- arguments that can only be specified once (for now you can check
that manually by going over array values of opts)
- i18n support
- - support for desc callback failures
Copyright (c) 2014 Daniel "q66" Kolesa <quaker66@gmail.com>
return v
- error("option " .. prefixes[j] .. opt .. " not recognized", 4)
+ error("option " .. prefixes[j] .. opt .. " not recognized", 0)
local is_arg = function(opt, j, descs)
if not optval then
if #args == 0 then
if argr then
- error("option --" .. opt .. " requires an argument", 3)
+ error("option --" .. opt .. " requires an argument", 0)
elseif argr or not is_arg(args[1], 2, descs) then
optval = table.remove(args, 1)
elseif optval then
- error("option --" .. opt .. " cannot have an argument", 3)
+ error("option --" .. opt .. " cannot have an argument", 0)
local rets
if desc.callback then
optstr = nil
if #args == 0 then
if argr then
- error("option -" .. opt .. " requires an argument", 3)
+ error("option -" .. opt .. " requires an argument", 0)
elseif argr or not is_arg(args[1], 1, descs) then
optstr = table.remove(args, 1)
-x, --long Description for no argument.
-h[?<METAVAR>], --help=[?<METAVAR>] Description for optional argument.
- -f<METAVAR>, --foo=<METAVAR> Description for mandatory argument.
+ -f[<METAVAR>], --foo=[<METAVAR>] Description for mandatory argument.
-- A utility callback for geometry parsing (--foo=x:y:w:h).
M.geometry_parse_cb = function(desc, parser, v)
- return v:match("^(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)$")
+ local x, y, w, h = v:match("^(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)$")
+ if not x then
+ error("bad geometry value: " .. v, 0)
+ end
+ return x, y, w, h
-- A utility callback for size parsing (--foo=WxH).
M.size_parse_cb = function(desc, parser, v)
- return v:match("^(%d+)x(%d+)$")
+ local w, h = v:match("^(%d+)x(%d+)$")
+ if not w then
+ error("bad size value: " .. v, 0)
+ end
+ return w, h
-- A utility callback generator for help. Returns a utility callback when