* @since 2.0
+ * @privlevel public
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/alarm
* @return An error code
* @since 2.0
+ * @privlevel public
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/alarm
* @return An error code
* @since 2.0
+ * @privlevel public
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/alarm
* @return An error code
* @privlevel public
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/power
- *
+ *dla
* @return An error code
- * @param[in] brightness The brightness level to set @n
- * The parameter value can range between @c 1 (minimum) and @c 10 (maximum).
+ * @param[in] brightness The brightness level to set between @c 1 (minimum) and @c 10 (maximum).
* @exception E_SUCCESS The method is successful.
* @exception E_PRIVILEGE_DENIED The application does not have the privilege to call this method.
* @exception E_OUT_OF_RANGE The specified @c brightness is out of range.
* @exception E_SYSTEM The method cannot proceed due to a severe system error.
- * @remarks This brightness level is only available when an application is running on the foreground(activated). Even if the brightness is set to level 1, a black screen is not displayed. Level 1 is the minimum brightness level that can be set for an application. For screen off, Please refer TurnScreenOff method.
- * @see RestoreScreenBrightness(), TurnScreenOff()
+ * @remarks This brightness level change is available only when an application is active. To check the events that are active, use the Tizen::Ui::Controls::IFrameEventListener::OnFrameActivated() method. Even if the brightness is set to level 1, a black screen is not displayed. Level 1 is the minimum brightness level that can be set for an application. To know more about screen off, see the TurnScreenOff() method.
+ * @see RestoreScreenBrightness()
+ * @see TurnScreenOff()
static result SetScreenBrightness(int brightness);
* If the application is terminated, the vibration is canceled.
* @since 2.1
- * @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/vibrator
+ * @privlevel public
+ * @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/vibrator
* @return An error code
* @deprecated This method is deprecated. Instead of using this method, use Start(IntensityDurationVibrationPattern*, int, int).
* @since 2.0
* @privlevel public
- * @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/vibrator
+ * @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/vibrator
* @return An error code
* @param[in] onPeriod The period in milliseconds when the vibrator is on @n