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- </enum>
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- </enum>
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- </enum>
- <function name="Accum" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="op" type="AccumOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="AccumxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="op" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ActiveProgramEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ActiveShaderProgram" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ActiveShaderProgramEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ActiveStencilFaceEXT" category="EXT_stencil_two_side" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ActiveTextureARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="texture" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ActiveVaryingNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="AlphaFragmentOp1ATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="op" type="FragmentOpATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstMod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="AlphaFragmentOp2ATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="op" type="FragmentOpATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstMod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg2Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg2Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="AlphaFragmentOp3ATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="op" type="FragmentOpATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstMod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg2Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg2Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg3Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg3Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="AlphaFuncxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="func" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ref" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ApplyTextureEXT" category="EXT_light_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="LightTextureModeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="AreProgramsResidentNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <param name="residences" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="AreTexturesResidentEXT" category="EXT_texture_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <param name="residences" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ArrayElementEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="i" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ArrayObjectATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="ScalarType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="AsyncMarkerSGIX" category="SGIX_async" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="marker" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="AttachObjectARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="containerObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="obj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BeginConditionalRenderNV" category="NV_conditional_render" extension="NV">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BeginConditionalRenderNVX" category="NVX_conditional_render" extension="NVX">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BeginFragmentShaderATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BeginOcclusionQueryNV" category="NV_occlusion_query" extension="NV">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BeginPerfMonitorAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BeginQueryARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BeginQueryIndexed" category="ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BeginTransformFeedbackEXT" category="EXT_transform_feedback" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="primitiveMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BeginTransformFeedbackNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
+ <param name="primitiveMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BeginVertexShaderEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BeginVideoCaptureNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindAttribLocationARB" category="ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLcharARB *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindBufferARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindBufferBaseEXT" category="EXT_transform_feedback" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindBufferBaseNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindBufferOffsetEXT" category="EXT_transform_feedback" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindBufferOffsetNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_transform_feedback" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindBufferRangeNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindBuffersBase" category="ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindBuffersRange" category="ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offsets" type="GLintptr *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sizes" type="GLsizeiptr *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindFragDataLocationEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindFragDataLocationIndexed" category="ARB_blend_func_extended" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="colorNumber" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindFragmentShaderATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindFramebuffer" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindFramebufferEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindImageTexture" category="ARB_shader_image_load_store" extension="Core">
+ <param name="unit" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layered" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindImageTextureEXT" category="EXT_shader_image_load_store" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layered" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindImageTextures" category="ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindLightParameterEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindMaterialParameterEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindMultiTextureEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindParameterEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="value" type="VertexShaderParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindProgramARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindProgramNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindProgramPipeline" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindProgramPipelineEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindRenderbuffer" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindRenderbufferEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindSampler" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="unit" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindSamplers" category="ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindTexGenParameterEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="unit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindTextureEXT" category="EXT_texture_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindTextures" category="ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindTextureUnitParameterEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="unit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="VertexShaderTextureUnitParameter" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindTransformFeedback" category="ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindTransformFeedbackNV" category="NV_transform_feedback2" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindVertexArray" category="ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindVertexArrayAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_array_object" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindVertexBuffer" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core">
+ <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindVertexBuffers" category="ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offsets" type="GLintptr *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="strides" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindVertexShaderEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="frame_region" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffsetARB" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindVideoCaptureStreamTextureNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="frame_region" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Binormal3bEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="bx" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="by" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bz" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Binormal3bvEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Binormal3dEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="bx" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="by" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bz" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Binormal3dvEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Binormal3fEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="bx" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="by" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bz" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Binormal3fvEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Binormal3iEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="bx" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="by" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bz" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Binormal3ivEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Binormal3sEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="bx" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="by" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bz" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Binormal3svEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BinormalPointerEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="BinormalPointerTypeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BitmapxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xorig" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yorig" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xmove" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ymove" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bitmap" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendBarrierNV" category="NV_blend_equation_advanced" extension="NV">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendColor" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendColorEXT" category="EXT_blend_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendColorxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="red" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendEquation" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="BlendEquationMode" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendEquationEXT" category="EXT_blend_minmax" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendEquationiARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendEquationIndexedAMD" category="AMD_draw_buffers_blend" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendEquationSeparateEXT" category="EXT_blend_equation_separate" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="modeRGB" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modeAlpha" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendEquationSeparateiARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modeRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modeAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD" category="AMD_draw_buffers_blend" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modeRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modeAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendFunciARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="src" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dst" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendFuncIndexedAMD" category="AMD_draw_buffers_blend" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="src" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dst" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendFuncSeparateEXT" category="EXT_blend_func_separate" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="sfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendFuncSeparateiARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD" category="AMD_draw_buffers_blend" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendFuncSeparateINGR" category="INGR_blend_func_separate" extension="INGR">
+ <param name="sfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendParameteriNV" category="NV_blend_equation_advanced" extension="NV">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlitFramebuffer" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="srcX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
+ <param name="filter" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlitFramebufferEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_blit" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="srcX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
+ <param name="filter" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BufferAddressRangeNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="address" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BufferDataARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSizeARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <param name="usage" type="BufferUsageARB" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BufferParameteriAPPLE" category="APPLE_flush_buffer_range" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BufferStorage" category="ARB_buffer_storage" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BufferSubDataARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffsetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSizeARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CheckFramebufferStatus" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CheckFramebufferStatusEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="FramebufferStatus" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClampColorARB" category="ARB_color_buffer_float" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="ClampColorTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="clamp" type="ClampColorModeARB" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearAccumxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="red" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearBufferData" category="ARB_clear_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearBufferSubData" category="ARB_clear_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearColorIiEXT" category="EXT_texture_integer" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="red" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearColorIuiEXT" category="EXT_texture_integer" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="red" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearColorxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="red" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearDepthdNV" category="NV_depth_buffer_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="depth" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearDepthf" category="ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core">
+ <param name="d" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearDepthfOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
+ <param name="depth" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearDepthxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="depth" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearNamedBufferDataEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearNamedBufferSubDataEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearTexImage" category="ARB_clear_texture" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearTexSubImage" category="ARB_clear_texture" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClientActiveTextureARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="texture" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClientActiveVertexStreamATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClientAttribDefaultEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mask" type="ClientAttribMask" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClientWaitSync" category="ARB_sync" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClipPlanefOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
+ <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="equation" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClipPlanexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="equation" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color3hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="red" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="red" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="components" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="a" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color4hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="red" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color4hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color4ubVertex2fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="r" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="a" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color4ubVertex2fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="c" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color4ubVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="r" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="a" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color4ubVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="c" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="red" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="components" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorFragmentOp1ATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="op" type="FragmentOpATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstMask" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstMod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorFragmentOp2ATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="op" type="FragmentOpATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstMask" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstMod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg2Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg2Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorFragmentOp3ATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="op" type="FragmentOpATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstMask" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstMod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg2Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg2Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg3Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg3Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorMaskIndexedEXT" category="EXT_draw_buffers2" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="a" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorP3ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorP3uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorP4ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorP4uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="ColorPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride,count)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="ColorPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorPointervINTEL" category="INTEL_parallel_arrays" extension="INTEL">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorSubTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,count)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorSubTableEXT" category="EXT_color_subtable" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,count)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="table" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorTableEXT" category="EXT_paletted_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalFormat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="table" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorTableParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorTableParameterfvSGI" category="SGI_color_table" extension="SGI">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTargetSGI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ColorTableParameterPNameSGI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorTableParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorTableParameterivSGI" category="SGI_color_table" extension="SGI">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTargetSGI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ColorTableParameterPNameSGI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorTableSGI" category="SGI_color_table" extension="SGI">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTargetSGI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="table" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CombinerInputNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <param name="stage" type="CombinerStageNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="portion" type="CombinerPortionNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="variable" type="CombinerVariableNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="input" type="CombinerRegisterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mapping" type="CombinerMappingNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="componentUsage" type="CombinerComponentUsageNV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CombinerOutputNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <param name="stage" type="CombinerStageNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="portion" type="CombinerPortionNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="abOutput" type="CombinerRegisterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="cdOutput" type="CombinerRegisterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sumOutput" type="CombinerRegisterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="scale" type="CombinerScaleNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bias" type="CombinerBiasNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="abDotProduct" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="cdDotProduct" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="muxSum" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CombinerParameterfNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CombinerParameterfvNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CombinerParameteriNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CombinerParameterivNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CombinerStageParameterfvNV" category="NV_register_combiners2" extension="NV">
+ <param name="stage" type="CombinerStageNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompileShaderARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="shaderObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompileShaderIncludeARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="path" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedMultiTexImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedMultiTexImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedMultiTexImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedMultiTexSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedMultiTexSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedMultiTexSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTexImage1DARB" category="ARB_texture_compression" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTexImage2DARB" category="ARB_texture_compression" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTexImage3DARB" category="ARB_texture_compression" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTexSubImage1DARB" category="ARB_texture_compression" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTexSubImage2DARB" category="ARB_texture_compression" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTexSubImage3DARB" category="ARB_texture_compression" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTextureImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTextureImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTextureImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTextureSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTextureSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTextureSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionFilter1D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionFilter1DEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionFilter2D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionFilter2DEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameterf" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameterfEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameteri" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameteriEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameterivEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameterxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyBufferSubData" category="ARB_copy_buffer" extension="Core">
+ <param name="readTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="writeTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="readOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="writeOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyColorSubTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyColorSubTableEXT" category="EXT_color_subtable" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyColorTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyColorTableSGI" category="SGI_color_table" extension="SGI">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTargetSGI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="AccumxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="op" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyConvolutionFilter1D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ActiveProgramEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyConvolutionFilter1DEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ActiveShaderProgram" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyConvolutionFilter2D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ActiveShaderProgramEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyConvolutionFilter2DEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ActiveStencilFaceEXT" category="EXT_stencil_two_side" extension="EXT">
- <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyImageSubData" category="ARB_copy_image" extension="Core">
+ <param name="srcName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcWidth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcHeight" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcDepth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ActiveTexture" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
- <param name="texture" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyImageSubDataNV" category="NV_copy_image" extension="NV">
+ <param name="srcName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ActiveTextureARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="texture" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyMultiTexImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ActiveVaryingNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <function name="CopyMultiTexImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="AlphaFragmentOp1ATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
- <param name="op" type="FragmentOpATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstMod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyMultiTexSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="AlphaFragmentOp2ATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
- <param name="op" type="FragmentOpATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstMod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg2Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg2Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyMultiTexSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="AlphaFragmentOp3ATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
- <param name="op" type="FragmentOpATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstMod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg2Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg2Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg3Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg3Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyMultiTexSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="AlphaFunc" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="func" type="AlphaFunction" flow="in" />
- <param name="ref" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyPathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="resultPath" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcPath" type="Path" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="AlphaFuncxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="func" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="ref" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyTexImage1DEXT" category="EXT_copy_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ApplyTextureEXT" category="EXT_light_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="LightTextureModeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyTexImage2DEXT" category="EXT_copy_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="AreProgramsResidentNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <param name="residences" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="CopyTexSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_copy_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="AreTexturesResident" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <param name="residences" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="CopyTexSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_copy_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="AreTexturesResidentEXT" category="EXT_texture_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <param name="residences" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="CopyTexSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_copy_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="ArrayElement" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="i" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyTextureImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ArrayElementEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
- <param name="i" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyTextureImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ArrayObjectATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
- <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="ScalarType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyTextureSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="AsyncMarkerSGIX" category="SGIX_async" extension="SGIX">
+ <function name="CopyTextureSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyTextureSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CoverFillPathInstancedNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pathNameType" type="PathElementType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="paths" type="PathElement *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,pathNameType,paths)" />
+ <param name="pathBase" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coverMode" type="PathCoverMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transformType" type="PathTransformType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transformValues" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,transformType)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CoverFillPathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coverMode" type="PathCoverMode" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CoverStrokePathInstancedNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pathNameType" type="PathElementType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="paths" type="PathElement *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,pathNameType,paths)" />
+ <param name="pathBase" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coverMode" type="PathCoverMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transformType" type="PathTransformType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transformValues" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,transformType)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CoverStrokePathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coverMode" type="PathCoverMode" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CreateProgramObjectARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <returns type="handleARB" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CreateShaderObjectARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="shaderType" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="handleARB" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CreateShaderProgramEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="string" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CreateShaderProgramv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="strings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CreateShaderProgramvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="strings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CreateSyncFromCLeventARB" category="ARB_cl_event" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="context" type="cl_context *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="event" type="cl_event *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="sync" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CullParameterdvEXT" category="EXT_cull_vertex" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pname" type="CullParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CullParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_cull_vertex" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pname" type="CullParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CurrentPaletteMatrixARB" category="ARB_matrix_palette" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="index" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageCallback" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROC" flow="in" />
+ <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageCallbackAMD" category="AMD_debug_output" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROCAMD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageCallbackARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROCARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(callback)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageCallbackKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROCKHR" flow="in" />
+ <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageControl" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="enabled" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageControlARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="enabled" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageControlKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="enabled" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageEnableAMD" category="AMD_debug_output" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="category" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="enabled" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageInsert" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buf,length)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageInsertAMD" category="AMD_debug_output" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="category" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageInsertARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageInsertKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeformationMap3dSGIX" category="SGIX_polynomial_ffd" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="target" type="FfdTargetSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="wstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="worder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,ustride,uorder,vstride,vorder,wstride,worder)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeformationMap3fSGIX" category="SGIX_polynomial_ffd" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="target" type="FfdTargetSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="wstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="worder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,ustride,uorder,vstride,vorder,wstride,worder)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeformSGIX" category="SGIX_polynomial_ffd" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="mask" type="FfdMaskSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteAsyncMarkersSGIX" category="SGIX_async" extension="SGIX">
<param name="marker" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="range" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="AttachObjectARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="containerObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="obj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteBuffersARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="AttachShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteFencesAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Begin" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteFencesNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginConditionalRender" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="DeleteFragmentShaderATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginConditionalRenderNV" category="NV_conditional_render" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteFramebuffers" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginConditionalRenderNVX" category="NVX_conditional_render" extension="NVX">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteFramebuffersEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginFragmentShaderATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
+ <function name="DeleteNamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginOcclusionQueryNV" category="NV_occlusion_query" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteNamesAMD" category="AMD_name_gen_delete" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="names" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="num" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginPerfMonitorAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteObjectARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="obj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginQuery" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteOcclusionQueriesNV" category="NV_occlusion_query" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginQueryARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeletePathsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="range" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginQueryIndexed" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeletePerfMonitorsAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="monitors" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="primitiveMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteProgramPipelines" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginTransformFeedbackEXT" category="EXT_transform_feedback" extension="EXT">
- <param name="primitiveMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteProgramPipelinesEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginTransformFeedbackNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
- <param name="primitiveMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteProgramsARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginVertexShaderEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="DeleteProgramsNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginVideoCaptureNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteQueriesARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindAttribLocation" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteRenderbuffers" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindAttribLocationARB" category="ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB">
- <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLcharARB *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteRenderbuffersEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteSamplers" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBufferARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteSync" category="ARB_sync" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBufferBase" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteTexturesEXT" category="EXT_texture_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBufferBaseEXT" category="EXT_transform_feedback" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteTransformFeedbacks" category="ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBufferBaseNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteTransformFeedbacksNV" category="NV_transform_feedback2" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBufferOffsetEXT" category="EXT_transform_feedback" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteVertexArrays" category="ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBufferOffsetNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteVertexArraysAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_array_object" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBufferRange" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteVertexShaderEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_transform_feedback" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DepthBoundsdNV" category="NV_depth_buffer_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="zmin" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zmax" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBufferRangeNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DepthBoundsEXT" category="EXT_depth_bounds_test" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="zmin" type="ClampedFloat64" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zmax" type="ClampedFloat64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBuffersBase" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DepthRangeArrayv" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
<param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBuffersRange" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
- <param name="offsets" type="GLintptr *" flow="in" />
- <param name="sizes" type="GLsizeiptr *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DepthRangedNV" category="NV_depth_buffer_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="zNear" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zFar" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindFragDataLocation" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <function name="DepthRangef" category="ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindFragDataLocationEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <function name="DepthRangefOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindFragDataLocationIndexed" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_blend_func_extended" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="colorNumber" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DepthRangeIndexed" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindFragmentShaderATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DepthRangexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindFramebuffer" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DetachObjectARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="containerObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachedObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindFramebufferEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DetailTexFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_detail_texture" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="n*2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindImageTexture" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_image_load_store" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="unit" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="layered" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="layer" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DisableClientStateiEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindImageTextureEXT" category="EXT_shader_image_load_store" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="DisableClientStateIndexedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="layered" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="layer" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindImageTextures" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DisableIndexedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_draw_buffers2" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindLightParameterEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="DisableVariantClientStateEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindMaterialParameterEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="DisableVertexArrayAttribEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindMultiTextureEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DisableVertexArrayEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindParameterEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="value" type="VertexShaderParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="DisableVertexAttribAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindProgramARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DisableVertexAttribArrayARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindProgramNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DispatchCompute" category="ARB_compute_shader" extension="Core">
+ <param name="num_groups_x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num_groups_y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num_groups_z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindProgramPipeline" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DispatchComputeGroupSizeARB" category="ARB_compute_variable_group_size" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="num_groups_x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num_groups_y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num_groups_z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="group_size_x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="group_size_y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="group_size_z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindProgramPipelineEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DispatchComputeIndirect" category="ARB_compute_shader" extension="Core">
+ <param name="indirect" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindRenderbuffer" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawArraysEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindRenderbufferEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawArraysIndirect" category="ARB_draw_indirect" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindSampler" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="unit" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawArraysInstancedARB" category="ARB_draw_instanced" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindSamplers" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance" category="ARB_base_instance" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindTexGenParameterEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="unit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="DrawArraysInstancedEXT" category="EXT_draw_instanced" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindTexture" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawBuffersARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufs" type="DrawBufferModeATI *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindTextureEXT" category="EXT_texture_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawBuffersATI" category="ATI_draw_buffers" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufs" type="DrawBufferModeATI *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindTextures" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementArrayAPPLE" category="APPLE_element_array" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindTextureUnitParameterEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="unit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="VertexShaderTextureUnitParameter" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="DrawElementArrayATI" category="ATI_element_array" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsBaseVertex" category="ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindTransformFeedbackNV" category="NV_transform_feedback2" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsIndirect" category="ARB_draw_indirect" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindVertexArray" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedARB" category="ARB_draw_instanced" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindVertexArrayAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_array_object" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance" category="ARB_base_instance" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindVertexBuffer" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex" category="ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindVertexBuffers" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance" category="ARB_base_instance" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
- <param name="offsets" type="GLintptr *" flow="in" />
- <param name="strides" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindVertexShaderEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedEXT" category="EXT_draw_instanced" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="frame_region" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffsetARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawMeshArraysSUN" category="SUN_mesh_array" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindVideoCaptureStreamTextureNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="frame_region" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE" category="APPLE_element_array" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Binormal3bEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="bx" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="by" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="bz" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawRangeElementArrayATI" category="ATI_element_array" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Binormal3bvEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex" category="ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Binormal3dEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="bx" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="by" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="bz" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawRangeElementsEXT" category="EXT_draw_range_elements" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Binormal3dvEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="DrawTextureNV" category="NV_draw_texture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Binormal3fEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="bx" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="by" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="bz" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedback" category="ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Binormal3fvEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced" category="ARB_transform_feedback_instanced" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Binormal3iEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="bx" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="by" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bz" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackNV" category="NV_transform_feedback2" extension="NV">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Binormal3ivEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackStream" category="ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Binormal3sEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="bx" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="by" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="bz" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced" category="ARB_transform_feedback_instanced" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Binormal3svEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="EdgeFlagFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BinormalPointerEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="type" type="BinormalPointerTypeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EdgeFlagPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
<param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="Boolean *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(stride,count)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Bitmap" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="xorig" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="yorig" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="xmove" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="ymove" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="bitmap" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(width,height)" />
+ <function name="EdgeFlagPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="BooleanPointer **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(stride)" />
+ <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ElementPointerAPPLE" category="APPLE_element_array" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="type" type="ElementPointerTypeATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BitmapxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="xorig" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="yorig" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="xmove" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="ymove" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="bitmap" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <function name="ElementPointerATI" category="ATI_element_array" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="type" type="ElementPointerTypeATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendBarrierNV" category="NV_blend_equation_advanced" extension="NV">
+ <function name="EnableClientStateiEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendColor" category="VERSION_1_4|ARB_imaging" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EnableClientStateIndexedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendColorEXT" category="EXT_blend_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EnableIndexedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_draw_buffers2" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendColorxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="red" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EnableVariantClientStateEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquation" category="VERSION_1_4|ARB_imaging" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="mode" type="BlendEquationMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EnableVertexArrayAttribEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationEXT" category="EXT_blend_minmax" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EnableVertexArrayEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationi" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EnableVertexAttribAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationiARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EnableVertexAttribArrayARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationIndexedAMD" category="AMD_draw_buffers_blend" extension="AMD">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndConditionalRenderNV" category="NV_conditional_render" extension="NV">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="modeRGB" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="modeAlpha" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndConditionalRenderNVX" category="NVX_conditional_render" extension="NVX">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationSeparateEXT" category="EXT_blend_equation_separate" extension="EXT">
- <param name="modeRGB" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="modeAlpha" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndFragmentShaderATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationSeparatei" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="modeRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="modeAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndOcclusionQueryNV" category="NV_occlusion_query" extension="NV">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationSeparateiARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="modeRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="modeAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndPerfMonitorAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD" category="AMD_draw_buffers_blend" extension="AMD">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="modeRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="modeAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndQueryARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFunc" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="sfactor" type="BlendingFactorSrc" flow="in" />
- <param name="dfactor" type="BlendingFactorDest" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndQueryIndexed" category="ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFunci" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="src" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dst" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndTransformFeedbackEXT" category="EXT_transform_feedback" extension="EXT">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFunciARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="src" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dst" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndTransformFeedbackNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFuncIndexedAMD" category="AMD_draw_buffers_blend" extension="AMD">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="src" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dst" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndVertexShaderEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFuncSeparate" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="sfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="dfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="sfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="dfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndVideoCaptureNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFuncSeparateEXT" category="EXT_blend_func_separate" extension="EXT">
- <param name="sfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="dfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="sfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="dfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EvalCoord1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="u" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFuncSeparatei" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EvalCoord1xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFuncSeparateiARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EvalCoord2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="u" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD" category="AMD_draw_buffers_blend" extension="AMD">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EvalCoord2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFuncSeparateINGR" category="INGR_blend_func_separate" extension="INGR">
- <param name="sfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="dfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="sfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="dfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EvalMapsNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="EvalMapsModeNV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendParameteriNV" category="NV_blend_equation_advanced" extension="NV">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ExecuteProgramNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlitFramebuffer" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="srcX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
- <param name="filter" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ExtractComponentEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="res" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="src" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlitFramebufferEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_blit" extension="EXT">
- <param name="srcX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
- <param name="filter" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FeedbackBufferxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BufferAddressRangeNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="address" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FenceSync" category="ARB_sync" extension="Core">
+ <param name="condition" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="sync" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FinalCombinerInputNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <param name="variable" type="CombinerVariableNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="input" type="CombinerRegisterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mapping" type="CombinerMappingNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="componentUsage" type="CombinerComponentUsageNV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BufferData" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
- <param name="usage" type="BufferUsageARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FinishAsyncSGIX" category="SGIX_async" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="markerp" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FinishFenceAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BufferDataARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSizeARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
- <param name="usage" type="BufferUsageARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FinishFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BufferParameteriAPPLE" category="APPLE_flush_buffer_range" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FinishObjectAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="object" type="ObjectTypeAPPLE" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BufferStorage" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_buffer_storage" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FinishTextureSUNX" category="SUNX_constant_data" extension="SUNX">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BufferSubData" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <function name="FlushMappedBufferRange" category="ARB_map_buffer_range" extension="Core">
<param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
<param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BufferSubDataARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffsetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSizeARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <function name="FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE" category="APPLE_flush_buffer_range" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CallList" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FlushMappedNamedBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CallLists" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="ListNameType" flow="in" />
- <param name="lists" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(n,type)" />
+ <function name="FlushPixelDataRangeNV" category="NV_pixel_data_range" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="PixelDataRangeTargetNV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CheckFramebufferStatus" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLenum" />
- </function>
- <function name="CheckFramebufferStatusEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLenum" />
+ <function name="FlushRasterSGIX" category="SGIX_flush_raster" extension="SGIX">
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="CheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <returns type="FramebufferStatus" />
+ <function name="FlushStaticDataIBM" category="IBM_static_data" extension="IBM">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClampColor" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="ClampColorTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="clamp" type="ClampColorModeARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FlushVertexArrayRangeAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_array_range" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="out" count="length" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClampColorARB" category="ARB_color_buffer_float" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="ClampColorTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="clamp" type="ClampColorModeARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FlushVertexArrayRangeNV" category="NV_vertex_array_range" extension="NV">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Clear" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FogCoorddEXT" category="EXT_fog_coord" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="coord" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearAccum" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FogCoorddvEXT" category="EXT_fog_coord" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="coord" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearAccumxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="red" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FogCoordfEXT" category="EXT_fog_coord" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="coord" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearBufferData" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FogCoordFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearBufferfi" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="stencil" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FogCoordfvEXT" category="EXT_fog_coord" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="coord" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearBufferfv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
+ <function name="FogCoordhNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fog" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearBufferiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
+ <function name="FogCoordhvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fog" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearBufferSubData" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
+ <function name="FogCoordPointerEXT" category="EXT_fog_coord" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="FogPointerTypeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearBufferuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
+ <function name="FogCoordPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
+ <param name="type" type="FogPointerTypeIBM" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
+ <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearColor" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FogFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_fog_function" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="n*2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearColorIiEXT" category="EXT_texture_integer" extension="EXT">
- <param name="red" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FogxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearColorIuiEXT" category="EXT_texture_integer" extension="EXT">
- <param name="red" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FogxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearColorxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="red" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FragmentColorMaterialSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearDepth" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="depth" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FragmentLightfSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="light" type="FragmentLightNameSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearDepthdNV" category="NV_depth_buffer_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="depth" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FragmentLightfvSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="light" type="FragmentLightNameSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearDepthf" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="d" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FragmentLightiSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="light" type="FragmentLightNameSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearDepthfOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
- <param name="depth" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FragmentLightivSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="light" type="FragmentLightNameSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearDepthxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="depth" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FragmentLightModelfSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightModelParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearIndex" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="c" type="MaskedColorIndexValueF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FragmentLightModelfvSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightModelParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearNamedBufferDataEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
+ <function name="FragmentLightModeliSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightModelParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearNamedBufferSubDataEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
+ <function name="FragmentLightModelivSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightModelParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearStencil" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="s" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FragmentMaterialfSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearTexImage" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FragmentMaterialfvSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearTexSubImage" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FragmentMaterialiSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClientActiveTexture" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="texture" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FragmentMaterialivSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClientActiveTextureARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="texture" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FramebufferDrawBufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="DrawBufferMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClientActiveVertexStreamATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FramebufferDrawBuffersEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufs" type="DrawBufferMode *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClientAttribDefaultEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mask" type="ClientAttribMask" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FramebufferParameteri" category="ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClientWaitSync" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLenum" />
- </function>
- <function name="ClipPlane" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="plane" type="ClipPlaneName" flow="in" />
- <param name="equation" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="FramebufferReadBufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="ReadBufferMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClipPlanefOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
- <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="equation" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="FramebufferRenderbuffer" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffertarget" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClipPlanexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="equation" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="FramebufferRenderbufferEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffertarget" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3b" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture1D" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3bv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorB *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture1DEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture2D" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorD *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture2DEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture3D" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorF *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture3DEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTextureARB" category="ARB_geometry_shader4" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTextureEXT" category="NV_geometry_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="red" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTextureFaceARB" category="ARB_geometry_shader4" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="face" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTextureFaceEXT" category="NV_geometry_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="face" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTextureLayer" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorI *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTextureLayerARB" category="ARB_geometry_shader4" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTextureLayerEXT" category="NV_geometry_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="FrameTerminatorGREMEDY" category="GREMEDY_frame_terminator" extension="GREMEDY">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3ub" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FrameZoomSGIX" category="SGIX_framezoom" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="factor" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3ubv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorUB *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="FreeObjectBufferATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3ui" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FrustumfOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
+ <param name="l" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3uiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorUI *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="FrustumxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="l" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3us" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GenAsyncMarkersSGIX" category="SGIX_async" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="range" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="Color3usv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorUS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="GenBuffersARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="red" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenerateMipmap" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="components" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="GenerateMipmapEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4b" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenerateMultiTexMipmapEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4bv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorB *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GenerateTextureMipmapEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenFencesAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorD *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GenFencesNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenFragmentShadersATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="range" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenFramebuffers" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="a" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenFramebuffersEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="GenNamesAMD" category="AMD_name_gen_delete" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="names" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="num" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorF *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GenOcclusionQueriesNV" category="NV_occlusion_query" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="red" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenPathsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="range" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Path" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenPerfMonitorsAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="monitors" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GenProgramPipelines" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenProgramPipelinesEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorI *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GenProgramsARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenProgramsNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorS *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GenQueriesARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4ub" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenRenderbuffers" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4ubv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorUB *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GenRenderbuffersEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4ubVertex2fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="r" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="a" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenSamplers" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4ubVertex2fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="c" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="GenSymbolsEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="datatype" type="DataTypeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="storagetype" type="VertexShaderStorageTypeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="range" type="ParameterRangeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="components" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenTexturesEXT" category="EXT_texture_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4ubVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="r" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="a" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenTransformFeedbacks" category="ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4ubVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="c" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="GenTransformFeedbacksNV" category="NV_transform_feedback2" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4ui" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenVertexArrays" category="ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4uiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorUI *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GenVertexArraysAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_array_object" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4us" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenVertexShadersEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="range" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv" category="ARB_shader_atomic_counters" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufferIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4usv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorUS *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetActiveAttribARB" category="ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="maxLength" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLcharARB *" flow="out" count="maxLength" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="red" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetActiveSubroutineName" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufsize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="components" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetActiveSubroutineUniformiv" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetActiveSubroutineUniformName" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufsize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorFragmentOp1ATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
- <param name="op" type="FragmentOpATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstMask" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstMod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="maxLength" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLcharARB *" flow="out" count="maxLength" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorFragmentOp2ATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
- <param name="op" type="FragmentOpATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstMask" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstMod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg2Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg2Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockiv" category="ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorFragmentOp3ATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
- <param name="op" type="FragmentOpATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstMask" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstMod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg2Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg2Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg3Rep" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg3Mod" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockName" category="ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorMask" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="red" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformName" category="ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="uniformName" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorMaski" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="a" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformsiv" category="ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorMaskIndexedEXT" category="EXT_draw_buffers2" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetActiveVaryingNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="a" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(program,index,bufSize)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorMaterial" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="ColorMaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetArrayObjectfvATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetArrayObjectivATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetAttachedObjectsARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="containerObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="maxCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="obj" type="handleARB *" flow="out" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetAttribLocationARB" category="ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLcharARB *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetBooleanIndexedvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_draw_buffers2" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetBufferParameterivARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="BufferPNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorPointer" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="ColorPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <function name="GetBufferParameterui64vNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="ColorPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride,count)" />
+ <function name="GetBufferPointervARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="BufferPointerNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="ColorPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
- <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetBufferSubDataARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffsetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSizeARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorPointervINTEL" category="INTEL_parallel_arrays" extension="INTEL">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetClipPlanefOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
+ <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="equation" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorSubTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,count)" />
+ <function name="GetClipPlanexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="equation" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorSubTableEXT" category="EXT_color_subtable" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetColorTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
<param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,count)" />
+ <param name="table" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <function name="GetColorTableEXT" category="EXT_paletted_texture" extension="EXT">
<param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="table" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorTableEXT" category="EXT_paletted_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetColorTableParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
<param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalFormat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="table" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorTableParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <function name="GetColorTableParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_paletted_texture" extension="EXT">
<param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorTableParameterfvSGI" category="SGI_color_table" extension="SGI">
+ <function name="GetColorTableParameterfvSGI" category="SGI_color_table" extension="SGI">
<param name="target" type="ColorTableTargetSGI" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ColorTableParameterPNameSGI" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPNameSGI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorTableParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <function name="GetColorTableParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
<param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorTableParameterivSGI" category="SGI_color_table" extension="SGI">
+ <function name="GetColorTableParameterivEXT" category="EXT_paletted_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetColorTableParameterivSGI" category="SGI_color_table" extension="SGI">
<param name="target" type="ColorTableTargetSGI" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ColorTableParameterPNameSGI" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPNameSGI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorTableSGI" category="SGI_color_table" extension="SGI">
+ <function name="GetColorTableSGI" category="SGI_color_table" extension="SGI">
<param name="target" type="ColorTableTargetSGI" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="table" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <param name="table" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CombinerInputNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <function name="GetCombinerInputParameterfvNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
<param name="stage" type="CombinerStageNV" flow="in" />
<param name="portion" type="CombinerPortionNV" flow="in" />
<param name="variable" type="CombinerVariableNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="input" type="CombinerRegisterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="mapping" type="CombinerMappingNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="componentUsage" type="CombinerComponentUsageNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CombinerOutputNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <function name="GetCombinerInputParameterivNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
<param name="stage" type="CombinerStageNV" flow="in" />
<param name="portion" type="CombinerPortionNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="abOutput" type="CombinerRegisterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="cdOutput" type="CombinerRegisterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="sumOutput" type="CombinerRegisterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="scale" type="CombinerScaleNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="bias" type="CombinerBiasNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="abDotProduct" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="cdDotProduct" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="muxSum" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CombinerParameterfNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
- <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CombinerParameterfvNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <param name="variable" type="CombinerVariableNV" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CombinerParameteriNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <function name="GetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <param name="stage" type="CombinerStageNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="portion" type="CombinerPortionNV" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CombinerParameterivNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <function name="GetCombinerOutputParameterivNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <param name="stage" type="CombinerStageNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="portion" type="CombinerPortionNV" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CombinerStageParameterfvNV" category="NV_register_combiners2" extension="NV">
+ <function name="GetCombinerStageParameterfvNV" category="NV_register_combiners2" extension="NV">
<param name="stage" type="CombinerStageNV" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CompileShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CompileShaderARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="shaderObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CompileShaderIncludeARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="path" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CompressedMultiTexImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedMultiTexImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetCompressedMultiTexImageEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <param name="lod" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="img" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,lod)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedMultiTexImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetCompressedTexImageARB" category="ARB_texture_compression" extension="ARB">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <param name="img" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,level)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedMultiTexSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetCompressedTextureImageEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <param name="lod" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="img" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,lod)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedMultiTexSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetConvolutionFilter" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedMultiTexSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetConvolutionFilterEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
<param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CompressedTexImage1D" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CompressedTexImage1DARB" category="ARB_texture_compression" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CompressedTexImage2D" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedTexImage2DARB" category="ARB_texture_compression" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <function name="GetConvolutionParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetConvolutionParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedTexImage3D" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <function name="GetConvolutionParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedTexImage3DARB" category="ARB_texture_compression" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <function name="GetConvolutionParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetConvolutionParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedTexSubImage1D" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <function name="GetConvolutionParameterivEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedTexSubImage1DARB" category="ARB_texture_compression" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <function name="GetConvolutionParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedTexSubImage2D" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetDebugMessageLog" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="CompressedTexSubImage2DARB" category="ARB_texture_compression" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetDebugMessageLogAMD" category="AMD_debug_output" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="categories" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="severities" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufsize" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="CompressedTexSubImage3D" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetDebugMessageLogARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="CompressedTexSubImage3DARB" category="ARB_texture_compression" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetDebugMessageLogKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="CompressedTextureImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetDetailTexFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_detail_texture" extension="SGIS">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <param name="points" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedTextureImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <function name="GetDoublei_v" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedTextureImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <function name="GetDoublei_vEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pname" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedTextureSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <function name="GetDoubleIndexedvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedTextureSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <function name="GetFenceivNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="FenceParameterNameNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedTextureSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bits" type="void *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <function name="GetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <param name="variable" type="CombinerVariableNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ConvolutionFilter1D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
+ <param name="variable" type="CombinerVariableNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionFilter1DEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <function name="GetFixedvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionFilter2D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <function name="GetFloati_v" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionFilter2DEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <function name="GetFloati_vEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pname" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameterf" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetFloatIndexedvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameterfEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetFogFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_fog_function" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="points" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE()" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GetFragDataIndex" category="ARB_blend_func_extended" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFragDataLocationEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFragmentLightfvSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="light" type="FragmentLightNameSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GetFragmentLightivSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="light" type="FragmentLightNameSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameteri" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetFragmentMaterialfvSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameteriEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetFragmentMaterialivSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameterivEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameterxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <function name="GetFramebufferParameteriv" category="ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments" extension="Core">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetFramebufferParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetFramebufferParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetGraphicsResetStatusARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetHandleARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="handleARB" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetHistogram" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyBufferSubData" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_copy_buffer" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="readTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="writeTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="readOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="writeOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetHistogramEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyColorSubTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetHistogramParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetHistogramParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyColorSubTableEXT" category="EXT_color_subtable" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetHistogramParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetHistogramParameterPNameEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyColorTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetHistogramParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetHistogramParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyColorTableSGI" category="SGI_color_table" extension="SGI">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTargetSGI" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetHistogramParameterivEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetHistogramParameterPNameEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyConvolutionFilter1D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetHistogramParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyConvolutionFilter1DEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetImageHandleARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layered" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint64" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetImageHandleNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layered" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint64" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetImageTransformParameterfvHP" category="HP_image_transform" extension="HP">
+ <param name="target" type="ImageTransformTargetHP" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ImageTransformPNameHP" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyConvolutionFilter2D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetImageTransformParameterivHP" category="HP_image_transform" extension="HP">
+ <param name="target" type="ImageTransformTargetHP" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ImageTransformPNameHP" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyConvolutionFilter2DEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetInfoLogARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="obj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="maxLength" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="infoLog" type="GLcharARB *" flow="out" count="maxLength" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyImageSubData" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_copy_image" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="srcName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcWidth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcHeight" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcDepth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetInstrumentsSGIX" category="SGIX_instruments" extension="SGIX">
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetInteger64v" category="ARB_sync" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyImageSubDataNV" category="NV_copy_image" extension="NV">
- <param name="srcName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetIntegerIndexedvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_draw_buffers2" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyMultiTexImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetIntegerui64i_vNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
+ <param name="value" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="result" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(value)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyMultiTexImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetIntegerui64vNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <param name="value" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="result" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(value)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyMultiTexSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetInternalformati64v" category="ARB_internalformat_query2" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyMultiTexSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetInternalformativ" category="ARB_internalformat_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyMultiTexSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetInvariantBooleanvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyPathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="resultPath" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcPath" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetInvariantFloatvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyPixels" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelCopyType" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetInvariantIntegervEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexImage1D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetLightxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexImage1DEXT" category="EXT_copy_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetLightxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexImage2D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetListParameterfvSGIX" category="SGIX_list_priority" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ListParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexImage2DEXT" category="EXT_copy_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetListParameterivSGIX" category="SGIX_list_priority" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ListParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexSubImage1D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetLocalConstantBooleanvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_copy_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetLocalConstantFloatvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexSubImage2D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetLocalConstantIntegervEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_copy_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMapAttribParameterfvNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MapAttribParameterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexSubImage3D" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMapAttribParameterivNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MapAttribParameterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_copy_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMapControlPointsNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="MapTypeNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ustride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vstride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="packed" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTextureImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMapParameterfvNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MapParameterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTextureImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMapParameterivNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MapParameterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTextureSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMapxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(query)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTextureSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMaterialxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTextureSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMaterialxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CoverFillPathInstancedNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pathNameType" type="PathElementType" flow="in" />
- <param name="paths" type="PathElement *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,pathNameType,paths)" />
- <param name="pathBase" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="coverMode" type="PathCoverMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="transformType" type="PathTransformType" flow="in" />
- <param name="transformValues" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,transformType)" />
+ <function name="GetMinmax" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CoverFillPathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="coverMode" type="PathCoverMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMinmaxEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CoverStrokePathInstancedNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pathNameType" type="PathElementType" flow="in" />
- <param name="paths" type="PathElement *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,pathNameType,paths)" />
- <param name="pathBase" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="coverMode" type="PathCoverMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="transformType" type="PathTransformType" flow="in" />
- <param name="transformValues" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,transformType)" />
+ <function name="GetMinmaxParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetMinmaxParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CoverStrokePathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="coverMode" type="PathCoverMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMinmaxParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetMinmaxParameterPNameEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CreateProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="GetMinmaxParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetMinmaxParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="CreateProgramObjectARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <returns type="handleARB" />
+ <function name="GetMinmaxParameterivEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetMinmaxParameterPNameEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="CreateShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="GetMultisamplefv" category="ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="val" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="CreateShaderObjectARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="shaderType" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="handleARB" />
+ <function name="GetMultisamplefvNV" category="NV_explicit_multisample" extension="NV">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetMultisamplePNameNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="val" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="CreateShaderProgramEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="string" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="GetMultiTexEnvfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="CreateShaderProgramv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="strings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="GetMultiTexEnvivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="CreateShaderProgramvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="strings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="GetMultiTexGendvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="CreateSyncFromCLeventARB" category="ARB_cl_event" extension="ARB">
- <param name="context" type="cl_context *" flow="out" />
- <param name="event" type="cl_event *" flow="out" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="sync" />
+ <function name="GetMultiTexGenfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="CullFace" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="mode" type="CullFaceMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMultiTexGenivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CullParameterdvEXT" category="EXT_cull_vertex" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pname" type="CullParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetMultiTexImageEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,level,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CullParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_cull_vertex" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pname" type="CullParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetMultiTexLevelParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CurrentPaletteMatrixARB" category="ARB_matrix_palette" extension="ARB">
- <param name="index" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMultiTexLevelParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageCallback" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROC" flow="in" />
- <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMultiTexParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageCallbackAMD" category="AMD_debug_output" extension="AMD">
- <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROCAMD" flow="in" />
- <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="GetMultiTexParameterIivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageCallbackARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
- <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROCARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(callback)" />
+ <function name="GetMultiTexParameterIuivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageCallbackKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROCKHR" flow="in" />
- <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMultiTexParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageControl" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="enabled" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetNamedBufferParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexBufferObjectParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageControlARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="enabled" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetNamedBufferParameterui64vNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexBufferObjectParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageControlKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
- <param name="enabled" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetNamedBufferPointervEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexBufferObjectParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageEnableAMD" category="AMD_debug_output" extension="AMD">
- <param name="category" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="enabled" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetNamedBufferSubDataEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(size)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageInsert" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buf,length)" />
+ <function name="GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="FramebufferAttachmentParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageInsertAMD" category="AMD_debug_output" extension="AMD">
- <param name="category" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <function name="GetNamedFramebufferParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetFramebufferParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageInsertARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <function name="GetNamedProgramivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ProgramProperty" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageInsertKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetNamedProgramLocalParameterdvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeformationMap3dSGIX" category="SGIX_polynomial_ffd" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="target" type="FfdTargetSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="vorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="w1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="w2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="wstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="worder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,ustride,uorder,vstride,vorder,wstride,worder)" />
+ <function name="GetNamedProgramLocalParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeformationMap3fSGIX" category="SGIX_polynomial_ffd" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="target" type="FfdTargetSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="vorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="w1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="w2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="wstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="worder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,ustride,uorder,vstride,vorder,wstride,worder)" />
+ <function name="GetNamedProgramLocalParameterIivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeformSGIX" category="SGIX_polynomial_ffd" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="mask" type="FfdMaskSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetNamedProgramLocalParameterIuivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteAsyncMarkersSGIX" category="SGIX_async" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="marker" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="range" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetNamedProgramStringEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ProgramStringProperty" flow="in" />
+ <param name="string" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(program,pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteBuffers" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetNamedRenderbufferParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="Renderbuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="RenderbufferParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteBuffersARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetNamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stringlen" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="string" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteFencesAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetNamedStringivARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteFencesNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetnColorTableARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="table" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteFragmentShaderATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetnCompressedTexImageARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="lod" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="img" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteFramebuffers" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetnConvolutionFilterARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteFramebuffersEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetnHistogramARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteLists" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
- <param name="range" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetnMapdvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteNamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
- <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
+ <function name="GetnMapfvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteNamesAMD" category="AMD_name_gen_delete" extension="AMD">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="num" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="names" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="num" />
+ <function name="GetnMapivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteObjectARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="obj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetnMinmaxARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteOcclusionQueriesNV" category="NV_occlusion_query" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetnPixelMapfvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeletePathsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="range" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetnPixelMapuivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeletePerfMonitorsAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="monitors" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetnPixelMapusvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLushort *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetnPolygonStippleARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pattern" type="GLubyte *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteProgramPipelines" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetnSeparableFilterARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="rowBufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="row" type="void *" flow="out" count="rowBufSize" />
+ <param name="columnBufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="column" type="void *" flow="out" count="columnBufSize" />
+ <param name="span" type="void *" flow="out" count="0" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteProgramPipelinesEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetnTexImageARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="img" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteProgramsARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetnUniformdvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteProgramsNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetnUniformfvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteQueries" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetnUniformivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteQueriesARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetnUniformuivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteRenderbuffers" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetObjectBufferfvATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteRenderbuffersEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetObjectBufferivATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteSamplers" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="GetObjectLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetObjectLabelEXT" category="EXT_debug_label" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="object" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteSync" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetObjectLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteTextures" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetObjectParameterfvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="obj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteTexturesEXT" category="EXT_texture_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetObjectParameterivAPPLE" category="APPLE_object_purgeable" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="objectType" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteTransformFeedbacks" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetObjectParameterivARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="obj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteTransformFeedbacksNV" category="NV_transform_feedback2" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetObjectPtrLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteVertexArrays" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetObjectPtrLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteVertexArraysAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_array_object" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetOcclusionQueryivNV" category="NV_occlusion_query" extension="NV">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="OcclusionQueryParameterNameNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteVertexShaderEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetOcclusionQueryuivNV" category="NV_occlusion_query" extension="NV">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="OcclusionQueryParameterNameNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthBoundsdNV" category="NV_depth_buffer_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="zmin" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="zmax" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPathColorGenfvNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="color" type="PathColor" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="PathGenMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthBoundsEXT" category="EXT_depth_bounds_test" extension="EXT">
- <param name="zmin" type="ClampedFloat64" flow="in" />
- <param name="zmax" type="ClampedFloat64" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPathColorGenivNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="color" type="PathColor" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="PathGenMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthFunc" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="func" type="DepthFunction" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPathCommandsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="commands" type="PathCommand *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(path)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthMask" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="flag" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPathCoordsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(path)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthRange" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="near" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="far" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPathDashArrayNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dashArray" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(path)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthRangeArrayv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetPathLengthNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="startSegment" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numSegments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLfloat" />
- <function name="DepthRangedNV" category="NV_depth_buffer_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="zNear" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="zFar" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPathMetricRangeNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="metricQueryMask" type="PathMetricMask" flow="in" />
+ <param name="firstPathName" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="metrics" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(metricQueryMask,numPaths,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthRangef" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPathMetricsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="metricQueryMask" type="PathMetricMask" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pathNameType" type="PathElementType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="paths" type="PathElement *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,pathNameType,paths)" />
+ <param name="pathBase" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="metrics" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(metricQueryMask,numPaths,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthRangefOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPathParameterfvNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="PathParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthRangeIndexed" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPathParameterivNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="PathParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthRangexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPathSpacingNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="pathListMode" type="PathListMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pathNameType" type="PathElementType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="paths" type="PathElement *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,pathNameType,paths)" />
+ <param name="pathBase" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="advanceScale" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="kerningScale" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transformType" type="PathTransformType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="returnedSpacing" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pathListMode,numPaths)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DetachObjectARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="containerObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachedObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPathTexGenfvNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="texCoordSet" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="PathGenMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DetachShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPathTexGenivNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="texCoordSet" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="PathGenMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DetailTexFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_detail_texture" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="n*2" />
+ <function name="GetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dataSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="dataSize" />
+ <param name="bytesWritten" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Disable" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="counter" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DisableClientState" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPerfMonitorCountersAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numCounters" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="maxActiveCounters" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="counterSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="counters" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="counterSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DisableClientStateiEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="counter" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="counterString" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DisableClientStateIndexedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="numGroups" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="groupsSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="groups" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="groupsSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Disablei" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="groupString" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DisableIndexedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_draw_buffers2" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPixelMapxv" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="Core">
+ <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DisableVariantClientStateEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS" category="SGIS_pixel_texture" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelTexGenParameterNameSGIS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DisableVertexArrayAttribEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPixelTexGenParameterivSGIS" category="SGIS_pixel_texture" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelTexGenParameterNameSGIS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DisableVertexArrayEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPixelTransformParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_pixel_transform" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DisableVertexAttribAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPixelTransformParameterivEXT" category="EXT_pixel_transform" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DisableVertexAttribArray" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="GetPointeri_vEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pname" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DisableVertexAttribArrayARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="GetPointerIndexedvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DispatchCompute" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_compute_shader" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="num_groups_x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="num_groups_y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="num_groups_z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DispatchComputeGroupSizeARB" category="ARB_compute_variable_group_size" extension="ARB">
- <param name="num_groups_x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="num_groups_y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="num_groups_z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="group_size_x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="group_size_y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="group_size_z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DispatchComputeIndirect" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_compute_shader" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="indirect" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPointerv" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPointervPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawArrays" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPointervEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPointervPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawArraysEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPointervKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawArraysIndirect" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramBinary" category="ARB_get_program_binary" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawArraysInstanced" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawArraysInstancedARB" category="ARB_draw_instanced" extension="ARB">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramEnvParameterIivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawArraysInstancedEXT" category="EXT_draw_instanced" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramEnvParameterIuivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawBuffer" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="mode" type="DrawBufferMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramInterfaceiv" category="ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawBuffers" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufs" type="DrawBufferModeATI *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetProgramivARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ProgramPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawBuffersARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers" extension="ARB">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufs" type="DrawBufferModeATI *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetProgramivNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawBuffersATI" category="ATI_draw_buffers" extension="ATI">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufs" type="DrawBufferModeATI *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementArrayAPPLE" category="APPLE_element_array" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementArrayATI" category="ATI_element_array" extension="ATI">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramLocalParameterIivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElements" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <function name="GetProgramLocalParameterIuivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementsBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
- <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV" category="NV_fragment_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementsIndirect" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV" category="NV_fragment_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementsInstanced" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramParameterdvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementsInstancedARB" category="ARB_draw_instanced" extension="ARB">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramParameterfvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramPipelineInfoLog" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramPipelineiv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementsInstancedEXT" category="EXT_draw_instanced" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramPipelineivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawMeshArraysSUN" category="SUN_mesh_array" extension="SUN">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceIndex" category="ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceiv" category="ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="propCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="props" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="propCount" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawPixels" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceLocation" category="ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceLocationIndex" category="ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceName" category="ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE" category="APPLE_element_array" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramStageiv" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawRangeElementArrayATI" category="ATI_element_array" extension="ATI">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramStringARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ProgramStringPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="string" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawRangeElements" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <function name="GetProgramStringNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="program" type="ProgramCharacterNV *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id,pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
- <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramSubroutineParameteruivNV" category="NV_gpu_program5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawRangeElementsEXT" category="EXT_draw_range_elements" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <function name="GetQueryIndexediv" category="ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawTextureNV" category="NV_draw_texture" extension="NV">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="s0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="s1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetQueryivARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetQueryObjecti64v" category="ARB_timer_query" extension="Core">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_transform_feedback_instanced" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetQueryObjecti64vEXT" category="EXT_timer_query" extension="EXT">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackNV" category="NV_transform_feedback2" extension="NV">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectivARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackStream" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectui64v" category="ARB_timer_query" extension="Core">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_transform_feedback_instanced" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectui64vEXT" category="EXT_timer_query" extension="EXT">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EdgeFlag" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="flag" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectuivARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EdgeFlagFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetRenderbufferParameteriv" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EdgeFlagPointer" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(stride)" />
+ <function name="GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EdgeFlagPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="Boolean *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(stride,count)" />
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameterfv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EdgeFlagPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
- <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="BooleanPointer **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(stride)" />
- <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameterIiv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EdgeFlagv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="flag" type="Boolean *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameterIuiv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ElementPointerAPPLE" category="APPLE_element_array" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="type" type="ElementPointerTypeATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type)" />
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameteriv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ElementPointerATI" category="ATI_element_array" extension="ATI">
- <param name="type" type="ElementPointerTypeATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type)" />
+ <function name="GetSeparableFilter" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="SeparableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="row" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <param name="column" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <param name="span" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Enable" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetSeparableFilterEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="SeparableTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="row" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <param name="column" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <param name="span" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EnableClientState" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetShaderPrecisionFormat" category="ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core">
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="precisiontype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="range" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
+ <param name="precision" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EnableClientStateiEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetShaderSourceARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="obj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="maxLength" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="source" type="GLcharARB *" flow="out" count="maxLength" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EnableClientStateIndexedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetSharpenTexFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_sharpen_texture" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Enablei" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetSubroutineIndex" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="EnableIndexedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_draw_buffers2" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetSubroutineUniformLocation" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
- <function name="EnableVariantClientStateEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetSynciv" category="ARB_sync" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EnableVertexArrayAttribEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexBumpParameterfvATI" category="ATI_envmap_bumpmap" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTexBumpParameterATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EnableVertexArrayEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexBumpParameterivATI" category="ATI_envmap_bumpmap" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTexBumpParameterATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EnableVertexAttribAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexEnvxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EnableVertexAttribArray" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexFilterFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_texture_filter4" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="filter" type="TextureFilterSGIS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="weights" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,filter)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EnableVertexAttribArrayARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexGenxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="End" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <function name="GetTexLevelParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndConditionalRender" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="GetTexParameterIivEXT" category="EXT_texture_integer" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndConditionalRenderNV" category="NV_conditional_render" extension="NV">
+ <function name="GetTexParameterIuivEXT" category="EXT_texture_integer" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndConditionalRenderNVX" category="NVX_conditional_render" extension="NVX">
+ <function name="GetTexParameterPointervAPPLE" category="APPLE_texture_range" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndFragmentShaderATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
+ <function name="GetTexParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndList" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetTextureHandleARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint64" />
- <function name="EndOcclusionQueryNV" category="NV_occlusion_query" extension="NV">
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetTextureHandleNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint64" />
- <function name="EndPerfMonitorAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTextureImageEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,level,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndQuery" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTextureLevelParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndQueryARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTextureLevelParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndQueryIndexed" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTextureParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="GetTextureParameterIivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndTransformFeedbackEXT" category="EXT_transform_feedback" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetTextureParameterIuivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndTransformFeedbackNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
+ <function name="GetTextureParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndVertexShaderEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetTextureSamplerHandleARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint64" />
- <function name="EndVideoCaptureNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetTextureSamplerHandleNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint64" />
- <function name="EvalCoord1d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="u" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTrackMatrixivNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="address" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EvalCoord1dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="u" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetTransformFeedbackVaryingEXT" category="EXT_transform_feedback" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EvalCoord1f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="u" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTransformFeedbackVaryingNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EvalCoord1fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="u" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetUniformBlockIndex" category="ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="EvalCoord1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="u" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetUniformBufferSizeEXT" category="EXT_bindable_uniform" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
- <function name="EvalCoord1xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetUniformdv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EvalCoord2d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="u" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetUniformfvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EvalCoord2dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="u" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="GetUniformi64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EvalCoord2f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="u" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetUniformIndices" category="ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformNames" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
+ <param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EvalCoord2fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="u" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="GetUniformivARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EvalCoord2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="u" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetUniformLocationARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLcharARB *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
- <function name="EvalCoord2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetUniformOffsetEXT" category="EXT_bindable_uniform" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="BufferOffset" />
- <function name="EvalMapsNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="EvalMapsModeNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetUniformSubroutineuiv" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EvalMesh1" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="MeshMode1" flow="in" />
- <param name="i1" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="i2" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetUniformui64vNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(program,location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EvalMesh2" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="MeshMode2" flow="in" />
- <param name="i1" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="i2" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="j1" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="j2" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetUniformuivEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(program,location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EvalPoint1" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="i" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVariantArrayObjectfvATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EvalPoint2" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="i" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="j" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVariantArrayObjectivATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ExecuteProgramNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVariantBooleanvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ExtractComponentEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="res" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="src" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="num" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVariantFloatvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FeedbackBuffer" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="size" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="FeedbackType" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="FeedbackElement *" flow="out" count="size" />
+ <function name="GetVariantIntegervEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FeedbackBufferxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="GetVariantPointervEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void **" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FenceSync" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="condition" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="sync" />
+ <function name="GetVaryingLocationNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
- <function name="FinalCombinerInputNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
- <param name="variable" type="CombinerVariableNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="input" type="CombinerRegisterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="mapping" type="CombinerMappingNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="componentUsage" type="CombinerComponentUsageNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexArrayIntegeri_vEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Finish" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <function name="GetVertexArrayIntegervEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FinishAsyncSGIX" category="SGIX_async" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="markerp" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
- </function>
- <function name="FinishFenceAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexArrayPointeri_vEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="void **" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FinishFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexArrayPointervEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="void **" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FinishObjectAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="object" type="ObjectTypeAPPLE" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribArrayObjectfvATI" category="ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FinishTextureSUNX" category="SUNX_constant_data" extension="SUNX">
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribArrayObjectivATI" category="ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Flush" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribdvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FlushMappedBufferRange" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_map_buffer_range" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribdvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE" category="APPLE_flush_buffer_range" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribfvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FlushMappedNamedBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribfvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FlushPixelDataRangeNV" category="NV_pixel_data_range" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="PixelDataRangeTargetNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribIivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FlushRasterSGIX" category="SGIX_flush_raster" extension="SGIX">
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribIuivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FlushStaticDataIBM" category="IBM_static_data" extension="IBM">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribivARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FlushVertexArrayRangeAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_array_range" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="out" count="length" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribivNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FlushVertexArrayRangeNV" category="NV_vertex_array_range" extension="NV">
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribLdv" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogCoordd" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="coord" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribLdvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogCoorddEXT" category="EXT_fog_coord" extension="EXT">
- <param name="coord" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribLi64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogCoorddv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="coord" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribLui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogCoorddvEXT" category="EXT_fog_coord" extension="EXT">
- <param name="coord" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribLui64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogCoordf" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="coord" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribPointervARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPointerPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogCoordfEXT" category="EXT_fog_coord" extension="EXT">
- <param name="coord" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribPointervNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogCoordFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVideoCaptureivNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogCoordfv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="coord" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetVideoCaptureStreamdvNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogCoordfvEXT" category="EXT_fog_coord" extension="EXT">
- <param name="coord" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetVideoCaptureStreamfvNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogCoordhNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="fog" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVideoCaptureStreamivNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogCoordhvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="fog" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetVideoi64vNV" category="NV_present_video" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogCoordPointer" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="type" type="FogPointerTypeEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
+ <function name="GetVideoivNV" category="NV_present_video" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogCoordPointerEXT" category="EXT_fog_coord" extension="EXT">
- <param name="type" type="FogPointerTypeEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
+ <function name="GetVideoui64vNV" category="NV_present_video" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogCoordPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
- <param name="type" type="FogPointerTypeIBM" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
- <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVideouivNV" category="NV_present_video" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Fogf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="FogParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GlobalAlphaFactorbSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_fog_function" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="n*2" />
+ <function name="GlobalAlphaFactordSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Fogfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="FogParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GlobalAlphaFactorfSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Fogi" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="FogParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GlobalAlphaFactoriSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Fogiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="FogParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GlobalAlphaFactorsSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GlobalAlphaFactorubSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GlobalAlphaFactoruiSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FragmentColorMaterialSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GlobalAlphaFactorusSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLushort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FragmentLightfSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="light" type="FragmentLightNameSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="HintPGI" category="PGI_misc_hints" extension="PGI">
+ <param name="target" type="HintTargetPGI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FragmentLightfvSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="light" type="FragmentLightNameSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Histogram" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sink" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FragmentLightiSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="light" type="FragmentLightNameSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="HistogramEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sink" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FragmentLightivSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="light" type="FragmentLightNameSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="IglooInterfaceSGIX" category="SGIX_igloo_interface" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="pname" type="IglooFunctionSelectSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="IglooParameterSGIX *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FragmentLightModelfSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightModelParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ImageTransformParameterfHP" category="HP_image_transform" extension="HP">
+ <param name="target" type="ImageTransformTargetHP" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ImageTransformPNameHP" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FragmentLightModelfvSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightModelParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ImageTransformParameterfvHP" category="HP_image_transform" extension="HP">
+ <param name="target" type="ImageTransformTargetHP" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ImageTransformPNameHP" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FragmentLightModeliSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightModelParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ImageTransformParameteriHP" category="HP_image_transform" extension="HP">
+ <param name="target" type="ImageTransformTargetHP" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ImageTransformPNameHP" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FragmentLightModelivSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightModelParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ImageTransformParameterivHP" category="HP_image_transform" extension="HP">
+ <param name="target" type="ImageTransformTargetHP" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ImageTransformPNameHP" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FragmentMaterialfSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ImportSyncEXT" category="EXT_x11_sync_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="external_sync_type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="external_sync" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="sync" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IndexFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FragmentMaterialfvSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="IndexFuncEXT" category="EXT_index_func" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="func" type="IndexFunctionEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ref" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FragmentMaterialiSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <function name="IndexMaterialEXT" category="EXT_index_material" extension="EXT">
<param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="IndexMaterialParameterEXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FragmentMaterialivSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="IndexPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="IndexPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride,count)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferDrawBufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="DrawBufferMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="IndexPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
+ <param name="type" type="IndexPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
+ <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferDrawBuffersEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufs" type="DrawBufferMode *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="IndexxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="component" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferParameteri" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="IndexxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="component" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferReadBufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="ReadBufferMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InsertComponentEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="res" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="src" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferRenderbuffer" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffertarget" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InsertEventMarkerEXT" category="EXT_debug_marker" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="marker" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferRenderbufferEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffertarget" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InstrumentsBufferSGIX" category="SGIX_instruments" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferTexture" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InterpolatePathsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="resultPath" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pathA" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pathB" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="weight" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferTexture1D" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InvalidateBufferData" category="ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferTexture1DEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InvalidateBufferSubData" category="ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferTexture2D" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InvalidateFramebuffer" category="ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferTexture2DEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InvalidateSubFramebuffer" category="ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferTexture3D" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InvalidateTexImage" category="ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core">
<param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferTexture3DEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InvalidateTexSubImage" category="ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core">
<param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferTextureARB" category="ARB_geometry_shader4" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsAsyncMarkerSGIX" category="SGIX_async" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="marker" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="FramebufferTextureEXT" category="NV_geometry_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsBufferARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="FramebufferTextureFaceARB" category="ARB_geometry_shader4" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="face" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsBufferResidentNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="FramebufferTextureFaceEXT" category="NV_geometry_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="face" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsEnabledIndexedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_draw_buffers2" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="FramebufferTextureLayer" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="layer" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsFenceAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="FramebufferTextureLayerARB" category="ARB_geometry_shader4" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="layer" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsFramebuffer" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsFramebufferEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsImageHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsImageHandleResidentNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="FramebufferTextureLayerEXT" category="NV_geometry_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="layer" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsNameAMD" category="AMD_name_gen_delete" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="FrameTerminatorGREMEDY" category="GREMEDY_frame_terminator" extension="GREMEDY">
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsNamedBufferResidentNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="FrameZoomSGIX" category="SGIX_framezoom" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="factor" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsNamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="FreeObjectBufferATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <function name="IsObjectBufferATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
<param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="FrontFace" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="mode" type="FrontFaceDirection" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsOcclusionQueryNV" category="NV_occlusion_query" extension="NV">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="Frustum" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="left" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="right" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="bottom" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="top" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="zNear" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="zFar" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsPathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="FrustumfOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
- <param name="l" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsPointInFillPathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="FrustumxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="l" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsPointInStrokePathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GenAsyncMarkersSGIX" category="SGIX_async" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="range" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="IsProgramARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GenBuffers" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsProgramNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GenBuffersARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsProgramPipeline" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GenerateMipmap" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsProgramPipelineEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
- <function name="GenerateMipmapEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsQueryARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GenerateMultiTexMipmapEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsRenderbuffer" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GenerateTextureMipmapEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="IsRenderbufferEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsSampler" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsSync" category="ARB_sync" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsTextureEXT" category="EXT_texture_object" extension="EXT">
<param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GenFencesAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsTextureHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
- <function name="GenFencesNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsTextureHandleResidentNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GenFragmentShadersATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
- <param name="range" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="IsTransformFeedback" category="ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GenFramebuffers" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsTransformFeedbackNV" category="NV_transform_feedback2" extension="NV">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GenFramebuffersEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsVariantEnabledEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="cap" type="VariantCapEXT" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GenLists" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="range" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="List" />
+ <function name="IsVertexArray" category="ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GenNamesAMD" category="AMD_name_gen_delete" extension="AMD">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="num" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="names" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="num" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsVertexArrayAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_array_object" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GenOcclusionQueriesNV" category="NV_occlusion_query" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsVertexAttribEnabledAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GenPathsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="range" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Path" />
+ <function name="LabelObjectEXT" category="EXT_debug_label" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="object" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenPerfMonitorsAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="monitors" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="LightEnviSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="pname" type="LightEnvParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenProgramPipelines" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="LightModelxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenProgramPipelinesEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="LightModelxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenProgramsARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="LightxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenProgramsNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="LightxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenQueries" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="LineWidthxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="width" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenQueriesARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="LinkProgramARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenRenderbuffers" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="ListParameterfSGIX" category="SGIX_list_priority" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ListParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenRenderbuffersEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="ListParameterfvSGIX" category="SGIX_list_priority" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ListParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenSamplers" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <function name="ListParameteriSGIX" category="SGIX_list_priority" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ListParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenSymbolsEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="datatype" type="DataTypeEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="storagetype" type="VertexShaderStorageTypeEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="range" type="ParameterRangeEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="components" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="ListParameterivSGIX" category="SGIX_list_priority" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ListParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenTextures" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="LoadIdentityDeformationMapSGIX" category="SGIX_polynomial_ffd" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="mask" type="FfdMaskSGIX" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenTexturesEXT" category="EXT_texture_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="LoadMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenTransformFeedbacks" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="LoadProgramNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="program" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="len" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenTransformFeedbacksNV" category="NV_transform_feedback2" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="LoadTransposeMatrixdARB" category="ARB_transpose_matrix" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenVertexArrays" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="LoadTransposeMatrixfARB" category="ARB_transpose_matrix" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenVertexArraysAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_array_object" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="LoadTransposeMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenVertexShadersEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="range" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="LockArraysEXT" category="EXT_compiled_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_atomic_counters" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufferIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MakeBufferNonResidentNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveAttrib" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="MakeBufferResidentNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveAttribARB" category="ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB">
- <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="maxLength" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLcharARB *" flow="out" count="maxLength" />
+ <function name="MakeImageHandleNonResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveSubroutineName" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufsize" />
+ <function name="MakeImageHandleNonResidentNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveSubroutineUniformiv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MakeImageHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveSubroutineUniformName" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufsize" />
+ <function name="MakeImageHandleResidentNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveUniform" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="MakeNamedBufferNonResidentNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveUniformARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="maxLength" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLcharARB *" flow="out" count="maxLength" />
+ <function name="MakeNamedBufferResidentNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockiv" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MakeTextureHandleNonResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockName" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="MakeTextureHandleNonResidentNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveUniformName" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="uniformName" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="MakeTextureHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveUniformsiv" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MakeTextureHandleResidentNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveVaryingNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="size" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(program,index,bufSize)" />
+ <function name="Map1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="order" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetArrayObjectfvATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
- <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="Map2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uorder" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vorder" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetArrayObjectivATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
- <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="MapBufferARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="BufferAccessARB" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MapBufferRange" category="ARB_map_buffer_range" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="BufferAccessMask" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MapControlPointsNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="MapTypeNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ustride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vstride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="packed" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,uorder,vorder)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetAttachedObjectsARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="containerObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="maxCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="obj" type="handleARB *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <function name="MapGrid1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetAttachedShaders" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="maxCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="MapGrid2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetAttribLocation" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <function name="MapNamedBufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="VertexBufferObjectAccess" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
- <function name="GetAttribLocationARB" category="ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB">
- <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLcharARB *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <function name="MapNamedBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="BufferAccessMask" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
- <function name="GetBooleani_v" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="MapObjectBufferATI" category="ATI_map_object_buffer" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MapParameterfvNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MapParameterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBooleanIndexedvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_draw_buffers2" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="MapParameterivNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MapParameterNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBooleanv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MapTexture2DINTEL" category="INTEL_map_texture" extension="INTEL">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="layout" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MapVertexAttrib1dAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="order" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,stride,order)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferParameteri64v" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="BufferPNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MapVertexAttrib1fAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="order" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,stride,order)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="BufferPNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MapVertexAttrib2dAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,ustride,uorder,vstride,vorder)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferParameterivARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="BufferPNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MapVertexAttrib2fAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,ustride,uorder,vstride,vorder)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferParameterui64vNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MaterialxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetBufferPointerv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="BufferPointerNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferPointervARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="BufferPointerNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="MaterialxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferSubData" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="size" />
+ <function name="MatrixFrustumEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="left" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="right" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bottom" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="top" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zNear" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zFar" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferSubDataARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffsetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSizeARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="size" />
+ <function name="MatrixIndexPointerARB" category="ARB_matrix_palette" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="MatrixIndexPointerTypeARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetClipPlane" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="plane" type="ClipPlaneName" flow="in" />
- <param name="equation" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="MatrixIndexubvARB" category="ARB_matrix_palette" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetClipPlanefOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
- <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="equation" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="MatrixIndexuivARB" category="ARB_matrix_palette" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetClipPlanexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="equation" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="MatrixIndexusvARB" category="ARB_matrix_palette" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetColorTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="table" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <function name="MatrixLoaddEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetColorTableEXT" category="EXT_paletted_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <function name="MatrixLoadfEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetColorTableParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MatrixLoadIdentityEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetColorTableParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_paletted_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MatrixLoadTransposedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetColorTableParameterfvSGI" category="SGI_color_table" extension="SGI">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTargetSGI" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPNameSGI" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MatrixLoadTransposefEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetColorTableParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MatrixMultdEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetColorTableParameterivEXT" category="EXT_paletted_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MatrixMultfEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetColorTableParameterivSGI" category="SGI_color_table" extension="SGI">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTargetSGI" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPNameSGI" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MatrixMultTransposedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetColorTableSGI" category="SGI_color_table" extension="SGI">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTargetSGI" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="table" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <function name="MatrixMultTransposefEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetCombinerInputParameterfvNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
- <param name="stage" type="CombinerStageNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="portion" type="CombinerPortionNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="variable" type="CombinerVariableNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MatrixOrthoEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="left" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="right" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bottom" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="top" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zNear" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zFar" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetCombinerInputParameterivNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
- <param name="stage" type="CombinerStageNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="portion" type="CombinerPortionNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="variable" type="CombinerVariableNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MatrixPopEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
- <param name="stage" type="CombinerStageNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="portion" type="CombinerPortionNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MatrixPushEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetCombinerOutputParameterivNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
- <param name="stage" type="CombinerStageNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="portion" type="CombinerPortionNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MatrixRotatedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="angle" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetCombinerStageParameterfvNV" category="NV_register_combiners2" extension="NV">
- <param name="stage" type="CombinerStageNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MatrixRotatefEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="angle" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetCompressedMultiTexImageEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="lod" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="img" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,lod)" />
+ <function name="MatrixScaledEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetCompressedTexImage" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="img" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,level)" />
+ <function name="MatrixScalefEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetCompressedTexImageARB" category="ARB_texture_compression" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="img" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,level)" />
+ <function name="MatrixTranslatedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetCompressedTextureImageEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="lod" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="img" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,lod)" />
+ <function name="MatrixTranslatefEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetConvolutionFilter" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <function name="MemoryBarrier" category="ARB_shader_image_load_store" extension="Core">
+ <param name="barriers" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetConvolutionFilterEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <function name="MemoryBarrierEXT" category="EXT_shader_image_load_store" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="barriers" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetConvolutionParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetConvolutionParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Minmax" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sink" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetConvolutionParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MinmaxEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sink" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetConvolutionParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetConvolutionParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MinSampleShadingARB" category="ARB_sample_shading" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="value" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetConvolutionParameterivEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawArraysEXT" category="EXT_multi_draw_arrays" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetConvolutionParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawArraysIndirect" category="ARB_multi_draw_indirect" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount,stride)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetDebugMessageLog" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetDebugMessageLogAMD" category="AMD_debug_output" extension="AMD">
- <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="categories" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="severities" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufsize" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetDebugMessageLogARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
- <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetDebugMessageLogKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetDetailTexFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_detail_texture" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawArraysIndirectAMD" category="AMD_multi_draw_indirect" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetDoublei_v" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessNV" category="NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect" extension="NV">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vertexBufferCount" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetDoublei_vEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pname" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawArraysIndirectCountARB" category="ARB_indirect_parameters" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="maxdrawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetDoubleIndexedvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementArrayAPPLE" category="APPLE_element_array" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="primcount" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="primcount" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetDoublev" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex" category="ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetError" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <returns type="ErrorCode" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetFenceivNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="FenceParameterNameNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsEXT" category="EXT_multi_draw_arrays" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
- <param name="variable" type="CombinerVariableNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsIndirect" category="ARB_multi_draw_indirect" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount,stride)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV" category="NV_register_combiners" extension="NV">
- <param name="variable" type="CombinerVariableNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="CombinerParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsIndirectAMD" category="AMD_multi_draw_indirect" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFixedvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsIndirectBindlessNV" category="NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect" extension="NV">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vertexBufferCount" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFloati_v" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="target" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsIndirectCountARB" category="ARB_indirect_parameters" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="maxdrawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFloati_vEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pname" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE" category="APPLE_element_array" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="primcount" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="primcount" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFloatIndexedvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="MultiModeDrawArraysIBM" category="IBM_multimode_draw_arrays" extension="IBM">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modestride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFloatv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiModeDrawElementsIBM" category="IBM_multimode_draw_arrays" extension="IBM">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modestride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFogFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_fog_function" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="points" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <function name="MultiTexBufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFragDataIndex" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_blend_func_extended" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetFragDataLocation" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFragDataLocationEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFragmentLightfvSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="light" type="FragmentLightNameSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1dARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFragmentLightivSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="light" type="FragmentLightNameSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="FragmentLightParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1dvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFragmentMaterialfvSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1fARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFragmentMaterialivSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1fvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFramebufferParameteriv" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1iARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFramebufferParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetFramebufferParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1ivARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetGraphicsResetStatusARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <returns type="GLenum" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1sARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetHandleARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="handleARB" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1svARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetHistogram" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetHistogramEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetHistogramParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetHistogramParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetHistogramParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetHistogramParameterPNameEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetHistogramParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetHistogramParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2dARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetHistogramParameterivEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetHistogramParameterPNameEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2dvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetHistogramParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2fARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetImageHandleARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="layered" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="layer" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint64" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2fvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetImageHandleNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="layered" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="layer" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint64" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetImageTransformParameterfvHP" category="HP_image_transform" extension="HP">
- <param name="target" type="ImageTransformTargetHP" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ImageTransformPNameHP" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetImageTransformParameterivHP" category="HP_image_transform" extension="HP">
- <param name="target" type="ImageTransformTargetHP" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ImageTransformPNameHP" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2iARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInfoLogARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="obj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="maxLength" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="infoLog" type="GLcharARB *" flow="out" count="maxLength" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2ivARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInstrumentsSGIX" category="SGIX_instruments" extension="SGIX">
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2sARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInteger64i_v" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2svARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInteger64v" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetIntegeri_v" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetIntegerIndexedvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_draw_buffers2" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetIntegerui64i_vNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
- <param name="value" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="result" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(value)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetIntegerui64vNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
- <param name="value" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="result" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(value)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3dARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetIntegerv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3dvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInternalformati64v" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_internalformat_query2" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3fARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInternalformativ" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_internalformat_query" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3fvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInvariantBooleanvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInvariantFloatvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInvariantIntegervEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3iARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetLightfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3ivARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetLightiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3sARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetLightxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3svARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetLightxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetListParameterfvSGIX" category="SGIX_list_priority" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ListParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetListParameterivSGIX" category="SGIX_list_priority" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ListParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetLocalConstantBooleanvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetLocalConstantFloatvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4dARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetLocalConstantIntegervEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4dvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMapAttribParameterfvNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MapAttribParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4fARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMapAttribParameterivNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MapAttribParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4fvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMapControlPointsNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="MapTypeNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="ustride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="vstride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="packed" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMapdv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="MapTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="query" type="GetMapQuery" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,query)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMapfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="MapTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="query" type="GetMapQuery" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,query)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4iARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMapiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="MapTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="query" type="GetMapQuery" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,query)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4ivARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMapParameterfvNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MapParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4sARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMapParameterivNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MapParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4svARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMapxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(query)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMaterialfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMaterialiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP1ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMaterialxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP1uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMaterialxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP2ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMinmax" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP2uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMinmaxEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP3ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMinmaxParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetMinmaxParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP3uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMinmaxParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetMinmaxParameterPNameEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP4ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMinmaxParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetMinmaxParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP4uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMinmaxParameterivEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetMinmaxParameterPNameEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordPointerEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="TexCoordPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultisamplefv" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="val" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexEnvfEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultisamplefvNV" category="NV_explicit_multisample" extension="NV">
- <param name="pname" type="GetMultisamplePNameNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="val" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="2" />
+ <function name="MultiTexEnvfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultiTexEnvfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="MultiTexEnviEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultiTexEnvivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="MultiTexEnvivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultiTexGendvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="MultiTexGendEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultiTexGenfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="MultiTexGendvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultiTexGenivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="MultiTexGenfEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultiTexImageEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="MultiTexGenfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexGeniEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexGenivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,level,format,type)" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultiTexLevelParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="MultiTexImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultiTexLevelParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="MultiTexImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultiTexParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="MultiTexParameterfEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultiTexParameterIivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="MultiTexParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultiTexParameterIuivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="MultiTexParameteriEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultiTexParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="MultiTexParameterIivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedBufferParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexBufferObjectParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexParameterIuivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedBufferParameterui64vNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <function name="MultiTexParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexRenderbufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultTransposeMatrixdARB" category="ARB_transpose_matrix" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultTransposeMatrixfARB" category="ARB_transpose_matrix" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultTransposeMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedBufferDataEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexBufferObjectParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size)" />
+ <param name="usage" type="VertexBufferObjectUsage" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedBufferPointervEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="NamedBufferStorageEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexBufferObjectParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedBufferSubDataEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="NamedBufferSubDataEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
<param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(size)" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="NamedCopyBufferSubDataEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="readBuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="writeBuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="readOffset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="writeOffset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedFramebufferParameteriEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="FramebufferParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedFramebufferRenderbufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
<param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="FramebufferAttachmentParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="renderbuffertarget" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="Renderbuffer" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedFramebufferParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="NamedFramebufferTexture1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetFramebufferParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedProgramivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="NamedFramebufferTexture2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedFramebufferTexture3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedFramebufferTextureEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedFramebufferTextureFaceEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="face" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedFramebufferTextureLayerEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameter4dEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ProgramProperty" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedProgramLocalParameterdvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameter4dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedProgramLocalParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameter4fEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedProgramLocalParameterIivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameter4fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedProgramLocalParameterIuivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameterI4iEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedProgramStringEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameterI4ivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ProgramStringProperty" flow="in" />
- <param name="string" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(program,pname)" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedRenderbufferParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameterI4uiEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameterI4uivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedProgramLocalParametersI4ivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedProgramLocalParametersI4uivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedProgramStringEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="ProgramFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="string" type="void *" flow="in" count="len" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedRenderbufferStorageEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="renderbuffer" type="Renderbuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="RenderbufferParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
+ <function name="NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleCoverageEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="Renderbuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coverageSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="colorSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="Renderbuffer" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stringlen" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="string" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="stringlen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="string" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="stringlen" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NewObjectBufferATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <param name="usage" type="ArrayObjectUsageATI" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Normal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Normal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Normal3hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="nx" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Normal3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Normal3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="nx" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Normal3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalP3ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalP3uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="NormalPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride,count)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
+ <param name="type" type="NormalPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
+ <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalPointervINTEL" category="INTEL_parallel_arrays" extension="INTEL">
+ <param name="type" type="NormalPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalStream3bATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nx" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalStream3bvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalStream3dATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nx" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalStream3dvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalStream3fATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalStream3fvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalStream3iATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nx" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalStream3ivATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedStringivARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
- <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="NormalStream3sATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nx" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnColorTableARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="table" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="NormalStream3svATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnCompressedTexImageARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="lod" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="img" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="ObjectLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnConvolutionFilterARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="ObjectLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnHistogramARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="ObjectPtrLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnMapdvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="ObjectPtrLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnMapfvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="ObjectPurgeableAPPLE" category="APPLE_object_purgeable" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="objectType" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="option" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE" category="APPLE_object_purgeable" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="objectType" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="option" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="OrthofOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
+ <param name="l" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnMapivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="OrthoxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="l" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnMinmaxARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PassTexCoordATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coord" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="swizzle" type="SwizzleOpATI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnPixelMapfvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PassThroughxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="token" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnPixelMapuivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PatchParameterfv" category="ARB_tessellation_shader" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnPixelMapusvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLushort *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PatchParameteri" category="ARB_tessellation_shader" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnPolygonStippleARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pattern" type="GLubyte *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PathColorGenNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="color" type="PathColor" flow="in" />
+ <param name="genMode" type="PathGenMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="colorFormat" type="PathColorFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coeffs" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(genMode,colorFormat)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnSeparableFilterARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="rowBufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="row" type="void *" flow="out" count="rowBufSize" />
- <param name="columnBufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="column" type="void *" flow="out" count="columnBufSize" />
- <param name="span" type="void *" flow="out" count="0" />
+ <function name="PathCommandsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numCommands" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="commands" type="PathCommand *" flow="in" count="numCommands" />
+ <param name="numCoords" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coordType" type="PathCoordType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numCoords,coordType)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnTexImageARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="img" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PathCoordsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numCoords" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coordType" type="PathCoordType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numCoords,coordType)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnUniformdvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PathCoverDepthFuncNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="func" type="DepthFunction" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnUniformfvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PathDashArrayNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dashCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dashArray" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="dashCount" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnUniformivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PathFogGenNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="genMode" type="PathGenMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnUniformuivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PathGlyphRangeNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="firstPathName" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fontTarget" type="PathFontTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fontName" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(fontTarget,fontName)" />
+ <param name="fontStyle" type="PathFontStyle" flow="in" />
+ <param name="firstGlyph" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numGlyphs" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="handleMissingGlyphs" type="PathHandleMissingGlyphs" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pathParameterTemplate" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="emScale" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectBufferfvATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="PathGlyphsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="firstPathName" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fontTarget" type="PathFontTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fontName" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(fontTarget,fontName)" />
+ <param name="fontStyle" type="PathFontStyle" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numGlyphs" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PathElementType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="charcodes" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numGlyphs,type,charcodes)" />
+ <param name="handleMissingGlyphs" type="PathHandleMissingGlyphs" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pathParameterTemplate" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="emScale" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectBufferivATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="PathParameterfNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="PathParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectLabel" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PathParameterfvNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="PathParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectLabelEXT" category="EXT_debug_label" extension="EXT">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="object" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PathParameteriNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="PathParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PathParameterivNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="PathParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectParameterfvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="obj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="PathStencilDepthOffsetNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="units" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectParameterivAPPLE" category="APPLE_object_purgeable" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="objectType" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="PathStencilFuncNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ref" type="ClampedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectParameterivARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="obj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="PathStringNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PathStringFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pathString" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectPtrLabel" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PathSubCommandsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="commandStart" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="commandsToDelete" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numCommands" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="commands" type="PathCommand *" flow="in" count="numCommands" />
+ <param name="numCoords" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coordType" type="PathCoordType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numCoords,coordType)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectPtrLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PathSubCoordsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coordStart" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numCoords" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coordType" type="PathCoordType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numCoords,coordType)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetOcclusionQueryivNV" category="NV_occlusion_query" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="OcclusionQueryParameterNameNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="PathTexGenNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="texCoordSet" type="PathColor" flow="in" />
+ <param name="genMode" type="PathGenMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="components" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coeffs" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(genMode,components)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetOcclusionQueryuivNV" category="NV_occlusion_query" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="OcclusionQueryParameterNameNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="PauseTransformFeedback" category="ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPathColorGenfvNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="color" type="PathColor" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="PathGenMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="PauseTransformFeedbackNV" category="NV_transform_feedback2" extension="NV">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPathColorGenivNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="color" type="PathColor" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="PathGenMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="PixelDataRangeNV" category="NV_pixel_data_range" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="PixelDataRangeTargetNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPathCommandsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="commands" type="PathCommand *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(path)" />
+ <function name="PixelMapx" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="Core">
+ <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPathCoordsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(path)" />
+ <function name="PixelStorex" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPathDashArrayNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="dashArray" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(path)" />
+ <function name="PixelTexGenParameterfSGIS" category="SGIS_pixel_texture" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelTexGenParameterNameSGIS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPathLengthNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="startSegment" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="numSegments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLfloat" />
+ <function name="PixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS" category="SGIS_pixel_texture" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelTexGenParameterNameSGIS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPathMetricRangeNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="metricQueryMask" type="PathMetricMask" flow="in" />
- <param name="firstPathName" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="metrics" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(metricQueryMask,numPaths,stride)" />
+ <function name="PixelTexGenParameteriSGIS" category="SGIS_pixel_texture" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelTexGenParameterNameSGIS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPathMetricsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="metricQueryMask" type="PathMetricMask" flow="in" />
- <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pathNameType" type="PathElementType" flow="in" />
- <param name="paths" type="PathElement *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,pathNameType,paths)" />
- <param name="pathBase" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="metrics" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(metricQueryMask,numPaths,stride)" />
+ <function name="PixelTexGenParameterivSGIS" category="SGIS_pixel_texture" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelTexGenParameterNameSGIS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPathParameterfvNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="PathParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="PixelTexGenSGIX" category="SGIX_pixel_texture" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="mode" type="PixelTexGenModeSGIX" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPathParameterivNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="PathParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="PixelTransferxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPathSpacingNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="pathListMode" type="PathListMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pathNameType" type="PathElementType" flow="in" />
- <param name="paths" type="PathElement *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,pathNameType,paths)" />
- <param name="pathBase" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="advanceScale" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="kerningScale" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="transformType" type="PathTransformType" flow="in" />
- <param name="returnedSpacing" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pathListMode,numPaths)" />
+ <function name="PixelTransformParameterfEXT" category="EXT_pixel_transform" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="PixelTransformTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelTransformPNameEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPathTexGenfvNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="texCoordSet" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="PathGenMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="PixelTransformParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_pixel_transform" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="PixelTransformTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelTransformPNameEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPathTexGenivNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="texCoordSet" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="PathGenMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="PixelTransformParameteriEXT" category="EXT_pixel_transform" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="PixelTransformTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelTransformPNameEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dataSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="dataSize" />
- <param name="bytesWritten" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="PixelTransformParameterivEXT" category="EXT_pixel_transform" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="PixelTransformTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelTransformPNameEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="counter" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="PixelZoomxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="xfactor" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yfactor" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPerfMonitorCountersAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numCounters" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="maxActiveCounters" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="counterSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="counters" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="counterSize" />
+ <function name="PNTrianglesfATI" category="ATI_pn_triangles" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="pname" type="PNTrianglesPNameATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="counter" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="counterString" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PNTrianglesiATI" category="ATI_pn_triangles" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="pname" type="PNTrianglesPNameATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="numGroups" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="groupsSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="groups" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="groupsSize" />
+ <function name="PointAlongPathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="startSegment" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numSegments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="distance" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="tangentX" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="tangentY" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PointParameterfARB" category="ARB_point_parameters" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="groupString" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PointParameterfEXT" category="EXT_point_parameters" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPixelMapfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="map" type="PixelMap" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(map)" />
+ <function name="PointParameterfSGIS" category="SGIS_point_parameters" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPixelMapuiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="map" type="PixelMap" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(map)" />
+ <function name="PointParameterfvARB" category="ARB_point_parameters" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPixelMapusv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="map" type="PixelMap" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLushort *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(map)" />
+ <function name="PointParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_point_parameters" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPixelMapxv" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="Core">
- <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="size" />
+ <function name="PointParameterfvSGIS" category="SGIS_point_parameters" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS" category="SGIS_pixel_texture" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="pname" type="PixelTexGenParameterNameSGIS" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="PointParameteriNV" category="NV_point_sprite" extension="NV">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPixelTexGenParameterivSGIS" category="SGIS_pixel_texture" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="pname" type="PixelTexGenParameterNameSGIS" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="PointParameterivNV" category="NV_point_sprite" extension="NV">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPixelTransformParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_pixel_transform" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PointParameterxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPixelTransformParameterivEXT" category="EXT_pixel_transform" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PointParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPointeri_vEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pname" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="PointSizexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="size" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPointerIndexedvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="PollAsyncSGIX" category="SGIX_async" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="markerp" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PollInstrumentsSGIX" category="SGIX_instruments" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="marker_p" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PolygonOffsetEXT" category="EXT_polygon_offset" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bias" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPointerv" category="VERSION_1_1|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="GetPointervPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <function name="PolygonOffsetxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="units" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPointervEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pname" type="GetPointervPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="PopDebugGroup" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPointervKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <function name="PopDebugGroupKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPolygonStipple" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="mask" type="GLubyte *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <function name="PopGroupMarkerEXT" category="EXT_debug_marker" extension="EXT">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramBinary" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PresentFrameDualFillNV" category="NV_present_video" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="minPresentTime" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="beginPresentTimeId" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="presentDurationId" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target0" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fill0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target1" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fill1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target2" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fill2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target3" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fill3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="PresentFrameKeyedNV" category="NV_present_video" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="minPresentTime" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="beginPresentTimeId" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="presentDurationId" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target0" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fill0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="key0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target1" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fill1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="key1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PrimitiveRestartIndexNV" category="NV_primitive_restart" extension="NV">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramEnvParameterIivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="PrimitiveRestartNV" category="NV_primitive_restart" extension="NV">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramEnvParameterIuivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="PrioritizeTexturesEXT" category="EXT_texture_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <param name="priorities" type="ClampedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramInfoLog" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PrioritizeTexturesxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <param name="priorities" type="ClampedFixed *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramInterfaceiv" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <function name="ProgramBinary" category="ARB_get_program_binary" extension="Core">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramBufferParametersfvNV" category="NV_parameter_buffer_object" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bindingIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="wordIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramivARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ProgramPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramBufferParametersIivNV" category="NV_parameter_buffer_object" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bindingIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="wordIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramivNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="ProgramBufferParametersIuivNV" category="NV_parameter_buffer_object" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bindingIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="wordIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="ProgramEnvParameter4dARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
<param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
<param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramLocalParameterIivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramEnvParameter4fARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramLocalParameterIuivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV" category="NV_fragment_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV" category="NV_fragment_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramParameterdvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramEnvParameterI4iNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramParameterfvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramEnvParameterI4ivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetProgramPipelineInfoLog" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="ProgramEnvParameterI4uiNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramPipelineiv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramEnvParameterI4uivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramPipelineivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT" category="EXT_gpu_program_parameters" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramResourceIndex" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetProgramResourceiv" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramEnvParametersI4ivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="propCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="props" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="propCount" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramResourceLocation" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetProgramResourceLocationIndex" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetProgramResourceName" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramEnvParametersI4uivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramStageiv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramLocalParameter4dARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramStringARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
<param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ProgramStringPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="string" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,pname)" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramStringNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="program" type="ProgramCharacterNV *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id,pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramLocalParameter4fARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramSubroutineParameteruivNV" category="NV_gpu_program5" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryIndexediv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramLocalParameterI4iNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryiv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramLocalParameterI4ivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryivARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramLocalParameterI4uiNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjecti64v" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramLocalParameterI4uivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjecti64vEXT" category="EXT_timer_query" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT" category="EXT_gpu_program_parameters" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjectiv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramLocalParametersI4ivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjectivARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramLocalParametersI4uivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjectui64v" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="ProgramNamedParameter4dNV" category="NV_fragment_program" extension="NV">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjectui64vEXT" category="EXT_timer_query" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV" category="NV_fragment_program" extension="NV">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjectuiv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <function name="ProgramNamedParameter4fNV" category="NV_fragment_program" extension="NV">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjectuivARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
+ <function name="ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV" category="NV_fragment_program" extension="NV">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetRenderbufferParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetSamplerParameterfv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetSamplerParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetSamplerParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetSamplerParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetSeparableFilter" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="SeparableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="row" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
- <param name="column" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
- <param name="span" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetSeparableFilterEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="SeparableTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="row" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
- <param name="column" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
- <param name="span" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetShaderInfoLog" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetShaderiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetShaderPrecisionFormat" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="precisiontype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="range" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
- <param name="precision" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
+ <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetShaderSource" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="source" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="ProgramParameter4dNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetShaderSourceARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="obj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="maxLength" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="source" type="GLcharARB *" flow="out" count="maxLength" />
+ <function name="ProgramParameter4dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetSharpenTexFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_sharpen_texture" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="ProgramParameter4fNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetString" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="name" type="StringName" flow="in" />
- <returns type="String" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetStringi" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="name" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramParameter4fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="String" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetSubroutineIndex" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramParameteri" category="ARB_get_program_binary" extension="Core">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ProgramParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetSubroutineUniformLocation" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramParameteriARB" category="ARB_geometry_shader4" extension="ARB">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetSynciv" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ProgramParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexBumpParameterfvATI" category="ATI_envmap_bumpmap" extension="ATI">
- <param name="pname" type="GetTexBumpParameterATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramParameteriEXT" category="EXT_geometry_shader4|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ProgramParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexBumpParameterivATI" category="ATI_envmap_bumpmap" extension="ATI">
- <param name="pname" type="GetTexBumpParameterATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramParameters4dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexEnvfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramParameters4fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexEnviv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramStringARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="ProgramFormatARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="string" type="void *" flow="in" count="len" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexEnvxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <function name="ProgramSubroutineParametersuivNV" category="NV_gpu_program5" extension="NV">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexFilterFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_texture_filter4" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="filter" type="TextureFilterSGIS" flow="in" />
- <param name="weights" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,filter)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1d" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexGendv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1dEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexGenfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexGeniv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexGenxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1f" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexImage" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,level,format,type)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1fEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexLevelParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexLevelParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexLevelParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1i" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameterIivEXT" category="EXT_texture_integer" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1iEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1iv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameterIuivEXT" category="EXT_texture_integer" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1ivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1ui" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameterPointervAPPLE" category="APPLE_texture_range" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTextureHandleARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint64" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1uiEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTextureHandleNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint64" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1uiv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTextureImageEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,level,format,type)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1uivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTextureLevelParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2d" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTextureLevelParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2dEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTextureParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTextureParameterIivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTextureParameterIuivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2f" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTextureParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2fEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTextureSamplerHandleARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint64" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTextureSamplerHandleNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint64" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTrackMatrixivNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="address" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2i" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTransformFeedbackVarying" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="size" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTransformFeedbackVaryingEXT" category="EXT_transform_feedback" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="size" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*2)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTransformFeedbackVaryingNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2iEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformBlockIndex" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2iv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformBufferSizeEXT" category="EXT_bindable_uniform" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2ivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformdv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2ui" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformfv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformfvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*2)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformi64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2uiEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformIndices" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2uiv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformNames" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
- <param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2uivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformivARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3d" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformLocation" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3dEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformLocationARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLcharARB *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformOffsetEXT" category="EXT_bindable_uniform" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="BufferOffset" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformSubroutineuiv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3f" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformui64vNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3fEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(program,location)" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(program,location)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformuivEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(program,location)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVariantArrayObjectfvATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3i" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVariantArrayObjectivATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVariantBooleanvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*3)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVariantFloatvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3iEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVariantIntegervEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3iv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVariantPointervEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GetVariantValueEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void **" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3ivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3ui" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVaryingLocationNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*3)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexArrayIntegeri_vEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3uiEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexArrayIntegervEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3uiv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexArrayPointeri_vEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3uivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexArrayPointervEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4d" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribArrayObjectfvATI" category="ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object" extension="ATI">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4dEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribArrayObjectivATI" category="ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object" extension="ATI">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ArrayObjectPNameATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribdv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribdvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4f" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribdvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4fEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribfv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribfvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribfvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4i" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribIiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribIivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*4)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribIuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4iEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribIuivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4iv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4ivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribivARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4ui" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribivNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribLdv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*4)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribLdvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4uiEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribLi64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4uiv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribLui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4uivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribLui64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformHandleui64ARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribPointerv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPointerPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformHandleui64NV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribPointervARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPointerPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformHandleui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLuint64 *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribPointervNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformHandleui64vNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLuint64 *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVideoCaptureivNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVideoCaptureStreamdvNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVideoCaptureStreamfvNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVideoCaptureStreamivNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVideoi64vNV" category="NV_present_video" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVideoivNV" category="NV_present_video" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVideoui64vNV" category="NV_present_video" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVideouivNV" category="NV_present_video" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*6" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GlobalAlphaFactorbSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
- <param name="factor" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GlobalAlphaFactordSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
- <param name="factor" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GlobalAlphaFactorfSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
- <param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GlobalAlphaFactoriSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
- <param name="factor" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*8" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GlobalAlphaFactorsSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
- <param name="factor" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GlobalAlphaFactorubSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
- <param name="factor" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GlobalAlphaFactoruiSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
- <param name="factor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GlobalAlphaFactorusSUN" category="SUN_global_alpha" extension="SUN">
- <param name="factor" type="GLushort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*9" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Hint" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="HintTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="HintMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="HintPGI" category="PGI_misc_hints" extension="PGI">
- <param name="target" type="HintTargetPGI" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Histogram" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="sink" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="HistogramEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="sink" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*6" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="IglooInterfaceSGIX" category="SGIX_igloo_interface" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="pname" type="IglooFunctionSelectSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="IglooParameterSGIX *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ImageTransformParameterfHP" category="HP_image_transform" extension="HP">
- <param name="target" type="ImageTransformTargetHP" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ImageTransformPNameHP" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ImageTransformParameterfvHP" category="HP_image_transform" extension="HP">
- <param name="target" type="ImageTransformTargetHP" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ImageTransformPNameHP" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ImageTransformParameteriHP" category="HP_image_transform" extension="HP">
- <param name="target" type="ImageTransformTargetHP" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ImageTransformPNameHP" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*12" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ImageTransformParameterivHP" category="HP_image_transform" extension="HP">
- <param name="target" type="ImageTransformTargetHP" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ImageTransformPNameHP" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ImportSyncEXT" category="EXT_x11_sync_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="external_sync_type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="external_sync" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="sync" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="Indexd" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Indexdv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueD *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Indexf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="IndexFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="IndexFuncEXT" category="EXT_index_func" extension="EXT">
- <param name="func" type="IndexFunctionEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="ref" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Indexfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueF *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*8" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Indexi" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Indexiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueI *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="IndexMask" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedColorIndexValueI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="IndexMaterialEXT" category="EXT_index_material" extension="EXT">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="IndexMaterialParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*12" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="IndexPointer" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="type" type="IndexPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformui64NV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="IndexPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
- <param name="type" type="IndexPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformui64vNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride,count)" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="IndexPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
- <param name="type" type="IndexPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
- <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramVertexLimitNV" category="NV_geometry_program4" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="limit" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Indexs" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProvokingVertex" category="ARB_provoking_vertex" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Indexsv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueS *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProvokingVertexEXT" category="EXT_provoking_vertex" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Indexub" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueUB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PushClientAttribDefaultEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mask" type="ClientAttribMask" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Indexubv" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueUB *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="PushDebugGroup" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(message,length)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="IndexxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="component" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PushDebugGroupKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="IndexxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="component" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="PushGroupMarkerEXT" category="EXT_debug_marker" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="marker" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InitNames" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <function name="QueryCounter" category="ARB_timer_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InsertComponentEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="res" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="src" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="num" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="QueryMatrixxOES" category="OES_query_matrix" extension="OES">
+ <param name="mantissa" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="16" />
+ <param name="exponent" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="16" />
+ <returns type="GLbitfield" />
- <function name="InsertEventMarkerEXT" category="EXT_debug_marker" extension="EXT">
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="marker" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InstrumentsBufferSGIX" category="SGIX_instruments" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="size" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="size" />
+ <function name="RasterPos2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InterleavedArrays" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="format" type="InterleavedArrayFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,stride)" />
+ <function name="RasterPos3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InterpolatePathsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="resultPath" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="pathA" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="pathB" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="weight" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InvalidateBufferData" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InvalidateBufferSubData" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InvalidateFramebuffer" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
+ <function name="ReadInstrumentsSGIX" category="SGIX_instruments" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="marker" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InvalidateSubFramebuffer" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
+ <function name="ReadnPixelsARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
<param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InvalidateTexImage" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RectxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InvalidateTexSubImage" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RectxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsAsyncMarkerSGIX" category="SGIX_async" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="marker" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReferencePlaneSGIX" category="SGIX_reference_plane" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="equation" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsBufferARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReleaseShaderCompiler" category="ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core">
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsBufferResidentNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorage" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsEnabled" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsEnabledi" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisample" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsEnabledIndexedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_draw_buffers2" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleCoverageNV" category="NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coverageSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="colorSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsFenceAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_multisample" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodePointerSUN" category="SUN_triangle_list" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="type" type="ReplacementCodeTypeSUN" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsFramebuffer" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeubSUN" category="SUN_triangle_list" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="code" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsFramebufferEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeubvSUN" category="SUN_triangle_list" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="code" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsImageHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsImageHandleResidentNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsList" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="a" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsNameAMD" category="AMD_name_gen_delete" extension="AMD">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsNamedBufferResidentNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="a" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsNamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
- <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="c" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsObjectBufferATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsOcclusionQueryNV" category="NV_occlusion_query" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsPathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiSUN" category="SUN_triangle_list" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="code" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsPointInFillPathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="a" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsPointInStrokePathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsProgramARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsProgramNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsProgramPipeline" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsProgramPipelineEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsQuery" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsQueryARB" category="ARB_occlusion_query" extension="ARB">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuiVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsRenderbuffer" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeuivSUN" category="SUN_triangle_list" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="code" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsRenderbufferEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeusSUN" category="SUN_triangle_list" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="code" type="GLushort" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsSampler" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ReplacementCodeusvSUN" category="SUN_triangle_list" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="code" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="RequestResidentProgramsNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsSync" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ResetHistogram" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsTexture" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ResetHistogramEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsTextureEXT" category="EXT_texture_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ResetMinmax" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsTextureHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ <function name="ResetMinmaxEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsTextureHandleResidentNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ResizeBuffersMESA" category="MESA_resize_buffers" extension="MESA">
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ResumeTransformFeedback" category="ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core">
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsTransformFeedbackNV" category="NV_transform_feedback2" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ResumeTransformFeedbackNV" category="NV_transform_feedback2" extension="NV">
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsVariantEnabledEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="cap" type="VariantCapEXT" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="RotatexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="angle" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsVertexArray" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="SampleCoverageARB" category="ARB_multisample" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsVertexArrayAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_array_object" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="SampleCoverageOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="value" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsVertexAttribEnabledAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="SampleCoveragexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="value" type="GLclampx" flow="in" />
+ <param name="invert" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="LabelObjectEXT" category="EXT_debug_label" extension="EXT">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="object" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SampleMapATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="interp" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="swizzle" type="SwizzleOpATI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LightEnviSGIX" category="SGIX_fragment_lighting" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="pname" type="LightEnvParameterSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SampleMaskEXT" category="EXT_multisample" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="value" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Lightf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SampleMaski" category="ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Lightfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="SampleMaskIndexedNV" category="NV_explicit_multisample" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="SampleMaskNV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Lighti" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SampleMaskSGIS" category="SGIS_multisample" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="value" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Lightiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="SamplePatternEXT" category="EXT_multisample" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pattern" type="SamplePatternEXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LightModelf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="LightModelParameter" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SamplePatternSGIS" category="SGIS_multisample" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="pattern" type="SamplePatternSGIS" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SamplerParameterf" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LightModelfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="LightModelParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="SamplerParameterfv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LightModeli" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="LightModelParameter" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SamplerParameteri" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LightModeliv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="LightModelParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="SamplerParameterIiv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LightModelxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <function name="SamplerParameterIuiv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LightModelxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <function name="SamplerParameteriv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LightxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ScalexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LightxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ScissorArrayv" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LineStipple" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="factor" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="pattern" type="LineStipple" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ScissorIndexed" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="left" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bottom" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LineWidth" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="width" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ScissorIndexedv" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LineWidthxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="width" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3bEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LinkProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3bvEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorB *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LinkProgramARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3dEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ListBase" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="base" type="List" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3dvEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorD *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ListParameterfSGIX" category="SGIX_list_priority" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ListParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3fEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ListParameterfvSGIX" category="SGIX_list_priority" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ListParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3fvEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorF *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ListParameteriSGIX" category="SGIX_list_priority" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ListParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="red" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ListParameterivSGIX" category="SGIX_list_priority" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ListParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LoadIdentity" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3iEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LoadIdentityDeformationMapSGIX" category="SGIX_polynomial_ffd" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="mask" type="FfdMaskSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3ivEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorI *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LoadMatrixd" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3sEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LoadMatrixf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3svEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorS *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LoadMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3ubEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LoadName" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="name" type="SelectName" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3ubvEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorUB *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LoadProgramNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="program" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="len" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3uiEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LoadTransposeMatrixd" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3uivEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorUI *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LoadTransposeMatrixdARB" category="ARB_transpose_matrix" extension="ARB">
- <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3usEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LoadTransposeMatrixf" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3usvEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorUS *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LoadTransposeMatrixfARB" category="ARB_transpose_matrix" extension="ARB">
- <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColorFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LoadTransposeMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColorP3ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LockArraysEXT" category="EXT_compiled_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColorP3uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LogicOp" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="opcode" type="LogicOp" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColorPointerEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="ColorPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MakeBufferNonResidentNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColorPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="SecondaryColorPointerTypeIBM" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MakeBufferResidentNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="enable" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numCounters" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="counterList" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="numCounters" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MakeImageHandleNonResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SeparableFilter2D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="SeparableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="row" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type,width)" />
+ <param name="column" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MakeImageHandleNonResidentNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SeparableFilter2DEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="SeparableTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="row" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type,width)" />
+ <param name="column" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MakeImageHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SetFenceAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MakeImageHandleResidentNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SetFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="condition" type="FenceConditionNV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MakeNamedBufferNonResidentNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SetFragmentShaderConstantATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MakeNamedBufferResidentNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SetInvariantEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="ScalarType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="addr" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MakeTextureHandleNonResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SetLocalConstantEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="ScalarType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="addr" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MakeTextureHandleNonResidentNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SetMultisamplefvAMD" category="AMD_sample_positions" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="val" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MakeTextureHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ShaderBinary" category="ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="binaryformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MakeTextureHandleResidentNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ShaderOp1EXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="op" type="VertexShaderOpEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="res" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Map1d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="MapTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="order" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,stride,order)" />
+ <function name="ShaderOp2EXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="op" type="VertexShaderOpEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="res" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Map1f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="MapTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="order" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,stride,order)" />
+ <function name="ShaderOp3EXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="op" type="VertexShaderOpEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="res" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arg3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Map1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="order" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ShaderSourceARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="shaderObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="string" type="GLcharARB **" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Map2d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="MapTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="vorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,ustride,uorder,vstride,vorder)" />
+ <function name="ShaderStorageBlockBinding" category="ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="storageBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="storageBlockBinding" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Map2f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="MapTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="vorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,ustride,uorder,vstride,vorder)" />
+ <function name="SharpenTexFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_sharpen_texture" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="n*2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Map2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uorder" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="vorder" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SpriteParameterfSGIX" category="SGIX_sprite" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="pname" type="SpriteParameterNameSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="BufferAccessARB" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void *" />
+ <function name="SpriteParameterfvSGIX" category="SGIX_sprite" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="pname" type="SpriteParameterNameSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapBufferARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="BufferAccessARB" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void *" />
+ <function name="SpriteParameteriSGIX" category="SGIX_sprite" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="pname" type="SpriteParameterNameSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapBufferRange" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_map_buffer_range" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="BufferAccessMask" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void *" />
+ <function name="SpriteParameterivSGIX" category="SGIX_sprite" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="pname" type="SpriteParameterNameSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapControlPointsNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="MapTypeNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="ustride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="vstride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="uorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="vorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="packed" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,uorder,vorder)" />
+ <function name="StartInstrumentsSGIX" category="SGIX_instruments" extension="SGIX">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapGrid1d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="un" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="StencilClearTagEXT" category="EXT_stencil_clear_tag" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="stencilTagBits" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stencilClearTag" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapGrid1f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="un" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="StencilFillPathInstancedNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pathNameType" type="PathElementType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="paths" type="PathElement *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,pathNameType,paths)" />
+ <param name="pathBase" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fillMode" type="PathFillMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transformType" type="PathTransformType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transformValues" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,transformType)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapGrid1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="StencilFillPathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fillMode" type="PathFillMode" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapGrid2d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="un" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="vn" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="StencilFuncSeparateATI" category="ATI_separate_stencil" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="frontfunc" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
+ <param name="backfunc" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ref" type="ClampedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapGrid2f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="un" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="vn" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="StencilOpSeparateATI" category="ATI_separate_stencil" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dpfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dppass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapGrid2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="StencilOpValueAMD" category="AMD_stencil_operation_extended" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapNamedBufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="VertexBufferObjectAccess" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void *" />
+ <function name="StencilStrokePathInstancedNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pathNameType" type="PathElementType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="paths" type="PathElement *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,pathNameType,paths)" />
+ <param name="pathBase" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="reference" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transformType" type="PathTransformType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transformValues" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,transformType)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapNamedBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="BufferAccessMask" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void *" />
+ <function name="StencilStrokePathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="reference" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapObjectBufferATI" category="ATI_map_object_buffer" extension="ATI">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void *" />
+ <function name="StopInstrumentsSGIX" category="SGIX_instruments" extension="SGIX">
+ <param name="marker" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapParameterfvNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MapParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,pname)" />
+ <function name="StringMarkerGREMEDY" category="GREMEDY_string_marker" extension="GREMEDY">
+ <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="string" type="void *" flow="in" count="len" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapParameterivNV" category="NV_evaluators" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="EvalTargetNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MapParameterNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,pname)" />
+ <function name="SwizzleEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="res" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="in" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="outX" type="VertexShaderCoordOutEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="outY" type="VertexShaderCoordOutEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="outZ" type="VertexShaderCoordOutEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="outW" type="VertexShaderCoordOutEXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapTexture2DINTEL" category="INTEL_map_texture" extension="INTEL">
+ <function name="SyncTextureINTEL" category="INTEL_map_texture" extension="INTEL">
<param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="layout" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <returns type="void *" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapVertexAttrib1dAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="order" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,stride,order)" />
+ <function name="TagSampleBufferSGIX" category="SGIX_tag_sample_buffer" extension="SGIX">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapVertexAttrib1fAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="order" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,stride,order)" />
+ <function name="Tangent3bEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="tx" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ty" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="tz" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapVertexAttrib2dAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="vorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,ustride,uorder,vstride,vorder)" />
+ <function name="Tangent3bvEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapVertexAttrib2fAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="vorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,ustride,uorder,vstride,vorder)" />
+ <function name="Tangent3dEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="tx" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ty" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="tz" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Materialf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Tangent3dvEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Materialfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Tangent3fEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="tx" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ty" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="tz" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Materiali" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Tangent3fvEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Materialiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Tangent3iEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="tx" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ty" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="tz" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MaterialxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Tangent3ivEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MaterialxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Tangent3sEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="tx" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ty" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="tz" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixFrustumEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="left" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="right" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="bottom" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="top" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="zNear" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="zFar" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Tangent3svEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixIndexPointerARB" category="ARB_matrix_palette" extension="ARB">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="MatrixIndexPointerTypeARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TangentPointerEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="TangentPointerTypeEXT" flow="in" />
<param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixIndexubvARB" category="ARB_matrix_palette" extension="ARB">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <function name="TbufferMask3DFX" category="3DFX_tbuffer" extension="3DFX">
+ <param name="mask" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixIndexuivARB" category="ARB_matrix_palette" extension="ARB">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <function name="TessellationFactorAMD" category="AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixIndexusvARB" category="ARB_matrix_palette" extension="ARB">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <function name="TessellationModeAMD" category="AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixLoaddEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="TestFenceAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TestFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TestObjectAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="object" type="ObjectTypeAPPLE" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexBufferARB" category="ARB_texture_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixLoadfEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="TexBufferEXT" category="EXT_texture_buffer_object" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixLoadIdentityEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexBufferRange" category="ARB_texture_buffer_range" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixLoadTransposedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="TexBumpParameterfvATI" category="ATI_envmap_bumpmap" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="pname" type="TexBumpParameterATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixLoadTransposefEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="TexBumpParameterivATI" category="ATI_envmap_bumpmap" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="pname" type="TexBumpParameterATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixMode" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord1bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixMultdEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="TexCoord1bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixMultfEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="TexCoord1hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixMultTransposedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="TexCoord1hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixMultTransposefEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="TexCoord1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixOrthoEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="left" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="right" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="bottom" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="top" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="zNear" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="zFar" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord1xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixPopEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixPushEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixRotatedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="angle" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixRotatefEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="angle" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="a" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixScaledEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixScalefEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="a" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixTranslatedEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="c" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MatrixTranslatefEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MemoryBarrier" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_image_load_store" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="barriers" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MemoryBarrierEXT" category="EXT_shader_image_load_store" extension="EXT">
- <param name="barriers" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Minmax" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="sink" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MinmaxEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="sink" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MinSampleShading" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="value" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MinSampleShadingARB" category="ARB_sample_shading" extension="ARB">
- <param name="value" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawArrays" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
- <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawArraysEXT" category="EXT_multi_draw_arrays" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord3bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawArraysIndirect" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount,stride)" />
- <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord3bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawArraysIndirectAMD" category="AMD_multi_draw_indirect" extension="AMD">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord3hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessNV" category="NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect" extension="NV">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="vertexBufferCount" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawArraysIndirectCountARB" category="ARB_indirect_parameters" extension="ARB">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawcount" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="maxdrawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawElementArrayAPPLE" category="APPLE_element_array" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="primcount" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="primcount" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord4bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord4bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="p" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="a" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord4fVertex4fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="p" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord4fVertex4fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
+ <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord4hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord4hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawElements" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
- <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
- <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="basevertex" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <function name="TexCoordFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawElementsEXT" category="EXT_multi_draw_arrays" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP1ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawElementsIndirect" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP1uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount,stride)" />
- <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawElementsIndirectAMD" category="AMD_multi_draw_indirect" extension="AMD">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP2ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawElementsIndirectBindlessNV" category="NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect" extension="NV">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP2uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="vertexBufferCount" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawElementsIndirectCountARB" category="ARB_indirect_parameters" extension="ARB">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP3ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawcount" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="maxdrawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE" category="APPLE_element_array" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="primcount" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="primcount" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP3uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiModeDrawArraysIBM" category="IBM_multimode_draw_arrays" extension="IBM">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="modestride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP4ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiModeDrawElementsIBM" category="IBM_multimode_draw_arrays" extension="IBM">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="modestride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP4uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexBufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="TexCoordPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride,count)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="TexCoordPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="TexCoordPointervINTEL" category="INTEL_parallel_arrays" extension="INTEL">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1d" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexEnvxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1dARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexEnvxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1dv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="TexFilterFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_texture_filter4" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="filter" type="TextureFilterSGIS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="weights" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1dvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="TexGenxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1f" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexGenxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1fARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexImage2DMultisample" category="ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1fv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="TexImage2DMultisampleCoverageNV" category="NV_texture_multisample" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coverageSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="colorSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalFormat" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedSampleLocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1fvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="TexImage3DEXT" category="EXT_texture3D" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexImage3DMultisample" category="ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="TexImage3DMultisampleCoverageNV" category="NV_texture_multisample" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coverageSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="colorSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalFormat" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedSampleLocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1i" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexImage4DSGIS" category="SGIS_texture4D" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size4d" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth,size4d)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1iARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexPageCommitmentARB" category="ARB_sparse_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="resident" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1iv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="TexParameterIivEXT" category="EXT_texture_integer" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1ivARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="TexParameterIuivEXT" category="EXT_texture_integer" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1s" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexParameterxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1sARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1sv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="TexRenderbufferNV" category="NV_explicit_multisample" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1svARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="TexStorage1D" category="ARB_texture_storage" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexStorage2D" category="ARB_texture_storage" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="TexStorage2DMultisample" category="ARB_texture_storage_multisample" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexStorage3D" category="ARB_texture_storage" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TexStorage3DMultisample" category="ARB_texture_storage_multisample" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2d" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexStorageSparseAMD" category="AMD_sparse_texture" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalFormat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layers" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2dARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_subtexture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2dv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TexSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_subtexture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2dvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TexSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_texture3D" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2f" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexSubImage4DSGIS" category="SGIS_texture4D" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="woffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size4d" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth,size4d)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2fARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureBarrierNV" category="NV_texture_barrier" extension="NV">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2fv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TextureBufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2fvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TextureBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureColorMaskSGIS" category="SGIS_texture_color_mask" extension="SGIS">
+ <param name="red" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TextureImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2i" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2iARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureImage2DMultisampleCoverageNV" category="NV_texture_multisample" extension="NV">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coverageSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="colorSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalFormat" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedSampleLocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2iv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TextureImage2DMultisampleNV" category="NV_texture_multisample" extension="NV">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalFormat" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedSampleLocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2ivARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TextureImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2s" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureImage3DMultisampleCoverageNV" category="NV_texture_multisample" extension="NV">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coverageSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="colorSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalFormat" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedSampleLocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2sARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureImage3DMultisampleNV" category="NV_texture_multisample" extension="NV">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalFormat" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedSampleLocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2sv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TextureLightEXT" category="EXT_light_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pname" type="LightTexturePNameEXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2svARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TextureMaterialEXT" category="EXT_light_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TextureNormalEXT" category="EXT_texture_perturb_normal" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="TextureNormalModeEXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexturePageCommitmentEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="resident" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TextureParameterfEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TextureParameteriEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3d" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureParameterIivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3dARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureParameterIuivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3dv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TextureParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3dvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TextureRangeAPPLE" category="APPLE_texture_range" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3f" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureRenderbufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3fARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureStorage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3fv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TextureStorage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3fvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TextureStorage2DMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureStorage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TextureStorage3DMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3i" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureStorageSparseAMD" category="AMD_sparse_texture" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalFormat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layers" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3iARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3iv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TextureSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3ivARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TextureSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3s" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureView" category="ARB_texture_view" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="origtexture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="minlevel" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numlevels" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="minlayer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numlayers" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3sARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TrackMatrixNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="address" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="matrix" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transform" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3sv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TransformFeedbackAttribsNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
+ <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attribs" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
+ <param name="bufferMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3svARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TransformFeedbackStreamAttribsNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attribs" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="nbuffers" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufstreams" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="nbuffers" />
+ <param name="bufferMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT" category="EXT_transform_feedback" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="varyings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="bufferMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TransformFeedbackVaryingsNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="locations" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="bufferMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TransformPathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="resultPath" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcPath" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transformType" type="PathTransformType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transformValues" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(transformType)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="TranslatexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4d" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform1d" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4dARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform1dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4dv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Uniform1fARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4dvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Uniform1fvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4f" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform1i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4fARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform1i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4fv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Uniform1iARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4fvARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Uniform1ivARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform1ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Uniform1ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4i" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform1uiEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4iARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform1uivEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4iv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Uniform2d" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4ivARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Uniform2dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4s" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform2fARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4sARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform2fvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4sv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Uniform2i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4svARB" category="ARB_multitexture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Uniform2i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*2)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform2iARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Uniform2ivARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP1ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform2ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP1uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="Uniform2ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*2)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform2uiEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="Uniform2uivEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform3d" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="Uniform3dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform3fARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="Uniform3fvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordPointerEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="TexCoordPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <function name="Uniform3i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexEnvfEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform3i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*3)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexEnvfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform3iARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexEnviEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform3ivARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexEnvivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform3ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexGendEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform3ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*3)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexGendvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform3uiEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexGenfEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform3uivEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexGenfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform4d" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexGeniEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform4dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexGenivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform4fARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <function name="Uniform4fvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <function name="Uniform4i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
+ <function name="Uniform4i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*4)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexParameterfEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform4iARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform4ivARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexParameteriEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform4ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexParameterIivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform4ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*4)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexParameterIuivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform4uiEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform4uivEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexRenderbufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformBlockBinding" category="ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockBinding" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <function name="UniformBufferEXT" category="EXT_bindable_uniform" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <function name="UniformHandleui64ARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texunit" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
+ <function name="UniformHandleui64NV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultMatrixd" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="UniformHandleui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64 *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultMatrixf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="UniformHandleui64vNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64 *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultTransposeMatrixd" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2fvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultTransposeMatrixdARB" category="ARB_transpose_matrix" extension="ARB">
- <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2x3dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultTransposeMatrixf" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2x4dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultTransposeMatrixfARB" category="ARB_transpose_matrix" extension="ARB">
- <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultTransposeMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3fvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedBufferDataEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size)" />
- <param name="usage" type="VertexBufferObjectUsage" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3x2dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedBufferStorageEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3x4dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedBufferSubDataEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size)" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedCopyBufferSubDataEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="readBuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="writeBuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="readOffset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="writeOffset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4fvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedFramebufferParameteriEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="FramebufferParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4x2dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedFramebufferRenderbufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffertarget" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="Renderbuffer" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4x3dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedFramebufferTexture1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformSubroutinesuiv" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedFramebufferTexture2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniformui64NV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedFramebufferTexture3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniformui64vNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedFramebufferTextureEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UnlockArraysEXT" category="EXT_compiled_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedFramebufferTextureFaceEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="face" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="UnmapBufferARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="NamedFramebufferTextureLayerEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="Framebuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="layer" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UnmapNamedBufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UnmapObjectBufferATI" category="ATI_map_object_buffer" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameter4dEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UnmapTexture2DINTEL" category="INTEL_map_texture" extension="INTEL">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameter4dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="UpdateObjectBufferATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <param name="preserve" type="PreserveModeATI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameter4fEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UseProgramObjectARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameter4fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="UseProgramStages" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stages" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameterI4iEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="UseProgramStagesEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stages" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameterI4ivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="UseShaderProgramEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameterI4uiEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ValidateProgramARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameterI4uivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="ValidateProgramPipeline" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <function name="ValidateProgramPipelineEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedProgramLocalParametersI4ivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <function name="VariantArrayObjectATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="ScalarType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedProgramLocalParametersI4uivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <function name="VariantbvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="addr" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedProgramStringEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="ProgramFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="string" type="void *" flow="in" count="len" />
+ <function name="VariantdvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="addr" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedRenderbufferStorageEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="Renderbuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VariantfvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="addr" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleCoverageEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="Renderbuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="coverageSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="colorSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VariantivEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="addr" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="Renderbuffer" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VariantPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="ScalarType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="addr" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id,type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
- <param name="stringlen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="string" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="stringlen" />
+ <function name="VariantsvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="addr" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NewList" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="ListMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VariantubvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="addr" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NewObjectBufferATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
- <param name="size" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
- <param name="usage" type="ArrayObjectUsageATI" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="VariantuivEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="addr" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3b" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="nx" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VariantusvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="addr" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3bv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VDPAUFiniNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="nx" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VDPAUGetSurfaceivNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
+ <param name="surface" type="vdpauSurfaceNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VDPAUInitNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
+ <param name="vdpDevice" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="getProcAddress" type="void *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="nx" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VDPAUIsSurfaceNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
+ <param name="surface" type="vdpauSurfaceNV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VDPAUMapSurfacesNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
+ <param name="numSurfaces" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="surfaces" type="vdpauSurfaceNV *" flow="in" count="numSurfaces" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VDPAURegisterOutputSurfaceNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
+ <param name="vdpSurface" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numTextureNames" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textureNames" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="numTextureNames" />
+ <returns type="vdpauSurfaceNV" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
+ <param name="vdpSurface" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numTextureNames" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textureNames" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="numTextureNames" />
+ <returns type="vdpauSurfaceNV" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
+ <param name="surface" type="vdpauSurfaceNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
+ <param name="numSurface" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="surfaces" type="vdpauSurfaceNV *" flow="in" count="numSurface" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="nx" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VDPAUUnregisterSurfaceNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
+ <param name="surface" type="vdpauSurfaceNV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Vertex2bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="nx" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Vertex2bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Vertex2hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="x" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="nx" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Vertex2hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Vertex2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="nx" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Vertex2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Vertex3bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Vertex3bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Vertex3hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="x" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="Vertex3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalPointer" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="type" type="NormalPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
+ <function name="Vertex3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
- <param name="type" type="NormalPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride,count)" />
+ <function name="Vertex3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
- <param name="type" type="NormalPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
- <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Vertex4bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalPointervINTEL" category="INTEL_parallel_arrays" extension="INTEL">
- <param name="type" type="NormalPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Vertex4bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalStream3bATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="nx" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Vertex4hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="x" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalStream3bvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Vertex4hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalStream3dATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="nx" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Vertex4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalStream3dvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Vertex4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalStream3fATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayBindVertexBufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalStream3fvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayColorOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="ColorPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalStream3iATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="nx" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayEdgeFlagOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalStream3ivATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayFogCoordOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="FogCoordinatePointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalStream3sATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="nx" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayIndexOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="IndexPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalStream3svATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayMultiTexCoordOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texunit" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="TexCoordPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ObjectLabel" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayNormalOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="NormalPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ObjectLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_array_range" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexArrayPNameAPPLE" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ObjectPtrLabel" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayRangeAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_array_range" extension="APPLE">
<param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="out" count="length" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ObjectPtrLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayRangeNV" category="NV_vertex_array_range" extension="NV">
<param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(length)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ObjectPurgeableAPPLE" category="APPLE_object_purgeable" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="objectType" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="option" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLenum" />
- </function>
- <function name="ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE" category="APPLE_object_purgeable" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="objectType" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="option" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLenum" />
+ <function name="VertexArraySecondaryColorOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="ColorPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="Ortho" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="left" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="right" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="bottom" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="top" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="zNear" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="zFar" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayTexCoordOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="TexCoordPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="OrthofOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
- <param name="l" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribBindingEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="OrthoxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="l" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribDivisorEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PassTexCoordATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
- <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="coord" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="swizzle" type="SwizzleOpATI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribFormatEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PassThrough" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="token" type="FeedbackElement" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribIFormatEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PassThroughxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="token" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribIOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PatchParameterfv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_tessellation_shader" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribLFormatEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PatchParameteri" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_tessellation_shader" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribLOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathColorGenNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="color" type="PathColor" flow="in" />
- <param name="genMode" type="PathGenMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="colorFormat" type="PathColorFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="coeffs" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(genMode,colorFormat)" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexAttribPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathCommandsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="numCommands" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="commands" type="PathCommand *" flow="in" count="numCommands" />
- <param name="numCoords" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="coordType" type="PathCoordType" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numCoords,coordType)" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayVertexBindingDivisorEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathCoordsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="numCoords" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="coordType" type="PathCoordType" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numCoords,coordType)" />
+ <function name="VertexArrayVertexOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathCoverDepthFuncNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="func" type="DepthFunction" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1dARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathDashArrayNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="dashCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="dashArray" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="dashCount" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1dNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathFogGenNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="genMode" type="PathGenMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1dvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathGlyphRangeNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="firstPathName" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="fontTarget" type="PathFontTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="fontName" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(fontTarget,fontName)" />
- <param name="fontStyle" type="PathFontStyle" flow="in" />
- <param name="firstGlyph" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numGlyphs" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="handleMissingGlyphs" type="PathHandleMissingGlyphs" flow="in" />
- <param name="pathParameterTemplate" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="emScale" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathGlyphsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="firstPathName" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="fontTarget" type="PathFontTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="fontName" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(fontTarget,fontName)" />
- <param name="fontStyle" type="PathFontStyle" flow="in" />
- <param name="numGlyphs" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PathElementType" flow="in" />
- <param name="charcodes" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numGlyphs,type,charcodes)" />
- <param name="handleMissingGlyphs" type="PathHandleMissingGlyphs" flow="in" />
- <param name="pathParameterTemplate" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="emScale" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1fARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathParameterfNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="PathParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1fNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathParameterfvNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="PathParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1fvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathParameteriNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="PathParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathParameterivNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="PathParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathStencilDepthOffsetNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="units" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathStencilFuncNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
- <param name="ref" type="ClampedStencilValue" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1sARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathStringNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PathStringFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pathString" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1sNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathSubCommandsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="commandStart" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="commandsToDelete" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="numCommands" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="commands" type="PathCommand *" flow="in" count="numCommands" />
- <param name="numCoords" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="coordType" type="PathCoordType" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numCoords,coordType)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1svARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathSubCoordsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="coordStart" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="numCoords" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="coordType" type="PathCoordType" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numCoords,coordType)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PathTexGenNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="texCoordSet" type="PathColor" flow="in" />
- <param name="genMode" type="PathGenMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="components" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="coeffs" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(genMode,components)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2dARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PauseTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2dNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PauseTransformFeedbackNV" category="NV_transform_feedback2" extension="NV">
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2dvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelDataRangeNV" category="NV_pixel_data_range" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="PixelDataRangeTargetNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelMapfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="map" type="PixelMap" flow="in" />
- <param name="mapsize" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="mapsize" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2fARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelMapuiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="map" type="PixelMap" flow="in" />
- <param name="mapsize" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="mapsize" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2fNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelMapusv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="map" type="PixelMap" flow="in" />
- <param name="mapsize" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="mapsize" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2fvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelMapx" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="Core">
- <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelStoref" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="pname" type="PixelStoreParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelStorei" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="pname" type="PixelStoreParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelStorex" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="Core">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2sARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelTexGenParameterfSGIS" category="SGIS_pixel_texture" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="pname" type="PixelTexGenParameterNameSGIS" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2sNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS" category="SGIS_pixel_texture" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="pname" type="PixelTexGenParameterNameSGIS" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2svARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelTexGenParameteriSGIS" category="SGIS_pixel_texture" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="pname" type="PixelTexGenParameterNameSGIS" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelTexGenParameterivSGIS" category="SGIS_pixel_texture" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="pname" type="PixelTexGenParameterNameSGIS" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3dARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelTexGenSGIX" category="SGIX_pixel_texture" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="mode" type="PixelTexGenModeSGIX" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3dNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelTransferf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="PixelTransferParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3dvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelTransferi" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="PixelTransferParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelTransferxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3fARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelTransformParameterfEXT" category="EXT_pixel_transform" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="PixelTransformTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="PixelTransformPNameEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3fNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelTransformParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_pixel_transform" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="PixelTransformTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="PixelTransformPNameEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3fvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelTransformParameteriEXT" category="EXT_pixel_transform" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="PixelTransformTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="PixelTransformPNameEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelTransformParameterivEXT" category="EXT_pixel_transform" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="PixelTransformTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="PixelTransformPNameEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelZoom" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="xfactor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="yfactor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelZoomxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="xfactor" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="yfactor" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3sARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PNTrianglesfATI" category="ATI_pn_triangles" extension="ATI">
- <param name="pname" type="PNTrianglesPNameATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3sNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PNTrianglesiATI" category="ATI_pn_triangles" extension="ATI">
- <param name="pname" type="PNTrianglesPNameATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3svARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointAlongPathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="startSegment" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="numSegments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="distance" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="tangentX" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="tangentY" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterf" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4bvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterfARB" category="ARB_point_parameters" extension="ARB">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4dARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterfEXT" category="EXT_point_parameters" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4dNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterfSGIS" category="SGIS_point_parameters" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4dvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterfvARB" category="ARB_point_parameters" extension="ARB">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4fARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_point_parameters" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4fNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterfvSGIS" category="SGIS_point_parameters" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4fvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameteri" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameteriNV" category="NV_point_sprite" extension="NV">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterivNV" category="NV_point_sprite" extension="NV">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4ivARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4NbvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4NivARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointSize" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="size" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4NsvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointSizexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="size" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4NubARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PollAsyncSGIX" category="SGIX_async" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="markerp" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4NubvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="PollInstrumentsSGIX" category="SGIX_instruments" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="marker_p" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4NuivARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="PolygonMode" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="PolygonMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4NusvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PolygonOffset" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="units" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4sARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PolygonOffsetEXT" category="EXT_polygon_offset" extension="EXT">
- <param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="bias" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4sNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PolygonOffsetxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="factor" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="units" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4svARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PolygonStipple" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="mask" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PopAttrib" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4ubNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PopClientAttrib" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4ubvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PopDebugGroup" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4ubvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="ColorUB *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PopDebugGroupKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4uivARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PopGroupMarkerEXT" category="EXT_debug_marker" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4usvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PopMatrix" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <function name="VertexAttribArrayObjectATI" category="ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexAttribPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PopName" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <function name="VertexAttribBinding" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PresentFrameDualFillNV" category="NV_present_video" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="minPresentTime" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="beginPresentTimeId" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="presentDurationId" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="target0" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="fill0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target1" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="fill1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target2" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="fill2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target3" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="fill3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribDivisorARB" category="ARB_instanced_arrays" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PresentFrameKeyedNV" category="NV_present_video" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="minPresentTime" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="beginPresentTimeId" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="presentDurationId" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribFormat" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="target0" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="fill0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="key0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target1" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="fill1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="key1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PrimitiveRestartIndex" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <function name="VertexAttribFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PrimitiveRestartIndexNV" category="NV_primitive_restart" extension="NV">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI1iEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PrimitiveRestartNV" category="NV_primitive_restart" extension="NV">
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="PrioritizeTextures" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <param name="priorities" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI1ivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PrioritizeTexturesEXT" category="EXT_texture_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <param name="priorities" type="ClampedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI1uiEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PrioritizeTexturesxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <param name="priorities" type="ClampedFixed *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI1uivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramBinary" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI2iEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramBufferParametersfvNV" category="NV_parameter_buffer_object" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="bindingIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="wordIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI2ivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramBufferParametersIivNV" category="NV_parameter_buffer_object" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="bindingIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="wordIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI2uiEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramBufferParametersIuivNV" category="NV_parameter_buffer_object" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="bindingIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="wordIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI2uivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramEnvParameter4dARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI3iEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI3ivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramEnvParameter4fARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI3uiEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI3uivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramEnvParameterI4iNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4bvEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4iEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="w" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramEnvParameterI4ivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4ivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramEnvParameterI4uiNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4svEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4ubvEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4uiEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="w" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramEnvParameterI4uivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4uivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT" category="EXT_gpu_program_parameters" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4usvEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramEnvParametersI4ivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribIFormat" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexAttribIFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramEnvParametersI4uivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribIPointerEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramLocalParameter4dARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1d" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1dEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramLocalParameter4fARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1dv" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1dvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramLocalParameterI4iNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1i64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramLocalParameterI4ivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1i64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramLocalParameterI4uiNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1ui64ARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramLocalParameterI4uivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1ui64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT" category="EXT_gpu_program_parameters" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1ui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramLocalParametersI4ivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1ui64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramLocalParametersI4uivNV" category="NV_gpu_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL2d" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramNamedParameter4dNV" category="NV_fragment_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL2dEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV" category="NV_fragment_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL2dv" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramNamedParameter4fNV" category="NV_fragment_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL2dvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV" category="NV_fragment_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL2i64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramParameter4dNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL2i64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexAttribL2ui64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexAttribL2ui64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexAttribL3d" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramParameter4dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL3dEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramParameter4fNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL3dv" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramParameter4fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL3dvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramParameteri" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ProgramParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL3i64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramParameteriARB" category="ARB_geometry_shader4" extension="ARB">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ProgramParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL3i64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramParameteriEXT" category="EXT_geometry_shader4|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ProgramParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL3ui64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramParameters4dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL3ui64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramParameters4fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL4d" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramStringARB" category="ARB_fragment_program|ARB_vertex_program" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="ProgramFormatARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="string" type="void *" flow="in" count="len" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL4dEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramSubroutineParametersuivNV" category="NV_gpu_program5" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL4dv" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL4dvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1dEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL4i64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL4i64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL4ui64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1f" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL4ui64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1fEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribLFormat" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribLFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribLPointer" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1i" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribLPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP1ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP1uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1iEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP2ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1iv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP2uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1ivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP3ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1ui" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP3uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP4ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP4uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1uiEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribParameteriAMD" category="AMD_interleaved_elements" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1uiv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribPointerARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexAttribPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexAttribPointerNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fsize" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(fsize,type,stride)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexAttribs1dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1uivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs1fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs1hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2dEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs1svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs2dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs2fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2f" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs2hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2fEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs2svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs3dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs3fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2i" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs3svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs4dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*2)" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2iEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs4fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2iv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs4hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2ivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs4svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2ui" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribs4ubvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="ColorUB *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexBindingDivisor" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core">
+ <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*2)" />
+ <function name="VertexBlendARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="count" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2uiEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexBlendEnvfATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2uiv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="VertexBlendEnviATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2uivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <function name="VertexFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexP2ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3dEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexP2uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexP3ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="VertexP3uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3f" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexP4ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3fEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexP4uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride,count)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <function name="VertexPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3i" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexPointervINTEL" category="INTEL_parallel_arrays" extension="INTEL">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream1dATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*3)" />
+ <function name="VertexStream1dvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3iEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream1fATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3iv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexStream1fvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3ivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <function name="VertexStream1iATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3ui" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream1ivATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream1sATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*3)" />
+ <function name="VertexStream1svATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3uiEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream2dATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3uiv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexStream2dvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3uivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <function name="VertexStream2fATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream2fvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4dEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream2iATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexStream2ivATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="VertexStream2sATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4f" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream2svATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4fEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream3dATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexStream3dvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <function name="VertexStream3fATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4i" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream3fvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream3iATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*4)" />
+ <function name="VertexStream3ivATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4iEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream3sATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4iv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexStream3svATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4ivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <function name="VertexStream4dATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4ui" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream4dvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream4fATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*4)" />
+ <function name="VertexStream4fvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4uiEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream4iATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4uiv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexStream4ivATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4uivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <function name="VertexStream4sATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformHandleui64ARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexStream4svATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
+ <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformHandleui64NV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexWeightfEXT" category="EXT_vertex_weighting" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="weight" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformHandleui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLuint64 *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexWeightfvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_weighting" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="weight" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformHandleui64vNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLuint64 *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="VertexWeighthNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="weight" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="VertexWeighthvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <param name="weight" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="VertexWeightPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_weighting" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexWeightPointerTypeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="VideoCaptureNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sequence_num" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="capture_time" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VideoCaptureStreamParameterdvNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <function name="VideoCaptureStreamParameterfvNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="VideoCaptureStreamParameterivNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
+ <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ViewportArrayv" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="ViewportIndexedf" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="h" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*6" />
+ <function name="ViewportIndexedfv" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WaitSync" category="ARB_sync" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WeightbvARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="weights" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WeightdvARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="weights" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*8" />
+ <function name="WeightfvARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="weights" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="WeightivARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="weights" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WeightPathsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
+ <param name="resultPath" type="Path" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="paths" type="Path *" flow="in" count="numPaths" />
+ <param name="weights" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="numPaths" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="WeightPointerARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="WeightPointerTypeARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*9" />
+ <function name="WeightsvARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="weights" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WeightubvARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="weights" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WeightuivARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="weights" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WeightusvARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="weights" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*6" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2dARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2dMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2dvARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2dvMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*12" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2fARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2fMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2fvARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2fvMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*16" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2iARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2iMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2ivARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2ivMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*8" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2sARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2sMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3dvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2svARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2svMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*12" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3dARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformui64NV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3dMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformui64vNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3dvARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramVertexLimitNV" category="NV_geometry_program4" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="ProgramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="limit" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3dvMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProvokingVertex" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_provoking_vertex" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3fARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProvokingVertexEXT" category="EXT_provoking_vertex" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3fMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PushAttrib" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="mask" type="AttribMask" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3fvARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PushClientAttrib" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="mask" type="ClientAttribMask" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3fvMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PushClientAttribDefaultEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mask" type="ClientAttribMask" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3iARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PushDebugGroup" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(message,length)" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3iMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PushDebugGroupKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3ivARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PushGroupMarkerEXT" category="EXT_debug_marker" extension="EXT">
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="marker" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3ivMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PushMatrix" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <function name="WindowPos3sARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PushName" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="name" type="SelectName" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3sMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="QueryCounter" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3svARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="QueryMatrixxOES" category="OES_query_matrix" extension="OES">
- <param name="mantissa" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="16" />
- <param name="exponent" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="16" />
- <returns type="GLbitfield" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3svMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos2d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <function name="WindowPos4dMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
<param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos2dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="WindowPos4dvMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos2f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <function name="WindowPos4fMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
<param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos2fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="WindowPos4fvMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos2i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <function name="WindowPos4iMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
<param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos2iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="WindowPos4ivMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos2s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <function name="WindowPos4sMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
<param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos2sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="WindowPos4svMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="WriteMaskEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="res" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="in" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="outX" type="VertexShaderWriteMaskEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="outY" type="VertexShaderWriteMaskEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="outZ" type="VertexShaderWriteMaskEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="outW" type="VertexShaderWriteMaskEXT" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="1.0">
+ <enum name="VERSION_1_0" />
+ <function name="Accum" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="op" type="AccumOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="AlphaFunc" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="func" type="AlphaFunction" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ref" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Begin" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Bitmap" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xorig" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yorig" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xmove" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ymove" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bitmap" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(width,height)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendFunc" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="sfactor" type="BlendingFactorSrc" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dfactor" type="BlendingFactorDest" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CallList" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CallLists" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="ListNameType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="lists" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(n,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Clear" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="ClearAccum" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos3d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ClearColor" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos3dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="ClearDepth" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="depth" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos3f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ClearIndex" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="c" type="MaskedColorIndexValueF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos3fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="ClearStencil" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="s" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos3i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ClipPlane" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="plane" type="ClipPlaneName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="equation" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos3iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Color3b" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos3s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color3bv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorB *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos3sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Color3d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color3dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorD *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Color3f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos4d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color3fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorF *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos4dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Color3i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos4f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color3iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorI *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos4fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Color3s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos4i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color3sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorS *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos4iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Color3ub" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos4s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color3ubv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorUB *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos4sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Color3ui" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color3uiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorUI *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RasterPos4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Color3us" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReadBuffer" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="mode" type="ReadBufferMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color3usv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorUS *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReadInstrumentsSGIX" category="SGIX_instruments" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="marker" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color4b" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReadnPixelsARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="Color4bv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorB *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReadPixels" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <function name="Color4d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Rectd" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="y1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="x2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="y2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color4dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorD *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Rectdv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v1" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <param name="v2" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="Color4f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Rectf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="y1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="x2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="y2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color4fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorF *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Rectfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v1" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <param name="v2" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="Color4i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Recti" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x1" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="y1" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x2" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="y2" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color4iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorI *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Rectiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v1" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <param name="v2" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="Color4s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Rects" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x1" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="y1" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="x2" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="y2" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color4sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorS *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Rectsv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v1" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <param name="v2" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="Color4ub" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RectxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="x2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color4ubv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorUB *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RectxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="v1" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="Color4ui" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReferencePlaneSGIX" category="SGIX_reference_plane" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="equation" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="Color4uiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorUI *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReleaseShaderCompiler" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <function name="Color4us" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RenderbufferStorage" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Color4usv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorUS *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ColorMask" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="red" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisample" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ColorMaterial" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="ColorMaterialParameter" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleCoverageNV" category="NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="coverageSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="colorSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyPixels" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelCopyType" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_framebuffer_multisample" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CullFace" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="CullFaceMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RenderMode" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="RenderingMode" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <function name="DeleteLists" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
+ <param name="range" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodePointerSUN" category="SUN_triangle_list" extension="SUN">
- <param name="type" type="ReplacementCodeTypeSUN" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
+ <function name="DepthFunc" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="func" type="DepthFunction" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeubSUN" category="SUN_triangle_list" extension="SUN">
- <param name="code" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DepthMask" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="flag" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeubvSUN" category="SUN_triangle_list" extension="SUN">
- <param name="code" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <function name="DepthRange" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="near" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="far" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Disable" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="DrawBuffer" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="DrawBufferMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="a" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawPixels" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="EdgeFlag" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="flag" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="a" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EdgeFlagv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="flag" type="Boolean *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <param name="c" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Enable" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
- <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="End" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="EndList" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiSUN" category="SUN_triangle_list" extension="SUN">
- <param name="code" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EvalCoord1d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="u" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="a" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EvalCoord1dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="u" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="EvalCoord1f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="u" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EvalCoord1fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="u" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="EvalCoord2d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="u" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EvalCoord2dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="u" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="EvalCoord2f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="u" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EvalCoord2fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="u" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuiVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="rc" type="ReplacementCodeSUN *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="EvalMesh1" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="MeshMode1" flow="in" />
+ <param name="i1" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="i2" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeuivSUN" category="SUN_triangle_list" extension="SUN">
- <param name="code" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <function name="EvalMesh2" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="MeshMode2" flow="in" />
+ <param name="i1" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="i2" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="j1" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="j2" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeusSUN" category="SUN_triangle_list" extension="SUN">
- <param name="code" type="GLushort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EvalPoint1" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="i" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReplacementCodeusvSUN" category="SUN_triangle_list" extension="SUN">
- <param name="code" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <function name="EvalPoint2" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="i" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="j" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RequestResidentProgramsNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="FeedbackBuffer" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="FeedbackType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="FeedbackElement *" flow="out" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ResetHistogram" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Finish" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ResetHistogramEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Flush" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ResetMinmax" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Fogf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="pname" type="FogParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ResetMinmaxEXT" category="EXT_histogram" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTargetEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Fogfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="pname" type="FogParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ResizeBuffersMESA" category="MESA_resize_buffers" extension="MESA">
+ <function name="Fogi" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="pname" type="FogParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ResumeTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="Fogiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="pname" type="FogParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ResumeTransformFeedbackNV" category="NV_transform_feedback2" extension="NV">
+ <function name="FrontFace" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="FrontFaceDirection" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Rotated" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="angle" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Frustum" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="left" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="right" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bottom" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="top" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zNear" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zFar" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Rotatef" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="angle" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GenLists" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="range" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="List" />
- <function name="RotatexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="angle" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetBooleanv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SampleCoverage" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetClipPlane" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="plane" type="ClipPlaneName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="equation" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SampleCoverageARB" category="ARB_multisample" extension="ARB">
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetDoublev" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SampleCoverageOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="value" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetError" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <returns type="ErrorCode" />
- <function name="SampleCoveragexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="value" type="GLclampx" flow="in" />
- <param name="invert" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetFloatv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SampleMapATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
- <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="interp" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="swizzle" type="SwizzleOpATI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetIntegerv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SampleMaskEXT" category="EXT_multisample" extension="EXT">
- <param name="value" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
- <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetLightfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SampleMaski" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetLightiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SampleMaskIndexedNV" category="NV_explicit_multisample" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="SampleMaskNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMapdv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="MapTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="query" type="GetMapQuery" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,query)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SampleMaskSGIS" category="SGIS_multisample" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="value" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
- <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMapfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="MapTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="query" type="GetMapQuery" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,query)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SamplePatternEXT" category="EXT_multisample" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pattern" type="SamplePatternEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMapiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="MapTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="query" type="GetMapQuery" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,query)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SamplePatternSGIS" category="SGIS_multisample" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="pattern" type="SamplePatternSGIS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMaterialfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SamplerParameterf" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetMaterialiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SamplerParameterfv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GetPixelMapfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="map" type="PixelMap" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(map)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SamplerParameteri" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPixelMapuiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="map" type="PixelMap" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(map)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SamplerParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GetPixelMapusv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="map" type="PixelMap" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLushort *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(map)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SamplerParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GetPolygonStipple" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="mask" type="GLubyte *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE()" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SamplerParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetString" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="name" type="StringName" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="String" />
- <function name="Scaled" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexEnvfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Scalef" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexEnviv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ScalexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexGendv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Scissor" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexGenfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ScissorArrayv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
+ <function name="GetTexGeniv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ScissorIndexed" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="left" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bottom" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexImage" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,level,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ScissorIndexedv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetTexLevelParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3b" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexLevelParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3bEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="red" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3bv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorB *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="GetTexParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3bvEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="ColorB *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Hint" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="HintTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="HintMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3d" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Indexd" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3dEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="red" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Indexdv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueD *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3dv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorD *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Indexf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3dvEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="ColorD *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Indexfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueF *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3f" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Indexi" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3fEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Indexiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueI *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3fv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorF *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="IndexMask" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedColorIndexValueI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3fvEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="ColorF *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Indexs" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="red" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Indexsv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueS *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="InitNames" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3i" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsEnabled" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3iEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="red" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsList" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3iv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorI *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Lightf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3ivEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="ColorI *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Lightfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3s" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Lighti" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3sEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="red" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Lightiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3sv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="LightModelf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="pname" type="LightModelParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3svEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="ColorS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="LightModelfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="pname" type="LightModelParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3ub" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="LightModeli" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="pname" type="LightModelParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3ubEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="red" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="LightModeliv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="pname" type="LightModelParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3ubv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorUB *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="LineStipple" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="factor" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pattern" type="LineStipple" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3ubvEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="ColorUB *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="LineWidth" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="width" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3ui" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ListBase" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="base" type="List" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3uiEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="red" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="LoadIdentity" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3uiv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorUI *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="LoadMatrixd" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3uivEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="ColorUI *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="LoadMatrixf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3us" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="red" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="LoadName" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="name" type="SelectName" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3usEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="red" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="LogicOp" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="opcode" type="LogicOp" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3usv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="ColorUS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Map1d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="MapTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="order" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,stride,order)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColor3usvEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="ColorUS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Map1f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="MapTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="order" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,stride,order)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColorFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Map2d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="MapTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,ustride,uorder,vstride,vorder)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColorP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Map2f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="MapTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vorder" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,ustride,uorder,vstride,vorder)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColorP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="MapGrid1d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="un" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColorPointer" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="ColorPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <function name="MapGrid1f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="un" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColorPointerEXT" category="EXT_secondary_color" extension="EXT">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="ColorPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <function name="MapGrid2d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="un" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vn" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SecondaryColorPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="SecondaryColorPointerTypeIBM" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
- <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MapGrid2f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="un" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vn" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SelectBuffer" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="size" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="SelectName *" flow="out" count="size" />
+ <function name="Materialf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="enable" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numCounters" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="counterList" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="numCounters" />
+ <function name="Materialfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SeparableFilter2D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="SeparableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="row" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type,width)" />
- <param name="column" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type,height)" />
+ <function name="Materiali" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SeparableFilter2DEXT" category="EXT_convolution" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="SeparableTargetEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="row" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type,width)" />
- <param name="column" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type,height)" />
+ <function name="Materialiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SetFenceAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MatrixMode" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SetFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="condition" type="FenceConditionNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultMatrixd" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SetFragmentShaderConstantATI" category="ATI_fragment_shader" extension="ATI">
- <param name="dst" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="MultMatrixf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SetInvariantEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="ScalarType" flow="in" />
- <param name="addr" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id,type)" />
+ <function name="NewList" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="list" type="List" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="ListMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SetLocalConstantEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="ScalarType" flow="in" />
- <param name="addr" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id,type)" />
+ <function name="Normal3b" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="nx" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SetMultisamplefvAMD" category="AMD_sample_positions" extension="AMD">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="val" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="Normal3bv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ShadeModel" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="ShadingModel" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Normal3d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="nx" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ShaderBinary" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="binaryformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Normal3dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ShaderOp1EXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="op" type="VertexShaderOpEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="res" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Normal3f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="nx" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ShaderOp2EXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="op" type="VertexShaderOpEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="res" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Normal3fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ShaderOp3EXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="op" type="VertexShaderOpEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="res" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="arg3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Normal3i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="nx" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ShaderSource" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="string" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="Normal3iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ShaderSourceARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="shaderObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="string" type="GLcharARB **" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="Normal3s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="nx" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ShaderStorageBlockBinding" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="storageBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="storageBlockBinding" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Normal3sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SharpenTexFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_sharpen_texture" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="n*2" />
+ <function name="Ortho" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="left" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="right" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bottom" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="top" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zNear" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zFar" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SpriteParameterfSGIX" category="SGIX_sprite" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="pname" type="SpriteParameterNameSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PassThrough" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="token" type="FeedbackElement" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SpriteParameterfvSGIX" category="SGIX_sprite" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="pname" type="SpriteParameterNameSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="PixelMapfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="map" type="PixelMap" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mapsize" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="mapsize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SpriteParameteriSGIX" category="SGIX_sprite" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="pname" type="SpriteParameterNameSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PixelMapuiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="map" type="PixelMap" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mapsize" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="mapsize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SpriteParameterivSGIX" category="SGIX_sprite" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="pname" type="SpriteParameterNameSGIX" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="PixelMapusv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="map" type="PixelMap" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mapsize" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="mapsize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StartInstrumentsSGIX" category="SGIX_instruments" extension="SGIX">
+ <function name="PixelStoref" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelStoreParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StencilClearTagEXT" category="EXT_stencil_clear_tag" extension="EXT">
- <param name="stencilTagBits" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stencilClearTag" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PixelStorei" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelStoreParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StencilFillPathInstancedNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pathNameType" type="PathElementType" flow="in" />
- <param name="paths" type="PathElement *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,pathNameType,paths)" />
- <param name="pathBase" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="fillMode" type="PathFillMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
- <param name="transformType" type="PathTransformType" flow="in" />
- <param name="transformValues" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,transformType)" />
+ <function name="PixelTransferf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelTransferParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StencilFillPathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="fillMode" type="PathFillMode" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PixelTransferi" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelTransferParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StencilFunc" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
- <param name="ref" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PixelZoom" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="xfactor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yfactor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StencilFuncSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
- <param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
- <param name="ref" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PointSize" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="size" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StencilFuncSeparateATI" category="ATI_separate_stencil" extension="ATI">
- <param name="frontfunc" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
- <param name="backfunc" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
- <param name="ref" type="ClampedStencilValue" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PolygonMode" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="PolygonMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StencilMask" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PolygonStipple" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="mask" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StencilMaskSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PopAttrib" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StencilOp" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="fail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="zfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="zpass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PopMatrix" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StencilOpSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
- <param name="sfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="dpfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="dppass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PopName" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StencilOpSeparateATI" category="ATI_separate_stencil" extension="ATI">
- <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
- <param name="sfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="dpfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="dppass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PushAttrib" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="mask" type="AttribMask" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StencilOpValueAMD" category="AMD_stencil_operation_extended" extension="AMD">
- <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PushMatrix" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StencilStrokePathInstancedNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pathNameType" type="PathElementType" flow="in" />
- <param name="paths" type="PathElement *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,pathNameType,paths)" />
- <param name="pathBase" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="reference" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
- <param name="transformType" type="PathTransformType" flow="in" />
- <param name="transformValues" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(numPaths,transformType)" />
+ <function name="PushName" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="name" type="SelectName" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StencilStrokePathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="path" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="reference" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos2d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StopInstrumentsSGIX" category="SGIX_instruments" extension="SGIX">
- <param name="marker" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos2dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StringMarkerGREMEDY" category="GREMEDY_string_marker" extension="GREMEDY">
- <param name="len" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="string" type="void *" flow="in" count="len" />
+ <function name="RasterPos2f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SwizzleEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="res" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="in" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="outX" type="VertexShaderCoordOutEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="outY" type="VertexShaderCoordOutEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="outZ" type="VertexShaderCoordOutEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="outW" type="VertexShaderCoordOutEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos2fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SyncTextureINTEL" category="INTEL_map_texture" extension="INTEL">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos2i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TagSampleBufferSGIX" category="SGIX_tag_sample_buffer" extension="SGIX">
+ <function name="RasterPos2iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Tangent3bEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="tx" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="ty" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="tz" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos2s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Tangent3bvEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="RasterPos2sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Tangent3dEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="tx" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="ty" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="tz" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos3d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Tangent3dvEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="RasterPos3dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Tangent3fEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="tx" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="ty" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="tz" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos3f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Tangent3fvEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="RasterPos3fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Tangent3iEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="tx" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="ty" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="tz" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Tangent3ivEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="RasterPos3i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Tangent3sEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="tx" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="ty" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="tz" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos3iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Tangent3svEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="RasterPos3s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TangentPointerEXT" category="EXT_coordinate_frame" extension="EXT">
- <param name="type" type="TangentPointerTypeEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
+ <function name="RasterPos3sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TbufferMask3DFX" category="3DFX_tbuffer" extension="3DFX">
- <param name="mask" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos4d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TessellationFactorAMD" category="AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator" extension="AMD">
- <param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos4dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TessellationModeAMD" category="AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator" extension="AMD">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos4f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TestFenceAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="TestFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="TestObjectAPPLE" category="APPLE_fence" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="object" type="ObjectTypeAPPLE" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexBuffer" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos4fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexBufferARB" category="ARB_texture_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos4i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexBufferEXT" category="EXT_texture_buffer_object" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos4iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexBufferRange" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_buffer_range" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RasterPos4s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexBumpParameterfvATI" category="ATI_envmap_bumpmap" extension="ATI">
- <param name="pname" type="TexBumpParameterATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="RasterPos4sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexBumpParameterivATI" category="ATI_envmap_bumpmap" extension="ATI">
- <param name="pname" type="TexBumpParameterATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ReadBuffer" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="ReadBufferMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord1bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ReadPixels" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord1bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="Rectd" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y1" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y2" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord1d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Rectdv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v1" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="v2" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord1dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="Rectf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y1" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y2" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord1f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Rectfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v1" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="v2" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord1fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="Recti" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x1" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y1" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x2" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y2" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord1hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Rectiv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v1" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="v2" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord1hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="Rects" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x1" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y1" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x2" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y2" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord1i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Rectsv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v1" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="v2" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord1iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="RenderMode" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="RenderingMode" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
- <function name="TexCoord1s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Rotated" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="angle" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord1sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="Rotatef" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="angle" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Scaled" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord1xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="Scalef" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Scissor" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="SelectBuffer" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="SelectName *" flow="out" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ShadeModel" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="ShadingModel" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="StencilFunc" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ref" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord2f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="StencilMask" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="StencilOp" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="fail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zpass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TexCoord1d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="a" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord1dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TexCoord1f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="a" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord1fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <param name="c" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TexCoord1i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord1iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TexCoord1s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TexCoord1sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2fVertex3fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TexCoord2fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
<function name="TexCoord2i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord3bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord3bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexCoord3d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord3hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexCoord3i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<param name="t" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord4bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord4bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexCoord4d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<param name="q" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="p" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="a" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nx" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <param name="c" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexCoord4fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord4fVertex4fSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="s" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="p" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord4fVertex4fvSUN" category="SUN_vertex" extension="SUN">
- <param name="tc" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord4hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="s" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord4hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexCoord4i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<param name="t" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexCoord4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP1ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP1uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordPointer" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="TexCoordPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="TexCoordPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride,count)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="TexCoordPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
- <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordPointervINTEL" category="INTEL_parallel_arrays" extension="INTEL">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexEnvf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexEnvxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexEnvxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexFilterFuncSGIS" category="SGIS_texture_filter4" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="filter" type="TextureFilterSGIS" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="weights" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexGend" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
<param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
<param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexGeniv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="TexGeniv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="coord" type="TextureCoordName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureGenParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexImage1D" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexImage2D" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexParameterf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexParameteri" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Translated" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Translatef" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex2d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex2dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex2f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex2fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex2i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex2iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex2s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex2sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex3d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex3dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex3f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex3fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex3i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex3iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex3s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex3sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex4d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex4dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex4f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex4fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex4i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex4iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex4s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex4sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Viewport" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="1.1">
+ <enum name="VERSION_1_1">
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+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexImage1D" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <function name="CopyTexImage1D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexImage2D" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <function name="CopyTexImage2D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexImage2DMultisample" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexImage2DMultisampleCoverageNV" category="NV_texture_multisample" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coverageSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="colorSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalFormat" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedSampleLocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexImage3D" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
+ <function name="CopyTexSubImage1D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexImage3DEXT" category="EXT_texture3D" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="CopyTexSubImage2D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexImage3DMultisample" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexImage3DMultisampleCoverageNV" category="NV_texture_multisample" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coverageSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="colorSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalFormat" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedSampleLocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexImage4DSGIS" category="SGIS_texture4D" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="size4d" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth,size4d)" />
+ <function name="DeleteTextures" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexPageCommitmentARB" category="ARB_sparse_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="resident" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DisableClientState" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexParameterf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawArrays" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="DrawElements" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexParameteri" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EdgeFlagPointer" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="EnableClientState" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexParameterIivEXT" category="EXT_texture_integer" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GenTextures" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GetPointerv" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPointervPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexParameterIuivEXT" category="EXT_texture_integer" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="IndexPointer" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="type" type="IndexPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Indexub" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueUB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexParameterxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Indexubv" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="c" type="ColorIndexValueUB *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="InterleavedArrays" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="format" type="InterleavedArrayFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexRenderbufferNV" category="NV_explicit_multisample" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsTexture" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="TexStorage1D" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_texture_storage" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="NormalPointer" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="type" type="NormalPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexStorage2D" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_texture_storage" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PolygonOffset" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="units" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexStorage2DMultisample" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_storage_multisample" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PopClientAttrib" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexStorage3D" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_texture_storage" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PrioritizeTextures" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <param name="priorities" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexStorage3DMultisample" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_storage_multisample" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PushClientAttrib" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="mask" type="ClientAttribMask" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexStorageSparseAMD" category="AMD_sparse_texture" extension="AMD">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalFormat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="layers" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordPointer" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="TexCoordPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
<function name="TexSubImage1D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
<param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_subtexture" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="TexSubImage2D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexSubImage2D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <function name="VertexPointer" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="1.2">
+ <enum name="VERSION_1_2">
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2" value="0x8032" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4" value="0x8033" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1" value="0x8034" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8" value="0x8035" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2" value="0x8036" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_3D" value="0x806A" />
+ <token name="PACK_SKIP_IMAGES" value="0x806B" />
+ <token name="PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT" value="0x806C" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES" value="0x806D" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT" value="0x806E" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_3D" value="0x806F" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_3D" value="0x8070" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_DEPTH" value="0x8071" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_WRAP_R" value="0x8072" />
+ <token name="MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE" value="0x8073" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV" value="0x8362" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5" value="0x8363" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV" value="0x8364" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV" value="0x8365" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV" value="0x8366" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV" value="0x8367" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV" value="0x8368" />
+ <token name="BGR" value="0x80E0" />
+ <token name="BGRA" value="0x80E1" />
+ <token name="MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES" value="0x80E8" />
+ <token name="MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES" value="0x80E9" />
+ <token name="CLAMP_TO_EDGE" value="0x812F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MIN_LOD" value="0x813A" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MAX_LOD" value="0x813B" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL" value="0x813C" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL" value="0x813D" />
+ <token name="SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_RANGE" value="0x0B12" />
+ <token name="SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY" value="0x0B13" />
+ <token name="SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE" value="0x0B22" />
+ <token name="SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY" value="0x0B23" />
+ <token name="ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE" value="0x846E" />
+ <token name="RESCALE_NORMAL" value="0x803A" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL" value="0x81F8" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SINGLE_COLOR" value="0x81F9" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR" value="0x81FA" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE" value="0x846D" deprecated="3.2" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="CopyTexSubImage3D" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_subtexture" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="DrawRangeElements" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexImage3D" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
<returns type="void" />
<function name="TexSubImage3D" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
<param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_texture3D" extension="EXT">
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="1.3">
+ <enum name="VERSION_1_3">
+ <token name="TEXTURE0" value="0x84C0" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE1" value="0x84C1" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE2" value="0x84C2" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE3" value="0x84C3" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE4" value="0x84C4" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE5" value="0x84C5" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE6" value="0x84C6" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE7" value="0x84C7" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE8" value="0x84C8" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE9" value="0x84C9" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE10" value="0x84CA" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE11" value="0x84CB" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE12" value="0x84CC" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE13" value="0x84CD" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE14" value="0x84CE" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE15" value="0x84CF" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE16" value="0x84D0" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE17" value="0x84D1" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE18" value="0x84D2" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE19" value="0x84D3" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE20" value="0x84D4" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE21" value="0x84D5" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE22" value="0x84D6" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE23" value="0x84D7" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE24" value="0x84D8" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE25" value="0x84D9" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE26" value="0x84DA" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE27" value="0x84DB" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE28" value="0x84DC" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE29" value="0x84DD" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE30" value="0x84DE" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE31" value="0x84DF" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_TEXTURE" value="0x84E0" />
+ <token name="MULTISAMPLE" value="0x809D" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE" value="0x809E" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE" value="0x809F" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_COVERAGE" value="0x80A0" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_BUFFERS" value="0x80A8" />
+ <token name="SAMPLES" value="0x80A9" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE" value="0x80AA" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT" value="0x80AB" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP" value="0x8513" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP" value="0x8514" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X" value="0x8515" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X" value="0x8516" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y" value="0x8517" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y" value="0x8518" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z" value="0x8519" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z" value="0x851A" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP" value="0x851B" />
+ <token name="MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE" value="0x851C" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_RGB" value="0x84ED" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_RGBA" value="0x84EE" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_HINT" value="0x84EF" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE" value="0x86A0" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_COMPRESSED" value="0x86A1" />
+ <token name="NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS" value="0x86A2" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS" value="0x86A3" />
+ <token name="CLAMP_TO_BORDER" value="0x812D" />
+ <token name="CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE" value="0x84E1" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS" value="0x84E2" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="TRANSPOSE_MODELVIEW_MATRIX" value="0x84E3" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="TRANSPOSE_PROJECTION_MATRIX" value="0x84E4" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="TRANSPOSE_TEXTURE_MATRIX" value="0x84E5" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="TRANSPOSE_COLOR_MATRIX" value="0x84E6" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="MULTISAMPLE_BIT" value="0x20000000" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="NORMAL_MAP" value="0x8511" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="REFLECTION_MAP" value="0x8512" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_ALPHA" value="0x84E9" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE" value="0x84EA" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA" value="0x84EB" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_INTENSITY" value="0x84EC" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="COMBINE" value="0x8570" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="COMBINE_RGB" value="0x8571" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="COMBINE_ALPHA" value="0x8572" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SOURCE0_RGB" value="0x8580" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SOURCE1_RGB" value="0x8581" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SOURCE2_RGB" value="0x8582" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SOURCE0_ALPHA" value="0x8588" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SOURCE1_ALPHA" value="0x8589" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SOURCE2_ALPHA" value="0x858A" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="OPERAND0_RGB" value="0x8590" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="OPERAND1_RGB" value="0x8591" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="OPERAND2_RGB" value="0x8592" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="OPERAND0_ALPHA" value="0x8598" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="OPERAND1_ALPHA" value="0x8599" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="OPERAND2_ALPHA" value="0x859A" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="RGB_SCALE" value="0x8573" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="ADD_SIGNED" value="0x8574" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="INTERPOLATE" value="0x8575" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SUBTRACT" value="0x84E7" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="CONSTANT" value="0x8576" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="PRIMARY_COLOR" value="0x8577" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="PREVIOUS" value="0x8578" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="DOT3_RGB" value="0x86AE" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="DOT3_RGBA" value="0x86AF" deprecated="3.2" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="ActiveTexture" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClientActiveTexture" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="texture" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTexImage1D" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTexImage2D" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTexImage3D" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTexSubImage1D" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTexSubImage2D" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexSubImage4DSGIS" category="SGIS_texture4D" extension="SGIS">
+ <function name="CompressedTexSubImage3D" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="woffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="size4d" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth,size4d)" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureBarrierNV" category="NV_texture_barrier" extension="NV">
+ <function name="GetCompressedTexImage" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="img" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,level)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureBufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="LoadTransposeMatrixd" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <function name="LoadTransposeMatrixf" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureColorMaskSGIS" category="SGIS_texture_color_mask" extension="SGIS">
- <param name="red" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1d" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1dv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1f" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureImage2DMultisampleCoverageNV" category="NV_texture_multisample" extension="NV">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coverageSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="colorSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalFormat" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedSampleLocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1fv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureImage2DMultisampleNV" category="NV_texture_multisample" extension="NV">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalFormat" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedSampleLocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1i" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1iv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureImage3DMultisampleCoverageNV" category="NV_texture_multisample" extension="NV">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coverageSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="colorSamples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalFormat" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedSampleLocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1s" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureImage3DMultisampleNV" category="NV_texture_multisample" extension="NV">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalFormat" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedSampleLocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1sv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureLightEXT" category="EXT_light_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pname" type="LightTexturePNameEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2d" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureMaterialEXT" category="EXT_light_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2dv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureNormalEXT" category="EXT_texture_perturb_normal" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="TextureNormalModeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2f" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexturePageCommitmentEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="resident" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2fv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureParameterfEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2i" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureParameterfvEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2iv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureParameteriEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2s" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureParameterIivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2sv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureParameterIuivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3d" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureParameterivEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3dv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureRangeAPPLE" category="APPLE_texture_range" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3f" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureRenderbufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3fv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureStorage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3i" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureStorage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3iv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureStorage2DMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3s" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureStorage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3sv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureStorage3DMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4d" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureStorageSparseAMD" category="AMD_sparse_texture" extension="AMD">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalFormat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="layers" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4dv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureSubImage1DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4f" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureSubImage2DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4fv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureSubImage3DEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4i" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureView" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_view" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="origtexture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="minlevel" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numlevels" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="minlayer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numlayers" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4iv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TrackMatrixNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="target" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="address" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="matrix" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="transform" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4s" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TransformFeedbackAttribsNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
- <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="attribs" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
- <param name="bufferMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4sv" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TransformFeedbackStreamAttribsNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="attribs" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="nbuffers" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufstreams" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="nbuffers" />
- <param name="bufferMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultTransposeMatrixd" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="m" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TransformFeedbackVaryings" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="varyings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="bufferMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultTransposeMatrixf" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT" category="EXT_transform_feedback" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="varyings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="bufferMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SampleCoverage" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TransformFeedbackVaryingsNV" category="NV_transform_feedback" extension="NV">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="locations" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="bufferMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="1.4">
+ <enum name="VERSION_1_4">
+ <token name="BLEND_DST_RGB" value="0x80C8" />
+ <token name="BLEND_SRC_RGB" value="0x80C9" />
+ <token name="BLEND_DST_ALPHA" value="0x80CA" />
+ <token name="BLEND_SRC_ALPHA" value="0x80CB" />
+ <token name="POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE" value="0x8128" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_COMPONENT16" value="0x81A5" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_COMPONENT24" value="0x81A6" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_COMPONENT32" value="0x81A7" />
+ <token name="MIRRORED_REPEAT" value="0x8370" />
+ <token name="MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS" value="0x84FD" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS" value="0x8501" />
+ <token name="INCR_WRAP" value="0x8507" />
+ <token name="DECR_WRAP" value="0x8508" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_DEPTH_SIZE" value="0x884A" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE" value="0x884C" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC" value="0x884D" />
+ <token name="POINT_SIZE_MIN" value="0x8126" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="POINT_SIZE_MAX" value="0x8127" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION" value="0x8129" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="GENERATE_MIPMAP" value="0x8191" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT" value="0x8192" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FOG_COORDINATE_SOURCE" value="0x8450" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FOG_COORDINATE" value="0x8451" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_DEPTH" value="0x8452" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="CURRENT_FOG_COORDINATE" value="0x8453" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_TYPE" value="0x8454" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_STRIDE" value="0x8455" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_POINTER" value="0x8456" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY" value="0x8457" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="COLOR_SUM" value="0x8458" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="CURRENT_SECONDARY_COLOR" value="0x8459" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE" value="0x845A" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE" value="0x845B" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE" value="0x845C" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER" value="0x845D" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY" value="0x845E" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL" value="0x8500" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE" value="0x884B" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE" value="0x884E" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FUNC_ADD" value="0x8006" />
+ <token name="FUNC_SUBTRACT" value="0x800A" />
+ <token name="FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT" value="0x800B" />
+ <token name="MIN" value="0x8007" />
+ <token name="MAX" value="0x8008" />
+ <token name="CONSTANT_COLOR" value="0x8001" />
+ <token name="ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR" value="0x8002" />
+ <token name="CONSTANT_ALPHA" value="0x8003" />
+ <token name="ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA" value="0x8004" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BlendColor" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TransformPathNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="resultPath" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcPath" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="transformType" type="PathTransformType" flow="in" />
- <param name="transformValues" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(transformType)" />
+ <function name="BlendEquation" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="mode" type="BlendEquationMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Translated" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BlendFuncSeparate" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="sfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FogCoordd" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="coord" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FogCoorddv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="coord" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FogCoordf" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="coord" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FogCoordfv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="coord" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FogCoordPointer" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="type" type="FogPointerTypeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiDrawArrays" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiDrawElements" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Translatef" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PointParameterf" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TranslatexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PointParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1d" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PointParameteri" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="PointParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3b" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1fARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3bv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorB *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3d" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1fvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3dv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorD *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3f" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3fv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorF *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3i" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1iARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3iv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorI *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3s" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1ivARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3sv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorS *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3ub" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3ubv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorUB *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3ui" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorUI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1uiEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3uiv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorUI *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3us" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorUS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1uivEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColor3usv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="ColorUS *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2d" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColorPointer" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="ColorPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2d" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2dv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2fARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2f" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2fv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2fvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2i" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2iv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2s" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*2)" />
+ <function name="WindowPos2sv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2iARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3d" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3dv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2ivARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3f" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3fv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3i" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*2)" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3iv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2uiEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3s" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <function name="WindowPos3sv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
+ <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2uivEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="1.5">
+ <enum name="VERSION_1_5">
+ <token name="BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x8764" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_USAGE" value="0x8765" />
+ <token name="QUERY_COUNTER_BITS" value="0x8864" />
+ <token name="CURRENT_QUERY" value="0x8865" />
+ <token name="QUERY_RESULT" value="0x8866" />
+ <token name="QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE" value="0x8867" />
+ <token name="ARRAY_BUFFER" value="0x8892" />
+ <token name="ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER" value="0x8893" />
+ <token name="ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8894" />
+ <token name="ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8895" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x889F" />
+ <token name="READ_ONLY" value="0x88B8" />
+ <token name="WRITE_ONLY" value="0x88B9" />
+ <token name="READ_WRITE" value="0x88BA" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_ACCESS" value="0x88BB" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_MAPPED" value="0x88BC" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_MAP_POINTER" value="0x88BD" />
+ <token name="STREAM_DRAW" value="0x88E0" />
+ <token name="STREAM_READ" value="0x88E1" />
+ <token name="STREAM_COPY" value="0x88E2" />
+ <token name="STATIC_DRAW" value="0x88E4" />
+ <token name="STATIC_READ" value="0x88E5" />
+ <token name="STATIC_COPY" value="0x88E6" />
+ <token name="DYNAMIC_DRAW" value="0x88E8" />
+ <token name="DYNAMIC_READ" value="0x88E9" />
+ <token name="DYNAMIC_COPY" value="0x88EA" />
+ <token name="SAMPLES_PASSED" value="0x8914" />
+ <token name="SRC1_ALPHA" value="0x8589" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8896" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="NORMAL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8897" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8898" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="INDEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8899" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x889A" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x889B" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x889C" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x889D" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="WEIGHT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x889E" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FOG_COORD_SRC" value="0x8450" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FOG_COORD" value="0x8451" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="CURRENT_FOG_COORD" value="0x8453" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FOG_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE" value="0x8454" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FOG_COORD_ARRAY_STRIDE" value="0x8455" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FOG_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER" value="0x8456" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FOG_COORD_ARRAY" value="0x8457" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="FOG_COORD_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x889D" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SRC0_RGB" value="0x8580" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SRC1_RGB" value="0x8581" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SRC2_RGB" value="0x8582" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SRC0_ALPHA" value="0x8588" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="SRC2_ALPHA" value="0x858A" deprecated="3.2" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BeginQuery" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3d" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="BufferData" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <param name="usage" type="BufferUsageARB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BufferSubData" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3fARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteBuffers" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="DeleteQueries" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3fvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="EndQuery" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenBuffers" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenQueries" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*3)" />
+ <function name="GetBufferParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="BufferPNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3iARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetBufferPointerv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="BufferPointerNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="GetBufferSubData" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3ivARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="GetQueryiv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectiv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectuiv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*3)" />
+ <function name="IsBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsQuery" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MapBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="BufferAccessARB" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UnmapBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="2.0">
+ <enum name="VERSION_2_0">
+ <token name="BLEND_EQUATION_RGB" value="0x8009" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED" value="0x8622" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE" value="0x8623" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE" value="0x8624" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE" value="0x8625" />
+ <token name="CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB" value="0x8626" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE" value="0x8642" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER" value="0x8645" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BACK_FUNC" value="0x8800" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BACK_FAIL" value="0x8801" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL" value="0x8802" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS" value="0x8803" />
+ <token name="MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS" value="0x8824" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER0" value="0x8825" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER1" value="0x8826" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER2" value="0x8827" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER3" value="0x8828" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER4" value="0x8829" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER5" value="0x882A" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER6" value="0x882B" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER7" value="0x882C" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER8" value="0x882D" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER9" value="0x882E" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER10" value="0x882F" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER11" value="0x8830" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER12" value="0x8831" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER13" value="0x8832" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER14" value="0x8833" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER15" value="0x8834" />
+ <token name="BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA" value="0x883D" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS" value="0x8869" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED" value="0x886A" />
+ <token name="MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS" value="0x8872" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_SHADER" value="0x8B30" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_SHADER" value="0x8B31" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS" value="0x8B49" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS" value="0x8B4A" />
+ <token name="MAX_VARYING_FLOATS" value="0x8B4B" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS" value="0x8B4C" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS" value="0x8B4D" />
+ <token name="SHADER_TYPE" value="0x8B4F" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_VEC2" value="0x8B50" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_VEC3" value="0x8B51" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_VEC4" value="0x8B52" />
+ <token name="INT_VEC2" value="0x8B53" />
+ <token name="INT_VEC3" value="0x8B54" />
+ <token name="INT_VEC4" value="0x8B55" />
+ <token name="BOOL" value="0x8B56" />
+ <token name="BOOL_VEC2" value="0x8B57" />
+ <token name="BOOL_VEC3" value="0x8B58" />
+ <token name="BOOL_VEC4" value="0x8B59" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_MAT2" value="0x8B5A" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_MAT3" value="0x8B5B" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_MAT4" value="0x8B5C" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_1D" value="0x8B5D" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_2D" value="0x8B5E" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_3D" value="0x8B5F" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_CUBE" value="0x8B60" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_1D_SHADOW" value="0x8B61" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW" value="0x8B62" />
+ <token name="DELETE_STATUS" value="0x8B80" />
+ <token name="COMPILE_STATUS" value="0x8B81" />
+ <token name="LINK_STATUS" value="0x8B82" />
+ <token name="VALIDATE_STATUS" value="0x8B83" />
+ <token name="INFO_LOG_LENGTH" value="0x8B84" />
+ <token name="ATTACHED_SHADERS" value="0x8B85" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_UNIFORMS" value="0x8B86" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH" value="0x8B87" />
+ <token name="SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH" value="0x8B88" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES" value="0x8B89" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH" value="0x8B8A" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT" value="0x8B8B" />
+ <token name="SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION" value="0x8B8C" />
+ <token name="CURRENT_PROGRAM" value="0x8B8D" />
+ <token name="POINT_SPRITE_COORD_ORIGIN" value="0x8CA0" />
+ <token name="LOWER_LEFT" value="0x8CA1" />
+ <token name="UPPER_LEFT" value="0x8CA2" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BACK_REF" value="0x8CA3" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK" value="0x8CA4" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK" value="0x8CA5" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE" value="0x8643" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="POINT_SPRITE" value="0x8861" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="COORD_REPLACE" value="0x8862" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS" value="0x8871" deprecated="3.2" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="AttachShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3uiEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindAttribLocation" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <function name="BlendEquationSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="modeRGB" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modeAlpha" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3uivEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <function name="CompileShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4d" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="CreateProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="Uniform4dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="CreateShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="Uniform4f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4fARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="DetachShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4fvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="DisableVertexAttribArray" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawBuffers" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufs" type="DrawBufferModeATI *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4i64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EnableVertexAttribArray" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4i64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*4)" />
+ <function name="GetActiveAttrib" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4iARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetActiveUniform" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="GetAttachedShaders" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="maxCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4ivARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetAttribLocation" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
- <function name="Uniform4ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramInfoLog" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4ui64NV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4ui64vNV" category="NV_gpu_shader5" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count*4)" />
+ <function name="GetShaderInfoLog" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4uiEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetShaderiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <function name="GetShaderSource" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="source" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4uivEXT" category="EXT_gpu_shader4" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetUniformfv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformBlockBinding" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <function name="GetUniformiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformBlockBinding" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformBufferEXT" category="EXT_bindable_uniform" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetUniformLocation" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
- <function name="UniformHandleui64ARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribdv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformHandleui64NV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribfv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformHandleui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64 *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformHandleui64vNV" category="NV_bindless_texture" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64 *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribPointerv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPointerPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2fvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="LinkProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2x3dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ShaderSource" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="string" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2x3fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="6" />
+ <function name="StencilFuncSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
+ <param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ref" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2x4dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="StencilMaskSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2x4fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="8" />
+ <function name="StencilOpSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dpfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dppass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="Uniform1f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="Uniform1fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3fvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <function name="Uniform1i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3x2dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="Uniform1iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3x2fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <function name="Uniform2f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="6" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3x4dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="Uniform2fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3x4fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <function name="Uniform2i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="12" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix4dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="Uniform2iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix4fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="Uniform3f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix4fvARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
+ <function name="Uniform3fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix4x2dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UniformMatrix4x2fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="8" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UniformMatrix4x3dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="Uniform3i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix4x3fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <function name="Uniform3iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="12" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UniformSubroutinesuiv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniformui64NV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <function name="Uniform4f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniformui64vNV" category="NV_shader_buffer_load" extension="NV">
+ <function name="Uniform4fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UnlockArraysEXT" category="EXT_compiled_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UnmapBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="UnmapBufferARB" category="ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="UnmapNamedBufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="UnmapObjectBufferATI" category="ATI_map_object_buffer" extension="ATI">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UnmapTexture2DINTEL" category="INTEL_map_texture" extension="INTEL">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UpdateObjectBufferATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
- <param name="preserve" type="PreserveModeATI" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UseProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UseProgramObjectARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UseProgramStages" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stages" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UseProgramStagesEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stages" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UseShaderProgramEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ValidateProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ValidateProgramARB" category="ARB_shader_objects" extension="ARB">
- <param name="programObj" type="handleARB" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ValidateProgramPipeline" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ValidateProgramPipelineEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VariantArrayObjectATI" category="ATI_vertex_array_object" extension="ATI">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="ScalarType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VariantbvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="addr" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VariantdvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="addr" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VariantfvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="addr" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VariantivEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="addr" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VariantPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="ScalarType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="addr" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id,type,stride)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VariantsvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="addr" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VariantubvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="addr" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VariantuivEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="addr" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VariantusvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="addr" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(id)" />
+ <function name="Uniform4i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VDPAUFiniNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
+ <function name="Uniform4iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VDPAUGetSurfaceivNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
- <param name="surface" type="vdpauSurfaceNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VDPAUInitNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
- <param name="vdpDevice" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="getProcAddress" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VDPAUIsSurfaceNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
- <param name="surface" type="vdpauSurfaceNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VDPAUMapSurfacesNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
- <param name="numSurfaces" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="surfaces" type="vdpauSurfaceNV *" flow="in" count="numSurfaces" />
+ <function name="UseProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VDPAURegisterOutputSurfaceNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
- <param name="vdpSurface" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="numTextureNames" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textureNames" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="numTextureNames" />
- <returns type="vdpauSurfaceNV" />
- </function>
- <function name="VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
- <param name="vdpSurface" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="numTextureNames" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textureNames" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="numTextureNames" />
- <returns type="vdpauSurfaceNV" />
+ <function name="ValidateProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="VDPAUSurfaceAccessNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
- <param name="surface" type="vdpauSurfaceNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
- <param name="numSurface" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="surfaces" type="vdpauSurfaceNV *" flow="in" count="numSurface" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VDPAUUnregisterSurfaceNV" category="NV_vdpau_interop" extension="NV">
- <param name="surface" type="vdpauSurfaceNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex2bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex2bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex2d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex2dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex2f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex2fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex2hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="x" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex2hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex2i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex2iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex2s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex2sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex3bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex3bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4bv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex3d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex3dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex3f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex3fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex3hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="x" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4Nbv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex3i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4Niv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex3iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4Nsv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex3s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4Nub" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex3sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4Nubv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4Nuiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4Nusv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4d" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4ubv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4dv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4uiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4f" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4usv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4fv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribPointer" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexAttribPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="x" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="2.1">
+ <enum name="VERSION_2_1">
+ <token name="PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER" value="0x88EB" />
+ <token name="PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER" value="0x88EC" />
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+ </enum>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2x3fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="6" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2x4fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
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+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="8" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4i" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
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+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="6" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4iv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="4" />
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+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="12" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4s" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
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+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="8" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4sv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="4" />
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+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="12" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="3.0">
+ <enum name="VERSION_3_0">
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+ <token name="COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG_RGTC2" value="0x8DBE" />
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+ <token name="R16UI" value="0x8234" />
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+ <token name="RG32UI" value="0x823C" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING" value="0x85B5" />
+ <token name="CLAMP_VERTEX_COLOR" value="0x891A" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="CLAMP_FRAGMENT_COLOR" value="0x891B" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="ALPHA_INTEGER" value="0x8D97" deprecated="3.2" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BeginConditionalRender" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="BeginTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="primitiveMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayBindVertexBufferEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindBufferBase" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayColorOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindBufferRange" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="ColorPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayEdgeFlagOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindFragDataLocation" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayFogCoordOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="FogCoordinatePointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindFramebuffer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayIndexOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="IndexPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindRenderbuffer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayMultiTexCoordOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="texunit" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="TexCoordPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindVertexArray" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayNormalOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="NormalPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BlitFramebuffer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="srcX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
+ <param name="filter" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayParameteriAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_array_range" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="pname" type="VertexArrayPNameAPPLE" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="CheckFramebufferStatus" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
- <function name="VertexArrayRangeAPPLE" category="APPLE_vertex_array_range" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="out" count="length" />
+ <function name="ClampColor" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="ClampColorTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="clamp" type="ClampColorModeARB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayRangeNV" category="NV_vertex_array_range" extension="NV">
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(length)" />
+ <function name="ClearBufferfi" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stencil" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArraySecondaryColorOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="ColorPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ClearBufferfv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayTexCoordOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="TexCoordPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ClearBufferiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribBindingEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ClearBufferuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribDivisorEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ColorMaski" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribFormatEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="a" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribIFormatEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteFramebuffers" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribIOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteRenderbuffers" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribLFormatEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteVertexArrays" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribLOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Disablei" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayVertexAttribOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Enablei" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexAttribPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayVertexBindingDivisorEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndConditionalRender" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexArrayVertexOffsetEXT" category="EXT_direct_state_access" extension="EXT">
- <param name="vaobj" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FlushMappedBufferRange" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1dARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FramebufferRenderbuffer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffertarget" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1dNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture1D" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture2D" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1dvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture3D" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTextureLayer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenerateMipmap" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1fARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenFramebuffers" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1fNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenRenderbuffers" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GenVertexArrays" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1fvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="GetBooleani_v" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetFragDataLocation" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <function name="GetIntegeri_v" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetRenderbufferParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1sARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="GetStringi" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="name" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <returns type="String" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1sNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetTexParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1svARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="GetTransformFeedbackVarying" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetUniformuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(program,location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribIiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2dARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribIuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2dNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <function name="IsEnabledi" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsFramebuffer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2dvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsRenderbuffer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsVertexArray" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="MapBufferRange" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="BufferAccessMask" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2fARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorage" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2fNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisample" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TexParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2fvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TexParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TransformFeedbackVaryings" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="varyings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="bufferMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform1ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="Uniform1uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform2ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2sARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform2uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2sNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform3ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="Uniform3uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2svARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="Uniform4ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="Uniform4uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI1i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3dARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI1iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3dNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI1ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI1uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3dvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI2i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI2iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI2ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3fARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI2uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3fNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI3i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI3iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3fvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI3ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI3uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4bv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3sARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4sv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3sNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4ubv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3svARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4usv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4bv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribIPointer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4bvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="3.1">
+ <enum name="VERSION_3_1">
+ <token name="SAMPLER_2D_RECT" value="0x8B63" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_2D_RECT_SHADOW" value="0x8B64" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_BUFFER" value="0x8DC2" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT" value="0x8DCD" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER" value="0x8DD0" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT" value="0x8DD5" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER" value="0x8DD8" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BUFFER" value="0x8C2A" />
+ <token name="MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x8C2B" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_BUFFER" value="0x8C2C" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BUFFER_DATA_STORE_BINDING" value="0x8C2D" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_RECTANGLE" value="0x84F5" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE" value="0x84F6" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE" value="0x84F7" />
+ <token name="MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE" value="0x84F8" />
+ <token name="R8_SNORM" value="0x8F94" />
+ <token name="RG8_SNORM" value="0x8F95" />
+ <token name="RGB8_SNORM" value="0x8F96" />
+ <token name="RGBA8_SNORM" value="0x8F97" />
+ <token name="R16_SNORM" value="0x8F98" />
+ <token name="RG16_SNORM" value="0x8F99" />
+ <token name="RGB16_SNORM" value="0x8F9A" />
+ <token name="RGBA16_SNORM" value="0x8F9B" />
+ <token name="SIGNED_NORMALIZED" value="0x8F9C" />
+ <token name="PRIMITIVE_RESTART" value="0x8F9D" />
+ <token name="PRIMITIVE_RESTART_INDEX" value="0x8F9E" />
+ <token name="COPY_READ_BUFFER" value="0x8F36" />
+ <token name="COPY_WRITE_BUFFER" value="0x8F37" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BUFFER" value="0x8A11" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8A28" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BUFFER_START" value="0x8A29" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x8A2A" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_BLOCKS" value="0x8A2B" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_BLOCKS" value="0x8A2D" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_UNIFORM_BLOCKS" value="0x8A2E" />
+ <token name="MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS" value="0x8A2F" />
+ <token name="MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE" value="0x8A30" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS" value="0x8A31" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS" value="0x8A33" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT" value="0x8A34" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCK_MAX_NAME_LENGTH" value="0x8A35" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS" value="0x8A36" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_TYPE" value="0x8A37" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_SIZE" value="0x8A38" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_NAME_LENGTH" value="0x8A39" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK_INDEX" value="0x8A3A" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_OFFSET" value="0x8A3B" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_ARRAY_STRIDE" value="0x8A3C" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_MATRIX_STRIDE" value="0x8A3D" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_IS_ROW_MAJOR" value="0x8A3E" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING" value="0x8A3F" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE" value="0x8A40" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK_NAME_LENGTH" value="0x8A41" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS" value="0x8A42" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES" value="0x8A43" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER" value="0x8A44" />
+ <token name="INVALID_INDEX" value="0xFFFFFFFF" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="CopyBufferSubData" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="readTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="writeTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="readOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="writeOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawArraysInstanced" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4dARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstanced" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4dNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockiv" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockName" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4dvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformName" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="uniformName" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformsiv" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetUniformBlockIndex" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetUniformIndices" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformNames" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
+ <param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4fARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
+ <function name="PrimitiveRestartIndex" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4fNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexBuffer" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="UniformBlockBinding" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockBinding" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4fvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="3.2">
+ <enum name="VERSION_3_2">
+ <token name="CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT" value="0x00000001" />
+ <token name="CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT" value="0x00000002" />
+ <token name="LINES_ADJACENCY" value="0x000A" />
+ <token name="LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY" value="0x000B" />
+ <token name="TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY" value="0x000C" />
+ <token name="TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY" value="0x000D" />
+ <token name="PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE" value="0x8642" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS" value="0x8C29" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_LAYERED" value="0x8DA7" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_TARGETS" value="0x8DA8" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_SHADER" value="0x8DD9" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT" value="0x8916" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE" value="0x8917" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE" value="0x8918" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS" value="0x8DDF" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_VERTICES" value="0x8DE0" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x8DE1" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x9122" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_INPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x9123" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x9124" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x9125" />
+ <token name="CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK" value="0x9126" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_CLAMP" value="0x864F" />
+ <token name="FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION" value="0x8E4D" />
+ <token name="LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION" value="0x8E4E" />
+ <token name="PROVOKING_VERTEX" value="0x8E4F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS" value="0x884F" />
+ <token name="MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT" value="0x9111" />
+ <token name="OBJECT_TYPE" value="0x9112" />
+ <token name="SYNC_CONDITION" value="0x9113" />
+ <token name="SYNC_STATUS" value="0x9114" />
+ <token name="SYNC_FLAGS" value="0x9115" />
+ <token name="SYNC_FENCE" value="0x9116" />
+ <token name="SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE" value="0x9117" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNALED" value="0x9118" />
+ <token name="SIGNALED" value="0x9119" />
+ <token name="ALREADY_SIGNALED" value="0x911A" />
+ <token name="TIMEOUT_EXPIRED" value="0x911B" />
+ <token name="CONDITION_SATISFIED" value="0x911C" />
+ <token name="WAIT_FAILED" value="0x911D" />
+ <token name="TIMEOUT_IGNORED" value="0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" />
+ <token name="SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT" value="0x00000001" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_POSITION" value="0x8E50" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_MASK" value="0x8E51" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_MASK_VALUE" value="0x8E52" />
+ <token name="MAX_SAMPLE_MASK_WORDS" value="0x8E59" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x9100" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x9101" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x9102" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x9103" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x9104" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x9105" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_SAMPLES" value="0x9106" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_FIXED_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS" value="0x9107" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x9108" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x9109" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x910A" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x910B" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x910C" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x910D" />
+ <token name="MAX_COLOR_TEXTURE_SAMPLES" value="0x910E" />
+ <token name="MAX_DEPTH_TEXTURE_SAMPLES" value="0x910F" />
+ <token name="MAX_INTEGER_SAMPLES" value="0x9110" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="ClientWaitSync" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteSync" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4hNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="FenceSync" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="condition" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="sync" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4ivARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetBufferParameteri64v" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="BufferPNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4Nbv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="GetInteger64i_v" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4NbvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetInteger64v" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4Niv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="GetMultisamplefv" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="val" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4NivARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetSynciv" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4Nsv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="IsSync" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4NsvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="ProvokingVertex" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4Nub" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="SampleMaski" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4NubARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexImage2DMultisample" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4Nubv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="TexImage3DMultisample" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4NubvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="WaitSync" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4Nuiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="3.3">
+ <enum name="VERSION_3_3">
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR" value="0x88FE" />
+ <token name="SRC1_COLOR" value="0x88F9" />
+ <token name="ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR" value="0x88FA" />
+ <token name="ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA" value="0x88FB" />
+ <token name="MAX_DUAL_SOURCE_DRAW_BUFFERS" value="0x88FC" />
+ <token name="ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED" value="0x8C2F" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_BINDING" value="0x8919" />
+ <token name="RGB10_A2UI" value="0x906F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R" value="0x8E42" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G" value="0x8E43" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B" value="0x8E44" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A" value="0x8E45" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA" value="0x8E46" />
+ <token name="TIME_ELAPSED" value="0x88BF" />
+ <token name="TIMESTAMP" value="0x8E28" />
+ <token name="INT_2_10_10_10_REV" value="0x8D9F" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BindFragDataLocationIndexed" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="colorNumber" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4NuivARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="BindSampler" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="unit" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4Nusv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="ColorP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4NusvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="ColorP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ColorP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4sARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ColorP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4sNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteSamplers" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GenSamplers" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4svARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetFragDataIndex" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetQueryObjecti64v" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectui64v" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4ubNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="ColorUB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameterfv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4ubv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4ubvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4ubvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="ColorUB *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4uiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="IsSampler" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP1ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4uivARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP1uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4usv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4usvARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribArrayObjectATI" category="ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object" extension="ATI">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexAttribPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribBinding" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribDivisor" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribDivisorARB" category="ARB_instanced_arrays" extension="ARB">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribFormat" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="NormalP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="NormalP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI1i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="QueryCounter" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI1iEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SamplerParameterf" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI1iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="SamplerParameterfv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI1ivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="SamplerParameteri" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI1ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SamplerParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI1uiEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SamplerParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI1uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="SamplerParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI1uivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColorP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI2i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColorP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI2iEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP1ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI2iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP1uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI2ivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI2ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI2uiEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI2uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI2uivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI3i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI3iEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="VertexAttribDivisor" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI3iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribP1ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI3ivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="VertexAttribP1uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI3ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI3uiEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="VertexAttribP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI3uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI3uivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="VertexAttribP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4bv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4bvEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="VertexAttribP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4iEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4ivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4sv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4svEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4ubv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="4.0">
+ <enum name="VERSION_4_0">
+ <token name="SAMPLE_SHADING" value="0x8C36" />
+ <token name="MIN_SAMPLE_SHADING_VALUE" value="0x8C37" />
+ <token name="MIN_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_OFFSET" value="0x8E5E" />
+ <token name="MAX_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_OFFSET" value="0x8E5F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x9009" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x900A" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x900B" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x900C" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_SHADOW" value="0x900D" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x900E" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x900F" />
+ <token name="DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER" value="0x8F3F" />
+ <token name="DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8F43" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_SHADER_INVOCATIONS" value="0x887F" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_SHADER_INVOCATIONS" value="0x8E5A" />
+ <token name="MIN_FRAGMENT_INTERPOLATION_OFFSET" value="0x8E5B" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_INTERPOLATION_OFFSET" value="0x8E5C" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_INTERPOLATION_OFFSET_BITS" value="0x8E5D" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS" value="0x8E71" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_VEC2" value="0x8FFC" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_VEC3" value="0x8FFD" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_VEC4" value="0x8FFE" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT2" value="0x8F46" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT3" value="0x8F47" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT4" value="0x8F48" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT2x3" value="0x8F49" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT2x4" value="0x8F4A" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT3x2" value="0x8F4B" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT3x4" value="0x8F4C" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT4x2" value="0x8F4D" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT4x3" value="0x8F4E" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_SUBROUTINES" value="0x8DE5" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORMS" value="0x8DE6" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_LOCATIONS" value="0x8E47" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_MAX_LENGTH" value="0x8E48" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH" value="0x8E49" />
+ <token name="MAX_SUBROUTINES" value="0x8DE7" />
+ <token name="MAX_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_LOCATIONS" value="0x8DE8" />
+ <token name="NUM_COMPATIBLE_SUBROUTINES" value="0x8E4A" />
+ <token name="COMPATIBLE_SUBROUTINES" value="0x8E4B" />
+ <token name="PATCHES" value="0x000E" />
+ <token name="PATCH_VERTICES" value="0x8E72" />
+ <token name="PATCH_DEFAULT_INNER_LEVEL" value="0x8E73" />
+ <token name="PATCH_DEFAULT_OUTER_LEVEL" value="0x8E74" />
+ <token name="TESS_CONTROL_OUTPUT_VERTICES" value="0x8E75" />
+ <token name="TESS_GEN_MODE" value="0x8E76" />
+ <token name="TESS_GEN_SPACING" value="0x8E77" />
+ <token name="TESS_GEN_VERTEX_ORDER" value="0x8E78" />
+ <token name="TESS_GEN_POINT_MODE" value="0x8E79" />
+ <token name="ISOLINES" value="0x8E7A" />
+ <token name="QUADS" value="0x0007" />
+ <token name="FRACTIONAL_ODD" value="0x8E7B" />
+ <token name="FRACTIONAL_EVEN" value="0x8E7C" />
+ <token name="MAX_PATCH_VERTICES" value="0x8E7D" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL" value="0x8E7E" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS" value="0x8E7F" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS" value="0x8E80" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS" value="0x8E81" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS" value="0x8E82" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x8E83" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_PATCH_COMPONENTS" value="0x8E84" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x8E85" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x8E86" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_UNIFORM_BLOCKS" value="0x8E89" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_UNIFORM_BLOCKS" value="0x8E8A" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_INPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x886C" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_INPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x886D" />
+ <token name="TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER" value="0x8E87" />
+ <token name="TESS_CONTROL_SHADER" value="0x8E88" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK" value="0x8E22" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_PAUSED" value="0x8E23" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_ACTIVE" value="0x8E24" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BINDING" value="0x8E25" />
+ <token name="MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFERS" value="0x8E70" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS" value="0x8E71" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BeginQueryIndexed" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4ubvEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="BindTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BlendEquationi" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4uiEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BlendEquationSeparatei" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modeRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modeAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="BlendFunci" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="src" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dst" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4uivEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="BlendFuncSeparatei" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4usv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="DeleteTransformFeedbacks" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4usvEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="DrawArraysIndirect" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribIFormat" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsIndirect" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribIFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribIPointer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackStream" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribIPointerEXT" category="NV_vertex_program4" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="EndQueryIndexed" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL1d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenTransformFeedbacks" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL1dEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetActiveSubroutineName" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufsize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL1dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <function name="GetActiveSubroutineUniformiv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL1dvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetActiveSubroutineUniformName" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufsize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL1i64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramStageiv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL1i64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
+ <function name="GetQueryIndexediv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL1ui64ARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetSubroutineIndex" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL1ui64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetSubroutineUniformLocation" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetUniformdv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL1ui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetUniformSubroutineuiv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL1ui64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="IsTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MinSampleShading" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="value" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL2d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PatchParameterfv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL2dEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PatchParameteri" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL2dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="PauseTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL2dvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="ResumeTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL2i64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform1d" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL2i64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="Uniform1dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL2ui64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform2d" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL2ui64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="Uniform2dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL3d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform3d" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL3dEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform3dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Uniform4d" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL3dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Uniform4dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL3dvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL3i64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2x3dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL3i64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2x4dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL3ui64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL3ui64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3x2dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL4d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3x4dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL4dEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL4dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4x2dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL4dvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4x3dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL4i64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformSubroutinesuiv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL4i64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint64EXT *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="4.1">
+ <enum name="VERSION_4_1">
+ <token name="FIXED" value="0x140C" />
+ <token name="IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE" value="0x8B9A" />
+ <token name="IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT" value="0x8B9B" />
+ <token name="LOW_FLOAT" value="0x8DF0" />
+ <token name="MEDIUM_FLOAT" value="0x8DF1" />
+ <token name="HIGH_FLOAT" value="0x8DF2" />
+ <token name="LOW_INT" value="0x8DF3" />
+ <token name="MEDIUM_INT" value="0x8DF4" />
+ <token name="HIGH_INT" value="0x8DF5" />
+ <token name="SHADER_COMPILER" value="0x8DFA" />
+ <token name="SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS" value="0x8DF8" />
+ <token name="NUM_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS" value="0x8DF9" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS" value="0x8DFB" />
+ <token name="MAX_VARYING_VECTORS" value="0x8DFC" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS" value="0x8DFD" />
+ <token name="RGB565" value="0x8D62" />
+ <token name="PROGRAM_BINARY_RETRIEVABLE_HINT" value="0x8257" />
+ <token name="PROGRAM_BINARY_LENGTH" value="0x8741" />
+ <token name="NUM_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS" value="0x87FE" />
+ <token name="PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS" value="0x87FF" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000001" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000002" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000004" />
+ <token name="TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000008" />
+ <token name="TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000010" />
+ <token name="ALL_SHADER_BITS" value="0xFFFFFFFF" />
+ <token name="PROGRAM_SEPARABLE" value="0x8258" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_PROGRAM" value="0x8259" />
+ <token name="PROGRAM_PIPELINE_BINDING" value="0x825A" />
+ <token name="MAX_VIEWPORTS" value="0x825B" />
+ <token name="VIEWPORT_SUBPIXEL_BITS" value="0x825C" />
+ <token name="VIEWPORT_BOUNDS_RANGE" value="0x825D" />
+ <token name="LAYER_PROVOKING_VERTEX" value="0x825E" />
+ <token name="VIEWPORT_INDEX_PROVOKING_VERTEX" value="0x825F" />
+ <token name="UNDEFINED_VERTEX" value="0x8260" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="ActiveShaderProgram" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL4ui64NV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindProgramPipeline" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL4ui64vNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="ClearDepthf" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="d" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribLFormat" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CreateShaderProgramv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="strings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="VertexAttribLFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteProgramPipelines" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribLPointer" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <function name="DepthRangeArrayv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribLPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <function name="DepthRangef" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP1ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="DepthRangeIndexed" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP1uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GenProgramPipelines" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="GetDoublei_v" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="GetFloati_v" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="target" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramBinary" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetProgramPipelineInfoLog" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramPipelineiv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetShaderPrecisionFormat" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="precisiontype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="range" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
+ <param name="precision" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribParameteriAMD" category="AMD_interleaved_elements" extension="AMD">
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribLdv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribPointer" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexAttribPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <function name="IsProgramPipeline" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramBinary" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribPointerARB" category="ARB_vertex_program|ARB_vertex_shader" extension="ARB" version="">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexAttribPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <function name="ProgramParameteri" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ProgramParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribPointerNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="fsize" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexAttribEnumNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(fsize,type,stride)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs1dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs1fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1f" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs1hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1i" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs1svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1iv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs2dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1ui" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs2fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1uiv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs2hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs2svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs3dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2f" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs3fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2i" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2iv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs3hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2ui" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs3svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2uiv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs4dvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs4fvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs4hvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3f" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs4svNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribs4ubvNV" category="NV_vertex_program" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3i" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3iv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="ColorUB *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexBindingDivisor" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3ui" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexBlendARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="count" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3uiv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexBlendEnvfATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="pname" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexBlendEnviATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="pname" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexFormatNV" category="NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory" extension="NV">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4f" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4i" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4iv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4ui" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4uiv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexPointer" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_array" extension="EXT">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride,count)" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexPointerListIBM" category="IBM_vertex_array_lists" extension="IBM">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
- <param name="ptrstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexPointervINTEL" category="INTEL_parallel_arrays" extension="INTEL">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream1dATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream1dvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream1fATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream1fvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream1iATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream1ivATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream1sATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream1svATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream2dATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream2dvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream2fATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream2fvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream2iATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream2ivATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="ReleaseShaderCompiler" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream2sATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ScissorArrayv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream2svATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="ScissorIndexed" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="left" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bottom" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream3dATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ScissorIndexedv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream3dvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="ShaderBinary" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="binaryformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream3fATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UseProgramStages" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stages" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream3fvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="ValidateProgramPipeline" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream3iATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream3ivATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream3sATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL2d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream3svATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL2dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream4dATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL3d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream4dvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL3dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream4fATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL4d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream4fvATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL4dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream4iATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribLPointer" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream4ivATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="ViewportArrayv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream4sATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ViewportIndexedf" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="h" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexStream4svATI" category="ATI_vertex_streams" extension="ATI">
- <param name="stream" type="VertexStreamATI" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="ViewportIndexedfv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexWeightfEXT" category="EXT_vertex_weighting" extension="EXT">
- <param name="weight" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="4.2">
+ <enum name="VERSION_4_2">
+ <token name="UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_WIDTH" value="0x9127" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_HEIGHT" value="0x9128" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_DEPTH" value="0x9129" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_SIZE" value="0x912A" />
+ <token name="PACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_WIDTH" value="0x912B" />
+ <token name="PACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_HEIGHT" value="0x912C" />
+ <token name="PACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_DEPTH" value="0x912D" />
+ <token name="PACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_SIZE" value="0x912E" />
+ <token name="NUM_SAMPLE_COUNTS" value="0x9380" />
+ <token name="MIN_MAP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT" value="0x90BC" />
+ <token name="ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER" value="0x92C0" />
+ <token name="ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x92C1" />
+ <token name="ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_START" value="0x92C2" />
+ <token name="ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x92C3" />
+ <token name="ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_DATA_SIZE" value="0x92C4" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS" value="0x92CC" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS" value="0x92CD" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS" value="0x92CF" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS" value="0x92D0" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS" value="0x92D1" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_ATOMIC_COUNTERS" value="0x92D2" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_ATOMIC_COUNTERS" value="0x92D3" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_ATOMIC_COUNTERS" value="0x92D4" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_ATOMIC_COUNTERS" value="0x92D5" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_ATOMIC_COUNTERS" value="0x92D6" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_ATOMIC_COUNTERS" value="0x92D7" />
+ <token name="MAX_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x92D8" />
+ <token name="MAX_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_BINDINGS" value="0x92DC" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS" value="0x92D9" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_INDEX" value="0x92DA" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER" value="0x92DB" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000001" />
+ <token name="ELEMENT_ARRAY_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000002" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000004" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_FETCH_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000008" />
+ <token name="SHADER_IMAGE_ACCESS_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000020" />
+ <token name="COMMAND_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000040" />
+ <token name="PIXEL_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000080" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000100" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000200" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000400" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000800" />
+ <token name="ATOMIC_COUNTER_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00001000" />
+ <token name="ALL_BARRIER_BITS" value="0xFFFFFFFF" />
+ <token name="MAX_IMAGE_UNITS" value="0x8F38" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_BINDING_NAME" value="0x8F3A" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_BINDING_LEVEL" value="0x8F3B" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_BINDING_LAYERED" value="0x8F3C" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_BINDING_LAYER" value="0x8F3D" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_BINDING_ACCESS" value="0x8F3E" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_1D" value="0x904C" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_2D" value="0x904D" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_3D" value="0x904E" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_2D_RECT" value="0x904F" />
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+ <token name="IMAGE_BUFFER" value="0x9051" />
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+ <token name="IMAGE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x9054" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x9055" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x9056" />
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+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_BUFFER" value="0x905C" />
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+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_2D_ARRAY" value="0x905E" />
+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x905F" />
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+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x9061" />
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+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_3D" value="0x9064" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_RECT" value="0x9065" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_CUBE" value="0x9066" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_BUFFER" value="0x9067" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_1D_ARRAY" value="0x9068" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_ARRAY" value="0x9069" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x906A" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x906B" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x906C" />
+ <token name="MAX_IMAGE_SAMPLES" value="0x906D" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_BINDING_FORMAT" value="0x906E" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_TYPE" value="0x90C7" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_BY_SIZE" value="0x90C8" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_BY_CLASS" value="0x90C9" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_IMAGE_UNIFORMS" value="0x90CA" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_IMAGE_UNIFORMS" value="0x90CB" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_IMAGE_UNIFORMS" value="0x90CC" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_IMAGE_UNIFORMS" value="0x90CD" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_IMAGE_UNIFORMS" value="0x90CE" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_IMAGE_UNIFORMS" value="0x90CF" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT" value="0x912F" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BindImageTexture" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="unit" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layered" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexWeightfvEXT" category="EXT_vertex_weighting" extension="EXT">
- <param name="weight" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexWeighthNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="weight" type="Half16NV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexWeighthvNV" category="NV_half_float" extension="NV">
- <param name="weight" type="Half16NV *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexWeightPointerEXT" category="EXT_vertex_weighting" extension="EXT">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexWeightPointerTypeEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VideoCaptureNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="sequence_num" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="capture_time" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="GLenum" />
- </function>
- <function name="VideoCaptureStreamParameterdvNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VideoCaptureStreamParameterfvNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufferIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VideoCaptureStreamParameterivNV" category="NV_video_capture" extension="NV">
- <param name="video_capture_slot" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetInternalformativ" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Viewport" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ViewportArrayv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ViewportIndexedf" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="h" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ViewportIndexedfv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WaitSync" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WeightbvARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="weights" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WeightdvARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="weights" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <function name="MemoryBarrier" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="barriers" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WeightfvARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="weights" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <function name="TexStorage1D" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WeightivARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="weights" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <function name="TexStorage2D" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WeightPathsNV" category="NV_path_rendering" extension="NV">
- <param name="resultPath" type="Path" flow="in" />
- <param name="numPaths" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="paths" type="Path *" flow="in" count="numPaths" />
- <param name="weights" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="numPaths" />
+ <function name="TexStorage3D" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WeightPointerARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="WeightPointerTypeARB" flow="in" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="4.3">
+ <enum name="VERSION_4_3">
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+ <token name="IMAGE_CLASS_2_X_32" value="0x82BA" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_CLASS_1_X_32" value="0x82BB" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_CLASS_4_X_16" value="0x82BC" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_CLASS_2_X_16" value="0x82BD" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_CLASS_1_X_16" value="0x82BE" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_CLASS_4_X_8" value="0x82BF" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_CLASS_2_X_8" value="0x82C0" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_CLASS_1_X_8" value="0x82C1" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_CLASS_11_11_10" value="0x82C2" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_CLASS_10_10_10_2" value="0x82C3" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_128_BITS" value="0x82C4" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_96_BITS" value="0x82C5" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_64_BITS" value="0x82C6" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_48_BITS" value="0x82C7" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_32_BITS" value="0x82C8" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_24_BITS" value="0x82C9" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_16_BITS" value="0x82CA" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_8_BITS" value="0x82CB" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_S3TC_DXT1_RGB" value="0x82CC" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_S3TC_DXT1_RGBA" value="0x82CD" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_S3TC_DXT3_RGBA" value="0x82CE" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_S3TC_DXT5_RGBA" value="0x82CF" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_RGTC1_RED" value="0x82D0" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_RGTC2_RG" value="0x82D1" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_BPTC_UNORM" value="0x82D2" />
+ <token name="VIEW_CLASS_BPTC_FLOAT" value="0x82D3" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM" value="0x92E1" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK" value="0x92E2" />
+ <token name="PROGRAM_INPUT" value="0x92E3" />
+ <token name="PROGRAM_OUTPUT" value="0x92E4" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_VARIABLE" value="0x92E5" />
+ <token name="SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCK" value="0x92E6" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_SUBROUTINE" value="0x92E8" />
+ <token name="TESS_CONTROL_SUBROUTINE" value="0x92E9" />
+ <token name="TESS_EVALUATION_SUBROUTINE" value="0x92EA" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_SUBROUTINE" value="0x92EB" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_SUBROUTINE" value="0x92EC" />
+ <token name="COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE" value="0x92ED" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM" value="0x92EE" />
+ <token name="TESS_CONTROL_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM" value="0x92EF" />
+ <token name="TESS_EVALUATION_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM" value="0x92F0" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM" value="0x92F1" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM" value="0x92F2" />
+ <token name="COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM" value="0x92F3" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING" value="0x92F4" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_RESOURCES" value="0x92F5" />
+ <token name="MAX_NAME_LENGTH" value="0x92F6" />
+ <token name="MAX_NUM_ACTIVE_VARIABLES" value="0x92F7" />
+ <token name="MAX_NUM_COMPATIBLE_SUBROUTINES" value="0x92F8" />
+ <token name="NAME_LENGTH" value="0x92F9" />
+ <token name="TYPE" value="0x92FA" />
+ <token name="ARRAY_SIZE" value="0x92FB" />
+ <token name="OFFSET" value="0x92FC" />
+ <token name="BLOCK_INDEX" value="0x92FD" />
+ <token name="ARRAY_STRIDE" value="0x92FE" />
+ <token name="MATRIX_STRIDE" value="0x92FF" />
+ <token name="IS_ROW_MAJOR" value="0x9300" />
+ <token name="ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_INDEX" value="0x9301" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x9302" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_DATA_SIZE" value="0x9303" />
+ <token name="NUM_ACTIVE_VARIABLES" value="0x9304" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_VARIABLES" value="0x9305" />
+ <token name="REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER" value="0x9306" />
+ <token name="REFERENCED_BY_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER" value="0x9307" />
+ <token name="REFERENCED_BY_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER" value="0x9308" />
+ <token name="REFERENCED_BY_GEOMETRY_SHADER" value="0x9309" />
+ <token name="REFERENCED_BY_FRAGMENT_SHADER" value="0x930A" />
+ <token name="REFERENCED_BY_COMPUTE_SHADER" value="0x930B" />
+ <token name="TOP_LEVEL_ARRAY_SIZE" value="0x930C" />
+ <token name="TOP_LEVEL_ARRAY_STRIDE" value="0x930D" />
+ <token name="LOCATION" value="0x930E" />
+ <token name="LOCATION_INDEX" value="0x930F" />
+ <token name="IS_PER_PATCH" value="0x92E7" />
+ <token name="SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER" value="0x90D2" />
+ <token name="SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x90D3" />
+ <token name="SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_START" value="0x90D4" />
+ <token name="SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x90D5" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS" value="0x90D6" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS" value="0x90D7" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS" value="0x90D8" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS" value="0x90D9" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS" value="0x90DA" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMPUTE_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS" value="0x90DB" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS" value="0x90DC" />
+ <token name="MAX_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_BINDINGS" value="0x90DD" />
+ <token name="MAX_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE" value="0x90DE" />
+ <token name="SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT" value="0x90DF" />
+ <token name="SHADER_STORAGE_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00002000" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_SHADER_OUTPUT_RESOURCES" value="0x8F39" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_STENCIL_TEXTURE_MODE" value="0x90EA" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BUFFER_OFFSET" value="0x919D" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x919E" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT" value="0x919F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_VIEW_MIN_LEVEL" value="0x82DB" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_VIEW_NUM_LEVELS" value="0x82DC" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_VIEW_MIN_LAYER" value="0x82DD" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_VIEW_NUM_LAYERS" value="0x82DE" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_LEVELS" value="0x82DF" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDING" value="0x82D4" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_RELATIVE_OFFSET" value="0x82D5" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_BINDING_DIVISOR" value="0x82D6" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_BINDING_OFFSET" value="0x82D7" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_BINDING_STRIDE" value="0x82D8" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_RELATIVE_OFFSET" value="0x82D9" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDINGS" value="0x82DA" />
+ <token name="DISPLAY_LIST" value="0x82E7" />
+ <token name="STACK_UNDERFLOW" value="0x0504" />
+ <token name="STACK_OVERFLOW" value="0x0503" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BindVertexBuffer" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
<param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(type,stride)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WeightsvARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="weights" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="size" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WeightubvARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="weights" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="size" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WeightuivARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="weights" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="size" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WeightusvARB" category="ARB_vertex_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="weights" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="size" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WindowPos2d" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WindowPos2dARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WindowPos2dMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WindowPos2dv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WindowPos2dvARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WindowPos2dvMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WindowPos2f" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WindowPos2fARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WindowPos2fMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2fv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="ClearBufferData" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2fvARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="ClearBufferSubData" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2fvMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="CopyImageSubData" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="srcName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcWidth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcHeight" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcDepth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2i" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DebugMessageCallback" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROC" flow="in" />
+ <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2iARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DebugMessageControl" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="enabled" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2iMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DebugMessageInsert" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buf,length)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2iv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="DispatchCompute" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="num_groups_x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num_groups_y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num_groups_z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2ivARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="DispatchComputeIndirect" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="indirect" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2ivMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="FramebufferParameteri" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2s" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetDebugMessageLog" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFramebufferParameteriv" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2sARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetInternalformati64v" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2sMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetObjectLabel" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2sv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="GetObjectPtrLabel" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2svARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="GetPointerv" category="VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPointervPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos2svMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="GetProgramInterfaceiv" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3d" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceIndex" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceiv" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="propCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="props" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="propCount" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3dARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceLocation" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceLocationIndex" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceName" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3dMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InvalidateBufferData" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3dv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="InvalidateBufferSubData" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3dvARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="InvalidateFramebuffer" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3dvMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="InvalidateSubFramebuffer" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3f" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InvalidateTexImage" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3fARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InvalidateTexSubImage" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3fMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawArraysIndirect" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount,stride)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3fv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsIndirect" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount,stride)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3fvARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="ObjectLabel" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3fvMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="ObjectPtrLabel" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3i" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PopDebugGroup" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3iARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PushDebugGroup" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(message,length)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3iMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ShaderStorageBlockBinding" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="storageBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="storageBlockBinding" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3iv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TexBufferRange" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3ivARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TexStorage2DMultisample" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3ivMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="TexStorage3DMultisample" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3s" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TextureView" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="origtexture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="minlevel" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numlevels" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="minlayer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numlayers" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3sARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribBinding" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3sMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribFormat" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3sv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4" deprecated="3.2">
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribIFormat" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3svARB" category="ARB_window_pos" extension="ARB">
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribLFormat" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos3svMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="VertexBindingDivisor" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos4dMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="x" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="CoordD" flow="in" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="gl" version="4.4">
+ <enum name="VERSION_4_4">
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_STRIDE" value="0x82E5" />
+ <token name="PRIMITIVE_RESTART_FOR_PATCHES_SUPPORTED" value="0x8221" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8C2A" />
+ <token name="MAP_READ_BIT" value="0x0001" />
+ <token name="MAP_WRITE_BIT" value="0x0002" />
+ <token name="MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT" value="0x0040" />
+ <token name="MAP_COHERENT_BIT" value="0x0080" />
+ <token name="DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT" value="0x0100" />
+ <token name="CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT" value="0x0200" />
+ <token name="CLIENT_MAPPED_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00004000" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_IMMUTABLE_STORAGE" value="0x821F" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_STORAGE_FLAGS" value="0x8220" />
+ <token name="CLEAR_TEXTURE" value="0x9365" />
+ <token name="LOCATION_COMPONENT" value="0x934A" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER" value="0x8C8E" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_INDEX" value="0x934B" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_STRIDE" value="0x934C" />
+ <token name="QUERY_BUFFER" value="0x9192" />
+ <token name="QUERY_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00008000" />
+ <token name="QUERY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x9193" />
+ <token name="QUERY_RESULT_NO_WAIT" value="0x9194" />
+ <token name="MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE" value="0x8743" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_INDEX" value="0x1901" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_INDEX8" value="0x8D48" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV" value="0x8C3B" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BindBuffersBase" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos4dvMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="v" type="CoordD *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="BindBuffersRange" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offsets" type="GLintptr *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sizes" type="GLsizeiptr *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos4fMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="x" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindImageTextures" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos4fvMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="v" type="CoordF *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="BindSamplers" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos4iMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="x" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="CoordI" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindTextures" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos4ivMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="v" type="CoordI *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="BindVertexBuffers" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offsets" type="GLintptr *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="strides" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos4sMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="x" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="CoordS" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BufferStorage" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WindowPos4svMESA" category="MESA_window_pos" extension="MESA">
- <param name="v" type="CoordS *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="ClearTexImage" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WriteMaskEXT" category="EXT_vertex_shader" extension="EXT">
- <param name="res" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="in" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="outX" type="VertexShaderWriteMaskEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="outY" type="VertexShaderWriteMaskEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="outZ" type="VertexShaderWriteMaskEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="outW" type="VertexShaderWriteMaskEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ClearTexSubImage" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
<token name="FOG_OFFSET_SGIX" value="0x8198" />
<token name="FRAGMENT_COLOR_MATERIAL_SGIX" value="0x8401" />
<token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT0_SGIX" value="0x840C" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT1_SGIX" value="0x840D" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT2_SGIX" value="0x840E" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT3_SGIX" value="0x840F" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT4_SGIX" value="0x8410" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT5_SGIX" value="0x8411" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT6_SGIX" value="0x8412" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT7_SGIX" value="0x8413" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHTING_SGIX" value="0x8400" />
- <token name="FRAMEZOOM_SGIX" value="0x818B" />
- <token name="HISTOGRAM_EXT" value="0x8024" />
- <token name="INTERLACE_SGIX" value="0x8094" />
- <token name="IR_INSTRUMENT1_SGIX" value="0x817F" />
- <token name="LINE_SMOOTH" value="0x0B20" />
- <token name="MINMAX_EXT" value="0x802E" />
- <token name="MULTISAMPLE_SGIS" value="0x809D" />
- <token name="PIXEL_TEXTURE_SGIS" value="0x8353" />
- <token name="PIXEL_TEX_GEN_SGIX" value="0x8139" />
- <token name="POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL" value="0x8037" />
- <token name="POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE" value="0x2A02" />
- <token name="POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT" value="0x2A01" />
- <token name="POLYGON_SMOOTH" value="0x0B41" />
- <token name="POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE_SGI" value="0x80D2" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE_SGI" value="0x80D1" />
- <token name="REFERENCE_PLANE_SGIX" value="0x817D" />
- <token name="RESCALE_NORMAL_EXT" value="0x803A" />
- <token name="SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_MASK_SGIS" value="0x809E" />
- <token name="SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE_SGIS" value="0x809F" />
- <token name="SAMPLE_MASK_SGIS" value="0x80A0" />
- <token name="SCISSOR_TEST" value="0x0C11" />
- <token name="SEPARABLE_2D_EXT" value="0x8012" />
- <token name="SHARED_TEXTURE_PALETTE_EXT" value="0x81FB" />
- <token name="SPRITE_SGIX" value="0x8148" />
- <token name="STENCIL_TEST" value="0x0B90" />
- <token name="TEXTURE_1D" value="0x0DE0" />
- <token name="TEXTURE_2D" value="0x0DE1" />
- <token name="TEXTURE_3D_EXT" value="0x806F" />
- <token name="TEXTURE_4D_SGIS" value="0x8134" />
- <token name="TEXTURE_COLOR_TABLE_SGI" value="0x80BC" />
- </enum>
- <enum name="ErrorCode">
- <token name="INVALID_ENUM" value="0x0500" />
- <token name="INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION" value="0x0506" />
- <token name="INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT" value="0x0506" />
- <token name="INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_OES" value="0x0506" />
- <token name="INVALID_OPERATION" value="0x0502" />
- <token name="INVALID_VALUE" value="0x0501" />
- <token name="NO_ERROR" value="0" />
- <token name="OUT_OF_MEMORY" value="0x0505" />
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- <enum name="GetPointervPName">
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- <enum name="TextureCoordName" />
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- </enum>
- <enum name="TextureGenMode">
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+ <enum name="GetPointervPName">
+ <token name="COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT" value="0x8090" />
+ <token name="EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT" value="0x8093" />
+ <token name="INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT" value="0x8091" />
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- <enum name="TextureParameterName">
+ <enum name="GetTextureParameter">
+ <token name="DETAIL_TEXTURE_FUNC_POINTS_SGIS" value="0x809C" />
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+ <token name="FASTEST" value="0x1101" />
+ <token name="NICEST" value="0x1102" />
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="HintTarget">
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+ <token name="VERTEX_PRECLIP_SGIX" value="0x83EE" />
+ <token name="WIDE_LINE_HINT_PGI" value="0x1A222" />
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="HistogramTargetEXT">
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+ </enum>
+ <enum name="IndexPointerType">
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+ <token name="FLOAT" value="0x1406" />
+ <token name="INT" value="0x1404" />
+ <token name="SHORT" value="0x1402" />
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="InterleavedArrayFormat" />
+ <enum name="InternalFormat">
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+ <token name="DEPTH_COMPONENT32_SGIX" value="0x81A7" />
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+ </enum>
+ <enum name="KHR_debug">
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+ </enum>
+ <enum name="KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr">
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- <enum name="VERSION_4_4">
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+ <token name="DETAIL_TEXTURE_LEVEL_SGIS" value="0x809A" />
+ <token name="DETAIL_TEXTURE_MODE_SGIS" value="0x809B" />
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+ <token name="TEXTURE_WRAP_T" value="0x2803" />
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="TextureTarget">
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+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_EXT" value="0x8063" />
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+ <token name="TEXTURE_MAX_LOD_SGIS" value="0x813B" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MIN_LOD" value="0x813A" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MIN_LOD_SGIS" value="0x813A" />
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="TextureWrapMode">
+ <token name="CLAMP_TO_BORDER" value="0x812D" />
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+ <token name="CLAMP_TO_BORDER_NV" value="0x812D" />
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+ <token name="CLAMP_TO_EDGE_SGIS" value="0x812F" />
+ <token name="REPEAT" value="0x2901" />
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="UseProgramStageMask">
+ <token name="VERTEX_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000001" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_SHADER_BIT_EXT" value="0x00000001" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000002" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT_EXT" value="0x00000002" />
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+ <token name="COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000020" />
+ <token name="ALL_SHADER_BITS" value="0xFFFFFFFF" />
+ <token name="ALL_SHADER_BITS_EXT" value="0xFFFFFFFF" />
<enum name="VertexPointerType">
<token name="DOUBLE" value="0x140A" />
<token name="INT" value="0x1404" />
<token name="SHORT" value="0x1402" />
- <function name="ActiveShaderProgram" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <function name="ActiveShaderProgram" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BeginQueryIndexed" category="ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindBuffersBase" category="ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindBuffersRange" category="ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offsets" type="GLintptr *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sizes" type="GLsizeiptr *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindFragDataLocationIndexed" category="ARB_blend_func_extended" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="colorNumber" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindFramebuffer" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindImageTexture" category="ARB_shader_image_load_store" extension="Core">
+ <param name="unit" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layered" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindImageTextures" category="ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindProgramPipeline" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindRenderbuffer" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindSampler" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="unit" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindSamplers" category="ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindTextures" category="ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindTransformFeedback" category="ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindVertexArray" category="ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindVertexBuffer" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core">
+ <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindVertexBuffers" category="ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offsets" type="GLintptr *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="strides" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendColor" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendEquation" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="BlendEquationMode" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendEquationiARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendEquationSeparateiARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modeRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modeAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendFunciARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="src" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dst" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendFuncSeparateiARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlitFramebuffer" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="srcX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
+ <param name="filter" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BufferStorage" category="ARB_buffer_storage" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CheckFramebufferStatus" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearBufferData" category="ARB_clear_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearBufferSubData" category="ARB_clear_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearDepthf" category="ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core">
+ <param name="d" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearTexImage" category="ARB_clear_texture" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearTexSubImage" category="ARB_clear_texture" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClientWaitSync" category="ARB_sync" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorP3ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorP3uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorP4ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorP4uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorSubTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,count)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="table" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorTableParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ColorTableParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompileShaderIncludeARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="path" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionFilter1D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionFilter2D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameterf" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameteri" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyBufferSubData" category="ARB_copy_buffer" extension="Core">
+ <param name="readTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="writeTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="readOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="writeOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyColorSubTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyColorTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyConvolutionFilter1D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyConvolutionFilter2D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyImageSubData" category="ARB_copy_image" extension="Core">
+ <param name="srcName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcWidth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcHeight" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcDepth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CreateShaderProgramv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="strings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CreateSyncFromCLeventARB" category="ARB_cl_event" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="context" type="cl_context *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="event" type="cl_event *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="sync" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageCallback" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROC" flow="in" />
+ <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageCallbackARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROCARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(callback)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageCallbackKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROCKHR" flow="in" />
+ <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageControl" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="enabled" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageControlARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="enabled" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageControlKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="enabled" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageInsert" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buf,length)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageInsertARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageInsertKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteFramebuffers" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteNamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteProgramPipelines" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteRenderbuffers" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteSamplers" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteSync" category="ARB_sync" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteTransformFeedbacks" category="ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteVertexArrays" category="ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DepthRangeArrayv" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DepthRangef" category="ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DepthRangeIndexed" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DispatchCompute" category="ARB_compute_shader" extension="Core">
+ <param name="num_groups_x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num_groups_y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num_groups_z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DispatchComputeGroupSizeARB" category="ARB_compute_variable_group_size" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="num_groups_x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num_groups_y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num_groups_z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="group_size_x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="group_size_y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="group_size_z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DispatchComputeIndirect" category="ARB_compute_shader" extension="Core">
+ <param name="indirect" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawArraysIndirect" category="ARB_draw_indirect" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance" category="ARB_base_instance" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawElementsBaseVertex" category="ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawElementsIndirect" category="ARB_draw_indirect" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance" category="ARB_base_instance" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex" category="ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance" category="ARB_base_instance" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex" category="ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedback" category="ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced" category="ARB_transform_feedback_instanced" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackStream" category="ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced" category="ARB_transform_feedback_instanced" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EndQueryIndexed" category="ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FenceSync" category="ARB_sync" extension="Core">
+ <param name="condition" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="sync" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FlushMappedBufferRange" category="ARB_map_buffer_range" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferParameteri" category="ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferRenderbuffer" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffertarget" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture1D" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture2D" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture3D" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferTextureLayer" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenerateMipmap" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenFramebuffers" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenProgramPipelines" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenRenderbuffers" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenSamplers" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenTransformFeedbacks" category="ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenVertexArrays" category="ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv" category="ARB_shader_atomic_counters" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufferIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetActiveSubroutineName" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufsize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetActiveSubroutineUniformiv" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetActiveSubroutineUniformName" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufsize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockiv" category="ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockName" category="ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformName" category="ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="uniformName" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformsiv" category="ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetColorTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="table" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetColorTableParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetColorTableParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetConvolutionFilter" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetConvolutionParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetConvolutionParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetConvolutionParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetConvolutionParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetDebugMessageLog" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetDebugMessageLogARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetDebugMessageLogKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetDoublei_v" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFloati_v" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFragDataIndex" category="ARB_blend_func_extended" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFramebufferParameteriv" category="ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetGraphicsResetStatusARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetHistogram" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetHistogramParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetHistogramParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetHistogramParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetHistogramParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetImageHandleARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layered" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint64" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetInteger64v" category="ARB_sync" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetInternalformati64v" category="ARB_internalformat_query2" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetInternalformativ" category="ARB_internalformat_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetMinmax" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetMinmaxParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetMinmaxParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetMinmaxParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetMinmaxParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetMultisamplefv" category="ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="val" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetNamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stringlen" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="string" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetNamedStringivARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnColorTableARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="table" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnCompressedTexImageARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="lod" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="img" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnConvolutionFilterARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnHistogramARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnMapdvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnMapfvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnMapivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnMinmaxARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnPixelMapfvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnPixelMapuivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnPixelMapusvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLushort *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnPolygonStippleARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pattern" type="GLubyte *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnSeparableFilterARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="rowBufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="row" type="void *" flow="out" count="rowBufSize" />
+ <param name="columnBufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="column" type="void *" flow="out" count="columnBufSize" />
+ <param name="span" type="void *" flow="out" count="0" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnTexImageARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="img" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnUniformdvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnUniformfvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnUniformivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnUniformuivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetObjectLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetObjectLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetObjectPtrLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetObjectPtrLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetPointerv" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPointervPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetPointervKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramBinary" category="ARB_get_program_binary" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramInterfaceiv" category="ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramPipelineInfoLog" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramPipelineiv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceIndex" category="ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceiv" category="ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="propCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="props" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="propCount" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceLocation" category="ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceLocationIndex" category="ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceName" category="ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramStageiv" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetQueryIndexediv" category="ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetQueryObjecti64v" category="ARB_timer_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectui64v" category="ARB_timer_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetRenderbufferParameteriv" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameterfv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameterIiv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameterIuiv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameteriv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetSeparableFilter" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="SeparableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="row" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <param name="column" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <param name="span" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetShaderPrecisionFormat" category="ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core">
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="precisiontype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="range" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
+ <param name="precision" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetSubroutineIndex" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetSubroutineUniformLocation" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetSynciv" category="ARB_sync" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetTextureHandleARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint64" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetTextureSamplerHandleARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint64" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetUniformBlockIndex" category="ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetUniformdv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetUniformIndices" category="ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformNames" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
+ <param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetUniformSubroutineuiv" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribLdv" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribLui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Histogram" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sink" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="InvalidateBufferData" category="ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="InvalidateBufferSubData" category="ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="InvalidateFramebuffer" category="ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="InvalidateSubFramebuffer" category="ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="InvalidateTexImage" category="ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="InvalidateTexSubImage" category="ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsFramebuffer" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsImageHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsNamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsProgramPipeline" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsRenderbuffer" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsSampler" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsSync" category="ARB_sync" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsTextureHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsTransformFeedback" category="ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsVertexArray" category="ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MakeImageHandleNonResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MakeImageHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MakeTextureHandleNonResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MakeTextureHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MapBufferRange" category="ARB_map_buffer_range" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="BufferAccessMask" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MemoryBarrier" category="ARB_shader_image_load_store" extension="Core">
+ <param name="barriers" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Minmax" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sink" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MinSampleShadingARB" category="ARB_sample_shading" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="value" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiDrawArraysIndirect" category="ARB_multi_draw_indirect" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount,stride)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiDrawArraysIndirectCountARB" category="ARB_indirect_parameters" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="maxdrawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex" category="ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsIndirect" category="ARB_multi_draw_indirect" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount,stride)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsIndirectCountARB" category="ARB_indirect_parameters" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="maxdrawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP1ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP1uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP2ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP2uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP3ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP3uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP4ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP4uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
+ <param name="stringlen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="string" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="stringlen" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalP3ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="NormalP3uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ObjectLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ObjectLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ObjectPtrLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ObjectPtrLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PatchParameterfv" category="ARB_tessellation_shader" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PatchParameteri" category="ARB_tessellation_shader" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PauseTransformFeedback" category="ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PopDebugGroup" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PopDebugGroupKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramBinary" category="ARB_get_program_binary" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramParameteri" category="ARB_get_program_binary" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ProgramParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1d" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1f" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1i" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1iv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1ui" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1uiv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2d" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2f" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2i" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2iv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2ui" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2uiv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3d" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3f" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3i" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3iv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3ui" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3uiv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4d" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4f" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4i" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4iv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4ui" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4uiv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformHandleui64ARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformHandleui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLuint64 *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProvokingVertex" category="ARB_provoking_vertex" extension="Core">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PushDebugGroup" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(message,length)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PushDebugGroupKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="QueryCounter" category="ARB_timer_query" extension="Core">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ReadnPixelsARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ReleaseShaderCompiler" category="ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorage" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisample" category="ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ResetHistogram" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ResetMinmax" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ResumeTransformFeedback" category="ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SampleMaski" category="ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SamplerParameterf" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SamplerParameterfv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SamplerParameteri" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SamplerParameterIiv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SamplerParameterIuiv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SamplerParameteriv" category="ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ScissorArrayv" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ScissorIndexed" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="left" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bottom" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ScissorIndexedv" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SecondaryColorP3ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SecondaryColorP3uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SeparableFilter2D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="SeparableTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="row" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type,width)" />
+ <param name="column" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type,height)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ShaderBinary" category="ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="binaryformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ShaderStorageBlockBinding" category="ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="storageBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="storageBlockBinding" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexBufferRange" category="ARB_texture_buffer_range" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoordP1ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoordP1uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoordP2ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoordP2uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoordP3ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoordP3uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoordP4ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoordP4uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexImage2DMultisample" category="ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexImage3DMultisample" category="ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexPageCommitmentARB" category="ARB_sparse_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="resident" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexStorage1D" category="ARB_texture_storage" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexStorage2D" category="ARB_texture_storage" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexStorage2DMultisample" category="ARB_texture_storage_multisample" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexStorage3D" category="ARB_texture_storage" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexStorage3DMultisample" category="ARB_texture_storage_multisample" extension="Core">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TextureView" category="ARB_texture_view" extension="Core">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="origtexture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="minlevel" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numlevels" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="minlayer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numlayers" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Uniform1d" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Uniform1dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Uniform2d" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Uniform2dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Uniform3d" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Uniform3dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Uniform4d" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Uniform4dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformBlockBinding" category="ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockBinding" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformHandleui64ARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformHandleui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint64 *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2x3dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2x4dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3x2dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3x4dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4x2dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4x3dv" category="ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformSubroutinesuiv" category="ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core">
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UseProgramStages" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
<param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stages" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ActiveTexture" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
- <param name="texture" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ValidateProgramPipeline" category="ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="AttachShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribBinding" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginConditionalRender" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribFormat" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginQuery" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribIFormat" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginQueryIndexed" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1d" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BeginTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="primitiveMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1dv" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindAttribLocation" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1ui64ARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1ui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBufferBase" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL2d" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBufferRange" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL2dv" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBuffersBase" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL3d" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindBuffersRange" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
- <param name="offsets" type="GLintptr *" flow="in" />
- <param name="sizes" type="GLsizeiptr *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL3dv" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindFragDataLocation" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL4d" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindFragDataLocationIndexed" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_blend_func_extended" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="colorNumber" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribL4dv" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindFramebuffer" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribLFormat" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindImageTexture" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_image_load_store" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="unit" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="layered" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="layer" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribLPointer" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindImageTextures" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP1ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindProgramPipeline" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP1uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindRenderbuffer" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP2ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindSampler" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="unit" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP2uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindSamplers" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP3ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindTexture" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP3uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindTextures" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP4ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP4uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindVertexArray" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexBindingDivisor" category="ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core">
+ <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindVertexBuffer" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexP2ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexP2uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexP3ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexP3uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexP4ui" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexP4uiv" category="ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindVertexBuffers" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <function name="ViewportArrayv" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
<param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
- <param name="offsets" type="GLintptr *" flow="in" />
- <param name="strides" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ViewportIndexedf" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="h" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendColor" category="VERSION_1_4|ARB_imaging" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <function name="ViewportIndexedfv" category="ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="WaitSync" category="ARB_sync" extension="Core">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="1.0">
+ <enum name="VERSION_1_0" />
+ <function name="BlendFunc" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="sfactor" type="BlendingFactorSrc" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dfactor" type="BlendingFactorDest" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Clear" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearColor" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<param name="alpha" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquation" category="VERSION_1_4|ARB_imaging" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="mode" type="BlendEquationMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ClearDepth" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="depth" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationi" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ClearStencil" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="s" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationiARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ColorMask" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="red" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="modeRGB" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="modeAlpha" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CullFace" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="CullFaceMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationSeparatei" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="modeRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="modeAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DepthFunc" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="func" type="DepthFunction" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationSeparateiARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="modeRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="modeAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DepthMask" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="flag" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFunc" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="sfactor" type="BlendingFactorSrc" flow="in" />
- <param name="dfactor" type="BlendingFactorDest" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DepthRange" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="near" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="far" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFunci" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="src" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dst" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Disable" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFunciARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="src" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dst" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawBuffer" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="DrawBufferMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFuncSeparate" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="sfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="dfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="sfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
- <param name="dfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Enable" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFuncSeparatei" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Finish" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFuncSeparateiARB" category="ARB_draw_buffers_blend" extension="ARB">
- <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Flush" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlitFramebuffer" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="srcX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
- <param name="filter" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FrontFace" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="FrontFaceDirection" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BufferData" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
- <param name="usage" type="BufferUsageARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetBooleanv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BufferStorage" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_buffer_storage" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetDoublev" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BufferSubData" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <function name="GetError" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <returns type="ErrorCode" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFloatv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CheckFramebufferStatus" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLenum" />
+ <function name="GetIntegerv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClampColor" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="ClampColorTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="clamp" type="ClampColorModeARB" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetString" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="name" type="StringName" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="String" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetTexImage" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,level,format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Clear" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexLevelParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearBufferData" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
+ <function name="GetTexLevelParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearBufferfi" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="stencil" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetTexParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearBufferfv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
+ <function name="GetTexParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearBufferiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
+ <function name="Hint" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="HintTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="HintMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearBufferSubData" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
+ <function name="IsEnabled" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="LineWidth" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="width" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="LogicOp" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="opcode" type="LogicOp" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PixelStoref" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelStoreParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PixelStorei" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelStoreParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PointSize" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="size" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PolygonMode" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="PolygonMode" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ReadBuffer" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="ReadBufferMode" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ReadPixels" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Scissor" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="StencilFunc" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ref" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="StencilMask" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="StencilOp" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="fail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zpass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexImage1D" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexImage2D" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexParameterf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearBufferuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
+ <function name="TexParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearColor" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexParameteri" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearDepth" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="depth" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearDepthf" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="d" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Viewport" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearStencil" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="s" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="1.1">
+ <enum name="VERSION_1_1">
+ <token name="DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT" value="0x00000100" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT" value="0x00000400" />
+ <token name="COLOR_BUFFER_BIT" value="0x00004000" />
+ <token name="FALSE" value="0" />
+ <token name="TRUE" value="1" />
+ <token name="POINTS" value="0x0000" />
+ <token name="LINES" value="0x0001" />
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+ <token name="LINE_STRIP" value="0x0003" />
+ <token name="TRIANGLES" value="0x0004" />
+ <token name="TRIANGLE_STRIP" value="0x0005" />
+ <token name="TRIANGLE_FAN" value="0x0006" />
+ <token name="NEVER" value="0x0200" />
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+ <token name="LEQUAL" value="0x0203" />
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+ <token name="NOTEQUAL" value="0x0205" />
+ <token name="GEQUAL" value="0x0206" />
+ <token name="ALWAYS" value="0x0207" />
+ <token name="ZERO" value="0" />
+ <token name="ONE" value="1" />
+ <token name="SRC_COLOR" value="0x0300" />
+ <token name="ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR" value="0x0301" />
+ <token name="SRC_ALPHA" value="0x0302" />
+ <token name="ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA" value="0x0303" />
+ <token name="DST_ALPHA" value="0x0304" />
+ <token name="ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA" value="0x0305" />
+ <token name="DST_COLOR" value="0x0306" />
+ <token name="ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR" value="0x0307" />
+ <token name="SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE" value="0x0308" />
+ <token name="NONE" value="0" />
+ <token name="FRONT_LEFT" value="0x0400" />
+ <token name="FRONT_RIGHT" value="0x0401" />
+ <token name="BACK_LEFT" value="0x0402" />
+ <token name="BACK_RIGHT" value="0x0403" />
+ <token name="FRONT" value="0x0404" />
+ <token name="BACK" value="0x0405" />
+ <token name="LEFT" value="0x0406" />
+ <token name="RIGHT" value="0x0407" />
+ <token name="FRONT_AND_BACK" value="0x0408" />
+ <token name="NO_ERROR" value="0" />
+ <token name="INVALID_ENUM" value="0x0500" />
+ <token name="INVALID_VALUE" value="0x0501" />
+ <token name="INVALID_OPERATION" value="0x0502" />
+ <token name="OUT_OF_MEMORY" value="0x0505" />
+ <token name="CW" value="0x0900" />
+ <token name="CCW" value="0x0901" />
+ <token name="POINT_SIZE" value="0x0B11" />
+ <token name="POINT_SIZE_RANGE" value="0x0B12" />
+ <token name="POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY" value="0x0B13" />
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+ <token name="LINE_WIDTH" value="0x0B21" />
+ <token name="LINE_WIDTH_RANGE" value="0x0B22" />
+ <token name="LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY" value="0x0B23" />
+ <token name="POLYGON_MODE" value="0x0B40" />
+ <token name="POLYGON_SMOOTH" value="0x0B41" />
+ <token name="CULL_FACE" value="0x0B44" />
+ <token name="CULL_FACE_MODE" value="0x0B45" />
+ <token name="FRONT_FACE" value="0x0B46" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_RANGE" value="0x0B70" />
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+ <token name="STENCIL_TEST" value="0x0B90" />
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+ <token name="STENCIL_FUNC" value="0x0B92" />
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+ <token name="STENCIL_REF" value="0x0B97" />
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+ <token name="BLEND" value="0x0BE2" />
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+ <token name="FLOAT" value="0x1406" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE" value="0x140A" />
+ <token name="CLEAR" value="0x1500" />
+ <token name="AND" value="0x1501" />
+ <token name="AND_REVERSE" value="0x1502" />
+ <token name="COPY" value="0x1503" />
+ <token name="AND_INVERTED" value="0x1504" />
+ <token name="NOOP" value="0x1505" />
+ <token name="XOR" value="0x1506" />
+ <token name="OR" value="0x1507" />
+ <token name="NOR" value="0x1508" />
+ <token name="EQUIV" value="0x1509" />
+ <token name="INVERT" value="0x150A" />
+ <token name="OR_REVERSE" value="0x150B" />
+ <token name="COPY_INVERTED" value="0x150C" />
+ <token name="OR_INVERTED" value="0x150D" />
+ <token name="NAND" value="0x150E" />
+ <token name="SET" value="0x150F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE" value="0x1702" />
+ <token name="COLOR" value="0x1800" />
+ <token name="DEPTH" value="0x1801" />
+ <token name="STENCIL" value="0x1802" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_INDEX" value="0x1901" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_COMPONENT" value="0x1902" />
+ <token name="RED" value="0x1903" />
+ <token name="GREEN" value="0x1904" />
+ <token name="BLUE" value="0x1905" />
+ <token name="ALPHA" value="0x1906" />
+ <token name="RGB" value="0x1907" />
+ <token name="RGBA" value="0x1908" />
+ <token name="POINT" value="0x1B00" />
+ <token name="LINE" value="0x1B01" />
+ <token name="FILL" value="0x1B02" />
+ <token name="KEEP" value="0x1E00" />
+ <token name="REPLACE" value="0x1E01" />
+ <token name="INCR" value="0x1E02" />
+ <token name="DECR" value="0x1E03" />
+ <token name="VENDOR" value="0x1F00" />
+ <token name="RENDERER" value="0x1F01" />
+ <token name="VERSION" value="0x1F02" />
+ <token name="EXTENSIONS" value="0x1F03" />
+ <token name="NEAREST" value="0x2600" />
+ <token name="LINEAR" value="0x2601" />
+ <token name="NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST" value="0x2700" />
+ <token name="LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" value="0x2701" />
+ <token name="NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR" value="0x2702" />
+ <token name="LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" value="0x2703" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER" value="0x2800" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER" value="0x2801" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_WRAP_S" value="0x2802" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_WRAP_T" value="0x2803" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_1D" value="0x8063" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_2D" value="0x8064" />
+ <token name="REPEAT" value="0x2901" />
+ <token name="R3_G3_B2" value="0x2A10" />
+ <token name="RGB4" value="0x804F" />
+ <token name="RGB5" value="0x8050" />
+ <token name="RGB8" value="0x8051" />
+ <token name="RGB10" value="0x8052" />
+ <token name="RGB12" value="0x8053" />
+ <token name="RGB16" value="0x8054" />
+ <token name="RGBA2" value="0x8055" />
+ <token name="RGBA4" value="0x8056" />
+ <token name="RGB5_A1" value="0x8057" />
+ <token name="RGBA8" value="0x8058" />
+ <token name="RGB10_A2" value="0x8059" />
+ <token name="RGBA12" value="0x805A" />
+ <token name="RGBA16" value="0x805B" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BindTexture" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearTexImage" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyTexImage1D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearTexSubImage" category="VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture" extension="Core" version="4.4">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyTexImage2D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClientWaitSync" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLenum" />
+ <function name="CopyTexSubImage1D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorMask" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="red" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CopyTexSubImage2D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorMaski" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="g" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="a" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteTextures" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawArrays" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="DrawElements" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenTextures" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="IsTexture" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PolygonOffset" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="units" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorSubTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexSubImage1D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,count)" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexSubImage2D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="table" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorTableParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="1.2">
+ <enum name="VERSION_1_2">
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2" value="0x8032" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4" value="0x8033" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1" value="0x8034" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8" value="0x8035" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2" value="0x8036" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_3D" value="0x806A" />
+ <token name="PACK_SKIP_IMAGES" value="0x806B" />
+ <token name="PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT" value="0x806C" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES" value="0x806D" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT" value="0x806E" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_3D" value="0x806F" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_3D" value="0x8070" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_DEPTH" value="0x8071" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_WRAP_R" value="0x8072" />
+ <token name="MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE" value="0x8073" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV" value="0x8362" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5" value="0x8363" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV" value="0x8364" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV" value="0x8365" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV" value="0x8366" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV" value="0x8367" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV" value="0x8368" />
+ <token name="BGR" value="0x80E0" />
+ <token name="BGRA" value="0x80E1" />
+ <token name="MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES" value="0x80E8" />
+ <token name="MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES" value="0x80E9" />
+ <token name="CLAMP_TO_EDGE" value="0x812F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MIN_LOD" value="0x813A" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MAX_LOD" value="0x813B" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL" value="0x813C" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL" value="0x813D" />
+ <token name="SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_RANGE" value="0x0B12" />
+ <token name="SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY" value="0x0B13" />
+ <token name="SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE" value="0x0B22" />
+ <token name="SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY" value="0x0B23" />
+ <token name="ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE" value="0x846E" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="CopyTexSubImage3D" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ColorTableParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="DrawRangeElements" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompileShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexImage3D" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompileShaderIncludeARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="path" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="TexSubImage3D" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="1.3">
+ <enum name="VERSION_1_3">
+ <token name="TEXTURE0" value="0x84C0" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE1" value="0x84C1" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE2" value="0x84C2" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE3" value="0x84C3" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE4" value="0x84C4" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE5" value="0x84C5" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE6" value="0x84C6" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE7" value="0x84C7" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE8" value="0x84C8" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE9" value="0x84C9" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE10" value="0x84CA" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE11" value="0x84CB" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE12" value="0x84CC" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE13" value="0x84CD" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE14" value="0x84CE" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE15" value="0x84CF" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE16" value="0x84D0" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE17" value="0x84D1" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE18" value="0x84D2" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE19" value="0x84D3" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE20" value="0x84D4" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE21" value="0x84D5" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE22" value="0x84D6" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE23" value="0x84D7" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE24" value="0x84D8" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE25" value="0x84D9" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE26" value="0x84DA" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE27" value="0x84DB" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE28" value="0x84DC" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE29" value="0x84DD" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE30" value="0x84DE" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE31" value="0x84DF" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_TEXTURE" value="0x84E0" />
+ <token name="MULTISAMPLE" value="0x809D" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE" value="0x809E" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE" value="0x809F" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_COVERAGE" value="0x80A0" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_BUFFERS" value="0x80A8" />
+ <token name="SAMPLES" value="0x80A9" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE" value="0x80AA" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT" value="0x80AB" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP" value="0x8513" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP" value="0x8514" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X" value="0x8515" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X" value="0x8516" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y" value="0x8517" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y" value="0x8518" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z" value="0x8519" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z" value="0x851A" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP" value="0x851B" />
+ <token name="MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE" value="0x851C" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_RGB" value="0x84ED" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_RGBA" value="0x84EE" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_HINT" value="0x84EF" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE" value="0x86A0" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_COMPRESSED" value="0x86A1" />
+ <token name="NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS" value="0x86A2" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS" value="0x86A3" />
+ <token name="CLAMP_TO_BORDER" value="0x812D" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="ActiveTexture" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
<function name="CompressedTexImage1D" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
<param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionFilter1D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <function name="GetCompressedTexImage" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="img" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,level)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionFilter2D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <function name="SampleCoverage" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameterf" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="1.4">
+ <enum name="VERSION_1_4">
+ <token name="BLEND_DST_RGB" value="0x80C8" />
+ <token name="BLEND_SRC_RGB" value="0x80C9" />
+ <token name="BLEND_DST_ALPHA" value="0x80CA" />
+ <token name="BLEND_SRC_ALPHA" value="0x80CB" />
+ <token name="POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE" value="0x8128" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_COMPONENT16" value="0x81A5" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_COMPONENT24" value="0x81A6" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_COMPONENT32" value="0x81A7" />
+ <token name="MIRRORED_REPEAT" value="0x8370" />
+ <token name="MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS" value="0x84FD" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS" value="0x8501" />
+ <token name="INCR_WRAP" value="0x8507" />
+ <token name="DECR_WRAP" value="0x8508" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_DEPTH_SIZE" value="0x884A" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE" value="0x884C" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC" value="0x884D" />
+ <token name="FUNC_ADD" value="0x8006" />
+ <token name="FUNC_SUBTRACT" value="0x800A" />
+ <token name="FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT" value="0x800B" />
+ <token name="MIN" value="0x8007" />
+ <token name="MAX" value="0x8008" />
+ <token name="CONSTANT_COLOR" value="0x8001" />
+ <token name="ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR" value="0x8002" />
+ <token name="CONSTANT_ALPHA" value="0x8003" />
+ <token name="ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA" value="0x8004" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BlendColor" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="BlendEquation" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="mode" type="BlendEquationMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameteri" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BlendFuncSeparate" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="sfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dfactorRGB" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ConvolutionParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawArrays" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyBufferSubData" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_copy_buffer" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="readTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="writeTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="readOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="writeOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawElements" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyColorSubTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PointParameterf" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyColorTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PointParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyConvolutionFilter1D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PointParameteri" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyConvolutionFilter2D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PointParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
+ <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyImageSubData" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_copy_image" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="srcName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcWidth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcHeight" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcDepth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="1.5">
+ <enum name="VERSION_1_5">
+ <token name="BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x8764" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_USAGE" value="0x8765" />
+ <token name="QUERY_COUNTER_BITS" value="0x8864" />
+ <token name="CURRENT_QUERY" value="0x8865" />
+ <token name="QUERY_RESULT" value="0x8866" />
+ <token name="QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE" value="0x8867" />
+ <token name="ARRAY_BUFFER" value="0x8892" />
+ <token name="ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER" value="0x8893" />
+ <token name="ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8894" />
+ <token name="ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8895" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x889F" />
+ <token name="READ_ONLY" value="0x88B8" />
+ <token name="WRITE_ONLY" value="0x88B9" />
+ <token name="READ_WRITE" value="0x88BA" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_ACCESS" value="0x88BB" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_MAPPED" value="0x88BC" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_MAP_POINTER" value="0x88BD" />
+ <token name="STREAM_DRAW" value="0x88E0" />
+ <token name="STREAM_READ" value="0x88E1" />
+ <token name="STREAM_COPY" value="0x88E2" />
+ <token name="STATIC_DRAW" value="0x88E4" />
+ <token name="STATIC_READ" value="0x88E5" />
+ <token name="STATIC_COPY" value="0x88E6" />
+ <token name="DYNAMIC_DRAW" value="0x88E8" />
+ <token name="DYNAMIC_READ" value="0x88E9" />
+ <token name="DYNAMIC_COPY" value="0x88EA" />
+ <token name="SAMPLES_PASSED" value="0x8914" />
+ <token name="SRC1_ALPHA" value="0x8589" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BeginQuery" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexImage1D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexImage2D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BufferData" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <param name="usage" type="BufferUsageARB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexSubImage1D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BufferSubData" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexSubImage2D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteBuffers" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexSubImage3D" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteQueries" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CreateProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <returns type="GLuint" />
- </function>
- <function name="CreateShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
- </function>
- <function name="CreateShaderProgramv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="strings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
- </function>
- <function name="CreateSyncFromCLeventARB" category="ARB_cl_event" extension="ARB">
- <param name="context" type="cl_context *" flow="out" />
- <param name="event" type="cl_event *" flow="out" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="sync" />
- </function>
- <function name="CullFace" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="mode" type="CullFaceMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndQuery" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageCallback" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROC" flow="in" />
- <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenBuffers" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageCallbackARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
- <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROCARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(callback)" />
+ <function name="GenQueries" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageCallbackKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROCKHR" flow="in" />
- <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetBufferParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="BufferPNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageControl" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="enabled" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetBufferPointerv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="BufferPointerNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageControlARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="enabled" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetBufferSubData" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageControlKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
- <param name="enabled" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetQueryiv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageInsert" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectiv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buf,length)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageInsertARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectuiv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DebugMessageInsertKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="IsBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsQuery" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="DeleteBuffers" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="MapBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="BufferAccessARB" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
- <function name="DeleteFramebuffers" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="UnmapBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="DeleteNamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
- <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="2.0">
+ <enum name="VERSION_2_0">
+ <token name="BLEND_EQUATION_RGB" value="0x8009" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED" value="0x8622" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE" value="0x8623" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE" value="0x8624" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE" value="0x8625" />
+ <token name="CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB" value="0x8626" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE" value="0x8642" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER" value="0x8645" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BACK_FUNC" value="0x8800" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BACK_FAIL" value="0x8801" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL" value="0x8802" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS" value="0x8803" />
+ <token name="MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS" value="0x8824" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER0" value="0x8825" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER1" value="0x8826" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER2" value="0x8827" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER3" value="0x8828" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER4" value="0x8829" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER5" value="0x882A" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER6" value="0x882B" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER7" value="0x882C" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER8" value="0x882D" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER9" value="0x882E" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER10" value="0x882F" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER11" value="0x8830" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER12" value="0x8831" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER13" value="0x8832" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER14" value="0x8833" />
+ <token name="DRAW_BUFFER15" value="0x8834" />
+ <token name="BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA" value="0x883D" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS" value="0x8869" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED" value="0x886A" />
+ <token name="MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS" value="0x8872" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_SHADER" value="0x8B30" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_SHADER" value="0x8B31" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS" value="0x8B49" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS" value="0x8B4A" />
+ <token name="MAX_VARYING_FLOATS" value="0x8B4B" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS" value="0x8B4C" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS" value="0x8B4D" />
+ <token name="SHADER_TYPE" value="0x8B4F" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_VEC2" value="0x8B50" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_VEC3" value="0x8B51" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_VEC4" value="0x8B52" />
+ <token name="INT_VEC2" value="0x8B53" />
+ <token name="INT_VEC3" value="0x8B54" />
+ <token name="INT_VEC4" value="0x8B55" />
+ <token name="BOOL" value="0x8B56" />
+ <token name="BOOL_VEC2" value="0x8B57" />
+ <token name="BOOL_VEC3" value="0x8B58" />
+ <token name="BOOL_VEC4" value="0x8B59" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_MAT2" value="0x8B5A" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_MAT3" value="0x8B5B" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_MAT4" value="0x8B5C" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_1D" value="0x8B5D" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_2D" value="0x8B5E" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_3D" value="0x8B5F" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_CUBE" value="0x8B60" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_1D_SHADOW" value="0x8B61" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW" value="0x8B62" />
+ <token name="DELETE_STATUS" value="0x8B80" />
+ <token name="COMPILE_STATUS" value="0x8B81" />
+ <token name="LINK_STATUS" value="0x8B82" />
+ <token name="VALIDATE_STATUS" value="0x8B83" />
+ <token name="INFO_LOG_LENGTH" value="0x8B84" />
+ <token name="ATTACHED_SHADERS" value="0x8B85" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_UNIFORMS" value="0x8B86" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH" value="0x8B87" />
+ <token name="SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH" value="0x8B88" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES" value="0x8B89" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH" value="0x8B8A" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT" value="0x8B8B" />
+ <token name="SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION" value="0x8B8C" />
+ <token name="CURRENT_PROGRAM" value="0x8B8D" />
+ <token name="POINT_SPRITE_COORD_ORIGIN" value="0x8CA0" />
+ <token name="LOWER_LEFT" value="0x8CA1" />
+ <token name="UPPER_LEFT" value="0x8CA2" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BACK_REF" value="0x8CA3" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK" value="0x8CA4" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK" value="0x8CA5" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="AttachShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="BindAttribLocation" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteProgramPipelines" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="BlendEquationSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="modeRGB" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modeAlpha" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteQueries" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="CompileShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteRenderbuffers" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="CreateProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="DeleteSamplers" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="CreateShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
<function name="DeleteShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteSync" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DetachShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteTextures" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="DisableVertexAttribArray" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteTransformFeedbacks" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="DrawBuffers" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <param name="bufs" type="DrawBufferModeATI *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteVertexArrays" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="EnableVertexAttribArray" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetActiveAttrib" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetActiveUniform" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthFunc" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="func" type="DepthFunction" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetAttachedShaders" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="maxCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthMask" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="flag" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetAttribLocation" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramInfoLog" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthRange" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="near" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="far" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthRangeArrayv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
+ <function name="GetShaderInfoLog" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthRangef" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetShaderiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthRangeIndexed" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetShaderSource" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="source" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DetachShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="GetUniformfv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Disable" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetUniformiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Disablei" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetUniformLocation" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribdv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DisableVertexAttribArray" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribfv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DispatchCompute" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_compute_shader" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="num_groups_x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="num_groups_y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="num_groups_z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DispatchComputeGroupSizeARB" category="ARB_compute_variable_group_size" extension="ARB">
- <param name="num_groups_x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="num_groups_y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="num_groups_z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="group_size_x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="group_size_y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="group_size_z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribPointerv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPointerPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DispatchComputeIndirect" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_compute_shader" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="indirect" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="DrawArrays" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="DrawArraysIndirect" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="LinkProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawArraysInstanced" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ShaderSource" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="string" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="StencilFuncSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
+ <param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ref" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawBuffer" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="mode" type="DrawBufferMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="StencilMaskSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawBuffers" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufs" type="DrawBufferModeATI *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="StencilOpSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dpfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dppass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElements" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <function name="Uniform1f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementsBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform1fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
- <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawElementsIndirect" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementsInstanced" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform1i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform1iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform2f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform2fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawRangeElements" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <function name="Uniform2i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform2iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
- <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_transform_feedback_instanced" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackStream" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_transform_feedback_instanced" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Enable" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Enablei" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform3f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EnableVertexAttribArray" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform3fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndConditionalRender" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="Uniform3i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndQuery" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform3iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndQueryIndexed" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform4f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="Uniform4fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FenceSync" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="condition" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="sync" />
- </function>
- <function name="Finish" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <function name="Uniform4i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Flush" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <function name="Uniform4iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FlushMappedBufferRange" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_map_buffer_range" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferParameteri" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferRenderbuffer" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffertarget" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferTexture" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UseProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferTexture1D" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ValidateProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferTexture2D" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferTexture3D" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferTextureLayer" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="layer" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FrontFace" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="mode" type="FrontFaceDirection" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenBuffers" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenerateMipmap" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenFramebuffers" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenProgramPipelines" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenQueries" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenRenderbuffers" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenSamplers" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenTextures" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenTransformFeedbacks" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenVertexArrays" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_atomic_counters" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufferIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveAttrib" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveSubroutineName" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufsize" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveSubroutineUniformiv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveSubroutineUniformName" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4bv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufsize" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveUniform" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockiv" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockName" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveUniformName" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="uniformName" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveUniformsiv" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetAttachedShaders" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="maxCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4Nbv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetAttribLocation" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4Niv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBooleani_v" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4Nsv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBooleanv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4Nub" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferParameteri64v" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="BufferPNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4Nubv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="BufferPNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4Nuiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferPointerv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="BufferPointerNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4Nusv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferSubData" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="size" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetColorTable" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="table" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetColorTableParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4ubv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetColorTableParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ColorTableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetColorTableParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4uiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetCompressedTexImage" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="img" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,level)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4usv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetConvolutionFilter" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribPointer" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexAttribPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetConvolutionParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetConvolutionParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="2.1">
+ <enum name="VERSION_2_1">
+ <token name="PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER" value="0x88EB" />
+ <token name="PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER" value="0x88EC" />
+ <token name="PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x88ED" />
+ <token name="PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x88EF" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_MAT2x3" value="0x8B65" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_MAT2x4" value="0x8B66" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_MAT3x2" value="0x8B67" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_MAT3x4" value="0x8B68" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_MAT4x2" value="0x8B69" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_MAT4x3" value="0x8B6A" />
+ <token name="SRGB" value="0x8C40" />
+ <token name="SRGB8" value="0x8C41" />
+ <token name="SRGB_ALPHA" value="0x8C42" />
+ <token name="SRGB8_ALPHA8" value="0x8C43" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_SRGB" value="0x8C48" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA" value="0x8C49" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2x3fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="6" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetConvolutionParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="ConvolutionTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetConvolutionParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2x4fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="8" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetDebugMessageLog" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3x2fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="6" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetDebugMessageLogARB" category="ARB_debug_output" extension="ARB">
- <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3x4fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="12" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetDebugMessageLogKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4x2fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="8" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetDoublei_v" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4x3fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="12" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetDoublev" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="3.0">
+ <enum name="VERSION_3_0">
+ <token name="COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE" value="0x884E" />
+ <token name="CLIP_DISTANCE0" value="0x3000" />
+ <token name="CLIP_DISTANCE1" value="0x3001" />
+ <token name="CLIP_DISTANCE2" value="0x3002" />
+ <token name="CLIP_DISTANCE3" value="0x3003" />
+ <token name="CLIP_DISTANCE4" value="0x3004" />
+ <token name="CLIP_DISTANCE5" value="0x3005" />
+ <token name="CLIP_DISTANCE6" value="0x3006" />
+ <token name="CLIP_DISTANCE7" value="0x3007" />
+ <token name="MAX_CLIP_DISTANCES" value="0x0D32" />
+ <token name="MAJOR_VERSION" value="0x821B" />
+ <token name="MINOR_VERSION" value="0x821C" />
+ <token name="NUM_EXTENSIONS" value="0x821D" />
+ <token name="CONTEXT_FLAGS" value="0x821E" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_RED" value="0x8225" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_RG" value="0x8226" />
+ <token name="CONTEXT_FLAG_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT" value="0x00000001" />
+ <token name="RGBA32F" value="0x8814" />
+ <token name="RGB32F" value="0x8815" />
+ <token name="RGBA16F" value="0x881A" />
+ <token name="RGB16F" value="0x881B" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER" value="0x88FD" />
+ <token name="MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS" value="0x88FF" />
+ <token name="MIN_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET" value="0x8904" />
+ <token name="MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET" value="0x8905" />
+ <token name="CLAMP_READ_COLOR" value="0x891C" />
+ <token name="FIXED_ONLY" value="0x891D" />
+ <token name="MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS" value="0x8B4B" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY" value="0x8C18" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY" value="0x8C19" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY" value="0x8C1A" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY" value="0x8C1B" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_1D_ARRAY" value="0x8C1C" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY" value="0x8C1D" />
+ <token name="R11F_G11F_B10F" value="0x8C3A" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV" value="0x8C3B" />
+ <token name="RGB9_E5" value="0x8C3D" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV" value="0x8C3E" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_SHARED_SIZE" value="0x8C3F" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH" value="0x8C76" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_MODE" value="0x8C7F" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS" value="0x8C83" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START" value="0x8C84" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x8C85" />
+ <token name="PRIMITIVES_GENERATED" value="0x8C87" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN" value="0x8C88" />
+ <token name="RASTERIZER_DISCARD" value="0x8C89" />
+ <token name="INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS" value="0x8C8C" />
+ <token name="SEPARATE_ATTRIBS" value="0x8C8D" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER" value="0x8C8E" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8C8F" />
+ <token name="RGBA32UI" value="0x8D70" />
+ <token name="RGB32UI" value="0x8D71" />
+ <token name="RGBA16UI" value="0x8D76" />
+ <token name="RGB16UI" value="0x8D77" />
+ <token name="RGBA8UI" value="0x8D7C" />
+ <token name="RGB8UI" value="0x8D7D" />
+ <token name="RGBA32I" value="0x8D82" />
+ <token name="RGB32I" value="0x8D83" />
+ <token name="RGBA16I" value="0x8D88" />
+ <token name="RGB16I" value="0x8D89" />
+ <token name="RGBA8I" value="0x8D8E" />
+ <token name="RGB8I" value="0x8D8F" />
+ <token name="RED_INTEGER" value="0x8D94" />
+ <token name="GREEN_INTEGER" value="0x8D95" />
+ <token name="BLUE_INTEGER" value="0x8D96" />
+ <token name="RGB_INTEGER" value="0x8D98" />
+ <token name="RGBA_INTEGER" value="0x8D99" />
+ <token name="BGR_INTEGER" value="0x8D9A" />
+ <token name="BGRA_INTEGER" value="0x8D9B" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY" value="0x8DC0" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY" value="0x8DC1" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_SHADOW" value="0x8DC3" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW" value="0x8DC4" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW" value="0x8DC5" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2" value="0x8DC6" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3" value="0x8DC7" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4" value="0x8DC8" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_1D" value="0x8DC9" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_2D" value="0x8DCA" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_3D" value="0x8DCB" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_CUBE" value="0x8DCC" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY" value="0x8DCE" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY" value="0x8DCF" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D" value="0x8DD1" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D" value="0x8DD2" />
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+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE" value="0x8DD4" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY" value="0x8DD6" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY" value="0x8DD7" />
+ <token name="QUERY_WAIT" value="0x8E13" />
+ <token name="QUERY_NO_WAIT" value="0x8E14" />
+ <token name="QUERY_BY_REGION_WAIT" value="0x8E15" />
+ <token name="QUERY_BY_REGION_NO_WAIT" value="0x8E16" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS" value="0x911F" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH" value="0x9120" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_MAP_OFFSET" value="0x9121" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_COMPONENT32F" value="0x8CAC" />
+ <token name="DEPTH32F_STENCIL8" value="0x8CAD" />
+ <token name="FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV" value="0x8DAD" />
+ <token name="INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION" value="0x0506" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_ENCODING" value="0x8210" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COMPONENT_TYPE" value="0x8211" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_RED_SIZE" value="0x8212" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_GREEN_SIZE" value="0x8213" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_BLUE_SIZE" value="0x8214" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_ALPHA_SIZE" value="0x8215" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_DEPTH_SIZE" value="0x8216" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_SIZE" value="0x8217" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT" value="0x8218" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED" value="0x8219" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT" value="0x821A" />
+ <token name="MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE" value="0x84E8" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_STENCIL" value="0x84F9" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_24_8" value="0x84FA" />
+ <token name="DEPTH24_STENCIL8" value="0x88F0" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_STENCIL_SIZE" value="0x88F1" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_RED_TYPE" value="0x8C10" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_GREEN_TYPE" value="0x8C11" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BLUE_TYPE" value="0x8C12" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_ALPHA_TYPE" value="0x8C13" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_DEPTH_TYPE" value="0x8C16" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED" value="0x8C17" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8CA6" />
+ <token name="DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8CA6" />
+ <token name="RENDERBUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8CA7" />
+ <token name="READ_FRAMEBUFFER" value="0x8CA8" />
+ <token name="DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER" value="0x8CA9" />
+ <token name="READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8CAA" />
+ <token name="RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES" value="0x8CAB" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE" value="0x8CD0" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME" value="0x8CD1" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL" value="0x8CD2" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LAYER" value="0x8CD4" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE" value="0x8CD5" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT" value="0x8CD6" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER" value="0x8CDB" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER" value="0x8CDC" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED" value="0x8CDD" />
+ <token name="MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS" value="0x8CDF" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT0" value="0x8CE0" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT1" value="0x8CE1" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT2" value="0x8CE2" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT3" value="0x8CE3" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT4" value="0x8CE4" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT5" value="0x8CE5" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT6" value="0x8CE6" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT7" value="0x8CE7" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT8" value="0x8CE8" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT9" value="0x8CE9" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT10" value="0x8CEA" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT11" value="0x8CEB" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT12" value="0x8CEC" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT13" value="0x8CED" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT14" value="0x8CEE" />
+ <token name="COLOR_ATTACHMENT15" value="0x8CEF" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_ATTACHMENT" value="0x8D00" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_ATTACHMENT" value="0x8D20" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER" value="0x8D40" />
+ <token name="RENDERBUFFER" value="0x8D41" />
+ <token name="RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH" value="0x8D42" />
+ <token name="RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT" value="0x8D43" />
+ <token name="RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT" value="0x8D44" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_INDEX1" value="0x8D46" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_INDEX4" value="0x8D47" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_INDEX8" value="0x8D48" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_INDEX16" value="0x8D49" />
+ <token name="RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE" value="0x8D50" />
+ <token name="RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE" value="0x8D51" />
+ <token name="RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE" value="0x8D52" />
+ <token name="RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE" value="0x8D53" />
+ <token name="RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE" value="0x8D54" />
+ <token name="RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE" value="0x8D55" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x8D56" />
+ <token name="MAX_SAMPLES" value="0x8D57" />
+ <token name="INDEX" value="0x8222" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB" value="0x8DB9" />
+ <token name="HALF_FLOAT" value="0x140B" />
+ <token name="MAP_READ_BIT" value="0x0001" />
+ <token name="MAP_WRITE_BIT" value="0x0002" />
+ <token name="MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT" value="0x0004" />
+ <token name="MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT" value="0x0008" />
+ <token name="MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT" value="0x0010" />
+ <token name="MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT" value="0x0020" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1" value="0x8DBB" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1" value="0x8DBC" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_RG_RGTC2" value="0x8DBD" />
+ <token name="COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG_RGTC2" value="0x8DBE" />
+ <token name="RG" value="0x8227" />
+ <token name="RG_INTEGER" value="0x8228" />
+ <token name="R8" value="0x8229" />
+ <token name="R16" value="0x822A" />
+ <token name="RG8" value="0x822B" />
+ <token name="RG16" value="0x822C" />
+ <token name="R16F" value="0x822D" />
+ <token name="R32F" value="0x822E" />
+ <token name="RG16F" value="0x822F" />
+ <token name="RG32F" value="0x8230" />
+ <token name="R8I" value="0x8231" />
+ <token name="R8UI" value="0x8232" />
+ <token name="R16I" value="0x8233" />
+ <token name="R16UI" value="0x8234" />
+ <token name="R32I" value="0x8235" />
+ <token name="R32UI" value="0x8236" />
+ <token name="RG8I" value="0x8237" />
+ <token name="RG8UI" value="0x8238" />
+ <token name="RG16I" value="0x8239" />
+ <token name="RG16UI" value="0x823A" />
+ <token name="RG32I" value="0x823B" />
+ <token name="RG32UI" value="0x823C" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING" value="0x85B5" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BeginConditionalRender" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetError" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <returns type="ErrorCode" />
+ <function name="BeginTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="primitiveMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFloati_v" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="target" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindBufferBase" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFloatv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="BindBufferRange" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFragDataIndex" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_blend_func_extended" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetFragDataLocation" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="BindFragDataLocation" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="BindFramebuffer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFramebufferParameteriv" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="BindRenderbuffer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetGraphicsResetStatusARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <function name="BindVertexArray" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlitFramebuffer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="srcX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
+ <param name="filter" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CheckFramebufferStatus" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
<returns type="GLenum" />
- <function name="GetHistogram" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <function name="ClampColor" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="ClampColorTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="clamp" type="ClampColorModeARB" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetHistogramParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetHistogramParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ClearBufferfi" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stencil" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetHistogramParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetHistogramParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="ClearBufferfv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetImageHandleARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="layered" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="layer" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint64" />
+ <function name="ClearBufferiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearBufferuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInteger64i_v" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ColorMaski" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <param name="r" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="g" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="a" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInteger64v" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="DeleteFramebuffers" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetIntegeri_v" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="DeleteRenderbuffers" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetIntegerv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="DeleteVertexArrays" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInternalformati64v" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_internalformat_query2" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <function name="Disablei" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInternalformativ" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_internalformat_query" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <function name="Enablei" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMinmax" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <function name="EndConditionalRender" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMinmaxParameterfv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetMinmaxParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="EndTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMinmaxParameteriv" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetMinmaxParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="FlushMappedBufferRange" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMultisamplefv" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="val" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="FramebufferRenderbuffer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffertarget" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
- <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stringlen" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="string" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture1D" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetNamedStringivARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
- <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture2D" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnColorTableARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="table" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture3D" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnCompressedTexImageARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="lod" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="img" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTextureLayer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnConvolutionFilterARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <function name="GenerateMipmap" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnHistogramARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="GenFramebuffers" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnMapdvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="GenRenderbuffers" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnMapfvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="GenVertexArrays" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnMapivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <function name="GetBooleani_v" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnMinmaxARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="reset" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetFragDataLocation" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
- <function name="GetnPixelMapfvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnPixelMapuivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="GetIntegeri_v" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnPixelMapusvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLushort *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="GetRenderbufferParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnPolygonStippleARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pattern" type="GLubyte *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetStringi" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="name" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="String" />
- <function name="GetnSeparableFilterARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="rowBufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="row" type="void *" flow="out" count="rowBufSize" />
- <param name="columnBufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="column" type="void *" flow="out" count="columnBufSize" />
- <param name="span" type="void *" flow="out" count="0" />
+ <function name="GetTexParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnTexImageARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="img" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="GetTexParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnUniformdvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <function name="GetTransformFeedbackVarying" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnUniformfvARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
+ <function name="GetUniformuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(program,location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnUniformivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribIiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnUniformuivARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribIuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectLabel" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsEnabledi" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GetObjectLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsFramebuffer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GetObjectPtrLabel" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsRenderbuffer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GetObjectPtrLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsVertexArray" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="GetPointerv" category="VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="pname" type="GetPointervPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="MapBufferRange" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="BufferAccessMask" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
- <function name="GetPointervKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorage" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramBinary" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisample" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramInfoLog" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="TexParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramInterfaceiv" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="TexParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="TransformFeedbackVaryings" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="varyings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="bufferMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramPipelineInfoLog" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="Uniform1ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramPipelineiv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform1uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramResourceIndex" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetProgramResourceiv" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="propCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="props" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="propCount" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="Uniform2ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramResourceLocation" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetProgramResourceLocationIndex" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetProgramResourceName" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="Uniform2uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramStageiv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="Uniform3ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryIndexediv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform3uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryiv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform4ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjecti64v" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform4uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjectiv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI1i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjectui64v" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI1iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjectuiv" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI1ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetRenderbufferParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI1uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetSamplerParameterfv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI2i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetSamplerParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI2iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetSamplerParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI2ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetSamplerParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI2uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetSeparableFilter" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="SeparableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="row" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
- <param name="column" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
- <param name="span" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI3i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetShaderInfoLog" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI3iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetShaderiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI3ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetShaderPrecisionFormat" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="precisiontype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="range" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
- <param name="precision" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI3uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetShaderSource" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="source" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4bv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetString" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="name" type="StringName" flow="in" />
- <returns type="String" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetStringi" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="name" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="String" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetSubroutineIndex" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4sv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetSubroutineUniformLocation" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4ubv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetSynciv" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexImage" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target,level,format,type)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexLevelParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribI4usv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexLevelParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribIPointer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="3.1">
+ <enum name="VERSION_3_1">
+ <token name="SAMPLER_2D_RECT" value="0x8B63" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_2D_RECT_SHADOW" value="0x8B64" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_BUFFER" value="0x8DC2" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT" value="0x8DCD" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER" value="0x8DD0" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT" value="0x8DD5" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER" value="0x8DD8" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BUFFER" value="0x8C2A" />
+ <token name="MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x8C2B" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_BUFFER" value="0x8C2C" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BUFFER_DATA_STORE_BINDING" value="0x8C2D" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_RECTANGLE" value="0x84F5" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE" value="0x84F6" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE" value="0x84F7" />
+ <token name="MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE" value="0x84F8" />
+ <token name="R8_SNORM" value="0x8F94" />
+ <token name="RG8_SNORM" value="0x8F95" />
+ <token name="RGB8_SNORM" value="0x8F96" />
+ <token name="RGBA8_SNORM" value="0x8F97" />
+ <token name="R16_SNORM" value="0x8F98" />
+ <token name="RG16_SNORM" value="0x8F99" />
+ <token name="RGB16_SNORM" value="0x8F9A" />
+ <token name="RGBA16_SNORM" value="0x8F9B" />
+ <token name="SIGNED_NORMALIZED" value="0x8F9C" />
+ <token name="PRIMITIVE_RESTART" value="0x8F9D" />
+ <token name="PRIMITIVE_RESTART_INDEX" value="0x8F9E" />
+ <token name="COPY_READ_BUFFER" value="0x8F36" />
+ <token name="COPY_WRITE_BUFFER" value="0x8F37" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BUFFER" value="0x8A11" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8A28" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BUFFER_START" value="0x8A29" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x8A2A" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_BLOCKS" value="0x8A2B" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_BLOCKS" value="0x8A2D" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_UNIFORM_BLOCKS" value="0x8A2E" />
+ <token name="MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS" value="0x8A2F" />
+ <token name="MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE" value="0x8A30" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS" value="0x8A31" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS" value="0x8A33" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT" value="0x8A34" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCK_MAX_NAME_LENGTH" value="0x8A35" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS" value="0x8A36" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_TYPE" value="0x8A37" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_SIZE" value="0x8A38" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_NAME_LENGTH" value="0x8A39" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK_INDEX" value="0x8A3A" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_OFFSET" value="0x8A3B" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_ARRAY_STRIDE" value="0x8A3C" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_MATRIX_STRIDE" value="0x8A3D" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_IS_ROW_MAJOR" value="0x8A3E" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING" value="0x8A3F" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE" value="0x8A40" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK_NAME_LENGTH" value="0x8A41" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS" value="0x8A42" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES" value="0x8A43" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER" value="0x8A44" />
+ <token name="INVALID_INDEX" value="0xFFFFFFFF" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="CopyBufferSubData" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="readTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="writeTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="readOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="writeOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="DrawArraysInstanced" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstanced" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockiv" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTextureHandleARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint64" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetTextureSamplerHandleARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint64" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetTransformFeedbackVarying" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockName" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="size" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformBlockIndex" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformName" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <param name="uniformIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="uniformName" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformdv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformsiv" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
+ <param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformfv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="GetUniformBlockIndex" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="GetUniformIndices" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <function name="GetUniformIndices" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="uniformNames" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
<param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
+ <function name="PrimitiveRestartIndex" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformLocation" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetUniformSubroutineuiv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="TexBuffer" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="UniformBlockBinding" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(program,location)" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockBinding" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribdv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="3.2">
+ <enum name="VERSION_3_2">
+ <token name="CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT" value="0x00000001" />
+ <token name="CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT" value="0x00000002" />
+ <token name="LINES_ADJACENCY" value="0x000A" />
+ <token name="LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY" value="0x000B" />
+ <token name="TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY" value="0x000C" />
+ <token name="TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY" value="0x000D" />
+ <token name="PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE" value="0x8642" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS" value="0x8C29" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_LAYERED" value="0x8DA7" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_TARGETS" value="0x8DA8" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_SHADER" value="0x8DD9" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT" value="0x8916" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE" value="0x8917" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE" value="0x8918" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS" value="0x8DDF" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_VERTICES" value="0x8DE0" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x8DE1" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x9122" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_INPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x9123" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x9124" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x9125" />
+ <token name="CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK" value="0x9126" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_CLAMP" value="0x864F" />
+ <token name="FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION" value="0x8E4D" />
+ <token name="LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION" value="0x8E4E" />
+ <token name="PROVOKING_VERTEX" value="0x8E4F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS" value="0x884F" />
+ <token name="MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT" value="0x9111" />
+ <token name="OBJECT_TYPE" value="0x9112" />
+ <token name="SYNC_CONDITION" value="0x9113" />
+ <token name="SYNC_STATUS" value="0x9114" />
+ <token name="SYNC_FLAGS" value="0x9115" />
+ <token name="SYNC_FENCE" value="0x9116" />
+ <token name="SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE" value="0x9117" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNALED" value="0x9118" />
+ <token name="SIGNALED" value="0x9119" />
+ <token name="ALREADY_SIGNALED" value="0x911A" />
+ <token name="TIMEOUT_EXPIRED" value="0x911B" />
+ <token name="CONDITION_SATISFIED" value="0x911C" />
+ <token name="WAIT_FAILED" value="0x911D" />
+ <token name="TIMEOUT_IGNORED" value="0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" />
+ <token name="SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT" value="0x00000001" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_POSITION" value="0x8E50" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_MASK" value="0x8E51" />
+ <token name="SAMPLE_MASK_VALUE" value="0x8E52" />
+ <token name="MAX_SAMPLE_MASK_WORDS" value="0x8E59" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x9100" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x9101" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x9102" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x9103" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x9104" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x9105" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_SAMPLES" value="0x9106" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_FIXED_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS" value="0x9107" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x9108" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x9109" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x910A" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x910B" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x910C" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x910D" />
+ <token name="MAX_COLOR_TEXTURE_SAMPLES" value="0x910E" />
+ <token name="MAX_DEPTH_TEXTURE_SAMPLES" value="0x910F" />
+ <token name="MAX_INTEGER_SAMPLES" value="0x9110" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="ClientWaitSync" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteSync" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribfv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribIiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribIuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <function name="FenceSync" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="condition" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="sync" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribLdv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GetBufferParameteri64v" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="BufferPNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribLui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <function name="GetInteger64i_v" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetInteger64v" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribPointerv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="GetMultisamplefv" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPointerPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="val" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Hint" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="HintTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="HintMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetSynciv" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Histogram" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="sink" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsSync" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="InvalidateBufferData" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InvalidateBufferSubData" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProvokingVertex" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InvalidateFramebuffer" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
+ <function name="SampleMaski" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InvalidateSubFramebuffer" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <function name="TexImage2DMultisample" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InvalidateTexImage" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="InvalidateTexSubImage" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexImage3DMultisample" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsEnabled" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsEnabledi" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsFramebuffer" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsImageHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsNamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
- <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsProgramPipeline" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsQuery" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsRenderbuffer" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsSampler" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsShader" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsSync" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync" extension="Core" version="3.2">
+ <function name="WaitSync" category="VERSION_3_2" extension="Core" version="3.2">
<param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsTexture" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsTextureHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsVertexArray" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="LineWidth" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="width" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LinkProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="3.3">
+ <enum name="VERSION_3_3">
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR" value="0x88FE" />
+ <token name="SRC1_COLOR" value="0x88F9" />
+ <token name="ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR" value="0x88FA" />
+ <token name="ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA" value="0x88FB" />
+ <token name="MAX_DUAL_SOURCE_DRAW_BUFFERS" value="0x88FC" />
+ <token name="ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED" value="0x8C2F" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_BINDING" value="0x8919" />
+ <token name="RGB10_A2UI" value="0x906F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R" value="0x8E42" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G" value="0x8E43" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B" value="0x8E44" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A" value="0x8E45" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA" value="0x8E46" />
+ <token name="TIME_ELAPSED" value="0x88BF" />
+ <token name="TIMESTAMP" value="0x8E28" />
+ <token name="INT_2_10_10_10_REV" value="0x8D9F" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BindFragDataLocationIndexed" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="colorNumber" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LogicOp" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="opcode" type="LogicOp" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MakeImageHandleNonResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MakeImageHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MakeTextureHandleNonResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MakeTextureHandleResidentARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="handle" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindSampler" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="unit" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MapBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="BufferAccessARB" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void *" />
- </function>
- <function name="MapBufferRange" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_map_buffer_range" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="BufferAccessMask" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void *" />
+ <function name="ColorP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="MemoryBarrier" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_image_load_store" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="barriers" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ColorP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Minmax" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="sink" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ColorP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MinSampleShading" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="value" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ColorP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MinSampleShadingARB" category="ARB_sample_shading" extension="ARB">
- <param name="value" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteSamplers" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawArrays" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
- <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenSamplers" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawArraysIndirect" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount,stride)" />
- <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetFragDataIndex" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetQueryObjecti64v" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawArraysIndirectCountARB" category="ARB_indirect_parameters" extension="ARB">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawcount" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="maxdrawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectui64v" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawElements" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
- <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameterfv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
- <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="basevertex" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount)" />
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawElementsIndirect" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount,stride)" />
- <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiDrawElementsIndirectCountARB" category="ARB_indirect_parameters" extension="ARB">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indirect" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawcount" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="maxdrawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP1ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="IsSampler" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP1ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP1uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP1uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoordP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="MultiTexCoordP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NamedStringARB" category="ARB_shading_language_include" extension="ARB">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="namelen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="namelen" />
- <param name="stringlen" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="string" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="stringlen" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="NormalP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="NormalP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="NormalP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="NormalP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ObjectLabel" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
+ <function name="QueryCounter" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ObjectLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SamplerParameterf" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ObjectPtrLabel" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
+ <function name="SamplerParameterfv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ObjectPtrLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SamplerParameteri" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PatchParameterfv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_tessellation_shader" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="SamplerParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PatchParameteri" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_tessellation_shader" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="SamplerParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PauseTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="SamplerParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelStoref" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="pname" type="PixelStoreParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColorP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelStorei" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="pname" type="PixelStoreParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="SecondaryColorP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterf" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP1ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP1uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameteri" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_4" extension="Core" version="1.4">
- <param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointSize" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="size" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PolygonMode" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="PolygonMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PolygonOffset" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="units" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexCoordP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PopDebugGroup" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <function name="TexCoordP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PopDebugGroupKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <function name="VertexAttribDivisor" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PrimitiveRestartIndex" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <function name="VertexAttribP1ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramBinary" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP1uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramParameteri" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ProgramParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1f" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1i" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1iv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="VertexP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1ui" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1uiv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="VertexP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2f" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="4.0">
+ <enum name="VERSION_4_0">
+ <token name="SAMPLE_SHADING" value="0x8C36" />
+ <token name="MIN_SAMPLE_SHADING_VALUE" value="0x8C37" />
+ <token name="MIN_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_OFFSET" value="0x8E5E" />
+ <token name="MAX_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_OFFSET" value="0x8E5F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x9009" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x900A" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x900B" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x900C" />
+ <token name="SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_SHADOW" value="0x900D" />
+ <token name="INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x900E" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x900F" />
+ <token name="DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER" value="0x8F3F" />
+ <token name="DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8F43" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_SHADER_INVOCATIONS" value="0x887F" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_SHADER_INVOCATIONS" value="0x8E5A" />
+ <token name="MIN_FRAGMENT_INTERPOLATION_OFFSET" value="0x8E5B" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_INTERPOLATION_OFFSET" value="0x8E5C" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_INTERPOLATION_OFFSET_BITS" value="0x8E5D" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS" value="0x8E71" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_VEC2" value="0x8FFC" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_VEC3" value="0x8FFD" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_VEC4" value="0x8FFE" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT2" value="0x8F46" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT3" value="0x8F47" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT4" value="0x8F48" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT2x3" value="0x8F49" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT2x4" value="0x8F4A" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT3x2" value="0x8F4B" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT3x4" value="0x8F4C" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT4x2" value="0x8F4D" />
+ <token name="DOUBLE_MAT4x3" value="0x8F4E" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_SUBROUTINES" value="0x8DE5" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORMS" value="0x8DE6" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_LOCATIONS" value="0x8E47" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_MAX_LENGTH" value="0x8E48" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH" value="0x8E49" />
+ <token name="MAX_SUBROUTINES" value="0x8DE7" />
+ <token name="MAX_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_LOCATIONS" value="0x8DE8" />
+ <token name="NUM_COMPATIBLE_SUBROUTINES" value="0x8E4A" />
+ <token name="COMPATIBLE_SUBROUTINES" value="0x8E4B" />
+ <token name="PATCHES" value="0x000E" />
+ <token name="PATCH_VERTICES" value="0x8E72" />
+ <token name="PATCH_DEFAULT_INNER_LEVEL" value="0x8E73" />
+ <token name="PATCH_DEFAULT_OUTER_LEVEL" value="0x8E74" />
+ <token name="TESS_CONTROL_OUTPUT_VERTICES" value="0x8E75" />
+ <token name="TESS_GEN_MODE" value="0x8E76" />
+ <token name="TESS_GEN_SPACING" value="0x8E77" />
+ <token name="TESS_GEN_VERTEX_ORDER" value="0x8E78" />
+ <token name="TESS_GEN_POINT_MODE" value="0x8E79" />
+ <token name="ISOLINES" value="0x8E7A" />
+ <token name="QUADS" value="0x0007" />
+ <token name="FRACTIONAL_ODD" value="0x8E7B" />
+ <token name="FRACTIONAL_EVEN" value="0x8E7C" />
+ <token name="MAX_PATCH_VERTICES" value="0x8E7D" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_GEN_LEVEL" value="0x8E7E" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS" value="0x8E7F" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS" value="0x8E80" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS" value="0x8E81" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS" value="0x8E82" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x8E83" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_PATCH_COMPONENTS" value="0x8E84" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x8E85" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x8E86" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_UNIFORM_BLOCKS" value="0x8E89" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_UNIFORM_BLOCKS" value="0x8E8A" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_INPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x886C" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_INPUT_COMPONENTS" value="0x886D" />
+ <token name="TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER" value="0x8E87" />
+ <token name="TESS_CONTROL_SHADER" value="0x8E88" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK" value="0x8E22" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_PAUSED" value="0x8E23" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_ACTIVE" value="0x8E24" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BINDING" value="0x8E25" />
+ <token name="MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFERS" value="0x8E70" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS" value="0x8E71" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BeginQueryIndexed" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="BindTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2i" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BlendEquationi" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2iv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="BlendEquationSeparatei" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modeRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modeAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2ui" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BlendFunci" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="src" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dst" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2uiv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="BlendFuncSeparatei" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="buf" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteTransformFeedbacks" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="DrawArraysIndirect" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3f" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsIndirect" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3i" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackStream" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3iv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="EndQueryIndexed" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3ui" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenTransformFeedbacks" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3uiv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <function name="GetActiveSubroutineName" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufsize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <function name="GetActiveSubroutineUniformiv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <function name="GetActiveSubroutineUniformName" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufsize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4f" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <function name="GetProgramStageiv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetQueryIndexediv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4i" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <function name="GetSubroutineIndex" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetSubroutineUniformLocation" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4iv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <function name="GetUniformdv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4ui" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetUniformSubroutineuiv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4uiv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="IsTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MinSampleShading" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="value" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformHandleui64ARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PatchParameterfv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformHandleui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLuint64 *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PatchParameteri" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="PauseTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ResumeTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Uniform1d" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform1dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform2d" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform2dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform3d" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform3dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform4d" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Uniform4dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2x3dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2x4dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3x2dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3x4dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4x2dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4x3dv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ProvokingVertex" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_provoking_vertex" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PushDebugGroup" category="VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(message,length)" />
+ <function name="UniformSubroutinesuiv" category="VERSION_4_0" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PushDebugGroupKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="4.1">
+ <enum name="VERSION_4_1">
+ <token name="FIXED" value="0x140C" />
+ <token name="IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE" value="0x8B9A" />
+ <token name="IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT" value="0x8B9B" />
+ <token name="LOW_FLOAT" value="0x8DF0" />
+ <token name="MEDIUM_FLOAT" value="0x8DF1" />
+ <token name="HIGH_FLOAT" value="0x8DF2" />
+ <token name="LOW_INT" value="0x8DF3" />
+ <token name="MEDIUM_INT" value="0x8DF4" />
+ <token name="HIGH_INT" value="0x8DF5" />
+ <token name="SHADER_COMPILER" value="0x8DFA" />
+ <token name="SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS" value="0x8DF8" />
+ <token name="NUM_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS" value="0x8DF9" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS" value="0x8DFB" />
+ <token name="MAX_VARYING_VECTORS" value="0x8DFC" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS" value="0x8DFD" />
+ <token name="RGB565" value="0x8D62" />
+ <token name="PROGRAM_BINARY_RETRIEVABLE_HINT" value="0x8257" />
+ <token name="PROGRAM_BINARY_LENGTH" value="0x8741" />
+ <token name="NUM_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS" value="0x87FE" />
+ <token name="PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS" value="0x87FF" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000001" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000002" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000004" />
+ <token name="TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000008" />
+ <token name="TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000010" />
+ <token name="ALL_SHADER_BITS" value="0xFFFFFFFF" />
+ <token name="PROGRAM_SEPARABLE" value="0x8258" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_PROGRAM" value="0x8259" />
+ <token name="PROGRAM_PIPELINE_BINDING" value="0x825A" />
+ <token name="MAX_VIEWPORTS" value="0x825B" />
+ <token name="VIEWPORT_SUBPIXEL_BITS" value="0x825C" />
+ <token name="VIEWPORT_BOUNDS_RANGE" value="0x825D" />
+ <token name="LAYER_PROVOKING_VERTEX" value="0x825E" />
+ <token name="VIEWPORT_INDEX_PROVOKING_VERTEX" value="0x825F" />
+ <token name="UNDEFINED_VERTEX" value="0x8260" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="ActiveShaderProgram" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="QueryCounter" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindProgramPipeline" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReadBuffer" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="mode" type="ReadBufferMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ClearDepthf" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="d" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReadnPixelsARB" category="ARB_robustness" extension="ARB">
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CreateShaderProgramv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ReadPixels" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ReleaseShaderCompiler" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="RenderbufferStorage" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisample" category="VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ResetHistogram" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="HistogramTarget" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ResetMinmax" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="MinmaxTarget" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ResumeTransformFeedback" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="SampleCoverage" category="VERSION_1_3" extension="Core" version="1.3">
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="SampleMaski" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="SamplerParameterf" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="SamplerParameterfv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="SamplerParameteri" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="SamplerParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="SamplerParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="SamplerParameteriv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="strings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="Scissor" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteProgramPipelines" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ScissorArrayv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <function name="DepthRangeArrayv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ScissorIndexed" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="left" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bottom" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DepthRangef" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ScissorIndexedv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <function name="DepthRangeIndexed" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="SecondaryColorP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="SecondaryColorP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="color" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="SeparableFilter2D" category="ARB_imaging" extension="Core">
- <param name="target" type="SeparableTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="row" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type,width)" />
- <param name="column" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(target,format,type,height)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ShaderBinary" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="binaryformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ShaderSource" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="string" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ShaderStorageBlockBinding" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="storageBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="storageBlockBinding" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="StencilFunc" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
- <param name="ref" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="StencilFuncSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
- <param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
- <param name="ref" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="StencilMask" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="StencilMaskSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="StencilOp" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="fail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="zfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="zpass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="StencilOpSeparate" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
- <param name="sfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="dpfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="dppass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexBuffer" category="VERSION_3_1" extension="Core" version="3.1">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexBufferRange" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_buffer_range" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP1ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP1uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoordP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexImage1D" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexImage2D" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexImage2DMultisample" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexImage3D" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexImage3DMultisample" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexPageCommitmentARB" category="ARB_sparse_texture" extension="ARB">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="resident" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexParameterf" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexParameterfv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexParameteri" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexParameterIiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexParameterIuiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexParameteriv" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexStorage1D" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_texture_storage" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenProgramPipelines" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexStorage2D" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_texture_storage" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <function name="GetDoublei_v" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexStorage2DMultisample" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_storage_multisample" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetFloati_v" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="target" type="TypeEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexStorage3D" category="VERSION_4_2|ARB_texture_storage" extension="Core" version="4.2">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramBinary" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexStorage3DMultisample" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_storage_multisample" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramPipelineInfoLog" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexSubImage1D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width)" />
+ <function name="GetProgramPipelineiv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexSubImage2D" category="VERSION_1_1" extension="Core" version="1.1">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
+ <function name="GetShaderPrecisionFormat" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="precisiontype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="range" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
+ <param name="precision" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexSubImage3D" category="VERSION_1_2" extension="Core" version="1.2">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribLdv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLdouble *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureView" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_view" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="origtexture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="minlevel" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numlevels" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="minlayer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numlayers" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="IsProgramPipeline" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramBinary" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TransformFeedbackVaryings" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="ProgramParameteri" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="varyings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="bufferMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ProgramParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1d" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1f" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1i" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1iv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1ui" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1uiv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2d" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2f" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2i" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2iv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2ui" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2uiv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3d" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3f" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3i" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3iv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3ui" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3uiv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4d" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4f" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4i" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4i" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4iv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4ui" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4uiv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformBlockBinding" category="VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object" extension="Core" version="3.1">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformBlockBinding" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UniformHandleui64ARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformHandleui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint64 *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2x3dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2x3fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="6" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2x4dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2x4fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="8" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3x2dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3x2fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="6" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3x4dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3x4fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="12" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix4dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix4fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix4x2dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix4x2fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="8" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix4x3dv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="ReleaseShaderCompiler" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix4x3fv" category="VERSION_2_1" extension="Core" version="2.1">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ScissorArrayv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="12" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformSubroutinesuiv" category="VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine" extension="Core" version="4.0">
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <function name="ScissorIndexed" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="left" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bottom" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UnmapBuffer" category="VERSION_1_5" extension="Core" version="1.5">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
+ <function name="ScissorIndexedv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="UseProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ShaderBinary" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="binaryformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UseProgramStages" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <function name="UseProgramStages" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="stages" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ValidateProgram" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ValidateProgramPipeline" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <function name="ValidateProgramPipeline" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribL1dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib1f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib1fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib1s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib1sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib2d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribL2d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribL2dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib2f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib2fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib2s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib2sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib3d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribL3d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribL3dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib3f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib3fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib3s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib3sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib4bv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib4d" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribL4d" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4dv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribL4dv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4f" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib4fv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib4iv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib4Nbv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib4Niv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib4Nsv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib4Nub" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLubyte" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib4Nubv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib4Nuiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib4Nusv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib4s" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttribLPointer" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4sv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="ViewportArrayv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4ubv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ViewportIndexedf" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="h" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4uiv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ViewportIndexedfv" category="VERSION_4_1" extension="Core" version="4.1">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttrib4usv" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="4.2">
+ <enum name="VERSION_4_2">
+ <token name="UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_WIDTH" value="0x9127" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_HEIGHT" value="0x9128" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_DEPTH" value="0x9129" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_SIZE" value="0x912A" />
+ <token name="PACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_WIDTH" value="0x912B" />
+ <token name="PACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_HEIGHT" value="0x912C" />
+ <token name="PACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_DEPTH" value="0x912D" />
+ <token name="PACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_SIZE" value="0x912E" />
+ <token name="NUM_SAMPLE_COUNTS" value="0x9380" />
+ <token name="MIN_MAP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT" value="0x90BC" />
+ <token name="ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER" value="0x92C0" />
+ <token name="ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x92C1" />
+ <token name="ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_START" value="0x92C2" />
+ <token name="ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x92C3" />
+ <token name="ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_DATA_SIZE" value="0x92C4" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS" value="0x92CC" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS" value="0x92CD" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS" value="0x92CF" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS" value="0x92D0" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS" value="0x92D1" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_ATOMIC_COUNTERS" value="0x92D2" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_ATOMIC_COUNTERS" value="0x92D3" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_ATOMIC_COUNTERS" value="0x92D4" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_ATOMIC_COUNTERS" value="0x92D5" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_ATOMIC_COUNTERS" value="0x92D6" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_ATOMIC_COUNTERS" value="0x92D7" />
+ <token name="MAX_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x92D8" />
+ <token name="MAX_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_BINDINGS" value="0x92DC" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS" value="0x92D9" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_INDEX" value="0x92DA" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER" value="0x92DB" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000001" />
+ <token name="ELEMENT_ARRAY_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000002" />
+ <token name="UNIFORM_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000004" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_FETCH_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000008" />
+ <token name="SHADER_IMAGE_ACCESS_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000020" />
+ <token name="COMMAND_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000040" />
+ <token name="PIXEL_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000080" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000100" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000200" />
+ <token name="FRAMEBUFFER_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000400" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00000800" />
+ <token name="ATOMIC_COUNTER_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00001000" />
+ <token name="ALL_BARRIER_BITS" value="0xFFFFFFFF" />
+ <token name="MAX_IMAGE_UNITS" value="0x8F38" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_BINDING_NAME" value="0x8F3A" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_BINDING_LEVEL" value="0x8F3B" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_BINDING_LAYERED" value="0x8F3C" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_BINDING_LAYER" value="0x8F3D" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_BINDING_ACCESS" value="0x8F3E" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_1D" value="0x904C" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_2D" value="0x904D" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_3D" value="0x904E" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_2D_RECT" value="0x904F" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_CUBE" value="0x9050" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_BUFFER" value="0x9051" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_1D_ARRAY" value="0x9052" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_2D_ARRAY" value="0x9053" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x9054" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x9055" />
+ <token name="IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x9056" />
+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_1D" value="0x9057" />
+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_2D" value="0x9058" />
+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_3D" value="0x9059" />
+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_2D_RECT" value="0x905A" />
+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_CUBE" value="0x905B" />
+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_BUFFER" value="0x905C" />
+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_1D_ARRAY" value="0x905D" />
+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_2D_ARRAY" value="0x905E" />
+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY" value="0x905F" />
+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE" value="0x9060" />
+ <token name="INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x9061" />
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+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D" value="0x9063" />
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+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_RECT" value="0x9065" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_CUBE" value="0x9066" />
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+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY" value="0x906C" />
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+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_IMAGE_UNIFORMS" value="0x90CF" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT" value="0x912F" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BindImageTexture" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="unit" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layered" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribBinding" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribDivisor" category="VERSION_3_3" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribFormat" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="basevertex" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="baseinstance" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI1i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI1iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stream" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI1ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufferIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI1uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetInternalformativ" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI2i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MemoryBarrier" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="barriers" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI2iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TexStorage1D" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI2ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexStorage2D" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI2uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="TexStorage3D" category="VERSION_4_2" extension="Core" version="4.2">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI3i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="4.3">
+ <enum name="VERSION_4_3">
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+ <token name="MAX_NUM_COMPATIBLE_SUBROUTINES" value="0x92F8" />
+ <token name="NAME_LENGTH" value="0x92F9" />
+ <token name="TYPE" value="0x92FA" />
+ <token name="ARRAY_SIZE" value="0x92FB" />
+ <token name="OFFSET" value="0x92FC" />
+ <token name="BLOCK_INDEX" value="0x92FD" />
+ <token name="ARRAY_STRIDE" value="0x92FE" />
+ <token name="MATRIX_STRIDE" value="0x92FF" />
+ <token name="IS_ROW_MAJOR" value="0x9300" />
+ <token name="ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_INDEX" value="0x9301" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x9302" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_DATA_SIZE" value="0x9303" />
+ <token name="NUM_ACTIVE_VARIABLES" value="0x9304" />
+ <token name="ACTIVE_VARIABLES" value="0x9305" />
+ <token name="REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER" value="0x9306" />
+ <token name="REFERENCED_BY_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER" value="0x9307" />
+ <token name="REFERENCED_BY_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER" value="0x9308" />
+ <token name="REFERENCED_BY_GEOMETRY_SHADER" value="0x9309" />
+ <token name="REFERENCED_BY_FRAGMENT_SHADER" value="0x930A" />
+ <token name="REFERENCED_BY_COMPUTE_SHADER" value="0x930B" />
+ <token name="TOP_LEVEL_ARRAY_SIZE" value="0x930C" />
+ <token name="TOP_LEVEL_ARRAY_STRIDE" value="0x930D" />
+ <token name="LOCATION" value="0x930E" />
+ <token name="LOCATION_INDEX" value="0x930F" />
+ <token name="IS_PER_PATCH" value="0x92E7" />
+ <token name="SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER" value="0x90D2" />
+ <token name="SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x90D3" />
+ <token name="SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_START" value="0x90D4" />
+ <token name="SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x90D5" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS" value="0x90D6" />
+ <token name="MAX_GEOMETRY_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS" value="0x90D7" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS" value="0x90D8" />
+ <token name="MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS" value="0x90D9" />
+ <token name="MAX_FRAGMENT_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS" value="0x90DA" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMPUTE_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS" value="0x90DB" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS" value="0x90DC" />
+ <token name="MAX_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_BINDINGS" value="0x90DD" />
+ <token name="MAX_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE" value="0x90DE" />
+ <token name="SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT" value="0x90DF" />
+ <token name="SHADER_STORAGE_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00002000" />
+ <token name="MAX_COMBINED_SHADER_OUTPUT_RESOURCES" value="0x8F39" />
+ <token name="DEPTH_STENCIL_TEXTURE_MODE" value="0x90EA" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BUFFER_OFFSET" value="0x919D" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE" value="0x919E" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT" value="0x919F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_VIEW_MIN_LEVEL" value="0x82DB" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_VIEW_NUM_LEVELS" value="0x82DC" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_VIEW_MIN_LAYER" value="0x82DD" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_VIEW_NUM_LAYERS" value="0x82DE" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_LEVELS" value="0x82DF" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDING" value="0x82D4" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_ATTRIB_RELATIVE_OFFSET" value="0x82D5" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_BINDING_DIVISOR" value="0x82D6" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_BINDING_OFFSET" value="0x82D7" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_BINDING_STRIDE" value="0x82D8" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_RELATIVE_OFFSET" value="0x82D9" />
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDINGS" value="0x82DA" />
+ <token name="DISPLAY_LIST" value="0x82E7" />
+ <token name="STACK_UNDERFLOW" value="0x0504" />
+ <token name="STACK_OVERFLOW" value="0x0503" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BindVertexBuffer" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI3iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="ClearBufferData" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI3ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ClearBufferSubData" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI3uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="CopyImageSubData" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="srcName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstName" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstZ" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcWidth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcHeight" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcDepth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4bv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="DebugMessageCallback" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROC" flow="in" />
+ <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4i" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DebugMessageControl" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="enabled" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4iv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="DebugMessageInsert" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buf,length)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4sv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLshort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="DispatchCompute" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="num_groups_x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num_groups_y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="num_groups_z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4ubv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="DispatchComputeIndirect" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="indirect" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4ui" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FramebufferParameteri" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4uiv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetDebugMessageLog" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFramebufferParameteriv" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribI4usv" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLushort *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="GetInternalformati64v" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribIFormat" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetObjectLabel" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribIPointer" category="VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <function name="GetObjectPtrLabel" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL1d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetPointerv" category="VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPointervPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL1dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetProgramInterfaceiv" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL1ui64ARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceIndex" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceiv" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLuint64EXT" flow="in" />
+ <param name="propCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="props" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="propCount" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL1ui64vARB" category="ARB_bindless_texture" extension="ARB">
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceLocation" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceLocationIndex" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramResourceName" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="programInterface" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLuint64EXT *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL2d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InvalidateBufferData" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL2dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <function name="InvalidateBufferSubData" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL3d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InvalidateFramebuffer" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL3dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="InvalidateSubFramebuffer" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL4d" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLdouble" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InvalidateTexImage" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribL4dv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLdouble *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="InvalidateTexSubImage" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribLFormat" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core" version="4.3">
- <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawArraysIndirect" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount,stride)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribLPointer" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsIndirect" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indirect" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(drawcount,stride)" />
+ <param name="drawcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP1ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ObjectLabel" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP1uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="ObjectPtrLabel" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="PopDebugGroup" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="PushDebugGroup" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(message,length)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ShaderStorageBlockBinding" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="storageBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="storageBlockBinding" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="TexBufferRange" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="TexStorage2DMultisample" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="TexStorage3DMultisample" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fixedsamplelocations" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribPointer" category="VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexAttribPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
+ <function name="TextureView" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="origtexture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="minlevel" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numlevels" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="minlayer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numlayers" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexBindingDivisor" category="VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <function name="VertexAttribBinding" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexP2ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="VertexAttribFormat" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexP2uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="VertexAttribIFormat" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexP3ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
+ <function name="VertexAttribLFormat" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="attribindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="relativeoffset" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexP3uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="VertexBindingDivisor" category="VERSION_4_3" extension="Core" version="4.3">
+ <param name="bindingindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexP4ui" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ </add>
+ <add name="glcore" version="4.4">
+ <enum name="VERSION_4_4">
+ <token name="MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_STRIDE" value="0x82E5" />
+ <token name="PRIMITIVE_RESTART_FOR_PATCHES_SUPPORTED" value="0x8221" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x8C2A" />
+ <token name="MAP_READ_BIT" value="0x0001" />
+ <token name="MAP_WRITE_BIT" value="0x0002" />
+ <token name="MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT" value="0x0040" />
+ <token name="MAP_COHERENT_BIT" value="0x0080" />
+ <token name="DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT" value="0x0100" />
+ <token name="CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT" value="0x0200" />
+ <token name="CLIENT_MAPPED_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00004000" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_IMMUTABLE_STORAGE" value="0x821F" />
+ <token name="BUFFER_STORAGE_FLAGS" value="0x8220" />
+ <token name="CLEAR_TEXTURE" value="0x9365" />
+ <token name="LOCATION_COMPONENT" value="0x934A" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER" value="0x8C8E" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_INDEX" value="0x934B" />
+ <token name="TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_STRIDE" value="0x934C" />
+ <token name="QUERY_BUFFER" value="0x9192" />
+ <token name="QUERY_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT" value="0x00008000" />
+ <token name="QUERY_BUFFER_BINDING" value="0x9193" />
+ <token name="QUERY_RESULT_NO_WAIT" value="0x9194" />
+ <token name="MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE" value="0x8743" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_INDEX" value="0x1901" />
+ <token name="STENCIL_INDEX8" value="0x8D48" />
+ <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV" value="0x8C3B" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="BindBuffersBase" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexP4uiv" category="VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev" extension="Core" version="3.3">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <function name="BindBuffersRange" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offsets" type="GLintptr *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sizes" type="GLsizeiptr *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Viewport" category="VERSION_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindImageTextures" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ViewportArrayv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
+ <function name="BindSamplers" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
<param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count)" />
+ <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ViewportIndexedf" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="h" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindTextures" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ViewportIndexedfv" category="VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array" extension="Core" version="4.1">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="BindVertexBuffers" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="first" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offsets" type="GLintptr *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="strides" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WaitSync" category="VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync" extension="Core" version="3.2">
- <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BufferStorage" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
<param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearTexImage" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearTexSubImage" category="VERSION_4_4" extension="Core" version="4.4">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
<token name="ALL_SHADER_BITS" value="0xFFFFFFFF" />
<token name="ALL_SHADER_BITS_EXT" value="0xFFFFFFFF" />
+ <enum name="VertexPointerType">
+ <token name="DOUBLE" value="0x140A" />
+ <token name="FLOAT" value="0x1406" />
+ <token name="INT" value="0x1404" />
+ <token name="SHORT" value="0x1402" />
+ </enum>
+ <function name="AccumxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="op" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="AlphaFuncxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="func" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ref" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindFramebufferOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindRenderbufferOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindVertexArrayOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BitmapxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xorig" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yorig" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xmove" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ymove" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bitmap" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendColorxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="red" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendEquationEXT" category="EXT_blend_minmax" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendEquationOES" category="OES_blend_subtract" extension="OES">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendEquationSeparateOES" category="OES_blend_equation_separate" extension="OES">
+ <param name="modeRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="modeAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendFuncSeparateOES" category="OES_blend_func_separate" extension="OES">
+ <param name="srcRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CheckFramebufferStatusOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearAccumxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="red" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearColorxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="red" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearDepthfOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
+ <param name="depth" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClearDepthxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="depth" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClientWaitSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClipPlanefIMG" category="IMG_user_clip_plane" extension="IMG">
+ <param name="p" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="eqn" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClipPlanefOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
+ <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="equation" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClipPlanexIMG" category="IMG_user_clip_plane" extension="IMG">
+ <param name="p" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="eqn" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClipPlanexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="equation" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="red" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="components" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="red" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="green" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="blue" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="alpha" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Color4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="components" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameterxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ConvolutionParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyTextureLevelsAPPLE" category="APPLE_copy_texture_levels" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="destinationTexture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sourceTexture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sourceBaseLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sourceLevelCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CurrentPaletteMatrixOES" category="OES_matrix_palette" extension="OES">
+ <param name="matrixpaletteindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteFencesNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteFramebuffersOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteRenderbuffersOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteVertexArraysOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DepthRangefOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DepthRangexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DisableDriverControlQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="driverControl" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DiscardFramebufferEXT" category="EXT_discard_framebuffer" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawTexfOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawTexfvOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawTexiOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawTexivOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawTexsOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawTexsvOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLshort *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawTexxOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawTexxvOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES" category="OES_EGL_image" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="GLeglImageOES" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES" category="OES_EGL_image" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="GLeglImageOES" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EnableDriverControlQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="driverControl" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EndTilingQCOM" category="QCOM_tiled_rendering" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="preserveMask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EvalCoord1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="u" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EvalCoord1xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EvalCoord2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="u" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EvalCoord2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetBufferPointervQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetBuffersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="maxBuffers" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numBuffers" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetFramebuffersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="maxFramebuffers" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numFramebuffers" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="source" type="GLchar *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetProgramsQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="maxPrograms" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numPrograms" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="maxRenderbuffers" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numRenderbuffers" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetShadersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="maxShaders" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numShaders" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetTexSubImageQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texels" type="void *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetTexturesQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="maxTextures" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numTextures" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FeedbackBufferxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FenceSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="condition" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLsync" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FinishFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FlushMappedBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_map_buffer_range" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FogxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FogxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferRenderbufferOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffertarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG" category="IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="IMG">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture2DOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FrustumfOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
+ <param name="l" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FrustumxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="l" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenerateMipmapOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenFencesNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenFramebuffersOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenRenderbuffersOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenVertexArraysOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetBufferPointervOES" category="OES_mapbuffer" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetClipPlanefOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
+ <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="equation" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetClipPlanexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="equation" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetConvolutionParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetDriverControlsQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="num" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="driverControls" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="size" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetDriverControlStringQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="driverControl" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="driverControlString" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFenceivNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="FenceParameterNameNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFixedvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetGraphicsResetStatusEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetHistogramParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetInteger64vAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetLightxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetLightxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetMapxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(query)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetMaterialxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetMaterialxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnUniformfvEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnUniformivEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetPixelMapxv" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="Core">
+ <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="size" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetRenderbufferParameterivOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetSyncivAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetTexEnvxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetTexGenfvOES" category="OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetTexGenivOES" category="OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetTexGenxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point|OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES" version="">
+ <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetTexLevelParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetTexParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IndexxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="component" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IndexxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="component" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsFramebufferOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsRenderbufferOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsVertexArrayOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="LightModelxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="LightModelxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="LightxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="LightxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="LineWidthxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="width" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="LoadMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="LoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES" category="OES_matrix_palette" extension="OES">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="LoadTransposeMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Map1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="order" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Map2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uorder" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="vorder" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="points" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MapBufferOES" category="OES_mapbuffer" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MapBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_map_buffer_range" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MapGrid1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MapGrid2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MaterialxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MaterialxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MatrixIndexPointerOES" category="OES_matrix_palette" extension="OES">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiDrawArraysEXT" category="EXT_multi_draw_arrays" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsEXT" category="EXT_multi_draw_arrays" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord1xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiTexCoord4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultTransposeMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Normal3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="nx" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ny" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="nz" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Normal3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="OrthofOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
+ <param name="l" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="OrthoxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="l" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="b" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="n" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="f" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PassThroughxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="token" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PixelMapx" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="Core">
+ <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="size" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PixelStorex" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PixelTransferxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PixelZoomxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="xfactor" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yfactor" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PointParameterxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PointParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PointSizePointerOES" category="OES_point_size_array" extension="OES">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PointSizexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="size" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PolygonOffsetxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="units" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PrioritizeTexturesxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <param name="priorities" type="ClampedFixed *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="QueryMatrixxOES" category="OES_query_matrix" extension="OES">
+ <param name="mantissa" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="16" />
+ <param name="exponent" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="16" />
+ <returns type="GLbitfield" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RasterPos2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RasterPos2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RasterPos3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RasterPos3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RasterPos4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RasterPos4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ReadnPixelsEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RectxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RectxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE" category="APPLE_framebuffer_multisample" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG" category="IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="IMG">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE" category="APPLE_framebuffer_multisample" extension="APPLE">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RotatexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="angle" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SampleCoverageOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="value" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SampleCoveragexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="value" type="GLclampx" flow="in" />
+ <param name="invert" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ScalexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SetFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="condition" type="FenceConditionNV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="StartTilingQCOM" category="QCOM_tiled_rendering" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="preserveMask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TestFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord1bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord1bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord1xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord2bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord2bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord3bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord3bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord4bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord4bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="q" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexCoord4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexEnvxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexEnvxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexGenfOES" category="OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexGenfvOES" category="OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexGeniOES" category="OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexGenivOES" category="OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexGenxOES" category="OES_fixed_point|OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES" version="">
+ <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexGenxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point|OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES" version="">
+ <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexParameterxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexStorage1DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexStorage2DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexStorage3DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TextureStorage1DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TextureStorage2DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TextureStorage3DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TranslatexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UnmapBufferOES" category="OES_mapbuffer" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex2bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex2bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex3bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex3bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex4bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex4bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Vertex4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="WaitSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="WeightPointerOES" category="OES_matrix_palette" extension="OES">
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ </add>
+ <add name="gles1" version="1.0">
<enum name="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0">
<token name="VERSION_ES_CL_1_0" value="1" />
<token name="VERSION_ES_CM_1_1" value="1" />
<token name="DOT3_RGB" value="0x86AE" />
<token name="DOT3_RGBA" value="0x86AF" />
- <enum name="VertexPointerType">
- <token name="DOUBLE" value="0x140A" />
- <token name="FLOAT" value="0x1406" />
- <token name="INT" value="0x1404" />
- <token name="SHORT" value="0x1402" />
- </enum>
- <function name="AccumxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="op" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="ActiveTexture" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="texture" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
<param name="ref" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="AlphaFuncxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="func" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="ref" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="BindBuffer" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
<param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindFramebufferOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="BindRenderbufferOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="BindTexture" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindVertexArrayOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="BitmapxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="xorig" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="yorig" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="xmove" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="ymove" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="bitmap" type="GLubyte *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="BlendColorxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="red" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="BlendEquationEXT" category="EXT_blend_minmax" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="BlendEquationOES" category="OES_blend_subtract" extension="OES">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="BlendEquationSeparateOES" category="OES_blend_equation_separate" extension="OES">
- <param name="modeRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="modeAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="BlendFunc" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="sfactor" type="BlendingFactorSrc" flow="in" />
<param name="dfactor" type="BlendingFactorDest" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendFuncSeparateOES" category="OES_blend_func_separate" extension="OES">
- <param name="srcRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstRGB" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstAlpha" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="BufferData" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
<param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" count="size" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CheckFramebufferStatusOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLenum" />
- </function>
<function name="Clear" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearAccumxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="red" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="ClearColor" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<param name="alpha" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearColorxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="red" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="ClearDepthf" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="d" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearDepthfOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
- <param name="depth" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="ClearDepthx" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="depth" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearDepthxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="depth" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="ClearStencil" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="s" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
<param name="texture" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClientWaitSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLenum" />
- </function>
<function name="ClipPlanef" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="p" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="eqn" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClipPlanefIMG" category="IMG_user_clip_plane" extension="IMG">
- <param name="p" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="eqn" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ClipPlanefOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
- <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="equation" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="ClipPlanex" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="equation" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClipPlanexIMG" category="IMG_user_clip_plane" extension="IMG">
- <param name="p" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="eqn" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ClipPlanexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="equation" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Color3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="red" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Color3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="components" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Color4f" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<param name="alpha" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Color4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="red" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="green" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="blue" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="alpha" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Color4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="components" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="ColorMask" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="red" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="green" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ConvolutionParameterxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ConvolutionParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="CopyTexImage2D" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTextureLevelsAPPLE" category="APPLE_copy_texture_levels" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="destinationTexture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="sourceTexture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="sourceBaseLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="sourceLevelCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="CullFace" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="mode" type="CullFaceMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CurrentPaletteMatrixOES" category="OES_matrix_palette" extension="OES">
- <param name="matrixpaletteindex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="DeleteBuffers" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteFencesNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteFramebuffersOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteRenderbuffersOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="DeleteTextures" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteVertexArraysOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="DepthFunc" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="func" type="DepthFunction" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
<param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthRangefOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="ClampedFloat32" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="DepthRangex" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="n" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<param name="f" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DepthRangexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Disable" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
<param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DisableDriverControlQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="driverControl" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DiscardFramebufferEXT" category="EXT_discard_framebuffer" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="DrawArrays" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawElements" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawTexfOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawTexfvOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawTexiOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawTexivOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLint *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawTexsOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLshort" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawTexsvOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLshort *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawTexxOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawTexxvOES" category="OES_draw_texture" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES" category="OES_EGL_image" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="GLeglImageOES" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES" category="OES_EGL_image" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="GLeglImageOES" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Enable" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EnableClientState" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EnableDriverControlQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="driverControl" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EndTilingQCOM" category="QCOM_tiled_rendering" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="preserveMask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EvalCoord1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="u" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EvalCoord1xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EvalCoord2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="u" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EvalCoord2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetBufferPointervQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetBuffersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="maxBuffers" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numBuffers" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetFramebuffersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="maxFramebuffers" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numFramebuffers" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="source" type="GLchar *" flow="out" />
- <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetProgramsQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="maxPrograms" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numPrograms" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="maxRenderbuffers" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numRenderbuffers" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetShadersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="maxShaders" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numShaders" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetTexSubImageQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texels" type="void *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetTexturesQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="maxTextures" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numTextures" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FeedbackBufferxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <function name="DrawElements" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FenceSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="condition" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLsync" />
- </function>
- <function name="Finish" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <function name="Enable" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FinishFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EnableClientState" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="array" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Flush" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <function name="Finish" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FlushMappedBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_map_buffer_range" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Flush" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<returns type="void" />
<function name="Fogf" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Fogxv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FogxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="FramebufferRenderbufferOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffertarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="FramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="FramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG" category="IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="IMG">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="FramebufferTexture2DOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="FrontFace" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="mode" type="FrontFaceDirection" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
<param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FrustumfOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
- <param name="l" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Frustumx" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="l" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<param name="f" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FrustumxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="l" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GenBuffers" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenerateMipmapOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GenFencesNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GenFramebuffersOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GenRenderbuffersOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GenTextures" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenVertexArraysOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetBooleanv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
<param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferPointervOES" category="OES_mapbuffer" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetClipPlanef" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="equation" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetClipPlanefOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
- <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="equation" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetClipPlanex" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="equation" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetClipPlanexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="plane" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="equation" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetConvolutionParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetDriverControlsQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="num" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="size" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="driverControls" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="size" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetDriverControlStringQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="driverControl" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="driverControlString" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetError" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<returns type="ErrorCode" />
- <function name="GetFenceivNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="FenceParameterNameNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetFixedv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFixedvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetFloatv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
<param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetGraphicsResetStatusEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
- <returns type="GLenum" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetHistogramParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetInteger64vAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetIntegerv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
<param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetLightxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetLightxv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetLightxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetMapxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="query" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(query)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetMaterialfv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMaterialxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetMaterialxv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetMaterialxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetnUniformfvEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetnUniformivEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetPixelMapxv" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="Core">
- <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="size" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetPointerv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="pname" type="GetPointervPName" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetRenderbufferParameterivOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetString" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="name" type="StringName" flow="in" />
<returns type="String" />
- <function name="GetSyncivAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetTexEnvfv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="target" type="TextureEnvTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="TextureEnvParameter" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexEnvxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetTexGenfvOES" category="OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES">
- <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetTexGenivOES" category="OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES">
- <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetTexGenxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point|OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES" version="">
- <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetTexLevelParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetTexParameterfv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Hint" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="target" type="HintTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="mode" type="HintMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="IndexxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="component" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="IndexxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="component" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="IsBuffer" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="Boolean" />
<param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="IsFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsFramebufferOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsRenderbufferOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
- </function>
<function name="IsTexture" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
<returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="IsVertexArrayOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
- </function>
<function name="Lightf" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="light" type="LightName" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="LightParameter" flow="in" />
<param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LightModelxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="LightModelxv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LightModelxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Lightx" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LightxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Lightxv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LightxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="light" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="LineWidth" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="width" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
<param name="width" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LineWidthxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="width" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="LoadIdentity" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<returns type="void" />
<param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LoadMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="LoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES" category="OES_matrix_palette" extension="OES">
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="LoadTransposeMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="LogicOp" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="opcode" type="LogicOp" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Map1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="order" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Map2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="ustride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uorder" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="vstride" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="vorder" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="points" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MapBufferOES" category="OES_mapbuffer" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void *" />
- </function>
- <function name="MapBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_map_buffer_range" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void *" />
- </function>
- <function name="MapGrid1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MapGrid2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="u1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="u2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Materialf" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
<param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Materialfv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Materialx" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MaterialxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Materialxv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MaterialxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MatrixIndexPointerOES" category="OES_matrix_palette" extension="OES">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MatrixMode" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultiDrawArraysEXT" category="EXT_multi_draw_arrays" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultiDrawElementsEXT" category="EXT_multi_draw_arrays" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultiTexCoord1xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultiTexCoord2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="Materialfv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="face" type="MaterialFace" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="MaterialParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
+ <function name="Materialx" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Materialxv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <function name="MatrixMode" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="MatrixMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
<function name="MultiTexCoord4f" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="q" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultiTexCoord4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="texture" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="MultMatrixf" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="m" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="16" />
<returns type="void" />
<param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="MultMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="MultTransposeMatrixxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="m" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="16" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Normal3f" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="nx" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<param name="ny" type="CoordF" flow="in" />
<param name="nz" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Normal3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="nx" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="ny" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="nz" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Normal3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="NormalPointer" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="type" type="NormalPointerType" flow="in" />
<param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="OrthofOES" category="OES_single_precision" extension="OES">
- <param name="l" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Orthox" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="l" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<param name="f" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="OrthoxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="l" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="b" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="n" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="f" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="PassThroughxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="token" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="PixelMapx" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="Core">
- <param name="map" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="values" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="size" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="PixelStorei" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="pname" type="PixelStoreParameter" flow="in" />
<param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelStorex" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="Core">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="PixelTransferxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="PixelZoomxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="xfactor" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="yfactor" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="PointParameterf" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="pname" type="PointParameterNameARB" flow="in" />
<param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="PointParameterxv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="PointSize" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="size" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointSizePointerOES" category="OES_point_size_array" extension="OES">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="PointSizex" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="size" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PointSizexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="size" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="PolygonOffset" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="units" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="units" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PolygonOffsetxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="factor" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="units" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="PopMatrix" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PrioritizeTexturesxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <param name="priorities" type="ClampedFixed *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="PushMatrix" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="QueryMatrixxOES" category="OES_query_matrix" extension="OES">
- <param name="mantissa" type="GLfixed *" flow="out" count="16" />
- <param name="exponent" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="16" />
- <returns type="GLbitfield" />
- </function>
- <function name="RasterPos2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="RasterPos2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="RasterPos3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="RasterPos3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="RasterPos4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="RasterPos4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ReadnPixelsEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="ReadPixels" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
<param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RectxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y1" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="x2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y2" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="RectxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="v1" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE" category="APPLE_framebuffer_multisample" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG" category="IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="IMG">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageOES" category="OES_framebuffer_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE" category="APPLE_framebuffer_multisample" extension="APPLE">
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Rotatef" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="angle" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RotatexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="angle" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="SampleCoverage" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="value" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SampleCoverageOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="value" type="ClampedFixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="SampleCoveragex" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="value" type="GLclampx" flow="in" />
<param name="invert" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SampleCoveragexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="value" type="GLclampx" flow="in" />
- <param name="invert" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Scalef" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ScalexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Scissor" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SetFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="condition" type="FenceConditionNV" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="ShadeModel" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="mode" type="ShadingModel" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="StartTilingQCOM" category="QCOM_tiled_rendering" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="preserveMask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="StencilFunc" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
<param name="ref" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
<param name="zpass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TestFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord1bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord1bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord1xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord1xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord2bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord2bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord3bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord3bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord4bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord4bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="s" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="t" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="r" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="q" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexCoord4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexCoordPointer" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="TexCoordPointerType" flow="in" />
<param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexEnvxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexEnvxv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexEnvxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexGenfOES" category="OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES">
- <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexGenfvOES" category="OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES">
- <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexGeniOES" category="OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES">
- <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexGenivOES" category="OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES">
- <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexGenxOES" category="OES_fixed_point|OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES" version="">
- <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexGenxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point|OES_texture_cube_map" extension="OES" version="">
- <param name="coord" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexImage2D" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexParameterxOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexParameterxv" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexParameterxvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexStorage1DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexStorage2DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexStorage3DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexSubImage2D" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TextureStorage1DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TextureStorage2DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TextureStorage3DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Translatef" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Translatex" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TranslatexOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UnmapBufferOES" category="OES_mapbuffer" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="Vertex2bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Vertex2bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Vertex2xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Vertex2xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Vertex3bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Vertex3bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Vertex3xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Vertex3xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Vertex4bOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="x" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLbyte" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Vertex4bvOES" category="OES_byte_coordinates" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLbyte *" flow="in" count="4" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4xOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
+ <function name="Translatex" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="x" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<param name="z" type="GLfixed" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Vertex4xvOES" category="OES_fixed_point" extension="OES">
- <param name="coords" type="GLfixed *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="VertexPointer" category="VERSION_ES_CM_1_0" extension="Core" version="1.0">
<param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="type" type="VertexPointerType" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WaitSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="WeightPointerOES" category="OES_matrix_palette" extension="OES">
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<add name="gles2">
<enum name="AccumOp">
<enum name="ColorTableTargetSGI">
<token name="COLOR_TABLE" value="0x80D0" />
<token name="COLOR_TABLE_SGI" value="0x80D0" />
- <token name="POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE" value="0x80D2" />
- <token name="POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE_SGI" value="0x80D2" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE" value="0x80D1" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE_SGI" value="0x80D1" />
- <token name="PROXY_COLOR_TABLE" value="0x80D3" />
- <token name="PROXY_COLOR_TABLE_SGI" value="0x80D3" />
- <token name="PROXY_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE" value="0x80D5" />
- <token name="PROXY_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE_SGI" value="0x80D5" />
- <token name="PROXY_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE" value="0x80D4" />
- <token name="PROXY_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE_SGI" value="0x80D4" />
- <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_COLOR_TABLE_SGI" value="0x80BD" />
- <token name="TEXTURE_COLOR_TABLE_SGI" value="0x80BC" />
- </enum>
- <enum name="ContextFlagMask">
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- <token name="CONTEXT_FLAG_DEBUG_BIT_KHR" value="0x00000002" />
- <token name="CONTEXT_FLAG_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT" value="0x00000001" />
- <token name="CONTEXT_FLAG_ROBUST_ACCESS_BIT_ARB" value="0x00000004" />
- </enum>
- <enum name="ContextProfileMask">
- <token name="CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT" value="0x00000002" />
- <token name="CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT" value="0x00000001" />
- </enum>
- <enum name="ConvolutionBorderModeEXT">
- <token name="REDUCE" value="0x8016" />
- <token name="REDUCE_EXT" value="0x8016" />
- </enum>
- <enum name="ConvolutionParameterEXT">
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- <token name="CONVOLUTION_BORDER_MODE_EXT" value="0x8013" />
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- <token name="CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS_EXT" value="0x8015" />
- <token name="CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE" value="0x8014" />
- <token name="CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE_EXT" value="0x8014" />
- </enum>
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- <token name="CONVOLUTION_1D_EXT" value="0x8010" />
- <token name="CONVOLUTION_2D" value="0x8011" />
- <token name="CONVOLUTION_2D_EXT" value="0x8011" />
- </enum>
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- <token name="BACK" value="0x0405" />
- <token name="FRONT" value="0x0404" />
- <token name="FRONT_AND_BACK" value="0x0408" />
- </enum>
- <enum name="DataType" />
- <enum name="DepthFunction">
- <token name="ALWAYS" value="0x0207" />
- <token name="EQUAL" value="0x0202" />
- <token name="GEQUAL" value="0x0206" />
- <token name="GREATER" value="0x0204" />
- <token name="LEQUAL" value="0x0203" />
- <token name="LESS" value="0x0201" />
- <token name="NEVER" value="0x0200" />
- <token name="NOTEQUAL" value="0x0205" />
- </enum>
- <enum name="DMP_shader_binary">
- <token name="SHADER_BINARY_DMP" value="0x9250" />
- </enum>
- <enum name="DrawBufferMode">
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- <token name="AUX1" value="0x040A" deprecated="3.2" />
- <token name="AUX2" value="0x040B" deprecated="3.2" />
- <token name="AUX3" value="0x040C" deprecated="3.2" />
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- <token name="BACK_LEFT" value="0x0402" />
- <token name="BACK_RIGHT" value="0x0403" />
- <token name="FRONT" value="0x0404" />
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- <token name="FRONT_RIGHT" value="0x0401" />
- <token name="LEFT" value="0x0406" />
- <token name="NONE" value="0" />
- <token name="NONE_OES" value="0" />
- <token name="RIGHT" value="0x0407" />
- </enum>
- <enum name="EnableCap">
- <token name="ALPHA_TEST" value="0x0BC0" deprecated="3.2" />
- <token name="ASYNC_DRAW_PIXELS_SGIX" value="0x835D" />
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- <token name="CLIP_PLANE5" value="0x3005" />
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- <token name="CONVOLUTION_2D_EXT" value="0x8011" />
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- <token name="DEPTH_TEST" value="0x0B71" />
- <token name="DITHER" value="0x0BD0" />
- <token name="EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY" value="0x8079" deprecated="3.2" />
- <token name="FOG" value="0x0B60" deprecated="3.2" />
- <token name="FOG_OFFSET_SGIX" value="0x8198" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_COLOR_MATERIAL_SGIX" value="0x8401" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT0_SGIX" value="0x840C" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT1_SGIX" value="0x840D" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT2_SGIX" value="0x840E" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT3_SGIX" value="0x840F" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT4_SGIX" value="0x8410" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT5_SGIX" value="0x8411" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT6_SGIX" value="0x8412" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHT7_SGIX" value="0x8413" />
- <token name="FRAGMENT_LIGHTING_SGIX" value="0x8400" />
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- <token name="IR_INSTRUMENT1_SGIX" value="0x817F" />
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- <token name="LIGHTING" value="0x0B50" deprecated="3.2" />
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- <token name="MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_3" value="0x0DB5" deprecated="3.2" />
- <token name="MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_4" value="0x0DB6" deprecated="3.2" />
- <token name="MAP2_VERTEX_3" value="0x0DB7" deprecated="3.2" />
- <token name="MAP2_VERTEX_4" value="0x0DB8" deprecated="3.2" />
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- <token name="POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_SCALE" value="0x80B6" />
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- <token name="POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_BIAS" value="0x80B9" />
- <token name="POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_BIAS_SGI" value="0x80B9" />
- <token name="POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_SCALE" value="0x80B5" />
- <token name="POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_SCALE_SGI" value="0x80B5" />
- <token name="POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_BIAS" value="0x80B8" />
- <token name="POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_BIAS_SGI" value="0x80B8" />
- <token name="POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_SCALE" value="0x80B4" />
- <token name="POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_SCALE_SGI" value="0x80B4" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_BIAS" value="0x8023" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_BIAS_EXT" value="0x8023" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_SCALE" value="0x801F" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_SCALE_EXT" value="0x801F" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_BIAS" value="0x8022" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_BIAS_EXT" value="0x8022" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_SCALE" value="0x801E" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_SCALE_EXT" value="0x801E" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_BIAS" value="0x8021" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_BIAS_EXT" value="0x8021" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_SCALE" value="0x801D" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_SCALE_EXT" value="0x801D" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_BIAS" value="0x8020" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_BIAS_EXT" value="0x8020" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_SCALE" value="0x801C" />
- <token name="POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_SCALE_EXT" value="0x801C" />
- <token name="RED_BIAS" value="0x0D15" />
- <token name="RED_SCALE" value="0x0D14" />
+ <enum name="TextureTarget">
+ <token name="DETAIL_TEXTURE_2D_SGIS" value="0x8095" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_1D" value="0x8063" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_EXT" value="0x8063" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_2D" value="0x8064" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_EXT" value="0x8064" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_3D" value="0x8070" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_3D_EXT" value="0x8070" />
+ <token name="PROXY_TEXTURE_4D_SGIS" value="0x8135" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_1D" value="0x0DE0" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_2D" value="0x0DE1" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_3D" value="0x806F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_3D_EXT" value="0x806F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_3D_OES" value="0x806F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_4D_SGIS" value="0x8134" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL" value="0x813C" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL_SGIS" value="0x813C" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL" value="0x813D" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL_SGIS" value="0x813D" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MAX_LOD" value="0x813B" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MAX_LOD_SGIS" value="0x813B" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MIN_LOD" value="0x813A" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_MIN_LOD_SGIS" value="0x813A" />
- <enum name="PixelType">
- <token name="BITMAP" value="0x1A00" deprecated="3.2" />
- <token name="BYTE" value="0x1400" />
+ <enum name="TextureWrapMode">
+ <token name="CLAMP" value="0x2900" deprecated="3.2" />
+ <token name="CLAMP_TO_BORDER" value="0x812D" />
+ <token name="CLAMP_TO_BORDER_ARB" value="0x812D" />
+ <token name="CLAMP_TO_BORDER_NV" value="0x812D" />
+ <token name="CLAMP_TO_BORDER_SGIS" value="0x812D" />
+ <token name="CLAMP_TO_EDGE" value="0x812F" />
+ <token name="CLAMP_TO_EDGE_SGIS" value="0x812F" />
+ <token name="REPEAT" value="0x2901" />
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="UseProgramStageMask">
+ <token name="VERTEX_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000001" />
+ <token name="VERTEX_SHADER_BIT_EXT" value="0x00000001" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000002" />
+ <token name="FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT_EXT" value="0x00000002" />
+ <token name="GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000004" />
+ <token name="TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000008" />
+ <token name="TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000010" />
+ <token name="COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT" value="0x00000020" />
+ <token name="ALL_SHADER_BITS" value="0xFFFFFFFF" />
+ <token name="ALL_SHADER_BITS_EXT" value="0xFFFFFFFF" />
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="VertexPointerType">
+ <token name="DOUBLE" value="0x140A" />
<token name="FLOAT" value="0x1406" />
<token name="INT" value="0x1404" />
<token name="SHORT" value="0x1402" />
- <token name="UNSIGNED_BYTE" value="0x1401" />
- <token name="UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2" value="0x8032" />
- <token name="UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2_EXT" value="0x8032" />
- <token name="UNSIGNED_INT" value="0x1405" />
- <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2" value="0x8036" />
- <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2_EXT" value="0x8036" />
- <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8" value="0x8035" />
- <token name="UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_EXT" value="0x8035" />
- <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT" value="0x1403" />
- <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4" value="0x8033" />
- <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_EXT" value="0x8033" />
- <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1" value="0x8034" />
- <token name="UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1_EXT" value="0x8034" />
- </enum>
- <enum name="PointParameterNameSGIS">
- <token name="DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_EXT" value="0x8129" />
- <token name="DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_SGIS" value="0x8129" />
- <token name="POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION" value="0x8129" deprecated="3.2" />
- <token name="POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_ARB" value="0x8129" />
- <token name="POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE" value="0x8128" />
- <token name="POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE_ARB" value="0x8128" />
- <token name="POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE_EXT" value="0x8128" />
- <token name="POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE_SGIS" value="0x8128" />
- <token name="POINT_SIZE_MAX" value="0x8127" deprecated="3.2" />
- <token name="POINT_SIZE_MAX_ARB" value="0x8127" />
- <token name="POINT_SIZE_MAX_EXT" value="0x8127" />
- <token name="POINT_SIZE_MAX_SGIS" value="0x8127" />
- <token name="POINT_SIZE_MIN" value="0x8126" deprecated="3.2" />
- <token name="POINT_SIZE_MIN_ARB" value="0x8126" />
- <token name="POINT_SIZE_MIN_EXT" value="0x8126" />
- <token name="POINT_SIZE_MIN_SGIS" value="0x8126" />
- <enum name="PolygonMode">
- <token name="FILL" value="0x1B02" />
- <token name="LINE" value="0x1B01" />
- <token name="POINT" value="0x1B00" />
+ <enum name="VIV_shader_binary">
+ <token name="SHADER_BINARY_VIV" value="0x8FC4" />
- <enum name="PrimitiveType">
+ <function name="ActiveProgramEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ActiveShaderProgramEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="AlphaFuncQCOM" category="QCOM_alpha_test" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="func" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ref" type="GLclampf" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BeginPerfMonitorAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BeginQueryEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query|EXT_occlusion_query_boolean" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindProgramPipelineEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BindVertexArrayOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendBarrierNV" category="NV_blend_equation_advanced" extension="NV">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendEquationEXT" category="EXT_blend_minmax" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlendParameteriNV" category="NV_blend_equation_advanced" extension="NV">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlitFramebufferANGLE" category="ANGLE_framebuffer_blit" extension="ANGLE">
+ <param name="srcX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="filter" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="BlitFramebufferNV" category="NV_framebuffer_blit" extension="NV">
+ <param name="srcX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="filter" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ClientWaitSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTexImage3DOES" category="OES_texture_3D" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CompressedTexSubImage3DOES" category="OES_texture_3D" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyBufferSubDataNV" category="NV_copy_buffer" extension="NV">
+ <param name="readTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="writeTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="readOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="writeOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyTexSubImage3DOES" category="OES_texture_3D" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CopyTextureLevelsAPPLE" category="APPLE_copy_texture_levels" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="destinationTexture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sourceTexture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sourceBaseLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sourceLevelCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CoverageMaskNV" category="NV_coverage_sample" extension="NV">
+ <param name="mask" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CoverageOperationNV" category="NV_coverage_sample" extension="NV">
+ <param name="operation" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CreateShaderProgramEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="string" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="CreateShaderProgramvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="strings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageCallback" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROC" flow="in" />
+ <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageCallbackKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROCKHR" flow="in" />
+ <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageControl" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="enabled" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageControlKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="enabled" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageInsert" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buf,length)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DebugMessageInsertKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteFencesNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeletePerfMonitorsAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="monitors" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteProgramPipelinesEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteQueriesEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query|EXT_occlusion_query_boolean" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DeleteVertexArraysOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DisableDriverControlQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="driverControl" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DiscardFramebufferEXT" category="EXT_discard_framebuffer" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawArraysInstancedANGLE" category="ANGLE_instanced_arrays" extension="ANGLE">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawArraysInstancedEXT" category="EXT_draw_instanced|EXT_instanced_arrays" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawArraysInstancedNV" category="NV_draw_instanced" extension="NV">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawBuffersEXT" category="EXT_draw_buffers" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufs" type="GLenum *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawBuffersIndexedEXT" category="EXT_multiview_draw_buffers" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="n" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLenum *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="GLint *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawBuffersNV" category="NV_draw_buffers" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufs" type="GLenum *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedANGLE" category="ANGLE_instanced_arrays" extension="ANGLE">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedEXT" category="EXT_draw_instanced|EXT_instanced_arrays" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstancedNV" category="NV_draw_instanced" extension="NV">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES" category="OES_EGL_image" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="GLeglImageOES" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES" category="OES_EGL_image" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="image" type="GLeglImageOES" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EnableDriverControlQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="driverControl" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EndPerfMonitorAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EndQueryEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query|EXT_occlusion_query_boolean" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="EndTilingQCOM" category="QCOM_tiled_rendering" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="preserveMask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetBufferPointervQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetBuffersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="maxBuffers" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numBuffers" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetFramebuffersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="maxFramebuffers" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numFramebuffers" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="source" type="GLchar *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetProgramsQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="maxPrograms" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numPrograms" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="maxRenderbuffers" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numRenderbuffers" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetShadersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="maxShaders" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numShaders" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetTexSubImageQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texels" type="void *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtGetTexturesQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="maxTextures" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numTextures" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FenceSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="condition" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLsync" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FinishFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FlushMappedBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_map_buffer_range" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG" category="IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="IMG">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FramebufferTexture3DOES" category="OES_texture_3D" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenFencesNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenPerfMonitorsAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="monitors" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenProgramPipelinesEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenQueriesEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query|EXT_occlusion_query_boolean" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GenVertexArraysOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetBufferPointervOES" category="OES_mapbuffer" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetDebugMessageLog" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetDebugMessageLogKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
+ <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetDriverControlsQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="num" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="driverControls" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="size" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetDriverControlStringQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="driverControl" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="driverControlString" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFenceivNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="FenceParameterNameNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetGraphicsResetStatusEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetInteger64vAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetIntegeri_vEXT" category="EXT_multiview_draw_buffers" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnUniformfvEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetnUniformivEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetObjectLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetObjectLabelEXT" category="EXT_debug_label" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="object" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetObjectLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetObjectPtrLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetObjectPtrLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dataSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="dataSize" />
+ <param name="bytesWritten" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="counter" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetPerfMonitorCountersAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numCounters" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="maxActiveCounters" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="counterSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="counters" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="counterSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="counter" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="counterString" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="numGroups" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="groupsSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="groups" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="groupsSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="groupString" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetPointerv" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPointervPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetPointervKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramBinaryOES" category="OES_get_program_binary" extension="OES">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetProgramPipelineivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetQueryivEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query|EXT_occlusion_query_boolean" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetQueryObjecti64vEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectivEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectui64vEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectuivEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query|EXT_occlusion_query_boolean" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetSyncivAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE" category="ANGLE_translated_shader_source" extension="ANGLE">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="source" type="GLchar *" flow="out" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="InsertEventMarkerEXT" category="EXT_debug_marker" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="marker" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsProgramPipelineEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsQueryEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query|EXT_occlusion_query_boolean" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsVertexArrayOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="LabelObjectEXT" category="EXT_debug_label" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="object" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MapBufferOES" category="OES_mapbuffer" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MapBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_map_buffer_range" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiDrawArraysEXT" category="EXT_multi_draw_arrays" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MultiDrawElementsEXT" category="EXT_multi_draw_arrays" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
+ <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ObjectLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ObjectLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ObjectPtrLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ObjectPtrLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PopDebugGroup" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PopDebugGroupKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PopGroupMarkerEXT" category="EXT_debug_marker" extension="EXT">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramBinaryOES" category="OES_get_program_binary" extension="OES">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramParameteriEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ProgramParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1fEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1iEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1ivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1uiEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform1uivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2fEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2iEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2ivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2uiEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform2uivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3fEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3iEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3ivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3uiEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform3uivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4fEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4iEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4ivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4uiEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniform4uivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*6" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*8" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*9" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*6" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*12" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*16" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*8" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*12" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PushDebugGroup" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(message,length)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PushDebugGroupKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PushGroupMarkerEXT" category="EXT_debug_marker" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="marker" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="QueryCounterEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ReadBufferIndexedEXT" category="EXT_multiview_draw_buffers" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="src" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ReadBufferNV" category="NV_read_buffer" extension="NV">
+ <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ReadnPixelsEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE" category="ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample" extension="ANGLE">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE" category="APPLE_framebuffer_multisample" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG" category="IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="IMG">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleNV" category="NV_framebuffer_multisample" extension="NV">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE" category="APPLE_framebuffer_multisample" extension="APPLE">
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
+ <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="enable" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numCounters" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="counterList" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="numCounters" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="SetFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <param name="condition" type="FenceConditionNV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="StartTilingQCOM" category="QCOM_tiled_rendering" extension="QCOM">
+ <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="preserveMask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TestFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
+ <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexImage3DOES" category="OES_texture_3D" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexStorage1DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexStorage2DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexStorage3DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TexSubImage3DOES" category="OES_texture_3D" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TextureStorage1DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TextureStorage2DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="TextureStorage3DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2x3fvNV" category="NV_non_square_matrices" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="6" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2x4fvNV" category="NV_non_square_matrices" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="8" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3x2fvNV" category="NV_non_square_matrices" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="6" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3x4fvNV" category="NV_non_square_matrices" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="12" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4x2fvNV" category="NV_non_square_matrices" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="8" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4x3fvNV" category="NV_non_square_matrices" extension="NV">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="12" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UnmapBufferOES" category="OES_mapbuffer" extension="OES">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLboolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UseProgramStagesEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stages" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="UseShaderProgramEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="ValidateProgramPipelineEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexAttribDivisorANGLE" category="ANGLE_instanced_arrays" extension="ANGLE">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexAttribDivisorEXT" category="EXT_instanced_arrays" extension="EXT">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="VertexAttribDivisorNV" category="NV_instanced_arrays" extension="NV">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="WaitSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
+ <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
+ </function>
+ </add>
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- </enum>
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- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
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- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="ActiveTexture" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="texture" type="TextureUnit" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
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- <param name="func" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="ref" type="GLclampf" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="AttachShader" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
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- <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
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- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="BeginQueryEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query|EXT_occlusion_query_boolean" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
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- <param name="primitiveMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="BindAttribLocation" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
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- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
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- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="BindFramebuffer" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindProgramPipelineEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="BindRenderbuffer" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindSampler" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="unit" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="BindTexture" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BindTransformFeedback" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="BindVertexArray" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="BindVertexArrayOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="BlendBarrierNV" category="NV_blend_equation_advanced" extension="NV">
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="BlendColor" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<param name="mode" type="BlendEquationMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendEquationEXT" category="EXT_blend_minmax" extension="EXT">
- <param name="mode" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="BlendEquationSeparate" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="modeRGB" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
<param name="modeAlpha" type="BlendEquationModeEXT" flow="in" />
<param name="dfactorAlpha" type="BlendFuncSeparateParameterEXT" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="BlendParameteriNV" category="NV_blend_equation_advanced" extension="NV">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="BlitFramebuffer" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="srcX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
- <param name="filter" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="BlitFramebufferANGLE" category="ANGLE_framebuffer_blit" extension="ANGLE">
- <param name="srcX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="filter" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="BlitFramebufferNV" category="NV_framebuffer_blit" extension="NV">
- <param name="srcX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="srcY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="dstY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="filter" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="BufferData" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
<param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClearBufferfi" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="stencil" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ClearBufferfv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ClearBufferiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ClearBufferuiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="ClearColor" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="red" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<param name="green" type="ColorF" flow="in" />
<param name="s" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ClientWaitSync" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLenum" />
- </function>
- <function name="ClientWaitSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLenum" />
- </function>
<function name="ColorMask" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="red" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="green" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedTexImage3D" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CompressedTexImage3DOES" category="OES_texture_3D" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="CompressedTexSubImage2D" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CompressedTexSubImage3D" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CompressedTexSubImage3DOES" category="OES_texture_3D" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CopyBufferSubData" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="readTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="writeTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="readOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="writeOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CopyBufferSubDataNV" category="NV_copy_buffer" extension="NV">
- <param name="readTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="writeTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="readOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="writeOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="CopyTexImage2D" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="CopyTexSubImage3D" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CopyTexSubImage3DOES" category="OES_texture_3D" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CopyTextureLevelsAPPLE" category="APPLE_copy_texture_levels" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="destinationTexture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="sourceTexture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="sourceBaseLevel" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="sourceLevelCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CoverageMaskNV" category="NV_coverage_sample" extension="NV">
- <param name="mask" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="CoverageOperationNV" category="NV_coverage_sample" extension="NV">
- <param name="operation" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="CreateProgram" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<returns type="GLuint" />
<param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="CreateShaderProgramEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="string" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
- </function>
- <function name="CreateShaderProgramvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="strings" type="GLchar **" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
- </function>
- <function name="CullFace" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="mode" type="CullFaceMode" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DebugMessageCallback" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
- <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROC" flow="in" />
- <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DebugMessageCallbackKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="callback" type="GLDEBUGPROCKHR" flow="in" />
- <param name="userParam" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DebugMessageControl" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="enabled" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DebugMessageControlKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
- <param name="enabled" type="GLboolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DebugMessageInsert" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buf,length)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DebugMessageInsertKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="severity" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buf" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteBuffers" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteFencesNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteFramebuffers" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DeletePerfMonitorsAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="monitors" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteProgram" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CullFace" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="CullFaceMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteProgramPipelinesEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="DeleteBuffers" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteQueries" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="DeleteFramebuffers" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
+ <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteQueriesEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query|EXT_occlusion_query_boolean" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteProgram" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
<function name="DeleteRenderbuffers" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteSamplers" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="DeleteShader" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteSync" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="DeleteTextures" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DeleteTransformFeedbacks" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteVertexArrays" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DeleteVertexArraysOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="DepthFunc" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="func" type="DepthFunction" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
<param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DisableDriverControlQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="driverControl" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="DisableVertexAttribArray" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DiscardFramebufferEXT" category="EXT_discard_framebuffer" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="DrawArrays" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
<param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawArraysInstanced" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawArraysInstancedANGLE" category="ANGLE_instanced_arrays" extension="ANGLE">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawArraysInstancedEXT" category="EXT_draw_instanced|EXT_instanced_arrays" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawArraysInstancedNV" category="NV_draw_instanced" extension="NV">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawBuffers" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufs" type="DrawBufferModeATI *" flow="in" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawBuffersEXT" category="EXT_draw_buffers" extension="EXT">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufs" type="GLenum *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawBuffersIndexedEXT" category="EXT_multiview_draw_buffers" extension="EXT">
- <param name="n" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLenum *" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="GLint *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawBuffersNV" category="NV_draw_buffers" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufs" type="GLenum *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="DrawElements" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="DrawElementsInstanced" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
- <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawElementsInstancedANGLE" category="ANGLE_instanced_arrays" extension="ANGLE">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawElementsInstancedEXT" category="EXT_draw_instanced|EXT_instanced_arrays" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawElementsInstancedNV" category="NV_draw_instanced" extension="NV">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="DrawRangeElements" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES" category="OES_EGL_image" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="GLeglImageOES" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES" category="OES_EGL_image" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="image" type="GLeglImageOES" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Enable" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EnableDriverControlQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="driverControl" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="EnableVertexAttribArray" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="EndPerfMonitorAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EndQuery" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EndQueryEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query|EXT_occlusion_query_boolean" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EndTilingQCOM" category="QCOM_tiled_rendering" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="preserveMask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="EndTransformFeedback" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetBufferPointervQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetBuffersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="buffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="maxBuffers" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numBuffers" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetFramebuffersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="maxFramebuffers" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numFramebuffers" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="source" type="GLchar *" flow="out" />
- <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetProgramsQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="programs" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="maxPrograms" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numPrograms" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="maxRenderbuffers" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numRenderbuffers" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetShadersQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="maxShaders" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numShaders" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="face" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetTexSubImageQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texels" type="void *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtGetTexturesQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="textures" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="maxTextures" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numTextures" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get2" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="ExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM" category="QCOM_extended_get" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="FenceSync" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="condition" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="sync" />
- </function>
- <function name="FenceSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="condition" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLsync" />
- </function>
<function name="Finish" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FinishFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Flush" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FlushMappedBufferRange" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="FlushMappedBufferRangeEXT" category="EXT_map_buffer_range" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="FramebufferRenderbuffer" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="FramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="FramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG" category="IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="IMG">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="FramebufferTexture3DOES" category="OES_texture_3D" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="textarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="FramebufferTextureLayer" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="layer" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="FrontFace" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="mode" type="FrontFaceDirection" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenFencesNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="fences" type="FenceNV *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GenFramebuffers" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="framebuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenPerfMonitorsAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="monitors" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GenProgramPipelinesEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pipelines" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GenQueries" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GenQueriesEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query|EXT_occlusion_query_boolean" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GenRenderbuffers" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenSamplers" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GenTextures" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="textures" type="Texture *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GenTransformFeedbacks" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GenVertexArrays" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GenVertexArraysOES" category="OES_vertex_array_object" extension="OES">
- <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetActiveAttrib" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockName" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetActiveUniformsiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetAttachedShaders" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="maxCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="data" type="Boolean *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferParameteri64v" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="BufferPNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="GetBufferParameteriv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="BufferPNameARB" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferPointerv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="BufferPointerNameARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="GetError" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <returns type="ErrorCode" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetFloatv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetBufferPointervOES" category="OES_mapbuffer" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetDebugMessageLog" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
- <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <function name="GetIntegerv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetDebugMessageLogKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="count" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetProgramInfoLog" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="sources" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="types" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="severities" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="lengths" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="count" />
- <param name="messageLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetDriverControlsQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="num" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
- <param name="size" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="driverControls" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="size" />
+ <function name="GetProgramiv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetDriverControlStringQCOM" category="QCOM_driver_control" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="driverControl" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="driverControlString" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="GetRenderbufferParameteriv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetError" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <returns type="ErrorCode" />
+ <function name="GetShaderInfoLog" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFenceivNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="FenceParameterNameNV" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetShaderiv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFloatv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GetShaderPrecisionFormat" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="precisiontype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="range" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
+ <param name="precision" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFragDataLocation" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
+ <function name="GetShaderSource" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="source" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GetString" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="name" type="StringName" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="String" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetTexParameterfv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetGraphicsResetStatusEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
- <returns type="GLenum" />
+ <function name="GetTexParameteriv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInteger64i_v" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <function name="GetUniformfv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInteger64v" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GetUniformiv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInteger64vAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="GetUniformLocation" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
- <function name="GetIntegeri_v" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribfv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetIntegeri_vEXT" category="EXT_multiview_draw_buffers" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribiv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetIntegerv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="pname" type="GetPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribPointerv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPointerPropertyARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetInternalformativ" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="Hint" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="target" type="HintTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mode" type="HintMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnUniformfvEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="IsBuffer" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsEnabled" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsFramebuffer" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsProgram" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsRenderbuffer" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsShader" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="IsTexture" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="LineWidth" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="width" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetnUniformivEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="LinkProgram" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PixelStorei" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="PixelStoreParameter" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectLabelEXT" category="EXT_debug_label" extension="EXT">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="object" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="PolygonOffset" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="units" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="ReadPixels" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectPtrLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
- <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="ReleaseShaderCompiler" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetObjectPtrLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorage" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="dataSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="dataSize" />
- <param name="bytesWritten" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <function name="SampleCoverage" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="counter" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Scissor" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPerfMonitorCountersAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numCounters" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="maxActiveCounters" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="counterSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="counters" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="counterSize" />
+ <function name="ShaderBinary" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="binaryformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="counter" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="counterString" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="ShaderSource" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="string" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="numGroups" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="groupsSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="groups" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="groupsSize" />
+ <function name="StencilFunc" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ref" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="groupString" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="StencilFuncSeparate" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
+ <param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ref" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPointerv" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
- <param name="pname" type="GetPointervPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <function name="StencilMask" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetPointervKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" />
+ <function name="StencilMaskSeparate" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramBinary" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="StencilOp" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="fail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zpass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramBinaryOES" category="OES_get_program_binary" extension="OES">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum *" flow="out" />
- <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="StencilOpSeparate" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dpfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dppass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramInfoLog" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="TexImage2D" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramiv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="TexParameterf" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="TexParameterfv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetProgramPipelineivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="TexParameteri" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="TexParameteriv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryivEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query|EXT_occlusion_query_boolean" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="TexSubImage2D" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjecti64vEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform1f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjectivEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="Uniform1fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjectui64vEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform1i" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjectuiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform1iv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetQueryObjectuivEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query|EXT_occlusion_query_boolean" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="Uniform2f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetRenderbufferParameteriv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform2fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetSamplerParameterfv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform2i" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetSamplerParameteriv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform2iv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetShaderInfoLog" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="Uniform3f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetShaderiv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform3fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetShaderPrecisionFormat" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shadertype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="precisiontype" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="range" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
- <param name="precision" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="2" />
+ <function name="Uniform3i" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetShaderSource" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="source" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="Uniform3iv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetString" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="name" type="StringName" flow="in" />
- <returns type="String" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetStringi" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="name" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="String" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetSynciv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="Uniform4f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetSyncivAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="Uniform4fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameterfv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform4i" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTexParameteriv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="GetTextureParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
+ <function name="Uniform4iv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTransformFeedbackVarying" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="size" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix2fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE" category="ANGLE_translated_shader_source" extension="ANGLE">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufsize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" />
- <param name="source" type="GLchar *" flow="out" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix3fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformBlockIndex" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
- <returns type="GLuint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetUniformfv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="UniformMatrix4fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformIndices" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="UseProgram" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="uniformNames" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
- <param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformiv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="ValidateProgram" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetUniformLocation" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLint" />
- </function>
- <function name="GetUniformuiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(program,location)" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribfv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttrib1fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribIiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribIuiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttrib2fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribiv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="4" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="GetVertexAttribPointerv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <function name="VertexAttrib3fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribPointerPropertyARB" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Hint" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="target" type="HintTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="mode" type="HintMode" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InsertEventMarkerEXT" category="EXT_debug_marker" extension="EXT">
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="marker" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="VertexAttrib4fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InvalidateFramebuffer" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
+ <function name="VertexAttribPointer" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="VertexAttribPointerType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="InvalidateSubFramebuffer" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
- <param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="Viewport" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="IsBuffer" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsEnabled" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="cap" type="EnableCap" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsFramebuffer" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsProgram" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsProgramPipelineEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsQuery" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsQueryEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query|EXT_occlusion_query_boolean" extension="EXT" version="">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsRenderbuffer" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsSampler" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsShader" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsSync" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsTexture" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="IsTransformFeedback" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ </add>
+ <add name="gles2" version="3.0">
+ <enum name="ES_VERSION_3_0">
+ <token name="READ_BUFFER" value="0x0C02" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH" value="0x0CF2" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS" value="0x0CF3" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS" value="0x0CF4" />
+ <token name="PACK_ROW_LENGTH" value="0x0D02" />
+ <token name="PACK_SKIP_ROWS" value="0x0D03" />
+ <token name="PACK_SKIP_PIXELS" value="0x0D04" />
+ <token name="COLOR" value="0x1800" />
+ <token name="DEPTH" value="0x1801" />
+ <token name="STENCIL" value="0x1802" />
+ <token name="RED" value="0x1903" />
+ <token name="RGB8" value="0x8051" />
+ <token name="RGBA8" value="0x8058" />
+ <token name="RGB10_A2" value="0x8059" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_BINDING_3D" value="0x806A" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES" value="0x806D" />
+ <token name="UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT" value="0x806E" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_3D" value="0x806F" />
+ <token name="TEXTURE_WRAP_R" value="0x8072" />
+ <token name="MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE" value="0x8073" />
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+ <function name="BeginQuery" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
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- <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
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- <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
- </function>
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- <param name="object" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
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<returns type="void" />
- <function name="LineWidth" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="width" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
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+ <param name="primitiveMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
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- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
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+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
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<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void *" />
- </function>
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<param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
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- <param name="access" type="BufferAccessMask" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void *" />
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+ <returns type="void" />
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- <param name="offset" type="GLintptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizeiptr" flow="in" />
- <param name="access" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void *" />
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+ <param name="unit" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void" />
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- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="first" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
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+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
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- <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
- <param name="indices" type="void **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(primcount)" />
- <param name="primcount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="BindVertexArray" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ObjectLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
+ <function name="BlitFramebuffer" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="srcX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="srcY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstX1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="dstY1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="mask" type="ClearBufferMask" flow="in" />
+ <param name="filter" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ObjectLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="identifier" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="name" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ClearBufferfi" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="stencil" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ObjectPtrLabel" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
- <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(label,length)" />
+ <function name="ClearBufferfv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ObjectPtrLabelKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="ptr" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="label" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ClearBufferiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PauseTransformFeedback" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <function name="ClearBufferuiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="buffer" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="drawbuffer" type="DrawBufferName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(buffer)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PixelStorei" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="pname" type="PixelStoreParameter" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="ClientWaitSync" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="GLenum" />
- <function name="PolygonOffset" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="factor" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="units" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="CompressedTexImage3D" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="PixelInternalFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PopDebugGroup" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
+ <function name="CompressedTexSubImage3D" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
+ <param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="CompressedTextureARB *" flow="in" count="imageSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PopDebugGroupKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
+ <function name="CopyBufferSubData" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="readTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="writeTarget" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="readOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="writeOffset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="size" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PopGroupMarkerEXT" category="EXT_debug_marker" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="CopyTexSubImage3D" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="zoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
+ <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramBinary" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteQueries" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramBinaryOES" category="OES_get_program_binary" extension="OES">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteSamplers" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramParameteri" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ProgramParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteSync" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramParameteriEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="ProgramParameterPName" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteTransformFeedbacks" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1fEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DeleteVertexArrays" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawArraysInstanced" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="first" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1iEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawBuffers" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufs" type="DrawBufferModeATI *" flow="in" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1ivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawElementsInstanced" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ProgramUniform1uiEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
+ <param name="instancecount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform1uivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="DrawRangeElements" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="PrimitiveType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="start" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="end" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
+ <param name="type" type="DrawElementsType" flow="in" />
+ <param name="indices" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(count,type)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2fEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="EndQuery" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <function name="EndTransformFeedback" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2iEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="FenceSync" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="condition" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="sync" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="FlushMappedBufferRange" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2ivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <function name="FramebufferTextureLayer" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="FramebufferTarget" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachment" type="FramebufferAttachment" flow="in" />
+ <param name="texture" type="Texture" flow="in" />
+ <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
+ <param name="layer" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2uiEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenQueries" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform2uivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenSamplers" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
+ <param name="samplers" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3fEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GenTransformFeedbacks" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="ids" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <function name="GenVertexArrays" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="n" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="arrays" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="n" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3iEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3ivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformBlockName" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockIndex" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3uiEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetActiveUniformsiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform3uivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
+ <function name="GetBufferParameteri64v" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="BufferPNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4fEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetBufferPointerv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="BufferPointerNameARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="void **" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetFragDataLocation" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(name)" />
+ <returns type="GLint" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetInteger64i_v" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4iEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetInteger64v" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint64 *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4ivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <function name="GetIntegeri_v" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="data" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(target)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4uiEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetInternalformativ" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniform4uivEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetProgramBinary" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*4" />
+ <function name="GetQueryiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*6" />
+ <function name="GetQueryObjectuiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*8" />
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameterfv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLfloat *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*9" />
+ <function name="GetSamplerParameteriv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*6" />
+ <function name="GetStringi" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="name" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="String" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="GetSynciv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="values" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetTransformFeedbackVarying" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*12" />
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="size" type="GLsizei *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="type" type="GLenum *" flow="out" count="1" />
+ <param name="name" type="GLchar *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects|EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT" version="">
+ <function name="GetUniformBlockIndex" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*16" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <param name="uniformBlockName" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE()" />
+ <returns type="GLuint" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetUniformIndices" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*8" />
+ <param name="uniformCount" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="uniformNames" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
+ <param name="uniformIndices" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(uniformCount)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="GetUniformuiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count*12" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="PushDebugGroup" category="KHR_debug" extension="Core">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(message,length)" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(program,location)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PushDebugGroupKHR" category="KHR_debug" extension="KHR">
- <param name="source" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="message" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribIiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="PushGroupMarkerEXT" category="EXT_debug_marker" extension="EXT">
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="marker" type="GLchar *" flow="in" />
+ <function name="GetVertexAttribIuiv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="VertexAttribEnum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="params" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="1" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="QueryCounterEXT" category="EXT_disjoint_timer_query" extension="EXT">
- <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <function name="InvalidateFramebuffer" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReadBuffer" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="mode" type="ReadBufferMode" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ReadBufferIndexedEXT" category="EXT_multiview_draw_buffers" extension="EXT">
- <param name="src" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="index" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ReadBufferNV" category="NV_read_buffer" extension="NV">
- <param name="mode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ReadnPixelsEXT" category="EXT_robustness" extension="EXT">
+ <function name="InvalidateSubFramebuffer" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="numAttachments" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <param name="attachments" type="GLenum *" flow="in" count="numAttachments" />
<param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="y" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="data" type="void *" flow="out" count="bufSize" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ReadPixels" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="out" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsQuery" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="ReleaseShaderCompiler" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsSampler" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="RenderbufferStorage" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="target" type="RenderbufferTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsSync" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisample" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
+ <function name="IsTransformFeedback" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="id" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE" category="ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample" extension="ANGLE">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="IsVertexArray" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="array" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="Boolean" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="MapBufferRange" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
+ <param name="offset" type="BufferOffset" flow="in" />
+ <param name="length" type="BufferSize" flow="in" />
+ <param name="access" type="BufferAccessMask" flow="in" />
+ <returns type="void *" />
+ </function>
+ <function name="PauseTransformFeedback" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE" category="APPLE_framebuffer_multisample" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramBinary" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binaryFormat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
+ <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
+ <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT" category="EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ProgramParameteri" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
+ <param name="pname" type="ProgramParameterPName" flow="in" />
+ <param name="value" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG" category="IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture" extension="IMG">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
+ <function name="ReadBuffer" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
+ <param name="mode" type="ReadBufferMode" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisampleNV" category="NV_framebuffer_multisample" extension="NV">
+ <function name="RenderbufferStorageMultisample" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="samples" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="ResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE" category="APPLE_framebuffer_multisample" extension="APPLE">
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="ResumeTransformFeedback" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="SampleCoverage" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="invert" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="SamplerParameterf" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="sampler" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="pname" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="param" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Scissor" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="SelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD" category="AMD_performance_monitor" extension="AMD">
- <param name="monitor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="enable" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="group" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="numCounters" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="counterList" type="GLuint *" flow="out" count="numCounters" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="SetFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <param name="condition" type="FenceConditionNV" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ShaderBinary" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="shaders" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="binaryformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="binary" type="void *" flow="in" count="length" />
- <param name="length" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ShaderSource" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="shader" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="string" type="GLchar **" flow="in" count="count" />
- <param name="length" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="StartTilingQCOM" category="QCOM_tiled_rendering" extension="QCOM">
- <param name="x" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="preserveMask" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="StencilFunc" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
- <param name="ref" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="StencilFuncSeparate" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
- <param name="func" type="StencilFunction" flow="in" />
- <param name="ref" type="StencilValue" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="StencilMask" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="StencilMaskSeparate" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
- <param name="mask" type="MaskedStencilValue" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="StencilOp" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="fail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="zfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="zpass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="StencilOpSeparate" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="face" type="StencilFaceDirection" flow="in" />
- <param name="sfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="dpfail" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <param name="dppass" type="StencilOp" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TestFenceNV" category="NV_fence" extension="NV">
- <param name="fence" type="FenceNV" flow="in" />
- <returns type="Boolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexImage2D" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="TextureComponentCount" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexImage3D" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexImage3DOES" category="OES_texture_3D" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="border" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexParameterf" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedFloat32" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexParameterfv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedFloat32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexParameteri" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="param" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexParameteriv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="pname" type="TextureParameterName" flow="in" />
- <param name="params" type="CheckedInt32 *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(pname)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexStorage1DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexStorage2D" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexStorage2DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexStorage3D" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexStorage3DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TexSubImage2D" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="PixelFormat" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="PixelType" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TexSubImage3D" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="target" type="TextureTarget" flow="in" />
<param name="level" type="CheckedInt32" flow="in" />
<param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(format,type,width,height,depth)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="TexSubImage3DOES" category="OES_texture_3D" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="level" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="xoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="yoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="zoffset" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="format" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="pixels" type="void *" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TextureStorage1DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TextureStorage2DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="TextureStorage3DEXT" category="EXT_texture_storage" extension="EXT">
- <param name="texture" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="levels" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="internalformat" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="depth" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="TransformFeedbackVaryings" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="bufferMode" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform1f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Uniform1fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Uniform1i" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Uniform1iv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Uniform1ui" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform2f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Uniform2fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Uniform2i" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Uniform2iv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Uniform2ui" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*2" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform3f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Uniform3fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Uniform3i" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Uniform3iv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Uniform3ui" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLuint *" flow="in" count="count*3" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="Uniform4f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Uniform4fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Uniform4i" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v0" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v1" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v2" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v3" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Uniform4iv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLint *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="Uniform4ui" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="v0" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="uniformBlockBinding" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="UniformMatrix2x3fv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="6" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2x3fvNV" category="NV_non_square_matrices" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="6" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="UniformMatrix2x4fv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="8" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix2x4fvNV" category="NV_non_square_matrices" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="8" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UniformMatrix3fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="UniformMatrix3x2fv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="6" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3x2fvNV" category="NV_non_square_matrices" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="6" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="UniformMatrix3x4fv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="12" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix3x4fvNV" category="NV_non_square_matrices" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="12" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UniformMatrix4fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="count" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="UniformMatrix4x2fv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="8" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix4x2fvNV" category="NV_non_square_matrices" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="8" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="UniformMatrix4x3fv" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
<param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="12" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="UniformMatrix4x3fvNV" category="NV_non_square_matrices" extension="NV">
- <param name="location" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="count" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="transpose" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="value" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="12" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="UnmapBuffer" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="target" type="BufferTargetARB" flow="in" />
<returns type="Boolean" />
- <function name="UnmapBufferOES" category="OES_mapbuffer" extension="OES">
- <param name="target" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <returns type="GLboolean" />
- </function>
- <function name="UseProgram" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UseProgramStagesEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="stages" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="UseShaderProgramEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="type" type="GLenum" flow="in" />
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ValidateProgram" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="program" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="ValidateProgramPipelineEXT" category="EXT_separate_shader_objects" extension="EXT">
- <param name="pipeline" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib1f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib1fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="1" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib2f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib2fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="2" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib3f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib3fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="3" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib4f" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="x" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="z" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <param name="w" type="GLfloat" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttrib4fv" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="v" type="GLfloat *" flow="in" count="4" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="VertexAttribDivisor" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribDivisorANGLE" category="ANGLE_instanced_arrays" extension="ANGLE">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttribDivisorEXT" category="EXT_instanced_arrays" extension="EXT">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="VertexAttribDivisorNV" category="NV_instanced_arrays" extension="NV">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="divisor" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="VertexAttribI4i" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
<param name="x" type="GLint" flow="in" />
<param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="VertexAttribPointer" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="index" type="GLuint" flow="in" />
- <param name="size" type="GLint" flow="in" />
- <param name="type" type="VertexAttribPointerType" flow="in" />
- <param name="normalized" type="Boolean" flow="in" />
- <param name="stride" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="pointer" type="void *" flow="in" count="COMPSIZE(size,type,stride)" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
- <function name="Viewport" category="ES_VERSION_2_0" extension="Core" version="2.0">
- <param name="x" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="y" type="WinCoord" flow="in" />
- <param name="width" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <param name="height" type="GLsizei" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
<function name="WaitSync" category="ES_VERSION_3_0" extension="Core" version="3.0">
<param name="sync" type="sync" flow="in" />
<param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
<param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
<returns type="void" />
- <function name="WaitSyncAPPLE" category="APPLE_sync" extension="APPLE">
- <param name="sync" type="GLsync" flow="in" />
- <param name="flags" type="GLbitfield" flow="in" />
- <param name="timeout" type="GLuint64" flow="in" />
- <returns type="void" />
- </function>
\ No newline at end of file
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set the active program object for a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies the program object to set as the active program pipeline object pipeline.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glActiveShaderProgram")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glActiveShaderProgram")]
public static
void ActiveShaderProgram(Int32 pipeline, Int32 program)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set the active program object for a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glActiveShaderProgram")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glActiveShaderProgram")]
public static
void ActiveShaderProgram(UInt32 pipeline, UInt32 program)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delimit the boundaries of a query object on an indexed target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the name of a query object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glBeginQueryIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBeginQueryIndexed")]
public static
void BeginQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.QueryTarget target, Int32 index, Int32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delimit the boundaries of a query object on an indexed target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glBeginQueryIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBeginQueryIndexed")]
public static
void BeginQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.QueryTarget target, UInt32 index, UInt32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// A pointer to an array of names of buffer objects to bind to the targets on the specified binding point, or NULL.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
public static
void BindBuffersBase(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferRangeTarget target, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] buffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// A pointer to an array of names of buffer objects to bind to the targets on the specified binding point, or NULL.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
public static
void BindBuffersBase(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferRangeTarget target, Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 buffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
public static
unsafe void BindBuffersBase(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferRangeTarget target, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32* buffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
public static
void BindBuffersBase(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferRangeTarget target, UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32[] buffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
public static
void BindBuffersBase(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferRangeTarget target, UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref UInt32 buffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
public static
unsafe void BindBuffersBase(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferRangeTarget target, UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32* buffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind ranges of one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// A pointer to an array of names of buffer objects to bind to the targets on the specified binding point, or NULL.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
public static
void BindBuffersRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferRangeTarget target, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] buffers, IntPtr[] offsets, IntPtr[] sizes)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind ranges of one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// A pointer to an array of names of buffer objects to bind to the targets on the specified binding point, or NULL.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
public static
void BindBuffersRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferRangeTarget target, Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 buffers, ref IntPtr offsets, ref IntPtr sizes)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind ranges of one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
public static
unsafe void BindBuffersRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferRangeTarget target, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32* buffers, IntPtr* offsets, IntPtr* sizes)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind ranges of one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
public static
void BindBuffersRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferRangeTarget target, UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32[] buffers, IntPtr[] offsets, IntPtr[] sizes)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind ranges of one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
public static
void BindBuffersRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferRangeTarget target, UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref UInt32 buffers, ref IntPtr offsets, ref IntPtr sizes)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind ranges of one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
public static
unsafe void BindBuffersRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferRangeTarget target, UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32* buffers, IntPtr* offsets, IntPtr* sizes)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a user-defined varying out variable to a fragment shader color number and index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The name of the user-defined varying out variable whose binding to modify
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_blend_func_extended", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glBindFragDataLocationIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_blend_func_extended|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindFragDataLocationIndexed")]
public static
void BindFragDataLocationIndexed(Int32 program, Int32 colorNumber, Int32 index, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a user-defined varying out variable to a fragment shader color number and index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_blend_func_extended", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glBindFragDataLocationIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_blend_func_extended|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindFragDataLocationIndexed")]
public static
void BindFragDataLocationIndexed(UInt32 program, UInt32 colorNumber, UInt32 index, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a framebuffer to a framebuffer target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the name of the framebuffer object to bind.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glBindFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindFramebuffer")]
public static
void BindFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 framebuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a framebuffer to a framebuffer target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glBindFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindFramebuffer")]
public static
void BindFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, UInt32 framebuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a level of a texture to an image unit
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unit">
/// Specifies the format that the elements of the image will be treated as for the purposes of formatted stores.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_image_load_store", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTexture")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_image_load_store|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTexture")]
public static
void BindImageTexture(Int32 unit, Int32 texture, Int32 level, bool layered, Int32 layer, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureAccess access, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SizedInternalFormat format)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a level of a texture to an image unit
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unit">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_image_load_store", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTexture")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_image_load_store|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTexture")]
public static
void BindImageTexture(UInt32 unit, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, bool layered, Int32 layer, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureAccess access, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SizedInternalFormat format)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named texture images to a sequence of consecutive image units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of names of existing texture objects.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
public static
void BindImageTextures(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named texture images to a sequence of consecutive image units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of names of existing texture objects.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
public static
void BindImageTextures(Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named texture images to a sequence of consecutive image units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
public static
unsafe void BindImageTextures(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32* textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named texture images to a sequence of consecutive image units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
public static
void BindImageTextures(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32[] textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named texture images to a sequence of consecutive image units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
public static
void BindImageTextures(UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref UInt32 textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named texture images to a sequence of consecutive image units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
public static
unsafe void BindImageTextures(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32* textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a program pipeline to the current context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies the name of the pipeline object to bind to the context.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glBindProgramPipeline")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindProgramPipeline")]
public static
void BindProgramPipeline(Int32 pipeline)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a program pipeline to the current context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glBindProgramPipeline")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindProgramPipeline")]
public static
void BindProgramPipeline(UInt32 pipeline)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a renderbuffer to a renderbuffer target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the name of the renderbuffer object to bind.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glBindRenderbuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindRenderbuffer")]
public static
void BindRenderbuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 renderbuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a renderbuffer to a renderbuffer target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glBindRenderbuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindRenderbuffer")]
public static
void BindRenderbuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.RenderbufferTarget target, UInt32 renderbuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a named sampler to a texturing target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unit">
/// Specifies the name of a sampler.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glBindSampler")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSampler")]
public static
void BindSampler(Int32 unit, Int32 sampler)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a named sampler to a texturing target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unit">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glBindSampler")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSampler")]
public static
void BindSampler(UInt32 unit, UInt32 sampler)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named sampler objects to a sequence of consecutive sampler units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of names of existing sampler objects.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
public static
void BindSamplers(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named sampler objects to a sequence of consecutive sampler units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of names of existing sampler objects.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
public static
void BindSamplers(Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named sampler objects to a sequence of consecutive sampler units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
public static
unsafe void BindSamplers(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32* samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named sampler objects to a sequence of consecutive sampler units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
public static
void BindSamplers(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32[] samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named sampler objects to a sequence of consecutive sampler units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
public static
void BindSamplers(UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref UInt32 samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named sampler objects to a sequence of consecutive sampler units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
public static
unsafe void BindSamplers(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32* samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named textures to a sequence of consecutive texture units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of names of existing texture objects.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
public static
void BindTextures(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named textures to a sequence of consecutive texture units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of names of existing texture objects.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
public static
void BindTextures(Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named textures to a sequence of consecutive texture units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
public static
unsafe void BindTextures(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32* textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named textures to a sequence of consecutive texture units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
public static
void BindTextures(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32[] textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named textures to a sequence of consecutive texture units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
public static
void BindTextures(UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref UInt32 textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named textures to a sequence of consecutive texture units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
public static
unsafe void BindTextures(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32* textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the name of a transform feedback object reserved by glGenTransformFeedbacks.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glBindTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTransformFeedback")]
public static
void BindTransformFeedback(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TransformFeedbackTarget target, Int32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glBindTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTransformFeedback")]
public static
void BindTransformFeedback(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TransformFeedbackTarget target, UInt32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a vertex array object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="array">
/// Specifies the name of the vertex array to bind.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexArray")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexArray")]
public static
void BindVertexArray(Int32 array)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a vertex array object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="array">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexArray")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexArray")]
public static
void BindVertexArray(UInt32 array)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a buffer to a vertex buffer bind point
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bindingindex">
/// The distance between elements within the buffer.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffer")]
public static
void BindVertexBuffer(Int32 bindingindex, Int32 buffer, IntPtr offset, Int32 stride)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a buffer to a vertex buffer bind point
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bindingindex">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffer")]
public static
void BindVertexBuffer(UInt32 bindingindex, UInt32 buffer, IntPtr offset, Int32 stride)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named buffer objects to a sequence of consecutive vertex buffer binding points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of strides to associate with the binding points.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
public static
void BindVertexBuffers(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] buffers, IntPtr[] offsets, Int32[] strides)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named buffer objects to a sequence of consecutive vertex buffer binding points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of strides to associate with the binding points.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
public static
void BindVertexBuffers(Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 buffers, ref IntPtr offsets, ref Int32 strides)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named buffer objects to a sequence of consecutive vertex buffer binding points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
public static
unsafe void BindVertexBuffers(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32* buffers, IntPtr* offsets, Int32* strides)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named buffer objects to a sequence of consecutive vertex buffer binding points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
public static
void BindVertexBuffers(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32[] buffers, IntPtr[] offsets, Int32[] strides)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named buffer objects to a sequence of consecutive vertex buffer binding points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
public static
void BindVertexBuffers(UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref UInt32 buffers, ref IntPtr offsets, ref Int32 strides)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named buffer objects to a sequence of consecutive vertex buffer binding points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
public static
unsafe void BindVertexBuffers(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32* buffers, IntPtr* offsets, Int32* strides)
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set the blend color
/// </summary>
/// <param name="red">
/// specify the components of GL_BLEND_COLOR
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4|ARB_imaging", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glBlendColor")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_imaging|VERSION_1_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBlendColor")]
public static
void BlendColor(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha)
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the equation used for both the RGB blend equation and the Alpha blend equation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buf">
/// specifies how source and destination colors are combined. It must be GL_FUNC_ADD, GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT, GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT, GL_MIN, GL_MAX.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4|ARB_imaging", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glBlendEquation")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_imaging|VERSION_1_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBlendEquation")]
public static
void BlendEquation(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BlendEquationMode mode)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Copy a block of pixels from the read framebuffer to the draw framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="srcX0">
/// Specifies the interpolation to be applied if the image is stretched. Must be GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glBlitFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBlitFramebuffer")]
public static
void BlitFramebuffer(Int32 srcX0, Int32 srcY0, Int32 srcX1, Int32 srcY1, Int32 dstX0, Int32 dstY0, Int32 dstX1, Int32 dstY1, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ClearBufferMask mask, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BlitFramebufferFilter filter)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Creates and initializes a buffer object's immutable data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the intended usage of the buffer's data store. Must be a bitwise combination of the following flags. GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT, GL_MAP_READ_BIT GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT, GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT, and GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_buffer_storage", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_buffer_storage|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
public static
void BufferStorage(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, IntPtr size, IntPtr data, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferStorageFlags flags)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Creates and initializes a buffer object's immutable data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the intended usage of the buffer's data store. Must be a bitwise combination of the following flags. GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT, GL_MAP_READ_BIT GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT, GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT, and GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_buffer_storage", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_buffer_storage|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
public static
void BufferStorage<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, IntPtr size, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[] data, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferStorageFlags flags)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Creates and initializes a buffer object's immutable data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the intended usage of the buffer's data store. Must be a bitwise combination of the following flags. GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT, GL_MAP_READ_BIT GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT, GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT, and GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_buffer_storage", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_buffer_storage|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
public static
void BufferStorage<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, IntPtr size, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,] data, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferStorageFlags flags)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Creates and initializes a buffer object's immutable data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the intended usage of the buffer's data store. Must be a bitwise combination of the following flags. GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT, GL_MAP_READ_BIT GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT, GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT, and GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_buffer_storage", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_buffer_storage|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
public static
void BufferStorage<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, IntPtr size, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,,] data, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferStorageFlags flags)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Creates and initializes a buffer object's immutable data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the intended usage of the buffer's data store. Must be a bitwise combination of the following flags. GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT, GL_MAP_READ_BIT GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT, GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT, and GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_buffer_storage", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_buffer_storage|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
public static
void BufferStorage<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, IntPtr size, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T2 data, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferStorageFlags flags)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Check the completeness status of a framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specify the target of the framebuffer completeness check.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glCheckFramebufferStatus")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glCheckFramebufferStatus")]
public static
OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferErrorCode CheckFramebufferStatus(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill a buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
public static
void ClearBufferData(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, IntPtr data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill a buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
public static
void ClearBufferData<T4>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill a buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
public static
void ClearBufferData<T4>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill a buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
public static
void ClearBufferData<T4>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill a buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
public static
void ClearBufferData<T4>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill all or part of buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
public static
void ClearBufferSubData(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, IntPtr data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill all or part of buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
public static
void ClearBufferSubData<T6>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T6[] data)
where T6 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill all or part of buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
public static
void ClearBufferSubData<T6>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T6[,] data)
where T6 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill all or part of buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
public static
void ClearBufferSubData<T6>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T6[,,] data)
where T6 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill all or part of buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
public static
void ClearBufferSubData<T6>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T6 data)
where T6 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the clear value for the depth buffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="depth">
/// Specifies the depth value used when the depth buffer is cleared. The initial value is 1.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glClearDepthf")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearDepthf")]
public static
void ClearDepth(Single d)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage(Int32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, IntPtr data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, IntPtr data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage(Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, IntPtr data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T10[] data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T10[,] data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T10[,,] data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T10 data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, IntPtr data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T10[] data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T10[,] data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T10[,,] data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T10 data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Block and wait for a sync object to become signaled
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// The timeout, specified in nanoseconds, for which the implementation should wait for sync to become signaled.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glClientWaitSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClientWaitSync")]
public static
OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.WaitSyncStatus ClientWaitSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.WaitSyncFlags flags, Int64 timeout)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Block and wait for a sync object to become signaled
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glClientWaitSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClientWaitSync")]
public static
OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.WaitSyncStatus ClientWaitSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.WaitSyncFlags flags, UInt64 timeout)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP3ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP3ui")]
public static
void ColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP3ui")]
public static
void ColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP4ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP4ui")]
public static
void ColorP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP4ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP4ui")]
public static
void ColorP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ColorP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ColorP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Copy part of the data store of a buffer object to the data store of another buffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="readtarget">
/// Specifies the size, in basic machine units, of the data to be copied from readtarget to writetarget.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_copy_buffer", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glCopyBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_copy_buffer|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glCopyBufferSubData")]
public static
void CopyBufferSubData(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget readTarget, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget writeTarget, IntPtr readOffset, IntPtr writeOffset, IntPtr size)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Perform a raw data copy between two images
/// </summary>
/// <param name="srcName">
/// The depth of the region to be copied.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_copy_image", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glCopyImageSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_copy_image|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glCopyImageSubData")]
public static
void CopyImageSubData(Int32 srcName, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ImageTarget srcTarget, Int32 srcLevel, Int32 srcX, Int32 srcY, Int32 srcZ, Int32 dstName, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ImageTarget dstTarget, Int32 dstLevel, Int32 dstX, Int32 dstY, Int32 dstZ, Int32 srcWidth, Int32 srcHeight, Int32 srcDepth)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Perform a raw data copy between two images
/// </summary>
/// <param name="srcName">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_copy_image", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glCopyImageSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_copy_image|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glCopyImageSubData")]
public static
void CopyImageSubData(UInt32 srcName, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ImageTarget srcTarget, Int32 srcLevel, Int32 srcX, Int32 srcY, Int32 srcZ, UInt32 dstName, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ImageTarget dstTarget, Int32 dstLevel, Int32 dstX, Int32 dstY, Int32 dstZ, Int32 srcWidth, Int32 srcHeight, Int32 srcDepth)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Create a stand-alone program from an array of null-terminated source code strings
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">
/// Specifies the address of an array of pointers to source code strings from which to create the program object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glCreateShaderProgramv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glCreateShaderProgramv")]
public static
Int32 CreateShaderProgram(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType type, Int32 count, String[] strings)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify a callback to receive debugging messages from the GL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">
/// A user supplied pointer that will be passed on each invocation of callback.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
public static
void DebugMessageCallback(DebugProc callback, IntPtr userParam)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify a callback to receive debugging messages from the GL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">
/// A user supplied pointer that will be passed on each invocation of callback.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
public static
void DebugMessageCallback<T1>(DebugProc callback, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[] userParam)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify a callback to receive debugging messages from the GL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">
/// A user supplied pointer that will be passed on each invocation of callback.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
public static
void DebugMessageCallback<T1>(DebugProc callback, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,] userParam)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify a callback to receive debugging messages from the GL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">
/// A user supplied pointer that will be passed on each invocation of callback.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
public static
void DebugMessageCallback<T1>(DebugProc callback, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,,] userParam)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify a callback to receive debugging messages from the GL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">
/// A user supplied pointer that will be passed on each invocation of callback.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
public static
void DebugMessageCallback<T1>(DebugProc callback, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T1 userParam)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Control the reporting of debug messages in a debug context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// A Boolean flag determining whether the selected messages should be enabled or disabled.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
public static
void DebugMessageControl(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, Int32[] ids, bool enabled)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Control the reporting of debug messages in a debug context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// A Boolean flag determining whether the selected messages should be enabled or disabled.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
public static
void DebugMessageControl(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, ref Int32 ids, bool enabled)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Control the reporting of debug messages in a debug context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
public static
unsafe void DebugMessageControl(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, Int32* ids, bool enabled)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Control the reporting of debug messages in a debug context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
public static
void DebugMessageControl(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, UInt32[] ids, bool enabled)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Control the reporting of debug messages in a debug context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
public static
void DebugMessageControl(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, ref UInt32 ids, bool enabled)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Control the reporting of debug messages in a debug context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
public static
unsafe void DebugMessageControl(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, UInt32* ids, bool enabled)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Inject an application-supplied message into the debug message queue
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// The address of a character array containing the message to insert.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageInsert")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageInsert")]
public static
void DebugMessageInsert(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSourceExternal source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugType type, Int32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSeverity severity, Int32 length, String buf)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Inject an application-supplied message into the debug message queue
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageInsert")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageInsert")]
public static
void DebugMessageInsert(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSourceExternal source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugType type, UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSeverity severity, Int32 length, String buf)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete framebuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// A pointer to an array containing n framebuffer objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
public static
void DeleteFramebuffers(Int32 n, Int32[] framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete framebuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// A pointer to an array containing n framebuffer objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
public static
void DeleteFramebuffers(Int32 n, ref Int32 framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete framebuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteFramebuffers(Int32 n, Int32* framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete framebuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
public static
void DeleteFramebuffers(Int32 n, UInt32[] framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete framebuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
public static
void DeleteFramebuffers(Int32 n, ref UInt32 framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete framebuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteFramebuffers(Int32 n, UInt32* framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete program pipeline objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of names of program pipeline objects to delete.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
public static
void DeleteProgramPipelines(Int32 n, Int32[] pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete program pipeline objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of names of program pipeline objects to delete.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
public static
void DeleteProgramPipelines(Int32 n, ref Int32 pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete program pipeline objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteProgramPipelines(Int32 n, Int32* pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete program pipeline objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
public static
void DeleteProgramPipelines(Int32 n, UInt32[] pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete program pipeline objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
public static
void DeleteProgramPipelines(Int32 n, ref UInt32 pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete program pipeline objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteProgramPipelines(Int32 n, UInt32* pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete renderbuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// A pointer to an array containing n renderbuffer objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
public static
void DeleteRenderbuffers(Int32 n, Int32[] renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete renderbuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// A pointer to an array containing n renderbuffer objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
public static
void DeleteRenderbuffers(Int32 n, ref Int32 renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete renderbuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteRenderbuffers(Int32 n, Int32* renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete renderbuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
public static
void DeleteRenderbuffers(Int32 n, UInt32[] renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete renderbuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
public static
void DeleteRenderbuffers(Int32 n, ref UInt32 renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete renderbuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteRenderbuffers(Int32 n, UInt32* renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete named sampler objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of sampler objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
public static
void DeleteSamplers(Int32 count, Int32[] samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete named sampler objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of sampler objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
public static
void DeleteSamplers(Int32 count, ref Int32 samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete named sampler objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteSamplers(Int32 count, Int32* samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete named sampler objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
public static
void DeleteSamplers(Int32 count, UInt32[] samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete named sampler objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
public static
void DeleteSamplers(Int32 count, ref UInt32 samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete named sampler objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteSamplers(Int32 count, UInt32* samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete a sync object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// The sync object to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSync")]
public static
void DeleteSync(IntPtr sync)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete transform feedback objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of names of transform feedback objects to delete.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void DeleteTransformFeedback(Int32 n, Int32[] ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete transform feedback objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of names of transform feedback objects to delete.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void DeleteTransformFeedback(Int32 n, ref Int32 ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete transform feedback objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteTransformFeedback(Int32 n, Int32* ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete transform feedback objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void DeleteTransformFeedback(Int32 n, UInt32[] ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete transform feedback objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void DeleteTransformFeedback(Int32 n, ref UInt32 ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete transform feedback objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteTransformFeedback(Int32 n, UInt32* ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete vertex array objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the n names of the objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
public static
void DeleteVertexArrays(Int32 n, Int32[] arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete vertex array objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the n names of the objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
public static
void DeleteVertexArrays(Int32 n, ref Int32 arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete vertex array objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteVertexArrays(Int32 n, Int32* arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete vertex array objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
public static
void DeleteVertexArrays(Int32 n, UInt32[] arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete vertex array objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
public static
void DeleteVertexArrays(Int32 n, ref UInt32 arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete vertex array objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteVertexArrays(Int32 n, UInt32* arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified set of viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the near and far values for the depth range of each modified viewport.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
public static
void DepthRangeArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified set of viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the near and far values for the depth range of each modified viewport.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
public static
void DepthRangeArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified set of viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
public static
unsafe void DepthRangeArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified set of viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
public static
void DepthRangeArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified set of viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
public static
void DepthRangeArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified set of viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
public static
unsafe void DepthRangeArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nearVal">
/// Specifies the mapping of the far clipping plane to window coordinates. The initial value is 1.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangef")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangef")]
public static
void DepthRange(Single n, Single f)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// Specifies the mapping of the far clipping plane to window coordinates. The initial value is 1.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeIndexed")]
public static
void DepthRangeIndexed(Int32 index, Double n, Double f)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeIndexed")]
public static
void DepthRangeIndexed(UInt32 index, Double n, Double f)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Launch one or more compute work groups
/// </summary>
/// <param name="num_groups_x">
/// The number of work groups to be launched in the Z dimension.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_compute_shader", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDispatchCompute")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_compute_shader|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDispatchCompute")]
public static
void DispatchCompute(Int32 num_groups_x, Int32 num_groups_y, Int32 num_groups_z)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Launch one or more compute work groups
/// </summary>
/// <param name="num_groups_x">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_compute_shader", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDispatchCompute")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_compute_shader|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDispatchCompute")]
public static
void DispatchCompute(UInt32 num_groups_x, UInt32 num_groups_y, UInt32 num_groups_z)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Launch one or more compute work groups using parameters stored in a buffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="indirect">
/// The offset into the buffer object currently bound to the GL_DISPATCH_INDIRECT_BUFFER buffer target at which the dispatch parameters are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_compute_shader", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDispatchComputeIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_compute_shader|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDispatchComputeIndirect")]
public static
void DispatchComputeIndirect(IntPtr indirect)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void DrawArraysIndirect(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, IntPtr indirect)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void DrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[] indirect)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void DrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,] indirect)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void DrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,,] indirect)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void DrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T1 indirect)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a range of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a range of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 basevertex)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void DrawElementsIndirect(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, IntPtr indirect)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void DrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[] indirect)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void DrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,] indirect)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void DrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,,] indirect)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void DrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T2 indirect)
where T2 : struct
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstanced")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstanced(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount)
+ void DrawElementsInstanced(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)instancecount);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)instancecount);
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstanced")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstanced<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount)
+ void DrawElementsInstanced<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount)
where T3 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount);
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstanced")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstanced<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount)
+ void DrawElementsInstanced<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount)
where T3 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount);
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstanced")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstanced<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount)
+ void DrawElementsInstanced<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount)
where T3 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount);
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstanced")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstanced<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount)
+ void DrawElementsInstanced<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount)
where T3 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount);
indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
- /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// Specifies the number of instances of the specified range of indices to be rendered.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="baseinstance">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstanced")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstanced(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)instancecount);
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
- /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// Specifies the number of instances of the specified range of indices to be rendered.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="baseinstance">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstanced")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstanced<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount)
+ where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
- /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// Specifies the number of instances of the specified range of indices to be rendered.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="baseinstance">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstanced")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstanced<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount)
where T3 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount);
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
- /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// Specifies the number of instances of the specified range of indices to be rendered.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="baseinstance">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstanced")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstanced<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount)
where T3 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount);
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
- /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// Specifies the number of instances of the specified range of indices to be rendered.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="baseinstance">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstanced")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstanced<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount)
where T3 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstanced((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount);
+ indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
- where T3 : struct
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
- where T3 : struct
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
- indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
- indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="count">
/// </param>
/// <param name="primcount">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn.
+ /// Specifies the number of instances of the specified range of indices to be rendered.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <param name="baseinstance">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
+ /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
+ where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex);
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="count">
/// </param>
/// <param name="primcount">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn.
+ /// Specifies the number of instances of the specified range of indices to be rendered.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <param name="baseinstance">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
+ /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="count">
/// </param>
/// <param name="primcount">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn.
+ /// Specifies the number of instances of the specified range of indices to be rendered.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <param name="baseinstance">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
+ /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="count">
/// </param>
/// <param name="primcount">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn.
+ /// Specifies the number of instances of the specified range of indices to be rendered.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <param name="baseinstance">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
+ /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="count">
/// </param>
/// <param name="primcount">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn.
+ /// Specifies the number of instances of the specified range of indices to be rendered.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <param name="baseinstance">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
+ /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (UInt32)baseinstance);
indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="baseinstance">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex);
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="baseinstance">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
+ where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="baseinstance">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex);
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="baseinstance">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex);
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="baseinstance">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex);
+ indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
- where T3 : struct
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ #if DEBUG
- finally
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="primcount">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="baseinstance">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ public static
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
+ #endif
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex, (UInt32)baseinstance);
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex, (UInt32)baseinstance);
- indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex, (UInt32)baseinstance);
- indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.0][deprecated: v3.2]
- /// Write a block of pixels to the frame buffer
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
- /// <param name="width">
+ /// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
- /// Specify the dimensions of the pixel rectangle to be written into the frame buffer.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="format">
+ /// <param name="count">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. Symbolic constants GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_RGB, GL_BGR, GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_RED, GL_GREEN, GL_BLUE, GL_ALPHA, GL_LUMINANCE, and GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA are accepted.
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="type">
/// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="data">
+ /// <param name="indices">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the pixel data.
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_0", Version = "1.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawPixels")]
+ /// <param name="primcount">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="baseinstance">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawPixels(Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, IntPtr pixels)
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
+ where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- Delegates.glDrawPixels((Int32)width, (Int32)height, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat)format, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType)type, (IntPtr)pixels);
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.0][deprecated: v3.2]
- /// Write a block of pixels to the frame buffer
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
- /// <param name="width">
+ /// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
- /// Specify the dimensions of the pixel rectangle to be written into the frame buffer.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="format">
+ /// <param name="count">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. Symbolic constants GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_RGB, GL_BGR, GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_RED, GL_GREEN, GL_BLUE, GL_ALPHA, GL_LUMINANCE, and GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA are accepted.
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="type">
/// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="data">
+ /// <param name="indices">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the pixel data.
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_0", Version = "1.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawPixels")]
+ /// <param name="primcount">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="baseinstance">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawPixels<T4>(Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] pixels)
- where T4 : struct
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
+ where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- GCHandle pixels_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(pixels, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawPixels((Int32)width, (Int32)height, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat)format, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType)type, (IntPtr)pixels_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex, (UInt32)baseinstance);
- pixels_ptr.Free();
+ indices_ptr.Free();
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.0][deprecated: v3.2]
- /// Write a block of pixels to the frame buffer
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
- /// <param name="width">
+ /// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
- /// Specify the dimensions of the pixel rectangle to be written into the frame buffer.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="format">
+ /// <param name="count">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. Symbolic constants GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_RGB, GL_BGR, GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_RED, GL_GREEN, GL_BLUE, GL_ALPHA, GL_LUMINANCE, and GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA are accepted.
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="type">
/// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="data">
+ /// <param name="indices">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the pixel data.
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_0", Version = "1.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawPixels")]
+ /// <param name="primcount">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="baseinstance">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawPixels<T4>(Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] pixels)
- where T4 : struct
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
+ where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- GCHandle pixels_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(pixels, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawPixels((Int32)width, (Int32)height, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat)format, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType)type, (IntPtr)pixels_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- pixels_ptr.Free();
+ indices_ptr.Free();
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.0][deprecated: v3.2]
- /// Write a block of pixels to the frame buffer
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
- /// <param name="width">
+ /// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
- /// Specify the dimensions of the pixel rectangle to be written into the frame buffer.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="format">
+ /// <param name="count">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. Symbolic constants GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_RGB, GL_BGR, GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_RED, GL_GREEN, GL_BLUE, GL_ALPHA, GL_LUMINANCE, and GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA are accepted.
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="type">
/// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- /// <param name="data">
+ /// <param name="indices">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the pixel data.
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_0", Version = "1.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawPixels")]
+ /// <param name="primcount">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of instances of the indexed geometry that should be drawn.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="baseinstance">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
- void DrawPixels<T4>(Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] pixels)
- where T4 : struct
+ void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
+ where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- GCHandle pixels_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(pixels, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawPixels((Int32)width, (Int32)height, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat)format, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType)type, (IntPtr)pixels_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ Delegates.glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)instancecount, (Int32)basevertex, (UInt32)baseinstance);
+ indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- pixels_ptr.Free();
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: v1.0][deprecated: v3.2]
+ /// Write a block of pixels to the frame buffer
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="width">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specify the dimensions of the pixel rectangle to be written into the frame buffer.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="format">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. Symbolic constants GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_RGB, GL_BGR, GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_RED, GL_GREEN, GL_BLUE, GL_ALPHA, GL_LUMINANCE, and GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA are accepted.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="data">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the pixel data.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_0", Version = "1.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawPixels")]
+ public static
+ void DrawPixels(Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, IntPtr pixels)
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ Delegates.glDrawPixels((Int32)width, (Int32)height, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat)format, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType)type, (IntPtr)pixels);
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: v1.0][deprecated: v3.2]
+ /// Write a block of pixels to the frame buffer
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="width">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specify the dimensions of the pixel rectangle to be written into the frame buffer.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="format">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. Symbolic constants GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_RGB, GL_BGR, GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_RED, GL_GREEN, GL_BLUE, GL_ALPHA, GL_LUMINANCE, and GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA are accepted.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="data">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the pixel data.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_0", Version = "1.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawPixels")]
+ public static
+ void DrawPixels<T4>(Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] pixels)
+ where T4 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ GCHandle pixels_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(pixels, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawPixels((Int32)width, (Int32)height, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat)format, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType)type, (IntPtr)pixels_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ pixels_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: v1.0][deprecated: v3.2]
+ /// Write a block of pixels to the frame buffer
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="width">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specify the dimensions of the pixel rectangle to be written into the frame buffer.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="format">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. Symbolic constants GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_RGB, GL_BGR, GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_RED, GL_GREEN, GL_BLUE, GL_ALPHA, GL_LUMINANCE, and GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA are accepted.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="data">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the pixel data.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_0", Version = "1.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawPixels")]
+ public static
+ void DrawPixels<T4>(Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] pixels)
+ where T4 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ GCHandle pixels_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(pixels, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawPixels((Int32)width, (Int32)height, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat)format, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType)type, (IntPtr)pixels_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ pixels_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: v1.0][deprecated: v3.2]
+ /// Write a block of pixels to the frame buffer
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="width">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specify the dimensions of the pixel rectangle to be written into the frame buffer.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="format">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. Symbolic constants GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_RGB, GL_BGR, GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_RED, GL_GREEN, GL_BLUE, GL_ALPHA, GL_LUMINANCE, and GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA are accepted.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="data">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the pixel data.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_0", Version = "1.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawPixels")]
+ public static
+ void DrawPixels<T4>(Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] pixels)
+ where T4 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ GCHandle pixels_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(pixels, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawPixels((Int32)width, (Int32)height, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat)format, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelType)type, (IntPtr)pixels_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ pixels_ptr.Free();
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 basevertex)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,,] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T5 indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 basevertex)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,,] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T5 indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v4.0 and ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0]
/// Render primitives using a count derived from a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the name of a transform feedback object from which to retrieve a primitive count.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedback")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedback(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v4.0 and ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0]
/// Render primitives using a count derived from a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedback")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedback(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of primitives using a count derived from a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the number of instances of the geometry to render.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_transform_feedback_instanced", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback_instanced|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 id, Int32 instancecount)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of primitives using a count derived from a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_transform_feedback_instanced", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback_instanced|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 id, Int32 instancecount)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v4.0 and ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0]
/// Render primitives using a count derived from a specifed stream of a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the index of the transform feedback stream from which to retrieve a primitive count.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStream")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStream")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedbackStream(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 id, Int32 stream)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v4.0 and ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0]
/// Render primitives using a count derived from a specifed stream of a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStream")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStream")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedbackStream(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 id, UInt32 stream)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of primitives using a count derived from a specifed stream of a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the number of instances of the geometry to render.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_transform_feedback_instanced", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback_instanced|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 id, Int32 stream, Int32 instancecount)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of primitives using a count derived from a specifed stream of a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_transform_feedback_instanced", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback_instanced|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 id, UInt32 stream, Int32 instancecount)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glEndQueryIndexed")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glEndQueryIndexed")]
public static
void EndQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.QueryTarget target, Int32 index)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glEndQueryIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glEndQueryIndexed")]
public static
void EndQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.QueryTarget target, UInt32 index)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Create a new sync object and insert it into the GL command stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="condition">
/// Specifies a bitwise combination of flags controlling the behavior of the sync object. No flags are presently defined for this operation and flags must be zero. flags is a placeholder for anticipated future extensions of fence sync object capabilities.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glFenceSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFenceSync")]
public static
IntPtr FenceSync(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SyncCondition condition, Int32 flags)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Create a new sync object and insert it into the GL command stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="condition">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glFenceSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFenceSync")]
public static
IntPtr FenceSync(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SyncCondition condition, UInt32 flags)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Indicate modifications to a range of a mapped buffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the length of the buffer subrange, in basic machine units.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_map_buffer_range", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFlushMappedBufferRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_map_buffer_range|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFlushMappedBufferRange")]
public static
void FlushMappedBufferRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a named parameter of a framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The new value for the parameter named pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferParameteri")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferParameteri")]
public static
void FramebufferParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferDefaultParameter pname, Int32 param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Attach a renderbuffer as a logical buffer to the currently bound framebuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the name of an existing renderbuffer object of type renderbuffertarget to attach.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferRenderbuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferRenderbuffer")]
public static
void FramebufferRenderbuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.RenderbufferTarget renderbuffertarget, Int32 renderbuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Attach a renderbuffer as a logical buffer to the currently bound framebuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferRenderbuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferRenderbuffer")]
public static
void FramebufferRenderbuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.RenderbufferTarget renderbuffertarget, UInt32 renderbuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture1D")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture1D")]
public static
void FramebufferTexture1D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTarget textarget, Int32 texture, Int32 level)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture1D")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture1D")]
public static
void FramebufferTexture1D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTarget textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture2D")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture2D")]
public static
void FramebufferTexture2D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTarget textarget, Int32 texture, Int32 level)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture2D")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture2D")]
public static
void FramebufferTexture2D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTarget textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture3D")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture3D")]
public static
void FramebufferTexture3D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTarget textarget, Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 zoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture3D")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture3D")]
public static
void FramebufferTexture3D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTarget textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 zoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Attach a single layer of a texture to a framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the layer of texture to attach.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTextureLayer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTextureLayer")]
public static
void FramebufferTextureLayer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachment, Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 layer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Attach a single layer of a texture to a framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTextureLayer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTextureLayer")]
public static
void FramebufferTextureLayer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachment, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 layer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate mipmaps for a specified texture target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the target to which the texture whose mimaps to generate is bound. target must be GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY or GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenerateMipmap")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenerateMipmap")]
public static
void GenerateMipmap(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GenerateMipmapTarget target)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate framebuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated framebuffer object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
public static
void GenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32[] framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate framebuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated framebuffer object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
public static
void GenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out Int32 framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate framebuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
public static
unsafe void GenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32* framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate framebuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
public static
void GenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate framebuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
public static
void GenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate framebuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
public static
unsafe void GenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve program pipeline object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of into which the reserved names will be written.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
public static
void GenProgramPipelines(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32[] pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve program pipeline object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of into which the reserved names will be written.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
public static
void GenProgramPipelines(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out Int32 pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve program pipeline object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
public static
unsafe void GenProgramPipelines(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32* pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve program pipeline object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
public static
void GenProgramPipelines(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve program pipeline object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
public static
void GenProgramPipelines(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve program pipeline object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
public static
unsafe void GenProgramPipelines(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate renderbuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated renderbuffer object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
public static
void GenRenderbuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32[] renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate renderbuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated renderbuffer object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
public static
void GenRenderbuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out Int32 renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate renderbuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
public static
unsafe void GenRenderbuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32* renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate renderbuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
public static
void GenRenderbuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate renderbuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
public static
void GenRenderbuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate renderbuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
public static
unsafe void GenRenderbuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate sampler object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated sampler object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
public static
void GenSamplers(Int32 count, [OutAttribute] Int32[] samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate sampler object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated sampler object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
public static
void GenSamplers(Int32 count, [OutAttribute] out Int32 samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate sampler object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
public static
unsafe void GenSamplers(Int32 count, [OutAttribute] Int32* samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate sampler object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
public static
void GenSamplers(Int32 count, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate sampler object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
public static
void GenSamplers(Int32 count, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate sampler object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
public static
unsafe void GenSamplers(Int32 count, [OutAttribute] UInt32* samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve transform feedback object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of into which the reserved names will be written.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void GenTransformFeedback(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32[] ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve transform feedback object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of into which the reserved names will be written.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void GenTransformFeedback(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out Int32 ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve transform feedback object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
unsafe void GenTransformFeedback(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32* ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve transform feedback object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void GenTransformFeedback(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve transform feedback object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void GenTransformFeedback(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve transform feedback object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
unsafe void GenTransformFeedback(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate vertex array object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated vertex array object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
public static
void GenVertexArrays(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32[] arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate vertex array object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated vertex array object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
public static
void GenVertexArrays(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out Int32 arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate vertex array object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
public static
unsafe void GenVertexArrays(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32* arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate vertex array object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
public static
void GenVertexArrays(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate vertex array object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
public static
void GenVertexArrays(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate vertex array object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
public static
unsafe void GenVertexArrays(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about the set of active atomic counter buffers for a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a variable into which to write the retrieved information.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_atomic_counters", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_atomic_counters|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
public static
void GetActiveAtomicCounterBuffer(Int32 program, Int32 bufferIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.AtomicCounterBufferParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about the set of active atomic counter buffers for a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a variable into which to write the retrieved information.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_atomic_counters", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_atomic_counters|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
public static
void GetActiveAtomicCounterBuffer(Int32 program, Int32 bufferIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.AtomicCounterBufferParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about the set of active atomic counter buffers for a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_atomic_counters", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_atomic_counters|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveAtomicCounterBuffer(Int32 program, Int32 bufferIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.AtomicCounterBufferParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about the set of active atomic counter buffers for a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_atomic_counters", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_atomic_counters|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
public static
void GetActiveAtomicCounterBuffer(UInt32 program, UInt32 bufferIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.AtomicCounterBufferParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about the set of active atomic counter buffers for a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_atomic_counters", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_atomic_counters|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
public static
void GetActiveAtomicCounterBuffer(UInt32 program, UInt32 bufferIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.AtomicCounterBufferParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about the set of active atomic counter buffers for a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_atomic_counters", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_atomic_counters|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveAtomicCounterBuffer(UInt32 program, UInt32 bufferIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.AtomicCounterBufferParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of an array into which the name of the shader subroutine uniform will be written.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineName(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveSubroutineName(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineName(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, UInt32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveSubroutineName(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, UInt32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a into which the queried value or values will be placed.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineUniform(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveSubroutineUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a into which the queried value or values will be placed.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineUniform(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveSubroutineUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveSubroutineUniform(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveSubroutineUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineUniform(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveSubroutineUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineUniform(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveSubroutineUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveSubroutineUniform(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveSubroutineUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a buffer that will receive the name of the specified shader subroutine uniform.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineUniformName(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveSubroutineUniformName(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineUniformName(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, UInt32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveSubroutineUniformName(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, UInt32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query information about an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a variable to receive the result of the query.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformBlock(Int32 program, Int32 uniformBlockIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveUniformBlockParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query information about an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a variable to receive the result of the query.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformBlock(Int32 program, Int32 uniformBlockIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveUniformBlockParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query information about an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniformBlock(Int32 program, Int32 uniformBlockIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveUniformBlockParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query information about an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformBlock(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveUniformBlockParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query information about an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformBlock(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveUniformBlockParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query information about an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniformBlock(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveUniformBlockParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the name of an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address an array of characters to receive the name of the uniform block at uniformBlockIndex.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformBlockName(Int32 program, Int32 uniformBlockIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformBlockName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the name of an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniformBlockName(Int32 program, Int32 uniformBlockIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformBlockName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the name of an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformBlockName(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformBlockName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the name of an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniformBlockName(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformBlockName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a buffer into which the GL will place the name of the active uniform at uniformIndex within program.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformName(Int32 program, Int32 uniformIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniformName(Int32 program, Int32 uniformIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformName(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniformName(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns information about several active uniform variables for the specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of an array of uniformCount integers which are to receive the value of pname for each uniform in uniformIndices.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniforms(Int32 program, Int32 uniformCount, Int32[] uniformIndices, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns information about several active uniform variables for the specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of an array of uniformCount integers which are to receive the value of pname for each uniform in uniformIndices.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniforms(Int32 program, Int32 uniformCount, ref Int32 uniformIndices, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns information about several active uniform variables for the specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniforms(Int32 program, Int32 uniformCount, Int32* uniformIndices, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns information about several active uniform variables for the specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniforms(UInt32 program, Int32 uniformCount, UInt32[] uniformIndices, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns information about several active uniform variables for the specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniforms(UInt32 program, Int32 uniformCount, ref UInt32 uniformIndices, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns information about several active uniform variables for the specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniforms(UInt32 program, Int32 uniformCount, UInt32* uniformIndices, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ActiveUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve messages from the debug message log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// The address of an array of characters that will receive the messages.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
public static
Int32 GetDebugMessageLog(Int32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All[] sources, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All[] types, [OutAttribute] Int32[] ids, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All[] severities, [OutAttribute] Int32[] lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve messages from the debug message log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// The address of an array of characters that will receive the messages.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
public static
Int32 GetDebugMessageLog(Int32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All sources, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All types, [OutAttribute] out Int32 ids, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All severities, [OutAttribute] out Int32 lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve messages from the debug message log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
public static
unsafe Int32 GetDebugMessageLog(Int32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All* sources, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All* types, [OutAttribute] Int32* ids, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All* severities, [OutAttribute] Int32* lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve messages from the debug message log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
public static
Int32 GetDebugMessageLog(UInt32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All[] sources, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All[] types, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] ids, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All[] severities, [OutAttribute] Int32[] lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve messages from the debug message log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
public static
Int32 GetDebugMessageLog(UInt32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All sources, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All types, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 ids, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All severities, [OutAttribute] out Int32 lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve messages from the debug message log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
public static
unsafe Int32 GetDebugMessageLog(UInt32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All* sources, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All* types, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All* severities, [OutAttribute] Int32* lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
public static
void GetDouble(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetIndexedPName target, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] Double[] data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
public static
void GetDouble(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetIndexedPName target, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] out Double data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
public static
unsafe void GetDouble(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetIndexedPName target, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] Double* data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
public static
void GetDouble(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Double[] data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
public static
void GetDouble(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] out Double data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
public static
unsafe void GetDouble(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Double* data)
return Delegates.glGetError();
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
public static
void GetFloat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetIndexedPName target, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] Single[] data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
public static
void GetFloat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetIndexedPName target, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] out Single data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
public static
unsafe void GetFloat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetIndexedPName target, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] Single* data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
public static
void GetFloat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Single[] data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
public static
void GetFloat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] out Single data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
public static
unsafe void GetFloat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Single* data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the bindings of color indices to user-defined varying out variables
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The name of the user-defined varying out variable whose index to query
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_blend_func_extended", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetFragDataIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_blend_func_extended|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFragDataIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetFragDataIndex(Int32 program, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the bindings of color indices to user-defined varying out variables
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_blend_func_extended", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetFragDataIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_blend_func_extended|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFragDataIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetFragDataIndex(UInt32 program, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about attachments of a bound framebuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the address of a variable receive the value of pname for attachment.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv")]
public static
void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about attachments of a bound framebuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the address of a variable receive the value of pname for attachment.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv")]
public static
void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about attachments of a bound framebuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv")]
public static
unsafe void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve a named parameter from a framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a variable to receive the value of the parameter named pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferParameteriv")]
public static
void GetFramebufferParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferDefaultParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve a named parameter from a framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a variable to receive the value of the parameter named pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferParameteriv")]
public static
void GetFramebufferParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferDefaultParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve a named parameter from a framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferParameteriv")]
public static
unsafe void GetFramebufferParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferDefaultParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetInteger64v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInteger64v")]
public static
void GetInteger64(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int64[] data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetInteger64v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInteger64v")]
public static
void GetInteger64(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, [OutAttribute] out Int64 data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetInteger64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInteger64v")]
public static
unsafe void GetInteger64(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_internalformat_query2", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformati64v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_internalformat_query2|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformati64v")]
public static
void GetInternalformat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ImageTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.InternalFormatParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int64[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_internalformat_query2", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformati64v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_internalformat_query2|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformati64v")]
public static
void GetInternalformat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ImageTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.InternalFormatParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int64 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_internalformat_query2", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformati64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_internalformat_query2|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformati64v")]
public static
unsafe void GetInternalformat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ImageTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.InternalFormatParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about implementation-dependent support for internal formats
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the address of a variable into which to write the retrieved information.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_internalformat_query", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformativ")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_internalformat_query|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformativ")]
public static
void GetInternalformat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ImageTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.InternalFormatParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about implementation-dependent support for internal formats
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the address of a variable into which to write the retrieved information.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_internalformat_query", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformativ")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_internalformat_query|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformativ")]
public static
void GetInternalformat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ImageTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.InternalFormatParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about implementation-dependent support for internal formats
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_internalformat_query", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformativ")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_internalformat_query|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformativ")]
public static
unsafe void GetInternalformat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ImageTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.InternalFormatParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a sample
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Specifies the address of an array to receive the position of the sample.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
public static
void GetMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetMultisamplePName pname, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] Single[] val)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a sample
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Specifies the address of an array to receive the position of the sample.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
public static
void GetMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetMultisamplePName pname, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] out Single val)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a sample
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
public static
unsafe void GetMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetMultisamplePName pname, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] Single* val)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a sample
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
public static
void GetMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetMultisamplePName pname, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Single[] val)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a sample
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
public static
void GetMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetMultisamplePName pname, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] out Single val)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a sample
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
public static
unsafe void GetMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetMultisamplePName pname, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Single* val)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, Int32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, Int32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
public static
unsafe void GetObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, Int32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
public static
unsafe void GetObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
unsafe void GetObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
unsafe void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
unsafe void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,,] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,,] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
unsafe void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,,] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T0 ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T0 ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
unsafe void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T0 ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.1][deprecated: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return the address of the specified pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Returns the pointer value specified by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_1|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "1.1", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_1_1|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
public static
void GetPointer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetPointervPName pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.1][deprecated: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return the address of the specified pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Returns the pointer value specified by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_1|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "1.1", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_1_1|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
public static
void GetPointer<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetPointervPName pname, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[] @params)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.1][deprecated: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return the address of the specified pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Returns the pointer value specified by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_1|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "1.1", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_1_1|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
public static
void GetPointer<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetPointervPName pname, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,] @params)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.1][deprecated: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return the address of the specified pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Returns the pointer value specified by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_1|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "1.1", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_1_1|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
public static
void GetPointer<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetPointervPName pname, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,,] @params)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.1][deprecated: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return the address of the specified pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Returns the pointer value specified by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_1|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "1.1", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_1_1|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
public static
void GetPointer<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetPointervPName pname, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T1 @params)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address an array into which the GL will return program's binary representation.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [OutAttribute] IntPtr binary)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address an array into which the GL will return program's binary representation.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address an array into which the GL will return program's binary representation.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address an array into which the GL will return program's binary representation.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address an array into which the GL will return program's binary representation.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [OutAttribute] IntPtr binary)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [OutAttribute] IntPtr binary)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [OutAttribute] IntPtr binary)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an interface in a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The address of a variable to retrieve the value of pname for the program interface.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramInterface(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterfaceParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an interface in a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The address of a variable to retrieve the value of pname for the program interface.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramInterface(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterfaceParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an interface in a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramInterface(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterfaceParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an interface in a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramInterface(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterfaceParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an interface in a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramInterface(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterfaceParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an interface in a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramInterface(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterfaceParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the info log string from a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies the address of an array of characters into which will be written the info log for pipeline.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
public static
void GetProgramPipelineInfoLog(Int32 pipeline, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the info log string from a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramPipelineInfoLog(Int32 pipeline, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the info log string from a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
public static
void GetProgramPipelineInfoLog(UInt32 pipeline, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the info log string from a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramPipelineInfoLog(UInt32 pipeline, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies the address of a variable into which will be written the value or values of pname for pipeline.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
public static
void GetProgramPipeline(Int32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramPipelineParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies the address of a variable into which will be written the value or values of pname for pipeline.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
public static
void GetProgramPipeline(Int32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramPipelineParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramPipeline(Int32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramPipelineParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
public static
void GetProgramPipeline(UInt32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramPipelineParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
public static
void GetProgramPipeline(UInt32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramPipelineParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramPipeline(UInt32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramPipelineParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the index of a named resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The name of the resource to query the index of.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetProgramResourceIndex(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the index of a named resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetProgramResourceIndex(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve values for multiple properties of a single active resource within a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// A token identifying the interface within program containing the resource named name.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramResource(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, Int32 index, Int32 propCount, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramProperty[] props, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve values for multiple properties of a single active resource within a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// A token identifying the interface within program containing the resource named name.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramResource(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, Int32 index, Int32 propCount, ref OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramProperty props, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve values for multiple properties of a single active resource within a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramResource(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, Int32 index, Int32 propCount, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramProperty* props, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve values for multiple properties of a single active resource within a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramResource(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, UInt32 index, Int32 propCount, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramProperty[] props, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve values for multiple properties of a single active resource within a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramResource(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, UInt32 index, Int32 propCount, ref OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramProperty props, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve values for multiple properties of a single active resource within a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramResource(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, UInt32 index, Int32 propCount, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramProperty* props, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the location of a named resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The name of the resource to query the location of.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocation")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocation")]
public static
Int32 GetProgramResourceLocation(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the location of a named resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocation")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocation")]
public static
Int32 GetProgramResourceLocation(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the fragment color index of a named variable within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The name of the resource to query the location of.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetProgramResourceLocationIndex(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the fragment color index of a named variable within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetProgramResourceLocationIndex(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an indexed resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The address of a character array into which will be written the name of the resource.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
public static
void GetProgramResourceName(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, Int32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an indexed resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The address of a character array into which will be written the name of the resource.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
public static
void GetProgramResourceName(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, Int32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an indexed resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramResourceName(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, Int32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an indexed resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
public static
void GetProgramResourceName(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an indexed resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
public static
void GetProgramResourceName(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an indexed resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramResourceName(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramInterface programInterface, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program object corresponding to a specified shader stage
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a variable into which the queried value or values will be placed.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
public static
void GetProgramStage(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramStageParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program object corresponding to a specified shader stage
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramStage(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramStageParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program object corresponding to a specified shader stage
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
public static
void GetProgramStage(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramStageParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program object corresponding to a specified shader stage
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramStage(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramStageParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of an indexed query object target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Returns the requested data.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
public static
void GetQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.QueryTarget target, Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of an indexed query object target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Returns the requested data.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
public static
void GetQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.QueryTarget target, Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of an indexed query object target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
public static
unsafe void GetQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.QueryTarget target, Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of an indexed query object target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
public static
void GetQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.QueryTarget target, UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of an indexed query object target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
public static
void GetQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.QueryTarget target, UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of an indexed query object target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
public static
unsafe void GetQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.QueryTarget target, UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// If a buffer is bound to the GL_QUERY_RESULT_BUFFER target, then params is treated as an offset to a location within that buffer's data store to receive the result of the query. If no buffer is bound to GL_QUERY_RESULT_BUFFER, then params is treated as an address in client memory of a variable to receive the resulting data.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
public static
void GetQueryObject(Int32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int64[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// If a buffer is bound to the GL_QUERY_RESULT_BUFFER target, then params is treated as an offset to a location within that buffer's data store to receive the result of the query. If no buffer is bound to GL_QUERY_RESULT_BUFFER, then params is treated as an address in client memory of a variable to receive the resulting data.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
public static
void GetQueryObject(Int32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] out Int64 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
public static
unsafe void GetQueryObject(Int32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
public static
void GetQueryObject(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int64[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
public static
void GetQueryObject(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] out Int64 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
public static
unsafe void GetQueryObject(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjectui64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjectui64v")]
public static
void GetQueryObject(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] UInt64[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjectui64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjectui64v")]
public static
void GetQueryObject(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] out UInt64 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjectui64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjectui64v")]
public static
unsafe void GetQueryObject(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] UInt64* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about a bound renderbuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the address of an array to receive the value of the queried parameter.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv")]
public static
void GetRenderbufferParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.RenderbufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.RenderbufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about a bound renderbuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the address of an array to receive the value of the queried parameter.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv")]
public static
void GetRenderbufferParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.RenderbufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.RenderbufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about a bound renderbuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv")]
public static
unsafe void GetRenderbufferParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.RenderbufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.RenderbufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// Returns the sampler parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Single[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// Returns the sampler parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Single @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Single[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Single @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameterI(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameterI(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSamplerParameterI(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, [OutAttribute] UInt32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// Returns the sampler parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// Returns the sampler parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the range and precision for numeric formats supported by the shader compiler
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shaderType">
/// Specifies the address of an integer into which the numeric precision of the implementation is written.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat")]
public static
void GetShaderPrecisionFormat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderPrecisionType precisiontype, [OutAttribute] Int32[] range, [OutAttribute] Int32[] precision)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the range and precision for numeric formats supported by the shader compiler
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shaderType">
/// Specifies the address of an integer into which the numeric precision of the implementation is written.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat")]
public static
void GetShaderPrecisionFormat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderPrecisionType precisiontype, [OutAttribute] out Int32 range, [OutAttribute] out Int32 precision)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the range and precision for numeric formats supported by the shader compiler
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shaderType">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat")]
public static
unsafe void GetShaderPrecisionFormat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderPrecisionType precisiontype, [OutAttribute] Int32* range, [OutAttribute] Int32* precision)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the name of the subroutine uniform whose index to query.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetSubroutineIndex(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetSubroutineIndex(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the name of the subroutine uniform whose index to query.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineUniformLocation")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineUniformLocation")]
public static
Int32 GetSubroutineUniformLocation(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineUniformLocation")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineUniformLocation")]
public static
Int32 GetSubroutineUniformLocation(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the properties of a sync object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// Specifies the address of an array to receive the values of the queried parameter.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetSynciv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSynciv")]
public static
void GetSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SyncParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] Int32[] values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the properties of a sync object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// Specifies the address of an array to receive the values of the queried parameter.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetSynciv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSynciv")]
public static
void GetSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SyncParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out Int32 values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the properties of a sync object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetSynciv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSynciv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SyncParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address an array of characters to containing the name of the uniform block whose index to retrieve.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformBlockIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformBlockIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetUniformBlockIndex(Int32 program, String uniformBlockName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformBlockIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformBlockIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetUniformBlockIndex(UInt32 program, String uniformBlockName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns the value of a uniform variable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Returns the value of the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
public static
void GetUniform(Int32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] Double[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns the value of a uniform variable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Returns the value of the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
public static
void GetUniform(Int32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] out Double @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns the value of a uniform variable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
public static
unsafe void GetUniform(Int32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] Double* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns the value of a uniform variable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
public static
void GetUniform(UInt32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] Double[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns the value of a uniform variable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
public static
void GetUniform(UInt32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] out Double @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns the value of a uniform variable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
public static
unsafe void GetUniform(UInt32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] Double* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of an array that will receive the indices of the uniforms.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
public static
void GetUniformIndices(Int32 program, Int32 uniformCount, String[] uniformNames, [OutAttribute] Int32[] uniformIndices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of an array that will receive the indices of the uniforms.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
public static
void GetUniformIndices(Int32 program, Int32 uniformCount, String[] uniformNames, [OutAttribute] out Int32 uniformIndices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
public static
unsafe void GetUniformIndices(Int32 program, Int32 uniformCount, String[] uniformNames, [OutAttribute] Int32* uniformIndices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
public static
void GetUniformIndices(UInt32 program, Int32 uniformCount, String[] uniformNames, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] uniformIndices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
public static
void GetUniformIndices(UInt32 program, Int32 uniformCount, String[] uniformNames, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 uniformIndices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
public static
unsafe void GetUniformIndices(UInt32 program, Int32 uniformCount, String[] uniformNames, [OutAttribute] UInt32* uniformIndices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the value of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage of the current program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// Specifies the address of a variable to receive the value or values of the subroutine uniform.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
public static
void GetUniformSubroutine(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the value of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage of the current program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetUniformSubroutine(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the value of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage of the current program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
public static
void GetUniformSubroutine(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the value of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage of the current program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetUniformSubroutine(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] UInt32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
public static
void GetVertexAttribL(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Double[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
public static
void GetVertexAttribL(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Double @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
public static
unsafe void GetVertexAttribL(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Double* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
public static
void GetVertexAttribL(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Double[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
public static
void GetVertexAttribL(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Double @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
public static
unsafe void GetVertexAttribL(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Double* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content of a buffer object's data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffer">
/// The name of a buffer object whose data store to invalidate.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferData")]
public static
void InvalidateBufferData(Int32 buffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content of a buffer object's data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffer">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferData")]
public static
void InvalidateBufferData(UInt32 buffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate a region of a buffer object's data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffer">
/// The length of the range within the buffer's data store to be invalidated.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferSubData")]
public static
void InvalidateBufferSubData(Int32 buffer, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate a region of a buffer object's data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffer">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferSubData")]
public static
void InvalidateBufferSubData(UInt32 buffer, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content some or all of a framebuffer object's attachments
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of an array identifying the attachments to be invalidated.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateFramebuffer")]
public static
void InvalidateFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 numAttachments, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment[] attachments)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content some or all of a framebuffer object's attachments
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of an array identifying the attachments to be invalidated.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateFramebuffer")]
public static
void InvalidateFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 numAttachments, ref OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachments)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content some or all of a framebuffer object's attachments
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateFramebuffer")]
public static
unsafe void InvalidateFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 numAttachments, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment* attachments)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content of a region of some or all of a framebuffer object's attachments
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The height of the region to be invalidated.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer")]
public static
void InvalidateSubFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 numAttachments, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment[] attachments, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content of a region of some or all of a framebuffer object's attachments
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The height of the region to be invalidated.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer")]
public static
void InvalidateSubFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 numAttachments, ref OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment attachments, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content of a region of some or all of a framebuffer object's attachments
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer")]
public static
unsafe void InvalidateSubFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 numAttachments, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.FramebufferAttachment* attachments, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the entirety a texture image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The level of detail of the texture object to invalidate.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexImage")]
public static
void InvalidateTexImage(Int32 texture, Int32 level)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the entirety a texture image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexImage")]
public static
void InvalidateTexImage(UInt32 texture, Int32 level)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate a region of a texture image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The depth of the region to be invalidated.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexSubImage")]
public static
void InvalidateTexSubImage(Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate a region of a texture image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexSubImage")]
public static
void InvalidateTexSubImage(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a framebuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="framebuffer">
/// Specifies a value that may be the name of a framebuffer object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glIsFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsFramebuffer")]
public static
bool IsFramebuffer(Int32 framebuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a framebuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="framebuffer">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glIsFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsFramebuffer")]
public static
bool IsFramebuffer(UInt32 framebuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies a value that may be the name of a program pipeline object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glIsProgramPipeline")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsProgramPipeline")]
public static
bool IsProgramPipeline(Int32 pipeline)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glIsProgramPipeline")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsProgramPipeline")]
public static
bool IsProgramPipeline(UInt32 pipeline)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a renderbuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="renderbuffer">
/// Specifies a value that may be the name of a renderbuffer object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glIsRenderbuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsRenderbuffer")]
public static
bool IsRenderbuffer(Int32 renderbuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a renderbuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="renderbuffer">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glIsRenderbuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsRenderbuffer")]
public static
bool IsRenderbuffer(UInt32 renderbuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a sampler object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// Specifies a value that may be the name of a sampler object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glIsSampler")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsSampler")]
public static
bool IsSampler(Int32 sampler)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a sampler object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glIsSampler")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsSampler")]
public static
bool IsSampler(UInt32 sampler)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a sync object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// Specifies a value that may be the name of a sync object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glIsSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsSync")]
public static
bool IsSync(IntPtr sync)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// Specifies a value that may be the name of a transform feedback object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glIsTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsTransformFeedback")]
public static
bool IsTransformFeedback(Int32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glIsTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsTransformFeedback")]
public static
bool IsTransformFeedback(UInt32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a vertex array object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="array">
/// Specifies a value that may be the name of a vertex array object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glIsVertexArray")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsVertexArray")]
public static
bool IsVertexArray(Int32 array)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a vertex array object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="array">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glIsVertexArray")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsVertexArray")]
public static
bool IsVertexArray(UInt32 array)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Map a section of a buffer object's data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies a combination of access flags indicating the desired access to the range.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_map_buffer_range", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glMapBufferRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_map_buffer_range|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMapBufferRange")]
public static
IntPtr MapBufferRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferTarget target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BufferAccessMask access)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Defines a barrier ordering memory transactions
/// </summary>
/// <param name="barriers">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_image_load_store", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glMemoryBarrier")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_image_load_store|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMemoryBarrier")]
public static
void MemoryBarrier(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.MemoryBarrierFlags barriers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple sets of primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawArraysIndirect(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, IntPtr indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple sets of primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[] indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple sets of primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,] indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple sets of primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,,] indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple sets of primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T1 indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
unsafe void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32* basevertex)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
unsafe void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32* basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
unsafe void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32* basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
unsafe void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32* basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
unsafe void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32* basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsIndirect(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, IntPtr indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[] indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,] indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,,] indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T2 indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3ui")]
public static
void NormalP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3ui")]
public static
void NormalP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void NormalP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void NormalP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Label a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// The address of a string containing the label to assign to the object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glObjectLabel")]
public static
void ObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, Int32 name, Int32 length, String label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Label a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glObjectLabel")]
public static
void ObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 length, String label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Label a a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string containing the label to assign to the object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void ObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 length, String label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Label a a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string containing the label to assign to the object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void ObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[] ptr, Int32 length, String label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Label a a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string containing the label to assign to the object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void ObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,] ptr, Int32 length, String label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Label a a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string containing the label to assign to the object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void ObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,,] ptr, Int32 length, String label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Label a a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string containing the label to assign to the object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void ObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T0 ptr, Int32 length, String label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specifies the parameters for patch primitives
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the new values for the parameter given by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_tessellation_shader", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_tessellation_shader|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameterfv")]
public static
void PatchParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PatchParameterFloat pname, Single[] values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specifies the parameters for patch primitives
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the new values for the parameter given by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_tessellation_shader", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_tessellation_shader|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameterfv")]
public static
void PatchParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PatchParameterFloat pname, ref Single values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specifies the parameters for patch primitives
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_tessellation_shader", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_tessellation_shader|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameterfv")]
public static
unsafe void PatchParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PatchParameterFloat pname, Single* values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specifies the parameters for patch primitives
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the new values for the parameter given by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_tessellation_shader", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameteri")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_tessellation_shader|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameteri")]
public static
void PatchParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PatchParameterInt pname, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Pause transform feedback operations
/// </summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glPauseTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPauseTransformFeedback")]
public static
void PauseTransformFeedback()
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Pop the active debug group
/// </summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glPopDebugGroup")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPopDebugGroup")]
public static
void PopDebugGroup()
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the number of bytes contained in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the number of bytes contained in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[] binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the number of bytes contained in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the number of bytes contained in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the number of bytes contained in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T2 binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[] binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T2 binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify a parameter for a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the new value of the parameter specified by pname for program.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramParameteri")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramParameteri")]
public static
void ProgramParameter(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramParameterPName pname, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify a parameter for a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramParameteri")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramParameteri")]
public static
void ProgramParameter(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramParameterPName pname, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Double v0)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Double v0)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Single v0)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Single v0)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1ui")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, UInt32 v0)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1uiv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Double v0, Double v1)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Double v0, Double v1)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Single v0, Single v1)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Single v0, Single v1)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0, Int32 v1)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0, Int32 v1)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2ui")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, UInt32 v0, UInt32 v1)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2uiv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, UInt32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2uiv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Double v0, Double v1, Double v2)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Double v0, Double v1, Double v2)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Single v0, Single v1, Single v2)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Single v0, Single v1, Single v2)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0, Int32 v1, Int32 v2)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0, Int32 v1, Int32 v2)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3ui")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, UInt32 v0, UInt32 v1, UInt32 v2)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3uiv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, UInt32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3uiv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Double v0, Double v1, Double v2, Double v3)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Double v0, Double v1, Double v2, Double v3)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Single v0, Single v1, Single v2, Single v3)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Single v0, Single v1, Single v2, Single v3)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0, Int32 v1, Int32 v2, Int32 v3)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0, Int32 v1, Int32 v2, Int32 v3)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4ui")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, UInt32 v0, UInt32 v1, UInt32 v2, UInt32 v3)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4uiv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, UInt32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4uiv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specifiy the vertex to be used as the source of data for flat shaded varyings
/// </summary>
/// <param name="provokeMode">
/// Specifies the vertex to be used as the source of data for flat shaded varyings.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_provoking_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glProvokingVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_provoking_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProvokingVertex")]
public static
void ProvokingVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProvokingVertexMode mode)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Push a named debug group into the command stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// The a string containing the message to be sent to the debug output stream.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glPushDebugGroup")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPushDebugGroup")]
public static
void PushDebugGroup(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSourceExternal source, Int32 id, Int32 length, String message)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Push a named debug group into the command stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glPushDebugGroup")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPushDebugGroup")]
public static
void PushDebugGroup(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DebugSourceExternal source, UInt32 id, Int32 length, String message)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Record the GL time into a query object after all previous commands have reached the GL server but have not yet necessarily executed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// Specify the counter to query. target must be GL_TIMESTAMP.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glQueryCounter")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glQueryCounter")]
public static
void QueryCounter(Int32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.QueryCounterTarget target)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Record the GL time into a query object after all previous commands have reached the GL server but have not yet necessarily executed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glQueryCounter")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glQueryCounter")]
public static
void QueryCounter(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.QueryCounterTarget target)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Release resources consumed by the implementation's shader compiler
/// </summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glReleaseShaderCompiler")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glReleaseShaderCompiler")]
public static
void ReleaseShaderCompiler()
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Establish data storage, format and dimensions of a renderbuffer object's image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the height of the renderbuffer, in pixels.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glRenderbufferStorage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glRenderbufferStorage")]
public static
void RenderbufferStorage(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.RenderbufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.RenderbufferStorage internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Establish data storage, format, dimensions and sample count of a renderbuffer object's image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the height of the renderbuffer, in pixels.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glRenderbufferStorageMultisample")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glRenderbufferStorageMultisample")]
public static
void RenderbufferStorageMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.RenderbufferStorage internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Resume transform feedback operations
/// </summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glResumeTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glResumeTransformFeedback")]
public static
void ResumeTransformFeedback()
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set the value of a sub-word of the sample mask
/// </summary>
/// <param name="maskNumber">
/// Specifies the new value of the mask sub-word.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glSampleMaski")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSampleMaski")]
public static
void SampleMask(Int32 index, Int32 mask)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set the value of a sub-word of the sample mask
/// </summary>
/// <param name="maskNumber">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glSampleMaski")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSampleMaski")]
public static
void SampleMask(UInt32 index, UInt32 mask)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// For the vector commands (glSamplerParameter*v), specifies a pointer to an array where the value or values of pname are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterf")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterf")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, Single param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterf")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterf")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, Single param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// For the vector commands (glSamplerParameter*v), specifies a pointer to an array where the value or values of pname are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, Single[] param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
unsafe void SamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, Single* param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, Single[] param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
unsafe void SamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, Single* param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// For the vector commands (glSamplerParameter*v), specifies a pointer to an array where the value or values of pname are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteri")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteri")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, Int32 param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteri")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteri")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, Int32 param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void SamplerParameterI(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, Int32[] param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void SamplerParameterI(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, ref Int32 param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
unsafe void SamplerParameterI(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, Int32* param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void SamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, Int32[] param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void SamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, ref Int32 param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
unsafe void SamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, Int32* param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIuiv")]
public static
void SamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, UInt32[] param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIuiv")]
public static
void SamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, ref UInt32 param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIuiv")]
public static
unsafe void SamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.All pname, UInt32* param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// For the vector commands (glSamplerParameter*v), specifies a pointer to an array where the value or values of pname are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, Int32[] param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
unsafe void SamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, Int32* param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, Int32[] param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
unsafe void SamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SamplerParameter pname, Int32* param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the left, bottom, width and height of each scissor box, in that order.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
public static
void ScissorArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the left, bottom, width and height of each scissor box, in that order.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
public static
void ScissorArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
public static
unsafe void ScissorArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
public static
void ScissorArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
public static
void ScissorArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
public static
unsafe void ScissorArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, Int32* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// For glScissorIndexedv, specifies the address of an array containing the left, bottom, width and height of each scissor box, in that order.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexed")]
public static
void ScissorIndexed(Int32 index, Int32 left, Int32 bottom, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexed")]
public static
void ScissorIndexed(UInt32 index, Int32 left, Int32 bottom, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// For glScissorIndexedv, specifies the address of an array containing the left, bottom, width and height of each scissor box, in that order.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
public static
void ScissorIndexed(Int32 index, Int32[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// For glScissorIndexedv, specifies the address of an array containing the left, bottom, width and height of each scissor box, in that order.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
public static
void ScissorIndexed(Int32 index, ref Int32 v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
public static
unsafe void ScissorIndexed(Int32 index, Int32* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
public static
void ScissorIndexed(UInt32 index, Int32[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
public static
void ScissorIndexed(UInt32 index, ref Int32 v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
public static
unsafe void ScissorIndexed(UInt32 index, Int32* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3ui")]
public static
void SecondaryColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3ui")]
public static
void SecondaryColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void SecondaryColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void SecondaryColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary(Int32 count, Int32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary(Int32 count, ref Int32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref Int32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref Int32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref Int32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref Int32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary(Int32 count, Int32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary(Int32 count, UInt32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary(Int32 count, ref UInt32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref UInt32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref UInt32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref UInt32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref UInt32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary(Int32 count, UInt32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Change an active shader storage block binding
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The index storage block binding to associate with the specified storage block.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glShaderStorageBlockBinding")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderStorageBlockBinding")]
public static
void ShaderStorageBlockBinding(Int32 program, Int32 storageBlockIndex, Int32 storageBlockBinding)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Change an active shader storage block binding
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glShaderStorageBlockBinding")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderStorageBlockBinding")]
public static
void ShaderStorageBlockBinding(UInt32 program, UInt32 storageBlockIndex, UInt32 storageBlockBinding)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a range of a buffer's data store to a buffer texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the size of the range of the buffer's data store to attach.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_buffer_range", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glTexBufferRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_buffer_range|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexBufferRange")]
public static
void TexBufferRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureBufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 buffer, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a range of a buffer's data store to a buffer texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_buffer_range", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glTexBufferRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_buffer_range|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexBufferRange")]
public static
void TexBufferRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureBufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, UInt32 buffer, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Establish the data storage, format, dimensions, and number of samples of a multisample texture's image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies whether the image will use identical sample locations and the same number of samples for all texels in the image, and the sample locations will not depend on the internal format or size of the image.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glTexImage2DMultisample")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexImage2DMultisample")]
public static
void TexImage2DMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTargetMultisample target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, bool fixedsamplelocations)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Establish the data storage, format, dimensions, and number of samples of a multisample texture's image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies whether the image will use identical sample locations and the same number of samples for all texels in the image, and the sample locations will not depend on the internal format or size of the image.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glTexImage3DMultisample")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexImage3DMultisample")]
public static
void TexImage3DMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTargetMultisample target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, bool fixedsamplelocations)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Simultaneously specify storage for all levels of a one-dimensional texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the width of the texture, in texels.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_texture_storage", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage1D")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_storage|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage1D")]
public static
void TexStorage1D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTarget1d target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Simultaneously specify storage for all levels of a two-dimensional or one-dimensional array texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the height of the texture, in texels.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_texture_storage", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage2D")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_storage|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage2D")]
public static
void TexStorage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify storage for a two-dimensional multisample texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies whether the image will use identical sample locations and the same number of samples for all texels in the image, and the sample locations will not depend on the internal format or size of the image.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_storage_multisample", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage2DMultisample")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_storage_multisample|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage2DMultisample")]
public static
void TexStorage2DMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTargetMultisample2d target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, bool fixedsamplelocations)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Simultaneously specify storage for all levels of a three-dimensional, two-dimensional array or cube-map array texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the depth of the texture, in texels.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_texture_storage", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage3D")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_storage|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage3D")]
public static
void TexStorage3D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify storage for a two-dimensional multisample array texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies whether the image will use identical sample locations and the same number of samples for all texels in the image, and the sample locations will not depend on the internal format or size of the image.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_storage_multisample", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage3DMultisample")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_storage_multisample|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage3DMultisample")]
public static
void TexStorage3DMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTargetMultisample3d target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, bool fixedsamplelocations)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Initialize a texture as a data alias of another texture's data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// Specifies the number of layers to include in the view.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_view", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glTextureView")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_view|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTextureView")]
public static
void TextureView(Int32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTarget target, Int32 origtexture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 minlevel, Int32 numlevels, Int32 minlayer, Int32 numlayers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Initialize a texture as a data alias of another texture's data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_view", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glTextureView")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_view|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTextureView")]
public static
void TextureView(UInt32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureTarget target, UInt32 origtexture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, UInt32 minlevel, UInt32 numlevels, UInt32 minlayer, UInt32 numlayers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform1d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform1d")]
public static
void Uniform1(Int32 location, Double x)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform1dv")]
public static
void Uniform1(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform1dv")]
public static
void Uniform1(Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform1dv")]
public static
unsafe void Uniform1(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform2d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform2d")]
public static
void Uniform2(Int32 location, Double x, Double y)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform2dv")]
public static
void Uniform2(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform2dv")]
public static
void Uniform2(Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform2dv")]
public static
unsafe void Uniform2(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform3d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform3d")]
public static
void Uniform3(Int32 location, Double x, Double y, Double z)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform3dv")]
public static
void Uniform3(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform3dv")]
public static
void Uniform3(Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform3dv")]
public static
unsafe void Uniform3(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform4d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform4d")]
public static
void Uniform4(Int32 location, Double x, Double y, Double z, Double w)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform4dv")]
public static
void Uniform4(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform4dv")]
public static
void Uniform4(Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform4dv")]
public static
unsafe void Uniform4(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Assign a binding point to an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the binding point to which to bind the uniform block with index uniformBlockIndex within program.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glUniformBlockBinding")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformBlockBinding")]
public static
void UniformBlockBinding(Int32 program, Int32 uniformBlockIndex, Int32 uniformBlockBinding)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Assign a binding point to an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glUniformBlockBinding")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformBlockBinding")]
public static
void UniformBlockBinding(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, UInt32 uniformBlockBinding)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix2x3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix2x3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix2x3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix2x4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix2x4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix2x4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix3x2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix3x2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix3x2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix3x4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix3x4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix3x4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix4x2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix4x2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix4x2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix4x3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix4x3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix4x3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load active subroutine uniforms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// Specifies the address of an array holding the indices to load into the shader subroutine variables.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
public static
void UniformSubroutines(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 count, Int32[] indices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load active subroutine uniforms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// Specifies the address of an array holding the indices to load into the shader subroutine variables.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
public static
void UniformSubroutines(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 count, ref Int32 indices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load active subroutine uniforms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformSubroutines(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 count, Int32* indices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load active subroutine uniforms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
public static
void UniformSubroutines(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 count, UInt32[] indices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load active subroutine uniforms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
public static
void UniformSubroutines(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 count, ref UInt32 indices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load active subroutine uniforms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformSubroutines(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 count, UInt32* indices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind stages of a program object to a program pipeline
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies the program object containing the shader executables to use in pipeline.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glUseProgramStages")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUseProgramStages")]
public static
void UseProgramStages(Int32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramStageMask stages, Int32 program)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind stages of a program object to a program pipeline
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glUseProgramStages")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUseProgramStages")]
public static
void UseProgramStages(UInt32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ProgramStageMask stages, UInt32 program)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Validate a program pipeline object against current GL state
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies the name of a program pipeline object to validate.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glValidateProgramPipeline")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glValidateProgramPipeline")]
public static
void ValidateProgramPipeline(Int32 pipeline)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Validate a program pipeline object against current GL state
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glValidateProgramPipeline")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glValidateProgramPipeline")]
public static
void ValidateProgramPipeline(UInt32 pipeline)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Associate a vertex attribute and a vertex buffer binding
/// </summary>
/// <param name="attribindex">
/// The index of the vertex buffer binding with which to associate the generic vertex attribute.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribBinding")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribBinding")]
public static
void VertexAttribBinding(Int32 attribindex, Int32 bindingindex)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Associate a vertex attribute and a vertex buffer binding
/// </summary>
/// <param name="attribindex">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribBinding")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribBinding")]
public static
void VertexAttribBinding(UInt32 attribindex, UInt32 bindingindex)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the organization of vertex arrays
/// </summary>
/// <param name="attribindex">
/// The distance between elements within the buffer.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribFormat")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribFormat")]
public static
void VertexAttribFormat(Int32 attribindex, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribType type, bool normalized, Int32 relativeoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the organization of vertex arrays
/// </summary>
/// <param name="attribindex">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribFormat")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribFormat")]
public static
void VertexAttribFormat(UInt32 attribindex, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribType type, bool normalized, UInt32 relativeoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribIFormat")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribIFormat")]
public static
void VertexAttribIFormat(Int32 attribindex, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribIntegerType type, Int32 relativeoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribIFormat")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribIFormat")]
public static
void VertexAttribIFormat(UInt32 attribindex, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribIntegerType type, UInt32 relativeoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1d")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL1(Int32 index, Double x)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL1(UInt32 index, Double x)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL1(Int32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL1(UInt32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2d")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL2(Int32 index, Double x, Double y)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL2(UInt32 index, Double x, Double y)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL2(Int32 index, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL2(Int32 index, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL2(Int32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL2(UInt32 index, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL2(UInt32 index, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL2(UInt32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3d")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL3(Int32 index, Double x, Double y, Double z)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL3(UInt32 index, Double x, Double y, Double z)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL3(Int32 index, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL3(Int32 index, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL3(Int32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL3(UInt32 index, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL3(UInt32 index, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL3(UInt32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4d")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL4(Int32 index, Double x, Double y, Double z, Double w)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL4(UInt32 index, Double x, Double y, Double z, Double w)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL4(Int32 index, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL4(Int32 index, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL4(Int32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL4(UInt32 index, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL4(UInt32 index, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL4(UInt32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLFormat")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLFormat")]
public static
void VertexAttribLFormat(Int32 attribindex, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 relativeoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLFormat")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLFormat")]
public static
void VertexAttribLFormat(UInt32 attribindex, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribDoubleType type, UInt32 relativeoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer(Int32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(Int32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(Int32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(Int32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(Int32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer(UInt32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(UInt32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(UInt32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(UInt32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(UInt32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1ui")]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP1(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP1(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP1(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP1(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2ui")]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP2(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP2(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP2(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP2(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3ui")]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP3(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP3(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP3(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP3(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4ui")]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP4(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP4(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP4(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP4(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Modify the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bindingindex">
/// The new value for the instance step rate to apply.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexBindingDivisor")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexBindingDivisor")]
public static
void VertexBindingDivisor(Int32 bindingindex, Int32 divisor)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Modify the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bindingindex">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexBindingDivisor")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexBindingDivisor")]
public static
void VertexBindingDivisor(UInt32 bindingindex, UInt32 divisor)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2ui")]
public static
void VertexP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2ui")]
public static
void VertexP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3ui")]
public static
void VertexP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3ui")]
public static
void VertexP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4ui")]
public static
void VertexP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4ui")]
public static
void VertexP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specify the address of an array containing the viewport parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
public static
void ViewportArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, Single[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specify the address of an array containing the viewport parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
public static
void ViewportArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Single v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
public static
unsafe void ViewportArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, Single* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
public static
void ViewportArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, Single[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
public static
void ViewportArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref Single v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
public static
unsafe void ViewportArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, Single* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// For glViewportIndexedfv, specifies the address of an array containing the viewport parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedf")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedf")]
public static
void ViewportIndexed(Int32 index, Single x, Single y, Single w, Single h)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedf")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedf")]
public static
void ViewportIndexed(UInt32 index, Single x, Single y, Single w, Single h)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// For glViewportIndexedfv, specifies the address of an array containing the viewport parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
public static
void ViewportIndexed(Int32 index, Single[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// For glViewportIndexedfv, specifies the address of an array containing the viewport parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
public static
void ViewportIndexed(Int32 index, ref Single v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
public static
unsafe void ViewportIndexed(Int32 index, Single* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
public static
void ViewportIndexed(UInt32 index, Single[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
public static
void ViewportIndexed(UInt32 index, ref Single v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
public static
unsafe void ViewportIndexed(UInt32 index, Single* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Instruct the GL server to block until the specified sync object becomes signaled
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// Specifies the timeout that the server should wait before continuing. timeout must be GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glWaitSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glWaitSync")]
public static
OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.WaitSyncStatus WaitSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.WaitSyncFlags flags, Int64 timeout)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Instruct the GL server to block until the specified sync object becomes signaled
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glWaitSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glWaitSync")]
public static
OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.WaitSyncStatus WaitSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.WaitSyncFlags flags, UInt64 timeout)
+ /// <summary>[requires: EXT_draw_range_elements]
+ /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="start">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="end">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "EXT_draw_range_elements", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsEXT")]
+ public static
+ void DrawRangeElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices)
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsEXT1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices);
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: EXT_draw_range_elements]
+ /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="start">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="end">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "EXT_draw_range_elements", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsEXT")]
+ public static
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[] indices)
+ where T5 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsEXT1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: EXT_draw_range_elements]
+ /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="start">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="end">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "EXT_draw_range_elements", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsEXT")]
+ public static
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,] indices)
+ where T5 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsEXT1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: EXT_draw_range_elements]
+ /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="start">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="end">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "EXT_draw_range_elements", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsEXT")]
+ public static
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,,] indices)
+ where T5 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsEXT1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: EXT_draw_range_elements]
+ /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="start">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="end">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "EXT_draw_range_elements", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsEXT")]
+ public static
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T5 indices)
+ where T5 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsEXT1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ indices = (T5)indices_ptr.Target;
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: EXT_draw_range_elements]
+ /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="start">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="end">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "EXT_draw_range_elements", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsEXT")]
+ public static
+ void DrawRangeElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices)
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsEXT1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices);
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: EXT_draw_range_elements]
+ /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="start">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="end">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "EXT_draw_range_elements", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsEXT")]
+ public static
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[] indices)
+ where T5 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsEXT1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: EXT_draw_range_elements]
+ /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="start">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="end">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "EXT_draw_range_elements", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsEXT")]
+ public static
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,] indices)
+ where T5 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsEXT1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: EXT_draw_range_elements]
+ /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="start">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="end">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "EXT_draw_range_elements", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsEXT")]
+ public static
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,,] indices)
+ where T5 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsEXT1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: EXT_draw_range_elements]
+ /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="start">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="end">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "EXT_draw_range_elements", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsEXT")]
+ public static
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T5 indices)
+ where T5 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsEXT1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ indices = (T5)indices_ptr.Target;
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
/// <summary>[requires: EXT_draw_range_elements]
/// Render primitives from array data
/// </summary>
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set the active program object for a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies the program object to set as the active program pipeline object pipeline.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glActiveShaderProgram")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glActiveShaderProgram")]
public static
void ActiveShaderProgram(Int32 pipeline, Int32 program)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set the active program object for a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glActiveShaderProgram")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glActiveShaderProgram")]
public static
void ActiveShaderProgram(UInt32 pipeline, UInt32 program)
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.0][deprecated: v3.2]
- /// Delimit the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the primitive or primitives that will be created from vertices presented between glBegin and the subsequent glEnd. Ten symbolic constants are accepted: GL_POINTS, GL_LINES, GL_LINE_STRIP, GL_LINE_LOOP, GL_TRIANGLES, GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, GL_QUADS, GL_QUAD_STRIP, and GL_POLYGON.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_0", Version = "1.0", EntryPoint = "glBegin")]
- public static
- void Begin(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- GraphicsContext.CurrentContext.ErrorChecking = false;
- #endif
- Delegates.glBegin((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode);
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
/// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
/// Start conditional rendering
/// </summary>
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delimit the boundaries of a query object on an indexed target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the name of a query object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glBeginQueryIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBeginQueryIndexed")]
public static
void BeginQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.QueryTarget target, Int32 index, Int32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delimit the boundaries of a query object on an indexed target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glBeginQueryIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBeginQueryIndexed")]
public static
void BeginQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.QueryTarget target, UInt32 index, UInt32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// A pointer to an array of names of buffer objects to bind to the targets on the specified binding point, or NULL.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
public static
void BindBuffersBase(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferRangeTarget target, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] buffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// A pointer to an array of names of buffer objects to bind to the targets on the specified binding point, or NULL.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
public static
void BindBuffersBase(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferRangeTarget target, Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 buffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
public static
unsafe void BindBuffersBase(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferRangeTarget target, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32* buffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
public static
void BindBuffersBase(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferRangeTarget target, UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32[] buffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
public static
void BindBuffersBase(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferRangeTarget target, UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref UInt32 buffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersBase")]
public static
unsafe void BindBuffersBase(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferRangeTarget target, UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32* buffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind ranges of one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// A pointer to an array of names of buffer objects to bind to the targets on the specified binding point, or NULL.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
public static
void BindBuffersRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferRangeTarget target, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] buffers, IntPtr[] offsets, IntPtr[] sizes)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind ranges of one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// A pointer to an array of names of buffer objects to bind to the targets on the specified binding point, or NULL.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
public static
void BindBuffersRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferRangeTarget target, Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 buffers, ref IntPtr offsets, ref IntPtr sizes)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind ranges of one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
public static
unsafe void BindBuffersRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferRangeTarget target, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32* buffers, IntPtr* offsets, IntPtr* sizes)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind ranges of one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
public static
void BindBuffersRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferRangeTarget target, UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32[] buffers, IntPtr[] offsets, IntPtr[] sizes)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind ranges of one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
public static
void BindBuffersRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferRangeTarget target, UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref UInt32 buffers, ref IntPtr offsets, ref IntPtr sizes)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind ranges of one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindBuffersRange")]
public static
unsafe void BindBuffersRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferRangeTarget target, UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32* buffers, IntPtr* offsets, IntPtr* sizes)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a user-defined varying out variable to a fragment shader color number and index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The name of the user-defined varying out variable whose binding to modify
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_blend_func_extended", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glBindFragDataLocationIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_blend_func_extended|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindFragDataLocationIndexed")]
public static
void BindFragDataLocationIndexed(Int32 program, Int32 colorNumber, Int32 index, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a user-defined varying out variable to a fragment shader color number and index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_blend_func_extended", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glBindFragDataLocationIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_blend_func_extended|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindFragDataLocationIndexed")]
public static
void BindFragDataLocationIndexed(UInt32 program, UInt32 colorNumber, UInt32 index, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a framebuffer to a framebuffer target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the name of the framebuffer object to bind.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glBindFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindFramebuffer")]
public static
void BindFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 framebuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a framebuffer to a framebuffer target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glBindFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindFramebuffer")]
public static
void BindFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, UInt32 framebuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a level of a texture to an image unit
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unit">
/// Specifies the format that the elements of the image will be treated as for the purposes of formatted stores.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_image_load_store", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTexture")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_image_load_store|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTexture")]
public static
void BindImageTexture(Int32 unit, Int32 texture, Int32 level, bool layered, Int32 layer, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureAccess access, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SizedInternalFormat format)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a level of a texture to an image unit
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unit">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_image_load_store", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTexture")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_image_load_store|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTexture")]
public static
void BindImageTexture(UInt32 unit, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, bool layered, Int32 layer, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureAccess access, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SizedInternalFormat format)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named texture images to a sequence of consecutive image units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of names of existing texture objects.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
public static
void BindImageTextures(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named texture images to a sequence of consecutive image units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of names of existing texture objects.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
public static
void BindImageTextures(Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named texture images to a sequence of consecutive image units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
public static
unsafe void BindImageTextures(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32* textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named texture images to a sequence of consecutive image units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
public static
void BindImageTextures(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32[] textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named texture images to a sequence of consecutive image units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
public static
void BindImageTextures(UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref UInt32 textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named texture images to a sequence of consecutive image units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindImageTextures")]
public static
unsafe void BindImageTextures(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32* textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a program pipeline to the current context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies the name of the pipeline object to bind to the context.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glBindProgramPipeline")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindProgramPipeline")]
public static
void BindProgramPipeline(Int32 pipeline)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a program pipeline to the current context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glBindProgramPipeline")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindProgramPipeline")]
public static
void BindProgramPipeline(UInt32 pipeline)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a renderbuffer to a renderbuffer target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the name of the renderbuffer object to bind.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glBindRenderbuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindRenderbuffer")]
public static
void BindRenderbuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 renderbuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a renderbuffer to a renderbuffer target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glBindRenderbuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindRenderbuffer")]
public static
void BindRenderbuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.RenderbufferTarget target, UInt32 renderbuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a named sampler to a texturing target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unit">
/// Specifies the name of a sampler.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glBindSampler")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSampler")]
public static
void BindSampler(Int32 unit, Int32 sampler)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a named sampler to a texturing target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unit">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glBindSampler")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSampler")]
public static
void BindSampler(UInt32 unit, UInt32 sampler)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named sampler objects to a sequence of consecutive sampler units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of names of existing sampler objects.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
public static
void BindSamplers(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named sampler objects to a sequence of consecutive sampler units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of names of existing sampler objects.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
public static
void BindSamplers(Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named sampler objects to a sequence of consecutive sampler units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
public static
unsafe void BindSamplers(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32* samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named sampler objects to a sequence of consecutive sampler units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
public static
void BindSamplers(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32[] samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named sampler objects to a sequence of consecutive sampler units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
public static
void BindSamplers(UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref UInt32 samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named sampler objects to a sequence of consecutive sampler units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindSamplers")]
public static
unsafe void BindSamplers(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32* samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named textures to a sequence of consecutive texture units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of names of existing texture objects.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
public static
void BindTextures(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named textures to a sequence of consecutive texture units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of names of existing texture objects.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
public static
void BindTextures(Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named textures to a sequence of consecutive texture units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
public static
unsafe void BindTextures(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32* textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named textures to a sequence of consecutive texture units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
public static
void BindTextures(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32[] textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named textures to a sequence of consecutive texture units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
public static
void BindTextures(UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref UInt32 textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named textures to a sequence of consecutive texture units
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTextures")]
public static
unsafe void BindTextures(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32* textures)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the name of a transform feedback object reserved by glGenTransformFeedbacks.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glBindTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTransformFeedback")]
public static
void BindTransformFeedback(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TransformFeedbackTarget target, Int32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glBindTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindTransformFeedback")]
public static
void BindTransformFeedback(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TransformFeedbackTarget target, UInt32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a vertex array object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="array">
/// Specifies the name of the vertex array to bind.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexArray")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexArray")]
public static
void BindVertexArray(Int32 array)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a vertex array object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="array">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexArray")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexArray")]
public static
void BindVertexArray(UInt32 array)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a buffer to a vertex buffer bind point
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bindingindex">
/// The distance between elements within the buffer.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffer")]
public static
void BindVertexBuffer(Int32 bindingindex, Int32 buffer, IntPtr offset, Int32 stride)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a buffer to a vertex buffer bind point
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bindingindex">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffer")]
public static
void BindVertexBuffer(UInt32 bindingindex, UInt32 buffer, IntPtr offset, Int32 stride)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named buffer objects to a sequence of consecutive vertex buffer binding points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of strides to associate with the binding points.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
public static
void BindVertexBuffers(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] buffers, IntPtr[] offsets, Int32[] strides)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named buffer objects to a sequence of consecutive vertex buffer binding points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array of strides to associate with the binding points.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
public static
void BindVertexBuffers(Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 buffers, ref IntPtr offsets, ref Int32 strides)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named buffer objects to a sequence of consecutive vertex buffer binding points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
public static
unsafe void BindVertexBuffers(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32* buffers, IntPtr* offsets, Int32* strides)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named buffer objects to a sequence of consecutive vertex buffer binding points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
public static
void BindVertexBuffers(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32[] buffers, IntPtr[] offsets, Int32[] strides)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named buffer objects to a sequence of consecutive vertex buffer binding points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
public static
void BindVertexBuffers(UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref UInt32 buffers, ref IntPtr offsets, ref Int32 strides)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind one or more named buffer objects to a sequence of consecutive vertex buffer binding points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_multi_bind", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_bind|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBindVertexBuffers")]
public static
unsafe void BindVertexBuffers(UInt32 first, Int32 count, UInt32* buffers, IntPtr* offsets, Int32* strides)
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set the blend color
/// </summary>
/// <param name="red">
/// specify the components of GL_BLEND_COLOR
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4|ARB_imaging", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glBlendColor")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_imaging|VERSION_1_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBlendColor")]
public static
void BlendColor(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha)
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the equation used for both the RGB blend equation and the Alpha blend equation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buf">
/// specifies how source and destination colors are combined. It must be GL_FUNC_ADD, GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT, GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT, GL_MIN, GL_MAX.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4|ARB_imaging", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glBlendEquation")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_imaging|VERSION_1_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBlendEquation")]
public static
void BlendEquation(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BlendEquationMode mode)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Copy a block of pixels from the read framebuffer to the draw framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="srcX0">
/// Specifies the interpolation to be applied if the image is stretched. Must be GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glBlitFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBlitFramebuffer")]
public static
void BlitFramebuffer(Int32 srcX0, Int32 srcY0, Int32 srcX1, Int32 srcY1, Int32 dstX0, Int32 dstY0, Int32 dstX1, Int32 dstY1, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ClearBufferMask mask, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BlitFramebufferFilter filter)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Creates and initializes a buffer object's immutable data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the intended usage of the buffer's data store. Must be a bitwise combination of the following flags. GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT, GL_MAP_READ_BIT GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT, GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT, and GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_buffer_storage", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_buffer_storage|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
public static
void BufferStorage(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, IntPtr size, IntPtr data, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferStorageFlags flags)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Creates and initializes a buffer object's immutable data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the intended usage of the buffer's data store. Must be a bitwise combination of the following flags. GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT, GL_MAP_READ_BIT GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT, GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT, and GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_buffer_storage", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_buffer_storage|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
public static
void BufferStorage<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, IntPtr size, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[] data, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferStorageFlags flags)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Creates and initializes a buffer object's immutable data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the intended usage of the buffer's data store. Must be a bitwise combination of the following flags. GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT, GL_MAP_READ_BIT GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT, GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT, and GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_buffer_storage", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_buffer_storage|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
public static
void BufferStorage<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, IntPtr size, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,] data, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferStorageFlags flags)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Creates and initializes a buffer object's immutable data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the intended usage of the buffer's data store. Must be a bitwise combination of the following flags. GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT, GL_MAP_READ_BIT GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT, GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT, and GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_buffer_storage", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_buffer_storage|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
public static
void BufferStorage<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, IntPtr size, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,,] data, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferStorageFlags flags)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Creates and initializes a buffer object's immutable data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the intended usage of the buffer's data store. Must be a bitwise combination of the following flags. GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT, GL_MAP_READ_BIT GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT, GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT, and GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_buffer_storage", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_buffer_storage|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glBufferStorage")]
public static
void BufferStorage<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, IntPtr size, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T2 data, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferStorageFlags flags)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Check the completeness status of a framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specify the target of the framebuffer completeness check.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glCheckFramebufferStatus")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glCheckFramebufferStatus")]
public static
OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferErrorCode CheckFramebufferStatus(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill a buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
public static
void ClearBufferData(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, IntPtr data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill a buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
public static
void ClearBufferData<T4>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill a buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
public static
void ClearBufferData<T4>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill a buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
public static
void ClearBufferData<T4>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill a buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferData")]
public static
void ClearBufferData<T4>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill all or part of buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
public static
void ClearBufferSubData(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, IntPtr data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill all or part of buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
public static
void ClearBufferSubData<T6>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T6[] data)
where T6 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill all or part of buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
public static
void ClearBufferSubData<T6>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T6[,] data)
where T6 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill all or part of buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
public static
void ClearBufferSubData<T6>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T6[,,] data)
where T6 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fill all or part of buffer object's data store with a fixed value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_clear_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearBufferSubData")]
public static
void ClearBufferSubData<T6>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T6 data)
where T6 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the clear value for the depth buffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="depth">
/// Specifies the depth value used when the depth buffer is cleared. The initial value is 1.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glClearDepthf")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearDepthf")]
public static
void ClearDepth(Single d)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage(Int32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, IntPtr data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, IntPtr data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexImage")]
public static
void ClearTexImage<T4>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 data)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage(Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, IntPtr data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T10[] data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T10[,] data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T10[,,] data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The address in memory of the data to be used to clear the specified region.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T10 data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, IntPtr data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T10[] data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T10[,] data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T10[,,] data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.4]
+ /// <summary>
/// Fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_4|ARB_clear_texture", Version = "4.4", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_clear_texture|VERSION_4_4", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClearTexSubImage")]
public static
void ClearTexSubImage<T10>(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T10 data)
where T10 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Block and wait for a sync object to become signaled
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// The timeout, specified in nanoseconds, for which the implementation should wait for sync to become signaled.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glClientWaitSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClientWaitSync")]
public static
OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.WaitSyncStatus ClientWaitSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.WaitSyncFlags flags, Int64 timeout)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Block and wait for a sync object to become signaled
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glClientWaitSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glClientWaitSync")]
public static
OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.WaitSyncStatus ClientWaitSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.WaitSyncFlags flags, UInt64 timeout)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP3ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP3ui")]
public static
void ColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP3ui")]
public static
void ColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP4ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP4ui")]
public static
void ColorP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP4ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP4ui")]
public static
void ColorP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ColorP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glColorP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glColorP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ColorP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Copy part of the data store of a buffer object to the data store of another buffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="readtarget">
/// Specifies the size, in basic machine units, of the data to be copied from readtarget to writetarget.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_copy_buffer", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glCopyBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_copy_buffer|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glCopyBufferSubData")]
public static
void CopyBufferSubData(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget readTarget, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget writeTarget, IntPtr readOffset, IntPtr writeOffset, IntPtr size)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Perform a raw data copy between two images
/// </summary>
/// <param name="srcName">
/// The depth of the region to be copied.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_copy_image", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glCopyImageSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_copy_image|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glCopyImageSubData")]
public static
void CopyImageSubData(Int32 srcName, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ImageTarget srcTarget, Int32 srcLevel, Int32 srcX, Int32 srcY, Int32 srcZ, Int32 dstName, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ImageTarget dstTarget, Int32 dstLevel, Int32 dstX, Int32 dstY, Int32 dstZ, Int32 srcWidth, Int32 srcHeight, Int32 srcDepth)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Perform a raw data copy between two images
/// </summary>
/// <param name="srcName">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_copy_image", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glCopyImageSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_copy_image|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glCopyImageSubData")]
public static
void CopyImageSubData(UInt32 srcName, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ImageTarget srcTarget, Int32 srcLevel, Int32 srcX, Int32 srcY, Int32 srcZ, UInt32 dstName, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ImageTarget dstTarget, Int32 dstLevel, Int32 dstX, Int32 dstY, Int32 dstZ, Int32 srcWidth, Int32 srcHeight, Int32 srcDepth)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Create a stand-alone program from an array of null-terminated source code strings
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">
/// Specifies the address of an array of pointers to source code strings from which to create the program object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glCreateShaderProgramv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glCreateShaderProgramv")]
public static
Int32 CreateShaderProgram(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType type, Int32 count, String[] strings)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify a callback to receive debugging messages from the GL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">
/// A user supplied pointer that will be passed on each invocation of callback.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
public static
void DebugMessageCallback(DebugProc callback, IntPtr userParam)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify a callback to receive debugging messages from the GL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">
/// A user supplied pointer that will be passed on each invocation of callback.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
public static
void DebugMessageCallback<T1>(DebugProc callback, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[] userParam)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify a callback to receive debugging messages from the GL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">
/// A user supplied pointer that will be passed on each invocation of callback.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
public static
void DebugMessageCallback<T1>(DebugProc callback, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,] userParam)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify a callback to receive debugging messages from the GL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">
/// A user supplied pointer that will be passed on each invocation of callback.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
public static
void DebugMessageCallback<T1>(DebugProc callback, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,,] userParam)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify a callback to receive debugging messages from the GL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">
/// A user supplied pointer that will be passed on each invocation of callback.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageCallback")]
public static
void DebugMessageCallback<T1>(DebugProc callback, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T1 userParam)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Control the reporting of debug messages in a debug context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// A Boolean flag determining whether the selected messages should be enabled or disabled.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
public static
void DebugMessageControl(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, Int32[] ids, bool enabled)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Control the reporting of debug messages in a debug context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// A Boolean flag determining whether the selected messages should be enabled or disabled.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
public static
void DebugMessageControl(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, ref Int32 ids, bool enabled)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Control the reporting of debug messages in a debug context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
public static
unsafe void DebugMessageControl(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, Int32* ids, bool enabled)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Control the reporting of debug messages in a debug context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
public static
void DebugMessageControl(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, UInt32[] ids, bool enabled)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Control the reporting of debug messages in a debug context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
public static
void DebugMessageControl(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, ref UInt32 ids, bool enabled)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Control the reporting of debug messages in a debug context
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageControl")]
public static
unsafe void DebugMessageControl(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, UInt32* ids, bool enabled)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Inject an application-supplied message into the debug message queue
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// The address of a character array containing the message to insert.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageInsert")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageInsert")]
public static
void DebugMessageInsert(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSourceExternal source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugType type, Int32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSeverity severity, Int32 length, String buf)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Inject an application-supplied message into the debug message queue
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageInsert")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDebugMessageInsert")]
public static
void DebugMessageInsert(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSourceExternal source, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugType type, UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSeverity severity, Int32 length, String buf)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete framebuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// A pointer to an array containing n framebuffer objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
public static
void DeleteFramebuffers(Int32 n, Int32[] framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete framebuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// A pointer to an array containing n framebuffer objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
public static
void DeleteFramebuffers(Int32 n, ref Int32 framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete framebuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteFramebuffers(Int32 n, Int32* framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete framebuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
public static
void DeleteFramebuffers(Int32 n, UInt32[] framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete framebuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
public static
void DeleteFramebuffers(Int32 n, ref UInt32 framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete framebuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteFramebuffers(Int32 n, UInt32* framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete program pipeline objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of names of program pipeline objects to delete.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
public static
void DeleteProgramPipelines(Int32 n, Int32[] pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete program pipeline objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of names of program pipeline objects to delete.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
public static
void DeleteProgramPipelines(Int32 n, ref Int32 pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete program pipeline objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteProgramPipelines(Int32 n, Int32* pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete program pipeline objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
public static
void DeleteProgramPipelines(Int32 n, UInt32[] pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete program pipeline objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
public static
void DeleteProgramPipelines(Int32 n, ref UInt32 pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete program pipeline objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgramPipelines")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteProgramPipelines(Int32 n, UInt32* pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete renderbuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// A pointer to an array containing n renderbuffer objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
public static
void DeleteRenderbuffers(Int32 n, Int32[] renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete renderbuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// A pointer to an array containing n renderbuffer objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
public static
void DeleteRenderbuffers(Int32 n, ref Int32 renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete renderbuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteRenderbuffers(Int32 n, Int32* renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete renderbuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
public static
void DeleteRenderbuffers(Int32 n, UInt32[] renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete renderbuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
public static
void DeleteRenderbuffers(Int32 n, ref UInt32 renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete renderbuffer objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteRenderbuffers(Int32 n, UInt32* renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete named sampler objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of sampler objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
public static
void DeleteSamplers(Int32 count, Int32[] samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete named sampler objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of sampler objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
public static
void DeleteSamplers(Int32 count, ref Int32 samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete named sampler objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteSamplers(Int32 count, Int32* samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete named sampler objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
public static
void DeleteSamplers(Int32 count, UInt32[] samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete named sampler objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
public static
void DeleteSamplers(Int32 count, ref UInt32 samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete named sampler objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSamplers")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteSamplers(Int32 count, UInt32* samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete a sync object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// The sync object to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteSync")]
public static
void DeleteSync(IntPtr sync)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete transform feedback objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of names of transform feedback objects to delete.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void DeleteTransformFeedback(Int32 n, Int32[] ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete transform feedback objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of names of transform feedback objects to delete.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void DeleteTransformFeedback(Int32 n, ref Int32 ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete transform feedback objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteTransformFeedback(Int32 n, Int32* ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete transform feedback objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void DeleteTransformFeedback(Int32 n, UInt32[] ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete transform feedback objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void DeleteTransformFeedback(Int32 n, ref UInt32 ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete transform feedback objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteTransformFeedback(Int32 n, UInt32* ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete vertex array objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the n names of the objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
public static
void DeleteVertexArrays(Int32 n, Int32[] arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete vertex array objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the n names of the objects to be deleted.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
public static
void DeleteVertexArrays(Int32 n, ref Int32 arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete vertex array objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteVertexArrays(Int32 n, Int32* arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete vertex array objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
public static
void DeleteVertexArrays(Int32 n, UInt32[] arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete vertex array objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
public static
void DeleteVertexArrays(Int32 n, ref UInt32 arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Delete vertex array objects
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDeleteVertexArrays")]
public static
unsafe void DeleteVertexArrays(Int32 n, UInt32* arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified set of viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the near and far values for the depth range of each modified viewport.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
public static
void DepthRangeArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified set of viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the near and far values for the depth range of each modified viewport.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
public static
void DepthRangeArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified set of viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
public static
unsafe void DepthRangeArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified set of viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
public static
void DepthRangeArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified set of viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
public static
void DepthRangeArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified set of viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeArrayv")]
public static
unsafe void DepthRangeArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nearVal">
/// Specifies the mapping of the far clipping plane to window coordinates. The initial value is 1.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangef")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangef")]
public static
void DepthRange(Single n, Single f)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// Specifies the mapping of the far clipping plane to window coordinates. The initial value is 1.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeIndexed")]
public static
void DepthRangeIndexed(Int32 index, Double n, Double f)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDepthRangeIndexed")]
public static
void DepthRangeIndexed(UInt32 index, Double n, Double f)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Launch one or more compute work groups
/// </summary>
/// <param name="num_groups_x">
/// The number of work groups to be launched in the Z dimension.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_compute_shader", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDispatchCompute")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_compute_shader|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDispatchCompute")]
public static
void DispatchCompute(Int32 num_groups_x, Int32 num_groups_y, Int32 num_groups_z)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Launch one or more compute work groups
/// </summary>
/// <param name="num_groups_x">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_compute_shader", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDispatchCompute")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_compute_shader|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDispatchCompute")]
public static
void DispatchCompute(UInt32 num_groups_x, UInt32 num_groups_y, UInt32 num_groups_z)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Launch one or more compute work groups using parameters stored in a buffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="indirect">
/// The offset into the buffer object currently bound to the GL_DISPATCH_INDIRECT_BUFFER buffer target at which the dispatch parameters are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_compute_shader", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glDispatchComputeIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_compute_shader|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDispatchComputeIndirect")]
public static
void DispatchComputeIndirect(IntPtr indirect)
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.1]
- /// Render primitives from array data
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="first">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the starting index in the enabled arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of indices to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_1", Version = "1.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawArrays")]
- public static
- void DrawArrays(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32 first, Int32 count)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- Delegates.glDrawArrays1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32)first, (Int32)count);
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
/// <summary>[requires: v1.1]
/// Render primitives from array data
/// </summary>
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void DrawArraysIndirect(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, IntPtr indirect)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void DrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[] indirect)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void DrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,] indirect)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void DrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,,] indirect)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void DrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T1 indirect)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a range of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a range of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.1]
- /// Render primitives from array data
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_1", Version = "1.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElements")]
- public static
- void DrawElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- Delegates.glDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices);
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.1]
- /// Render primitives from array data
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_1", Version = "1.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElements")]
- public static
- void DrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.1]
- /// Render primitives from array data
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_1", Version = "1.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElements")]
- public static
- void DrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.1]
- /// Render primitives from array data
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_1", Version = "1.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElements")]
- public static
- void DrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.1]
- /// Render primitives from array data
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_1", Version = "1.1", EntryPoint = "glDrawElements")]
- public static
- void DrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
- indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
/// <summary>[requires: v1.1]
/// Render primitives from array data
/// </summary>
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 basevertex)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void DrawElementsIndirect(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, IntPtr indirect)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void DrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[] indirect)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void DrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,] indirect)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void DrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,,] indirect)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the address of a structure containing the draw parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_draw_indirect", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void DrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T2 indirect)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, UInt32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the base instance for use in fetching instanced vertex attributes.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, Int32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_base_instance", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_base_instance|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance")]
public static
void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 instancecount, Int32 basevertex, UInt32 baseinstance)
where T3 : struct
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices)
+ void DrawRangeElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices);
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices);
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[] indices)
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[] indices)
where T5 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,] indices)
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,] indices)
where T5 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,,] indices)
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,,] indices)
where T5 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T5 indices)
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T5 indices)
where T5 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
indices = (T5)indices_ptr.Target;
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices)
+ void DrawRangeElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices);
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices);
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[] indices)
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[] indices)
where T5 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,] indices)
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,] indices)
where T5 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,,] indices)
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,,] indices)
where T5 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T5 indices)
+ void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T5 indices)
where T5 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
indices = (T5)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
+ /// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="start">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
- public static
- void DrawRangeElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices);
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="start">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="end">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[] indices)
- where T5 : struct
+ void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 basevertex)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)basevertex);
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
+ /// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="start">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
- public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,] indices)
- where T5 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="start">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="end">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,,] indices)
+ void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)basevertex);
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
+ /// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="start">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T5 indices)
+ void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
- indices = (T5)indices_ptr.Target;
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)basevertex);
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
+ /// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="start">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
- public static
- void DrawRangeElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices);
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="start">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="end">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[] indices)
+ void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,,] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)basevertex);
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
+ /// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="start">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,] indices)
+ void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T5 indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
+ Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)basevertex);
+ indices = (T5)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
+ /// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="start">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="end">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
- public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,,] indices)
- where T5 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="start">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="end">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_2", Version = "1.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElements")]
- public static
- void DrawRangeElements<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T5 indices)
- where T5 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject());
- indices = (T5)indices_ptr.Target;
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="start">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="end">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
- public static
- void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 basevertex)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)basevertex);
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="start">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="end">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
- public static
- void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[] indices, Int32 basevertex)
- where T5 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)basevertex);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="start">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="end">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
- public static
- void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,] indices, Int32 basevertex)
- where T5 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)basevertex);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="start">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="end">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
- public static
- void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,,] indices, Int32 basevertex)
- where T5 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)basevertex);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="start">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the minimum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="end">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the maximum array index contained in indices.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a constant that should be added to each element of indices when chosing elements from the enabled vertex arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
- public static
- void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T5 indices, Int32 basevertex)
- where T5 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (UInt32)start, (UInt32)end, (Int32)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)basevertex);
- indices = (T5)indices_ptr.Target;
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
/// </para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="start">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 basevertex)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T5[,,] indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex<T5>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T5 indices, Int32 basevertex)
where T5 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v4.0 and ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0]
/// Render primitives using a count derived from a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the name of a transform feedback object from which to retrieve a primitive count.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedback")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedback(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v4.0 and ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0]
/// Render primitives using a count derived from a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedback")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedback(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of primitives using a count derived from a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the number of instances of the geometry to render.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_transform_feedback_instanced", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback_instanced|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 id, Int32 instancecount)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of primitives using a count derived from a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_transform_feedback_instanced", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback_instanced|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 id, Int32 instancecount)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v4.0 and ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0]
/// Render primitives using a count derived from a specifed stream of a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the index of the transform feedback stream from which to retrieve a primitive count.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStream")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStream")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedbackStream(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 id, Int32 stream)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v4.0 and ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0]
/// Render primitives using a count derived from a specifed stream of a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStream")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStream")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedbackStream(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 id, UInt32 stream)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of primitives using a count derived from a specifed stream of a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the number of instances of the geometry to render.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_transform_feedback_instanced", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback_instanced|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 id, Int32 stream, Int32 instancecount)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple instances of primitives using a count derived from a specifed stream of a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_transform_feedback_instanced", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback_instanced|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced")]
public static
void DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 id, UInt32 stream, Int32 instancecount)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glEndQueryIndexed")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glEndQueryIndexed")]
public static
void EndQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.QueryTarget target, Int32 index)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glEndQueryIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glEndQueryIndexed")]
public static
void EndQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.QueryTarget target, UInt32 index)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Create a new sync object and insert it into the GL command stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="condition">
/// Specifies a bitwise combination of flags controlling the behavior of the sync object. No flags are presently defined for this operation and flags must be zero. flags is a placeholder for anticipated future extensions of fence sync object capabilities.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glFenceSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFenceSync")]
public static
IntPtr FenceSync(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SyncCondition condition, Int32 flags)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Create a new sync object and insert it into the GL command stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="condition">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glFenceSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFenceSync")]
public static
IntPtr FenceSync(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SyncCondition condition, UInt32 flags)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Indicate modifications to a range of a mapped buffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the length of the buffer subrange, in basic machine units.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_map_buffer_range", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFlushMappedBufferRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_map_buffer_range|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFlushMappedBufferRange")]
public static
void FlushMappedBufferRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a named parameter of a framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The new value for the parameter named pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferParameteri")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferParameteri")]
public static
void FramebufferParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferDefaultParameter pname, Int32 param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Attach a renderbuffer as a logical buffer to the currently bound framebuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the name of an existing renderbuffer object of type renderbuffertarget to attach.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferRenderbuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferRenderbuffer")]
public static
void FramebufferRenderbuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.RenderbufferTarget renderbuffertarget, Int32 renderbuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Attach a renderbuffer as a logical buffer to the currently bound framebuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferRenderbuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferRenderbuffer")]
public static
void FramebufferRenderbuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.RenderbufferTarget renderbuffertarget, UInt32 renderbuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture1D")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture1D")]
public static
void FramebufferTexture1D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTarget textarget, Int32 texture, Int32 level)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture1D")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture1D")]
public static
void FramebufferTexture1D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTarget textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture2D")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture2D")]
public static
void FramebufferTexture2D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTarget textarget, Int32 texture, Int32 level)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture2D")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture2D")]
public static
void FramebufferTexture2D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTarget textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture3D")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture3D")]
public static
void FramebufferTexture3D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTarget textarget, Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 zoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture3D")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture3D")]
public static
void FramebufferTexture3D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTarget textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 zoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Attach a single layer of a texture to a framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the layer of texture to attach.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTextureLayer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTextureLayer")]
public static
void FramebufferTextureLayer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachment, Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 layer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Attach a single layer of a texture to a framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTextureLayer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTextureLayer")]
public static
void FramebufferTextureLayer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachment, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 layer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate mipmaps for a specified texture target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the target to which the texture whose mimaps to generate is bound. target must be GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY or GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenerateMipmap")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenerateMipmap")]
public static
void GenerateMipmap(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GenerateMipmapTarget target)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate framebuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated framebuffer object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
public static
void GenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32[] framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate framebuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated framebuffer object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
public static
void GenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out Int32 framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate framebuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
public static
unsafe void GenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32* framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate framebuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
public static
void GenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate framebuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
public static
void GenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate framebuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers")]
public static
unsafe void GenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* framebuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve program pipeline object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of into which the reserved names will be written.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
public static
void GenProgramPipelines(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32[] pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve program pipeline object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of into which the reserved names will be written.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
public static
void GenProgramPipelines(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out Int32 pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve program pipeline object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
public static
unsafe void GenProgramPipelines(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32* pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve program pipeline object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
public static
void GenProgramPipelines(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve program pipeline object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
public static
void GenProgramPipelines(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve program pipeline object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenProgramPipelines")]
public static
unsafe void GenProgramPipelines(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* pipelines)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate renderbuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated renderbuffer object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
public static
void GenRenderbuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32[] renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate renderbuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated renderbuffer object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
public static
void GenRenderbuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out Int32 renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate renderbuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
public static
unsafe void GenRenderbuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32* renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate renderbuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
public static
void GenRenderbuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate renderbuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
public static
void GenRenderbuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate renderbuffer object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers")]
public static
unsafe void GenRenderbuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* renderbuffers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate sampler object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated sampler object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
public static
void GenSamplers(Int32 count, [OutAttribute] Int32[] samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate sampler object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated sampler object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
public static
void GenSamplers(Int32 count, [OutAttribute] out Int32 samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate sampler object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
public static
unsafe void GenSamplers(Int32 count, [OutAttribute] Int32* samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate sampler object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
public static
void GenSamplers(Int32 count, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate sampler object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
public static
void GenSamplers(Int32 count, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate sampler object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenSamplers")]
public static
unsafe void GenSamplers(Int32 count, [OutAttribute] UInt32* samplers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve transform feedback object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of into which the reserved names will be written.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void GenTransformFeedback(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32[] ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve transform feedback object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array of into which the reserved names will be written.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void GenTransformFeedback(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out Int32 ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve transform feedback object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
unsafe void GenTransformFeedback(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32* ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve transform feedback object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void GenTransformFeedback(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve transform feedback object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
void GenTransformFeedback(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Reserve transform feedback object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenTransformFeedbacks")]
public static
unsafe void GenTransformFeedback(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate vertex array object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated vertex array object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
public static
void GenVertexArrays(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32[] arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate vertex array object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// Specifies an array in which the generated vertex array object names are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
public static
void GenVertexArrays(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out Int32 arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate vertex array object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
public static
unsafe void GenVertexArrays(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] Int32* arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate vertex array object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
public static
void GenVertexArrays(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate vertex array object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
public static
void GenVertexArrays(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Generate vertex array object names
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGenVertexArrays")]
public static
unsafe void GenVertexArrays(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* arrays)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about the set of active atomic counter buffers for a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a variable into which to write the retrieved information.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_atomic_counters", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_atomic_counters|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
public static
void GetActiveAtomicCounterBuffer(Int32 program, Int32 bufferIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.AtomicCounterBufferParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about the set of active atomic counter buffers for a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a variable into which to write the retrieved information.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_atomic_counters", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_atomic_counters|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
public static
void GetActiveAtomicCounterBuffer(Int32 program, Int32 bufferIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.AtomicCounterBufferParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about the set of active atomic counter buffers for a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_atomic_counters", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_atomic_counters|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveAtomicCounterBuffer(Int32 program, Int32 bufferIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.AtomicCounterBufferParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about the set of active atomic counter buffers for a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_atomic_counters", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_atomic_counters|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
public static
void GetActiveAtomicCounterBuffer(UInt32 program, UInt32 bufferIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.AtomicCounterBufferParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about the set of active atomic counter buffers for a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_atomic_counters", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_atomic_counters|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
public static
void GetActiveAtomicCounterBuffer(UInt32 program, UInt32 bufferIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.AtomicCounterBufferParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about the set of active atomic counter buffers for a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_atomic_counters", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_atomic_counters|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveAtomicCounterBuffer(UInt32 program, UInt32 bufferIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.AtomicCounterBufferParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of an array into which the name of the shader subroutine uniform will be written.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineName(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveSubroutineName(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineName(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, UInt32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveSubroutineName(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, UInt32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a into which the queried value or values will be placed.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineUniform(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveSubroutineUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a into which the queried value or values will be placed.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineUniform(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveSubroutineUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveSubroutineUniform(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveSubroutineUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineUniform(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveSubroutineUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineUniform(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveSubroutineUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveSubroutineUniform(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveSubroutineUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a buffer that will receive the name of the specified shader subroutine uniform.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineUniformName(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveSubroutineUniformName(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
public static
void GetActiveSubroutineUniformName(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, UInt32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active shader subroutine uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveSubroutineUniformName(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, UInt32 index, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query information about an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a variable to receive the result of the query.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformBlock(Int32 program, Int32 uniformBlockIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveUniformBlockParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query information about an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a variable to receive the result of the query.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformBlock(Int32 program, Int32 uniformBlockIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveUniformBlockParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query information about an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniformBlock(Int32 program, Int32 uniformBlockIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveUniformBlockParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query information about an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformBlock(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveUniformBlockParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query information about an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformBlock(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveUniformBlockParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query information about an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniformBlock(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveUniformBlockParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the name of an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address an array of characters to receive the name of the uniform block at uniformBlockIndex.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformBlockName(Int32 program, Int32 uniformBlockIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformBlockName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the name of an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniformBlockName(Int32 program, Int32 uniformBlockIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformBlockName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the name of an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformBlockName(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformBlockName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the name of an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformBlockName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniformBlockName(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformBlockName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a buffer into which the GL will place the name of the active uniform at uniformIndex within program.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformName(Int32 program, Int32 uniformIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniformName(Int32 program, Int32 uniformIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
public static
void GetActiveUniformName(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an active uniform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformName")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniformName(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns information about several active uniform variables for the specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of an array of uniformCount integers which are to receive the value of pname for each uniform in uniformIndices.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniforms(Int32 program, Int32 uniformCount, Int32[] uniformIndices, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns information about several active uniform variables for the specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of an array of uniformCount integers which are to receive the value of pname for each uniform in uniformIndices.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniforms(Int32 program, Int32 uniformCount, ref Int32 uniformIndices, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns information about several active uniform variables for the specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniforms(Int32 program, Int32 uniformCount, Int32* uniformIndices, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns information about several active uniform variables for the specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniforms(UInt32 program, Int32 uniformCount, UInt32[] uniformIndices, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns information about several active uniform variables for the specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
public static
void GetActiveUniforms(UInt32 program, Int32 uniformCount, ref UInt32 uniformIndices, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns information about several active uniform variables for the specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniformsiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetActiveUniforms(UInt32 program, Int32 uniformCount, UInt32* uniformIndices, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ActiveUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve messages from the debug message log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// The address of an array of characters that will receive the messages.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
public static
Int32 GetDebugMessageLog(Int32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All[] sources, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All[] types, [OutAttribute] Int32[] ids, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All[] severities, [OutAttribute] Int32[] lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve messages from the debug message log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// The address of an array of characters that will receive the messages.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
public static
Int32 GetDebugMessageLog(Int32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All sources, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All types, [OutAttribute] out Int32 ids, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All severities, [OutAttribute] out Int32 lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve messages from the debug message log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
public static
unsafe Int32 GetDebugMessageLog(Int32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All* sources, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All* types, [OutAttribute] Int32* ids, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All* severities, [OutAttribute] Int32* lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve messages from the debug message log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
public static
Int32 GetDebugMessageLog(UInt32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All[] sources, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All[] types, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] ids, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All[] severities, [OutAttribute] Int32[] lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve messages from the debug message log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
public static
Int32 GetDebugMessageLog(UInt32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All sources, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All types, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 ids, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All severities, [OutAttribute] out Int32 lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve messages from the debug message log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDebugMessageLog")]
public static
unsafe Int32 GetDebugMessageLog(UInt32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All* sources, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All* types, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All* severities, [OutAttribute] Int32* lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
public static
void GetDouble(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetIndexedPName target, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] Double[] data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
public static
void GetDouble(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetIndexedPName target, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] out Double data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
public static
unsafe void GetDouble(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetIndexedPName target, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] Double* data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
public static
void GetDouble(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Double[] data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
public static
void GetDouble(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] out Double data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetDoublei_v")]
public static
unsafe void GetDouble(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Double* data)
return Delegates.glGetError();
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
public static
void GetFloat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetIndexedPName target, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] Single[] data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
public static
void GetFloat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetIndexedPName target, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] out Single data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
public static
unsafe void GetFloat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetIndexedPName target, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] Single* data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
public static
void GetFloat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Single[] data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
public static
void GetFloat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] out Single data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFloati_v")]
public static
unsafe void GetFloat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Single* data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the bindings of color indices to user-defined varying out variables
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The name of the user-defined varying out variable whose index to query
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_blend_func_extended", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetFragDataIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_blend_func_extended|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFragDataIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetFragDataIndex(Int32 program, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the bindings of color indices to user-defined varying out variables
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_blend_func_extended", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetFragDataIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_blend_func_extended|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFragDataIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetFragDataIndex(UInt32 program, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about attachments of a bound framebuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the address of a variable receive the value of pname for attachment.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv")]
public static
void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about attachments of a bound framebuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the address of a variable receive the value of pname for attachment.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv")]
public static
void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about attachments of a bound framebuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv")]
public static
unsafe void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve a named parameter from a framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a variable to receive the value of the parameter named pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferParameteriv")]
public static
void GetFramebufferParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferDefaultParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve a named parameter from a framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of a variable to receive the value of the parameter named pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferParameteriv")]
public static
void GetFramebufferParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferDefaultParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve a named parameter from a framebuffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferParameteriv")]
public static
unsafe void GetFramebufferParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferDefaultParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetInteger64v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInteger64v")]
public static
void GetInteger64(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int64[] data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetInteger64v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInteger64v")]
public static
void GetInteger64(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, [OutAttribute] out Int64 data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetInteger64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInteger64v")]
public static
unsafe void GetInteger64(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* data)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_internalformat_query2", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformati64v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_internalformat_query2|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformati64v")]
public static
void GetInternalformat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ImageTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.InternalFormatParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int64[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_internalformat_query2", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformati64v")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_internalformat_query2|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformati64v")]
public static
void GetInternalformat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ImageTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.InternalFormatParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int64 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_internalformat_query2", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformati64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_internalformat_query2|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformati64v")]
public static
unsafe void GetInternalformat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ImageTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.InternalFormatParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about implementation-dependent support for internal formats
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the address of a variable into which to write the retrieved information.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_internalformat_query", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformativ")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_internalformat_query|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformativ")]
public static
void GetInternalformat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ImageTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.InternalFormatParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about implementation-dependent support for internal formats
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the address of a variable into which to write the retrieved information.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_internalformat_query", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformativ")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_internalformat_query|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformativ")]
public static
void GetInternalformat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ImageTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.InternalFormatParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about implementation-dependent support for internal formats
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_internalformat_query", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformativ")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_internalformat_query|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetInternalformativ")]
public static
unsafe void GetInternalformat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ImageTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.InternalFormatParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a sample
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Specifies the address of an array to receive the position of the sample.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
public static
void GetMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetMultisamplePName pname, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] Single[] val)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a sample
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Specifies the address of an array to receive the position of the sample.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
public static
void GetMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetMultisamplePName pname, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] out Single val)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a sample
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
public static
unsafe void GetMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetMultisamplePName pname, Int32 index, [OutAttribute] Single* val)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a sample
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
public static
void GetMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetMultisamplePName pname, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Single[] val)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a sample
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
public static
void GetMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetMultisamplePName pname, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] out Single val)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a sample
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetMultisamplefv")]
public static
unsafe void GetMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetMultisamplePName pname, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Single* val)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, Int32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, Int32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
public static
unsafe void GetObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, Int32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectLabel")]
public static
unsafe void GetObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
unsafe void GetObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
unsafe void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
unsafe void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,,] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,,] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
unsafe void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,,] ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T0 ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string that will receive the object label.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T0 ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
unsafe void GetObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T0 ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return the address of the specified pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Returns the pointer value specified by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
public static
void GetPointer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetPointervPName pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return the address of the specified pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Returns the pointer value specified by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
public static
void GetPointer<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetPointervPName pname, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[] @params)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return the address of the specified pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Returns the pointer value specified by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
public static
void GetPointer<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetPointervPName pname, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,] @params)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return the address of the specified pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Returns the pointer value specified by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
public static
void GetPointer<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetPointervPName pname, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,,] @params)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return the address of the specified pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Returns the pointer value specified by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv")]
public static
void GetPointer<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetPointervPName pname, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T1 @params)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address an array into which the GL will return program's binary representation.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [OutAttribute] IntPtr binary)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address an array into which the GL will return program's binary representation.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address an array into which the GL will return program's binary representation.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address an array into which the GL will return program's binary representation.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address an array into which the GL will return program's binary representation.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [OutAttribute] IntPtr binary)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(Int32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [OutAttribute] IntPtr binary)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [OutAttribute] IntPtr binary)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramBinary")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramBinary<T4>(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat* binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 binary)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an interface in a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The address of a variable to retrieve the value of pname for the program interface.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramInterface(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterfaceParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an interface in a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The address of a variable to retrieve the value of pname for the program interface.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramInterface(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterfaceParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an interface in a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramInterface(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterfaceParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an interface in a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramInterface(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterfaceParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an interface in a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramInterface(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterfaceParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query a property of an interface in a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInterfaceiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramInterface(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterfaceParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the info log string from a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies the address of an array of characters into which will be written the info log for pipeline.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
public static
void GetProgramPipelineInfoLog(Int32 pipeline, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the info log string from a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramPipelineInfoLog(Int32 pipeline, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the info log string from a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
public static
void GetProgramPipelineInfoLog(UInt32 pipeline, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the info log string from a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramPipelineInfoLog(UInt32 pipeline, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies the address of a variable into which will be written the value or values of pname for pipeline.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
public static
void GetProgramPipeline(Int32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramPipelineParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies the address of a variable into which will be written the value or values of pname for pipeline.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
public static
void GetProgramPipeline(Int32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramPipelineParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramPipeline(Int32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramPipelineParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
public static
void GetProgramPipeline(UInt32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramPipelineParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
public static
void GetProgramPipeline(UInt32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramPipelineParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramPipelineiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramPipeline(UInt32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramPipelineParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the index of a named resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The name of the resource to query the index of.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetProgramResourceIndex(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the index of a named resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetProgramResourceIndex(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve values for multiple properties of a single active resource within a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// A token identifying the interface within program containing the resource named name.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramResource(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, Int32 index, Int32 propCount, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramProperty[] props, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve values for multiple properties of a single active resource within a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// A token identifying the interface within program containing the resource named name.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramResource(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, Int32 index, Int32 propCount, ref OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramProperty props, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve values for multiple properties of a single active resource within a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramResource(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, Int32 index, Int32 propCount, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramProperty* props, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve values for multiple properties of a single active resource within a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramResource(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, UInt32 index, Int32 propCount, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramProperty[] props, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve values for multiple properties of a single active resource within a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
public static
void GetProgramResource(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, UInt32 index, Int32 propCount, ref OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramProperty props, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve values for multiple properties of a single active resource within a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramResource(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, UInt32 index, Int32 propCount, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramProperty* props, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the location of a named resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The name of the resource to query the location of.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocation")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocation")]
public static
Int32 GetProgramResourceLocation(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the location of a named resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocation")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocation")]
public static
Int32 GetProgramResourceLocation(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the fragment color index of a named variable within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The name of the resource to query the location of.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetProgramResourceLocationIndex(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the fragment color index of a named variable within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetProgramResourceLocationIndex(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an indexed resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The address of a character array into which will be written the name of the resource.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
public static
void GetProgramResourceName(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, Int32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an indexed resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The address of a character array into which will be written the name of the resource.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
public static
void GetProgramResourceName(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, Int32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an indexed resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramResourceName(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, Int32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an indexed resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
public static
void GetProgramResourceName(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32[] length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an indexed resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
public static
void GetProgramResourceName(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the name of an indexed resource within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_program_interface_query", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_program_interface_query|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramResourceName")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramResourceName(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramInterface programInterface, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program object corresponding to a specified shader stage
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of a variable into which the queried value or values will be placed.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
public static
void GetProgramStage(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramStageParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program object corresponding to a specified shader stage
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramStage(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramStageParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program object corresponding to a specified shader stage
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
public static
void GetProgramStage(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramStageParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve properties of a program object corresponding to a specified shader stage
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetProgramStageiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetProgramStage(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramStageParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of an indexed query object target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Returns the requested data.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
public static
void GetQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.QueryTarget target, Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of an indexed query object target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Returns the requested data.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
public static
void GetQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.QueryTarget target, Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of an indexed query object target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
public static
unsafe void GetQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.QueryTarget target, Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of an indexed query object target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
public static
void GetQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.QueryTarget target, UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of an indexed query object target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
public static
void GetQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.QueryTarget target, UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of an indexed query object target
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback3", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback3|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryIndexediv")]
public static
unsafe void GetQueryIndexed(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.QueryTarget target, UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// If a buffer is bound to the GL_QUERY_RESULT_BUFFER target, then params is treated as an offset to a location within that buffer's data store to receive the result of the query. If no buffer is bound to GL_QUERY_RESULT_BUFFER, then params is treated as an address in client memory of a variable to receive the resulting data.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
public static
void GetQueryObject(Int32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int64[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// If a buffer is bound to the GL_QUERY_RESULT_BUFFER target, then params is treated as an offset to a location within that buffer's data store to receive the result of the query. If no buffer is bound to GL_QUERY_RESULT_BUFFER, then params is treated as an address in client memory of a variable to receive the resulting data.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
public static
void GetQueryObject(Int32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] out Int64 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
public static
unsafe void GetQueryObject(Int32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
public static
void GetQueryObject(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int64[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
public static
void GetQueryObject(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] out Int64 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjecti64v")]
public static
unsafe void GetQueryObject(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjectui64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjectui64v")]
public static
void GetQueryObject(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] UInt64[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjectui64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjectui64v")]
public static
void GetQueryObject(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] out UInt64 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return parameters of a query object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjectui64v")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetQueryObjectui64v")]
public static
unsafe void GetQueryObject(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] UInt64* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about a bound renderbuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the address of an array to receive the value of the queried parameter.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv")]
public static
void GetRenderbufferParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.RenderbufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.RenderbufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about a bound renderbuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the address of an array to receive the value of the queried parameter.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv")]
public static
void GetRenderbufferParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.RenderbufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.RenderbufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve information about a bound renderbuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv")]
public static
unsafe void GetRenderbufferParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.RenderbufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.RenderbufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// Returns the sampler parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Single[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// Returns the sampler parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Single @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Single[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Single @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameterI(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameterI(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSamplerParameterI(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, [OutAttribute] UInt32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// Returns the sampler parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// Returns the sampler parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
void GetSamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Return sampler parameter values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the range and precision for numeric formats supported by the shader compiler
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shaderType">
/// Specifies the address of an integer into which the numeric precision of the implementation is written.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat")]
public static
void GetShaderPrecisionFormat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderPrecisionType precisiontype, [OutAttribute] Int32[] range, [OutAttribute] Int32[] precision)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the range and precision for numeric formats supported by the shader compiler
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shaderType">
/// Specifies the address of an integer into which the numeric precision of the implementation is written.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat")]
public static
void GetShaderPrecisionFormat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderPrecisionType precisiontype, [OutAttribute] out Int32 range, [OutAttribute] out Int32 precision)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the range and precision for numeric formats supported by the shader compiler
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shaderType">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat")]
public static
unsafe void GetShaderPrecisionFormat(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderPrecisionType precisiontype, [OutAttribute] Int32* range, [OutAttribute] Int32* precision)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the name of the subroutine uniform whose index to query.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetSubroutineIndex(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetSubroutineIndex(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the name of the subroutine uniform whose index to query.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineUniformLocation")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineUniformLocation")]
public static
Int32 GetSubroutineUniformLocation(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the location of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineUniformLocation")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSubroutineUniformLocation")]
public static
Int32 GetSubroutineUniformLocation(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, String name)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the properties of a sync object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// Specifies the address of an array to receive the values of the queried parameter.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetSynciv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSynciv")]
public static
void GetSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SyncParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] Int32[] values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the properties of a sync object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// Specifies the address of an array to receive the values of the queried parameter.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetSynciv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSynciv")]
public static
void GetSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SyncParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] out Int32 length, [OutAttribute] out Int32 values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Query the properties of a sync object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glGetSynciv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetSynciv")]
public static
unsafe void GetSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SyncParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address an array of characters to containing the name of the uniform block whose index to retrieve.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformBlockIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformBlockIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetUniformBlockIndex(Int32 program, String uniformBlockName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformBlockIndex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformBlockIndex")]
public static
Int32 GetUniformBlockIndex(UInt32 program, String uniformBlockName)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns the value of a uniform variable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Returns the value of the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
public static
void GetUniform(Int32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] Double[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns the value of a uniform variable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Returns the value of the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
public static
void GetUniform(Int32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] out Double @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns the value of a uniform variable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
public static
unsafe void GetUniform(Int32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] Double* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns the value of a uniform variable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
public static
void GetUniform(UInt32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] Double[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns the value of a uniform variable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
public static
void GetUniform(UInt32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] out Double @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Returns the value of a uniform variable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformdv")]
public static
unsafe void GetUniform(UInt32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] Double* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of an array that will receive the indices of the uniforms.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
public static
void GetUniformIndices(Int32 program, Int32 uniformCount, String[] uniformNames, [OutAttribute] Int32[] uniformIndices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the address of an array that will receive the indices of the uniforms.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
public static
void GetUniformIndices(Int32 program, Int32 uniformCount, String[] uniformNames, [OutAttribute] out Int32 uniformIndices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
public static
unsafe void GetUniformIndices(Int32 program, Int32 uniformCount, String[] uniformNames, [OutAttribute] Int32* uniformIndices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
public static
void GetUniformIndices(UInt32 program, Int32 uniformCount, String[] uniformNames, [OutAttribute] UInt32[] uniformIndices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
public static
void GetUniformIndices(UInt32 program, Int32 uniformCount, String[] uniformNames, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 uniformIndices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the index of a named uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformIndices")]
public static
unsafe void GetUniformIndices(UInt32 program, Int32 uniformCount, String[] uniformNames, [OutAttribute] UInt32* uniformIndices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the value of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage of the current program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// Specifies the address of a variable to receive the value or values of the subroutine uniform.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
public static
void GetUniformSubroutine(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] out Int32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the value of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage of the current program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetUniformSubroutine(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the value of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage of the current program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
public static
void GetUniformSubroutine(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] out UInt32 @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Retrieve the value of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage of the current program
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv")]
public static
unsafe void GetUniformSubroutine(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] UInt32* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
public static
void GetVertexAttribL(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Double[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
public static
void GetVertexAttribL(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Double @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
public static
unsafe void GetVertexAttribL(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Double* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
public static
void GetVertexAttribL(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Double[] @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
public static
void GetVertexAttribL(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] out Double @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribLdv")]
public static
unsafe void GetVertexAttribL(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Double* @params)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content of a buffer object's data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffer">
/// The name of a buffer object whose data store to invalidate.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferData")]
public static
void InvalidateBufferData(Int32 buffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content of a buffer object's data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffer">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferData")]
public static
void InvalidateBufferData(UInt32 buffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate a region of a buffer object's data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffer">
/// The length of the range within the buffer's data store to be invalidated.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferSubData")]
public static
void InvalidateBufferSubData(Int32 buffer, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate a region of a buffer object's data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffer">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferSubData")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateBufferSubData")]
public static
void InvalidateBufferSubData(UInt32 buffer, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content some or all of a framebuffer object's attachments
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of an array identifying the attachments to be invalidated.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateFramebuffer")]
public static
void InvalidateFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 numAttachments, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment[] attachments)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content some or all of a framebuffer object's attachments
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The address of an array identifying the attachments to be invalidated.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateFramebuffer")]
public static
void InvalidateFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 numAttachments, ref OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachments)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content some or all of a framebuffer object's attachments
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateFramebuffer")]
public static
unsafe void InvalidateFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 numAttachments, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment* attachments)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content of a region of some or all of a framebuffer object's attachments
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The height of the region to be invalidated.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer")]
public static
void InvalidateSubFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 numAttachments, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment[] attachments, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content of a region of some or all of a framebuffer object's attachments
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// The height of the region to be invalidated.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer")]
public static
void InvalidateSubFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 numAttachments, ref OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment attachments, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the content of a region of some or all of a framebuffer object's attachments
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer")]
public static
unsafe void InvalidateSubFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 numAttachments, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.FramebufferAttachment* attachments, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the entirety a texture image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The level of detail of the texture object to invalidate.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexImage")]
public static
void InvalidateTexImage(Int32 texture, Int32 level)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate the entirety a texture image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexImage")]
public static
void InvalidateTexImage(UInt32 texture, Int32 level)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate a region of a texture image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// The depth of the region to be invalidated.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexSubImage")]
public static
void InvalidateTexSubImage(Int32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Invalidate a region of a texture image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_invalidate_subdata", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexSubImage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_invalidate_subdata|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glInvalidateTexSubImage")]
public static
void InvalidateTexSubImage(UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a framebuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="framebuffer">
/// Specifies a value that may be the name of a framebuffer object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glIsFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsFramebuffer")]
public static
bool IsFramebuffer(Int32 framebuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a framebuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="framebuffer">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glIsFramebuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsFramebuffer")]
public static
bool IsFramebuffer(UInt32 framebuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies a value that may be the name of a program pipeline object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glIsProgramPipeline")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsProgramPipeline")]
public static
bool IsProgramPipeline(Int32 pipeline)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a program pipeline object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glIsProgramPipeline")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsProgramPipeline")]
public static
bool IsProgramPipeline(UInt32 pipeline)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a renderbuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="renderbuffer">
/// Specifies a value that may be the name of a renderbuffer object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glIsRenderbuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsRenderbuffer")]
public static
bool IsRenderbuffer(Int32 renderbuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a renderbuffer object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="renderbuffer">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glIsRenderbuffer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsRenderbuffer")]
public static
bool IsRenderbuffer(UInt32 renderbuffer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a sampler object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// Specifies a value that may be the name of a sampler object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glIsSampler")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsSampler")]
public static
bool IsSampler(Int32 sampler)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a sampler object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glIsSampler")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsSampler")]
public static
bool IsSampler(UInt32 sampler)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a sync object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// Specifies a value that may be the name of a sync object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glIsSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsSync")]
public static
bool IsSync(IntPtr sync)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// Specifies a value that may be the name of a transform feedback object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glIsTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsTransformFeedback")]
public static
bool IsTransformFeedback(Int32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a transform feedback object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glIsTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsTransformFeedback")]
public static
bool IsTransformFeedback(UInt32 id)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a vertex array object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="array">
/// Specifies a value that may be the name of a vertex array object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glIsVertexArray")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsVertexArray")]
public static
bool IsVertexArray(Int32 array)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Determine if a name corresponds to a vertex array object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="array">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_vertex_array_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glIsVertexArray")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_array_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glIsVertexArray")]
public static
bool IsVertexArray(UInt32 array)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Map a section of a buffer object's data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies a combination of access flags indicating the desired access to the range.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_map_buffer_range", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glMapBufferRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_map_buffer_range|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMapBufferRange")]
public static
IntPtr MapBufferRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferTarget target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BufferAccessMask access)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Defines a barrier ordering memory transactions
/// </summary>
/// <param name="barriers">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_shader_image_load_store", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glMemoryBarrier")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_image_load_store|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMemoryBarrier")]
public static
void MemoryBarrier(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.MemoryBarrierFlags barriers)
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArrays")]
public static
- void MultiDrawArrays(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32[] first, Int32[] count, Int32 drawcount)
+ void MultiDrawArrays(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] first, Int32[] count, Int32 drawcount)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
fixed (Int32* first_ptr = first)
fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- Delegates.glMultiDrawArrays1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)first_ptr, (Int32*)count_ptr, (Int32)drawcount);
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawArrays((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)first_ptr, (Int32*)count_ptr, (Int32)drawcount);
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArrays")]
public static
- void MultiDrawArrays(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, ref Int32 first, ref Int32 count, Int32 drawcount)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* first_ptr = &first)
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawArrays1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)first_ptr, (Int32*)count_ptr, (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives from array data
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="first">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of starting indices in the enabled arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the number of indices to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the first and count
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArrays")]
- public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawArrays(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32* first, Int32* count, Int32 drawcount)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- Delegates.glMultiDrawArrays1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)first, (Int32*)count, (Int32)drawcount);
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives from array data
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="first">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of starting indices in the enabled arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the number of indices to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the first and count
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArrays")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawArrays(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] first, Int32[] count, Int32 drawcount)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* first_ptr = first)
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawArrays((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)first_ptr, (Int32*)count_ptr, (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives from array data
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="first">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of starting indices in the enabled arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the number of indices to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the first and count
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArrays")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawArrays(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 first, ref Int32 count, Int32 drawcount)
+ void MultiDrawArrays(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 first, ref Int32 count, Int32 drawcount)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple sets of primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawArraysIndirect(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, IntPtr indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple sets of primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[] indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple sets of primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,] indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple sets of primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T1[,,] indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T1 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render multiple sets of primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawArraysIndirect<T1>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T1 indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T1 : struct
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- {
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- {
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
+ void MultiDrawElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount);
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount)
+ void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount)
where T3 : struct
fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- {
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
- {
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
- {
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
- {
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
- {
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount);
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements1((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- {
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- {
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- {
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- {
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
- public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- unsafe
- {
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
+ void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
where T3 : struct
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
+ fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
+ void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
where T3 : struct
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
+ fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
/// </param>
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount)
+ void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount)
where T3 : struct
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
+ fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
/// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount)
+ void MultiDrawElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount);
+ unsafe
+ {
+ fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
+ {
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount);
+ }
+ }
/// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount)
+ void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount)
where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- }
- finally
+ unsafe
- indices_ptr.Free();
+ fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
+ {
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ }
/// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
+ void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
+ unsafe
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
+ fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
+ {
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ }
- finally
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
+ /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="drawcount">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
+ public static
+ void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
+ where T3 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- indices_ptr.Free();
+ #endif
+ unsafe
+ {
+ fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
+ {
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ }
/// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
+ void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount)
where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
+ unsafe
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
+ fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
+ {
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
+ indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
+ #if DEBUG
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
+ /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="drawcount">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
+ public static
+ unsafe void MultiDrawElements(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount)
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount);
[AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount)
+ unsafe void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount)
where T3 : struct
Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
- indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
+ /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
+ /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="drawcount">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count, indices and basevertex arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
+ /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
+ unsafe void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
+ where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- unsafe
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- fixed (Int32* basevertex_ptr = basevertex)
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
- }
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
+ /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
+ /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="drawcount">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count, indices and basevertex arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
+ /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
+ unsafe void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount)
where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- unsafe
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- fixed (Int32* basevertex_ptr = basevertex)
- {
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- }
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
+ /// <summary>[requires: v1.4]
+ /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// <para>
/// </param>
/// <param name="drawcount">
/// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count, indices and basevertex arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
+ /// Specifies the size of the count and indices arrays.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_1_4", Version = "1.4", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElements")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
+ unsafe void MultiDrawElements<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount)
where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- unsafe
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
- fixed (Int32* basevertex_ptr = basevertex)
- {
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- }
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElements((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount);
+ indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
- where T3 : struct
+ void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
fixed (Int32* basevertex_ptr = basevertex)
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
+ void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
where T3 : struct
Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
- indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
+ void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
+ where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
- fixed (Int32* basevertex_ptr = &basevertex)
+ fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
+ fixed (Int32* basevertex_ptr = basevertex)
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
+ void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
- fixed (Int32* basevertex_ptr = &basevertex)
+ fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
+ fixed (Int32* basevertex_ptr = basevertex)
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
+ void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32[] count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32[] basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
- fixed (Int32* basevertex_ptr = &basevertex)
+ fixed (Int32* count_ptr = count)
+ fixed (Int32* basevertex_ptr = basevertex)
GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
+ indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
- where T3 : struct
+ void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
fixed (Int32* basevertex_ptr = &basevertex)
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
- void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
+ void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
- indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count, indices and basevertex arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
- public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32* basevertex)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex);
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
- /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="type">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="indices">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="drawcount">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the size of the count, indices and basevertex arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="basevertex">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
- public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32* basevertex)
- where T3 : struct
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex);
- }
- finally
- {
- indices_ptr.Free();
- }
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32* basevertex)
+ void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex);
- }
- finally
+ unsafe
- indices_ptr.Free();
+ fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
+ fixed (Int32* basevertex_ptr = &basevertex)
+ {
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ }
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
- unsafe void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32* basevertex)
+ void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
where T3 : struct
using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
- try
- {
- Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex);
- }
- finally
+ unsafe
- indices_ptr.Free();
+ fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
+ fixed (Int32* basevertex_ptr = &basevertex)
+ {
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ }
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
+ /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="drawcount">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the size of the count, indices and basevertex arrays.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ public static
+ void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, ref Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount, ref Int32 basevertex)
+ where T3 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ unsafe
+ {
+ fixed (Int32* count_ptr = &count)
+ fixed (Int32* basevertex_ptr = &basevertex)
+ {
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count_ptr, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex_ptr);
+ indices = (T3)indices_ptr.Target;
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
+ /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="drawcount">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the size of the count, indices and basevertex arrays.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ public static
+ unsafe void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32* basevertex)
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices, (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex);
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
+ /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="drawcount">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the size of the count, indices and basevertex arrays.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ public static
+ unsafe void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32* basevertex)
+ where T3 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
+ /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="drawcount">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the size of the count, indices and basevertex arrays.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ public static
+ unsafe void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32* basevertex)
+ where T3 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
+ /// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mode">
+ /// <para>
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="count">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Points to an array of the elements counts.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="type">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="indices">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="drawcount">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies the size of the count, indices and basevertex arrays.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="basevertex">
+ /// <para>
+ /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the base vertices are stored.
+ /// </para>
+ /// </param>
+ [System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ public static
+ unsafe void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32* basevertex)
+ where T3 : struct
+ {
+ #if DEBUG
+ using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
+ {
+ #endif
+ GCHandle indices_ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
+ try
+ {
+ Delegates.glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType)mode, (Int32*)count, (OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType)type, (IntPtr)indices_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (Int32)drawcount, (Int32*)basevertex);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ indices_ptr.Free();
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.2 and ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2]
/// Render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex")]
public static
unsafe void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex<T3>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DrawElementsType type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 indices, Int32 drawcount, Int32* basevertex)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsIndirect(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, IntPtr indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[] indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,] indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,,] indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mode">
/// Specifies the distance in basic machine units between elements of the draw parameter array.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_multi_draw_indirect", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_multi_draw_indirect|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect")]
public static
void MultiDrawElementsIndirect<T2>(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All mode, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All type, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T2 indirect, Int32 drawcount, Int32 stride)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP1uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4ui")]
public static
void MultiTexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoordP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void MultiTexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureUnit texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3ui")]
public static
void NormalP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3ui")]
public static
void NormalP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void NormalP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glNormalP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void NormalP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Label a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// The address of a string containing the label to assign to the object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glObjectLabel")]
public static
void ObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, Int32 name, Int32 length, String label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Label a named object identified within a namespace
/// </summary>
/// <param name="identifier">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glObjectLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glObjectLabel")]
public static
void ObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 length, String label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Label a a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string containing the label to assign to the object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void ObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 length, String label)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Label a a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string containing the label to assign to the object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void ObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[] ptr, Int32 length, String label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Label a a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string containing the label to assign to the object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void ObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,] ptr, Int32 length, String label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Label a a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string containing the label to assign to the object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void ObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] T0[,,] ptr, Int32 length, String label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Label a a sync object identified by a pointer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">
/// The address of a string containing the label to assign to the object.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glObjectPtrLabel")]
public static
void ObjectPtrLabel<T0>([InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T0 ptr, Int32 length, String label)
where T0 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specifies the parameters for patch primitives
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the new values for the parameter given by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_tessellation_shader", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_tessellation_shader|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameterfv")]
public static
void PatchParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PatchParameterFloat pname, Single[] values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specifies the parameters for patch primitives
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the new values for the parameter given by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_tessellation_shader", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_tessellation_shader|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameterfv")]
public static
void PatchParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PatchParameterFloat pname, ref Single values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specifies the parameters for patch primitives
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_tessellation_shader", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_tessellation_shader|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameterfv")]
public static
unsafe void PatchParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PatchParameterFloat pname, Single* values)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specifies the parameters for patch primitives
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pname">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the new values for the parameter given by pname.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_tessellation_shader", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameteri")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_tessellation_shader|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPatchParameteri")]
public static
void PatchParameter(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PatchParameterInt pname, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Pause transform feedback operations
/// </summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glPauseTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPauseTransformFeedback")]
public static
void PauseTransformFeedback()
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Pop the active debug group
/// </summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glPopDebugGroup")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPopDebugGroup")]
public static
void PopDebugGroup()
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the number of bytes contained in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the number of bytes contained in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[] binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the number of bytes contained in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the number of bytes contained in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the number of bytes contained in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T2 binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[] binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T2[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load a program object with a program binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramBinary")]
public static
void ProgramBinary<T2>(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryFormat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T2 binary, Int32 length)
where T2 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify a parameter for a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the new value of the parameter specified by pname for program.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramParameteri")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramParameteri")]
public static
void ProgramParameter(Int32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramParameterPName pname, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify a parameter for a program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_get_program_binary", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramParameteri")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_get_program_binary|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramParameteri")]
public static
void ProgramParameter(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramParameterPName pname, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Double v0)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Double v0)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Single v0)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Single v0)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform1(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1ui")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, UInt32 v0)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1uiv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform1uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform1(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Double v0, Double v1)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Double v0, Double v1)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Single v0, Single v1)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Single v0, Single v1)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0, Int32 v1)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0, Int32 v1)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2ui")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, UInt32 v0, UInt32 v1)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2uiv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, UInt32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2uiv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Double v0, Double v1, Double v2)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Double v0, Double v1, Double v2)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Single v0, Single v1, Single v2)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Single v0, Single v1, Single v2)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0, Int32 v1, Int32 v2)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0, Int32 v1, Int32 v2)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3ui")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, UInt32 v0, UInt32 v1, UInt32 v2)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3uiv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, UInt32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3uiv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Double v0, Double v1, Double v2, Double v3)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4d")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Double v0, Double v1, Double v2, Double v3)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Single v0, Single v1, Single v2, Single v3)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4f")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4f")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Single v0, Single v1, Single v2, Single v3)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0, Int32 v1, Int32 v2, Int32 v3)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4i")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4i")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 v0, Int32 v1, Int32 v2, Int32 v3)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4iv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4ui")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, UInt32 v0, UInt32 v1, UInt32 v2, UInt32 v3)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4uiv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, UInt32[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4uiv")]
public static
void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, ref UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniform4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniform4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(Int32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
public static
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Single value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv")]
public static
unsafe void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specifiy the vertex to be used as the source of data for flat shaded varyings
/// </summary>
/// <param name="provokeMode">
/// Specifies the vertex to be used as the source of data for flat shaded varyings.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_provoking_vertex", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glProvokingVertex")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_provoking_vertex|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glProvokingVertex")]
public static
void ProvokingVertex(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProvokingVertexMode mode)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Push a named debug group into the command stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// The a string containing the message to be sent to the debug output stream.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glPushDebugGroup")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPushDebugGroup")]
public static
void PushDebugGroup(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSourceExternal source, Int32 id, Int32 length, String message)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Push a named debug group into the command stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|KHR_debug", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glPushDebugGroup")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "KHR_debug|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glPushDebugGroup")]
public static
void PushDebugGroup(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.DebugSourceExternal source, UInt32 id, Int32 length, String message)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Record the GL time into a query object after all previous commands have reached the GL server but have not yet necessarily executed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// Specify the counter to query. target must be GL_TIMESTAMP.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glQueryCounter")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glQueryCounter")]
public static
void QueryCounter(Int32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.QueryCounterTarget target)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Record the GL time into a query object after all previous commands have reached the GL server but have not yet necessarily executed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_timer_query", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glQueryCounter")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_timer_query|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glQueryCounter")]
public static
void QueryCounter(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.QueryCounterTarget target)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Release resources consumed by the implementation's shader compiler
/// </summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glReleaseShaderCompiler")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glReleaseShaderCompiler")]
public static
void ReleaseShaderCompiler()
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Establish data storage, format and dimensions of a renderbuffer object's image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the height of the renderbuffer, in pixels.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glRenderbufferStorage")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glRenderbufferStorage")]
public static
void RenderbufferStorage(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.RenderbufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.RenderbufferStorage internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Establish data storage, format, dimensions and sample count of a renderbuffer object's image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the height of the renderbuffer, in pixels.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_0|ARB_framebuffer_object", Version = "3.0", EntryPoint = "glRenderbufferStorageMultisample")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_framebuffer_object|VERSION_3_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glRenderbufferStorageMultisample")]
public static
void RenderbufferStorageMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.RenderbufferStorage internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Resume transform feedback operations
/// </summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_transform_feedback2", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glResumeTransformFeedback")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_transform_feedback2|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glResumeTransformFeedback")]
public static
void ResumeTransformFeedback()
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set the value of a sub-word of the sample mask
/// </summary>
/// <param name="maskNumber">
/// Specifies the new value of the mask sub-word.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glSampleMaski")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSampleMaski")]
public static
void SampleMask(Int32 index, Int32 mask)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set the value of a sub-word of the sample mask
/// </summary>
/// <param name="maskNumber">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glSampleMaski")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSampleMaski")]
public static
void SampleMask(UInt32 index, UInt32 mask)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// For the vector commands (glSamplerParameter*v), specifies a pointer to an array where the value or values of pname are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterf")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterf")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, Single param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterf")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterf")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, Single param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// For the vector commands (glSamplerParameter*v), specifies a pointer to an array where the value or values of pname are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, Single[] param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
unsafe void SamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, Single* param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, Single[] param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterfv")]
public static
unsafe void SamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, Single* param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// For the vector commands (glSamplerParameter*v), specifies a pointer to an array where the value or values of pname are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteri")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteri")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, Int32 param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteri")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteri")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, Int32 param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void SamplerParameterI(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, Int32[] param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void SamplerParameterI(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, ref Int32 param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
unsafe void SamplerParameterI(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, Int32* param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void SamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, Int32[] param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
void SamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, ref Int32 param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIiv")]
public static
unsafe void SamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, Int32* param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIuiv")]
public static
void SamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, UInt32[] param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIuiv")]
public static
void SamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, ref UInt32 param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameterIuiv")]
public static
unsafe void SamplerParameterI(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.All pname, UInt32* param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// For the vector commands (glSamplerParameter*v), specifies a pointer to an array where the value or values of pname are stored.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, Int32[] param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
unsafe void SamplerParameter(Int32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, Int32* param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
void SamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, Int32[] param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set sampler parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sampler">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_sampler_objects", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sampler_objects|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSamplerParameteriv")]
public static
unsafe void SamplerParameter(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SamplerParameter pname, Int32* param)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the left, bottom, width and height of each scissor box, in that order.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
public static
void ScissorArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specifies the address of an array containing the left, bottom, width and height of each scissor box, in that order.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
public static
void ScissorArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
public static
unsafe void ScissorArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
public static
void ScissorArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, Int32[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
public static
void ScissorArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref Int32 v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorArrayv")]
public static
unsafe void ScissorArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, Int32* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// For glScissorIndexedv, specifies the address of an array containing the left, bottom, width and height of each scissor box, in that order.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexed")]
public static
void ScissorIndexed(Int32 index, Int32 left, Int32 bottom, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexed")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexed")]
public static
void ScissorIndexed(UInt32 index, Int32 left, Int32 bottom, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// For glScissorIndexedv, specifies the address of an array containing the left, bottom, width and height of each scissor box, in that order.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
public static
void ScissorIndexed(Int32 index, Int32[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// For glScissorIndexedv, specifies the address of an array containing the left, bottom, width and height of each scissor box, in that order.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
public static
void ScissorIndexed(Int32 index, ref Int32 v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
public static
unsafe void ScissorIndexed(Int32 index, Int32* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
public static
void ScissorIndexed(UInt32 index, Int32[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
public static
void ScissorIndexed(UInt32 index, ref Int32 v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Define the scissor box for a specific viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glScissorIndexedv")]
public static
unsafe void ScissorIndexed(UInt32 index, Int32* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3ui")]
public static
void SecondaryColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3ui")]
public static
void SecondaryColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void SecondaryColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glSecondaryColorP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void SecondaryColorP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* color)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary(Int32 count, Int32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary(Int32 count, ref Int32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref Int32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref Int32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref Int32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// Specifies the length of the array whose address is given in binary.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref Int32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary(Int32 count, Int32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, Int32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary(Int32 count, UInt32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32[] shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary(Int32 count, ref UInt32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref UInt32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref UInt32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref UInt32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, ref UInt32 shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary(Int32 count, UInt32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T3[,,] binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load pre-compiled shader binaries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_ES2_compatibility", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_ES2_compatibility|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary")]
public static
unsafe void ShaderBinary<T3>(Int32 count, UInt32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BinaryFormat binaryformat, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T3 binary, Int32 length)
where T3 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Change an active shader storage block binding
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// The index storage block binding to associate with the specified storage block.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glShaderStorageBlockBinding")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderStorageBlockBinding")]
public static
void ShaderStorageBlockBinding(Int32 program, Int32 storageBlockIndex, Int32 storageBlockBinding)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Change an active shader storage block binding
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glShaderStorageBlockBinding")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glShaderStorageBlockBinding")]
public static
void ShaderStorageBlockBinding(UInt32 program, UInt32 storageBlockIndex, UInt32 storageBlockBinding)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a range of a buffer's data store to a buffer texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the size of the range of the buffer's data store to attach.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_buffer_range", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glTexBufferRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_buffer_range|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexBufferRange")]
public static
void TexBufferRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureBufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 buffer, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind a range of a buffer's data store to a buffer texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_buffer_range", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glTexBufferRange")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_buffer_range|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexBufferRange")]
public static
void TexBufferRange(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureBufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, UInt32 buffer, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP1uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP1(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4ui")]
public static
void TexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexCoordP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void TexCoordP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* coords)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Establish the data storage, format, dimensions, and number of samples of a multisample texture's image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies whether the image will use identical sample locations and the same number of samples for all texels in the image, and the sample locations will not depend on the internal format or size of the image.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glTexImage2DMultisample")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexImage2DMultisample")]
public static
void TexImage2DMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTargetMultisample target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, bool fixedsamplelocations)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Establish the data storage, format, dimensions, and number of samples of a multisample texture's image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies whether the image will use identical sample locations and the same number of samples for all texels in the image, and the sample locations will not depend on the internal format or size of the image.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_texture_multisample", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glTexImage3DMultisample")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_multisample|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexImage3DMultisample")]
public static
void TexImage3DMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTargetMultisample target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, bool fixedsamplelocations)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Simultaneously specify storage for all levels of a one-dimensional texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the width of the texture, in texels.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_texture_storage", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage1D")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_storage|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage1D")]
public static
void TexStorage1D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTarget1d target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Simultaneously specify storage for all levels of a two-dimensional or one-dimensional array texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the height of the texture, in texels.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_texture_storage", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage2D")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_storage|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage2D")]
public static
void TexStorage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify storage for a two-dimensional multisample texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies whether the image will use identical sample locations and the same number of samples for all texels in the image, and the sample locations will not depend on the internal format or size of the image.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_storage_multisample", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage2DMultisample")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_storage_multisample|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage2DMultisample")]
public static
void TexStorage2DMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTargetMultisample2d target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, bool fixedsamplelocations)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Simultaneously specify storage for all levels of a three-dimensional, two-dimensional array or cube-map array texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies the depth of the texture, in texels.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_2|ARB_texture_storage", Version = "4.2", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage3D")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_storage|VERSION_4_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage3D")]
public static
void TexStorage3D(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify storage for a two-dimensional multisample array texture
/// </summary>
/// <param name="target">
/// Specifies whether the image will use identical sample locations and the same number of samples for all texels in the image, and the sample locations will not depend on the internal format or size of the image.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_storage_multisample", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage3DMultisample")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_storage_multisample|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTexStorage3DMultisample")]
public static
void TexStorage3DMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTargetMultisample3d target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, bool fixedsamplelocations)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Initialize a texture as a data alias of another texture's data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// Specifies the number of layers to include in the view.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_view", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glTextureView")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_view|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTextureView")]
public static
void TextureView(Int32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTarget target, Int32 origtexture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 minlevel, Int32 numlevels, Int32 minlayer, Int32 numlayers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Initialize a texture as a data alias of another texture's data store
/// </summary>
/// <param name="texture">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_texture_view", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glTextureView")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_texture_view|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glTextureView")]
public static
void TextureView(UInt32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.TextureTarget target, UInt32 origtexture, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PixelInternalFormat internalformat, UInt32 minlevel, UInt32 numlevels, UInt32 minlayer, UInt32 numlayers)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform1d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform1d")]
public static
void Uniform1(Int32 location, Double x)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform1dv")]
public static
void Uniform1(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform1dv")]
public static
void Uniform1(Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform1dv")]
public static
unsafe void Uniform1(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform2d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform2d")]
public static
void Uniform2(Int32 location, Double x, Double y)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform2dv")]
public static
void Uniform2(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform2dv")]
public static
void Uniform2(Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform2dv")]
public static
unsafe void Uniform2(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform3d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform3d")]
public static
void Uniform3(Int32 location, Double x, Double y, Double z)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform3dv")]
public static
void Uniform3(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform3dv")]
public static
void Uniform3(Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform3dv")]
public static
unsafe void Uniform3(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform4d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform4d")]
public static
void Uniform4(Int32 location, Double x, Double y, Double z, Double w)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform4dv")]
public static
void Uniform4(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// For the vector and matrix commands, specifies a pointer to an array of count values that will be used to update the specified uniform variable.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform4dv")]
public static
void Uniform4(Int32 location, Int32 count, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniform4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniform4dv")]
public static
unsafe void Uniform4(Int32 location, Int32 count, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Assign a binding point to an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// Specifies the binding point to which to bind the uniform block with index uniformBlockIndex within program.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glUniformBlockBinding")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformBlockBinding")]
public static
void UniformBlockBinding(Int32 program, Int32 uniformBlockIndex, Int32 uniformBlockBinding)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Assign a binding point to an active uniform block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="program">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_1|ARB_uniform_buffer_object", Version = "3.1", EntryPoint = "glUniformBlockBinding")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_uniform_buffer_object|VERSION_3_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformBlockBinding")]
public static
void UniformBlockBinding(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, UInt32 uniformBlockBinding)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix2x3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix2x3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x3dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix2x3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix2x4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix2x4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2x4dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix2x4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix3x2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix3x2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x2dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix3x2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix3x4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix3x4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3x4dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix3x4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix4(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix4x2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix4x2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x2dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix4x2(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix4x3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double[] value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
void UniformMatrix4x3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, ref Double value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_gpu_shader_fp64", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_gpu_shader_fp64|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4x3dv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformMatrix4x3(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Double* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load active subroutine uniforms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// Specifies the address of an array holding the indices to load into the shader subroutine variables.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
public static
void UniformSubroutines(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 count, Int32[] indices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load active subroutine uniforms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// Specifies the address of an array holding the indices to load into the shader subroutine variables.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
public static
void UniformSubroutines(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 count, ref Int32 indices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load active subroutine uniforms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformSubroutines(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 count, Int32* indices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load active subroutine uniforms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
public static
void UniformSubroutines(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 count, UInt32[] indices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load active subroutine uniforms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
public static
void UniformSubroutines(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 count, ref UInt32 indices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.0]
+ /// <summary>
/// Load active subroutine uniforms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shadertype">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_0|ARB_shader_subroutine", Version = "4.0", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_shader_subroutine|VERSION_4_0", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUniformSubroutinesuiv")]
public static
unsafe void UniformSubroutines(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ShaderType shadertype, Int32 count, UInt32* indices)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind stages of a program object to a program pipeline
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies the program object containing the shader executables to use in pipeline.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glUseProgramStages")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUseProgramStages")]
public static
void UseProgramStages(Int32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramStageMask stages, Int32 program)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Bind stages of a program object to a program pipeline
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glUseProgramStages")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glUseProgramStages")]
public static
void UseProgramStages(UInt32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.ProgramStageMask stages, UInt32 program)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Validate a program pipeline object against current GL state
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// Specifies the name of a program pipeline object to validate.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glValidateProgramPipeline")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glValidateProgramPipeline")]
public static
void ValidateProgramPipeline(Int32 pipeline)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Validate a program pipeline object against current GL state
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pipeline">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_separate_shader_objects", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glValidateProgramPipeline")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_separate_shader_objects|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glValidateProgramPipeline")]
public static
void ValidateProgramPipeline(UInt32 pipeline)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Associate a vertex attribute and a vertex buffer binding
/// </summary>
/// <param name="attribindex">
/// The index of the vertex buffer binding with which to associate the generic vertex attribute.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribBinding")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribBinding")]
public static
void VertexAttribBinding(Int32 attribindex, Int32 bindingindex)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Associate a vertex attribute and a vertex buffer binding
/// </summary>
/// <param name="attribindex">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribBinding")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribBinding")]
public static
void VertexAttribBinding(UInt32 attribindex, UInt32 bindingindex)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the organization of vertex arrays
/// </summary>
/// <param name="attribindex">
/// The distance between elements within the buffer.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribFormat")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribFormat")]
public static
void VertexAttribFormat(Int32 attribindex, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribType type, bool normalized, Int32 relativeoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Specify the organization of vertex arrays
/// </summary>
/// <param name="attribindex">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribFormat")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribFormat")]
public static
void VertexAttribFormat(UInt32 attribindex, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribType type, bool normalized, UInt32 relativeoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribIFormat")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribIFormat")]
public static
void VertexAttribIFormat(Int32 attribindex, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribIntegerType type, Int32 relativeoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribIFormat")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribIFormat")]
public static
void VertexAttribIFormat(UInt32 attribindex, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribIntegerType type, UInt32 relativeoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1d")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL1(Int32 index, Double x)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL1(UInt32 index, Double x)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL1(Int32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL1dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL1(UInt32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2d")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL2(Int32 index, Double x, Double y)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL2(UInt32 index, Double x, Double y)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL2(Int32 index, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL2(Int32 index, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL2(Int32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL2(UInt32 index, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL2(UInt32 index, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL2dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL2(UInt32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3d")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL3(Int32 index, Double x, Double y, Double z)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL3(UInt32 index, Double x, Double y, Double z)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL3(Int32 index, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL3(Int32 index, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL3(Int32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL3(UInt32 index, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL3(UInt32 index, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL3dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL3(UInt32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4d")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL4(Int32 index, Double x, Double y, Double z, Double w)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4d")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4d")]
public static
void VertexAttribL4(UInt32 index, Double x, Double y, Double z, Double w)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL4(Int32 index, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL4(Int32 index, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL4(Int32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL4(UInt32 index, Double[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
public static
void VertexAttribL4(UInt32 index, ref Double v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribL4dv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribL4(UInt32 index, Double* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLFormat")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLFormat")]
public static
void VertexAttribLFormat(Int32 attribindex, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 relativeoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLFormat")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLFormat")]
public static
void VertexAttribLFormat(UInt32 attribindex, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribDoubleType type, UInt32 relativeoffset)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer(Int32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(Int32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(Int32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(Int32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(Int32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer(UInt32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(UInt32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[] pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(UInt32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,] pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(UInt32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] T4[,,] pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribLPointer")]
public static
void VertexAttribLPointer<T4>(UInt32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribDoubleType type, Int32 stride, [InAttribute, OutAttribute] ref T4 pointer)
where T4 : struct
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1ui")]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP1(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP1(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP1(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP1uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP1(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2ui")]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP2(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP2(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP2(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP2(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3ui")]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP3(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP3(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP3(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP3(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4ui")]
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP4(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4ui")]
public static
void VertexAttribP4(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP4(Int32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary>[requires: v3.3 and ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexAttribP4(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, bool normalized, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Modify the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bindingindex">
/// The new value for the instance step rate to apply.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexBindingDivisor")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexBindingDivisor")]
public static
void VertexBindingDivisor(Int32 bindingindex, Int32 divisor)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.3]
+ /// <summary>
/// Modify the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bindingindex">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_3|ARB_vertex_attrib_binding", Version = "4.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexBindingDivisor")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_attrib_binding|VERSION_4_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexBindingDivisor")]
public static
void VertexBindingDivisor(UInt32 bindingindex, UInt32 divisor)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2ui")]
public static
void VertexP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2ui")]
public static
void VertexP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP2uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexP2(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3ui")]
public static
void VertexP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3ui")]
public static
void VertexP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP3uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexP3(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4ui")]
+ /// <summary></summary>
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4ui")]
public static
void VertexP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4ui")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4ui")]
public static
void VertexP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32 value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, Int32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.3]</summary>
+ /// <summary></summary>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_3|ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev", Version = "3.3", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4uiv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev|VERSION_3_3", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glVertexP4uiv")]
public static
unsafe void VertexP4(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.PackedPointerType type, UInt32* value)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specify the address of an array containing the viewport parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
public static
void ViewportArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, Single[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// Specify the address of an array containing the viewport parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
public static
void ViewportArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, ref Single v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
public static
unsafe void ViewportArray(Int32 first, Int32 count, Single* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
public static
void ViewportArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, Single[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
public static
void ViewportArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, ref Single v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set multiple viewports
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportArrayv")]
public static
unsafe void ViewportArray(UInt32 first, Int32 count, Single* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// For glViewportIndexedfv, specifies the address of an array containing the viewport parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedf")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedf")]
public static
void ViewportIndexed(Int32 index, Single x, Single y, Single w, Single h)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedf")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedf")]
public static
void ViewportIndexed(UInt32 index, Single x, Single y, Single w, Single h)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// For glViewportIndexedfv, specifies the address of an array containing the viewport parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
public static
void ViewportIndexed(Int32 index, Single[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// For glViewportIndexedfv, specifies the address of an array containing the viewport parameters.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
public static
void ViewportIndexed(Int32 index, ref Single v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
public static
unsafe void ViewportIndexed(Int32 index, Single* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
public static
void ViewportIndexed(UInt32 index, Single[] v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
public static
void ViewportIndexed(UInt32 index, ref Single v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v4.1]
+ /// <summary>
/// Set a specified viewport
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_4_1|ARB_viewport_array", Version = "4.1", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_viewport_array|VERSION_4_1", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glViewportIndexedfv")]
public static
unsafe void ViewportIndexed(UInt32 index, Single* v)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Instruct the GL server to block until the specified sync object becomes signaled
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// Specifies the timeout that the server should wait before continuing. timeout must be GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED.
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glWaitSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glWaitSync")]
public static
OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.WaitSyncStatus WaitSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.WaitSyncFlags flags, Int64 timeout)
- /// <summary>[requires: v3.2]
+ /// <summary>
/// Instruct the GL server to block until the specified sync object becomes signaled
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sync">
/// </para>
/// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "VERSION_3_2|ARB_sync", Version = "3.2", EntryPoint = "glWaitSync")]
+ [AutoGenerated(Category = "ARB_sync|VERSION_3_2", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glWaitSync")]
public static
OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.WaitSyncStatus WaitSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.WaitSyncFlags flags, UInt64 timeout)
- public static partial class Ext
- {
- /// <summary>[requires: EXT_vertex_array]
- /// Render primitives from array data
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mode">
- /// <para>
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="first">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the starting index in the enabled arrays.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- /// <param name="count">
- /// <para>
- /// Specifies the number of indices to be rendered.
- /// </para>
- /// </param>
- [AutoGenerated(Category = "EXT_vertex_array", Version = "", EntryPoint = "glDrawArraysEXT")]
- public static
- void DrawArrays(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode mode, Int32 first, Int32 count)
- {
- #if DEBUG
- using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))
- {
- #endif
- Delegates.glDrawArraysEXT((OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.BeginMode)mode, (Int32)first, (Int32)count);
- #if DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
public static partial class Khr