OpenGL Shading Language 4.5 spec, section '3.3 Preprocessor',
page 12 states:
"By convention, all macro names containing two consecutive
underscores ( __ ) are reserved for use by underlying
software layers. Defining such a name in a shader does not
itself result in an error, but may result in unintended
behaviors that stem from having multiple definitions of the
same name."
There is no explicit mention to #undef, but the consensus is that
defining or undefining are both subject to the same restrictions
in this context.
VK-GL-CTS issue: 206
Components: OpenGL
Change-Id: I36c9ada736d7704767e403b18f21d7343dff1aa2
case undefine_version
version 330
- expect compile_fail
values { output float out0 = 1.0; }
both ""
#version 330