if (cl->upgrade) ev = ECORE_CON_EVENT_CLIENT_UPGRADE;
ecore_event_add(ev, e,
(Ecore_End_Cb)_ecore_con_event_client_add_free, cl->host_server);
+ eo_do(obj, eo_event_callback_call(ECORE_CON_EVENT_CONNECTION_UPGRADED, NULL));
e->size = num;
ecore_event_add(ECORE_CON_EVENT_CLIENT_DATA, e,
(Ecore_End_Cb)_ecore_con_event_client_data_free, cl->host_server);
+ {
+ Ecore_Con_Event_Data_Received event_info = { 0 };
+ event_info.data = e->data;
+ event_info.size = e->size;
+ eo_do(obj, eo_event_callback_call(ECORE_CON_EVENT_DATA_RECEIVED, &event_info));
+ }
cl->event_count = eina_list_append(cl->event_count, e);
cl->host_server->event_count = eina_list_append(cl->host_server->event_count, e);
ecore_event_add(ECORE_CON_EVENT_CLIENT_ERROR, e, (Ecore_End_Cb)_ecore_con_event_client_error_free, cl->host_server);
+ eo_do(obj, eo_event_callback_call(ECORE_CON_EVENT_CONNECTION_ERROR, e->error));
+ events {
+ data,received: Ecore_Con_Event_Data_Received;
+ connection,upgraded;
+ connection,error: const(char) *;
+ }
+/* FIXME: Should actually be a binbuf. */
+type Ecore_Con_Event_Data_Received: struct {
+ data: void *; /*@ The data thet got sent. */
+ size: int; /*@ The length of the data sent. */
type Ecore_Con_Dns_Cb: func void (const(char) *,
const(char) *,
struct sockaddr *,