packageQueries.append(packageQuery)
+ return packageQueries
+class RepoDataQuery(object):
+ """PackageQuery that reads in data from the repodata directory files."""
+ def __init__(self, directory, element):
+ """Creates a RepoDataQuery from the a package Element under a metadata
+ Element in a primary.xml file.
+ @param directory repository directory path. Used to convert relative
+ paths to full paths.
+ @param element package Element
+ """
+ self.__directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
+ self.__element = element
+ def __formatElement(self):
+ return self.__element.find(namespace("common") + "format")
+ def __parseEntry(self, element):
+ entry = element.get("name")
+ flags = element.get("flags")
+ if flags is not None:
+ version = element.get("ver")
+ operator = OPERATOR_BY_FLAGS[flags]
+ entry += " %s %s" % (operator, version)
+ release = element.get("rel")
+ if release is not None:
+ entry += "-%s" % release
+ return entry
+ def __parseEntryCollection(self, collection):
+ formatElement = self.__formatElement()
+ collectionElement = formatElement.find(namespace("rpm") + collection)
+ entries = []
+ if collectionElement is not None:
+ for entryElement in collectionElement.findall(namespace("rpm") +
+ "entry"):
+ entry = self.__parseEntry(entryElement)
+ entries.append(entry)
+ return entries
+ def __versionElement(self):
+ return self.__element.find(namespace("common") + "version")
+ def arch(self):
+ return self.__element.find(namespace("common") + "arch").text
+ def description(self):
+ return self.__element.find(namespace("common") + "description").text
+ def distribution(self):
+ return None
+ def epoch(self):
+ return self.__versionElement().get("epoch")
+ def name(self):
+ return self.__element.find(namespace("common") + "name").text
+ def path(self):
+ locationElement = self.__element.find(namespace("common") + "location")
+ relativePath = locationElement.get("href")
+ absolutePath = os.path.join(self.__directory, relativePath)
+ return absolutePath
+ def provides(self):
+ return self.__parseEntryCollection("provides")
+ def release(self):
+ return self.__versionElement().get("rel")
+ def requires(self):
+ return self.__parseEntryCollection("requires")
+ def vercmp(self, other):
+ res = osc.util.rpmquery.RpmQuery.rpmvercmp(str(self.epoch()), str(other.epoch()))
+ if res != 0:
+ return res
+ res = osc.util.rpmquery.RpmQuery.rpmvercmp(self.version(), other.version())
+ if res != 0:
+ return res
+ res = osc.util.rpmquery.RpmQuery.rpmvercmp(self.release(), other.release())
+ return res
+ def version(self):
+ return self.__versionElement().get("ver")
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import re
+import struct
+import packagequery
+class RpmError(packagequery.PackageError):
+ pass
+class RpmHeaderError(RpmError):
+ pass
+class RpmHeader:
+ """corresponds more or less to the indexEntry_s struct"""
+ def __init__(self, offset, length):
+ self.offset = offset
+ # length of the data section (without length of indexEntries)
+ self.length = length
+ self.entries = []
+ def append(self, entry):
+ self.entries.append(entry)
+ def gettag(self, tag):
+ for i in self.entries:
+ if i.tag == tag:
+ return i
+ return None
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for i in self.entries:
+ yield i
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.entries)
+class RpmHeaderEntry:
+ """corresponds to the entryInfo_s struct (except the data attribute)"""
+ # each element represents an int
+ def __init__(self, tag, type, offset, count):
+ self.tag = tag
+ self.type = type
+ self.offset = offset
+ self.count = count
+ self.data = None
+class RpmQuery(packagequery.PackageQuery):
+ LEAD_SIZE = 96
+ LEAD_MAGIC = 0xedabeedb
+ HEADER_MAGIC = 0x8eade801
+ LESS = 1 << 1
+ GREATER = 1 << 2
+ EQUAL = 1 << 3
+ default_tags = (1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1022, 1005, 1020,
+ 1047, 1112, 1113, # provides
+ 1049, 1048, 1050 # requires
+ )
+ def __init__(self, fh):
+ self.__file = fh
+ self.__path = os.path.abspath(fh.name)
+ self.filename_suffix = 'rpm'
+ self.header = None
+ def read(self, all_tags = False, *extra_tags):
+ self.__read_lead()
+ data = self.__file.read(RpmHeaderEntry.ENTRY_SIZE)
+ hdrmgc, reserved, il, dl = struct.unpack('!I3i', data)
+ if self.HEADER_MAGIC != hdrmgc:
+ raise RpmHeaderError(self.__path, 'invalid headermagic \'%s\'' % hdrmgc)
+ # skip signature header for now
+ size = il * RpmHeaderEntry.ENTRY_SIZE + dl
+ # data is 8 byte aligned
+ pad = (size + 7) & ~7
+ self.__file.read(pad)
+ data = self.__file.read(RpmHeaderEntry.ENTRY_SIZE)
+ hdrmgc, reserved, il, dl = struct.unpack('!I3i', data)
+ self.header = RpmHeader(pad, dl)
+ if self.HEADER_MAGIC != hdrmgc:
+ raise RpmHeaderError(self.__path, 'invalid headermagic \'%s\'' % hdrmgc)
+ data = self.__file.read(il * RpmHeaderEntry.ENTRY_SIZE)
+ while len(data) > 0:
+ ei = struct.unpack('!4i', data[:RpmHeaderEntry.ENTRY_SIZE])
+ self.header.append(RpmHeaderEntry(*ei))
+ data = data[RpmHeaderEntry.ENTRY_SIZE:]
+ data = self.__file.read(self.header.length)
+ for i in self.header:
+ if i.tag in self.default_tags + extra_tags or all_tags:
+ try: # this may fail for -debug* packages
+ self.__read_data(i, data)
+ except: pass
+ def __read_lead(self):
+ data = self.__file.read(self.LEAD_SIZE)
+ leadmgc, = struct.unpack('!I', data[:4])
+ if leadmgc != self.LEAD_MAGIC:
+ raise RpmError(self.__path, 'invalid lead magic \'%s\'' % leadmgc)
+ sigtype, = struct.unpack('!h', data[78:80])
+ if sigtype != self.HEADERSIG_TYPE:
+ raise RpmError(self.__path, 'invalid header signature \'%s\'' % sigtype)
+ def __read_data(self, entry, data):
+ off = entry.offset
+ if entry.type == 2:
+ entry.data = struct.unpack('!%dc' % entry.count, data[off:off + 1 * entry.count])
+ if entry.type == 3:
+ entry.data = struct.unpack('!%dh' % entry.count, data[off:off + 2 * entry.count])
+ elif entry.type == 4:
+ entry.data = struct.unpack('!%di' % entry.count, data[off:off + 4 * entry.count])
+ elif entry.type == 6 or entry.type == 7:
+ # XXX: what to do with binary data? for now treat it as a string
+ entry.data = unpack_string(data[off:])
+ elif entry.type == 8 or entry.type == 9:
+ cnt = entry.count
+ entry.data = []
+ while cnt > 0:
+ cnt -= 1
+ s = unpack_string(data[off:])
+ # also skip '\0'
+ off += len(s) + 1
+ entry.data.append(s)
+ if entry.type == 8:
+ return
+ lang = os.getenv('LANGUAGE') or os.getenv('LC_ALL') \
+ or os.getenv('LC_MESSAGES') or os.getenv('LANG')
+ if lang is None:
+ entry.data = entry.data[0]
+ return
+ # get private i18n table
+ table = self.header.gettag(100)
+ # just care about the country code
+ lang = lang.split('_', 1)[0]
+ cnt = 0
+ for i in table.data:
+ if cnt > len(entry.data) - 1:
+ break
+ if i == lang:
+ entry.data = entry.data[cnt]
+ return
+ cnt += 1
+ entry.data = entry.data[0]
+ else:
+ raise RpmHeaderError(self.__path, 'unsupported tag type \'%d\' (tag: \'%s\'' % (entry.type, entry.tag))
+ def __reqprov(self, tag, flags, version):
+ pnames = self.header.gettag(tag).data
+ pflags = self.header.gettag(flags).data
+ pvers = self.header.gettag(version).data
+ if not (pnames and pflags and pvers):
+ raise RpmError(self.__path, 'cannot get provides/requires, tags are missing')
+ res = []
+ for name, flags, ver in zip(pnames, pflags, pvers):
+ # RPMSENSE_SENSEMASK = 15 (see rpmlib.h) but ignore RPMSENSE_SERIAL (= 1 << 0) therefore use 14
+ if flags & 14:
+ name += ' '
+ if flags & self.GREATER:
+ name += '>'
+ elif flags & self.LESS:
+ name += '<'
+ if flags & self.EQUAL:
+ name += '='
+ name += ' %s' % ver
+ res.append(name)
+ return res
+ def vercmp(self, rpmq):
+ res = RpmQuery.rpmvercmp(str(self.epoch()), str(rpmq.epoch()))
+ if res != 0:
+ return res
+ res = RpmQuery.rpmvercmp(self.version(), rpmq.version())
+ if res != 0:
+ return res
+ res = RpmQuery.rpmvercmp(self.release(), rpmq.release())
+ return res
+ # XXX: create dict for the tag => number mapping?!
+ def name(self):
+ return self.header.gettag(1000).data
+ def version(self):
+ return self.header.gettag(1001).data
+ def release(self):
+ return self.header.gettag(1002).data
+ def epoch(self):
+ epoch = self.header.gettag(1003)
+ if epoch is None:
+ return 0
+ return epoch.data[0]
+ def arch(self):
+ return self.header.gettag(1022).data
+ def summary(self):
+ return self.header.gettag(1004).data
+ def description(self):
+ return self.header.gettag(1005).data
+ def url(self):
+ entry = self.header.gettag(1020)
+ if entry is None:
+ return None
+ return entry.data
+ def path(self):
+ return self.__path
+ def provides(self):
+ return self.__reqprov(1047, 1112, 1113)
+ def requires(self):
+ return self.__reqprov(1049, 1048, 1050)
+ def is_src(self):
+ # SOURCERPM = 1044
+ return self.gettag(1044) is None
+ def is_nosrc(self):
+ # NOSOURCE = 1051, NOPATCH = 1052
+ return self.is_src() and \
+ (self.gettag(1051) is not None or self.gettag(1052) is not None)
+ def gettag(self, num):
+ return self.header.gettag(num)
+ def canonname(self):
+ if self.is_nosrc():
+ arch = 'nosrc'
+ elif self.is_src():
+ arch = 'src'
+ else:
+ arch = self.arch()
+ return RpmQuery.filename(self.name(), self.version(), self.release(), arch)
+ @staticmethod
+ def query(filename):
+ f = open(filename, 'rb')
+ rpmq = RpmQuery(f)
+ rpmq.read()
+ f.close()
+ return rpmq
+ @staticmethod
+ def rpmvercmp(ver1, ver2):
+ """
+ implementation of RPM's version comparison algorithm
+ (as described in lib/rpmvercmp.c)
+ """
+ if ver1 == ver2:
+ return 0
+ res = 0
+ while res == 0:
+ # remove all leading non alphanumeric chars
+ ver1 = re.sub('^[^a-zA-Z0-9]*', '', ver1)
+ ver2 = re.sub('^[^a-zA-Z0-9]*', '', ver2)
+ if not (len(ver1) and len(ver2)):
+ break
+ # check if we have a digits segment
+ mo1 = re.match('(\d+)', ver1)
+ mo2 = re.match('(\d+)', ver2)
+ numeric = True
+ if mo1 is None:
+ mo1 = re.match('([a-zA-Z]+)', ver1)
+ mo2 = re.match('([a-zA-Z]+)', ver2)
+ numeric = False
+ # check for different types: alpha and numeric
+ if mo2 is None:
+ if numeric:
+ return 1
+ return -1
+ seg1 = mo1.group(0)
+ ver1 = ver1[mo1.end(0):]
+ seg2 = mo2.group(1)
+ ver2 = ver2[mo2.end(1):]
+ if numeric:
+ # remove leading zeros
+ seg1 = re.sub('^0+', '', seg1)
+ seg2 = re.sub('^0+', '', seg2)
+ # longer digit segment wins - if both have the same length
+ # a simple ascii compare decides
+ res = len(seg1) - len(seg2) or cmp(seg1, seg2)
+ else:
+ res = cmp(seg1, seg2)
+ if res > 0:
+ return 1
+ elif res < 0:
+ return -1
+ return cmp(ver1, ver2)
+ @staticmethod
+ def filename(name, version, release, arch):
+ return '%s-%s-%s.%s.rpm' % (name, version, release, arch)
+def unpack_string(data):
+ """unpack a '\\0' terminated string from data"""
+ val = ''
+ for c in data:
+ c, = struct.unpack('!c', c)
+ if c == '\0':
+ break
+ else:
+ val += c
+ return val
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ try:
+ rpmq = RpmQuery.query(sys.argv[1])
+ except RpmError, e:
+ print e.msg
+ sys.exit(2)
+ print rpmq.name(), rpmq.version(), rpmq.release(), rpmq.arch(), rpmq.url()
+ print rpmq.summary()
+ print rpmq.description()
+ print '##########'
+ print '\n'.join(rpmq.provides())
+ print '##########'
+ print '\n'.join(rpmq.requires())
--- /dev/null
+# be careful when debugging this code:
+# don't add print statements when setting sys.stdout = SafeWriter(sys.stdout)...
+class SafeWriter:
+ """
+ Safely write an (unicode) str. In case of an "UnicodeEncodeError" the
+ the str is encoded with the "encoding" encoding.
+ All getattr, setattr calls are passed through to the "writer" instance.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, writer, encoding='unicode_escape'):
+ self.__dict__['writer'] = writer
+ self.__dict__['encoding'] = encoding
+ def __get_writer(self):
+ return self.__dict__['writer']
+ def __get_encoding(self):
+ return self.__dict__['encoding']
+ def write(self, s):
+ try:
+ self.__get_writer().write(s)
+ except UnicodeEncodeError, e:
+ self.__get_writer().write(s.encode(self.__get_encoding()))
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ return getattr(self.__get_writer(), name)
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ setattr(self.__get_writer(), name, value)
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+# osc_expand_link.pl -- a tool to help osc build packages where an _link exists.
+# (C) 2006 jw@suse.de, distribute under GPL v2.
+# 2006-12-12, jw
+# 2006-12-15, jw, v0.2 -- {files}{error} gets printed if present.
+# 2008-03-25, jw, v0.3 -- go via api using iChains and ~/.oscrc
+# 2008-03-26, jw, v0.4 -- added linked file retrieval and usage.
+# 2009-10-21, jw, added obsolete warning, in favour of osc co -e
+use Data::Dumper;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use HTTP::Status;
+use Digest::MD5;
+my $version = '0.4';
+my $verbose = 1;
+print "This $0 is obsolete. Please use instead: osc co -e\n";
+sleep 5;
+# curl buildservice:5352/source/home:jnweiger/vim
+# curl 'buildservice:5352/source/home:jnweiger/vim?rev=d90bfab4301f758e0d82cf09aa263d37'
+# curl 'buildservice:5352/source/home:jnweiger/vim/vim.spec?rev=d90bfab4301f758e0d82cf09aa263d37'
+my $cfg = {
+ apiurl => slurp_file(".osc/_apiurl", 1),
+ package => slurp_file(".osc/_package", 1),
+ project => slurp_file(".osc/_project", 1),
+ files => xml_slurp_file(".osc/_files", { container => 'directory', attr => 'merge' }),
+ link => xml_slurp_file(".osc/_link", { container => 'link', attr => 'merge' }),
+ package CredUserAgent;
+ @ISA = qw(LWP::UserAgent);
+ sub new
+ {
+ my $self = LWP::UserAgent::new(@_);
+ $self->agent("osc_expand_link.pl/$version");
+ $self;
+ }
+ sub get_basic_credentials
+ {
+ my ($self, $realm, $uri) = @_;
+ my $netloc = $uri->host_port;
+ unless ($self->{auth})
+ {
+ print STDERR "Auth for $realm at $netloc\n";
+ unless (open IN, "<", "$ENV{HOME}/.oscrc")
+ {
+ print STDERR "$ENV{HOME}/.oscrc: $!\n";
+ return (undef, undef);
+ }
+ while (defined (my $line = <IN>))
+ {
+ chomp $line;
+ $self->{auth}{pass} = $1 if $line =~ m{^pass\s*=\s*(\S+)};
+ $self->{auth}{user} = $1 if $line =~ m{^user\s*=\s*(\S+)};
+ }
+ close IN;
+ print STDERR "~/.oscrc: user=$self->{auth}{user}\n";
+ }
+ return ($self->{auth}{user},$self->{auth}{pass});
+ }
+my $ua = CredUserAgent->new (keep_alive => 1);
+sub cred_get
+ my ($url) = @_;
+ my $r = $ua->get($url);
+ die "$url: " . $r->status_line . "\n" unless $r->is_success;
+ return $r->content;
+sub cred_getstore
+ my ($url, $file) = @_;
+ my $r = $ua->get($url, ':content_file' => $file);
+ die "$url: " . $r->status_line . "\n" unless $r->is_success;
+ $r->code;
+$cfg->{apiurl} ||= 'https://api.opensuse.org';
+$cfg->{project} ||= '<Project>';
+$cfg->{package} ||= '<Package>';
+chomp $cfg->{apiurl};
+chomp $cfg->{project};
+chomp $cfg->{package};
+my $source = "$cfg->{apiurl}/source";
+my $url = "$source/$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package}";
+if (my $url = $ARGV[0])
+ {
+ die qq{osc_expand_link $version;
+ osc co $cfg->{project} $cfg->{package}
+ cd $cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package}
+ $0
+to resolve a _link.
+ $0 $cfg->{apiurl}/source/$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package}
+to review internal buildservice data.
+ $0 $cfg->{apiurl}/source/$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package}/linked/\\*.spec
+ cd $cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package}
+ $0 linked \\*.spec
+to retrieve the original specfile behind a link.
+} if $url =~ m{^-};
+ $url = "$url/$ARGV[1]" if $url eq 'linked' and $ARGV[1];
+ if ($url =~ m{^(.*/)?linked/(.*)$})
+ {
+ $url = (defined $1) ? $1 : "$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package}";
+ my $file = $2;
+ $url = "$source/$url" if $cfg->{apiurl} and $url !~ m{://};
+ print STDERR "$url\n";
+ my $dir = xml_parse(cred_get($url), 'merge');
+ my $li = $dir->{directory}{linkinfo} || die "no linkinfo in $url\n";
+ $url = "$source/$li->{project}/$li->{package}";
+ mkdir("linked");
+ if ($file =~ m{\*})
+ {
+ my $dir = xml_parse(cred_get($url), 'merge');
+ $dir = $dir->{directory} if $dir->{directory};
+ my @list = sort map { $_->{name} } @{$dir->{entry}};
+ my $file_re = "\Q$file\E"; $file_re =~ s{\\\*}{\.\*}g;
+ my @match = grep { $_ =~ m{^$file_re$} } @list;
+ die "pattern $file not found in\n @list\n" unless @match;
+ $file = $match[0];
+ }
+ $url .= "/$file";
+ print STDERR "$url -> linked/$file\n";
+ my $r = cred_getstore($url, "linked/$file");
+ print STDERR " Error: $r\n" if $r != RC_OK;
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ $url = "$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package}/$url" unless $url =~ m{/};
+ $url = "$source/$url" if $cfg->{apiurl} and $url !~ m{://};
+ print cred_get($url);
+ exit 0;
+ }
+warn "$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package} error: $cfg->{files}{error}\n" if $cfg->{files}{error};
+die "$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package} has no _link\n" unless $cfg->{link};
+die "$cfg->{project}/$cfg->{package} has no xsrcmd5\n" unless $cfg->{files}{xsrcmd5};
+print STDERR "expanding link to $cfg->{link}{project}/$cfg->{link}{package}\n";
+if (my $p = $cfg->{link}{patches})
+ {
+ $p = [ $p ] if ref $p ne 'ARRAY';
+ my @p = map { "$_->{apply}{name}" } @$p;
+ print STDERR "applied patches: " . join(',', @p) . "\n";
+ }
+my $dir = xml_parse(cred_get("$url?rev=$cfg->{files}{xsrcmd5}"), 'merge');
+$dir = $dir->{directory} if defined $dir->{directory};
+$dir->{entry} = [ $dir->{entry} ] if ref $dir->{entry} ne 'ARRAY';
+for my $file (@{$dir->{entry}})
+ {
+ if (-f $file->{name})
+ {
+ ## check the md5sum of the existing file and be happy.
+ $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
+ open IN, "<", $file->{name} or die "md5sum($file->{name} failed: $!";
+ $md5->addfile(*IN);
+ close IN;
+ if ($md5->hexdigest eq $file->{md5})
+ {
+ print STDERR " - $file->{name} (md5 unchanged)\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print STDERR "Modified: $file->{name}, please commit changes!\n";
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ print STDERR " get $file->{name}";
+ # fixme: xsrcmd5 is obsolete.
+ # use <linkinfo project="openSUSE:Factory" package="avrdude" xsrcmd5="a39c2bd14c3ad5dbb82edd7909fcdfc4">
+ my $response = cred_getstore("$url/$file->{name}?rev=$cfg->{files}{xsrcmd5}", $file->{name});
+ print STDERR ($response == RC_OK) ? "\n" : " Error:$response\n";
+ }
+exit 0;
+sub slurp_file
+ my ($path, $silent) = @_;
+ open IN, "<", $path or ($silent ? return undef : die "slurp_file($path) failed: $!\n");
+ my $body = join '', <IN>;
+ close IN;
+ return $body;
+## xml parser imported from w3dcm.pl and somewhat expanded.
+## 2006-12-15, jw
+## xml_parse assumes correct container closing.
+## Any </...> tag would closes an open <foo>.
+## Thus xml_parse is not suitable for HTML.
+sub xml_parse
+ my ($text, $attr) = @_;
+ my %xml;
+ my @stack = ();
+ my $t = \%xml;
+#print "xml_parse: '$text'\n";
+ my @tags = find_tags($text);
+ for my $i (0 .. $#tags)
+ {
+ my $tag = substr $text, $tags[$i]->{offset}, $tags[$i]->{tag_len};
+ my $cdata = '';
+ my $s = $tags[$i]->{offset} + $tags[$i]->{tag_len};
+ if (defined $tags[$i+1])
+ {
+ my $l = $tags[$i+1]->{offset} - $s;
+ $cdata = substr $text, $s, $l;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $cdata = substr $text, $s;
+ }
+# print "tag=$tag\n";
+ my $name = $1 if $tag =~ s{<([\?/]?[\w:-]+)\s*}{};
+ $tag =~ s{>\s*$}{};
+ my $nest = ($tag =~ s{[\?/]$}{}) ? 0 : 1;
+ my $close = ($name =~ s{^/}{}) ? 1 : 0;
+# print "name=$name, attr='$tag', $close, $nest, '$cdata'\n";
+ my $x = {};
+ $x->{-cdata} .= $cdata if $nest;
+ xml_add_attr($x, $tag, $attr) unless $tag eq '';
+ if (!$close)
+ {
+ delete $t->{-cdata} if $t->{-cdata} and $t->{-cdata} =~ m{^\s*$};
+ unless ($t->{$name})
+ {
+ $t->{$name} = $x;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $t->{$name} = [ $t->{$name} ] unless ref $t->{$name} eq 'ARRAY';
+ push @{$t->{$name}}, $x;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($close)
+ {
+ $t = pop @stack;
+ }
+ elsif ($nest)
+ {
+ push @stack, $t;
+ $t = $x;
+ }
+ }
+ print "stack=", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\@stack) if $verbose > 2;
+ scalar_cdata($t);
+ return $t;
+## reads a file formatted by xml_make, and returns a hash.
+## The toplevel container is removed from that hash, if specified.
+## A wildcard '*' can be specified to remove any toplevel container.
+## Otherwise the name of the container must match precisely.
+sub xml_slurp_file
+ my ($file, $opt) = @_;
+ unless (open IN, "<$file")
+ {
+ return undef unless $opt->{die};
+ die "xml_slurp($opt->{container}): cannot read $file: $!\n";
+ }
+ my $xml = join '', <IN>; close IN;
+ $xml = xml_parse($xml, $opt->{attr});
+ if (my $container = $opt->{container})
+ {
+ die "xml_slurp($file, '$container') malformed file, should have only one toplevel node.\n"
+ unless scalar keys %$xml == 1;
+ $container = (keys %$xml)[0] if $container eq '' or $container eq '*';
+ die "xml_slurp($file, '$container') toplevel tag missing or wrong.\n" unless $xml->{$container};
+ $xml = $xml->{$container};
+ }
+ return $xml;
+sub xml_escape
+ my ($text) = @_;
+ ## XML::Simple does just that:
+ $text =~ s{&}{&}g;
+ $text =~ s{<}{<}g;
+ $text =~ s{>}{>}g;
+ $text =~ s{"}{"}g;
+ return $text;
+sub xml_unescape
+ my ($text) = @_;
+ ## XX: Fimxe: we should handle some more escapes here...
+ ## and better do it in a single pass.
+ $text =~ s{&#([\d]{3});}{chr $1}eg;
+ $text =~ s{<}{<}g;
+ $text =~ s{>}{>}g;
+ $text =~ s{"}{"}g;
+ $text =~ s{&}{&}g;
+ return $text;
+## find all hashes, that contain exactly one key named '-cdata'
+## and replace these hashes with the value of that key.
+## These values are scalar when created by xml_parse(), hence the name.
+sub scalar_cdata
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+ my $selftag = '.scalar_cdata_running';
+ return unless ref $hash eq 'HASH';
+ return if $hash->{$selftag};
+ $hash->{$selftag} = 1;
+ for my $key (keys %$hash)
+ {
+ my $val = $hash->{$key};
+ if (ref $val eq 'ARRAY')
+ {
+ for my $i (0..$#$val)
+ {
+ scalar_cdata($hash->{$key}[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (ref $val eq 'HASH')
+ {
+ my @k = keys %$val;
+ if (scalar(@k) == 1 && ($k[0] eq '-cdata'))
+ {
+ $hash->{$key} = $hash->{$key}{-cdata};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete $hash->{$key}{-cdata} if exists $val->{-cdata} && $val->{-cdata} =~ m{^\s*$};
+ scalar_cdata($hash->{$key});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete $hash->{$selftag};
+## find_tags -- a brute force tag finder.
+## This code is robust enough to parse the weirdest HTML.
+## An Array containing hashes of { offset, name, tag_len } is returned.
+## CDATA is skipped, but can be determined from gaps between tags.
+## The name parser may chop names, so XML-style tag names are
+## unreliable.
+sub find_tags
+ my ($text) = @_;
+ my $last = '';
+ my @tags;
+ my $inquotes = 0;
+ my $incomment = 0;
+ while ($text =~ m{(<!--|-->|"|>|<)(/?\w*)}g)
+ {
+ my ($offset, $what, $name) = (length $`, $1, $2);
+ if ($inquotes)
+ {
+ $inquotes = 0 if $what eq '"';
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($incomment)
+ {
+ $incomment = 0 if $what eq '-->';
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($what eq '"')
+ {
+ $inquotes = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($what eq '<!--')
+ {
+ $incomment = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ next if $what eq $last; # opening and closing angular brackets are polar.
+ if ($what eq '>' and scalar @tags)
+ {
+ $tags[$#tags]{tag_len} = 1 + $offset - $tags[$#tags]{offset};
+ }
+ if ($what eq '<')
+ {
+ push @tags, {name => $name, offset => $offset };
+ }
+ $last = $what;
+ }
+ return @tags;
+## how = undef: defaults to '-attr plain'
+## how = '-attr plain': add the attributes as one scalar value to hash-element -attr
+## how = '-attr hash': add the attributes as a hash-ref to hash-element -attr
+## how = 'merge': add the attributes as direct hash elements. (This is irreversible)
+## attributes are either space-separated, or delimited with '' or "".
+sub xml_add_attr
+ my ($hash, $text, $how) = @_;
+ $how = 'plain' unless $how;
+ my $tag = '-attr'; $tag = $1 if $how =~ s{^\s*([\w_:-]+)\s+(.*)$}{$2};
+ $how = lc $how;
+ return $hash->{$tag} = $text if $how eq 'plain';
+ if ($how eq 'hash')
+ {
+ $hash = $hash->{$tag} = {};
+ $how = 'merge';
+ ## fallthrough
+ }
+ if ($how eq 'merge')
+ {
+ while ($text =~ m{([\w_:-]+)\s*=("[^"]*"|'[^']'|\S*)\s*}g)
+ {
+ my ($key, $val) = ($1, $2);
+ $val =~ s{^"(.*)"$}{$1} unless $val =~ s{^'(.*)'$}{$1};
+ if (defined($hash->{$key}))
+ {
+ ## redefinition. promote to array and push.
+ $hash->{$key} = [ $hash->{$key} ] unless ref $hash->{$key};
+ push @{$hash->{$key}}, $val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $hash->{$key} = $val;
+ }
+ }
+ return $hash;
+ }
+ die "xml_expand_attr: unknown method '$how'\n";
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import hotshot, hotshot.stats
+import tempfile
+import os, sys
+from osc import commandline
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ (fd, filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix = 'osc_profiledata_', dir = '/dev/shm')
+ f = os.fdopen(fd)
+ try:
+ prof = hotshot.Profile(filename)
+ prof.runcall(commandline.main)
+ print 'run complete. analyzing.'
+ prof.close()
+ stats = hotshot.stats.load(filename)
+ stats.strip_dirs()
+ stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls')
+ stats.print_stats(20)
+ del stats
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ os.unlink(filename)
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from distutils.core import setup
+import distutils.command.build
+import distutils.command.install_data
+import os.path
+import osc.core
+import sys
+from osc import commandline
+from osc import babysitter
+# optional support for py2exe
+ import py2exe
+ HAVE_PY2EXE = True
+ HAVE_PY2EXE = False
+class build_osc(distutils.command.build.build, object):
+ """
+ Custom build command which generates man page.
+ """
+ def build_man_page(self):
+ """
+ """
+ import gzip
+ man_path = os.path.join('build', 'osc.1.gz')
+ distutils.log.info('generating %s' % man_path)
+ outfile = gzip.open(man_path, 'w')
+ osccli = commandline.Osc(stdout=outfile)
+ # FIXME: we cannot call the main method because osc expects an ~/.oscrc
+ # file (this would break builds in environments like the obs)
+ #osccli.main(argv = ['osc','man'])
+ osccli.optparser = osccli.get_optparser()
+ osccli.do_man(None)
+ outfile.close()
+ def run(self):
+ super(build_osc, self).run()
+ self.build_man_page()
+addparams = {}
+ addparams['console'] = [{'script': 'osc-wrapper.py', 'dest_base': 'osc', 'icon_resources': [(1, 'osc.ico')]}]
+ addparams['zipfile'] = 'shared.lib'
+ addparams['options'] = {'py2exe': {'optimize': 0, 'compressed': True, 'packages': ['xml.etree', 'StringIO', 'gzip']}}
+data_files = []
+if sys.platform[:3] != 'win':
+ data_files.append((os.path.join('share', 'man', 'man1'), [os.path.join('build', 'osc.1.gz')]))
+ version = osc.core.__version__,
+ description = 'openSUSE commander',
+ long_description = 'Command-line client for the openSUSE Build Service, which allows to access repositories in the openSUSE Build Service in similar way as Subversion repositories.',
+ author = 'openSUSE project',
+ author_email = 'opensuse-buildservice@opensuse.org',
+ license = 'GPL',
+ platforms = ['Linux', 'Mac OSX', 'Windows XP/2000/NT', 'Windows 95/98/ME', 'FreeBSD'],
+ keywords = ['openSUSE', 'SUSE', 'RPM', 'build', 'buildservice'],
+ url = 'http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:OSC',
+ download_url = 'https://github.com/openSUSE/osc',
+ packages = ['osc', 'osc.util'],
+ scripts = ['osc_hotshot.py', 'osc-wrapper.py'],
+ data_files = data_files,
+ # Override certain command classes with our own ones
+ cmdclass = {
+ 'build': build_osc,
+ },
+ **addparams
+ )
--- /dev/null
+# URL to access API server, e.g. https://api.opensuse.org
+# you also need a section [https://api.opensuse.org] with the credentials
+apiurl = http://localhost
+# Downloaded packages are cached here. Must be writable by you.
+#packagecachedir = /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache
+# Wrapper to call build as root (sudo, su -, ...)
+#su-wrapper = su -c
+# rootdir to setup the chroot environment
+# can contain %(repo)s, %(arch)s, %(project)s and %(package)s for replacement, e.g.
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s or
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s-%(project)s-%(package)s
+#build-root = /var/tmp/build-root
+# compile with N jobs (default: "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+#build-jobs = N
+# build-type to use - values can be (depending on the capabilities of the 'build' script)
+# empty - chroot build
+# kvm - kvm VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# xen - xen VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# experimental:
+# qemu - qemu VM build
+# lxc - lxc build
+#build-type =
+# build-device is the disk-image file to use as root for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.root
+#build-device = /var/tmp/FILE.root
+# build-swap is the disk-image to use as swap for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+#build-swap = /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+# build-memory is the amount of memory used in the VM
+# value in MB - e.g. 512
+#build-memory = 512
+# build-vmdisk-rootsize is the size of the disk-image used as root in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 4096
+#build-vmdisk-rootsize = 4096
+# build-vmdisk-swapsize is the size of the disk-image used as swap in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 1024
+#build-vmdisk-swapsize = 1024
+# Numeric uid:gid to assign to the "abuild" user in the build-root
+# or "caller" to use the current users uid:gid
+# This is convenient when sharing the buildroot with ordinary userids
+# on the host.
+# This should not be 0
+# build-uid =
+# extra packages to install when building packages locally (osc build)
+# this corresponds to osc build's -x option and can be overridden with that
+# -x '' can also be given on the command line to override this setting, or
+# you can have an empty setting here.
+#extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace
+# build platform is used if the platform argument is omitted to osc build
+#build_repository = openSUSE_Factory
+# default project for getpac or bco
+#getpac_default_project = openSUSE:Factory
+# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+#checkout_no_colon = 0
+# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+#exclude_glob = .osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.*
+# keep passwords in plaintext. If you see this comment, your osc
+# already uses the encrypted password, and only keeps them in plain text
+# for backwards compatibility. Default will change to 0 in future releases.
+# You can remove the plaintext password without harm, if you do not need
+# backwards compatibility.
+#plaintext_passwd = 1
+# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+# Use 0 for unlimted.
+#request_list_days = 0
+# show info useful for debugging
+#debug = 1
+# show HTTP traffic useful for debugging
+#http_debug = 1
+# Skip signature verification of packages used for build.
+#no_verify = 1
+# jump into the debugger in case of errors
+#post_mortem = 1
+# print call traces in case of errors
+#traceback = 1
+# use KDE/Gnome/MacOS/Windows keyring for credentials if available
+#use_keyring = 1
+# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+#check_filelist = 1
+# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+#check_for_request_on_action = 0
+# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted. If
+# nothing is specified the API default is used
+#submitrequest_on_accept_action = cleanup|update|noupdate
+#review requests interactively (default: off)
+#request_show_review = 1
+# Directory with executables to validate sources, esp before committing
+#source_validator_directory = /usr/lib/osc/source_validators
+# set aliases for this apiurl
+# aliases = foo, bar
+# email used in .changes, unless the one from osc meta prj <user> will be used
+# email =
+# additional headers to pass to a request, e.g. for special authentication
+#http_headers = Host: foofoobar,
+# User: mumblegack
+# Force using of keyring for this API
+#keyring = 1
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<project name="osctest" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
+# URL to access API server, e.g. https://api.opensuse.org
+# you also need a section [https://api.opensuse.org] with the credentials
+apiurl = http://localhost
+# Downloaded packages are cached here. Must be writable by you.
+#packagecachedir = /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache
+# Wrapper to call build as root (sudo, su -, ...)
+#su-wrapper = su -c
+# rootdir to setup the chroot environment
+# can contain %(repo)s, %(arch)s, %(project)s and %(package)s for replacement, e.g.
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s or
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s-%(project)s-%(package)s
+#build-root = /var/tmp/build-root
+# compile with N jobs (default: "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+#build-jobs = N
+# build-type to use - values can be (depending on the capabilities of the 'build' script)
+# empty - chroot build
+# kvm - kvm VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# xen - xen VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# experimental:
+# qemu - qemu VM build
+# lxc - lxc build
+#build-type =
+# build-device is the disk-image file to use as root for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.root
+#build-device = /var/tmp/FILE.root
+# build-swap is the disk-image to use as swap for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+#build-swap = /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+# build-memory is the amount of memory used in the VM
+# value in MB - e.g. 512
+#build-memory = 512
+# build-vmdisk-rootsize is the size of the disk-image used as root in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 4096
+#build-vmdisk-rootsize = 4096
+# build-vmdisk-swapsize is the size of the disk-image used as swap in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 1024
+#build-vmdisk-swapsize = 1024
+# Numeric uid:gid to assign to the "abuild" user in the build-root
+# or "caller" to use the current users uid:gid
+# This is convenient when sharing the buildroot with ordinary userids
+# on the host.
+# This should not be 0
+# build-uid =
+# extra packages to install when building packages locally (osc build)
+# this corresponds to osc build's -x option and can be overridden with that
+# -x '' can also be given on the command line to override this setting, or
+# you can have an empty setting here.
+#extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace
+# build platform is used if the platform argument is omitted to osc build
+#build_repository = openSUSE_Factory
+# default project for getpac or bco
+#getpac_default_project = openSUSE:Factory
+# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+#checkout_no_colon = 0
+# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+#exclude_glob = .osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.*
+# keep passwords in plaintext. If you see this comment, your osc
+# already uses the encrypted password, and only keeps them in plain text
+# for backwards compatibility. Default will change to 0 in future releases.
+# You can remove the plaintext password without harm, if you do not need
+# backwards compatibility.
+#plaintext_passwd = 1
+# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+# Use 0 for unlimted.
+#request_list_days = 0
+# show info useful for debugging
+#debug = 1
+# show HTTP traffic useful for debugging
+#http_debug = 1
+# Skip signature verification of packages used for build.
+#no_verify = 1
+# jump into the debugger in case of errors
+#post_mortem = 1
+# print call traces in case of errors
+#traceback = 1
+# use KDE/Gnome/MacOS/Windows keyring for credentials if available
+#use_keyring = 1
+# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+#check_filelist = 1
+# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+#check_for_request_on_action = 0
+# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted. If
+# nothing is specified the API default is used
+#submitrequest_on_accept_action = cleanup|update|noupdate
+#review requests interactively (default: off)
+#request_show_review = 1
+# Directory with executables to validate sources, esp before committing
+#source_validator_directory = /usr/lib/osc/source_validators
+# set aliases for this apiurl
+# aliases = foo, bar
+# email used in .changes, unless the one from osc meta prj <user> will be used
+# email =
+# additional headers to pass to a request, e.g. for special authentication
+#http_headers = Host: foofoobar,
+# User: mumblegack
+# Force using of keyring for this API
+#keyring = 1
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<project name="osctest" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="add" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+added file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="added_missing" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" skipped="True" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="allstates" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="676513fde5797c3785164942c97dfec1" mtime="1283506309" name="missing" size="8" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
+ <entry md5="d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249" mtime="1283505591" name="test" size="5" />
+ <entry md5="ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" mtime="1111111111" name="skipped" size="100" skipped="true" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+added file
--- /dev/null
+This file did change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="unix" rev="9afa23b484de05e28364b18de7bb1432" srcmd5="9afa23b484de05e28364b18de7bb1432">
+ <linkinfo baserev="b63634ab40861fdb8b44e5f4f459c621" lsrcmd5="cd21541fe2442d3d324a6d6103752913" package="unique" project="btest" srcmd5="b63634ab40861fdb8b44e5f4f459c621" />
+ <entry md5="75d884cf1d235180faec5acb63063972" mtime="1283525196" name="simple" size="21" />
--- /dev/null
+<package project="home:Admin" name="unix">
+ <title/>
+ <description>This package was branched from btest in order to ...</description>
+ <person role="maintainer" userid="Admin"/>
--- /dev/null
+imple modified file.
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="branch" rev="5" srcmd5="1d4bbfa2655ab3982074226e16e1e5ff" vrev="5">
+ <linkinfo baserev="b63634ab40861fdb8b44e5f4f459c621" lsrcmd5="1d4bbfa2655ab3982074226e16e1e5ff" package="bar" project="foo" srcmd5="b63634ab40861fdb8b44e5f4f459c621" xsrcmd5="87ea02aede261b0267aabaa97c756e7a" />
+ <entry md5="542f96b49b64095104d8a9e9dd313a9c" mtime="1283521153" name="_link" size="130" />
+ <entry md5="75da7f7167c22b2b02c6879366d78ad1" mtime="1283525027" name="simple" size="22" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="branch" rev="87ea02aede261b0267aabaa97c756e7a" srcmd5="87ea02aede261b0267aabaa97c756e7a">
+ <linkinfo baserev="b63634ab40861fdb8b44e5f4f459c621" lsrcmd5="1d4bbfa2655ab3982074226e16e1e5ff" package="bar" project="foo" srcmd5="b63634ab40861fdb8b44e5f4f459c621" />
+ <entry md5="75da7f7167c22b2b02c6879366d78ad1" mtime="1283525027" name="simple" size="22" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="branch" rev="6" srcmd5="cd21541fe2442d3d324a6d6103752913" vrev="6">
+ <linkinfo baserev="b63634ab40861fdb8b44e5f4f459c621" lsrcmd5="cd21541fe2442d3d324a6d6103752913" package="bar" project="foo" srcmd5="b63634ab40861fdb8b44e5f4f459c621" xsrcmd5="9afa23b484de05e28364b18de7bb1432" />
+ <entry md5="542f96b49b64095104d8a9e9dd313a9c" mtime="1283521153" name="_link" size="130" skipped="true" />
+ <entry md5="75d884cf1d235180faec5acb63063972" mtime="1283525196" name="simple" size="21" />
--- /dev/null
+simple modified file.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="conflict" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282130148" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282130148" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282130148" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it possible
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="delete" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="multiple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
+ <entry md5="d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249" mtime="1283505591" name="test" size="5" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+added file
--- /dev/null
+This file did change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="nochanges" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" skipped="True" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="added_missing" rev="2" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="2">
+ <entry md5="14758f1afd44c09b7992073ccf00b43d" mtime="1292622742" name="bar" size="7" />
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282130148" name="foo" size="23" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="added_missing" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282130148" name="foo" size="23" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory><entry md5="14758f1afd44c09b7992073ccf00b43d" name="bar" /><entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" name="foo" /></directory>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<directory error="missing" name="added_missing">
+ <entry md5="14758f1afd44c09b7992073ccf00b43d" name="bar" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="2" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="2">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
+ <entry md5="b423d194c75e59ee4d8d2e07ba24323d" mtime="1111111111" name="add" size="11" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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+ <entry md5="d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249" mtime="1283505591" name="test" size="5" />
--- /dev/null
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\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
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+ <entry md5="b423d194c75e59ee4d8d2e07ba24323d" name="add" />
+ <entry md5="2abd19de6a38ff2890af64f453df96b1" name="nochange" />
--- /dev/null
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+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="382588b92f5976de693f44c4d6df27b7" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="41" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory><entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" name="foo" /><entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" name="merge" /><entry md5="382588b92f5976de693f44c4d6df27b7" name="nochange" /></directory>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<directory error="missing" name="simple">
+ <entry md5="c4eaea5dcaff13418e38e7fea151dd49" name="nochange" />
--- /dev/null
+import unittest
+import urllib2
+import osc.core
+import StringIO
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import os
+import sys
+from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+class RequestWrongOrder(Exception):
+ """raised if an unexpected request is issued to urllib2"""
+ def __init__(self, url, exp_url, method, exp_method):
+ Exception.__init__(self)
+ self.url = url
+ self.exp_url = exp_url
+ self.method = method
+ self.exp_method = exp_method
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '%s, %s, %s, %s' % (self.url, self.exp_url, self.method, self.exp_method)
+class RequestDataMismatch(Exception):
+ """raised if POSTed or PUTed data doesn't match with the expected data"""
+ def __init__(self, url, got, exp):
+ self.url = url
+ self.got = got
+ self.exp = exp
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '%s, %s, %s' % (self.url, self.got, self.exp)
+class MyHTTPHandler(urllib2.HTTPHandler):
+ def __init__(self, exp_requests, fixtures_dir):
+ urllib2.HTTPHandler.__init__(self)
+ self.__exp_requests = exp_requests
+ self.__fixtures_dir = fixtures_dir
+ def http_open(self, req):
+ r = self.__exp_requests.pop(0)
+ if req.get_full_url() != r[1] or req.get_method() != r[0]:
+ raise RequestWrongOrder(req.get_full_url(), r[1], req.get_method(), r[0])
+ if req.get_method() in ('GET', 'DELETE'):
+ return self.__mock_GET(r[1], **r[2])
+ elif req.get_method() in ('PUT', 'POST'):
+ return self.__mock_PUT(req, **r[2])
+ def __mock_GET(self, fullurl, **kwargs):
+ return self.__get_response(fullurl, **kwargs)
+ def __mock_PUT(self, req, **kwargs):
+ exp = kwargs.get('exp', None)
+ if exp is not None and kwargs.has_key('expfile'):
+ raise RuntimeError('either specify exp or expfile')
+ elif kwargs.has_key('expfile'):
+ exp = open(os.path.join(self.__fixtures_dir, kwargs['expfile']), 'r').read()
+ elif exp is None:
+ raise RuntimeError('exp or expfile required')
+ if exp is not None:
+ if req.get_data() != exp:
+ raise RequestDataMismatch(req.get_full_url(), repr(req.get_data()), repr(exp))
+ return self.__get_response(req.get_full_url(), **kwargs)
+ def __get_response(self, url, **kwargs):
+ f = None
+ if kwargs.has_key('exception'):
+ raise kwargs['exception']
+ if not kwargs.has_key('text') and kwargs.has_key('file'):
+ f = StringIO.StringIO(open(os.path.join(self.__fixtures_dir, kwargs['file']), 'r').read())
+ elif kwargs.has_key('text') and not kwargs.has_key('file'):
+ f = StringIO.StringIO(kwargs['text'])
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('either specify text or file')
+ resp = urllib2.addinfourl(f, {}, url)
+ resp.code = kwargs.get('code', 200)
+ resp.msg = ''
+ return resp
+def urldecorator(method, fullurl, **kwargs):
+ def decorate(test_method):
+ def wrapped_test_method(*args):
+ addExpectedRequest(method, fullurl, **kwargs)
+ test_method(*args)
+ # "rename" method otherwise we cannot specify a TestCaseClass.testName
+ # cmdline arg when using unittest.main()
+ wrapped_test_method.__name__ = test_method.__name__
+ return wrapped_test_method
+ return decorate
+def GET(fullurl, **kwargs):
+ return urldecorator('GET', fullurl, **kwargs)
+def PUT(fullurl, **kwargs):
+ return urldecorator('PUT', fullurl, **kwargs)
+def POST(fullurl, **kwargs):
+ return urldecorator('POST', fullurl, **kwargs)
+def DELETE(fullurl, **kwargs):
+ return urldecorator('DELETE', fullurl, **kwargs)
+def addExpectedRequest(method, url, **kwargs):
+ EXPECTED_REQUESTS.append((method, url, kwargs))
+class OscTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self, copytree=True):
+ oscrc = os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), 'oscrc')
+ osc.core.conf.get_config(override_conffile=oscrc,
+ override_no_keyring=True, override_no_gnome_keyring=True)
+ os.environ['OSC_CONFIG'] = oscrc
+ self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='osc_test')
+ if copytree:
+ shutil.copytree(os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), 'osctest'), os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'osctest'))
+ osc.core.conf._build_opener = lambda u: urllib2.build_opener(MyHTTPHandler(EXPECTED_REQUESTS, self._get_fixtures_dir()))
+ self.stdout = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.assertTrue(len(EXPECTED_REQUESTS) == 0)
+ sys.stdout = self.stdout
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)
+ except:
+ pass
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError('subclasses should implement this method')
+ def _change_to_pkg(self, name):
+ os.chdir(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'osctest', name))
+ def _check_list(self, fname, exp):
+ fname = os.path.join('.osc', fname)
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname))
+ self.assertEqual(open(fname, 'r').read(), exp)
+ def _check_addlist(self, exp):
+ self._check_list('_to_be_added', exp)
+ def _check_deletelist(self, exp):
+ self._check_list('_to_be_deleted', exp)
+ def _check_conflictlist(self, exp):
+ self._check_list('_in_conflict', exp)
+ def _check_status(self, p, fname, exp):
+ self.assertEqual(p.status(fname), exp)
+ def _check_digests(self, fname, *skipfiles):
+ fname = os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), fname)
+ self.assertEqual(open(os.path.join('.osc', '_files'), 'r').read(), open(fname, 'r').read())
+ root = ET.parse(fname).getroot()
+ for i in root.findall('entry'):
+ if i.get('name') in skipfiles:
+ continue
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', i.get('name'))))
+ self.assertEqual(osc.core.dgst(os.path.join('.osc', i.get('name'))), i.get('md5'))
+ def assertEqualMultiline(self, got, exp):
+ if (got + exp).find('\n') == -1:
+ self.assertEqual(got, exp)
+ else:
+ start_delim = "\n" + (" 8< ".join(["-----"] * 8)) + "\n"
+ end_delim = "\n" + (" >8 ".join(["-----"] * 8)) + "\n\n"
+ self.assertEqual(got, exp,
+ "got:" + start_delim + got + end_delim +
+ "expected:" + start_delim + exp + end_delim)
--- /dev/null
+# URL to access API server, e.g. https://api.opensuse.org
+# you also need a section [https://api.opensuse.org] with the credentials
+apiurl = http://localhost
+# Downloaded packages are cached here. Must be writable by you.
+#packagecachedir = /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache
+# Wrapper to call build as root (sudo, su -, ...)
+#su-wrapper = su -c
+# rootdir to setup the chroot environment
+# can contain %(repo)s, %(arch)s, %(project)s and %(package)s for replacement, e.g.
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s or
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s-%(project)s-%(package)s
+#build-root = /var/tmp/build-root
+# compile with N jobs (default: "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+#build-jobs = N
+# build-type to use - values can be (depending on the capabilities of the 'build' script)
+# empty - chroot build
+# kvm - kvm VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# xen - xen VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# experimental:
+# qemu - qemu VM build
+# lxc - lxc build
+#build-type =
+# build-device is the disk-image file to use as root for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.root
+#build-device = /var/tmp/FILE.root
+# build-swap is the disk-image to use as swap for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+#build-swap = /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+# build-memory is the amount of memory used in the VM
+# value in MB - e.g. 512
+#build-memory = 512
+# build-vmdisk-rootsize is the size of the disk-image used as root in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 4096
+#build-vmdisk-rootsize = 4096
+# build-vmdisk-swapsize is the size of the disk-image used as swap in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 1024
+#build-vmdisk-swapsize = 1024
+# Numeric uid:gid to assign to the "abuild" user in the build-root
+# or "caller" to use the current users uid:gid
+# This is convenient when sharing the buildroot with ordinary userids
+# on the host.
+# This should not be 0
+# build-uid =
+# extra packages to install when building packages locally (osc build)
+# this corresponds to osc build's -x option and can be overridden with that
+# -x '' can also be given on the command line to override this setting, or
+# you can have an empty setting here.
+#extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace
+# build platform is used if the platform argument is omitted to osc build
+#build_repository = openSUSE_Factory
+# default project for getpac or bco
+#getpac_default_project = openSUSE:Factory
+# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+#checkout_no_colon = 0
+# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+#exclude_glob = .osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.*
+# keep passwords in plaintext. If you see this comment, your osc
+# already uses the encrypted password, and only keeps them in plain text
+# for backwards compatibility. Default will change to 0 in future releases.
+# You can remove the plaintext password without harm, if you do not need
+# backwards compatibility.
+#plaintext_passwd = 1
+# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+# Use 0 for unlimted.
+#request_list_days = 0
+# show info useful for debugging
+#debug = 1
+# show HTTP traffic useful for debugging
+#http_debug = 1
+# Skip signature verification of packages used for build.
+#no_verify = 1
+# jump into the debugger in case of errors
+#post_mortem = 1
+# print call traces in case of errors
+#traceback = 1
+# use KDE/Gnome/MacOS/Windows keyring for credentials if available
+#use_keyring = 1
+# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+#check_filelist = 1
+# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+#check_for_request_on_action = 0
+# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted. If
+# nothing is specified the API default is used
+#submitrequest_on_accept_action = cleanup|update|noupdate
+#review requests interactively (default: off)
+#request_show_review = 1
+# Directory with executables to validate sources, esp before committing
+#source_validator_directory = /usr/lib/osc/source_validators
+# set aliases for this apiurl
+# aliases = foo, bar
+# email used in .changes, unless the one from osc meta prj <user> will be used
+# email =
+# additional headers to pass to a request, e.g. for special authentication
+#http_headers = Host: foofoobar,
+# User: mumblegack
+# Force using of keyring for this API
+#keyring = 1
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<project name="osctest" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="conflict" rev="2" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="2">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+<<<<<<< foo.mine
+This is no test.
+This is a simple test.
+>>>>>>> foo.r2
--- /dev/null
+This is no test.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
+ <entry md5="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" mtime="123456789" name="skipped" size="225" skipped="true" />
+ <entry md5="bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" mtime="012345678" name="skipped_exists" size="22" skipped="true" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
+# URL to access API server, e.g. https://api.opensuse.org
+# you also need a section [https://api.opensuse.org] with the credentials
+apiurl = http://localhost
+# Downloaded packages are cached here. Must be writable by you.
+#packagecachedir = /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache
+# Wrapper to call build as root (sudo, su -, ...)
+#su-wrapper = su -c
+# rootdir to setup the chroot environment
+# can contain %(repo)s, %(arch)s, %(project)s and %(package)s for replacement, e.g.
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s or
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s-%(project)s-%(package)s
+#build-root = /var/tmp/build-root
+# compile with N jobs (default: "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+#build-jobs = N
+# build-type to use - values can be (depending on the capabilities of the 'build' script)
+# empty - chroot build
+# kvm - kvm VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# xen - xen VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# experimental:
+# qemu - qemu VM build
+# lxc - lxc build
+#build-type =
+# build-device is the disk-image file to use as root for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.root
+#build-device = /var/tmp/FILE.root
+# build-swap is the disk-image to use as swap for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+#build-swap = /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+# build-memory is the amount of memory used in the VM
+# value in MB - e.g. 512
+#build-memory = 512
+# build-vmdisk-rootsize is the size of the disk-image used as root in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 4096
+#build-vmdisk-rootsize = 4096
+# build-vmdisk-swapsize is the size of the disk-image used as swap in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 1024
+#build-vmdisk-swapsize = 1024
+# Numeric uid:gid to assign to the "abuild" user in the build-root
+# or "caller" to use the current users uid:gid
+# This is convenient when sharing the buildroot with ordinary userids
+# on the host.
+# This should not be 0
+# build-uid =
+# extra packages to install when building packages locally (osc build)
+# this corresponds to osc build's -x option and can be overridden with that
+# -x '' can also be given on the command line to override this setting, or
+# you can have an empty setting here.
+#extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace
+# build platform is used if the platform argument is omitted to osc build
+#build_repository = openSUSE_Factory
+# default project for getpac or bco
+#getpac_default_project = openSUSE:Factory
+# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+#checkout_no_colon = 0
+# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+#exclude_glob = .osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.*
+# keep passwords in plaintext. If you see this comment, your osc
+# already uses the encrypted password, and only keeps them in plain text
+# for backwards compatibility. Default will change to 0 in future releases.
+# You can remove the plaintext password without harm, if you do not need
+# backwards compatibility.
+#plaintext_passwd = 1
+# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+# Use 0 for unlimted.
+#request_list_days = 0
+# show info useful for debugging
+#debug = 1
+# show HTTP traffic useful for debugging
+#http_debug = 1
+# Skip signature verification of packages used for build.
+#no_verify = 1
+# jump into the debugger in case of errors
+#post_mortem = 1
+# print call traces in case of errors
+#traceback = 1
+# use KDE/Gnome/MacOS/Windows keyring for credentials if available
+#use_keyring = 1
+# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+#check_filelist = 1
+# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+#check_for_request_on_action = 0
+# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted. If
+# nothing is specified the API default is used
+#submitrequest_on_accept_action = cleanup|update|noupdate
+#review requests interactively (default: off)
+#request_show_review = 1
+# Directory with executables to validate sources, esp before committing
+#source_validator_directory = /usr/lib/osc/source_validators
+# set aliases for this apiurl
+# aliases = foo, bar
+# email used in .changes, unless the one from osc meta prj <user> will be used
+# email =
+# additional headers to pass to a request, e.g. for special authentication
+#http_headers = Host: foofoobar,
+# User: mumblegack
+# Force using of keyring for this API
+#keyring = 1
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<project name="osctest" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="binary" rev="2" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="2">
+ <entry md5="8f618462e00017108b4146a29e074bdf" mtime="1111111111" name="binary" size="18" />
+ <entry md5="ee813c93cb5730dce38976695634482f" mtime="1111111111" name="binary_deleted" size="26" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
+ <entry md5="b1b642cdbacf9956104f8565e297ed00" mtime="1283246089" name="binary" size="27" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
+oh it does
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="replaced" rev="2" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="2">
+ <entry md5="81be947db54c2e225dc8eacce64d8a4a" mtime="1282731457" name="replaced" size="17" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+yet another file
--- /dev/null
+foo replaced
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="2" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="2">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
+ <entry md5="eb9c2bf0eb63f3a7bc0ea37ef18aeba5" mtime="1282730880" name="somefile" size="13" />
+ <entry md5="81be947db54c2e225dc8eacce64d8a4a" mtime="1282731457" name="replaced" size="17" />
+ <entry md5="676513fde5797c3785164942c97dfec1" mtime="1282731738" name="missing" size="8" />
+ <entry md5="ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" mtime="1111111111" name="skipped" size="12" skipped="true" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+yet another file
--- /dev/null
+some content
--- /dev/null
+<<<<<<< foo.mine
+This is no test.
+This is a simple test.
+>>>>>>> foo.r2
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
+foo replaced
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="3" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="3">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="3" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="3">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
+ <entry md5="136a96e1470ec7424bc8ae47612977db" mtime="1282914026" name="foobar" size="14" />
+ <entry md5="9b55c93ffec5ef8850c84882de7ef6b5" mtime="1283242538" name="binary" size="7" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="3" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="3">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="3" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="3">
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="3" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="3">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="daafe513479072c5a942928d1850a939" mtime="1282908295" name="merge" size="35" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="3" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="3">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="3" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="3">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
+ <entry md5="b1b642cdbacf9956104f8565e297ed00" mtime="1283246089" name="binary" size="27" />
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+# URL to access API server, e.g. https://api.opensuse.org
+# you also need a section [https://api.opensuse.org] with the credentials
+apiurl = http://localhost
+# Downloaded packages are cached here. Must be writable by you.
+#packagecachedir = /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache
+# Wrapper to call build as root (sudo, su -, ...)
+#su-wrapper = su -c
+# rootdir to setup the chroot environment
+# can contain %(repo)s, %(arch)s, %(project)s and %(package)s for replacement, e.g.
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s or
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s-%(project)s-%(package)s
+#build-root = /var/tmp/build-root
+# compile with N jobs (default: "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+#build-jobs = N
+# build-type to use - values can be (depending on the capabilities of the 'build' script)
+# empty - chroot build
+# kvm - kvm VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# xen - xen VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# experimental:
+# qemu - qemu VM build
+# lxc - lxc build
+#build-type =
+# build-device is the disk-image file to use as root for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.root
+#build-device = /var/tmp/FILE.root
+# build-swap is the disk-image to use as swap for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+#build-swap = /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+# build-memory is the amount of memory used in the VM
+# value in MB - e.g. 512
+#build-memory = 512
+# build-vmdisk-rootsize is the size of the disk-image used as root in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 4096
+#build-vmdisk-rootsize = 4096
+# build-vmdisk-swapsize is the size of the disk-image used as swap in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 1024
+#build-vmdisk-swapsize = 1024
+# Numeric uid:gid to assign to the "abuild" user in the build-root
+# or "caller" to use the current users uid:gid
+# This is convenient when sharing the buildroot with ordinary userids
+# on the host.
+# This should not be 0
+# build-uid =
+# extra packages to install when building packages locally (osc build)
+# this corresponds to osc build's -x option and can be overridden with that
+# -x '' can also be given on the command line to override this setting, or
+# you can have an empty setting here.
+#extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace
+# build platform is used if the platform argument is omitted to osc build
+#build_repository = openSUSE_Factory
+# default project for getpac or bco
+#getpac_default_project = openSUSE:Factory
+# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+#checkout_no_colon = 0
+# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+#exclude_glob = .osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.*
+# keep passwords in plaintext. If you see this comment, your osc
+# already uses the encrypted password, and only keeps them in plain text
+# for backwards compatibility. Default will change to 0 in future releases.
+# You can remove the plaintext password without harm, if you do not need
+# backwards compatibility.
+#plaintext_passwd = 1
+# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+# Use 0 for unlimted.
+#request_list_days = 0
+# show info useful for debugging
+#debug = 1
+# show HTTP traffic useful for debugging
+#http_debug = 1
+# Skip signature verification of packages used for build.
+#no_verify = 1
+# jump into the debugger in case of errors
+#post_mortem = 1
+# print call traces in case of errors
+#traceback = 1
+# use KDE/Gnome/MacOS/Windows keyring for credentials if available
+#use_keyring = 1
+# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+#check_filelist = 1
+# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+#check_for_request_on_action = 0
+# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted. If
+# nothing is specified the API default is used
+#submitrequest_on_accept_action = cleanup|update|noupdate
+#review requests interactively (default: off)
+#request_show_review = 1
+# Directory with executables to validate sources, esp before committing
+#source_validator_directory = /usr/lib/osc/source_validators
+# set aliases for this apiurl
+# aliases = foo, bar
+# email used in .changes, unless the one from osc meta prj <user> will be used
+# email =
+# additional headers to pass to a request, e.g. for special authentication
+#http_headers = Host: foofoobar,
+# User: mumblegack
+# Force using of keyring for this API
+#keyring = 1
--- /dev/null
+# URL to access API server, e.g. https://api.opensuse.org
+# you also need a section [https://api.opensuse.org] with the credentials
+apiurl = http://localhost
+# Downloaded packages are cached here. Must be writable by you.
+#packagecachedir = /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache
+# Wrapper to call build as root (sudo, su -, ...)
+#su-wrapper = su -c
+# rootdir to setup the chroot environment
+# can contain %(repo)s, %(arch)s, %(project)s and %(package)s for replacement, e.g.
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s or
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s-%(project)s-%(package)s
+#build-root = /var/tmp/build-root
+# compile with N jobs (default: "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+#build-jobs = N
+# build-type to use - values can be (depending on the capabilities of the 'build' script)
+# empty - chroot build
+# kvm - kvm VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# xen - xen VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# experimental:
+# qemu - qemu VM build
+# lxc - lxc build
+#build-type =
+# build-device is the disk-image file to use as root for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.root
+#build-device = /var/tmp/FILE.root
+# build-swap is the disk-image to use as swap for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+#build-swap = /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+# build-memory is the amount of memory used in the VM
+# value in MB - e.g. 512
+#build-memory = 512
+# build-vmdisk-rootsize is the size of the disk-image used as root in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 4096
+#build-vmdisk-rootsize = 4096
+# build-vmdisk-swapsize is the size of the disk-image used as swap in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 1024
+#build-vmdisk-swapsize = 1024
+# Numeric uid:gid to assign to the "abuild" user in the build-root
+# or "caller" to use the current users uid:gid
+# This is convenient when sharing the buildroot with ordinary userids
+# on the host.
+# This should not be 0
+# build-uid =
+# extra packages to install when building packages locally (osc build)
+# this corresponds to osc build's -x option and can be overridden with that
+# -x '' can also be given on the command line to override this setting, or
+# you can have an empty setting here.
+#extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace
+# build platform is used if the platform argument is omitted to osc build
+#build_repository = openSUSE_Factory
+# default project for getpac or bco
+#getpac_default_project = openSUSE:Factory
+# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+#checkout_no_colon = 0
+# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+#exclude_glob = .osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.*
+# keep passwords in plaintext. If you see this comment, your osc
+# already uses the encrypted password, and only keeps them in plain text
+# for backwards compatibility. Default will change to 0 in future releases.
+# You can remove the plaintext password without harm, if you do not need
+# backwards compatibility.
+#plaintext_passwd = 1
+# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+# Use 0 for unlimted.
+#request_list_days = 0
+# show info useful for debugging
+#debug = 1
+# show HTTP traffic useful for debugging
+#http_debug = 1
+# Skip signature verification of packages used for build.
+#no_verify = 1
+# jump into the debugger in case of errors
+#post_mortem = 1
+# print call traces in case of errors
+#traceback = 1
+# use KDE/Gnome/MacOS/Windows keyring for credentials if available
+#use_keyring = 1
+# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+#check_filelist = 1
+# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+#check_for_request_on_action = 0
+# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted. If
+# nothing is specified the API default is used
+#submitrequest_on_accept_action = cleanup|update|noupdate
+#review requests interactively (default: off)
+#request_show_review = 1
+# Directory with executables to validate sources, esp before committing
+#source_validator_directory = /usr/lib/osc/source_validators
+# set aliases for this apiurl
+# aliases = foo, bar
+# email used in .changes, unless the one from osc meta prj <user> will be used
+# email =
+# additional headers to pass to a request, e.g. for special authentication
+#http_headers = Host: foofoobar,
+# User: mumblegack
+# Force using of keyring for this API
+#keyring = 1
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Index: common-two
+--- common-two 2013-01-18 19:18:38.225983117 +0000
++++ common-two 2013-01-18 19:19:27.882082325 +0000
+@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ line one
+ line two
+ line three
++an extra line
+ last line
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<project name="home:user:branches:some:project">
+ <package name="common-one" state=" " />
+ <package name="common-two" state=" " />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+line one
+line two
+line three
+an extra line
+last line
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<directory count='4'>
+ <entry name="common-one"/>
+ <entry name="common-two"/>
+ <entry name="common-three"/>
+ <entry name="only-in-new"/>
--- /dev/null
+line one
+line two
+line three
+an extra line
+last line
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<directory count='4'>
+ <entry name="common-one"/>
+ <entry name="common-two"/>
+ <entry name="common-three"/>
+ <entry name="only-in-new"/>
--- /dev/null
+<collection matches="0">
--- /dev/null
+line one
+line two
+line three
+last line
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<directory count='4'>
+ <entry name="common-one"/>
+ <entry name="common-two"/>
+ <entry name="common-three"/>
+ <entry name="only-in-old"/>
--- /dev/null
+# URL to access API server, e.g. https://api.opensuse.org
+# you also need a section [https://api.opensuse.org] with the credentials
+apiurl = http://localhost
+# Downloaded packages are cached here. Must be writable by you.
+#packagecachedir = /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache
+# Wrapper to call build as root (sudo, su -, ...)
+#su-wrapper = su -c
+# rootdir to setup the chroot environment
+# can contain %(repo)s, %(arch)s, %(project)s and %(package)s for replacement, e.g.
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s or
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s-%(project)s-%(package)s
+#build-root = /var/tmp/build-root
+# compile with N jobs (default: "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+#build-jobs = N
+# build-type to use - values can be (depending on the capabilities of the 'build' script)
+# empty - chroot build
+# kvm - kvm VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# xen - xen VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# experimental:
+# qemu - qemu VM build
+# lxc - lxc build
+#build-type =
+# build-device is the disk-image file to use as root for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.root
+#build-device = /var/tmp/FILE.root
+# build-swap is the disk-image to use as swap for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+#build-swap = /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+# build-memory is the amount of memory used in the VM
+# value in MB - e.g. 512
+#build-memory = 512
+# build-vmdisk-rootsize is the size of the disk-image used as root in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 4096
+#build-vmdisk-rootsize = 4096
+# build-vmdisk-swapsize is the size of the disk-image used as swap in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 1024
+#build-vmdisk-swapsize = 1024
+# Numeric uid:gid to assign to the "abuild" user in the build-root
+# or "caller" to use the current users uid:gid
+# This is convenient when sharing the buildroot with ordinary userids
+# on the host.
+# This should not be 0
+# build-uid =
+# extra packages to install when building packages locally (osc build)
+# this corresponds to osc build's -x option and can be overridden with that
+# -x '' can also be given on the command line to override this setting, or
+# you can have an empty setting here.
+#extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace
+# build platform is used if the platform argument is omitted to osc build
+#build_repository = openSUSE_Factory
+# default project for getpac or bco
+#getpac_default_project = openSUSE:Factory
+# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+#checkout_no_colon = 0
+# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+#exclude_glob = .osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.*
+# keep passwords in plaintext. If you see this comment, your osc
+# already uses the encrypted password, and only keeps them in plain text
+# for backwards compatibility. Default will change to 0 in future releases.
+# You can remove the plaintext password without harm, if you do not need
+# backwards compatibility.
+#plaintext_passwd = 1
+# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+# Use 0 for unlimted.
+#request_list_days = 0
+# show info useful for debugging
+#debug = 1
+# show HTTP traffic useful for debugging
+#http_debug = 1
+# Skip signature verification of packages used for build.
+#no_verify = 1
+# jump into the debugger in case of errors
+#post_mortem = 1
+# print call traces in case of errors
+#traceback = 1
+# use KDE/Gnome/MacOS/Windows keyring for credentials if available
+#use_keyring = 1
+# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+#check_filelist = 1
+# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+#check_for_request_on_action = 0
+# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted. If
+# nothing is specified the API default is used
+#submitrequest_on_accept_action = cleanup|update|noupdate
+#review requests interactively (default: off)
+#request_show_review = 1
+# Directory with executables to validate sources, esp before committing
+#source_validator_directory = /usr/lib/osc/source_validators
+# set aliases for this apiurl
+# aliases = foo, bar
+# email used in .changes, unless the one from osc meta prj <user> will be used
+# email =
+# additional headers to pass to a request, e.g. for special authentication
+#http_headers = Host: foofoobar,
+# User: mumblegack
+# Force using of keyring for this API
+#keyring = 1
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<project name="home:user:branches:some:project">
+ <package name="common-one" state=" " />
+ <package name="common-two" state=" " />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="common-one" rev="f53d033d63c3d6e9a8e4493225976122" srcmd5="f53d033d63c3d6e9a8e4493225976122">
+ <linkinfo baserev="896e6d6d675d03b6934946d03a976450" lsrcmd5="0cf460222270b58e2a9a3d695b1d945d" package="common-one" project="some:project" srcmd5="8c7ed3cf5ec0b4aa20ef159fd8c51b76" />
+ <entry md5="1a4c23ccf2eb12403acbfa3258233a9d" mtime="1352816081" name="common-one.spec" size="3457" />
--- /dev/null
+<package name="common-one" project="home:user:branches:some:project">
+ <title>blah</title>
+ <description>foo</description>
+ <debuginfo>
+ <enable repository="openSUSE_12.2"/>
+ <enable repository="openSUSE_Factory"/>
+ <enable repository="SLE_11_SP2"/>
+ </debuginfo>
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+contents are irrelevant
--- /dev/null
+contents are irrelevant
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="common-two" rev="f53d033d63c3d6e9a8e4493225976122" srcmd5="f53d033d63c3d6e9a8e4493225976122">
+ <linkinfo baserev="896e6d6d675d03b6934946d03a976450" lsrcmd5="0cf460222270b58e2a9a3d695b1d945d" package="common-two" project="some:project" srcmd5="8c7ed3cf5ec0b4aa20ef159fd8c51b76" />
+ <entry md5="1a4c23ccf2eb12403acbfa3258233a9d" mtime="1352816081" name="common-two.spec" size="3457" />
--- /dev/null
+<package name="common-two" project="home:user:branches:some:project">
+ <title>blah</title>
+ <description>foo</description>
+ <debuginfo>
+ <enable repository="openSUSE_12.2"/>
+ <enable repository="openSUSE_Factory"/>
+ <enable repository="SLE_11_SP2"/>
+ </debuginfo>
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+contents are irrelevant
--- /dev/null
+contents are irrelevant
--- /dev/null
+<collection matches="1">
+ <request id="148023">
+ <action type="submit">
+ <source project="home:user:branches:some:project" package="common-two" rev="7"/>
+ <target project="some:project" package="common-two"/>
+ <options>
+ <sourceupdate>update</sourceupdate>
+ </options>
+ </action>
+ <state name="new" who="user" when="2013-01-11T11:04:14">
+ <comment/>
+ </state>
+ <description>- Fix it to work
+- Improve support for something</description>
+ </request>
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<project name="some:project">
+ <package name="common-one" state=" " />
+ <package name="common-two" state=" " />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+line one
+line two
+line three
+an extra line
+last line
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<directory count='4'>
+ <entry name="common-one"/>
+ <entry name="common-two"/>
+ <entry name="common-three"/>
+ <entry name="only-in-new"/>
--- /dev/null
+# URL to access API server, e.g. https://api.opensuse.org
+# you also need a section [https://api.opensuse.org] with the credentials
+apiurl = http://localhost
+# Downloaded packages are cached here. Must be writable by you.
+#packagecachedir = /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache
+# Wrapper to call build as root (sudo, su -, ...)
+#su-wrapper = su -c
+# rootdir to setup the chroot environment
+# can contain %(repo)s, %(arch)s, %(project)s and %(package)s for replacement, e.g.
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s or
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s-%(project)s-%(package)s
+#build-root = /var/tmp/build-root
+# compile with N jobs (default: "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+#build-jobs = N
+# build-type to use - values can be (depending on the capabilities of the 'build' script)
+# empty - chroot build
+# kvm - kvm VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# xen - xen VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# experimental:
+# qemu - qemu VM build
+# lxc - lxc build
+#build-type =
+# build-device is the disk-image file to use as root for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.root
+#build-device = /var/tmp/FILE.root
+# build-swap is the disk-image to use as swap for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+#build-swap = /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+# build-memory is the amount of memory used in the VM
+# value in MB - e.g. 512
+#build-memory = 512
+# build-vmdisk-rootsize is the size of the disk-image used as root in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 4096
+#build-vmdisk-rootsize = 4096
+# build-vmdisk-swapsize is the size of the disk-image used as swap in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 1024
+#build-vmdisk-swapsize = 1024
+# Numeric uid:gid to assign to the "abuild" user in the build-root
+# or "caller" to use the current users uid:gid
+# This is convenient when sharing the buildroot with ordinary userids
+# on the host.
+# This should not be 0
+# build-uid =
+# extra packages to install when building packages locally (osc build)
+# this corresponds to osc build's -x option and can be overridden with that
+# -x '' can also be given on the command line to override this setting, or
+# you can have an empty setting here.
+#extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace
+# build platform is used if the platform argument is omitted to osc build
+#build_repository = openSUSE_Factory
+# default project for getpac or bco
+#getpac_default_project = openSUSE:Factory
+# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+#checkout_no_colon = 0
+# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+#exclude_glob = .osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.*
+# keep passwords in plaintext. If you see this comment, your osc
+# already uses the encrypted password, and only keeps them in plain text
+# for backwards compatibility. Default will change to 0 in future releases.
+# You can remove the plaintext password without harm, if you do not need
+# backwards compatibility.
+#plaintext_passwd = 1
+# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+# Use 0 for unlimted.
+#request_list_days = 0
+# show info useful for debugging
+#debug = 1
+# show HTTP traffic useful for debugging
+#http_debug = 1
+# Skip signature verification of packages used for build.
+#no_verify = 1
+# jump into the debugger in case of errors
+#post_mortem = 1
+# print call traces in case of errors
+#traceback = 1
+# use KDE/Gnome/MacOS/Windows keyring for credentials if available
+#use_keyring = 1
+# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+#check_filelist = 1
+# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+#check_for_request_on_action = 0
+# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted. If
+# nothing is specified the API default is used
+#submitrequest_on_accept_action = cleanup|update|noupdate
+#review requests interactively (default: off)
+#request_show_review = 1
+# Directory with executables to validate sources, esp before committing
+#source_validator_directory = /usr/lib/osc/source_validators
+# set aliases for this apiurl
+# aliases = foo, bar
+# email used in .changes, unless the one from osc meta prj <user> will be used
+# email =
+# additional headers to pass to a request, e.g. for special authentication
+#http_headers = Host: foofoobar,
+# User: mumblegack
+# Force using of keyring for this API
+#keyring = 1
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<project name="osctest">
+ <package name="conflict" state=" " />
+ <package name="simple" state=" " />
+ <package name="added" state="A" />
+ <package name="deleted" state="D" />
+ <package name="missing" state="!" />
+ <package name="added_deleted" state="A" />
+ <package name="deleted_deleted" state="D" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="conflict" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="2abd19de6a38ff2890af64f453df96b1" mtime="1282047303" name="conflict" size="22" />
+ <entry md5="d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249" mtime="1283505591" name="test" size="5" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This file did change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="conflict" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="2abd19de6a38ff2890af64f453df96b1" mtime="1282047303" name="modified" size="22" />
+ <entry md5="d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249" mtime="1283505591" name="test" size="5" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+This file did change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="conflict" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="2abd19de6a38ff2890af64f453df96b1" mtime="1282047303" name="modified" size="22" />
+ <entry md5="d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249" mtime="1283505591" name="test" size="5" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This file did change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="676513fde5797c3785164942c97dfec1" mtime="1283506309" name="missing" size="8" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
+ <entry md5="d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249" mtime="1283505591" name="test" size="5" />
+ <entry md5="ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" mtime="1111111111" name="skipped" size="100" skipped="true" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+added file
--- /dev/null
+This file did change.
--- /dev/null
+# URL to access API server, e.g. https://api.opensuse.org
+# you also need a section [https://api.opensuse.org] with the credentials
+apiurl = http://localhost
+# Downloaded packages are cached here. Must be writable by you.
+#packagecachedir = /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache
+# Wrapper to call build as root (sudo, su -, ...)
+#su-wrapper = su -c
+# rootdir to setup the chroot environment
+# can contain %(repo)s, %(arch)s, %(project)s and %(package)s for replacement, e.g.
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s or
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s-%(project)s-%(package)s
+#build-root = /var/tmp/build-root
+# compile with N jobs (default: "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+#build-jobs = N
+# build-type to use - values can be (depending on the capabilities of the 'build' script)
+# empty - chroot build
+# kvm - kvm VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# xen - xen VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# experimental:
+# qemu - qemu VM build
+# lxc - lxc build
+#build-type =
+# build-device is the disk-image file to use as root for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.root
+#build-device = /var/tmp/FILE.root
+# build-swap is the disk-image to use as swap for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+#build-swap = /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+# build-memory is the amount of memory used in the VM
+# value in MB - e.g. 512
+#build-memory = 512
+# build-vmdisk-rootsize is the size of the disk-image used as root in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 4096
+#build-vmdisk-rootsize = 4096
+# build-vmdisk-swapsize is the size of the disk-image used as swap in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 1024
+#build-vmdisk-swapsize = 1024
+# Numeric uid:gid to assign to the "abuild" user in the build-root
+# or "caller" to use the current users uid:gid
+# This is convenient when sharing the buildroot with ordinary userids
+# on the host.
+# This should not be 0
+# build-uid =
+# extra packages to install when building packages locally (osc build)
+# this corresponds to osc build's -x option and can be overridden with that
+# -x '' can also be given on the command line to override this setting, or
+# you can have an empty setting here.
+#extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace
+# build platform is used if the platform argument is omitted to osc build
+#build_repository = openSUSE_Factory
+# default project for getpac or bco
+#getpac_default_project = openSUSE:Factory
+# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+#checkout_no_colon = 0
+# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+#exclude_glob = .osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.*
+# keep passwords in plaintext. If you see this comment, your osc
+# already uses the encrypted password, and only keeps them in plain text
+# for backwards compatibility. Default will change to 0 in future releases.
+# You can remove the plaintext password without harm, if you do not need
+# backwards compatibility.
+#plaintext_passwd = 1
+# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+# Use 0 for unlimted.
+#request_list_days = 0
+# show info useful for debugging
+#debug = 1
+# show HTTP traffic useful for debugging
+#http_debug = 1
+# Skip signature verification of packages used for build.
+#no_verify = 1
+# jump into the debugger in case of errors
+#post_mortem = 1
+# print call traces in case of errors
+#traceback = 1
+# use KDE/Gnome/MacOS/Windows keyring for credentials if available
+#use_keyring = 1
+# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+#check_filelist = 1
+# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+#check_for_request_on_action = 0
+# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted. If
+# nothing is specified the API default is used
+#submitrequest_on_accept_action = cleanup|update|noupdate
+#review requests interactively (default: off)
+#request_show_review = 1
+# Directory with executables to validate sources, esp before committing
+#source_validator_directory = /usr/lib/osc/source_validators
+# set aliases for this apiurl
+# aliases = foo, bar
+# email used in .changes, unless the one from osc meta prj <user> will be used
+# email =
+# additional headers to pass to a request, e.g. for special authentication
+#http_headers = Host: foofoobar,
+# User: mumblegack
+# Force using of keyring for this API
+#keyring = 1
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<project name="osctest" />
--- /dev/null
+<project name="osctest" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="buildfiles" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="invalid_apiurl" rev="1" vrev="1" srcmd5="2738234914de5cc154b1494b1e98d940" />
--- /dev/null
+<package project="remote" name="foo">
+ <title>Title of New Package</title>
+ <description>
+ </description>
+ <person userid="Admin" role="maintainer"/>
+ <person userid="Admin" role="bugowner"/>
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="multiple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="noapiurl" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple3" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="working_nonempty" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="working_nonempty" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple6" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple7" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
+ <entry md5="ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" mtime="1111111111" name="skipped" size="42" skipped="true" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple8" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
+ <entry md5="ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" mtime="1111111111" name="skipped" size="42" skipped="true" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="working_nonempty" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<project name="prj_noapiurl" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<project name="prj_noapiurl" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+# URL to access API server, e.g. https://api.opensuse.org
+# you also need a section [https://api.opensuse.org] with the credentials
+apiurl = http://localhost
+# Downloaded packages are cached here. Must be writable by you.
+#packagecachedir = /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache
+# Wrapper to call build as root (sudo, su -, ...)
+#su-wrapper = su -c
+# rootdir to setup the chroot environment
+# can contain %(repo)s, %(arch)s, %(project)s and %(package)s for replacement, e.g.
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s or
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s-%(project)s-%(package)s
+#build-root = /var/tmp/build-root
+# compile with N jobs (default: "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+#build-jobs = N
+# build-type to use - values can be (depending on the capabilities of the 'build' script)
+# empty - chroot build
+# kvm - kvm VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# xen - xen VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# experimental:
+# qemu - qemu VM build
+# lxc - lxc build
+#build-type =
+# build-device is the disk-image file to use as root for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.root
+#build-device = /var/tmp/FILE.root
+# build-swap is the disk-image to use as swap for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+#build-swap = /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+# build-memory is the amount of memory used in the VM
+# value in MB - e.g. 512
+#build-memory = 512
+# build-vmdisk-rootsize is the size of the disk-image used as root in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 4096
+#build-vmdisk-rootsize = 4096
+# build-vmdisk-swapsize is the size of the disk-image used as swap in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 1024
+#build-vmdisk-swapsize = 1024
+# Numeric uid:gid to assign to the "abuild" user in the build-root
+# or "caller" to use the current users uid:gid
+# This is convenient when sharing the buildroot with ordinary userids
+# on the host.
+# This should not be 0
+# build-uid =
+# extra packages to install when building packages locally (osc build)
+# this corresponds to osc build's -x option and can be overridden with that
+# -x '' can also be given on the command line to override this setting, or
+# you can have an empty setting here.
+#extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace
+# build platform is used if the platform argument is omitted to osc build
+#build_repository = openSUSE_Factory
+# default project for getpac or bco
+#getpac_default_project = openSUSE:Factory
+# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+#checkout_no_colon = 0
+# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+#exclude_glob = .osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.*
+# keep passwords in plaintext. If you see this comment, your osc
+# already uses the encrypted password, and only keeps them in plain text
+# for backwards compatibility. Default will change to 0 in future releases.
+# You can remove the plaintext password without harm, if you do not need
+# backwards compatibility.
+#plaintext_passwd = 1
+# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+# Use 0 for unlimted.
+#request_list_days = 0
+# show info useful for debugging
+#debug = 1
+# show HTTP traffic useful for debugging
+#http_debug = 1
+# Skip signature verification of packages used for build.
+#no_verify = 1
+# jump into the debugger in case of errors
+#post_mortem = 1
+# print call traces in case of errors
+#traceback = 1
+# use KDE/Gnome/MacOS/Windows keyring for credentials if available
+#use_keyring = 1
+# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+#check_filelist = 1
+# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+#check_for_request_on_action = 0
+# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted. If
+# nothing is specified the API default is used
+#submitrequest_on_accept_action = cleanup|update|noupdate
+#review requests interactively (default: off)
+#request_show_review = 1
+# Directory with executables to validate sources, esp before committing
+#source_validator_directory = /usr/lib/osc/source_validators
+# set aliases for this apiurl
+# aliases = foo, bar
+# email used in .changes, unless the one from osc meta prj <user> will be used
+# email =
+# additional headers to pass to a request, e.g. for special authentication
+#http_headers = Host: foofoobar,
+# User: mumblegack
+# Force using of keyring for this API
+#keyring = 1
--- /dev/null
+<request id="42">
+ <action type="submit">
+ <source package="bar" project="foo" rev="1" />
+ <target package="bar" project="foobar" />
+ </action>
+ <action type="delete">
+ <target project="deleteme" />
+ </action>
+ <state name="accepted" when="2010-12-27T01:36:29" who="user1" />
+ <history name="new" when="2010-12-13T13:02:03" who="creator">
+ <comment>foobar</comment>
+ </history>
+ <title>title of the request</title>
+ <description>this is a
+very long
--- /dev/null
+<request id="123">
+ <action type="submit">
+ <source package="abc" project="xyz" />
+ <options>
+ <sourceupdate>cleanup</sourceupdate>
+ <updatelink>1</updatelink>
+ </options>
+ </action>
+ <action type="add_role">
+ <target project="home:foo" />
+ <person name="bar" role="maintainer" />
+ <group name="groupxyz" role="reader" />
+ </action>
+ <state name="review" when="2010-12-27T01:36:29" who="abc" />
+ <review by_group="group1" state="new" when="2010-12-28T00:11:22" who="abc">
+ <comment>review start</comment>
+ </review>
+ <history name="new" when="2010-12-11T00:00:00" who="creator" />
--- /dev/null
+<request id="62">
+ <action type="set_bugowner">
+ <target project="foo" />
+ <person name="buguser" />
+ </action>
+ <action type="add_role">
+ <target project="foobar" />
+ <person name="xyz" role="maintainer" />
+ <group name="group1" role="reader" />
+ </action>
+ <action type="add_role">
+ <target project="foo" package="bar" />
+ <person name="abc" role="reviewer" />
+ </action>
+ <action type="change_devel">
+ <source project="devprj" package="devpkg" />
+ <target project="foo" package="bar" />
+ </action>
+ <action type="submit">
+ <source project="srcprj" package="srcpackage" />
+ <target project="tgtprj" package="tgtpackage" />
+ </action>
+ <action type="submit">
+ <source project="foo" package="bar" />
+ <target project="baz" />
+ </action>
+ <action type="delete">
+ <target project="deleteme" />
+ </action>
+ <action type="delete">
+ <target project="foo" package="bar" />
+ </action>
+ <state name="new" when="2010-12-29T14:57:25" who="Admin">
+ <comment></comment>
+ </state>
--- /dev/null
+<request id="21">
+ <action type="set_bugowner">
+ <target project="foo" />
+ <person name="buguser" />
+ </action>
+ <state name="accepted" when="2010-12-29T16:37:45" who="foobar" />
+ <history name="new" when="2010-12-28T16:37:45" who="user" />
+ <history name="review" when="2010-12-28T18:37:45" who="foobar" />
+ <description>This is
+a simple request with a lot of ... ... text and other stuff. This request also contains a
+description. This is useful to
+describe the request. blabla
--- /dev/null
+<request id="123">
+ <action type="submit">
+ <source package="abc" project="xyz" />
+ <target project="foo" />
+ <options>
+ <sourceupdate>cleanup</sourceupdate>
+ <updatelink>1</updatelink>
+ </options>
+ </action>
+ <action type="add_role">
+ <target project="home:foo" />
+ <person name="bar" role="maintainer" />
+ <group name="groupxyz" role="reader" />
+ </action>
+ <state name="review" when="2010-12-27T01:36:29" who="abc">
+ <comment>currently in review</comment>
+ </state>
+ <review by_group="group1" state="new" when="2010-12-28T00:11:22" who="abc">
+ <comment>review start</comment>
+ </review>
+ <review by_group="group1" state="accepted" when="2010-12-29T00:11:22" who="abc">
+ <comment>accepted</comment>
+ </review>
+ <history name="new" when="2010-12-11T00:00:00" who="creator" />
+ <history name="revoked" when="2010-12-12T00:00:00" who="creator" />
+ <description>just a samll description
+in order to describe this
+request - blablabla
--- /dev/null
+# URL to access API server, e.g. https://api.opensuse.org
+# you also need a section [https://api.opensuse.org] with the credentials
+apiurl = http://localhost
+# Downloaded packages are cached here. Must be writable by you.
+#packagecachedir = /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache
+# Wrapper to call build as root (sudo, su -, ...)
+#su-wrapper = su -c
+# rootdir to setup the chroot environment
+# can contain %(repo)s, %(arch)s, %(project)s and %(package)s for replacement, e.g.
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s or
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s-%(project)s-%(package)s
+#build-root = /var/tmp/build-root
+# compile with N jobs (default: "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+#build-jobs = N
+# build-type to use - values can be (depending on the capabilities of the 'build' script)
+# empty - chroot build
+# kvm - kvm VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# xen - xen VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# experimental:
+# qemu - qemu VM build
+# lxc - lxc build
+#build-type =
+# build-device is the disk-image file to use as root for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.root
+#build-device = /var/tmp/FILE.root
+# build-swap is the disk-image to use as swap for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+#build-swap = /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+# build-memory is the amount of memory used in the VM
+# value in MB - e.g. 512
+#build-memory = 512
+# build-vmdisk-rootsize is the size of the disk-image used as root in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 4096
+#build-vmdisk-rootsize = 4096
+# build-vmdisk-swapsize is the size of the disk-image used as swap in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 1024
+#build-vmdisk-swapsize = 1024
+# Numeric uid:gid to assign to the "abuild" user in the build-root
+# or "caller" to use the current users uid:gid
+# This is convenient when sharing the buildroot with ordinary userids
+# on the host.
+# This should not be 0
+# build-uid =
+# extra packages to install when building packages locally (osc build)
+# this corresponds to osc build's -x option and can be overridden with that
+# -x '' can also be given on the command line to override this setting, or
+# you can have an empty setting here.
+#extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace
+# build platform is used if the platform argument is omitted to osc build
+#build_repository = openSUSE_Factory
+# default project for getpac or bco
+#getpac_default_project = openSUSE:Factory
+# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+#checkout_no_colon = 0
+# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+#exclude_glob = .osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.*
+# keep passwords in plaintext. If you see this comment, your osc
+# already uses the encrypted password, and only keeps them in plain text
+# for backwards compatibility. Default will change to 0 in future releases.
+# You can remove the plaintext password without harm, if you do not need
+# backwards compatibility.
+#plaintext_passwd = 1
+# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+# Use 0 for unlimted.
+#request_list_days = 0
+# show info useful for debugging
+#debug = 1
+# show HTTP traffic useful for debugging
+#http_debug = 1
+# Skip signature verification of packages used for build.
+#no_verify = 1
+# jump into the debugger in case of errors
+#post_mortem = 1
+# print call traces in case of errors
+#traceback = 1
+# use KDE/Gnome/MacOS/Windows keyring for credentials if available
+#use_keyring = 1
+# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+#check_filelist = 1
+# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+#check_for_request_on_action = 0
+# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted. If
+# nothing is specified the API default is used
+#submitrequest_on_accept_action = cleanup|update|noupdate
+#review requests interactively (default: off)
+#request_show_review = 1
+# Directory with executables to validate sources, esp before committing
+#source_validator_directory = /usr/lib/osc/source_validators
+# set aliases for this apiurl
+# aliases = foo, bar
+# email used in .changes, unless the one from osc meta prj <user> will be used
+# email =
+# additional headers to pass to a request, e.g. for special authentication
+#http_headers = Host: foofoobar,
+# User: mumblegack
+# Force using of keyring for this API
+#keyring = 1
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<project name="osctest" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="conflict" rev="2" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="2">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
+ <entry md5="eb9c2bf0eb63f3a7bc0ea37ef18aeba5" mtime="1282730880" name="somefile" size="13" />
+ <entry md5="81be947db54c2e225dc8eacce64d8a4a" mtime="1282731457" name="replaced" size="17" />
+ <entry md5="676513fde5797c3785164942c97dfec1" mtime="1282731738" name="missing" size="8" />
+ <entry md5="ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" mtime="1111111111" name="deleted" size="9" />
+ <entry md5="ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" mtime="1111111111" name="skipped" size="12" skipped="true" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+yet another file
--- /dev/null
+some content
--- /dev/null
+<<<<<<< foo.mine
+This is no test.
+This is a simple test.
+>>>>>>> foo.r2
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
+foo replaced
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="srcpkg" rev="abcdeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" srcmd5="abcdeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" vrev="1">
+ <linkinfo project="srcsrcprj" package="srcsrcpkg" srcmd5="bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" baserev="bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" xsrcmd5="abcdeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" lsrcmd5="cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc" />
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="_link" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="srcpkg" rev="eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" srcmd5="eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" vrev="1">
+ <linkinfo project="srcsrcprj" package="srcsrcpkg" srcmd5="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" baserev="bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" xsrcmd5="eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" lsrcmd5="cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc" />
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="_link" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
--- /dev/null
+<link package="srcpkg" />
--- /dev/null
+# URL to access API server, e.g. https://api.opensuse.org
+# you also need a section [https://api.opensuse.org] with the credentials
+apiurl = http://localhost
+# Downloaded packages are cached here. Must be writable by you.
+#packagecachedir = /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache
+# Wrapper to call build as root (sudo, su -, ...)
+#su-wrapper = su -c
+# rootdir to setup the chroot environment
+# can contain %(repo)s, %(arch)s, %(project)s and %(package)s for replacement, e.g.
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s or
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s-%(project)s-%(package)s
+#build-root = /var/tmp/build-root
+# compile with N jobs (default: "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+#build-jobs = N
+# build-type to use - values can be (depending on the capabilities of the 'build' script)
+# empty - chroot build
+# kvm - kvm VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# xen - xen VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# experimental:
+# qemu - qemu VM build
+# lxc - lxc build
+#build-type =
+# build-device is the disk-image file to use as root for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.root
+#build-device = /var/tmp/FILE.root
+# build-swap is the disk-image to use as swap for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+#build-swap = /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+# build-memory is the amount of memory used in the VM
+# value in MB - e.g. 512
+#build-memory = 512
+# build-vmdisk-rootsize is the size of the disk-image used as root in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 4096
+#build-vmdisk-rootsize = 4096
+# build-vmdisk-swapsize is the size of the disk-image used as swap in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 1024
+#build-vmdisk-swapsize = 1024
+# Numeric uid:gid to assign to the "abuild" user in the build-root
+# or "caller" to use the current users uid:gid
+# This is convenient when sharing the buildroot with ordinary userids
+# on the host.
+# This should not be 0
+# build-uid =
+# extra packages to install when building packages locally (osc build)
+# this corresponds to osc build's -x option and can be overridden with that
+# -x '' can also be given on the command line to override this setting, or
+# you can have an empty setting here.
+#extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace
+# build platform is used if the platform argument is omitted to osc build
+#build_repository = openSUSE_Factory
+# default project for getpac or bco
+#getpac_default_project = openSUSE:Factory
+# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+#checkout_no_colon = 0
+# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+#exclude_glob = .osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.*
+# keep passwords in plaintext. If you see this comment, your osc
+# already uses the encrypted password, and only keeps them in plain text
+# for backwards compatibility. Default will change to 0 in future releases.
+# You can remove the plaintext password without harm, if you do not need
+# backwards compatibility.
+#plaintext_passwd = 1
+# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+# Use 0 for unlimted.
+#request_list_days = 0
+# show info useful for debugging
+#debug = 1
+# show HTTP traffic useful for debugging
+#http_debug = 1
+# Skip signature verification of packages used for build.
+#no_verify = 1
+# jump into the debugger in case of errors
+#post_mortem = 1
+# print call traces in case of errors
+#traceback = 1
+# use KDE/Gnome/MacOS/Windows keyring for credentials if available
+#use_keyring = 1
+# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+#check_filelist = 1
+# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+#check_for_request_on_action = 0
+# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted. If
+# nothing is specified the API default is used
+#submitrequest_on_accept_action = cleanup|update|noupdate
+#review requests interactively (default: off)
+#request_show_review = 1
+# Directory with executables to validate sources, esp before committing
+#source_validator_directory = /usr/lib/osc/source_validators
+# set aliases for this apiurl
+# aliases = foo, bar
+# email used in .changes, unless the one from osc meta prj <user> will be used
+# email =
+# additional headers to pass to a request, e.g. for special authentication
+#http_headers = Host: foofoobar,
+# User: mumblegack
+# Force using of keyring for this API
+#keyring = 1
--- /dev/null
+<link package="srcpkg" project="srcprj" rev="42" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="srcpkg" rev="42" srcmd5="ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
--- /dev/null
+<link package="srcpkg" project="srcprj" />
--- /dev/null
+import os.path
+import sys
+import unittest
+ import xmlrunner # JUnit like XML reporting
+ have_xmlrunner = True
+except ImportError:
+ have_xmlrunner = False
+import test_update
+import test_addfiles
+import test_deletefiles
+import test_revertfiles
+import test_difffiles
+import test_init_package
+import test_init_project
+import test_commit
+import test_repairwc
+import test_package_status
+import test_project_status
+import test_request
+import test_setlinkrev
+import test_prdiff
+suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+if have_xmlrunner:
+ result = xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'junit-xml-results')).run(suite)
+ result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite)
+sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful())
--- /dev/null
+import osc.core
+import osc.oscerr
+import os
+import sys
+from common import OscTestCase
+FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'addfile_fixtures')
+def suite():
+ import unittest
+ return unittest.makeSuite(TestAddFiles)
+class TestAddFiles(OscTestCase):
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ def testSimpleAdd(self):
+ """add one file ('toadd1') to the wc"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.addfile('toadd1')
+ exp = 'A toadd1\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'toadd1')))
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd1', 'A')
+ self._check_addlist('toadd1\n')
+ def testSimpleMultipleAdd(self):
+ """add multiple files ('toadd1', 'toadd2') to the wc"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.addfile('toadd1')
+ p.addfile('toadd2')
+ exp = 'A toadd1\nA toadd2\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'toadd1')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'toadd2')))
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd1', 'A')
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd2', 'A')
+ self._check_addlist('toadd1\ntoadd2\n')
+ def testAddVersionedFile(self):
+ """add a versioned file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.PackageFileConflict, p.addfile, 'merge')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_added')))
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', ' ')
+ def testAddUnversionedFileTwice(self):
+ """add the same file twice"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.addfile('toadd1')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.PackageFileConflict, p.addfile, 'toadd1')
+ exp = 'A toadd1\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'toadd1')))
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd1', 'A')
+ self._check_addlist('toadd1\n')
+ def testReplace(self):
+ """replace a deleted file ('foo')"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ open('foo', 'w').write('replaced file\n')
+ p.addfile('foo')
+ exp = 'A foo\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo')))
+ self.assertNotEqual(open(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo'), 'r').read(), 'replaced file\n')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_deleted')))
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', 'R')
+ self._check_addlist('foo\n')
+ def testAddNonExistentFile(self):
+ """add a non existent file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, p.addfile, 'doesnotexist')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_added')))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import unittest
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import osc.core
+import osc.oscerr
+import os
+import sys
+from common import GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OscTestCase
+from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'commit_fixtures')
+def suite():
+ import unittest
+ return unittest.makeSuite(TestCommit)
+rev_dummy = '<revision rev="repository">\n <srcmd5>empty</srcmd5>\n</revision>'
+class TestCommit(OscTestCase):
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple?rev=latest', file='testSimple_filesremote')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple?cmd=getprojectservices',
+ exp='', text='<services />')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testSimple_missingfilelist', expfile='testSimple_lfilelist')
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/nochange?rev=repository',
+ exp='This file didn\'t change but\nis modified.\n', text=rev_dummy)
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testSimple_cfilesremote', expfile='testSimple_lfilelist')
+ def test_simple(self):
+ """a simple commit (only one modified file)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.commit()
+ exp = 'Sending nochange\nTransmitting file data .\nCommitted revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testSimple_cfilesremote')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('nochange'))
+ self.assertEqual(open('nochange', 'r').read(), open(os.path.join('.osc', 'nochange'), 'r').read())
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', ' ')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/add?rev=latest', file='testAddfile_filesremote')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/add?cmd=getprojectservices',
+ exp='', text='<services />')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/add?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testAddfile_missingfilelist', expfile='testAddfile_lfilelist')
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/add/add?rev=repository',
+ exp='added file\n', text=rev_dummy)
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/add?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testAddfile_cfilesremote', expfile='testAddfile_lfilelist')
+ def test_addfile(self):
+ """commit a new file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('add')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.commit()
+ exp = 'Sending add\nTransmitting file data .\nCommitted revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testAddfile_cfilesremote')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('add'))
+ self.assertEqual(open('add', 'r').read(), open(os.path.join('.osc', 'add'), 'r').read())
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_added')))
+ self._check_status(p, 'add', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', ' ')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/delete?rev=latest', file='testDeletefile_filesremote')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/delete?cmd=getprojectservices',
+ exp='', text='<services />')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/delete?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testDeletefile_cfilesremote', expfile='testDeletefile_lfilelist')
+ def test_deletefile(self):
+ """delete a file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('delete')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.commit()
+ exp = 'Deleting nochange\nTransmitting file data \nCommitted revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testDeletefile_cfilesremote')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('nochange'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'nochange')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_deleted')))
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', ' ')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/conflict?rev=latest', file='testConflictfile_filesremote')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/conflict?cmd=getprojectservices',
+ exp='', text='<services />')
+ def test_conflictfile(self):
+ """package has a file which is in conflict state"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('conflict')
+ ret = osc.core.Package('.').commit()
+ self.assertTrue(ret == 1)
+ exp = 'Please resolve all conflicts before committing using "osc resolved FILE"!\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testConflictfile_filesremote')
+ self._check_conflictlist('merge\n')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/nochanges?rev=latest', file='testNoChanges_filesremote')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/nochanges?cmd=getprojectservices',
+ exp='', text='<services />')
+ def test_nochanges(self):
+ """package has no changes (which can be committed)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('nochanges')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.commit()
+ self.assertTrue(ret == 1)
+ exp = 'nothing to do for package nochanges\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', 'S')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', '!')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', ' ')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple?rev=latest', file='testMultiple_filesremote')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple?cmd=getprojectservices',
+ exp='', text='<services />')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testMultiple_missingfilelist', expfile='testMultiple_lfilelist')
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple/nochange?rev=repository', exp='This file did change.\n', text=rev_dummy)
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple/add?rev=repository', exp='added file\n', text=rev_dummy)
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple/add2?rev=repository', exp='add2\n', text=rev_dummy)
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testMultiple_cfilesremote', expfile='testMultiple_lfilelist')
+ def test_multiple(self):
+ """a simple commit (only one modified file)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('multiple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.commit()
+ exp = 'Deleting foo\nDeleting merge\nSending nochange\n' \
+ 'Sending add\nSending add2\nTransmitting file data ...\nCommitted revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testMultiple_cfilesremote')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_added')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_deleted')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'merge')))
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, p.status, 'foo')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, p.status, 'merge')
+ self._check_status(p, 'add', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'add2', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', ' ')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple?rev=latest', file='testPartial_filesremote')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple?cmd=getprojectservices',
+ exp='', text='<services />')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testPartial_missingfilelist', expfile='testPartial_lfilelist')
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple/add?rev=repository', exp='added file\n', text=rev_dummy)
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple/nochange?rev=repository', exp='This file did change.\n', text=rev_dummy)
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testPartial_cfilesremote', expfile='testPartial_lfilelist')
+ def test_partial(self):
+ """commit only some files"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('multiple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['foo', 'add', 'nochange']
+ p.commit()
+ exp = 'Deleting foo\nSending nochange\n' \
+ 'Sending add\nTransmitting file data ..\nCommitted revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testPartial_cfilesremote')
+ self._check_addlist('add2\n')
+ self._check_deletelist('merge\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'add2', 'A')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', 'D')
+ self._check_status(p, 'add', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', ' ')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, p.status, 'foo')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple?rev=latest', file='testSimple_filesremote')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple?cmd=getprojectservices',
+ exp='', text='<services />')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testSimple_missingfilelist', expfile='testSimple_lfilelist')
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/nochange?rev=repository', exp='This file didn\'t change but\nis modified.\n',
+ exception=IOError('test exception'), text=rev_dummy)
+ def test_interrupt(self):
+ """interrupt a commit"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ self.assertRaises(IOError, p.commit)
+ exp = 'Sending nochange\nTransmitting file data .'
+ self.assertTrue(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testSimple_filesremote')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('nochange'))
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', 'M')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/allstates?rev=latest', file='testPartial_filesremote')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/allstates?cmd=getprojectservices',
+ exp='', text='<services />')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/allstates?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testAllStates_missingfilelist', expfile='testAllStates_lfilelist')
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/allstates/add?rev=repository', exp='added file\n', text=rev_dummy)
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/allstates/missing?rev=repository', exp='replaced\n', text=rev_dummy)
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/allstates/nochange?rev=repository', exp='This file did change.\n', text=rev_dummy)
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/allstates?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testAllStates_cfilesremote', expfile='testAllStates_lfilelist')
+ def test_allstates(self):
+ """commit all files (all states are available except 'C')"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('allstates')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.commit()
+ exp = 'Deleting foo\nSending missing\nSending nochange\n' \
+ 'Sending add\nTransmitting file data ...\nCommitted revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testAllStates_expfiles', 'skipped')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_added')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_deleted')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('foo'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo')))
+ self._check_status(p, 'add', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', '!')
+ self._check_status(p, 'missing', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'skipped', 'S')
+ self._check_status(p, 'test', ' ')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/add?rev=latest', file='testAddfile_filesremote')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/add?cmd=getprojectservices',
+ exp='', text='<services />')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/add?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testAddfile_cfilesremote', expfile='testAddfile_lfilelist')
+ def test_remoteexists(self):
+ """file 'add' should be committed but already exists on the server"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('add')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.commit()
+ exp = 'Sending add\nTransmitting file data \nCommitted revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testAddfile_cfilesremote')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('add'))
+ self.assertEqual(open('add', 'r').read(), open(os.path.join('.osc', 'add'), 'r').read())
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_added')))
+ self._check_status(p, 'add', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', ' ')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/branch?rev=latest', file='testExpand_filesremote')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/branch?cmd=getprojectservices',
+ exp='', text='<services />')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/branch?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin&keeplink=1',
+ file='testExpand_missingfilelist', expfile='testExpand_lfilelist')
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/branch/simple?rev=repository', exp='simple modified file.\n', text=rev_dummy)
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/branch?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin&keeplink=1',
+ file='testExpand_cfilesremote', expfile='testExpand_lfilelist')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/branch?rev=87ea02aede261b0267aabaa97c756e7a', file='testExpand_expandedfilesremote')
+ def test_expand(self):
+ """commit an expanded package"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('branch')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.commit()
+ exp = 'Sending simple\nTransmitting file data .\nCommitted revision 7.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testExpand_expandedfilesremote')
+ self._check_status(p, 'simple', ' ')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/added_missing?rev=latest', file='testAddedMissing_filesremote')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/added_missing?cmd=getprojectservices',
+ exp='', text='<services />')
+ def test_added_missing(self):
+ """commit an added file which is missing"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('added_missing')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.commit()
+ self.assertTrue(ret == 1)
+ exp = 'file \'add\' is marked as \'A\' but does not exist\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_status(p, 'add', '!')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/added_missing?rev=latest', file='testAddedMissing_filesremote')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/added_missing?cmd=getprojectservices',
+ exp='', text='<services />')
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/added_missing?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testAddedMissing_missingfilelist', expfile='testAddedMissing_lfilelist')
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/added_missing/bar?rev=repository', exp='foobar\n', text=rev_dummy)
+ @POST('http://localhost/source/osctest/added_missing?comment=&cmd=commitfilelist&user=Admin',
+ file='testAddedMissing_cfilesremote', expfile='testAddedMissing_lfilelist')
+ def test_added_missing2(self):
+ """commit an added file, another added file missing (but it's not part of the commit)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('added_missing')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['bar']
+ p.commit()
+ exp = 'Sending bar\nTransmitting file data .\nCommitted revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_status(p, 'add', '!')
+ self._check_status(p, 'bar', ' ')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import unittest
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import osc.core
+import osc.oscerr
+import os
+from common import OscTestCase
+FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'deletefile_fixtures')
+def suite():
+ import unittest
+ return unittest.makeSuite(TestDeleteFiles)
+class TestDeleteFiles(OscTestCase):
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ def testSimpleRemove(self):
+ """delete a file ('foo') from the wc"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('foo')
+ self.__check_ret(ret, True, ' ')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('foo'))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo')))
+ self._check_deletelist('foo\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', 'D')
+ def testDeleteModified(self):
+ """delete modified file ('nochange') from the wc (without force)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('nochange')
+ self.__check_ret(ret, False, 'M')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('nochange'))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'nochange')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_deleted')))
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', 'M')
+ def testDeleteUnversioned(self):
+ """delete an unversioned file ('toadd2') from the wc"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('toadd2')
+ self.__check_ret(ret, False, '?')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('toadd2'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_deleted')))
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd2', '?')
+ def testDeleteAdded(self):
+ """delete an added file ('toadd1') from the wc (without force)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('toadd1')
+ self.__check_ret(ret, False, 'A')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('toadd1'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_deleted')))
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd1', 'A')
+ def testDeleteReplaced(self):
+ """delete an added file ('merge') from the wc (without force)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('replace')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('merge')
+ self.__check_ret(ret, False, 'R')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('merge'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_deleted')))
+ self._check_addlist('toadd1\nmerge\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', 'R')
+ def testDeleteConflict(self):
+ """delete a file ('foo', state='C') from the wc (without force)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('conflict')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('foo')
+ self.__check_ret(ret, False, 'C')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('foo'))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_deleted')))
+ self._check_conflictlist('foo\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', 'C')
+ def testDeleteModifiedForce(self):
+ """force deletion modified file ('nochange') from wc"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('nochange', force=True)
+ self.__check_ret(ret, True, 'M')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('nochange'))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'nochange')))
+ self._check_deletelist('nochange\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', 'D')
+ def testDeleteUnversionedForce(self):
+ """delete an unversioned file ('toadd2') from the wc (with force)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('toadd2', force=True)
+ self.__check_ret(ret, True, '?')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('toadd2'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_deleted')))
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, p.status, 'toadd2')
+ def testDeleteAddedForce(self):
+ """delete an added file ('toadd1') from the wc (with force)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('toadd1', force=True)
+ self.__check_ret(ret, True, 'A')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('toadd1'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_deleted')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_added')))
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, p.status, 'toadd1')
+ def testDeleteReplacedForce(self):
+ """delete an added file ('merge') from the wc (with force)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('replace')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('merge', force=True)
+ self.__check_ret(ret, True, 'R')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('merge'))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'merge')))
+ self._check_deletelist('merge\n')
+ self._check_addlist('toadd1\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', 'D')
+ def testDeleteConflictForce(self):
+ """delete a file ('foo', state='C') from the wc (with force)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('conflict')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('foo', force=True)
+ self.__check_ret(ret, True, 'C')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('foo'))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('foo.r2'))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('foo.mine'))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo')))
+ self._check_deletelist('foo\n')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_in_conflict')))
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', 'D')
+ def testDeleteMultiple(self):
+ """delete mutliple files from the wc"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('foo')
+ self.__check_ret(ret, True, ' ')
+ ret = p.delete_file('merge')
+ self.__check_ret(ret, True, ' ')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('foo'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('merge'))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo')))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'merge')))
+ self._check_deletelist('foo\nmerge\n')
+ def testDeleteAlreadyDeleted(self):
+ """delete already deleted file from the wc"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('already_deleted')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('foo')
+ self.__check_ret(ret, True, 'D')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('foo'))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo')))
+ self._check_deletelist('foo\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', 'D')
+ def testDeleteAddedMissing(self):
+ """
+ delete a file which was added to the wc and is removed again
+ (via a non osc command). It's current state is '!'
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('delete')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('toadd1')
+ self.__check_ret(ret, True, '!')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('toadd1'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'toadd1')))
+ self._check_deletelist('foo\n')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_added')))
+ def testDeleteSkippedLocalNotExistent(self):
+ """
+ delete a skipped file: no local file with that name exists
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('skipped')
+ self.__check_ret(ret, False, 'S')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_deleted')))
+ def testDeleteSkippedLocalExistent(self):
+ """
+ delete a skipped file: a local file with that name exists and will be deleted
+ (for instance _service:* files have status 'S' but a local files might exist)
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ ret = p.delete_file('skipped_exists')
+ self.__check_ret(ret, True, 'S')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('skipped_exists'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_to_be_deleted')))
+ def __check_ret(self, ret, exp1, exp2):
+ self.assertTrue(len(ret) == 2)
+ self.assertTrue(ret[0] == exp1)
+ self.assertTrue(ret[1] == exp2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import unittest
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import osc.core
+import osc.oscerr
+import os
+import re
+from common import GET, OscTestCase
+FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'difffile_fixtures')
+def suite():
+ import unittest
+ return unittest.makeSuite(TestDiffFiles)
+class TestDiffFiles(OscTestCase):
+ diff_hdr = 'Index: %s\n==================================================================='
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ def testDiffUnmodified(self):
+ """diff an unmodified file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['merge']
+ self.__check_diff(p, '', None)
+ def testDiffAdded(self):
+ """diff an added file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['toadd1']
+ exp = """%s
+--- toadd1\t(revision 0)
++++ toadd1\t(revision 0)
+@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'toadd1')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
+ def testDiffRemoved(self):
+ """diff a removed file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['somefile']
+ exp = """%s
+--- somefile\t(revision 2)
++++ somefile\t(working copy)
+@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
+-some content
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'somefile')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
+ def testDiffMissing(self):
+ """diff a missing file (missing files are ignored)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['missing']
+ self.__check_diff(p, '', None)
+ def testDiffReplaced(self):
+ """diff a replaced file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['replaced']
+ exp = """%s
+--- replaced\t(revision 2)
++++ replaced\t(working copy)
+@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
+-yet another file
++foo replaced
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'replaced')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
+ def testDiffSkipped(self):
+ """diff a skipped file (skipped files are ignored)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['skipped']
+ self.__check_diff(p, '', None)
+ def testDiffConflict(self):
+ """diff a file which is in the conflict state"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['foo']
+ exp = """%s
+--- foo\t(revision 2)
++++ foo\t(working copy)
+@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
++<<<<<<< foo.mine
++This is no test.
+ This is a simple test.
++>>>>>>> foo.r2
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'foo')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
+ def testDiffModified(self):
+ """diff a modified file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['nochange']
+ exp = """%s
+--- nochange\t(revision 2)
++++ nochange\t(working copy)
+@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+-This file didn't change.
++This file didn't change but
++is modified.
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'nochange')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
+ def testDiffUnversioned(self):
+ """diff an unversioned file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['toadd2']
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, self.__check_diff, p, '', None)
+ def testDiffAddedMissing(self):
+ """diff a file which has satus 'A' but the local file does not exist"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['addedmissing']
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, self.__check_diff, p, '', None)
+ def testDiffMultipleFiles(self):
+ """diff multiple files"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['nochange', 'somefile']
+ exp = """%s
+--- nochange\t(revision 2)
++++ nochange\t(working copy)
+@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+-This file didn't change.
++This file didn't change but
++is modified.
+--- somefile\t(revision 2)
++++ somefile\t(working copy)
+@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
+-some content
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'nochange', TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'somefile')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
+ def testDiffReplacedEmptyTodo(self):
+ """diff a complete package"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('replaced')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ exp = """%s
+--- replaced\t(revision 2)
++++ replaced\t(working copy)
+@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
+-yet another file
++foo replaced
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'replaced')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
+ def testDiffBinaryAdded(self):
+ """diff an added binary file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('binary')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['binary_added']
+ exp = """%s
+Binary file 'binary_added' added.
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'binary_added')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
+ def testDiffBinaryDeleted(self):
+ """diff a deleted binary file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('binary')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['binary_deleted']
+ exp = """%s
+Binary file 'binary_deleted' deleted.
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'binary_deleted')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
+ def testDiffBinaryModified(self):
+ """diff a modified binary file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('binary')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['binary']
+ exp = """%s
+Binary file 'binary' has changed.
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'binary')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, None)
+ # diff with revision
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple_noadd?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteNoChange_files')
+ def testDiffRemoteNoChange(self):
+ """diff against remote revision where no file changed"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('remote_simple_noadd')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ self.__check_diff(p, '', 3)
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteModified_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple/merge?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteModified_merge')
+ def testDiffRemoteModified(self):
+ """diff against a remote revision with one modified file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('remote_simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ exp = """%s
+--- merge\t(revision 3)
++++ merge\t(working copy)
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+ Is it
+ possible to
+ merge this file?
++I hope so...
+--- toadd1\t(revision 0)
++++ toadd1\t(revision 0)
+@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'merge', TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'toadd1')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, 3)
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteDeletedLocalAdded_files')
+ def testDiffRemoteNotExistingLocalAdded(self):
+ """
+ a file which doesn't exist in a remote revision and
+ has status A in the wc
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('remote_simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ exp = """%s
+--- toadd1\t(revision 0)
++++ toadd1\t(revision 0)
+@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'toadd1')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, 3)
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple_noadd?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteExistingLocalNotExisting_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple_noadd/foobar?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteExistingLocalNotExisting_foobar')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple_noadd/binary?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteExistingLocalNotExisting_binary')
+ def testDiffRemoteExistingLocalNotExisting(self):
+ """
+ a file doesn't exist in the local wc but exists
+ in the remote revision
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('remote_simple_noadd')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ exp = """%s
+--- foobar\t(revision 3)
++++ foobar\t(working copy)
+@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
+Binary file 'binary' deleted.
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'foobar', TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'binary')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, 3)
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_localmodified?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteUnchangedLocalModified_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_localmodified/nochange?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteUnchangedLocalModified_nochange')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_localmodified/binary?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteUnchangedLocalModified_binary')
+ def testDiffRemoteUnchangedLocalModified(self):
+ """remote revision didn't change, local file is modified"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('remote_localmodified')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ exp = """%s
+--- nochange\t(revision 3)
++++ nochange\t(working copy)
+@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+ This file didn't change.
++oh it does
+Binary file 'binary' has changed.
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'nochange', TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'binary')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, 3)
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_simple_noadd?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteMissingLocalExisting_files')
+ def testDiffRemoteMissingLocalExisting(self):
+ """
+ remote revision misses a file which exists in the local wc (state ' ')"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('remote_simple_noadd')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ exp = """%s
+--- foo\t(revision 0)
++++ foo\t(working copy)
+@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
++This is a simple test.
+""" % (TestDiffFiles.diff_hdr % 'foo')
+ self.__check_diff(p, exp, 3)
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/remote_localdelete?rev=3', file='testDiffRemoteMissingLocalDeleted_files')
+ def testDiffRemoteMissingLocalDeleted(self):
+ """
+ remote revision misses a file which is marked for
+ deletion in the local wc
+ """
+ # empty diff is expected (svn does the same)
+ self._change_to_pkg('remote_localdelete')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ self.__check_diff(p, '', 3)
+ def __check_diff(self, p, exp, revision=None):
+ got = ''
+ for i in p.get_diff(revision):
+ got += ''.join(i)
+ # When a hunk header refers to a single line in the "from"
+ # file and/or the "to" file, e.g.
+ #
+ # @@ -37,37 +41,43 @@
+ # @@ -37,39 +41,41 @@
+ # @@ -37,37 +41,41 @@
+ #
+ # some systems will avoid repeating the line number:
+ #
+ # @@ -37 +41,43 @@
+ # @@ -37,39 +41 @@
+ # @@ -37 +41 @@
+ #
+ # so we need to canonise the output to avoid false negative
+ # test failures.
+ # TODO: Package.get_diff should return a consistent format
+ # (regardless of the used python version)
+ def __canonise_diff(diff):
+ # we cannot use re.M because python 2.6's re.sub does
+ # not support a flags argument
+ diff = [re.sub('^@@ -(\d+) ', '@@ -\\1,\\1 ', line)
+ for line in diff.split('\n')]
+ diff = [re.sub('^(@@ -\d+,\d+) \+(\d+) ', '\\1 +\\2,\\2 ', line)
+ for line in diff]
+ return '\n'.join(diff)
+ got = __canonise_diff(got)
+ exp = __canonise_diff(exp)
+ self.assertEqualMultiline(got, exp)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import unittest
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import osc.core
+import osc.oscerr
+import os
+from common import OscTestCase
+FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'init_package_fixtures')
+def suite():
+ import unittest
+ return unittest.makeSuite(TestInitPackage)
+class TestInitPackage(OscTestCase):
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ # workaround for git because it doesn't allow empty dirs
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(FIXTURES_DIR, 'osctest')):
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(FIXTURES_DIR, 'osctest'))
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(FIXTURES_DIR, 'osctest')):
+ os.rmdir(os.path.join(FIXTURES_DIR, 'osctest'))
+ OscTestCase.tearDown(self)
+ def test_simple(self):
+ """initialize a package dir"""
+ pac_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'testpkg')
+ osc.core.Package.init_package('http://localhost', 'osctest', 'testpkg', pac_dir)
+ storedir = os.path.join(pac_dir, osc.core.store)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join(storedir, '_meta_mode')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join(storedir, '_size_limit')))
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_project'), 'osctest\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_package'), 'testpkg\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_files'), '<directory />\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_apiurl'), 'http://localhost\n')
+ def test_size_limit(self):
+ """initialize a package dir with size_limit parameter"""
+ pac_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'testpkg')
+ osc.core.Package.init_package('http://localhost', 'osctest', 'testpkg', pac_dir, size_limit=42)
+ storedir = os.path.join(pac_dir, osc.core.store)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join(storedir, '_meta_mode')))
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_size_limit'), '42\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_project'), 'osctest\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_package'), 'testpkg\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_files'), '<directory />\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_apiurl'), 'http://localhost\n')
+ def test_meta_mode(self):
+ """initialize a package dir with meta paramter"""
+ pac_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'testpkg')
+ osc.core.Package.init_package('http://localhost', 'osctest', 'testpkg', pac_dir, meta=True)
+ storedir = os.path.join(pac_dir, osc.core.store)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join(storedir, '_size_limit')))
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_meta_mode'), '')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_project'), 'osctest\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_package'), 'testpkg\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_files'), '<directory />\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_apiurl'), 'http://localhost\n')
+ def test_dirExists(self):
+ """initialize a package dir (dir already exists)"""
+ pac_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'testpkg')
+ os.mkdir(pac_dir)
+ osc.core.Package.init_package('http://localhost', 'osctest', 'testpkg', pac_dir)
+ storedir = os.path.join(pac_dir, osc.core.store)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join(storedir, '_meta_mode')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join(storedir, '_size_limit')))
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_project'), 'osctest\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_package'), 'testpkg\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_files'), '<directory />\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_apiurl'), 'http://localhost\n')
+ def test_storedirExists(self):
+ """initialize a package dir (dir+storedir already exists)"""
+ pac_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'testpkg')
+ os.mkdir(pac_dir)
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(pac_dir, osc.core.store))
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, osc.core.Package.init_package, 'http://localhost', 'osctest', 'testpkg', pac_dir)
+ def test_dirIsFile(self):
+ """initialize a package dir (dir is a file)"""
+ pac_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'testpkg')
+ os.mkdir(pac_dir)
+ open(os.path.join(pac_dir, osc.core.store), 'w').write('foo\n')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, osc.core.Package.init_package, 'http://localhost', 'osctest', 'testpkg', pac_dir)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import unittest
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import osc.core
+import osc.oscerr
+import os
+from common import GET, OscTestCase
+FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'init_project_fixtures')
+def suite():
+ import unittest
+ return unittest.makeSuite(TestInitProject)
+class TestInitProject(OscTestCase):
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ # workaround for git because it doesn't allow empty dirs
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(FIXTURES_DIR, 'osctest')):
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(FIXTURES_DIR, 'osctest'))
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(FIXTURES_DIR, 'osctest')):
+ os.rmdir(os.path.join(FIXTURES_DIR, 'osctest'))
+ OscTestCase.tearDown(self)
+ def test_simple(self):
+ """initialize a project dir"""
+ prj_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'testprj')
+ prj = osc.core.Project.init_project('http://localhost', prj_dir, 'testprj', getPackageList=False)
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(prj, osc.core.Project))
+ storedir = os.path.join(prj_dir, osc.core.store)
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_project'), 'testprj\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_apiurl'), 'http://localhost\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_packages'), '<project name="testprj" />')
+ def test_dirExists(self):
+ """initialize a project dir but the dir already exists"""
+ prj_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'testprj')
+ os.mkdir(prj_dir)
+ prj = osc.core.Project.init_project('http://localhost', prj_dir, 'testprj', getPackageList=False)
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(prj, osc.core.Project))
+ storedir = os.path.join(prj_dir, osc.core.store)
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_project'), 'testprj\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_apiurl'), 'http://localhost\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_packages'), '<project name="testprj" />')
+ def test_storedirExists(self):
+ """initialize a project dir but the storedir already exists"""
+ prj_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'testprj')
+ os.mkdir(prj_dir)
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(prj_dir, osc.core.store))
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, osc.core.Project.init_project, 'http://localhost', prj_dir, 'testprj')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/testprj', text='<directory count="0" />')
+ def test_no_package_tracking(self):
+ """initialize a project dir but disable package tracking; enable getPackageList=True;
+ disable wc_check (because we didn't disable the package tracking before the Project class
+ was imported therefore REQ_STOREFILES contains '_packages')
+ """
+ import osc.conf
+ # disable package tracking
+ osc.conf.config['do_package_tracking'] = False
+ prj_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'testprj')
+ os.mkdir(prj_dir)
+ prj = osc.core.Project.init_project('http://localhost', prj_dir, 'testprj', False, wc_check=False)
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(prj, osc.core.Project))
+ storedir = os.path.join(prj_dir, osc.core.store)
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_project'), 'testprj\n')
+ self._check_list(os.path.join(storedir, '_apiurl'), 'http://localhost\n')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join(storedir, '_packages')))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import unittest
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import osc.core
+import osc.oscerr
+import os
+from common import OscTestCase
+FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'project_package_status_fixtures')
+def suite():
+ import unittest
+ return unittest.makeSuite(TestPackageStatus)
+class TestPackageStatus(OscTestCase):
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ def test_allfiles(self):
+ """get the status of all files in the wc"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ exp_st = [('A', 'add'), ('?', 'exists'), ('D', 'foo'), ('!', 'merge'), ('R', 'missing'),
+ ('!', 'missing_added'), ('M', 'nochange'), ('S', 'skipped'), (' ', 'test')]
+ st = p.get_status()
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_todo(self):
+ """
+ get the status of some files in the wc.
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['test', 'missing_added', 'foo']
+ exp_st = [('D', 'foo'), ('!', 'missing_added')]
+ st = p.get_status(False, ' ')
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_todo_noexcl(self):
+ """ get the status of some files in the wc. """
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['test', 'missing_added', 'foo']
+ exp_st = [('D', 'foo'), ('!', 'missing_added'), (' ', 'test')]
+ st = p.get_status()
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_exclude_state(self):
+ """get the status of all files in the wc but exclude some states"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ exp_st = [('A', 'add'), ('?', 'exists'), ('D', 'foo')]
+ st = p.get_status(False, '!', 'S', ' ', 'M', 'R')
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_nonexistent(self):
+ """get the status of a non existent file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.todo = ['doesnotexist']
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, p.get_status)
+ def test_conflict(self):
+ """get status of the wc (one file in conflict state)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('conflict')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ exp_st = [('C', 'conflict'), ('?', 'exists'), (' ', 'test')]
+ st = p.get_status()
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_excluded(self):
+ """get status of the wc (ignore excluded files); package has state ' '"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('excluded')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ exp_st = [('?', 'exists'), ('M', 'modified')]
+ st = p.get_status(False, ' ')
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_noexcluded(self):
+ """get status of the wc (include excluded files)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('excluded')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ exp_st = [('?', '_linkerror'), ('?', 'exists'), ('?', 'foo.orig'), ('M', 'modified'), (' ', 'test')]
+ st = p.get_status(True)
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import unittest
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import osc.commandline
+import osc.core
+import osc.oscerr
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import urllib2
+from common import GET, POST, OscTestCase, addExpectedRequest, EXPECTED_REQUESTS
+FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'prdiff_fixtures')
+API_URL = 'http://localhost/'
+UPSTREAM = 'some:project'
+BRANCH = 'home:user:branches:' + UPSTREAM
+def rdiff_url(pkg, oldprj, newprj):
+ return API_URL + 'source/%s/%s?unified=1&opackage=%s&oproject=%s&cmd=diff&expand=1&filelimit=0' % \
+ (newprj, pkg, pkg, oldprj.replace(':', '%3A'))
+def request_url(prj):
+ return API_URL + 'search/request?match=%%28state%%2F%%40name%%3D%%27new%%27+or+state%%2F%%40name%%3D%%27review%%27%%29+and+%%28action%%2Ftarget%%2F%%40project%%3D%%27%s%%27+or+submit%%2Ftarget%%2F%%40project%%3D%%27%s%%27+or+action%%2Fsource%%2F%%40project%%3D%%27%s%%27+or+submit%%2Fsource%%2F%%40project%%3D%%27%s%%27%%29' % \
+ tuple([prj.replace(':', '%3A')] * 4)
+def GET_PROJECT_PACKAGES(*projects):
+ def decorator(test_method):
+ def wrapped_test_method(*args):
+ for project in projects:
+ addExpectedRequest('GET', API_URL + 'source/' + project,
+ file='%s/directory' % project)
+ test_method(*args)
+ # "rename" method otherwise we cannot specify a TestCaseClass.testName
+ # cmdline arg when using unittest.main()
+ wrapped_test_method.__name__ = test_method.__name__
+ return wrapped_test_method
+ return decorator
+def POST_RDIFF(oldprj, newprj):
+ def decorator(test_method):
+ def wrapped_test_method(*args):
+ addExpectedRequest('POST', rdiff_url('common-one', oldprj, newprj), exp='', text='')
+ addExpectedRequest('POST', rdiff_url('common-two', oldprj, newprj), exp='', file='common-two-diff')
+ addExpectedRequest('POST', rdiff_url('common-three', oldprj, newprj), exp='', text='')
+ test_method(*args)
+ # "rename" method otherwise we cannot specify a TestCaseClass.testName
+ # cmdline arg when using unittest.main()
+ wrapped_test_method.__name__ = test_method.__name__
+ return wrapped_test_method
+ return decorator
+def suite():
+ import unittest
+ return unittest.makeSuite(TestProjectDiff)
+class TestProjectDiff(OscTestCase):
+ diff_hdr = 'Index: %s\n==================================================================='
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ def _change_to_tmpdir(self, *args):
+ os.chdir(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, *args))
+ def _run_prdiff(self, *args):
+ """Runs osc prdiff, returning captured STDOUT as a string."""
+ cli = osc.commandline.Osc()
+ argv = ['osc', '--no-keyring', '--no-gnome-keyring', 'prdiff']
+ argv.extend(args)
+ cli.main(argv=argv)
+ return sys.stdout.getvalue()
+ def testPrdiffTooManyArgs(self):
+ def runner():
+ self._run_prdiff('one', 'two', 'superfluous-arg')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WrongArgs, runner)
+ @POST(rdiff_url('only-in-new', UPSTREAM, BRANCH), exp='', text='')
+ def testPrdiffZeroArgs(self):
+ exp = """identical: common-one
+differs: common-two
+identical: common-three
+identical: only-in-new
+ def runner():
+ self._run_prdiff()
+ os.chdir('/tmp')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WrongArgs, runner)
+ self._change_to_tmpdir(FIXTURES_DIR, UPSTREAM)
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WrongArgs, runner)
+ self._change_to_tmpdir(FIXTURES_DIR, BRANCH)
+ out = self._run_prdiff()
+ self.assertEqualMultiline(out, exp)
+ @POST(rdiff_url('only-in-new', UPSTREAM, BRANCH), exp='', text='')
+ def testPrdiffOneArg(self):
+ self._change_to_tmpdir()
+ exp = """identical: common-one
+differs: common-two
+identical: common-three
+identical: only-in-new
+ out = self._run_prdiff('home:user:branches:some:project')
+ self.assertEqualMultiline(out, exp)
+ @GET_PROJECT_PACKAGES('old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ @POST_RDIFF('old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ def testPrdiffTwoArgs(self):
+ self._change_to_tmpdir()
+ exp = """identical: common-one
+differs: common-two
+identical: common-three
+ out = self._run_prdiff('old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ self.assertEqualMultiline(out, exp)
+ @GET_PROJECT_PACKAGES('old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ @POST_RDIFF('old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ def testPrdiffOldOnly(self):
+ self._change_to_tmpdir()
+ exp = """identical: common-one
+differs: common-two
+identical: common-three
+old only: only-in-old
+ out = self._run_prdiff('--show-not-in-new', 'old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ self.assertEqualMultiline(out, exp)
+ @GET_PROJECT_PACKAGES('old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ @POST_RDIFF('old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ def testPrdiffNewOnly(self):
+ self._change_to_tmpdir()
+ exp = """identical: common-one
+differs: common-two
+identical: common-three
+new only: only-in-new
+ out = self._run_prdiff('--show-not-in-old', 'old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ self.assertEqualMultiline(out, exp)
+ @GET_PROJECT_PACKAGES('old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ @POST_RDIFF('old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ def testPrdiffDiffstat(self):
+ self._change_to_tmpdir()
+ exp = """identical: common-one
+differs: common-two
+ common-two | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+identical: common-three
+ out = self._run_prdiff('--diffstat', 'old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ self.assertEqualMultiline(out, exp)
+ @GET_PROJECT_PACKAGES('old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ @POST_RDIFF('old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ def testPrdiffUnified(self):
+ self._change_to_tmpdir()
+ exp = """identical: common-one
+differs: common-two
+Index: common-two
+--- common-two\t2013-01-18 19:18:38.225983117 +0000
++++ common-two\t2013-01-18 19:19:27.882082325 +0000
+@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ line one
+ line two
+ line three
++an extra line
+ last line
+identical: common-three
+ out = self._run_prdiff('--unified', 'old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ self.assertEqualMultiline(out, exp)
+ @GET_PROJECT_PACKAGES('old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ @POST(rdiff_url('common-two', 'old:prj', 'new:prj'), exp='', file='common-two-diff')
+ @POST(rdiff_url('common-three', 'old:prj', 'new:prj'), exp='', text='')
+ def testPrdiffInclude(self):
+ self._change_to_tmpdir()
+ exp = """differs: common-two
+identical: common-three
+ out = self._run_prdiff('--include', 'common-t',
+ 'old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ self.assertEqualMultiline(out, exp)
+ @GET_PROJECT_PACKAGES('old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ @POST(rdiff_url('common-two', 'old:prj', 'new:prj'), exp='', file='common-two-diff')
+ @POST(rdiff_url('common-three', 'old:prj', 'new:prj'), exp='', text='')
+ def testPrdiffExclude(self):
+ self._change_to_tmpdir()
+ exp = """differs: common-two
+identical: common-three
+ out = self._run_prdiff('--exclude', 'one', 'old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ self.assertEqualMultiline(out, exp)
+ @GET_PROJECT_PACKAGES('old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ @POST(rdiff_url('common-two', 'old:prj', 'new:prj'), exp='', file='common-two-diff')
+ def testPrdiffIncludeExclude(self):
+ self._change_to_tmpdir()
+ exp = """differs: common-two
+ out = self._run_prdiff('--include', 'common-t',
+ '--exclude', 'three',
+ 'old:prj', 'new:prj')
+ self.assertEqualMultiline(out, exp)
+ @GET(request_url(UPSTREAM), exp='', file='request')
+ @POST(rdiff_url('common-one', UPSTREAM, BRANCH), exp='', text='')
+ @POST(rdiff_url('common-two', UPSTREAM, BRANCH), exp='', file='common-two-diff')
+ @POST(rdiff_url('common-three', UPSTREAM, BRANCH), exp='', file='common-two-diff')
+ @POST(rdiff_url('only-in-new', UPSTREAM, BRANCH), exp='', text='')
+ def testPrdiffRequestsMatching(self):
+ self._change_to_tmpdir()
+ exp = """identical: common-one
+differs: common-two
+148023 State:new By:user When:2013-01-11T11:04:14
+ submit: home:user:branches:some:project/common-two -> some:project
+ Descr: - Fix it to work - Improve support for something
+differs: common-three
+identical: only-in-new
+ out = self._run_prdiff('--requests', UPSTREAM, BRANCH)
+ self.assertEqualMultiline(out, exp)
+ # Reverse the direction of the diff.
+ @GET(request_url(BRANCH), exp='', file='no-requests')
+ @POST(rdiff_url('common-one', BRANCH, UPSTREAM), exp='', text='')
+ @POST(rdiff_url('common-two', BRANCH, UPSTREAM), exp='', file='common-two-diff')
+ @POST(rdiff_url('common-three', BRANCH, UPSTREAM), exp='', file='common-two-diff')
+ @POST(rdiff_url('only-in-new', BRANCH, UPSTREAM), exp='', text='')
+ def testPrdiffRequestsSwitched(self):
+ self._change_to_tmpdir()
+ exp = """identical: common-one
+differs: common-two
+differs: common-three
+identical: only-in-new
+ out = self._run_prdiff('--requests', BRANCH, UPSTREAM)
+ self.assertEqualMultiline(out, exp)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import unittest
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import osc.core
+import osc.oscerr
+import os
+from common import OscTestCase
+FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'project_package_status_fixtures')
+def suite():
+ import unittest
+ return unittest.makeSuite(TestProjectStatus)
+class TestProjectStatus(OscTestCase):
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ def test_simple(self):
+ """get the status of a package with state ' '"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ exp_st = ' '
+ st = prj.status('simple')
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_added(self):
+ """get the status of an added package"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ exp_st = 'A'
+ st = prj.status('added')
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_deleted(self):
+ """get the status of a deleted package"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ exp_st = 'D'
+ st = prj.status('deleted')
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_added_deleted(self):
+ """
+ get the status of a package which was added and deleted
+ afterwards (with a non osc command)
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ exp_st = '!'
+ st = prj.status('added_deleted')
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_missing(self):
+ """
+ get the status of a package with state " "
+ which was removed by a non osc command
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ exp_st = '!'
+ st = prj.status('missing')
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_deleted_deleted(self):
+ """
+ get the status of a package which was deleted (with an
+ osc command) and afterwards the package directory was
+ deleted with a non osc command
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ exp_st = 'D'
+ st = prj.status('deleted_deleted')
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_unversioned_exists(self):
+ """get the status of an unversioned package"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ exp_st = '?'
+ st = prj.status('excluded')
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_unversioned_nonexistent(self):
+ """get the status of an unversioned, nonexistent package"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, prj.status, 'doesnotexist')
+ def test_get_status(self):
+ """get the status of the complete project"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ exp_st = [(' ', 'conflict'), (' ', 'simple'), ('A', 'added'), ('D', 'deleted'),
+ ('!', 'missing'), ('!', 'added_deleted'), ('D', 'deleted_deleted'), ('?', 'excluded')]
+ st = prj.get_status()
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_get_status_excl(self):
+ """get the status of the complete project (exclude some states)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ exp_st = [('A', 'added'), ('!', 'missing'), ('!', 'added_deleted')]
+ st = prj.get_status('D', ' ', '?')
+ self.assertEqual(exp_st, st)
+ def test_get_pacobj_simple(self):
+ """package exists"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ p = prj.get_pacobj('simple')
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, osc.core.Package))
+ self.assertEqual(p.name, 'simple')
+ def test_get_pacobj_added(self):
+ """package has state 'A', also test pac_kwargs"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ p = prj.get_pacobj('added', progress_obj={})
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, osc.core.Package))
+ self.assertEqual(p.name, 'added')
+ self.assertEqual(p.progress_obj, {})
+ def test_get_pacobj_deleted(self):
+ """package has state 'D' and exists, also test pac_args"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ p = prj.get_pacobj('deleted', {})
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, osc.core.Package))
+ self.assertEqual(p.name, 'deleted')
+ self.assertEqual(p.progress_obj, {})
+ def test_get_pacobj_missing(self):
+ """package is missing"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ p = prj.get_pacobj('missing')
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, type(None)))
+ def test_get_pacobj_deleted_deleted(self):
+ """package has state 'D' and does not exist"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ p = prj.get_pacobj('deleted_deleted')
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, type(None)))
+ def test_get_pacobj_unversioned(self):
+ """package/dir has state '?'"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ p = prj.get_pacobj('excluded')
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, type(None)))
+ def test_get_pacobj_nonexistent(self):
+ """package/dir does not exist"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('.')
+ prj = osc.core.Project('.', getPackageList=False)
+ p = prj.get_pacobj('doesnotexist')
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, type(None)))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import unittest
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import osc.core
+import osc.oscerr
+import os
+import sys
+from common import GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OscTestCase
+from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'repairwc_fixtures')
+def suite():
+ import unittest
+ return unittest.makeSuite(TestRepairWC)
+class TestRepairWC(OscTestCase):
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ def __assertNotRaises(self, exception, meth, *args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ meth(*args, **kwargs)
+ except exception:
+ self.fail('%s raised' % exception.__name__)
+ def test_working_empty(self):
+ """consistent, empty working copy"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('working_empty')
+ self.__assertNotRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ def test_working_nonempty(self):
+ """
+ consistent, non-empty working copy. One file is in conflict,
+ one file is marked for deletion and one file has state 'A'
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('working_nonempty')
+ self.__assertNotRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ def test_buildfiles(self):
+ """
+ wc has a _buildconfig_prj_arch and a _buildinfo_prj_arch.xml in the storedir
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('buildfiles')
+ self.__assertNotRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple1/foo?rev=1', text='This is a simple test.\n')
+ def test_simple1(self):
+ """a file is marked for deletion but storefile doesn't exist"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple1')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.', wc_check=False)
+ p.wc_repair()
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo')))
+ self._check_deletelist('foo\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', 'D')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', 'M')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd1', '?')
+ # additional cleanup check
+ self.__assertNotRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ def test_simple2(self):
+ """a file "somefile" exists in the storedir which isn't tracked"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple2')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.', wc_check=False)
+ p.wc_repair()
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'somefile')))
+ self._check_deletelist('foo\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', 'D')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', 'M')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd1', '?')
+ # additional cleanup check
+ self.__assertNotRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ def test_simple3(self):
+ """toadd1 has state 'A' and a file .osc/toadd1 exists"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple3')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.', wc_check=False)
+ p.wc_repair()
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'toadd1')))
+ self._check_deletelist('foo\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', 'D')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', 'M')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', ' ')
+ self._check_addlist('toadd1\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd1', 'A')
+ # additional cleanup check
+ self.__assertNotRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ def test_simple4(self):
+ """a file is listed in _to_be_deleted but isn't present in _files"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple4')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.', wc_check=False)
+ p.wc_repair()
+ self._check_deletelist('foo\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', 'D')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', 'M')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd1', '?')
+ # additional cleanup check
+ self.__assertNotRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ def test_simple5(self):
+ """a file is listed in _in_conflict but isn't present in _files"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple5')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.', wc_check=False)
+ p.wc_repair()
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_in_conflict')))
+ self._check_deletelist('foo\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', 'D')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', 'M')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd1', '?')
+ # additional cleanup check
+ self.__assertNotRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple6/foo?rev=1', text='This is a simple test.\n')
+ def test_simple6(self):
+ """
+ a file is listed in _to_be_deleted and is present
+ in _files but the storefile is missing
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple6')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.', wc_check=False)
+ p.wc_repair()
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo')))
+ self._check_deletelist('foo\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', 'D')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', 'M')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd1', '?')
+ # additional cleanup check
+ self.__assertNotRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ def test_simple7(self):
+ """files marked as skipped don't exist in the storedir"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple7')
+ self.__assertNotRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ def test_simple8(self):
+ """
+ a file is marked as skipped but the skipped file exists in the storedir
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple8')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.', wc_check=False)
+ p.wc_repair()
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'skipped')))
+ self._check_deletelist('foo\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', 'D')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', 'M')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd1', '?')
+ self._check_status(p, 'skipped', 'S')
+ # additional cleanup check
+ self.__assertNotRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple/merge?rev=1', text='Is it\npossible to\nmerge this file?I hope so...\n')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/multiple/nochange?rev=1', text='This file didn\'t change.\n')
+ def test_multiple(self):
+ """
+ a storefile is missing, a file is listed in _to_be_deleted
+ but is not present in _files, a file is listed in _in_conflict
+ but the storefile is missing and a file exists in the storedir
+ but is not present in _files
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('multiple')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.', wc_check=False)
+ p.wc_repair()
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'unknown_file')))
+ self._check_deletelist('foo\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', 'D')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', 'C')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', ' ')
+ self._check_status(p, 'foobar', 'A')
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd1', '?')
+ # additional cleanup check
+ self.__assertNotRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ def test_noapiurl(self):
+ """the package wc has no _apiurl file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('noapiurl')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.', wc_check=False)
+ p.wc_repair('http://localhost')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_apiurl')))
+ self.assertEqual(open(os.path.join('.osc', '_apiurl')).read(), 'http://localhost\n')
+ self.assertEqual(p.apiurl, 'http://localhost')
+ def test_invalidapiurl(self):
+ """the package wc has an invalid apiurl file (invalid url format)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('invalid_apiurl')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.', wc_check=False)
+ p.wc_repair('http://localhost')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_apiurl')))
+ self.assertEqual(open(os.path.join('.osc', '_apiurl')).read(), 'http://localhost\n')
+ self.assertEqual(p.apiurl, 'http://localhost')
+ def test_invalidapiurl_param(self):
+ """pass an invalid apiurl to wc_repair"""
+ import urllib2
+ self._change_to_pkg('invalid_apiurl')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.', wc_check=False)
+ self.assertRaises(urllib2.URLError, p.wc_repair, 'http:/localhost')
+ self.assertRaises(urllib2.URLError, p.wc_repair, 'invalid')
+ def test_noapiurlNotExistingApiurl(self):
+ """the package wc has no _apiurl file and no apiurl is passed to repairwc"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('noapiurl')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Package, '.')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.', wc_check=False)
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, p.wc_repair)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_apiurl')))
+ def test_project_noapiurl(self):
+ """the project wc has no _apiurl file"""
+ import shutil
+ prj_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'prj_noapiurl')
+ shutil.copytree(os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), 'prj_noapiurl'), prj_dir)
+ storedir = os.path.join(prj_dir, osc.core.store)
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Project, prj_dir, getPackageList=False)
+ prj = osc.core.Project(prj_dir, wc_check=False, getPackageList=False)
+ prj.wc_repair('http://localhost')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(storedir, '_apiurl')))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(storedir, '_apiurl')))
+ self.assertEqual(open(os.path.join(storedir, '_apiurl'), 'r').read(), 'http://localhost\n')
+ def test_project_invalidapiurl(self):
+ """the project wc has an invalid _apiurl file (invalid url format)"""
+ import shutil
+ prj_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'prj_invalidapiurl')
+ shutil.copytree(os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), 'prj_invalidapiurl'), prj_dir)
+ storedir = os.path.join(prj_dir, osc.core.store)
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Project, prj_dir, getPackageList=False)
+ prj = osc.core.Project(prj_dir, wc_check=False, getPackageList=False)
+ prj.wc_repair('http://localhost')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(storedir, '_apiurl')))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(storedir, '_apiurl')))
+ self.assertEqual(open(os.path.join(storedir, '_apiurl'), 'r').read(), 'http://localhost\n')
+ def test_project_invalidapiurl_param(self):
+ """pass an invalid apiurl to wc_repair"""
+ import shutil
+ import urllib2
+ prj_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'prj_invalidapiurl')
+ shutil.copytree(os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), 'prj_invalidapiurl'), prj_dir)
+ storedir = os.path.join(prj_dir, osc.core.store)
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WorkingCopyInconsistent, osc.core.Project, prj_dir, getPackageList=False)
+ prj = osc.core.Project(prj_dir, wc_check=False, getPackageList=False)
+ self.assertRaises(urllib2.URLError, prj.wc_repair, 'http:/localhost')
+ self.assertRaises(urllib2.URLError, prj.wc_repair, 'invalid')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import unittest
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import osc.core
+import osc.oscerr
+import os
+from common import OscTestCase
+FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'request_fixtures')
+def suite():
+ import unittest
+ return unittest.makeSuite(TestRequest)
+class TestRequest(OscTestCase):
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ def setUp(self):
+ OscTestCase.setUp(self, copytree=False)
+ def test_createsr(self):
+ """create a simple submitrequest"""
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.add_action('submit', src_project='foo', src_package='bar', src_rev='42',
+ tgt_project='foobar', tgt_package='bar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'submit')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_project, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_rev, '42')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_project, 'foobar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].opt_sourceupdate is None)
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].opt_updatelink is None)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.statehistory) == 0)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.reviews) == 0)
+ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, r.actions[0], 'doesnotexist')
+ exp = """<request>
+ <action type="submit">
+ <source package="bar" project="foo" rev="42" />
+ <target package="bar" project="foobar" />
+ </action>
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.to_str())
+ def test_createsr_with_option(self):
+ """create a submitrequest with option"""
+ """create a simple submitrequest"""
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.add_action('submit', src_project='foo', src_package='bar',
+ tgt_project='foobar', tgt_package='bar', opt_sourceupdate='cleanup', opt_updatelink='1')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'submit')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_project, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_project, 'foobar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].opt_sourceupdate, 'cleanup')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].opt_updatelink, '1')
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].src_rev is None)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.statehistory) == 0)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.reviews) == 0)
+ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, r.actions[0], 'doesnotexist')
+ exp = """<request>
+ <action type="submit">
+ <source package="bar" project="foo" />
+ <target package="bar" project="foobar" />
+ <options>
+ <sourceupdate>cleanup</sourceupdate>
+ <updatelink>1</updatelink>
+ </options>
+ </action>
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.to_str())
+ def test_createsr_missing_tgt_package(self):
+ """create a submitrequest with missing target package"""
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.add_action('submit', src_project='foo', src_package='bar',
+ tgt_project='foobar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'submit')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_project, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_project, 'foobar')
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.statehistory) == 0)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.reviews) == 0)
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].tgt_package is None)
+ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, r.actions[0], 'doesnotexist')
+ exp = """<request>
+ <action type="submit">
+ <source package="bar" project="foo" />
+ <target project="foobar" />
+ </action>
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.to_str())
+ def test_createsr_invalid_argument(self):
+ """create a submitrequest with invalid action argument"""
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WrongArgs, r.add_action, 'submit', src_project='foo', src_invalid='bar')
+ def test_create_request_invalid_type(self):
+ """create a request with an invalid action type"""
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WrongArgs, r.add_action, 'invalid', foo='bar')
+ def test_create_add_role_person(self):
+ """create an add_role request (person element)"""
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.add_action('add_role', tgt_project='foo', tgt_package='bar', person_name='user', person_role='reader')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'add_role')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_project, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].person_name, 'user')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].person_role, 'reader')
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].group_name is None)
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].group_role is None)
+ exp = """<request>
+ <action type="add_role">
+ <target package="bar" project="foo" />
+ <person name="user" role="reader" />
+ </action>
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.to_str())
+ def test_create_add_role_group(self):
+ """create an add_role request (group element)"""
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.add_action('add_role', tgt_project='foo', tgt_package='bar', group_name='group', group_role='reviewer')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'add_role')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_project, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].group_name, 'group')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].group_role, 'reviewer')
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].person_name is None)
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].person_role is None)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.statehistory) == 0)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.reviews) == 0)
+ exp = """<request>
+ <action type="add_role">
+ <target package="bar" project="foo" />
+ <group name="group" role="reviewer" />
+ </action>
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.to_str())
+ def test_create_add_role_person_group(self):
+ """create an add_role request (person+group element)"""
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.add_action('add_role', tgt_project='foo', tgt_package='bar', person_name='user', person_role='reader',
+ group_name='group', group_role='reviewer')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'add_role')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_project, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].person_name, 'user')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].person_role, 'reader')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].group_name, 'group')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].group_role, 'reviewer')
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.statehistory) == 0)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.reviews) == 0)
+ exp = """<request>
+ <action type="add_role">
+ <target package="bar" project="foo" />
+ <person name="user" role="reader" />
+ <group name="group" role="reviewer" />
+ </action>
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.to_str())
+ def test_create_set_bugowner_project(self):
+ """create a set_bugowner request for a project"""
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.add_action('set_bugowner', tgt_project='foobar', person_name='buguser')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'set_bugowner')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_project, 'foobar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].person_name, 'buguser')
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].tgt_package is None)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.statehistory) == 0)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.reviews) == 0)
+ exp = """<request>
+ <action type="set_bugowner">
+ <target project="foobar" />
+ <person name="buguser" />
+ </action>
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.to_str())
+ def test_create_set_bugowner_package(self):
+ """create a set_bugowner request for a package"""
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.add_action('set_bugowner', tgt_project='foobar', tgt_package='baz', person_name='buguser')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'set_bugowner')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_project, 'foobar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_package, 'baz')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].person_name, 'buguser')
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.statehistory) == 0)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.reviews) == 0)
+ exp = """<request>
+ <action type="set_bugowner">
+ <target package="baz" project="foobar" />
+ <person name="buguser" />
+ </action>
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.to_str())
+ def test_create_delete_project(self):
+ """create a delete request for a project"""
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.add_action('delete', tgt_project='foo')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'delete')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_project, 'foo')
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].tgt_package is None)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.statehistory) == 0)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.reviews) == 0)
+ exp = """<request>
+ <action type="delete">
+ <target project="foo" />
+ </action>
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.to_str())
+ def test_create_delete_package(self):
+ """create a delete request for a package"""
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.add_action('delete', tgt_project='foo', tgt_package='deleteme')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'delete')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_project, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_package, 'deleteme')
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.statehistory) == 0)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.reviews) == 0)
+ exp = """<request>
+ <action type="delete">
+ <target package="deleteme" project="foo" />
+ </action>
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.to_str())
+ def test_create_change_devel(self):
+ """create a change devel request"""
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.add_action('change_devel', src_project='foo', src_package='bar', tgt_project='devprj', tgt_package='devpkg')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'change_devel')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_project, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_project, 'devprj')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_package, 'devpkg')
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.statehistory) == 0)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.reviews) == 0)
+ exp = """<request>
+ <action type="change_devel">
+ <source package="bar" project="foo" />
+ <target package="devpkg" project="devprj" />
+ </action>
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.to_str())
+ def test_action_from_xml1(self):
+ """create action from xml"""
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+ xml = """<action type="add_role">
+ <target package="bar" project="foo" />
+ <person name="user" role="reader" />
+ <group name="group" role="reviewer" />
+ action = osc.core.Action.from_xml(ET.fromstring(xml))
+ self.assertEqual(action.type, 'add_role')
+ self.assertEqual(action.tgt_project, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(action.tgt_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(action.person_name, 'user')
+ self.assertEqual(action.person_role, 'reader')
+ self.assertEqual(action.group_name, 'group')
+ self.assertEqual(action.group_role, 'reviewer')
+ self.assertEqual(xml, action.to_str())
+ def test_action_from_xml2(self):
+ """create action from xml"""
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+ xml = """<action type="submit">
+ <source package="bar" project="foo" />
+ <target package="bar" project="foobar" />
+ <options>
+ <sourceupdate>cleanup</sourceupdate>
+ <updatelink>1</updatelink>
+ </options>
+ action = osc.core.Action.from_xml(ET.fromstring(xml))
+ self.assertEqual(action.type, 'submit')
+ self.assertEqual(action.src_project, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(action.src_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(action.tgt_project, 'foobar')
+ self.assertEqual(action.tgt_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(action.opt_sourceupdate, 'cleanup')
+ self.assertEqual(action.opt_updatelink, '1')
+ self.assertTrue(action.src_rev is None)
+ self.assertEqual(xml, action.to_str())
+ def test_action_from_xml3(self):
+ """create action from xml (with acceptinfo element)"""
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+ xml = """<action type="submit">
+ <source package="bar" project="testprj" />
+ <target package="baz" project="foobar" />
+ <acceptinfo rev="5" srcmd5="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" xsrcmd5="ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" />
+ action = osc.core.Action.from_xml(ET.fromstring(xml))
+ self.assertEqual(action.type, 'submit')
+ self.assertEqual(action.src_project, 'testprj')
+ self.assertEqual(action.src_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(action.tgt_project, 'foobar')
+ self.assertEqual(action.tgt_package, 'baz')
+ self.assertTrue(action.opt_sourceupdate is None)
+ self.assertTrue(action.opt_updatelink is None)
+ self.assertTrue(action.src_rev is None)
+ self.assertEqual(action.acceptinfo_rev, '5')
+ self.assertEqual(action.acceptinfo_srcmd5, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa')
+ self.assertEqual(action.acceptinfo_xsrcmd5, 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff')
+ self.assertTrue(action.acceptinfo_osrcmd5 is None)
+ self.assertTrue(action.acceptinfo_oxsrcmd5 is None)
+ self.assertEqual(xml, action.to_str())
+ def test_action_from_xml_unknown_type(self):
+ """try to create action from xml with unknown type"""
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+ xml = '<action type="foo"><source package="bar" project="foo" /></action>'
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.WrongArgs, osc.core.Action.from_xml, ET.fromstring(xml))
+ def test_read_request1(self):
+ """read in a request"""
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+ xml = open(os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), 'test_read_request1.xml'), 'r').read().strip()
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.read(ET.fromstring(xml))
+ self.assertEqual(r.reqid, '42')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'submit')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_project, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_rev, '1')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_project, 'foobar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_package, 'bar')
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].opt_sourceupdate is None)
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].opt_updatelink is None)
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[1].type, 'delete')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[1].tgt_project, 'deleteme')
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[1].tgt_package is None)
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.name, 'accepted')
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.when, '2010-12-27T01:36:29')
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.who, 'user1')
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.comment, '')
+ self.assertEqual(r.statehistory[0].name, 'new')
+ self.assertEqual(r.statehistory[0].when, '2010-12-13T13:02:03')
+ self.assertEqual(r.statehistory[0].who, 'creator')
+ self.assertEqual(r.statehistory[0].comment, 'foobar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.title, 'title of the request')
+ self.assertEqual(r.description, 'this is a\nvery long\ndescription')
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.statehistory) == 1)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.reviews) == 0)
+ self.assertEqual(xml, r.to_str())
+ def test_read_request2(self):
+ """read in a request (with reviews)"""
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+ xml = open(os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), 'test_read_request2.xml'), 'r').read().strip()
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.read(ET.fromstring(xml))
+ self.assertEqual(r.reqid, '123')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'submit')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_project, 'xyz')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_package, 'abc')
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].src_rev is None)
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].opt_sourceupdate, 'cleanup')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].opt_updatelink, '1')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[1].type, 'add_role')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[1].tgt_project, 'home:foo')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[1].person_name, 'bar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[1].person_role, 'maintainer')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[1].group_name, 'groupxyz')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[1].group_role, 'reader')
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[1].tgt_package is None)
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.name, 'review')
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.when, '2010-12-27T01:36:29')
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.who, 'abc')
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.comment, '')
+ self.assertEqual(r.reviews[0].state, 'new')
+ self.assertEqual(r.reviews[0].by_group, 'group1')
+ self.assertEqual(r.reviews[0].when, '2010-12-28T00:11:22')
+ self.assertEqual(r.reviews[0].who, 'abc')
+ self.assertEqual(r.reviews[0].comment, 'review start')
+ self.assertTrue(r.reviews[0].by_user is None)
+ self.assertEqual(r.statehistory[0].name, 'new')
+ self.assertEqual(r.statehistory[0].when, '2010-12-11T00:00:00')
+ self.assertEqual(r.statehistory[0].who, 'creator')
+ self.assertEqual(r.statehistory[0].comment, '')
+ self.assertEqual(r.get_creator(), 'creator')
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.statehistory) == 1)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.reviews) == 1)
+ self.assertEqual(xml, r.to_str())
+ def test_read_request3(self):
+ """read in a request (with an "empty" comment+description)"""
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+ xml = """<request id="2">
+ <action type="set_bugowner">
+ <target project="foo" />
+ <person name="buguser" />
+ </action>
+ <state name="new" when="2010-12-28T12:36:29" who="xyz">
+ <comment></comment>
+ </state>
+ <description></description>
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.read(ET.fromstring(xml))
+ self.assertEqual(r.reqid, '2')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'set_bugowner')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_project, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].person_name, 'buguser')
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.name, 'new')
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.when, '2010-12-28T12:36:29')
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.who, 'xyz')
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.comment, '')
+ self.assertEqual(r.description, '')
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.statehistory) == 0)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.reviews) == 0)
+ self.assertEqual(r.get_creator(), 'xyz')
+ exp = """<request id="2">
+ <action type="set_bugowner">
+ <target project="foo" />
+ <person name="buguser" />
+ </action>
+ <state name="new" when="2010-12-28T12:36:29" who="xyz" />
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.to_str())
+ def test_request_list_view1(self):
+ """test the list_view method"""
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+ xml = open(os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), 'test_request_list_view1.xml'), 'r').read().strip()
+ exp = """\
+ 62 State:new By:Admin When:2010-12-29T14:57:25
+ set_bugowner: buguser foo
+ add_role: person: xyz as maintainer, group: group1 as reader foobar
+ add_role: person: abc as reviewer foo/bar
+ change_devel: foo/bar developed in devprj/devpkg
+ submit: srcprj/srcpackage -> tgtprj/tgtpackage
+ submit: foo/bar -> baz
+ delete: deleteme
+ delete: foo/bar\n"""
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.read(ET.fromstring(xml))
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.list_view())
+ def test_request_list_view2(self):
+ """test the list_view method (with history elements and description)"""
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+ xml = open(os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), 'test_request_list_view2.xml'), 'r').read().strip()
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.read(ET.fromstring(xml))
+ exp = """\
+ 21 State:accepted By:foobar When:2010-12-29T16:37:45
+ set_bugowner: buguser foo
+ From: new(user) -> review(foobar)
+ Descr: This is a simple request with a lot of ... ... text and other
+ stuff. This request also contains a description. This is useful
+ to describe the request. blabla blabla\n"""
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.list_view())
+ def test_request_str1(self):
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+ """test the __str__ method"""
+ xml = open(os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), 'test_request_str1.xml'), 'r').read().strip()
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.read(ET.fromstring(xml))
+ self.assertEqual(r.get_creator(), 'creator')
+ exp = """\
+Request: #123
+ submit: xyz/abc(cleanup) -> foo
+ add_role: person: bar as maintainer, group: groupxyz as reader home:foo
+just a samll description
+in order to describe this
+request - blablabla
+State: review 2010-12-27T01:36:29 abc
+Comment: currently in review
+Review: accepted Group: group1 2010-12-29T00:11:22 abc accepted
+ new Group: group1 2010-12-28T00:11:22 abc review start
+History: revoked 2010-12-12T00:00:00 creator
+ new 2010-12-11T00:00:00 creator"""
+ self.assertEqual(exp, str(r))
+ def test_request_str2(self):
+ """test the __str__ method"""
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+ xml = """\
+<request id="98765">
+ <action type="change_devel">
+ <source project="devprj" package="devpkg" />
+ <target project="foo" package="bar" />
+ </action>
+ <action type="delete">
+ <target project="deleteme" />
+ </action>
+ <state name="new" when="2010-12-29T00:11:22" who="creator" />
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.read(ET.fromstring(xml))
+ self.assertEqual(r.get_creator(), 'creator')
+ exp = """\
+Request: #98765
+ change_devel: foo/bar developed in devprj/devpkg
+ delete: deleteme
+<no message>
+State: new 2010-12-29T00:11:22 creator
+Comment: <no comment>"""
+ self.assertEqual(exp, str(r))
+ def test_legacy_request(self):
+ """load old-style submitrequest"""
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+ xml = """\
+<request id="1234" type="submit">
+ <submit>
+ <source package="baz" project="foobar" />
+ <target package="baz" project="foo" />
+ </submit>
+ <state name="new" when="2010-12-30T02:11:22" who="olduser" />
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.read(ET.fromstring(xml))
+ self.assertEqual(r.reqid, '1234')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].type, 'submit')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_project, 'foobar')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].src_package, 'baz')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_project, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(r.actions[0].tgt_package, 'baz')
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].opt_sourceupdate is None)
+ self.assertTrue(r.actions[0].opt_updatelink is None)
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.name, 'new')
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.when, '2010-12-30T02:11:22')
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.who, 'olduser')
+ self.assertEqual(r.state.comment, '')
+ self.assertEqual(r.get_creator(), 'olduser')
+ exp = """\
+<request id="1234">
+ <action type="submit">
+ <source package="baz" project="foobar" />
+ <target package="baz" project="foo" />
+ </action>
+ <state name="new" when="2010-12-30T02:11:22" who="olduser" />
+ self.assertEqual(exp, r.to_str())
+ def test_get_actions(self):
+ """test get_actions method"""
+ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
+ xml = open(os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), 'test_request_list_view1.xml'), 'r').read().strip()
+ r = osc.core.Request()
+ r.read(ET.fromstring(xml))
+ sr_actions = r.get_actions('submit')
+ self.assertTrue(len(sr_actions) == 2)
+ for i in sr_actions:
+ self.assertEqual(i.type, 'submit')
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.get_actions('submit', 'delete', 'change_devel')) == 5)
+ self.assertTrue(len(r.get_actions()) == 8)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import unittest
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import osc.core
+import osc.oscerr
+import os
+from common import OscTestCase
+FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'revertfile_fixtures')
+def suite():
+ import unittest
+ return unittest.makeSuite(TestRevertFiles)
+class TestRevertFiles(OscTestCase):
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ def testRevertUnchanged(self):
+ """revert an unchanged file (state == ' ')"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, p.revert, 'toadd2')
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd2', '?')
+ def testRevertModified(self):
+ """revert a modified file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.revert('nochange')
+ self.__check_file('nochange')
+ self._check_status(p, 'nochange', ' ')
+ def testRevertAdded(self):
+ """revert an added file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.revert('toadd1')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('toadd1'))
+ self._check_addlist('replaced\naddedmissing\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'toadd1', '?')
+ def testRevertDeleted(self):
+ """revert a deleted file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.revert('somefile')
+ self.__check_file('somefile')
+ self._check_deletelist('deleted\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'somefile', ' ')
+ def testRevertMissing(self):
+ """revert a missing (state == '!') file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.revert('missing')
+ self.__check_file('missing')
+ self._check_status(p, 'missing', ' ')
+ def testRevertMissingAdded(self):
+ """revert a missing file which was added to the wc"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.revert('addedmissing')
+ self._check_addlist('toadd1\nreplaced\n')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, p.status, 'addedmissing')
+ def testRevertReplaced(self):
+ """revert a replaced (state == 'R') file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.revert('replaced')
+ self.__check_file('replaced')
+ self._check_addlist('toadd1\naddedmissing\n')
+ self._check_status(p, 'replaced', ' ')
+ def testRevertConflict(self):
+ """revert a file which is in the conflict state"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.revert('foo')
+ self.__check_file('foo')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_in_conflict')))
+ self._check_status(p, 'foo', ' ')
+ def testRevertSkipped(self):
+ """revert a skipped file"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.OscIOError, p.revert, 'skipped')
+ def __check_file(self, fname):
+ storefile = os.path.join('.osc', fname)
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(storefile))
+ self.assertEqual(open(fname, 'r').read(), open(storefile, 'r').read())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import unittest
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import osc.core
+import osc.oscerr
+import os
+from common import GET, PUT, OscTestCase
+FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'setlinkrev_fixtures')
+def suite():
+ import unittest
+ return unittest.makeSuite(TestSetLinkRev)
+class TestSetLinkRev(OscTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ OscTestCase.setUp(self, copytree=False)
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_link', file='simple_link')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/srcprj/srcpkg?rev=latest', file='simple_filesremote')
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_link',
+ exp='<link package="srcpkg" project="srcprj" rev="42" />', text='dummytext')
+ def test_simple1(self):
+ """a simple set_link_rev call without revision"""
+ osc.core.set_link_rev('http://localhost', 'osctest', 'simple')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_link', file='simple_link')
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_link',
+ exp='<link package="srcpkg" project="srcprj" rev="42" />', text='dummytext')
+ def test_simple2(self):
+ """a simple set_link_rev call with revision"""
+ osc.core.set_link_rev('http://localhost', 'osctest', 'simple', '42')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_link', file='noproject_link')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/srcpkg?rev=latest&expand=1', file='expandedsrc_filesremote')
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_link',
+ exp='<link package="srcpkg" rev="eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" vrev="1" />', text='dummytext')
+ def test_expandedsrc(self):
+ """expand src package"""
+ osc.core.set_link_rev('http://localhost', 'osctest', 'simple', expand=True)
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_link', file='simple_link')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/srcprj/srcpkg?linkrev=base&rev=latest&expand=1', file='baserev_filesremote')
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_link',
+ exp='<link package="srcpkg" project="srcprj" rev="abcdeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" vrev="1" />', text='dummytext')
+ def test_baserev(self):
+ """expanded baserev revision"""
+ osc.core.set_link_rev('http://localhost', 'osctest', 'simple', baserev=True)
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_link', file='simple_link')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/srcprj/srcpkg?rev=latest&expand=1', text='conflict in file merge', code=404)
+ def test_linkerror(self):
+ """link is broken"""
+ import urllib2
+ # the backend returns status 404 if we try to expand a broken _link
+ self.assertRaises(urllib2.HTTPError, osc.core.set_link_rev, 'http://localhost', 'osctest', 'simple', expand=True)
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_link', file='rev_link')
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_link',
+ exp='<link package="srcpkg" project="srcprj" />', text='dummytext')
+ def test_deleterev(self):
+ """delete rev attribute from link xml"""
+ osc.core.set_link_rev('http://localhost', 'osctest', 'simple', revision=None)
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_link', file='simple_link')
+ @PUT('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_link',
+ exp='<link package="srcpkg" project="srcprj" />', text='dummytext')
+ def test_deleterevnonexistent(self):
+ """delete non existent rev attribute from link xml"""
+ osc.core.set_link_rev('http://localhost', 'osctest', 'simple', revision=None)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import unittest
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import osc.core
+import osc.oscerr
+import os
+import sys
+from common import GET, OscTestCase
+FIXTURES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'update_fixtures')
+def suite():
+ import unittest
+ return unittest.makeSuite(TestUpdate)
+class TestUpdate(OscTestCase):
+ def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple?rev=latest', file='testUpdateNoChanges_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateNoChanges(self):
+ """update without any changes (the wc is the most recent version)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ osc.core.Package('.').update()
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), 'At revision 1.\n')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple?rev=2', file='testUpdateNewFile_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/upstream_added?rev=2', file='testUpdateNewFile_upstream_added')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateNewFile(self):
+ """a new file was added to the remote package"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ osc.core.Package('.').update(rev=2)
+ exp = 'A upstream_added\nAt revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateNewFile_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple?rev=2', file='testUpdateNewFileLocalExists_files')
+ def testUpdateNewFileLocalExists(self):
+ """
+ a new file was added to the remote package but the same (unversioned)
+ file exists locally
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ self.assertRaises(osc.oscerr.PackageFileConflict, osc.core.Package('.').update, rev=2)
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple?rev=2', file='testUpdateDeletedFile_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateDeletedFile(self):
+ """a file was deleted from the remote package"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ osc.core.Package('.').update(rev=2)
+ exp = 'D foo\nAt revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateDeletedFile_files')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('foo'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo')))
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple?rev=2', file='testUpdateUpstreamModifiedFile_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/foo?rev=2', file='testUpdateUpstreamModifiedFile_foo')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateUpstreamModifiedFile(self):
+ """a file was modified in the remote package (local file isn't modified)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('simple')
+ osc.core.Package('.').update(rev=2)
+ exp = 'U foo\nAt revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateUpstreamModifiedFile_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/conflict?rev=2', file='testUpdateConflict_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/conflict/merge?rev=2', file='testUpdateConflict_merge')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/conflict/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateConflict(self):
+ """
+ a file was modified in the remote package (local file is also modified
+ and a merge isn't possible)
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('conflict')
+ osc.core.Package('.').update(rev=2)
+ exp = 'C merge\nAt revision 2.\n'
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateConflict_files')
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_conflictlist('merge\n')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/already_in_conflict?rev=2', file='testUpdateAlreadyInConflict_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/already_in_conflict/merge?rev=2', file='testUpdateAlreadyInConflict_merge')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/already_in_conflict/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateAlreadyInConflict(self):
+ """
+ a file was modified in the remote package (the local file is already in conflict)
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('already_in_conflict')
+ osc.core.Package('.').update(rev=2)
+ exp = 'skipping \'merge\' (this is due to conflicts)\nAt revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_conflictlist('merge\n')
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateAlreadyInConflict_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/deleted?rev=2', file='testUpdateLocalDeletions_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/deleted/foo?rev=2', file='testUpdateLocalDeletions_foo')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/deleted/merge?rev=2', file='testUpdateLocalDeletions_merge')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/deleted/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateLocalDeletions(self):
+ """
+ the files 'foo' and 'merge' were modified in the remote package
+ and marked for deletion in the local wc. Additionally the file
+ 'merge' was modified in the wc before deletion so the local file
+ still exists (and a merge with the remote file is not possible)
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('deleted')
+ osc.core.Package('.').update(rev=2)
+ exp = 'U foo\nC merge\nAt revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_deletelist('foo\n')
+ self._check_conflictlist('merge\n')
+ self.assertEqual(open('foo', 'r').read(), open(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo'), 'r').read())
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateLocalDeletions_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/restore?rev=latest', file='testUpdateRestore_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/restore/foo?rev=1', file='testUpdateRestore_foo')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/restore/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateRestore(self):
+ """local file 'foo' was deleted with a non osc command and will be restored"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('restore')
+ osc.core.Package('.').update()
+ exp = 'Restored \'foo\'\nAt revision 1.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateRestore_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/limitsize?rev=latest', file='testUpdateLimitSizeNoChange_filesremote')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/limitsize/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateLimitSizeNoChange(self):
+ """
+ a new file was added to the remote package but isn't checked out because
+ of the size constraint
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('limitsize')
+ osc.core.Package('.').update(size_limit=50)
+ exp = 'D bigfile\nAt revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'bigfile')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('bigfile'))
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateLimitSizeNoChange_files', 'bigfile')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/limitsize_local?rev=latest', file='testUpdateLocalLimitSizeNoChange_filesremote')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/limitsize_local/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateLocalLimitSizeNoChange(self):
+ """
+ a new file was added to the remote package but isn't checked out because
+ of the local size constraint
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('limitsize_local')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.update()
+ exp = 'D bigfile\nD merge\nAt revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'bigfile')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'merge')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('bigfile'))
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateLocalLimitSizeNoChange_files', 'bigfile', 'merge')
+ self._check_status(p, 'bigfile', 'S')
+ self._check_status(p, 'merge', 'S')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/limitsize?rev=latest', file='testUpdateLimitSizeAddDelete_filesremote')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/limitsize/exists?rev=2', file='testUpdateLimitSizeAddDelete_exists')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/limitsize/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateLimitSizeAddDelete(self):
+ """
+ a new file (exists) was added to the remote package with
+ size < size_limit and one file (nochange) was deleted from the
+ remote package (local file 'nochange' is modified). Additionally
+ files which didn't change are removed the local wc due to the
+ size constraint.
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('limitsize')
+ osc.core.Package('.').update(size_limit=10)
+ exp = 'A exists\nD bigfile\nD foo\nD merge\nD nochange\nAt revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'bigfile')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('bigfile'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'foo')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('foo'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'merge')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('merge'))
+ # exists because local version is modified
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('nochange'))
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateLimitSizeAddDelete_files', 'bigfile', 'foo', 'merge', 'nochange')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/services?rev=latest', file='testUpdateServiceFilesAddDelete_filesremote')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/services/bigfile?rev=2', file='testUpdateServiceFilesAddDelete_bigfile')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/services/_service%3Abar?rev=2', file='testUpdateServiceFilesAddDelete__service:bar')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/services/_service%3Afoo?rev=2', file='testUpdateServiceFilesAddDelete__service:foo')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/services/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateAddDeleteServiceFiles(self):
+ """update package with _service:* files"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('services')
+ osc.core.Package('.').update(service_files=True)
+ exp = 'A bigfile\nD _service:exists\nA _service:bar\nA _service:foo\nAt revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_service:bar')))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('_service:bar'))
+ self.assertEqual(open('_service:bar').read(), 'another service\n')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_service:foo')))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('_service:foo'))
+ self.assertEqual(open('_service:foo').read(), 'small\n')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('_service:exists'))
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateServiceFilesAddDelete_files', '_service:foo', '_service:bar')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/services?rev=latest', file='testUpdateServiceFilesAddDelete_filesremote')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/services/bigfile?rev=2', file='testUpdateServiceFilesAddDelete_bigfile')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/services/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateDisableAddDeleteServiceFiles(self):
+ """update package with _service:* files (with service_files=False)"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('services')
+ osc.core.Package('.').update()
+ exp = 'A bigfile\nD _service:exists\nAt revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_service:bar')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('_service:bar'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_service:foo')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('_service:foo'))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('_service:exists'))
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateServiceFilesAddDelete_files', '_service:foo', '_service:bar')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/metamode?meta=1&rev=latest', file='testUpdateMetaMode_filesremote')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/metamode/_meta?rev=1', file='testUpdateMetaMode__meta')
+ def testUpdateMetaMode(self):
+ """update package with metamode enabled"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('metamode')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.update()
+ exp = 'A _meta\nD foo\nD merge\nD nochange\nAt revision 1.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('foo'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('merge'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('nochange'))
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateMetaMode_filesremote')
+ self._check_status(p, '_meta', ' ')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/new?rev=latest', file='testUpdateNew_filesremote')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/new/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateNew(self):
+ """update a new (empty) package. The package has no revision."""
+ self._change_to_pkg('new')
+ p = osc.core.Package('.')
+ p.update()
+ exp = 'At revision None.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateNew_filesremote')
+ # tests to recover from an aborted/broken update
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/foo?rev=2', file='testUpdateResume_foo')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/merge?rev=2', file='testUpdateResume_merge')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple?rev=2', file='testUpdateResume_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateResume(self):
+ """resume an aborted update"""
+ self._change_to_pkg('resume')
+ osc.core.Package('.').update(rev=2)
+ exp = 'resuming broken update...\nU foo\nU merge\nAt revision 2.\nAt revision 2.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_in_update')))
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateResume_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/foo?rev=1', file='testUpdateResumeDeletedFile_foo')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/merge?rev=1', file='testUpdateResumeDeletedFile_merge')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple?rev=1', file='testUpdateResumeDeletedFile_files')
+ @GET('http://localhost/source/osctest/simple/_meta', file='meta.xml')
+ def testUpdateResumeDeletedFile(self):
+ """
+ resume an aborted update (the file 'added' was already deleted in the first update
+ run). It's marked as deleted again (this is due to an expected issue with the update
+ code)
+ """
+ self._change_to_pkg('resume_deleted')
+ osc.core.Package('.').update(rev=1)
+ exp = 'resuming broken update...\nD added\nU foo\nU merge\nAt revision 1.\nAt revision 1.\n'
+ self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue(), exp)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', '_in_update')))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('added'))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join('.osc', 'added')))
+ self._check_digests('testUpdateResumeDeletedFile_files')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import unittest
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+<package project="osctest" name="simple">
+ <title/>
+ <description>
+ </description>
+ <person userid="Admin" role="maintainer"/>
+ <person userid="Admin" role="bugowner"/>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# URL to access API server, e.g. https://api.opensuse.org
+# you also need a section [https://api.opensuse.org] with the credentials
+apiurl = http://localhost
+# Downloaded packages are cached here. Must be writable by you.
+#packagecachedir = /var/tmp/osbuild-packagecache
+# Wrapper to call build as root (sudo, su -, ...)
+#su-wrapper = su -c
+# rootdir to setup the chroot environment
+# can contain %(repo)s, %(arch)s, %(project)s and %(package)s for replacement, e.g.
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s or
+# /srv/oscbuild/%(repo)s-%(arch)s-%(project)s-%(package)s
+#build-root = /var/tmp/build-root
+# compile with N jobs (default: "getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
+#build-jobs = N
+# build-type to use - values can be (depending on the capabilities of the 'build' script)
+# empty - chroot build
+# kvm - kvm VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# xen - xen VM build (needs build-device, build-swap, build-memory)
+# experimental:
+# qemu - qemu VM build
+# lxc - lxc build
+#build-type =
+# build-device is the disk-image file to use as root for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.root
+#build-device = /var/tmp/FILE.root
+# build-swap is the disk-image to use as swap for VM builds
+# e.g. /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+#build-swap = /var/tmp/FILE.swap
+# build-memory is the amount of memory used in the VM
+# value in MB - e.g. 512
+#build-memory = 512
+# build-vmdisk-rootsize is the size of the disk-image used as root in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 4096
+#build-vmdisk-rootsize = 4096
+# build-vmdisk-swapsize is the size of the disk-image used as swap in a VM build
+# values in MB - e.g. 1024
+#build-vmdisk-swapsize = 1024
+# Numeric uid:gid to assign to the "abuild" user in the build-root
+# or "caller" to use the current users uid:gid
+# This is convenient when sharing the buildroot with ordinary userids
+# on the host.
+# This should not be 0
+# build-uid =
+# extra packages to install when building packages locally (osc build)
+# this corresponds to osc build's -x option and can be overridden with that
+# -x '' can also be given on the command line to override this setting, or
+# you can have an empty setting here.
+#extra-pkgs = vim gdb strace
+# build platform is used if the platform argument is omitted to osc build
+#build_repository = openSUSE_Factory
+# default project for getpac or bco
+#getpac_default_project = openSUSE:Factory
+# alternate filesystem layout: have multiple subdirs, where colons were.
+#checkout_no_colon = 0
+# local files to ignore with status, addremove, ....
+#exclude_glob = .osc CVS .svn .* _linkerror *~ #*# *.orig *.bak *.changes.*
+# keep passwords in plaintext. If you see this comment, your osc
+# already uses the encrypted password, and only keeps them in plain text
+# for backwards compatibility. Default will change to 0 in future releases.
+# You can remove the plaintext password without harm, if you do not need
+# backwards compatibility.
+#plaintext_passwd = 1
+# limit the age of requests shown with 'osc req list'.
+# this is a default only, can be overridden by 'osc req list -D NNN'
+# Use 0 for unlimted.
+#request_list_days = 0
+# show info useful for debugging
+#debug = 1
+# show HTTP traffic useful for debugging
+#http_debug = 1
+# Skip signature verification of packages used for build.
+#no_verify = 1
+# jump into the debugger in case of errors
+#post_mortem = 1
+# print call traces in case of errors
+#traceback = 1
+# use KDE/Gnome/MacOS/Windows keyring for credentials if available
+#use_keyring = 1
+# check for unversioned/removed files before commit
+#check_filelist = 1
+# check for pending requests after executing an action (e.g. checkout, update, commit)
+#check_for_request_on_action = 0
+# what to do with the source package if the submitrequest has been accepted. If
+# nothing is specified the API default is used
+#submitrequest_on_accept_action = cleanup|update|noupdate
+#review requests interactively (default: off)
+#request_show_review = 1
+# Directory with executables to validate sources, esp before committing
+#source_validator_directory = /usr/lib/osc/source_validators
+# set aliases for this apiurl
+# aliases = foo, bar
+# email used in .changes, unless the one from osc meta prj <user> will be used
+# email =
+# additional headers to pass to a request, e.g. for special authentication
+#http_headers = Host: foofoobar,
+# User: mumblegack
+# Force using of keyring for this API
+#keyring = 1
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<project name="osctest" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="already_in_conflict" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282133912" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282133912" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282133912" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<package project="osctest" name="already_in_conflict">
+ <title/>
+ <description>
+ </description>
+ <person userid="Admin" role="maintainer"/>
+ <person userid="Admin" role="bugowner"/>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="conflict" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282130148" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282130148" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282130148" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it possible
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="deleted" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282134731" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282134731" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282134731" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it possible to,
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="limitsize" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="limitsize" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="new" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="restore" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="ff22941336956098ae9a564289d1bf1b" mtime="1282137256" name="added" size="15" />
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="2" srcmd5="3ac41c59a5ed169d5ffef4d824700f7d" vrev="2">
+ <entry md5="ff22941336956098ae9a564289d1bf1b" mtime="1282137256" name="added" size="15" />
+ <entry md5="14758f1afd44c09b7992073ccf00b43d" mtime="1282137220" name="foo" size="7" />
+ <entry md5="256d8f76ba7a0a231fb46a84866f25d8" mtime="1282137238" name="merge" size="20" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+<package project="osctest" name="simple">
+ <title/>
+ <description>
+ </description>
+ <person userid="Admin" role="maintainer"/>
+ <person userid="Admin" role="bugowner"/>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a test
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a test
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="3ac41c59a5ed169d5ffef4d824700f7d" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" mtime="1282137256" name="added" size="15" />
+ <entry md5="14758f1afd44c09b7992073ccf00b43d" mtime="1282137220" name="foo" size="7" />
+ <entry md5="256d8f76ba7a0a231fb46a84866f25d8" mtime="1282137238" name="merge" size="20" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<package project="osctest" name="simple">
+ <title/>
+ <description>
+ </description>
+ <person userid="Admin" role="maintainer"/>
+ <person userid="Admin" role="bugowner"/>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a test
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="foo" rev="1" srcmd5="b9f060f4b3640e58a1d44abc25ffb9bd" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="7b1458c733a187d4f3807665ddd02cca" mtime="1282565027" name="_service:exists" size="20" skipped="true" />
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282320303" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282320303" name="merge" size="48" />
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+another service
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change.
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+This file didn't change but
+is modified.
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="already_in_conflict" rev="2" srcmd5="686b725018c89978678e15daa666ff85" vrev="2">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282133912" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="14758f1afd44c09b7992073ccf00b43d" mtime="1282134056" name="merge" size="7" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282133912" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="conflict" rev="2" srcmd5="6463d0bd161765e9a2b7186606c72ca1" vrev="2">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282130148" name="foo" size="23" />
+ <entry md5="89fcd308c6e6919c472e56ec82ace945" mtime="1282130545" name="merge" size="46" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282130148" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+it possible to
+merge this file?
+We'll see.
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="2" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="2">
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="foo" rev="2" srcmd5="018a80019e08143e7ae324c778873d62" vrev="2">
+ <entry md5="ed955c917012307d982b7cdd5799ff1a" mtime="1282320398" name="bigfile" size="69" skipped="true" />
+ <entry md5="d15dbfcb847653913855e21370d83af1" mtime="1282553634" name="exists" size="6" />
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282320303" name="foo" size="23" skipped="true" />
+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282320303" name="merge" size="48" skipped="true" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="foo" rev="2" vrev="2" srcmd5="018a80019e08143e7ae324c778873d62">
+ <entry name="bigfile" md5="ed955c917012307d982b7cdd5799ff1a" size="69" mtime="1282320398" />
+ <entry name="exists" md5="d15dbfcb847653913855e21370d83af1" size="6" mtime="1282553634" />
+ <entry name="foo" md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" size="23" mtime="1282320303" />
+ <entry name="merge" md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" size="48" mtime="1282320303" />
--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
+And an update
--- /dev/null
+it possible to
+merge this file?
+We'll see. Foo
--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
+<package project="osctest" name="metamode">
+ <title>foo</title>
+ <description />
--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282054323" name="upstream_added" size="23" />
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="new">
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
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--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
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+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="1" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="1">
+ <entry md5="0d62ceea6020d75154078a20d8c9f9ba" mtime="1282047302" name="foo" size="23" />
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+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.
--- /dev/null
+Is it
+possible to
+merge this file?
+I hope so...
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="2" srcmd5="3ac41c59a5ed169d5ffef4d824700f7d" vrev="2">
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+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+another service
--- /dev/null
+This is a file
+with a lot of
+text. Foo foo
+bar bar bar.
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="foo" rev="2" srcmd5="1c5d541a029694c43d5341cabcb4f40f" vrev="2">
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+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282320303" name="merge" size="48" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="foo" rev="2" vrev="2" srcmd5="1c5d541a029694c43d5341cabcb4f40f">
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+ <entry name="_service:foo" md5="d15dbfcb847653913855e21370d83af1" size="6" mtime="1282561867" />
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+ <entry name="merge" md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" size="48" mtime="1282320303" />
--- /dev/null
+<directory name="simple" rev="2" srcmd5="2df1eacfe03a3bec2112529e7f4dc39a" vrev="2">
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+ <entry md5="17b9e9e1a032ed44e7a584dc6303ffa8" mtime="1282047303" name="merge" size="48" />
+ <entry md5="7efa70f68983fad1cf487f69dedf93e9" mtime="1282047303" name="nochange" size="25" />
--- /dev/null
+This is a simple test.