elm_font.c \
elm_frame.c \
elm_gen.c \
-elm_gen.h \
+elm_genlist.h \
elm_gengrid.c \
elm_genlist.c \
elm_gesture_layer.c \
#include <Elementary_Cursor.h>
#include "elm_priv.h"
#include "els_scroller.h"
-#include "elm_gen.h"
+#include "elm_genlist.h"
EAPI void
elm_gen_clear(Evas_Object *obj)
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef ELM_GEN_H_
-# define ELM_GEN_H_
-#include <Elementary.h>
-#include <Elementary_Cursor.h>
-#include "elm_priv.h"
- ((it) ? EINA_INLIST_CONTAINER_GET(it, Elm_Gen_Item) : NULL)
-#define SWIPE_MOVES 12
-typedef struct Elm_Gen_Item_Type Elm_Gen_Item_Type;
-typedef struct Elm_Gen_Item_Tooltip Elm_Gen_Item_Tooltip;
-typedef struct _Widget_Data Widget_Data;
-struct Elm_Gen_Item_Tooltip
- const void *data;
- Elm_Tooltip_Item_Content_Cb content_cb;
- Evas_Smart_Cb del_cb;
- const char *style;
- Eina_Bool free_size : 1;
-struct Elm_Gen_Item
- Widget_Data *wd;
- Elm_Gen_Item_Type *item;
- const Elm_Gen_Item_Class *itc;
- Evas_Coord x, y, dx, dy;
- Evas_Object *spacer;
- Elm_Gen_Item *parent;
- Eina_List *labels, *contents, *states, *content_objs;
- Ecore_Timer *long_timer;
- int relcount;
- int walking;
- int generation;
- const char *mouse_cursor;
- struct
- {
- Evas_Smart_Cb func;
- const void *data;
- } func;
- Elm_Gen_Item_Tooltip tooltip;
- Ecore_Cb del_cb, sel_cb, highlight_cb;
- Ecore_Cb unsel_cb, unhighlight_cb, unrealize_cb;
- Eina_Bool want_unrealize : 1;
- Eina_Bool display_only : 1;
- Eina_Bool realized : 1;
- Eina_Bool selected : 1;
- Eina_Bool highlighted : 1;
- Eina_Bool disabled : 1;
- Eina_Bool dragging : 1;
- Eina_Bool down : 1;
- Eina_Bool group : 1;
- Eina_Bool reorder : 1;
- Eina_Bool mode_set : 1; /* item uses style mode for highlight/select */
-typedef struct _Pan Pan;
-struct _Pan
- Evas_Object_Smart_Clipped_Data __clipped_data;
- Widget_Data *wd;
- Ecore_Job *resize_job;
-struct _Widget_Data
- Eina_Inlist_Sorted_State *state;
- Evas_Object *obj; /* the genlist object */
- Evas_Object *scr; /* a smart scroller object which is used internally in genlist */
- Evas_Object *pan_smart; /* "elm_genlist_pan" evas smart object. this is an extern pan of smart scroller(scr). */
- Eina_List *selected;
- Eina_List *group_items; /* list of groups index items */
- Eina_Inlist *items; /* inlist of all items */
- Elm_Gen_Item *reorder_it; /* item currently being repositioned */
- Elm_Gen_Item *last_selected_item;
- Pan *pan; /* pan_smart object's smart data */
- Ecore_Job *calc_job;
- int walking;
- int item_width, item_height;
- int group_item_width, group_item_height;
- int minw, minh;
- long count;
- Evas_Coord pan_x, pan_y;
- Eina_Bool reorder_mode : 1; /* a flag for reorder mode enable/disable */
- Eina_Bool on_hold : 1;
- Eina_Bool multi : 1; /* a flag for item multi selection */
- Eina_Bool no_select : 1;
- Eina_Bool wasselected : 1;
- Eina_Bool always_select : 1;
- Eina_Bool clear_me : 1;
- Eina_Bool h_bounce : 1;
- Eina_Bool v_bounce : 1;
- Ecore_Cb del_cb, calc_cb, sizing_cb;
- Ecore_Cb clear_cb;
- ////////////////////////////////////
- Eina_Inlist *blocks; /* inlist of all blocks. a block consists of a certain number of items. maximum number of items in a block is 'max_items_per_block'. */
- Evas_Coord reorder_old_pan_y, w, h, realminw, prev_viewport_w;
- Ecore_Job *update_job;
- Ecore_Idle_Enterer *queue_idle_enterer;
- Ecore_Idler *must_recalc_idler;
- Eina_List *queue;
- Elm_Gen_Item *show_item, *anchor_item, *mode_item, *reorder_rel, *expanded_item;
- Eina_Inlist *item_cache; /* an inlist of edje object it cache. */
- Evas_Coord anchor_y;
- Evas_Coord reorder_start_y; /* reorder it's initial y coordinate in the pan. */
- Elm_List_Mode mode;
- Ecore_Timer *multi_timer, *scr_hold_timer;
- Ecore_Animator *reorder_move_animator;
- const char *mode_type;
- const char *mode_item_style;
- unsigned int start_time;
- Evas_Coord prev_x, prev_y, prev_mx, prev_my;
- Evas_Coord cur_x, cur_y, cur_mx, cur_my;
- Eina_Bool mouse_down : 1;
- Eina_Bool multi_down : 1;
- Eina_Bool multi_timeout : 1;
- Eina_Bool multitouched : 1;
- Eina_Bool longpressed : 1;
- Eina_Bool bring_in : 1;
- Eina_Bool compress : 1;
- Eina_Bool height_for_width : 1;
- Eina_Bool homogeneous : 1;
- Eina_Bool swipe : 1;
- Eina_Bool reorder_pan_move : 1;
- Eina_Bool auto_scroll_enabled : 1;
- Eina_Bool pan_resized : 1;
- struct
- {
- Evas_Coord x, y;
- } history[SWIPE_MOVES];
- int multi_device;
- int item_cache_count;
- int item_cache_max; /* maximum number of cached items */
- int movements;
- int max_items_per_block; /* maximum number of items per block */
- double longpress_timeout; /* longpress timeout. this value comes from _elm_config by default. this can be changed by elm_genlist_longpress_timeout_set() */
- int generation;
- /* The stuff below directly come from gengrid without any thinking */
- unsigned int nmax;
- Evas_Coord reorder_item_x, reorder_item_y;
- Evas_Coord old_pan_x, old_pan_y;
- long items_lost;
- double align_x, align_y;
- Eina_Bool horizontal : 1;
- Eina_Bool move_effect_enabled : 1;
- Eina_Bool reorder_item_changed : 1;
-Elm_Gen_Item *
-_elm_genlist_item_new(Widget_Data *wd,
- const Elm_Gen_Item_Class *itc,
- const void *data,
- Elm_Gen_Item *parent,
- Evas_Smart_Cb func,
- const void *func_data);
-Evas_Object *
-_elm_genlist_item_widget_get(const Elm_Gen_Item *it);
-_elm_genlist_page_relative_set(Evas_Object *obj,
- double h_pagerel,
- double v_pagerel);
-_elm_genlist_page_relative_get(const Evas_Object *obj,
- double *h_pagerel,
- double *v_pagerel);
-_elm_genlist_page_size_set(Evas_Object *obj,
- Evas_Coord h_pagesize,
- Evas_Coord v_pagesize);
-_elm_genlist_current_page_get(const Evas_Object *obj,
- int *h_pagenumber,
- int *v_pagenumber);
-_elm_genlist_last_page_get(const Evas_Object *obj,
- int *h_pagenumber,
- int *v_pagenumber);
-_elm_genlist_page_show(const Evas_Object *obj,
- int h_pagenumber,
- int v_pagenumber);
-_elm_genlist_page_bring_in(const Evas_Object *obj,
- int h_pagenumber,
- int v_pagenumber);
-_elm_genlist_item_unrealize(Elm_Gen_Item *it,
- Eina_Bool calc);
-_elm_genlist_item_del_serious(Elm_Gen_Item *it);
-_elm_genlist_item_del_notserious(Elm_Gen_Item *it);
#include <Elementary_Cursor.h>
#include "elm_priv.h"
#include "els_scroller.h"
-#include "elm_gen.h"
+#include "elm_genlist.h"
/* --
#include <Elementary_Cursor.h>
#include "elm_priv.h"
#include "els_scroller.h"
-#include "elm_gen.h"
+#include "elm_genlist.h"
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef ELM_GEN_H_
+# define ELM_GEN_H_
+#include <Elementary.h>
+#include <Elementary_Cursor.h>
+#include "elm_priv.h"
+ ((it) ? EINA_INLIST_CONTAINER_GET(it, Elm_Gen_Item) : NULL)
+#define SWIPE_MOVES 12
+typedef struct Elm_Gen_Item_Type Elm_Gen_Item_Type;
+typedef struct Elm_Gen_Item_Tooltip Elm_Gen_Item_Tooltip;
+typedef struct _Widget_Data Widget_Data;
+struct Elm_Gen_Item_Tooltip
+ const void *data;
+ Elm_Tooltip_Item_Content_Cb content_cb;
+ Evas_Smart_Cb del_cb;
+ const char *style;
+ Eina_Bool free_size : 1;
+struct Elm_Gen_Item
+ Widget_Data *wd;
+ Elm_Gen_Item_Type *item;
+ const Elm_Gen_Item_Class *itc;
+ Evas_Coord x, y, dx, dy;
+ Evas_Object *spacer;
+ Elm_Gen_Item *parent;
+ Eina_List *labels, *contents, *states, *content_objs;
+ Ecore_Timer *long_timer;
+ int relcount;
+ int walking;
+ int generation;
+ const char *mouse_cursor;
+ struct
+ {
+ Evas_Smart_Cb func;
+ const void *data;
+ } func;
+ Elm_Gen_Item_Tooltip tooltip;
+ Ecore_Cb del_cb, sel_cb, highlight_cb;
+ Ecore_Cb unsel_cb, unhighlight_cb, unrealize_cb;
+ Eina_Bool want_unrealize : 1;
+ Eina_Bool display_only : 1;
+ Eina_Bool realized : 1;
+ Eina_Bool selected : 1;
+ Eina_Bool highlighted : 1;
+ Eina_Bool disabled : 1;
+ Eina_Bool dragging : 1;
+ Eina_Bool down : 1;
+ Eina_Bool group : 1;
+ Eina_Bool reorder : 1;
+ Eina_Bool mode_set : 1; /* item uses style mode for highlight/select */
+typedef struct _Pan Pan;
+struct _Pan
+ Evas_Object_Smart_Clipped_Data __clipped_data;
+ Widget_Data *wd;
+ Ecore_Job *resize_job;
+struct _Widget_Data
+ Eina_Inlist_Sorted_State *state;
+ Evas_Object *obj; /* the genlist object */
+ Evas_Object *scr; /* a smart scroller object which is used internally in genlist */
+ Evas_Object *pan_smart; /* "elm_genlist_pan" evas smart object. this is an extern pan of smart scroller(scr). */
+ Eina_List *selected;
+ Eina_List *group_items; /* list of groups index items */
+ Eina_Inlist *items; /* inlist of all items */
+ Elm_Gen_Item *reorder_it; /* item currently being repositioned */
+ Elm_Gen_Item *last_selected_item;
+ Pan *pan; /* pan_smart object's smart data */
+ Ecore_Job *calc_job;
+ int walking;
+ int item_width, item_height;
+ int group_item_width, group_item_height;
+ int minw, minh;
+ long count;
+ Evas_Coord pan_x, pan_y;
+ Eina_Bool reorder_mode : 1; /* a flag for reorder mode enable/disable */
+ Eina_Bool on_hold : 1;
+ Eina_Bool multi : 1; /* a flag for item multi selection */
+ Eina_Bool no_select : 1;
+ Eina_Bool wasselected : 1;
+ Eina_Bool always_select : 1;
+ Eina_Bool clear_me : 1;
+ Eina_Bool h_bounce : 1;
+ Eina_Bool v_bounce : 1;
+ Ecore_Cb del_cb, calc_cb, sizing_cb;
+ Ecore_Cb clear_cb;
+ ////////////////////////////////////
+ Eina_Inlist *blocks; /* inlist of all blocks. a block consists of a certain number of items. maximum number of items in a block is 'max_items_per_block'. */
+ Evas_Coord reorder_old_pan_y, w, h, realminw, prev_viewport_w;
+ Ecore_Job *update_job;
+ Ecore_Idle_Enterer *queue_idle_enterer;
+ Ecore_Idler *must_recalc_idler;
+ Eina_List *queue;
+ Elm_Gen_Item *show_item, *anchor_item, *mode_item, *reorder_rel, *expanded_item;
+ Eina_Inlist *item_cache; /* an inlist of edje object it cache. */
+ Evas_Coord anchor_y;
+ Evas_Coord reorder_start_y; /* reorder it's initial y coordinate in the pan. */
+ Elm_List_Mode mode;
+ Ecore_Timer *multi_timer, *scr_hold_timer;
+ Ecore_Animator *reorder_move_animator;
+ const char *mode_type;
+ const char *mode_item_style;
+ unsigned int start_time;
+ Evas_Coord prev_x, prev_y, prev_mx, prev_my;
+ Evas_Coord cur_x, cur_y, cur_mx, cur_my;
+ Eina_Bool mouse_down : 1;
+ Eina_Bool multi_down : 1;
+ Eina_Bool multi_timeout : 1;
+ Eina_Bool multitouched : 1;
+ Eina_Bool longpressed : 1;
+ Eina_Bool bring_in : 1;
+ Eina_Bool compress : 1;
+ Eina_Bool height_for_width : 1;
+ Eina_Bool homogeneous : 1;
+ Eina_Bool swipe : 1;
+ Eina_Bool reorder_pan_move : 1;
+ Eina_Bool auto_scroll_enabled : 1;
+ Eina_Bool pan_resized : 1;
+ struct
+ {
+ Evas_Coord x, y;
+ } history[SWIPE_MOVES];
+ int multi_device;
+ int item_cache_count;
+ int item_cache_max; /* maximum number of cached items */
+ int movements;
+ int max_items_per_block; /* maximum number of items per block */
+ double longpress_timeout; /* longpress timeout. this value comes from _elm_config by default. this can be changed by elm_genlist_longpress_timeout_set() */
+ int generation;
+ /* The stuff below directly come from gengrid without any thinking */
+ unsigned int nmax;
+ Evas_Coord reorder_item_x, reorder_item_y;
+ Evas_Coord old_pan_x, old_pan_y;
+ long items_lost;
+ double align_x, align_y;
+ Eina_Bool horizontal : 1;
+ Eina_Bool move_effect_enabled : 1;
+ Eina_Bool reorder_item_changed : 1;
+Elm_Gen_Item *
+_elm_genlist_item_new(Widget_Data *wd,
+ const Elm_Gen_Item_Class *itc,
+ const void *data,
+ Elm_Gen_Item *parent,
+ Evas_Smart_Cb func,
+ const void *func_data);
+Evas_Object *
+_elm_genlist_item_widget_get(const Elm_Gen_Item *it);
+_elm_genlist_page_relative_set(Evas_Object *obj,
+ double h_pagerel,
+ double v_pagerel);
+_elm_genlist_page_relative_get(const Evas_Object *obj,
+ double *h_pagerel,
+ double *v_pagerel);
+_elm_genlist_page_size_set(Evas_Object *obj,
+ Evas_Coord h_pagesize,
+ Evas_Coord v_pagesize);
+_elm_genlist_current_page_get(const Evas_Object *obj,
+ int *h_pagenumber,
+ int *v_pagenumber);
+_elm_genlist_last_page_get(const Evas_Object *obj,
+ int *h_pagenumber,
+ int *v_pagenumber);
+_elm_genlist_page_show(const Evas_Object *obj,
+ int h_pagenumber,
+ int v_pagenumber);
+_elm_genlist_page_bring_in(const Evas_Object *obj,
+ int h_pagenumber,
+ int v_pagenumber);
+_elm_genlist_item_unrealize(Elm_Gen_Item *it,
+ Eina_Bool calc);
+_elm_genlist_item_del_serious(Elm_Gen_Item *it);
+_elm_genlist_item_del_notserious(Elm_Gen_Item *it);