strncpy(ms_factory, ms_factory_env, BUF_LEN);
strcpy(ms_factory, "multisense_factory");
m = _edje_module_handle_load(ms_factory);
if (!m) goto err;
msdata->msenv->remixenv = remix_init();
- multisense_factory_init =
+ multisense_factory_init =
eina_module_symbol_get(m, "multisense_factory_init");
if (multisense_factory_init) multisense_factory_init(msdata->msenv);
- msdata->multisense_sound_player_get =
+ msdata->multisense_sound_player_get =
eina_module_symbol_get(m, "multisense_sound_player_get");
if (!msdata->multisense_sound_player_get) goto err;
ERR ("Multisense EET Sound reader plugin NULL\n");
return NULL;
sf_path_key = remix_get_init_parameter_key(env, sf_plugin, "path");
sf_sound_id_key = remix_get_init_parameter_key(env, sf_plugin, "sound_id");
sf_speed_key = remix_get_init_parameter_key(env, sf_plugin, "speed");
sf_parms = cd_set_replace(env, sf_parms, sf_sound_id_key, CD_STRING(sound_id));
sf_parms = cd_set_replace(env, sf_parms, sf_speed_key, CD_DOUBLE(speed));
eet_snd_reader = remix_new(env, sf_plugin, sf_parms);
return eet_snd_reader;
if ((!ed) || (!ed->file) || (!ed->file->sound_dir))
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < ed->file->sound_dir->tones_count; i++)
tone = &ed->file->sound_dir->tones[i];
Edje_Multisense_Sound_Action command;
RemixBase *base = NULL;
RemixBase *sound;
if (read(command_pipe[0], &command, sizeof(command)) <= 0) return;
switch (command.action)
remix_destroy(msdata->msenv->remixenv, msdata->player);
remix_destroy(msdata->msenv->remixenv, msdata->deck);
msdata = NULL;
fd_set wait_fds;
RemixBase *sound;
RemixCount process_len;
-// disable and move outside of thread due to dlsym etc. thread issues
+// disable and move outside of thread due to dlsym etc. thread issues
// Multisense_Data * msdata = init_multisense_environment();
if (!msdata) return;
fcntl(command_pipe[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
ssize_t size = 0;
Edje_Multisense_Sound_Action command;
if ((!pipe_initialized) && (!player_thread)) return EINA_FALSE;
+ if (!sample_name)
+ {
+ ERR("Given Sample Name is NULL\n");
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+ }
command.action = EDJE_PLAY_SAMPLE;
command.ed = ed;
ssize_t size = 0;
Edje_Multisense_Sound_Action command;
if ((!pipe_initialized) && (!player_thread)) return EINA_FALSE;
+ if (!tone_name)
+ {
+ ERR("Given Tone Name is NULL\n");
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+ }
command.action = EDJE_PLAY_TONE;
command.ed = ed;
strncpy(command.type.tone.tone_name, tone_name, BUF_LEN);
command.type.tone.duration = duration;
size = write(command_pipe[1], &command, sizeof(command));
// warning shh
(void) ed;
(void) duration;
// init msdata outside of thread due to thread issues in dlsym etc.
if (!msdata) msdata = init_multisense_environment();
if (!player_thread)
player_thread = ecore_thread_run(_player_job, _player_end, _player_cancel, NULL);