--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2024 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include <dali/internal/graphics/vulkan-impl/vulkan-pipeline-impl.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
+#include <dali/internal/graphics/vulkan-impl/vulkan-graphics-controller.h>
+#include <dali/internal/graphics/vulkan-impl/vulkan-program-impl.h>
+#include <dali/internal/graphics/vulkan/vulkan-device.h>
+namespace Dali::Graphics::Vulkan
+constexpr vk::CompareOp ConvCompareOp(const CompareOp in)
+ switch(in)
+ {
+ case CompareOp::NEVER:
+ {
+ return vk::CompareOp::eNever;
+ }
+ case CompareOp::LESS:
+ {
+ return vk::CompareOp::eLess;
+ }
+ case CompareOp::EQUAL:
+ {
+ return vk::CompareOp::eEqual;
+ }
+ case CompareOp::LESS_OR_EQUAL:
+ {
+ return vk::CompareOp::eLessOrEqual;
+ }
+ case CompareOp::GREATER:
+ {
+ return vk::CompareOp::eGreater;
+ }
+ case CompareOp::NOT_EQUAL:
+ {
+ return vk::CompareOp::eNotEqual;
+ }
+ case CompareOp::GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
+ {
+ return vk::CompareOp::eGreaterOrEqual;
+ }
+ case CompareOp::ALWAYS:
+ {
+ return vk::CompareOp::eAlways;
+ }
+ }
+ return vk::CompareOp{};
+constexpr vk::StencilOp ConvStencilOp(const StencilOp in)
+ switch(in)
+ {
+ case StencilOp::DECREMENT_AND_CLAMP:
+ {
+ return vk::StencilOp::eDecrementAndClamp;
+ }
+ case StencilOp::DECREMENT_AND_WRAP:
+ {
+ return vk::StencilOp::eDecrementAndWrap;
+ }
+ case StencilOp::INCREMENT_AND_CLAMP:
+ {
+ return vk::StencilOp::eIncrementAndClamp;
+ }
+ case StencilOp::INCREMENT_AND_WRAP:
+ {
+ return vk::StencilOp::eIncrementAndWrap;
+ }
+ case StencilOp::INVERT:
+ {
+ return vk::StencilOp::eInvert;
+ }
+ case StencilOp::KEEP:
+ {
+ return vk::StencilOp::eKeep;
+ }
+ case StencilOp::REPLACE:
+ {
+ return vk::StencilOp::eReplace;
+ }
+ case StencilOp::ZERO:
+ {
+ return vk::StencilOp::eZero;
+ }
+ }
+ return vk::StencilOp{};
+constexpr vk::StencilOpState ConvStencilOpState(const StencilOpState& in)
+ vk::StencilOpState out;
+ out.compareOp = ConvCompareOp(in.compareOp);
+ out.depthFailOp = ConvStencilOp(in.depthFailOp);
+ out.compareMask = in.compareMask;
+ out.failOp = ConvStencilOp(in.failOp);
+ out.passOp = ConvStencilOp(in.passOp);
+ out.reference = in.reference;
+ out.writeMask = in.writeMask;
+ return out;
+} // namespace
+ * Copy of pipeline state, can be also used for internal caching
+ */
+struct PipelineImpl::PipelineState
+ PipelineState() = default;
+ ~PipelineState() = default;
+ // for maintaining correct lifecycle, the owned program
+ // wrapper must be created
+ UniquePtr<Program> program;
+ ColorBlendState colorBlendState;
+ DepthStencilState depthStencilState;
+ ProgramState programState;
+ ViewportState viewportState;
+ RasterizationState rasterizationState;
+ VertexInputState vertexInputState;
+ InputAssemblyState inputAssemblyState;
+ PipelineCache* pipelineCache{};
+PipelineImpl::PipelineImpl(const Graphics::PipelineCreateInfo& createInfo, VulkanGraphicsController& controller, PipelineCache* pipelineCache)
+: mController(controller)
+ // the creation is deferred so it's needed to copy certain parts of the CreateInfo structure
+ mPipelineState = std::make_unique<PipelineImpl::PipelineState>();
+ // Make copies of structured pass by pointers and replace
+ // stored create info structure fields
+ CopyStateIfSet(createInfo.inputAssemblyState, mPipelineState->inputAssemblyState, &mCreateInfo.inputAssemblyState);
+ CopyStateIfSet(createInfo.vertexInputState, mPipelineState->vertexInputState, &mCreateInfo.vertexInputState);
+ CopyStateIfSet(createInfo.rasterizationState, mPipelineState->rasterizationState, &mCreateInfo.rasterizationState);
+ CopyStateIfSet(createInfo.programState, mPipelineState->programState, &mCreateInfo.programState);
+ CopyStateIfSet(createInfo.colorBlendState, mPipelineState->colorBlendState, &mCreateInfo.colorBlendState);
+ CopyStateIfSet(createInfo.depthStencilState, mPipelineState->depthStencilState, &mCreateInfo.depthStencilState);
+ CopyStateIfSet(createInfo.viewportState, mPipelineState->viewportState, &mCreateInfo.viewportState);
+ InitializePipeline();
+const PipelineCreateInfo& PipelineImpl::GetCreateInfo() const
+ return mCreateInfo;
+VulkanGraphicsController& PipelineImpl::GetController() const
+ return mController;
+void PipelineImpl::Bind()
+void PipelineImpl::Retain()
+ //++mRefCount;
+void PipelineImpl::Release()
+ //--mRefCount;
+uint32_t PipelineImpl::GetRefCount() const
+ return 0; //mRefCount;
+PipelineImpl::~PipelineImpl() = default;
+void PipelineImpl::InitializePipeline()
+ auto vkDevice = mController.GetGraphicsDevice().GetLogicalDevice();
+ auto programImpl = static_cast<const Vulkan::Program*>(mCreateInfo.programState->program)->GetImplementation();
+ auto& reflection = programImpl->GetReflection();
+ vk::GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo gfxPipelineInfo;
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setLayout(reflection.GetVkPipelineLayout());
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setStageCount(programImpl->GetVkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfoList().size());
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setStages(programImpl->GetVkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfoList());
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setBasePipelineHandle(nullptr);
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setBasePipelineIndex(0);
+ // TODO: to resolve
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setRenderPass({});
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setSubpass({});
+ // 1. PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo
+ vk::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo visInfo;
+ InitializeVertexInputState(visInfo);
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setPVertexInputState(&visInfo);
+ // 2. PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo
+ vk::PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo iasInfo;
+ InitializeInputAssemblyState(iasInfo);
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setPInputAssemblyState(&iasInfo);
+ // 3. PipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo - We don't support this one
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setPTessellationState(nullptr);
+ // 4. PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo
+ vk::PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo viewInfo;
+ InitializeViewportState(viewInfo);
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setPViewportState(&viewInfo);
+ // 5. PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo
+ vk::PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo rsInfo;
+ InitializeRasterizationState(rsInfo);
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setPRasterizationState(&rsInfo);
+ // 6. PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo
+ vk::PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo msInfo;
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setPMultisampleState(&msInfo);
+ // 7. PipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo
+ vk::PipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo dsInfo;
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setPDepthStencilState(InitializeDepthStencilState(dsInfo) ? &dsInfo : nullptr);
+ // 8. PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo
+ vk::PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo bsInfo;
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setPColorBlendState(&bsInfo);
+ // 9. PipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo
+ vk::PipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo dynInfo;
+ dynInfo.setDynamicStates(mDynamicStates);
+ gfxPipelineInfo.setPDynamicState(&dynInfo);
+ auto& allocator = mController.GetGraphicsDevice().GetAllocator();
+ VkAssert(vkDevice.createGraphicsPipelines(VK_NULL_HANDLE,
+ 1,
+ &gfxPipelineInfo,
+ &allocator,
+ &mVkPipeline));
+void PipelineImpl::InitializeVertexInputState(vk::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo& out)
+ std::vector<vk::VertexInputBindingDescription> bindings;
+ std::transform(mCreateInfo.vertexInputState->bufferBindings.begin(),
+ mCreateInfo.vertexInputState->bufferBindings.end(),
+ std::back_inserter(bindings),
+ [](const VertexInputState::Binding& in) -> vk::VertexInputBindingDescription {
+ vk::VertexInputBindingDescription out;
+ out.setInputRate((in.inputRate == VertexInputRate::PER_VERTEX ? vk::VertexInputRate::eVertex : vk::VertexInputRate::eInstance));
+ out.setBinding(0u); // To be filled later using indices
+ out.setStride(in.stride);
+ return out;
+ });
+ // Assign bindings
+ for(auto i = 0u; i < bindings.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ bindings[i].binding = i;
+ }
+ std::vector<vk::VertexInputAttributeDescription> attrs;
+ std::transform(mCreateInfo.vertexInputState->attributes.begin(),
+ mCreateInfo.vertexInputState->attributes.end(),
+ std::back_inserter(attrs),
+ [](const VertexInputState::Attribute& in) -> vk::VertexInputAttributeDescription {
+ vk::VertexInputAttributeDescription out;
+ out.setBinding(in.binding);
+ out.setLocation(in.location);
+ out.setOffset(in.offset);
+ VertexInputFormat format = in.format;
+ switch(format)
+ {
+ case VertexInputFormat::FVECTOR2:
+ {
+ out.setFormat(vk::Format::eR32G32Sfloat);
+ break;
+ }
+ case VertexInputFormat::FVECTOR3:
+ {
+ out.setFormat(vk::Format::eR32G32B32Sfloat);
+ break;
+ }
+ case VertexInputFormat::FVECTOR4:
+ {
+ out.setFormat(vk::Format::eR32G32B32A32Sfloat);
+ break;
+ }
+ case VertexInputFormat::IVECTOR2:
+ {
+ out.setFormat(vk::Format::eR32G32Sint);
+ break;
+ }
+ case VertexInputFormat::IVECTOR3:
+ {
+ out.setFormat(vk::Format::eR32G32B32Sint);
+ break;
+ }
+ case VertexInputFormat::IVECTOR4:
+ {
+ out.setFormat(vk::Format::eR32G32B32A32Sint);
+ break;
+ }
+ case VertexInputFormat::FLOAT:
+ {
+ out.setFormat(vk::Format::eR32Sfloat);
+ break;
+ }
+ case VertexInputFormat::INTEGER:
+ {
+ out.setFormat(vk::Format::eR32Sint);
+ break;
+ }
+ case VertexInputFormat::UNDEFINED:
+ default:
+ {
+ out.setFormat(vk::Format::eUndefined);
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR("Vulkan vertex format undefined!\n");
+ }
+ };
+ return out;
+ });
+ mVertexInputAttributeDescriptionList = attrs;
+ mVertexInputBindingDescriptionList = bindings;
+ out.setVertexAttributeDescriptions(mVertexInputAttributeDescriptionList);
+ out.setVertexBindingDescriptions(mVertexInputBindingDescriptionList);
+void PipelineImpl::InitializeInputAssemblyState(vk::PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo& out) const
+ auto gfxInputAssembly = mCreateInfo.inputAssemblyState;
+ switch(gfxInputAssembly->topology)
+ {
+ case PrimitiveTopology::POINT_LIST:
+ {
+ out.setTopology(vk::PrimitiveTopology::ePointList);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PrimitiveTopology::LINE_LIST:
+ {
+ out.setTopology(vk::PrimitiveTopology::eLineList);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PrimitiveTopology::LINE_LOOP:
+ {
+ out.setTopology({});
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR("LINE_LOOP topology isn't supported by Vulkan!\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ case PrimitiveTopology::LINE_STRIP:
+ {
+ out.setTopology(vk::PrimitiveTopology::eLineStrip);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PrimitiveTopology::TRIANGLE_LIST:
+ {
+ out.setTopology(vk::PrimitiveTopology::eTriangleList);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PrimitiveTopology::TRIANGLE_STRIP:
+ {
+ out.setTopology(vk::PrimitiveTopology::eTriangleStrip);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PrimitiveTopology::TRIANGLE_FAN:
+ {
+ out.setTopology(vk::PrimitiveTopology::eTriangleFan);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR("Unknown topology!\n");
+ }
+ }
+ out.setPrimitiveRestartEnable(gfxInputAssembly->primitiveRestartEnable);
+void PipelineImpl::InitializeViewportState(vk::PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo& out)
+ auto gfxViewportState = mCreateInfo.viewportState;
+ // if there is no gfx viewport state provided then we assume
+ // it's going to be a dynamic state
+ if(gfxViewportState)
+ {
+ // build viewport
+ mViewport.x = gfxViewportState->viewport.x;
+ mViewport.y = gfxViewportState->viewport.y;
+ mViewport.width = gfxViewportState->viewport.width;
+ mViewport.height = gfxViewportState->viewport.height;
+ mViewport.minDepth = gfxViewportState->viewport.minDepth;
+ mViewport.maxDepth = gfxViewportState->viewport.maxDepth;
+ mScissor.offset = vk::Offset2D{gfxViewportState->scissor.x, gfxViewportState->scissor.y};
+ mScissor.extent = vk::Extent2D{gfxViewportState->scissor.width, gfxViewportState->scissor.height};
+ out.setViewportCount(1);
+ out.setPViewports(&mViewport);
+ out.setScissorCount(1);
+ out.setPScissors(&mScissor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out.setViewportCount(1);
+ out.setScissorCount(1);
+ // enable dynamic state, otherwise it's an error
+ mDynamicStates.emplace_back(vk::DynamicState::eViewport);
+ mDynamicStates.emplace_back(vk::DynamicState::eScissor);
+ }
+void PipelineImpl::InitializeMultisampleState(vk::PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo& out)
+ out = vk::PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo{}; // TODO: decide what to set when we start rendering something
+void PipelineImpl::InitializeRasterizationState(vk::PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo& out) const
+ auto gfxRastState = mCreateInfo.rasterizationState;
+ out.setFrontFace([gfxRastState]() {
+ return gfxRastState->frontFace == FrontFace::CLOCKWISE ? vk::FrontFace::eClockwise : vk::FrontFace::eCounterClockwise;
+ }());
+ out.setPolygonMode([polygonMode = gfxRastState->polygonMode]() {
+ switch(polygonMode)
+ {
+ case PolygonMode::FILL:
+ {
+ return vk::PolygonMode::eFill;
+ }
+ case PolygonMode::LINE:
+ {
+ return vk::PolygonMode::eLine;
+ }
+ case PolygonMode::POINT:
+ {
+ return vk::PolygonMode::ePoint;
+ }
+ }
+ return vk::PolygonMode{};
+ }());
+ out.setCullMode([cullMode = gfxRastState->cullMode]() -> vk::CullModeFlagBits {
+ switch(cullMode)
+ {
+ case CullMode::NONE:
+ {
+ return vk::CullModeFlagBits::eNone;
+ }
+ case CullMode::BACK:
+ {
+ return vk::CullModeFlagBits::eBack;
+ }
+ case CullMode::FRONT:
+ {
+ return vk::CullModeFlagBits::eFront;
+ }
+ case CullMode::FRONT_AND_BACK:
+ {
+ return vk::CullModeFlagBits::eFrontAndBack;
+ }
+ }
+ return {};
+ }());
+ out.setLineWidth(1.0f); // Line with hardcoded to 1.0f
+ out.setDepthClampEnable(false); // no depth clamp
+bool PipelineImpl::InitializeDepthStencilState(vk::PipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo& out)
+ auto& in = mCreateInfo.depthStencilState;
+ if(in)
+ {
+ out.setBack(ConvStencilOpState(in->back));
+ out.setFront(ConvStencilOpState(in->front));
+ out.setDepthTestEnable(in->depthTestEnable);
+ out.setDepthWriteEnable(in->depthWriteEnable);
+ out.setDepthBoundsTestEnable(false);
+ out.setMinDepthBounds({});
+ out.setMaxDepthBounds({});
+ out.setStencilTestEnable(in->stencilTestEnable);
+ out.setDepthCompareOp(ConvCompareOp(in->depthCompareOp));
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void PipelineImpl::InitializeColorBlendState(vk::PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo& out)
+ auto in = mCreateInfo.colorBlendState;
+ auto ConvLogicOp = [](LogicOp in) {
+ switch(in)
+ {
+ case LogicOp::CLEAR:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eClear;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::AND:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eAnd;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::AND_REVERSE:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eAndReverse;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::COPY:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eCopy;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::AND_INVERTED:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eAndInverted;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::NO_OP:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eNoOp;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::XOR:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eXor;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::OR:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eOr;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::NOR:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eNor;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::EQUIVALENT:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eEquivalent;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::INVERT:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eInvert;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::OR_REVERSE:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eOrReverse;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::COPY_INVERTED:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eCopyInverted;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::OR_INVERTED:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eOrInverted;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::NAND:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eNand;
+ }
+ case LogicOp::SET:
+ {
+ return vk::LogicOp::eSet;
+ }
+ }
+ return vk::LogicOp{};
+ };
+ auto ConvBlendOp = [](BlendOp in) {
+ switch(in)
+ {
+ case BlendOp::ADD:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eAdd;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::SUBTRACT:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eSubtract;
+ }
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eReverseSubtract;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::MIN:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eMin;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::MAX:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eMax;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::MULTIPLY:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eMultiplyEXT;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::SCREEN:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eScreenEXT;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::OVERLAY:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eOverlayEXT;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::DARKEN:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eDarkenEXT;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::LIGHTEN:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eLightenEXT;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::COLOR_DODGE:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eColordodgeEXT;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::COLOR_BURN:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eColorburnEXT;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::HARD_LIGHT:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eHardlightEXT;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::SOFT_LIGHT:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eSoftlightEXT;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::DIFFERENCE:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eDifferenceEXT;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::EXCLUSION:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eExclusionEXT;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::HUE:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eHslHueEXT;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::SATURATION:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eHslSaturationEXT;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::COLOR:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eHslColorEXT;
+ }
+ case BlendOp::LUMINOSITY:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendOp::eHslLuminosityEXT;
+ }
+ }
+ return vk::BlendOp{};
+ };
+ auto ConvBlendFactor = [](BlendFactor in) {
+ switch(in)
+ {
+ case BlendFactor::ZERO:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eZero;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::ONE:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eOne;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::SRC_COLOR:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eSrcColor;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eOneMinusSrcColor;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::DST_COLOR:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eDstColor;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eOneMinusDstColor;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::SRC_ALPHA:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eSrcAlpha;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eOneMinusSrcAlpha;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::DST_ALPHA:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eDstAlpha;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eOneMinusDstAlpha;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::CONSTANT_COLOR:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eConstantColor;
+ }
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eOneMinusConstantColor;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::CONSTANT_ALPHA:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eConstantAlpha;
+ }
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eOneMinusConstantAlpha;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eSrcAlphaSaturate;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::SRC1_COLOR:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eSrc1Color;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eOneMinusSrc1Color;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::SRC1_ALPHA:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eSrc1Alpha;
+ }
+ case BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA:
+ {
+ return vk::BlendFactor::eOneMinusSrc1Alpha;
+ }
+ }
+ return vk::BlendFactor{};
+ };
+ out.setLogicOpEnable(in->logicOpEnable);
+ out.setLogicOp(ConvLogicOp(in->logicOp));
+ // We don't know how many attachments we will blend but gfx api assumes single attachment
+ mBlendStateAttachments.clear();
+ mBlendStateAttachments.emplace_back();
+ auto& att = mBlendStateAttachments.back();
+ att.setAlphaBlendOp(ConvBlendOp(in->alphaBlendOp));
+ att.setBlendEnable(in->blendEnable);
+ att.setColorBlendOp(ConvBlendOp(in->colorBlendOp));
+ att.setColorWriteMask(vk::ColorComponentFlags(in->colorComponentWriteBits));
+ att.setDstAlphaBlendFactor(ConvBlendFactor(in->dstAlphaBlendFactor));
+ att.setDstColorBlendFactor(ConvBlendFactor(in->dstColorBlendFactor));
+ att.setSrcAlphaBlendFactor(ConvBlendFactor(in->srcAlphaBlendFactor));
+ att.setSrcColorBlendFactor(ConvBlendFactor(in->srcColorBlendFactor));
+ out.setAttachments(mBlendStateAttachments);
+ std::copy(in->blendConstants, in->blendConstants + 4, out.blendConstants.begin());
+} // namespace Dali::Graphics::Vulkan
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2024 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include <dali/graphics-api/graphics-pipeline-create-info.h>
+#include <dali/graphics-api/graphics-pipeline.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <dali/internal/graphics/vulkan-impl/vulkan-graphics-resource.h>
+#include <dali/internal/graphics/vulkan-impl/vulkan-pipeline.h>
+#include <dali/internal/graphics/vulkan-impl/vulkan-reflection.h>
+namespace Dali::Graphics::Vulkan
+class Program;
+class PipelineCache; // TODO
+ * @brief PipelineImpl is the implementation of Pipeline
+ *
+ * PipelineImpl is owned by the pipeline cache. The client-side
+ * will receive Graphics::Pipeline objects which are only
+ * wrappers for this implementation. The lifecycle of
+ * PipelineImpl is managed by the PipelineCache.
+ */
+class PipelineImpl
+ /**
+ * @brief Constructor
+ * @param[in] createInfo valid TextureCreateInfo structure
+ * @param[in] controller Reference to the Controller
+ * @param[in] pipelineCache Pointer to valid pipeline cache or nullptr if not using cache
+ */
+ PipelineImpl(const Graphics::PipelineCreateInfo& createInfo, VulkanGraphicsController& controller, PipelineCache* pipelineCache);
+ /**
+ * @brief Destructor
+ */
+ ~PipelineImpl();
+ /**
+ * @brief Binds pipeline
+ */
+ void Bind();
+ /**
+ * @brief Increases ref count
+ */
+ void Retain();
+ /**
+ * @brief Decreases ref count
+ */
+ void Release();
+ /**
+ * @brief Retrieves ref count
+ * @return Refcount value
+ */
+ [[nodiscard]] uint32_t GetRefCount() const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns PipelineCreateInfo structure
+ *
+ * @return PipelineCreateInfo structure
+ */
+ [[nodiscard]] const PipelineCreateInfo& GetCreateInfo() const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Returns controller
+ *
+ * @return Reference to the Controller
+ */
+ [[nodiscard]] VulkanGraphicsController& GetController() const;
+ void InitializePipeline();
+ void InitializeVertexInputState(vk::PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo& out);
+ void InitializeInputAssemblyState(vk::PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo& out) const;
+ void InitializeViewportState(vk::PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo& out);
+ void InitializeMultisampleState(vk::PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo& out);
+ void InitializeRasterizationState(vk::PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo& out) const;
+ bool InitializeDepthStencilState(vk::PipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo& out);
+ void InitializeColorBlendState(vk::PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo& out);
+ /**
+ * @brief Helper function. Copies state if pointer is set
+ */
+ template<class T>
+ void CopyStateIfSet(const T* sourceState, T& copyState, T** destState)
+ {
+ *destState = nullptr;
+ if(sourceState)
+ {
+ copyState = *sourceState;
+ *destState = ©State;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Helper function. Copies const state if pointer is set
+ */
+ template<class T>
+ void CopyStateIfSet(const T* sourceState, T& copyState, const T** destState)
+ {
+ *destState = nullptr;
+ if(sourceState)
+ {
+ copyState = *sourceState;
+ *destState = ©State;
+ }
+ }
+ struct PipelineState;
+ std::unique_ptr<PipelineState> mPipelineState;
+ VulkanGraphicsController& mController;
+ PipelineCreateInfo mCreateInfo;
+ // Vertex input state data
+ std::vector<vk::VertexInputBindingDescription> mVertexInputBindingDescriptionList;
+ std::vector<vk::VertexInputAttributeDescription> mVertexInputAttributeDescriptionList;
+ // Viewport state data
+ vk::Viewport mViewport;
+ vk::Rect2D mScissor;
+ // Blend state data (using vector if we support more than one)
+ std::vector<vk::PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState> mBlendStateAttachments;
+ std::vector<vk::DynamicState> mDynamicStates;
+ vk::Pipeline mVkPipeline;
+} // namespace Dali::Graphics::Vulkan
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