/* LPAE kernels need compatible hardware */
block = cpuid_feature_extract(CPUID_EXT_MMFR0, 0);
if (block < 5) {
- pr_efi_err("This LPAE kernel is not supported by your CPU\n");
+ efi_err("This LPAE kernel is not supported by your CPU\n");
status = efi_get_memory_map(&map);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("reserve_kernel_base(): Unable to retrieve memory map.\n");
+ efi_err("reserve_kernel_base(): Unable to retrieve memory map.\n");
return status;
(end - start) / EFI_PAGE_SIZE,
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("reserve_kernel_base(): alloc failed.\n");
+ efi_err("reserve_kernel_base(): alloc failed.\n");
goto out;
status = reserve_kernel_base(kernel_base, reserve_addr, reserve_size);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Unable to allocate memory for uncompressed kernel.\n");
+ efi_err("Unable to allocate memory for uncompressed kernel.\n");
return status;
status = efi_relocate_kernel(image_addr, *image_size, *image_size,
kernel_base + MAX_UNCOMP_KERNEL_SIZE, 0, 0);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to relocate kernel.\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to relocate kernel.\n");
efi_free(*reserve_size, *reserve_addr);
*reserve_size = 0;
return status;
* address at which the zImage is loaded.
if (*image_addr + *image_size > dram_base + ZIMAGE_OFFSET_LIMIT) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to relocate kernel, no low memory available.\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to relocate kernel, no low memory available.\n");
efi_free(*reserve_size, *reserve_addr);
*reserve_size = 0;
efi_free(*image_size, *image_addr);
tg = (read_cpuid(ID_AA64MMFR0_EL1) >> ID_AA64MMFR0_TGRAN_SHIFT) & 0xf;
- pr_efi_err("This 64 KB granular kernel is not supported by your CPU\n");
+ efi_err("This 64 KB granular kernel is not supported by your CPU\n");
- pr_efi_err("This 16 KB granular kernel is not supported by your CPU\n");
+ efi_err("This 16 KB granular kernel is not supported by your CPU\n");
status = efi_get_random_bytes(sizeof(phys_seed),
(u8 *)&phys_seed);
if (status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
- pr_efi("EFI_RNG_PROTOCOL unavailable, no randomness supplied\n");
+ efi_info("EFI_RNG_PROTOCOL unavailable, no randomness supplied\n");
} else if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("efi_get_random_bytes() failed\n");
+ efi_err("efi_get_random_bytes() failed\n");
return status;
} else {
- pr_efi("KASLR disabled on kernel command line\n");
+ efi_info("KASLR disabled on kernel command line\n");
if (image->image_base != _text)
- pr_efi_err("FIRMWARE BUG: efi_loaded_image_t::image_base has bogus value\n");
+ efi_err("FIRMWARE BUG: efi_loaded_image_t::image_base has bogus value\n");
kernel_size = _edata - _text;
kernel_memsize = kernel_size + (_end - _edata);
ULONG_MAX, min_kimg_align);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to relocate kernel\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to relocate kernel\n");
*reserve_size = 0;
return status;
status = efi_bs_call(allocate_pool, EFI_LOADER_DATA, sizeof(*rsv),
(void **)&rsv);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to allocate memreserve entry!\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to allocate memreserve entry!\n");
status = efi_bs_call(install_configuration_table,
&memreserve_table_guid, rsv);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS)
- pr_efi_err("Failed to install memreserve config table!\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to install memreserve config table!\n");
static unsigned long get_dram_base(void)
status = efi_system_table->boottime->handle_protocol(handle,
&loaded_image_proto, (void *)&image);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to get loaded image protocol\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to get loaded image protocol\n");
goto fail;
dram_base = get_dram_base();
if (dram_base == EFI_ERROR) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to find DRAM base\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to find DRAM base\n");
status = EFI_LOAD_ERROR;
goto fail;
cmdline_ptr = efi_convert_cmdline(image, &cmdline_size, ULONG_MAX);
if (!cmdline_ptr) {
- pr_efi_err("getting command line via LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL\n");
+ efi_err("getting command line via LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL\n");
goto fail;
if (!IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_CMDLINE_FORCE) && cmdline_size > 0)
- pr_efi("Booting Linux Kernel...\n");
+ efi_info("Booting Linux Kernel...\n");
si = setup_graphics();
dram_base, image);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to relocate kernel\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to relocate kernel\n");
goto fail_free_cmdline;
secure_boot != efi_secureboot_mode_disabled) {
if (strstr(cmdline_ptr, "dtb="))
- pr_efi("Ignoring DTB from command line.\n");
+ efi_info("Ignoring DTB from command line.\n");
} else {
status = efi_load_dtb(image, &fdt_addr, &fdt_size);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to load device tree!\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to load device tree!\n");
goto fail_free_image;
if (fdt_addr) {
- pr_efi("Using DTB from command line\n");
+ efi_info("Using DTB from command line\n");
} else {
/* Look for a device tree configuration table entry. */
fdt_addr = (uintptr_t)get_fdt(&fdt_size);
if (fdt_addr)
- pr_efi("Using DTB from configuration table\n");
+ efi_info("Using DTB from configuration table\n");
if (!fdt_addr)
- pr_efi("Generating empty DTB\n");
+ efi_info("Generating empty DTB\n");
if (!efi_noinitrd) {
max_addr = efi_get_max_initrd_addr(dram_base, image_addr);
status = efi_load_initrd_dev_path(&initrd_addr, &initrd_size,
if (status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi("Loaded initrd from LINUX_EFI_INITRD_MEDIA_GUID device path\n");
+ efi_info("Loaded initrd from LINUX_EFI_INITRD_MEDIA_GUID device path\n");
} else if (status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
status = efi_load_initrd(image, &initrd_addr, &initrd_size,
ULONG_MAX, max_addr);
if (status == EFI_SUCCESS && initrd_size > 0)
- pr_efi("Loaded initrd from command line option\n");
+ efi_info("Loaded initrd from command line option\n");
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS)
- pr_efi_err("Failed to load initrd!\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to load initrd!\n");
/* not reached */
- pr_efi_err("Failed to update FDT and exit boot services\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to update FDT and exit boot services\n");
efi_free(initrd_size, initrd_addr);
efi_free(fdt_size, fdt_addr);
#define efi_call_proto(inst, func, ...) inst->func(inst, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define pr_efi(msg) do { \
+#define efi_info(msg) do { \
if (!efi_quiet) efi_printk("EFI stub: "msg); \
} while (0)
-#define pr_efi_err(msg) efi_printk("EFI stub: ERROR: "msg)
+#define efi_err(msg) efi_printk("EFI stub: ERROR: "msg)
/* Helper macros for the usual case of using simple C variables: */
#ifndef fdt_setprop_inplace_var
/* Do some checks on provided FDT, if it exists: */
if (orig_fdt) {
if (fdt_check_header(orig_fdt)) {
- pr_efi_err("Device Tree header not valid!\n");
+ efi_err("Device Tree header not valid!\n");
* configuration table:
if (orig_fdt_size && fdt_totalsize(orig_fdt) > orig_fdt_size) {
- pr_efi_err("Truncated device tree! foo!\n");
+ efi_err("Truncated device tree! foo!\n");
status = efi_get_memory_map(&map);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Unable to retrieve UEFI memory map.\n");
+ efi_err("Unable to retrieve UEFI memory map.\n");
return status;
- pr_efi("Exiting boot services and installing virtual address map...\n");
+ efi_info("Exiting boot services and installing virtual address map...\n");
map.map = &memory_map;
status = efi_allocate_pages(MAX_FDT_SIZE, new_fdt_addr, max_addr);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Unable to allocate memory for new device tree.\n");
+ efi_err("Unable to allocate memory for new device tree.\n");
goto fail;
initrd_addr, initrd_size);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Unable to construct new device tree.\n");
+ efi_err("Unable to construct new device tree.\n");
goto fail_free_new_fdt;
- pr_efi_err("Exit boot services failed.\n");
+ efi_err("Exit boot services failed.\n");
efi_free(MAX_FDT_SIZE, *new_fdt_addr);
return NULL;
if (fdt_check_header(fdt) != 0) {
- pr_efi_err("Invalid header detected on UEFI supplied FDT, ignoring ...\n");
+ efi_err("Invalid header detected on UEFI supplied FDT, ignoring ...\n");
return NULL;
*fdt_size = fdt_totalsize(fdt);
status = volume->open(volume, &fh, fi->filename, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to open file: ");
+ efi_err("Failed to open file: ");
return status;
info_sz = sizeof(struct finfo);
status = fh->get_info(fh, &info_guid, &info_sz, fi);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to get file info\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to get file info\n");
return status;
status = efi_bs_call(handle_protocol, image->device_handle, &fs_proto,
(void **)&io);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to handle fs_proto\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to handle fs_proto\n");
return status;
status = io->open_volume(io, fh);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS)
- pr_efi_err("Failed to open volume\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to open volume\n");
return status;
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to allocate memory for files\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to allocate memory for files\n");
goto err_close_file;
status = file->read(file, &chunksize, addr);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to read file\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to read file\n");
goto err_close_file;
addr += chunksize;
if (status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS && status != EFI_NOT_FOUND)
- pr_efi_err("Failed to locate PCI I/O handles'\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to locate PCI I/O handles'\n");
status = efi_bs_call(allocate_pool, EFI_LOADER_DATA, pci_handle_size,
(void **)&pci_handle);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to allocate memory for 'pci_handle'\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to allocate memory for 'pci_handle'\n");
status = efi_bs_call(locate_handle, EFI_LOCATE_BY_PROTOCOL, &pci_proto,
NULL, &pci_handle_size, pci_handle);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to locate PCI I/O handles'\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to locate PCI I/O handles'\n");
goto free_handle;
status = efi_call_proto(pci, pci.write, EfiPciIoWidthUint16,
PCI_COMMAND, 1, &command);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS)
- pr_efi_err("Failed to disable PCI busmastering\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to disable PCI busmastering\n");
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
- pr_efi_err("Failed to allocate usable memory for kernel.\n");
+ efi_err("Failed to allocate usable memory for kernel.\n");
return status;
return efi_secureboot_mode_disabled;
- pr_efi("UEFI Secure Boot is enabled.\n");
+ efi_info("UEFI Secure Boot is enabled.\n");
return efi_secureboot_mode_enabled;
- pr_efi_err("Could not determine UEFI Secure Boot status.\n");
+ efi_err("Could not determine UEFI Secure Boot status.\n");
return efi_secureboot_mode_unknown;