return wrapper
+def require_backend(backends):
+ if BACKEND not in backends:
+ return unittest.skip("Test requires backend to be one of %s" % backends)
+ return lambda func: func
+def require_backends_available(backends):
+ def check(backend):
+ if backend == dist.Backend.GLOO:
+ return dist.is_gloo_available()
+ if backend == dist.Backend.NCCL:
+ return dist.is_nccl_available()
+ if backend == dist.Backend.MPI:
+ return dist.is_mpi_available()
+ return False
+ backends = map(lambda b: dist.Backend(b), backends)
+ if not all(map(check, backends)):
+ return unittest.skip(
+ "Test requires backends to be available %s" % backends)
+ return lambda func: func
+def require_world_size(world_size):
+ if int(os.environ["WORLD_SIZE"]) < world_size:
+ return unittest.skip("Test requires world size of %d" % world_size)
+ return lambda func: func
+def require_num_gpus(n):
+ """
+ Require environment to have access to at least `n` GPUs.
+ Test is skipped otherwise.
+ Note: this check cannot run in the parent process, because calling
+ `torch.cuda.is_initialized()` will cause lazy initialization of a
+ CUDA runtime API context, and CUDA doesn't support forking.
+ """
+ def decorator(func):
+ func.skip_if_no_gpu = True
+ @wraps(func)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ if not torch.cuda.is_available():
+ if torch.cuda.device_count() < n:
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return wrapper
+ return decorator
def apply_hack_for_nccl():
# This is a hack for a known NCCL issue using multiprocess
# in conjunction with multiple threads to manage different GPUs which
if group_id is not None:
self._test_barrier_timeout(group_id, timeout)
+ # This test helper can only be used when using the Gloo or NCCL backend
+ # **and** both the Gloo and NCCL backends are available.
+ # See the @skip annotations below.
+ def _test_group_override_backend(self, initializer):
+ if BACKEND == "gloo":
+ new_backend = "nccl"
+ if BACKEND == "nccl":
+ new_backend = "gloo"
+ group, group_id, rank = initializer(backend=new_backend)
+ if group_id is None:
+ return
+ if new_backend == "gloo":
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(group_id, dist.ProcessGroupGloo))
+ if new_backend == "nccl":
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(group_id, dist.ProcessGroupNCCL))
+ self.assertEqual(rank, group[dist.get_rank(group_id)])
+ self.assertEqual(len(group), dist.get_world_size(group_id))
+ # Pin device (so we avoid NCCL race conditions/deadlocks).
+ group_rank = dist.get_rank(group_id)
+ torch.cuda.set_device(group_rank)
+ # Run broadcast of CUDA tensor (so it works for both Gloo and NCCL).
+ tensor = _build_tensor(2, value=group_rank).cuda()
+ dist.broadcast(tensor, src=group[0], group=group_id)
+ self.assertEqual(_build_tensor(2, value=0),"cpu"))
+ @require_backend({"gloo", "nccl"})
+ @require_backends_available({"gloo", "nccl"})
+ @require_world_size(3)
+ @require_num_gpus(2)
+ def test_backend_group(self):
+ self._test_group_override_backend(self._init_group_test)
+ @require_backend({"gloo", "nccl"})
+ @require_backends_available({"gloo", "nccl"})
+ @require_num_gpus(3)
+ def test_backend_full_group(self):
+ self._test_group_override_backend(self._init_full_group_test)
@unittest.skipIf(BACKEND == "nccl", "Nccl does not support send/recv")
def test_send_recv(self):
for attr in dir(cls):
if attr.startswith("test"):
fn = getattr(cls, attr)
- setattr(cls, attr, cls.manager_join(fn))
+ if not getattr(fn, "__unittest_skip__", False):
+ setattr(cls, attr, cls.manager_join(fn))
def setUp(self):
super(TestDistBackend, self).setUp()
ScatterOptions, GatherOptions
from . import ReduceOp
from . import PrefixStore
-from . import ProcessGroupGloo
except ImportError:
+ from. import ProcessGroupGloo
+except ImportError:
class Backend(object):
def is_mpi_available():
- Checks if MPI is available
+ Checks if the MPI backend is available.
def is_nccl_available():
- Checks if NCCL is available
+ Checks if the NCCL backend is available.
+def is_gloo_available():
+ """
+ Checks if the Gloo backend is available.
+ """
def is_initialized():
Checking if the default process group has been initialized
- timeout=_default_pg_timeout):
+ timeout=_default_pg_timeout,
+ backend=None):
Create a new distributed process group. And the new process group can be
used to perform collective operations.
default_backend, default_store = _pg_map[_default_pg]
+ if backend is None:
+ backend = default_backend
+ else:
+ backend = Backend(backend)
- if default_backend == Backend.MPI:
+ if backend == Backend.MPI:
if not is_mpi_available():
raise RuntimeError("Distributed package doesn't have MPI built in")
pg = ProcessGroupMPI(group_ranks)
# Create the prefix store
store = PrefixStore(group_name, default_store)
- if default_backend == Backend.GLOO:
+ if backend == Backend.GLOO:
pg = ProcessGroupGloo(
_pg_map[pg] = (Backend.GLOO, store)
_pg_names[pg] = group_name
- elif default_backend == Backend.NCCL:
+ elif backend == Backend.NCCL:
if not is_nccl_available():
raise RuntimeError("Distributed package doesn't have NCCL "
"built in")
-def new_group(ranks=None, timeout=_default_pg_timeout):
+def new_group(ranks=None, timeout=_default_pg_timeout, backend=None):
Creates a new distributed group.
timeout (timedelta, optional): Timeout for operations executed against
the process group. Default value equals 30 minutes.
This is only applicable for the ``gloo`` backend.
+ backend (str or Backend, optional): The backend to use. Depending on
+ build-time configurations, valid values are ``gloo`` and ``nccl``.
+ By default uses the same backend as the global group. This field
+ should be given as a lowercase string (e.g., ``"gloo"``), which can
+ also be accessed via :class:`Backend` attributes (e.g.,
+ ``Backend.GLOO``).
A handle of distributed group that can be given to collective calls.
return GroupMember.NON_GROUP_MEMBER
if default_backend != Backend.MPI:
+ if backend is None:
+ backend = default_backend
pg = _new_process_group_helper(group_world_size,
- timeout=timeout)
+ timeout=timeout,
+ backend=backend)
# Create the global rank to group rank mapping
_pg_group_ranks[pg] = {}