1. Remove top-level "-Dwerror=" gyp define from gyp_chromiumefl.sh.
This will let chromium targets use their own policy regarding whether to treat
warnings as error or ignore them.
2. Add '-Werror' cflag to chromium-ewk target.
Bug: http://web.sec.samsung.net/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=15612
Reviewed by: a1.gomes, g.czajkowski
Change-Id: Id2634bcb1958c53ddc53a4259404d3cf54047a66
Signed-off-by: SeungSeop Park <sns.park@samsung.com>
add_tizen_flags() {
- -Dwerror=
# Symbol visibility controled by chromium-ewk.filter
+ 'cflags/': [
+ # Treat warning as error for this target.
+ # It needs to be included by means of pattern list because '-Werror' cflag
+ # will be excluded in chromium side (src/build/common.gypi), and GYP
+ # processes pattern lists after exclusion lists.
+ # (ref: https://gyp.gsrc.io/docs/InputFormatReference.md#Processing-Order)
+ ['include', '-Werror'],
+ ],
'conditions': [
['xwalk_link_against_chromium_ewk==0', {
'variables': {