: largeFont;
int scaledFontSize = largeFont;
+ bool widthChanged = false;
widthExceeded = q->width() <= 0 && (singlelineElide || canWrap || horizontalFit);
heightExceeded = q->height() <= 0 && (multilineElide || verticalFit);
if ((lineWidth < qMin(oldWidth, naturalWidth) || (widthExceeded && lineWidth > oldWidth))
&& (singlelineElide || multilineElide || canWrap || horizontalFit
|| q->effectiveHAlign() != QQuickText::AlignLeft)) {
+ widthChanged = true;
widthExceeded = false;
heightExceeded = false;
heightExceeded = false;
+ } else if (widthChanged) {
+ widthChanged = false;
+ if (line.isValid()) {
+ for (int lineCount = layout.lineCount(); lineCount < maxLineCount; ++lineCount) {
+ line = layout.createLine();
+ if (!line.isValid())
+ break;
+ setLineGeometry(line, lineWidth, naturalHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ layout.endLayout();
+ bool wasInLayout = internalWidthUpdate;
+ internalWidthUpdate = true;
+ q->setImplicitHeight(naturalHeight);
+ internalWidthUpdate = wasInLayout;
+ multilineElide = elideMode == QQuickText::ElideRight
+ && q->widthValid()
+ && (q->heightValid() || maximumLineCountValid);
+ verticalFit = fontSizeMode() & QQuickText::VerticalFit
+ && (q->heightValid() || (maximumLineCountValid && canWrap));
+ const qreal oldHeight = maxHeight;
+ maxHeight = q->heightValid() ? q->height() : FLT_MAX;
+ // If the height of the item has changed and it's possible the result of eliding,
+ // line count truncation or scaling has changed, do another layout.
+ if ((maxHeight < qMin(oldHeight, naturalHeight) || (heightExceeded && maxHeight > oldHeight))
+ && (multilineElide || (canWrap && maximumLineCountValid))) {
+ widthExceeded = false;
+ heightExceeded = false;
+ continue;
+ }
} else {
--- /dev/null
+import QtQuick 2.0
+Rectangle {
+ width: 200
+ height: column.height
+ Column {
+ id: column
+ Text {
+ id: reference
+ objectName: "reference"
+ wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+Integer at ante dui Curabitur ante est, pulvinar quis adipiscing a, iaculis id ipsum. Nunc blandit
+condimentum odio vel egestas. in ipsum lacinia sit amet
+mattis orci interdum. Quisque vitae accumsan lectus. Ut nisi turpis,
+sollicitudin ut dignissim id, fermentum ac est. Maecenas nec libero leo. Sed ac
+mattis orci interdum. Quisque vitae accumsan lectus. Ut nisi turpis,
+sollicitudin ut dignissim id, fermentum ac est. Maecenas nec libero leo. Sed ac
+leo eget ipsum ultricies viverra sit amet eu orci. Praesent et tortor risus,
+viverra accumsan sapien. Sed faucibus eleifend lectus, sed euismod urna porta
+eu. Quisque vitae accumsan lectus."
+ }
+ Text {
+ id: fixedWidthAndHeight
+ objectName: "fixedWidthAndHeight"
+ width: 100
+ height: 100
+ wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ text: reference.text
+ }
+ Text {
+ id: implicitWidthFixedHeight
+ objectName: "implicitWidthFixedHeight"
+ height: 100
+ wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ text: reference.text
+ }
+ Text {
+ id: fixedWidthImplicitHeight
+ objectName: "fixedWidthImplicitHeight"
+ width: 100
+ wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ text: reference.text
+ }
+ Text {
+ id: cappedWidthAndHeight
+ objectName: "cappedWidthAndHeight"
+ width: Math.min(100, implicitWidth)
+ height: Math.min(100, implicitHeight)
+ wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ text: reference.text
+ }
+ Text {
+ id: cappedWidthFixedHeight
+ objectName: "cappedWidthFixedHeight"
+ width: Math.min(100, implicitWidth)
+ height: 100
+ wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ text: reference.text
+ }
+ Text {
+ id: fixedWidthCappedHeight
+ objectName: "fixedWidthCappedHeight"
+ width: 100
+ height: Math.min(100, implicitHeight)
+ wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+ elide: Text.ElideRight
+ text: reference.text
+ }
+ }
void implicitSize_data();
void implicitSize();
+ void dependentImplicitSizes();
void contentSize();
void implicitSizeBinding_data();
void implicitSizeBinding();
delete textObject;
+void tst_qquicktext::dependentImplicitSizes()
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("implicitSizes.qml"));
+ QScopedPointer<QObject> object(component.create());
+ QVERIFY(object.data());
+ QQuickText *reference = object->findChild<QQuickText *>("reference");
+ QQuickText *fixedWidthAndHeight = object->findChild<QQuickText *>("fixedWidthAndHeight");
+ QQuickText *implicitWidthFixedHeight = object->findChild<QQuickText *>("implicitWidthFixedHeight");
+ QQuickText *fixedWidthImplicitHeight = object->findChild<QQuickText *>("fixedWidthImplicitHeight");
+ QQuickText *cappedWidthAndHeight = object->findChild<QQuickText *>("cappedWidthAndHeight");
+ QQuickText *cappedWidthFixedHeight = object->findChild<QQuickText *>("cappedWidthFixedHeight");
+ QQuickText *fixedWidthCappedHeight = object->findChild<QQuickText *>("fixedWidthCappedHeight");
+ QVERIFY(reference);
+ QVERIFY(fixedWidthAndHeight);
+ QVERIFY(implicitWidthFixedHeight);
+ QVERIFY(fixedWidthImplicitHeight);
+ QVERIFY(cappedWidthAndHeight);
+ QVERIFY(cappedWidthFixedHeight);
+ QVERIFY(fixedWidthCappedHeight);
+ QCOMPARE(reference->width(), reference->implicitWidth());
+ QCOMPARE(reference->height(), reference->implicitHeight());
+ QVERIFY(fixedWidthAndHeight->width() < fixedWidthAndHeight->implicitWidth());
+ QVERIFY(fixedWidthAndHeight->height() < fixedWidthAndHeight->implicitHeight());
+ QCOMPARE(fixedWidthAndHeight->implicitWidth(), reference->implicitWidth());
+ QVERIFY(fixedWidthAndHeight->implicitHeight() > reference->implicitHeight());
+ QCOMPARE(implicitWidthFixedHeight->width(), implicitWidthFixedHeight->implicitWidth());
+ QVERIFY(implicitWidthFixedHeight->height() < implicitWidthFixedHeight->implicitHeight());
+ QCOMPARE(implicitWidthFixedHeight->implicitWidth(), reference->implicitWidth());
+ QCOMPARE(implicitWidthFixedHeight->implicitHeight(), reference->implicitHeight());
+ QVERIFY(fixedWidthImplicitHeight->width() < fixedWidthImplicitHeight->implicitWidth());
+ QCOMPARE(fixedWidthImplicitHeight->height(), fixedWidthImplicitHeight->implicitHeight());
+ QCOMPARE(fixedWidthImplicitHeight->implicitWidth(), reference->implicitWidth());
+ QCOMPARE(fixedWidthImplicitHeight->implicitHeight(), fixedWidthAndHeight->implicitHeight());
+ QVERIFY(cappedWidthAndHeight->width() < cappedWidthAndHeight->implicitWidth());
+ QVERIFY(cappedWidthAndHeight->height() < cappedWidthAndHeight->implicitHeight());
+ QCOMPARE(cappedWidthAndHeight->implicitWidth(), reference->implicitWidth());
+ QCOMPARE(cappedWidthAndHeight->implicitHeight(), fixedWidthAndHeight->implicitHeight());
+ QVERIFY(cappedWidthFixedHeight->width() < cappedWidthAndHeight->implicitWidth());
+ QVERIFY(cappedWidthFixedHeight->height() < cappedWidthFixedHeight->implicitHeight());
+ QCOMPARE(cappedWidthFixedHeight->implicitWidth(), reference->implicitWidth());
+ QCOMPARE(cappedWidthFixedHeight->implicitHeight(), fixedWidthAndHeight->implicitHeight());
+ QVERIFY(fixedWidthCappedHeight->width() < fixedWidthCappedHeight->implicitWidth());
+ QVERIFY(fixedWidthCappedHeight->height() < fixedWidthCappedHeight->implicitHeight());
+ QCOMPARE(fixedWidthCappedHeight->implicitWidth(), reference->implicitWidth());
+ QCOMPARE(fixedWidthCappedHeight->implicitHeight(), fixedWidthAndHeight->implicitHeight());
void tst_qquicktext::contentSize()
QString componentStr = "import QtQuick 2.0\nText { width: 75; height: 16; font.pixelSize: 10 }";