--- /dev/null
+# (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+# on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub
+# license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom
+# the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
+# paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
+# Software.
+# Authors:
+# Ian Romanick <idr@us.ibm.com>
+from xml.sax import saxutils
+from xml.sax import make_parser
+from xml.sax.handler import feature_namespaces
+import gl_XML
+import license
+import sys, getopt
+def printPure():
+ print """# if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 96)
+# define PURE __attribute__((pure))
+# else
+# define PURE
+# endif"""
+def printFastcall():
+ print """# if defined(__i386__) && defined(__GNUC__)
+# define FASTCALL __attribute__((fastcall))
+# else
+# define FASTCALL
+# endif"""
+def printVisibility(S, s):
+ print """# if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)
+# define %s __attribute__((visibility("%s")))
+# else
+# define %s
+# endif""" % (S, s, S)
+def printNoinline():
+ print """# if defined(__GNUC__)
+# define NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
+# else
+# define NOINLINE
+# endif"""
+class glXItemFactory(gl_XML.glItemFactory):
+ """Factory to create GLX protocol oriented objects derived from glItem."""
+ def create(self, context, name, attrs):
+ if name == "function":
+ return glXFunction(context, name, attrs)
+ elif name == "enum":
+ return glXEnum(context, name, attrs)
+ elif name == "param":
+ return glXParameter(context, name, attrs)
+ else:
+ return gl_XML.glItemFactory.create(self, context, name, attrs)
+class glXEnumFunction:
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ self.name = name
+ # "enums" is a set of lists. The element in the set is the
+ # value of the enum. The list is the list of names for that
+ # value. For example, [0x8126] = {"POINT_SIZE_MIN",
+ self.enums = {}
+ # "count" is indexed by count values. Each element of count
+ # is a list of index to "enums" that have that number of
+ # associated data elements. For example, [4] =
+ # GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE} (the enum names are used here,
+ # but the actual hexadecimal values would be in the array).
+ self.count = {}
+ def append(self, count, value, name):
+ if self.enums.has_key( value ):
+ self.enums[value].append(name)
+ else:
+ if not self.count.has_key(count):
+ self.count[count] = []
+ self.enums[value] = []
+ self.enums[value].append(name)
+ self.count[count].append(value)
+ def signature( self ):
+ sig = ""
+ for i in self.count:
+ for e in self.count[i]:
+ sig += "%04x,%u," % (e, i)
+ return sig;
+ def PrintUsingTable(self):
+ """Emit the body of the __gl*_size function using a pair
+ of look-up tables and a mask. The mask is calculated such
+ that (e & mask) is unique for all the valid values of e for
+ this function. The result of (e & mask) is used as an index
+ into the first look-up table. If it matches e, then the
+ same entry of the second table is returned. Otherwise zero
+ is returned.
+ It seems like this should cause better code to be generated.
+ However, on x86 at least, the resulting .o file is about 20%
+ larger then the switch-statment version. I am leaving this
+ code in because the results may be different on other
+ platforms (e.g., PowerPC or x86-64)."""
+ return 0
+ count = 0
+ for a in self.enums:
+ count += 1
+ # Determine if there is some mask M, such that M = (2^N) - 1,
+ # that will generate unique values for all of the enums.
+ mask = 0
+ for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]:
+ mask = (1 << i) - 1
+ fail = 0;
+ for a in self.enums:
+ for b in self.enums:
+ if a != b:
+ if (a & mask) == (b & mask):
+ fail = 1;
+ if not fail:
+ break;
+ else:
+ mask = 0
+ if (mask != 0) and (mask < (2 * count)):
+ masked_enums = {}
+ masked_count = {}
+ for i in range(0, mask + 1):
+ masked_enums[i] = "0";
+ masked_count[i] = 0;
+ for c in self.count:
+ for e in self.count[c]:
+ i = e & mask
+ masked_enums[i] = '0x%04x /* %s */' % (e, self.enums[e][0])
+ masked_count[i] = c
+ print ' static const GLushort a[%u] = {' % (mask + 1)
+ for e in masked_enums:
+ print ' %s, ' % (masked_enums[e])
+ print ' };'
+ print ' static const GLubyte b[%u] = {' % (mask + 1)
+ for c in masked_count:
+ print ' %u, ' % (masked_count[c])
+ print ' };'
+ print ' const unsigned idx = (e & 0x%02xU);' % (mask)
+ print ''
+ print ' return (e == a[idx]) ? (GLint) b[idx] : 0;'
+ return 1;
+ else:
+ return 0;
+ def PrintUsingSwitch(self):
+ """Emit the body of the __gl*_size function using a
+ switch-statement."""
+ print ' switch( e ) {'
+ for c in self.count:
+ for e in self.count[c]:
+ first = 1
+ # There may be multiple enums with the same
+ # value. This happens has extensions are
+ # promoted from vendor-specific or EXT to
+ # ARB and to the core. Emit the first one as
+ # a case label, and emit the others as
+ # commented-out case labels.
+ for j in self.enums[e]:
+ if first:
+ print ' case %s:' % (j)
+ first = 0
+ else:
+ print '/* case %s:*/' % (j)
+ print ' return %u;' % (c)
+ print ' default: return 0;'
+ print ' }'
+ def Print(self, name):
+ print '__gl%s_size( GLenum e )' % (name)
+ print '{'
+ if not self.PrintUsingTable():
+ self.PrintUsingSwitch()
+ print '}'
+ print ''
+class glXEnum(gl_XML.glEnum):
+ def __init__(self, context, name, attrs):
+ gl_XML.glEnum.__init__(self, context, name, attrs)
+ self.glx_functions = []
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ if name == "size":
+ n = attrs.get('name', None)
+ if not self.context.glx_enum_functions.has_key( n ):
+ f = glXEnumFunction( n )
+ self.context.glx_enum_functions[ f.name ] = f
+ temp = attrs.get('count', None)
+ try:
+ c = int(temp)
+ except Exception,e:
+ raise RuntimeError('Invalid count value "%s" for enum "%s" in function "%s" when an integer was expected.' % (temp, self.name, n))
+ self.context.glx_enum_functions[ n ].append( c, self.value, self.name )
+ else:
+ gl_XML.glEnum.startElement(self, context, name, attrs)
+ return
+class glXParameter(gl_XML.glParameter):
+ def __init__(self, context, name, attrs):
+ self.order = 1;
+ gl_XML.glParameter.__init__(self, context, name, attrs);
+class glXFunction(gl_XML.glFunction):
+ glx_rop = 0
+ glx_sop = 0
+ glx_vendorpriv = 0
+ # If this is set to true, it means that GLdouble parameters should be
+ # written to the GLX protocol packet in the order they appear in the
+ # prototype. This is different from the "classic" ordering. In the
+ # classic ordering GLdoubles are written to the protocol packet first,
+ # followed by non-doubles. NV_vertex_program was the first extension
+ # to break with this tradition.
+ glx_doubles_in_order = 0
+ vectorequiv = None
+ handcode = 0
+ ignore = 0
+ can_be_large = 0
+ def __init__(self, context, name, attrs):
+ self.vectorequiv = attrs.get('vectorequiv', None)
+ self.count_parameters = None
+ self.counter = None
+ self.output = None
+ self.can_be_large = 0
+ self.reply_always_array = 0
+ gl_XML.glFunction.__init__(self, context, name, attrs)
+ return
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ """Process elements within a function that are specific to GLX."""
+ if name == "glx":
+ self.glx_rop = int(attrs.get('rop', "0"))
+ self.glx_sop = int(attrs.get('sop', "0"))
+ self.glx_vendorpriv = int(attrs.get('vendorpriv', "0"))
+ if attrs.get('handcode', "false") == "true":
+ self.handcode = 1
+ else:
+ self.handcode = 0
+ if attrs.get('ignore', "false") == "true":
+ self.ignore = 1
+ else:
+ self.ignore = 0
+ if attrs.get('large', "false") == "true":
+ self.can_be_large = 1
+ else:
+ self.can_be_large = 0
+ if attrs.get('doubles_in_order', "false") == "true":
+ self.glx_doubles_in_order = 1
+ else:
+ self.glx_doubles_in_order = 0
+ if attrs.get('always_array', "false") == "true":
+ self.reply_always_array = 1
+ else:
+ self.reply_always_array = 0
+ else:
+ gl_XML.glFunction.startElement(self, name, attrs)
+ def append(self, tag_name, p):
+ gl_XML.glFunction.append(self, tag_name, p)
+ if p.is_variable_length_array():
+ p.order = 2;
+ elif not self.glx_doubles_in_order and p.p_type.size == 8:
+ p.order = 0;
+ if p.p_count_parameters != None:
+ self.count_parameters = p.p_count_parameters
+ if p.is_counter:
+ self.counter = p.name
+ if p.is_output:
+ self.output = p
+ return
+ def variable_length_parameter(self):
+ for param in self.fn_parameters:
+ if param.is_variable_length_array():
+ return param
+ return None
+ def command_payload_length(self):
+ size = 0
+ size_string = ""
+ for p in self:
+ if p.is_output: continue
+ temp = p.size_string()
+ try:
+ s = int(temp)
+ size += s
+ except Exception,e:
+ size_string = size_string + " + __GLX_PAD(%s)" % (temp)
+ return [size, size_string]
+ def command_length(self):
+ [size, size_string] = self.command_payload_length()
+ if self.glx_rop != 0:
+ size += 4
+ size = ((size + 3) & ~3)
+ return "%u%s" % (size, size_string)
+ def opcode_real_value(self):
+ if self.glx_vendorpriv != 0:
+ if self.needs_reply():
+ return 17
+ else:
+ return 16
+ else:
+ return self.opcode_value()
+ def opcode_value(self):
+ if self.glx_rop != 0:
+ return self.glx_rop
+ elif self.glx_sop != 0:
+ return self.glx_sop
+ elif self.glx_vendorpriv != 0:
+ return self.glx_vendorpriv
+ else:
+ return -1
+ def opcode_rop_basename(self):
+ if self.vectorequiv == None:
+ return self.name
+ else:
+ return self.vectorequiv
+ def opcode_name(self):
+ if self.glx_rop != 0:
+ return "X_GLrop_%s" % (self.opcode_rop_basename())
+ elif self.glx_sop != 0:
+ return "X_GLsop_%s" % (self.name)
+ elif self.glx_vendorpriv != 0:
+ return "X_GLvop_%s" % (self.name)
+ else:
+ return "ERROR"
+ def opcode_real_name(self):
+ if self.glx_vendorpriv != 0:
+ if self.needs_reply():
+ return "X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply"
+ else:
+ return "X_GLXVendorPrivate"
+ else:
+ return self.opcode_name()
+ def return_string(self):
+ if self.fn_return_type != 'void':
+ return "return retval;"
+ else:
+ return "return;"
+ def needs_reply(self):
+ return self.fn_return_type != 'void' or self.output != None
+class GlxProto(gl_XML.FilterGLAPISpecBase):
+ name = "glX_proto_send.py (from Mesa)"
+ def __init__(self):
+ gl_XML.FilterGLAPISpecBase.__init__(self)
+ self.factory = glXItemFactory()
+ self.glx_enum_functions = {}
+ def endElement(self, name):
+ if name == 'OpenGLAPI':
+ # Once all the parsing is done, we have to go back and
+ # fix-up some cross references between different
+ # functions.
+ for k in self.functions:
+ f = self.functions[k]
+ if f.vectorequiv != None:
+ equiv = self.find_function(f.vectorequiv)
+ if equiv != None:
+ f.glx_doubles_in_order = equiv.glx_doubles_in_order
+ f.glx_rop = equiv.glx_rop
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("Could not find the vector equiv. function %s for %s!" % (f.name, f.vectorequiv))
+ else:
+ gl_XML.FilterGLAPISpecBase.endElement(self, name)
+ return
from xml.sax.handler import feature_namespaces
import gl_XML
+import glX_XML
import license
import sys, getopt
-def printPure():
- print """# if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 96)
-# define PURE __attribute__((pure))
-# else
-# define PURE
-# endif"""
-def printFastcall():
- print """# if defined(__i386__) && defined(__GNUC__)
-# define FASTCALL __attribute__((fastcall))
-# else
-# define FASTCALL
-# endif"""
-def printVisibility(S, s):
- print """# if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)
-# define %s __attribute__((visibility("%s")))
-# else
-# define %s
-# endif""" % (S, s, S)
-def printNoinline():
- print """# if defined(__GNUC__)
-# define NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
-# else
-# define NOINLINE
-# endif"""
-class glXItemFactory(gl_XML.glItemFactory):
- """Factory to create GLX protocol oriented objects derived from glItem."""
- def create(self, context, name, attrs):
- if name == "function":
- return glXFunction(context, name, attrs)
- elif name == "enum":
- return glXEnum(context, name, attrs)
- elif name == "param":
- return glXParameter(context, name, attrs)
- else:
- return gl_XML.glItemFactory.create(self, context, name, attrs)
-class glXEnumFunction:
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.name = name
- # "enums" is a set of lists. The element in the set is the
- # value of the enum. The list is the list of names for that
- # value. For example, [0x8126] = {"POINT_SIZE_MIN",
- self.enums = {}
- # "count" is indexed by count values. Each element of count
- # is a list of index to "enums" that have that number of
- # associated data elements. For example, [4] =
- # GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE} (the enum names are used here,
- # but the actual hexadecimal values would be in the array).
- self.count = {}
- def append(self, count, value, name):
- if self.enums.has_key( value ):
- self.enums[value].append(name)
- else:
- if not self.count.has_key(count):
- self.count[count] = []
- self.enums[value] = []
- self.enums[value].append(name)
- self.count[count].append(value)
- def signature( self ):
- sig = ""
- for i in self.count:
- for e in self.count[i]:
- sig += "%04x,%u," % (e, i)
- return sig;
- def PrintUsingTable(self):
- """Emit the body of the __gl*_size function using a pair
- of look-up tables and a mask. The mask is calculated such
- that (e & mask) is unique for all the valid values of e for
- this function. The result of (e & mask) is used as an index
- into the first look-up table. If it matches e, then the
- same entry of the second table is returned. Otherwise zero
- is returned.
- It seems like this should cause better code to be generated.
- However, on x86 at least, the resulting .o file is about 20%
- larger then the switch-statment version. I am leaving this
- code in because the results may be different on other
- platforms (e.g., PowerPC or x86-64)."""
- return 0
- count = 0
- for a in self.enums:
- count += 1
- # Determine if there is some mask M, such that M = (2^N) - 1,
- # that will generate unique values for all of the enums.
- mask = 0
- for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]:
- mask = (1 << i) - 1
- fail = 0;
- for a in self.enums:
- for b in self.enums:
- if a != b:
- if (a & mask) == (b & mask):
- fail = 1;
- if not fail:
- break;
- else:
- mask = 0
- if (mask != 0) and (mask < (2 * count)):
- masked_enums = {}
- masked_count = {}
- for i in range(0, mask + 1):
- masked_enums[i] = "0";
- masked_count[i] = 0;
- for c in self.count:
- for e in self.count[c]:
- i = e & mask
- masked_enums[i] = '0x%04x /* %s */' % (e, self.enums[e][0])
- masked_count[i] = c
- print ' static const GLushort a[%u] = {' % (mask + 1)
- for e in masked_enums:
- print ' %s, ' % (masked_enums[e])
- print ' };'
- print ' static const GLubyte b[%u] = {' % (mask + 1)
- for c in masked_count:
- print ' %u, ' % (masked_count[c])
- print ' };'
- print ' const unsigned idx = (e & 0x%02xU);' % (mask)
- print ''
- print ' return (e == a[idx]) ? (GLint) b[idx] : 0;'
- return 1;
- else:
- return 0;
- def PrintUsingSwitch(self):
- """Emit the body of the __gl*_size function using a
- switch-statement."""
- print ' switch( e ) {'
- for c in self.count:
- for e in self.count[c]:
- first = 1
- # There may be multiple enums with the same
- # value. This happens has extensions are
- # promoted from vendor-specific or EXT to
- # ARB and to the core. Emit the first one as
- # a case label, and emit the others as
- # commented-out case labels.
- for j in self.enums[e]:
- if first:
- print ' case %s:' % (j)
- first = 0
- else:
- print '/* case %s:*/' % (j)
- print ' return %u;' % (c)
- print ' default: return 0;'
- print ' }'
- def Print(self, name):
- print '__gl%s_size( GLenum e )' % (name)
- print '{'
- if not self.PrintUsingTable():
- self.PrintUsingSwitch()
- print '}'
- print ''
-class glXEnum(gl_XML.glEnum):
- def __init__(self, context, name, attrs):
- gl_XML.glEnum.__init__(self, context, name, attrs)
- self.glx_functions = []
- def startElement(self, name, attrs):
- if name == "size":
- n = attrs.get('name', None)
- if not self.context.glx_enum_functions.has_key( n ):
- f = glXEnumFunction( n )
- self.context.glx_enum_functions[ f.name ] = f
- temp = attrs.get('count', None)
- try:
- c = int(temp)
- except Exception,e:
- raise RuntimeError('Invalid count value "%s" for enum "%s" in function "%s" when an integer was expected.' % (temp, self.name, n))
- self.context.glx_enum_functions[ n ].append( c, self.value, self.name )
- else:
- gl_XML.glEnum.startElement(self, context, name, attrs)
- return
-class glXParameter(gl_XML.glParameter):
- def __init__(self, context, name, attrs):
- self.order = 1;
- gl_XML.glParameter.__init__(self, context, name, attrs);
-class glXFunction(gl_XML.glFunction):
- glx_rop = 0
- glx_sop = 0
- glx_vendorpriv = 0
- # If this is set to true, it means that GLdouble parameters should be
- # written to the GLX protocol packet in the order they appear in the
- # prototype. This is different from the "classic" ordering. In the
- # classic ordering GLdoubles are written to the protocol packet first,
- # followed by non-doubles. NV_vertex_program was the first extension
- # to break with this tradition.
- glx_doubles_in_order = 0
- vectorequiv = None
- handcode = 0
- ignore = 0
- can_be_large = 0
- def __init__(self, context, name, attrs):
- self.vectorequiv = attrs.get('vectorequiv', None)
- self.count_parameters = None
- self.counter = None
- self.output = None
- self.can_be_large = 0
- self.reply_always_array = 0
- gl_XML.glFunction.__init__(self, context, name, attrs)
- return
- def startElement(self, name, attrs):
- """Process elements within a function that are specific to GLX."""
- if name == "glx":
- self.glx_rop = int(attrs.get('rop', "0"))
- self.glx_sop = int(attrs.get('sop', "0"))
- self.glx_vendorpriv = int(attrs.get('vendorpriv', "0"))
- if attrs.get('handcode', "false") == "true":
- self.handcode = 1
- else:
- self.handcode = 0
- if attrs.get('ignore', "false") == "true":
- self.ignore = 1
- else:
- self.ignore = 0
- if attrs.get('large', "false") == "true":
- self.can_be_large = 1
- else:
- self.can_be_large = 0
- if attrs.get('doubles_in_order', "false") == "true":
- self.glx_doubles_in_order = 1
- else:
- self.glx_doubles_in_order = 0
- if attrs.get('always_array', "false") == "true":
- self.reply_always_array = 1
- else:
- self.reply_always_array = 0
- else:
- gl_XML.glFunction.startElement(self, name, attrs)
- def append(self, tag_name, p):
- gl_XML.glFunction.append(self, tag_name, p)
- if p.is_variable_length_array():
- p.order = 2;
- elif not self.glx_doubles_in_order and p.p_type.size == 8:
- p.order = 0;
- if p.p_count_parameters != None:
- self.count_parameters = p.p_count_parameters
- if p.is_counter:
- self.counter = p.name
- if p.is_output:
- self.output = p
- return
- def variable_length_parameter(self):
- for param in self.fn_parameters:
- if param.is_variable_length_array():
- return param
- return None
- def command_payload_length(self):
- size = 0
- size_string = ""
- for p in self:
- if p.is_output: continue
- temp = p.size_string()
- try:
- s = int(temp)
- size += s
- except Exception,e:
- size_string = size_string + " + __GLX_PAD(%s)" % (temp)
- return [size, size_string]
- def command_length(self):
- [size, size_string] = self.command_payload_length()
- if self.glx_rop != 0:
- size += 4
- size = ((size + 3) & ~3)
- return "%u%s" % (size, size_string)
- def opcode_real_value(self):
- if self.glx_vendorpriv != 0:
- if self.needs_reply():
- return 17
- else:
- return 16
- else:
- return self.opcode_value()
- def opcode_value(self):
- if self.glx_rop != 0:
- return self.glx_rop
- elif self.glx_sop != 0:
- return self.glx_sop
- elif self.glx_vendorpriv != 0:
- return self.glx_vendorpriv
- else:
- return -1
- def opcode_rop_basename(self):
- if self.vectorequiv == None:
- return self.name
- else:
- return self.vectorequiv
- def opcode_name(self):
- if self.glx_rop != 0:
- return "X_GLrop_%s" % (self.opcode_rop_basename())
- elif self.glx_sop != 0:
- return "X_GLsop_%s" % (self.name)
- elif self.glx_vendorpriv != 0:
- return "X_GLvop_%s" % (self.name)
- else:
- return "ERROR"
- def opcode_real_name(self):
- if self.glx_vendorpriv != 0:
- if self.needs_reply():
- return "X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply"
- else:
- return "X_GLXVendorPrivate"
- else:
- return self.opcode_name()
- def return_string(self):
- if self.fn_return_type != 'void':
- return "return retval;"
- else:
- return "return;"
- def needs_reply(self):
- return self.fn_return_type != 'void' or self.output != None
-class GlxProto(gl_XML.FilterGLAPISpecBase):
- name = "glX_proto_send.py (from Mesa)"
- def __init__(self):
- gl_XML.FilterGLAPISpecBase.__init__(self)
- self.factory = glXItemFactory()
- self.glx_enum_functions = {}
- def endElement(self, name):
- if name == 'OpenGLAPI':
- # Once all the parsing is done, we have to go back and
- # fix-up some cross references between different
- # functions.
- for k in self.functions:
- f = self.functions[k]
- if f.vectorequiv != None:
- equiv = self.find_function(f.vectorequiv)
- if equiv != None:
- f.glx_doubles_in_order = equiv.glx_doubles_in_order
- f.glx_rop = equiv.glx_rop
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Could not find the vector equiv. function %s for %s!" % (f.name, f.vectorequiv))
- else:
- gl_XML.FilterGLAPISpecBase.endElement(self, name)
- return
-class PrintGlxProtoStubs(GlxProto):
+class PrintGlxProtoStubs(glX_XML.GlxProto):
def __init__(self):
- GlxProto.__init__(self)
+ glX_XML.GlxProto.__init__(self)
self.last_category = ""
self.license = license.bsd_license_template % ( "(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004", "IBM")
self.generic_sizes = [3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32]
print ''
print '#define __GLX_PAD(n) (((n) + 3) & ~3)'
print ''
- printFastcall()
- printNoinline()
+ glX_XML.printFastcall()
+ glX_XML.printNoinline()
print ''
print '/* If the size and opcode values are known at compile-time, this will, on'
print ' * x86 at least, emit them with a single instruction.'
-class PrintGlxProtoInit_c(GlxProto):
+class PrintGlxProtoInit_c(glX_XML.GlxProto):
def __init__(self):
- GlxProto.__init__(self)
+ glX_XML.GlxProto.__init__(self)
self.last_category = ""
self.license = license.bsd_license_template % ( \
"""Copyright 1998-1999 Precision Insight, Inc., Cedar Park, Texas.
print ' glAPI->%s = __indirect_gl%s;' % (f.name, f.name)
-class PrintGlxProtoInit_h(GlxProto):
+class PrintGlxProtoInit_h(glX_XML.GlxProto):
def __init__(self):
- GlxProto.__init__(self)
+ glX_XML.GlxProto.__init__(self)
self.last_category = ""
self.license = license.bsd_license_template % ( \
"""Copyright 1998-1999 Precision Insight, Inc., Cedar Park, Texas.
# define _INDIRECT_H_
- printVisibility( "HIDDEN", "hidden" )
+ glX_XML.printVisibility( "HIDDEN", "hidden" )
def printRealFooter(self):
print 'extern HIDDEN %s __indirect_gl%s(%s);' % (f.fn_return_type, f.name, f.get_parameter_string())
-class PrintGlxSizeStubs(GlxProto):
+class PrintGlxSizeStubs(glX_XML.GlxProto):
def __init__(self):
- GlxProto.__init__(self)
+ glX_XML.GlxProto.__init__(self)
self.license = license.bsd_license_template % ( "(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004", "IBM")
self.aliases = []
self.glx_enum_sigs = {}
print '#include "indirect_size.h"'
print ''
- printPure()
+ glX_XML.printPure()
print ''
- printFastcall()
+ glX_XML.printFastcall()
print ''
- printVisibility( "INTERNAL", "internal" )
+ glX_XML.printVisibility( "INTERNAL", "internal" )
print ''
print ''
print '#ifdef HAVE_ALIAS'
-class PrintGlxSizeStubs_h(GlxProto):
+class PrintGlxSizeStubs_h(glX_XML.GlxProto):
def __init__(self):
- GlxProto.__init__(self)
+ glX_XML.GlxProto.__init__(self)
self.license = license.bsd_license_template % ( "(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004", "IBM")
self.aliases = []
self.glx_enum_sigs = {}
# define _GLXSIZE_H_
- printPure();
+ glX_XML.printPure();
print ''
- printFastcall();
+ glX_XML.printFastcall();
print ''
- printVisibility( "INTERNAL", "internal" );
+ glX_XML.printVisibility( "INTERNAL", "internal" );
print ''
def printRealFooter(self):