New module dumper_thread
authorTomas Mlcoch <>
Mon, 9 Jun 2014 13:37:56 +0000 (15:37 +0200)
committerTomas Mlcoch <>
Mon, 9 Jun 2014 13:41:52 +0000 (15:41 +0200)
src/dumper_thread.c [new file with mode: 0644]
src/dumper_thread.h [new file with mode: 0644]

index a1ee6aa..ccacffc 100644 (file)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 SET (createrepo_c_SRCS
+     dumper_thread.c
index a45b547..a6e2c3f 100644 (file)
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include "cmd_parser.h"
 #include "compression_wrapper.h"
+#include "dumper_thread.h"
 #include "checksum.h"
 #include "error.h"
 #include "helpers.h"
 #include "xml_file.h"
-struct UserData {
-    GThreadPool *pool;              // thread pool
-    cr_XmlFile *pri_f;              // Opened compressed primary.xml.*
-    cr_XmlFile *fil_f;              // Opened compressed filelists.xml.*
-    cr_XmlFile *oth_f;              // Opened compressed other.xml.*
-    cr_SqliteDb *pri_db;            // Primary db
-    cr_SqliteDb *fil_db;            // Filelists db
-    cr_SqliteDb *oth_db;            // Other db
-    int changelog_limit;            // Max number of changelogs for a package
-    const char *location_base;      // Base location url
-    int repodir_name_len;           // Len of path to repo /foo/bar/repodata
-                                    //       This part     |<----->|
-    const char *checksum_type_str;  // Name of selected checksum
-    cr_ChecksumType checksum_type;  // Constant representing selected checksum
-    gboolean skip_symlinks;         // Skip symlinks
-    long package_count;             // Total number of packages to process
-    // Update stuff
-    gboolean skip_stat;             // Skip stat() while updating
-    cr_Metadata *old_metadata;      // Loaded metadata
-    // Thread serialization
-    GMutex *mutex_pri;              // Mutex for primary metadata
-    GMutex *mutex_fil;              // Mutex for filelists metadata
-    GMutex *mutex_oth;              // Mutex for other metadata
-    GCond *cond_pri;                // Condition for primary metadata
-    GCond *cond_fil;                // Condition for filelists metadata
-    GCond *cond_oth;                // Condition for other metadata
-    volatile long id_pri;           // ID of task on turn (write primary metadata)
-    volatile long id_fil;           // ID of task on turn (write filelists metadata)
-    volatile long id_oth;           // ID of task on turn (write other metadata)
-    // Buffering
-    GQueue *buffer;                 // Buffer for done tasks
-    GMutex *mutex_buffer;           // Mutex for accessing the buffer
-struct PoolTask {
-    long  id;                       // ID of the task
-    char* full_path;                // Complete path - /foo/bar/packages/foo.rpm
-    char* filename;                 // Just filename - foo.rpm
-    char* path;                     // Just path     - /foo/bar/packages
-struct BufferedTask {
-    long id;                        // ID of the task
-    struct cr_XmlStruct res;        // XML for primary, filelists and other
-    cr_Package *pkg;                // Package structure
-    char *location_href;            // location_href path
-    int pkg_from_md;                // If true - package structure if from
-                                    // old metadata and must not be freed!
-                                    // If false - package is from file and
-                                    // it must be freed!
 // Global variables used by the signal handler failure_exit_cleanup
 char *global_lock_dir     = NULL; // Path to .repodata/ dir that is used as a lock
 char *global_tmp_out_repo = NULL; // Path to tmpreodata directory, if NULL
@@ -165,301 +105,6 @@ allowed_file(const gchar *filename, struct CmdOptions *options)
-buf_task_sort_func(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data)
-    CR_UNUSED(data);
-    const struct BufferedTask *task_a = a;
-    const struct BufferedTask *task_b = b;
-    if (task_a->id < task_b->id)  return -1;
-    if (task_a->id == task_b->id) return 0;
-    return 1;
-write_pkg(long id,
-          struct cr_XmlStruct res,
-          cr_Package *pkg,
-          struct UserData *udata)
-    GError *tmp_err = NULL;
-    // Write primary data
-    g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_pri);
-    while (udata->id_pri != id)
-        g_cond_wait (udata->cond_pri, udata->mutex_pri);
-    ++udata->id_pri;
-    cr_xmlfile_add_chunk(udata->pri_f, (const char *) res.primary, &tmp_err);
-    if (tmp_err) {
-        g_critical("Cannot add primary chunk:\n%s\nError: %s",
-                   res.primary, tmp_err->message);
-        g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
-    }
-    if (udata->pri_db) {
-        cr_db_add_pkg(udata->pri_db, pkg, &tmp_err);
-        if (tmp_err) {
-            g_critical("Cannot add record of %s (%s) to primary db: %s",
-                       pkg->name, pkg->pkgId, tmp_err->message);
-            g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
-        }
-    }
-    g_cond_broadcast(udata->cond_pri);
-    g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_pri);
-    // Write fielists data
-    g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_fil);
-    while (udata->id_fil != id)
-        g_cond_wait (udata->cond_fil, udata->mutex_fil);
-    ++udata->id_fil;
-    cr_xmlfile_add_chunk(udata->fil_f, (const char *) res.filelists, &tmp_err);
-    if (tmp_err) {
-        g_critical("Cannot add filelists chunk:\n%s\nError: %s",
-                   res.filelists, tmp_err->message);
-        g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
-    }
-    if (udata->fil_db) {
-        cr_db_add_pkg(udata->fil_db, pkg, &tmp_err);
-        if (tmp_err) {
-            g_critical("Cannot add record of %s (%s) to filelists db: %s",
-                       pkg->name, pkg->pkgId, tmp_err->message);
-            g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
-        }
-    }
-    g_cond_broadcast(udata->cond_fil);
-    g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_fil);
-    // Write other data
-    g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_oth);
-    while (udata->id_oth != id)
-        g_cond_wait (udata->cond_oth, udata->mutex_oth);
-    ++udata->id_oth;
-    cr_xmlfile_add_chunk(udata->oth_f, (const char *) res.other, &tmp_err);
-    if (tmp_err) {
-        g_critical("Cannot add other chunk:\n%s\nError: %s",
-                   res.other, tmp_err->message);
-        g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
-    }
-    if (udata->oth_db) {
-        cr_db_add_pkg(udata->oth_db, pkg, NULL);
-        if (tmp_err) {
-            g_critical("Cannot add record of %s (%s) to other db: %s",
-                       pkg->name, pkg->pkgId, tmp_err->message);
-            g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
-        }
-    }
-    g_cond_broadcast(udata->cond_oth);
-    g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_oth);
-dumper_thread(gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
-    GError *tmp_err = NULL;
-    gboolean old_used = FALSE;  // To use old metadata?
-    cr_Package *md  = NULL;     // Package from loaded MetaData
-    cr_Package *pkg = NULL;     // Package from file
-    struct stat stat_buf;       // Struct with info from stat() on file
-    struct cr_XmlStruct res;    // Structure for generated XML
-    struct UserData *udata = (struct UserData *) user_data;
-    struct PoolTask *task  = (struct PoolTask *) data;
-    // get location_href without leading part of path (path to repo)
-    // including '/' char
-    const char *location_href = task->full_path + udata->repodir_name_len;
-    const char *location_base = udata->location_base;
-    // Get stat info about file
-    if (udata->old_metadata && !(udata->skip_stat)) {
-        if (stat(task->full_path, &stat_buf) == -1) {
-            g_critical("Stat() on %s: %s", task->full_path, strerror(errno));
-            goto task_cleanup;
-        }
-    }
-    // Update stuff
-    if (udata->old_metadata) {
-        // We have old metadata
-        md = (cr_Package *) g_hash_table_lookup(
-                                cr_metadata_hashtable(udata->old_metadata),
-                                task->filename);
-        if (md) {
-            g_debug("CACHE HIT %s", task->filename);
-            if (udata->skip_stat) {
-                old_used = TRUE;
-            } else if (stat_buf.st_mtime == md->time_file
-                       && stat_buf.st_size == md->size_package
-                       && !strcmp(udata->checksum_type_str, md->checksum_type))
-            {
-                old_used = TRUE;
-            } else {
-                g_debug("%s metadata are obsolete -> generating new",
-                        task->filename);
-            }
-            if (old_used) {
-                // We have usable old data, but we have to set proper locations
-                // WARNING! This two lines destructively modifies content of
-                // packages in old metadata.
-                md->location_href = (char *) location_href;
-                md->location_base = (char *) location_base;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Load package and gen XML metadata
-    if (!old_used) {
-        // Load package from file
-        pkg = cr_package_from_rpm(task->full_path, udata->checksum_type,
-                                   location_href, udata->location_base,
-                                   udata->changelog_limit, NULL, &tmp_err);
-        assert(pkg || tmp_err);
-        if (!pkg) {
-            g_warning("Cannot read package: %s: %s",
-                      task->full_path, tmp_err->message);
-            g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
-            goto task_cleanup;
-        }
-        res = cr_xml_dump(pkg, &tmp_err);
-        if (tmp_err) {
-            g_critical("Cannot dump XML for %s (%s): %s",
-                       pkg->name, pkg->pkgId, tmp_err->message);
-            g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
-            goto task_cleanup;
-        }
-    } else {
-        // Just gen XML from old loaded metadata
-        pkg = md;
-        res = cr_xml_dump(md, &tmp_err);
-        if (tmp_err) {
-            g_critical("Cannot dump XML for %s (%s): %s",
-                       md->name, md->pkgId, tmp_err->message);
-            g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
-            goto task_cleanup;
-        }
-    }
-    // Buffering stuff
-    g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_buffer);
-    if (g_queue_get_length(udata->buffer) < MAX_TASK_BUFFER_LEN
-        && udata->id_pri != task->id
-        && udata->package_count > (task->id + 1))
-    {
-        // If:
-        //  * this isn't our turn
-        //  * the buffer isn't full
-        //  * this isn't the last task
-        // Then: save the task to the buffer
-        struct BufferedTask *buf_task = malloc(sizeof(struct BufferedTask));
-        buf_task->id  = task->id;
-        buf_task->res = res;
-        buf_task->pkg = pkg;
-        buf_task->location_href = NULL;
-        buf_task->pkg_from_md = (pkg == md) ? 1 : 0;
-        if (pkg == md) {
-            // We MUST store location_href for reused packages who goes to the buffer
-            // We don't need to store location_base because it is allocated in
-            // user_data during this function calls.
-            buf_task->location_href = g_strdup(location_href);
-            buf_task->pkg->location_href = buf_task->location_href;
-        }
-        g_queue_insert_sorted(udata->buffer, buf_task, buf_task_sort_func, NULL);
-        g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_buffer);
-        g_free(task->full_path);
-        g_free(task->filename);
-        g_free(task->path);
-        g_free(task);
-        return;
-    }
-    g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_buffer);
-    // Dump XML and SQLite
-    write_pkg(task->id, res, pkg, udata);
-    // Clean up
-    if (pkg != md)
-        cr_package_free(pkg);
-    g_free(res.primary);
-    g_free(res.filelists);
-    g_free(res.other);
-    if (udata->id_pri <= task->id) {
-        // An error was encountered and we have to wait to increment counters
-        g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_pri);
-        while (udata->id_pri != task->id)
-            g_cond_wait (udata->cond_pri, udata->mutex_pri);
-        ++udata->id_pri;
-        g_cond_broadcast(udata->cond_pri);
-        g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_pri);
-        g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_fil);
-        while (udata->id_fil != task->id)
-            g_cond_wait (udata->cond_fil, udata->mutex_fil);
-        ++udata->id_fil;
-        g_cond_broadcast(udata->cond_fil);
-        g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_fil);
-        g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_oth);
-        while (udata->id_oth != task->id)
-            g_cond_wait (udata->cond_oth, udata->mutex_oth);
-        ++udata->id_oth;
-        g_cond_broadcast(udata->cond_oth);
-        g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_oth);
-    }
-    g_free(task->full_path);
-    g_free(task->filename);
-    g_free(task->path);
-    g_free(task);
-    // Try to write all results from buffer which was waiting for us
-    while (1) {
-        struct BufferedTask *buf_task;
-        g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_buffer);
-        buf_task = g_queue_peek_head(udata->buffer);
-        if (buf_task && buf_task->id == udata->id_pri) {
-            buf_task = g_queue_pop_head (udata->buffer);
-            g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_buffer);
-            // Dump XML and SQLite
-            write_pkg(buf_task->id, buf_task->res, buf_task->pkg, udata);
-            // Clean up
-            if (!buf_task->pkg_from_md)
-                cr_package_free(buf_task->pkg);
-            g_free(buf_task->res.primary);
-            g_free(buf_task->res.filelists);
-            g_free(buf_task->res.other);
-            g_free(buf_task->location_href);
-            g_free(buf_task);
-        } else {
-            g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_buffer);
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return;
 // Function used to sort pool tasks - this function is responsible for
 // order of packages in metadata
@@ -877,7 +522,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
     struct UserData user_data;
-    GThreadPool *pool = g_thread_pool_new(dumper_thread,
+    GThreadPool *pool = g_thread_pool_new(cr_dumper_thread,
diff --git a/src/dumper_thread.c b/src/dumper_thread.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c0100db
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+/* createrepo_c - Library of routines for manipulation with repodata
+ * Copyright (C) 2014  Tomas Mlcoch
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301,
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib/gstdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "dumper_thread.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "parsepkg.h"
+#include "xml_dump.h"
+struct BufferedTask {
+    long id;                        // ID of the task
+    struct cr_XmlStruct res;        // XML for primary, filelists and other
+    cr_Package *pkg;                // Package structure
+    char *location_href;            // location_href path
+    int pkg_from_md;                // If true - package structure if from
+                                    // old metadata and must not be freed!
+                                    // If false - package is from file and
+                                    // it must be freed!
+static gint
+buf_task_sort_func(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data)
+    CR_UNUSED(data);
+    const struct BufferedTask *task_a = a;
+    const struct BufferedTask *task_b = b;
+    if (task_a->id < task_b->id)  return -1;
+    if (task_a->id == task_b->id) return 0;
+    return 1;
+static void
+write_pkg(long id,
+          struct cr_XmlStruct res,
+          cr_Package *pkg,
+          struct UserData *udata)
+    GError *tmp_err = NULL;
+    // Write primary data
+    g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_pri);
+    while (udata->id_pri != id)
+        g_cond_wait (udata->cond_pri, udata->mutex_pri);
+    ++udata->id_pri;
+    cr_xmlfile_add_chunk(udata->pri_f, (const char *) res.primary, &tmp_err);
+    if (tmp_err) {
+        g_critical("Cannot add primary chunk:\n%s\nError: %s",
+                   res.primary, tmp_err->message);
+        g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
+    }
+    if (udata->pri_db) {
+        cr_db_add_pkg(udata->pri_db, pkg, &tmp_err);
+        if (tmp_err) {
+            g_critical("Cannot add record of %s (%s) to primary db: %s",
+                       pkg->name, pkg->pkgId, tmp_err->message);
+            g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
+        }
+    }
+    g_cond_broadcast(udata->cond_pri);
+    g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_pri);
+    // Write fielists data
+    g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_fil);
+    while (udata->id_fil != id)
+        g_cond_wait (udata->cond_fil, udata->mutex_fil);
+    ++udata->id_fil;
+    cr_xmlfile_add_chunk(udata->fil_f, (const char *) res.filelists, &tmp_err);
+    if (tmp_err) {
+        g_critical("Cannot add filelists chunk:\n%s\nError: %s",
+                   res.filelists, tmp_err->message);
+        g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
+    }
+    if (udata->fil_db) {
+        cr_db_add_pkg(udata->fil_db, pkg, &tmp_err);
+        if (tmp_err) {
+            g_critical("Cannot add record of %s (%s) to filelists db: %s",
+                       pkg->name, pkg->pkgId, tmp_err->message);
+            g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
+        }
+    }
+    g_cond_broadcast(udata->cond_fil);
+    g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_fil);
+    // Write other data
+    g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_oth);
+    while (udata->id_oth != id)
+        g_cond_wait (udata->cond_oth, udata->mutex_oth);
+    ++udata->id_oth;
+    cr_xmlfile_add_chunk(udata->oth_f, (const char *) res.other, &tmp_err);
+    if (tmp_err) {
+        g_critical("Cannot add other chunk:\n%s\nError: %s",
+                   res.other, tmp_err->message);
+        g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
+    }
+    if (udata->oth_db) {
+        cr_db_add_pkg(udata->oth_db, pkg, NULL);
+        if (tmp_err) {
+            g_critical("Cannot add record of %s (%s) to other db: %s",
+                       pkg->name, pkg->pkgId, tmp_err->message);
+            g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
+        }
+    }
+    g_cond_broadcast(udata->cond_oth);
+    g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_oth);
+static char *
+get_checksum(const char *filename,
+             cr_ChecksumType type,
+             GError **err)
+    GError *tmp_err = NULL;
+    char *checksum = NULL;
+    checksum = cr_checksum_file(filename, type, &tmp_err);
+    if (!checksum) {
+        g_propagate_prefixed_error(err, tmp_err,
+                                   "Error while checksum calculation: ");
+    }
+    return checksum;
+static cr_Package *
+load_rpm(const char *filename,
+         cr_ChecksumType checksum_type,
+         const char *location_href,
+         const char *location_base,
+         int changelog_limit,
+         struct stat *stat_buf,
+         GError **err)
+    cr_Package *pkg = NULL;
+    GError *tmp_err = NULL;
+    assert(filename);
+    assert(!err || *err == NULL);
+    // Get a package object
+    pkg = cr_package_from_rpm_base(filename, changelog_limit, err);
+    if (!pkg)
+        goto errexit;
+    pkg->location_href = cr_safe_string_chunk_insert(pkg->chunk, location_href);
+    pkg->location_base = cr_safe_string_chunk_insert(pkg->chunk, location_base);
+    // Get checksum type string
+    pkg->checksum_type = cr_safe_string_chunk_insert(pkg->chunk,
+                                        cr_checksum_name_str(checksum_type));
+    // Get file stat
+    if (!stat_buf) {
+        struct stat stat_buf_own;
+        if (stat(filename, &stat_buf_own) == -1) {
+            g_warning("%s: stat(%s) error (%s)", __func__,
+                      filename, strerror(errno));
+            g_set_error(err,  CR_PARSEPKG_ERROR, CRE_IO, "stat(%s) failed: %s",
+                        filename, strerror(errno));
+            goto errexit;
+        }
+        pkg->time_file    = stat_buf_own.st_mtime;
+        pkg->size_package = stat_buf_own.st_size;
+    } else {
+        pkg->time_file    = stat_buf->st_mtime;
+        pkg->size_package = stat_buf->st_size;
+    }
+    // Compute checksum
+    char *checksum = get_checksum(filename, checksum_type, &tmp_err);
+    if (!checksum)
+        goto errexit;
+    pkg->pkgId = cr_safe_string_chunk_insert(pkg->chunk, checksum);
+    free(checksum);
+    // Get header range
+    struct cr_HeaderRangeStruct hdr_r = cr_get_header_byte_range(filename,
+                                                                 &tmp_err);
+    if (tmp_err) {
+        g_propagate_prefixed_error(err, tmp_err,
+                                   "Error while determinig header range: ");
+        goto errexit;
+    }
+    pkg->rpm_header_start = hdr_r.start;
+    pkg->rpm_header_end = hdr_r.end;
+    return pkg;
+    cr_package_free(pkg);
+    return NULL;
+cr_dumper_thread(gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
+    GError *tmp_err = NULL;
+    gboolean old_used = FALSE;  // To use old metadata?
+    cr_Package *md  = NULL;     // Package from loaded MetaData
+    cr_Package *pkg = NULL;     // Package from file
+    struct stat stat_buf;       // Struct with info from stat() on file
+    struct cr_XmlStruct res;    // Structure for generated XML
+    struct UserData *udata = (struct UserData *) user_data;
+    struct PoolTask *task  = (struct PoolTask *) data;
+    // get location_href without leading part of path (path to repo)
+    // including '/' char
+    const char *location_href = task->full_path + udata->repodir_name_len;
+    const char *location_base = udata->location_base;
+    // Get stat info about file
+    if (udata->old_metadata && !(udata->skip_stat)) {
+        if (stat(task->full_path, &stat_buf) == -1) {
+            g_critical("Stat() on %s: %s", task->full_path, strerror(errno));
+            goto task_cleanup;
+        }
+    }
+    // Update stuff
+    if (udata->old_metadata) {
+        // We have old metadata
+        md = (cr_Package *) g_hash_table_lookup(
+                                cr_metadata_hashtable(udata->old_metadata),
+                                task->filename);
+        if (md) {
+            g_debug("CACHE HIT %s", task->filename);
+            if (udata->skip_stat) {
+                old_used = TRUE;
+            } else if (stat_buf.st_mtime == md->time_file
+                       && stat_buf.st_size == md->size_package
+                       && !strcmp(udata->checksum_type_str, md->checksum_type))
+            {
+                old_used = TRUE;
+            } else {
+                g_debug("%s metadata are obsolete -> generating new",
+                        task->filename);
+            }
+            if (old_used) {
+                // We have usable old data, but we have to set proper locations
+                // WARNING! This two lines destructively modifies content of
+                // packages in old metadata.
+                md->location_href = (char *) location_href;
+                md->location_base = (char *) location_base;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Load package and gen XML metadata
+    if (!old_used) {
+        // Load package from file
+        pkg = load_rpm(task->full_path, udata->checksum_type,
+                       location_href, udata->location_base,
+                       udata->changelog_limit, NULL, &tmp_err);
+        assert(pkg || tmp_err);
+        if (!pkg) {
+            g_warning("Cannot read package: %s: %s",
+                      task->full_path, tmp_err->message);
+            g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
+            goto task_cleanup;
+        }
+        res = cr_xml_dump(pkg, &tmp_err);
+        if (tmp_err) {
+            g_critical("Cannot dump XML for %s (%s): %s",
+                       pkg->name, pkg->pkgId, tmp_err->message);
+            g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
+            goto task_cleanup;
+        }
+    } else {
+        // Just gen XML from old loaded metadata
+        pkg = md;
+        res = cr_xml_dump(md, &tmp_err);
+        if (tmp_err) {
+            g_critical("Cannot dump XML for %s (%s): %s",
+                       md->name, md->pkgId, tmp_err->message);
+            g_clear_error(&tmp_err);
+            goto task_cleanup;
+        }
+    }
+    // Buffering stuff
+    g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_buffer);
+    if (g_queue_get_length(udata->buffer) < MAX_TASK_BUFFER_LEN
+        && udata->id_pri != task->id
+        && udata->package_count > (task->id + 1))
+    {
+        // If:
+        //  * this isn't our turn
+        //  * the buffer isn't full
+        //  * this isn't the last task
+        // Then: save the task to the buffer
+        struct BufferedTask *buf_task = malloc(sizeof(struct BufferedTask));
+        buf_task->id  = task->id;
+        buf_task->res = res;
+        buf_task->pkg = pkg;
+        buf_task->location_href = NULL;
+        buf_task->pkg_from_md = (pkg == md) ? 1 : 0;
+        if (pkg == md) {
+            // We MUST store location_href for reused packages who goes to the buffer
+            // We don't need to store location_base because it is allocated in
+            // user_data during this function calls.
+            buf_task->location_href = g_strdup(location_href);
+            buf_task->pkg->location_href = buf_task->location_href;
+        }
+        g_queue_insert_sorted(udata->buffer, buf_task, buf_task_sort_func, NULL);
+        g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_buffer);
+        g_free(task->full_path);
+        g_free(task->filename);
+        g_free(task->path);
+        g_free(task);
+        return;
+    }
+    g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_buffer);
+    // Dump XML and SQLite
+    write_pkg(task->id, res, pkg, udata);
+    // Clean up
+    if (pkg != md)
+        cr_package_free(pkg);
+    g_free(res.primary);
+    g_free(res.filelists);
+    g_free(res.other);
+    if (udata->id_pri <= task->id) {
+        // An error was encountered and we have to wait to increment counters
+        g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_pri);
+        while (udata->id_pri != task->id)
+            g_cond_wait (udata->cond_pri, udata->mutex_pri);
+        ++udata->id_pri;
+        g_cond_broadcast(udata->cond_pri);
+        g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_pri);
+        g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_fil);
+        while (udata->id_fil != task->id)
+            g_cond_wait (udata->cond_fil, udata->mutex_fil);
+        ++udata->id_fil;
+        g_cond_broadcast(udata->cond_fil);
+        g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_fil);
+        g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_oth);
+        while (udata->id_oth != task->id)
+            g_cond_wait (udata->cond_oth, udata->mutex_oth);
+        ++udata->id_oth;
+        g_cond_broadcast(udata->cond_oth);
+        g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_oth);
+    }
+    g_free(task->full_path);
+    g_free(task->filename);
+    g_free(task->path);
+    g_free(task);
+    // Try to write all results from buffer which was waiting for us
+    while (1) {
+        struct BufferedTask *buf_task;
+        g_mutex_lock(udata->mutex_buffer);
+        buf_task = g_queue_peek_head(udata->buffer);
+        if (buf_task && buf_task->id == udata->id_pri) {
+            buf_task = g_queue_pop_head (udata->buffer);
+            g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_buffer);
+            // Dump XML and SQLite
+            write_pkg(buf_task->id, buf_task->res, buf_task->pkg, udata);
+            // Clean up
+            if (!buf_task->pkg_from_md)
+                cr_package_free(buf_task->pkg);
+            g_free(buf_task->res.primary);
+            g_free(buf_task->res.filelists);
+            g_free(buf_task->res.other);
+            g_free(buf_task->location_href);
+            g_free(buf_task);
+        } else {
+            g_mutex_unlock(udata->mutex_buffer);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return;
diff --git a/src/dumper_thread.h b/src/dumper_thread.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5b77f68
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+/* createrepo_c - Library of routines for manipulation with repodata
+ * Copyright (C) 2014  Tomas Mlcoch
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301,
+ * USA.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <rpm/rpmlib.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "load_metadata.h"
+#include "locate_metadata.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "package.h"
+#include "sqlite.h"
+#include "xml_file.h"
+/** \defgroup   dumperthread    Implementation of concurent dumping used in createrepo_c
+ *  \addtogroup dumperthread
+ *  @{
+ */
+struct PoolTask {
+    long  id;                       // ID of the task
+    char* full_path;                // Complete path - /foo/bar/packages/foo.rpm
+    char* filename;                 // Just filename - foo.rpm
+    char* path;                     // Just path     - /foo/bar/packages
+struct UserData {
+    GThreadPool *pool;              // thread pool
+    cr_XmlFile *pri_f;              // Opened compressed primary.xml.*
+    cr_XmlFile *fil_f;              // Opened compressed filelists.xml.*
+    cr_XmlFile *oth_f;              // Opened compressed other.xml.*
+    cr_SqliteDb *pri_db;            // Primary db
+    cr_SqliteDb *fil_db;            // Filelists db
+    cr_SqliteDb *oth_db;            // Other db
+    int changelog_limit;            // Max number of changelogs for a package
+    const char *location_base;      // Base location url
+    int repodir_name_len;           // Len of path to repo /foo/bar/repodata
+                                    //       This part     |<----->|
+    const char *checksum_type_str;  // Name of selected checksum
+    cr_ChecksumType checksum_type;  // Constant representing selected checksum
+    gboolean skip_symlinks;         // Skip symlinks
+    long package_count;             // Total number of packages to process
+    // Update stuff
+    gboolean skip_stat;             // Skip stat() while updating
+    cr_Metadata *old_metadata;      // Loaded metadata
+    // Thread serialization
+    GMutex *mutex_pri;              // Mutex for primary metadata
+    GMutex *mutex_fil;              // Mutex for filelists metadata
+    GMutex *mutex_oth;              // Mutex for other metadata
+    GCond *cond_pri;                // Condition for primary metadata
+    GCond *cond_fil;                // Condition for filelists metadata
+    GCond *cond_oth;                // Condition for other metadata
+    volatile long id_pri;           // ID of task on turn (write primary metadata)
+    volatile long id_fil;           // ID of task on turn (write filelists metadata)
+    volatile long id_oth;           // ID of task on turn (write other metadata)
+    // Buffering
+    GQueue *buffer;                 // Buffer for done tasks
+    GMutex *mutex_buffer;           // Mutex for accessing the buffer
+cr_dumper_thread(gpointer data, gpointer user_data);
+/** @} */
+#ifdef __cplusplus