# set the default Xcode to use. This function finds the SDKs that are present in
# the current Xcode.
function(find_darwin_sdk_dir var sdk_name)
+ set(DARWIN_${sdk_name}_CACHED_SYSROOT "" CACHE STRING "Darwin SDK path for SDK ${sdk_name}.")
+ if(DARWIN_${sdk_name}_CACHED_SYSROOT)
+ set(${var} ${DARWIN_${sdk_name}_CACHED_SYSROOT} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ return()
+ endif()
set(DARWIN_PREFER_PUBLIC_SDK OFF CACHE BOOL "Prefer Darwin public SDK, even when an internal SDK is present.")
# Let's first try the internal SDK, otherwise use the public SDK.
if(result_process EQUAL 0)
set(${var} ${var_internal} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(DARWIN_${sdk_name}_CACHED_SYSROOT ${var_internal} CACHE STRING "Darwin SDK path for SDK ${sdk_name}." FORCE)
# There isn't a clear mapping of what architectures are supported with a given