return "\n".join(um_body)
-#EL == EnumerateLayers
-#I think this another case where you have to make the real call prior to CREATE_TRACE_PACKET(). SInce you
-#don't know how many layers will be returned or how big the strings will be. Alternatively, could be
-#on the safe side of CREATE_TRACE_PACKET with maxStringSize*maxLayerCount.
-#EL also needs a loop where add a trace buffer for each layer, depending on how you CREATE_TRACE_PACKET.
-# TODO : Tracing needs special checks in CreateInstance now
-# Need to call glv_platform_thread_once() and do (isHooked == FALSE) check
-# See example code below from old InitAndEnumerateGpus
-# const XGL_APPLICATION_INFO* pAppInfo,
-# const XGL_ALLOC_CALLBACKS* pAllocCb,
-# XGL_UINT maxGpus,
-# XGL_UINT* pGpuCount,
-# glv_trace_packet_header* pHeader;
-# XGL_RESULT result;
-# uint64_t startTime;
-# struct_xglInitAndEnumerateGpus* pPacket;
-# glv_platform_thread_once(&gInitOnce, InitTracer);
-# SEND_ENTRYPOINT_ID(xglInitAndEnumerateGpus);
-# if (real_xglInitAndEnumerateGpus == xglInitAndEnumerateGpus)
-# {
-# glv_platform_get_next_lib_sym((void **) &real_xglInitAndEnumerateGpus,"xglInitAndEnumerateGpus");
-# }
-# startTime = glv_get_time();
-# result = real_xglInitAndEnumerateGpus(pAppInfo, pAllocCb, maxGpus, pGpuCount, pGpus);
-# // since we do not know how many gpus will be found must create trace packet after calling xglInit
-# CREATE_TRACE_PACKET(xglInitAndEnumerateGpus, calc_size_XGL_APPLICATION_INFO(pAppInfo) + ((pAllocCb == NULL) ? 0 :sizeof(XGL_ALLOC_CALLBACKS))
-# + sizeof(XGL_UINT) + ((pGpus && pGpuCount) ? *pGpuCount * sizeof(XGL_PHYSICAL_GPU) : 0));
-# pHeader->entrypoint_begin_time = startTime;
-# if (isHooked == FALSE) {
-# AttachHooks();
-# AttachHooks_xgldbg();
-# AttachHooks_xglwsix11ext();
-# }
-# pPacket = interpret_body_as_xglInitAndEnumerateGpus(pHeader);
-# add_XGL_APPLICATION_INFO_to_packet(pHeader, (XGL_APPLICATION_INFO**)&(pPacket->pAppInfo), pAppInfo);
-# if (pAllocCb) {
-# glv_add_buffer_to_trace_packet(pHeader, (void**)&(pPacket->pAllocCb), sizeof(XGL_ALLOC_CALLBACKS), pAllocCb);
-# glv_finalize_buffer_address(pHeader, (void**)&(pPacket->pAllocCb));
-# }
-# glv_add_buffer_to_trace_packet(pHeader, (void**)&(pPacket->pGpuCount), sizeof(XGL_UINT), pGpuCount);
-# glv_finalize_buffer_address(pHeader, (void**)&(pPacket->pGpuCount));
-# if (pGpuCount && pGpus)
-# {
-# glv_add_buffer_to_trace_packet(pHeader, (void**)&(pPacket->pGpus), sizeof(XGL_PHYSICAL_GPU) * *pGpuCount, pGpus);
-# glv_finalize_buffer_address(pHeader, (void**)&(pPacket->pGpus));
-# }
-# pPacket->maxGpus = maxGpus;
-# pPacket->result = result;
-# return result;
def _generate_trace_funcs(self):
func_body = []
for proto in self.protos:
if in_data_size:
func_body.append(' size_t dataSizeIn = (pDataSize == NULL) ? 0 : *pDataSize;')
func_body.append(' struct_xgl%s* pPacket = NULL;' %
- func_body.append(' SEND_ENTRYPOINT_ID(xgl%s);' %
# TODO : DescriptorUpdates and CreateSetLayout need to handle saving chain of structs
- # TODO : EnumGpus needs to call function first and then update the returned count of GPUs
- if 'EnumerateLayers' ==
+ # TODO: handle xglGetXXX where pDataSize is not a valid input
+ # functions that have non-standard sequence of packet creation and calling real function
+ # NOTE: Anytime we call the function first, need to add custom code for correctly tracking API call time
+ if 'CreateInstance' ==
+ func_body.append(' glv_platform_thread_once(&gInitOnce, InitTracer);')
+ func_body.append(' SEND_ENTRYPOINT_ID(xgl%s);' %
+ func_body.append(' if (real_xglCreateInstance == xglCreateInstance)')
+ func_body.append(' {')
+ func_body.append(' glv_platform_get_next_lib_sym((void **) &real_xglCreateInstance,"xglCreateInstance");')
+ func_body.append(' }')
+ func_body.append(' CREATE_TRACE_PACKET(xgl%s, sizeof(XGL_INSTANCE) + calc_size_XGL_APPLICATION_INFO(pAppInfo) + ((pAllocCb == NULL) ? 0 :sizeof(XGL_ALLOC_CALLBACKS)));' % (
+ func_body.append(' if (isHooked == FALSE) {')
+ func_body.append(' AttachHooks();')
+ func_body.append(' AttachHooks_xgldbg();')
+ func_body.append(' AttachHooks_xglwsix11ext();')
+ func_body.append(' }')
+ func_body.append(' %sreal_xgl%s;' % (return_txt, proto.c_call()))
+ elif 'EnumerateGpus' ==
+ func_body.append(' uint64_t startTime;')
+ func_body.append(' SEND_ENTRYPOINT_ID(xgl%s);' %
+ func_body.append(' startTime = glv_get_time();')
+ func_body.append(' %sreal_xgl%s;' % (return_txt, proto.c_call()))
+ func_body.append(' CREATE_TRACE_PACKET(xglEnumerateGpus, sizeof(uint32_t) + ((pGpus && pGpuCount) ? *pGpuCount * sizeof(XGL_PHYSICAL_GPU) : 0));')
+ func_body.append(' pHeader->entrypoint_begin_time = startTime;')
+ elif 'EnumerateLayers' ==
+ func_body.append(' uint64_t startTime;')
+ func_body.append(' SEND_ENTRYPOINT_ID(xgl%s);' %
+ func_body.append(' startTime = glv_get_time();')
func_body.append(' %sreal_xgl%s;' % (return_txt, proto.c_call()))
func_body.append(' size_t totStringSize = 0;')
func_body.append(' uint32_t i = 0;')
func_body.append(' for (i = 0; i < *pOutLayerCount; i++)')
func_body.append(' totStringSize += (pOutLayers[i] != NULL) ? strlen(pOutLayers[i]) + 1: 0;')
func_body.append(' CREATE_TRACE_PACKET(xgl%s, totStringSize + sizeof(size_t));' % (
+ func_body.append(' pHeader->entrypoint_begin_time = startTime;')
elif 'AllocDescriptorSets' ==
- # TODO : Anytime we call the function first, need to add custom code for correctly tracking API call time
+ func_body.append(' uint64_t startTime;')
+ func_body.append(' SEND_ENTRYPOINT_ID(xgl%s);' %
+ func_body.append(' startTime = glv_get_time();')
func_body.append(' %sreal_xgl%s;' % (return_txt, proto.c_call()))
func_body.append(' size_t customSize = (*pCount <= 0) ? (sizeof(XGL_DESCRIPTOR_SET)) : (*pCount * sizeof(XGL_DESCRIPTOR_SET));')
func_body.append(' CREATE_TRACE_PACKET(xglAllocDescriptorSets, sizeof(XGL_DESCRIPTOR_SET_LAYOUT) + customSize + sizeof(uint32_t));')
+ func_body.append(' pHeader->entrypoint_begin_time = startTime;')
elif in ['CreateShader', 'CreateFramebuffer', 'CreateRenderPass', 'BeginCommandBuffer', 'CreateGraphicsPipeline', 'CreateComputePipeline']:
+ # these are regular case as far as sequence of tracing but custom sizes
func_body.append(' size_t customSize;')
if 'CreateShader' ==
func_body.append(' customSize = (pCreateInfo != NULL) ? pCreateInfo->codeSize : 0;')