// Set the Timeout
stepScript += "set __TestTimeout=${timeout}\r\n"
+ stepScript += "echo. > ${stepScriptLocation}\r\n"
stressModeVars.each{ k, v ->
// Write out what we are writing to the script file
stepScript += "echo Setting ${k}=${v}\r\n"
return baseName + suffix
-// **************************
-// Define the basic inner loop builds for PR and commit. This is basically just the set
-// of coreclr builds over linux/osx/freebsd/windows and debug/release/checked. In addition, the windows
-// builds will do a couple extra steps.
-// **************************
-// Adds a trigger for the PR build if one is needed. If isFlowJob is true, then this is the
-// flow job that rolls up the build and test for non-windows OS's. // If the job is a windows build only job,
-// it's just used for internal builds
-// If you add a job with a trigger phrase, please add that phrase to coreclr/Documentation/project-docs/ci-trigger-phrases.md
-def static addTriggers(def job, def branch, def isPR, def architecture, def os, def configuration, def scenario, def isFlowJob, def isWindowsBuildOnlyJob, def isLinuxEmulatorBuild) {
- if (isWindowsBuildOnlyJob) {
- return
- }
- def bidailyCrossList = ['RHEL7.2', 'Debian8.4', 'OpenSUSE13.2']
- // Non pull request builds.
- if (!isPR) {
- // Check scenario.
- switch (scenario) {
- case 'default':
- switch (architecture) {
- case 'x64':
- case 'x86':
- case 'x86compatjit':
- case 'x86lb':
- if (isFlowJob || os == 'Windows_NT' || !(os in Constants.crossList)) {
- Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(job)
- }
- break
- case 'arm':
+def static addNonPRTriggers(def job, def branch, def isPR, def architecture, def os, def configuration, def scenario, def isFlowJob, def isWindowsBuildOnlyJob, def isLinuxEmulatorBuild, def bidailyCrossList) {
+ // Check scenario.
+ switch (scenario) {
+ case 'default':
+ switch (architecture) {
+ case 'x64':
+ case 'x86':
+ case 'x86compatjit':
+ case 'x86lb':
+ if (isFlowJob || os == 'Windows_NT' || !(os in Constants.crossList)) {
- break
- case 'arm64':
- if (os == 'Windows_NT') {
- Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(job)
- // TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
- // addEmailPublisher(job, 'dotnetonarm64@microsoft.com')
- }
- break
- default:
- println("Unknown architecture: ${architecture}");
- assert false
- break
- }
- break
- case 'pri1':
- // Pri one gets a push trigger, and only for release
- if (architecture == 'x64') {
- if (configuration == 'Release') {
- // We expect release jobs to be Windows, or in the cross list
- assert (os == 'Windows_NT') || (os in Constants.crossList)
- if (!os in bidailyCrossList) {
- if (isFlowJob || os == 'Windows_NT') {
- Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(job)
- }
- }
- else {
- if (isFlowJob) {
- Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, 'H H/12 * * *')
- }
- }
- }
- break
- case 'r2r':
- //r2r jobs that aren't pri1 can only be triggered by phrase
- break
- case 'pri1r2r':
- assert !(os in bidailyCrossList)
- //pri1 r2r gets a push trigger for checked/release
- if (configuration == 'Checked' || configuration == 'Release') {
+ break
+ case 'arm':
+ Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(job)
+ break
+ case 'arm64':
+ if (os == 'Windows_NT') {
+ Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(job)
+ // TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
+ // addEmailPublisher(job, 'dotnetonarm64@microsoft.com')
+ }
+ break
+ default:
+ println("Unknown architecture: ${architecture}");
+ assert false
+ break
+ }
+ break
+ case 'pri1':
+ // Pri one gets a push trigger, and only for release
+ if (architecture == 'x64') {
+ if (configuration == 'Release') {
+ // We expect release jobs to be Windows, or in the cross list
assert (os == 'Windows_NT') || (os in Constants.crossList)
- if (architecture == 'x64' && os != 'OSX') {
- //Flow jobs should be Windows, Ubuntu, OSX, or CentOS
+ if (!os in bidailyCrossList) {
if (isFlowJob || os == 'Windows_NT') {
- // OSX pri1r2r jobs should only run every 12 hours, not daily.
- } else if (architecture == 'x64' && os == 'OSX'){
+ }
+ else {
if (isFlowJob) {
Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, 'H H/12 * * *')
- // For x86, only add per-commit jobs for Windows
- else if (architecture == 'x86' || architecture == 'x86compatjit' || architecture == 'x86lb') {
- if (os == 'Windows_NT') {
- Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(job)
- }
- }
- // arm64 pri1r2r jobs should only run every 12 hours.
- else if (architecture == 'arm64') {
- if (os == 'Windows_NT') {
- Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, 'H H/12 * * *')
- // TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
- // addEmailPublisher(job, 'dotnetonarm64@microsoft.com')
- }
- }
- }
- break
- case 'r2r_jitstress1':
- case 'r2r_jitstress2':
- case 'r2r_jitstressregs1':
- case 'r2r_jitstressregs2':
- case 'r2r_jitstressregs3':
- case 'r2r_jitstressregs4':
- case 'r2r_jitstressregs8':
- case 'r2r_jitstressregsx10':
- case 'r2r_jitstressregsx80':
- case 'r2r_jitminopts':
- case 'r2r_jitforcerelocs':
- case 'gcstress15_pri1r2r':
- assert !(os in bidailyCrossList)
- // GCStress=C is currently not supported on OS X
- if (os == 'OSX' && isGCStressRelatedTesting(scenario)) {
- break
- //GC Stress 15 pri1 r2r gets a push trigger for checked/release
- if (configuration == 'Checked' || configuration == 'Release') {
- assert (os == 'Windows_NT') || (os in Constants.crossList)
- if (architecture == 'x64') {
- //Flow jobs should be Windows, Ubuntu, OSX, or CentOS
- if (isFlowJob || os == 'Windows_NT') {
- // Add a weekly periodic trigger
- Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, 'H H * * 3,6') // some time every Wednesday and Saturday
- }
+ }
+ break
+ case 'r2r':
+ //r2r jobs that aren't pri1 can only be triggered by phrase
+ break
+ case 'pri1r2r':
+ assert !(os in bidailyCrossList)
+ //pri1 r2r gets a push trigger for checked/release
+ if (configuration == 'Checked' || configuration == 'Release') {
+ assert (os == 'Windows_NT') || (os in Constants.crossList)
+ if (architecture == 'x64' && os != 'OSX') {
+ //Flow jobs should be Windows, Ubuntu, OSX, or CentOS
+ if (isFlowJob || os == 'Windows_NT') {
+ Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(job)
- // For x86, only add per-commit jobs for Windows
- else if (architecture == 'x86' || architecture == 'x86compatjit' || architecture == 'x86lb') {
- if (os == 'Windows_NT') {
- Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, 'H H * * 3,6') // some time every Wednesday and Saturday
- }
+ // OSX pri1r2r jobs should only run every 12 hours, not daily.
+ } else if (architecture == 'x64' && os == 'OSX'){
+ if (isFlowJob) {
+ Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, 'H H/12 * * *')
- break
- case 'longgc':
- assert (os == 'Ubuntu' || os == 'Windows_NT' || os == 'OSX')
- assert configuration == 'Release'
- assert architecture == 'x64'
- Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@daily')
- // TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
- // addEmailPublisher(job, 'dotnetgctests@microsoft.com')
- break
- case 'gcsimulator':
- assert (os == 'Ubuntu' || os == 'Windows_NT' || os == 'OSX')
- assert configuration == 'Release'
- assert architecture == 'x64'
- Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, 'H H * * 3,6') // some time every Wednesday and Saturday
- // TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
- // addEmailPublisher(job, 'dotnetgctests@microsoft.com')
- break
- case 'standalone_gc':
- assert (os == 'Windows_NT')
- assert (configuration == 'Release' || configuration == 'Checked')
- // TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
- // addEmailPublisher(job, 'dotnetgctests@microsoft.com')
- Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@weekly')
- break
- case 'ilrt':
- assert !(os in bidailyCrossList)
- // ILASM/ILDASM roundtrip one gets a daily build, and only for release
- if (architecture == 'x64' && configuration == 'Release') {
- // We don't expect to see a job generated except in these scenarios
- assert (os == 'Windows_NT') || (os in Constants.crossList)
- if (isFlowJob || os == 'Windows_NT') {
- Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@daily')
+ // For x86, only add per-commit jobs for Windows
+ else if (architecture == 'x86' || architecture == 'x86compatjit' || architecture == 'x86lb') {
+ if (os == 'Windows_NT') {
+ Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(job)
- break
- case 'jitdiff':
- assert (os == 'Ubuntu' || os == 'Windows_NT' || os == 'OSX')
- assert configuration == 'Checked'
- assert (architecture == 'x64' || architecture == 'x86')
- Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(job)
- break
- case 'coverage':
- assert (os == 'Ubuntu' || os == 'Windows_NT')
- assert configuration == 'Release'
- assert architecture == 'x64'
- Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@weekly')
- break
- case 'formatting':
- assert (os == 'Windows_NT' || os == "Ubuntu")
- assert architecture == 'x64'
- Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(job)
- break
- case 'jitstressregs1':
- case 'jitstressregs2':
- case 'jitstressregs3':
- case 'jitstressregs4':
- case 'jitstressregs8':
- case 'jitstressregs0x10':
- case 'jitstressregs0x80':
- case 'minopts':
- case 'forcerelocs':
- case 'jitstress1':
- case 'jitstress2':
- case 'jitstress2_jitstressregs1':
- case 'jitstress2_jitstressregs2':
- case 'jitstress2_jitstressregs3':
- case 'jitstress2_jitstressregs4':
- case 'jitstress2_jitstressregs8':
- case 'jitstress2_jitstressregs0x10':
- case 'jitstress2_jitstressregs0x80':
- case 'corefx_baseline':
- case 'corefx_minopts':
- case 'corefx_jitstress1':
- case 'corefx_jitstress2':
- case 'corefx_jitstressregs1':
- case 'corefx_jitstressregs2':
- case 'corefx_jitstressregs3':
- case 'corefx_jitstressregs4':
- case 'corefx_jitstressregs8':
- case 'corefx_jitstressregs0x10':
- case 'corefx_jitstressregs0x80':
- case 'zapdisable':
- if (os != 'CentOS7.1' && !(os in bidailyCrossList)) {
- assert (os == 'Windows_NT') || (os in Constants.crossList)
- Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@daily')
- }
- break
- case 'heapverify1':
- case 'gcstress0x3':
- if (os != 'CentOS7.1' && !(os in bidailyCrossList)) {
- assert (os == 'Windows_NT') || (os in Constants.crossList)
- if (architecture == 'arm64') {
- assert (os == 'Windows_NT')
- Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@daily')
+ // arm64 pri1r2r jobs should only run every 12 hours.
+ else if (architecture == 'arm64') {
+ if (os == 'Windows_NT') {
+ Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, 'H H/12 * * *')
// TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
// addEmailPublisher(job, 'dotnetonarm64@microsoft.com')
- else {
- Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@weekly')
- }
+ }
+ break
+ case 'r2r_jitstress1':
+ case 'r2r_jitstress2':
+ case 'r2r_jitstressregs1':
+ case 'r2r_jitstressregs2':
+ case 'r2r_jitstressregs3':
+ case 'r2r_jitstressregs4':
+ case 'r2r_jitstressregs8':
+ case 'r2r_jitstressregsx10':
+ case 'r2r_jitstressregsx80':
+ case 'r2r_jitminopts':
+ case 'r2r_jitforcerelocs':
+ case 'gcstress15_pri1r2r':
+ assert !(os in bidailyCrossList)
+ // GCStress=C is currently not supported on OS X
+ if (os == 'OSX' && isGCStressRelatedTesting(scenario)) {
- case 'gcstress0xc':
- case 'gcstress0xc_zapdisable':
- case 'gcstress0xc_zapdisable_jitstress2':
- case 'gcstress0xc_zapdisable_heapverify1':
- case 'gcstress0xc_jitstress1':
- case 'gcstress0xc_jitstress2':
- case 'gcstress0xc_minopts_heapverify1':
- // GCStress=C is currently not supported on OS X
- if (os != 'CentOS7.1' && os != 'OSX' && !(os in bidailyCrossList)) {
- assert (os == 'Windows_NT') || (os in Constants.crossList)
- if (architecture == 'arm64') {
- assert (os == 'Windows_NT')
- // TODO: Enable a periodic trigger after tests are updated.
- // Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@daily')
- // TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
- // addEmailPublisher(job, 'dotnetonarm64@microsoft.com')
+ }
+ //GC Stress 15 pri1 r2r gets a push trigger for checked/release
+ if (configuration == 'Checked' || configuration == 'Release') {
+ assert (os == 'Windows_NT') || (os in Constants.crossList)
+ if (architecture == 'x64') {
+ //Flow jobs should be Windows, Ubuntu, OSX, or CentOS
+ if (isFlowJob || os == 'Windows_NT') {
+ // Add a weekly periodic trigger
+ Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, 'H H * * 3,6') // some time every Wednesday and Saturday
- else {
- Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@weekly')
+ }
+ // For x86, only add per-commit jobs for Windows
+ else if (architecture == 'x86' || architecture == 'x86compatjit' || architecture == 'x86lb') {
+ if (os == 'Windows_NT') {
+ Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, 'H H * * 3,6') // some time every Wednesday and Saturday
- break
- default:
- println("Unknown scenario: ${scenario}");
- assert false
- break
+ }
+ break
+ case 'longgc':
+ assert (os == 'Ubuntu' || os == 'Windows_NT' || os == 'OSX')
+ assert configuration == 'Release'
+ assert architecture == 'x64'
+ Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@daily')
+ // TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
+ // addEmailPublisher(job, 'dotnetgctests@microsoft.com')
+ break
+ case 'gcsimulator':
+ assert (os == 'Ubuntu' || os == 'Windows_NT' || os == 'OSX')
+ assert configuration == 'Release'
+ assert architecture == 'x64'
+ Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, 'H H * * 3,6') // some time every Wednesday and Saturday
+ // TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
+ // addEmailPublisher(job, 'dotnetgctests@microsoft.com')
+ break
+ case 'standalone_gc':
+ assert (os == 'Windows_NT')
+ assert (configuration == 'Release' || configuration == 'Checked')
+ // TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
+ // addEmailPublisher(job, 'dotnetgctests@microsoft.com')
+ Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@weekly')
+ break
+ case 'ilrt':
+ assert !(os in bidailyCrossList)
+ // ILASM/ILDASM roundtrip one gets a daily build, and only for release
+ if (architecture == 'x64' && configuration == 'Release') {
+ // We don't expect to see a job generated except in these scenarios
+ assert (os == 'Windows_NT') || (os in Constants.crossList)
+ if (isFlowJob || os == 'Windows_NT') {
+ Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@daily')
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ case 'jitdiff':
+ assert (os == 'Ubuntu' || os == 'Windows_NT' || os == 'OSX')
+ assert configuration == 'Checked'
+ assert (architecture == 'x64' || architecture == 'x86')
+ Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(job)
+ break
+ case 'coverage':
+ assert (os == 'Ubuntu' || os == 'Windows_NT')
+ assert configuration == 'Release'
+ assert architecture == 'x64'
+ Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@weekly')
+ break
+ case 'formatting':
+ assert (os == 'Windows_NT' || os == "Ubuntu")
+ assert architecture == 'x64'
+ Utilities.addGithubPushTrigger(job)
+ break
+ case 'jitstressregs1':
+ case 'jitstressregs2':
+ case 'jitstressregs3':
+ case 'jitstressregs4':
+ case 'jitstressregs8':
+ case 'jitstressregs0x10':
+ case 'jitstressregs0x80':
+ case 'minopts':
+ case 'forcerelocs':
+ case 'jitstress1':
+ case 'jitstress2':
+ case 'jitstress2_jitstressregs1':
+ case 'jitstress2_jitstressregs2':
+ case 'jitstress2_jitstressregs3':
+ case 'jitstress2_jitstressregs4':
+ case 'jitstress2_jitstressregs8':
+ case 'jitstress2_jitstressregs0x10':
+ case 'jitstress2_jitstressregs0x80':
+ case 'corefx_baseline':
+ case 'corefx_minopts':
+ case 'corefx_jitstress1':
+ case 'corefx_jitstress2':
+ case 'corefx_jitstressregs1':
+ case 'corefx_jitstressregs2':
+ case 'corefx_jitstressregs3':
+ case 'corefx_jitstressregs4':
+ case 'corefx_jitstressregs8':
+ case 'corefx_jitstressregs0x10':
+ case 'corefx_jitstressregs0x80':
+ case 'zapdisable':
+ if (os != 'CentOS7.1' && !(os in bidailyCrossList)) {
+ assert (os == 'Windows_NT') || (os in Constants.crossList)
+ Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@daily')
+ break
+ case 'heapverify1':
+ case 'gcstress0x3':
+ if (os != 'CentOS7.1' && !(os in bidailyCrossList)) {
+ assert (os == 'Windows_NT') || (os in Constants.crossList)
+ if (architecture == 'arm64') {
+ assert (os == 'Windows_NT')
+ Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@daily')
+ // TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
+ // addEmailPublisher(job, 'dotnetonarm64@microsoft.com')
+ }
+ else {
+ Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@weekly')
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ case 'gcstress0xc':
+ case 'gcstress0xc_zapdisable':
+ case 'gcstress0xc_zapdisable_jitstress2':
+ case 'gcstress0xc_zapdisable_heapverify1':
+ case 'gcstress0xc_jitstress1':
+ case 'gcstress0xc_jitstress2':
+ case 'gcstress0xc_minopts_heapverify1':
+ // GCStress=C is currently not supported on OS X
+ if (os != 'CentOS7.1' && os != 'OSX' && !(os in bidailyCrossList)) {
+ assert (os == 'Windows_NT') || (os in Constants.crossList)
+ if (architecture == 'arm64') {
+ assert (os == 'Windows_NT')
+ // TODO: Enable a periodic trigger after tests are updated.
+ // Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@daily')
+ // TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
+ // addEmailPublisher(job, 'dotnetonarm64@microsoft.com')
+ }
+ else {
+ Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@weekly')
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ default:
+ println("Unknown scenario: ${scenario}");
+ assert false
+ break
+ }
+ return
+// **************************
+// Define the basic inner loop builds for PR and commit. This is basically just the set
+// of coreclr builds over linux/osx/freebsd/windows and debug/release/checked. In addition, the windows
+// builds will do a couple extra steps.
+// **************************
+// Adds a trigger for the PR build if one is needed. If isFlowJob is true, then this is the
+// flow job that rolls up the build and test for non-windows OS's. // If the job is a windows build only job,
+// it's just used for internal builds
+// If you add a job with a trigger phrase, please add that phrase to coreclr/Documentation/project-docs/ci-trigger-phrases.md
+def static addTriggers(def job, def branch, def isPR, def architecture, def os, def configuration, def scenario, def isFlowJob, def isWindowsBuildOnlyJob, def isLinuxEmulatorBuild) {
+ if (isWindowsBuildOnlyJob) {
+ return
+ }
+ def bidailyCrossList = ['RHEL7.2', 'Debian8.4', 'OpenSUSE13.2']
+ // Non pull request builds.
+ if (!isPR) {
+ addNonPRTriggers(job, branch, isPR, architecture, os, configuration, scenario, isFlowJob, isWindowsBuildOnlyJob, isLinuxEmulatorBuild, bidailyCrossList)
// Pull request builds. Generally these fall into two categories: default triggers and on-demand triggers
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(job, branch, "${os} ${architecture} ${configuration} Build and Test (Jit - ${displayStr})",
+ case 'corefx_baseline':
+ case 'corefx_minopts':
+ case 'corefx_jitstress1':
+ case 'corefx_jitstress2':
+ case 'corefx_jitstressregs1':
+ case 'corefx_jitstressregs2':
+ case 'corefx_jitstressregs3':
+ case 'corefx_jitstressregs4':
+ case 'corefx_jitstressregs8':
+ case 'corefx_jitstressregs0x10':
+ case 'corefx_jitstressregs0x80':
+ def displayName = 'CoreFx ' + getStressModeDisplayName(scenario)
+ assert (os == 'Windows_NT') || (os in Constants.crossList)
+ Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(job, branch, "${os} ${architecture} ${configuration} Build and Test (Jit - ${displayName})",
+ "(?i).*test\\W+${os}\\W+${scenario}.*")
+ break
println("Unknown scenario: ${os} ${architecture} ${scenario}");
assert false
+def static calculateBuildCommands(def newJob, def scenario, def branch, def isPR, def architecture, def configuration, def os, def enableCorefxTesting, def isBuildOnly, def isLinuxEmulatorBuild) {
+ def buildCommands = [];
+ def osGroup = getOSGroup(os)
+ def lowerConfiguration = configuration.toLowerCase()
+ // Calculate the build steps, archival, and xunit results
+ switch (os) {
+ case 'Windows_NT': // editor brace matching: {
+ switch (architecture) {
+ case 'x64':
+ case 'x86':
+ case 'x86compatjit':
+ case 'x86lb':
+ def arch = architecture
+ def buildOpts = ''
+ if (architecture == 'x86compatjit') {
+ arch = 'x86'
+ buildOpts = 'compatjitcrossgen'
+ }
+ else if (architecture == 'x86lb') {
+ arch = 'x86'
+ buildOpts = 'legacyjitcrossgen'
+ }
+ if (Constants.jitStressModeScenarios.containsKey(scenario) ||
+ scenario == 'default' ||
+ scenario == 'r2r' ||
+ scenario == 'jitdiff' ||
+ Constants.r2rJitStressScenarios.indexOf(scenario) != -1) {
+ buildOpts += enableCorefxTesting ? ' skiptests' : ''
+ buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${buildOpts}"
+ }
+ // For Pri 1 tests, we must shorten the output test binary path names.
+ // if __TestIntermediateDir is already set, build-test.cmd will
+ // output test binaries to that directory. If it is not set, the
+ // binaries are sent to a default directory whose name is about
+ // 35 characters long.
+ else if (scenario == 'pri1' || scenario == 'pri1r2r' || scenario == 'gcstress15_pri1r2r'|| scenario == 'coverage') {
+ buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${buildOpts} -priority=1"
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'ilrt') {
+ // First do the build with skiptests and then build the tests with ilasm roundtrip
+ buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${buildOpts} skiptests"
+ buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build-test.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} -ilasmroundtrip"
+ }
+ else if (isLongGc(scenario)) {
+ buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${buildOpts} skiptests"
+ buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build-test.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch}"
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'standalone_gc') {
+ buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${buildOpts} buildstandalonegc"
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'formatting') {
+ buildCommands += "python -u tests\\scripts\\format.py -c %WORKSPACE% -o Windows_NT -a ${arch}"
+ Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "format.patch", "", true, false)
+ break
+ }
+ else {
+ println("Unknown scenario: ${scenario}")
+ assert false
+ }
+ // If we are running a stress mode, we should write out the set of key
+ // value env pairs to a file at this point and then we'll pass that to runtest.cmd
+ if (!isBuildOnly) {
+ //If this is a crossgen build, pass 'crossgen' to runtest.cmd
+ def crossgenStr = ''
+ def runcrossgentestsStr = ''
+ def runjitstressStr = ''
+ def runjitstressregsStr = ''
+ def runjitmioptsStr = ''
+ def runjitforcerelocsStr = ''
+ def runjitdisasmStr = ''
+ def gcstressStr = ''
+ def runtestArguments = ''
+ def gcTestArguments = ''
+ if (scenario == 'r2r' ||
+ scenario == 'pri1r2r' ||
+ scenario == 'gcstress15_pri1r2r' ||
+ Constants.r2rJitStressScenarios.indexOf(scenario) != -1) {
+ crossgenStr = 'crossgen'
+ runcrossgentestsStr = 'runcrossgentests'
+ if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstress1'){
+ runjitstressStr = 'jitstress 1'
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstress2') {
+ runjitstressStr = 'jitstress 2'
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstressregs1'){
+ runjitstressregsStr = 'jitstressregs 1'
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstressregs2') {
+ runjitstressregsStr = 'jitstressregs 2'
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstressregs3') {
+ runjitstressregsStr = 'jitstressregs 3'
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstressregs4') {
+ runjitstressregsStr = 'jitstressregs 4'
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstressregs8') {
+ runjitstressregsStr = 'jitstressregs 8'
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstressregsx10') {
+ runjitstressregsStr = 'jitstressregs x10'
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstressregsx80') {
+ runjitstressregsStr = 'jitstressregs x80'
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitminopts') {
+ runjitmioptsStr = 'jitminopts'
+ }
+ else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitforcerelocs') {
+ runjitforcerelocsStr = 'jitforcerelocs'
+ }
+ }
+ if (scenario == 'gcstress15_pri1r2r')
+ {
+ gcstressStr = 'gcstresslevel 0xF'
+ }
+ if (scenario == 'jitdiff')
+ {
+ runjitdisasmStr = 'jitdisasm crossgen'
+ }
+ if (isLongGc(scenario)) {
+ gcTestArguments = "${scenario} sequential"
+ }
+ runtestArguments = "${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${gcstressStr} ${crossgenStr} ${runcrossgentestsStr} ${runjitstressStr} ${runjitstressregsStr} ${runjitmioptsStr} ${runjitforcerelocsStr} ${runjitdisasmStr} ${gcTestArguments}"
+ if (Constants.jitStressModeScenarios.containsKey(scenario)) {
+ def stepScriptLocation = "%WORKSPACE%\\SetStressModes.bat"
+ buildCommands += genStressModeScriptStep(os, scenario, Constants.jitStressModeScenarios[scenario], stepScriptLocation)
+ if (enableCorefxTesting) {
+ def fxRoot = "%WORKSPACE%\\_\\fx"
+ buildCommands += "python %WORKSPACE%\\tests\\scripts\\run-corefx-tests.py -arch ${arch} -build_type ${configuration} -fx_root ${fxRoot} -fx_branch ${branch} -env_script ${stepScriptLocation}"
+ // Archive only result xml files since corefx/bin/tests is very large around 10 GB.
+ // For windows, pull full test results and test drops for x86/x64
+ Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "${fxRoot}/bin/tests/**/testResults.xml")
+ // Set timeout
+ setTestJobTimeOut(newJob, scenario)
+ if (architecture == 'x64' || !isPR) {
+ Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, "${fxRoot}/bin/tests/**/testResults.xml")
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ buildCommands += "%WORKSPACE%\\tests\\runtest.cmd ${runtestArguments} TestEnv ${stepScriptLocation}"
+ }
+ }
+ else if (architecture == 'x64' || architecture == 'x86') {
+ buildCommands += "tests\\runtest.cmd ${runtestArguments}"
+ }
+ else if (architecture == 'x86compatjit') {
+ def testEnvLocation = "%WORKSPACE%\\tests\\x86\\compatjit_x86_testenv.cmd"
+ buildCommands += "tests\\runtest.cmd ${runtestArguments} Exclude0 x86_legacy_backend_issues.targets TestEnv ${testEnvLocation}"
+ }
+ else if (architecture == 'x86lb') {
+ def testEnvLocation = "%WORKSPACE%\\tests\\x86\\legacyjit_x86_testenv.cmd"
+ buildCommands += "tests\\runtest.cmd ${runtestArguments} Exclude0 x86_legacy_backend_issues.targets TestEnv ${testEnvLocation}"
+ }
+ }
+ if (!enableCorefxTesting) {
+ // Run the rest of the build
+ // Build the mscorlib for the other OS's
+ buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} linuxmscorlib"
+ buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} freebsdmscorlib"
+ buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} osxmscorlib"
+ // Zip up the tests directory so that we don't use so much space/time copying
+ // 10s of thousands of files around.
+ buildCommands += "powershell -Command \"Add-Type -Assembly 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem'; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory('.\\bin\\tests\\${osGroup}.${arch}.${configuration}', '.\\bin\\tests\\tests.zip')\"";
+ if (!Constants.jitStressModeScenarios.containsKey(scenario) && scenario != 'jitdiff') {
+ // For windows, pull full test results and test drops for x86/x64.
+ // No need to pull for stress mode scenarios (downstream builds use the default scenario)
+ Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**,bin/tests/tests.zip")
+ }
+ if (scenario == 'jitdiff') {
+ // retrive jit-dasm output for base commit, and run jit-diff
+ if (!isBuildOnly) {
+ // if this is a build only job, we want to keep the default (build) artifacts for the flow job
+ Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/tests/${osGroup}.${arch}.${configuration}/dasm/**")
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isBuildOnly) {
+ if (architecture == 'x64' || !isPR) {
+ Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, 'bin/**/TestRun*.xml')
+ }
+ setTestJobTimeOut(newJob, scenario)
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ case 'arm':
+ assert (scenario == 'default')
+ // Set time out
+ setTestJobTimeOut(newJob, scenario)
+ if ( lowerConfiguration == "debug" ) {
+ // For Debug builds, we will do a P1 test build
+ buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture} -priority=1"
+ }
+ else {
+ buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture}"
+ }
+ // Add archival.
+ Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**")
+ break
+ case 'arm64':
+ assert (scenario == 'default') || (scenario == 'pri1r2r') || (scenario == 'gcstress0x3') || (scenario == 'gcstress0xc')
+ // Set time out
+ setTestJobTimeOut(newJob, scenario)
+ // Debug runs take too long to run. So build job only.
+ if (lowerConfiguration == "debug") {
+ buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture} toolset_dir C:\\ats2"
+ }
+ else {
+ buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd skiptests ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture} toolset_dir C:\\ats2"
+ // Test build and run are launched together.
+ buildCommands += "python tests\\scripts\\arm64_post_build.py -repo_root %WORKSPACE% -arch ${architecture} -build_type ${lowerConfiguration} -scenario ${scenario} -key_location C:\\tools\\key.txt"
+ //Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, 'bin/tests/testResults.xml')
+ }
+ // Add archival.
+ Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**")
+ break
+ default:
+ println("Unknown architecture: ${architecture}");
+ assert false
+ break
+ }
+ break
+ // editor brace matching: }
+ case 'Ubuntu':
+ case 'Ubuntu16.04':
+ case 'Ubuntu16.10':
+ case 'Debian8.4':
+ case 'OSX':
+ case 'FreeBSD':
+ case 'CentOS7.1':
+ case 'RHEL7.2':
+ case 'OpenSUSE13.2':
+ case 'OpenSUSE42.1':
+ case 'Fedora23': // editor brace matching: {
+ switch (architecture) {
+ case 'x64':
+ case 'x86':
+ case 'x86compatjit':
+ case 'x86lb':
+ def arch = architecture
+ if (architecture == 'x86compatjit' || architecture == 'x86lb') {
+ arch = 'x86'
+ }
+ if (scenario == 'formatting') {
+ buildCommands += "python tests/scripts/format.py -c \${WORKSPACE} -o Linux -a ${arch}"
+ Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "format.patch", "", true, false)
+ break
+ }
+ if (!enableCorefxTesting) {
+ // We run pal tests on all OS but generate mscorlib (and thus, nuget packages)
+ // only on supported OS platforms.
+ if ((os == 'FreeBSD') || (os == 'OpenSUSE13.2'))
+ {
+ buildCommands += "./build.sh skipmscorlib verbose ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch}"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ def bootstrapRid = Utilities.getBoostrapPublishRid(os)
+ def bootstrapRidEnv = bootstrapRid != null ? "__PUBLISH_RID=${bootstrapRid} " : ''
+ buildCommands += "${bootstrapRidEnv}./build.sh verbose ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch}"
+ }
+ buildCommands += "src/pal/tests/palsuite/runpaltests.sh \${WORKSPACE}/bin/obj/${osGroup}.${arch}.${configuration} \${WORKSPACE}/bin/paltestout"
+ // Set time out
+ setTestJobTimeOut(newJob, scenario)
+ // Basic archiving of the build
+ Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**,bin/obj/*/tests/**/*.dylib,bin/obj/*/tests/**/*.so")
+ // And pal tests
+ Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, '**/pal_tests.xml')
+ }
+ else {
+ // Corefx stress testing
+ assert os == 'Ubuntu'
+ assert architecture == 'x64'
+ assert lowerConfiguration == 'checked'
+ assert Constants.jitStressModeScenarios.containsKey(scenario)
+ // Build coreclr
+ buildCommands += "./build.sh verbose ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture}"
+ def scriptFileName = "\$WORKSPACE/set_stress_test_env.sh"
+ buildCommands += genStressModeScriptStep(os, scenario, Constants.jitStressModeScenarios[scenario], scriptFileName)
+ // Build and text corefx
+ def fxRoot = "\$WORKSPACE%/_/fx"
+ buildCommands += "python \$WORKSPACE/tests/scripts/run-corefx-tests.py -arch ${arch} -build_type ${configuration} -fx_root ${fxRoot} -fx_branch ${branch} -env_script ${scriptFileName}"
+ // Archive and process test result
+ Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "${fxRoot}/bin/tests/**/testResults.xml")
+ setTestJobTimeOut(newJob, scenario)
+ Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, "${fxRoot}/bin/tests/**/testResults.xml")
+ }
+ break
+ case 'arm64':
+ // We don't run the cross build except on Ubuntu
+ assert os == 'Ubuntu'
+ buildCommands += """echo \"Using rootfs in /opt/aarch64-linux-gnu-root\"
+ ROOTFS_DIR=/opt/aarch64-linux-gnu-root ./build.sh skipmscorlib arm64 cross verbose ${lowerConfiguration}"""
+ // Basic archiving of the build, no pal tests
+ Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**")
+ break
+ case 'arm':
+ // All builds for ARM architecture are run on Ubuntu currently
+ assert os == 'Ubuntu'
+ if (isLinuxEmulatorBuild == false) {
+ buildCommands += """echo \"Using rootfs in /opt/arm-liux-genueabihf-root\"
+ ROOTFS_DIR=/opt/arm-linux-genueabihf-root ./build.sh skipmscorlib arm cross verbose ${lowerConfiguration}"""
+ // Basic archiving of the build, no pal tests
+ Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**")
+ break
+ }
+ else {
+ // Make sure the build configuration is either of debug or release
+ assert ( lowerConfiguration == 'debug' ) || ( lowerConfiguration == 'release' )
+ // Setup variables to hold emulator folder path and the rootfs mount path
+ def armemul_path = '/opt/linux-arm-emulator'
+ def armrootfs_mountpath = '/opt/linux-arm-emulator-root'
+ // Unzip the Windows test binaries first. Exit with 0
+ buildCommands += "unzip -q -o ./bin/tests/tests.zip -d ./bin/tests/Windows_NT.x64.${configuration} || exit 0"
+ // Unpack the corefx binaries
+ buildCommands += "tar -xf ./bin/build.tar.gz"
+ // Call the ARM emulator build script to cross build and test using the ARM emulator rootfs
+ buildCommands += """./tests/scripts/arm32_ci_script.sh \\
+ --emulatorPath=${armemul_path} \\
+ --mountPath=${armrootfs_mountpath} \\
+ --buildConfig=${lowerConfiguration} \\
+ --testRootDir=./bin/tests/Windows_NT.x64.${configuration} \\
+ --coreFxNativeBinDir=./bin/Linux.arm-softfp.${configuration} \\
+ --coreFxBinDir=\"./bin/Linux.AnyCPU.${configuration};./bin/Unix.AnyCPU.${configuration};./bin/AnyOS.AnyCPU.${configuration}\" \\
+ --testDirFile=./tests/testsRunningInsideARM.txt"""
+ // Basic archiving of the build
+ Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**")
+ break
+ }
+ default:
+ println("Unknown architecture: ${architecture}");
+ assert false
+ break
+ }
+ break
+ // editor brace matching: }
+ default:
+ println("Unknown os: ${os}");
+ assert false
+ break
+ } // os
+ return buildCommands
// Additional scenario which can alter behavior
def combinedScenarios = Constants.basicScenarios + Constants.jitStressModeScenarios.keySet()
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
addTriggers(newJob, branch, isPR, architecture, os, configuration, scenario, false, isBuildOnly, isLinuxEmulatorBuild)
- def buildCommands = [];
+ def buildCommands = calculateBuildCommands(newJob, scenario, branch, isPR, architecture, configuration, os, enableCorefxTesting, isBuildOnly, isLinuxEmulatorBuild)
def osGroup = getOSGroup(os)
- // Calculate the build steps, archival, and xunit results
- switch (os) {
- case 'Windows_NT': // editor brace matching: {
- switch (architecture) {
- case 'x64':
- case 'x86':
- case 'x86compatjit':
- case 'x86lb':
- def arch = architecture
- def buildOpts = ''
- if (architecture == 'x86compatjit') {
- arch = 'x86'
- buildOpts = 'compatjitcrossgen'
- }
- else if (architecture == 'x86lb') {
- arch = 'x86'
- buildOpts = 'legacyjitcrossgen'
- }
- if (Constants.jitStressModeScenarios.containsKey(scenario) ||
- scenario == 'default' ||
- scenario == 'r2r' ||
- scenario == 'jitdiff' ||
- Constants.r2rJitStressScenarios.indexOf(scenario) != -1) {
- buildOpts += enableCorefxTesting ? ' skiptests' : ''
- buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${buildOpts}"
- }
- // For Pri 1 tests, we must shorten the output test binary path names.
- // if __TestIntermediateDir is already set, build-test.cmd will
- // output test binaries to that directory. If it is not set, the
- // binaries are sent to a default directory whose name is about
- // 35 characters long.
- else if (scenario == 'pri1' || scenario == 'pri1r2r' || scenario == 'gcstress15_pri1r2r'|| scenario == 'coverage') {
- buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${buildOpts} -priority=1"
- }
- else if (scenario == 'ilrt') {
- // First do the build with skiptests and then build the tests with ilasm roundtrip
- buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${buildOpts} skiptests"
- buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build-test.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} -ilasmroundtrip"
- }
- else if (isLongGc(scenario)) {
- buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${buildOpts} skiptests"
- buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build-test.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch}"
- }
- else if (scenario == 'standalone_gc') {
- buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${buildOpts} buildstandalonegc"
- }
- else if (scenario == 'formatting') {
- buildCommands += "python -u tests\\scripts\\format.py -c %WORKSPACE% -o Windows_NT -a ${arch}"
- Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "format.patch", "", true, false)
- break
- }
- else {
- println("Unknown scenario: ${scenario}")
- assert false
- }
- // If we are running a stress mode, we should write out the set of key
- // value env pairs to a file at this point and then we'll pass that to runtest.cmd
- if (!isBuildOnly) {
- //If this is a crossgen build, pass 'crossgen' to runtest.cmd
- def crossgenStr = ''
- def runcrossgentestsStr = ''
- def runjitstressStr = ''
- def runjitstressregsStr = ''
- def runjitmioptsStr = ''
- def runjitforcerelocsStr = ''
- def runjitdisasmStr = ''
- def gcstressStr = ''
- def runtestArguments = ''
- def gcTestArguments = ''
- if (scenario == 'r2r' ||
- scenario == 'pri1r2r' ||
- scenario == 'gcstress15_pri1r2r' ||
- Constants.r2rJitStressScenarios.indexOf(scenario) != -1) {
- crossgenStr = 'crossgen'
- runcrossgentestsStr = 'runcrossgentests'
- if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstress1'){
- runjitstressStr = 'jitstress 1'
- }
- else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstress2') {
- runjitstressStr = 'jitstress 2'
- }
- else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstressregs1'){
- runjitstressregsStr = 'jitstressregs 1'
- }
- else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstressregs2') {
- runjitstressregsStr = 'jitstressregs 2'
- }
- else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstressregs3') {
- runjitstressregsStr = 'jitstressregs 3'
- }
- else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstressregs4') {
- runjitstressregsStr = 'jitstressregs 4'
- }
- else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstressregs8') {
- runjitstressregsStr = 'jitstressregs 8'
- }
- else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstressregsx10') {
- runjitstressregsStr = 'jitstressregs x10'
- }
- else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitstressregsx80') {
- runjitstressregsStr = 'jitstressregs x80'
- }
- else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitminopts') {
- runjitmioptsStr = 'jitminopts'
- }
- else if (scenario == 'r2r_jitforcerelocs') {
- runjitforcerelocsStr = 'jitforcerelocs'
- }
- }
- if (scenario == 'gcstress15_pri1r2r')
- {
- gcstressStr = 'gcstresslevel 0xF'
- }
- if (scenario == 'jitdiff')
- {
- runjitdisasmStr = 'jitdisasm crossgen'
- }
- if (isLongGc(scenario)) {
- gcTestArguments = "${scenario} sequential"
- }
- runtestArguments = "${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${gcstressStr} ${crossgenStr} ${runcrossgentestsStr} ${runjitstressStr} ${runjitstressregsStr} ${runjitmioptsStr} ${runjitforcerelocsStr} ${runjitdisasmStr} ${gcTestArguments}"
- if (Constants.jitStressModeScenarios.containsKey(scenario)) {
- def stepScriptLocation = "%WORKSPACE%\\SetStressModes.bat"
- buildCommands += genStressModeScriptStep(os, scenario, Constants.jitStressModeScenarios[scenario], stepScriptLocation)
- if (enableCorefxTesting) {
- def fxRoot = "%WORKSPACE%\\_\\fx"
- buildCommands += "python %WORKSPACE%\\tests\\scripts\\run-corefx-tests.cmd -arch ${arch} -build_type ${configuration} -fx_root ${fxRoot} -fx_branch ${branch} -env_script ${stepScriptLocation}"
- // Archive only result xml files since corefx/bin/tests is very large around 10 GB.
- // For windows, pull full test results and test drops for x86/x64
- Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "${fxRoot}/bin/tests/**/testResults.xml")
- // Set timeout
- setTestJobTimeOut(newJob, scenario)
- if (architecture == 'x64' || !isPR) {
- Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, "${fxRoot}/bin/tests/**/testResults.xml")
- }
- }
- else {
- buildCommands += "%WORKSPACE%\\tests\\runtest.cmd ${runtestArguments} TestEnv ${stepScriptLocation}"
- }
- }
- else if (architecture == 'x64' || architecture == 'x86') {
- buildCommands += "tests\\runtest.cmd ${runtestArguments}"
- }
- else if (architecture == 'x86compatjit') {
- def testEnvLocation = "%WORKSPACE%\\tests\\x86\\compatjit_x86_testenv.cmd"
- buildCommands += "tests\\runtest.cmd ${runtestArguments} Exclude0 x86_legacy_backend_issues.targets TestEnv ${testEnvLocation}"
- }
- else if (architecture == 'x86lb') {
- def testEnvLocation = "%WORKSPACE%\\tests\\x86\\legacyjit_x86_testenv.cmd"
- buildCommands += "tests\\runtest.cmd ${runtestArguments} Exclude0 x86_legacy_backend_issues.targets TestEnv ${testEnvLocation}"
- }
- }
- if (!enableCorefxTesting) {
- // Run the rest of the build
- // Build the mscorlib for the other OS's
- buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} linuxmscorlib"
- buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} freebsdmscorlib"
- buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} osxmscorlib"
- // Zip up the tests directory so that we don't use so much space/time copying
- // 10s of thousands of files around.
- buildCommands += "powershell -Command \"Add-Type -Assembly 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem'; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory('.\\bin\\tests\\${osGroup}.${arch}.${configuration}', '.\\bin\\tests\\tests.zip')\"";
- if (!Constants.jitStressModeScenarios.containsKey(scenario) && scenario != 'jitdiff') {
- // For windows, pull full test results and test drops for x86/x64.
- // No need to pull for stress mode scenarios (downstream builds use the default scenario)
- Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**,bin/tests/tests.zip")
- }
- if (scenario == 'jitdiff') {
- // retrive jit-dasm output for base commit, and run jit-diff
- if (!isBuildOnly) {
- // if this is a build only job, we want to keep the default (build) artifacts for the flow job
- Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/tests/${osGroup}.${arch}.${configuration}/dasm/**")
- }
- }
- if (!isBuildOnly) {
- if (architecture == 'x64' || !isPR) {
- Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, 'bin/**/TestRun*.xml')
- }
- setTestJobTimeOut(newJob, scenario)
- }
- }
- break
- case 'arm':
- assert (scenario == 'default')
- // Set time out
- setTestJobTimeOut(newJob, scenario)
- if ( lowerConfiguration == "debug" ) {
- // For Debug builds, we will do a P1 test build
- buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture} -priority=1"
- }
- else {
- buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture}"
- }
- // Add archival.
- Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**")
- break
- case 'arm64':
- assert (scenario == 'default') || (scenario == 'pri1r2r') || (scenario == 'gcstress0x3') || (scenario == 'gcstress0xc')
- // Set time out
- setTestJobTimeOut(newJob, scenario)
- // Debug runs take too long to run. So build job only.
- if (lowerConfiguration == "debug") {
- buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture} toolset_dir C:\\ats2"
- }
- else {
- buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd skiptests ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture} toolset_dir C:\\ats2"
- // Test build and run are launched together.
- buildCommands += "python tests\\scripts\\arm64_post_build.py -repo_root %WORKSPACE% -arch ${architecture} -build_type ${lowerConfiguration} -scenario ${scenario} -key_location C:\\tools\\key.txt"
- //Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, 'bin/tests/testResults.xml')
- }
- // Add archival.
- Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**")
- break
- default:
- println("Unknown architecture: ${architecture}");
- assert false
- break
- }
- break
- // editor brace matching: }
- case 'Ubuntu':
- case 'Ubuntu16.04':
- case 'Ubuntu16.10':
- case 'Debian8.4':
- case 'OSX':
- case 'FreeBSD':
- case 'CentOS7.1':
- case 'RHEL7.2':
- case 'OpenSUSE13.2':
- case 'OpenSUSE42.1':
- case 'Fedora23': // editor brace matching: {
- switch (architecture) {
- case 'x64':
- case 'x86':
- case 'x86compatjit':
- case 'x86lb':
- def arch = architecture
- if (architecture == 'x86compatjit' || architecture == 'x86lb') {
- arch = 'x86'
- }
- if (scenario == 'formatting') {
- buildCommands += "python tests/scripts/format.py -c \${WORKSPACE} -o Linux -a ${arch}"
- Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "format.patch", "", true, false)
- break
- }
- if (!enableCorefxTesting) {
- // We run pal tests on all OS but generate mscorlib (and thus, nuget packages)
- // only on supported OS platforms.
- if ((os == 'FreeBSD') || (os == 'OpenSUSE13.2'))
- {
- buildCommands += "./build.sh skipmscorlib verbose ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch}"
- }
- else
- {
- def bootstrapRid = Utilities.getBoostrapPublishRid(os)
- def bootstrapRidEnv = bootstrapRid != null ? "__PUBLISH_RID=${bootstrapRid} " : ''
- buildCommands += "${bootstrapRidEnv}./build.sh verbose ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch}"
- }
- buildCommands += "src/pal/tests/palsuite/runpaltests.sh \${WORKSPACE}/bin/obj/${osGroup}.${arch}.${configuration} \${WORKSPACE}/bin/paltestout"
- // Set time out
- setTestJobTimeOut(newJob, scenario)
- // Basic archiving of the build
- Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**,bin/obj/*/tests/**/*.dylib,bin/obj/*/tests/**/*.so")
- // And pal tests
- Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, '**/pal_tests.xml')
- }
- else {
- // Corefx stress testing
- assert os == 'Ubuntu'
- assert architecture == 'x64'
- assert lowerConfiguration == 'checked'
- assert Constants.jitStressModeScenarios.containsKey(scenario)
- // Build coreclr
- buildCommands += "./build.sh verbose ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture}"
- def scriptFileName = "\$WORKSPACE/set_stress_test_env.sh"
- buildCommands += genStressModeScriptStep(os, scenario, Constants.jitStressModeScenarios[scenario], scriptFileName)
- // Build and text corefx
- def fxRoot = "\$WORKSPACE%/_/fx"
- buildCommands += "python \$WORKSPACE/tests/scripts/run-corefx-tests.cmd -arch ${arch} -build_type ${configuration} -fx_root ${fxRoot} -fx_branch ${branch} -env_script ${scriptFileName}"
- // Archive and process test result
- Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "${fxRoot}/bin/tests/**/testResults.xml")
- setTestJobTimeOut(newJob, scenario)
- Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, "${fxRoot}/bin/tests/**/testResults.xml")
- }
- break
- case 'arm64':
- // We don't run the cross build except on Ubuntu
- assert os == 'Ubuntu'
- buildCommands += """echo \"Using rootfs in /opt/aarch64-linux-gnu-root\"
- ROOTFS_DIR=/opt/aarch64-linux-gnu-root ./build.sh skipmscorlib arm64 cross verbose ${lowerConfiguration}"""
- // Basic archiving of the build, no pal tests
- Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**")
- break
- case 'arm':
- // All builds for ARM architecture are run on Ubuntu currently
- assert os == 'Ubuntu'
- if (isLinuxEmulatorBuild == false) {
- buildCommands += """echo \"Using rootfs in /opt/arm-liux-genueabihf-root\"
- ROOTFS_DIR=/opt/arm-linux-genueabihf-root ./build.sh skipmscorlib arm cross verbose ${lowerConfiguration}"""
- // Basic archiving of the build, no pal tests
- Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**")
- break
- }
- else {
- // Make sure the build configuration is either of debug or release
- assert ( lowerConfiguration == 'debug' ) || ( lowerConfiguration == 'release' )
- // Setup variables to hold emulator folder path and the rootfs mount path
- def armemul_path = '/opt/linux-arm-emulator'
- def armrootfs_mountpath = '/opt/linux-arm-emulator-root'
- // Unzip the Windows test binaries first. Exit with 0
- buildCommands += "unzip -q -o ./bin/tests/tests.zip -d ./bin/tests/Windows_NT.x64.${configuration} || exit 0"
- // Unpack the corefx binaries
- buildCommands += "tar -xf ./bin/build.tar.gz"
- // Call the ARM emulator build script to cross build and test using the ARM emulator rootfs
- buildCommands += """./tests/scripts/arm32_ci_script.sh \\
- --emulatorPath=${armemul_path} \\
- --mountPath=${armrootfs_mountpath} \\
- --buildConfig=${lowerConfiguration} \\
- --testRootDir=./bin/tests/Windows_NT.x64.${configuration} \\
- --coreFxNativeBinDir=./bin/Linux.arm-softfp.${configuration} \\
- --coreFxBinDir=\"./bin/Linux.AnyCPU.${configuration};./bin/Unix.AnyCPU.${configuration};./bin/AnyOS.AnyCPU.${configuration}\" \\
- --testDirFile=./tests/testsRunningInsideARM.txt"""
- // Basic archiving of the build
- Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "bin/Product/**")
- break
- }
- default:
- println("Unknown architecture: ${architecture}");
- assert false
- break
- }
- break
- // editor brace matching: }
- default:
- println("Unknown os: ${os}");
- assert false
- break
- } // os
newJob.with {
steps {