* `enableLargerThanScreen` Boolean - Enable the window to be resized larger
than screen. Default is `false`.
* `backgroundColor` String - Window's background color as Hexadecimal value,
- like `#66CD00` or `#FFF`. Default is `#000` (black) for Linux and Windows,
- `#FFF` for Mac (or clear if transparent).
+ like `#66CD00` or `#FFF` or `#80FFFFFF` (alpha is supported). Default is
+ `#000` (black) for Linux and Windows, `#FFF` for Mac (or clear if
+ transparent).
+ * `hasShadow` Boolean - Whether window should have a shadow. This is only
+ implemented on OS X. Default is `true`.
* `darkTheme` Boolean - Forces using dark theme for the window, only works on
some GTK+3 desktop environments. Default is `false`.
* `transparent` Boolean - Makes the window [transparent](frameless-window.md).