static inline gboolean write_to_32(FILE *f, guint val);
static inline gboolean write_to_16(FILE *f, guint val);
static inline gboolean write_to_24(FILE *f, guint val);
-#ifdef _USE_YUV_TO_RGB888_
-static gboolean _mmcamcorder_convert_YUV_to_RGB888(unsigned char *src, int src_fmt, guint width, guint height, unsigned char **dst, unsigned int *dst_len);
-#endif /* _USE_YUV_TO_RGB888_ */
static gboolean _mmcamcorder_convert_YUYV_to_I420(unsigned char *src, guint width, guint height, unsigned char **dst, unsigned int *dst_len);
static gboolean _mmcamcorder_convert_UYVY_to_I420(unsigned char *src, guint width, guint height, unsigned char **dst, unsigned int *dst_len);
static gboolean _mmcamcorder_convert_NV12_to_I420(unsigned char *src, guint width, guint height, unsigned char **dst, unsigned int *dst_len);
return NULL;
-#ifdef _USE_YUV_TO_RGB888_
-static gboolean
-_mmcamcorder_convert_YUV_to_RGB888(unsigned char *src, int src_fmt, guint width, guint height, unsigned char **dst, unsigned int *dst_len)
- int ret = 0;
- int src_cs = MM_UTIL_IMG_FMT_UYVY;
- int dst_cs = MM_UTIL_IMG_FMT_RGB888;
- unsigned int dst_size = 0;
- if (src_fmt == COLOR_FORMAT_YUYV) {
- _mmcam_dbg_log("Convert YUYV to RGB888\n");
- src_cs = MM_UTIL_IMG_FMT_YUYV;
- } else if (src_fmt == COLOR_FORMAT_UYVY) {
- _mmcam_dbg_log("Convert UYVY to RGB888\n");
- src_cs = MM_UTIL_IMG_FMT_UYVY;
- } else if (src_fmt == COLOR_FORMAT_NV12) {
- _mmcam_dbg_log("Convert NV12 to RGB888\n");
- src_cs = MM_UTIL_IMG_FMT_NV12;
- } else {
- _mmcam_dbg_err("NOT supported format [%d]\n", src_fmt);
- return FALSE;
- }
- ret = mm_util_get_image_size(dst_cs, width, height, &dst_size);
- if (ret != 0) {
- _mmcam_dbg_err("mm_util_get_image_size failed [%x]\n", ret);
- return FALSE;
- }
- *dst = malloc(dst_size);
- if (*dst == NULL) {
- _mmcam_dbg_err("malloc failed\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- *dst_len = dst_size;
- ret = mm_util_convert_colorspace(src, width, height, src_cs, *dst, dst_cs);
- if (ret == 0) {
- _mmcam_dbg_log("Convert [dst_size:%d] OK.\n", dst_size);
- return TRUE;
- } else {
- free(*dst);
- *dst = NULL;
- _mmcam_dbg_err("Convert [size:%d] FAILED.\n", dst_size);
- return FALSE;
- }
-#endif /* _USE_YUV_TO_RGB888_ */
static gboolean _mmcamcorder_convert_YUYV_to_I420(unsigned char *src, guint width, guint height, unsigned char **dst, unsigned int *dst_len)