.section .entry.text, "ax"
- /*
- * Reload arg registers from stack in case ptrace changed them.
- * We don't reload %eax because syscall_trace_enter() returned
- * the %rax value we should see. Instead, we just truncate that
- * value to 32 bits again as we did on entry from user mode.
- * If it's a new value set by user_regset during entry tracing,
- * this matches the normal truncation of the user-mode value.
- * If it's -1 to make us punt the syscall, then (u32)-1 is still
- * an appropriately invalid value.
- */
- .macro LOAD_ARGS32 _r9=0
- .if \_r9
- movl R9(%rsp),%r9d
- .endif
- movl RCX(%rsp),%ecx
- movl RDX(%rsp),%edx
- movl RSI(%rsp),%esi
- movl RDI(%rsp),%edi
- movl %eax,%eax /* zero extension */
- .endm
movq %rax, R8(%rsp)
movq %rsp,%rdi /* &pt_regs -> arg1 */
call syscall_trace_enter
- LOAD_ARGS32 /* reload args from stack in case ptrace changed it */
+ /* Reload arg registers from stack. (see sysenter_tracesys) */
+ movl RCX(%rsp), %ecx
+ movl RDX(%rsp), %edx
+ movl RSI(%rsp), %esi
+ movl RDI(%rsp), %edi
+ movl %eax, %eax /* zero extension */
jmp sysenter_do_call
movq %rax, R8(%rsp)
movq %rsp,%rdi /* &pt_regs -> arg1 */
call syscall_trace_enter
- LOAD_ARGS32 1 /* reload args from stack in case ptrace changed it */
+ movl R9(%rsp),%r9d
+ /* Reload arg registers from stack. (see sysenter_tracesys) */
+ movl RCX(%rsp), %ecx
+ movl RDX(%rsp), %edx
+ movl RSI(%rsp), %esi
+ movl RDI(%rsp), %edi
+ movl %eax, %eax /* zero extension */
xchgl %ebp,%r9d
jmp cstar_do_call
movq %rsp,%rdi /* &pt_regs -> arg1 */
call syscall_trace_enter
- LOAD_ARGS32 /* reload args from stack in case ptrace changed it */
+ /*
+ * Reload arg registers from stack in case ptrace changed them.
+ * Don't reload %eax because syscall_trace_enter() returned
+ * the %rax value we should see. But do truncate it to 32 bits.
+ * If it's -1 to make us punt the syscall, then (u32)-1 is still
+ * an appropriately invalid value.
+ */
+ movl RCX(%rsp), %ecx
+ movl RDX(%rsp), %edx
+ movl RSI(%rsp), %esi
+ movl RDI(%rsp), %edi
+ movl %eax, %eax /* zero extension */
jmp ia32_do_call