CVRMask(0), AddressSpace(0), GCAttrType(QualType::GCNone) {
+ void removeConst() { removeCVR(QualType::Const); }
+ void removeVolatile() { removeCVR(QualType::Volatile); }
+ void removeRestrict() { removeCVR(QualType::Restrict); }
+ void removeCVR(unsigned mask) { CVRMask &= ~mask; }
+ void removeAddressSpace() { AddressSpace = 0; }
+ void removeGCAttrType() { GCAttrType = QualType::GCNone; }
+ void addConst() { addCVR(QualType::Const); }
+ void addVolatile() { addCVR(QualType::Volatile); }
+ void addRestrict() { addCVR(QualType::Restrict); }
+ void addCVR(unsigned mask) { CVRMask |= mask; }
+ void addAddressSpace(unsigned space) {
+ assert(space);
+ AddressSpace = space;
+ }
+ void addGCAttrType(QualType::GCAttrTypes type) {
+ assert(type);
+ GCAttrType = type;
+ }
+ bool empty() {
+ return !CVRMask && !AddressSpace && !GCAttrType;
+ }
/// Collect any qualifiers on the given type and return an
/// unqualified type.
const Type *strip(QualType QT) {