Change-Id: Ia1c31ff75c9bf5c3d1ae9b903213437c3ae1ef06
set(SPIRV_TOOLS_OPT_BINARY_ROOT "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/../SPIRV-Tools/opt" CACHE STRING "User defined path to the SPIRV-Tools-opt binaries for this project")
# Define a variable for a default root location to the gslang, SPIRV-Tools and other external sources and cache it to allow the user to customize it as needed
-set(EXTERNAL_SOURCE_ROOT "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/external" CACHE STRING "Root path to external sources such as glslang and SPIRV-Tools")
+set(EXTERNAL_SOURCE_ROOT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/external" CACHE STRING "Root path to external sources such as glslang and SPIRV-Tools")
if (WIN32)