#define FIX_M_1_961570560_ID 40
#define FIX_M_2_562915447_ID 44
#define FIX_0xFFFF_ID 48
- .text
- .align
function ff_j_rev_dct_arm, export=1
stmdb sp!, { r4 - r12, lr } @ all callee saved regs
sub sp, sp, #4 @ reserve some space on the stack
str r0, [ sp ] @ save the DCT pointer to the stack
mov lr, r0 @ lr = pointer to the current row
mov r12, #8 @ r12 = row-counter
- adr r11, const_array @ r11 = base pointer to the constants array
+ movrel r11, const_array @ r11 = base pointer to the constants array
ldrsh r0, [lr, # 0] @ r0 = 'd0'
ldrsh r2, [lr, # 2] @ r2 = 'd2'
@ The end....
add sp, sp, #4
ldmia sp!, { r4 - r12, pc } @ restore callee saved regs and return
- .align
+const const_array
.word FIX_0_298631336
.word FIX_0_541196100
.word FIX_0_765366865
.word FIX_M_1_961570560
.word FIX_M_2_562915447
.word FIX_0xFFFF