Eina_Bool dbg = EINA_FALSE;
EVGL_Resource *rsc;
int curr_fbo = 0, curr_draw_fbo = 0, curr_read_fbo = 0;
+ Eina_Bool ctx_changed = EINA_FALSE;
// Check the input validity. If either sfc is valid but ctx is NULL, it's also error.
// sfc can be NULL as evas gl supports surfaceless make current
evas_gl_common_error_set(eng_data, EVAS_GL_BAD_CONTEXT);
return 0;
+ if (rsc->current_ctx != ctx)
+ ctx_changed = EINA_TRUE;
rsc->current_ctx = ctx;
rsc->current_eng = eng_data;
_framebuffer_create(&ctx->surface_fbo, ctx->version);
// Attach fbo and the buffers
- if ((rsc->current_ctx != ctx) || (ctx->current_sfc != sfc) || (rsc->direct.rendered))
+ if ((ctx_changed) || (ctx->current_sfc != sfc) || (rsc->direct.rendered))
sfc->current_ctx = ctx;
if ((sfc->direct_mem_opt) && (sfc->direct_override))